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Mechanism, Characteristic and Classification of Sports Injuries Body planes -midsagittal: -frontal (coronal): -transverse: natomical directions -superior:

-inferior: -pro!imal: -distal: -anterior: -posterior: -lateral: -medial:

"dominopelvic #uadrants -right upper: liver, gallbladder, colon -left upper: stomach, spleen, colon -right lo$er: cecum, ascending colon, appendix -left lo$er: descending and sigmoid portions of the colon ctions%Movements -a"duction: -adduction: -eversion: -inversion: -e!tension: -fle!ion: -e!ternal rotation: rotary motion in transverse plane away from midline -internal rotation: rotary motion in transverse plane toward the midline -pronation: -supination: &rimary Injury: results directly from the stress imposed by a particular sport (body contact, hit with racquet-acute trauma) Secondary Injury: secondary problems that results from an injury that have not been treated properly or through repeated injuries 'issue types and their injuries (pithelial tissue: covers all internal and external body surfaces (skin, the outer layers of the internal organs, inner lining of the blood vessels and glands). urpose is to protect as well as form structure for other tissues and organs. !echanical forces causing injury include friction or rubbing, compression or pressure, tearing, cutting, and penetrating. -Blister: - "rasion:

-Contusion ("ruise): -)aceration: -Incision: -&uncture $ound: -S*in avulsion: Muscle tissue: designed to contract and provide movement of other tissues and organs. " main forces involved in injury are compression, tension and shearing. -Contusions: -Muscle strains: #ther possible reasons are mineral imbalance from profuse sweating or strength imbalance between agonist and antagonist -+irst degree: -Second degree: some torn muscle fibers with extreme pain upon contraction$ a palpable depression or knot exists$ decreased %#!$ swelling and ecchymosis with impaired muscle function$ pain and point tenderness -'hird degree: -Muscle cramps and spasms: -Myositis%fascitis: inflammation of muscle or fascia (plantar fascitis) -Myositis ossificans: - trophy: -Contracture: an abnormal shortening of muscle tissue which there is a great deal of resistance to passive stretch Connective tissue: framework for most organs$ supports, connects, and protects the body$ injurious mechanical forces include tension (torsional and twisting), compression, and shearing 'ypes of connective tissue -tendons: -ligaments: -cartilage: -collagenous tissue: made from collagen (protein that forms strong, flexible, inelastic structures)$ includes tendons, ligaments, and resistant membranes -"one: densest of all connective tissue consisting of living cells and minerals deposited in a matrix. -adipose tissue: Synovial joints: includes joint capsule (cuff of fibrous tissue), ligaments, synovial membrane and synovial fluid, articular cartilage. &ypes of joints include' -"all and soc*et: -hinge:

-pivot: -ellipsoidal: -saddle-shaped: reciprocally concavoconvex ((!( joint of thumb) -gliding: allows small amount of gliding back and forth or sideways (joints between the carpal and tarsal bones) -Sprain: traumatic joint twist resulting in stretching or total tearing of stabili)ing tissues -+irst degree: -Second degree: -'hird degree: total rupture of the ligament with gross instability of the joint$ severe pain initially that may subside$ severe swelling and joint stiffness -,islocations: at least one bone in an articulation is forced out of its normal and proper alignment and stays out until put back or reduced (manually or surgically)$ -Su"lu!ations: temporary or partial dislocation$ goes out and then pops back in. *oth a dislocation and subluxation result in loss of limb function, deformity, swelling, point tenderness, and pain. -'endinitis: -'enosynovitis: -Bursitis: inflammation of bursae (small, fibrous fluid-filled sacs lined with synovial membrane that contains small amounts of synovial fluid). +s they become irritated,inflamed, they produce more amounts of synovial fluid which increases pressure - more irritation --ther inflammations: -traumatic arthritis -capsulitis -synovitis --pen vs. Closed fracture: -open (compound): -closed (simple): -'ransverse ("ending): --"li#ue (compression plus "ending plus torsion): -Spiral (torsion): -Comminuted or "lo$out fracture: -Impacted (compression): -/reen-stic*: - vulsions: fragment of bone pulled away at the bony attachment of a tendon or ligament -Stress fracture: results from -overload caused by muscle contraction

-altered stress distribution in the bone accompanying muscle fatigue -change in the ground surfaces (wood to grass surface) 0erve tissue: provides sensitivity and communication from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to the muscles, sensory organs, various systems, and the periphery. .njuries caused by compression and tension. -1ypothesia: -1yperthesia: -&arathesia: -0euralgia: -0euroma: 0erve disruption: -0europa!ia: - !onotmesis: a partial disruption in the nerve$ last weeks to / year -0eurotmesis: &ostural ,eviations: -often a major underlying cause of sports injuries -may be from muscle or soft tissue or bony asymmetries -important to alleviate these if possible through therapy /enu valgum (*noc* *nees): affects !(0 and causes joint instability and makes one more prone to injury /enu varum ("o$legs): Spinal anomalies: *yphosis: an anteroposterior curvature of the spine (round back)$ may be susceptible to anterior dislocations of the arm scoliosis: lum"ar lordosis: abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar spine (hollow back or swayback)$ may result in spondylolsis (breaking down of a vertebra) or spondylolisthesis (subluxation or slipping forward of the fifth lumbar vertebra and that portion of the spine above it over the base of the sacrum)$ lumbrosacral strain, sacroiliac strain, coccyalgia, and hamstring strains 1 0S I,s: 2onsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs' block specific reactions in the inflammatory process spirin I"uprofen cetaminophen +nti-inflammatory +nti-inflammatory +nalgesic +nalgesic +nalgesic +ntipyretic +ntipyretic +ntipyretic

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