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Reaction Paper A Requirement for the subject WORK ETHICS

Submitted by: Loverly Amodo Barquez

Submitted to: Prof. Mary Joy A. Borja, DPA

It is not enough that learning takes place inside the four walls of the classroom. Students, in order to appreciate the application of theories in a different perspective, must experience these theories in action through shared knowledge and skills of different people immersed in those fields. During the Communicators Guild (or simply ComGuild), different people who are prominent in their chosen career have the chance to share their experience, their views on contemporary social issues, and their insights on how to start a reform in our system in a realistic manner. The first speaker, undeniably, set the standards of energy of the crowd and the expectation of the listeners too high. His ability to communicate effectively to his audience is excellent. Given the fact that he innovate the traditional ideas in public speaking and the way he delivered his talk, made the audience to listen to what he is trying to elucidate. Being a Political Science student, I can say that his talk is very informative in a way that he presented his political stand in a different faade. I can relate with the things he is saying since there already exist a common ground for understanding. He talked about opportunities, awareness and responsibility of the youth as an agent of change. He stressed the importance of passion in everything that the youth will endeavor. With the proper creativity and knowledge, change is possible, he said. But he also acknowledged the fact that, words and ideas regarding change are useless unless they are put into actions. In totality, his speech is refreshing since there is a blend of the passion to motivate change and at the same time his ability to innovate ideas that, I think, what the youth needs especially in this mundane society that once in a while shouts the cry for change. The second speaker is one who carry-out the long arm of the law. He is an NBI agent. He talked about one of the most controversial laws the Philippine legislature had ever passed: the anti-cybercrime law. This topic has been a hot issue for almost a year now which means that all students have at least an idea what this law all about. Given his expertise on implementing the law and how he interprets the statutory construction of the

Loverly Amodo Barquez AB Political Science IV

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law, he was able to clear notions among students on what are the objectives of the law and what does it really punishes. He also provide the evolution of crimes and how they its nature change in connection to the advent of technology especially the creation of the internet. He explained that through this Anti-cybercrime law, activities in the net will be regulated in accordance with the law. He also provided examples and scenarios where this law applies. During his talk, he reiterated the line of Spiderman that runs this way: Great power comes with great responsibility. He paralleled this into the used of the internet. He said that while we are connected into the internet, we have a great power that is only one click away but we must be responsible enough to control this and to use this power properly. The third speaker is a well known media practitioner. She is currently a senior news correspondent of one of the biggest media networks in the country. While we are facing issues involving the clash of the press and the government, it is an eye opener that once in a while we hear the side of these media men firsthand. Claire Delfin talked about the PDAF scandal through the eye of a journalist. She narrated her experiences during the course of investigation of the said scandal through her past documentary reports. Furthermore, what I appreciate from her the most is her exuding passion in presenting to us the sufferings of our brothers and sisters who are neglected by the government while other government officials and other corrupt individuals enjoy the luxury of life through the expense of the general taxpayers. She shared her documentaries on the natives in Antipolo who are still uneducated due to lack of services catered to them by the government. In passing, she also discussed the power that lies among the media and the responsibility that they shoulder in carrying out the real news. She also never denied the fact that due to sensationalized issues, media is a medium in affecting the interest of the majority of Filipinos.

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After the break the next speaker is the Police Director of PNP Region 2. He discussed about the status quo of the crime rates and the nature of crimes here in the region. He talked about the elements of the crimes and the reciprocal responsibility of the police and the civil society in combating crimes. He also explained the current steps of the Police force in implementing the laws in the region. Though still new in his position and in the workplace, he promised that he will do everything in his power to serve the Cagayanos through innovations in safeguarding the region. He also presented the projects that the PNP is undertaking. He encourage the youth to be a part in the elimination of crimes by reporting what they think is a crime. At the end of the open forum, we were enlightened that Police force is that all bad. With all the anomalies and scandals clouding their integrity, this talk made us realize that we can still trust out police force for they oath to do the same. The next speaker is a flamboyant person advocating character change. She is known through her colorful costumes during political rallies and other activist show. Often times, we see her on print media and on television shouting for her eagerness to create change. She is Mae Paner famously known as Juana Change. She related her topic on creating change through personal experiences. She said that in order to attain change in our troubled society, we need to have selfdiscipline and the courage and will to do that not only for a single day. She said that Philippines can be as productive as other countries but what hinders us from attaining such is our mentality that accords to the traditional mindset. She is vulgar when during her speech but never did I find it offensive because sometimes, what we need are harsh words for us to realize what we really need to do. Unlike other media personalities, she is knowledgeable on the things she is fighting for. She also said that it is not enough that we know the problem, we should act on it and the change must first start from ourselves. Which is true, because you can never compel other person lives to change when you cant even change yours.

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The next speaker is an academician, an international lawyer and my idol. She is definitely one of the most brilliant speakers during the conference; unfortunately, I fall asleep on some parts of her talk. She talked about why some laws are not good for Filipinos. This is basically addressed towards the issue on PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund) which is imbedded in the annual General Appropriation Act enacted by the congress. She talked about patronage politics which is the root cause of the system that paved way to this greatest anomaly in the Philippine government in the present. She showed the points of view of other well known icons in Politics in discussing the present structure of the Philippine legislature. She also answered question wittily. Though the issue on PDAF is a deafening topic, she made a way how to present it in a simplest way possible and with accurate facts. She also corrected the notion among students that when a lawyer lost a case, that lawyer is dumb. She said that it is not necessarily the case. She said that lawyers are there to ensure that the rights of their clients are not infringed during the course of legal proceedings. Winning a case doesnt always mean that the lawyer is genius. She also narrated part of her story when she became part of the legal team that represented former Chief Justice Corona during his impeachment trial. The last speaker is Henry Omaga Diaz, a well known media man. His talk is brief and concise but direct to the point. He talked about the role of journalist to the ever changing political landscape of the Philippine government. He talk about PDAF and supported the earlier claims and example of the former speakers. The crowd was definitely star struck with the caliber of speaker they listened to. This seminar made a mark between and among students of CSU-Carig.

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