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EMILY BRONT: Wuthering Heights 22 Read this extract, and then answer the question that follows it: Ah! you are come, are you, Edgar Linton? she said with angry animation !ou are one of those things that are e"er found when least wanted, and when you are wanted, ne"er! # su$$ose we shall ha"e $lenty of lamentations, now # see we shall %ut they cant &ee$ me from my narrow home out yonder ' (y resting $lace where #m %ound %efore )$ring 5 is o"er! *here it is, not among the Lintons, mind, under the cha$el+roof, %ut in the o$en air with a head+stone, and you may $lease yourself, whether you go to them, or come to me! -atherine, what ha"e you done? commenced the master. Am # nothing to you, any more? /o you lo"e that wretch, 0eath ' 10 0ush! cried (rs Linton. 0ush, this moment! !ou mention that name and # end the matter, instantly, %y a s$ring from the window! 1hat you touch at $resent, you may ha"e, %ut my soul will %e on that hill+to$ %efore you lay hands on me again. # dont want you, Edgar, #m $ast wanting you Return to your %oo&s #m glad you $ossess a consolation, for all you had in me 15 is gone. 0er mind wanders, sir, # inter$osed. )he has %een tal&ing nonsense the whole e"ening, %ut, let her ha"e quiet and $ro$er attendance, and shell rally 0ereafter, we must %e cautious how we "ex her. # desire no further ad"ice from you, answered (r Linton. !ou &new your 20 mistresss nature, and you encouraged me to harass her. And not to gi"e me one hint of how she has %een these three days! #t was heartless! months of sic&ness could not cause such a change! # %egan to defend myself, thin&ing it too %ad to %e %lamed for anothers wic&ed waywardness! 25 # &new (rs Lintons nature to %e headstrong and domineering, cried #, %ut # didnt &now that you wished to foster her fierce tem$er! # didnt &now that, to humour her, # should win& at (r 0eathcliff. # $erformed the duty of a faithful ser"ant in telling you, and # ha"e got a faithful ser"ants wages! 1ell, it will teach me to %e careful next time. 2ext time you may gather 30 intelligence for yourself! *he next time you %ring a tale to me, you shall quit my ser"ice, Ellen /ean, he re$lied. !oud rather hear nothing a%out it, # su$$ose, then, (r Linton? said #. 0eathcliff has your $ermission to come a courting to (iss and to dro$ in at 35 e"ery o$$ortunity your a%sence offers, on $ur$ose to $oison the mistress against you? -onfused as -atherine was, her wits were alert at a$$lying our con"ersation. Ah! 2elly has $layed traitor, she exclaimed, $assionately. 2elly is my 40 hidden enemy ' you witch! )o you do see& elf+%olts to hurt us! Let me go, and #ll ma&e her rue! #ll ma&e her howl a recantation! A maniacs fury &indled under her %rows, she struggled des$erately to disengage herself from Lintons arms. # felt no inclination to tarry the e"ent, and resol"ing to see& medical aid on my own res$onsi%ility, # quitted the 45 cham%er.

Ex$lore how 3ront4 ma&es this such a "i"id and re"ealing moment in the no"el.
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