Transportation Engineering Lab Manual

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering



Theory and Scope: This is one of the major Mechanical properties required in a road stone. The test evaluates the ability of the Aggregates used in road construction to withstand the stresses induced by moving vehicles in the form of crushing. ith this the aggregates should also provide sufficient resistance to crushing under the roller during construction and under rigid tyre rims of heavily loaded animal drawn vehicles. The crushing strength or aggregate crushing value of a given road aggregate is found out as per IS-2386 Part- 4. The aggregate crushing value provides a relative measure of resistance to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. To achieve a high quality of pavement aggregate possessing low aggregate crushing value should be preferred. The aggregate crushing value of the coarse aggregates used for cement concrete pavement at surface should not e!ceed "#$ and aggregates used for concrete other than for wearing surfaces% shall not e!ceed &'$ as specified by (ndian )tandard *()+ and (ndian ,oad Congress *(,C+. Aim: To determine crushing strength of a given aggregate as per IS: 2386 part I Apparat!": A steel cylinder of internal diameter -'.. cm *)teel cylinder with open ends+ A square base plate% plunger having a piston diameter of -' cm. A cylindrical measure of internal diameter of --.' and height -/ cms. )teel tamping rod having diameter of -.0 cms length &' to 0# cms. 1alance of capacity " 2g with accuracy up to - gm. Compression testing machine capable of applying load of &# tonnes at a loading rate of & tonnes per minute. #roced!re: The aggregate in surface3dry condition before testing and passing -..' mm sieve and retained on -# mm sieve is selected. The cylindrical measure is filled by the test sample of the aggregate in three layers of appro!imately equal depth% each layer being tamped .' times by the rounded end of the tamping rod. After the third layer is tamped% the aggregates at the top of the cylindrical measure are leveled off by using the tamping rod as a straight edge. Then the test sample is weighed. 4et that be w- gm.
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

Then the cylinder of test apparatus is 2ept on the base plate and one third of the sample from cylindrical measure is transferred into cylinder and tamped .' times by rounded end of the tamping rod. )imilarly aggregate in three layers of appro!imately equal depth% each layer being tamped .' times by rounded end of the tamping rod. Then the cylinder with test sample and plunger in position is placed on compression testing machine. 4oad is then applied through the plunger at a uniform rate of & tonnes per minute until the total load is &# tonnes and the load is released. Aggregates including the crushed position are removed from the cylinder and sieved on a .."0mm (). sieve and material which passes this sieve is collected and weighed. 4et this be w. gm. The above step is repeated with second sample of the same aggregate. The two tests are made for the same specimen for ta2ing an average value. Total weight of dry sample ta2en is w - gm weight of the portion of crushed material passing .."0mm () sieve be w. gm. Then the aggregate crushing value is defined as the ratio of weight of fines passing the specified () sieve to the total weight of the sample *w-+. Aggregate crushing value 7 $

Aggregate Crushing Test Apparatus

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Trial s Total weight of dry aggregate sample% w- gm eight of fines passing .."0 mm () sieve% w. gm Aggregate crushing value in $ Average aggregate crushing strength value in $ 5age .

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

. " & ' 0


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Re"!'t: The mean *average+ crushing value of the given aggregate sample is 88888888888888$ i&a &oce: -. hat do you understand by the term 9Ten percent Fines value:;

.. Define aggregate crushing value and how crushing strength test is carried out on cylindrical stone specimen e!plain. ". hat is the use or application of the aggregate crushing test; Re(erence: -. (ndian )tandard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete ()< ."/0 5art3(=% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecifications for Coarse and >ine Aggregate from ?atural )ources for Concrete% ()< "/" (ndian )tandards (nstitution. ". ).@. @hanna% C.E.A. Busto% Cighway Material Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand D 1ros.% ,oor2ee.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering


Theory and Scope: Abrasion is a measure of resistance to wear or hardness. (t is an essentially property for road aggregates especially when used in wearing coarse. Due to the movements of traffic% the road stones used in the surfacing course are subjected to wearing actions at the top. hen traffic moves on the road the soil particle *sand+ which comes between the wheel and road surface causes abrasion on the road stone. The abrasion test on aggregate is found as per I*S*+2386 part+I * Abrasion tests on aggregates are generally carried out by any one of the following methods3 -. 4os Angeles abrasion test. .. Deval abrasion test. ". Dorry abrasion test. ,o" An-e'e" A%ra"ion Te"t: The principle of 4os Angeles abrasion test is to find the percentage wear due to the relative rubbing action between the aggregates and steel balls used as abrasive charge pounding action of these balls also e!ist while conducting the test. Ma!imum Allowable 4os Angeles Abrasion =alues of Aggregates in Different types of pavement layers as per (ndian ,oad Congress *(,C+ are<3 >or sub3base course a value of 0#$. >or base course such as 1M% 1ituminous Macadam *1.M.+% 1uilt E Fp spray grout base course and etc. value of '#$. >or surface course such as 1M% 1M% 1ituminous 5enetration Macadam% 1uilt3Fp spray grout binder course and etc. a value of &#$.
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

(f aggregates are used in surface course as 1ituminous carpet% 1ituminous surface dressing% single or two coats% cement concrete surface coarse and etc. a value of "'$. (f aggregates are used for 1ituminous concrete% Cement concrete pavement as surface coarse than aggregate abrasion value of "#$ ma!imum. Aim: To determine the abrasion value of given aggregate sample by conducting 4os Angeles abrasion Test. Apparat!": 4os Angeles machine with inside diameter G#cm and inside length of '#$.Abrasive charges. (.) )ieve with -.Gmm opening. eighting 1alance of #.-gm accuracy. #roced!re: Clean and dry aggregate sample confirming to one of the grading A to A is used for the test. *,efer table+ Aggregates weighing '@g for grading A% 1% C or D and -#@g for gradings E% > or A may be ta2en as test specimen and placed in the cylinder. The abrasive charge is also chosen in accordance with table no.- and placed in the cylinder of the machine% and cover is fi!ed to ma2e dust tight. The machine is rotated at a speed of "# to "" revolutions per minute. The machine is rotated for '## revolutions for gradings A% 1% C and D% for gradings E% > and A% it shall be rotated for -### revolutions. After the desired number of revolutions% the machine is stopped and the material is discharged from the machine ta2ing care to ta2e out entire stone dust. Fsing a sieve of siHe larger than -.G#mm (.) sieve% the material is first separated into two parts and the finer position is ta2en out and sieved further on a -.Gmm (.) sieve. 4et the original weight of aggregate be w-gm% weight of aggregate retained on -.G#mm (.) sieve after the test be 4os Angeles abrasion value *$+ 7 x100

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Schematic .ia-ram o( ,o" An-e'e" A%ra"ion Te"tin- /achine

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation: )r ? o . " Details of sample eight of )pecimen7


Trial -

Trial .

Trial "



eight of specimen after abrasion test% coarser than -.G# mm () sieve7 . gm 5ercentage wear7** -3 .+I -+J-##

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering


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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

Re"!'t: The average value of 4os Angeles abrasion test on given aggregate sample is 8888888888888888$ i&a &oce: -. The abrasion value found from 4os Angeles test for two aggregates A and 1 are '#$ and "/$ respectively. hich aggregate is harder; hy; >or what types of constructions are these suitable; .. hy 4os Angeles abrasion test is considered superior to the other form of tests which are used to determine the hardness of aggregates; ". Two materials have abrasion values " and -# respectively. hich one is harder and why; Re(erence: -. (ndian )tandard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete ()< ."/0 5art3(=% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecifications for Coarse and >ine Aggregate from ?atural )ources for Concrete% ()< "/" (ndian )tandards (nstitution. ". ).@. @hanna% C.E.A. Busto% Cighway Material Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand D 1ros.% ,oor2ee.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering


Theory and Scope: Toughness is the property of a material to easiest impact. Due to moving loads the aggregates are subjected to pounding action or impact and there is possibility of stones brea2ing into smaller pieces. Therefore a test designed to evaluate the toughness of stones i.e.% the resistance of the stones to fracture under repeated impacts may be called (mpact test on aggregates. The test can also be carried on cylindrical stone specimen 2nown as 5age (mpact test. The aggregate (mpact test has been standardiHed by (ndian )tandard (nstitution. The aggregate impact test is conducted as per IS+2386 #art I . The aggregate (mpact value indicates a relative measure of the resistance of aggregate to a sudden shoc2 or an (mpact% which in some aggregates differs from its resistance to a slope compressive load in crushing test. A modified (mpact test is also often carried out in the case of soft aggregates to find the wet (mpact value after soa2ing the test sample. =arious agencies have specified the ma!imum permissible aggregate (mpact values for the different types of pavements. (,C has specified the following values. The ma!imum allowable aggregate (mpact value for water bound MacadamL )ub31ase coarse '#$ where as cement concrete used in base course is &'$. 1M base course with 1itumen surface in should be &#$. 1ituminous Macadam base course should have A.(.= of "'$. All the surface courses should possess an A.(.= below "#$. Aim: To determine the aggregate impact value of given aggregate as per (.)3."/0 5art (=. Apparat!": (mpact testing machine< The machine consists of a metal base. A detachable cylindrical steel cup of internal diameter and depth 'cm. A metal hammer of weight between -".' to -&@g% -#cm in diameter and 'cm long. An arrangement for raising the hammer and allow it to fall freely between vertical guides from a height of "/cm on the test sample in the cup. A cylindrical metal measure having G.'cm and depth of 'cm for measuring aggregates. A tamping rod of circular cross section% -cm in diameter and ."cm long% rounded at one end. (.). sieve of siHes -..'mm% -#mm and .."0mm. 1alance of capacity not less than '##gm to weigh accurate up to #.#-gm.
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

#roced!re: The test sample consists of aggregates passing -..'mm sieve and retained on -#mm sieve and dried in an oven for & hours at a temperature of -## C to --# C. The aggregates are filled upto about -I" full in the cylindrical measure and tamped .' times with rounded end of the tamping rod. The rest of the cylindrical measure is filled by two layers and each layer being tamped .' times. The overflow of aggregates in cylindrically measure is cut off by tamping rod using it has a straight edge. Then the entire aggregate sample in a measuring cylinder is weighted nearing to #.#-gm. The aggregates from the cylindrical measure are carefully transferred into the cup which is firmly fi!ed in position on the base plate of machine. Then it is tamped .' times. The hammer is raised until its lower face is "/cm above the upper surface of aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely on the aggregates. The test sample is subjected to a total of -' such blows each being delivered at an interval of not less than one second. The crushed aggregate is than removed from the cup and the whole of it is sieved on .."00mm sieve until no significant amount passes. The fraction passing the sieve is weighed accurate to #.-gm. ,epeat the above steps with other fresh sample. 4et the original weight of the oven dry sample be w -gm and the weight of fraction passing .."0mm (.) sieve be w .gm. Then aggregate (mpact value is e!pressed as the $ of fines formed in terms of the total weight of the sample. A--re-ate Impact a'!e 0 1233 4

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering A--re-ate Impact Te"tin- /achine

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Re"!'t: The mean A.(.= is 88888888888888888$. i&a &oce: -. Cow is aggregate (mpact e!pressed; .. hat do you understand by dry and wet (mpact value; ". Aggregate (mpact value of material A is -' and that of 1 is "'. hich one is better for surface course; Re(erence: -. (ndian )tandard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete ()< ."/0 5art3(=% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecifications for Coarse and >ine Aggregate from ?atural )ources for Concrete% ()< "/" (ndian )tandards (nstitution. ". ).@. @hanna% C.E.A. Busto% Cighway Material Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand D 1ros.% ,oor2ee.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering



(Flakiness Index)

Theory and Scope: The particle shape of aggregate is determined by the percentages of fla2y and elongated particles contained in it. (n case of gravel it is determined by its Angularity ?umber. >la2iness and Elongation tests are conducted on coarse aggregates to assess the shape of aggregates. Aggregates which are fla2y or elongated are detrimental to the higher wor2ability and stability of mi!es. They are not conducive to good interloc2ing and hence the mi!es with an e!cess of such particles are difficult to compact to the required degree. >or base coarse and construction of bituminous and cement concrete types% the presence of fla2y and elongated particles are considered undesirable as they may cause inherent wea2ness with probabilities of brea2ing down under heavy loads. ,ounded aggregates are preferred in cement concrete road construction as the wor2ability of concrete improves. Angular shape of particles are desirable for granular base coarse due to increased stability derived from the better interloc2ing when the shape of aggregates deviates more from the spherical shape% as in the case of angular% fla2y and elongated aggregates% the void content in an aggregate of any specified siHe increases and hence the grain siHe distribution of the graded aggregates has to be suitably altered in order to obtain minimum voids in the dry mi! or the highest dry density. (t is determined according to the procedure laid down in IS+2386 5#ART+ I6* 7,A8INESS IN.E9: The fla2iness inde! of aggregates is the percentage by particles whose least dimension *thic2ness+ is less than "I' th *#.0+ of their mean dimension. The test is not applicable to siHes smaller than 0."mm. E,$NGATI$N IN.E9:
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

The elongation inde! of an aggregate is the percentage by weight of particles whose greatest dimension *length+ is greater than - and &I' th times *-./ times+ their mean dimensions. The elongation test is not applicable to siHes smaller than 0."mm. Aim: To determine the fla2iness (nde! of a given aggregates sample. Apparat!": The apparatus consists of a standard thic2ness gauge% (.). sieves of siHes 0"% '#% &#% "-.'% .'% .#% -0% -..'% -# and 0."mm and a balance to weigh the samples. #roced!re: The sample is sieved with the sieves mentioned in the table. A minimum of .## pieces of each fraction to be tested are ta2en and weighed *w-gm+. (n order to separate fla2y materials% each fraction is then gauged for thic2ness on thic2ness gauge% or in bul2 on sieve having elongated slots as specified in the table. Then the amount of fla2y material passing the gauge is weighed to an accuracy of atleast #.-$ of test sample. 4et the weight of the fla2y materials passing the gauge be w-gm. )imilarly the weights of the fractions passing and retained on the specified sieves be w-% w.% w"% etc. are weighed and the total weight w-Mw.Mw"MNNN. 7 w gm is found. Also the weights of the materials passing each of the specified thic2ness gauge are found 7 -% .% "N and the total weight of the material passing the different thic2ness gauges 7 -M .M "MNNN. 7 gm is found. Then the fla2iness inde! is the total weight of the fla2y material passing the various thic2ness gauges e!pressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering Thickness Gauge

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Re"!'t: The fla2iness inde! of the given sample of aggregates is 888888888888888$. i&a oce: -. E!plain what is meant by fla2y and elongated particles; .. E!plain Angularity ?umber. Cow is it found; ". hat do you understand by the term Combined (nde!;

Reference: -. (ndian )tandard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete ()< ."/0 5art3(% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecifications for Coarse and >ine Aggregate from ?atural )ources for Concrete% ()< "/" (ndian )tandards (nstitution. ". ).@. @hanna% C.E.A. Busto% Cighway Material Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand D 1ros.% ,oor2ee.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering



(Elongation Index)

Aim: To determine the Elongation (nde! of the given aggregate sample. Apparat!": 4ength gauge% (.)3sieves as given in the table and a balance of accuracy #.#- Am. #roced!re: The sample is sieved through (.)3sieves specified in the table. A minimum of .## aggregate pieces of each fraction is ta2en and weighed. Each fraction is thus gauged individually for length in a length gauge. The gauge length is used should be those specified in the table for the appropriate material. The pieces of aggregates from each fraction tested which could not pass through the specified gauge length with its long side are elongated particles and they are collected separately to find the total weight of aggregate retained on the length gauge from each fraction. The total amount of elongated material retained by the length gauge is weighed to an accuracy of atleast #.-$ of the weight of the test sample. The weight of each fraction of aggregate passing and retained on specified sieves siHes are found E -% .% "% NNNN. And the total weight of sample determined 7 -M .M "MNNNNN. 7 g. Also the weights of material from each fraction retained on the specified gauge length are found 7 !-% !.% !"N and the total weight retained determined 7 !-M!.M!"MNN 7 ! gm. The elongation inde! is the total weight of the material retained on the various length gauges% e!pressed as a percentage of the total weight of the sample gauged.

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,en-th Ga!-e

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Re"!'t: The elongation inde! of a given sample of aggregate is 8888888888888888$.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering


oce: -. E!plain what is meant by fla2y and elongated particles; .. E!plain Angularity ?umber. Cow is it found; ". hat do you understand by the term Combined (nde!;

Re(erence: -. (ndian )tandard Methods of Test for Aggregate for concrete ()< ."/0 5art3(% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecifications for Coarse and >ine Aggregate from ?atural )ources for Concrete% ()< "/" (ndian )tandards (nstitution. ". ).@. @hanna% C.E.A. Busto% Cighway Material Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand D 1ros.% ,oor2ee.



Theory and Scope: The specific gravity of an aggregate is considered to be a measure of strength or quality of the material. The specific gravity test helps in the identification of stone. ater absorption gives an idea of strength of aggregate. Aggregates having more water absorption are more porous in nature and are generally considered unsuitable unless they are found to be acceptable based on strength% impact and hardness tests. Aim: To determination specific gravity and water absorption of the given aggregate sample. Apparat!": A wire bas2et of not more than 0."mm mesh or a perforated container of convenient siHe with thin wire hangers for suspending it from the balance. A thermostatically controlled oven to maintain temperature of -##O to --#OC. A container for filling water and suspending the bas2et. An airtight container of capacity similar to that of the bas2et.

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A balance of capacity about ' 2g. to weigh accurate to #.' g. and of such a type and shape as to permit weighing of the sample container when suspended in water. A shallow tray and two dry absorbent clothes% each not less than G'# P &'# mm.

#roced!re: About . 2g of the aggregate sample is washed thoroughly to remove fines% drained and then placed in the wire bas2et and immersed in distilled water at a temperature between ..O to ".OC with a cover of at least '#mm of water above the top of the bas2et. (mmediately after immersion the entrapped air is removed from the sample by lifting the bas2et containing it .'mm above the base of the tan2 and allowing it to drop .' times at the rate of about one drop per second. The bas2et and the aggregate should remain completely immersed in water for a period of .& MI3 #.' hours afterwards. The bas2et and the sample are then weighed while suspended in water at a temperature of ..O to ".OC. (n case it is necessary to transfer the bas2et and the sample to a different tan2 for weighing% they should be jolted .' times as described above in the new tan2 to remove air before weighing. This weight is noted while suspended in water - g. The bas2et and the aggregate are then removed from water and allowed to drain for a few minutes% after which the aggregates are transferred to one of the dry absorbent clothes. The empty bas2et is then returned to the tan2 of water% jolted .' times and weight in water . g. The aggregates placed on the absorbent clothes are surface dried till no further moisture could be removed by this cloth. Then the aggregates are transferred to the second dry cloth spread in a single layer% covered and allowed to dry for at least -# minutes until the aggregates are completely surface diy. -# to '# minutes drying may be needed. The aggregates should not be e!posed to the atmosphere% direct sunlight or any other source of heat while surface drying. A gentle current of unheated air may be used during the first ten minutes to accelerate the drying of aggregate surface. The surface dried aggregate is then weighed " g. The aggregate is placed in a shallow tray and 2ept in an oven maintained at a temperature of --#OC for .& hours.
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

(t is then removed from the oven% cooled in an airtight container and weighed & g. At least two tests should be carried out% but not concurrently. Ca'c!'ation": w- gm eight of saturated aggregate suspended in water with the bas2et 7 eight of bas2et suspended in water 7 w. gm eight of saturated aggregate in water 7 *w-3w.+ 7 w) gm eight of saturated surface diy aggregate in air 7 w& gm eight of water equal to the volume of the aggregate7 *w"3w)+ gm Dry weight of aggregate Speci(ic -ra&ity333333333333333333333333333333333337 eight of equal volume of water 7 7

;ater a%"orption 7 percent by weight of water absorbed in terms oven dried weight of aggregates. * "3 &+ -## 7 333333333333333333 Re"!'t: -. The )pecific Aravity of given aggregate sample is found to be 88888888888888. .. The water absorption of given aggregate sample is found to be88888888888888$.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering



Theory and Scope: The density of a bitumen binder is a fundamental property frequently used as an aid in classifying the binders for use in paving jobs. (n most applications% the bitumen is weighed% but finally in use with aggregate system% the bitumen content is converted on volume basis. Thus an accurate density value is required for conversion of weight to volume. The specific gravity is greatly influenced by the chemical composition of binder. (ncreased amount of aromatic type compounds cause an increase in the specific gravity. The specific gravity is defined by ()( as the ratio of the mass of a given volume of the bituminous material to the mass of an equal volume of water% the temperature of both being specified at .GQCR#.-QC. The code of practice used to determine the specific gravity is IS: 2232* Aim: To determine the )pecific gravity of given 1ituminous material. Apparat!": There are two methods. -+ 5y2nometer Method% .+ 1alance Method. 5y2nometer Method< )pecific gravity 1ottle% 1alance and Distilled water. #roced!re: The clean% dried specific gravity bottle is weighed let that be -gm. Then it is filled with fresh distilled water and then 2ept in water bath for at least half an hour at temperature .GQCR#.-QC. The bottle is then removed and cleaned from outside. The specific gravity bottle containing distilled water is now weighed. 4et this be .gm. Then the specific gravity bottle is emptied and cleaned. The bituminous material is heated to a pouring temperature and the material is poured half the bottle% by ta2ing care to prevent entry of air bubbles. Then it is weighed. 4et this be "gm. The remaining space in specific gravity bottle is filled with distilled water at .GQC and is weighed. 4et this be &gm. Then specific gravity of bituminous material is given by formula% Speci(ic Gra&ity 0 $%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

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eight eight eight eight

of of of of

specific gravity bottle 7 w- gm bottle filled with distilled water 7 w. gm bottle M bitumen 7 w" gm bottle M bitumen M water 7 w& gm

Re"!'t: The specific 8888888888888888888. i&a







oce: -. Define specific gravity. .. hat is the use of finding specific gravity; ". hat are the factors affecting specific gravity test;

Re(erence": -. (ndian )tandard Method for Tar and 1itumen% Determination of )pecific Aravity of 1itumen% ()< -.#.% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecification for 5aving 1itumen% ()< G". ". ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.

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Theory and Scope: The consistencies of bituminous materials vary depending upon several factors such as constituents% temperature% etc. As temperature ranges between .'Q and '#QC most of the paving bitumen grades remain in semi solid or in plastic states and their viscosity is so high that they do not flow as liquid. Determination of absolute viscosity of bituminous material is not so simple. Therefore the consistency of these materials is determined by indirect methods. The consistency of bitumen is determined by penetration test which is a very simple test. =arious types and grades of bituminous materials are available depending on their origin and refining process. The penetration test determines the consistency of these materials foe the purpose of grading them% by measuring the depth *in units of one tenth of a millimeter or one hundredth of a centimeter+ to which a standard needle will penetrate vertically under specified conditions of standard load% duration and temperature. Thus the basic principle of the penetration test is the measurement of the penetration *in units of one tenth of a mm+ of a standard needle in a bitumen sample maintained at .'C during five seconds% the total weight of the needle assembly being -##gm. The softer the bitumen% the greater will be the penetration. The test is conducted as per ()3-.#" for paving bitumen. Aim: To determine the grade of a given binder. Apparat!": (t consists of items li2e container% needle% water bath% penetrometer% stop watch etc. Container is ''mm in diameter and "'mm to 'Gmm height. The needle is provided with a shan2 appro!imately ".#mm in diameter into which it is immovably fi!ed. #roced!re:

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The bitumen is softened to a paving consistency between G'Q and -##QC above the appro!imate temperature at which bitumen softens. The sample material is thoroughly stirred to ma2e it homogeneous and free from air bubbles and water. The sample containers are cooled in atmosphere of temperature not lower than -"QC for one hour. Then they are placed in temperature controlled water bath at a temperature of .'QC for a period of one hour. The weight of needle% shaft and additional weight are chec2ed. The total weight of this assembly should be -##gm. Fsing the adjusting screw% the needle assembly is lowered and the tip of the needle is made to just touch the top surface of the sample. The needle assembly is clamped in this position. The contact of the tip of the needle is chec2ed using the mirror placed on the rear of the needle. The initial reading of the penetrometer dial is either adjusted to Hero or the initial reading is noted. Then the needle is released by pressing a button and a stop watch is started. The needle is released e!actly for a period of '.#secs. At least " measurements are made on this sample by testing at distance of not less than -##mm apart. The difference between the initial and final penetration readings are ta2en as the penetration value.

#enetration Concept


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$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Re"!'t: The average penetration value of a given bitumen sample is 8888888888888888 and the grade of bitumen is 8888888888888888. i&a oce: -. hat are the applications of penetration test; .. hat do you understand by the term "#I&# bitumen; ". hat are the precautions to be ta2en while conducting a penetration

test; Re(erence": -. (ndian )tandard Method for Tar and 1itumen% Determination of 5enetration of 1itumen% ()< -.#"% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecification for 5aving 1itumen% ()< G".
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

". ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.


Theory and Scope: A certain minimum ductility is necessary for a bitumen binder. This is because of the temperature changes in bituminous mi!es and the repeated deformations that occur in fle!ible pavements due to the traffic loads. (t is of significant importance that the binders form ductile thin films around the aggregates. The binder material which does not possess sufficient ductility would crac2 and thus provide previous pavement surface. This is in turn results in damaging effect to the pavement structure. The ductility is e!pressed as the distance in centimeters to which a standard briquette of bitumen can be stretched before the thread brea2s. The test is standardiHed by the IS: 2238. The test is conducted at .GQR#.'QC and a rate of pull of '#R..' mm per minute. Aim: To conduct ductility test on given bitumen sample. Apparat!": 1riquette mould% *length E G'mm% distance between clips E "#mm% width at mouth of clips E .#mm% cross section at minimum width E -#mm ! -#mm+% Ductility machine with water bath and a pulling device at a precaliberated rate% a putty 2nife% thermometer. #roced!re:
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

The bitumen sample is method to a pouring temperature *G'QC to -##QC+ and poured into the mould assembly and placed on a brass plate% where a solution of glycerin or soap solution is applied at all surfaces of briquette mould e!posed to bitumen. After the sample is poured to the mould% thirty to forty minutes the entire assembly is placed in a water bath at .GQC. Then the sample is removed from the water bath maintained at .GQC and e!cess bitumen material is cutoff by leveling the surface using hot 2nife. After trimming the specimen% the mould assembly containing sample is replaced in water bath maintained at .GQC for /' to K' minutes. Then the sides of mould are removed and the clips are carefully boo2ed on the machine without causing any initial strain. Two or more specimens may be prepared in the moulds and clipped to the machine so as to conduct these test simultaneously. The pointer is set to read Hero. The machine is started and the two clips are thus pulled apart horiHontally. hile the test is in operation% it is chec2ed whether the sample is immersed in water at depth of atleast -#mm. The distance at which the bitumen thread of each specimen brea2s is recorded *in cm+ to report as ductility value.

Ductility Test Concept

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

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Re"!'t: The ductility value of the given bitumen sample is 88888888888888888 cm. i&a oce: -. 4ist the factors that affect the result of a ductility test. .. hat do you understand by the term repeatability reproducibility; ". E!plain the significance of ductility test.


Re(erence": -. (ndian )tandard Method for Tar and 1itumen% Determination of Ductility of 1itumen% ()< -.#/% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecification for 5aving 1itumen% ()< G". ". ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.



Theory and Scope: 1itumen does not suddenly change from solid to liquid state% but as the temperature increase% it gradually becomes soften until it flows readily. The softening point is the temperature at which the substance attains particular degree of softening under specified condition of test. >or bitumen it is usually determined by ,ing and 1all apparatus. The test is conducted as per IS: 223<.

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Aim: To determine the softening point of given paving bitumen as per ()< -.#'. Apparat!": ,ing and 1all apparatus% ater bath with stirrer% Thermometer% Alycerin% etc. )teel balls each of K.'mm and weight of ..'R#.#/gm. #roced!re: )ample material is heated to a temperature between G'Q and -##QC above the appro!imate softening point until it is completely fluid and is poured in heated rings placed on the metal plate. To avoid stic2ing of the bitumen to metal plate% coating is done to this with a solution of glycerin and de!trin. After cooling the rings in air for "# minutes% the e!cess bitumen is trimmed and rings are placed in the support. At this time the temperature of distilled water is 2ept at 'QC. This temperature is maintained for -' minutes after which the balls are placed in position. Then the temperature of water is raised at uniform rate of 'QC per minute with a controlled heating unit% until the bitumen softens and touches the bottom plate by sin2ing of balls. At least two observations are made. >or material whose softening point is above /#QC% glycerin is used for heating medium and the starting temperature is "'QC instead of 'QC. The temperature at the instant when each of the ball and sample touches the bottom plate of support is recorded as softening point value.

So(tenin- Te"t Concept

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

Re"!'t: The softening point value of given bitumen sample 8888888888888888888#C and grade of bitumen is 88888888888888. i&a


oce: -. hat are the factors which affect the ring and ball test results; .. hat is softening point; ". (f material A has softening point of '0 and 1 has &. which binder is good and why;

Re(erence": -. (ndian )tandard Method for Tar and 1itumen% Determination of )oftening 5oint of 1itumen% ()< -.#'% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecification for 5aving 1itumen% ()< G". ". ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering


Theory and Scope: >lash and >ire point test is a safety test conducted on a bituminous material so that it gives an indication of the critical temperature at and above where precautions should be ta2en to eliminate fire haHards during its applications. 1ituminous materials leave out volatiles at high temperature depending upon their grade. These volatile vapors catch fire causing a flash. This condition is very haHardous and it is therefore essential to qualify this temperature for each bitumen grade% so that the paving engineers may restrict the mi!ing or application temperature well within the limits. >lash and >ire point test is conducted as per IS: 223=. As per ()< -.#K the definitions of flash and fire point are< >lash 5oint< 9The flash point of a material is the lowest temperature at which the vapour of substance momentarily ta2es fire in the form of a flash under specified conditions of test:. >ire 5oint< 9The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the material gets ignited and burns under specified condition of test:. Aim: To determine the flash and fire point of a given bituminous material. Apparat!": 5ens2y3Martens closed cup tester% thermometer% heating source% flame e!posure. #roced!re: All parts of the cup are cleaned and dried thoroughly before the test is started. The material is filled in the cup upto a mar2. The lid is placed to close the cup in a closed system. All accessories including thermometer of the specified range are suitably fi!ed. The bitumen sample is then heated. The test flame is lit and adjusted in such a way that the siHe of a bed is of &mm diameter. The heating of sample is done at a rate of 'Q to 0QC per minute. During heating the sample the stirring is done at a rate of appro!imately 0# revolutions per minute. The test flame is applied at intervals depending upon the e!pected flash and fire points and corresponding temperatures at which the material shows the sign of flash and fire are noted.

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Flash and Fire Point Test Concept

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Re"!'t: The temperature at which the flame application that causes a bright flash *>lash 5oint+ 88888888888888#C and temperature at which the sample catches fire *>ire 5oint+ 88888888888888#C. i&a oce: -. Define flash and fire points. .. hat is the significance of flash and fire point test; ". hat are the parameter that affects the result of flash and fire point

tests; Re(erence": -. (ndian )tandard Method for Tar and 1itumen% Determination of >lash and >ire 5oint of 1itumen% ()< -.#K% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecification for 5aving 1itumen% ()< G". ". ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.

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Theory and Scope: =iscosity is defined as the increase of fluidity. The degree of fluidity at the application temperature greatly influences the ability of bituminous material to spread% penetrate in to void and also coat the aggregates and hence affects the strength characteristics of the resulting paving mi!es. There is an optimum value of fluidity or viscosity for mi!ing and compacting for each aggregate gradation of the mi! and bitumen grade. At high fluidity or low viscosity% the bitumen binder simply 9lubricates: the aggregate particles instead of providing a uniform film thic2ness for binding action. )imilarly% low fluidity or high viscosity does not enable the bitumen to coat the entire surface of aggregates. (t will increase the compactive force or effort. The test is conducted as per IS: 2236* Aim: To determine the property of a given bituminous material as per ()< -.#0. Apparat!": A orifice viscometer *one of &.#mm diameter used to test cut bac2 grades # and - and -#mm orifice to test all other grades+% water bath% stirrer and thermometer. #roced!re: The tar cup is properly leveled and water in the bath is heated to the temperature specified for the test and is maintained throughout the test. The sample material is heated at the temperature .# above the specified test temperature and the material is allowed to cool. During cooling the material continuously% stirred. hen material reaches slightly above test temperature% the same is poured in the tar cup% until the leveling peg on the value rod is just immersed. A graduate receiver *cylinder+ and a .#ml of mineral oil or one percent by weight solution of soft soap is poured. hen the sample material reaches the specified test temperature within R#.-QC and then valve is opened.

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The stop watch is started with the valve opening and time is noted for collecting a '#ml of test sample to flow through the orifice and collected in the receiver 2ept below the orifice viscometer.

Schematic Repre"entation o( E1periment

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation:

Re"!'t: The time in seconds for '#ml of the test sample to flow through the orifice is 88888888888888888sec. i&a oce: -. E!plain the term viscosity. .. hat are the uses of viscosity test; ". hat are the precautions to be ta2en during viscosity test using orifice viscometer;

Re(erence": -. (ndian )tandard Method for Tar and 1itumen% Determination of =iscosity of 1itumen% ()< -.#0% (ndian )tandards (nstitution. .. (ndian )tandard )pecification for 5aving 1itumen% ()< G". ". ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.

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)it!mino!" /i1 .e"i-n %y /ar"ha'' /ethod

Theory and Scope: 1ituminous mi!es are used in the surface course of road and airfield pavements. The desirable bituminous mi! properties include stability% density% durability% fle!ibility% resistance to s2idding and wor2ability during construction. )tability is defined as resistance of the paving mi! to deformation under load and is thus a stress level which causes strain depending upon anticipated field conditions. )tability is function of friction and cohesion. Durability is defined as the resistance of the mi! against weathering which causes hardening and this depends upon loss of volatiles and o!idation. (n this method the resistance to plastic deformation of cylindrical specimen of bituminous mi!ture is measured when the same is loaded at the periphery at ' cm per minute. This test procedure is used in designing and evaluating bituminous paving mi!es. AST/ vide designation . 2<<=+62 T has standardiHed the test procedure. Aim: To determine optimum binder content of given bituminous mi! by Marshall Method of Mi! Design. Apparat!": Mould Assembly% )ample E!tractor% Compaction 5edestal and Cammer% 1rea2ing Cead% 4oading Machine% flow meter% thermometers% water bath and oven. #roced!re:

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The coarse aggregates% fine aggregates and mineral filler material should be proportioned and mi!ed in such a way that final mi! after blending has the gradation within the specified range. Appro!imately -.## grms of aggregates and filler are ta2en and heated to a temperature of -G'# to -K## C. The compaction mould assembly and rammer are cleaned and 2ept pre3heated to a temperature of -###C to -&'#C. The bitumen is heated to temperature of -.-# to -"/# C and the required quantity of first trail percentage of bitumen is added to the heated aggregate and thoroughly mi!ed using a mechanical mi!er or by hand mi!ing with trowel. Then the mi! is heated and a temperature of -'# # to -0##C is maintained and then the mi! is transferred into the pre3heated mould and compacted by giving seventy five blows on each side. The specific gravity values of different aggregates% filler and bitumen used are determined first. The theoretical specific gravity of the mi! is determined. )oon after the compacted bituminous mi! specimens have cooled to room temperature% the weight% average thic2ness and diameter of the specimen are noted. The specimens are weighed in air and then in water. The bul2 density value of the specimen if calculated from weight and volume. Then the specimen to be tested is 2ept immersed under water in a thermostatically controlled water bath maintained at 0# # M -# C for "# to &# minutes. The specimens are ta2en out one by one% placed in the Marshall test head and the Marshall stability value and flow value are noted. The corrected Marshall )tability value of each specimen is determined by applying the appropriate correction factor% if the average height of the specimen is not e!actly 0".' mm. >ive graphs are plotted with values of bitumen content against the values of density% Marshall )tability% =oids in total mi!% >low value% =oids filled by 1itumen. 4et the bitumen contents corresponding to ma!imum density be 1 -% corresponding to ma!imum stability be 1. and that corresponding to the specified voids content *at &.#$+ be 1 ". Then the optimum bitumen content for mi! design is given by< 1o7 *1- M 1. M 1"+ I "

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#ictoria' Repre"entation o( /ar"ha'' /i1 .e"i-n

$%"er&ation" and Ca'c!'ation":

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Re"!'t: The optimum binder content of the given mi! is 8888888888888888. i&a oce: -. hat is the significance of flow value in Marshall Test; .. hat is filler; ". hat are the essential properties of bituminous mi!es;

Re(erence: -. ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee. .. Ministry of ,oad Cighway Transport% fourth revisions% by (ndian ,oad Congress.



Theory and Scope: The California 1earing ,atio *C.1.,.+ test was developed by California Division of Cighway as a method of classifying and evaluating soil subgrade and base course materials for fle!ible pavements. The test is empirical and the results can not be related accurately with any fundamental property of the material.
)15C6E% (ndapur 5age "/

Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

The C1, is a measure of resistance of a material to penetration of standard plunger under controlled density and moisture conditions. The C1, test may be conducted in re moulded or undisturbed specimen in the laboratory. The test is simple and has been e!tensively investigated for field correlations of fle!ible pavement thic2ness requirement. The test is conducted by causing a cylindrical plunger of some diameter to penetrate a pavement component material at -..'mmIminute. The loads% for ..'mm and 'mm are recorded. This load is e!pressed as a percentage of standard load value at a respective deformation level to obtain C.1.,. value. The values are given in the table%

As per (,C recommendation the minimum value of C.1.,. required for a subgrade should be /$. The procedure is standardiHed by (ndian )tandards (nstitution in two different categories. The first being Test of )oils in laboratory% determination of C1,% IS: 2>23 part 9 I. The second being Methods of Test for soils% field determination of C1,% IS: 2>23 999I. Aim: To determine California 1aring ,atio *C.1.,.+ value of a given soil sample. Apparat!": 4oading machine which can be operated at a constant rate of -..'mm per minute% cylindrical moulds of -'#mm diameter i.e.% -G'mm height provided with a collar of about '#mm length and detachable perforated base are used for this purpose% Compaction ,ammer. #roced!re: Each batch of soil is *of atleast '.'2g for granular soils and &.' to '2g weight for fine grained soils+ mi!ed with water upto the optimum moisture content or the field moisture content if specified so. The spacer disc is placed at the bottom of the mould over the base plate and a coarse filter paper is placed over the spacer disc. The moist soil sample is to be compacted over this in the mould by adopting either the (.). light compaction or the (.). heavy compaction. After compacting the last layer% the collar is removed and the e!cess soil above the top of the mould is evenly trimmed off by means of straight edges.
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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

The clamps are removed and the mould with the compacted soil is lifted leaving below the base plate and the spacer disc is removed. A filter paper is placed on the base plate% the mould with compacted soil is inverted and placed in position over the base plate and clamps of the base plate are tightened. eights of ..' to '2g are placed over the soil sample in the mould. Then the whole mould is placed in water tan2 for soa2ing. A swelling measuring device consisting of tripod and the dial gauge are placed on top edge of the mould and the spindle of the dial gauge is placed touching the top of the sample. The initial dial gauge reading is recorded and the test set up is 2ept undisturbed in the water tan2 to allow soa2ing of the soil specimen for four full days or K0 hours. After K0 hours of soa2ing% the mould with specimen is clamped over the base plate and the same surcharge weights are placed on the specimen centrally such that the penetration test can be conducted. The mould with base plate is placed under penetration plunger of the loading machine. The penetration plunger is seated at the centre of the specimen and is brought in contact with the top surface of the soil sample by applying a seating load of &.#2g. The dial gauge for the measuring the penetration values of the plunger is fitted in position. The dial gauge of the proving ring and the penetration dial gauge are set to Hero. The load is applied through the penetration plunger at a uniform rate of -..'mmIminute. The load readings are recorded at penetration readings of #.#% #.'% -.#% -.'% ..#% ..'% ".#% &.#% '.#% G.'% -#.#% -..' mm penetration. The ma!imum load value and the corresponding penetration value are recorded. After the final reading% the load is released and the mould is removed from the loading machine. The proving ring calibration factor is noted so that the load dial values can be converted into load in 2g. The load values noted for each penetration level are divided by the area of the loading plunger *-K.0"'cm.+ to obtain the pressure. A graph is plotted by penetration in mm on !3a!is and the pressure in 2gIcm. on y3a!is. Then the unit pressure values corresponding to ..' and '.#mm penetration values are found from the graph. Then the C1, value is calculated from the formula< C1, in $7

The C1, values at ..'mm and '.#mm penetrations are calculated for each specimen from the corresponding graphs. Aenerally the C1, value at ..'mm penetration if higher and the value are adopted. Cowever if higher C1, value is obtained at '.#mm penetration% the
)15C6E% (ndapur 5age &#

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test is to be repeated to verify the results. (f the value at '.#mm penetration is again higher% this is adopted as the C1, value of the soil sample.

C*)*R Te"tin- Apparat!"

$%"er&ation and Ca'c!'ation: Re"!'t: The C1, value of the given soil sample is 88888888888888888$. i&a oce: -. hat is the significance of surcharge load while s#a2ing and testing the soil in C1, test; .. C1, value of soil A is -' and of soil 1 is &. hich one is a better soil; ". Discuss the limitations of C1, test. Re(erence: -. (ndian )tandard Method of determining C1, as per ()< .G.#35art3P=(


)15C6E% (ndapur

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Civil Engineering Department Transportation Engineering

.. ).@. @hanna and C.E.A Busto% Cighway Materials Testing 4aboratory Manual% ?em Chand 1ros. ,oor2ee.

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