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Group Members: Aguas, Nicole V. Cabral, Hanz Aeron D.P. Clemente, Chelsea Nicole G. *Jo, Bianca Isabela F. 9 St.

. Andrew Mr. John Mark L. Doria


Title: Banana Peel (Musa paradisiaca) as Shoe Polish

Abstract Nowadays, some people tend to throw the banana peels in the garbage or in our surroundings and this pollute our environment. This study aims to create an eco-friendly and cheap shoe polish. The experiment is easy to do and no hassle. The banana peels are being recycled with this study; the peels are not being put into waste. The group conducted an experiment to create an alternative for a shoe polish for those who cannot afford to buy a shoe polish in the market. The researchers chose this kind of study because they want to help people know the other way/s of polishing shoes by just looking around the house for ingredients or buy in sari-sari stores. With this study, the people can learn how to experiment on things to make their chores easier to accomplish, save money, or create a new product that can be useful. This project can be recommended to people who also want to make an alternative shoe polish or improve our study.

Chapter 1 I. Introduction Shoe polish is to shine, to maintain the appearance and to sustain the quality of the shoes. Banana is an edible fruit produced by several kinds of large flowering plants of the genus musa. The group has thought of a way to recycle banana peelings and not put them to waste. II. Problem Would banana peelings be effective if combined with kerosene and melted candles? Would there be a chemical reaction? How effective can it be than commercial shoe polish? III. Formulation of Hypothesis If banana peels are not mixed with kerosene and melted candles then it does not have an effect on polishing shoes IV. Significance of the Study This study will help lessen the garbage in our place and bring forth creativity. This will help students more important, in the area of recycling and arts. The kind of paper being recycled in this research can be used in scrapbooks and other activities in school. This simple recycling will enable many to participate in preserving the resources around us. V. Scope and Limitation In this investigatory project, the researchers will use the Lacatan banana peelings in handmade recycling. Aside from this, no other parts of banana will be used or other kinds of bananas. They will observe the chemical reaction of the banana peelings when mixed in kerosene with melted candles. The shoe polish is ecofriendly but its smell gives out a foul smell or odor because of the kerosene. In a way, the banana peelings are recycled. If their shoe polish would be effective, they can recommend this to people who are in budget. The shoe polish can also be an alternative for the shoe polishes that can be bought in stores. It is only applicable on leather or synthetic black shoes.


Definition of Terms Kerosene - is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid Synthetic made by a chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product Synthesis - the combination of two or more parts, whether by design or by natural processes Musa paradisiaca - is the accepted name for the hybrid between Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana

Chapter 2 1. Banana (Musa paradisiaca) Peel Shoe Polish -Dela Cruz, M. G. Dela Vega I.R. Layug, J.P. Perez, R.L. Shoe polish is used to shine, to maintain the appearance and to sustain the quality of the shoes. Based on the information in the written articles, banana peels can be used to shine shoes so the researcher decided to come up with the study of making a shoe polish out of banana peelings. The study aimed to produce a cheaper but better alternative shoe polish. The researchers used banana peels, kerosene and candles in making the product. In making the product, first, melt the candles. While in a low fire, combine the kerosene and extract of the banana peels with the melted candle. After stirring the mixtures, let it cool and harden. Then the shoe polish is ready to use. The researchers made a test by comparing the shoe polish made out of banana to the commercial shoe polish. Data analysis revealed that 0.20 -12.706. Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted in which, banana peels can be used an alternative shoe polish. The researchers confirmed that banana peel can be made into a shoe polish but the commercial shoe polish has a slight difference from the banana (Musa Paradisiaca) peel shoe polish. Therefore, it can only serve as an alternative shoe polish.

2. Banana Peeling as an Alternative Shoe Polish. -Doncillo,H. We all know that our country today is suffering from crisis. That was the reason why we want to launch this study, since shoe polish now a days is very needed and is costly, we want to produce a more cheaper and efficient shoe polish to use. This project determines the possibility of the variety of banana peelings as shoe polish cream. Then it was compared to the commercial shoe polish in terms of effectiveness using the acceptability test. And this test resulted that banana peelings had no significant difference to commercial shoe polish. We therefore conclude that banana peelings showed potential to be an alternative shoe polish. 3. The Feasibility of Producing Shoe Polisher out of Banana Peelings -May (blogger) Shoe polish (or boot polish), usually a waxy paste or a cream, is a consumer product used to shine, waterproof, and restore the appearance of leather shoes or boots, thereby extending the footwear's life. In some regionsincluding New Zealand "Nugget" is used as a common term for solid waxy shoe polish, as opposed to liquid shoe polishes. Various substances have been used as shoe polish for hundreds of years, starting with natural substances such as wax and tallow. Modern polish formulate were introduced early in the 20th century and some products from that era are still in use today. Today, shoe polish is usually made from a mix of natural and synthetic materials, including naphtha,turpentine, dyes, and gum arabic, using straightforward chemical engineering processes. Shoe polish can be toxic, and, if misused, can stain skin. Banana is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fibre and as ornamental plants.

Chapter 3 Methodology Raw Materials: Lacatan banana peelings Kerosene Other Materials: Brush Any piece of cloth Any shoe

Procedure: They prepared their materials for the making of banana peel shoe polish. In making the product, the researchers first melted the candles. While in a low fire, they combined the kerosene and banana peels with the melted candles. After stirring the mixture, they let it cool and harden. The shoe polish is ready to use

Banana Peel as Shoe Polish

Prepare the materials needed

Banana peelings



Brush, any piece of cloth and

Melt them

While in low fire, combine it with melted candles and banana peelings.

any shoe

Do the usual procedure on how to

Let it cool and harden

polish shoes

Chapter 4 Shiny Shoe A (with commercial shoe polish or Kiwi) Shoe B (with banana peel shoe polish) Yes Yes How many days does the shine effect last? About 5 days or a week About 2 days

The table above shows what the researchers experiment resulted into. They used a pair of shoes to compare their product to the commercial shoe polish. One is with commercial shoe polish, and then the other one is with banana shoe polish. They labeled it Shoe A and B. The two shoe polishes make the shoes shiny; however, the commercial shoe polish lasts longer than the banana shoe polish. The table shows that the experiment is effective and can be used as an alternative to the usual shoe polish that every one of us is using.

Chapter 5 Recommendation More tests should be done on the banana peels for it to be more effective. This study is recommended to people who are in budget and wants to save money, who wants to experiment, and to those people who wants to recycle. Conclusion As a result, the shoe polish that can be bought in stores is still more effective than the banana peel shoe polish but it can still be improved.

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