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Uses and Abuses Of Intenet Internet : The large system of many cnnected computers around the world which

people used to communicate to each other is called internet. If the net is spread through cables than it is known as cable net. In the fast growing world of communication, internet comparitevely a new entrant, but is has brought about a great revolution in the field of communication. In a very short period of time it has linked togather the whole world. Now through internet almost all of the computers of the world are interconnected with one another. Advantages or Uses of Internet : Internet is replete with countless advantages. Internet or cable net is an international network connecting other network of computers from companions, universities and other institutions in order to quick exchange of information. It has made possible man's access to countless web-sites, informative programmes, scientific discoveries and much more. We are living in the age of computers and computers are being used every where, and in every field of life, The devolopment of computer programming and computer technology has given us the cheap and quick exchange of information and communication. The few advantages or uses of internet can be described as following : i) It gives information about every field of life. It provides every type of information and features of life or necessary utilities. We may get information according to our need through internet. ii) We may take advantages from encyclopedias and dictionaries with the help of internet. iii) It gives a coordination with the whole world and its intrests. Internet brings the world closer. iv) It helps to exchange the views with the persons of same mental attitudes. v) Through internet a student can contact great libraries and scholars, a doctorcan learn about advancement in medicines and surgery, a job-seeker can obsorve job-advertisements and an ambitious person can find his life partner... Advantages and Disadvantages Of Internet Or Uses And Abuses of Internet Or Uses And Misuses Of Internet Internet : The large system of many connected computers around the world which people used to communicate to each other is called internet. If the net is spread through cables than it is known as cable net. In the fast growing world of communication, internet comparatively a new entrant, but is has brought about a great revolution in the field of communication. In a very short period of time it has linked together the whole world. Now through internet almost all of the computers of the world are interconnected with one another. Advantages or Uses of Internet : Internet is replete with countless advantages. Internet or cable net is an international network connecting other network of computers from companions, universities and other institutions in order to quick exchange of information. It has made possible man's access to countless web-sites, informative programmes, scientific discoveries and much more. We are living in the age of computers and computers are being used every where, and in every field of life,

The development of computer programming and computer technology has given us the cheap and quick exchange of information and communication. The few advantages or uses of internet can be described as following: i) It gives information about every field of life. It provides every type of information and features of life or necessary utilities. We may get information according to our need through internet. ii) We may take advantages from encyclopedias and dictionaries with the help of internet. iii) It gives coordination with the whole world and its interests. Internet brings the world closer. iv) It helps to exchange the views with the persons of same mental attitudes. v) Through...


Modern age is the period of wonderful development of science. Man has brought the world into his fist by dint of his own effort. One of the unique contributions of this period is internet this combined w-process of satellite technology and computer has brought an all pervading possible of human welfare. World internet is the abbreviated form of international network. The network od all networks is the most modern success of information technology. it can collect and send messages ,information ,picture very quickly from one corner of the world to another. More than one person can procure information and pictures by joining a number of terminals with a chief computer. Network after network joining together has created a large dimension network through out the world. There is a symbolic meaning of internet. it is WWW by which we mean world wide web and it is attributed properly because of its world wide activities of communication. Internet is the name of a computer networking system that brings a revolution is the application of science for the benefit of man kind. The full name of internet is international network. it is the computer based global information system. Day by day the use of internet is increasing. Some dishonest people abuse it. Anyway, internet is becoming the necessity of every class of people. The Internet is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link tens; hundreds and even thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with one anothers to share computational resource such as powerful super computers and data bases of information. Today through internet people all over the world can communication effectively and cheaply with one another. unlike traditional broadcasting media, such As radio and TV the internet does not have centralized distribution system, instead, an individual who has the internet access can communication directly with anyone else on the internet, make information available to others, find information provided by others or self product with a low cost. Internet has added speed to globalization and IT sectors. The has brought about new opportunities to government, business and education. Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distributions of information and automated tax processing. In Bangladesh India the use of Internet

has increased in the last few years. in additional offering any goods & services buy online to customers, a businessman can spread his businesses more easily. Today much individual use the Internet for shoppings paying utility bill, credit card bill, admit ion fees, E-commerce, online banking facility , educational institutes use the Internet for research and to deliver courses to students online at remote sites. Internet is the most reliable and cheapest mode of communication. it has huge potentiality for the significant improvement of economic productivity. InBangladesh&India, also in the production of goods & services both in government and private sectors, it is paying a vital role. It has some abuses too nowadays especially the teen agars are very keen to aboard the demerits of internet. They some time keep chafing and whiling away their time with friends or even unknown persons, when they are supposed to be their desk to study. They tend to enjoy pornography, and do many immoral and hazardous tasks. Thus they are going away from their study and becoming morally degraded. in additional sometimes criminal and terrorists take the advantage of internet to materializes their goal. They exploit cyber caf as their means of fulfilling their task. it is called cyber bullying; even some heinous and immoral person to belittle and derogate others, we should use internet sorting the best out of it so that we ourselves can be benefited and can benefits others.To keep pace with the rest of the world in every sector. We must be connected with internet.

Use and Abuse of Internet

By MohammedH99, feb. 2013 | 3 Pages (538 Words) | 3492 Views |


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1. USE AND ABUSE OF INTERNET Computers and computer-websites can now be linked and are linked through satellite to form an internet.Internet is a very refined medium of communication and through it any message ( e mail)can be sent anywhere in the world.Just by opening a website on your computer and installing a modem,you can find out about anything in the whole world by pressing the mighty mouse.Through internet you can search the world market to find a certain useful book ,you can do shopping,you can seek any kind of information,you can see movies and listen to any kind of music,you can see results of examinations and competitions,you can converse anyone anywhere in the world,and you can even get a job.There are schools in some foreign countries where students can do their homework on the computer and it can be checked by the teacher through internet without anyone going anywhere. Websites offering a touch-and-try on internet add excitement to planning holidays.Travel websites offer everything one need to know-from foreign exchange regulations,passport and visa details to weather information,costeffective online booking,staying accommodation,travel links from place to place and a number of other items of information. Women in distress can find help quickly,at the click of the mouse.There are websites that give woman exact information about their legal rights and what they should be doing in case of harassment or matrimonial disputes.Women in distress now have the option of launching their complaints on the internet.All they need to do is log on to a particular site ,write about their problem and there will be a sea of information and counseling guidance atUses and Abuses of

In the fast growing world of communication, Internet is comparatively a new entrant but it has brought about a great revolution in the field of communication. In a very short span of time, it has

linked together the whole world. In simple terms, internet means the connection of a large number of computers with one another. Now, through internet, almost all the computers of the world are interconnected with one another. Seen in this context, internet has transformed the world into a global village in real terms. Internet is replete with countless advantages. It has made possible man's access to countless websites, informative programmes, scientific discoveries, global, political, social, economic and cultural developments, world events and happenings, great libraries, treasures of kowledge, vast information and entertainement and much more. Then, internet is proving a low-cost source of chatting, communication and exchange of ideas and information. Through internet, a student can consult great libraries and scholars; a doctor can learn about advancement in medicines and surgery; an adventurer can explore the remote corners of the world, a job-seeker can observe jobadvertisements and an ambitious person can find his life partner also. Unfortunately, the wrong and corrupt use of internet has also made it a great curse and nuisance. Many people use internet for vulgar chatting, nude films and immoral programmes, in Pakistan, there is a mushroom growth of Net-Cafes and computer-centres where in specially designed

private cabines alongwith young boys and girls, elderly people and small children too are seen busy in doing vulgar chatting and watching immoral programmes. This thing not only destroys their moral character but also wastes most of their precious time. Moreover, it is playing havoc with all our religion, social, moral and cultural values. Then, internet is used to spread disinformation, rumors, sansational news, poisonous propa****a and computer virus. All this causes a large-scale harm. As internet has confined the people to fourwalls, healthful activities like sports, games, social gatherings, cultural activities, sharing of feelings, etc, are vanishing away rapidly. It is the crying need of the hour to put internet to right and wise use. No doubt, internet is indispensable these days but its wrong use is a total nuisance. Its wrong use must be discouraged. The government should impose a code of ethics on Net-Cafes and computer centres. Parents should keep a strict watch on their children in this respect. Strict action must be taken against the web-sites that spread disinformation, immorality, vulgarity and computer virus. Internet should only be used as a source of vast information, fast communication and positive entertainment. Its wise and proper use can make it a real blessing for one and all.

their disposal from experts. Internet can become a bane if it is used rationally and for good purposes.By using the internet excessively and doing chatting with some unknown people just for fun ,the youngsters may waste their valuable time and harm their eyesight.They may also indulge in... [continues]

This assignment will define what the internet is and will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of its use. The use of the internet has evolved into an everyday part of life and it is now difficult to imagine being without it. Since the beginning of the eighties the internet has become one of the most powerful communication tools invented and is described as the knowledge centre of the world. Social networking for example has become global. People are able to connect and interact socially with others quickly and cheaply making them closer than they were before. Information is the most important aspect to the internet. The use of search engines such as Google and Yahoo enable the access to worldwide unlimited information. Th e most widely used access point is Email; this is a common use of communication especially in business and study. The main advantage being that it is free and fast. The information available on the internet is vast, from on line banking to job seeking, insurance, utility bills, shopping on line, selling or buying unwanted commodities. Students and children are seen to be the top users of the internet. Parents are able to help their children with their homework as they can search the internet for majority of their information. The entertainment industry has become a large part of the internet and the downloading of games and music has become a major part of access for the younger generation. One of the biggest disadvantages to the internet has to be theft or spamming. The use of on line banking, social networking and other services such as shopping or selling on EBay all contribute to possible theft. Virus threats are also prominent; it is so easy to click on a harmless link if your computer isnt sufficient ly protected; this would result in the computer crashing and an expensive repair bill. Pornography and paedophiles preying on children has become one of the biggest disadvantages of the internet. The internet has encouraged... internet its uses and abuses Freedom of expression is a fundamental concept and an inalienable human right. Freedom of expression includes the right to freedom of speech and the right to seek, receive, and pass on information. These rights apply to minors as well as adults. Schools facilitate the exercise of these rights by providing access to information regardless of medium used. The Internet is a tool for life-long learning. It is a global communciations network connecting hundreds of thousands of computers and individuals throughout the world. It is essential to preparation of citizens and future employees in our society. Access to the internet enables students and faculty to explore thousands of libraries, databases, bulletin boards, and countless other diverse and unique resources while communicating and collaborating with people all over the globe. Our goal in providing this service is to promote educational excellence and improve student achievement. Our school expects that faculty will use the Internet in a way that complements curriculum and will provide guidance and instruction to students in its use. Internet resources will be evaluated prior to use as much as possible. However, students will have access to resources that have not been previewed by our staff and they will be given guidelines and resources that are appropriate to learning. Any person using school-provided Internet access is responsible for reading, understanding, and following the guidelines as described in this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Users are expected to exercise reasonable judgment in interpreting these guidelines and in making decisions about using school-provided Internet access. Any person with questions regarding our AUP should ask for clarification from a member of our faculty. Use of school-provided Internet access shall constitute acceptance of the terms of our AUP. Students must get permission from a member of our staff in order to have school-provided internet access. Students are responsible for good behavior on-line just

as they are on campus. The same general rules for behavior and communciation apply. Outside of school, parents are responsible for the same guidance of Internet use as they exercise with other forms of media. The purpose of school-provided Internet access is to aid communication in support of education and research. Internet access is a privilege, not a right. Users should not expect that files or messages stored on school computers be private. Any violation of this AUP may result in loss of school-provided Internet access. Additional disciplinary may be taken in accordance with the school's discipline policy. When and where applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved. You will not use or allow others to use the Internet Services: (i) to distribute material that is defamatory, abusive, menacing, threatening, harassing or illegal under any law at any place where transmissions are sent from, viewed or received; (ii) to transmit any unsolicited mail, advertising material or any other material of an offensive, obscene or indecent nature or otherwise contrary to law or an applicable code of conduct; (iii) to copy or distribute material where it has no right to do so (for example, someone else's copyrighted works or confidential information); (iv) to commit a crime or in the course of committing a crime or for an unlawful purpose; (v) to engage in any activities in such a manner as to expose us or an Other Supplier to liability; (vi) to do any act that may damage the network or systems or cause the quality of the internet Services to be impaired.

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