Jan1 11kuharchik Handbook Final

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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

[January 1st, 2011]

JANUARY 1, 2011 1

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

Employment-At-Will Notice



JANUARY 1, 2011 2

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

Table of Contents
EMPLOYMENT-AT-W LL NOT CE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" NT#OD$CT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! % Welcome to Kuharchik Construction ! "ission #tatement $ %&en 'oor (olicy $ Co)e o* Con)uct $ +,ual %&&ortunity #tatement #e.ual /arassment &ENE#AL WO#K AND EMPLOYMENT POL C E'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( 0mmi1ration 2a3 Com&liance 0ntro)uctory +4aluation (erio) 'ru1 5ree Work&lace 6 Atten)ance 6 (ersonnel 5iles 7 Work #che)ulin1 an) %4ertime 7 Cate1ories o* +m&loyment 7 Recor)in1 /ours Worke) 10 8reaks 10 PAY POL C E'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )* (ay (erio)s 10 (ay 'e)uctions 10 %4ertime 11 (er*ormance +4aluations 11 LEA+E O, AB'ENCE AND T ME O,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)) (ersonal 2ea4e 11 #ick 2ea4e 11 5amily 2ea4e 11 8erea4ement 2ea4e 19 /oli)ays 19 Jury 'uty 19 "ilitary 2ea4e 1: ;acation 1: N'$#ANCE AND BENE, T'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)+li1i<ility 1! C%8RA =Consoli)ate) %mni<us 8u)1et Reconciliation Act> 1! Retirement #a4in1s (lan 1! Workers? Com&ensation 1! 'A,ETY AND HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)% #a*ety (olicy 1! Work&lace ;iolence 1! Wea&ons 1$ 'omestic ;iolence 1$
JANUARY 1, 2011 9

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook



$'E O, COMPANY P#OPE#TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). +,ui&ment an) @ools 1$ 0nternet an) Com&uter Usa1e 1+lectronic "ail 16 @ele&hone #ystem 17 %**ice #u&&lies 17 D 'C PL NE AND TE#M NAT ON O, EMPLOYMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)/ ;oluntary @ermination 20 5inal (ay 20 M 'CELLANEO$' N,O#MAT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"* (ersonal 0n*ormation Chan1es 20 +.&ense Reim<ursement 20 #ECE PT O, EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") +m&loyee Ackno3le)1ement 21

JANUARY 1, 2011 :

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

Welcome to K23a0c3i4 Const02ction
Kuharchik Construction =Athe Com&anyB> has &re&are) this han)<ook to &ro4i)e you 3ith an o4er4ie3 o* the Com&any?s &olicies, <ene*its, an) rules PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY 0t is inten)e) to *amiliariCe you 3ith im&ortant in*ormation a<out the Com&any, as 3ell as &ro4i)e 1ui)elines *or your em&loyment e.&erience 3ith us in an e**ort to *oster a sa*e an) healthy 3ork en4ironment All &ersonnel &olicies are a con)ition o* em&loyment an) 3ill a&&ly in a))ition to any a&&lica<le la3s an) re1ulations 5or assistance or ,uestions re1ar)in1 any o* these han)<ook &olicies, you may contact Ro<ert 8resnahan Jr 4ia email at r<resnahanDkuharchik com or the %**ice "ana1er at !-0E$!:E9971 )urin1 hours o* o&erationF "on)ay throu1h 5ri)ayF 6 a m to !& m #atur)ayF close) #un)ayF close) 8usiness Contact 0n*ormationF (hone num<er !-0E$!:E9971 A))ressF :20 #chooley A4enue +.eter (A 16$:9 333 Kuharchik com

JANUARY 1, 2011 !

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

Mission 'tatement
%ur mission is to &ro4i)e ,uality &ro)ucts an) outstan)in1 ser4ice to our customers, to treat our customers an) em&loyees in a res&ect*ul an) *rien)ly manner, an) to <e a &ositi4e in*luence in the community We are )e)icate) to )e4elo&in1 our em&loyees &ersonally an) &ro*essionally %ur 1oal is to &ro4i)e a )ynamic 3ork en4ironment 3ith an o&&ortunity *or trainin1, e)ucation, an) 1ui)ance 3hene4er &ossi<le

Open Doo0 Policy

Kuharchik seeks to &ro4i)e a 3ork en4ironment that encoura1es )irect an) o&en communication <et3een em&loyees an) mana1ement 5or this reason, the Com&any has a)o&te) a *ormal o&en )oor &olicy We encoura1e o&en communication, *ee)<ack, an) )iscussion a<out any matter o* im&ortance to an em&loyee "ana1ement at Kuharchik maintains this o&en )oor &olicy an) is committe) to listenin1 an) res&on)in1 to you

$nion Employee5s
Kuharchik un)erstan)s that a maGority o* its 3ork *orce is *iel)e) <y Worker Unions When Union mem<ers are <ein1 em&loye) <y Kuharchik Construction, they are re,uire) to a<i)e <y Kuharchik Construction?s com&any &olicies )ictate) in this <ook as 3ell as their local union?s re1ulations Kuharchik 3ill acce&t union &olicies an) 1rant e.ce&tions 3hen )ictate) <y union &olicy

Pape0 Wo04
5oremen an) other )esi1nate) em&loyees are re,uire) to com&lete &a&er 3ork on a )aily <asis an) then )eli4er it to the o**ice 3eekly, 3ithout e.ce&tion +m&loyees 3ho )o not su<mit accurate an) com&lete &a&er 3ork on a timely <asis 3ill <e su<Gect to )isci&linary action an) coul) recei4e )ays o** W0@/%U@ (AY to account *or these actions @/+R+ 0# A H+R% @%2+RANC+ *or this ne1li1ent action 0* em&loyees ha4e any ,uestions on ho3 &a&er 3ork shoul) <e &ro&erly com&lete), &lease contact the o**ice imme)iately an) the necessary trainin1 3ill <e &ro4i)e) No3 3ith the issuance o* "o<ile Net <ook Com&uters, &a&er3ork can <e su<mitte) 4ia email (lease contact the o**ice *or *urther in*ormation re1ar)in1 this &rocess

Co1e of Con12ct
+m&loyees at Kuharchik must con)uct themsel4es at all times in an ethical an) &ro*essional manner @he Com&any co)e o* con)uct re,uires that em&loyees act 3ith honesty, inte1rity an) 1oo) Gu)1ment +ach em&loyee shoul) )emonstrate res&ect *or the ri1hts o* others Any inci)ent o* unethical or )ishonest <eha4ior shoul) <e re&orte) to your imme)iate su&er4isor All re&orts o* unethical <eha4ior 3ill <e in4esti1ate) thorou1hly 0* the alle1ation
JANUARY 1, 2011 $

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

is su<stantiate), mana1ement 3ill )etermine the a&&ro&riate )isci&linary action +m&loyees 3ho 4iolate ethical stan)ar)s may <e su<Gect to )isci&line, u& to an) inclu)in1 termination

E62al Oppo0t2nity 'tatement

Kuharchik is an +,ual %&&ortunity +m&loyer 0n)i4i)uals are hire) solely u&on the <asis o* their ,uali*ications an) a<ility to *ul*ill the re,uirements o* the Go< Kuharchik has an on1oin1 commitment to the creation o* a 3ork&lace *ree o* )iscrimination an) harassment All &olicies an) &ractices 3ill <e a)ministere) 3ithout re1ar) to race, color, cree), a1e, reli1ion, ancestry, national ori1in, se., marital status or )isa<ility We com&ly 3ith all local, state, an) *e)eral la3s &ertainin1 to em&loyment an) )iscrimination 3ill not <e tolerate) +4ery em&loyee an) mana1erIsu&er4isor has the res&onsi<ility to u&hol) this &olicy Any ,uestions or concerns re1ar)in1 any as&ect o* this &olicy shoul) <e )irecte) to the +,ual +m&loyment %&&ortunity %**icer, +))ie %?Neill

'e72al Ha0assment
Kuharchik is committe) to &ro4i)in1 a res&ect*ul, nonEhostile 3ork en4ironment #e.ual harassment is a *orm o* miscon)uct that un)ermines the 3ork&lace, 4iolates the res&ect *or *ello3 3orkers, lo3ers morale an) &ro)ucti4ity an) causes a<senteeism #e.ual harassment is )e*ine) as un3elcome se.ual a)4ances, re,uests *or se.ual *a4ors, an) other 4er<al or &hysical con)uct o* a se.ual nature 3hen this con)uct e.&licitly or im&licitly a**ects an in)i4i)ual?s em&loyment, unreasona<ly inter*eres 3ith an in)i4i)ual?s 3ork &er*ormance, or creates an intimi)atin1, hostile, or o**ensi4e 3ork en4ironment 0* you or a coE3orker has <een the su<Gect o* se.ual harassment, imme)iately re&ort the con)uct to your su&er4isor or to the %**ice "ana1er Kuharchik 3ill imme)iately ha4e the inci)ent in4esti1ate) A 3orker )etermine) to e.hi<it <eha4ior contri<utin1 to se.ual harassment o* anyone in the 3ork&lace 3ill <e su<Gect to )isci&linary action, inclu)in1 termination, 3ith or 3ithout notice

&ene0al Wo04 an1 Employment Policies

mmi80ation La9 Compliance
5e)eral 2a3 re,uires all em&loyees to &resent )ocumentation con*irmin1 their i)entity an) eli1i<ility to 3ork in the Unite) #tates Ne3 em&loyees an) reEhires must com&lete the 0E7 +m&loyment +li1i<ility ;eri*ication 5orm 3ithin three <usiness )ays o* their start )ate

nt0o12cto0y E:al2ation Pe0io1

JANUARY 1, 2011 -

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

All ne3 em&loyees are su<Gect to a 70E)ay intro)uctory &erio) Your &er*ormance 3ill <e care*ully e4aluate) )urin1 this &erio) At the en) o* the intro)uctory &erio), you may <e o**ere) a &osition as a re1ular *ullEtime or re1ular &artEtime em&loyee 0* your e4aluation is not satis*actory, your em&loyment 3ill <e terminate) @his &olicy in no 3ay alters the atE3ill em&loyment relationshi&F Kuharchik may en) the em&loyment relationshi& at any time )urin1 or a*ter the intro)uctory &erio)

D028 ,0ee Wo04place

Kuharchik is committe) to en*orcin1 a )ru1E*ree 3ork&lace en4ironment (ossession o* alcohol, ille1al )ru1s, or a controlle) su<stance is &rohi<ite) on com&any &ro&erty or in any location in 3hich the em&loyee re&resents the Com&any *or <usiness &ur&oses +m&loyees are e.&ecte) to re&ort to 3ork on time in a&&ro&riate mental an) &hysical con)ition @he unla3*ul manu*acturin1, )istri<ution, )is&ensation, &ossession or use o* a controlle) su<stance on com&any &remises or 3hile con)uctin1 com&any <usiness is a<solutely &rohi<ite) ;iolation can lea) to termination, 3ith or 3ithout notice, an) inci)ents can <e turne) o4er to the &ro&er authorities

Kuharchik e.&ects all em&loyees to con)uct themsel4es in a &ro*essional manner )urin1 their em&loyment @his inclu)es &racticin1 1oo) atten)ance ha<its All em&loyees shoul) re1ar) comin1 to 3ork on time, 3orkin1 their shi*t as sche)ule) an) lea4in1 at the sche)ule) time as essential *unctions o* their Go<s, i e , 1oo) atten)ance ha<its are an inte1ral &art o* e4ery em&loyee?s Go< )escri&tion Amon1 other thin1s, A1oo) atten)ance ha<itsB inclu)e the *ollo3in1F J J J J J J J J A&&earin1 *or 3ork no earlier than ! minutes &rior to the start o* the shi*t an) no later than the start o* the shi*tK 8ein1 at your 3ork station rea)y *or 3ork <y the start o* the shi*tK Remainin1 at your 3ork station unless the nee)s o* the Go< re,uire <ein1 else3here, e.ce&t )urin1 authoriCe) <reaks =inclu)in1 restroom <reaks>K @akin1 only the time normally allo3e) *or <reaksK Remainin1 at 3ork )urin1 your entire shi*t, unless e.cuse) <y a su&er4isor or mana1erK Not lea4in1 3ork until the sche)ule) en) o* your shi*t unless e.cuse) <y a su&er4isor or mana1erK 2ea4in1 &rom&tly at the en) o* your shi*t unless you ha4e <een 1i4en a)4ance &ermission <y your su&er4isor or mana1er to 3ork &ast that &ointK an) Callin1 in an) &ersonally noti*yin1 your su&er4isor or another mem<er o* mana1ement i* you are 1oin1 to <e either a<sent or tar)y, unless a 4eri*ia<le emer1ency makes it im&ossi<le *or you to )o so

Li4in1 Notice o* A<sence or @ar)iness Un)er some circumstances, an em&loyee?s a<sence or tar)iness may <e e.cuse), <ut only i* that em&loyee 1i4es &ro&er notice o* such a &ro<lem <e*ore the start o* their shi*t Kuharchik
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

nee)s a)4ance notice o* atten)ance &ro<lems so that other arran1ements can <e ma)e to co4er an em&loyee?s a<sence i* necessary A(ro&er noticeB means that the em&loyee 3ill call Kuharchik at a )esi1nate) tele&hone num<er &rior to the start o* the em&loyee?s shi*t an) &ersonally noti*y their su&er4isor or another mem<er o* mana1ement a<out the &ro<lem, unless a 4eri*ia<le emer1ency makes it im&ossi<le to )o so 0t is not su**icient to call in an) lea4e a messa1e 3ith a coE3orker or someone else that is not in a su&er4isory &osition %**ice sta** has <een instructe) to route all such calls to su&er4isory &ersonnel 0* you *ail to 1i4e &ro&er notice o* atten)ance &ro<lems in a)4ance as e.&laine) in this &olicy, you may <e su<Gect to )isci&linary action, u& to an) &ossi<ly inclu)in1 )ischar1e Jo< A<an)onment An a<sence o* t3o )ays in a ro3 3ithout callin1 in or returnin1 to 3ork 3ill <e consi)ere) Go< a<an)onment, an) Kuharchik 3ill &rocess your 3ork se&aration as a 4oluntary resi1nation on your &art

Pe0sonnel ,iles
+m&loyee &ersonnel *iles are con*i)ential an) are the &ro&erty o* Kuharchik Access to the in*ormation containe) 3ithin the *iles is restricte) to ,uali*ie) &ersonnel 3ho ha4e a le1itimate nee) to 4ie3 the in*ormation /o3e4er, 3ith reasona<le a)4ance notice, em&loyees may re4ie3 their &ersonnel *ile +m&loyees 3ho 3ish to re4ie3 their o3n *ile shoul) contact their su&er4isor or the Office Manager. Employment of #elati:es Kuharchik &ermits the em&loyment o* ,uali*ie) relati4es o* em&loyees as lon1 as such em&loyment )oes not, in the o&inion o* the Com&any, create actual con*licts o* interest @he )ecision to hire such an in)i4i)ual 3ill <e ma)e <y the %**ice "ana1er

Wo04 'c3e12lin8 an1 O:e0time

None.em&t em&loyees are not &ermitte) to 3ork more than :0 hours )urin1 a 3ork3eek unless the a))itional 3ork is or)ere) an) a&&ro4e) in a)4ance <y the su&er4isor 5rom time to time, o4ertime may <e re,uire) )ue to hi1h 3orkloa) )eman)s or to co4er un*oreseen a<sences, 3ith or 3ithout &rior notice When re,uire), o4ertime is man)atory an) is a con)ition o* your em&loyment 3hen a&&ro4e) /ourly em&loyees 3ho &er*orm o4ertime 3ork 3ill <e &ai) oneEan)EoneEhal* times their re1ular rate o* &ay *or e4ery hour 3orke) o4er :0 hours in a se4enE)ay 3ork3eek %4ertime &ay is <ase) only on hours actually 3orke) /oli)ays, 4acation, sick lea4e, Gury )uty, an) other hours &ai) <ut not 3orke) are not consi)ere) 3hen calculatin1 o4ertime

Cate8o0ies of Employment
5ullEtime em&loyees re1ularly 3ork at least a :0Ehour 3ork3eek (artEtime, re1ular em&loyees customarily 3ork 90 hours or more each 3eek (artEtime em&loyees 3ork less than 90 hours each 3eek
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

0n a))ition to the &rece)in1, em&loyees are also cate1oriCe) as Ae.em&tB or AnonEe.em&tBF +.em&t em&loyees are all *ullEtime or &artEtime &ro*essional em&loyees 3ho are &ai) on a salarie) <asis an) 3ho are not entitle) to o4ertime NonE+.em&t em&loyees are all *ullEtime, &artEtime, tem&orary, su&&lemental or seasonal em&loyees &ai) on an hourly <asis an) entitle) to o4ertime com&ensation un)er the 5air 2a<or #tan)ar)s Act

#eco01in8 Ho20s Wo04e1

All nonEe.em&t em&loyees are re,uire) to com&lete )aily time car)s in)icatin1 all hours 3orke) @ime car)s must <e turne) in to the o**ice 3eekly no later than 10F00 a m "on)ay *or the &re4ious 3eek 3orke) =or *irst 3ork )ay o* the 3eek *ollo3in1 a "on)ay /oli)ay> @his 3ill re,uire su<mission o* time car)s to su&er4isors in a)4ance to allo3 su&er4isors a)e,uate time to su<mit to the o**ice #u&er4isors ha4e authority to res&ecti4ely )e*ine an) )ictate Aa)e,uate timeB ;acation )ays, sick )ays, holi)ays, an) a<sences such as Gury )uty, must <e s&eci*ically note) on the time car)s *or )ays on 3hich they occur

2unch (erio)sF an un&ai) 1 hour lunch &erio) is &ro4i)e) in the mi))le o* an ei1htEhour 3ork)ay All em&loyees are re,uire) to take a lunch <reak an) no em&loyee is authoriCe) to &er*orm 3ork )urin1 the lunch &erio) unless a&&ro4e) <y their su&er4isor in a)4ance 2unch <reak sche)ules must <e a&&ro4e) <y your su&er4isor an) are 1enerally taken on a sta11ere) sche)ule so that your a<sence )oes not create a &ro<lem *or coE3orkers or customers Rest 8reaksF +m&loyees may take t3o &ai) 10Eminute rest <reaks in each com&lete 3ork)ayK one in the mornin1 an) the other in the a*ternoon +m&loyees are not allo3e) to accumulate rest <reaks an)Ior use them to e.ten) their lunch &erio) or shorten the 3ork)ay Rest <reaks 3ill <e sche)ule) <y your su&er4isor <ase) on the nee)s an) a&&lica<le state re1ulations

Pay Policies
Pay Pe0io1s
(aychecks are issue) each @hurs)ay (ay &erio)s start on #un)ay an) en) on #atur)ay 0* @hurs)ay is a /oli)ay, &aychecks 3ill <e )istri<ute) on the last 3ork)ay &rece)in1 the /oli)ay

Pay De12ctions
Kuharchik is re,uire) <y la3 to make certain )e)uctions *rom your &aycheck each &ay &erio) #uch )e)uctions ty&ically inclu)e *e)eral an) state ta.es an) #ocial #ecurity =50CA> ta.es All )e)uctions an) their res&ecti4e amounts are liste) on your &ay stu< @hese )e)uctions are totale) each year *or you on your 5orm WE2, Wa1e an) @a. #tatement
JANUARY 1, 2011 10

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

NonEe.em&t em&loyees 3ho &er*orm o4ertime 3ork 3ill <e &ai) oneEan)EoneEhal* times their re1ular rate o* &ay *or e4ery hour 3orke) o4er :0 hours in a se4enE)ay 3ork3eek %4ertime &ay is <ase) only on hours actually 3orke) /oli)ays, 4acation, sick lea4e, Gury )uty, an) other hours &ai) <ut not 3orke) are not consi)ere) 3hen calculatin1 o4ertime

Pe0fo0mance E:al2ations
+m&loyees 3ill ha4e their Go< &er*ormance re4ie3e) on a ran)om <asis @he &er*ormance e4aluation inter4ie3 is an o&&ortunity *or an em&loyee an) su&er4isor to esta<lish mutual un)erstan)in1 o* Go< stan)ar)s an) i)enti*y em&loyee )e4elo&ment o<Gecti4es Raises are not 1uarantee), <ut are at mana1ement?s )iscretion an) <ase) u&on a 4ariety o* *actors such as mana1ement?s assessment o* Go< &er*ormance as 3ell as economic or *inancial con)itions

Lea:e of Absence an1 Time Off

Kuharchik is committe) to assistin1 em&loyees, in res&onse to in)i4i)ual *amily situations, 3ith the o&&ortunity o* lea4es o* a<sence All re1ular *ullEtime em&loyees are eli1i<le *or &ai) or nonE&ai) lea4e o* a<sence a*ter com&letin1 a minimum o* 70 )ays o* continuous em&loyment 3ith Kuharchik Where the nee) *or lea4e is *oreseea<le, re,uests *or lea4e o* a<sence alon1 3ith su&&ortin1 )ocumentation shoul) <e su<mitte) in a)4ance *or a&&ro4al to the %**ice "ana1er

Pe0sonal Lea:e
(ersonal lea4e 3ithout &ay *or emer1encies or &ersonal nee)s 3ill <e consi)ere) *or em&loyees on an in)i4i)ual <asis +m&loyees must use all earne) unuse) 4acation time <e*ore an un&ai) &ersonal lea4e is authoriCe) 0* a &ersonal lea4e o* a<sence is 1rante), it is )one so solely at the )iscretion o* mana1ement A &ersonal lea4e o* a<sence may <e 1rante) *or u& to thirty =90> )ays unless re,uire) other3ise <y la3, such as in the case o* military ser4ice

'ic4 Lea:e
(ai) sick lea4e is a <ene*it &ro4i)e) to our em&loyees 3ho may <e una<le to 3ork )ue to illness or inGury Re1ular *ullEtime em&loyees accrue a total o* ! &ai) sick )ays &er year +ither *ull )ays or hal* )ays can <e use) All nonEe.em&t em&loyees 3ill <e &ai) 100M o* their hourly rate *or any unuse) sick time at the en) o* each year +m&loyees 3ill not <e com&ensate) *or accrue) or unuse) sick lea4e u&on se&aration *rom Kuharchik +m&loyees 3ho are una<le to re&ort to 3ork )ue to illness or inGury shoul) noti*y their imme)iate su&er4isor or the %**ice "ana1er <e*ore the sche)ule) start o* their 3ork)ay 3hene4er &ossi<le 0* an em&loyee is a<sent *or three or more consecuti4e )ays )ue to illness or inGury, a )octor?s certi*icate 3ill <e re,uire)

,amily Lea:e
JANUARY 1, 2011 11

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

@he 5e)eral 5amily an) "e)ical 2ea4e Act co4ers em&loyees at 3ork locations that em&loy !0 or more em&loyees Accor)in1 to the terms o* the Act, Kuharchik &ro4i)es u& to 12 3eeks o* un&ai) lea4e in a 12Emonth &erio) 5amily or me)ical lea4e can <e taken to care *or a seriouslyEill chil), s&ouse or &arent, *or the em&loyee?s o3n serious illness, or *or the <irth or a)o&tion o* a chil) @o <e eli1i<le, an em&loyee must ha4e 3orke) at least 1,2!0 hours 3ithin the 12Emonths imme)iately &rece)in1 the start o* the lea4e A ma.imum o* 12 3eeks o* 5amily an) "e)ical 2ea4e may <e taken &er year Consult the %**ice "ana1er *or *urther )etails re1ar)in1 a 5amily an) "e)ical 2ea4e o* A<sence

Mate0nity Lea:e Policy

1. General p l!"# 5emale em&loyees 3ith at least 12 months o* continuous ser4ice an) a minimum o* 1,2!0 hours 3orke) )urin1 that 12 month &erio) are entitle) to maternity lea4e Ma$ern!$# lea%e is un&ai) lea4e 3hich is a4aila<le *or a ma.imum &erio) o* 12 3eeks %ther ty&es o* lea4e can <e taken in conGunction 3ith maternity lea4e &ro4i)in1 the total &erio) o* a<sence )oes not e.cee) 1: 3eeks Commencement o* maternity lea4e an) return to 3ork is at the )iscretion o* the em&loyee &. Pr "e'(re ) $*!+ p l!"# A&&lications *or maternity lea4e shoul) inclu)e &ersonal )etails, a me)ical certi*icate )etailin1 the e.&ecte) )ate o* con*inement or <irth, &ro&ose) commencement )ate an) )uration o* lea4e A)4ice as to 3hether su&erannuation &ayments 3ill continue shoul) <e 1i4en <y the em&loyee Where the &re1nancy is terminate) other than <y <irth o* a li4in1 chil) an) the em&loyee has not commence) maternity lea4e, her entitlement to such lea4e ceases to e.ist /o3e4er, an em&loyee may <e entitle) to s&ecial maternity lea4e, as s&eci*ie) <y her )octor, i* the &re1nancy has e.ten)e) <eyon) 26 3eeks, an) is terminate) other than <y <irth o* a li4in1 chil) 'etails o* return to 3ork )ate must <e 1i4en *our 3eeks in a)4ance @he em&loyee is entitle) to return to the &osition hel) &rior to takin1 maternity lea4e or to an alternati4e &osition o* com&ara<le status an) &ay 1. General p l!"# 5emale em&loyees 3ith at least 12 months o* continuous ser4ice an) a minimum o* 1,2!0 hours 3orke) )urin1 that 12 month &erio) are entitle) to maternity lea4e Ma$ern!$# lea%e is un&ai) lea4e 3hich is a4aila<le *or a ma.imum &erio) o* 12 3eeks %ther ty&es o* lea4e can <e taken in conGunction 3ith maternity lea4e &ro4i)in1 the total &erio) o* a<sence )oes not e.cee) 1: 3eeks Commencement o* maternity lea4e an) return to 3ork is at the )iscretion o* the em&loyee
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

&. Pr "e'(re ) $*!+ p l!"# A&&lications *or maternity lea4e shoul) inclu)e &ersonal )etails, a me)ical certi*icate )etailin1 the e.&ecte) )ate o* con*inement or <irth, &ro&ose) commencement )ate an) )uration o* lea4e A)4ice as to 3hether su&erannuation &ayments 3ill continue shoul) <e 1i4en <y the em&loyee Where the &re1nancy is terminate) other than <y <irth o* a li4in1 chil) an) the em&loyee has not commence) maternity lea4e, her entitlement to such lea4e ceases to e.ist /o3e4er, an em&loyee may <e entitle) to s&ecial maternity lea4e, as s&eci*ie) <y her )octor, i* the &re1nancy has e.ten)e) <eyon) 26 3eeks, an) is terminate) other than <y <irth o* a li4in1 chil) 'etails o* return to 3ork )ate must <e 1i4en *our 3eeks in a)4ance @he em&loyee is entitle) to return to the &osition hel) &rior to takin1 maternity lea4e or to an alternati4e &osition o* com&ara<le status an) &ay

Be0ea:ement Lea:e
Kuharchik 3ill &ro4i)e u& to 2 )ays o* &ai) <erea4ement lea4e *or an em&loyee u&on the )eath o* an imme)iate *amily mem<er 5or &ur&oses o* this &olicy, Aimme)iate *amilyB is )e*ine) as the em&loyee?s or the em&loyee?s s&ouse?s &arents, si<lin1s, chil)ren, 1ran)&arents, 1ran)chil)ren, the em&loyee?s s&ouse, or any other relati4e 3ho resi)es in the em&loyee?s househol) 0* a))itional time is re,ueste) an) a&&ro4e) <y the su&er4isor, the em&loyee may take 4acation )ays or un&ai) lea4e All re,uests *or 8erea4ement 2ea4e shoul) <e )irecte) to your su&er4isor or the %**ice "ana1er

Kuharchik o**ers se4en &ai) holi)ays each year to eli1i<le em&loyeesF Ne3 Year?s 'ay "emorial 'ay 5ourth o* July 2a<or 'ay @hanks1i4in1 'ay a*ter @hanks1i4in1 Christmas

When a holi)ay *alls on a 3eeken), Kuharchik 3ill )esi1nate either the 5ri)ay &rece)in1 or "on)ay *ollo3in1 as the o<ser4e) holi)ay

;20y D2ty
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

+m&loyees 3ho are calle) *or Gury )uty 3ill <e 1rante) time o** 3ithout &ay to &er*orm their ci4ic )uty Noti*y your su&er4isor as soon as &ossi<le i* you recei4e a Gury )uty summons 0* chosen to sit on a Gury, imme)iately in*orm your su&er4isor ho3 lon1 the trial is e.&ecte) to last @herea*ter, you are re,uire) to re1ularly check in 3ith your su&er4isor to kee& the Com&any u&)ate) as to the e.&ecte) )ate o* your return to 3ork

Milita0y Lea:e
Kuharchik 3ill 1rant em&loyees calle) into military ser4ice an un&ai) lea4e o* a<sence an) reem&loyment ri1hts as re,uire) <y state an) *e)eral la3 +m&loyees on military lea4e may, at their o&tion, use any or all accrue) &ai) 4acation or &ersonal lea4e )urin1 their a<sence <ut there is no re,uirement to )o so

Kuharchik o**ers &ai) 4acation to eli1i<le em&loyees to &ro4i)e them 3ith o&&ortunities *or rest, rela.ation, or to atten) to &ersonal matters All re1ular *ullEtime em&loyees are entitle) to 4acation 3ith &ay in accor)ance 3ith the *ollo3in1 sche)uleF Years o* +m&loyment 1E! Years $E10 Years 11N Years ;acation Accrual ! )ays &er year 10 )ays &er year 1! )ays &er year

All )ays are accrue) on a monthly <asis, <ut can <e taken in a)4ance *or the current year 3ith the sti&ulation that i* em&loyment is terminate), any )ays use) <ut not accrue) must <e &ai) <ack or )e)ucte) *rom *inal &ay 2imit on ;acation Accrual ;acation may <e taken in *ull or hal* )ays, <ut in all cases must <e &resche)ule) an) &rea&&ro4e) <y your su&er4isor at a rate o* 1 3eek in a)4ance *or each )ay re,ueste) +.ce&tions to this re,uirement may <e consi)ere) on a case <y case <asis 0n a))ition, a 4acation re,uest *orm must <e *ille) out an) si1ne) <y the su&er4isor or %**ice "ana1er ;acation sche)ule re,uests 3ill <e consi)ere) in li1ht o* the e.&ecte) 3orkloa) an) a4aila<ility o* sta**, es&ecially )urin1 holi)ay &erio)s Kuharchik reser4es the ri1ht to )eny 4acation re,uest

ns20ance an1 Benefits

As &art o* our on1oin1 commitment to our em&loyees an) their 3ellE<ein1, 3e &ro4i)e em&loyees the o&&ortunity to &artici&ate in a 4ariety o* <ene*it &lans @he <ene*its liste) in this han)<ook are meant to <e a 1eneral )escri&tion only Com&lete )etails are &ro4i)e) in the o**icial &lan )ocuments *or each o* the <ene*it &lans o**ere) Kuharchik reser4es the ri1ht to mo)i*y or eliminate <ene*its, in 3hole or in &art, 3ithout notice Contact the %**ice "ana1er *or )etails a<out these <ene*its

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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

%nly e.em&t em&loyees are eli1i<le *or <ene*its a*ter com&letin1 a minimum 8ene*its are 1enerally e**ecti4e on a case <y case <asis 0n a))ition, <ene*its are 1enerally e**ecti4e on the )ate o* hire /ealth insurance *or em&loyees is a4aila<le to em&loyees that ,uali*y A))itional mem<ers coul) <e a))e) at no a))itional cost to Kuharchik

COB#A <Consoli1ate1 Omnib2s B218et #econciliation Act=

Continue) co4era1e un)er Kuharchik?s 1rou& me)ical &lan *ollo3in1 termination o* em&loyment may <e a4aila<le to you or your ,uali*ie) <ene*iciaries un)er a&&lica<le la3 @he cost o* co4era1e is &ai) solely <y the *ormer em&loyee an) may <e su<Gect to an a)ministrati4e *ee

#eti0ement 'a:in8s Plan

Policy #1F Kuharchik em&loyees ha4e the o&&ortunity to &artici&ate in a 4oluntary :01=k> retirement &lan, 3hich allo3s em&loyees to sa4e a &ortion o* their com&ensation *or retirement Ouestions re1ar)in1 the :01k &ro1rams shoul) <e )irecte) to the %**ice "ana1er

Wo04e0s5 Compensation
Kuharchik &ro4i)es 3orkers? com&ensation insurance at no cost to its em&loyees #u<Gect to a&&lica<le le1al re,uirements, 3orker?s com&ensation 3ill &ay *or me)ical care an) lost 3a1es resultin1 *rom Go<Erelate) illnesses or inGuries All em&loyees are e.&ecte) to return to 3ork imme)iately u&on me)ical release <y their treatin1 &hysician 0* you sustain an acci)ent or inGury 3hile on the Go<, imme)iately noti*y your su&er4isor

'afety an1 Healt3

'afety Policy
Kuharchik takes em&loyee sa*ety 4ery seriously We 3ill make e4ery e**ort to &ro4i)e a sa*e en4ironment in 3hich to 3ork in accor)ance 3ith the %ccu&ational #a*ety an) /ealth Act o* 17-0 +m&loyees are e.&ecte) to take an acti4e &art in maintainin1 this en4ironment <y o<ser4in1 all sa*ety rules, an) to kee& the 3ork &lace clean an) neat (lease re&ort all inGuries =no matter ho3 minor> to your su&er4isor imme)iately, as 3ell as anythin1 that nee)s re&air or is a sa*ety haCar)

Wo04place +iolence
Kuharchik strictly &rohi<its use o* 4iolence or threats o* 4iolence in the 3ork&lace an) 4ie3s such actions 4ery seriously Any em&loyee 3ho contri<utes to any *orm o* 4iolence 3ill <e su<Gect to )isci&linary action, inclu)in1 termination ;iolent or threatenin1 <eha4ior must <e re&orte) imme)iately to a su&er4isor
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

0t is the &olicy o* Kuharchik that no 1uns an)Ior 3ea&ons o* any kin) are allo3e) on the Com&any &remises or in any location in 3hich the em&loyee re&resents the Com&any *or <usiness &ur&oses Wea&ons inclu)e 1uns, kni4es, e.&losi4es, or any other o<Gect 1enerally consi)ere) to <e a 3ea&on an) 3hose &ur&ose is to cause harm to another &erson +m&loyees 3ho 4iolate this &olicy 3ill <e su<Gect to )isci&linary actions, u& to an) inclu)in1 em&loyment termination

Domestic +iolence
'omestic 4iolence is a serious &ro<lem that a)4ersely a**ects the 3ellE<ein1 an) &ro)ucti4ity o* all em&loyees 3ho are 4ictims, as 3ell as their coE3orkers Kuharchik 3ill assist em&loyees 3ho are 4ictims o* )omestic 4iolence an) 3ill take measures to create a sa*e 3orkin1 en4ironment *or them All sensiti4e in*ormation 3ill <e ke&t con*i)ential to maintain res&ect *or the &ri4acy o* the re&ortin1 em&loyee=s>

Kuharchik?s &olicy is to &ro4i)e a sa*e an) healthy 3ork en4ironment *or our em&loyees an) customers Accor)in1ly, smokin1 is not allo3e) in com&any <uil)in1s or 3ithin 20 *eet o* all e.terior entrance3ays +m&loyees may smoke on sche)ule) <reaks or )urin1 meal times, as lon1 as they )o so outsi)e the <uil)in1 in )esi1nate) areas Ci1arette <utts an) other materials relate) to to<acco use must <e )is&ose) o* in )esi1nate) containers

$se of Company P0ope0ty

E62ipment an1 Tools
E,(!p-en$ @he use o* Kuharchik Construction e,ui&ment is to <e use) solely *or the use o* Kuharchik Construction?s Go<s 0t is the res&onsi<ility o* the o&erator to *ill out the e,ui&ment checklist &rior to o&eration 0* there is not a checklist &resent, a 4isual check must <e &er*orme) 8y o&eratin1 a &iece o* e,ui&ment, an em&loyee ackno3le)1es that the &iece o* e,ui&ment is *it *or sa*e an) &ro&er o&eration on the Go< Checks are to <e &er*orme) on each an) e4ery &iece o* e,ui&ment &rior to each use 0tems nee)e) to <e checke) inclu)e, <ut are not limite) to 1as le4el, oil le4el an) con)ition, &ro&er in*lation o* tires, lu<ricants, 1rease, <elts, an) any other <asic maintenance items re,uire) *or each 1i4en &iece o* e,ui&ment 0t is the res&onsi<ility o* the o&erator an) *oreman to ensure that the &iece o* e,ui&ment is in &ro&er 3orkin1 con)ition 0* a &iece o* e,ui&ment is not &ro&erly checke) <e*ore use, an) )ama1e occurs as the result o* this ne1li1ence, the o&erator o* that &articular &iece o* e,ui&ment 3ill <e su<Gect to )isci&linary action A *irst o**ense 3ill <e issue) a 4er<al 3arnin1, *ollo3e) <y 3ritten 3arnin1, or sus&ension 3ithout &ay in or)er to hel& *inancially re&lace the )ama1e) e,ui&ment @he *oreman 3ill also <e hel)
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

accounta<le to make sure that all o&erators are correctly carin1 *or the e,ui&ment Kuharchik Construction reser4es the ri1ht to im&ose &enalties on em&loyees 3ho misuse e,ui&ment Kuharchik e,ui&ment is strictly *or the use o* Kuharchik Construction 0nc em&loyees Kuharchik 3ill assume no res&onsi<ility *or any in)i4i)uals usin1 e,ui&ment 3ho are not em&loyees o* the com&any Use o* the any e,ui&ment outsi)e o* 3ork hours is &rohi<ite) Any misuse or )e4iation *rom sa*e o&eratin1 &roce)ures 3ill not <e co4ere) <y Kuharchik Construction 0nc or its insurance in the e4ent o* an acci)ent P .er T l+ All em&loyees must )eclare 3hat tools <elon1in1 to Kuharchik they ha4e in their &ossession @his 1oes *or all o* the han)hel) &o3er tools, 1enerators, sa3s, etc Kuharchik Construction 3ill not <e hel) res&onsi<le *or the*t or loss o* tools 0nsurance 3ill not co4er the*t o* tools *rom em&loyee?s homes 0* an em&loyee *eels they cannot a)e,uately house e,ui&ment, it shoul) <e store) in the 3arehouse 3here it can <e &icke) u& an) )ro&&e) o** each 3ork)ay With this ne3 system, the in)i4i)ual assi1ne) to that s&eci*ic &iece o* e,ui&ment 3ill <e lia<le *or its sa*ekee&in1 0n the e4ent that the tool is loane) to another em&loyee, it is the res&onsi<ility o* the loaner to )eclare its current location 3ith the o**ice 0* a tool is lost it is the res&onsi<ility o* its last kno3n hol)er 0n the e4ent o* a tool <ein1 loane), it is im&erati4e that <oth &arties =loaner an) <orro3er> re&ort the status o* the tool 5oreman 3ill o4ersee transitions o* these tools as illustrate) in the 5orman 'uties an) Res&onsi<ilities te.t

nte0net an1 Comp2te0 $sa8e

@he use o* Kuharchik automation systems, inclu)in1 com&uters, *a. machines an) all *orms o* 0nternetI0ntranet access, is *or com&any <usiness an) is to <e use) *or authoriCe) &ur&oses only 8rie* an) occasional &ersonal use o* the electronic mail system or the 0nternet is acce&ta<le as lon1 as it is not e.cessi4e or ina&&ro&riate, occurs )urin1 &ersonal time =lunch or other <reaks, or <e*ore or a*ter re1ular 3ork hours>, an) )oes not result in e.&ense to the Com&any Use is )e*ine) as Ae.cessi4eB i* it inter*eres 3ith normal Go< )uties, res&onsi4eness, or the a<ility to &er*orm )aily Go< acti4ities All automation systems are com&any resources an) are &ro4i)e) as <usiness communications tools +lectronic communication shoul) not <e use) to solicit or sell &ro)ucts, )istract coE3orkers, or )isru&t the 3ork&lace Use o* Kuharchik com&uters, net3orks an) 0nternet access is a &ri4ile1e 1rante) <y mana1ement an) may <e re4oke) at any time *or ina&&ro&riate con)uct inclu)in1, <ut not limite) toF J J J J J J J #en)in1 chain lettersK +n1a1in1 in &ri4ate or &ersonal <usiness acti4itiesK "isre&resentin1 onesel* or the Com&anyK +n1a1in1 in unla3*ul or malicious acti4itiesK Usin1 a<usi4e, &ro*ane, threatenin1, racist, se.ist or other3ise o<Gectiona<le lan1ua1e in either &u<lic or &ri4ate messa1esK #en)in1, recei4in1 or accessin1 &orno1ra&hic materialsK 8ecomin1 in4ol4e) in &artisan &oliticsK

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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook


Causin1 con1estion, )isru&tion, )isa<lement, alteration or im&airment o* com&any net3orks or systemsK 'o3nloa)in1 so*t3areK Usin1 recreational 1amesK an)Ior 'e*eatin1 or attem&tin1 to )e*eat security restrictions on com&any systems an) a&&lications

Usin1 com&any automation systems to create, 4ie3, transmit or recei4e racist, se.ist, threatenin1 or other3ise o<Gectiona<le or ille1al material is strictly &rohi<ite) A"aterialB is )e*ine) as any 4isual, te.tual or au)itory entry Unless s&eci*ically 1rante) in this &olicy, any nonE<usiness use o* the Com&any?s automation systems is e.&ressly *or<i))en ;iolations o* these &olicies coul) su<Gect an em&loyee to )isci&linary action u& to an) inclu)in1 termination 0nternetI0ntranet #ecurity Kuharchik o3ns the ri1hts to all )ata an) *iles in any in*ormation system use) in the Com&any 0nternet use is not con*i)ential an) no ri1hts to &ri4acy e.ist We reser4e the ri1ht to monitor 0nternetI0ntranet usa1e, <oth as it occurs an) in the *orm o* account histories an) their content We also ha4e the ri1ht to ins&ect any an) all *iles store) in &ri4ate areas o* the net3ork in or)er to assure com&liance 3ith &olicy an) state an) *e)eral la3s @he Com&any has taken necessary actions to assure the sa*ety an) security o* our net3ork Any em&loyee 3ho attem&ts to )isa<le, )e*eat or circum4ent com&any security measures is su<Gect to )isci&linary action u& to an) inclu)in1 )ismissal Com&uter so*t3are Kuharchik has license) the use o* certain commercial so*t3are a&&lication &ro1rams *or <usiness &ur&oses @hir) &arties retain the o3nershi& an) )istri<ution ri1hts to such so*t3are No em&loyee may create, use or )istri<ute co&ies o* such so*t3are that are not in com&liance 3ith the license a1reements *or the so*t3are

Elect0onic Mail
@he email system is inten)e) *or o**icial com&any <usiness an) is to <e use) *or authoriCe) &ur&oses only 8rie* an) occasional &ersonal use o* the electronic mail system or the 0nternet is acce&ta<le as lon1 as it is not e.cessi4e or ina&&ro&riate an) occurs )urin1 &ersonal time only Any em&loyee 3ho a<uses this &ri4ile1e 3ill <e su<Gect to )isci&linary action Any +lectronic "ail "essa1es sent or recei4e) 3ill <e &ercei4e) as i* you 3ere tol) it in &erson +mail (ri4acy Kuharchik o3ns the ri1hts to all )ata an) *iles in any com&uter, net3ork or other in*ormation system use) in the Com&any We also reser4e the ri1ht to monitor electronic mail messa1es an) their content +m&loyees must <e a3are that the email messa1es that they sen) an) recei4e usin1 com&any e,ui&ment are not &ri4ate an) are su<Gect to 4ie3in1, )o3nloa)in1, ins&ection, release an) archi4in1 <y com&any o**icials at all times No em&loyee may access another em&loyee?s com&uter, com&uter *iles or electronic mail messa1es 3ithout &rior authoriCation *rom either the em&loyee or an a&&ro&riate com&any o**icial Lui)elines *or +mail Writin1
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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

+m&loyees are e.&ecte) to communicate 3ith courtesy an) restraint 3ith <oth internal an) e.ternal reci&ients +lectronic mail shoul) re*lect the &ro*essionalism o* the Com&any an) shoul) not inclu)e lan1ua1e that coul) <e construe) as &ro*ane, )iscriminatory, o<scene, se.ually harassin1, threatenin1 or retaliatory Al3ays use s&ellEcheck or &roo* rea) emailsK ty&o1ra&hical or 1rammatical errors an) miss&elle) 3or)s are unacce&ta<le +m&loyees shoul) remem<er that email is a *orm o* <usiness communication an) the lan1ua1e they use shoul) re*lect that *act at all times 0t is recommen)e) that usin1 all ca&ital letters, shorthan), i)ioms, un*amiliar acronyms an) slan1 <e a4oi)e) 3hen usin1 electronic mail as these ty&es o* messa1es are )i**icult to rea) +lectronic "ail @am&erin1 +lectronic mail messa1es recei4e) shoul) not <e altere) 3ithout the sen)er?s &ermission, nor shoul) electronic mail <e altere) an) *or3ar)e) to another user an)Ior unauthoriCe) attachments <e &lace) on another?s electronic mail messa1e

Telep3one 'ystem
Kuharchik?s tele&hone system is *or <usiness &ur&oses only Althou1h the occasional use o* tele&hones *or &ersonal reasons may <e necessary, em&loyees are e.&ecte) to kee& them <rie* With the e.ce&tion o* emer1ency calls, all &ersonal calls are not to <e ma)e *rom cellular &hones Kuharchik issue) cellular )e4ices are to <e use) strictly *or Kuharchik Construction acti4ities No lon1 )istance calls are &ermitte) on com&any &hones unless they are strictly <usiness relate) +.tensi4e &ersonal use o* com&any &hones is 1roun)s *or )isci&line

Office '2pplies
(osta1e, shi&&in1 an) o**ice su&&lies &ai) *or <y the Com&any are *or <usiness &ur&oses only an) shoul) not <e taken <y any em&loyee *or &ersonal use 0m&ro&er use or the*t o* com&any e,ui&ment or su&&lies is 1roun)s *or )isci&linary action, u& to an) inclu)in1 termination

Discipline an1 Te0mination of Employment

All em&loyees are e.&ecte) to meet Kuharchik?s stan)ar)s o* 3ork &er*ormance an) con)uct When an em&loyee )e4iates *rom these rules an) stan)ar)s, 3e reser4e the ri1ht to take correcti4e action 0n*ractions that may result in )isci&line inclu)e, <ut are not limite) to, &er*ormanceErelate) &ro<lems, 4iolations o* Kuharchik?s rules an) &olicies, an) <eha4ior that Kuharchik )eems unacce&ta<le 'e&en)in1 u&on the *acts an) circumstances, )isci&linary actions may inclu)e counselin1 sessions, 4er<al 3arnin1s, 3ritten 3arnin1s, *ines, sus&ension or &ro<ation, or termination @he )isci&linary &rocess 3ill <e )etermine) <y mana1ement in li1ht o* the *acts an) circumstances o* each case We reser4e the ri1ht to alter the or)er o* )isci&linary action )escri<e) a<o4e, eliminate )isci&linary ste&s, or to im&lement ne3 )isci&linary measures We may also imme)iately terminate em&loyment <ase) on certain &olicy 4iolations, the seriousness o* the em&loyee?s miscon)uct, an) the em&loyee?s &ast recor)

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Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

Con)uct that may result in imme)iate termination inclu)esF insu<or)inate <eha4ior, the*t, )estruction o* com&any &ro&erty, untruth*ulness a<out &ersonal <ack1roun), )ru1 or alcohol a<use, or threats o* 4iolence @hese are some e.am&les, <ut not a com&lete list o* o**enses *or 3hich an em&loyee may <e su<Gect to imme)iate )ismissal

+ol2nta0y Te0mination
As an atE3ill em&loyee, you ha4e the ri1ht to resi1n at any time *or any reason /o3e4er, Kuharchik re,uests t3o 3eek?s notice o* resi1nation to minimiCe )isru&tion o* 3ork %n the last )ay o* em&loyment you 3ill <e re,uire) to surren)er all com&any &ro&erty (rior to )e&arture, you may <e aske) to &artici&ate in an e.it inter4ie3

,inal Pay
@erminate) em&loyees 3ill recei4e all com&ensation to 3hich they are entitle), inclu)in1 accrue) <ut unuse) 4acation &ay +m&loyees 3ho are terminate) in4oluntarily 3ill recei4e their *inal &aycheck 0* an em&loyee 4oluntarily ,uits or resi1ns, all 3a1es are &aya<le 3hen a&&ro&riate

Miscellaneo2s nfo0mation
Pe0sonal nfo0mation C3an8es
+m&loyees are res&onsi<le *or &rom&tly noti*yin1 the %**ice "ana1er o* any chan1e in their &ersonal in*ormation @his inclu)es a))ress, tele&hone num<er, marital status, name chan1e, citiCenshi&, ta. 3ithhol)in1 allo3ances, emer1ency contact in*ormation, insurance <ene*iciary, or )e&en)ent insurance co4era1e Chan1es in &ersonal )ata may a**ect em&loyee <ene*its, makin1 it im&erati4e to &rom&tly re&ort any such chan1es

E7pense #eimb20sement
Kuharchik 3ill reim<urse em&loyees *or reasona<le &reEa&&ro4e) <usiness e.&enses All e.&enses must <e su<mitte) on the re,uire) e.&ense *orm an) <e a&&ro4e) <y your su&er4isor &rior to su<mittin1 a re,uest *or reim<ursement (ersonal e.&enses 3ill not <e reim<urse) Recei&ts *or all <usiness e.&enses must <e inclu)e) 3ith the res&ecti4e e.&ense *orm

Pe0sonal P0ope0ty
Kuharchik )oes not assume res&onsi<ility *or any &ersonal &ro&erty locate) on its &remises, in its 4ehicles, on its Go< sites or in its &arkin1 areas +m&loyees are to use their o3n )iscretion 3hen choosin1 to <rin1 &ersonal &ro&erty to the 3ork&lace an) )o so at their o3n risk

JANUARY 1, 2011 20

Kuharchik Construction Incorporated Employee Handbook

#eceipt of Employee Han1boo4

Employee Ac4no9le18ement
@he em&loyee ackno3le)1es that u&on noti*ication an) recei&t o* &aycheck they are a3are o* the Kuharchik Construction 0nc Com&any /an)<ook @his acce&tance means that all em&loyees ha4e recei4e) an) rea) a co&y o* the Kuharchik Construction?s +m&loyee /an)<ook 3hich outlines the &olicies, <ene*its an) e.&ectations o* Kuharchik Construction, inclu)in1 my res&onsi<ilities as an em&loyee 0t is also un)erstoo) that this han)<ook is a 1eneral 1ui)e an) )oes not constitute an em&loyment a1reement or a 1uarantee to continue) em&loyment, an) that the em&loyer reser4es the ri1ht to make chan1es to this han)<ook at any time 3ithout &rior notice +m&loyees *urther ackno3le)1e that my em&loyment is at 3ill +m&loyees un)erstan) that they ha4e the ri1ht to terminate the em&loyment relationshi& at any time an) *or any reason, 3ith or 3ithout cause or notice, an) that the Com&any reser4es the same ri1ht

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