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Metaphysics: Metaphysics is materially identical to philosophy itself.

The term and concept of philosophy was born in the socratic circle and perhaps a little earlier in pythagorean world, to designate the attitude of men searching for supreme utimate wisdom. Metaphysics provides the precise characteristics of that untimateness for with philosophy serches, in general term metaphysics is the real defination of philosohpy. Metaphysics consists of 2words meta and physics. Meta means the metaphysics aims toward something that is beyond, a radical ultimateness. It means to transcend, to be beyond. To understand beyond, let us understand obvious. It comes from the latin word obviam ire coming to meet us, appear on our way. Obvious is something wat one encounters on the way towards something. Therefore, to explain the term beuong consists in explaning the obvious , the beyond for which, metaphysics reaches. Wat is obvious is the list of things man wncounters and to proceed beyond is to proceed to other things that are not obvious. Eg electron. There is much deeper understanding, there are things we do not perceive directly not because they ar ultra obvious, that which is further obvious, beyond direct encounter but precisely the opposite, because they ar something that is in every perception and in each thing. They are consitutively inscribed in the obvious. They lack the minimum opacity necessary for us to encounter them, it is diaphanous. It is too obvious that in its very diaphaneity we do not perceive it. Diaphanous is transendental , not in the sense that it is something very important, but in the sense that it transcends in one form or another those that are obvious, without however being outside of obvious things. It is transperant, and makes it possible to see whatever is ther in the other side. The difficulty of pursuing the disaphanous is partly due to us, since we pursue things other than the diaphanous; but it is also in things themselves in asmuchas they akk involvethis dimension of diaphaneity. Aristotle told us that the difficulties of knowledge are partly in things and partly with us. in the same manner as it is with bats eyes with respect to the midday light, so it is with the intellect of our soul with respect to those things which are the mosat visible in the world. Metaphysics does not pretend to take is out of things, but to keep us in them to make us see the diaphanous, which is not obvious not because it is not in thingsm but because it is wat is most obvious abot them. It is knowledge of the diaphanous. Diaphaneous is something that is in all things; but if we do not perceive or do not think of this moment whereby things simpleare it is because this is so diaphanous that instead we only think about wat things are. Now let us understand physical. This term can be translated as such as they are that they are is precisely wat constitutes metaphysics. Metaphysics is a transcending, that is a proceeding beyond things

such as they are towards the diaphanous, without which we could not even begin to talk about thiings such as they are.

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