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Hijras, (Hindi:

, Urdu:

, Bengali:

, Kannada:

, Telugu:


) are

also known as chhakka in Kannada and Bambaiya Hindi, khusra (

) in Punjabi and kojja in Telugu.

"Hijra", as with many aforementioned terms is one of the many terms in the culture of South Asia used to refer individuals who consider themselves as transexual or transgender.[1][2] Transgender people are also known as Aravani, Aruvani or Jagappa in other areas of India.[3] It is a common misconception within the South Asians and lack of respect for wanting to understand the transgender community, at the expense of transgender rights, that they assume hijras are "only men who have feminine gender identity, adopt feminine gender roles and wear women's clothing". When, in reality the community is diverse.[4] In Pakistan, the hijras identify themselves as either female, male, or third gender. The term more commonly advocated by social workers and transgender community themselves is, 'khwaaja sira' (Urdu: ) , and can identify themselves as transexual person, transgender person (khusras), cross-dressers (zenanas) and eunuchs (narnbans).[5][6] Hijras have a long-recorded history in the Indian subcontinent, from antiquity, as suggested by the Kama Sutra period, onwards. This history features a number of well-known roles within subcontinental cultures, part gender-liminal, part spiritual, and part survival. In South Asia, many hijras live in well-defined and organized all-hijra communities, led by a guru.[7][8] These communities have sustained themselves over generations by "adopting" young boys who are rejected by, or flee their family of origin.[9] Many work as sex workers for survival.[10] The word "hijra" is a Urdu-Hindustani word derived from the Semitic Arabic root hjr in its sense of "leaving one's tribe,"[11] and has been borrowed into Hindi. The Indian usage has traditionally been translated into English as "eunuch" or "hermaphrodite," where "the irregularity of the male genitalia is central to the definition."[12] However, in general hijras are born with typically male physiology, only a few having been born with male intersex variations.[13] Some Hijras undergo an initiation rite into the hijra community called nirwaan, which refers to the removal of penis, testicles and scrotum.[10] Since the late 20th century, some hijra activists and Western non-government organizations (NGOs) have been lobbying for official recognition of the hijra as a kind of "third sex" or "third gender," as neither man nor woman.[14] Hijras have successfully gained this recognition in Bangladesh and are eligible for priority in education.[15] Contents [hide] 1 Terminology 2 Gender and sexuality 3 Social status and economic circumstances 4 Language 5 In South Asian politics

6 History 7 In religion 7.1 Hijras and Bahuchara Mata 7.2 Hijras and Lord Shiva 7.3 Hijras in the Ramayana 7.4 Hijras in the Mahabharata 7.5 Hijras in Islam 8 In films and literature 8.1 Documentaries 9 See also 10 Footnotes 11 Bibliography 12 Further reading 13 External links

The Urdu and Hindi word hijra may alternately be romanized as hijira, hijda, hijada, hijara, hijrah and is pronounced [da]. This term is generally considered derogatory in Urdu and the word Khwaja Saraa is used instead. Another such term is khasuaa ( ) or khusaraa ( ). In Bengali hijra is called , hijra, hijla, hijre, hizra, or hizre.

A number of terms across the culturally and linguistically diverse Indian subcontinent represent similar sex or gender categories. While these are rough synonyms, they may be better understood as separate identities due to regional cultural differences. In Telugu, a hijra is referred to as napunsakudu ( ), kojja ( ) or maada (). InTamil Nadu the equivalent term is Thiru nangai (mister woman), Ali, aravanni, aravani, or aruvani. In Punjabi, both in Pakistan and India, the term khusra is used. Other terms include jankha. In Gujarati they are called pavaiyaa ( In Urdu another common term is khwaaja sira (). In North India the goddess Bahuchara Mata is worshipped by Pavaiyaa ( ). In South India, the ).

goddess Renuka is believed to have the power to change one's sex. Male devotees in female clothing are known as Jogappa. They perform similar roles to hijra, such as dancing and singing at birth [16] ceremonies and weddings. The word kothi (or koti) is common across India, similar to the Kathoey of Thailand, although kothis are often distinguished from hijras. Kothis are regarded as feminine men or boys who take a feminine

role in sex with men, but do not live in the kind of intentional communities that hijras usually live in. Additionally, not all kothis have undergone initiation rites or the body modification steps to become a [17] [18] hijra. Local equivalents include durani (Kolkata), menaka (Cochin), meti (Nepal), and zenana (Pakistan). Hijra used to be translated in English as "eunuch" or "hermaphrodite," although LGBT historians or [19] human rights activists have sought to include them as beingtransgender. In a series of meetings convened between October 2013 and Jan 2014 by the transgender experts committee of India's Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, hijra and other trans* activists asked that the term 'eunuch' be discontinued from usage in government documents, as it is not a term the communities identify with.

Gender and sexuality[edit]

These identities have no exact match in the modern Western taxonomy of gender and sexual [19] [10] orientation, and challenge Western ideas of sex and gender. In India, some Hijras do not define themselves by specific sexual orientation, but rather by renouncing sexuality altogether. Sexual energy is transformed into sacred powers. However, these notions come [20] in conflict with the reality, in which hijras are often employed as prostitutes. Furthermore, in India a transgender male who takes a "receptive" role in sex with a man will often identify as a kothi (or the local equivalent term). While kothis are usually distinguished from hijras as a separate gender identity, they often dress as women and act in a feminine manner in public spaces, even using feminine language to refer to themselves and each other. The usual partners of hijras and kothis are men who [21] consider themselves heterosexual as they are the ones who penetrates. These male partners are often married, and any relationships or sex with "kothis" or hijras are usually kept secret from the [22] community at large. Some hijras may form relationships with men and even marry, although their marriage is not usually recognized by law or religion. Hijras and kothis often have a name for these masculine sexual or romantic partners; for [18] example, panthi in Bangladesh, giriya in Delhi or sridhar in Cochin.

Social status and economic circumstances[edit]

This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2010) Most hijras live at the margins of society with very low status; the very word "hijra" is sometimes used in a derogatory manner. Few employment opportunities are available to hijras. Many get their income from extortion(forced payment by disrupting work/life using demonstration and interference), performing at ceremonies (toli), begging (dheengna), or sex work ('raarha')an occupation of eunuchs also recorded in premodern times. Violence against hijras, especially hijra sex workers, is [23] often brutal, and occurs in public spaces, police stations, prisons, and their homes. As with transgender people in most of the world, they face extreme discrimination in health, housing, education, employment, immigration, law, and any bureaucracy that is unable to place them into male [24] or female gender categories. In 2008, HIV prevalence was 27.6% amongst hijra sex workers in Larkana. The general prevalence [25] of HIV among the adult Pakistani population is estimated at 0.1%. In October 2013, Pakistani Christian and Muslims (Shia and Sunni) were putting pressure on the landlords of Imamia Colony to evict any transgender residents. "Generally in Pakistan, Khwaja Saraa

are not under threat. But they are in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province because of a 'new Islam' under [26] way", I.A. Rehman, the director of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. In a study of Bangladeshi hijras, participants reported not being allowed to seek healthcare at the [27] private chambers of doctors, and experiencing abuse if they go to government hospitals. Beginning in 2006, hijras were engaged to accompany Patna city revenue officials to collect unpaid [28] taxes, receiving a 4-percent commission. Since India's Supreme Court re-criminalized homosexuality and bisexuality on Dec. 13, 2013, there has been a sharp increase in the physical, psychological and sexual violence against the transgendercommunity by the Indian Police Service nor are they investigating even when sexual [29] assault is reported.

An Indian Hijra.

The hijra community due to its peculiar place in sub-continental society which entailed marginalisation yet royal privileges developed a secret language known as Hijra Farsi. The language has a sentence structure loosely based on Urdu and a unique vocabulary of at least thousand words. Beyond the Urdu-Hindi speaking areas of subcontinent the vocabulary is still used by the hijra community within their own native languages.

In South Asian politics[edit]

The hijra community in India has seen many success stories in the political sphere starting with the election of Shobha Nehru in 1998 for the city council seat in Hissar, Haryana. However, given the influence of Islam on hijra communities, there is a lack of Islamic rhetoric in the political sphere. Pakistan, on the other hand, has yet to see a hijra elected into the government, even though there is [citation needed] much political activism from the hijra community. In 2013 transgender people in Pakistan [30] were allowed to run as election candidates for the first time in history. Sanam Fakir, a 32-year-old [31] hijra, ran as an independent candidate for Sukkur, Pakistan's general election in May. The governments of both India (1994) and Pakistan (2009) have recognized hijras as a "third sex," thus granting them the basic civil rights of every citizen. In India, hijras now have the option to identify as a eunuch ("E") on passports and on certain government documents. However, they are not
[32] [33]

fully accommodated; for example, citizens must identify as either male or female to vote. There is also further discrimination from the government. In the 2009 general election, India's election committee denied three hijras candidature unless they identified themselves as either male or female.

The ancient Kama Sutra mentions the performance of fellatio by feminine people of a third sex (tritiya [34] prakriti). This passage has been variously interpreted as referring to men who desired other men, [35] so-called eunuchs ("those disguised as males, and those that are disguised as females" ), male and female transvestites ("the male takes on the appearance of a female and the female takes on the [36] appearance of the male"), or two kinds of biological males, one dressed as a woman, the other as a [37] man. During the era of the British Raj, authorities attempted to eradicate hijras, whom they saw as "a [38] breach of public decency." Anti-hijra laws were repealed; but a law outlawing castration, a central part of the hijra community, was left intact, though rarely enforced. Also during British rule in India they were placed under Criminal Tribes Act 1871 and labelled a "criminal tribe," hence subjected to compulsory registration, strict monitoring and stigmatized for a long time; after independence however [39] they were denotified in 1952, though the centuries-old stigma continues.

In religion[edit]

The Indian transgender hijras or Aravanis ritually marry the Hindu godAravan and then mourn his ritual death (seen) in an 18-day festival inKoovagam, India.

Many practice a form of syncretism that draws on multiple religions; seeing themselves to be neither men nor women, hijras practice rituals for both men and women. Hijras belong to a special caste. They are usually devotees of the mother goddess Bahuchara Mata, Lord Shiva, or both.

Hijras and Bahuchara Mata[edit]

Bahuchara Mata is a Hindu goddess with two unrelated stories both associated with transgender behavior. One story is that she appeared in the avatar of a princess who castrated her husband

because he would run in the woods and act like a woman rather than have sex with her. Another story is that a man tried to rape her, so she cursed him with impotence. When the man begged her forgiveness to have the curse removed, she relented only after he agreed to run in the woods and act [40] like a woman. The primary temple to this goddess is located in Gujarat and it is a place of pilgrimage for hijras, who see Bahucahara Mata as a patroness.

Hijras and Lord Shiva[edit]

One of the forms of Lord Shiva is a merging with Parvati where together they are Ardhanari, a god that is half Shiva and Half Parvati. Ardhanari is especially worshipped in North India and has special [40] significance as a patron of hijras, who identify with the gender ambiguity.

Hijras in the Ramayana[edit]

In some versions of the Ramayana, when Rama leaves Ayodhya for his 14-year exile, a crowd of his subjects follow him into the forest because of their devotion to him. Soon Rama notices this, and gathers them to tell them not to mourn, and that all the "men and women" of his kingdom should return to their places in Ayodhya. Rama then leaves and has adventures for 14 years. When he returns to Ayodhya, he finds that the hijras, being neither men nor women, have not moved from the place where he gave his speech. Impressed with their devotion, Rama grants hijras the boon to confer blessings on people during auspicious inaugural occasions like childbirth and weddings. This [42] boon is the origin of badhai in which hijras sing, dance, and give blessings.

Hijras in the Mahabharata[edit]

Mahabharata includes an episode in which Arjun, a hero of the epic, is sent into an exile. There he assumes an identity of a eunuch-transvestite and performs rituals during weddings and childbirths [43] that are now performed by hijras. In the Mahabharata, before the Kurukshetra War, Ahiravan offers his lifeblood to goddess Kali to ensure the victory of the Pandavas, and Kali agrees to grant him power. On the night before the battle, Aravan expresses a desire to get married before he dies. No woman was willing to marry a man doomed to die in a few hours, so Krishna assumes the form of a beautiful woman called Mohini and marries him. In South India, hijras claim Aravan as their progenitor and call themselves [42] "aravanis."
"Sangam literature use the word Pedi to refer to Hijra, The Aravan cult in Koovagam village of Tamil Nadu is a folk tradition of the transwomen, where the members enact the legend during an annual three-day festival. This is completely different from the sakibeki cult of West Bengal, where transwomen dont have to undergo sex change surgery or shave off their facial hair. They dress as women still retaining their masculine features and sing in praise of Lord Krishna,". Whereas, since the Tamil society is more conservativ e and hetero-normative, transwomen completely change themselves as women. In the ancient times, even religion has its own way of accepting these fringe communities. The Bachura Devi worship in Gujarat and Jogappa cult of Karanataka are the other examples. the kinds of dialects and languages spoken by these community in different parts of the country and the socio-cultural impact on the lingo. Hijra Farsi is the transgender dialect, a mix of Urdu, Hindi and Persian spoken in the northern belt of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan and Kothi Baashai is spoken by the transgender community in Karnataka, Andhra, Orissa and parts of Tamil Nadu. They even have sign languages and typical mannerisms to communicate. The peculiar clap is one such,[44] Gopi Shankar in National Queer Conference 2013 organised by Sappho for Equality

Each year in Tamil Nadu, during April and May, hijras celebrate an eighteen-day religious festival. The aravani temple is located in the village Koovagam in the Ulundurpet taluk in Villupuram district, and is devoted to the deity Koothandavar, who is identified with Aravan. During the festival, the aravanis reenact a story of the wedding of Lord Krishna and Lord Aravan, followed by Aravan's subsequent sacrifice. They then mourn Aravan's death through ritualistic dances and by breaking theirbangles. An annual beauty pageant is also held, as well as various health and HIV or AIDS seminars. Hijras from all over the country travel to this festival. A personal experience of the hijras in this festival is shown in the BBC Three documentary India's Ladyboys and also in the National Geographic Channel television seriesTaboo.

Hijras in Islam[edit]
There is evidence that Indian hijras identifying as Muslim also incorporate aspects of Hinduism. Still, despite this syncretism, Reddy (2005) notes that a hijra does not practice Islam differently from other Muslims and argues that their syncretism does not make them any less Muslim. Reddy (2003) also documents an example of how this syncretism manifests: in Hyderabad, India a group of Muslim converts were circumcised, something seen as the quintessential marker of male Muslim identity.

In films and literature[edit]

This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2009) Bangladesh The film Common Gender (2012) relates the story of the Bangladesh hijra and their struggle for survival. India Hijras have been portrayed on screen in Indian cinema since its inception, historically as comic relief. A notable turning point occurred in 1974 when real hijrasappeared during a song-and-dance sequence in Kunwaara Baap ("The Unmarried Father"). There are also hijras in the Hindi movie Amar Akbar Anthony (1977) who accompany one of the heroes, Akbar (Rishi Kapoor), in a song entitled "Tayyab Ali Pyar Ka Dushman" ("Tayyab Ali, the Enemy of Love"). One of the first [45] sympathetichijra portrayals was in Mani Ratnam's Bombay (1995). 1997's Tamanna starred male actor Paresh Rawal in a central role as "Tiku", a hijra who raises a young orphan. Pooja Bhatt produced and also starred in the movie, with her father Mahesh Bhatt co-writing and directing. Deepa Mehta's Water features the hijra character "Gulabi" (played by Raghubir Yadav), who has taken to introducing the downtrodden, outcast widows of Varanasi to prostitution. Not surprisingly, perhaps, the film generated much controversy. There is a brief appearance of hijras in the 2004 Gurinder Chadha film Bride & Prejudice, singing to a bride-to-be in the marketplace. There's also a loose reference, in the guise of "Rocky" ("Rokini") in Deepha Mehta's Bollywood/Hollywood. The 1997 Hindi film Darmiyaan: In Between directed & co-written by Kalpana Lajmi is based on the subject of Hijra, wherein a fictitious story of an actress bearing a son that turns out to be neuter. In the 2000 Tamil film Appu directed by Vasanth, a remake of the Hindi film Sadak, the antagonist is a brothel-owning hijra played by Prakash Raj. (In Sadak, the brothel-owning character was played by Sadashiv Amrapurkar under the name "Maharani".)

In 2005, a fiction feature film titled Shabnam Mausi was made on the life of a eunuch politician Shabnam Mausi. It was directed by Yogesh Bharadwaj and the title role played by Ashutosh Rana. Jogwa, a 2009 Marathi film, depicts the story of a man forced to be hijra under certain circumstances. [46] The movie has received several accolades. In Soorma Bhopali, Jagdeep encounters a troupe of hijra on his arrival in Bombay. The leader of this pack is also played by Jagdeep himself. In Anil Kapoor's Nayak, Johnny Lever, who plays the role of the hero's assistant, gets beaten up by hijras, when he is caught calling them "hijra" (he is in habit of calling almost everyone who bothers him by this pejorative and no one cares much, except this once ironically, as the addressees are literally what he is calling them.) One of the main characters in Khushwant Singh's novel Delhi, Bhagmati is a hijra. She makes a living as a semi-prostitute and is wanted in the diplomatic circles of the city. Vijay TV's Ippadikku Rose, a Tamil show conducted by postgraduate educated transgender Rose is a very successfully running program that discusses various issues faced by youth in Tamil Nadu, where she also gives her own experiences. In addition to numerous other themes, the 2008 movie Welcome to Sajjanpur by Shyam Benegal explores the role of hijras in Indian society. In the Malayalam movie Ardhanaari, released on 23 November 2012, director Santhosh Sowparnika tries to depict the life of a transgender. Manoj K Jayan, Thilakan, Sukumari and Maniyanpilla Raju perform leading roles. Pakistan The 1992 film Immaculate Conception by Jamil Dehlavi is based upon the culture-clash between a western Jewish couple seeking fertility at a Karachi shrine known to be blessed by a Sufi fakir called Gulab Shah and the group of Pakistani eunuchs who guard it. "Muraad" (which means Desire in English) but the English title was "Eunech's Mother", was an award winning biographical Telefilm drama made by Pakistan's television channel Indus TV and aired in 2003. The cast had countries top male television actors playing as "hijras"; Sohail Asghar, Nabeel, Qazi Wajid, Kamran Jilani. Produced & Directed by Kamran Qureshi, written by Zafar [48][49] Meraj. It won both Best TeleFilm and Best Director award. The story revolves round Saima, a trans woman, who adopts a helpless child Muraad' and her relationship with him against the backdrop of her struggling through her entire life and her "desire" for her son, whom she has sent away to live at a hostel so she can earn a living as a dancer, after her son gets cross with her, due to teasing (both verbal and sexual) they have to face while dancing. This was the first time that influential male actors who came out to support "hijra" rights during interviews; noting that in Pakistani English at that time eunuch was the term to describe transgender person, and "khawaja sara" had not yet replaced what is now considered a derogatory term due to decades of heckling and name calling, [50] "hijra". In 2004, once again Kamran Qureshi directs a trans drama, "Moorat", which translates as "effigy" in English, however the English title was "Eunech's Wedding". It was produced by famous actor and producerHumayun Saeed and Abdullah Kadwani with more than a dozen star-studded cast male and [51][52] female cast members for a 26 episode long drama series. It was nominated for Best Drama [48][53] Serial, Abid Ali for Best Actor, and Maria Wasti for Best Actress at Lux Style Awards 2005. The

show was credited for making people really understand and feel the pain and abuse that khawa sara (hijra) constantly endure and make fun of the way they look or dress without getting to know them how they were naturally born this way. The story involves a young lady who is arranged to marry and it turns out her husband is a transgender person. The story unfolds trans community and their deprived and isolated world and yet portrays eloquently how they too are not far away from the human emotions and feelings and their world not much different than rest of the heterosexual community. Even though they are in plain sight, they are taboo subject and are not taken seriously which makes them suffer endlessly in silence wrapped in slurs. The 26 episode miniseries therefore touches on transgender abuse, women abuse, poverty, immorality of arranged marriages, and child abuse. Bol (Urdu: meaning Speak), is a 2011 Urdu-language social drama Pakistani film. It concerns a patriarch father of the house who is a misogynist, domestic abuser, bigot, and a zealot man (Hakim) who forces religion on his family rather than strictly follow himself. The Muslim family facing financial difficulties due to father wanting a son so expects his wife to give herself to him whenever he chooses, with r without he connect who made her pregnant in order to for father's desire to have another son and his rejection of his existing transgendered child, male-assigned-at-birth daughter, Saifi. The father (Hakim) doesn't like Saifi since she identifies as a girl however Saifi is deeply loved by the rest of her family. As Saifi is groing up men want to take advantage of her, however her oldest sister intervenes and teaches Saifi about what kind of touching is inappropriate. As Saifi is groing older, she is not allowed to leave the house however she really finds her sister's dresses amusing and tries them out; showing how she isn't that way due to bad company, but because she is naturally born that way. However, a neighbour played by famous South Asian singer Atif Aslam who is in love with one of the sisters, gets Saifi a job at a place where they paint trucks, with the blessing of Saifi's sisters and mother. Safi dresses like a boy however other sensed her lack of self-esteem and therefore eventually gang-rape her. She is saved by another transgendered person, played by Almas Bobby (who in real life is a transgender person), finds her and takes her home. Hakim overhears Saifi telling her mother and Zainab what happened. Later on, when everybody is asleep, Hakim locks the room and suffocates his child for luring the men for the "shame" he would have to bear with his name if the [54] story got out. Outside of South Asia The novel Bombay Ice by Leslie Forbes features an important subplot involving the main character's investigation of the deaths of several hijra sex-workers. The novel City of Djinns by William Dalrymple also features a chapter on hijras. The novel A Son Of The Circus by John Irving features a plot-line involving hijras. In the graphic novel Habibi by Craig Thompson, the protagonist, Zam, is adopted by a group of hijras. In the 2009 Brazilian soap opera Caminho das ndias (Portuguese: "The way to India"), hijras are shown in some occasions, especially at weddings and other ceremonies where they are paid for their blessing.In the TV comedy Outsourced (2011), a hijra is hired by Charlie as a stripper for Rajiv's "bachelor party", much to Rajiv's utter horror. A short film, under the direction of Jim Roberts, is being made by Rock Star Productions in which the [year needed][citation needed] protagonist is portrayed as a hijra. This film is set to be released on May 1.


Jareena, Portrait of a Hijda (1990); Bombay Eunuch (2001); The Hijras: India's Third Gender (2001); India's Ladyboys (2003); Between the Lines: India's Third Gender (2005); Middle sexes (HBO documentary includes segment on modern Hijda) (2005); Shabnam Mausi (2005); The Hijras of India (BBC radio documentary); Kiss the Moon (2009); Call me Salma (2009).

See also[edit]
Pakistan portal India portal Transgender portal

Cross dressing List of transgender-related topics Transvestism Two-Spirit Cogender Homosexuality in India LGBT rights in Pakistan Transgender Rights in Tamil Nadu Kathoey, a distinct transgender group in Thailand. Gender Identities in Thailand discusses the Tom and Dee genders in Thailand.

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