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July 2012 Night Obstetrics Elective Rotation Objectives

Timecourse: This is a one month elective rotation. The resident will present on the following evenings for rounds/triaging patients: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday. The resident will have two sessions of clinic all day on Thursdays. Site: Labor and elivery, !S" Lebanon #lective Supervising $ttending: &b'ectives include:
A Medical Knowledge 1. Normal Labor and Delivery 2. Intrapartum Analgesia and Anesthesia . !omplicated Labor and Delivery i. Dystocia ii. Meconium stained "luid iii. #etal distress iv. Abnormal presentation v. $houlder dystocia vi. !ord prolapse vii. Maternal conditions% including& pregnancy'induced hypertension% preeclampsia% eclampsia% chorioamnionitis% bleeding such as placenta previa% placental abruption% and postpartum hemorrhage. viii. rd and (th degree lacerations i). *etained placenta ). Multiple gestations )i. #etal anomalies (. Indications "or !onsultations and +perative Intervention ,. -ostpartum care .. -rocedural $/ills ' -ractice .ased Learning '*esidents are e)pected to be able to per"orm the "ollowing s/ills. 1. Dating and si0ing o" the normal pregnancy. 2. Management o" Ist trimester bleeding . *is/ assessment o" the pregnancy (. Normal vaginal delivery including episiotomy and rd degree vaginal repairs 1. Amniotomy2Arti"icial rupture o" membranes 3. -lacement o" "etal scalp electrode ,. -lacement o" intrauterine pressure catheter 4. Interpretation o" "etal heart rate and uterine pressure monitor 5. Interpretation o" nitra0ine and "erning test 16. Local anesthetic techni7ues including pudendal bloc/ 11. Manual removal o" the placenta

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12. !ervical *ipening with prostaglandins 12. -itocin inductions and augmentations o" labor 1 . +rdering and interpretation o" non'stress tests 1(. Management o" 8.A!s 9vaginal deliveries a"ter cesarean section: 11. !ircumcision 13. Assisting at !'sections

Labor and Delivery ;his is your primary area o" responsibility. Deliveries always ta/e precedence over outpatient clinics or any other duties. -atients you will deliver are <omen=s >ealth !enter ?ateway patients. ;he <omen=s >ealth !enter Attendings will supervise deliveries o" their ?ateway patients. @ou should be available at labor and delivery "rom 1& 6 -M to ,&66 AM on your scheduled days o" your rotation. 9Again% deliveries ta/e precedence over any other activities. I" there is a con"lict% call the outpatient area involved and advise the attending there that you have a delivering patient.: @our responsibilities at labor and delivery include assessment o" patients as they present 9which includes triaging: and management o" labor and delivery. ;o e""ectively participate in the management o" labor% a progress note should be written in the chart o" any patient in labor at least every two hours% and more o"ten i" clinically indicated. ;he resident will also be available to participate in any !'$ections overnight with the <>! attendings. Outpatient Clinic ;he resident will be scheduled to have one "ull day o" outpatient clinic wee/ly which will be ;hursdays. Evaluation +n completion o" the one month elective the resident will present written "orms to the <>! attendings "or evaluations.

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