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Lesson No 1: This question has been taken from the lesson Button-Button written by Richard
Matheson. This lesson tells us that greed is curse. Norma was a greedy women and his husband rthur was a kind !erson. Norma wanted a nicer furniture" nicer clothes" nicer car" a little cottage and tri! to #uro!e.

Lesson No 2: This question has been taken from the lesson $learing in the %ky written by &esse %tuart.
This lesson tells us about the dignity of the labor.

Lesson No 3: This question has been taken from the lesson .'ark They were" nd (olden-#yed written
by Ray Bradbury. This lesson tells us that we should s!read !eace on this earth rather than distraction and war.

Lesson No 4: This question has been taken from the lesson Thank )ou " M*am written by +angston
,ughes. This lesson tells us that cul!rits are also human beings and we should lo-e them. .e should ha-e a good beha-iour with them.

Lesson No 5: This question has been taken from the lesson The /iece of %tring written by (uy 'e
Mau!assant. This lesson tells us that we should not blame others without any !roof and we also should not make fun of others.

Lesson no 6: This question has been taken from the lesson The Reward written by +ord 'unsany. This
lesson tells us about courage" determination and continuous effort.

Lesson No : This question has been taken from the lesson The 0se of 1orce written by .illiam $arlos
.illiams. This lesson teaches us that we should be harsh with the children to tell them what is right and what wrong.

Lesson No !: This question has been taken from the lesson The (ulistan of %a*di written by %heikh
%a*di. This lesson tells us about the wise sayings of %adi

Lesson No ": This question has been taken from the lesson The 1oolish 2uack. 3t is a folk tale. This
lesson teaches us that little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Lesson No 1#: This question has been taken from the lesson The Mild ttack of +ocusts written by
'oris +essing. This lesson gi-es us information about the locusts that they eat and destroy the cro!s.

Lesson No 11: This question has been taken from the lesson 3 ,a-e a 'ream* written by Martin +uther
4ing. This lesson tells us about the basic rights of the citi5ens and ho!e for the freedom.

Lesson No 12: This question has been taken from the lesson The (ift of Magi written by 6.,enry.
This lesson tells us about a lo-e story.

Lesson No 13: This question has been taken from the lesson (od Be /raised written by hmed Nadeem
2asmi. This lesson tells us about the bitter realities of life. This lesson teaches us that we should ha-e a firm faith in llah.

Lesson No 14: This question has been taken from the lesson 6-er $oat written by (hulam bbas. This
lesson tells us that e7!ensi-e and beautiful things may gi-e us res!ect and honour. But one day reality re-eals e-erything. ll that glitters is not gold.

Lesson No 15: This question has been taken from the lesson The ngel and the uthor-and 6thers
written by &erome 4. &erome. This lesson tells us that in this world we do different deeds" good or bad. 6n the 'ay of &udgment" we shall ha-e to face the result. s you sow" so shall you rea!.

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