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Reported speech: questions and commands


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2 Where have you been all night? y !are nts want ed to 1 Reported speech kno Rewrite #n re!orted s!ee&h' the verb $oves ba&k a wtense' the e.g. !resent si$!le ( !ast si$!le' !resent &ontinuou questio ns in asked me if I was Are you a student? He reporte a student. d speech. Is Lisa watching TV? She asked me if Lisa was wa 1 Will theand $odal verbs should )he !ast !erfe&t tense ' coul flight be What should I do? She asked me what she should delayed ? Jill Reported questions want We use ask' want to know or wondered to ed to know the interrogative for$ re!ort *uestions. We &hange " Will Where are ou? He wanted to know where # !ass $y I was. e%a$? + yes,no *uestion is introdu&ed by if or whether ark . . an I !orrow your !ike? She wondered wond ered my !ike. i!"whether she could !orrow

- .id you re$e$ber the invitations? /ue asked $e 0 1ow long have you been learning 2er$an? 3arl wondered

2 Rewrite the commands in reported speech. 3ee! to the left. )he !oli&e offi&er told the &y&list to #ee$ to the le!t% 1 4lease dont s$oke in this area. )he waitress asked the$ 2 /it down and be *uiet. )he tea&her told the &lass " .ont forget to !ost the letter. Jane told her boyfriend - .ont talk during the e%a$. )he e%a$iner told us 0 4lease swit&h off your $obile !hone. )he air hostess asked hi$ 3 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Use the correct form of the verbs from the box. order warn re$ind offer advise 4ut down your gun' 4aul. )he !oli&e offi&er ordered &aul to $ut down his gun% 1 # think you should have a holiday' 3ate. 1e 2 .ont tou&h that ele&tri& wire' John.

#ts danger ous5 /he " Would you like $e to hel! you' 6rad? /he

- Ja$ie' dont forget that its Julies birthday on 7riday. /he

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Reported speech: statements

Reported speech: statements
#n re!orted s!ee&h' the verb $oves ba&k a tense' e.g. !resent si$!le ( !ast si$!le' !resent &ontinuous ( !ast &ontinuous' et&. I li#e hea"y metal music He said that he li#ed hea"y metal music. I'm stud ing #rench and S$anish. She said that she was stud ing #rench and S$anish. )he !ast !erfe&t tense and $odal verbs should' could' mi%ht and ou%ht to dont &hange in re!orted s!ee&h. &ou should ask him out. She said that I should ask him out. )he two $ost &o$$on re!orting verbs are say and tell. We use say 8 that 8 &lause. He said that he was %oin% out with 'ane that ni%ht. We use tell 8 ob9e&t !ronoun 8 that 8 &lause. He told me that he was %oin% out with 'ane that ni%ht. 1 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1 /he goes out with her friends every night. /ues father said that 2 # bought the ti&kets yesterday. /he said that " )heyre going to 7lorida ne%t week. )i$ told $e that

2 Read the interview. %hen complete the summar&. "nterviewer # hear you have a very unusual 9ob. #r 'o(art& )hats right. "nterviewer /o what do you do? #r 'o(art& Well' #$ investigating the :o&h ;ess $onster. <very day # go to :o&h ;ess and wait for the $onster to a!!ear. "nterviewer +nd have you ever seen the $onster? #r 'o(art& =es' # have. #t was very foggy and # tried to take a !hotogra!h' but unfortunately $y &a$era didnt work. "nterviewer .o you think youll see it again? #r 'o(art& # $ight see it again if #$ lu&ky. "nterviewer +nd what do !eo!le think about your 9ob? #r 'o(art& any !eo!le think its a strange 9ob to have. )hey dont believe in the :o&h ;ess $onster' but # know its out there so$ewhere. )he interviewer asked r 7ogarty what he did. 1e e%!lained that he was in(estigating the :o&h ;ess onster. 1e said that every day he
1 2

. to :o&h ;ess and "for the $onster to a!!ear. 1e &lai $ed the $onster. 1e that he Jennys brother - 1e wont be in told $e that the offi&e to$orrow. )he se&retary said that > ?arl $ight &o$e to the football 0 Jenny has $at&h this !assed her driving afternoon. test.

1e told $e that

said -

that it very foggy and he to 0 take a !hotogra!h' but unfortunately his &a$era > . 1e said that he @ it again if he

lu&ky. 1e ad$itted that $any !eo!le B his 9ob was strange. 1e said that they 1C in the :o&h ;ess $onster' but he 11 it was out there so$ewhere.

)*+, R - . Reported speech: statements 1 1 /ues father said that she went out with her friends every night. 2 /he said that she had bought the ti&kets the day before. " )i$ told $e that they were going to 7lorida the following week. - )he se&retary said that he wouldnt be in the offi&e the following day. 0 Jennys brother told $e that she had !assed her driving test. > 1e told $e that ?arl $ight &o$e to the football $at&h that afternoon. 21 2 " 0 > went waited had seen had been had tried hadnt worked @ $ight see A was B thought 1C didnt believe 11 knew

Reported speech: questions and commands 1 1 Jill wanted to know if,whether the flight would be delayed. 2 y !arents wanted to know where # had been all night. " ark wondered if,whether he would !ass his e%a$. - /ue asked $e if,whether # had re$e$bered the invitations. 0 3arl wondered how long # had been learning 2er$an. 2 1 )he waitress asked the$ not to s$oke in that area. 2 )he tea&her told the &lass to sit down and be *uiet. " Jane told her boyfriend not to forget to !ost the letter. - )he e%a$iner told us not to talk during the e%a$. 0 )he air hostess asked hi$ to swit&h off his $obile !hone. 3 1 1e advised 3ate to have a holiday. 2 /he warned John not to tou&h the ele&tri& wire. " /he offered to hel! 6rad. - /he re$inded Ja$ie that it was Julies birthday on 7riday.

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