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MemenLo (2000) ls a ChrlsLopher nolan, lL ls a psychologlcal
Lhrlller LhaL ls pteseoteJ os two Jlffeteot sepoeoces of
sceoes. o setles lo block-ooJ-wblte tbot ls sbowo
cbtoooloqlcolly ooJ o setles of colot sepoeoces sbowo lo
tevetse otJet. 1be two sepoeoces "meet" ot tbe eoJ of tbe
fllm. (LysseLLe, u.u). 1he way lL has been Lold makes lL a
llLLle confuslng Lo undersLand ln Lhe beglnnlng, however aL
Lhe end of Lhe fllm you reallse Lhe way ln whlch ChrlsLpher
nolan has sequenced lL, lL ls genlus. We see Lhlngs and are
glven lnformaLlon lL from Leonard's polnL of vlew. Leonard ls
Lhe lead acLor who only remembers whaL happened before
hls accldenL where he was hlL ln Lhe head - Lhe lasL Lhlng he
remembers ls ls wlfe belng murdered, Lhe damage Lo hls
barln has lead Lo hls shorL Lerm memory only lasL a blL
Lherefore he has Lo wrlLes down and/or phoLographs whaL
he has Lo do, where he llves and who hls frlends are (who
Lhe people he knows). Lven wlLh Lhls lllness he ls Lrylng Lo
flnd Lhe man who raped and Lhen kllled hls wlfe.
lor mosL of Lhe sLory, we Lhlnk LhaL 1eddy ls Lhe murderer and Lhls ls malnly because Lhls ls whaL
Leonard Lhlnks and whaL we as Lhe audlence have been Lold malnly because of Lhe clues Leonard's has
been glven by 'naLalle' - who he Lhlnks he can LrusL we Lhlnk LhaL Loo unLll
we see whaL she ls really dolng, she ls uslng hls weakness agalnsL hlm and ls
maklng hlm klll people Lo proLecL her.
1hroughouL Lhe fllm we Loo are eager Lo know who Lhe suspecL ls, and when
all ls revealed aL Lhe end some parLs are leasL expecLed, 1eddy belng Lhe
good guy, a cop who's Lrylng Lo help Leonard Lhe enLlre Llme, and everyLhlng
he Lold hlm was Lrue, however due Lo Lhe capLlon beneaLh hls lmage we Loo
Lhlnk he ls full of lles, [usL as lL says on hls phoLograph, (llgure 2&3).
AnoLher unexpecLed aspecL revealed ln Lhe endlng ls Lhe LhaL '!ankls ls
acLually Leonard'. We are Lold Sammy !ankln's sLory
from Leonard and aL Lhe end we as an audlence geL
a beLLer undersLandlng of Leonards condlLlon and
whaL he wenL Lhrough. And we are Lold abouL lL ln
blLs as Lhe fllm progresses, and he knows lL well
because lL ls really abouL hlm. Pe accldenLally kllls
llgure 1- lllm osLer
llgure 2 & 3- 1eddy's plcLure (fronL and back)
hls wlfe by glvlng her an overdose of lnsulln, she was never murdered by someone else, lL was hlm all
along, he had already Laken hls revenge however dldn'L remember lL whlch ls why he was sLlll
lnvesLlgaLlng. 'leoootJ lles to blmself, fot tbe fltst tlme lo tbe fllm, ooJ qlves blmself folse evlJeoce to
leoJ blm to klll 1eJJy. (llceose plote # ooJ uoot 8elleve nls lles). (5tepbeo, 2012). lts seems as Lho he
wlll klll buL sLlll noL klll, he wonL ever remember geLLlng Lhe guy he wanLs and hls clues wlll keep

SLephen S, (2012), ulrecLor ulssecLlon: ChrlsLopher nolan - MemenLo (2000) , AL:
Accessed 07/03/2014
ZoLero (LysseLLe) (u.u.), MemenLo, AL:
Accessed on 07/03/2014

llgure 1, lllm osLer, MemenLo (2000), AL: hLLp://
Accessed on 07/03/2014
llgure 2, hoLograph of 1eddy, lllm SLlll, MemenLo (2000), ulrecLed by ChrlsLopher nolan, AL
Accessed on 07/03/2014
llgure 3 hoLograph of 1eddy (words on Lhe back), lllm SLlll, MemenLo (2000), ulrecLed by ChrlsLopher
nolan, AL hLLp://
Accessed on 07/03/2014

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