Monetary Policy Statement January 2014

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Monetary Policy Statement January 2014

The enhancement of the role of the Reserve Bank The recapitalisation of the Reserve Bank will pave way for the reestablishment of the lender of last resort and banker to the government functions. This will see the Reserve Bank hosting Governments Exchequer account with effect from 31 March 2014. The restoration of the lender of last resort facility implies that an overnight accommodation rate will be announced by 31 March 2014 and becomes applicable for the facility. The overnight accommodation rate will be the anchor interest rate that will act as a benchmark for market rates. The report further highlighted that as market conditions improve, the Reserve Bank intends to introduce repos and reverse repos to improve interbank trading and help easy attendant liquidity challenges. Inter-bank market and the yield curve The restoration of the lender of last resort function will see the reopening of an interbank market backed by the issuance of Treasury bills as acceptable security to be pledged by deficit institutions when borrowing. Thus the Reserve Bank at its recent Monetary Policy Committee meeting (held on Thursday, 23 January 2014) came up with a proposed yield curve for the country which is adjusted for country risk premium and inflation developments. The proposed yield curve is as follows: 3 months 6.6%, 6 months 7.2%, 9 months 7.8% and one year 8%. The proposed indicative yields are envisaged to sanitise the countrys interest rate structure which had curtailed deposit and credit growth. This proposed yield curve acts as a guide to the structure of interest rates, especially the Treasury Bills rates. Given the attendant sovereign risk due to high debt arrears with
Tonderai. J. Maneswa +263 4 700 000, 790 888 / 090

Equity Research Zimbabwe 30 January 2014 Economic Note

On Wednesday, 29 January 2014, Dr. Charity L. Dhliwayo announced her maiden Monetary Policy Statement highlighting the tight liquidity environment and a plan to restore the lender of last resort function of the Reserve Bank. As initially reported in the 2014 National Budget, the government through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, has undertaken to adequately fund the resuscitation of the lender of last resort facility with amounts of between USD 150.m and USD 200.0m. Regarding banking sector capitalisation, the Reserve Bank maintained minimum capital requirements at the current levels of USD 25.0m for commercial banks, USD 25.0m for merchant banks, USD 20.0m for building societies, USD 15.0m for discount and finance houses and USD 5.0m for microfinance banks. Compliance with the approved capital levels has now been moved to 31 December 2020 from 31 December 2012 . Banking Sector Capitalisation New Capital Threshold 31 December 2012 (USD m) Commercial 25.0 Banks Merchant Banks 25.0 Building 20.0 Societies Finance Houses 15.0 Discount Houses 15.0 Microfinance 5.0 Banks

multilateral institution we believe the term structure of interest rates is understated and without a full disclosure on the figures used for country risk by the Reserve Bank it is difficult to analyse the term structure of interest rates. Banking charges and lending rates The Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between the RBZ and the participating banks in January 2013 was not renewed. Banks will now be required to apply to the RBZ to be given clearance to increase charges and lending rates. Non-performing loans and insider loans Total banking sector deposits amounted to USD 4.7bn while loans and advances were USD 3.7bn as at 31 December 2013. The non-performing loans (NPLs) to total loans ratio closed the year at 15.92% and they were mainly concentrated in local undercapitalised banks. As at December 2013, the level of total insider loans in the banking system was USD 175.3m (including Interfin Bank). This has resulted in the Reserve Bank banning the granting of loans to insiders with immediate effect while banks are not allowed to roll over any outstanding loans.. Introduction of additional currencies Trade and investment ties between Zimbabwe, China, India, Japan and Australia have grown and this has necessitated the addition of these countries currencies. In addition to opening accounts denominated in Botswana pula, British pound, Euro, South African rand and United States dollars, individuals and corporates can now also open accounts denominated in the Australian dollar (AUD), Chinese yuan (CYN), Indian rupee (INR) and Japanese yen (JPY).

31 December 2020 (USD m) 100.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 60.0 10.0

Our Assessment Just like the national budget the MPS was largely market neutral and the effect on the stock market will be very minimum. Vulnerabilities in the banking sector will remain elevated especially on undercapitalised and less liquid financial institutions. The low yield on the Treasury Bills will act as deterrent to potential investors and we dont expect the resuscitation of the interbank t o impact on the liquidity of ZSE. Returns on the ZSE are expected to be ahead of the yield on the treasury bills and thus will continue to attract investors on the bourse. Legacy issues from the Reserve Bank will also impact the bank in successfully implementing a vibrant inter-bank market.

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