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A shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals This image, taken from our studio setting, shows Luna singing directly to the camera, and holding up four fingers. This image shows a link between our lyrics and visuals because the lyric being sung is four words to say and Luna is indicating four this with her fingers. Links can be seen throughout our music video, however, the majority of the music video is performance based, where it is more difficult to show links between the lyrics and visuals. 2. A shot that typifies the way a record company would want their artist to be represented A record company would want to present our Artist Luna as an independent woman with a strong personality as this links in well with Lunas chosen pop genre. The costume being part of the mise en scene is very colourful, which also links well with her representation. This representation created in our music video is how a record label would want Luna to be presented, as this is very appealing to the younger female age groups, which is the main audience for the pop genre. 3. A shot that illustrates how your video uses music genre This image illustrates how our video uses the music genre pop, as the pop genre is largely based around the theme of relationships and break-ups. Polaroid pictures appear quite often in the genre, showing pictures of the couple when they were once happy together, or still happy together, as we have done ourselves. 4. A shot that shows an intertextual reference This image in an example of an intertextual reference, as it is an image of our male character Alex drinking a bottle of Corona beer. As our target audience is a younger generation, who typically go out partying often, this prop may have more meaning, as the pop genre audiences may notice this more. 5. A shot that demonstrates your use of camera This shot demonstrates our use of camera, as it is an over the shoulder shot of the Luna looking through some Polaroids in her bedroom. This displays our use of camerawork as the camera is placed strategically to identify that Luna is looking back over pictures of her relationship, when it was once happy. 6. A shot that demonstrates your use of lighting This is a good example of our use of lighting, as this image of a flash of red light, which in the music video, is accompanied by numerous other flashes of different coloured lights, flashes along to a very fast paced beat, which builds a lot of energy during the video, keeping the audience engaged. 7. A shot that demonstrates your use of mise-en-scene This shot demonstrates our use of mise en scene, as there are numerous props out including, beer bottles and cans, and a roulette drinking game, which link with the idea that Lunas boyfriend goes out partying and drinking, leaving her behind. The lighting is dark to build atmosphere and make the video look convincing. 8. A shot which you feel demonstrates something which shows you have watched other music videos This shot illustrates that we have watched other music videos, as, particularly in the pop genre, girls lay on their beds looking at Polaroid images of their relationships. We saw this common theme in other music videos of the same genre and used the same concept in our own video, as we can see Luna lying on her bed looking through some Polaroid images. 9. A shot which you feel demonstrates something which shows you have watched other music videos This is another shot, which exemplifies that we have watched other music videos, especially within our genre. In the pop genre, we noticed that the music videos are very often largely performance based, with close-up shots of the artist looking directly into the camera. Taking this into consideration, we had a lot of close-up shots in our studio setting with Luna looking directly at the camera, as you can see in the image.

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