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This is a shot from the Artist Comeback Kids song Sleigh Bells, where the lyrics are Go get your gun ready. Its clear that the artist is making a gun with her hands, which demonstrates a match between the lyrics and visuals as she is making a gun. 2. This is a shot from Rihannas song Dont Stop the Music. In this shot, we can see that Rihannas is in the middle of the dance floor, dancing with lots of people. This shows her off as a confident party-girl as she has the spotlight on her and is the centre of attention. This is how a record company would want her to be presented. 3. This Is from Rihannas music video for Umbrella (Orange Version). This shot illustrates the pop genre, because the pop genre is very energetic, with lots of choreography and colour. Rihanna is seen centre stage dancing with sparks flying everywhere and a group of dancers behind her dancing together. 4. This shot comes from Aviciis song Wake me up. This shot demonstrates an intertextual reference, because it shows someone holding a Sony Xperia phone. This has more meaning to the younger audiences attracted by the pop genre Aviciis songs are for as it is a new phone that people may want to or have recently bought, and therefore has more meaning. 5. This shot comes from Rihannas Music Video Hey Mr DJ where we can see Rihanna in the middle of the dance floor. This is a long shot, which demonstrates a use of camera, as the shot is used to show Rihanna in her surroundings, and present her as a party girl in the middle of the dance floor trying to get the DJ to turn the music up. 6. This shot comes from Rihannas music video for Where have you been. This illustrates a use of lighting because the lighting is very bright and reflecting off of the water Rihanna is up to her neck in. The effect of this use of lighting is that it creates a sense of mystery through building atmosphere. 7. This image comes from Rihannas music video for Umbrella. This shot demonstrates a use of mise-en-scene as there is use of; lighting, props and costume. Rihannas costume consists merely of sliver paint, the lighting is very bright on Rihanna to make the paint shine, and she is put in the prop of a metal Triangle shaped frame with a dark black background to make her stand out more. 8. This shot comes from Katy Perrys music video for Roar. This shot is an example of a close-up of the artist, a convention used in many music videos from the pop genre. We used this video as inspiration, by seeing what shots were in the video. This allowed us to construct shots in our own music video effectively. 9. This is another shot from the song Sleigh Bells by Comeback Kid. This shot is an example of inspiration as it shows how the use of lighting creates an atmosphere and can make a video in the pop genre more appealing. We took this knowledge on board and tried to light our music video in a way that would make our music video more interesting.

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