Is Technology Changing The Face of Education? by Vishnu Gopal

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Is technology changing the face of education?

Technology enhancing the knowledge in education
The inovative way of developed technolog helping the people to get the solutions of all queries.E- learning coursese are increasing skills.Many of the important communications are happening through social network websites, the half percent of teacher roll has been taken by technology with the adequate information in the web sites. Report Post

It's much easier to learn things now.

Although there's some misinformation on the internet, it's usually limited to old wive's tales about harmless things like people thinking that honey or tea tree oil cures everything and kills all bugs etc., for the most part we can learn almost anything by reading and watching videos. I imagine in the future, physically appearing at school may no longer be necessary. Report Post

Yes, it is
I can't even imagine how people used to get through college papers, having to actually go to the library, use the card catalog, and rely on what was physically there. Technology opens the door to so many additional resources, and even different ways of presenting them. Technology lets us determine the best way to educate students and it gives us a ton of things to choose from. Report Post

Education now extends beyond the classroom walls.Theres a change in student and teacher roles.Classrooms are collaborative.Technology in the classroom allows teacher to deliver personalized learning
Now classroom is not compulsory to exchange the information between teacher and students or between students and student they both can exchange information on using technology via Ipad , tablet , smartphones, Online class rooms etc. You can exchange the information either you are in train, bus or outside the home. In this scenario textbook is becoming a old days philosophy , now all the work is done on laptop, tablets , smartphones and ipads. That days is over when you have to prepare a notes on your hard book(notebook) and the time of your exams you are preparing a particular subject from a particular subject notebook. Now a days using Digital boards in Digital classrooms make study very simple, more collaborative and interactive also. In this digital classrooms you can record faculties lecture for further use and broadcast it any where in the world simultaneously live. Using these digital classrooms you can interact teacher personally and questioning and answering privately. In this way you can make your study more detailed. Report Post

I'll Be the First To Say: Hell No

Sure, it allows us to have easier access to "answers" but now students can practically cheat their way through school and not actually learn a single thing. Copying answers to your homework sheet does not make you learn something the correct way. Also, just because we have access to really good sources and other things like high tech telescopes and labs, does not mean we utilize it correctly. The majority of people are using technology to waste time on apps and social media. Just because technology is capable of teaching us, does not mean we use it for that reason. Instead, we are wasting time. Another thing, most resources on the Internet are bull crap. There is hardly any truth in what we read and there are little ways to prove it's right. Yet we attain it as our knowledge anyways. But we could be so wrong. It's actually causing students to be lazier and their minds are not exercised nearly as much. Report Post

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