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com Guideline

Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS

I T!"D#CTI" $ Plan and Schedule Development Task Identi%ication and Work Breakdo&n Structure
The detailed guidelines and examples start on the following page

What This Is
First of a series of six templates for project plan and schedule development. This guideline lists the process steps %or developin' a &ork (reak do&n structure that identifies all the tasks in the projects work, the first step in creating a detailed project plan and schedule. Several Work Breakdown Structure examples are provided to demonstrate the results.
Task 1dentification Work Breakdown Task $ssignment ; &wnership ,ogical 'elationships and (ependencies Task (uration +roject Schedule

Plan Development

Trade.offs, &ptimi-ation, and 'isk :anagement

ontent in this guideline was contri!uted !"# ProjectConnections staff, IPSolutions -, and ICS Group

Wh) It*s #se%ul

$ ke" to successful project scheduling is to !reak down the project goals into tasks B%F&'% "ou consider deliver" dates, resource constraints, specific named resources, or task dependencies. This helps "ou to o!jectivel" identif" all of the work necessar" without su!consciousl" leaving out real work in order to fit date constraints. The WBS step helps accomplish the following ke" o!jectives#

(evelops an o!jective, rational view of the amount of work re)uired *elps team grasp the skills re)uired and amount of resources re)uired for the project +rovides a clear framework for assigning to individuals a clear task definition and delegate the
responsi!ilit" for completion

,a"s a foundation for anal"-ing the task dependencies and for isolating and managing risks ,a"s a foundation for developing a !ottom.up estimate for the project schedule $llows tradeoffs to !e made consciousl" and with the proper consensus involved. +o& to #se It
/. 'eview the process steps for creating a work !reakdown structure starting on the next page. 0. 1dentif" how team mem!ers will !e involved in creating the WBS and educate them on their role. The primar" o!jective is to get all of the team participants to contri!ute to the definition of the work. 2. (etermine an appropriate organi-ation for "our WBS and !egin identif"ing major work efforts. See the detailed guidelines which !egin on the following page for how "our WBS can !e organi-ed. 3. Break the top level of "our WBS further into a hierarchical set of tasks. 4se the guidelines starting on the next page for deciding how far "our WBS must !e !roken down to ensure that "ouve defined enough detail for scheduling "our project. 5. This WBS information will feed the next step in the planning6scheduling process# $ssigning resources to tasks.

The Guideline and Template Content %or Creatin' a WBS Starts on the ,ollo&in' Pa'e
7 op"right 088/.0889 %mprend 1nc. 6 +roject +ermission for :em!ers use on their projects. See our Terms of Service for information on +:&6group use and corporate su!scriptions. +age / Guideline

Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS

Plan and Schedule Development -./ Task Identi%ication and Work Breakdo&n Structure

"vervie& o% WBS Creation The WBS is the first step in developing a detailed work plan for the project. Task 1dentification and WBS reation !ridges from the earl" Scope definition to creation of a detailed project schedule.

Project Scope

Task 1dentification,

Work Breakdo&n Structure -WBS/

Task 'esource $ssignment

Task 'elationships and (ependencies

Task Work ; (uration %stimates

Project Schedule

Plan & Schedule Development

Trade.offs, &ptimi-ation, and 'isk :anagement

1) Start with: The Scope (efines at the highest level what has to !e done<what must !e created and delivered to the projects customers.

2) Create$ The Work Breakdo&n Structure -WBS/ $ top.down hierarchical description of the work re)uired to produce what is called for in the +roject Scope and achieve the mission, satisf" stakeholders +rovides approach for =decomposing the work into measura!le units, which allows easier and more accurate estimates of duration, needed resources, and time re)uired *elps ensure that the scope is completel" defined and the team has not forgotten an" work. $llows !reakdown of work to delivera!les, activities, tasks that can !e assigned to an owner.

0/ Based on the BS! develop: The Project Schedule reated !" adding resource assignments, task work effort and duration estimates, and dependencies to all tasks in the WBS.

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+age 0 Guideline

Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS

The Work Breakdo&n Process$ ,rom the Top Do&n 4se the following top down approach to iterativel" create "our WBS# .. ,irst identi%) the major components o% &ork to (e accomplished. 1dentif" 5./8 major work groups which primaril" set up how the work is expected to !e organi-ed, to form the highest level or first level of the WBS. hoose this top level of "our WBS to match "our organi-ational and internal work methodolog"<the !est wa" to organi-e the work for this project given the project complexit"> how the work is spread across "our organi-ation> and how the work will !e tracked and managed. *ere are seven approaches. ?ref# Effective Project Management, W"soki et al, pg. /08@ Aoun.T"pe +h"sical (ecomposition B product !uilding with summar" approach Functional (ecomposition B s"stem functionalit" focus Cer!.T"pe (esign.Build.Test.1mplement B methodolog" or lifec"cle phase focus &!jectives B senior management or customer focus on reporting to delivera!les &thers Deographical B coordination and communication focus across locations Business Function B focus on !usiness process with integration complications (epartmental B focus is on organi-ational control of one manager 1. Identi%) the ne2t level o% &ork -3evel 1/ under each major component and list them under their top4level 'roups. This can !e done with indented lists or graphicall" in an organi-ation chart. ,evel / ,evel 0./ ,evel 0.0 ,evel 2./ ,evel 2.0 ,evel 2.2 Indented 3ist

3e vel 3e vel 3e vel 3e vel

Graphical Chart

3e vel 3e vel

0. Continue to (reak do&n the &ork under each 3evel 1 items. Break down to the level of task detail that ensures the top.level components are !roken down far enough for identification of all the work that needs to get done. (etails under some ma" !reak into three or four levels. &thers ma" re)uire no more detail, or onl" one additional level. Write preliminar" plans if necessar" to help scope the later cross.functional efforts# documentation, manufacturing, testing, etc.

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+age 2 Guideline

Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS

52amples and De%initions o% T)pical WBS 3evels

his section contains material contri!uted !" ICS Group

The following is one possi!le work !reakdown approach starting with project lifec"cle phases at ,evel /, major delivera!les of each phase as ,evel 0, and the activities, then tasks, to create each delivera!le as levels 2 and 3. Phases 6ajor Project Delivera(les and related milestones 7ctivities 1dentif" major phases of work ?e.g. specif", design, !uild, testE@ 1dentif" the major component delivera!les of work re)uired ?e.g., su!s"stems that must !e designed, !uilt, tested, during each phase.@ 1dentif" the activities needed to create those delivera!les. ?Some interim, smaller delivera!les such as documents ma" !e involved.@ Break the activities down to an appropriate level of task detail.


3evel . Phases$ $ project plan, or schedule, is made up of the delivera!les and milestones of the project, and depending on the level of detail re)uired, the activities6tasks. T"picall", this information can !e organi-ed into a num!er of natural groupings. 1n project planning, each group is called a phase and a name is given to it for ease of communication and reporting. 3evel 1 Delivera(les & 6ilestones$ (elivera!les are the clearl" defined and recogni-a!le results or tangi!le work products of successfull" completed activities6tasks performed during the project. The" appear on a project plan in the past tense, to represent the completed activit"6task and the accomplished result. F'eceiva!lesG should also appear on the project plan. The" are delivera!les owed to the project !" others outside of the project ?usuall" other project teams@, and upon which the project is dependent. :ilestones are interim events or points in time during the project which identif" the completion of a significant segment. The" are most useful as measuring or tracking points to gauge the progress of the project. Some milestones are F!usiness.criticalG milestones, in that the" are not just a mechanism for giving the team interim targets> the" have special significance, such as a contractual date with a customer. (ifferent individuals ma" identif" different num!ers of milestones !ased on their role in the project. For example, the project sponsor ma" identif" three significant milestones as indicators of how the project is progressing, whereas a team leader ma" identif" eight milestones or checkpoints within a particular phase. $ milestone should !e identified to indicate the completion of each phase of the project. 3evels 0 and 89 7ctivities & Tasks$ %ach phase of a project is composed of a num!er of major activities that will lead to achieving one or more delivera!les. $ctivities are composed of a series of tasks that are the lowest level of detail that can comforta!l" !e managed. Team mem!ers who will !e performing the tasks should !e involved in the activit"6task planning process. %stimates of time to complete each task should !e !ased on t"pical work effort re)uired and then ma" !e adjusted to reflect Hreal worldH conditions.

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+age 3 Guideline

Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS

+o& to 5n'a'e the Team in Creatin' the WBS This is a team process and should not !e done !" the +roject :anager alone. +lan to engage the project team to anal"-e and !reak down the work into a se)uence of delivera!les, activities, and tasks until the detail defines a managea!le project. *ere is a suggested process# /@ The +roject :anager can propose what the top level of the WBS should !e. 0@ all a core team meeting to review the suggested top level of the WBS and define the next level of detail. 1n the meeting, agree on the top level of the WBS and !rainstorm a list of items to include at ,evel 0 ?e.g. delivera!les that would show up for each major +hase.@

2@ Work colla!orativel" to identif" su!se)uent levels of WBS detail, !" drafting WBS activities and tasks onto a white!oard or flipchart paper on the walls, or !" writing delivera!les, activities, and tasks on stick" notes and sticking them to the white!oard or wall underneath the appropriate top level section of the WBS. 3@ +u!lish the draft WBS to team mem!ers and others to sanit" check the contents, and identif" additional work. 4ltimatel" the WBS should take into account information from# other team mem!ers other project managers who have done similar work previous project reviews other appropriate groups expert opinion existing WBS templates 5@ Det the feed!ack and incorporate it into the WBS I@ 'eview the updated WBS with the team and determine whether "oure read" to proceed to the next step of +lanning# assigning resources to the tasks in the WBS. +o& ,ar to Go$ +o& 6uch Detail is 5nou'h The ultimate 'oal in (reakin' the &ork tasks do&n is to ensure that all o% the &ork that is needed to meet the project*s o(jectives is reco'ni:ed and planned %or accuratel) %rom the (e'innin'. The level to which "ou !reak down elements of "our WBS ma" result in some tasks having less detail and longer duration, if the work in that area is clearl" understood and represents well.known work in which the team is experienced and successful.

"ne o&ner per task$ The tasks must !e defined such that the" can !e assigned to one person who will !e doing that work. Clear measura(le delivera(le &ith measurement speci%ied$ The tasks must !e defined such that the task owner can !e given completion criteria that are clear and measura!le. Small enou'h task duration %or trackin'$ Task duration at lowest level should !e less than 5J of total project time, to ensure visi!ilit" into task progress, at a small enough resolution to recogni-e )uickl" if the project is off track ?e.g. 0 weeks if / "ear> 0 da"s if 0 months@. Dreater levels of detail are generall" re)uired for projects which are#

larger more risk" dissimilar to past projects difficult to define ?suscepti!le to change@ performed !" internal work groups planned for the near future
+age 5

7 op"right 088/.0889 %mprend 1nc. 6 +roject +ermission for :em!ers use on their projects. See our Terms of Service for information on +:&6group use and corporate su!scriptions. Guideline Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS See the BS completion chec"list on the following page#

The WBS will continue to !e updated during the +lan and Schedule development process> generall" as the process goes forward, additional tasks come to light and must !e incorporated into the WBS. The checklist !elow will help the team know that a WBS has !een created that forms a sound !asis for the projects schedule going forward.

WBS Completion Checklist 7ppropriate level o% detail$ meets the following criteria#

ontinue to !reak the work down until a task list is developed which

one ?and onl" one@ owner can !e assigned to each of the lowest level tasks clearl" defined outputs are evident for each task )ualit" can !e monitored through performance criteria associated with each output the tasks communicate the work to !e accomplished to the person who is accounta!le the likelihood that a task is omitted or work flow forgotten is minimi-ed each task is well enough defined and small enough so that estimates of duration are credi!le the project is !roken down to the level at which "ou want to track as a general rule, the lowest level tasks should have durations !etween two and twent" da"s and effort that e)uates to not more than / person week

o %or'otten tasks$ +roject dela"s are often caused !" forgotten tasks, rather than inaccurate estimates. %nsure "ou have included tasks for#

planning the project approval c"cles ke" project meetings management6customer interfaces )ualit" inspections6fixing defects training management test planning, development ; execution project reviews and project closing

See the %ollo&in' pa'es %or several e2amples o% Work Breakdo&n Structures

7 op"right 088/.0889 %mprend 1nc. 6 +roject +ermission for :em!ers use on their projects. See our Terms of Service for information on +:&6group use and corporate su!scriptions.

+age I Guideline

Plan and Schedule Development Task ID & WBS

WBS 52amples The following WBS examples illustrate using the top.down !reakdown approach for several different project t"pes.

52ample .$ WBS %or Buildin' a +ouse -Indented 3ist ,ormat/

?ref # Effective Project Management, W"soki et al, +g. /08@


S1T% +'%+$'$T1&A #. $a"out %. Grading C. E&cavation F&4A($T1&A #. Erect 'orms %. Pour Concrete C. (emove 'orms F'$:1AD #. 'loor )oists /. 1nstall first.floor floor joists 0. 1nstall second.floor floor joists %. Su!-flooring / 1nstall first.floor su!.flooring 0. 1nstall second.floor su!.flooring C. Stud *alls /. %rect first.floor stud walls 0. %rect second.floor stud walls +. 'rame (oof 4T1,1T1%S #. Electrical /. 'ough 1n 0. Building inspection 2. Finish work %. Plum!ing /. 'ough in 0. Building inspection 2. Finish work C. Gas /. 'ough in 0. Building inspection 2. Finish work


W$,,S $. *ang sheetrock B. Tape and !ed '&&F1AD $. 1nstall sheathing B. ,a" shingles

C1. 11.


C11. F1A1S* W&'K $. 1nterior /. 1nstall ca!inets 0. 1nstall appliances 2. 1nstall furnace 3. ,a" carpet 5. +aint walls and molding I. *ang wallpaper 9. ,a" tile C111. ,$A(S $+1AD


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+age 9 Template

Plan;Schedule Development$ Task ID & WBS

52ample 1$ WBS 52cerpt %or Creatin' a Promotional D<D C" C5PT ,+etailed delivera!les and tas-s here. D5SIG ,+etailed delivera!les and tas-s here. his section of the *%S !ro-en out to activit"/tas- detail0 P!"T"T=P5 7 D T5ST +1+ Protot"pe (evelop Cideo Shoot sections 'eview and update %dit video sections %dit video B full se)uence (evelop Aarrative Write narrative text 'eview and update 'ecord voice.over narrative 'eview protot"pe (C( 4pdate protot"pe (C( est +1+ ,+etailed tas-s go here. S535CT <5 D"! +1+ 'ulfillment 1endor commitment 'esearch options (efine selection criteria Send re)uirements to fulfillment houses Det )uotes and sample contracts (ecide fulfillment house Sign contract P!"D#C5 7 D S5 D +1+ Mailing Send master to fulfillment house L$ test (C( cop" &K initial (C( production run Suppl"6approve list &K full (C( mailing -Phase/ ,+elivera!le. ?Task@ ?Task@ ?Task@ ?Task@ ?Task@ -Phase/ ,+elivera!le. -Phase/ ,+elivera!le. ?$ctivit"@ ?Task@ ?Task@ ?Task@ ?Task@ ?$ctivit"@ ?Task@ ?Task@ ?Task@ -Phase/ -Phase/

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+age M Template

Plan;Schedule Development$ Task ID & WBS

52ample 0$ WBS 52cerpt +ard&are4So%t&are S)stem Development to 3evel 0 7ctivities

Phase II$ Development 6odule . (etailed (esign 'eview reate protot"pe 4nit Test 6odule 1 (etailed (esign 'eview reate protot"pe 4nit Test 6odule n (etailed (esign 'eview reate protot"pe 4nit Test Inte'ration Test 6anu%acturin' plannin' #ser Documentation development Test Plannin' ,inal Desi'n !evie& and !elease Phase III$ 7pproval 7lpha Test Beta Test !e'ulator) Certi%ication Phase I<$ Deliver) Pilot (uild Preparation %or !elease !elease to Production;Deliver)

See also a num(er o% Work Breakdo&n Structure e2ample %iles on the site.

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+age N Template

Plan;Schedule Development$ Task ID & WBS

52ample 8$ We(site Development WBS

.. We(site Project .... Desi'n ...... We( #ser Inter%ace /./././. Functional Specifications /././././. reate 4ser 1nterface /./././.0. onduct (esign 'eview /./././.2. (eliver Final Functional Specs /./././.3. &!tain 4ser Signoff /././.0. Technical Specifications /././.0./. (evelop Tech Specs /././.0.0. 'eview Tech Specs with +roject Team /././.0.2. &!tain Team Signoff ....1. S>3 Data(ase /./.0./. Technical Specifications /./.0././. (evelop Tech Specs /./.0./.0. 'eview Tech Specs with +roject Team /./.0./.2. &!tain Team Signoff ....0. Inter%aces /./.2./. Technical Specifications /./.2././. (etermine data import6export elements /./.2./././. (efine 4ser needs /./.2././.0. (efine 1T needs /./.2./.0. (esign interfaces /./.2./.2. &!tain Team Signoff ....8. !eports /./.3./. Functional Specifications /./.3././. ollect 4ser 'e)uirements /./.3./././. (efine (ata elements /./.3././.0. (efine Fre)uenc" /./.3././.2. (efine $udience /./.3./.0. (esign 'eports /./.3./.2. 'eview 'eport (esign with +roject Team /./.3./.3. (eliver Final Functional Specs /./.3./.5. &!tain 4ser Signoff ..1. Development ..1... We( ,ront 5nd /.0././. ode We! +ages /.0./.0. onduct 4nit Test /.0./.2. 'eview We! +age design6functionalit" /.0./.3. &!tain 4ser Signoff ..1.1. S>3 Data(ase /.0.0./. 1dentif" ta!le relationships /.0.0.0. Build data!ase ta!les /.0.0.2. 'eview Ta!les with project team /.0.0.3. &!tain Signoff ..1.0. Inter%aces /.0.2./. Build 1nterfaces /.0.2.0. onduct 4nit test of import6export functionalit" /.0.2.2. &!tain Signoff ..1.8. !eports /.0.3./. ode 'eports /.0.3.0. onduct 4nit test /.0.3.2. 'eview 'eports with project team /.0.3.3. &!tain Signoff Continued ne&t page

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+age /8 Template

Plan;Schedule Development$ Task ID & WBS

52ample 8$ We(site Development WBS -continued/

..0. >ualit) 7ssurance ..0... We( ,ront 5nd /.2././. Cerif" design and functionalit" /.2./.0. +erform 1ntegration Test /.2./.2. +erform 4ser $cceptance Test /.2./.3. &!tain 4ser Signoff ..0.1. S>3 Data(ase /.2.0./. Cerif" design6data elements /.2.0.0. Cerif" relationships /.2.0.2. +erform 1ntegration Test /.2.0.3. +erform 4ser $cceptance Test /.2.0.5. &!tain 4ser Signoff ..0.0. Inter%aces /.2.2./. Cerif" design and functionalit" /.2.2.0. +erform 1ntegration Test /.2.2.2. +erform 4ser $cceptance Test /.2.2.3. &!tain 4ser Signoff ..0.8. !eports /.2.3./. Cerif" design and functionalit" /.2.3.0. +erform 1ntegration Test /.2.3.2. +erform 4ser $cceptance Test /.2.3.3. &!tain 4ser Signoff ..8. Trainin' ..8... Create s)stem documentation /.3././. $ssem!le Tech Specs /.3./.0. (evelop S"stem Flowcharts /.3./.2. (eliver Source ode /.3./.3. omplete S"stem (ocumentation manual ..8.1. Create trainin' materials /.3.0./. $ssem!le Functional Specs /.3.0.0. (evelop F$s 1sG and FTo BeG documentation /.3.0.2. 4pdate Business +rocesses /.3.0.2./. Write new !usiness processes /. &!tain 4ser Signoff /.3.0.3. omplete 4ser Training :anuals ..8.0. Train users /.3.2./. Train 1T Support Staff /.3.2././. 1dentif" trainees /.3.2./.0. 1dentif" trainers /.3.2./.2. onstruct training schedule /.3.2./.3. Train users /.3.2.0. Train Business +artners /.3.2.0./. 1dentif" trainees /. 1dentif" trainers /. onstruct training schedule /. Train users /. Cerif" user readiness Continued ne&t page

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+age // Template

Plan;Schedule Development$ Task ID & WBS

52ample 8$ We(site Development WBS -continued/

..?. Implementation ..?... +ard&are /.5././. (etermine hardware needs /.5./.0. :ake *ardware selections /.5./.2. +urchase hardware /.5./.3. (eplo" /.5./.5. +erform S"stem test /.5./.I. Cerif" production readiness and signoff ..?.1. Packa'ed So%t&are /.5.0./. (etermine software needs /.5.0.0. :ake software selections /.5.0.2. +urchase software /.5.0.3. (eplo" /.5.0.5. +erform S"stem Test /.5.0.I. Cerif" production readiness ..?.0. Develop Implementation Plan /.5.2./. onstruct Timeline /.5.2.0. 1dentif" Team /.5.2.2. 1dentif" omponents /.5.2.3. Finali-e +lan ..?.8. Installation /.5.3./. onvert hardware to" status /.5.3.0. onvert packaged software to production read" status /.5.3.2. 1nstall new programs into production environment /.5.3.3. Cerif" code /.5.3.5. 1nitiate limited production run for user acceptance /.5.3.I. Turn over s"stem to users ..@. Post4Implementation ..@... <eri%) S)stem /.I././. &!tain user acceptance of production s"stem /.I./.0. ,og issues ..@.1. 6onitor s)stem /.I.0./. Cerif" performance /.I.0.0. Cerif" functionalit" ..@.0. Project Wrap4up /.I.2./. &!tain Final +roject Signoff /.I.2.0. (ocument and 'eview ,essons ,earned

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