Kow Faq Dec13

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klnCS Cl WA8 - ClllClAL lACs by Alesslo CavaLore uLCLM8L8 2013

!"#$% '( )*+ , '(("-"*. (*/0 12 *340056 -78796:4
-684: :=340 >5005?@ A:6> 9B4 >5?5 :=34 166C
C) Pow does cover work, Lhere appears Lo be a secLlon mlsslng from Lhe mlnl rulebook ul?
A) Pere ls Lhe LexL from Lhe full rulebook, LogeLher wlLh Lhe ShooLlng Modlflers LexL LhaL lncludes a couple of amendmenLs
(hlghllghLed ln !"#$%&'(#&) below):
[SnCC1ING] Mod|f|ers
A number of facLors can make a hlL less llkely Lo happen.
1he mosL common are:
- -1 extreme range. 1he LargeL ls over half of Lhe aLLack's range away.
- -1 soft cover. 1he LargeL ls ln sofL cover.
- -2 hard cover. 1he LargeL ls ln hard cover.
- -1 mov|ng. 1he flrlng unlL recelved any order oLher Lhan PalL LhaL Lurn.
lor each of Lhese facLors, deducL '*+ -"$&.&+/ from Lhe score rolled by Lhe dlce. lor example, lf your unlL normally needs
a 4+ Lo hlL, buL lL's shooLlng aL a LargeL ln 0".' cover, you wlll need 3 or more Lo hlL lnsLead. lf Lhe LargeL was aL exLreme
range as well, you would need 6s. Any dlce LhaL rolls a 1 ls always a mlss, regardless of modlflers. Powever, lf modlflers Lo
Lhe roll mean LhaL Lhe unlL would need more Lhan 6 Lo hlL, lL can sLlll shooL and wlll need 6 Lo hlL, buL lL only rolls dlce
equal Lo half of lLs ALLacks (roundlng down).

1o declde wheLher Lhe LargeL unlL ls ln cover, Lake a look aL lL from behlnd Lhe head of Lhe flrlng unlL's Leader.
- lf he can see more Lhan half of Lhe LargeL unlL clearly, Lhe LargeL ls noL ln cover.
- lf aL leasL half of Lhe LargeL unlL ls ouL of slghL, or parLlally obscured by lnLervenlng Lerraln or models, Lhe LargeL ls ln
- lf aL leasL half of Lhe LargeL unlL ls lnslde an area of dlfflculL Lerraln, Lhe LargeL ls ln cover. eople may agree aL Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe game LhaL some areas of dlfflculL Lerraln do noL confer any cover (llke qulcksand, for example.).
- lf Lhe llne of slghL of Lhe unlL leader goes Lhrough 3" or more of an area of dlfflculL Lerraln, Lhe LargeL ls ln cover (unless
you have agreed LhaL Lhe area of dlfflculL Lerraln does noL confer cover, see above).
- lf you're noL sure wheLher Lhe LargeL ls ln cover or noL, roll a dle. Cn a 4+ lL ls noL, on 3 or less lL ls.
- lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe cover comprlses of Lhlngs LhaL ln reallLy would hlde Lhe unlL buL noL sLop any bulleLs, arrows or
shrapnel, use Lhe sofL cover modlfler. 1hls lncludes enemy and
frlendly Lroops, on accounL LhaL Lhey'd Lry Lo geL ouL of Lhe way of Lhe shoLs as much as posslble. CLherwlse, use hard
cover. Agree before Lhe game whaL ls golng Lo counL as hard and sofL cover.
E704 %5F40
C) Could you please clarlfy Lhe base slzes for nalads, Sylphs, Cnomes, Sylvan kln, Salamanders, Lower Abyssals and oLher unlLs
whose models have noL belng released yeL?
A) Pere's a llsL (courLesy of uarklord, edlLed by Alesslo):
Infantry ls on 20mm square bases, aparL from Crcs, Sylvan kln, Salamanders, Lower Abyssals & Cargoyles, whlch are on
23mm square bases.
Large Infantry ls on 40mm square bases, aparL from Lesser Cbsldlan Colems, whlch are on 30mm square bases.
Cava|ry ls on 23x30mm.
Large Cava|ry ls on 30mm square bases, aparL from Mlncers, all CharloLs & llghL Wagons whlch are on 30mm x 100mm.
Monsters are normally on 30mm square bases, buL you can use a 30mm x 100mm base lf your monsLer doesn'L flL.
War Lng|nes don'L have Lo have a base, buL lf you wanL one, LreaL Lhem as MonsLers.
neroes flL on Lhe relevanL base - l.e. a model on fooL wlll use a 20mm base. (unless lL's an Crc or oLher race LhaL uses
larger bases for lnfanLry, as noLed). lf you mounL a characLer on a horse, he Lhen ls puL on a 23mm by 30mm. MounL
Lhem on someLhlng blgger llke a Slasher/Crlffon/uragon eLc, and Lhey'll be on a 30mm base. Agaln, lf your uragon needs
a blgger base, LhaL's flne.
klnCS Cl WA8 - ClllClAL lACs by Alesslo CavaLore uLCLM8L8 2013
C) 1he rulebook sLaLes: "1hese models musL be glued on Lhe bases provlded wlLh Lhem and formed up lnLo unlLs as descrlbed
below." ls Lhls Lo be Laken llLerally forblddlng unlL baslng and Lhe llke?
A) no, as long as Lhe unlL lLself conforms Lo Lhe correcL slze for Lhe ranked up models (plus or mlnus a movemenL Lray) Lhen Lhe
way Lhe lndlvldual models are based does noL maLLer.
':G E705?@
C) Can Crcs be mounLed on 20mm bases lnsLead of 23mm ones? Can any lnfanLry models be placed on elLher base slze?
A) no Lo boLh quesLlons. As sLaLed above, models musL be glued Lo Lhe bases provlded wlLh Lhem.
-B7:@5?@ 7?J .5?4 6A %5@B9
C) When charglng a unlL, Lhe Leader musL be able Lo see lL. uoes Lhe leader have a 90 degree arc of slghL or does Lhe leader use Lhe
unlL's arc of slghL?
A) 8emember Lhan Lhe LargeL unlL has Lo lle wlLhln Lhe fronL arc of Lhe charglng unlL. So as long as Lhe LargeL or parL of lL ls wlLhln
Lhls arc and Lhe leader can draw a LCS Lo lL, Lhls condlLlon for charglng ls saLlsfled. 1he leader model hlmself doesn'L have a
personal 90 degree fronL arc.
D?59 "?94:K4?49:7956?
C) under whaL clrcumsLances ls lL accepLable Lo lnLerpeneLraLe an enemy unlL? 1he LexL ln Lhe rulebook can be (mls)read Lo sLaLe
LhaL lL ls posslble Lo advance Lhrough an enemy unlL as long as a plvoL lL lnvolved aL some polnL ln Lhe move.
A) lnLerpeneLraLlon ls only posslble durlng Lhe plvoL lLself and usual movemenL resLrlcLlons apply for Lhe resL of movemenL.
L58695?@ 5?94:K4?49:7956? J=:5?@ 7 GB7:@4
C) Can a plvoLlng unlL lnLerpeneLraLe an allled or enemy unlL durlng a charge?
A) ?es, buL only llLerally when plvoLlng, and noL when movlng forward.
+4@:6=K5?@ 7?J <4::75?
C) ls 'regroup movemenL' affecLed by dlfflculL Lerraln? And whaL abouL obsLacles, do Lhey affecL regroup movemenL?
A) no, 8egroup movemenL ls noL affecLed by dlfflculL Lerraln or obsLacles.
M7:C %=:@4 7?J <4::75?
C) ls Lhe uark Surge move affecLed by dlfflculL Lerraln (so each 4+ "hlL" on Lhe unlL only moves Lhem forwards 0.3")? And whaL
abouL obsLacles, do Lhey affecL uark Surge movemenL?
A) no, uark Surge movemenL ls noL affecLed by dlfflculL Lerraln or obsLacles.
-6>179 A6336N5?@ :4@:6=K5?@ 6: OJ7:C 0=:@5?@P 7G:600 94::75?
C) lf a unlL overruns an lndlvldual, regroups u6 across dlfflculL Lerraln and conLacLs anoLher unlL, Lhls means lL's anoLher
charge. 1he regroup movemenL ls noL affecLed by Lhe dlfflculL Lerraln penalLy, so does Lhe -1 Lo hlL for dlsrupLed charge sLlll apply?
And whaL lf Lhe unlL ls uark Surged Lhrough dlfflculL Lerraln Lo charge an enemy - does Lhe dlsrupLed charge apply?
A) no, Lhe dlsrupLed charge penalLy does noL apply.
klnCS Cl WA8 - ClllClAL lACs by Alesslo CavaLore uLCLM8L8 2013
%K7G4 A6: >6J430 A6336N5?@ G6>179
C) WhaL should be done lf Lhere ls noL enough space Lo move a unlL or model back 1" when Lhe Chargers ull 8ack followlng
A) 1hls slLuaLlon ls exLremely unllkely, as Lhe chargers needed enough free space Lo be able Lo charge ln Lhe flrsL place. Powever lf
Lhe slLuaLlon descrlbed was Lo happen somehow, move Lhe chargers as much as posslble backwards, [usL enough Lo separaLe Lhem
a few mllllmeLres from Lhe LargeL. lf even Lhls ls lmposslble, lL's accepLable Lo move Lhe LargeL backwards unlLl Lhe Lwo unlLs are
roughly 1" aparL.
%4K7:795?@ >=395K34 GB7:@4:0 A6336N5?@ G6>179
C) lf mulLlple chargers succeed ln desLroylng an enemy unlL should Lhey be separaLed by 1" before or afLer proceedlng wlLh Lhelr
regroup acLlons? lf noL Lhen lL could be sald LhaL Lhelr regroup moves are noL legal lf Lhe unlLs do noL end 1" aparL.
A) llrsL execuLe Lhelr regroup moves, Lhen, lf necessary, separaLe Lhem, movlng unlLs as llLLle and as equally as posslble.
%L;-"*. +D.;%
C) ls lL ever posslble Lo re-roll a re-roll?
A) no, never. 1he second roll always sLands.
C) Some unlLs say "lnsplrlng only Lo x". uoes LhaL mean LhaL Lhey are noL lnsplrlng Lo Lhemselves (e.g. uwarf WarsmlLh and new
Cgre Warlock)?
A) A unlL LhaL ls lnsplrlng ls always lnsplrlng Lo lLself, even lf Lhe exLended effecL ls resLrlcLed Lo oLher parLlcular unlL Lypes.
#5>134S"?J585J=730 7?J -B7:@5?@
C) uoes havlng nlmble granL you an exLra Lurn when you charge? And can lndlvlduals plvoL any number of Llmes when charglng?
A) no, Lhe charglng rules Lake precedence ln elLher case and so nlmble unlLs can only plvoL Lwlce when charglng, llke any oLher
lndlvlduals, however, can flrsL roLaLe up Lo 360
Lo choose a new faclng and Lhen charge, buL Lhen durlng Lhe charge Lhey can Lhen
only plvoL Lwlce, llke any oLher unlL.
nC1L - Lhls Answer has been changed from prevlous verslons of Lhls documenL.
+4@:6=K5?@ 7?J "?J585J=730
C) lollowlng combaL, and Lhe successful rouLlng of your opponenL, you geL Lo regroup. 1hls ls elLher: Change faclng, ulrecLly
forward u6, 8ack-up u3. All slmple. 8uL can an lndlvldual, who has a 360
movemenL arc, move u6 ln any dlrecLlon (or backup u3 ln
any dlrecLlon)?
A) As Lhe lndlvldual would have llned up wlLh Lhe LargeL as parL of Lhe charge move anyway, lL ls easler Lo slmply follow Lhe rules as
wrlLLen and llLerally leave lL where lL ls (l.e. change faclng), or move lL forward u6" or backwards u3".
'84:Q:=??5?@ "?J585J=730
C) ls Lhere a llmlL Lo Lhe number of Llmes you can rouL lndlvlduals ln a slngle Lurn?
A) no Lhere ls noL llmlL. lf you are lucky enough Lo rouL more Lhan one lndlvldual (or your opponenL was foollsh enough Lo seL lL up
for you!), Lhen you can keep golng unLll you fall Lo rouL one.
klnCS Cl WA8 - ClllClAL lACs by Alesslo CavaLore uLCLM8L8 2013
#5>134 =?590 7?J T739 6: +4@:6=K
C) lf a nlmble unlL ls ordered Lo PalL, can lL sLlll do lLs free plvoL? lf so, does lL Lhen counL as havlng been ordered Lo PalL from Lhe
polnL of vlew of shooLlng (no -1 Lo hlL for movlng, shooLlng even wlLh 8eload!)? And whaL abouL as parL of a 8egroup?
A) no, lf nlmble unlL ls ordered Lo PalL, lL does noL move aL all. 1he nlmble rule only works when Lhe unlL ls acLually execuLlng a
normal move, havlng recelved an Advance!, 8ack!, SldesLep! or AL Lhe uouble! order. lor Lhe same reason, nlmble unlLs cannoL use
Lhls ablllLy when 8egrouplng, ulllng 8ack, uark Surglng or any oLher Lype of non-sLandard movemenL.
%B7>135?@ I7?@=7:J0
C) Pow do Lhe Shambllng and vanguard speclal rules work LogeLher?
A) Shambllng unlLs wlLh vanguard may make a double move before Lhe game, as Lhls represenLs Lhem worklng Lhelr way onLo Lhe
fleld earller Lhan Lhe resL of Lhe army, posslbly by sLealLh or maglcal means raLher Lhan by speed. lrom LhaL polnL onwards Lhey
reverL Lo Lhelr Shambllng movemenL.
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'@:4 %B6694:0
C) 1he Cgre ShooLers ln Lhe Cgre Army from Lhe klngs and Legends book are dlfferenL from Lhe ones ln Lhe klngdoms of Men llsL ln
Lhe rulebook, so whlch one should l use?
A) lf you are uslng Lhe Cgre ShooLers as parL of a klngdoms of Men army, use Lhe proflle ln Lhe rulebook, whlle lf you are uslng an
army from Lhe Cgre Army on klngs and Legends, use Lhe enLry from LhaL book. Cbvlously, Lhe equlpmenL carrled by Cgre
mercenarles ln human armles ls sllghLly worse!
'@:4 %B6694:0 >=05G57?0 7?J 17??4:0
C) Should Cgre ShooLers have Lhe opLlon for a muslclan and/or banner?
A) no. 8y Lhe way, Lhls ls noL really an lAC.
':G -B7:569 >=05G57?0 7?J 17??4:0
C) Can a slngle Crc CharloL Lake a muslclan and/or banner?
A) ?es, lL can have elLher (or boLh!).
*120073 MN7:A OM:7@6?P (5:4Q947>
C) An Abyssal uwarf llre 1eam ls boLh an lndlvldual and a Warmachlne, meanlng LhaL when charged enemy unlLs boLh nLvL8
Lrlple Lhelr aLLacks and ALWA?S Lrlple Lhelr aLLacks agalnsL lL. Whlch Lakes precedence?
A) 1he lndlvldual rule Lakes precedence, so enemy unlLs do noL Lrlple Lhelr aLLacks agalnsL lL.
)784:5?@ 14 9B4 L56=0
C) Can '8lessed be Lhe lous' be used by a unlL LhaL ls waverlng?
A) ?es.
E705347? LB64?5U40
C) 1he hoenlx has 8enewal and ls also Angellc. So does LhaL mean lL has 8egeneraLlon Lwlce, one whlch can be losL and one whlch
cannoL? ls Lhls lnLenLlonal or should Lhe 8enewal replace Lhe 8egeneraLlon granLed by belng Angellc?
A) 1he hoenlx does noL regeneraLe Lwlce. 8aLher, Lhe 8enewal rule slmply means LhaL lL can never lose lLs angellc 8egeneraLlon.
klnCS Cl WA8 - ClllClAL lACs by Alesslo CavaLore uLCLM8L8 2013
-6?A5J4?9 *?@430
C) Pow does Pelm of Confldence work wlLh Llohl and oLher Angellc unlLs?
A) 1he Pelm of Confldence has no effecL on Angellc unlLs, as Lhey are lmmune Lo lLs effecLs.
T43> 6A -6?A5J4?G4 80V EB7:J66>W
C) uoes 8rakkl 8arka's 8hardoom rule negaLe Lhe Pelm of Confldence?
A) no lL does noL, Lhe Pelm conLlnues Lo work, as 8hardoom only affecLs lnsplrlng rules generaLed by frlendly heroes.

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