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SBEE Heavy Duty Cables : a) Letters used in Type Designations : A = Appearing as a first letter denotes Aluminium Conductor. Y = (PVC) Insulation or (PVC) Sheath depending on the position in which it appears. 2X = (Cross-linked Polyethylene) Insulation. W = Round Steel Wire Armouring. WW = Double Round Steel Wire Armouring. F = Formed Steel Wire (Strip) Armouring. FF = Double Formed Steel Wire (Strip) Armouring. C = Metallic Screening (Usually of Copper). CE = Metallic Screening (usually of Copper) over each individual core. Gb = Holding Helix Tape (of Steel) Wa = Aluminium Round Wire & Aluminium Formed Wire (Strip) Fa Armouring b) Type Designations : AYY Aluminium Conductor, Insulated, Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cables. AYWY Aluminium Conductor, Insulated, Galvanised Round Steel Wire Armoured and Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cables. AYFY Aluminium Conductor, Insulated, Galvanised Flat Steel Wire (Strip) Armoured and Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable.


AYCY Aluminium Conductor, Insulated, Metallic Screened and Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable. A2XCY Aluminium Conductor, TROPOTHEN-X Insulated, Metallic Screened and TROPODUR Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable. AYCEFY Aluminium Conductor, Insulated, individual core metallic screened, Flat steel Wire (strip) Armoured and Outer Sheathed Heavy duty Cable. A2XCEFY Aluminium Conductor Insulated, individual cores metallic screened, Flat Steel Wire (Strip) Armoured and Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Cable. NOTE : If the first letter A is dropped in the above designations (i.e. YY, YWY, YFY etc.) they will denote corresponding types with Copper Conductors. YWWGby(Mining) Copper Conductor Insulated, double round wire armoured and Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Mining Cable. YFFGby(Mining) Copper Conductor Insulated, double flat wire (strip) armoured and Outer Sheathed Heavy Duty Mining Cable.

Paper Cables : a) Letters used in Type Designations : A = Appearing as a first letter denotes Aluminium Conductor. P = Paper Insulation L = Lead Sheath Ly = Lead Alloy Sheath


S = Lapped bedding or serving of compounded fibrous materials (when it comes below armouring in armoured cables, it is known as bedding). Y = Extruded PVC Bedding or Serving. T = Double steel tape armouring. Tg = Double steel tape armouring galvanised. W = Single round steel wire armouring. WW = Double round steel wire armouring. F = Single formed steel wire (strip) armouring. FF = Double formed steel wire (strip) armouring. b) Type Designations: APLS Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Sheathed and Served Cable. APLyS Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Alloy Sheathed and Served Cable. APLy Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Sheathed and overall PVC Sheath protected Cable. APLyY Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Alloy Sheathed and overall PVC Sheath protected Cable. APLSTS Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Sheathed, double steel tape armoured and served Cable. APLySTS Aluminium Conductor, Paper Insulated, Lead Alloy Sheathed, double steel tape armoured and overall PVC Sheath protected cable. NOTE :


1. If the first letter A is dropped in the above designations (i.e. PLS, PLSTS, PLSTY, etc) they will denote the corresponding types with Copper Conductors. 2. If the cable is armoured with round steel wire armouring or formed steel wire (strip) armouring replace T in above by W or F respectively e.g. APLSWS, APLSFS, etc. 3. If the cable is armoured with double round steel wire armouring or double formed steel wire (strip) armouring replace T by WW or FF respectively e.g. APLSWWS, APLSFFS, etc. 4. If the cable is armoured with galvanised double steel tape, replace T by Tg e.g. APLSTgS. 5. In the case of H type cable with common Lead Sheath, add suffix (screened) e.g. APLSTS (screened) APLSTY (screened) etc. 6. In the case of HSL type cable with separately Lead Sheathed cores, add suffix (screened SL) e.g. APLSTS (screened SL), APLSTY (screened SL) etc.

For completely specifying the cable, the type designation is to be followed by indication of number of cores, nominal cross-section of conductor, construction of conductor and voltage rating of cable as shown in the following examples : 1. AYY 3 1/2 x 50/25 sm 0.65/1.1 kV 2. AYFY 3 x 185sm 3.8/6.6 kV (E) 3. AYCY 1 x 400 rm 6.35/11 kV (E) 4. AYCEFY 3 x 240 rm/v 6.35/11 kV (E) 5. A2XCEFY 3 x 300 rm/v 12.7/22 kV (E) 6. YWWGbY 3 x 16 rm/12 (Mining) 0.65/1.1 kV 7. YFFGbY 3 x 70 sm/35 (Mining) 1.9/3.3 kV 8. APLS 1 x 630 rm 3.8/6.6 kV (E)


9. APLySWY 3 x 240 sm 6.35/11 kV (E) 10. APLSTS 3 x 400 sm 11 kV (UE) 11. APLSTS (Screened) 3 x 150 sm 12.7/22 kV (E) 12. APLSTgY (Screened) 3 x 300 rm 19/33 kV (E) NOTE : i. ii. The nominal cross-section of conductors indicated are in In Item (1) the cross-section indicated as ' 50/25 ' mean that the main conductors are of nominal cross-section 50 and the neutral conductor is of nominal cross-section 25 The construction of conductor is indicated as follows : re : circular, solid conductor rm : circular, multiwire stranded conductor rm/v : circular, compact multiwire stranded conductor sm : shaped, multiwire stranded conductor In Items (6) and (7) the examples Mining Cables the figures ' 16 rm/12 ' & ' 70 sm/35 ' denote that the nominal cross-section of conductor is 16 (circular, multiwire stranded), 70 (shaped, multi-wire stranded) and the minimum effective cross-sections of armouring are equivalent to 12 of copper* and 35 of copper* respectively. (*or Aluminium in case of Aluminium conductor Mining cables)



Rubber Cable : For Cables other than Ship Wiring : Constituent Aluminium Conductor Elastomer (Rubber) Insulation Copper wire braiding or helical screening of Copper wires Semi-conducting extruded Screening over & below Insulation Copper wire braiding or helical screening of Copper wires on individual cores Glass Fibre Yarn braiding Textile Braiding Synthetic Yarn Braiding Textile Braiding on individual cores Synthetic Yarn Braiding on individual cores Steel round wire armouring Double steel round wire armouring Steel strip armouring Double steel strip armouring Non-magnetic round wire armouring Non-magnetic strip armouring Steel wire braiding Steel wire pliable armouring Elastomer (Rubber) Outer Sheath PVC Outer Sheath Code Letter A R C Cg CE @ C B S BE @ SE @ W WW F FF Wa Fa Wb Wp R Y

Normal flexible conductor is denoted as 'rf' & special (as per client requirement) flexible conductor is denoted as "rff". When the conductor material is Copper no Code Letter is requried for conductor @ In case only some of the cores are individually screened/braided the number of such cores shall be indicated as suffix to the Code Letter e.g. CE4, BE4, etc For Ship Wiring Cables :


Constituent Ship Wiring Cable (Marine use) Elastomer (Rubber) Insulation Braiding of Steel/Copper/Annealed Tinned Copper Elastomer (Rubber) Outer Sheath PVC Outer Sheath NOTE :

Code Letter M G C G Y

Material of braiding shall be indicated in brackets at the end as follows : Plain Copper (CU) and Annealed Tinned Copper (ATC) Examples for the above code letters : 1) Annealed tinned Copper flexible conductor of nominal cross-section 25Sqmm insulated with Rubber Compound, provided with Copper wire braiding on individual cores, for cores stranded together, inner sheathed, provided with steel wire braiding and overall sheathed with Rubber compound. The Type Designation shall be RCEWbR 4 x 25 rf 2) Annealed tinned Copper (2.5 flexible conductor, insulated with silicon rubber, overall braided with Glass Fibre Yarn and varnished cable. The type designation shall be RG 1 x 2.5 rf. 3) Annealed tinned copper flexible conductor of nominal cross-section 2.5 insulated with Rubber Compound, 2 cores provided with protective screen of annealed tinned Copper wire braiding, 2 screened cores and 14 un-screened cores laid up together in one layer, inner sheathed, provided with annealed tinned Copper wire braiding and overall sheathed with Rubber Compound with reinforcement of Synthetic Yarn Braid. The Type Designation shall be RCE2CSR (14 + 2) x 2.5rf 4) Stranded conductor of annealed tinned Copper of nominal cross-section 2.5, insulated with Rubber Compound, 3 cores stranded together, inner sheathed, provided with


plain Copper/annealed tinned copper/steel wire braiding and overall sheathed with Rubber/PVC Compound. The Type Designation shall be : With Plain Copper Wire : MGCG (Cu) 3 x 2.5 rm Braiding : MGCY (Cu) 3 x 2.5 rm With annealed tinned : MGCG (ATC) 3 x 2.5 rm Copper Wire braiding : MGCY (ATC) 3 x 2.5 rm


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Ampacity: Current carrying capacity of a cable is known as its ampacity. This property is unique for each wire/ cable & is influenced by

Conductor material, number of conductors & cross- sectional area

Thermal conductivity & Thickness of insulation

Ambient temperature

Ability of construction to dissipate heat after installation

Armouring (Or Armour): A metal covering usually applied in the form of tape or wire, intended to protect a cable from mechanical damage.



Bobbins: Metal spools used for taking up drawn wire and subsequently used for payoff packages in cabling and stranding equipment Braid : A fiberous or metallic group of filaments interwoven in cylindrical form to form a covering over one or more wires. Braider: a machine used to apply a woven fiberous or metallic braid over a cable. Braiding: The plaited protective covering of a cable. Barrier Joint : A cable joint between two mass-impregnated cables in which the impregnating compound in each cable is separated from that in the other. Bedding (of an armoured cable): A layer or layers of material applied to a cable beneath the armour. Bunched Stranding : A term applied to a number of wires twisted together in one direction in one operation without any regard to their geometric arrangement. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Cable: An assembly of one or more conductors, ether solid or stranded, each covered with a layer of insulating material throughout its length, the whole being provided with a common protective covering. Cable Filler : A material used in a multiple-core conductor cable to occupy space and thus round up the cable, sometimes used to accomplish conductor spacing. Cable Terminal Box: A box fitted at the end of a cable in order to facilitate the connection, and sometimes the quick disconnection of other conductors. Calculated Effective Sectional Area: The area of a solid conductor of the same resistivity and having the same resistance as that of any equal length of the conductor. In the case of a split conductor cable, the calculated effective area is the sum of the cross sections of each of the two or more sections into which the conductor is divided.


Compacting : Compact stranding, are conductor constructions that can add little more ampacity into a tight space. Conductor: A body or substance, which offers a low resistance to the passage of an electric current. Continuous Vulcanisation (CV) : A continuous, in-line process whereby a wire has an extruded covering applied, is then passed through a tube containing such temperature and pressures as are necessary to complete vulcanisation. Control Cable : A multi-conductor cable made for operating in control or signal circuits, usually flexible, relatively small in size, and with relatively small current rating. Core: Assembly comprising a conductor and its own insulation. Corona Discharge: A phenomenon called corona discharge may occur in high voltage transmission line , resulting in formation of ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen, and in ionisation of oxygen in the surrounding air. The insulation may be attacked by ozone and by corona Corona partial discharge may also occur in a void within insulation system where the voltage gradient is sufficiently high. Cross-Sectional Area: The sum of the cross-sectional area of the component wires of the conductor of a cable, the cross sectional area of each wire being measured perpendicular to its individual axis. Current Carrying Capacity: The current a conductor of a given size is capable of carrying safely without exceeding its own temperature limitations, at a defined set of conditions. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Direction of Lay: Defined as right-hand or Left-hand these terms have the same meaning as specified for screw threads. It is said to be right-handed if, when assembled with a fixed mating thread and twisted in a clockwise direction, it moves away from the operator; and lefthanded if, when assembled with a fixed mating thread and twisted in a clockwise direction, it approaches the operator. The right-hand lay is also know as Z-lay and left hand lay as S-Lay.


Distributor: The portion of any underground cable with which a service line is, or is intended to be, immediately connected. Dividing Box: A box fitted to one end of a two, three, four core or multicore cable for termination. Dielectric : A material with good electric insulating characteristics, insulating medium. Dielectric Constant : A term used to define the degree of insulating characteristics possessed by a dielectric. Typical Values of Dielectric Constant Material PVC EPR PE XLPE Dielectric Constant 3.4 - 8.0 2.5 - 3.5 2.5 - 2.6 2.3 - 6.0

Drain wires : A number of small gauge bare wires applied concentrically about the insulation shield of a high voltage cable for the purpose of a fault current return path. Drawing : The process of reducing a cylindrical rod or wire to a desired diameter by pulling the wire through a die or series of dies thus stretching the wire. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ EPR : Ethylene Propylene Rubber Extrusion : The application of a semi-solid plastic or rubber material by forcing it on a wire passing through the extruder in a continuous fashion. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Feeder: A line, which supplies a point of distribution network without being tapped at any intermediate point.


Fillers (of a cable): The material used to fill the interstices between the cores of a two-, threefour-core or multicore cable. Fully-Impregnated Insulation: Mass-impregnated insulation where no attempt has been made to remove free compound after impregnation.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Galvanisation : A coating of some metal part (usually steel or iron) with zinc by dipping or electroplating. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Insulation : A non-conductive material usually surrounding or separating two or more conductive materials. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Jacket : A covering put around an insulated conductor for the purpose of protection and/or resistance. Properties of Jacketing Material

Units Continuous Service Temperature conductors Installation Temperature (min) Tensile Strength (min) Elongation (min) Specific Gravity of deg. C deg. C PSI % -

PVC 70 -10 1500 100 1.43

PE 75 -40 1400 350 0.93


Joint Box: A box to protect the insulation of a cable from air or moisture at a cable joint. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Lay : The distance taken to complete one revolution of helically laid strand of wire around a central core. Lay Direction : A simple means of determining the direction of lay is that- when looking along a strand, the individual wires disappear in the forward direction to the left, the strand is said to left handed and if to the right, right handed. Lay Ratio: The ratio of the axial length of complete turn of the helix formed by the core of a cable or the wire of a stranded conductor, to the mean diameter of the helix. Length of lay(LAY): The axial lenth of one complete turn of the helix formed by the core in the case of a cable, or of the wire in the case of a stranded conductor. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Mass-Impregnated and Drained Insulation: Mass- impregnated insulation from which free impregnation compound is removed by draining at a temperature in excess of the maximum working temperature. Mass-Impregnated Insulation: Insulation in which the paper tapes are applied un-impregnated, the complete insulation being subsequently dried and impregnated with compound as a whole. Mass-Impregnated Non-Draining Insulation- Insulation in which the impregnating compound has a sufficiently high viscosity at maximum working temperature to preclude migration of compound or the draining of compound under service conditions. Mean Diameter of a wire: The mean of two measurements taken at right angels at the same cross sections. Mains, Underground: All underground cables used for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy and includes feeders, distributors and pilot cables.


Messenger : A bare cable used for its strength characteristics to support power conductors and insulated power cables. A messenger can be used as a conductor, partial conductor, or nonconductor. Milliken conductors : With alternating current there is a tendency for more of the current to be carried on the outside of the conductor than in the centre (skin effect), and to overcome this problem the larger sizes of conductor are frequently of Milliken construction. Such conductors are formed from several individual sector shapes (usually four for power cables). A thin paper or other suitable insulation is applied over alternate sectors. There is insufficient economic advantage to use this construction below 1000 mm2 but Milliken design may also be used to obtain increased conductor flexibility. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Neutral Conductor : In multiphase circuits the conductor used to carry unbalanced current and in single phase systems the conductor used for a return current path. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Oxygen Index : It is the minimum of oxygen in an oxygen -nitrogen mixture in which the material will burn(air contains 21 % oxygen) . In the oxygen index test, temperature is approximately maintained at room temperature. In actual practice during fire the extent of burning may be significantly influenced by the actual temperature involved. In order to overcome this, the oxygen index is measures over a range of temperature. From the results, a temperature index is obtained by extrapolation. As the relationship is non-linear, extrapolation results are not accurate. A more valid method is maintaining the oxygen concentration at 21% and varying the temperature, the temperature index being recorded as the minimum temperature at which a material will support combustion following its burning. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Pay-off : The process of feeding a cable or wire from a bobbin, reel, or other packages. Also a device used for paying out wire or cable into a piece of equipment or machinery.


Pitch Circle Diameter : The diameter of a circle passing through the centre of the conductors in any layer of a multi-conductor cable. Proofed Tape : A tape applied to the insulation of rubber insulated cables and composed of cotton cloth coated with the rubber compound. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sheathing: A sheathing of PVC compound Used on an insulated cable or flexible cord to form an outer protective covering so as to make the cable or cord reasonably resistant to decay, mechanical abrasion, acids, alkalies and other corrosive materials. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Resistance : The property of an electric circuit which determines, for a given current, the rate at which electric energy is converted into heat and has a value such that the current squared, multiplied by the resistance gives the power Rated Voltage : The voltage at which the cable is designed to operate. In the case of ac system, the rated voltage means the voltage between phases. Reinforcement (Against Internal Pressure): A covering consisting of metal tapes or strips or wires used to enable the cable to withstand internal pressure. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Sealing, End (Sealing Box or Sealing Chamber) A box fitted to one end of a single core cable to protect its insulation from air or moisture at the point where connection is made with another conductor. Service Line : A line connecting the consumers installation to the distributor. Service of an armoured or metal sheathed cable: A layer or layers of material applied as a final covering to the outside of a cable to protect it. Sheath ( of a Cable) : A uniform and continuous covering used to protect the insulation, especially against moisture, or to protect an inner metallic sheath or armour against corrosion.


Stop Joint: A cable joint between two pressure cables in which the fluid in each cable is separated from that in the other cable by pressured resisting barrier. Straight through joint: A cable joint connecting two cable together end to end. Short Circuit Rating : It is required to determine cross sectional areas of conductor and screen in respect of short circuit current ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Tee-Joint: A cable where a branch connection is made to a main cable. Tough Rubber Sheathing: A sheathing used on an insulated cable to form an outher protective covering of tough rubber. It is composed of rubber mixed with hardening substances and suitably vulcanized to make it waterproof and reasonably resistant to deca y, mechanical abrasion, acides, alkalies and other corrosive materials. Trifurcating Joint: A box connecting a three core cable to three single core cables. Temperature Index: Temperature index is the temperature at which oxygen index becomes 21. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Waterproof Servicing: A layer or waterproof material applied to the exterior of an armoured or lead sheathed cable. Wire: Composed of a conducting material, uniform in diameter and circular in cross section.

Useful Electrical Formulae for Determining Amperes, Horsepower, Kilowatts and


Kilovolts Amperes To find Direct Current Alternative Current Single Phase HP x 746 E x Eff x PF KW x 1000 E x PF KVA x 1000 E I x E x PF 1000 IxE 1000 I x E x Eff x PF 746 Three Phase HP x 746 1.73 x E xEff x PF KW x 1000 1.73 x E x PF KVA x 1000 1.73 x E I x E x 1.73 x PF 1000 I x E x 1.73 1000 I x E x 1.73 x Eff x PF 746

Amperes when Horsepower is HP x 746 known E x Eff Amperes when Kilowatts is known Amperes when Kilovolt is known Kilowatts Kilovolt Amperes Horsepower(output) KW x 1000 E KVA x 1000 E IxE 1000 IxE 1000 I x E x Eff 746

Notes : I = Amperes E = Phase to phase volts Eff = Efficiency expressed as decimal (95% = 0.95) PF = Power factor expresses as decimal (85% = 0.85) KW = Kilowatts KVA = Kilovolt Amperes HP = Horsepower

COMMON CONVERSION FACTORS To Convert Into Atm pressure Kilogram/ Centimeters Inches

Multiply By 1.0332 0.3937


Centimeters Horsepower Inches Inches Kilogram Force Kilogram/ Kilopascal Kilowatts Megawatts Millimeters Millimeters Newton force Square Inches Square Millimeters Watts

Millimeters (electric) Watts Centimeters Millimeters Newton Kilopascal Kilogram/ Megawatts Kilowatts Centimeters Inches Kilogram Square Millimeters Square Inches Horsepower (electric)

10 746 2.54 25.4 9.80665 98.0665 0.010197 0.001 1000 0.1 0.03937 0.10197 645.16 1.550 x 10 -3 1.340 x 10 -3



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What are different elements of a Cable? Basic about cable components & constructional details What are the type designations of cable? Nomenclature of the cables What are different cable types and categories? Comparison of XLPE cables with PVC cables What is screening in cable and why it is required? What is FRLS H cable? What are the general Packing practices followed?

Conductor Conductor is a current carrying element made up of Aluminium or Copper with a specific cross section for the assigned rating, having resistance / km within certain specified limits.

Electrical Insulation (dielectric) Insulation is provided over the conductors to electrically isolate them from one another. Various types of insulating materials used are : PVC, XLPE (Cross Linked Polyethylene), Rubber, Impregnated Paper, etc. An insulated conductor is termed as Core. A cable may have one or more cores. In a multiple core cable , the cores are helically stranded together. In twin, three & multi-core cables, the cores are laid up together with a suitable lay; the outer most layer has right-hand lay and the successive layers are laid with opposite lay direction.

Inner sheath (bedding) Cables with stranded cores are provided with Inner Sheath applied either by extrusion or by


wrapping. It is ensured that the shape is as circular as possible. Inner Sheath is so applied that it fits closely on the laid up cores & it should be possible to remove it without damage to the insulation. Thickness of Inner Sheath is specified in relevant standard and is based on calculated diameter over laid-up cores.

Armour A wire, strip or a tape applied helically over the cable, to protect the cable from penetration by sharp objects, crushing forces, and damage from rodents or boring insects, is termed as Armour. Armour is applied over the insulation in case of single core cables & over inner sheath in case of twin, three & multi core cables.

Outer Sheath Outer sheath /Jacket is usually an extruded plastic cover over the laid-up or armoured core. PVC is a common sheathing material. Outer sheath provides mechanical, thermal, chemical and environmental protection. No electrical function is assigned to Outer sheath. The colour of outer sheath is normally black. Back to Top

Cables can be divided into large number of types based on a combination of classifications as follows:

Based on the voltage ratings as low voltage, high voltage, extra high voltage cables, etc. Based on the conductor material, Copper conductor or Aluminium conductor. Based on the insulating material as Paper Insulated, PVC insulated, Rubber insulated, XLPE insulated, etc. Armoured or Unarmoured cables. Based on the sheathing material, as PVC Sheathed, Rubber Sheathed, Lead Sheathed, Aluminium Sheathed, etc. Based on the number of cores as single core, two core, three core, three-and-a-half core, four core, multicore, etc. Based on the cross-section of the conductor.


Based on the type of conductor, solid, stranded, sector shaped, etc.

From above it is evident that the types of cables will differ widely depending upon various factors involved. To facilitate identification and description of the type of cable it is general practice to adopt some form of type designations. With these designations it becomes easier to convey in a few words the right type of cable. The details of various cable types can be checked in catalogues. Back to Top Comparison of XLPE cables with PVC cables The important difference is the extra toughness of insulation and, in particular, the ability to withstand much high temperature without deformation due to mechanical pressure. The better physical properties of XLPE enable the insulation thickness to be reduced and hence overall size of the cable. The continuous temperature rating is increased from 70C to 90C and the temperature for short circuit ratings for the cable from 160C to 250C. In general, XLPE insulated cables are competitive alternative to PVC cables for industrial use and Paper insulated cables for public supply systems. Back to Top

Screening in Cable Electrical Screening is necessary only for cables with phase voltage > 1 kv and fulfills the following functions.

Potential grading and limiting of electrical fields Conduction of charge and discharge currents

To satisfy these functions, the screening normally comprises a combination of conducting layers with metallic elements. The magnitude of electric stress and the degree of sensitivity of the insulation material against


partial discharge govern the type of screening of the insulation with conducting layers. Above certain voltages, as a means of containing the electrical field within the insulation, semiconducting screens are applied over the conductor & insulation. Screens are provided to achieve symmetrical dielectric fields within the cable structure & carry current during short circuit. By this it is possible to eliminate any electrical discharges arising from air gaps adjacent to the insulation. The coefficient of expansion of polyethylene & EPR is approximately ten times greater than that of either Copper or Aluminium, and when the conductor is at its maximum operating temperature of 90C a sufficiently large gap is formed between the insulation and the surface of the conductor to enable electrical discharge to occur. This discharge site & any others which are formed around a conductor when conductor is bent can be eliminated by applying a semiconducting layer over the conductor. Similarly, any discharges arising from air gaps between laid-up cores can be nullified by the use of a screen over the insulation. During the early 1960s semiconducting tapes were applied the conductor but these have since been superseded by an extruded layer. This has the advantage of providing both a smoother finish and, as it fills the interstices between the wires, a circular envelop around the conductor. By reducing the concentration of the flux lines around the individual wires, the electrical stress around conductor is reduced by between 10% to 15%. The semiconducting layer is compatible with, and bonds to, the insulation and a nominal thickness of 0.7 mm is typical Back to Top

FRLS H cable Flame Retardant Low Smoke and Low Halogen cables have improved flame resistant characteristics and emit lower smoke and toxic gases. Special features Reduced flame propagation Low smoke emission Low acid gas generation


Formulation for the FRLS compounds, which are mainly for the sheathing materials, require special ingredients. These cables may have insulation of PVC or XLPE, but sheath is PVC based, suitably compounded to meet FRLS H requirements. Back to Top

General Packing Practices Cables are generally received on wooden/steel drum. There is an arrow painted on the flanges of the drum which indicate the direction in which the drum should be rolled. The cable will unwind and become loose if the drum is rolled in the opposite direction. All drums should be stored in such a manner as to leave sufficient space between them for air circulation. In no case should the drums be stored ' on the flat' i.e. with flange horizontal. Back to Main Faq's


1. What are the different Conductor materials used as conductor? 2. What is the criterion for selecting particular type of conductor? 3. What are the different types of conductor? Conductor is a current carrying element made up of Aluminium or Copper with a specific cross section for the assigned rating, having resistance / km within certain specified limits. Conductor selection depends on various parameters like current carrying capacity , system voltage, voltage drop, flexibility, shape, and economics. The most commonly used metals are Copper and Aluminium. Resistance (R) of a conductor is inversely proportional to the area of cross section and is given by :


R= x l / A Where = Resistivity of the conductor material. l= Length of conductor. A = cross sectional area of conductor. Back to Top Types of Conductor Conductors are divided into different classes , the flexibility of the conductor increases with the class number. These are as follows: A) Cables for fixed installations classes 1 and 2 B) The flexibles classes 5 and 6 Solid Conductor (Class 1) The conductor consists of single wire of plain or tinned annealed Copper and its cross-section is circular. Solid Aluminium conductor of sizes 1.5 mm2 , up to and including 16 mm2 is of circular crosssection. Sizes 25 mm2 and above may be either circular or shaped cross-section. Stranded Circular Non-Compacted Conductors ( Class 2 ) The conductor consists of plain or tinned annealed Copper or plain Aluminium. The number of wires in the conductor are not less than the appropriate minimum number as specified in the standards. Stranded Compacted Circular Conductors and Shaped Conductors (Class 2) The conductor consists of plain or tinned annealed Copper or plain Aluminium. The number of wires in the conductor are not less than the appropriate minimum number as specified in the standards. Flexible Conductors(Classes 5 and 6 ) Conductor consists of plain or tinned annealed Copper. The diameter of the wires in any conductor


does not exceed the appropriate maximum value as given in the standards. INSULATION OF CABLES

1. 2. 3. 4.

What are different types of insulating material? List the important properties of cable insulation. What are thermoplastic and thermoset materials? What is the function of Conductor / Insulation Screen and material used?

Insulation is provided to electrically isolate the individual cores from one another. The applied insulation must perform adequately in the specified temperature range, and its dielectric strength should be sufficient to sustain the electrical stresses. Cable insulation should have:

High Dielectric Strength Low dielectric constant Good Mechanical properties Resistance to Ageing High temperature withstandability

Insulating materials are classified as thermoplastic or thermoset. Thermoplastic materials lose their form upon heating. Thermoset materials maintain their form in spite of heating. Various types of insulating materials used are : PVC, XLPE, Rubber, Impregnated Paper, etc. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or vinyl) is a thermoplastic. PVC compound is the standard insulation for cables rated at 11000 volts or less & sheathing of entire range of cables. PVC compound is a mixture of PVC resin, plasticizer, fillers, stabilizers, lubricant, pigment. The quantity and type of each ingredient determines the properties. A broad range of electrical, physical and chemical properties is possible. PVC has good electrical properties. It is tough and resistant to flame, moisture, and abrasion. Resistance to ozone, acids, alkalis, alcohol, and most solvents is also adequate. PVC can be made


resistant to oils and gasoline. PVC has the disadvantage of having a high dielectric constant and dissipation factor. Also plasticizer loss can cause hardening and cracking. Crosslinked Polyethylene Crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE) is a thermoset. It is produced by compounding PE (polyethylene) with a crosslinking agent, like organic peroxide. The molecules of polyethylene are "crosslinked", forming an interconnected network. The terms "cured" and "vulcanised" are also used for "crosslinked". Elastomer Elastomeric material are used for insulation and for sheaths. They are applied mainly where the product has to be particular flexible. A wide range of elastomers is nowadays available to the cable industry. This makes possible the manufacture of compounds with specific properties, such as abrasion and oil resistance, weather and heat resistance and flame resistance, combined with good overall electrical and mechanical charateristics. The classical elastomeric material, natural rubber, has declined in significance in recent years. In its place, the synthetic elastomers produced by the co-polymerisation of ethylene and propylene, are constantly finding new areas of application in cable engineering. This co-polymers, are generally known as EPR. Rubber was the first insulant to be used in Electric cable manufacture but gave way to other insulants like paper, PVC, XLPE etc. Rubber is still considered the preferred insulation for flexible cables and cables where very small bending diameter is desired. Paper Paper tapes of specific thickness and suitable widths are lapped around the conductor. The thickness of built up insulation depends on the rated voltage of the cable. Paper insulated cores are dried and impregnated using mass impregnating non-draining compound. Back to Top


Function of Conductor / Insulation Screen The conductor shield is a layer of semi-conducting material. Semi-conducting materials do not conduct electricity well enough to be a conductor but will not hold back voltage. It "smoothes" out the surface irregularities of the conductor. The conductor shield makes the voltage on the inside of the insulation the same. Industry specifications define the performance of conductor shield. Good insulation shields are extruded in tandem with the insulation. The insulation shield consists of two components. These components are the extruded (auxiliary) shield and the metallic (primary) shield. The extruded shield consist of a semi-conducting layer similar to the conductor shield. It makes the voltage on the outside of the insulation the same. The primary shield can consist of metal tape, drain wires or concentric neutral (CN) wires. Grounding the primary shield makes the voltage on the outside of the insulation ground. The Copper of the shield is usually bare, but may be coated with lead or tin. Some primary shields consists of drain wires and tape. Aluminium and lead can also be used as the shield. Concentric neutral wires serve a two-fold purpose. They function as the metallic component of the insulation shield and as a conductor for the neutral return current. Their cross sectional area must be sized in order to function as the neutral conductor. Cables with paper Insulation The inner conducting layer consists of several layers of semi-conducting paper. The outer conducting layer consists of metallised paper. Cables with PVC Insulation The inner conducting layer consists of PVC compound having high carbon black content. For the outer conducting layer, a cover of conducting tapes is preferred. Cables with PE or XLPE Insulation Because of higher sensistivity to partial discharge the reliable well adhesive gap and cavity free bonding to conducting layers is of greatest significance. The inner conducting layer consists of polymer compound made conductive by adding carbon black. And the outer conducting layer is


formed by semi-conducting compound along with semi-conducting tapes. PROTECTION OF CABLES

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is armour and why this is required in a cable? What are different materials used for armouring? In single core cable, why non-magnetic material is used? What are different armour types and functions of the same? Which armour type is generally used for different cable types? What is an Outer sheath? What are the different materials used for sheathing? What are the functions of Metallic Sheaths used in cables? Comparison between Lead sheath and Aluminium sheath used in cables

Armouring means metal in the form of wire, strip or tape applied helically to a cable to provide either protection from mechanical damage from external sources or additional mechanical strength during installation and service. Armour also serves the purpose of carrying earth fault currents. The following are the general armouring materials that are used :

Galvanised round steel wires Galvanised flat steel wires (strips) Galvanised or ungalvanised steel tapes Non-magnetic materials

Under normal circumstances, steel is used in much greater quantity than any other material for armouring cables. However, magnetic materials like ordinary steel would add considerably to the electrical losses in case of single core power cables. Hence, non-magnetic materials like Aluminium and some of its alloys are used for single core cables. Armouring is arranged over the core insulation (PVC) in case of single core cables and over the inner sheath (common covering) in case of multi-core cables. In case of paper insulated cables it shall be arranged over bedding. Round steel wire armouring will tend to press deeper into the bending than Flat steel wire armouring because for flat wire the force is more uniformly distributed as against the round wire


which has only a line contact with the bedding. Armouring is provided for offering mechanical protection to cables after installation. When the cable is directly buried the danger is mainly from crushing by sharp pike-axe used in excavating. The double steel tape offers the best protection against this. In case of round steel wire armouring the chances of a pick-axe piercing the inter-wire space are more than flat steel wire armouring. This is because the tip of the pick-axe can easily slip and be guided into the inter-wire space in case of round steel wire armouring. The flat wire armouring apart from economic form of wiring also provides economy in transport and ease in handling and erection. It is much lighter in weight and smaller in diameter which in turn allows a small bending radius. Back to Top Generally used armour It is a general practice to use galvanised round steel wire armouring for the cables having calculated diameter below armour less than 13 mm. Where the calculated diameter below armour is greater than 13 mm, the armour shall consist of either galvanised round steel wires or galvanised steel strips. The direction of lay of the armour is left hand. For double wire/ strip armoured cables, this requirement is applied to the inner layer of wires/ strips. The outer layer shall, except in special cases, is applied in the reverse the direction. The joints in armour wires/ strips are made by brazing or welding & surface irregularities shall be removed. A joint in any wire/ strip is at least 300 mm from the nearest joint in any other wire/ strip in the completed cable. The armouring by virtue of its being a metallic path parallel to the lead sheath/ metallic sheath, shares the flow of line-to-line earth fault currents. From experience it is found that as far as earth fault ratings are concerned, flat strip armouring practically as good as round wire armouring. In case of cables such as mining cables or submersible cables where the cable is subjected to lateral pulls during installation and in service, single or double steel wire armouring is used. Double steel tape armouring is commonly used for Paper Insulated Lead sheathed Cables (PILC)


while galvanised steel wires/ strips are used for armouring for thermoplastic cables. The armour acts as a return path for such cables and has a dual purpose. For Aluminium sheathed cables, often no armouring is required. Unarmoured cables can be used more economically inside the factory, ducts and protected places and due to this considerable amount of money can be saved. Back to Top Outer Sheath Outer sheath /Jacket is usually an extruded plastic cover over the laid-up and/or armoured core. PVC is a common sheathing material. Outer sheath provides mechanical, thermal, chemical and environmental protection. No electrical function is assigned to Outer sheath. Outer sheath provides protection to installed cores , and also designed to have characteristics like electrical resistance, and suitability for environment in the vicinity. The colour of outer sheath is normally black. Types of PVC as per IS : 5831 are as follows:

Type ST1 General Purpose sheath intended for use in cables operating at a maximum rated conductor temperature 70C Type ST2 Heat resisting sheath intended for use in cables operating at a maximum rated conductor temperature 90C Back to Top

Metallic Sheaths/Comparison between Lead sheath and Aluminium sheath Metallic Sheath is provided in cables to prevent the ingress of moisture/water while maintaining the flexibility of the cable. Water penetration is detrimental to insulation integrity. In the presence of moisture and high electrical stresses, water tree growth is initiated leading to premature failure of the cable. Its other functions are:

Act as an electrical shield


Carry fault current Provide mechanical protection

Metallic sheaths of lead or Aluminium are used as a moisture barrier. a) Lead Sheaths Lead is one of the oldest (metallic) sheathing materials used on power cables. Lead is fed into a cylinder. A hydraulic piston forces it around the cable. Lead is a very effective moisture barrier. This contributes to the long-term reliability of cable. A disadvantage of lead is weight. Lead is prone to deform under continuous load due to "creep". Lead sheaths are also susceptible to fatigue failure from vibration and thermal cycling. b) Aluminium Sheaths Aluminium is also used as sheathing. It is lighter than lead and has good mechanical properties. Aluminium sheaths may be extruded similar to lead. Aluminium sheaths can also be applied as a thick metal tape around the core and welded. After forming, an Aluminium sheath can be corrugated. Superiority of Aluminium Sheath over Lead sheath

Aluminium Sheath is economical.. Superior mechanical properties. (Al is stronger than Lead). It can dispense steel armouring. Al sheath may work as neutral core. The smooth & soft Aluminium sheath allows sufficiently small bending radii. Good electrical conductivity ensures a good screening factor. Aluminium is not susceptible to vibration & does not tend to re-crystallize even at higher ambient temperature.

Testing of Cables

1. Define Type tests, Acceptance tests, Routine tests and Optional tests. 2. What are the typical tests performed as Type/ Routine/ Acceptance / Optional tests ?


3. What is the significance of following tests? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Annealing test Armour resistance test Bending test Cold bend test Conductor resistance test Flammability test High voltage test Insulation resistance Impulse Test Loss of Mass Test Partial Discharge Test Tensile test Wrapping Test (for Aluminium wires)

The tests performed on the cables are grouped as :

Type Tests : These are the tests required to be made before supply on a general commercial basis a type of cable in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application. Acceptance Tests : These are the tests carried out on samples taken from a lot for the purpose of acceptance of the lot. Optional Tests : These are the special tests which are to be carried out when required, by agreement between the purchaser & the supplier. Routine Tests : These are the tests made by the manufacturer on all finished cable lengths to demonstrate the integrity of the cable. Back to Top

Type tests : a) Tests on conductor


Annealing test (for conductor) Tensile test (for Aluminium) Wrapping test (for Aluminium) Conductor resistance test

b) Test for armouring wires/ strips c) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath d) Physical tests for insulation and outer :

Tensile Strength and elongation at break Ageing in air oven Shrinkage test Hot deformation Loss of mass in air oven Heat Shock Test Thermal Stability

e) Insulation Resistance Test f) High Voltage Test (water immersion test ) g) High voltage test at room temperature h) Flammability Test Acceptance tests Various test performed under this group are: a) Annealing test (for Copper) b) Tensile test (for Aluminium) c) Wrapping test (for Aluminium) d) Conductor resistance test


e) Test for thickness of insulation and sheath. f) Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath. g) Insulation resistance test . h) High voltage test at room temperature. Routine tests Various tests performed under this group are: a) Conductor resistance test b) High voltage test at room temp. c) Armour resistance test (for mining cables ) Optional tests : Various tests performed under this group are: a) Cold bend test b) Cold impact test c) Armour resistance test (for other than mining cables) Back to Top Significance of Tests (Refer IS : 10810)

Annealing test : As the conductor of a cable is subjected to twisting & bending, it is necessary that it should be flexible enough to take any desired bend without breaking. This test takes into consideration the extent of work hardening which may be caused during the stranding & laying up the process.


Armour resistance test : In case of short circuit faults the armour has to carry the short circuit current. The resistivity of the armour must be maintained within the designed value so that there is no excess temperature rise above the designed value & also there is no excess voltage rise , to the unsafe level. Bending test : All electrical cables are subjected to bending operation during handling & installation. The minimum radii are specified in the relevant specifications. In order to ensure that the cables withstand, without damage or showing any cracking of the sheaths, the recommended bending radii during installation & handling, it is necessary to conduct a bending test which is more rigorous than what is likely to be subjected to in actual practice. Cold bend test : Sometimes the cable have to be laid in the area of low temperature climatic conditions or frost. Due to constant exposure of the cable to the low temperature or frost conditions, the insulation or outer sheath of the cable will become hardened & stiff. However, this is a long term effect. Such hardening or stiffness causes cracking of the insulation or outer sheath & may lead to the failure of the cable. In order to ascertain the suitability or withstandability of the insulating or sheathing materials at low temperature or frost conditions (when usage of the cable so warrants), this cold bend test is carried out. Back to Top

Conductor resistance test : Accurate control of resistance is necessary to meet system design parameters. Resistance is influenced by conductor dimensions & construction, processing, conditions, temperature, resistivity (composition/ impurity & temper of the material). It is expressed in terms of ohms per kilometre corrected to 20 0C. Flammability test : For certain location it may be important to use a cable which retards flame in case of a fire & is self-extinguishing when the source of the fire is removed. This test is therefore carried out on finished cables to verify this property. High voltage test : The insulation material in a cable is used to isolate the conductors from one another and from ground, as well as provide the necessary mechanical strength. The fundamental


requirement of the insulation in an electric cable is that it withstands the voltage imposed on it in service. It is necessary that evaluation of the condition of the insulation be made by imposing a higher voltage stress for a short duration.

Insulation resistance : The test is performed to determine insulation resistance, calculate volume resistivity and insulation resistance constant of the dielectric material of electric cable by direct current method. The dielectric material in a cable is used to insulate the conductors from one another and from ground as well as to provide mechanical support for the components. For this purpose it is desirable to have the insulation resistance as high as possible consistent with acceptable mechanical, chemical and heat resisting properties. During the manufacturing process non-uniformities may develop in the dielectric either in the form of conductive impurities in the material or in the form of mechanical imperfections in the dielectric affecting the quality of the cable. This test helps in detecting these imperfections. Back to Top

Impulse Test : This test involves impulse testing ( simulated lightning impulse ) of electric cables. Insulating material used in high voltage cable may be subjected to transient voltages resulting from nearby lightning strokes. The ability of the insulating material to withstand these transient voltages is important in establishing the reliability of the cable insulation Loss of Mass Test: This test is performed to determine the thermal effect on the mass of thermoplastic insulation and sheath. Themoplastic insulation and sheath exposed to heat are subjected to many types of physical and chemical changes. The severity of exposure , in both time and temperature, determines the extent and type of change that takes place. Extended periods of exposure of insulation and sheath to elevated temperature cause degradation with progressive changes. These changes are assessed by measuring the loss of mass on subjecting the material to accelerating ageing. Partial Discharge Test: This test involves detection and measurement of partial discharge occurring in screened electric cables. Partial discharges remain unnoticed in the normal high voltage tests and could be harmful to the life of the insulants. Extruded dielectric tends to deteriorate very fast due to discharge in very small voids and cavities. It is therefore necessary that such voids should be avoided in the extrusion process. Still certain minute voids are unavoidable


and these remain in the insulation. The magnitude of the discharge in such voids are measured so as to determine whether these are within permissible limits

Tensile test : This test is performed on conductor material to determine the strength of the material when subjected to tensile stress. Since cable conductors to be pulled from one end along trenches are subjected to considerable force during pulling as well as manufacture, it is necessary to ensure that the conductor material has adequate tensile strength. Wrapping Test (for Aluminium wires) : This test is performed to determine the ductility of aluminium wire used as conductor for electric cables. This test brings out the property of the material, which makes it suitable for winding and twisting. Cable conductors during the process of manufacture as well as during installation are subjected to torsion due to axial twist and might break, if material is not sufficiently ductile. The properties checked by wrapping test ensure the suitability of material as cable conductor. Back

Cable Accessories

1. What are the different types of cable accessories? 2. What are the objectives to be achieved by Termination Kits? 3. What are the objectives to be achieved by joints? 4. List down the various types of cable accessories. 5. Explain Heat Shrink technique 6. Explain Cast Resin technique Types of cable accessories i. Terminations : Termination kits serve as a connection to electric apparatus or machines or switchgear and are further categorized as Indoor and Outdoor Termination kits. Indoor Termination kits (IDT) : IDTs are used for the indoor application i.e. for termination at Panels,


Transformers etc. Outdoor Termination kits (ODT) : ODTs are used for terminating at switchyards, outdoor substations, on poles etc. where these are directly exposed to atmospheric conditions. ii. Joints : Cable joints connect lengths of cables in long routes or at points of repair. These facilitate transfer of power over long distances as many a times it is not possible to supply long cable lengths due to various reasons such as manufacturing & transportation constraints, site conditions etc. There are two types of joints : 1. Straight Through Joint : These joints are required when two cables having the same type of insulation are to be joined ( eg :XLPE to XLPE insulated cable). 2. Transition Joint : When two cables having different types of insulation are required to be joined, transition joints are required ( eg : XLPE insulated cable with PILC insulated cable etc ). Back to Top Objectives to be achieved by Termination Kits The following objectives must be fulfilled :

connection of the conductor stress grading at screen cut point of both radial & longitudinal stresses for medium and high voltage cables Avoid ingress of water and to protect against ambient influences protection of core insulation (e.g. against U.V. radiation) insulation from earthed parts Back to Top

Objectives to be achieved by joints

The following objectives must be fulfilled : connection of the conductors v insulation of the conductors


reinstatement of the elements of the cable for Medium & high Voltage Cables protection against all ambient conditions of the ground establishment of branch points for service cables in low voltage cables.

List of various types of cable accessories. The various types of cable accessories are :

Heat Shrink type Pre-moulded /Pre-fabricated type (Factory Moulded) Cold Shrink type v Push-on type Cast Resin ( poly-eurethene / Epoxy compound filling ) type Cast Iron ( bitumen compound filling ) type Back to Top

Heat Shrink technique The heat shrink technique is a versatile technology which can be used for a variety of applications vis-a-vis cable applications. Thermoplastic based materials are used for manufacture of heat shrink components. After crosslinking process the material is moulded into shape, expanded in hot condition itself and suddenly cooled.(eg: expanded insulating tube, break-out etc). The component remains in the expanded form. This pre-stretched form when heated recovers to its original dimensions. This is termed as the Shape Memory Phenomenon. In this process the tube "shrinks" on to the subjacent parts. As a heat source, a hot air blower or soft flame may be used. Shrink on products are easy to install, simple, quick and independent of ambient temperature. They can also be used, because of their flexibility, as additional protection against mechanical stress. These accessories are best suited for application in 1.1 kV to 33kV range. Cast Resin technique This is a time tested method of jointing & terminating of cables. In this technology, basic insulation is provided by lapping of insulating tapes. Stress grading, in case of MV & HV cables, is provided by means of stress-cone which is built-up by lapping of semi-conducting tapes. Cast-resin compound when set, gives protection against mechanical damage & moisture ingress. These accessories are


successfully in service in 1.1 kV to 33kV range. Cable Characteristic

1. What is current carrying capacity of the cable? 2. What factors affect cable current carrying capacity? 3. What is Short circuit rating of the cable? 4. Calculation of Short Circuit Rating 5. What are different losses in Power cables? 6. What are the factors affecting cable selection? Current carrying capacity of the cable The current carrying capacity of a cable is determined by the thermal resistance of insulation, outersheath and surroundings. Heat losses in a current carrying conductor are given by I2R. The heat generated causes increase in the conductor temperature. This heat is dissipated to the atmosphere through the cable materials and soil. As shown in the following fig. cable materials and soil represent a series circuit of thermal resistors. The thermal resistance controls heat dissipation from the conductor. The more the dissipation of heat the more is the current carrying capacity. Some of the factors affecting the underground cable current carrying capacity and hence the selection of cable are :

Depth of installation: the deeper the installed cable, lower is the current carrying capacity. Thermal Resistivity of Soil : the higher the thermal resistivity, the lower is the ampacity Ambient temperature of soil: the higher the ambient temperature, the lower is the ampacity Method of Installation: if installed in a duct , the lower is the ampacity Back to Top

Short circuit rating of the cable The conductor size necessary for an installation is often governed by its ability to carry short-circuit rather than sustained current. During a short circuit there is a sudden inrush of current for a few cycles followed by a steadier flow for a short period until the protection operates, normally between 0.2 to 3 seconds.


At the commencement of the short circuit the cable may be operating at its maximum permissible continuous temperature and increase in temperature caused by short circuit is a main factor in deriving acceptable ratings. However, the current may be 20 or more times greater than the sustained current As the time involved is short and cooling follows rapidly, the cable insulation can withstand much higher temperature than are allowed for sustained operation. The difference between maximum conductor temperatures for sustained rating , and the temperature during short circuit, provides a maximum temperature which can be used in short-circuit rating calculations. It may be assumed that the whole of the energy input appears as heat which is absorbed by the conductors Following equation is obtained on the basis of equating heat input (I2 RT) to the heat absorbed (product of mass, specific heat and temperature rise ) : I2 = K2 S2 loge { (1 + )/ (0+ ) } T Where I = short circuit current (r.m.s over duration ) (A) T= duration of short circuit (second) K = constant for the material of the conductor S= area of conductor (mm2 ) 1 = final temperature (0C) 0 = initial temperature (0C) = reciprocal of the temperature coefficient of resistance of the conductor ( per degree Celsius) Here the conductor refers to the current carrying component. The constants are given in the


following table :

Material Copper Aluminium Lead Steel in K2

K 226 148 42 78

234.5 228 230 202

Qc 3.45 X 10 2.5 X 10 -3 1.45 X 10 -3 3.8 X 10 -3


20 17.241 X 10 -6 28.264 X 10 -6 214.000X 10 -6 138.000 X 10 -6 which

= Qc ( +20 } 20

where Qc = volumetric specific heat of the conductor at 20 0 C (J/ 0 C mm3) 20 = Resistivity of conductor metal at 20 0 C (mm) For XLPE cable,

Conductor Copper Aluminium

Temperature rise (0C) 90-250 90-250

Short-Circuit Current (kA) 0.143 ST -1/2 0.094 ST -1/2 Back to Top

Example illustrating the calculation of the Short Circuit Rating. Refer Tropothen-X catalogue


Table No. 1 Tropothen-X Armoured Cable. Type- A2XCEFY-3.8/6.6 kV (E)

No. Of cores & Cross sectional area of Conductor No. x sq. mm 3 x 25 rm/v 3 x 35 rm/v 3 x 50 rm/v 3 x 70 rm/v

Short circuit Rating for 1 second

0.094 x 25 x (1) 0.094 x 35 x (1) -1/2 0.094 x 50 x (1) -1/2 0.094 x 70 x (1) -1/2


kA = = = =

2.35 3.29 4.70 6.58

Similarly, we can calculate short circuit ratings for other cable sizes. Back to Top Different losses in Power cables The losses in the Power Cables are : Conductor losses : Atoms of the conductor offer specific resistance to the flow of the electrons (current) which causes loss of power in the form of heat. Heat generated is directly proportional to the square of current & conductor resistance. Heat generated = I2 x R where I = current carried by the conductor R = Resistance of the conductor This power loss is also called Voltage Drop across the conductor.


Dielectric Loss : Electric Insulation surrounding a conductor creates a capacitor when the conductor is electrically energised. Thus all insulated conductors are capacitors in which insulation material acts as a dielectric. There is a loss of power which is proportional to the dielectric power factor (tan ). The dielectric loss in watts per kilometre per phase is given by D = 2 f CU02 tan 10-6 (watt/km per phase) where f C Uo tan = frequency = Capacitance = Voltage applied over conductor = Dielectric power factor

The power factor of the dielectric of cables should be of low value. Theory of Dielectric Losses : When a voltage is applied to a cable with a perfect dielectric, a charging current IC flows which is in leading quadrature with the voltage .In such a perfect dielectric there would be no component of the current in phase with U. However in actual practice the dielectric is imperfect and there is a small current IR which is in phase with U. This current causes losses IRU in the dielectric in the dielectric which generates heat. This losses in the dielectric are proportional to the cosine of the angle between the resultant current It and applied voltage U. Now It = (IR2 + IC2)1/2


IRU = ItU cos and cos = IR / (IR2 + IC2)1/2 As is close to 900, cos equates approximately to tan (90 - ), i.e. equates (approximately) to tan, and the dielectric power factor of a cable is frequently referred to as tan, where is known as the dielectric loss angle (DLA). The dielectric loss in watts per kilometre per phase is given by D = 2 fCU02 tan 10-6 (watt/km per phase) The power factor of the cable insulation is dependent on frequency, temperature and applied voltage. It is of a very low order and consequently for cables of up to 50 kV operating voltage the dielectric losses are small in comparison with conductor losses. However, for cables for operation above this level the losses rise rapidly with voltage and this must be taken into consideration when calculating the current carrying capacity of the cables. Back to Top The Factors affecting cable selection Selection of a Cable for a given system depends upon : System voltage Rated current (future needs/ factor of safety) Ambient temperature Cable installation (laying method, no of cables in parallel, air/ under ground) Permissible voltage drop Initial size/ Type selection Economics with higher size (2 step) cables Comparison of initial cost + Running cost


Final selection & specification freezing

To illustrate the selection procedure a following typical LT distribution circuit is considered. Incoming cable Rating factor for 45 0 C=0.9 Rating factor for 1m depth = 0.97 i.e. Rated current for cable selection of 300A ckt = 300/(0.9 X 0.97) = 343 A The minimum cross-section area for 343 A = 500 mm2 The initial selected cable is 3.5 X 500 / 240

Feeder cable I) Rating factor for 450C =0.9 (Tropodur cables catalogue Table 12 : Rating factor for variation in Ambient Air Temperature)

Rating factor for cable laid in open rack = 0.96 (Tropodur cables catalogue Table 14 : Rating factor for multicore cables laid on open racks in air)



Current for cable selection of 200A ckt under specified service conditions =200/(0.9 X 0.96) = 231A

Corresponding minimum cable size for 231 A (Tropodur cables catalogue: Table 2) 95.

3.5 x 185 /

Similarly, Current for cable selection of 100A ckt under specified service conditions =100/(0.9 X 0.96) = 116A Selected minimum cable size 3.5 X 70 / 35

Now having selected the minimum cable cross-sections for given service conditions, the same may be verified for voltage drop not exceeding the limits

Maximum permissible voltage drop limit is 9 % of voltage applied. Therefore, permissible voltage drop for 240 V=21.6 volts Voltage drop is = R x I x l Where R = Approx. A.C. resistance at operating temperature 700C in / km. I = circuit current in Amperes.


l = cable length in km.

500 mm2 (400 m) = 0.0767 x 300 A x 0.4 =9.2 volts 185 mm2 (300 m)= 0.198 x 200 A x 0.3 = 11.94 volts 70 mm2 (500 m) =0.532 x 100A x 0.5 =26.6 volts (not permissible) 70 mm2 (200 m) =0.532 x 100 x 0.2 =10.64 volts Voltage drop for the selected cables is within permissible limits except for 70 mm2 , 500 m cable length. Therefore selecting next higher size (i. e. 3.5 x 95/50 sm ) for this cable length we get voltage drop for 95 mm2 (500 m ) = 0.385 x 100 A x 0.5 = 19.25 volts which is within permissible limits. So, the selected cable size for this cable length is 3.5 x 95/50 sm. Modified Cable Selection is


CableLength (m) 400 300 500 200 Economics

CircuitCurrent(Amp) Selected Cable 300 200 100 100 3.5 X 500 / 240 sm 3.5 x 185 / 95 sm 3.5 x 95 / 50 sm 3.5 X 70 / 35 sm

The above calculations enable to select the minimum conductor cross section area. However economics will govern the final optimum size which will offer the minimum capital + running cost. For this purpose, the minimum size along with two or three higher sizes are considered, and annual costs are worked out by calculating the cost of power loss across the cable and interest/depreciation of the cable cost. The cross-section is one with minimum Total cost. Besides this, for large distribution system other factors such as standardisation of cable sizes, future expansion, standardisation of accessories etc., should also be considered for final selection of cable size.

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