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MATHEMATICS noun a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation A fractal is a mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns, which means it is "the same from near as from far.

Some famous fractals (art from

The Mandelbrot and Julia Sets: Formed on the complex plane using the recursive sequence

The Sierpinski Triangle: Formed by connecting the midpoints of the previous triangle(s).

Fractals we can draw (Lets watch a video first) The Sierpinski Triangle | Formula:

The Koch (cook) Snowflake | Formula:

An added bonus to the Sierpinski Triangle Take the triangular graphing grid below and construct Pascals Triangle up to the 7th row. Shade in every triangle except the odd-numbered triangles. What do you have?

Other fractals you may want to check out are the Dragon Curve, the Fibonacci Spiral, the Sierpinski Carpet, and the Hilbert Curve. Now you try! Go to or scan this QR code. Read at least two of the instructions provided (or search for your own). Try your hand at creating YOUR OWN fractal. TIP: Practice the art of drawing recursively by first trying out a fractal that has already been invented, (such as the six examples listed). Then, practice drawing your own. When youre ready, let me know if you need colored paper, markers, or scissors. Your assignment is to display your own fractal (invented by yourself or already-invented) in our classroom. Let me know if you want graph paper (regular or triangular). Include both your recursive and explicit formulas on the bottom left-hand corner.

Look it up! Mandelbrot characterized fractals as: beautiful, ________ ________, increasingly useful. That's fractals."

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