Success and Achievement

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I am worthy of making over $100,000 every month and I do, I earn more than enoug h money for my needs,

I enjoy my loving, caring family <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Whatever I conceive and believe, I can and do achieve, I create my own luck ever y day, I can do and be whatever I imagine I can, I am an achiever, I am Winner < SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am now making amazing progress towards all of my goals, I see and feel my goal s as already accomplished <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I achieve my goals with joy and laughter, I visualize, hear and feel what I want to be and act as if I am already there <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My goals are achieved with ease and grace, I now create any reality that I desir e, I create goals that are definite and specific and easily move towards them <S ILENCE MSEC="200" /> I have all the resources I need to achieve my goals easily and effortlessly, I m aintain a feeling of absolute certainty that I can create any positive result th at I am committed to <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am now living a life of my positive design, I have steady and massive momentum towards the results I desire, I am guided from within and excited about how per fectly life unfolds for me <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am absolutely clear about the specific results I want in every area of my life , I celebrate the achievement of my goals all the way to manifestation, I spend my time, energy, and emotion on the goals that are most important to me <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I carefully measure and manage my progress towards my desired results every day, I carefully monitor the results that I am getting and quickly adjust my actions to achieve the results I desire <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I easily model the success patterns of people who have been outstanding in the a rea of my goals, I have a hunger and commitment to achieve my goals every day <S ILENCE MSEC="200" /> I set aggressive and realistic goals that I easily achieve, I am totally committ ed to and congruent with my goals <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am focused on the results I want, and driven with passionate purpose, With eve ry decision I make, I commit and resolve to achieve the end result I desire <SIL ENCE MSEC="200" /> I celebrate my achievements in advance, I know that I am capable of achieving an ything I desire, Every interaction I take contributes to the achievement of my g oals <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> What I imagine I can do, I can do, I am a success, I am easily successful at wha tever I do, I constantly motivate myself to every success <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I choose to be successful, I am all I want to be, I am successful because I get things done, Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me <SILENCE MSEC=" 200" /> All of my thoughts, plans and ideas lead me straight to success, Opportunities a nd advantages come with each door that I open, Prosperity and success is my natu ral state of mind <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Everything I do turns into success, I am filled with success, Success comes effo rtlessly to my direction <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am open to success, Success is my natural state and I am grateful for all the universe gives to me <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Prosperity and success flow to me and through me every day, I am a success magne t and everything I do is successful <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I create abundance and success in all that I do, I am drawing success to myself today and every day <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am successful, as success follows me everywhere I go, I attract success and sh are it with others, Success is my birthright, I was born to be successful and I am successful <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> My success benefits all those around me, I help others succeed, and in turn, I s ucceed, All of my dreams are coming true <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I achieve that which I believe, I am willing to be successful, Releasing all fea r, I step into the success of accomplishing my dreams <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I am confident that success is a passionate, joyful experience, I have the know-

how to overcome any challenges that arise out of success <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Success only adds positively to my life, I am successful and people are proud of me, excited for me and open to friendship <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> Success gifts me with security and peace, I choose to be successful in each area and every area of my life, I have a keen capacity to learn new skills that supp ort my success, I release my fear of failure and move to success now <SILENCE MS EC="200" /> I love myself, even when it appears that I have failed, I easily and quickly lea rn the lessons life presents me with <SILENCE MSEC="200" /> I know that every failure is a step on my ladder to success, Failure is actually impossible for me as it always guides me to success in the end <SILENCE MSEC="2 00" /> When I fail, I laugh, get up and go at it again using the wisdom of what I just learnt, Failing a few times makes success all the more sweet for me <SILENCE MSE C="200" /> I easily let go of my failures and marvel in my success, Even if my family sees me as a failure, I know my life is successful for me, Following my purpose is wo rth the risk of falling down a few times on the way <SILENCE MSEC="200" />

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