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ENGLISH SCHEME OF WORK FOR REMOVE CLASS 2010 Theme: World of Self Week Topic Chapter 1: Getting to Know

You Page 115 1-3 1.0 Learning O !co"e# 1. &. $. 0. 5. 5. 7. 8. ;. Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# i%ten to and pronoun)e word% )orre)tl* i%ten to and under%tand a dialogue -ead and re%pond to a )on,er%ation '%( and an%wer +ue%tion% on one1% li(e% and di%li(e% Pronoun)e the plural form% 2%23 242 and 2i42 6%e regular and irregular plural form% of noun% Write a po%t)ard 6%e the pun)tuation mar(%3 full %top 9.: and )apital letter% Ta(e di)tation 1. Ac!i'i!ie# i%ten to a dialogue and an%wer +ue%tion% &. S relating their li(e% and di%li(e% $. reading and re%ponding to a )on,er%ation 0. underlining the word% with 2%23 242 and 2i42 %ound% 5. Cir)ling word% whi)h ha,e plural% that are not formed <* adding %3 e%3 ie% or ,e% 5. identif* word% whi)h ha,e plural% formed <* adding %3 e%3 ie%3 or ,e% 7. Writing a po%t)ard. =a(ing %enten)e% with word%2idea% gi,en 8. )ut word% and pi)ture% from new%paper%2maga4ine% for folio 1. i%ten to a )on,er%ation: note important information &. S noting the format of a de%)ripti,e te/t $. S tal( a<out their am<ition% or other o))upation% 0. -ead and di%)u%% new% arti)le%2te/t on .atu( @emilah 9="-CY .o)tor: P.&0 5. -earrange %enten)e% to form paragraph% E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: !dentif* intere%ting pla)e% in =ala*%ia 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: To (now a<out pla)e% of intere%t in =ala*%ia >alue% Kindne%% ?riendline%% Gratitude Politene%% 'ppre)iate 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: Write %hort note% Create name )ard% 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% +iagno#!ic Te#! Re"ark#

!ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and under%tand information and idea% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* with the )orre)t %tre%% and intonation &.& '%( +ue%tion% politel* &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information politel* in re%pon%e to en+uirie% $.0 -"'. $.1 -ead and re%pond te/t% 0.0 W-!T" 0.& Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.$ Pun)tuate )orre)tl*

Chapter &: What1% =* ine Page 15&; 4-6


!ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and under%tand information and idea% &.0 SP"'K &.& '%( +ue%tion% politel* &.$ Tal( a<out thing% heard and read $.0 -"'. $.1 S(im and %)an te/t% for gi%t and %pe)ifi) information $.0 -ead aloud e/pre%%i,el* and fluentl* 0.0 W-!T" 0.& Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.$ Pun)tuate )orre)tl* 0.0 Complete te/t%

1. &. $. 0. 5. 5. 7. 8. ;.

Tal( a<out one1% am<ition% Tal( a<out other o))upation% '%( and re%pond to +ue%tion% S(im and %)an an arti)le for %pe)ifi) information Pronoun)e long and %hort ,owel %ound% 2i2 and 2:i2 6%e arti)le% a3 an3 and the Write a de%)ription of people and o))upation 6%e the pun)tuation: )omma 93: Ta(e di)tation

>alue% Kindne%% Patien)e o,ing2)aring Sa)rifi)e -e%pe)tfulne%%

Theme: World of Self Week Topic Chapter $: ?a,ourite Per%onaliti e% Page $00& 1.0 Learning O !co"e# !ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and under%tand information and idea% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* with the )orre)t %tre%% and intonation &.& Tal( a<out thing% heard and read $.0 -"'. $.0 -ead aloud e/pre%%i,el* and fluentl* $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% and a)+uire ,o)a<ular* 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Spell )orre)tl* 0.$ Pun)tuate )orre)tl* 0.0 Complete te/t% 0.5 Gi,e a))urate information when writing me%%age% and filling out form% 1. &. $. 0. 5. 5. 7. 8. Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# i%ten to and under%tand a letter2 a tal( Tal( a<out other one1% fa,ourite per%onalitie% -ead and under%tand an arti)le for Pronoun)e final )on%onant <lend% 2lm2 and 2d42 6%e %u<Ae)t-,er< agreement Write a %hort de%)ription 6%e the pun)tuation: +ue%tion mar( 9B: Ta(e di)tation 5. Ac!i'i!ie# i%ten to a )on,er%ation: note important information 7. S noting the format of a de%)ripti,e te/t 8. S tal( a<out their am<ition% or other o))upation% ;. -ead and di%)u%% new% arti)le%2te/t on .atu( @emilah 9="-CY .o)tor: P.&0 10. -earrange %enten)e% to form paragraph% E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: ?ind information on one1% fa,ourite per%onalit* 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: ?ind out a<out other per%onalitie% >alue% Cardwor(ing Patien)e #ot gi,ing up ea%il* !ntelligen)e Re"ark# Spor!# +a, -.2/0.2


WEEK 1 2 FIRST MONTHL3 TEST Theme: World of Storie% Week Topic Chapter 0: World of 'nimal% Page 0$57 Learning O !co"e# 1.0 !ST"# 1.& i%ten to and repeat a))uratel* the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% 1.$ i%ten to and re%pond to poem% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.0 Tal( a<out animal% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead aloud e/pre%%i,el* and fluentl* phra%e%2%enten)e% $.0 -ead and re%pond to poem 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Spell )orre)tl* 0.& Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.0 Complete te/t% 1. &. $. 0. 5. Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# i%ten to and under%tand a do)umentar* Tal( a<out tame animal% -ead and under%tand a poem2a fa)tual te/t Pronoun)e initial <lend% 2(w2 and 2%(w2 6%e adAe)ti,e% of )ompari%on. .e%)ri<e animal% u%ing adAe)ti,e% Write %enten)e% to de%)ri<e animal% Ta(e di)tation 1. &. Ac!i'i!ie# S identif* word% that de%)ri<e animal% S u%e adAe)ti,e% to de%)ri<e animal%. Write %hort de%)ription of animal% -ead and under%tand a poem: ' Dla)( Cat -ead %enten)e% with initial <lend% Write %enten)e% u%ing %hort note% gi,en. =at)h animal% to their home% E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: Complete a pa%%age 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: Tra)ing animal% to their home% Re"ark#

10 - 1$

$. 0. 5.

5. 7.

>alue% -e%pon%i<ilitie% o,e .i%)ipline Care for en,ironment

Theme: World of Knowledge Week Topic Chapter 5: i,ing with #ature 14-16 Page 587& 1.0 Learning O !co"e# !ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.0 i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed &.0 '%( and gi,e in%tru)tion% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.& Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.$ =at)h word% to linear te/t% Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# 1. i%ten to and under%tand a %pee)h2 a letter &. Tal( a<out how to (eep the en,ironment )lean $. -ead and under%tand a po%ter 0. Pronoun)e the )ontra)tion n1t 5. 6%e modal ,er<%: po%iti,e 9mu%t: and negati,e 9mu%tn1t: form% 5. Write a %hort me%%age 7. Ta(e di)tation Ac!i'i!ie# 1. i%ten to a %pee)h on re)*)ling and note important detail% &. -ole pla* a dialogue $. Gi,e ad,i)e on re)*)ling 0. 'n%wer =CE 5. -ead a po%ter on FCow to %a,e our en,ironmentG 5. -ead a letter 7. .i%)u%%ion on %)hool )lean-up )ampaign 8. Write a %hort me%%age. "/pand note% ;. Prepare a folio on re)*)ling 10. -ead a flow-)hart on how unwanted item% )an <e reu%ed E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: -e)*)le3 redu)e3 reu%e 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% >alue% Kindne%% o,e Re"ark#

Theme: World of Storie% Week Topic Chapter 5: World of !n,ention% 17 -20 Page 7$85

Learning O !co"e# 1. &. $. 0. 5. 5. 7.

Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# i%ten to and under%tand a fa)tual te/t Tal( a<out in,ention% -ead and under%tand a fa)tual te/t Pronoun)e the )on%onant%3 2H2 and 2I2 in initial po%ition 6%e %e+uen)e )onne)tor% Write out a %tor* Ta(e di)tation 1. &. $. 0. 5.

Ac!i'i!ie# S li%ten to %imple fa)tual te/t and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% S li%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% and term% -ole-pla* a telephone )on,er%ation. 'n%wer open-ended +ue%tion% S read %imple te/t aloud and pronoun)e word% a))uratel* -ead %imple %tor* and an%wer +ue%tion% on what the %tor* i% a<out2 %e+uen)e of e,ent% Write %imple in%tru)tion% Se+uen)ing paragraph% into a )omplete te/t Ta(e %pelling and di)tation

E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: =a(e thing% with re)*)la<le material% >alue% 'ppre)iate Creati,e !ntelligen)e .iligen)e


1.0 !ST"# 1.1 i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% 1.& i%ten to and re%pond to %hort %torie% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( and an%wer +ue%tion% &.$ Tal( a<out the people of the %torie% heard $.0 -"'. $.1 -ead aloud fluentl* phra%e%3 %enten)e% $.& 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.$ Complete te/t%

5. 7. 8.

Theme: World of Knowledge Week Topic Learning O !co"e# 21 23 Chapter 7: Gi,ing in%tru)tion% Page 85-;8 1.0 !ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.0 i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( +ue%tion% &.0 '%( for and gi,e in%tru)tion% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Write %imple in%tru)tion% 0.& Con%tru)t %imple %enten)e% 1.0 !ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.0 i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( +ue%tion% &.0 '%( for and gi,e in%tru)tion% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Write %imple in%tru)tion% 0.& Con%tru)t %imple %enten)e% 1.

Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# i%ten to and under%tand in%tru)tion% &. i%ten to and a%( for and follow %imple in%tru)tion% $. Gi,e in%tru)tion% on how to ma(e a <oo( mar( 0. -ead and under%tand a re)ipe 5. i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% 5. Pronoun)e %hort ,owel 2J2 a% in )up 7. 6%e imperati,e form of ,er<% 8. Write in%tru)tion% ;. Ta(e di)tation 1. i%ten to and under%tand in%tru)tion% &. i%ten to and a%( for and follow %imple in%tru)tion% $. Gi,e in%tru)tion% on how to ma(e a <oo( mar( 0. -ead and under%tand a re)ipe 5. i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% 5. Pronoun)e %hort ,owel 2J2 a% in )up 7. 6%e imperati,e form of ,er<% 8. Write in%tru)tion% ;. Ta(e di)tation 1. &. $. 0. 5. 5. 7. 8.

Ac!i'i!ie# S li%ten and follow in%tru)tion% on how to ma(e a paper %wan -ole pla* a dialogue S a%( for information on how to ma(e a <oo(mar( -ead a re)ipe and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% -ead a po%ter and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% S u%e the <a%e form of a ,er< to gi,e an order S u%e the %hort note% gi,en to write %imple in%tru)tion% S mat)h pi)ture% to the )orre)t in%tru)tion%

E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: Kpen a file on =i)ro%oft Word Programme 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: T*pe and print a re)ipe >alue% Politene%% S*%temati) S(illfulne%% Cooperation


Chapter 7: Gi,ing in%tru)tion% 24-27 Page 85-;8

1. S li%ten and follow in%tru)tion% on how to ma(e a paper %wan &. -ole pla* a dialogue $. S a%( for information on how to ma(e a <oo(mar( 0. -ead a re)ipe and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 5. -ead a po%ter and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 5. S u%e the <a%e form of a ,er< to gi,e an order 7. S u%e the %hort note% gi,en to write %imple in%tru)tion% 8. S mat)h pi)ture% to the )orre)t in%tru)tion%

9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: Kpen a file on =i)ro%oft Word Programme 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: T*pe and print a re)ipe >alue% Politene%% S*%temati) S(illfulne%% Cooperation Ga4ai +a,ak 1.0/2.0


Topic Chapter 8: ighting 6p the World Page ;;11& 1.0

Learning O !co"e# !ST"# 1.1 i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.& i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed &.0 '%( and gi,e in%tru)tion% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Write %imple in%tru)tion% 0.& Con%tru)t %imple and )ompound %enten)e% 0.$ =at)h word% to linear te/t%

Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# 1. i%ten to and under%tand fa)tual te/t &. Tal( a<out ele)tri)al )ir)uit% $. -ead and re%pond to a de%)ription 0. -ead and under%tand a fa)tual te/t 5. Pronoun)e the plural form% 2ai42 5. under%tand %imple and )ompound %enten)e% 7. Write %hort paragraph% 8. Ta(e di)tation

Ac!i'i!ie# 1. S li%ten to a de%)ription of a <atter* &. Tal( a<out the different t*pe% of <atterie% $. S li%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 0. -ole pla*: Cow to %et up an ele)tri)al )ir)uit 5. Write out the pro)e%% of ma(ing %imple ele)tri)al )ir)uit 5. -ead %imple te/t% aloud and pronoun)e word% )orre)tl* 7. -ead %imple fa)tual te/t and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 8. Write %imple and )ompound %enten)e% with guidan)e ;. Write %imple in%tru)tion% u%ing %e+uen)e )onne)tor%

E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: -elate <atterie% to applian)e% 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement%


28 29

>alue% !ntelligen)e .iligen)e S(illfulne%%

Theme: World of Self Chapter ;: i,ing in Carmon* Page 11$-1&7 30 -31 1.0 !ST"# 1.$ i%ten to and under%tand information and idea% 1.0 K<tain information from te/t% li%tened to &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* with the )orre)t %tre%% and intonation &.& '%( +ue%tion% politel* &.$ Tal( a<out thing% heard3 %een and read $.0 -"'. $.1 -ead and under%tand te/t% $.0 -ead aloud e/pre%%i,el* and fluentl* $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% and a)+uire ,o)a<ular* 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Spell )orre)tl* 0.& Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.$ Complete te/t% 1. i%ten to and pronoun)e word% )orre)tl* &. i%ten to and under%tand a de%)ription $. Tal( a<out the )ele<ration% of one1% fe%ti,al 0. -ead and under%tand a letter 5. Pronoun)e %hort ,owel% 2i2 and 2e2 5. 6%e %u<Ae)t-,er< agreement 7. Write a %hort paragraph 8. Ta(e di)tation 1. S li%ten to de%)ription and an%wer +ue%tion% &. Tal( a<out %ome of the maAor fe%ti,al% in =ala*%ia $. Tal( a<out one1% own fe%ti,al 0. -ead a letter on fe%ti,al% in =ala*%ia2Cari Gawai 5. 'n%wer FWhG +ue%tion% 5. Write a %hort de%)ription on fe%ti,al% u%ing %hort note% gi,en 7. =a(ing the %u<Ae)t and ,er< agree 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: ?ind information on other fe%ti,al% in =ala*%ia 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: -elate greeting% to different fe%ti,al% >alue% Kindne%% Gratitude -e%pe)tfulne%% Cooperation

Theme: World of Knowledge Week Topic Learning O !co"e# Chapter 10: Ceal the World Page 1&8-1$; 32 33 1.0 !ST"# 1.& i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( +ue%tion% &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed $.0 -"'. $.1 -ead and re%pond to te/t% 0.0 W-!T" 0.& Con%tru)t %enten)e% 0.$ Pun)tuate )orre)tl* 1.0 !ST"# 1.1 i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.& i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed &.0 '%( for and gi,e in%tru)tion% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Write %imple in%tru)tion% 0.& Con%tru)t %imple and )ompound %enten)e%

Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# 1. i%ten to and pronoun)e word% )orre)tl* &. i%ten to and under%tand a %pee)h $. '%( +ue%tion% politel* 0. -ead and under%tand a fa)tual te/t 5. Pronoun)e %hort ,owel %ound% 2e2 and 2L2 5. =a(e polite re+ue%t% 7. Write a me%%age 8. Ta(e di)tation

Ac!i'i!ie# 1. S li%ten to a %pee)h on ,a))ination and an%wer FWhG +ue%tion% &. -ole pla*a )on,er%ation $. -ead and under%tand a te/t a<out M-ra* and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 0. -ead %enten)e% aloud and pronoun)e word% )orre)tl* 5. =a(e polite re+ue%t% u%ing Nma*G and Fwould *ouG 5. Ta(e %pelling and di)tation 7. Write %hort note% for folio on )au%e%3 %*mptom% and pre,ention% of an* infe)tiou% di%ea%e% 1. Tal( a<out the importan)e of )omputer% &. '%( and an%wer +ue%tion% a<out the )omputer $. S li%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% on how to u%e the )omputer 0. Tal( a<out the all the different )omponent% of a )omputer 5. -ole pla* 5. Write an e-mail. .i%)u%% how an e-mail i% %ent

E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 'nal*%e information 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: =a(e %hort note% on %ome infe)tiou% di%ea%e%.


>alue% Good health Safet* Politene%%

Chapter 11: The World of Computer% 5- 2 56 Page 100-15$

1. i%ten to and under%tand fa)tual te/t &. -ead and under%tand a dialogue $. -ead a dialogue and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 0. ')+uire word%2term% related to )omputer% 5. Pronoun)e the )on%onant %ound% 2O2 a% in sure 5. 6%e %e+uen)e )onne)tor%: later3 afterward% 7. Write an e-mail 8. Ta(e di)tation

9!CT: Sending an e-mail Mon!*), Te#! 2 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: =a(e reading )ard%

>alue% !ntelligen)e .iligen)e Creati,e

Theme: World of Knowledge Week Topic Learning O !co"e# Chapter 1&: Shape% and Si4e% 50 / 57 Page 150171 1.0 !ST"# 1.1 i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.& i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( +ue%tion% &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed &.0 '%( for and gi,e in%tru)tion% $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.1 Write %imple in%tru)tion% 0.& Con%tru)t %imple and )ompound %enten)e% 0.$ =at)h word% to linear te/t% 1.0 !ST"# 1.1 i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.& i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( +ue%tion% &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.& Con%tru)t %imple and )ompound %enten)e%

Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# 1. i%ten to and a%( for and follow %imple in%tru)tion% &. i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% and term% $. Tal( a<out %hape% and %i4e% 0. -ead and re%pond to a narrati,e 5. -ead %imple te/t% aloud and pronoun)e word% )orre)tl* 5. ')+uire meaning% of word% 7. )omplete te/t% with the mi%%ing word% or phra%e% 8. Pra)ti)e word %tre%% ;. 6%e adAe)ti,e% of +ualit* and +uantit* 10. Write a %tor* 11. Ta(e di)tation 1. i%ten to and under%tand a dialogue &. i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% and term% $. Tal( a<out thing% heard and read 0. -ead and under%tand a te/t. 'n%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 5. Pra)ti)e )ontra)tion% 5. 6%e po%iti,e2negati,e %tatement% and +ue%tion% 7. Write a %hort paragraph 8. Ta(e di)tation

Ac!i'i!ie# 1. S li%ten to and follow in%tru)tion% &. S tal( a<out %hape% and %i4e% the* %ee $. S a%( for de%)ription% of o<Ae)t%. -e%pond to FWhG +ue%tion% 0. S de%)ri<e o<Ae)t% 5. -ead a narrati,e2a %tor*. 'n%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% 5. identif* adAe)ti,e% 7. Write %enten)e% a<out )ir)u%-e/pand note% 8. Ta(e %pelling and di)tation 1. S li%ten to a dialogue and an%wer +ue%tion% &. S role pla* a dialogue $. Tal( a<out %a,ing% 0. Tal( a<out <u*ing a pre%ent for a friend 5. S read a te/t on how to %a,e mone* 5. S read a poem on how to %a,e water 7. 6%e %hort note% gi,en to write a %hort paragraph. an%wer FWhG +ue%tion% 8. Ta(e %pelling and di)tation

E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: Simile% 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: 'nal*%e information 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: Sol,e riddle%


Occa#iona) Ho)i(a, 15.1

>alue% !ntelligen)e .iligen)e Politene%%

58 / 51

Chapter 1$: =one* =atter% Page 17&185

9P?-W: Sa,ing mone* 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: Cow to open a %a,ing% a))ount 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement%

>alue% Thrift* Sa,ing up 'ppre)iate

Theme: World of Knowledge Week Topic Learning O !co"e# Chapter 10: Sa,ing the World -0 Page 187-&01 1.0 !ST"# 1.1 i%ten to and follow %imple in%tru)tion% 1.& i%ten to and repeat the )orre)t pronun)iation of word% 1. &. $. 0. &.0 SP"'K &.1 Spea( )learl* &.& '%( +ue%tion% &.$ Gi,e rele,ant information to +ue%tion% a%(ed $.0 -"'. $.& -ead and under%tand %imple fa)tual te/t% $.5 6nder%tand meaning% of word% 0.0 W-!T" 0.& Con%tru)t %imple and )ompound %enten)e% 0.$ =at)h word% to linear te/t% 5. 5. 7.

Speci$ic O%&ec!i'e# i%ten to and under%tand a radio announ)ement Tal( a<out %a,ing water -ead and under%tand a po%ter. Pra)ti)e %enten)e %tre%% in %tatement% 6%e modal ,er<%: )an3 ma*3 mu%t Write a dialogue Ta(e di)tation 1.

Ac!i'i!ie# S li%ten to a radio announ)ement and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% S a%( +ue%tion% and an%wer on what one %hould do to %a,e water S read and under%tand a po%ter on how to %a,e ele)tri)it* and an%wer )omprehen%ion +ue%tion% ')+uire meaning% of word%. =at)h word% to their meaning% S )omplete the dialogue u%ing the modal ,er<%: )an3 ma*3 mu%t S write a<out thing% the* )an do and thing% the* mu%t do in %)hool S write on FCow to Sa,e WaterG <a%ed on pi)ture% pro,ided. Write a %hort narrati,e Ta(e %pelling and di)tation

E( ca!iona) E"p*a#e# 9K': Knowledge ')+ui%ition: ?ind information on %a,ing ele)tri)it* and water 9TS: Thin(ing S(ill%: !dentif* true2fal%e %tatement% 9=!: =ultiple !ntelligen)e%: Prepare a po%ter


&. $.

0. 5. 5. 7.

>alue% Thrift* =oderation 'ppre)iate


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