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The World After A Confederate Victory

The Civil War

The Confederate States of America are fighting their war for independence. The Confederacy is on the losing end of the war and, due to this, European powers such as the British Empire refuse to join them. As time goes on, resident !efferson "avis adapts his strategy to #e more defensive$offensive. "avis% decision is put to the test at the Battle of &ettys#urg, where a large force of 'nion soldiers has gathered to repel the invaders. The Confederate army proves victorious, and the 'nion is forced to retreat. The victory at &ettys#urg catches the attention of (rance and the British Empire. Believing that the Confederacy will emerge victorious, #oth nations #egin recogni)ing it as an ally, violating an order given #y the 'nited States that the Confederacy is not to #e recogni)ed. The 'S declares war on #oth European powers, which causes each country to promptly send its military to *orth America, in support of the Confederacy. The joint army and navy ma+es its way to Washington, where they capture resident A#raham ,incoln and set the Capitol Building and White -ouse on fire. ,incoln, along with various other 'nion officials, are e.ecuted #y the Confederacy. The success in the war leads to a close diplomatic, economic, and military relationship #etween the CSA, the British Empire, and (rance.

World War /
The Confederate States remained neutral in the conflict until it received word that (rance and Britain have gotten involved. Eager to support its allies, the Confederacy sent its military to Europe. /ts forces united with those of (rance, Britain, and the other Allied owers. When the Confederacy sent armies to com#at the &ermans and the Central owers, the 'nited States felt o#liged to support one of its few European allies. /n addition to sending soldiers to Europe, the 'S sent a large force of soldiers to directly attac+ the Confederacy. The Confederate military, along with local militias and *ative American allies, stopped the 'nited States% invasion force from advancing deep into CSA territory. This stalemate resulted in the creation of an 0American (ront1 near the #order of the two nations. 2eanwhile, the war in Europe is #eginning to die down. "ue to most resources #eing used to com#at the Confederacy in America, the 'nion forces were dwindling. The Allies 3uic+ly defeat the 'nion armies in Europe, which allows them to launch a massive attac+ against &ermany. The Allies ma+e their way to Berlin within wee+s, and the other European Central owers very 3uic+ly #egin to surrender. The Allied owers eventually turn their focus to the American (ront, where the 'nion and Confederacy are loc+ed in a constant #ac+$and$ forth conflict. The Allies send forces to America, and the 'nited States surrenders within wee+s.

World War //
When World War // #ro+e out, the CSA swore an oath of neutrality, promising not to get involved in the conflict. This changed, however, when &erman su#marines were detected in the Atlantic 4cean. The &ermans had #een sin+ing humanitarian aid ships that the Confederacy had #een sending to war$torn European nations. "espite strongly opposing the 5ussian communist government, which was under the command of !oseph Stalin, the Confederacy joined the Allies in the war to defeat the Third 5eich. The owers, however, had developed a relatively powerful force, and defeated the Allies in several #attles throughout Europe. -oping to ta+e part in the destruction of some of its greatest rivals, the 'nited States #egan sending armies to Europe, in addition to esta#lishing an offensive army at the American (ront. /n response to aggression coming from the 'nited States, the Confederacy is forced to withdraw from Europe and #ring its forces #ac+ to America. With the help of *ative American tri#es and allies in 2e.ico, the Confederacy reta+es territory lost to the 'nited States, and eventually forces its adversary into retreat. The CSA then launches a full$scale invasion of the 'nited States, in which it secures a large amount of territory, including Washington, "C. 4nce the 'S is dealt with, the Confederacy redeploys its army in Europe, where it uses technology sei)ed from the 'nited States to turn the tide of the war. "uring the invasion of &ermany, the Confederacy and 5ussia 3uic+ly carve their way to Berlin, forcing the &ermans to surrender.

acific 4cean War

After the end of World War // in Europe, the Empire of !apan continued to push further into Asia and the acific 4cean. After suffering several defeats, 5ussia reached out to the Confederacy for assistance. While 5ussian forces ma+e their way through Asia, the Confederate *avy ma+es its way to the acific 4cean, where it #egins securing numerous islands that had #een captured #y the !apanese. Eventually, the two offensive countries are in a position to launch an attac+ on !apan itself. 5ussian and Confederate forces deploy on the nations largest island, and #egin ma+ing their way to To+yo. After reaching !apan%s capital, the two nations ma+e one final push to end the war once and for all. "espite suffering heavy losses, 5ussia and the CSA captured To+yo and put an end to the war in the acific 4cean.

The Cold War

After World War // and the acific 4cean War, 5ussia, which was now #eing referred to as the Soviet 'nion, #egan imposing a communist government in the nations it had captured. This led to tension with the CSA, which strongly opposed communism. The threat of nuclear war caused a series of pro.y wars to #e fought, with each side hoping to spread their own #eliefs throughout the world. Being a communist nation, the still$recovering 'nited States formed

an alliance with the Soviets, and attempted a military invasion of Canada, which was under the control of the British Empire. Britain and the CSA #oth responded to the conflict, forcing the 'S out of Canada and inflicting massive casualties. -oping to end the constant war #etween the two nations, the Confederacy launched a full$scale invasion of the 'nited States, forcing its way west and north. /t secured territory as far west as California and as far north as 2aryland. Eventually, all land in the 'nited States came under Confederate control. When (idel Castro, the dictator in control of Cu#a, declared that his government was supporting the Soviets, the CSA immediately too+ action. 'nwilling to let an ally of 5ussia so close to its coast, the Confederacy launched an invasion of Cu#a, capturing Castro and forcing the island to #ecome a Confederate territory. A series of anti$communism protests in Alas+a, which was under Soviet control, eventually evolved into an armed revolution. The CSA #egan providing the re#els with weapons and supplies with which to fight the war. After successfully defeating the communist government, Alas+a promptly #ecame a part of Canada, putting itself under British control. The CSA and its allies continued to support anti$communism revolutions throughout the world. The Cold War eventually ended when 2i+hail &or#achev ordered that the Berlin Wall #e torn down.

Civil 5ights 2ovement

"ue to its racist laws against #lac+s, numerous protests rose up throughout the CSA. 2em#ers of minority races, with *ative

Americans #eing an e.ception, #egan marching on pu#lic streets, hoping that their defiance would #e enough to cause government reform. 4ne such protester was 2artin ,uther 6ing !r., who vigorously tried to ma+e the government offer e3ual rights to #lac+s. As a result of his protests, the Confederate government ordered that he #e assassinated while giving a speech in Washington. The protests drew worldwide attention, and the 'nited *ations eventually used trade em#argo7s to pressure the Confederacy into offering rights to #lac+s. "espite this, the CSA still treats #lac+s as second$class citi)ens.

South African Apartheid

The Confederacy was a strong supporter of the South African apartheid government. -oping to +eep the ally that they found in South Africa, the CSA, against the demands of the 'nited *ations, deployed troops in an attempt to +eep the protesters under control. The '* too+ control of the situation #y ordering trade em#argo%s against #oth the CSA and South Africa. "ue to this, the Confederacy eventually ordered its armies to withdraw.

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