Tata EQ Analysis

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Introduction Aim: Discuss Entrepreneurship and Leadership using TATA Motors as a case study Objectives: Understand Entrepreneurship and

Leadership Concept Discuss the relationship between Entrepreneurship and Leadership USe TATA Motors to explain Entrepreneurship and Leadership in multinatio nal Corporations Use TATA Motors to explain Entrepreneurship and Leadership in emerging E conomies Background Entrepreneurship and Leadership are collaborating Entrepreneurs are Leaders entrepreneurial leadership style Coinage Understanding Entrepreneurship and Leadership Leadership is the act of leading a team, group of people or organisation Leadership is empathic and influencing of others Leadership requires people management in complex environment Leadership styles are numerous Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is social in nature is concerned with effective use of resources make optimum use of opportunity is more economic in nature

Emotional Quotient (EQ) EQ relatively measure individual ability to cope with situations EQ is the degree of understanding of other people and their motivations EQ Impact relationship and situation assessment EQ impacts decision making Larry Greiner Process of Growth Growth for organisations is in five phases including Creativity Phase Direction Phase Delegation Phase Coordination Phase Collaboration Phase TATA Motors Overview Founded in 1954 Headquarted in Mumbai, India Sixteenth-largest automotive company Multinational with plant in South Africa, United Kingdom, Argentina and Thailand Subsidiaries include Tata Daewoo in South Korea, Tata Marcopolo in South Africa and Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Inventor of the worlds cheapest car Tata Nano TATA Management Vision: Most admired by our customers, employees, business partners and sharehol ders for the experience and value they enjoy from being with us Mission: To be passionate in anticipating and providing the best vehicles and ex periences that excite our customers globally Cultural Diversity Impact TATA fuse numerous cultures together as a multinational corporation Different Cultures are accommodated in the management structure Management focus on local regulations and adherence to local culture

The overall board comprise of members from different continents and countries Product are specialised for various cultural market TATA in Emerging Economies TATA is using low cost to penetrate market in developing economies TATA is involved in infrastructural investment in developing economies. Management Practice TATA practice decentralisation Use of Tata code of conduct and authority matrix Magazines and Newsletter used for coordination Flat organisational structure Vertical communication is Easy About 2% of turnover in R&D CSR include environmentally friendly manufacturing process, infrastructure inves tment, project sponsoring and donations Competitors include Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, Toyota Motor Cor poration and others. Controversy include land grabbing and product quality Conclusion TATA have their products criticised for quality e.g Tata Nano TATA's market structure is often questioned as less effective compared with comp etitors TATA was criticised for land grabbing as Farmers were evicted without adequate s ettlement Emerging markets is challenging with poor infrastructure, high inflation and low level of customers. TATA uses a mixture of informal and formal relationship with stakeholders TATA uses a mixture of democratic and social leadership style. A good healthy family based leadership approach is used.

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