Biocircuits Lindemann 1990

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BIOCIRCUITS: NEwTEo+{oLocBsIN Wsor-nnc }fuerrn

TerryPatteqToolsFor Eploration Highway 42atc Redwood SanRafaelCA 94903

ncyr. sore pNEiri thd sne bni! dchitg mbe Ning {lE 31ho@ddol6, udydbicnoib mde at Loncin r rfl nom{ilh pd 6d4 onlytDou! xtuy]maso mdhu&.4 i2o. rtryreinvcntdft dee6of ppLhuE r6dtrc46rDen@uingrds .r, udyer uril lcnrly, biencui$ hrw rcmh d upubliciu4 doated tn oraclitlY. ft. tandoc sMoudhg bioci.rddt 6ntro&tr1 ny riL lstic ud I ton the ry bdmilg or ou M.h tor the b6l NN TMkIU ,,lart ,/4. $len lalie b.go r*3!cDl!gtq sbem u dlbBi,s,ilry s$n n er or !b. odg!'r "E@4 r lormr bur depriEly stnple aptaats @!sM," sndngolM @!pr KeE, ech linlredry*ird b M .tilgon opp.rhedleTlesrgtrprlelddidwn rhespile topotlnede6, odes.Iabna.blhebeof mdlxeorherbcnatlherop of rnesp !h! (s fd inEhdo4 page14). sl.h.dued$cgesEgnbrlyforabodsilFm' digintly to r.ndc sts or $e erd ofd. mrk day. And 6nen b llnq dnu!6 h Ec@'s "Eberio! olturg/iorh.r ctrqfi" latie ietshtad afi6h r*n B*nhany, whnc 4d!3's adiviid vng o! rhc bidnqpederc begtu to hFeblistul in *hich shc oit lalie *urd r@rmed ourofh6ordiMry ideo!fidliorwidrhe onrinuoNpirha neldof plduble encrAtmdio! body, tuu du!'r ne! jn al didioE. stdrd4 osto6 l! {Dic! ft ss dc cimil s ability to .ftlgrh.rh.r ovrrix!b, tn*crpcricrG we peF bl al boie ,Ei@ bi*imib *ge m tuoditury pdpL shourdho* abour, Togcrhcr*c aSed lhar snerhilg3hoddb.publishe4ddwended!pvrlting ! pag.b@Ldsiblg,stole rd 2,40 *,IrichrheElrh s.fu % 6Pd gidrheiMlo!oflhesffiB,rlinle'lotmEnglin' b3dte hen Dd ebtl oller lead hd brd h. tippoed upon biocmirl Me! * obi.ired a opy or Emt opu, cdF:dvulatrr!, re rcl@ljheLlddeoledLLjscldicEer,ovdsronyyd Pdio4 ro bft'rdaFtion crtuil" &oE Gbirjbtrg bjui6 slftre{ duirg rhc 6^! worrd we, in *nich he sftd a a pilor, sNivhg one n6lr cidup bynedidl ddod d'100% disble4" F.De rsi.d b rhe libL for guidde daoliio!ri4ltesictstorldbcncdcdnythc'lalingor Pas614 itebJn.J,jtrltg@1990 neJdtltd d M orbe{b." \lly the Pldal? Wly"!o bdd"? Pcrhqs ou bodi6 wre bi!.I.r tsredt dd 3.ecsrrydperb4slneF*reorto&hu(snard ed adL E!@setdioftnhilElldndlrsobcilt ! Hy ro lry bu,rs o! ni! (rn mhl ncmu stsrer 1\ltr oppsbmdl4 rooMd thert hcaling innude ot tis bdd! dnedy 6 M sPpr sde6 sbjcn !t@ plied benulh rxc bp ud bodon ofhis sphe wld herdyin rxa aPpmtu Ee@ feli a Ehnon rle pbe. He s.{ 3mrbingud poooud dis dnie dailyh d arlcdp! ro hd biDsit wfthin a Hcstcnt lE,hemIuIyl@vere4 plorbs nn tur'linay 'lilovorr. EeDe s{bisrigeDenl (hnlion cntuif'6 a di6 dnoery lor mdic.r $ience, a dempudc @l *ft armGrlinidds appliorios. Hcot6eda priEreteling ph.d@in rch he !5dth. r.b&rio! dmir b bar d widermge ol ddil srdirios, dd he tePaned sly osindt su@ *id problem rudns fron insonnit 3dfils ol ,id joht b dep.std logislpnbles,lhich Edd @tddaddrs byabg rhe .xdi. ro undx bui.d EeEoris dd motios d@i atd*ilh to'8o!e! ciildhmd ta'M. b ni56ti6t rhmreriral iNsligalioa, Ft1m djd r *ris of eiperituna in *hi.h he nrppal rhre d6 or polqirysidin de tmb bod]rtsd b rm( len ro iig4 In@ctilgy cnoug\ his tudins: pumc ehich viw tlae a6 dr poldit s b.ttc lirtdg ba]lle \{xi! rhc bMe body. He loud 1b,. wher hc 6dded tne righrbnd rolhe bsortu spine, mdlbe left to lne rop ofrhe spjle, a rlzedon cinilm romea TlepeBorlyinsin$ecnd muldreL:'l4Pl, tcqneorrybeingeaM ioro adeply refrshing slep. Bur {hd rxe haldld *crc dchsgcA onndi.g se rop ot rhespiner rnenghl hrd u'r rhr boron oI rhc spirdo lne lefi, rhcpesorlyilg iDcnoi voddbmle imbble, goingsoEr$ ro resdduodrdtublqaequenty4en Aner he op.rcd hn tesling pndie, F,tln loud sonc P@Plc *ho wrc s *c.t ud cn erg/ inro rls relas iion cimir E lM risgd up sne dalirs ad h?dr6 dd raydM !d ro hrs!atje!6, didry omde{ to tten .trerg/ nos, Hc foud rb{ the deply s@!bj!8 efie.! of .he bisnojr uere dr@.illy i!d6e4 0. lsr nos of .he tihe. E M !d rhis pBcrie ol omdbg M or nore pmpte rogerhs i! a silgl. legc RM')

*ldng diaglu "mpmrirc hcdllg." By sh{ilg rc t.q^ utu{ I@ri4 er.rA/, the M oery nctds@ a mre poc4rhnn arhginnrcDe "@pc6dng" b*n coop.Eri cinfuy b.@ $e sM tor nucr oi Ec lMt rst tdlsulrs odgid Mrk oE rtc .d. forry Plrh mpaiieciiois, EcM mded trn llc EIrdto, ciloir @rt dr gror der bor 0p\rialddbentl uh!e, Ttisob*mtiotrtoucdr!. |hputdebriq!6, DeoB h alNirs awn6 rqhol.scd6 oldpsiiet.pnblc omuierior *itn rc

doidiniueDq. ro Imr rorornd cerd.n wno wuld ombone - or btui Duing EeDut M.ritu, hn dng ap.iinda a! trld.rl !h. rdd6t of Di Eric Pordr, a ladilg noDe parhi! E!3lmd dullg rhetoni6 dd ffd4 PftI e pared EEet dtug dp.dn@6 sitrg hl)mp{6ic rdedten hd o.dnded rhlr rh. ftlrnrioD cirul. on omdlidlryud d@ryrrtlhoursnu! li*or@&nitutids oatyh36red honmparhic ra.dt6. Pmlrtgd toe!4 lln\.iE nqlhtryinhbpriEEpndtce,borarMl ror rd@tid dd 6 a ocd for rdhilislqils r.D.dn ro hE pa[ma. He dra.lop.d a ehtu. t6. iMiDg EDdi6 ir@ rlc dmir }ticb heLr mturir h.rlc* a rnc iarblotu'1iu.' Al.lournrd-

SomorFr@3 E6t ilrdgulng rkrclru btrq, !riDctu r{rh rLugst! rue cinii H. Lld mlied rhar poplc i! @pdtiw clrdia tued ro ,ori, or 6 e 04 st dfc ph$jel ffiios or axpei{e tm rL o|!d pdpre rytusir ctruL u4rr n .M. Iry dou t! I cnclil *Lilc drnn& tle orhea Irt4 ia rhe sme cinth murd felsrgbiy doljr then3.h8, Om d.r{hile E@! hy hasrcsriwcndir Mil . wM sufert4 r 104! fu ler rdr*M dstp.db 1140. Tlerc n remitre4 Tniss s hr 6 hc 6!ldioilldeit lle o.rtrnE of ixdebndo!.ircuti drrslb@g.d r!. M dt en&i oacksir6*iicrte drr$tEd M 6"lrtn ebb6. wiain M nhu6, her cnp@tu h.ddbppelb 1000. J.B, Rhim ofDuL unieefiiq lug36red b E l@ oine@M5oEb*i&Dic..rMrbv,*hoERnilchcld hltgleren D.. Mrbyru 6F.i yilrcMrilillle .t4of dngslnihe.irdiL A*risotdoubleh[nd6s, @!du.r.{ by Ec@ ud Mlby lie re 6&d of a phmologsr pEdd.! sdo.c @!trm.tior ot *!!r E.,Mhdoukrclr Tr.qpsiEen ,!.t a D@.! rilt tbeidetrdryofihe drugs pj,ad ln ne {@r unroom oorodiyro rte qDertu d lubic6 but al!. rh. @! @ldudhg the t6$. T14 o&frdty t@ .d o.h drugk ini@!6, ilctudtnSar pbl iologier bd p6r.ior0siet $bjecdc dd objnjv. 6p.6, krq. |j. Dlmoob*nt ondqcd thi! d,b rnn rh. i(iedin6 or the dns! lnlr bad ba used(1b. tddritis lad betr keprs6q Irod rlc orls D.!). rre $bj4s d aturely .ra{*d |!. 'ppoprirk i.nDroe of @.! dsg plle{t i! rbc ctrati. I!tt!.!lslie ud I rld a fer dprddb ou..16. Wo rok r s@d{d oppe FlEu rcbqLjo! crrcli dd Nr or. ot rxe*iG. wc stioDdbackrhc inruiriio! ed 'ubrersed 4cn .nd ido tsohdon or rhc E@Lunlej}ybtrigD burpturfr ! ot,vlmioc ft .sudd.tr3useoId w Hr M so stolg ed iN.dlie EPsr 0e qPdde turat lins bfoe w m sue rDlrr.harolbeDuonrloEt krlwrielrwdo$q urudh.ilingrgd6, ou.ubj4ive dpde@M u, dbiguou: tbe cinii ereftry did @mulleG u1ft-

.n n b6rr.nM for tu bmt , ft. Iro.



MUbe'MtI$ebrc|i.d*1lgsubnas.dId.dlg' l[pKm'!ride vllllm c Att6 rer mintrG in dc crtuil I f.trs cr.rgrz.d Ididnl vd b lr4p ryilg doh ft 6 rtnBl !kdnnlna 6upleof otsorofrdq *p!rhr rhn.o 318!sodsroud.4nu6rhoustt*E adu.rtmd. harthie. em a ay ercra, ws snE!r.l.{ (r eNda! rb,t I atulrrjr do d rel ane. drinrhs ofiE), on ff mrslbkjudr '@joa, .y itrcinil*i&nyuirc upda*"rmilg i!.n mning$rt o!@ rbM. Elcn tiDc,$e $rc lbrdr disDp.ltrd inrhe shonlif,c rlD. ou und.Ehdirgolllis !*hnoiory dm@d nuct tutrherahen w c! I hd4qni. e Aesi@ i.wh.r bod i! D51. Lind@trt bto.lrd G tub,lill E@ s,d*ropdouto pr@ of bn ft4llry suGtulslcr b hal hiNlf vii biocirdiG ljnde@ bem. r $phndane{ !x6 dr sbourrhc p.inciplg ud4rying bianotuy, H..r. d*loFd .ho fi6r mjo! ad@6 in bimiroiry side Lildemisnda

F,@tdrcuiulalidgBya4rlddin rrrn{boor, PoreIrtumcrd. 6liB rheAurono@rrl,6*iir rc paeofs M ldne H. rpotuthath. obbilcd osl} hlty good r6uls id lln @ei By$n ti@ w wc d&tlopiogsnc tfrgrigarod&t o[PorI3 sugg6dol we b9 h rhcretiBrio. cnod..d b ist's olou


I! rxc

dctus.oroutsid.tdlas r iorlurc.r orlolc stuuhroE. bd a qide tuge of vtbndoo,t belbg llr'furjg ilctudingEdio!16. tn d 6diar., Mlt Mrrin, ide ncddd d6mid SibE tio!8rdriDg," AsLlndeDmd*tbe iqavibn.ioDrlin, nrre n 4g"ned' dnecdy ilro rx. turs| nrdoli6 or rn body. \trreo $c g"il,1:16" lbcft t diBhrstiir






in '!e bodys vibEuoDtl dlE oi6 ud ne Pn'm or AL Ldt rlsretxv. sv uon_ heird E Rubliska rtitsbtfi inlhebodysenerg,: dordsoddily@gflok or orld rppbtchE Tt vibdtiold .lixiE,;di;o6, although gEftilg saft _rheis o ltdple buLprcftiud mne!. rodccF ephltdtiotr r{bEdo; bn\ e{sy,ntjls cn.1nl o]( lbd lnilctr4 @PLre b No.eihel6, a mix bubt of uni(sIv km3! sun6ds Diu podn rt posidw bmEs in cndit urd DriorMtsB of rhc individut$ elsg p'tutu bkneDl!e, I!dud.{ !d. dc emitr'{@is Creh_ I'rIv ii@ir c), od, oM {.dc, tood slPptelena ot on d tndivid!'l hc;r shrch niw r D6jri hiEG 6od *hst (th* dnsr @ sa jnie 'o vhm i@Ed tlso soE Peoplc ed @ror innrdc d@ri "odd

Tbe M oihd r@@dded r,lcnsl omgM dord. rheEe@ oDdbd Rebsnor cxoia ud rle '-iddedu coinny sldnettl cirdr:

i"a"oi opu. e.muct, *t* v.' pt"e tr* *t

lrnd rDioa bio.rur. ou b{'drt ciqsiE d dite.iv hn|opoturdorro .trdedbrrl.tvibEtotrdpinm oh@svs$sne in rhccdir tblrrur dbc llbdsv puea ion rlc o'cult ti_ e'"o *tlou *true provid.a dtd dpcn_ p&dtul ft.v rel! 4 aiKrib oets''p.*tulutud sub{. e@of tor iM ctprMdor' b o@tut pstcr) b 'L,i' d.rvdised pi6* -d.rlot-.d w6,6c trc. \Lhetrsrbshd e b*nd ub ue btoirait, txcydbt. s to infsc lbeirrib6no!'l quaiidE dn6{y tlto od bo<ti6 .!etneld!. U*!3lo!e o! f,ifi sut{66, bteiloia psdu@ bgibl.6ul6 UDtite s oa.y fteEpt6 *nicb (oder ne bdjvidud d.Dol,clluDl.@f6sio!,]neak wlrtdeE ttuc4t.r'l. tuiE-.*uiop*da d i tuav enerd dindio! dn dv, votr idme d'u,r bodvs m *' rd rc- M t6e* fod J"l'iB BIOCIRCTnIAND ITS 1JSB @ h 6sh.1ed fion 6pp.r or sitL lleildit Tbtr d6ls! E Ery lopre u6t opP' bi4jrdB e ome.tug tr'mB neld td acn h'n4 ud tbe ue ftc bmdl6 rlrhsed. s@smDbccduderthe@prndbonooofrt sPiac Txls ro@ ihc Enm GdeBl R.hslion cndit

lrsro ue ahi@irNit I-t domdropoituoPp._ ror20lonia rtuironeorih. UlBtardo'ngunos uG (ls, 'f 6iDg d 5u!5M), ud rebr 6 dcplv dd onDlrely 6 ]ou tu Tbe bosr trlivesal .M ot rbe bi(ncuir rst6 rblxwto deplv rluvou dd Rliee 5ls ll ism. uundto fsl i o ! d*p dep . BarreBod. Mdy popleIrc b @ rh.D in be' th.Y *Ur to gd 6 seP "hd . Alter IVo*- r5-lo miiurd I! |ne bldrur d.i su ft'!rleii @ udddgj6 mrksurlyEjwtrb : c$ Napph& Biociroits m ptotde d.p reeeh nmr ir r@rd t'm., We hrw neld lmv teporo or bt @tup bur6 l4lc wbo @ 6ppd bi*ndb i" tr. rDdhd;u Lim b *t6b d"er"6 "-" trcv.dse if.i"m'i tl,l.D- rtcyar *t*p

in .lnii dore tlr one lbd s. @e dty ud od o. fouNing d.y. Mlnt t@ple repon den n.tud ud bdodza $r! lnis quiclly rsbc

"r "or :inern 6c, AitermdrPlsnenth,@vFoPlerG

.:ublle Bodvsditivirv. The blena {illhelp fd_ flirirriE dd sesirize sc6 b rhcx .rleric or subde .!ersi6. l@bdnea@lfor*EiEim.!qplon dolTln is grcbly sefur mrpople wbonditste or b.dyiorlc includils ffi'8e ud bellrgsorlq dosubde br n x eriolable sd helPtu roi wertine, olberpidiG,a il6ni@dior* of doe dd tda@ ine cn.ti@ )Ded rolA q p'&rrc, 'arou ..!rum *irt tq iac** vislrrizaiioc. dfErlion, eietu lpe ofdep Psvcno' sEe b6in d.bin6, Eiou lociol elf-diffirytui4

suttniorr mo oeaar;t auai"q6, ed ourd_rhe_


Pa{'o14 ttef.tne-.uttauga

leeo 7?b Jdnd ofaddrbrd

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