A Proscriptive Relationship

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by Jordan Lynde

CHAPTER ONE "Paper or plastic?" "Paper." The cashier ga e !e a bored loo". "#e$re o%t o& paper. 's plastic o"ay?" "' g%ess so(" ' responded )ith a dry s!ile. '& he "ne) there )asn$t any paper( )hy did he e en gi e !e a choice? The cashier *%ic"ly placed !y groceries into t)o plastic bags+ one &or the !eat and egetables( and the other &or the non,perishables. ' !ade a &ace )hen ' reali-ed he had p%t the bread %nder the bananas. .idn$t he "no) bread )as s%pposed to either be on top or in a separate bag? "Ha e a nice night(" he said( handing the bags to !e. /y &ace &ell the tiniest bit. 'nstead o& going grocery shopping aro%nd three o$cloc" in the a&ternoon li"e ' )as s%pposed to( ' had decided to go on the co!p%ter( thin"ing '$d 0%st *%ic"ly chec" !y 1aceboo" and e,!ail. 2%t no( 1aceboo" has an %ncanny ability to !a"e

yo% lose trac" o& ti!e so )hen ' &inally decided to stop clic"ing ho!e on the page to chec" the ti!e( it )as already si3. Hence( )hy ' )as no) at the grocery store )hile it )as pitch blac" o%tside. To top things o&&( !y !o! had the car so ' had to )al" ho!e. As soon as ' stepped into the o%tside a chilly )ind )hipped by !e( nipping at !y chee"s. ' shi ered( p%lling !y coat closer aro%nd !e. An3iety !ade itsel& e ident as ' started on !y )ay ho!e( "eeping %nder the streetlights. E eryone "ne) it )asn$t sa&e &or a yo%ng )o!an to be )al"ing the streets by hersel& at night. All the terrible things happened in the !o ies happened to those )o!en. And right no)( ' )as one o& the!. To !y l%c"( the one dar"( o!ino%s ally on the )ay ho!e )as one ' didn$t ha e to go thro%gh. As ' gre) closer( ' strayed &%rther a)ay &ro! the !o%th. J%st as ' )as abo%t to step o%t in &ront o& the entrance( a lo) groan ca!e &ro! inside it. /y breathing hitched and ' &ro-e( listening as hard as ' co%ld. All )as silent( e3cept the so%nds o& a &e) people breathing hea ily. 't so%nded li"e they )ere right beside !e. ' slo)ly stepped a)ay &ro! the !o%th( pressing !y bac" against the bric" b%ilding beside it. "Aren$t yo% going to &ight bac"?" an angry oice de!anded( carrying all the )ay to !e. "' told yo%(" another oice responded in a cal!( s%a e !anner. "' don$t &ight any!ore." A snort echoed thro%gh the ally. "4eah. Li"e '$d belie e that. '& yo% don$t &ight bac"( then yo%$re 0%st letting %s beat the shit o%t o& yo%." "#hate er(" the !an )ith the cal! oice responded. "'t$s not li"e &eeble p%nches &ro! yo% )ill act%ally har! !e." /y !o%th opened slightly in s%rprise &ro! the cal! !an$s co!ebac". .id he )ant to be attac"ed? #hoe er the other g%y )as( he so%nded threatening. ' too" a step bac"( a)ay &ro! the ally !o%th. '& there )as going to be a &ight going do)n( ' didn$t )ant to be aro%nd to see it. 2%t i& ' ran a)ay( )hat )as going to happen to the cal! !an? 't didn$t so%nd li"e he )as going to &ight bac". '& so!ething happened( )o%ldn$t ' get in tro%ble &or "no)ing it )as happening and not trying to stop it? "5%it yo%rsel&(" so!eone( not he cal! !an( gr%nted. There )as the *%iet( disting%ished so%nd o& "n%c"les being crac"ed. Thro)ing all ca%tion to the )ind( ' b%ilt %p all the co%rage ' had and stepped into ally. "#ait6" ' de!anded loo"ing in the direction the earlier oices )ere co!ing &ro!. /y breath ca%ght in !y throat as ' too" in the sight !y eyes &ell %pon. A s!all gro%p o& &i e( th%g,loo"ing !en )ere s%rro%nding one other !an. The !an in the !iddle had his bac" t%rned to !e( so the only thing ' co%ld !a"e o%t )as his !essy bro)n hair. He

tensed( "eeping his bac" to !e )hile &i e other sets o& eyes snapped to !e. ' &ro-e li"e a deer in headlights. 5t%pid( st%pid !o e( ' told !ysel&( biting !y chee" in ad!onish!ent. "#ell )hat do )e ha e here?" one o& the &i e inti!idating !en *%estioned( a s!all s!ir" spreading across his &ace. "A pretty( yo%ng girl?" #hat are yo% doing o%t here so late?" "'t doesn$t !atter )hy she$s o%t here so late(" a bald !an ne3t to the &irst spea"er said. "5he probably heard %s tal"ing and ca!e to see )hat )as %p( right?" ' blin"ed )hen ' reali-ed he )as addressing !e. /y heart th%dded in !y chest as ' stared at the bald !an( trying to thin" o& a response. #hy had ' 0%!ped o%t in &ront o& these th%gs again? #ho "ne) )hat there )ere capable o&? A gri!ace !ade its )ay onto !y &ace. ' sho%ld ha e tho%ght t)ice. "#ell then( !iss%s( yo% can )atch the &irst p%nch to this !an$s pretty &ace(" the th%g addressing !e contin%ed )hen ' didn$t respond. "4o% thin" !y &ace is pretty?" the !an being s%rro%nded co!!ented in an a!%sed tone. "That$s c%te." One o& the th%gs stepped closer to the cal!( yo%ng !an( bringing %p his &ist. The yo%nger !an didn$t e en t%rn to loo" at his attac"er. #hen the th%g bro%ght his &ist bac"( ' dashed &or)ard( s)inging !y grocery bag &illed )ith non,perishables. ' "ne) it had str%c" gold )hen ' heard the th%g cry o%t in pain. "R%n6" ' screa!ed( grabbing the yo%ng !an$s hand and t%gging hi! a)ay &ro! the gro%p o& th%gs( )ho! )ere all standing aro%nd li"e stat%es( shoc"ed &ro! !y s%rprise attac". ' began sprinting in the direction o& !y ho%se )itho%t a seconds tho%ght. The th%gs in the ally sho%ted a&ter %s as )e &led. Adrenaline )as p%!ping thro%gh !y eins as ' h%rtled do)n the street( "eeping a &ir! grip on the !an ' )as to)ing along. #hen )e !ade it to !y street ' d%g !y &ree hand into !y poc"et( searching desperately &or !y ho%se "ey. The handles o& the grocery bag slipped do)n to !y )rist( )here they h%ng( digging into !y so&t s"in. A&ter a &e) terrori-ing !o!ents( ' &inally !anaged to &ind !y "ey. #itho%t any &%rther ado( ' sla!!ed it into the loc"( and opened the door. ' sho ed the !an behind !e inside &irst( and p%lled !y "ey o%t( sla!!ing and loc"ing the door behind %s. 2reathing hea ily( ' tried the loc" again to !a"e s%re )e )o%ld be sa&e. The door didn$t b%dge. #ith a deep sigh( ' s%n" to !y "nees( trying to regain !y breath.

A&ter a &e) !in%tes !y breathing &inally ret%rned to nor!al( b%t !y heart )as still po%nding )ith adrenaline. ' stayed on the gro%nd &or a little longer( trying to cal! !y heartbeat. "Are yo% o"ay?" A gasp o& s%rprise le&t !y lips( and ' started. 't had co!pletely slipped !y !ind that so!eone else )as )ith !e. E!barrassed( ' slo)ly p%shed !ysel& to !y &eet( )iping o&& !y s)eaty pal!s. "'$! &ine. Are yo% o"ay?" "Co%ldn$t be better." ' )as te!pted to loo" at !an behind !e( b%t &irst ' )anted to !a"e s%re the th%gs )eren$t o%tside )aiting &or %s. 5tanding on !y tiptoes( ' peered thro%gh the )indo) o%t into the night. A shado) danced across !y la)n and !y heart s"ipped a beat in alar!. ' al!ost la%ghed )hen ' reali-ed it )as 0%st the shado) o& one o& the trees in !y yard. There )ere no persons o%t there. "Loo"s li"e )e lost the!(" ' co!!ented in relie&( t%rning aro%nd no). "Loo"s li"e it." /y eyes )idened and !y 0a) dropped )hen !y ga-e &inally landed on the !an be&ore !e. #hen his eyes landed on !y &ace( he inhaled sharply( a loo" o& shoc" passing across his &ace. 5%rprised by his response ' too" a step bac" a)ay &ro! hi!. #e stared at each other &or a &e) !in%tes( ta"ing the other person in. 5tanding be&ore !e had to be the best,loo"ing g%y ' had e er seen. 5%re( it so%nded cheesy( b%t there )as no other )ay ' co%ld describe hi!. He )as aro%nd a &oot and a hal& taller than !e( and had a strong loo"ing physi*%e+ slender( yet !%sc%lar. His &ace )as per&ectly chiseled )ith a lo) bone str%ct%re and st%rdy 0a). /essy( %!ber colored hair &ra!ed his per&ect &eat%res( &alling into his eyes slightest bit. His startlingly piercing grey eyes. 'n !y entire li&e( ' hadn$t e er seen s%ch a shade o& grey in so!eone$s eyes. They )ere bea%ti&%l. He !%!bled so!ething incoherent( his eyes ne er lea ing !y &ace. "#hat?" ' as"ed *%ietly( !y !o%th &eeling incredibly dry. The !an blin"ed in s%rprise( and then shoo" his head slightly. "Nothing(" he told !e( so%nding slightly disappointed. "O"ay7" ' responded( staring at hi! again. 't )as really hard to p%ll !y ga-e a)ay &ro! his eyes.

"Are those g%ys gone?" the !an in*%ired( crossing his ar!s o er his chest. ' slo)ly nodded !y head( gro)ing !ore and !ore a)")ard by the second. 't )as no) catching %p to !e that ' had practically &orced this handso!e stranger into !y ho%se. The yo%ng !an be&ore !e nodded too( rela3ing his position. "8ood. 't )o%ldn$t ha e been good i& ' had been ca%ght &ighting again." Again? ' )atched the !an )arily. He ca%ght !y ca%tio%s ga-e and raised an eyebro). ' shoo" !y head *%ic"ly( loo"ing a)ay &ro! hi!. "' sho%ld probably go then(" he !%sed( &ro)ning slightly. "Already?" As soon as the )ords le&t !y !o%th ' bl%shed deeply. #hat )as ' doing? ' didn$t e en "no) this g%y6 The grey,eyed !an ch%c"led a deep( attracti e ch%c"le. "' don$t )ant to i!pose7" Nodding in agree!ent( ' loo"ed bac" %p and ga e hi! a s!all s!ile. "4o% )o%ldn$t be7 2%t ' a! a&raid o& )hat !y !o! )o%ld say i& she ca!e ho!e and &o%nd a strange !an here." "'$! not that strange." ' la%ghed *%ietly. "No( yo% )ere 0%st going to be beaten %p in an ally li"e any other a erage person( right?" He coc"ed his head to the side( an a!%sed s!ile slipping across his &ace. "4o% sho%ld be one to tal". Co!ing o%t o& no)here and sho%ting at the! in yo%r girly little oice." "' do not ha e a girly little oice(" ' responded( slightly !i&&ed. "And ' really tho%ght they )ere going to beat yo% %p6" The yo%ng !an be&ore shr%gged( holding %p his hands de&ensi ely. "#ell than"s any)ay( b%t as a tip( don$t try to stop any!ore &ights. 4o% !ight get h%rt." #ith that( he !o ed aro%nd !e heading to)ards !y door. "#ait6" ' de!anded. He pa%sed( t%rning aro%nd to loo" at !e. "#hat?" "#hat$s yo%r na!e?"

"5ecret(" he responded )ith a s!ir"( opening !y door. "Ha e a nice night."

CHAPTER T#O The shrill ringing o& !y alar! cloc" pierced the dead *%iet o& !y roo!. 't lasted only a split second be&ore !y hand collided )ith the annoying electronic( silencing it i!!ediately. Cold bit at !y no) e3posed hand and ' *%ic"ly ret%rned it to the toasty sa&e ha en o& %nder !y co!&orter. A&ter a &e) !o!ents o& silence ' groaned to !ysel&. E en tho%gh it )as &ree-ing in !y roo!( ' had to get %p and get ready. No !ore drea!ing abo%t the handso!e( !ysterio%s !an that ' had dragged to !y ho%se the )ee" be&ore. ' too" a deep breath and co%nted to three be&ore sei-ing the edge o& !y co!&orter and tossing it o&& o& !e. The &rigid air te!pted !e into going bac" %nder the co ers( b%t ' &o%ght it. /y bare &eet to%ched the &ree-ing &loor and ' padded o er to the air ent. ' st%c" !y &oot in &ront o& the air)ay and p%lled it bac" )ith a &ro)n. The air conditioner )as on( not the heat. Had !y !o! !ista"enly t%rned it on instead o& the heat? ' e3haled and treaded )earily o%t o& !y roo! and into the hall)ay( )hich )as only a &e) degrees )ar!er than !y bedroo!. "/o!?" ' )aited &or an ans)er( and a&ter a &e) !o!ents o& silence ' tried again( )al"ing to)ards !y !o!$s bedroo!. ' pa%sed o%tside o& the door and "noc"ed gently. 5till no ans)er. ' opened it and peered inside to see !y !o! dead asleep on the bed( her clothes still on. ' sighed to !ysel& and )al"ed o er to her closet( grabbing an e3tra co!&orter and co ering her. "8ee-(" ' !%ttered( &ro)ning at her. ".on$t o er)or" yo%rsel& this !%ch." ' e3ited the roo! and !ade !y )ay to the ther!ostat. /y !o! had indeed t%rned the air conditioning on instead o& the heater. ' t%rned the "nob in the opposite direction and set it to a ery )ar! te!perat%re. A&ter that ' st%!bled to the bathroo! to ta"e a sho)er. The )ar! )ater &elt rela3ing on !y bac" and ' lingered a little longer than ' sho%ld ha e. /y tho%ghts )ere preocc%pied abo%t the %!ber haired !an. #ho )as he? #o%ld ' be able to see hi! again? 't )as incredibly &r%strating that he )o%ldn$t at least tell !e his na!e6

#hen ' )as done )ashing !y hair( ' hopped o%t o& the sho)er and bris"ly dried o&& !y body and to)el,dried !y hair as best as ' co%ld. ' )rapped a to)el aro%nd !y head and body and !ade !y )ay bac" to !y bedroo!. 't )as !y last &irst day o& school+ and ' )anted to loo" c%te. 1inally ' decided on an o%t&it+ a si!ple pair o& )ashed 0eans( a blac" tan" top( and a light bl%e plaid shirt that ' "ne) )o%ld bring o%t !y eyes )ell. #hen ' )as done getting dressed ' )ent to !y "itchen to eat a *%ic" brea"&ast. A&ter ' &inished ' slipped on !y lo),top con erse( and sl%ng !y bac"pac" o er !y sho%lders( stopping in the bathroo! brie&ly to apply light !a"e,%p and br%sh !y teeth. 'n the !iddle o& rinsing( !y phone started ibrating. ' *%ic"ly s)ished the )ater in !y !o%th and spat it into the sin"( )iping !y !o%th on a to)el be&ore ans)ering the phone. "/orning(" ' greeted( trying not to ya)n. "/orning( Holly6" !y best &riend o& si3 years( Casey Ri ers( ret%rned so%nding bright and chipper. "Are yo% al!ost ready? '$! o%tside yo%r ho%se no)." "4ep( '$ll be o%t in a !o!ent." "9ay. 5ee yo% soon(" Casey responded and ' heard a clic". ' closed !y cell phone and st%&&ed it in !y poc"et( h%rrying o%t o& the bathroo! and do)n the hall)ay. ' too" the stairs t)o at a ti!e and stopped in the "itchen *%ic"ly to )rite a note &or !y !o!. 1inally ' snatched !y ho%se "eys o&& he "ey hanger and &l%ng on a 0ac"et be&ore ' e3ited !y ho%se( stepping into the &rigid air. Casey )as )aiting on the steps. Her long bro)n hair cascaded do)n her bac" and ble) gently in the )ind as she ble) on her hands and r%bbed the! together to "eep the! )ar!. 5he t%rned )hen she heard the door open( her bro)n eyes lighting %p e3citedly. "Hi(" she greeted !e( the !oist%re o& her e3hale creating &og in the air( her chee"s a rosy red. "'t$s cold(" ' co!!ented( p%lling !y 0ac"et tighter aro%nd !e as the )ind nipped at !y chee"s. "4eah(" Casey responded( nodding her head igoro%sly. "Than" god this is o%r last year o& )al"ing to school." ' ch%c"led. "Agreed. 2%t yo% "no) yo% don$t ha e to )al" )ith !e. .on$t yo% ha e a car?" Casey shr%gged. "' get !ore e3ercise this )ay and it$s !ore &%n."

' shr%gged bac" at her. "#hate er( ' g%ess( let$s 0%st go. ' don$t "no) ho) long ' can stand being in this cold." Casey nodded and together )e set o&& do)n the side)al" to)ards o%r school. 't )as only a t)enty,!in%te )al"( b%t in the &ree-ing cold it see!ed longer than that. ' shi ered at the %n%s%al cold. 't )as %s%ally still )ar! this early in the !orning in 5epte!ber( b%t &or so!e reason this !orning )as colder than the others. ' co%ld &eel goose b%!ps on the e3posed part o& !y "nee and )ished ' had )orn a di&&erent pair o& 0eans. "5o(" Casey started( t%rning to &ace !e )ith a grin. "Any ne)s abo%t the !ysterio%s stranger yo% sa ed?" 2l%shing( ' shoo" !y head. "' )ish." "That$s too bad. ' )o%ld ha e lo ed to !eet hi!." "' )o%ld lo e to see hi! again." Casey s%ddenly s!ir"ed( an eager e3pression crossing her &ace. "4o% "no) )hat? There$s a ne) biology teacher this year." "Really? /ale or &e!ale?" "/ale(" she responded( st%&&ing her hands deeper into her poc"ets. "' don$t "no) anything abo%t hi! tho%gh( b%t ' )as thin"ing( )hat i& he$s yo%r !ystery !an?" ' la%ghed. "No )ay. This g%y )as yo%ng." "5o?" "Too yo%ng to be a teacher(" ' clari&ied. Casey$s e3pression dropped. "2%!!er. Are yo% ta"ing biology this year?" ' nodded( p%shing a piece o& !y chestn%t colored hair that had &lo)n into !y &ace )ith a g%st o& )ind o%t o& the )ay. "4eah. ' too" anato!y last year( so ' )as &orced to ta"e biology this year." Casey la%ghed. "'$! pretty s%re e eryone in o%r grade )as &orced to ta"e anato!y last year and biology this year." "Probably. ' li"e biology tho%gh( so ' don$t !ind."

"' )o%ldn$t !ind i& this ne) biology teacher )as yo%ng and handso!e(" Casey stated( a drea!y loo" co!ing onto her &ace. ' rolled !y eyes. "There$s no )ay. All science teachers are creepy. They are %s%ally all old and bald. Or they ha e a lot o& &acial hair. Or they loo" at their st%dents in inappropriate )ays." "#ell( one can drea!. 2%t yo%$re right." "'$! al)ays right(" ' told her )ith a )in". "'$! o!niscient." "4eah( )hate er(" Casey responded( s!ir"ing at !e. #e ca!e to the gates o& school and the b%ilding to)ered o er %s. ' stared at in slight a)e. 't had been o er t)o !onths since ' had last been this close to it. ' didn$t re!e!ber it being this s%bstantial. The &a!iliar red bric" )alls bloc"ed all ision beyond the!. Casey grabbed !y ar! and started dragging !e to)ards a gro%p o& people. ' recogni-ed the! as so!e o& !y school &riends: 5adie( Lance( .anielle and #illis. They )ere all h%ddled together( and ' co%ld hear the! chattering e3citedly. "Hi g%ys6" Casey greeted the!( catching .anielle in a h%g. "Holly6" Lance cried( p%lling !e into a tight h%g. ' la%ghed( h%gging hi! bac". "Lance6 /an ha e ' !issed yo% and yo%r se3y 2ritish accent6" "5o '$! se3y no)?" he as"ed( p%lling a)ay &ro! !e )ith a )in". "4o% )ish(" ' retorted( sha"ing !y head. "' "no) ' 0%st got here( b%t can )e !o e this little shindig inside? 't$s &ree-ing." The si3 o& %s trooped o%r )ay inside the school b%ilding( the )elco!ing )ar! air de&rosting o%r &ro-en bodies. 5t%dents &illed the entrance hall( chattering )ith &riends; so!e )ere )al"ing aro%nd )ith sched%les in their hands( co!paring their pieces o& paper to others. "Let$s !eet %p in the hall a&ter )e get o%r sched%les(" ' s%ggested( )anting to drop !y 0ac"et o&& in !y loc"er. "5o%nds good to !e(" Casey responded( p%lling o&& her hat and r%nning a hand thro%gh her hair. "5ee yo% in a bit."

The si3 o& %s split %p( heading to o%r assigned ho!eroo!. Lance and ' )ere in the sa!e ho!eroo!( so )e )ent o&& together. He babbled on abo%t his s%!!er and ho) he isited his &riends bac" in England. He had !o ed here to /assach%setts a &e) years bac"( )hen )e )ere &resh!an( and )e had been best &riends since. ' entered !y ho!eroo! and )al"ed to )here !y seat )as &or the past three years and )asn$t s%rprised to &ind !y sched%le on the des". ' pic"ed it %p and scanned it *%ic"ly. The only na!e that stood o%t &ro! the rest( and that ' didn$t recogni-e( )as Chris Hey)ood. He !%st be the ne) 2iology teacher( ' tho%ght. "#hat periods do yo% ha e do%ble biology?" Lance called &ro! across the roo!. "1o%rth and &i&th(" ' ret%rned( scanning do)n the sheet o& paper &or !y loc"er co!bination. ' located it and read it a &e) ti!es to !e!ori-e it. "5o do '6" "A)eso!e(" ' responded( st%&&ing !y sched%le into !y poc"et. "'$! going to !y loc"er." "Ha e &%n." ' le&t Lance in the classroo! and headed o%t into the no) 0a!!ed hall)ay. A &e) o& !y &riends called o%t greetings to !e as ' passed by the!. /ane% ering aro%nd the cro)ds o& st%dents( ' &inally !anaged to !a"e it to the bac" hall )here !y loc"et )as located. Right on the corner. ' sp%n the co!bo slo)ly and s%rprisingly opened it on !y &irst try. A la%gh le&t !y lips )hen ' noticed the s!all dra)ing o&& a !%&&in ' had dra)n bac" in ninth grade )as still on the door. The 0anitors still co%ldn$t get it o&&. ' let go o& the loc"er door and began to p%ll !y ar!s o%t o& !y 0ac"et( only ha ing a little di&&ic%lty. 5%ddenly( there )as a *%iet th%d and !y loc"er banged sh%t( catching the edge o& !y nose. "O)6" ' cried( p%lling a)ay &ro! !y no) sh%t loc"er( and slapping a hand to !y nose. There *%ic" inta"e o& air &ro! beside !e and ' t)irled aro%nd to co!e &ace,to,chest )ith so!eone. <pon closer inspection( ' reali-ed it )as a yo%ng !an )ith !essy bro)n hair7 A startled gasp escaped !y lips )hen !y eyes landed on the &a!iliar( attracti e grey eyes o& !y !ystery !an. He loo"ed 0%st as s%rprised( i& not !ore( to see !e. /y !o%th )ent dry and !y !ind blan". ' de&initely )as not e3pecting to see hi! here. #e contin%ed o%r !ini staring contest &or a &e) !ore !o!ents. Once again !y eyes )ere gl%ed to his( &oc%sed on their %n%s%al color. E ent%ally the yo%ng !an ca!e o%t o& his shoc"( and a s!all s!ir" slipped onto his &ace. ".on$t go &alling &or !y good loo"s already(" he co!!ented( &lic"ing !y &orehead.

' )inced &ro! the s%dden contact and r%bbed !y &orehead( glaring at the !an )hile a light bl%sh spread to !y chee"s. "'+'$! not. ' 0%st )asn$t e3pecting to see yo% here." He &%rro)ed his eyebro)s. "Neither )as '7" ' &ro)ned at his annoyed e3pression. #hy )as this g%y at !y school? #as he a trans&er st%dent? There )as no )ay he co%ld be a &resh!an( he loo"ed )ay too old. /y eyebro)s "nitted as ' tried to &ig%re o%t his grade based on loo"s. .e&initely not a sopho!ore. /aybe a 0%nior( b%t !ost li"ely a senior li"e !e. /aybe he )as a trans&er st%dent6 "Hey." ' snapped o%t o& !y tho%ghts and loo"ed bac" %p at handso!e trans&er st%dent. "4eah?" "Can yo% tell !e ho) to get to roo! =>?@?" he re*%ested( his eyes ne er lea ing !y &ace. They held so!e "ind o& e!otion ' co%ldn$t recogni-e in the!7 ' shoo" !y head( repeating his *%estion in !y head. =>?@. The roo! corresponded )ith !y loc"er n%!ber. 5!iling slightly( ' nodded to hi! and pointed the )ay he had 0%st co!e. "4o% go do)n this hall)ay( and ta"e a right into the hall)ay that$s painted bl%e. 't$ll be the last door at the end o& the hall)ay be&ore the stairs." He clic"ed his tong%e and &ro)ned. "' !%st ha e passed it. Oh )ell. Than"s." "5%re thing(" ' responded( peeling !y eyes a)ay &ro! his handso!e &ace and bac" to !y loc"er. 't )as r%de to stare. A&ter a &e) seconds ' heard hi! start )al"ing a)ay( and ' sp%n the co!bo to !y loc"er and opened it again. ' st%&&ed !y 0ac"et inside and &ro)ned( still !i&&ed at the appearance o& the !an. #e didn$t %s%ally get trans&er st%dents. The school )as s!all( and not !any people li ed aro%nd here. "Holly6" so!eone cried and ' t%rned to see Casey r%nning to)ards !e. "Holly( oh !y god6" "#hat?" "' 0%st sa) the ne) biology teacher6" she e3clai!ed( loo"ing e3cited. "He is hot6" "Eh? #here$d yo% see hi!?" ' as"ed( loo"ing do)n the hall. "'s he still there?" "No6 He )al"ed this )ay. .idn$t yo% see hi!?" "No( b%t listen+" ' started( b%t she c%t !e o&&.

"Oh boy. 4o%r tho%ghts abo%t science teachers )ill be changing no). #ait %ntil yo% see hi!. He loo"s so yo%ng6" Casey g%shed( her eyes )ide )ith e3cite!ent. "#hat period do yo% ha e bio?" ' la%ghed at her e3cite!ent. "1o%rth and &i&th." Casey groaned. "4o% ha e to )ait that long to see hi!?" "Apparently so(" ' responded( sha"ing !y head. "Listen to this+" The ho!eroo! bang r%ng and ' sco)led. No) ' )o%ld ha e to )ait %ntil ' co%ld tell Casey that the ne) trans&er st%dent )as act%ally !y !ystery !an. '& she )as that e3cited o er a teacher( ' co%ld 0%st i!agine her e3cite!ent o er a ne) hot trans&er st%dent. Trans&er st%dents )ere datable( %nli"e teachers. ' sighed and started o&& to)ards !y ho!eroo!. ' had to ad!it ' )as "ind o& e3cited to see the ne) biology teacher and that it )as disappointing ho) ' had to )ait %ntil &o%rth period( b%t it )asn$t anything ' co%ldn$t handle. He )as 0%st a teacher. #hen ' entered !y ho!eroo! and searched &or the !ysterio%s( hoping to see hi! in !y ho!eroo!. A &ro)n spread across !y &ace )hen ' co%ldn$t locate hi!. Hope&%lly '$d at least be able to see hi! again today. 't$s be great i& ' had so!e classes )ith hi! too7 The anno%nce!ents ca!e on and ' *%ic"ly h%rried to)ards !y seat ne3t to Lance. He grinned %p at !e and ' s!iled bac". ' 0%st had to )ait and &ind o%t.

CHAPTER THREE "Holly6" ' t%rned )hen ' heard !y na!e being called &ro! across the boistero%s ca&eteria. /y &riend Tony )as )a ing !e o er to hi! )here he sat )ith a &e) o& !y &riends. ' cl%tched !y tray and began to !ane% er !y )ay thro%gh the throng o& st%dents to get to hi!. He patted to a seat ne3t to hi!. "5it( sit6" ' s!iled at hi! and shoo" !y head. "5orry. '$! going to sit )ith Casey and the!. ' already pro!ised. 5ee yo% g%ys later tho%gh." "#ait6" a girl na!ed Allison stopped !e. "Ha e yo% seen the biology teacher yet?" ' &ro)ned slightly. #hat )as %p )ith e eryone !a"ing a co!!otion abo%t the ne) biology teacher? "Not yet7"

Allison clic"ed her tong%e. "He$s ery handso!e." "5o '$ e heard(" ' responded )earily. "Abo%t one h%ndred ti!es today. 2%t '$! going to go eat no)." "Ha e &%n(" Tony said )ith a grin. ' !ade !y )ay bac" across the ca&eteria to )here Casey( Lance( #illis( 5adie and !y other &riend( 9atie( )ere. ' too" a seat ne3t to #illis and set do)n !y tray( sighing to !ysel&. "Ho)$s yo%r day been( Holly?" #illis as"ed( pic"ing %p his 1rench bread pi--a and sni&&ing it ca%tio%sly. "Pretty nor!al(" ' responded( grabbing !y o)n piece o& pi--a and prodding it. A disg%sting oil li*%id drooled o%t &ro! the edge. ' !ade a &ace( setting the slice bac" do)n on !y tray. "That$s beca%se she hasn$t had biology yet(" Casey inter0ected( absol%tely glo)ing. "J%st )ait6 Not only is he hot( he$s &%nny( nice and he has the !ost attracti e oice. ' don$t e er thin" '$ll be &alling asleep in that class." ' co%ldn$t help b%t la%gh at her enth%sias!. "5o!eone has a cr%sh." "Hey(" #illis interr%pted( &ro)ning at !e. "2oy&riend present." "1or a boy&riend( yo% s%re are cal! abo%t yo%r girl&riend basically drooling o er another g%y(" Lance co!!ented( sha"ing his head. "5he is drooling(" ' !%ttered( ta"ing a loo" at Casey( )ho )as )iping her !o%th )ith her slee e. #illis shr%gged. "He$s a teacher. Teacher,st%dent relationships can ne er happen. 't$s basically illegal." "'t is illegal(" Lance corrected hi!. "'$d be a little 0ealo%s i& ' )ere yo%(" 5adie )arned( s!ir"ing. "He$s one good,loo"ing g%y." "5ee6" Casey cried( pointing at 5adie. "J%st )ait6" Lance snorted. "' really do%bt Holly is interested in teachers( Casey."

"Act%ally( '$! "ind o& interested(" ' ad!itted. "He$s !a"ing s%ch a co!!otion )ith the st%dents." "No )ay(" Lance responded( &ro)ning at !e. ".on$t tell !e yo% are going to &all head o er heels &or hi! )hen yo% see hi!." "5o!eone$s getting a little 0ealo%s(" 5adie teased( )in"ing at Lance. Lance sent a glare at her. "' a! not6" "'t$s hard to ta"e Lance serio%sly )ith his accent(" she co!!ented( rolling her eyes. "'$! sorry ' can$t help it. A!erican accents are too hard to copy." "Co!e on 5adie( lea e Lance alone(" ' said( la%ghing. "' li"e his 2ritish accent." "5a!e(" Casey and 9atie agreed si!%ltaneo%sly. "'t$s se3y(" Lance !entioned )ith a )in". "No) don$t be too !odest(" ' told hi! sarcastically( t%rning !y attention bac" to !y &ood. "2%t Casey( '$ e been !eaning to tell yo% so!ething." 5he coc"ed her head to the side. "#hat?" "Re!e!ber !ystery !an?" 5he nodded. "He$s a ne) st%dent here." Casey$s eyes )idened signi&icantly. "5erio%s?" ' nodded. "Co!pletely." A grin spread across her &ace. "4o% ha e to point hi! o%t to !e( o"ay? 's he in this l%nch?" "Nope(" ' responded gl%!ly. "' ha en$t seen hi! since this !orning." "'$! s%re yo%$ll see hi! again(" Casey ass%red !e. "5ee )ho again?" Lance inter0ected *%ic"ly.

Casey p%rsed her lips at hi!. "Ne er !ind. Eat yo%r l%nch( Lance." The rest o& l%nch passed by *%ic"ly. 5o *%ic"ly in &act( ' didn$t bring %p !y tray be&ore the bell rang. Lance la%ghed as ' *%ic"ly 0%!ped %p( heading to)ards the &ront o& the ca&eteria. "'$ll see yo% in bio6" he called a&ter !e. ' str%ggled to na igate !y )ay aro%nd the s)ar! o& st%dents e3iting the ca&eteria. One "id b%!ped into !e( sending !y tray onto the gro%nd. A groan o& &r%stration escaped !y lips( and ' *%ic"ly pic"ed %p tray( retrie ing the trash that had &allen o&& it. 2y no)( the ca&eteria )as e!pty. ' h%rried to the trashcans and d%!ped !y tray( handing it o&& to the l%nch lady. ' clic"ed !y tong%e as ' !ade !y )ay o%t o& the ca&eteria. ' had to get !y bac"pac" &ro! !y loc"er( )hich )as on the other side o& the school( and !a"e it bac" to the science )ing in ti!e. Hastening do)n the hall( ' a oided the other st%dents )ho )ere also sc%rrying to get to class on ti!e. 2y the ti!e ' got to !y loc"er( ' ha-arded a g%ess that ' had abo%t a !in%te le&t to !a"e it to the biology roo! on ti!e. ' p%lled !y bac"pac" o%t o& !y loc"er and sh%t it( 0%st as the bell rang. "Crap(" ' !%ttered( slinging !y bac"pac" o er !y sho%lder and speeding do)n the hall)ay to)ards the science )ing. ' )as late to class on !y &irst day o& school. Not only that( b%t it )as )ith a ne) teacher + a handso!e ne) teacher( apparently. ' c%rsed !ysel& and r%shed do)n the hall)ay and into the classroo!. "5orry '$! late(" ' apologi-ed( !y eyes on the &loor. "/y loc"er+" /y !ind )ent blan" )hen ' loo"ed %p( !a"ing !e &orget !y e3c%se. 't &elt li"e a bo3er had "ic"ed !e in the sto!ach. 5taring bac" at !e )as the sa!e handso!e bro)n, haired g%y that had r%n into !y loc"er early+ !y !ystery !an. ' blin"ed as ' stared at hi! in s%rprise. 5o he really )as a ne) st%dent. He glanced do)n at a paper in his hands( and once again a shoc"ed loo" appeared on his &ace. Loo"ing be)ildered( he t%rned to !e( then bac" to the paper( and bac" to !e again. "4o% !%st be /iss E ers(" he &inally stated. "8lad yo% !anaged to 0oin %s."

No) it &elt li"e a &reight train had ran into !y g%t. A *%iet( startled gasp escaped !y lips. This !an )asn$t a st%dent. He )as a teacher( the ne) handso!e biology teacher that e eryone had been tal"ing abo%t all day. ' &elt !y &ace gro) hot and ' loo"ed at the &loor. "Ah7 5orry." The !an ch%c"led. "'t$s *%ite alright. The &irst day can be hectic. 2%t let$s not !a"e this a habit( alright?" "4,yeah(" ' sta!!ered( )illing the bl%sh &ro! !y &ace to go a)ay. "#hy don$t yo% ta"e a seat?" ' loo"ed aro%nd the classroo! to see Lance sitting in the bac"( &ro)ning at !e. All spots aro%nd hi! )ere ta"en. And so )ere the spots aro%nd the spots aro%nd hi!. ' slo)ly reali-ed the only spot a ailable )as the &ront seat in the !iddle ro). 1ront and center. ' bit !y lip and !ade !y )ay o er to the des"( slin"ing into it. The teacher$s na!e )as )ritten on the board. /r. Hey)ood. ' repeated the na!e in !y head in a &e) ti!es. 't )as an %n%s%al last na!e. "5o as ' )as saying( this is !y &irst year as a teacher( so ' don$t "no) !%ch abo%t teaching a class &%ll o& high school st%dents(" /r. Hey)ood started( standing right in &ront o& !e( his hand resting on the edge o& !y des". "And ob io%sly yo% g%ys don$t "no) !e( so let$s get to "no) each other a bit today." 5arah( the girl )ho sat ne3t to !e( shot her hand %p *%ic"ly. "Can )e as" yo% *%estions?" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed s%rprised( b%t shr%gged. "'& yo% )ant." "Ho) old are yo%?" she as"ed *%ic"ly( ca%sing /r. Hey)ood to s!ile. "T)enty,t)o(" he told her. ' stared at hi! in s%rprise. The other yo%ngest teacher here )as thirty. 2%t this g%y )as only t)enty,t)o? .id that !ean that he got a 0ob &resh o%t o& college? Ho) l%c"y )as that? "' got this 0ob 0%st as ' &inished %p college this year(" he contin%ed )ith a la%gh( as i& he )as reading !y tho%ghts. "'t )as a l%c"y brea"." "Are yo% single?" a g%y &ro! the bac" as"ed( !a"ing the class er%pt into la%ghter.

/r. Hey)ood blan"ed &or a !in%te( b%t *%ic"ly rearranged his &eat%res into a grin. "'n &act ' a!(" he told the class. "Ho)e er( '$! not interested in !en." He )in"ed and the class er%pted into la%ghter again. ' ch%c"led slightly( glancing %p at hi!. O%r ga-es !et and he &ro-e &or a !in%te( staring at !e )ith the sa!e e3pression as earlier on. ' blin"ed at hi!( and he *%ic"ly loo"ed a)ay. Con&%sed ' lo)ered !y ga-e to the &loor( &ro)ning. "#hat$s yo%r &irst na!e?" another person as"ed. "Chris( b%t none o& yo% can call !e that." "1a orite color?" "2lac" and bl%e." ' s!iled slightly. "Li"e a br%ise." The class la%ghed and ' loo"ed %p again( seeing /r. Hey)ood staring at !e )ith another startled e3pression. ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi! in con&%sion. #hat )as so s%rprising abo%t !y state!ent? 1inally he see!ed to reali-e he )as staring and he *%ic"ly cleared his throat. "5o!eone said the e3act sa!e thing to !e a )hile bac"(" he told !e( scratching the bac" o& his head. "4o% s%rprised !e." "5orry?" ' apologi-ed( still con&%sed. /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "<!( ne3t *%estion?" "Are yo% lactose intolerant?" The class contin%ed to ha e a *%estion and ans)er session )ith /r. Hey)ood. 't )as pretty entertaining. /r. Hey)ood had a good sense o& h%!or( and see!ed li"e an easy person to get along )ith. A&ter the *%estions ran o%t he handed o%t co%rse e3pectations and a list o& !aterials )e )o%ld need &or the year( and then le&t %s to chat a!ongst o%rsel es. A &loc" o& st%dents )ent %p to his des" and gathered aro%nd it( tal"ing to hi! ani!atedly. Lance ca!e %p to !e and sat do)n in an e ac%ated seat to !y right. ' t%rned to &ace hi! and stretched o%t !y legs( sighing deeply. "8ood 0ob co!ing to class late(" he said( sha"ing his head. "No) yo%$re st%c" )ith the &ront and center seat." ' shr%gged. "#hate er. ' don$t really !ind."

Lance raised an eyebro) and lo)ered his oice. "'t can$t be beca%se yo% too ha e &allen &or /r. Hey)ood$s good loo"s( can it?" ' snorted( &eeling !y &ace heat %p the slightest bit. Hope&%lly Lance )o%ldn$t notice. "O& co%rse not." Lance let o%t a breathy ch%c"le. "J%st chec"ing. He see!s to be ery pop%lar." ' nodded( loo"ing at the cro)d o& st%dents at the des". /r. Hey)ood see!ed to be en0oying tal"ing to all o& the!. He had to be only &o%r or &i e years older than !ost o& the!. ' *%ic"ly co%nted on !y &ingers to see ho) !%ch older than he )as than !e( only &i e years( and in abo%t t)o !onths( only &o%r. ' )as right the other day thin"ing he )asn$t that !%ch older than !e. /y sho%lder sagged. #hy did !y !ystery !an ha e to be a teacher? That r%ined any &antasies ' had abo%t !eeting hi! and &alling in lo e. Lance raised an eyebro) c%rio%sly at !y change o& e3pression. ' shoo" !y head at hi!( trying not to sco)l. 't )asn$t &air. 5oon the period ended( and the class began &iling o%t o& the classroo!. ' *%ic"ly -ipped open !y bac"pac"( st%&&ing !y ne)ly ac*%ired papers into it as &ast as ' co%ld. "'$! going ahead(" Lance told !e( standing %p. "' don$t )ant to be late." "#ait6" ' de!anded( sho ing the co%rse e3pectation &%rther into !y bag. "Lance6" Lance ignored !e and "ept )al"ing as ' &o%ght )ith the st%pid piece o& paper. #hen it )as &inally in( ' *%ic"ly -ipped !y bag bac" %p. 'n a r%sh( ' stood %p and &l%ng !ysel& a&ter Lance( only to trip o er !y des" leg. ' landed &lat o& !y &ace )ith a )eird so%nding s!ac". "Are yo% o"ay?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( so%nding slightly a!%sed and slightly concerned. Red,&aced( ' p%shed !ysel& o&& the gro%nd and nodded to hi! sti&&ly be&ore tr%dging to)ards the e3it. '& that )asn$t the de&inition o& e!barrassing( ' didn$t "no) )hat )as. ' heard hi! ch%c"le to hi!sel& as ' e3ited( !y &ace still b%rning. ".on$t be late to!orro)( Holly."

CHAPTER 1O<R "' told yo% he )as hot."

' loo"ed %p &ro! !y des" to see Casey standing o er !e( a s!%g s!ile on her &ace. Trying to be as cas%al as possible( ' shr%gged. "He$s alright7" "Oh( co!e on6" "Alright. He$s really handso!e(" ' ad!itted( a grin escaping onto !y !o%th. "2%t listen. He$s !y !ystery !an." Casey$s !o%th 0%st abo%t dropped to the &loor. "No )ay." ' nodded !y head so!berly. "That$s hi!." "5o '$! ta"ing it that trans&er st%dent is act%ally ne) biology teacher?" "E3actly." Casey ch%c"led. "#ell( that$s an %n&ort%nate t%rn o& e ents." ' dropped !y head onto !y des". "' "no). And get this." ' e3plained ho) ' had been late to class and ho) ' tripped in &ront o& hi! in !y haste to catch %p to Lance( )ho had totally ditched !e. 5he listened and )hen ' &inished she started la%ghing. ' &ro)ned and crossed !y ar!s. "#ay to go(" she co!!ented( sha"ing her head at !e. "That$s a good &irst i!pression." ' sco)led at her. "5h%t %p. 't$s not li"e ' !eant to. ' )anted to catch %p to Lance6" "#hat abo%t !e?" Lance ca!e striding %p behind Casey( an interested loo" on his &ace. ' stared at hi! )ith a con&%sed e3pression. "#hy are yo% here? .idn$t yo% &inish 5panish @ last year?" Lance &ro)ned at !e( and shr%gged. "' &ailed last year. 2y one point." "#hy )o%ld yo% re,ta"e the )hole class again then?" "' )anted to get &o%r years in(" Lance told !e( p%rsing his lips. "2etter &or college." ' nodded. "Tr%e." "8%ess )hat e eryone?" the 5panish teacher( /s. Elliot( started( )al"ing into the roo!. "Tene!os %n pr%eba6"

The )hole class groaned( !ysel& incl%ded. This )as the &irst class in )hich )e had got a &irst day o& school *%i-. Casey dropped into the seat ne3t to !e( and Lance sl%!ped onto !y des" )ith another groan( sitting in the chair in &ront o& !e. "#e )o%ld ha e a *%i- the &irst day o& 5panish class(" he !%ttered( !a"ing a nasty &ace. ".ate la %elta( Lance6" /s. Elliot co!!anded( and Lance begr%dgingly t%rned aro%nd in his seat to &ace the &ront o& the roo!. The *%i- )as passed o%t and ' &elt relie ed )hen ' reali-ed it )as only one do%ble,sided page. 't )as !ostly old ocab%lary( and erbs to con0%gate. ' &inished *%ic"ly and &lipped the paper o er. 5panish had al)ays been an easy s%b0ect &or !e. To occ%py !ysel&( ' dr%!!ed the tips o& !y &ingers on the des"top. The hectic &irst day )as al!ost o er. 't had act%ally been a great last &irst day o& school + and not 0%st beca%se there )as the ne) biology teacher. ' co%ldn$t decide i& /r. Hey)ood )as a good or bad thing. He see!ed li"e an a)eso!e teacher( b%t he )as also !y !ystery !an. 't )as depressing "no)ing ' co%ldn$t be ro!antically in ol ed )ith hi!. Li"e Casey had !entioned earlier( he )as indeed yo%ng( &%nny( and did ha e a ery attracti e oice. 4o% only read abo%t these "inds o& teachers in cheesy ro!ance no els7 "Holly6" ' 0%!ped and p%lled !ysel& o%t o& !y little re erie and raised an eyebro) at Lance )ho )as p%rsing his lips at !e. His &ist s%ddenly sla!!ed do)n on !y &ingers and ' gasped in pain( retracting the! *%ic"ly. "#hat )as that &or?" ' de!anded in a &%rio%s )hisper( cradling !y throbbing &ingers. "4o%r dr%!!ing )as getting incredibly irritating(" he responded( his oice as *%iet as !ine. "4o% co%ld ha e 0%st as"ed6" "This )as !%ch !ore e&&ecti e( don$t yo% agree?" "Lance6 .ate la %elta6 Ahora6" /s. Elliot ordered( glaring at hi! &ro! her des". ".o yo% )ant a -ero on yo%r *%i-?" "No(" Lance !%ttered( t%rning slo)ly( and &acing &or)ards once !ore. "4eah( ta"e yo%r little 2ritish accent and &ace &or)ards li"e a good boy(" ' !%r!%red( s!iling to !ysel&.

"A!erican$s are so boring(" he responded )ith a )a e o& his hand. "'t$s o"ay to be 0ealo%s." ' sighed and placed !y head do)n onto !y des" and sh%t !y eyes. '& only the day )o%ld 0%st end already. ' co%ldn$t )ait to go ho!e and ta"e a nap7 2%t &irst ' had to do the grocery shopping; other)ise it )as cardboard &or dinner. "'s e eryone done?" ' loo"ed %p and loo"ed aro%nd( !i!ic"ing e ery one else. E eryone soon ca!e to a %nani!o%s decision that )e )ere all &inished. /s. Elliot then told %s to pass the *%i--es to the &ront. ' t%rned aro%nd to grab the paper &ro! the person behind !e and reali-ed that no one )as there. A!a-e!ent s)ept thro%gh !e. This )as the &irst ti!e in !y )hole high school career no one sat behind !e. 't )as a bit re&reshing. The rest o& class )as spent on re ie)ing the co%rse o%tline and e3pectations. ' dri&ted o&& !ore than once and )hen the bell rang( it nearly scared !e o&& !y seat. ' regained !y co!pos%re and stood %p( slinging !y bac"pac" o er !y bag. "2lah(" Casey started as )e )al"ed o%t o& the classroo! together. "' don$t )ant to )al" ho!e7" "4o% are so la-y(" Lance co!!ented )ith a s!ir". Casey sco)led. "Li"e yo% don$t co!plain abo%t )al"ing places." "2%t '$! not la-y." "5h%t %p." "4o% sh%t %p( la-y." "'$! not la-y6" "Oh no( yo% 0%st don$t )ant to )al" ho!e beca%se7?" "2eca%se7 beca%se7" "2oth o& yo% g%ys stop it(" ' interr%pted( rolling !y eyes at the!. "'t$s not a long )al"." "H!ph." Casey p%rsed her lips and ad0%sted her side bag. "Let$s 0%st go ho!e." The trip ho!e )ent by *%ic"ly( and l%c"ily it )as nice o%t. ' bid adie% to !y &riends and cli!bed %p the porch steps to !y ho%se( trying the handle. 't )as loc"ed. ' sighed and

p%lled o%t !y e3tra "ey( %nloc"ing the door and entering the ho%se. /y !o! !%st ha e le&t &or )or". ' dropped !y bac"pac" o&& in the hall and "ic"ed o&& !y shoes( heading to)ards the "itchen. There )ere a &e) t)enty dollar bills on the co%nter and a note attached to the! saying "1ood /oney." ' poc"eted the !oney and ya)ned. 1irst ' )anted a snac"( and then '$d go to the grocery store. #ith a bag o& Lays in hand( ' tr%dged to !y bedroo!( &lopping onto the bed. 't )as ti!e to be the de&inition o& la-y. ' didn$t reali-e '$d &allen asleep %ntil ' a)o"e )ith a start )hen an %nnecessarily lo%d co!!ercial ca!e on the tele ision. 5itting %p( ' loo"ed aro%nd da-edly. A&ter a second ' reali-ed ' )as in !y roo!. The cloc" on !y nightstand read si3 o$ cloc". "5hoot(" ' !%ttered( hopping o&& the bed. ' still had to do grocery shopping6 ' loo"ed o%t !y )indo) and &ro)ned. The s"y )as beginning to change no)( and soon it )o%ld be pitch blac" o%t. ' clic"ed !y tong%e and h%rried do)n the stairs( grabbing !y "eys o& the table as ' )ent by. The last ti!e ' had gone to the grocery store late ' had r%n into /r. Hey)ood abo%t to be assa%lted in an ally )ay. ' didn$t )ant a repeat o& that. ' !ade it to the grocery store 0%st as the last rays o& s%nlight &aded. 5ighing( ' grabbed a bas"et &ro! the &ront o& the store. A&ter ' got the essentials ' )as o%t o& here. There )as no %se in )asting ti!e )hen it )as getting colder by the second. 2y the ti!e ' )as done( it )as co!pletely dar" o%tside. J%st li"e the other night. 2%tter&lies appeared in !y sto!ach as ' started ho!e( &eeling paranoid. #hat i& those th%gs )ere o%t again tonight? The tho%ght !ade !e shi er in &ear. /aybe they )o%ldn$t re!e!ber !y &ace. ' slo)ed do)n as ' approached the ally. Holding !y breath tightly ' stopped 0%st o%tside the !o%th( listening care&%lly. #hen no noises ca!e &ro! )ithin it( ' let o%t a sigh o& relie&. ".a!n it6" A shrie" o& terror escaped !y lips and ' dropped !y groceries( nearly ha ing a heart attac". ' t)irled aro%nd in a panic( bringing %p !y &ists( ready to &ight i& ' had to. Nothing entered !y ision. 5lo)ly( ' rela3ed again( lo)ering !y ar!s. /aybe ' )as being too paranoid and i!agining things. "E3c%se !e+" "No6" ' sho%ted( !o ing &or)ards as a hand landed on !y sho%lder. "' didn$t !ean to hit yo% )ith !y groceries6 't )as an accident6" "Holly?"

' &ro-e( i!!ediately recogni-ing the oice o& the !an spea"ing to !e. 5lo)ly( ' t%rned aro%nd( co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith /r. Hey)ood. He raised an eyebro)( holding %p his hands de&ensi ely. ' &l%shed( b%t hope&%lly he co%ldn$t see it beca%se o& the dar". "#,)hat are yo% doing here?" "#hat are yo% doing here? 't$s dangero%s &or yo% to be alone at night(" he said( so%nding a little irritated. ' &ro)ned at hi!( nodding !y head to)ards !y groceries. "8rocery shopping." ".on$t yo% ha e a car or so!ething?" "/y !o! has it." He p%rsed his lips at !e. "Oh." "#hat are yo% doing o%t here alone? Trying to get in another &ight?" ' *%estioned( bending o er to retrie e !y groceries. /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly leaned o er and snatched the! be&ore ' co%ld. "Act%ally( !y car ran o%t o& gas. '$! trying to &ig%re o%t )hat to do seeing as ho) the nearest gas station is a &e) !iles a)ay." ' hesitated &or a !o!ent( )ondering )hy he )asn$t handing !y groceries o er to !e. "<!( ' thin" !y !o! "eeps a &e) gallons in the shed &or o%r la)n !o)er. '& yo% )ant yo% can+" "5o%nds good(" /r. Hey)ood c%t !e o&&( br%shing past !e. "4o%r ho%se is this )ay( right?" "<!( yeah." "5tic" close to !e. #ho "no)s )ho is o%t here..." /y heartbeat sped %p a little and ' did as /r. Hey)ood ad ised( loo"ing aro%nd !e )arily. He led the )ay bac" to !y ho%se( not ha ing to as" &or directions once. He )al"ed all the )ay %p to !y &ront door( then !o ed o%t o& the )ay( )aiting e3pectantly. #atching hi! s%spicio%sly( ' d%g !y "ey o%t o& !y poc"et( and opened the door. He entered &irst( going in the direction o& !y "itchen. ' &ollo)ed behind hi! *%ic"ly. "Ho)$d yo% "no) )here !y "itchen is?" ' as"ed hi!( s)itching on the light.

Light &looded the "itchen as /r. Hey)ood set the groceries do)n on the co%nter. He glanced at !e( shr%gging. "' noticed it )as here the other day." "Oh(" ' responded la!ely. An a)")ard silence passed. ".o yo%( %!( )ant that gas no)?" /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a !ysterio%s s!ile. "4o% aren$t going to o&&er !e co&&ee?" ' blin"ed at hi! in s%rprise. "4o% )ant it?" "#ell( all that )al"ing !ade !e thirsty7" 1or a !o!ent ' hesitated( trying to decide )hat the best decision )as. He )as !y teacher. ' probably sho%ldn$t ha e hi! in !y ho%se. 2%t then again( he )as /r. Hey)ood. ' didn$t e3actly )ant hi! to lea e. 't had been p%re l%c" ' had r%n into hi!+ )hy )aste it by sending hi! on his )ay so *%ic"ly? "5%re(" ' &inally responded( s!iling %p at hi!. AAAAAAAAA "Here." ' care&%lly placed a stea!ing !%g o& co&&ee do)n in &ront o& !y 2iology teacher. He s!iled %p at !e( p%lling the c%p closer to hi!. He too" a sip( then !ade a &ace. "5%gar?" he as"ed in a s)eet oice. "'$ll go get it(" ' told hi! )ith a s!all sigh. ' treaded bac" to the "itchen( going to the cabinet( and p%lling o%t the s!all porcelain 0ar ' "ept the s%gar in. ' grabbed a spoon &ro! the sil er)are dra)er and !il" &ro! the &ridge be&ore going bac" into the li ing roo! )here /r. Hey)ood )as )aiting. He loo"ed at !e e3pectantly( and ' placed the condi!ents in &ront o& hi!. "Than" yo%." "4o%$re )elco!e." ' a)")ardly stood in &ront o& hi! &or a !o!ent be&ore ta"ing a seat across &ro! hi! on the co%ch. He pic"ed %p the s%gar( and began to pile spoon&%l a&ter spoon&%l into his c%p. 5o !%ch to the point )here ' do%bted yo% co%ld e en taste the co&&ee. "'sn$t that a little %nhealthy?" ' co!!ented as he raised the !%g to his lips and too" a sip.

He shr%gged. "/ost li"ely. 2%t ' li"e it better this )ay." "Li"e a "id(" ' co!!ented( t)iddling !y th%!bs. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "' s%ppose( yes." 't )ent silent again and ' a)")ardly stared at the &loor. ' didn$t "no) )hat to say. ' didn$t "no) )hat ' co%ld say. He )as abo%t to get beat %p in an alley bac" there( and i& ' )as hi!( right no) '$d be slightly e!barrassed abo%t that. No( '$d be ery e!barrassed abo%t it. Especially since /r. Hey)ood )as a !an. ' loo"ed bac" %p to see /r. Hey)ood staring at !e )ith a pained e3pression. Con&%sed( ' raised an eyebro). He abr%ptly loo"ed a)ay( a sco)l appearing on his &ace. ' dropped !y eyes bac" to the &loor. This )as beyond a)")ard. E ent%ally the silence started getting to !e( so ' as"ed the *%estion )e both "ne) ' )as going to as" e ent%ally. ".id yo%7 did yo% "no) those g%ys bac" there?" /r. Hey)ood nodded his head. "4eah7" He hesitated &or a !o!ent be&ore contin%ing. "They )ere &ro! the gang ' %sed to be in." ' nodded as he spo"e. And then )hat he said act%ally processed in !y !ind. /y 0a) dropped. "4o% )ere in a gang?" /r. Hey)ood nodded( grinning at !e. "4ep. 8et !e !ore co&&ee." ' stared at hi!( !y !o%th still hanging open. .id he act%ally 0%st order !e to go get hi! !ore co&&ee )hen he )as a g%est in !y ho%se? #hat happened to the nice( s%a e( and handso!e biology teacher? "8et to it(" he said( shooing !e )ith hands. 5till in shoc"( ' stood %p and )ent to the "itchen to !a"e hi! another c%p o& co&&ee. 5o( not only )as o%r ne) biology teacher an e3,delin*%ent( b%t he either had a split personality( or he )as a total &a"e at school. There )as also the possibility that ' )as 0%st reading into this )rong7 No( that see!ed al!ost i!possible. He )as de&initely ordering !e aro%nd. A&ter ' had &inished his &resh c%p o& co&&ee ' )ent bac" into the li ing roo!. /r. Hey)ood )as pa)ing thro%gh a bo)l o& candy on the table. He s%re )as !a"ing hi!sel& at ho!e at !y ho%se. ' &ro)ned as ' set the ne) c%p o& co&&ee do)n in &ront o& hi!. He p%lled it closer to hi! and began to po%r in heaps o& s%gar once !ore and nearly hal& a c%p o& !il".

' s%n" bac" do)n onto the co%ch across &ro! hi! and shoo" !y head. "4o% )eren$t really going to let those th%gs beat yo% %p( )ere yo%?" /r. Hey)ood bar"ed o%t a la%gh. "No )ay. 't )as *%ite a shoc" )hen yo% ca!e o%t o& no)here and sho%ted at the! to stop in yo%r girly little oice." "' don$t ha e a girly little oice(" ' responded( slightly !i&&ed. "And ' really tho%ght they )ere going to beat yo% %p." /r. Hey)ood snorted. "'!possible. No one can beat !e. 2%t it )as &%nny )hen yo% hit that g%y in the head )ith a bag o& cans." ' &ro)ned at /r. Hey)ood )ho )as no) do)ning his co&&ee. #as this g%y serio%s? An e3, gangster? Ho) had he !anaged to beco!e a teacher then? And did he still &ight &or &%n? "/ore co&&ee." "Are yo% "idding !e?" ' responded( gaping at hi!. "/ore than t)o c%ps in one sitting? That$s really %nhealthy." "#ho are yo%? /y !other?" "No( b%t+" "' )ant !ore co&&ee(" he interr%pted !e( holding o%t the !%g. "No)." ' 0%!ped )hen he crac"ed his "n%c"les. This g%y )as really serio%s6 ' too" the !%g &ro! hi! and h%rried to the "itchen( h%rriedly !a"ing hi! his third c%p o& co&&ee. ' )ondered !o!entarily ho) he co%ld be so tall i& he dran" so !%ch co&&ee( or ho) his teeth co%ld be so )hite. He !%st ha e gained i!!%nity to it or so!ething. "This is yo%r last c%p(" ' told hi! as ' ga e hi! the !%g bac". "' get to decide that(" he told !e( )agging his &inger at !e. "'$! h%ngry. 8o !a"e !e so!ething to eat." "No6" ' cried( staring at hi! incred%lo%sly. "' 0%st !ade yo% three c%ps o& co&&ee6 No) yo% )ant !e to !a"e yo% so!ething to eat?" "Ob io%sly7 beca%se '$! h%ngry(" he said slo)ly( e!phasi-ing e ery syllable. ' stared at hi!. "8et o%t6"

"No." "No?" This !an )as %nbelie able6 "#hat i& the th%gs are o%t there?" he as"ed )ith !oc" &ear. "' don$t care6" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed and crac"ed his "n%c"les. "5ho%ld ' teach yo% a lesson abo%t "ic"ing !e o%t?" ' st%!bled bac")ards a)ay &ro! hi!( &alling o er !y &ront table. ' landed on !y bac" and stared at the ceiling in s%rprise. At least it didn$t h%rt )hen ' &ell. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "'$! not really going to beat yo% %p." ' closed !y eyes and too" a deep breath. This )as %nbelie able. He see!ed li"e s%ch a nice g%y at school6 2%t he )as act%ally s%ch a de!anding de il6 Ho) )o%ld the people in school ta"e it )hen ' told the!? "They )on$t belie e it(" ' !%ttered to !ysel&. ' heard /r. Hey)ood stand %p and he appeared o er !e !o!entarily. He bro%ght do)n his hand and grabbed the &ront o& !y shirt( p%lling !e to !y &eet. ' scra!bled %p !ysel& to sa e !ysel& &ro! being cho"ed. /r. Hey)ood s!iled innocently at !e. "' hope yo% don$t !ean the st%dents and or &ac%lty at school )hen yo% say $they$(" he re!ar"ed( still s!iling innocently at !e. "Oh yes ' did(" ' told hi!( holding !y head in one hand. "#hen they &ind o%t yo%$re act%ally li"e this7" "2%t they aren$t going to." "#hat? O& co%rse they are i& ' tell the!." "2%t yo% )on$t7 right?" /r. Hey)ood s!iled at !e( b%t ' co%ld sense the danger behind his )ords. "4o% )o%ldn$t )ant anything to happen to yo%( )o%ld yo%?" #as he threatening !e? ' ga)"ed at hi!. He de&initely )as. He still had that s)eet s!ile in his oice( b%t his eyes )ere screa!ing( "tell anyone( and yo%$re dead." ' didn$t )ant to die.

"<!( o"ay. ' )on$t tell anyone(" ' !%ttered( loo"ing to the side. 5t%pid( blac"!ailing( de il o& a teacher. "8ood6" /r. Hey)ood grinned again. "No) !a"e !e so!e dinner6" "#hat?" "/a"e so!e &ood(" he told !e( &ro)ning slightly. "'s yo%r hearing o"ay?" "'t$s &ine(" ' snapped. "2%t )hy sho%ld ' !a"e yo% &ood?" "'$! h%ngry." Ob io%sly. "2%t )hy can$t yo% go ho!e and eat?" ".on$t yo% ha e to !a"e dinner &or yo%rsel&? #hy don$t yo% 0%st !a"e !e so!e as )ell?" A&ter a !o!ent o& silence( ' sighed in de&eat. "1ine." "8reat." "2%t yo%$re going to help." /r. Hey)ood groaned( b%t he &ollo)ed !e to the "itchen. ' ordered hi! to %nload the groceries )hile ' got o%t the coo"ing %tensils and s%pplies. 5o !%ch &or ha ing all that stea" to !ysel&. ' grabbed a pan &or the stea"( a ba"ing sheet &or potatoes( and a pot &or egetables. ' didn$t care )hat he )anted to eat( i& he de!anded ' !ade hi! so!ething( he )o%ld eat )hat ' )anted to eat. "#rap t)o potatoes in tin &oil(" ' told hi!( tossing hi! the roll o& tin &oil. "And then p%t the! on the coo"ing sheet. #hen yo%$re done( start peeling carrots." He gr%nted in response and ' heard hi! !%tter a co!plaint( b%t ' ignored hi!. ' )al"ed o er to the dra)er and got t)o "ni es to peel the carrots )ith. ' started as he )rapped the potatoes in tin &oil. He than )ent to the o en and p%t the! in. #hen he )as done he sat ne3t to !e and pic"ed %p a carrot and "ni&e. ' )as a)are o& hi! )atching !e &or a &e) !o!ents as ' peeled the carrots and &inally ' loo"ed o er at hi!. "#hat?" "4o%$re good at that(" he co!!ented( slo)ly and a)")ardly peeling his o)n carrot. ".o yo% coo" a lot?"

"E ery night(" ' told hi!( contin%ing in !y peeling. "#here$s yo%r !o!?" "5he has to )or" late in order to s%pport %s. ' don$t )ant her to ha e to )orry abo%t %ni!portant things li"e coo"ing( la%ndry( cleaning( and st%&& li"e that so ' do it." "'!pressi e(" he co!!ented( nodding his head. "#hat abo%t yo%?" "' li e alone. ' don$t really li"e coo"ing( so ' %s%ally go o%t or so!ething." "That$s %nhealthy7" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5o!eti!es !y neighbor )ill !a"e !e dinner. 5he$s a nice lady." ' hope yo% don$t order her to do that( ' tho%ght to !ysel& )ith a gri!ace. ' )atched /r. Hey)ood peel &or a second and reached o%t !y hand to stop his. "#hat?" he as"ed( pa%sing in his !otions. "4o%$re going to c%t yo%rsel& li"e that6" ' told hi!( ta"ing the "ni&e a)ay. "2e care&%l6" "'t )as )or"ing &ine(" he told !e( shr%gging. "Hold it going do)n and hold the carrot &ro! the top(" ' ordered( p%tting the "ni&e bac" in his hand the correct )ay and sho)ing hi! ho) to do it. "1ine." #e peeled the rest o& the carrots *%ic"ly and p%t the! in a pot o& )ater. ' p%t the! on the sto e and set it on !edi%! to let the! boil. Ne3t ' placed the stea" on the sto e and began coo"ing it. /r. Hey)ood sat on a "itchen chair( )atching !e as ' stirred the carrots( &lipped the stea"( and t%rned the potatoes. #hen they )ere all &%lly coo"ed ' &i3ed the t)o o& %s plates and bro%ght the! o er to the table. "8et !e so!e )ater(" /r. Hey)ood de!anded as soon as ' sat do)n. ' s!iled a &a"e s!ile at hi! and stood %p. "/y pleas%re."

' )ent to the &ridge and grabbed a bottle o& )ater &or both hi! and !ysel& and &ro! the &ree-er( a &e) ice c%bes. ' p%t the ice c%bes in a glass and bro%ght the! o er to the table. /r. Hey)ood po%red his )ater into his glass and too" a sip. "#ell?" "#ell )hat?" "Aren$t yo% going to say than" yo%?" ' as"ed( raising !y eyebro)s. "Oh. Than" yo%." ' nodded appro ingly. ' tho%ght he )as going to ignore !e. #e ate in basically silence( )ith s!all co!!ents here and there( or /r. Hey)ood de!anding so!ething. ' started on !y stea"( and began sha"ing e3cessi e a!o%nts o& salt on it. /r. Hey)ood$s hand shot o%t to stop !e. "#hoa( rela3 on the salt6" ' &ro)ned at hi!. "' li"e salt." "4o%$ll die early(" he )arned !e. "Li"e yo% sho%ld tal"6 4o% %se )ay too !%ch s%gar in yo%r co&&ee( and yo% drin" too !%ch o& it too6" "2%t it$s not as bad as salt(" he told !e( shr%gging. "Ho) do yo% "no)?" "'$! a biology teacher( re!e!ber?" ' blan"ed at that. ' had co!pletely &orgotten he )as a biology teacher6 Ho) co%ld ' ha e &orgotten ' )as ha ing dinner )ith !y biology teacher? #ith his so&t loo"ing hair and an attracti e oice and7 ' !entally slapped !ysel&; )hat )as ' thin"ing? He )as !y teacher6 ' co%ldn$t be ha ing these tho%ghts. /r. Hey)ood stood %p abr%ptly. ' stared at hi! c%rio%sly( p%--led by his s%dden !o e!ent. He stretched &or a !o!ent( and then )a ed at !e. "'$! lea ing no)." "4o%$re not e en going to help !e pic" %p?" ' as"ed incred%lo%sly.

"Nope(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a )in". "'$ll stop by so!e other ti!e &or another !eal." "4o% can$t(" ' told hi!( slightly s%rprised. "#hy not?" "4o%$re !y teacher and '$! yo%r st%dent. 't$d be7 )eird." /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "No it )o%ldn$t. 't$s not li"e )e are doing anything bad. And besides7" "#hat?" "4o%$re the only one )ho "no)s( and )ill e er "no)( abo%t !y $other$ personality(" he told !e )ith another )in". "8oodbye( Holly E ers."

CHAPTER 1'BE "No )ay(" Casey gasped( staring at !e )ith )ide eyes. "He ate dinner at yo%r ho%se? #ith yo%?" "5hh6" ' h%shed her( loo"ing aro%nd the ca&eteria )arily &or anyone )ho !ight ha e heard. "4o% can$t tell anybody6" "' )on$t6" Casey responded( !a"ing an C o er her heart. "Cross !y heart and hope to die." ' sighed and "ic"ed the trashcan )e )ere standing ne3t to. 't beca!e a habit to ha e pri ate con ersations near the trashcan &or Casey and '( so e eryone "ne) )hen )e )ere there not to co!e thro) their trash a)ay. Casey grinned to hersel&( glancing at /r. Hey)ood( )ho had 0%st entered the l%nchroo!. "There$s yo%r dinner g%est(" Casey co!!ented( n%dging !e in the sho%lder. "8o tal" to hi!." "And be beaten to death? ' thin" not(" ' responded( rolling !y eyes. "' don$t tr%st that g%y. He$s got a split personality." Casey la%ghed( sha"ing her head at !e. "' don$t "no) )hat yo% are tal"ing abo%t. 1ro! )hat ' "no) o& hi!( that g%y )as abo%t as !ean as a n%n."

"That didn$t !a"e sense at all." "5h%t %p(" Casey responded *%ic"ly. ' la%ghed. "#ell belie e )hat yo% )ant. 4o% )eren$t the one that )as basically &orced to !a"e hi! a do-en c%ps o& co&&ee and dinner." 5he snorted. "' )o%ld ha e done it )illingly any)ays." ' rolled !y eyes at her. "Oh( )hat do yo% "no)? 7Here co!es yo%r boy&riend. '$! going to lea e yo% t)o to tal"." Casey ble) a raspberry at !e. "O"ay. 2%t tell !e i& anything happens bet)een yo% and /r. Hey)ood6" "There$s nothing going to happen bet)een %s6" ' hissed at her( gi ing her one last )arning loo" be&ore t%rning !y bac" on her. ' loo"ed aro%nd &or /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly; ' didn$t )ant to r%n into hi! )hen getting in line &or l%nch. To !y l%c"( it see!ed li"e he had le&t the ca&eteria already. ' )al"ed to a la carte and stood in line( sho ing !y hand into !y poc"et to get !y l%nch !oney( and letting o%t a sigh. "#hy the sigh?" ' 0%!ped and t)isted aro%nd to see /r. Hey)ood standing behind !e. He s!iled pleasantly at !e( loo"ing innocent. ' eyed hi! s%spicio%sly. "#ell?" "J%st thin"ing(" ' responded slo)ly( "abo%t yo%." "1alling &or !y good loo"s already? ' tho%ght yo% )ere di&&erent &ro! !ost o& the girls here7" "No(" ' snapped( &ro)ning at hi!. "Abo%t yo%r split personality." "5hh6" "#hy?" /r. Hey)ood lo)ered his oice( gi ing !e an %rgent loo". "'& anyone &inds o%t ho) ' %sed to be( '$ll be &ired( and ' really need the !oney right no). 5o sh%t %p abo%t it. Please(" he added( trying to co er %p &or his r%deness.

' blin"ed at hi!. He said please? /aybe he )asn$t as bad as ' tho%ght he )as7 #ell( as long as ' ignored the "sh%t %p" in his last sentence. #hen )e !ade it to the &ront o& the line ' noticed there )as chic"en so%p on the so%p list. /y &a orite. /r. Hey)ood c%t in &ront o& !e and ' &ro)ned( b%t he )as a teacher and yo% had to let teachers c%t( so ' co%ldn$t protest. He ordered chic"en so%p( 0%st li"e ' )as abo%t to. "#hat )o%ld yo% li"e dear?" the ca&eteria lady as"ed )hen /r. Hey)ood got his so%p. "Chic"en so%p(" ' responded. "5orry( )e 0%st ran o%t." ' heard /r. Hey)ood snort &ro! in &ront o& !e. ' stared at the l%nch lady in disbelie&. 't )as 0%st !y l%c". "' g%ess a cheese b%rger then7" The l%nch lady s!iled and placed a cheeseb%rger on !y tray. ' !ade !y )ay to the cash register and paid &or !y cheeseb%rger. /r. Hey)ood )as paying at the other one. #hen ' got !y change bac" ' !ade !y )ay bac" to !y table b%t /r. Hey)ood stopped !e. "#hat?" ' as"ed( slightly annoyed. "Here(" he said( placing the so%p on !y tray. "4o% can ha e it." ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise. "<!( than"s. #hy?" "A than" yo% &or yesterday(" he responded be&ore )al"ing o&& )ith a )a e. ' &ro)ned a&ter hi! &or a !o!ent. ' really co%ldn$t tell i& this g%y )as nice or not. He see!ed nice( b%t a little p%shy. Or !aybe he )as &a"ing it. ' p%rsed !y lips. He )as so con&%sing. ' )al"ed bac" o er to !y table )here Lance and #illis )ere tal"ing. .anielle and 5adie )ere &ro)ning at the pair loo"ing irritated. ' )atched c%rio%sly &ro! a distance &or a second be&ore going to sit do)n. .anielle and 5adie loo"ed at !e pityingly. "4o% sho%ld ha e )aited be&ore co!ing bac"(" .anielle told !e( sti&ling a ya)n )ith her hand. "#hy?"

"Listen(" 5adie responded( pointing to the boys )ho )ere &oc%sing on the )all on the other side o& the l%nchroo!. "Ring ring(" Lance said( his &ace i!passi e. "Hello?" #illis responded( his e3pression !i!ic"ing Lance$s. "Ring ring(" Lance repeated. "H,hello?" #illis responded( his &ace still straight. "Ring ring." "He7 hello?" "Ring ring+" "O"ay6" ' cried( sla!!ing !y &ists do)n. "/%st yo% t)o !i!ic st%pid ideos &ro! 4o%T%be e eryday?" "Oh( chill Holly(" #illis responded( la%ghing. "4o% ha en$t had to deal )ith it all s%!!er. ' thin" it$s catch %p ti!e." "And yo% ha e the line )rong(" Lance contin%ed( &ro)ning at !e. "'t$s: 4o% ha e a bad connection6$" ' &ro)ned at the! as they contin%ed la%ghing. 5adie and .anielle ch%c"led as ' r%bbed !y &orehead. "Told yo%(" they both chor%sed. "'t co%ld be )orse(" ' told the!. "At least they aren$t reciting the )hole ideo." "Tr%e(" .anielle responded( nodding her head. "' don$t "no) ho) they !anage to !e!ori-e so!ething li"e that( b%t boy do they get e erything spot on." ' la%ghed. "Are yo% trying to be Lance?" "No( )hy?" "He %ses phrases li"e $spot on$ and $grand ti!e$ and $0olly good$ beca%se he li"es the 2ritish stereotype." "' don$t %se $0olly good$( Holly(" Lance inter0ected( s!ir"ing at !e. "Nice try."

' shr%gged. "4o% do %se $spot on$ a lot." "5pot on6" Lance responded( s)inging his ar!. "Cheerio6 Tea6" .anielle and 5adie la%ghed )hile ' 0%st rolled !y eyes. At least he didn$t get o&&ended )hen )e 0o"ed abo%t 2ritish pron%nciation or anything. "5o are yo% going to the &air this )ee"end?" .anielle as"ed !e as ' started to eat !y l%nch. "There$s a &air?" "4eah( at the &air gro%nds(" .anielle e3plained. "'t$s one o& those tra eling &airs. ' bet this )ill be the only ti!e it$s going there." "H%h." "5o are yo% going to go?" .anielle repeated. ' shr%gged. "/aybe. ' don$t thin" ' ha e any plans. #ho else is going?" "/e6" Lance inter0ected. "And Casey and #illis." "And !e(" 5adie added. "And .anielle( right?" .anielle nodded her head. "4ep. 5o( basically e eryone." "#ell ' g%ess ' a! then(" ' said )ith a la%gh. "Are )e !eeting %p so!e)here? #hat ti!e?" "5e en(" Lance in&or!ed !e( stealing !y !il". "Hey6" ' cried( reaching o er to ta"e it bac". "'$! not done )ith that6" Lance s!ir"ed and stood %p. "That$s too bad. 2eca%se l%nch is o er." As soon as he &inished tal"ing( s%re eno%gh( the bell rang. ' *%ic"ly stood %p( s)iping the !il" bac" &ro! Lance and grabbing !y tray. ' c%rsed !ysel& as ' began p%shing !y )ay thro%gh the throng o& people lea ing. '& ' )ere late t)ice in a ro)( no) that ' "ne) the $other$ side o& /r. Hey)ood( )hat )o%ld he do? ' !anaged to a oid spilling !y tray and ga e it to the ca&eteria lady. ' s!ir"ed to

!ysel&. There )as no )ay ' co%ld be late today. ' )o%ld 0%st s"ip stopping at !y loc"er. #e probably )o%ldn$t need anything( any)ay. To be sa&e( ' still 0ogged to)ards the class. The people in the hall )ere slo)ly disappearing( b%t there )ere still a &e) so ' "ne) ' )as still sa&e. ' t%rned the corner and stopped *%ic"ly( nearly r%nning into a gro%p o& teachers )al"ing do)n the hall together. ' sco)led at the!. They )o%ld ha e to )al" a little &aster; other)ise ' )o%ld ha e to p%sh past the!. To !y annoyance( they contin%ed )al"ing slo)ly. They )ere ta"ing and la%ghing so lo%dly they didn$t hear !y "e3c%se !e" and "!o e" no !atter ho) !any ti!es ' repeated the!. ' contin%ed to sco)l. No) ' )as going to be late &or s%re. 2%t !y l%c" changed and they )ent into a classroo! to o%r le&t. ' started sprinting once they )ere o%t o& !y )ay. ' had !aybe ten seconds( and the science hall )as abo%t &i&teen yards a)ay. ' co%ld !a"e it. ' t%rned the corner to the hall and ran into so!ething hard( letting o%t a s%rprised shrie" and &alling to the gro%nd. ' landed on !y b%tt and )inced( groaning. "'$! so sorry6" the person ' b%!ped into apologi-ed. The bell rang and ' h%ng !y head in de&eat. "'t doesn$t !atter. 't$s already too late(" ' sighed. A hand appeared in &ront o& !e and ' grabbed it. ' )as p%lled to !y &eet and ' nodded !y head to the person ' ran into in than"s. #hen ' loo"ed %p ' reali-ed it )as a girl na!ed 9at in the grade belo) !e. ' !%ttered !y apology and s%l"ed to)ards the classroo!. ' entered and all eyes )ere s%ddenly on !e. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e and s!ir"ed &or a split second( b%t he soon replaced it )as a &ro)n. "This is the second day in a ro) that yo%$re late( /s. E ers(" he told !e. As i& it )asn$t ob io%s. "' "no)(" ' responded( !y &ace heating %p )ith all the attention that )as on !e. "5orry." /r. Hey)ood s!iled politely. "' e3c%sed yo% yesterday( b%t !ay ' tal" to yo% a&ter class today?" ' stared at hi!. /e? Alone )ith hi!? He$d probably beat !e %p or so!ething &or being late. "<!7" "'s there a proble!?"

"No(" ' responded( !y sho%lders sagging. "Please ha e a seat then(" he said( gest%ring !e &or)ards )ith his hand. "#e ha en$t beg%n the lesson yet( so yo%$re o"ay still." ' sl%n" to !y seat and slipped in( sighing deeply. He had been nice so &ar today( so !aybe ' )as only going to get a gently scolding or so!ething? ' hoped so. 5o!eone po"ed on !y sho%lder and ' t%rned to see !y &riend A!y s!ir"ing at !e. "4o% and hi! alone? 4o%$re pretty l%c"y. ' thin" ' !ight 0%st be late to class so ' can stay a&ter )ith hi!." ' snorted. "No( ' )o%ldn$t do that." "#hy?" "This g%y is+" ' sh%t !y !o%th *%ic"ly )hen ' &elt a hand on !y sho%lder( pressing do)n ery hard. ' loo"ed %p to see /r. Hey)ood s!iling s)eetly at !e. "#o%ld yo% t)o girls please not tal" d%ring class?" "'$! sorry( /r. Hey)ood(" A!y responded( so%nding &l%stered. "'t$s *%ite alright( A!y(" /r. Hey)ood responded( s!iling at her. "J%st try to hold it in )hen '$! tal"ing." "O"ay6" /r. Hey)ood released !y sho%lder and ' had to resist the %rge to r%b it. This g%y )as !ost de&initely e il. And ' had to stay a&ter school )ith hi!.

CHAPTER 5'C ' hesitated slightly be&ore "noc"ing on /r. Hey)ood$s door. /y heart )as po%nding a !ile a !in%te as ' )aited &or hi! to ans)er. #hat )as going to happen? #as ' going to be yelled at? 2eaten %p? Or !aybe he )as going to be nice abo%t it and let !e o&& the hoo" and he 0%st co%ldn$t say so in class?

' heard the clic" o& a loc" and the door opened a sli er. /r. Hey)ood$s head popped o%t and he loo"ed le&t and right *%ic"ly. ' )atched hi! c%rio%sly %ntil s%ddenly he opened the door a little !ore and grabbed the &ront o& !y shirt( p%lling !e into the roo! in a &lash. He *%ic"ly sh%t the door a&ter !e and loc"ed it. "#hy are yo% loc"ing the door?" ' de!anded( getting ner o%s. "/r. Hey)ood?" "5hh6" he sh%shed( a &inger o er his lips. "5hh? #hy?" "5hh6" "Tell !e )hy( and ' )ill+" 5%ddenly /r. Hey)ood$s hand )as o er !y !o%th. He p%lled !e a)ay &ro! the door and p%shed !e against the )all( his eyes ne er lea ing the door. ' tried to p%ll his hand a)ay &ro! !y !o%th b%t his &orce )as too strong. ' co%ld hear girl$s oices o%tside the door. They )ere giggling abo%t so!ething. ' contin%ed to try and p%ll /r. Hey)ood$s hand a)ay &ro! !y !o%th beca%se it )as bloc"ing !y nose and !o%th+ basically( ' co%ldn$t breathe. /r. Hey)ood glared at !e and ' )ent li!p( trying to stay as silent as possible. ' e en held !y breath( e en tho%gh ' co%ldn$t breathe in the &irst place. There )as a "noc" at the door. /r. Hey)ood )as no) holding his breath as )ell. A&ter a !o!ent there )ere a &e) !ore "noc"s. "'s he there?" ' heard a girl as". "Try the door." There )as a 0iggle o& the door handle( and then a !ore iolent one. "'t$s loc"ed(" another girl responded. "5ho%ld )e )ait?" "No( '$ e got to catch the b%s(" the other girl responded. "#e can co!e bac" to!orro)." "O"ay." There )ere the so%nds o& &ootsteps( and a&ter a !in%te all )as silent. /r. Hey)ood sighed( %nco ering !y !o%th. ' gasped in the air( trying to &ill !y l%ngs. "Oh( sorry(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed nonchalantly. "4o% don$t so%nd sorry(" ' ret%rned( still trying to catch !y breath. "#hat )as that all abo%t any)ay?"

"They probably )anted to tal" )ith !e." "#hy didn$t yo% let the! in?" "'t$s annoying(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. ' s!iled in annoyance at hi!. ' really co%ldn$t &ig%re this g%y o%t. 1irst he )as nice( then he )as a bastard( and then he )as nice again. ' sighed and ran a hand thro%gh !y hair. "Co!e )ith !e( /s. E ers(" /r. Hey)ood said s%ddenly( bec"oning !e )ith his hand. "' ha e a 0ob &or yo%." ' &ollo)ed hi! c%rio%sly to the e*%ip!ent roo! that )as attached to the !ain roo!. ' )al"ed in to &ind a b%nch o& bo3es piled high. ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood )ith a *%estioning loo". "#hat a! ' s%pposed to do?" "' )ant yo% to %npac" all o& those bo3es and p%t the ite!s yo% ha e %npac"ed in their right places(" he e3plained( gest%ring to)ards the pile o& bo3es. "5i!ple( right?" ' ga)"ed at hi!. "' can$t do that6" "#hy not? 4o%$ e been here longer than ' ha e(" he responded )ith a shr%g. "' don$t "no) )here e erything goes." "2%t there$s so !%ch6" "4o% )ere late to class." "' rather ha e a detention(" ' told hi!. "O"ay yo% ha e a detention )ith !e today. This is )hat yo% )ill be doing(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a s!ir". "' re&%se." "Oh? O"ay( then ' )ill tell the principle that yo% had a ro!antic dinner )ith yo%r teacher(" /r. Hey)ood said( shr%gging. "'t )asn$t ro!antic(" ' stated. "And yo%$d get in tro%ble too6" He s!ir"ed. "4eah( b%t '$ll ta"e yo% do)n )ith !e."

#e had a sco)ling contest &or a &e) !in%tes and ' sighed. This )as so %n&air. #hy did ' ha e to do all this )or" 0%st beca%se ' late? Had ' done so!ething )rong? #hat )as this de il,o&,a,teacher$s proble!? ' !o ed to)ards the &irst bo3 and began trying to open it )ith !y hands. ' &ro)ned )hen ' co%ldn$t !anage. "Here." ' t%rned 0%st in ti!e to see /r. Hey)ood thro)ing a "ni&e at !e. ' 0%!ped bac"( trying to get o%t o the )ay and tripped o er a bo3( landing &lat on !y bac". /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led and shoo" his head. ' sco)led %p at hi!. ".on$t thro) "ni es6" "Pay !ore attention." "4o% co%ld ha e stabbed !e6" "2%t ' didn$t." ' )as abo%t to retort( b%t ' sa ed it. There )as no )ay to )in )ith hi!. ' p%shed !ysel& o&& the gro%nd and grabbed the "ni&e o&& the gro%nd and began c%tting the d%c" tape )ith it. #hen it )as open( ' began ta"ing the ite!s o%t and p%tting the! a)ay in their correct places. 5o!eho) ' ended %p telling /r. Hey)ood )here e erything )ent. The &o%rth bo3 )as &%ll o& test t%bes. "These go in the cabinets in the classroo! beca%se st%dents %se the!(" ' told /r. Hey)ood( heading to)ards the door that led to the !ain classroo!. 2e&ore ' !ade it o%t the door /r. Hey)ood sei-ed !y )rist( stopping !e. ' nearly dropped the test t%bes. "#hat?" ".on$t go o%t there(" he ordered( p%shing !e bac" to)ards the bo3es. "J%st set those test t%bes on the co%nter. 4o% can do the st%&& in the classroo! later." "#hy not no)?" "The girls here stic" aro%nd &or *%ite a)hile." "'t$s been an ho%r6" ' stated )ith a s%rprise. "There aren$t any !ore st%dents in school. Cl%bs ha en$t started." "There are girls alright." "'t$s only yo%r second day( ho) co%ld yo% "no) that?"

"They )ere here %ntil si3 yesterday(" /r. Hey)ood told !e serio%sly. "They )o%ldn$t stop tal"ing and as"ing !e personal *%estions. ' s)ear i& ' hear $do yo% ha e a girl&riend$ one !ore ti!e7" "4o% don$t ha e a girl&riend(" ' stated( placing the test t%bes on the co%nter and going bac" to a ne) bo3. "Ho) do yo% "no)?" "4o% said so in class yesterday(" ' responded( c%tting the tape )ith the "ni&e. "5o!eone as"ed yo%." "Oh( yeah(" he responded( leaning against the co%nter( )here he had been &or the past ho%r( )atching !e. "' tho%ght yo% )eren$t listening." ' shr%gged. "' listened." 5%ddenly a shrill ringing &illed the roo!. /y hand a%to!atically )ent to !y cell phone( b%t ' )as con&%sed )hen it sho)ed %p as !y screen. #hose phone )as it? ' t%rned to see /r. Hey)ood p%lling o%t his phone. "#hat?" he as"ed in an irritated tone to )hoe er the caller )as. "No. ' don$t care. '$! b%sy7 No. .o it yo%rsel&. ' told yo% no. 4o% can$t al)ays co%nt on !e; '$! a teacher no). No6 '$! hanging %p( goodbye." He snapped his phone sh%t and sho ed it bac" into his poc"et( and irritated e3pression on his &ace. He noticed !e staring and narro)ed his eyes. "#hat? 8et bac" to )or"." "4,yes( sir6" ' responded *%ic"ly( t%rning aro%nd and sa)ing thro%gh the ne3t bo3. 'n !y r%sh( ' accidentally !issed the tape and ended %p slicing !ysel&. ' hissed in pain and shoo" !y hand. "#hat?" "Nothing(" ' responded( s!iling at hi!( holding !y hand behind !y bac"( and starting to sa) the bo3 open )ith one hand. /r. Hey)ood ret%rned to the !aga-ine he )as reading( and ' contin%ed )ith the bo3. #ith one hand( opening the bo3 )as a bit harder( b%t ' e ent%ally got it open. ' loo"ed at !y other hand &or the &irst ti!e a&ter slicing it. The a!o%nt o& blood that had already co!e o%t o& !y c%t ca%ght !e o&& g%ard. /y 0a),dropped and ' slightly began to panic. #o%ld ' need stitches? The &irst thing ' needed )as a bandage or so!ething to stop the bleeding; other)ise ' )o%ld get blood e ery)here.

5%ddenly a hand capt%red !y )rist and held it still. ' loo"ed %p to see /r. Hey)ood tearing o&& a piece o& bandage )ith his teeth. ' stayed silent as he )rapped the bandage aro%nd !y hand( sealing o&& !y c%t. He )rapped it )ith !edical tape and let go o& !y hand. "<!( than"s(" ' said to hi! as he p%t the bandage bac" into )hat loo"ed li"e a &irst,aid "it. "2e !ore care&%l(" he )arned( st%&&ing the bo3 bac" in a cabinet. "4o% can stop )ith the bo3es &or today. 5ho) !e )here the st%&& in the classroo! goes." ' nodded( setting do)n the "ni&e and grabbing so!e o& the st%&& that belonged in the classroo!. 5%rprisingly( /r. Hey)ood grabbed the rest o& the st%&& &or !e and helped !e carry it. ' told hi! )here e erything )as( and he act%ally helped !e p%t it a)ay. ' )as slightly i!pressed. A&ter all( he had been slac"ing &or the &irst ho%r. "#ell that$s e erything(" ' said )hen ' p%t the last bea"ers a)ay. "'s that all?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "1or no)." "#hat do yo% !ean( &or no)?" "'$! going to !a"e yo% a deal(" he started( s!ir"ing at !e. "'$! going to let yo% "eep yo%r st%&& in !y roo! be&ore yo% go to l%nch that )ay yo% )on$t e er be late( b%t yo% ha e to help !e a&ter school )hen ' need it." "No )ay(" ' responded )itho%t hesitation. ' co%ld !a"e it &ine as long as ' p%t !y tray a)ay in ti!e. He raised an eyebro). "' sho%ld rephrase that. 't$s not a deal. 4o% ha e to do it. Other)ise7" ' sco)led at hi!. "' don$t care i& yo% tell the teachers ' had yo% o er to dinner. 4o% practically &orced !e too6 And ' can 0%st deny it." "'n that case7" /r. Hey)ood p%lled o%t his cell phone and ca!e to)ards !e. ' bac"ed %p %ntil ' )as bac"ed %p against the )hite board. He s!ir"ed and held %p his cell phone. "#hat$s that &or?" ' as"ed. "This."

2e&ore ' reali-ed )hat )as happening( his &ace )as only inches a)ay &ro! !ine. ' co%ld &eel his breath on !y lips. ' didn$t ha e ti!e to react be&ore ' &elt his lips pressing gently against !ine. ' &ro-e( staring in s%rprise at /r. Hey)ood( his eyes piercing into !y o)n. 'nstead o& the teasing loo" in his eyes li"e ' e3pected( there )as a nostalgic one. 5o!ething that !ade !e thin" this )asn$t the &irst ti!e )e "issed( e en tho%gh ' "ne) it )as. 5%ddenly ' &elt hi! nip at !y lip. ' sho ed his sho%lder then( and he p%lled a)ay( snic"ering. "#,)hat the hec"?" ' cried( co ering !y !o%th )ith !y hand. "Per ert6" /r. Hey)ood held %p his phone. On the screen )as a pict%re o& hi! and !ysel& "issing. ' stared at it )ith !y !o%th open. "2lac" !ail(" /r. Hey)ood stated. "No) i& yo% don$t help !e( ' can spread this pict%re aro%nd." This g%y really )as %nbelie able. 2%t ' co%ldn$t let that photo get o%t. ' "ne) he )o%ld get &ired( and ' )o%ld get in tro%ble. And earlier he had a ery sole!n e3pression )hen he had said he needed !oney right no). ' c%rsed !y personality. #hy had ' been born so "ind? "4o% can go ho!e no)(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( a s!ir" still on his &ace. "'$ll see yo% to!orro)( right?" "4es(" ' responded thro%gh gritted teeth. "4o% )ant a ride ho!e?" "No( than" yo%." ' grabbed !y bac"pac" and sl%ng it o er !y sho%lder( sc%rrying o%t o& the roo!. Once ' )as o%t( ' stopped in the hall( !a"ing s%re no one )as aro%nd be&ore to%ching !y lips again. /y &ace began to heat %p. That had 0%st been !y &irst "iss.

CHAPTER 5EBEN "'t$s not that &%nny(" ' gro)led( sla!!ing a bo3 do)n on the co%nter in the biology e*%ip!ent roo!. "4o%$re a senior( b%t ' too" yo%r &irst "iss?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed la%ghing so hard he )as o%t o& breath. "4o% had yo%r &irst "iss as a senior?"

' &elt !ysel& bl%shing and ' loo"ed at the gro%nd. "' !ean '$ e done *%ic" pec"s and st%&&( 0%st nothing li"e that." /r. Hey)ood started snic"ering again. "Ho) !any boy&riends ha e yo% had?" "1i e(" ' responded( &ro)ning deeper. "Only &i e?" "#hat abo%t it?" ' de!anded( glaring angrily at /r. Hey)ood. "' can$t help it i& g%ys don$t li"e !e6" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed s%rprised &or a second( and than he s!ir"ed. "4o%$re !ista"en. ' thin" a lot o& g%ys li"e yo%." ' raised !y eyebro) at hi!. "Ho) )o%ld yo% "no)? This is only yo%r &i&th day here." "#hen yo%$re a yo%ng( handso!e( "ind teacher( people tell yo% st%&&(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. "1or e3a!ple( yo%r &riend 5adie is going to be as"ed o%t today." "#hat?" ' gasped. "2y )ho?" "5o!e "id na!ed 5a!?" "' "ne) he li"ed her6" ' responded( sla!!ing !y &ist do)n into !y hand. "'t )as only a !atter o& ti!e7" "1irst "iss as a senior(" /r. Hey)ood snorted once !ore. "Oh( )ill yo% drop it6" ' snapped( %npac"ing the bo3 that ' had 0%st placed on the co%nter. "Ho)$d yo% e en &ind o%t abo%t it any)ay?" "4o%$re &riend( Casey." That little traitor. #ith %nnecessary &orce( ' ripped the tape o&& the ne3t bo3. "'$! going to go get a drin"( do yo% )ant so!ething?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( hopping do)n &ro! the co%nter. "' don$t ha e any !oney(" ' told hi!. He shr%gged. "'t$s on !e." "Really?"

".on$t be so shoc"ed( yo% !a"e !e &eel li"e a !ean person(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a sigh. "4o% are tho%gh(" ' pointed o%t. "' "no)." "2ottle o& )ater. No) go(" ' de!anded( irritated again. He le&t the roo!( and ' contin%ed to %npac" in silence. There )ere only a &e) !ore bo3es le&t be&ore they )ere all gone. '$d probably &inish today. '& ' &inished( did that !ean ' )as done helping hi! a&ter school? 1or so!e reason( that tho%ght !ade !y sto!ach t%rn a little. #hy )as ' sad abo%t it? ' shoo" the tho%ght a)ay and contin%ed %npac"ing. A&ter !y third bo3 ' &ro)ned. Ho) long did it ta"e /r. Hey)ood to go get drin"s? ' started on !y &o%rth bo3 and )as hal&)ay thro%gh )hen he )al"ed in( carrying a co"e and a bottle o& )ater. He set the! both do)n on the co%nter and ran a hand thro%gh his hair. "8ee-(" he !%ttered( p%shing hi!sel& bac" onto the co%nter. "#hat too" yo% so long?" "' ran into so!e girl$s at the ending !achine(" he e3plained( ta"ing his co"e and opening it. "'t too" &ore er to get a)ay &ro! the!." "#hy didn$t yo% 0%st say yo% didn$t )ant to tal"?" /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a &lat loo". ' reali-ed )hy he co%ldn$t do that. He )as the "nice( handso!e( yo%ng( a!a-ing" ne) teacher. He co%ldn$t r%in his i!age. ' gr%!bled as ' grabbed !y )ater. #hy )as it only !e he )as hi!sel& )ith? "Than"s( /r. Hey)ood(" ' said as ' opened it and too" a long drin". "Call !e Chris o%tside o& class(" he ordered( setting do)n his co"e. "'t$s )eird being called /r. Hey)ood )hen school$s o er." "O"ay( Chris." To !y s%rprise ' bl%shed. 't so%nded a little inti!ate; calling a teacher by their real na!e( that is. ' &aced a)ay &ro! hi! to hide !y bl%sh and contin%ed %npac"ing bo3es. ' act%ally &elt a little l%c"y that ' "ne) his real sel&. The girls that already( or probably

)o%ld( ha e cr%shes on hi! )o%ldn$t "no) a thing( %nli"e ' did. 't )as li"e a secret bet)een %s. ' s!iled to !ysel&( &eeling slightly happier. A&ter a hal& ho%r( ' &inished the last bo3. ' &ro)ned )hen ' t%rned and reali-ed there )as no !ore. ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood. "/r. Hey+ er( Chris?" He loo"ed at !e( opening his !o%th to spea"( b%t s%ddenly his phone )ent o&&. He placed the !aga-ine he )as reading do)n and held %p a &inger to !e. He p%lled o%t his phone and loo"ed at it. A sco)l appeared on his &ace and he &lipped the phone open( p%tting it to his ear. "#hat no)?" he de!anded into the recei er. "Ho) !any ti!es do ' ha e to tell yo% no? No6 ' said ' don$t care( and ' really don$t care. 4eah. .o )hat yo% )ant( b%t lea e !e o%t o& it. 8o ahead. #hate er. 2ye." He snapped the phone sh%t and glo)ered at it &or a !o!ent be&ore tossing it onto the co%nter. "#as that the sa!e person &ro! a &e) days ago?" ' as"ed( !y oice *%ieter than ' e3pected. "4eah." "'s e erything o"ay?" "5%re(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. "#hat did yo% )ant?" "Oh( %!( all the bo3es are %npac"ed and p%t a)ay(" ' told hi!( gest%ring to all the e!pty bo3es behind !e. "Oh. #ell ' g%ess yo% can go ho!e &or today(" /r. Hey)ood responded( loo"ing slightly s%rprised( and a little disappointed. "That too" less ti!e than ' e3pected." ' )aited &or hi! to say !ore( b%t )hen he didn$t ' &ro)ned. #as this really it? #as ' o&& the hoo" no)? No !ore chores &ro! hi!? ' didn$t "no) )hy( b%t not only did ' &eel sad( b%t ' act%ally &elt a little bit lonely. ' hesitated by the co%nter( ta"ing !y ti!e &inishing !y )ater so ' didn$t ha e to lea e. 't )as !%ch !ore &%n to be here than to be at !y ho%se all by !ysel& since !y !o! didn$t co!e ho!e %ntil late d%e to )or". '& ' )as here doing the )or" &or /r. Hey)ood( ' act%ally had so!eone to tal" to and interact )or"( e en i& it )as 0%st orders( and being !ade &%n o& &or !e. #hen !y )ater )as gone ' sighed and thre) it into the recycling. ' stooped do)n and pic"ed %p !y school bag( lingering. ' pretended to be interested in a poster on the )all.

A&ter a &e) !in%tes ' heard the 0ingle o& car "eys. ' t%rned to see /r. Hey)ood holding the! o%t to !e. "#ant a ride ho!e?" ' s!iled to !ysel&. "5%re." 't )as sort o& a)")ard sitting in /r. Hey)ood$s car. He had a pretty &ancy 2/#. 't !ade !e )onder ho) he co%ld a&&ord it. ' didn$t say anything tho%gh( ' "ne) better than that. ' sat in the passenger$s seat )ith !y hands on !y lap( staring straight ahead.

".o yo% !ind i& ' stop &or gas?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( *%ic"ly glancing at !e. "No(" ' responded *%ic"ly. He loo"ed o er at !e s%spicio%sly. ' regretted ans)ering so *%ic"ly. He probably tho%ght ' li"ed hi! or so!ething no). "'( er( don$t really )ant to go ho!e yet(" ' started( &iddling )ith !y &ingers. "No one is e er ho!e( so it$s boring( yo% "no)?" "' see(" /r. Hey)ood responded( his eyes on the road again. "#here are yo%r parents?" "/y dad died abo%t t)o years ago(" ' e3plained )hile loo"ing o%t the )indo). "5o!e car hit hi!( and "illed hi!." ' )aited &or /r. Hey)ood to say the clichDd line( that e eryone else had told !e )hen ' !entioned !y &ather$s death. 2%t to !y s%rprise( he didn$t e en !ention it. Ho)e er his grip tightened on the steering )heel. "#hat abo%t yo% !o!?" "5he$s ali e(" ' told hi!. "And she )or"s her b%tt o&& to s%pport the t)o o& %s. 5he$s got this cra-y idea in her head that ' need to li e in a big ho%se and )ear brand na!e clothing li"e all the "ids at school. 2%t ' don$t really li"e ta"ing !oney &ro! !y !o!. 't &eels )eird." "' "no) )hat yo% !ean(" /r. Hey)ood responded. ' stared c%rio%sly at hi!. "4o% do?" He nodded. "' ne er had a good relationship )ith !y parents. 't )as al)ays )eird as"ing the! &or !oney. ' &elt li"e a !oocher or so!ething since ' ne er really sa) the!."

' reali-ed /r. Hey)ood )as spea"ing in past tense. "They$re dead?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "2oth o& the! died in a car crash abo%t t)o years ago(" he started slo)ly. "They hit a !an in the street( and !y dad( )ho )as dri ing( eered to the right( straight into a telephone pole )hich "illed the! both." /y !o%th )ent dry. ' re!e!bered !y !o! telling !e that the co%ple in the car that had hit !y dad had died as )ell. ' s)allo)ed( lic"ing !y lips. .id this !ean )hat ' tho%ght it !eant? .id /r. Hey)ood$s parents "ill !y dad? "'$! sorry(" ' apologi-ed o%t lo%d( hanging !y head in sha!e. "'$! sorry( /r. Hey)ood( ' 0%st tho%ght so!ething really bad." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "' said call !e Chris. And '$! s%re ' 0%st had the sa!e tho%ght as yo%." "4o%$re parents "illed !y dad?" ' )hispered( staring at hi!. "4o%r dad "illed !y parents(" he responded( rolling his eyes. "2%t ' pro!ise yo% that$s not )hat ' thin". The tho%ght 0%st popped into !y head." "5a!e )ith !e6" ' told hi! *%ic"ly. "' co%ldn$t help it." "'t$s &ine." "'t$s )eird tho%gh(" ' said( loo"ing o%t the )indo) again. "#hen ' tho%ght abo%t the other t)o people in the car crash( ' ne er tho%ght abo%t i& they had a "id or anything. ' 0%st tho%ght $those people "illed !y dad$." "That is )hat$s nor!al to thin"(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "' tho%ght the sa!e thing. ' ne er tho%ght abo%t yo% or yo%r !o!. 't$s in the h%!an nat%re only to thin" o& yo%rsel&." "' still &eel g%ilty." /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro) at !e. "4o%$re an interesting person( yo% "no)?" "Eh? #hy do yo% thin" that?" ' responded( staring at hi!. He ch%c"led. "No reason." "O"ay7" "'t$s a s!all )orld( no?" he s%ddenly said( his lips t)itching.

1or so!e reason( it so%nded li"e /r. Hey)ood had a do%ble !eaning to his )ords. 5o!e "ind o& inside 0o"e only he got. ' p%shed the tho%ght aside and nodded in agree!ent( glad &or the change o& s%b0ect. "4eah." ' stared at /r. Hey)ood tho%ght&%lly. 5o he had gone thro%gh the sa!e grie ance as ' did as the sa!e ti!e ' did. E3cept )hile ' only lost one parent( he had lost both o& his. ' co%ldn$t i!agine )hat ' had gone thro%gh being do%bled. The tho%ght o& losing !y !o! )as horrible. 2%t losing both !y parents at the sa!e ti!e? ' co%ldn$t e en begin to i!agine )hat /r. Hey)ood had been thro%gh? To !y s%rprise( tears )ere starting to &or! in !y eyes. ' tired to s%btly )ipe the! a)ay. "#hat$s )rong?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( glancing o er at !e. ' bl%shed; e!barrassed ' had been ca%ght. "Nothing( ' )as 0%st thin"ing7" /r. Hey)ood s!iled gently at !e. "'t$s all in the past no)( so don$t )orry( o"ay?" ' stared at hi! )ith !y !o%th open. #hat )as that s!ile? ' too" a !ental pict%re o& it( beca%se ' do%bted ' )o%ld e er see it again. /r. Hey)ood noticed !e ga)"ing and s!ir"ed. "' "ne) yo% )o%ld &all &or !y good loo"s." "#ho did?" ' !%ttered( rolling !y eyes. He p%lled into the gas station and p%lled %p ne3t to a p%!p. He t%rned o&& the car and )aited( staring at !e e3pectedly. ' ret%rned his ga-e )ith a con&%sed loo". "#hat?" ' &inally as"ed. "8o p%!p !y gas." "#hat? No6" A !in%te later ' )as o%t o& the car and p%!ping the gas )hile r%bbing at !y ar!( )here a br%ise )as s%re to appear later. That g%y )as ab%si e. 2%t so!eho) ' )as relie ed that )e had !anaged to stay a)ay &ro! the a)")ardness o& &inding o%t ho) o%r parents )ere connected. '& it )as anyone else( '$! s%re it )o%ld ha e been a)")ard. 2%t ' )as ery glad it )as /r. Hey)ood. #hen ' &inished p%!ping the gas ' got bac" into the car )hile /r. Hey)ood p%t his credit card into the !achine and paid. #e )ere silent on the )ay bac"( arg%ing slightly at a

d%!b co!!ent e ery no) and again. #hen )e p%lled %p at !y ho%se ' got o%t o& the car and leaned o er be&ore sh%tting door. "#ell( it$s been &%n )or"ing &or yo% a&ter school(" ' said( trying to so%nd sarcastic( e en tho%gh it )as the tr%th &or !e. "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?" /r. Hey)ood replied( leaning o er the seat to loo" at !e. "This is 0%st the beginning." #ith that( he sh%t the door and )ith a s!all )a e( began dri ing a)ay &ro! !e. ' )a ed a&ter hi! &or a !o!ent( a s!ile slo)ly spreading onto !y &ace. He )as right. 't )as 0%st the beginning.

CHAPTER E'8HT "That$s intense(" Lance co!!ented( sitting on !y co!p%ter chair( tapping a pen against his shoe !indlessly. "4o% and /r. Hey)ood !eeting is li"e( &ate( Holly6" Casey cried( staring at !e )ith )ide eyes. "4o%( the da%ghter o& the !an his parents "illed. 't$s li"e a ro!ance6 He$ll &eel li"e he has to ta"e care o& yo% beca%se he$s a !an )hile yo%$re b%t a yo%ng lady. A ro!ance )ill b%d6" "4o%$re thin"ing into this )ay to !%ch( Casey(" ' responded( grinning at her cra-y idea. "2%t it is a coincidence." "'$ll say(" Casey said( nearly sha"ing )ith e3cite!ent. "#hy e3actly )ere yo% alone in his car )ith hi! again?" Lance as"ed( &ro)ning at !e. ' sighed. "'t$s not )hat yo% thin"( Lance. He )as 0%st bringing !e ho!e beca%se ' helped hi! a&ter school as !y p%nish!ent &or being late." "2%t it )as the second day o& school6 #hy sho%ld yo% be p%nished &or being late?" "Cal! do)n( Lance(" Casey responded be&ore ' co%ld. "This is a good thing &or Holly. He$s an attracti e( e3perienced( yo%ng !an( and she$s a c%te( yo%ng( lady )ho is still a irgin. He co%ld help her." "Casey6" ' cried( !y &ace gro)ing red. "4o%+" Lance gro)led( sco)ling at her.

Casey la%ghed. "Chill g%ys( ' )as 0%st 0o"ing." ' sighed( b%t co%ldn$t help a s!ile &ro! slipping onto !y lips. ' shoo" !y head and ch%c"led. Casey grinned at !e sha!elessly. "' still don$t thin" it$s &air he is p%nishing yo%(" Lance stated st%bbornly( crossing his ar!s. ' shr%gged. 't )asn$t li"e ' !inded helping /r. Hey)ood a&ter school at all. Honestly( ' act%ally en0oyed it. 't )as better than being alone at ho!e and bored. Tho%gh( /r. Hey)ood had told !e not to tell anyone ' stayed a&ter )ith hi!. ' &ig%red he didn$t )ant the other girls getting in tro%ble 0%st so they co%ld stay a&ter )ith hi!. A )ry s!iled !ade its )ay on to !y &ace. ' co%ldn$t bla!e hi! &or not )anting that. "' 0%st don$t li"e ho) yo% ha e to help that g%y e ery day a&ter school(" Lance stated( still loo"ing irritated. "He$s %sing yo%." "Are yo% 0ealo%s?" Casey teased. "No(" Lance snapped( "b%t )hat i& Holly )ants to hang o%t )ith &riends?" "'$! s%re he$d let !e hang o%t )ith &riends(" ' told Lance. 2%t honestly ' )asn$t s%re. That !an )as so con&%sing. One second he$d be nice( the ne3t he$d be a b%lly. "5till7" "'t doesn$t !atter6" Casey chirped( getting o&& !y bed. "The &air is today( so let$s loo" &or)ard to that6 And )ho "no)s( !aybe /r. Hey)ood )ill be there( Holly." ' rolled !y eyes. "#hy does that !atter?" "Ro!ance(" she said )ith a 1rench accent. ".idn$t )e 0%st go o er this?" Lance de!anded so%nding irritated. "4o% ne er "no)(" Casey h%&&ed. "5o!ething !ight happen." ' la%ghed. "Casey( he$s a teacher. '$! a st%dent. That )o%ldn$t )or" o%t. 'n &act( it$s illegal. And "ind o& gross." "'t$s only( )hat? A &o%r,year di&&erence? /y parents are ten years apart(" she responded de&ensi ely.

"5till( he$s a teacher(" Lance inter0ected. "And she$s a st%dent." "That$s doesn$t !atter either." ' sighed and &lopped onto !y bac" on the bed( hoping &or the s%b0ect to drop. The &air started in only an ho%r. ' still had to get ready. Casey sp%n aro%nd in !y co!p%ter chair and logged onto the co!p%ter( going on 1aceboo". Lance started tin"ering )ith things on !y des" and ' )atched Casey )ith a bored e3pression. A&ter abo%t hal& an ho%r ' )ent to the bathroo!. #hen ' got bac" ' sat do)n on the bed and stared at Lance( )ho )as coloring on !y binder no). "Oh !y 8od66" Casey gasped s%ddenly. "#hat?" Lance and ' responded si!%ltaneo%sly. "5adie is in a relationship )ith 5a!6" "No )ay6" ' cried( standing %p and going o er to the co!p%ter. 5%re eno%gh( on 1aceboo"( 5adie$s relationship stat%s )ent &ro! single to in a relationship )ith 5a!. ' stared at the screen in shoc". /r. Hey)ood )as right6 "' tho%ght she li"ed hi!(" Lance co!!ented( also co!ing o er and ta"ing a loo". "9ind o& s%dden tho%gh." "No) ' can go on do%ble dates )ith her6" Casey said( grinning. "4o% t)o really need to &ind so!eone to go o%t )ith." "' don$t li"e anyone(" ' responded )ith a shr%g. "And ' )o%ldn$t go o%t )ith so!eone ' didn$t li"e." "#hat abo%t yo%( Lance?" Casey as"ed( t%rning to hi!. He bl%shed i!!ediately. Casey and ' e3changed glances and s!ir"ed. "A))( Lance has got a cr%sh6" ' cooed( elbo)ing hi!. "#ho is it( h%h?" "'$! not telling yo%6" Lance responded( sha"ing his head. "No )ay." "A)( co!e on6" Casey inter0ected. "4o% ha e to tell %s no)6" "No ' don$t(" Lance responded( his !o%th in a straight line. "And yo% )on$t e er "no)." "#hy don$t yo% as" her o%t?" ' as"ed hi!.

Lance snorted. "5he )o%ldn$t go o%t )ith !e." "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t? E eryone )ants to go o%t )ith yo%6" ' responded and Casey nodded in agree!ent. "Not this person. 5he$s di&&erent." "#ho is she?" Casey and ' de!anded together. "' )on$t tell yo% g%ys." "Co!e on6 Please6" ' begged( p%tting on !y best p%ppy dog eye loo". Lance shoo" his head. "No. No) '$! lea ing to get ready &or the &air( yo% sho%ld too Casey." Casey nodded( logging o%t o& 1aceboo". "' probably sho%ld." ' &ro)ned. /y p%ppy eyes loo" ne er )or"ed. ' needed to )or" on it. Lance and Casey le&t and ' )ent to ta"e a sho)er. #hen ' )as done ' blo) dried !y hair and )ent to !y roo! to start straightening it. The phone rang hal& )ay thro%gh the process and ' set the straightener do)n &or a second( )al"ing o er to the phone in !y roo! and pic"ing it %p. "Hello?" "Hi honey( it$s !o!." "Hi(" ' said( going bac" to !y hair straightener and contin%ing to straighten it. "#or"$s going to go really late tonight. '$! 0%st going to stay at a &riends so ' don$t ha e to dri e all the )ay bac" ho!e(" she in&or!ed !e and ' heard so!ething &all in the bac"gro%nd. "5hoot(" she !%ttered. "'s that o"ay )ith yo%? #hat are yo%r plans &or tonight?" "That$s &ine(" ' responded( sh%tting o&& !y straightener. "'$! going to the &air )ith Lance and Casey in a little bit." "#hy don$t yo% in ite Casey to sleep o er then? ' &eel bad lea ing yo% alone." ' rolled !y eyes. "/o!. '$! a senior. Pretty soon '$ll be li ing by !ysel& any)ays."

"Not too soon(" she responded( so%nding a little sad. "O"ay( let !e rephrase that. 'n a little )hile ' co%ld be li ing by !ysel&( b%t probably )on$t be." 5he la%ghed. "5o%nds better. /y brea"$s al!ost o er tho%gh( so ' ha e to go." "O"ay !o!( ' lo e yo%." "Lo e yo% too(" she responded. "2ye." "5ee ya." ' clic"ed the end b%tton and set the phone do)n. ' glanced at the cloc". E o$cloc". That !eant '$d ha e to lea e in abo%t &i e !in%tes to !a"e it to the &air gro%nds &or hal& past. ' )ent to !y closet and thre) on a pair o& 0ean s"inny 0eans( a blac" tan" top( and a )hite and green plaid shirt. 5lipping on !y shoes and grabbing !y )allet and iPod( ' )ent o%t the door( loc"ing it behind !e. ' st%c" !y headphones into !y ears and set it on sh%&&le. /%sic blasted &ro! the! as ' started do)n the street in the direction o& the &air gro%nds. 't )as starting to get dar"( )hich )as the per&ect ti!e &or going to a &air. The !illions o& lights that ca!e o&& e ery ride )as a st%nning sight. As ' gre) closer( !ore people )ere )al"ing on the side)al"s. ' !ane% ered aro%nd an old co%ple that )as )al"ing slo)ly and &inally !ade it to the gate )here ' )as !eeting Casey( Lance( and the others. 'n a little )hile 5adie and 5a! sho)ed %p. And then Casey( and &inally Lance. #e bo%ght o%r tic"ets and entered the area )here the &air )as. There )ere gaggles o& people. Little "ids )ere r%nning aro%nd e ery)here( teenagers )al"ed aro%nd in gro%ps( and co%ples )ere holding hands. Bendors called o%t to %s as )e )al"ed by the!( o&&ering three darts &or &i e dollars( and one dart &or t)o. "'$! h%ngry(" ' co!plained a&ter )e )al"ed a loop aro%nd the &air once to see )hat )as there. "'$! going to eat." "'$ll co!e )ith yo%(" Lance o&&ered. "Casey( are yo% co!ing?" ' as"ed( t%rning to)ards her. 5he shoo" her head. "#illis is !eeting !e by the 1erris )heel and )e$re going to go on )ith 5adie and 5a!." "A date on a 1erris )heel( h%h?" Lance said( la%ghing. "Ha e &%n."

"' )ill6" she responded )ith a )a e. "5ee yo% g%ys later." "2ye(" ' responded( )a ing bac". Lance and ' headed bac" to)ards the &ood stands( dodging aro%nd the throngs o& people congesting the area. #e passed a large line at the &ried do%gh stand( and a considerably s!aller one at the &ried Oreos. "#hat are yo% going to get?" Lance as"ed( narro)ly a oiding a giggling co%ple. "2a"ed potato(" ' responded i!!ediately. "They$re basically the only reason ' go to &airs." Lance la%ghed. "O"ay( )ith e erything on it?" "4eah(" ' responded. "2%t '$ll b%y !y o)n." ".on$t )orry abo%t it( ' got it(" Lance responded( heading o er to the endor. "Thin" o& it as repay!ent &or l%nch !oney '$ e borro)ed &ro! yo%." "4o%$re going to ha e to b%y !e li"e &i&ty potatoes then(" ' responded )ith a la%gh. "5h%t %p and go sit do)n(" Lance ordered( sha"ing his head and grinning. Thro)ing another s!ile at Lance( ' t%rned and &ollo)ed his orders. A &e) !in%tes later Lance appeared( sitting do)n across &ro! !e )ith t)o ba"ed potatoes. He placed !ine in &ront o& !e and ga e !e a &or". "Than" yo%(" ' responded( stabbing !y &or" into it i!!ediately and ta"ing a bite. ' e3haled *%ic"ly( the potato b%rning !y !o%th. "Hot6" Lance la%ghed. ".%h." 'gnoring hi!( ' contin%ed to eat !y potato( this ti!e being !ore )ary. A&ter a &e) !o!ents ' glanced bac" %p at Lance and noticed hi! staring at so!ething. ' loo"ed behind !e and sa) !y &riend 5arah standing a &e) &eet a)ay( standing )ith her boy&riend( Eri". ' &ro)ned slightly. Then it hit !e. "Oh6" Lance blin"ed and shi&ted his ga-e to !e. "#hat?"

"4o% li"e 5arah?" ' *%estioned( a s!ir" appearing on !y &ace. 't de&initely !ade sense6 Lance had said that the person he li"ed co%ldn$t li"e hi! bac"( and 5arah had a boy&riend. "#hat? No(" Lance responded so%nding con&%sed. "#hy do yo% thin" that?" "#eren$t yo% 0%st staring at her?" Lance shoo" his head. "' )as 0%st loo"ing." ' &ro)ned. "#ell tell !e )ho! yo% li"e(" ' ordered( staring at hi! intently. "Casey$s not aro%nd( so it$s o"ay( right?" Lance sighed( sha"ing his head again. "'$! not telling yo%." "#hy not?" ' )hined. "Aren$t )e best &riends?" "'t$s not so!ething ' can tell yo%(" Lance responded( &ro)ning. "And ' already told yo% it doesn$t !atter beca%se she )on$t li"e !e bac" or date !e." "E eryone li"es yo%(" ' responded rolling !y eyes. "And ' already told yo% anyone )o%ld date yo%." "#o%ld yo% date !e?" he as"ed( gi ing !e a sarcastic loo". ' la%ghed thro%gh !y nose and shoo" !y head. "No )ay6" "5ee?" "2%t that$s beca%se )e are best &riends( Lance(" ' told hi!( sighing. "'t$s di&&erent )ith other girls." "Nope. ' can g%arantee yo% she )o%ld ne er date !e." ' sco)led at hi!. #hy )as he so pessi!istic? "#ell &ine. '& yo% )ant to be that )ay( ' hope she ne er dates yo%6" "Harsh(" Lance responded )ith a grin. "/h!." Lance s%ddenly stood %p( loo"ing aro%nd. "'$! going to go get a drin". #ant anything?" "Co"e(" ' responded( p%tting !y elbo) on the table and resting !y head on !y hand.

Lance nodded and started )al"ing bac" to the &ood area. ' )atched his bac" %ntil he disappeared &ro! !y ision( lea ing !e to stare blan"ly at strangers as they )al"ed by. There )ere a lot o& co%ples o%t. One co%ple stopped right in &ront o& !e and started !a"ing o%t. 'ntensely !a"ing o%t. ' loo"ed a)ay slightly disg%sted and sa) a &a!iliar &ace. /r. Hey)ood )as )al"ing )ith t)o s%spicio%s loo"ing !en. One o& the !en had short( cropped blond hair( and the other had longer( br%nette hair. All three o& the !en didn$t loo" happy. The t)o on either side o& hi! see!ed to be holding onto hi!( grasping his ar! tightly as to not let hi! escape. ' )atched c%rio%sly and bit !y lip. #hat )ere they doing? And )here )ere they going? A&ter a !in%te ' stood %p and decided to &ollo) the!. ' loo"ed aro%nd &or Lance( b%t co%ldn$t &ind hi!. He )as still o&& getting %s drin"s. /r. Hey)ood )as no) beginning to lea e !y &ield o& ision( so ' !%ttered an apology to Lance and h%rried a&ter !y biology teacher. ' dodged people &iling aro%nd !e %ntil ' )as close eno%gh to the! so ' co%ld "eep an eye on the! )itho%t being noticed. 't see!ed li"e they )ere heading to)ards the )oods. ' &ollo)ed as they le&t the tangled !adness o& the cro)ded path that led to the rides. They slipped onto a acant path( )hich lead to the bac" o&& he rides( and to)ards the &orest. No) there )ere no people to hide behind( so ' )aited &or a &e) !o!ents be&ore contin%ing to &ollo) the!. 1or so!e reason( ' )as getting a &orbidding &eeling( b%t ' contin%ed any)ay.

CHAPTER N'NE ' &ollo)ed the three !en &or *%ite a )hile as they !arched behind all the attractions. 't )as hard to "eep %p at ti!es beca%se o& the cords on the gro%nd that )ere !as"ed by the dar"ness( ca%sing !e to st%!ble o er the!. #hen the three !en in &ront o& !e stopped ' stopped as )ell( hiding behind the edge o& the 1erris )heel$s s%pport &ra!e. Boices )ere carried bac" to !e and ' held !y breath tightly( trying to disting%ish )hat they )ere saying. ' strained !y ears( listening as hard as ' co%ld( b%t ' still co%ldn$t !a"e o%t a )ord. They started !o ing again( b%t this ti!e into the )oods. 1or a second ' debated )hether or not ' sho%ld go a&ter the!( b%t )hen ' started to lose sight o& the!( ' thre) all ca%tion to the )ind and h%rried to catch %p to the!. ' !atched !y steps in ti!e )ith theirs( so ' co%ld co er the so%nds o& cr%nching lea es ' !ade )ith each &oot&all. There )as this )eird &eeling in !y sto!ach+ 0%st li"e the "ind o& ner o%s &eeling ' got be&ore going on a terri&ying ride. #e contin%ed tra ersing thro%gh the &orest &or at least ten !in%tes. ' began to gro) %neasy and ' "ept loo"ing all aro%nd !e ner o%sly. #hat i& )e ended %p getting lost? O&

i& so!e ani!al ca!e o%t o& no)here and attac"ed !e? ' s)allo)ed( )anting to close the distance bet)een the trio and !ysel&( b%t "no)ing ' co%ldn$t a&&ord to do that. '& ' )as ca%ght7 ' didn$t )ant to thin" abo%t )hat )o%ld happen. ' had no idea )ho these people )ere. The !an )ith blonde hair loo"ed o er his sho%lder and ' &ro-e( staring )ide,eyed at hi!( holding !y breath tightly. He !ade no sign o& alar!( so ' &ig%red he hadn$t noticed !e. He t%rned bac" to the &ront and sho ed /r. Hey)ood in &ront o& hi! ro%ghly. Then the sa!e !an p%t his head near the br%nette$s head and ' ha-arded a g%ess he )as saying so!ething he didn$t )ant /r. Hey)ood to hear. The br%nette nodded to the blonde and s%ddenly started going to the le&t( lea ing /r. Hey)ood alone )ith the blonde. The one lea ing crashed thro%gh the &orest( see!ingly %ncaring abo%t the a!o%nt o& noise he )as !a"ing. /y ga-e stayed on hi! %ntil he )as o%t o& sight. #hen he )as( ' ret%rned !y attention bac" to /r. Hey)ood and the other g%y( reali-ing they )ere al!ost o%t o& sight. ' h%rried a&ter the!( going thro%gh the )oods as &ast as ' co%ld )itho%t tripping. /r. Hey)ood and the other !an entered a large clearing( and ' stopped at the edge o& it( hiding behind a con eniently placed tree. 'ts$ tr%n" )as big eno%gh to co er !e and it had 4,shaped branches( so i& ' stood on the tips o& !y toes ' co%ld 0%st barely see thro%gh the s!all hole it !ade. /y eyes )idened )hen ' reali-ed there )ere no) t)o other !en in the clearing along )ith /r. Hey)ood and the &irst. The other t)o !en stood in rigid positions( as i& ready to attac". One o& the !en )as co!pletely bald( and the other hand long( shaggy red hair. The blonde one holding onto /r. Hey)ood led hi! o er to the other t)o( both o& )hich )ere shooting daggers at /r. Hey)ood. /r. Hey)ood still loo"ed cal! ho)e er( his sho%lders rela3ed( a bored e3pression on his &ace. An idea s%ddenly hit !e. #ere these g%ys his old gang !e!bers? ' too" in a sharp inhale o& breath. ' tho%ght he )as 0o"ing )hen he said he )as an e3,gangster6 He had been telling the tr%th? He had serio%sly been in a gang? "4o% can$t lea e 0%st li"e that6" the bald g%y s%ddenly sho%ted( !a"ing !e 0%!p in &right. ' held !y breath and sh%t !y eyes( straining to hear e erything that they )ere saying. /r. Hey)ood$s oice )as a lot *%ieter and harder to !a"e o%t. #hate er he )as saying )as incoherent to !e. "The boss )ill be here soon( do yo% really )ant to deal )ith hi!?" the red head de!anded( so%nding a!%sed.

' opened !y eyes and stared in disbelie& at hi!. The boss? .id that !ean the gang leader? #ere they going to attac" /r. Hey)ood in the )oods? 's that )hy they bro%ght hi! all the )ay o%t here? /r. Hey)ood la%ghed lo%dly( the so%nd echoing slightly. "He co%ldn$t beat !e %p in his drea!s." /y hands tightened on the tree bar". #hat )as /r. Hey)ood doing? .id he )ant to be "illed? ' stared at the &o%r !en( %nable to p%ll !y ga-e a)ay. Ho) co%ld /r. Hey)ood stay so cal! )hen the other three !en )ere p%tting %p s%ch threatening &ronts? "' )o%ldn$t be so coc"y(" the other gangster )arned( crac"ing his "n%c"les threateningly. "#e dragged yo% o%t here &or a reason( yo% "no)." "'& it )as to assa%lt !e( ' "no)(" /r. Hey)ood responded cal!ly. "That$s )hy ' ca!e+ beca%se ' )as s%re ' co%ld handle T)in"ies li"e yo%." ' snorted. Had he really 0%st %sed the )ord T)in"ies as an ins%lt? The s!ile disappeared &ro! !y !o%th )hen one o& the gangsters s)%ng to)ards /r. Hey)ood )itho%t )arning. /r. Hey)ood too" a step bac"( a oiding it )as ease. A breath o& relie& le&t !y lips. The blonde sco)led. "#hat did ' say abo%t being coc"y?" "' don$t re!e!ber(" /r. Hey)ood responded !oc"ingly( a &a"e &ro)n on his &ace. "'$! sorry." 5%ddenly ' &elt a hand o er !y !o%th. /y eyes al!ost b%lged o%t o& their soc"ets and ' too" a sharp inhale o& breath thro%gh !y nose( !y heart rate increasing signi&icantly. ' str%ggled in the grasp o& )hoe er had !e as an ar! )rapped aro%nd !y )aist( p%lling !e closer to !y captor. 2y the &eeling o& the chest it )as either a ery &lat and b%l"y &e!ale( or a !ale. ' str%ggled harder( terror &illing !y eins. "#hat do )e ha e here?" a h%s"y oice )hispered in !y ear. "A spectator?" ' &ro-e %p( !y breath sha"y. #as this one o& the gangsters as )ell? ' loo"ed o er !y sho%lder slightly( recogni-ing the br%nette !an &ro! be&ore+ the one )ho had been )ith /r. Hey)ood at &irst( then )ent o&& his o)n )ay. ' tried to say so!ething( b%t his strong hand !%&&led !y )ords. The !an yan"ed !e a)ay &ro! the tree. /y &ingernails scraped against the bar"( getting it st%c" bet)een the nail and s"in as ' tried to "eep !y grasp on the tree. ' )inced in pain. "'t )o%ld really be bad i& ' let yo% loose and yo% told so!eone abo%t )hat )as going on here(" the th%g co!!ented( resting his chin on !y sho%lder. "#e )o%ldn$t )ant that."

' tried to bite his hand( b%t only !anaged to lic" it. ' !ade a &ace as he ch%c"led. "Ho) did yo% "no) ' en0oyed that "ind o& thing?" ' al!ost gagged. His hand !o ed to !y sto!ach and !y !%scles tightened as he r%bbed it gently. "4o% ha e s%ch a &lat sto!ach. And yo%$re pretty good loo"ing too(" the th%g co!!ented in a tho%ght&%l oice. "' bet )e co%ld ha e so!e &%n )ith yo%." That$s )hen ' snapped. ' bo%ght !y head bac" as hard as ' co%ld( s!ashing it into his. He groaned in pain and ' *%ic"ly sho ed !y legs against the gro%nd( thro)ing %s both o&& balance. The th%g toppled o er bac")ards and ' &ell )ith hi!. To sa e hi!sel& &ro! hitting the gro%nd &%ll &orce( he let go o& !e( and ' *%ic"ly rolled to the side and )as on !y &eet in a !atter o& seconds. Than" god &or adrenaline. The th%g &l%ng o%t his ar!( in ai! &or !y &eet( b%t ' *%ic"ly dodged( stepping o%t &ro! behind the tree. ' !ade to r%n thro%gh the )oods and bac" to the &air( b%t !y eyes roa!ed to the clearing and ' gasped. The bald !an )as creeping %p behind /r. Hey)ood( a bat raised high in his hand. The other t)o !en )ere holding onto /r. Hey)ood$s ar!s( "eeping hi! &aced a)ay &ro! the !an )ith the baseball bat. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' screa!ed( thro)ing all ca%tion to the )ind. All &o%r !en in the clearing t%rned to !e. /y eyes !et /r. Hey)ood$s. He stared at !e( hal& in horror and hal& in shoc". The bald !an !o ed in again. "2ehind y+ ah6" 5o!ething hard sla!!ed into !y side( c%tting !e o&&( and "noc"ing !e to the gro%nd. ' &ell hard( and !y breath )as "noc"ed o%t o& !e. /y head landed on its side( &acing to)ards the clearing. ' )atched as /r. Hey)ood a oided the bat by an inch. ' let o%t a sigh o& relie&( b%t it t%rned into a gr%nt as ' s%ddenly &elt press%re on !y head. "Ne3t ti!e yo% try that( '$ll brea" yo%r nec"(" the br%nette )hispered( pressing !y head into the gro%nd. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e &or a split second( his &ace in a tight line. The th%g )ith the bat raised it again )hile /r. Hey)ood )as still &oc%sed on !e. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' screa!ed again( hal& in a panic and hal& in annoyance o& ho) he "ept loo"ing a)ay &ro! the ene!y. He co%ldn$t be that st%pid. A &ist collided )ith the side o& !y head( and a groan escaped !y lips. /y ision )ent blac" &or a !o!ent( b%t be&ore ' co%ld panic it ret%rned. /r. Hey)ood ripped his ar!s o%t o& the t)o gangster$s grasps( thr%sting his elbo) into the bald !an )ith the bat$s &ace. The th%g dropped the bat and raised his hands to his &ace( s)earing lo%dly. /r. Hey)ood t%rned and s)%ng his right &ist at his head( stri"ing hi! do)n.

/y head throbbed as ' )atched /r. Hey)ood t%rn to the other t)o gangsters( )ho )ere in &ighting stances. /r. Hey)ood s)%ng to)ards the one on the right( )ho a oided it )ith a bloc" and the one on the le&t s)%ng at /r. Hey)ood. /r. Hey)ood dodged( spinning( and sending his &ist into the right one$s &ace. ' )atched slightly i!pressed( slightly a)ed( and slightly a&raid as /r. Hey)ood proceeded to p%!!el the t)o gangsters. The one pinning !e to the gro%nd clic"ed his tong%e and loosened his grasp on !e( starting to p%sh hi!sel& onto his &eet. ' too" the !o!ent to !y ad antage. #ith !y head still slightly spinning( ' rolled o%t &ro! %nder hi!( and s)%ng !y leg o%t hitting hi! )here the s%n didn$t shine. He groaned and &ell bac" to the gro%nd. ' "ic"ed hi! in the side hard. "That$s &or p%nching a girl6" ' told hi!( and t%rned to /r. Hey)ood. Only one gangster )as still standing. ' )atched as the gangster pic"ed %p the bat the %nconscio%s one had dropped. ' stared incred%lo%sly. He )as really going to bring a )eapon into the &ight again )hen /r. Hey)ood didn$t ha e one? "A bat )on$t help yo%(" /r. Hey)ood stated( rolling his eyes. "Hell( e en i& yo% had a g%n( it still )o%ldn$t help yo%." The gangster s)%ng at /r. Hey)ood. ' )inced as ' heard it collide )ith his ar!. #hen ' opened !y eyes( ' e3pected to see /r. Hey)ood holding his ar! in pain( b%t to !y s%rprise he )as s!ir"ing at the gangster. "#hat did ' tell yo%?" 5%ddenly the bat )as yan"ed &ro! the other gangster and be&ore ' "ne) it( he )as on the gro%nd. /r. Hey)ood crac"ed his "n%c"les and br%shed o&& his hands be&ore stretching. He t%rned to)ards !e( and his s!%g &ace t%rned to shoc". ' loo"ed at hi! c%rio%sly. .id he &orget ' )as here? He started sprinting to)ards !e( his hands in &ists again. ' stared blan"ly at hi!. #hy )as he charging at !e? He got closer and bro%ght %p his &ist. ' screa!ed( p%tting %p !y hands in de&ense. To !y s%rprise( his s)inging &ist !issed. Or that$s )hat ' tho%ght at &irst. ' heard it s!ashing against so!ething( and loo"ed o er !y sho%lder to see the gangster ' had "ic"ed earlier &alling to the gro%nd behind !e. ' t%rned bac" to /r. Hey)ood( !y &ace )hite. He glared at !e( p%tting his hand do)n on !y sho%lder( and s*%ee-ing it pain&%lly. "O)6" ' cried( p%lling at his ar!. "That h%rts6"

"#hat are yo% doing here?" he de!anded( his oice seething )ith anger. "' sa) yo% )ith those t)o s%spicio%s !en so ' &ollo)ed yo%6" ' e3plained *%ic"ly( still p%lling at his ar!. "/r. Hey)ood( that really h%rts6" He let go o& !y sho%lder( sha"ing his head in disbelie&. "' can$t belie e yo%." "#hat did ' do?" ' de!anded angrily. "'& ' )asn$t here( yo% co%ld ha e been "illed6" "'$! &ine on !y o)n6" /r. Hey)ood snapped. "2%t loo" at yo%." He raised a hand to !y &ace and to%ched is gently. ' ga e hi! a con&%sed loo" and )hen he p%lled his hand a)ay( there )as blood on it. 5%rprised( ' raised !y o)n hand to !y chee"( and s%re eno%gh so!ething )ar! and stic"y )as on it. Na%sea )ashed o er !e( and ' staggered &or)ard( s%ddenly di--y. /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly steadied !e( p%tting his hands on !y sho%lder again+ this ti!e !ore gently. "Are yo% o"ay?" he as"ed in a )orried oice. ".id that bastard do anything else to yo%?" ' shoo" !y head. "No( '$! 0%st not good )ith blood." "#hy did yo% &ollo) %s?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed still s%pporting !e. "Holly( yo% don$t &ollo) *%ote( %n*%ote( s%spicio%s loo"ing !en." "' tho%ght so!ething bad )as going to happen to yo%(" ' responded in a s!all oice( dropping !y ga-e. "That doesn$t gi e yo% reason to &ollo) three !en into the )oods6 #ho "no)s )hat )o%ld ha e happened i& yo% hadn$t ca!e o%t &ro! hiding )hen yo% did6" "4o% )o%ld ha e been beaten by a baseball bat6" "4o% co%ld ha e been "idnapped6" /r. Hey)ood cried( irritation dripping in his tone. "And )orse( i& yo% %nderstand )hat ' !ean." ' "ne) )hat he !eant i!!ediately and ' bit !y lip. 4eah( ' "ne) it )asn$t a s!art idea. 2%t ' didn$t )ant to let hi! 0%st go alone. He co%ld ha e been "illed6 "' didn$t "no) yo% )ere serio%s abo%t being an e3,gangster(" ' ad!itted( p%shing /r. Hey)ood$s ar!s o&& !e. "' tho%ght yo% )ere 0o"ing( so ' )o%ld ha e ne er g%essed so!ething li"e this )o%ld happen."

"5o!ething li"e this happens all the ti!e( Holly(" he responded( sha"ing his head. "'t$s beca%se ' le&t so s%ddenly." "Le&t?" "The gang(" he told !e. ' &ro)ned slightly. "#hy )ere did yo% lea e?" "'$ll e3plain it later(" /r. Hey)ood responded( loo"ing aro%nd )arily. "1irst let$s get o%t o& here be&ore any o& these g%ys )a"e %p." ' nodded in agree!ent and /r. Hey)ood started leading !e bac" to the )oods. ' stepped o er the body o& the gangster )ho )as trying to snea" attac" !e and !ade s%re to tread on his &ace. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led slightly. "4o%$re so i!!at%re." ' ignored his co!!ent and &ollo)ed hi! as )e !ade o%r )ay o%t o& the )oods. ' loo"ed behind %s contin%o%sly( a&raid so!eone )o%ld pop o%t. /r. Hey)ood noticed a&ter a &e) !in%tes. ".on$t )orry(" he started( s%ddenly loo"ing sole!n. "'& so!eone co!es7 '$ll protect yo%." He t%rned bac" aro%nd( his bac" s%ddenly tensed. ' stared a&ter hi! c%rio%sly &or a &e) !in%tes( &ro)ning the tiniest bit. /y heart th%dded in !y chest+ and it )asn$t d%e to lac" o& o3ygen. #hy did his )ords !a"e !y heart beat so &ast?

CHAPTER TEN #hen ' &inally sa) the lights o& the &air ' raised !y eyebro)s( slightly i!pressed. ' )o%ldn$t ha e e er been able to &ind !y )ay o%t o& the &orest. /r. Hey)ood see!ingly "ne) these )oods by the bac" o& his hand. He e en told !e )here there )ere dips on the gro%nd so ' )o%ldn$t trip. #hile the lights distracted !e( !y &oot got tangled in a root( and ' pl%!!eted to the gro%nd &ace &irst. /y already po%nding head s!ashed against the hard gro%nd( ca%sing !y ision to go blac" &or a &e) seconds. 5%rprised( ' tried blin"ing a &e) ti!es( trying to regain !y ision. "Are yo% o"ay?" a slightly a!%sed oice as"ed &ro! abo e !e. "' can$t see6" ' cried( scra!bling to p%sh !ysel& to !y &eet.

A strong pair o& hands s%ddenly )rapped aro%nd !y )aist and ' )as p%lled to !y &eet be&ore ' co%ld protest. 5ha"ily( ' reached o%t to &ind so!ething to s%pport !e. One o& the hands on !y )aist disappeared( and seconds later so!ething )ar! en eloped !y o%tstretched hand. "5tand still(" /r. Hey)ood ordered in a soothing oice. "4o%$re ision )ill co!e bac" in a second." ' did as he co!!anded( trying to slo) !y racing heartbeat. #ith !y eyes sh%t( ' concentrated on !y breathing &or a &e) !in%tes( and )hen ' opened the! again( ' co%ld see. .i--iness s)ept o er !e( and ' staggered a little. The hand on !y )aist *%ic"ly beca!e an ar! )rapped aro%nd it. /y chee"s bla-ed &ro! the gest%re. "Let !e go(" ' said( trying to escape &ro! his hold. "No(" /r. Hey)ood ordered. "4o%$ll end %p "illing yo%rsel&." "Let go6" ' reiterated. ' )as ery a)are o& his ar! )rapped aro%nd !y )aist. Too a)are. /y body )as gro)ing hotter by the second. ' a oided loo"ing at his &ace as ' contin%ed to str%ggle to brea" o%t o& his grasp. He )as !yteacher. ' sho%ldn$t be bl%shing beca%se he had an ar! aro%nd !y )aist. Albeit he )as a yo%ng( and ery handso!e( teacher( he )as still a teacher. 't )as )rong. And yet here his to%ch )as e!barrassing !e. 'li"edhis to%ch. "'& yo% don$t stop str%ggling( '$ll ha e no choice b%t to carry yo%(" he )arned( holding onto !e tighter. ' gro%nd !y teeth together( and tried again to yan" !ysel& &ree once !ore. ' co%ldn$t &lat o%t tell hi! )hat he )as doing to !e. That )o%ld be incredibly a)")ard and %nco!&ortable. 2%t ' )asn$t %sed to g%ys to%ching !e( so !aybe that )as it. 't )asn$t 0%st beca%se /r. Hey)ood )as the one )ith his ar! )rapped aro%nd !e. ' tried once !ore to p%ll !ysel& a)ay( b%t only ended %p tripping o er !y o)n &eet. /r. Hey)ood sighed and p%t his other hand on !y )aist again. "4o% as"ed &or it." 5%ddenly ' )as hoisted %p in the air and o er his sho%lder. ' opened !y !o%th in shoc"( b%t nothing ca!e o%t. He ad0%sted !e slightly and placed a hand 0%st abo e !y botto!. 2lood r%shed to !y &ace and ' tried to get a)ay again. ".on$t !o e or yo%$ll &all( and '$! not s%re ho) !%ch !ore da!age yo% can ta"e to yo%r head )itho%t dying."

' stopped !o ing. ' didn$t really )ant to ta"e that chance. /r. Hey)ood started )al"ing again( and ' bo%nced )ith his each stride. He didn$t e en see! a&&ected by ta"ing on an e3tra h%ndred and ten po%nds. "Aren$t ' hea y?" ' as"ed in a *%iet( e!barrassed oice. He snorted. "4es( yo% are." ' "ic"ed !y &eet( hoping to land a stri"e on his &ace. He ch%c"led and read0%sted !e on his sho%lder. "'$! 0o"ing." "'t )asn$t &%nny(" ' responded( bringing !y hand do)n to slap hi!. Right be&ore !y hit landed( ' stopped !y hand( reali-ing ' )as 0%st abo%t so s!ac" his b%tt. A s!all breath o& relie& le&t !y lips. Ho) a)")ard )o%ld that ha e been? 5tretching !y ar! lo)er( ' began to po%nd !y &ist in the lo)est part o& his leg that ' co%ld reach. 't didn$t e en a&&ect hi!. He 0%st ch%c"led again. 5co)ling( ' hit hi! harder and repeatedly( )hich only !ade hi! la%gh !ore. "T)o can play at that(" he let !e "no)( a!%se!ent in his tone. ' pa%sed &or a second( con&%sed( %ntil ' &elt a slap to !y b%tt. 1or a second ' )as shoc"ed speechless( !y &ace gro)ing )ar!. ' opened !y !o%th in o%trage and b%t co%ldn$t say anything coherent. "#hy did yo% s!ac" !y b%tt?" ' &inally de!anded( still bl%shing &%rio%sly. "Easiest place to reach." ' str%ggled against hi! no)( trying !y best to be let go. ' didn$t care i& ' &ell on !y &ace at this point as long as ' got a)ay &ro! this per erted teacher. He started ch%c"ling( again( and placed his &ree hand on !y )aist( hoisting !e o&& his sho%lder( and onto the gro%nd. ' too" a step a)ay &ro! hi! and glared at hi!. "4o% didn$t ha e to slap !y b%tt6" /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "#hat? 5ho%ld ' ha e )aited and s!ac"ed yo%r head?" "No6 4o% sho%ldn$t hit !e6" "4o% )ere hitting !e(" he responded in a !oc"ingly )hiny oice. "2%t ' didn$t hit yo%r b%tt6" "4o% )ere thin"ing it."

/y &ace gre) e en hotter( i& that )as possible. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. ' shoo" !y head ehe!ently at hi!. "' )asn$t6" He ch%c"led. "4eah( o"ay. ' can tell )hen yo%$re lying. 4o%$re really bad at it." ' sco)led at hi!. Ho) co%ld he read !e so easily? ' stared at the gro%nd in e!barrass!ent. /y eyes )ere starting to b%rn and ' blin"ed rapidly to stop !y eyes &ro! )atering. #hy did he al)ays e!barrass !e? 't )as serio%sly %n&air. /r. Hey)ood sighed. "4o% really ha e -ero e3perience )ith g%ys( h%h?" ' glared at hi!. "5o )hat? '$! sorry ' can$t help it i& g%ys don$t li"e !e6 '$! sorry '$! not %sed to g%ys to%ching !e6 '$! sorry '$! not pop%lar and pretty( /r. Hey)ood6 '& yo% )ant to go tal" to pop%lar and pretty girls( act%ally let the! into yo%r classroo! at school instead o& hiding &ro! the!6 ' bet they )o%ld do all "inds o& things )ith yo%6" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e in s%rprise. ' breathed hea ily &ro! !y s%dden o%tb%rst. #hen !y anger died do)n( ne)&o%nd e!barrass!ent !ade !y &ace b%rn once !ore. /r. Hey)ood 0%st contin%ed to stare at !e( al!ost in a)e. ' loo"ed a)ay )hen ' &elt tears )elling %p again. 5o!eti!es ' )ished !y tear d%cts )eren$t triggered by !y e!barrass!ent and anger. ' tried to discreetly )ipe a)ay the &e) tears that )ere escaping. 't didn$t really )or". #hat )as !y proble!? There )as no reason &or !e to get all )or"ed %p. And ' "ne) ' had ta"en !y o%tb%rst too &ar. ' didn$t "no) )hy ' e en !entioned crap abo%t the girls at school. /r. Hey)ood probably tho%ght ' )as i!!at%re no). ' grit !y teeth together in &r%stration. /aybe ' )as P/5,ing. A gentle hand )as at !y chee" and it t%rned !y head to the le&t slightly. /r. Hey)ood %sed his other hand to )ipe a)ay a stray tear. ' atte!pted to loo" a)ay( b%t he held !y head &ast. "'$! sorry(" he apologi-ed( so%nding ery sincere. /y !ind )ent blan" &or a second. /r. Hey)ood )as apologi-ing to !e? 5ho%ldn$t it be the other )ay aro%nd? ' )as the one )ho had blo)n %p )ith hi!. ' opened !y !o%th to say so!ething b%t he shoo" his head. "'$! not done(" he told !e( so ' sh%t !y !o%th. "' really didn$t !ean anything o&&ensi e by )hat ' said. ' "eep &orgetting yo%$re Holly E ers( !y st%dent( )hich is !y &a%lt. 2%t ' can$t help b%t to tease yo% )hen yo% ha e s%ch c%te reactions." ' )o%ld$ e ha e bl%shed i& !y &ace )asn$t already as red as a to!ato. #hat did he !ean by ho) he "ept &orgetting ' )as his st%dent? .id that !ean he7? ' shoo" !y head

*%ic"ly. He de&initely did not !ean )hat ' )as thin"ing. ' )as getting )ay to ahead o& !ysel&. /r. Hey)ood let o%t a *%iet ch%c"le( and ' raised an eyebro) at hi!. "#hat?" He shoo" his head( s!ir"ing. "#here in the )orld did yo% get the idea that ' )anted to do $all "inds o& st%&&$ )ith pretty and pop%lar girls?" ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly and p%rsed !y lips( !y &ace still in /r. Hey)ood$s &ir! grasp. "#ell7 ' 0%st &ig%red since yo%$re yo%ng and single yo% !ight( yo% "no)( )ant to ha e7 ha e so!e &%n?" /r. Hey)ood snorted and started la%ghing so hard he let go o& !y &ace and do%bled o er. ' stood a)")ardly( )atching as he began to gasp &or breath &ro! la%ghing so hard. "4o% "no) that$s illegal( right?" he as"ed )hen he )as &inally &inished. "4eah(" ' responded. "2%t that hasn$t stopped other people7 and since yo%$re a gangster and all( ' tho%ght it doesn$t !atter." "E3,gangster(" he re!inded !e )ith a &ro)n. "And ' )o%ldn$t ha e an a&&air )ith a st%dent. '$! a teacher( Holly. That )o%ld be e3tre!ely )rong and ' )o%ld lose !y 0ob i& ' )ere e er ca%ght. ' !ight e en+" He s%ddenly c%t hi!sel& o&&( a s%rprised e3pression on his &ace. "' !ight e en go to 0ail7" 1or so!e reason( !y chest ached. ' shr%gged it o&& tho%gh. 't )asn$t li"e ' )as planning to be in a relationship )ith this !an. He )as a per erted( spite&%l( annoying( teacher. #ho happened to also be an e3,gangster. The conse*%ences o& a relationship li"e that )ere too se ere too. 't )asn$t )orth it. "2%t ' ha e to say(" he !%sed( p%tting on a s!%g s!ile once again. "' don$t %s%ally go &or the pretty and pop%lar girls." "#hat "ind o& girls do yo% go &or?" ' bl%rted o%t )itho%t thin"ing. '!!ediately ' d%c"ed !y head( !y chee"s &la!ing again. /r. Hey)ood opened his !o%th to respond( b%t sh%t it *%ic"ly. 1or a split,second ' tho%ght there )as an e3pression o& pain on his &ace( b%t be&ore ' co%ld be s%re( it )as gone. He glanced at !e and s!ir"ed. "#ell( ' go &or the "ind that don$t ha e a lot o& e3perience. They are the c%test( yo% "no). No)( shall )e go? He )al"ed by !e( his sho%lder 0%st barely br%shing by !ine. ' stared a&ter hi! &or a !o!ent( his last )ords echoing in !y !ind. #hat did he !ean by that? #as he insin%ating so!ething? ' shoo" !y head iolently. 't !eant nothing. He )as 0%st teasing !e li"e %s%al.

' h%rried to catch %p )ith hi!( !y di--iness co!pletely gone no). #e )ere behind the rides no). ' !ade s%re to step o er all the cables( being e3tra ca%tio%s not to trip. #hen ' ca%ght %p to hi! he loo"ed at !e &ro! the corner o& his eye( an a!%sed s!ile playing on his lips. "4o% "no) yo% loo" li"e hell( right?" ' ga e hi! a )ry s!ile. "Than"s." He ch%c"led. ".on$t )orry. ' ha e a co!b in !y bag." ' raised !y eyebro)s slightly. E en ' didn$t carry aro%nd a co!b in !y bag. "4o% ha e a co!b?" "' need to loo" good in &ront o& the ladies( right?" ' rolled !y eyes and atte!pted to p%sh past hi! b%t he stopped !e( grabbing the bac" o& !y shirt. A&ter releasing !e( he d%g into bag &or a &e) seconds and p%lled o%t the co!b. #ith a &inger he gest%red &or !e to !o e closer to hi!. ' did so( and held o%t !y hand &or the co!b. He s!ir"ed( p%lling the co!b o%t o& !y reach. "'$! doing yo%r hair &or yo%." "No yo%$re not(" ' responded *%ic"ly. "No )ay." ' atte!pted to bac" a)ay b%t his hand shot o%t and grabbed !y sho%lder( p%lling !e closer again. ' sighed. 't )asn$t e en )orth bothering to e en try and escape his grasp. "9eep yo%r head still(" he ordered. "4es sir." His hand ran thro%gh !y hair( getting o%t the largest tangles. ' stood restlessly( letting hi! ha e his )ay. ' had to ad!it( he co%ld get o%t snarls )itho%t it h%rting !e the slightest bit. He ran the co!b thro%gh !y hair no)( getting o%t the rest o& the snarls. #hen he )as &inished( ' ran a hand o er !y head. Not a single "not. "4o% )o%ldn$t ha e been able to get o%t the ones in the bac" o& yo%r hair i& yo% did it(" he told !e( p%tting the co!b a)ay. "That$s tr%e." "No)(" /r. Hey)ood said )ith a serio%s &ace. ".o yo% )ant !e to dri e yo% ho!e no)? ' thin" yo%$ e had eno%gh &%n &or a night." ' &a"ed a la%gh. "4eah( &%n."

/r. Hey)ood grinned. "#ell at least ' had &%n. And '$! ready to go ho!e too( so it$s no tro%ble." ' &ro)ned slightly. ' did )ant to go ho!e. 2%t ' really )anted to go on the 1arris )heel. ' loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood pleadingly. "4o% )ant so!ething?" he as"ed( raising an eyebro). "' )ant to go on the 1erris )heel be&ore )e lea e(" ' told hi!( ad erting !y ga-e to the gro%nd. ".o yo%7 %!( )ant to co!e )ith !e?" ' didn$t ha e to loo" %p to "no) he )as s!ir"ing. "O& co%rse. ' can ta"e the ti!e on it to e3plain a &e) things to yo% as )ell( since yo%$ll no) be ca%ght %p in so!e o& !y proble!s." ' loo"ed %p at hi! again( gi ing hi! a *%estioning loo". #hat proble!s did he ha e? #hen he noticed !y loo" he ga e a hal& shr%g. "' said '$d e3plain on the 1erris )heel." "O"ay."

CHAPTER ELEBEN ' cli!bed into the slightly s)aying co!part!ent on the 1erris )heel care&%lly( holding tightly onto the railings. #hen !y )hole body )as o er the gap bet)een the co!part!ent and doc"( ' *%ic"ly sat do)n so ' )o%ldn$t &all. /r. Hey)ood &ollo)ed( cas%ally stepping in )itho%t a )orry. He sat across &ro! !e and the )or"er closed the gate( sending !e a "no)ing s!ir". ' bl%shed( loo"ing a)ay &ro! hi!. /y ga-e &ell on the cro)d )aiting in line. "#hat happens i& so!eone sees %s?" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. ".epending on )ho it is( either )e$d ha e to thin" o& a pretty con incing e3c%se as to )hy )e are riding the 1erris )heel together( or it )o%ldn$t !atter. There$s nothing )rong )ith a teacher and st%dent going on a ride together( %nless yo% thin" o& it the )rong )ay." ' nodded and the co!part!ent s%ddenly l%rched &or)ard. #e !o ed &or abo%t thirty seconds and it stopped again( to %nload people and ha e people get on. /r. Hey)ood sighed and loo"ed at all the people belo) %s. ".o yo% li"e 1erris )heels?" ' in*%ired( &ro)ning slightly. ' hadn$t e en as"ed i& he )as &ond o& the! or not. He !ight ha e a &ear o& 1erris )heels &or all ' "ne).

/r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "' don$t hate the!(" he responded inso%ciantly. "Oh." The co!part!ent began to !o e again( going %p higher into the air. ' lic"ed !y lips ner o%sly. 'n !y e3cite!ent to go on the 1erris )heel( ' had &orgotten ' )as a&raid o& heights. Ho) ironic )as that? ' placed !y hands sec%rely on the seat( hoping the co!part!ent )o%ld stop s)aying. #hen )e )ere abo%t hal&)ay &ro! the top( the 1erris )heel started !o ing &%ll speed. ' stared )ide,eyed at the gro%nd belo) %s. 5ince )hen did 1erris )heels go so &ast? ' reached o%t and gripped the pole in the !iddle. "Are yo% scared?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed in a teasing oice. "No(" ' lied( s)allo)ing hard as )e contin%ed to go higher. "4o% )on$t !ind i& ' roc" the co!part!ent then( )o%ld yo%?" 2e&ore ' co%ld protest( /r. Hey)ood stood %p and started sha"ing the co!part!ent. ' )rapped !y ar!s aro%nd the pole and held on tightly as he iolently shoo" the only thing "eeping %s &ro! &alling and dying. "5cared no)?" he as"ed. "5top6" ' cried( !y heart racing. "Please( stop6" /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "5ay yo%$re scared." ' glared at hi! and &orced !ysel& o&& the seat. Clinging onto the pole( ' "ic"ed hi! as hard as ' co%ld. He lost his balance and &ell to)ards !e. ' screa!ed as his )eight p%shing on !e !ade it i!possible to hold onto the pole and )e both &ell onto !y seat( !a"ing the co!part!ent roc" e en !ore iolently than it already )as. ' &rantically grabbed onto /r. Hey)ood( )rapping !y ar!s aro%nd hi!( and gripping onto the bac" o& his 0ac"et. /y breath *%ic"ened( and ' s*%ee-ed !y eyes sh%t( )aiting &or the roc"ing to stop. /r. Hey)ood sat %p( dragging !e )ith hi!. Altho%gh ' )as pissed at hi!( ' co%ldn$t bring !ysel& to let hi! go. 5oon the co!part!ent )as only roc"ing a little and ' opened !y eyes( !y hands still sha"ing and attached to his 0ac"et. "4o%$re a 0er"(" ' acc%sed( !y oice crac"ing. "'$! sorry(" he apologi-ed( loo"ing a!%sed. "' didn$t thin" '$d &all7" "#hy are yo% li"e this?" ' de!anded( slo)ly !a"ing !ysel& release hi!.

He straightened o%t his 0ac"et( s!oothing the )rin"les ' had !ade. "Li"e )hat?" "This6 4o% al)ays say so!ething !ean to !e and than apologi-e and thin" e erything is o"ay6" ' cried( thro)ing %p !y ar!s. The co!part!ent shoo" again and ' leaned &or)ards( grabbing onto /r. Hey)ood again. He p%t his hands on !y sho%lders and a&ter ' !o!ent( ' let go o& hi!. "'$! sorry(" he said( &ro)ning. "'t$s 0%st !y personality." "#ell it$s not a good one6" ' told hi!. "' "no)(" he responded. "4eah+ )ait( )hat?" ' said( staring at hi!. "' "no) ' ha e a horrible personality(" he told !e( rolling his eyes. "'$! not blind." ' &elt the co!part!ent stop and loo"ed aro%nd !e be&ore ' co%ld stop !ysel&. .i--iness s)ept o er !e )hen ' reali-ed )e )ere stopped at the top. <s%ally ' )o%ld be &eeling e3cited( b%t a&ter !y near death e3perience( ' )as &eeling sic". ' p%shed !ysel& a)ay &ro! the side( b%t be&ore ' co%ld sit bac" /r. Hey)ood grabbed !e and p%lled !e to)ards hi!. "#ait(" ' said( trying to p%ll a)ay &ro! hi!. He held !e tighter and slid !e do)n right ne3t to hi!. "No. ' "no) yo%$re scared( so it$s o"ay." ' che)ed !y lip( b%t sighed. He )as right. ' )as scared. And being closer to hi! !ade !e !ore co!&ortable+ not that ' )as going to let hi! "no) that. "1ine. 2%t no) yo% tell !e )hy those !en tried to assa%lt yo% in the )oods." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5traight to the point( h%h? .on$t yo% )ant to "no) )hy ' beca!e a gangster?" ' loo"ed %p at hi!. '& ' said yes( )o%ld he tell !e? Or )o%ld he be his %s%al sel& and say so!ething along the lines o& "li"e ' )o%ld tell yo%". A&ter a !o!ent o& hesitation ' nodded. He )as the one )ho o&&ered. He snorted. "Li"e ' )o%ld tell yo%." ' tried to !o e a)ay &ro! hi!. ' "ne) it. He held !e &ast tho%gh( and la%ghed *%ietly. "J%st "idding(" he said( s!ir"ing. "'$! not s%re e3actly )hen ' started. Either !y

&resh!an or sopho!ore year o& high school. 't 0%st so happened that the school ' )ent to had a b%nch o& !e!bers &ro! the to)n$s gang attending it too." "That doesn$t !ean yo% ha e to 0oin the!(" ' pointed o%t. /r. Hey)ood hesitated &or a !o!ent( loo"ing %nco!&ortable. He let o%t a long sigh be&ore contin%ing. "That$s not it. ' didn$t 0oin o%t o& !y &ree )ill right a)ay. At &irst ' )as 0%st li"e e ery other nor!al st%dent. ' got good grades( played soccer on the school$s tea!( and had &riends. 2%t one o& !y &riends )as a co!plete stereotypical nerd )ho )as !ade &%n o& all the ti!e." ' stayed *%iet( nodding !y head )hen ' &elt the need to. /r. Hey)ood stretched( resting his ar!s on the top o& the seat. ' leaned &or)ards( to !a"e s%re that ' )o%ldn$t accidentally lean bac" onto his ar!. 5itting ne3t to hi! li"e this !ade !e &eel li"e )e )ere a co%ple ta"ing a ride on the 1erris )heel. /y &ace heated slightly at !y tho%ghts. L%c"ily( /r. Hey)ood$s oice interr%pted the!. "'$! not s%re abo%t no)adays( b%t bac" )hen ' )ent to school( )e had the classic b%llies )ho literally beat people %p &or l%nch !oney and all that." "#eren$t yo% in high school li"e &o%r years ago( /r. Hey)ood?" ' as"ed. He raised an eyebro)( ignoring !y *%estion. "' told yo% to call !e Chris o%t o& class." "5orry( er( Chris(" ' responded( loo"ing at !y lap. "Please contin%e." He ch%c"led. "Any)ays( ' bet yo% g%essed it( b%t !y &riend )as beaten %p constantly. He ne er told !e tho%gh. 5o one day a&ter soccer practice ' )as )al"ing o%t o& the loc"er roo! and ' ran into &o%r g%ys beating hi! %p. #itho%t thin"ing( ' dropped !y e*%ip!ent and attac"ed the!." "All &o%r?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "'t )as easy. They )ere all do)n &or the co%nt in &i e !in%tes &lat. 't 0%st so happened the leader o& the school$s gang )as )atching and he )anted !e to 0oin the!. .o yo% "no) )hat happens )hen yo% re&%se to 0oin a gang?" ' shoo" !y head. /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly started to ta"e o&& his shirt. ' grabbed it and p%lled it bac" do)n( bl%shing !adly. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' de!anded( a oiding eye contact. "Rela3(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a snic"er. "'$! 0%st going to sho) yo% so!ething."

' &ro)ned and let go o& his shirt. He p%lled it %p again and sho)ed !e his bac". /y breath ca%ght )hen ' sa) a large( pale( scar across the top o& it. ' slo)ly reached o%t and to%ched the s!ooth s"in. "#hat did they do?" ' )hispered. /r. Hey)ood let o%t a bar" o& la%ghter. "#hat do yo% thin"? They all got together and beat !e %p %ntil ' said '$d 0oin." ' loo"ed lo)er on his bac" and sa) another scar. ' to%ched it and /r. Hey)ood arched his bac" slightly. "#hat is this scar &ro!?" "Lighters(" he responded. "Oh !y 8od(" ' said( p%lling !y hand a)ay. "4o% didn$t tell the police?" "And get !ysel& "illed?" /r. Hey)ood responded( p%lling do)n his shirt again( and loo"ing at !e )ith an eyebro) coc"ed. "' don$t thin" so." "2%t+" "They "ne) ' )as stronger than the leader(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained( ignoring !e. "That$s )hy they all got together to &orce !e to 0oin. '& there had been only li"e( &i e or se en o& the! ' co%ld ha e ta"en the!. T)enty( not so !%ch. And since ' did 0oin( ' )as able to easily stop the b%llying at the school. /y &riend )as ne er harassed again." "5o )hy didn$t yo% 0%st 0oin be&ore they beat yo% %p?" ' as"ed. /r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "' hadn$t tho%ght abo%t being able to stop the b%llies at school i& ' )as in the gang( so that$s )hy ' re&%sed at &irst." "5o yo% )ent thro%gh all that 0%st &or yo%r &riend?" "Pretty !%ch(" he responded )ith a shr%g. "2%t it )as also &or e eryone else )ho )as being b%llied as )ell." ' stared at /r. Hey)ood. ' had been )rong abo%t hi! all along. He )asn$t so!e 0er" )ho didn$t care abo%t anyone b%t hi!sel&. 'n &act( it )as li"e he cared abo%t e eryone else !ore than hi!sel&. He had gone thro%gh all that( pl%s ha ing both his parents die? 8%ilt )ashed o er !e. 't &elt li"e !y heart had dropped into !y g%t. ' )as the 0er" here. Not hi!. 5%ddenly !y eyes &elt )et( and ' blin"ed &%rio%sly. /r. Hey)ood p%t a hand on !y sho%lder( and ' loo"ed %p at hi!. He loo"ed al!ost as g%ilty as ' &elt( )hich thre) !e o&& g%ard. #hat )as he &eeling g%ilty abo%t?

"Are yo% o"ay?" he as"ed in concern. "'$! sorry( ' didn$t !ean to !a"e yo% cry7" That$s )hy he &elt g%ilty. ' shoo" !y head *%ic"ly. "That$s not it7 't$s 0%st7 ' had pinned yo% as a sel&,centered 0er"( b%t ' didn$t "no) yo% at all( so ' )as 0%st ass%!ing things and ' &eel really bad abo%t it beca%se yo%$re act%ally a nice person )ho )o%ld do all that &or yo% &riends7 And yet the )hole ti!e ' "ne) yo%7" /r. Hey)ood$s &ace t)isted into an e3pression ' didn$t recogni-e. "'t$s o"ay. 2eing a 0er" is part o& !y personality as )ell. That 0%st isn$t !y )hole personality." "'$! a 0er" too(" ' pointed o%t. "No yo%$re not(" /r. Hey)ood said )ith a sigh. "4o%$re 0%st an honest girl7 )ho cries easily. And )ho is probably ery g%llible(" he added as an a&ter tho%ght. "Ho)$d yo% "no)?" ' as"ed. /r. Hey)ood grinned. "' 0%st get a &eeling &ro! yo%." ' co%ldn$t help b%t s!ile bac" at hi!. ' )as seeing hi! in a ne) light no). 2%t seeing hi! in this ne) light !ade !y heart beat increase( and !y sto!ach ch%rn. ' co%ldn$t p%ll ga-e a)ay &ro! his handso!e &ace. E en tho%gh ' hadn$t had !%ch to do )ith g%ys( ' de&initely recogni-ed these &eelings. And it )asn$t a good sign.

CHAPTER T#ELBE The air had beco!e considerably colder a&ter t)o !ore go aro%nd on the 1erris )heel. No) that ' had beco!e %se to the height the 1erris )heel )ent %p to( ' )as en0oying the ride. /r. Hey)ood sat beside !e( "eeping silent a&ter spilling part o& his past. The ride s%ddenly ca!e to a halt( stopping %s at the ery top. ' !o ed close to the side o& the co!part!ent so ' co%ld loo" do)n. /r. Hey)ood !o ed as )ell( sha"ing the co!part!ent. A startled gasp escaped !y lips and ' 0er"ed a)ay &ro! the edge( s!ashing !y head against /r. Hey)ood$s. "O)(" ' co!plained( bring a hand to the bac" o& !y head. /r. Hey)ood grinned at !e. "4o% ha e a hard head." "No( yo% do(" ' responded( &ro)ning. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes( nodding to the le&t. "Aren$t those yo%r &riends?"

1ollo)ing his &inger( ' located a &e) &a!iliar &aces that sent o& a 0olt o& s%rprise thro%gh !e. Lance and Casey )ere standing in line &or the 1erris )heel along )ith 5a! and .anielle. Panic"ed gripped !e( and ' loo"ed bac" at /r. Hey)ood+ )ho loo"ed see!ingly %nconcerned. "They are going to see %s6" ' told /r. Hey)ood in a &rantic )hisper. "#hy does it !atter?" he responded( ag%ely be!%sed. "2eca%se(" ' started( d%c"ing !y head( "Casey has it in her head that so!ething !ight be going on )ith %s( or )ill be( so i& she sees %s together she$ll thin" she$s right. And Lance7 %gh( ' don$t e en )ant to thin" abo%t )hat he$ll do. ' ditched hi! to &ollo) yo% and didn$t e en lea e hi! a note or anything so he probably hates !e." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "4o% see! to ha e d%g yo%rsel& a pretty deep gra e." ' glared at hi!. "Than" yo% &or yo%r concern." "Anyti!e(" he responded )ith a )in". Rolling !y eyes( ' dropped !y head into !y hands( thin"ing hard. Ho) )o%ld ' be able to get %s o%t o& this sit%ation? 't )as i!possible. ' *%ic"ly co%nted the gro%ps o& people in li"e( and then the n%!ber o& co!part!ents ahead o& o%rs. J%st o%r l%c". They got to ha e o%r car. That !eant they$d de&initely see %s. "P%t yo%r head do)n(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( !otioning to his chest. "1ace into !y chest( and )rap yo%r ar!s aro%nd !y nec"." "#hat? #hy?" "J%st do it(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( ta"ing the bac" o& !y head and &orcing it into his chest. A !%&&led cry escaped !y lips and ' &elt /r. Hey)ood$s chest re erberate )ith *%iet la%ghter. /r. Hey)ood then grabbed !y ar!s and )rapped the! aro%nd his nec". A &e) seconds later ' &elt hi! p%lling !y hair o er the bit o& !y &ace that )as sho)ing. ' "ept !y &ace pressed into his chest( sitting as still as possible. "Can )e go once !ore aro%nd?" ' heard /r. Hey)ood as" in a ery pers%asi e oice. "5%re(" another oice( ' pres%!ed the )or"er$s( responded( and the co!part!ent "ept !o ing. "Hey /r. Hey)ood6" ' heard Casey cry and &elt /r. Hey)ood nod in response.

' bit !y lip in an3iety( silently begging &or Casey not to notice !e. A&ter a !in%te ' &elt /r. Hey)ood p%lling a)ay &ro! !e( and ' *%ic"ly tightened !y ar!s aro%nd his nec". "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood started( prying his hands o&& !e. "'t$s all clear. They got on a &e) co!part!ents belo) %s." /y &ace bla-ed and ' *%ic"ly p%shed !ysel& a)ay &ro! the!. "<!( than"s." "Anyti!e(" he responded )ith a grin. #hen the 1erris )heel ca!e bac" &%ll circ%it( the )or"er opened the co!part!ent door to let %s o%t. ' nearly 0%!ped o%t( "eeping !y head do)n. /r. Hey)ood &ollo)ed( also "eeping his head do)n( and together )e h%rried as &ast as )e co%ld a)ay &ro! the attraction. "Let$s get yo% ho!e(" /r. Hey)ood said( p%lling !e in the direction o& the par"ing lot. #e !ade it to the par"ing lot )itho%t tro%ble. A chilly )ind nipped at !y e3posed s"in and ' shi ered( p%lling !y 0ac"et tighter aro%nd !e. /r. Hey)ood g%ided !e thro%gh the dar"( co!ing to a stop at his car. He &%!bled )ith his "eys &or a second be&ore opening the passenger door &or !e. ' *%ic"ly slid in )hile he h%rried to the other side o& the car( cli!bing in the dri er$s seat. /r. Hey)ood started the car and glanced at !e. ".o yo% ha e ser ice on yo%r cell phone?" /y eyes )idened and ' gasped( digging !y hand into !y poc"et. /y cell phone6 ' &%!bled )ith it &or a !in%te( reali-ing it )as o&&. 5co)ling( ' pressed the on b%tton. /y phone had a horrible habit o& t%rning o&& rando!ly. #hen it loaded( te3t !essage a&ter te3t !essage arri ed. A&ter &i&teen te3t !essages( !y !issed calls sho)ed %p. There )ere thirty o& the!. ' chec"ed those &irst. 1i&teen &ro! Lance( ten &ro! Casey( three &ro! .anielle and t)o &ro! 5a!. ' didn$t e en bother to read the te3t !essages. ' &lipped open !y phone and held do)n the one b%tton( speed,dialing Casey. "Holly6" Casey cried a&ter the &irst ring. "Hi." "#here are yo%?" she de!anded. ".o yo% "no) ho) long )e$ e been loo"ing &or yo%? ' tho%ght yo% got "idnapped6 Lance said yo% )ere there one second and than yo% )ere gone6 And 5a! said he sa) yo% going into the &orest6"

"Cal! do)n(" ' said( loo"ing o er at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as &oc%sing on the heat( b%t ' "ne) he )as ea esdropping. "'$! o"ay( ' 0%st ran into7 an old &riend." /r. Hey)ood glanced at !e( s!ir"ing. 2l%shing( ' t%rned a)ay &ro! hi!. ' )asn$t good at thin"ing on the spot. "4o% co%ld ha e at least called6" a ne) oice )ith a 2ritish accent cried. "Lance6" ' heard Casey sho%t. "8i e that bac"6" "'n a !in%te(" Lance responded. "4o% co%ld ha e at least called( Holly6" "5orry(" ' said )ith a sigh. ' had really hoped ' didn$t ha e to tal" to Lance. "' &orgot ' had !y phone. 't )as o&&." "4o% had !e+ %s )orried sic"6" "5orry(" ' apologi-ed again. "'t$s 0%st( ' didn$t )ant to let hi! o%t o& !y sight." "Hi!?" Crap. "4eah( !y &riend." "#here are yo% no)?" "On !y )ay ho!e. /y phone beeped and ' loo"ed at it *%ic"ly. The lo) battery sign )as &lashing. 5ighing ' placed the phone against !y ear again. "Loo"(" ' started( "'$ e got to go. /y phone is dying." "Are yo% )ith the g%y no)?" "4eah( he$s bringing !e ho!e. '$ll tal" to yo% later(" ' responded *%ic"ly( !y phone beeping again. "#ait( Holly6" "2ye6" Hitting the end b%tton( ' disconnected the call and sh%t o&& !y cell phone. ' p%t it bac" into !y poc"et( letting o%t a little ya)n. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed at !e( no) p%lling o%t o& the par"ing lot. "Lance see!ed ery )orried abo%t yo%(" he co!!ented cas%ally.

"4eah(" ' responded )earily. "That$s 0%st hi! tho%gh. 't$s o"ay. '$! %sed to it." "That$s s)eet(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a nod. "/aybe he li"es yo%?" ' coc"ed an eyebro). "No )ay. He$s !y best &riend. 2esides( he li"es so!eone else." "#ho?" "He )on$t tell !e(" ' responded )ith a shr%g. "He$s s%re she )on$t go o%t )ith hi!." "#hy does he thin" that?" "' don$t "no). #e )ere tal"ing( and he said there )as no )ay she )o%ld go o%t )ith hi!. E en tho%gh ' personally thin" anyone )o%ld go o%t )ith hi!." "#o%ld yo%?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( loo"ing at !e &ro! the corner o& his eye. ' shoo" !y head. "#hat? No( )e$re 0%st &riends. '$ e ne er tho%ght o& hi! li"e that7 )e$re 0%st &riends." 1or so!e reason( ' &elt li"e ' )as e3plaining !y &riendship )ith Lance to !y boy&riend. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. ".id he as" yo% that too?" ' nodded. "' ga e hi! the sa!e ans)er. 2%t it$s only !e( '$! s%re e eryone else )o%ld )ant to." "4o%$re so7" "#hat?" ' as"ed. "Ne er !ind(" /r. Hey)ood responded( sha"ing his head and grinning. "' g%ess it$s best i& yo% don$t "no)." ".on$t "no) )hat?" "' don$t "no)(" /r. Hey)ood said( still s!ir"ing. ' too" a deep breath and let it o%t slo)ly( letting the s%b0ect drop. "#hate er." 't had been one hec" o& a night. ' stole a sidelong glance at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as no) &oc%sing on the road. His !essy bro)n hair )as !ore !essy than %s%al( and so!e o& it h%ng loosely in his &ace. A&ter a !o!ent ' ca%ght !ysel& staring and bl%shed. He$s !y teacher( ' told !ysel&. Nothing good co%ld co!e o%t o& li"ing a teacher. ' had to stop

)hate er &eelings ' )as beginning to ha e be&ore they ca!e. 5%re( he )as a caring( handso!e( strong( intelligent !an( b%t that )as all. ' al!ost snorted. #ho )as ' "idding? He )as li"e the drea! g%y( )ell besides the e3, gangster part. 2%t that aside( he )as still the type o& g%y all the girls )anted. And here ' )as( sitting in his car all alone )ith hi!( trying to stop !ysel& &ro! ha ing &eelings &or hi!. A )ry s!ile graced !y lips. "Ho) do ' get to yo%r ho%se?" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly as"ed( brea"ing the silence. "' thin" ' re!e!ber it being so!e)here aro%nd here7" "J%st go do)n this street(" ' told hi!( pointing to the street that )as co!ing %p to o%r right. He p%t his blin"er on and !ade a sharp t%rn( !a"ing !e &all against the )indo). He let o%t a s!all snic"er and ' glared at hi!( t%rning !y head( and loo"ing o%t the )indo). To !y s%rprise( he re!e!bered )hich ho%se )as !ine. ' loo"ed %p at the large( e!pty( dar" ho%se( i!!ediately scolding !ysel& &or not e en lea ing the o%tside light on. "'s anyone ho!e?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( staring %p at !y ho%se. "/y !o! is staying o er a &riend$s ho%se d%e to )or"(" ' told hi!( %nb%c"ling !y seatbelt. "5he )on$t be bac" %ntil to!orro) a&ternoon." /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned. "Are yo% going to be alright alone?" ' shr%gged. "' g%ess. '$ e done it be&ore7 )ell not the )hole night( b%t close eno%gh." Opening the door( ' hopped o%t( stic"ing !y head bac" in &or a second. "Than"s &or the ride. '$ll see yo% /onday." "5%re(" /r. Hey)ood responded( loo"ing at !e apprehensi ely. "4o% s%re yo%$ll be alright?" ".on$t )orry. '$! &ine." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed li"e he )as abo%t to say !ore( b%t be&ore he co%ld ' sh%t the car door. He stayed in the dri e)ay( his headlights lighting %p the )ay to !y &ront door &or !e as ' cli!bed the path( digging in !y &ront poc"et &or !y "eys. #hen ' co%ldn$t locate the! ' &ro)ned( stic"ing !y hand in !y other &ront poc"et. They both ca!e %p e!pty. No) beginning to panic( ' chec"ed !y bac" poc"ets and ca!e %p short again. ' loo"ed %nder the !at &or the spare "ey. 't )asn$t there. A groan o& &r%stration le&t !y lips and in one last %rge o& hope ' tried the door( hoping ' &orgot to loc" it. 't didn$t open. "4o%$re "idding !e(" ' !%ttered( glaring at the door. No) )hat?

/r. Hey)ood hon"ed his horn and ' 0%!ped iolently( t%rning aro%nd to glare at his car. He hon"ed again and ' slo)ly !ade !y )ay bac" do)n to the botto! o& !y dri e)ay. Opening the passenger side( ' st%c" !y head in to &ro)n at hi!. "#hat?" "#hy aren$t yo% going inside?" he de!anded( leaning o er to loo" at !e better. ' bl%shed in e!barrass!ent and loo"ed at the gro%nd( )ondering i& ' sho%ld tell hi! the tr%th or not. "'( er7 lost !y "eys." ".on$t yo% ha e a spare?" "'t !%st be inside or so!ething7" "#hat are yo% going to do?" he *%estioned( &ro)ning at !e. "'$ll 0%st call Casey or Lance and as" i& ' can spend the night there(" ' told hi!( p%lling o%t !y cell phone. ' pressed the on b%tton a &e) ti!es be&ore ' re!e!bered it )as dead. ' groaned in &r%stration( p%tting it bac" in !y poc"et. ' didn$t "no) either o& their n%!bers by heart. "8%ess '$ll be ca!ping(" ' !%ttered( straightening %p. "5ee yo%." "#hoa( )ait6" /r. Hey)ood cried and ' stopped( loo"ing at hi! c%rio%sly. "4o%$re not going to stay o%tside all night(" he told !e in a &ir! oice. ' rolled !y eyes. "#hat a! ' s%pposed to do then? 2rea" into !y o)n ho%se? /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "No( '$! not doing that." He la%ghed. "No( '$! not telling yo% to brea" into yo%r ho%se. 4o%$re co!ing to !y ho%se &or the night." ' blan"ed at hi!. "#hat?" "8et in(" he ordered. "<!( ' don$t "no)7" He raised an eyebro). "#hat? .o yo% )ant to stay o%t in the cold?" ' shoo" !y head. "No( b%t7"

"2%t )hat?" "4o%$re !y teacher(" ' !%r!%red( d%c"ing !y head. "' don$t thin" it$s a good idea." /r. Hey)ood let o%t a long sigh. "'t$d be )orse o& !e to lea e !y st%dent o%t in the cold all night( )o%ldn$t it? Teachers are s%pposed to help their p%pils. No) get in be&ore ' &orce yo% in." ' glared at hi!. "Please?" "4o% don$t need to say please(" he responded )ith a s!%g s!ile. "#e both "no) yo% )ant to co!e o er." "No) don$t be too !odest(" ' !%ttered( dropping into the passenger$s seat. "'$! only doing this beca%se ' don$t ha e any)here else to go." "#hate er yo% say( Holly." ' stared o%t the )indo)( re&%sing to let hi! get on !y ner es. There )ere b%tter&lies in !y sto!ach as he p%lled o%t o& !y dri e)ay( heading bac" do)n !y street. Contrary to !y )ords( ' act%ally )as e3cited to be going to his ho%se+ e en i& he )as only helping !e beca%se he &elt bad.

CHAPTER TH'RTEEN "This is !y apart!ent(" /r. Hey)ood said( opening the )hite oa" door to apart!ent t)o h%ndred and &i&teen. "5orry( it$s "ind o& !essy7 '$! !issing a lady$s hand( yo% "no)?" Raising an eyebro) at hi!( ' stepped into the apart!ent. 't )as too dar" to see anything so ' stood idly by the door( &eeling /r. Hey)ood br%sh past !e. 5econds later light &looded the roo!. ' s%r eyed the roo! )hile slipping o&& !y shoes. 't see!ed li"e /r. Hey)ood li"ed to color code. A lo e seat( a recliner( and a co%ch that s%rro%nded a large plas!a tele ision )ere all !ade o%t o& the sa!e cri!son leather that !atched the color o& the paint on the )alls. #hite pillo)s )ere set %p on the &%rnit%re( !atching the tri!!ing o& the roo!. There )as a deep bro)n co&&ee table in the !iddle o& the &%rnit%re( and on it )as a s!all bo)l o& candy( &illed )ith /F/s. A large shel& o& .B.s )as set %p ne3t to the tele ision. There )ere a &e) !aga-ines and ne)spapers scattered aro%nd on the gro%nd( a &e) dishes )ere on the co&&ee table( and a &e) 0ac"ets )ere tossed on the bac"s o& the

&%rnit%re( b%t other than that it loo"ed rather clean to !e. Especially &or a single !an li ing alone. "'t$s act%ally a nice place(" ' &inally co!!ented( going o er to the leather so&a and p%shing !y hand into it. "And clean." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( pic"ing %p so!e o& the dishes o&& the co&&ee table. "Than"s. Are yo% h%ngry?" As i& on c%e( !y sto!ach r%!bled. ' loo"ed do)n in e!barrass!ent )hile /r. Hey)ood sniggered. "'$ll ta"e that as a yes. '$ll order so!e pi--a. Ta"e a seat and !a"e yo%rsel& at ho!e. 's pepperoni alright?" "4ep." /r. Hey)ood disappeared into the "itchen and ' )al"ed %p to the T.B( pic"ing %p a photo o&& the stand( and loo"ing at it. A yo%nger /r. Hey)ood )as standing )ith t)o people ' ass%!ed to be his parents. He had a care&ree grin on( his !essy hair &alling in his &ace. His 0a) had the sa!e lo)( s*%are str%ct%re as it did in the present. 5!iling( ' set the pict%re do)n and )andered o%t o& the li ing roo!( going into the hall)ay attached. The &irst door )as open( re ealing a ery clean and )hite bathroo!. 1or !o!ent ' )as te!pted to see )hat "ind o& sha!poo /r. Hey)ood %sed b%t ' &orced !ysel& a)ay. #hat )as '( a stal"er? The ne3t door )as the la%ndry roo!+ )hich sho)ed /r. Hey)ood$s tr%e nat%re. Piles o& la%ndry that nearly reached the ceiling resided there. ' *%ic"ly sh%t the door and !o ed on. The last roo! )as /r. Hey)ood$s bedroo!. Pa%sing by the door ' st%c" !y head in and loo"ed aro%nd. 't )as a pretty a erage roo!. The )alls )ere bro)n( and the &loor )as !ade o%t oa" )ood. Another large &lat screen T.B )as on the )all( and there )as a big( bro)n( leather co%ch across &ro! it. A large "ing si-ed bed )as placed against the &ar corner o& the roo!. To !y s%rprise( it )as !ade. The co!&orter )as the sa!e color as the )alls( and the pillo) sheets lighter shades o& bro)n and )hite. /r. Hey)ood )as ery coordinated. J%st as ' sat do)n on the leather co%ch in the li ing roo!( /r. Hey)ood ca!e o%t o& the "itchen( holding the phone. He p%t it bac" on the recei er by the door and too" a seat on the co%ch ne3t to !e( t%rning on the T.B. ".o yo% )ant to )atch anything in partic%lar?" he in*%ired( gi ing !e a sidelong glance. ' shoo" !y head( "eeping !y hands clasped tightly on !y lap. /r. Hey)ood &lipped the channel to a soccer ga!e( t%rning %p the ol%!e. /y pal!s gre) s)eaty and ' *%ic"ly )iped the! on !y pants. #hat )as there to be so ner o%s abo%t? Oh yeah. ' )as alone

)ith !y teacher( in his apart!ent( on his co%ch( )ith these &eelings ' )as trying to &orce a)ay be&ore they ca!e so!ething. This sit%ation )asn$t helping at all+ b%t it )asn$t li"e ' had any other choice. No one li"ed sleeping o%tside in the cold. And no one in his or her right !ind )o%ld choose that o er going to spend the night at so!eone li"e /r. Hey)ood$s ho%se. "And that$s )hy yo% don$t gi e the ball to 2ashista(" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly !%ttered as the cro)d on T.B boo. A s!all la%gh escaped !y lips and ' *%ic"ly co ered !y !o%th )ith !y hand. /r. Hey)ood t%rned and raised an eyebro). "#hat? "Nothing7 ' 0%st ne er )o%ld ha e g%essed yo% )ere so7 nor!al( yo% "no)?" ' told hi! )ith a shr%g. "'t$s )eird." "#hat do yo% !ean?" he as"ed slo)ly( his eyebro)s "nitting together in con&%sion. 2oy did he loo" c%te )hen he )as con&%sed+ ' iolently shoo" !y head( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. ' co%ldn$t be ha ing those tho%ghts6 /r. Hey)ood tilted his head to the side. "#ell?" ' snapped o%t o& !y tho%ghts( shr%gging at hi!. "' don$t e en "no). ' 0%st tho%ght yo%$d li"e( co!e ho!e and read abo%t science or so!ething. Or start beating %p a p%nching bag. Or yo%r ho%se )o%ld be a !ess. 5t%&& li"e that." /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "5orry to disappoint yo%( b%t ' a! a nor!al person as )ell." "'$! not disappointed(" ' responded )itho%t thin"ing. /r. Hey)ood stared at !e &or a !o!ent be&ore shr%gging and t%rning bac" to the tele ision. ' bl%shed again and &oc%sed on the soccer ga!e on the T.B. A&ter abo%t t)enty !in%tes( the doorbell rang. /r. Hey)ood stood %p and )ent to ans)er it( opening the door to re eal the pi--a g%y. A &e) !o!ents later( /r. Hey)ood closed the door( pi--a in hand. ".o yo% need a plate?" he as"ed( co!ing bac" o er to the co%ch. ' shoo" !y head. "Nope( '$! good." "8ood( no) ' )on$t ha e to )ash as !any dishes(" he responded( setting the pi--a bo3 do)n bet)een %s. He opened it and too" a piece o%t. ' copied hi!( pic"ing %p the )ar! piece o& pi--a and bringing it to !y lips. The cheese slid o&&( b%rning !y &ingers and !o%th( so ' *%ic"ly let

go. 't landed on !y pants( no) b%rning !y leg thro%gh !y pants. "O)( o)( o)(" ' !%ttered( pic"ing the pi--a %p and tossing it bac" into the bo3. "8ood 0ob(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( s!ir"ing. ' p%rsed !y lips at hi! be&ore t%rning to the !ess on !y pants. "Nap"in?" "Here(" he said( reaching to his side and tossing !e a &e) nap"ins. ' )iped o&& the pi--a sa%ce and cheese the best ' co%ld( b%t there )as still a large stain le&t on !y pants. 5ighing( ' p%t the dirty nap"ins on the top part o& the pi--a bo3( letting the ne3t piece ' too" cool o&& be&ore eating it. 2y the ti!e the ga!e )as o er( the pi--a )as gone and ' )as hal& asleep on the co%ch. /r. Hey)ood stood %p( pic"ing %p the pi--a bo3 as he did so. ' stood %p as )ell( and &ollo)ed hi! to the "itchen dro)sily. The cloc" on the "itchen )all read one in the !orning. A ya)n escaped !y lips( and ' r%bbed !y eyes tiredly. "1ollo) !e(" /r. Hey)ood ordered. ' did as he as"ed and &ollo)ed hi! bac" to his bedroo!. He d%g aro%nd in his dresser &or a &e) !o!ents be&ore tossing !e a pair o& pa0a!a botto!s and a t,shirt. ' loo"ed at the! and loo"ed bac" %p at /r. Hey)ood( con&%sed. "#ear those to sleep in. ' don$t )ant yo% )earing yo%r dirty pants in !y bed." ' stared at hi!( !y eyes )idening. #hat did he !ean in his bed? #as he e3pecting !e to sleep )ith hi!? He !%st ha e seen !y be)ildered e3pression beca%se he ch%c"led( a s!ir" gracing his lips again. ".on$t )orry( '$! not going to ta"e ad antage o& yo%. '$ll be sleeping on the co%ch." He pointed to the bro)n leather co%ch. "'$ll sleep on the co%ch(" ' said *%ic"ly. "'t$s &ine." "No(" he responded sternly. "4o%$re the g%est( so that !eans yo% get the bed. And yo%$re a girl. No) go to the bathroo! and change. Ho)e er( i& yo% )ant to change in &ront o& !e( '$! not stopping yo%." ' bl%shed and shoo" !y head iolently( heading to)ards the bathroo!. A&ter sh%tting the door and loc"ing it( ' stripped and p%lled on the pa0a!a botto!s and t,shirt. 2oth articles o& clothing )ere )ay too big &or !e( so ' had to tie the pa0a!a botto!s$ string tightly. The botto! o& the t,shirt reached !id,thigh. ' %sed the toilet and )ashed !y &ace be&ore going bac" to the bedroo!. /r. Hey)ood )as in the !iddle o& ta"ing o&& his shirt. He loo"ed o er at !e )ith an a!%sed e3pression.

"5orry6" ' apologi-ed( loo"ing a)ay i!!ediately as !y chee"s )ar!ed. "'t$s &ine(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "' sleep )itho%t a shirt on." ' loo"ed bac" o er at hi!; he )as no) co!pletely shirtless. He )ent searching in his dresser again and ' too" the opport%nity to chec" o%t his na"ed chest. He had )ell de&ined abs. Not s%rprising( since he )as an e3,gangster. He really had a nice body. ' shoo" !y head( !entally slapping !ysel&. ' co%ldn$t chec" o%t !y teacher6 't )as )rong6 /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "Are yo% chec"ing !e o%t?" "No6" He ch%c"led. "#hate er yo% say." A ya)n escaped !y lips )hen ' opened the! to de&end !ysel&. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed again( nodding to)ards the bed. "8et in(" he ordered. '!!ediately ' h%rried o er to the bed( pa%sing ne3t to it a)")ardly &or a second be&ore cli!bing into it. The sheets )ere cold as ' *%ic"ly p%lled the! o er !y body. /r. Hey)ood )ent o er to the light s)itch and t%rned it o&&( dar"ness &looding the roo!. His silho%ette )as ill%!inated by the !oonlight as he ret%rned to the coach. He let o%t a *%iet sigh( &lopping onto his bac" on it. "Night( Holly." "Night(" ' responded *%ietly. /y heart )as beating e3citedly at the tho%ght o& being in /r. Hey)ood$s bed. ' too" a deep breath and a pleasant scent &illed !y nose+ /r. Hey)ood$s scent. A *%iet sigh escaped !y lips. This )as )rong( b%t ' co%ldn$t help !ysel& &ro! &eeling happy. /y stor!y tho%ghts "ept !e a)a"e &or a )hile. The so%nd o& /r. Hey)ood$s e en breathing also "ept !e distracted. 5leep crept %p on !e li"e a nin0a( and be&ore ' "ne) it( ' )as o&& in drea!land. 5o!ething hot )as co ering !y bac". /y eyes opened groggily( seeing only the blac"ness o& the roo!. ' atte!pted to roll o er( b%t )hate er )as co ering !y bac" )asn$t going any)here. That$s )hen ' noticed the ar! %nder !e. /y eyes )idened in s%rprise as ' ne3t too" in the ar! o er !e. Then ' noticed )ho the ar!s )ere attached too. /y head t%rned slo)ly to see /r. Hey)ood$s chiseled( sleeping &ace right ne3t to !ine. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( trying to !o e !ysel& o%t o& his grasp )itho%t )a"ing hi!. His na"ed chest )as !o ing %p and do)n slo)ly as he breathed. ' resisted the %rge to to%ch hi!. #hen did he cli!b into the bed? #hy did he? ' str%ggled to slide o%t o& his ar!s( b%t they s%ddenly tightened %p. A s!all groan o& &r%stration le&t !y lips. This )asn$t good.

His ar!s )ere re ealing !y tr%e tho%ghts. ' really didn$t )ant to !o e a)ay &ro! his ar!s. #hat ' )anted to do )as sn%ggle closer to hi! and go bac" to sleep. 2%t there )as no )ay ' co%ld do that. #hate er happened to !y co!!it!ent o& stopping !y &eelings be&ore they beca!e too !%ch? 't didn$t see! li"e ' )as doing a ery good 0ob. /y sto!ach )as tingling &ro! !y a)areness o& his body so close to !ine. 5ha"ing !y head( ' held in a sigh. #hat )as )rong )ith !e? Ho) co%ld ' ha e &eeling &or this de il o& a teacher? ' glanced bac" at his peace&%l &ace and ca%ght !y breath. He )as really handso!e7 5%ddenly so!ething entered !y &ield o& ision. ' &ro-e( !y breath catching once again. 2%t not beca%se o& /r. Hey)ood. A rather large( bro)n spider )as cra)ling on the pillo). 'n !y direction. '!!ediately ' screa!ed( sho ing bac" iolently( "noc"ing /r. Hey)ood o&& the bed and going )ith hi!. ' str%ggled &rantically( trying to escape the tangle o& sheets )e )ere ca%ght in. "#hat$s )rong?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( sitting %p( his hands !ade into &ists. "5pider6" ' gasped( cra)ling o er his chest( and &inally lea ing the tangled !ess o& the sheets. He blin"ed at !e &or a second be&ore ch%c"ling. P%shing hi!sel& to his &eet( he peered o er the bed. "#here?" "Pillo)6" ' )atched as reached o er to the pillo)( scooping %p the creepy cra)ler. He ca!e o er to !e( s!ir"ing( and held it o%t to)ard !y &ace. "5top6" ' cried( scra!bling bac" a)ay &ro! hi!. "'t$s har!less(" he told !e( letting it cra)l aro%nd his hand. "5ee?" "2ring it o%tside(" ' begged( gi ing hi! the p%ppy,dog loo". He loo"ed at !e )ith an a!%sed e3pression. ".on$t yo% )ant !e to "ill it?" "#hy? 't didn$t do anything." /r. Hey)ood stared at !e &or a !o!ent( his &ace t)isted into an %nrecogni-able e3pression. "That$s di&&erent(" he &inally co!!ented *%ietly. "Alright( '$ll bring it o%tside." He disappeared o%t the door and ' too" the ti!e to recollect !ysel&. ' pic"ed %p the blan"et and sheets ' had "noc"ed to the &loor and tossed the! bac" on the bed. Then ' )ent to the bathroo! and *%ic"ly )ashed !y &ace. #hen ' )as done ' )andered o%t to

the li ing roo! 0%st as /r. Hey)ood )as co!ing bac" in. He let o%t a ya)n( the !%scles in his ar! rippling as he stretched. /y eyes ran o er his toned sto!ach in ol%ntarily and ' bl%shed( loo"ing a)ay *%ic"ly. "2oy it )as hot last night(" he co!!ented( r%bbing his sto!ach. "' )onder )hy(" ' responded sharply( glaring at hi! acc%singly. He held %p his hands in de&ense. "' got cold( o"ay? ' didn$t thin" it$d !atter i& ' 0%st slept on the other side o& the bed7 '& it !a"es yo% &eel better( ' )as hoping '$d )a"e %p earlier than yo% so yo% )o%ldn$t notice." ' rolled !y eyes. "Ho) )o%ld that !a"e !e &eel better?" He shr%gged. "/r. Hey)ood+" "Chris(" he corrected !e. "4o% can$t sleep in the sa!e bed as !e6 4o%$re a teacher and '$! a st%dent. 't$s )rong." "#e aren$t at school(" he responded )ith a &ro)n. "And ' "no) it$s )rong. That$s )hy ' didn$t try anything )ith yo%." ' stared at hi!( !y !o%th slightly open. "Jo"ing(" he added *%ic"ly( b%t a s!ir" ca!e onto his &ace. "2%t yo% loo" e3tre!ely c%te )hile yo% sleep." /y &ace b%rned and ' *%ic"ly ad erted !y ga-e. He )as %nbelie able. He )asn$t helping !y sit%ation at all6 ' "ne) he didn$t "no) )hat !y sit%ation )as( b%t ' )as &alling deeper and deeper into a hole that )o%ld be ery di&&ic%lt to cli!b o%t o&. Calling !e c%te )as 0%st digging it deeper. 2%t ' co%ldn$t deny it any!ore. They )ere !y &eelings( and ' had to deal )ith the!. ' )as &alling &or !y biology teacher.


An ab%ndant arrange!ent o& &ood )as set o%t be&ore !e )hen ' )al"ed into the "itchen abo%t an ho%r later. ' gaped at the te!pting b%&&et in astonish!ent. /r. Hey)ood$s s!%g &ace greeted !e )hen ' &inally loo"ed %p &ro! the &ood. "#hy did yo% !a"e so !%ch?" ' in*%ired( gest%ring to)ards the )ide arrange!ent o& &ood. "' don$t "no) )hat yo% li"e( so ' 0%st !ade a bit o& e erything(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a cas%al shr%g. "A bit?" ' cho"ed( loo"ing at the enor!o%s stac"s o& 1rench toast and panca"es. ".oes it not loo" appeti-ing?" "No( that$s not it6" ' %ttered *%ic"ly. "'t$s 0%st7 ' tho%ght yo% co%ldn$t coo"." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder and steering !e to the table. He p%shed !e do)n on one o& the )ooden chairs and proceeded to ta"e the seat across &ro! !e. "' lied." ' opened !y !o%th to retort( b%t he c%t !e o&&. "#ell let$s not )aste it( shall )e?" he as"ed( reaching &or a large bo)l o& scra!bled eggs. ' nodded !ee"ly( biting bac" !y retort( still in shoc" by the enor!o%s a!o%nt o& &ood he had !ade in 0%st %nder an ho%r. The 1rench toast )as calling !y na!e( so ' too" t)o pieces( setting the! on !y plate. ' dri--led so!e !aple syr%p on it and %sed a "ni&e to c%t o&& a s!all piece. Ca%tio%sly( ' p%t it %p to !y !o%th( hesitating &or a !o!ent. /r. Hey)ood )as staring at !e so ' abr%ptly sh%t !y !o%th( &eeling a bl%sh co!ing on !y &ace. He &ro)ned. "Are yo% a&raid to try it?" he as"ed. ' shoo" !y head. "No7 '$! 0%st not co!&ortable eating )hile people are staring at !e." /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "' see." He p%t his elbo) on the table and rested his chin on his hand( ga-ing at !e !ore intensely than be&ore. ' glo)ered at hi!. He )as doing it on p%rpose. ' )anted to slap that st%pid( se3y( s!ir" right o&& his &ace. #ait? 5e3y? ' !entally slapped !ysel&. ' co%ldn$t be ha ing those tho%ghts. Especially a&ter ' had spent the night in the sa!e bad as hi!. 't )as )rong. Ho) !any ti!es did ' ha e to tell !ysel& that? /aybe yo% sho%ld 0%st accept it( a tho%ght&%l oice co!!ented in !y head.

/r. Hey)ood$s phone s%ddenly )ent o&&. ' "ne) his ring tone by heart no). ' too" the ti!e that he loo"ed a)ay &ro! !e to st%&& a piece o& 1rench toast in !y !o%th. 't &elt li"e ' had 0%st ta"en a bite o& hea en. ' che)ed slo)ly and s)allo)ed( trying to sa or the taste. /r. Hey)ood )as still loo"ing at his phone so ' *%ic"ly sho ed a &e) !ore pieces into !y !o%th. #hen he loo"ed bac" %p( ' )as in the !iddle o& che)ing all the pieces that )ere in !y !o%th. /y chee"s )ere blo)n o%t 0%st li"e a s*%irrel$s )ere )hen it had n%ts in its !o%th. /r. Hey)ood snorted( trying to "eep his &ace straight. /y &ace &l%shed in e!barrass!ent and ' *%ic"ly tried to s)allo) the rest o& the 1rench toast )itho%t che)ing. ' !anaged to get hal& do)n be&ore cho"ing. Hea ing( ' co ered !y !o%th )ith !y hand( !y e!barrass!ent contin%ing to gro) as ' cho"ed. /r. Hey)ood )as in all o%t la%ghter no). ' contin%ed to hac" into !y hand %ntil !y throat )as cleared. 2e&ore ' s)allo)ed the rest o& &ood in !y !o%th( ' che)ed it slo)ly and thoro%ghly. /r. Hey)ood )as still la%ghing. ' glared at hi!. "'t$s not that &%nny(" ' told hi!( !y chee"s &la!ing. "4es( it is(" /r. Hey)ood responded( sha"ing his head( trying not to la%gh. "2%t '$! glad yo% li"e it so !%ch." "'t$s really good(" ' ad!itted( loo"ing do)n at !y plate. "#ell eat so!e other things too(" /r. Hey)ood en0oined( )a ing his ar! o er the &ood. "' s%ggest trying the ho!e &ries. They are !y specialty." ' opened !y !o%th to say so!ething in ret%rn )hen /r. Hey)ood$s phone )ent o&& again. He sco)led and ' sh%t !y !o%th *%ic"ly as he opened it. "These girls 0%st don$t lea e !e alone(" he !%ttered( tapping a)ay at his phone. "#ho?" ' as"ed( trying to so%nd nonchalant. "5o!e girls &ro! yo% class(" he told !e )ith a sigh. "' ga e the! !y phone n%!ber beca%se they tho%ght they )ere going to ha e tro%ble )ith their science ho!e)or". ' told the! they co%ld te3t !e i& they had any *%estions( b%t they$ e been te3ting !e abo%t other things." ' &elt a pang o& 0ealo%sly in !y g%t( and it s%rprised !e. #as ' 0ealo%s 0%st beca%se those girls had /r. Hey)ood$s phone n%!ber )hile ' didn$t? That )as so shallo)6 ' )anted to grab so!ething hard and repeatedly stri"e !y head )ith it. "<!( )hy don$t yo% tell the! to stop te3ting yo%?" ' s%ggested( sho ing aside !y 0ealo%sy. /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "'$! not the !ean teacher( re!e!ber?"

"2%t that$s not being !ean6$ ' responded *%ic"ly. "' !ean yo% are a teacher and they are st%dents. They sho%ldn$t be te3ting yo% in the &irst place. ' don$t %nderstand )hy yo%$d gi e the! a personal n%!ber. #hy not li"e an e,!ail or so!ething?" ' "ne) ' )as babbling so ' *%ic"ly sh%t !ysel& %p( grabbing a glass o& 0%ice in &ront o& !e and p%tting it %p to !y lips be&ore ' co%ld say anything !ore. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led slightly. "Are yo% 0ealo%s?" ' co%ghed o%t !y drin". The 0%ice dribbled do)n !y chin as ' stared at /r. Hey)ood$s co!placent &ace. J%st as ' opened !y !o%th to deny his acc%sation( a lo%d po%nding &ro! the door so%nded abr%ptly. ' 0%!ped( slopping the 0%ice o er !y shirt. An annoyed groan le&t !y lips( and ' peeled a)ay the )et cloth &ro! !y s"in. /r. Hey)ood snic"ered and stood %p( )al"ing o%t o& the "itchen to ans)er the door. ' loo"ed aro%nd &or a nap"in and )hen ' spotted one( ' grabbed it and began to spot !y )et shirt. /%&&led oices ca!e &ro! the li ing roo! as ' pic"ed %p a ho!e &ry )ith !y &or". As ' e3pected( it tasted e3cellent. /r. Hey)ood )as a really good coo". ' popped a &e) !ore in !y !o%th and che)ed the! slo)ly( trying to !a"e o%t the oices in the other roo!. #hen ' heard &ootsteps ret%rning to the "itchen( ' t%rned in !y chair. /r. Hey)ood ca!e in )ith another !an behind hi!. ' ga)"ed at the !an behind /r. Hey)ood &or a !o!ent. He had !essy( blonde hair and bright green eyes. He )as e3actly /r. Hey)ood$s height( and had al!ost the sa!e b%ild + e3cept this g%y )as a little !ore b%&&. To !y ongoing a!a-e!ent( he loo"ed li"e he )as only abo%t eighteen years old6 #hen o%r ga-es !et( his 0a) dropped. His eyes loo"ed li"e they )ere abo%t to pop o%t o& his head. "Holy shit(" he %ttered( t%rning to loo" at /r. Hey)ood. "Holy shit( Chris." "5h%t %p(" /r. Hey)ood hissed( 0a!!ing his elbo) into his &riend$s side. "Loo" at her(" the blonde !%r!%red( staring intently at !e. "Hey." 't too" !e a !in%te to reali-e he )as spea"ing to !e. "Hi(" ' responded in a *%iet oice( his inti!idating loo" getting the best o& !e. The blonde !an ch%c"led( n%dging /r. Hey)ood in the side. "#hat did yo% do to her?" "Nothing(" /r. Hey)ood responded( so%nding annoyed )ith the !an. "#hy did yo% &ollo) !e into !y "itchen?" "2eca%se ' ha e so!ething to tell this pretty little lady(" the blonde one in&or!ed /r. Hey)ood.

"Ho) co%ld yo% possibly ha e so!ething to tell her i& yo%$ e ne er !et her?" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a sigh. The blonde !an ca!e o er to !e and s*%atted do)n to !y sitting height. He grinned at !e and ' ret%rned )ith !y o)n s!all( sheepish s!ile. He held o%t his hand and ' too" it. He s*%ee-ed !y hand hard( nearly cr%shing !e. "/y na!e$s Jere!y(" he apprised !e. "4o%$re Holly( right? 'nteresting na!e." He shot a secreti e s!ile at /r. Hey)ood that ' didn$t %nderstand. /r. Hey)ood ga e Jere!y a &lat loo". "Ho) do yo% "no) !y na!e?" ' as"ed c%rio%sly. Jere!y la%ghed. "Ne)s tra els *%ic"." "Ne)s?" ' shot a loo" at /r. Hey)ood )ho rolled his eyes and shoo" his head. "4eah. Ho) yo% got in a &ight )ith the second in co!!and o& o%r gang(" Jere!y told !e( s!iling slightly. "' didn$t really get in a &ight )ith hi!7" He la%ghed. "E en so( yo%$re in a little tro%ble." "#hat? #hy?" /y p%lse increased signi&icantly. ' )as in tro%ble? #hat did that !ean? "2eca%se technically yo% ha e opposed the gang(" Jere!y e3plained. "And also beca%se yo% )ere tying to help Chris at the scene. That )as reported." "That doesn$t ha e anything to deal )ith her(" /r. Hey)ood c%t in. "'t$s not li"e they$ll gang %p on her7 she$s a girl." Jere!y shoo" his head. "Ti!es ha e changed since yo% le&t( Chris." "They attac" girls no)?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed s"eptically. "4eah. That asshole 5ha)n too" o er no)." /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head in disbelie&. "5ha)n? Are yo% "idding !e? They co%ldn$t ha e chosen so!eone )orse." "' "no)(" Jere!y responded )ith a nod( ")hich is )hy ' ca!e to )arn little Holly here." "#arn !e &or )hat? #hat are they going to do?" /y eyes )ere )ide as ' stared at the pair o& !en be&ore !e.

"#ell they !ight target yo%(" Jere!y enlightened !e. "Either as bait to l%re Chris so!e)here since they still ha e hard &eelings &ro! )hat happened( or &or re enge &or getting in a &ight )ith the second in co!!and." "2%t ' didn$t do anything(" ' responded( &eeling panic beginning to co%rse thro%gh !e. "Are they going to "ill !e? Are they going to do )hat they did to /r. Hey)ood? #hat$s going to happen to !e?" /y hands )ere sha"ing no) and !y eyes )ere )ide as ' stared at the pair o& !en be&ore !e. ' didn$t "no) a single thing abo%t gangs6 ' did "no)( ho)e er( that they co%ld "ill people and get a)ay )ith it. 2%t they )o%ldn$t "ill so!eone &or 0%st getting into a s!all &ight( right? ' tried to cal! !ysel&( ta"ing deep breaths and letting the! o%t slo)ly. Nothing )as going to happen to !e. "Loo"6 4o%$ e got her all )or"ed %p no)6" /r. Hey)ood acc%sed Jere!y( co!ing o er to !e( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder( and press%ring it gently. "'$! sorry( b%t it$s better i& she "no)s so she can be !ore on her g%ard(" Jere!y responded( &ro)ning at !e. "#hy )o%ld they go a&ter her tho%gh? 't$s not li"e she$s o& any i!portance(" /r. Hey)ood said to Jere!y. "'t$s !e they are a&ter." "2%t she )as )ith yo% bac" )hen yo% )ere attac"ed the other night(" Jere!y pointed o%t. "That can be !isleading. 1or e3a!ple( they co%ld thin" yo%$re rallying people to !a"e yo%r o)n gang. Or i& she )as yo%r girl&riend( they co%ld %se her &or bait. 5t%&& li"e that." /r. Hey)ood !%ttered a &e) c%rses. "' can$t 0%st ha e a peace&%l li&e( can '?" Jere!y la%ghed. "That$s )hat yo% get a&ter )hat yo% did." "#hat did yo% do?" ' as"ed /r. Hey)ood( cal!ed do)n no). "' told yo%(" he responded s!oothly. ' &ro)ned at hi!. "No7 yo% 0%st told !e )hy yo% 0oined. Not anything that happened or )hy yo% le&t." "#ell it doesn$t !atter(" he replied *%ic"ly. "Eat !ore &ood." ' &ro)ned and p%t so!e scra!bled eggs and bacon on !y plate. Jere!y and /r. Hey)ood )ent into the other roo! to tal" in pri ate. 5co)ling( ' sho ed the eggs into !y

!o%th. /y sco)l &aded into a s!all s!ile at the taste. Ho) co%ld ' be angry )ith this delicio%s &ood in &ront o& !e? 2%t the &ood didn$t change that no) ' )as in ol ed )ith so!e "ind o& gang. And ' didn$t "no) ho) dangero%s it )as going to be.

CHAPTER 1'1TEEN /r. Hey)ood p%lled into !y dri e )ay and dro e all the )ay to the top o& it. #hen he stopped the car he loo"ed o er at !e. "'s yo%r !o! ho!e yet?" "Not yet. Her car isn$t in the dri e )ay(" ' told hi!( %nb%c"ling !y seat. "4o%$re )elco!e to co!e bac" to !y ho%se and ' can bring yo% bac" later(" /r. Hey)ood told !e. "' don$t !ind." /y &irst instinct )as to say yes( b%t ' bit !y tong%e to stay *%iet. 5pending the night at /r. Hey)ood$s )as eno%gh. ' )asn$t s%re ho) !%ch longer ' co%ld stay )ith /r. Hey)ood be&ore ' &ell &or hi! !ore than ' already )as. "'t$s day ti!e no)( so '$ll be o"ay. 5he$ll probably be ho!e soon any)ay(" ' e3plained( t%rning to &ace hi!. "Than"s &or the ride." "Anyti!e(" /r. Hey)ood responded. ' reached o%t to grab the door handle )hen ' &elt a hand at !y ar!. ' t%rned aro%nd to see /r. Hey)ood staring at !e c%rio%sly. "#hat?" ' as"ed( raising a hand to !y &ace s%bconscio%sly. "H%h? Oh." He let go o& !y ar!. "Nothing. Ne er !ind. 5ee yo% later." "O"ay7" ' t%rned bac" aro%nd to open the door )hen so!ething co!ing aro%nd the side o& !y ho%se to !y &ront stepsca%ght !y attention. "Oh no." ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as s!ir"ing. He glanced o er at !e and let o%t a la%gh.

"Ha e &%n." /y plan )as to *%ic"ly get o%t o& the car and ha e /r. Hey)ood lea e as soon as possible. #hen he started rolling do)n the )indo)s( ' stared at hi! in horror. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' hissed( reaching o er and trying to sho e his hand a)ay &ro! the )indo) control. He sho ed !y hand a)ay and st%c" his head o%t the )indo). He hon"ed the horn be&ore sho%ting( "Hey( Lance6" Lance loo"ed %p &ro! his head do)n position on !y &ront steps. He loo"ed at the car &or a !in%te in con&%sion( then his e3pression t%rned to shoc"( and then into s%spicion. 1inally he narro)ed his eyes at !e. "4o% are s%ch a 0er"(" ' !%ttered( narro)ing !y eyes at /r. Hey)ood. "' "no)(" he responded )ith a s!ir". "No) get o%t o& !y car." ' hea ed a hea y and irritated sigh be&ore reaching &or the door handle. ' )inged it open and sla!!ed it as hard as ' co%ld. ' s!ir"ed a little to !ysel& )hen ' glanced bac" and o%t o& the corner o& !y eye sa) /r. Hey)ood )ith an annoyed e3pression. 5%ddenly the car horn blasted and ' 0%!ped( nearly slipping on the gra el on the dri e)ay. ' t%rned bac"( !y &ace &l%shed )ith e!barrass!ent. /r. Hey)ood gest%red )ith his hand &or !e to co!e o er to his side. ' obeyed( only the slight bit rel%ctant. He rolled do)n his )indo) and ' st%c" !y head into it( loo"ing %p at Lance )arily. "#hat?" "2e care&%l." ' rolled !y eyes and loo"ed o er to gi e hi! a sarcastic loo" )hen ' ca!e &ace to &ace )ith /r. Hey)ood$s serio%s e3pression. ' blan"ed &or a second( s%rprised by the intensity o& it. All re!ar"s in !y head )ere gone. #hy did he loo" so serio%s all o& a s%dden? 1or so!e reason( it !ade !e &eel %neasy. 2%t soon /r. Hey)ood$s &ace t%rned into a s!ir". "A)( yo% loo" all )orried no)."

"#ho )o%ldn$t?" ' de!anded angrily( p%lling !y head bac" o%t o& the )indo). "5ee yo% later( /r. Hey)ood." "Holly( )ait6" ' )a ed !y hand at hi! in dis!issal )itho%t loo"ing bac". ' heard the re o& his engine and than heard it bac"ing %p !y dri e)ay. 5oon( the so%nd o& the car altogether disappeared and ' sighed. ' %s%ally didn$t !ind /r. Hey)ood teasing !e( in &act ' tho%ght ' secretly en0oyed it( b%t )hen it had to do )ith !y sa&ety( it )as a di&&erent story. And since it had to do )ith both /r. Hey)ood$s and !y o)n sa&ety( it )as a !%ch di&&erent story. 2%t he didn$t see! to be ta"ing it too serio%sly. "#hat )ere yo% doing )ith hi!?" Lance de!anded )hen ' )as in earshot. ' sighed. "#hy are yo% at !y ho%se( Lance?" "' )anted to see i& yo% !ade it ho!e sa&ely last night(" Lance !%ttered( loo"ing do)n at the gro%nd. ' s!iled slightly. "A)( sh%c"s( Lance6" Lance rolled his eyes at !e. "Any)ays( bac" to the !ain topic; )hat )ere yo% doing )ith Hey)ood?" ".id yo% bring yo%r e3tra "ey?" ' as"ed Lance( trying to a oid the s%b0ect. "4eah. No) stop trying to change the top+" "#hy didn$t yo% let yo%rsel& in?" "2eca%se ' )asn$t going to in ite !ysel& in i& no one )as here(" Lance e3plained( loo"ing slightly irritated. "#ell ' )ant to go inside no)( so can )e go in?" ' as"ed( &ro)ning at Lance. Lance shoo" his head and too" the "ey o%t o& his poc"et. He handed it to !e and ' %sed it to %nloc" the door. ' opened the door in relie& and sa%ntered in( relie ed to be able to get inside no). Lance too" the "ey bac" o%t o& !y hand and p%t it in his poc"et. "4o%$re l%c"y yo% tho%ght o& gi ing !e an e3tra "ey(" Lance told !e( s!ir"ing. "Other)ise yo%$d be loc"ed o%t."

' la%ghed. "'$! glad too. ' al)ays see! to lose !y "eys7" "4eah. #hy don$t yo%+ hey6" "Hey?" ' repeated. "4o%$re trying to change the s%b0ect again6" ' sighed in de&eat. "O"ay. ' stayed at Chr+ /r. Hey)ood$s place last night beca%se ' )as loc"ed o%t o& !y ho%se and he didn$t )ant !e to ha e to sleep o%tside by !ysel&. Nothing else." ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi! slightly. "#e don$t ha e so!e secret a&&air going on( and i& yo% thin" that( Casey$s been getting into yo%r head too o&ten." Lance bl%shed slightly. "' didn$t thin" that7" ' ch%c"led and n%dged Lance in the side )ith !y elbo). "Co!e on( Lance6 /e dating a teacher? That$s gross6" "4eah(" Lance responded slo)ly. "4o%$re right. ' co%ldn$t e er see yo% brea"ing the la) by dating a teacher. And it$d 0%st be )rong." ' &ro)ned slightly. 't )as o"ay )hen ' said it( b%t &or so!e reason ' didn$t li"e )hen other people said that it )as )rong. ' especially hated )hen they bro%ght %p that a relationship li"e that )as illegal. Ho)e er( ' shoo" those tho%ghts a)ay *%ic"ly. ".id yo% eat already?" Lance as"ed( leading !e to the "itchen. "' can !a"e yo% so!ething i& yo% )ant." "Nah( /r. Hey)ood already !ade !e brea"&ast." A h%ge( delicio%s( see!ingly pro&essional brea"&ast. Lance &ro)ned slightly. ' !i!ic"ed his e3pression. #hy did he al)ays &ro)n )hene er ' !entioned /r. Hey)ood? He didn$t ha e any reaction )hen Casey or .anielle !entioned hi!( so )hy !e? #as it beca%se ' )as his best &riend? 2%t )hat )as he )orried abo%t in the &irst place? ' ran a hand thro%gh !y hair. #hy )ere !en so di&&ic%lt to %nderstand? ".o yo% li"e anyone?" Lance as"ed s%ddenly. ' stared at Lance c%rio%sly. "#e$ e been o er this already( Lance. ' don$t li"e any one."

"Not e en the slightest bit?" ' opened !y !o%th to say no( b%t closed it a&ter thin"ing a !o!ent. ' co%ldn$t deny that ' had a little cr%sh on /r. Hey)ood. A little( tiny( itty,bitty cr%sh that any girl )o%ld ha e i& they sa) hi!. 2%t ' co%ldn$t tell Lance that. Ho)e er( ' didn$t )ant to lie to hi! either. ' che)ed on !y botto! lip and loo"ed at the &loor. "Holly?" "#ho do yo% li"e?" ' as"ed( trying to a oid ans)ering hi!. Lance rolled his eyes. "'$! not telling yo%." "Then ' )on$t tell yo% )ho ' li"e(" ' responded )ith a s!ir". Lance narro)ed his eyes. "That$s not &air." "4eah( it is(" ' responded. "4o% don$t tell !e( ' don$t tell yo%. That$s &air." "2%t yo% said yo% didn$t li"e anyone6" "/aybe ' lied." "Ne er !ind( let$s 0%st drop it(" Lance responded )ith a sigh. ' stared at hi!( e3tre!ely con&%sed. #hy did he e en bring it %p in the &irst place? ' shoo" !y head. Lance )as so con&%sing so!eti!es. ".o yo% )ant to go to dinner to!orro) night?" "H%h?" "4o% "no)( dinner. #hat yo% at night(" Lance e3plained sarcastically. ' rolled !y eyes at hi!. "'$ll go. Ha e yo% as"ed Casey yet?" Lance shoo" his head. "J%st yo% and !e." ' shr%gged. "O"ay." Lance$s &ace lit %p. "Really?" ' nodded. "#hy )o%ldn$t '?"

Lance stared at !e &or a split second )ith a )eird e3pression be&ore shr%gging. "' don$t "no) )hy yo% )o%ldn$t )ant to." "#ell !aybe '$! sic" o& yo%." Lance loo"ed at !e )ith a &a"e horri&ied e3pression. "No6" ' la%ghed and n%dged hi! in the sho%lder. "4o% "no) ' can$t get tired o& yo%( Lance. 4o%$re one !y best &riends and )ill al)ays be one o& !y best &riends." "#hat i& '+" Lance c%t hi!sel& o&& and cleared his throat. "#hat i& yo% )hat?" "Ne er !ind(" Lance said *%ic"ly( &orcing o%t a *%ic" la%gh. "'$! going to go ho!e( so see yo% later Holly." "4o%$re lea ing already?" He nodded. "' only ca!e o er to !a"e s%re yo% got ho!e. No other reason. 5o '$ll tal" to yo% later." "4o%$re too nice(" ' la%ghed( gi ing hi! a bear h%g. "'$ll see yo% to!orro) in school then." Lance p%shed !e a)ay &ro! hi!. ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise. His e3pression al!ost !i!ic"ed !ine. "<!( sorry(" he apologi-ed( his bro) &%rro)ing. "'t$s alright7" Lance grinned at !e &or a second be&ore )a ing and heading o%t o& the "itchen.

CHAPTER 5'CTEEN Lo%d( e3cited( tal"ing !et !y ears as soon as ' opened the loc"er roo! door. ' &ro)ned( b%t )al"ed to the changing area to see )hat all the co!!otion )as abo%t. Casey )as hal&)ay thro%gh p%tting her shirt on )hen she noticed !e. "Holly6" she cried( yan"ing do)n her shirt *%ic"ly. "8%ess )ho is s%bbing &or gy! class?"

' "ne) right a)ay by all the e3cited girls( b%t decided to play along. "#ho?" "/r. Hey)ood6" "Cool(" ' responded( setting do)n !y gy! bag and starting to ta"e o&& !y shirt. "#hy aren$t yo% !ore e3cited?" she as"ed( tossing her clothes in one o& the loc"ers. "#hy sho%ld ' be e3cited?" ' responded( %nb%ttoning !y pants. "This 0%st !eans all the girls )ill be trying to i!press hi!." "#ell ' thin" yo% sho%ld be happy." "#hy$s that?" Casey )in"ed. "He gets to see yo% in yo%r c%te little short,shorts." ' bl%shed( loo"ing do)n at the shorts in !y hand. "/y shorts aren$t that short6" "5till( yo% ne er )ear shorts e3cept &or gy!." "He$s a teacher( Case( ' don$t thin" he cares )hat high school girls loo" li"e in short shorts(" ' told her( rolling !y eyes. "#hen )ill yo% get it o%t o& yo%r head that Chris and ' ha e a thing &or each other?" "Chris?" she repeated( raising an eyebro). "' !eant /r. Hey)ood(" ' corrected !ysel& *%ic"ly. Casey s!ir"ed. "5%re yo% did. Lance told !e abo%t ho) yo% and /r. Hey)ood )ere in the sa!e car together yesterday !orning." ' sco)led and silently c%rsed Lance. 2%t ' had ne er told hi! not to tell( so it )asn$t al his &a%lt. "#hate er( let$s 0%st go %p. E eryone has already &inished changing and ' bet the bell+" 2e&ore ' co%ld &inish !y sentence( the bell )ent o&&. Casey !ade a &ace and together )e ran &or the stairs that led %p to the gy!. ' p%shed the door open and( s%re eno%gh( there )as /r. Hey)ood )ith a gaggle o& girls s%rro%nding hi!. "' )ant to go tal" to hi!(" Casey co!plained as ' dragged her to )here Lance and #illis )ere.

"Hey babe(" #illis greeted Casey( gi ing her a one ar!ed h%g. "Hi(" she responded )ith a sigh. Lance la%ghed( patting #illis on the bac". "Loo"s li"e she )as str%c" by the Hey)ood lo e b%g too." Casey la%ghed )hile #illis shot Lance a dirty loo". "'$! not in lo e )ith the !an( Lance( that$s be creepy(" Casey told hi!( rolling her eyes. "He$s 0%st attracti e &or a !an o& his age." "Can )e not tal" abo%t this?" #illis as"ed. "4o%$re still !y &a orite( #ill(" Casey told hi!( en eloping her hand in his. ' &ro)ned to !ysel& and loo"ed at the gro%nd. Casey tho%ght it )as creepy to be in lo e )ith /r. Hey)ood? .id that !ean ' )as creepy? ' *%ic"ly slapped !ysel&( earning c%rio%s loo"s &ro! the trio in &ront o& !e. ' bl%shed and 0%st shr%gged at the!. "A !os*%ito(" ' lied. "'n the gy!?" Lance as"ed )ith an eyebro) raised. "' g%ess so." Lance la%ghed and shr%gged. "#hate er( Holly." ' t%rned a)ay &ro! the! so they )o%ldn$t see the bl%sh gro)ing on !y &ace. #hat )as ' thin"ing? ' )asn$t in lo e )ith /r. Hey)ood6 't )as a silly cr%sh6 "Oh( /r. Hey)ood6 4o% ha e really big !%scles6" /y eyes shot o er to )here he )as. One girl )as &eeling the !%scles on his ar! as he &le3ed &or her. ' narro)ed !y eye slightly( getting irritated. ' 0%st )anted to ta"e that girl$s ar! and rip it o&&+ ' slapped !ysel& again; ho)e er( this ti!e !entally. No) )hat )as ' doing? 8etting 0ealo%s? There )asn$t anything to be 0ealo%s o&( and yet ' )as getting 0ealo%s still6 ' ran a hand o er !y &ace and thro%gh !y hair.

' did not li"e these &eelings. "O"ay class( gather $ro%nd6" ' loo"ed bac" at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as )a ing his ar!s to catch e eryone$s attention. His eyes loc"ed onto !ine and ' s)ear ' sa) hi! *%ic"ly chec" !e o%t. Either that or ' )as 0%st getting ahead o& !ysel&. #hich )as probably !ore li"ely. Lance p%shed !e &ro! behind and ' st%!bled to)ards /r. Hey)ood. #hen e eryone )as gathered( he cleared his throat. "O"ay g%ys( )e ha e t)o choices today. #e can either play handball or bad!inton." E eryone started to sho%t )hat to play all at once. ' heard abo%t an e en a!o%nt o& handball and bad!inton. ' personally didn$t )ant to play bad!inton( since ' s%c"ed. ' co%ld do al!ost any sport &airly )ell. E3cept bad!inton. ' had no hand,eye coordination )hatsoe er )ith a rac*%et. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "4o% can$t all sho%t at once. Raise yo%r hand &or handball." Ten people raised their hands. "2ad!inton?" Ten people raised their hands. A &e) o& the girls t)ittered )ith la%ghter. ' rolled !y eyes. 2eca%se ha ing an e en a!o%nt o& people )ho )anted to play each sport )as so &%nny. ' pinched !ysel& on the ar!. 8reat. No) ' )as thin"ing !ean tho%ghts abo%t girls that didn$t e en do anything. Jealo%sy is s%ch an %gly e!otion. "#ell( Holly( )hat do yo% )ant to play?" ' stared at /r. Hey)ood. He )as going to !a"e !e choose? ' &l%shed slightly as all the attention )as dra)n on !e. "<h( )ell7 ' don$t really care. 2%t '$! "ind o& bad at bad!inton." "#ell then bad!inton it is6" There )as a cheering &ro! the people )ho )anted bad!inton and a booing &ro! the people didn$t. ' stared at /r. Hey)ood )ith a d%!b&o%nded loo". He s!ir"ed.

"'$ll go get the e*%ip!ent. Co!e help !e( Holly(" he ordered( gest%ring )ith his &inger. 2e&ore ' co%ld respond so!eone p%shed passed !e. "'$ll help yo%(" a girl na!ed La%ren o&&ered( loo"ing eager. "' )ill too6" !y &riend( 9elsey( added. ' rolled !y eyes( t%rning aro%nd. "Loo"s li"e yo% don$t need !y help." "Holly+" "'$ll help(" Lance c%t in( an annoyed loo" on his &ace. "8irls sho%ldn$t be going do)n to the loc"er roo! any)ays." "5%re(" /r. Hey)ood responded( loo"ing relie ed &or so!e reason. "E eryone else set %p the nets." He and Lance e3ited the gy! to go to the storage roo! )hile a b%nch o& g%ys too" o&& to)ards the nets. A &e) !in%tes later they ret%rned and the nets )ere set %p. E eryone grabbed a rac*%et. ' held !ine gl%!ly and 0oined Lance( Casey and #illis at one net. "Casey and !e against yo% and Lance(" #illis anno%nced( loo"ing at !e. "5o stay on that side." "5%re(" ' responded. "#hat? #hy a! ' st%c" )ith her?" Lance co!plained( a grin on his &ace. ' lightly hit hi! )ith !y rac*%et. "5h%t %p." He la%ghed. ".on$t )orry( '$! good so '$ll !a"e %p &or yo%r lac" o& ability. 4o% ser e &irst." ' rolled !y eyes( b%t tossed the sh%ttlecoc" in the air and s)%ng at it iolently. The sh%ttle &ell to the gro%nd and ' sighed( bending do)n to pic" it %p. ' thre) it %p again. No l%c". "4o% can do it( Holly6" Casey cheered &ro! the other side. ' ga e her a &lat loo" and tried once !ore. ' !issed yet again. ' sco)led; &r%strated no). ' thro%gh it %p and s)%ng !y rac*%et as hard as ' co%ld. Not only did it !iss( b%t also !y rac*%et )ent &lying o%t o& !y hand.

' gasped( t)isting aro%nd to see it nearly hit !y &riend To!. He t%rned to !e( his &ace in shoc". ' grinned sheepishly. He shoo" his head at !e. "2e right bac"(" ' told Lance( and 0ogged o er to pic" %p !y rac*%et. "4o% al!ost "noc"ed !e o%t6" To! co!plained( handing the rac*%et to !e. "'$! sorry(" ' apologi-ed. "' don$t "no) ho) to hit the sh%ttle." "'$ll sho) yo%." ' 0%!ped and t%rned aro%nd to see /r. Hey)ood( a grin on his &ace. ' g%essed he had )itnessed !y atte!pt at To!$s !%rder. He &ollo)ed !e bac" to the co%rt. Casey$s &ace brightened i!!ediately. ' &elt ery sel&,conscio%s as /r. Hey)ood too" !y hand and repositioned the rac*%et. "5)ing yo%r ar! li"e this(" he instr%cted( slo)ly bringing !y ar! %p. ".on$t !a"e *%ic" short stri"es( !a"e long ones." "That doesn$t e3actly help !e hit the sh%ttle(" ' !%ttered( copying the !o e!ent o& !y ar! again. "J%st "eep yo%r eye on the sh%ttle and s)ing. .on$t )orry abo%t hitting or !issing." ' nodded and he stepped a)ay. O%t o& the corner o& !y eye ' sa) Lance glaring at /r. Hey)ood. ' ignored it. ' tossed the sh%ttle in to the air and copied the !o e!ent /r. Hey)ood had sho)n !e )ith !y ar!( "eeping !y eye on the sh%ttle. 't str%c". Casey and #illis started clapping e3citedly. 't didn$t !a"e it across the net( b%t ' still had hit it. ' co%ldn$t help a grin spread across !y &ace. ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood to than" hi!( b%t girls s%rro%nded hi! again. "Teach !e ho) to hit too6" one o& the !ore good,loo"ing girls( Ally( re*%ested. "4o% )ere doing it 0%st &ine &i e seconds ago(" /r. Hey)ood told her. "2%t '$! not s%re i& '$! doing it right6" "/e either6" another girl said. ' sco)led and pic"ed %p the sh%ttle again. "5t%pid girls(" ' !%ttered.

' s)%ng the rac*%et hard( "eeping !y eye on the sh%ttle. 't landed again and &le) across the gy!. Casey )ent a&ter it and hit it bac" to !e. ' sla!!ed it again( letting o%t !y &r%stration. "4o% got better *%ic"(" #illis co!!ented( recei ing one o& !y hits. "4o%$re not letting Lance get it a hit at all6" "'$ e got this one6" Lance called( l%nging &or the sh%ttle. He hit it straight %p and ' ran o er to rebo%nd it. Lance !o ed his leg at the last possible second; tripping !e and !a"ing !e &all straight do)n onto !y &ace. ' landed on the gy! &loor )ith a lo%d s!ac" and !y rac*%et slid a &e) &eet a)ay. /y )rist panged pain&%lly. "5hit( are yo% o"ay?" Lance as"ed( ho ering o er !e. "'$! &ine(" ' responded( p%tting !y hands %nder !y body to p%sh !ysel& %p. A stabbing pain )ent thro%gh !y )rist and ' *%ic"ly re!o ed it &ro! %nder !e( &alling do)n again. Lance la%ghed. "#hat are yo% doing?" "' thin" ' h%rt !y )rist(" ' !%ttered( p%shing !ysel& bac" %p )ith !y other hand. "4o% sho%ld probably go to the n%rse(" Casey s%ggested( s%ddenly ne3t to !e. "Holly( are yo% o"ay?" a ne) oice as"ed( so%nding slightly a!%sed and slightly )orried. "'$! &ine( /r. Hey)ood. ' 0%st h%rt !y )rist." /r. Hey)ood too" in0%red hand and gently to%ched it. His to%ch sent a tingling &eeling thro%gh !y ar! and ' )anted to rip it a)ay( b%t ' "ept !ysel& %nder control. He &ro)ned. "'t !ight be sprained( so )hy don$t yo% go to the n%rse." "O"ay(" ' responded. "'$ll go no)." "2%t Holly( can yo% stop by !y roo! be&ore yo% go ho!e? ' need to7 tal" to yo% abo%t so!ething(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( a hint o& a s!ile on his &ace. Casey ca%ght eye contact )ith !e and )agged her eyebro)s. ' rolled !y eyes at her. 2%t part o& !e )as e3cited.

"5%re( '$ll see yo% later then(" ' told hi!( trying to "eep !y &ace. "'$! going to go to the n%rse no) then7" "5ee ya." "/r. Hey)ood6 ' thin" ' got it6 #atch !e6" a girl cried &ro! the other side o& the roo!. "5%re6" /r. Hey)ood responded. He did a !ini eye roll at !e be&ore t%rning aro%nd and 0ogging o er to the girl. ' s!iled slightly to !ysel& as ' t%rned and headed bac" to the changing roo!.

CHAPTER 5EBENTEEN "'$! co!ing in(" ' said as ' opened the door to /r. Hey)ood$s classroo!. No reply ca!e and ' loo"ed to)ards his des". He )asn$t there. ' &ro)ned in con&%sion. Hadn$t he told !e he needed to tal" to !e? ' heard la%ghter &ro! the s%pply roo!( so ' headed o er to it. J%st as ' )as abo%t to enter( a girl appeared in &ront o& !e. Her shoc"ed e3pression !%st ha e !i!ic"ed !ine. "Oh( e3c%se !e(" she said( blin"ing and than )al"ing by !e. ' t%rned aro%nd and )atched her e3it the roo!. #hat )as she doing in /r. Hey)ood$s s%pply closet? ' &aced the s%pply roo! again and )al"ed into it. /r. Hey)ood )as standing by the re&rigerator( &i3ing his shirt. 't &elt li"e a bric" had dropped into !y g%t. He noticed !e and grinned( b%t his grin *%ic"ly )ent a)ay. "#hat$s )rong?" "#hat )ere yo% doing?" ' de!anded( so%nding !ore acc%sing than ' had !eant to. "#hat do yo%? Oh(" he said( dropping his tie. ".o yo% !ean )hat )as ' doing )ith 5%san?" ' nodded( narro)ing !y eyes slightly. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "#hat do yo% thin" )e )ere doing?"

#hy )as he la%ghing? #asn$t it ob io%s? They )ere both in the s%pply roo!( and he )as &i3ing his shirt. #hen ' didn$t reply( /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head and sighed. "#e )eren$t doing anything bad( Holly(" he in&or!ed !e. "' )as helping her )ith her science pro0ect." He pointed to a tray on the co%nter. "#hy are yo% &i3ing yo%r shirt then?" "2eca%se it )as !essed %p?" he responded( raising an eyebro). ' bl%shed instantly. #hat )as ' thin"ing? This )as school. /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t be !a"ing o%t or anything )ith st%dents in the school. ' )as 0%st letting !y 0ealo%sy get the best o& !e again. ' loo"ed at the &loor and clenched !y hands. 't )as /r. Hey)ood$s &a%lt &or !a"ing !e &eel this )ay. '& he treated !e li"e he treated e ery other st%dent( ' )o%ldn$t ha e these %nchec"ed e!otions. ' &elt so!ething hard on !y sho%lder and ' 0%!ped. "#ere yo% 0ealo%s?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( his 0a) !o ing on !y sho%lder )hen he tal"ed. "No(" ' lied( t%rning !y head a)ay. He ch%c"led and li&ted his head o&& !y sho%lder. "4o%$re c%te( Holly." /y &ace gre) hotter and ' &ro)ned at /r. Hey)ood. "/r. Hey)ood( don$t say st%&& li"e that." "#hy not?" he responded( going bac" o er to &ridge. "#e are in school. 4o% are a teacher. ' a! a st%dent." /r. Hey)ood t%rned aro%nd and loo"ed at !e )ith a sad e3pression. "' tho%ght )e had so!ething special?" ' narro)ed !y eyes. This is )hat ' didn$t li"e abo%t /r. Hey)ood. #hen he co!ple!ents !e( ' don$t "no) )hether he$s 0o"ing or not( beca%se he al)ays says so!ething 0o"ingly a&ter)ards. ' sighed. "#hat do yo% )ant?"

"Oh yeah(" /r. Hey)ood said( going o er to the closet. He began to sh%&&le thro%gh so!e st%&& and &inally p%lled o%t a s!all paper bag. He tossed it to !e. "4o% le&t yo%r shirt at !y ho%se." ' grabbed the bag and loo"ed inside. 5%re eno%gh( !y shirt )as in there. 't )as &olded and clean too. "<!( than"s." "No proble!." "O"ay( )ell( '$ e got to go ho!e no)(" ' told hi!( a little rel%ctantly. "Already?" /y heart s"ipped a beat. .id that !ean he didn$t )ant !e to go ho!e either? ' c%rsed !ysel& silently. #hy today o& all days did Lance )ant to go to dinner? ' sighed. "4eah. '$! going to dinner )ith Lance in a little )hile." "Oh(" /r. Hey)ood responded si!ply. "' didn$t "no) yo% t)o )ere dating." "#hat?" ' cried( !a"ing /r. Hey)ood 0%!p. "#e aren$t dating6" /r. Hey)ood t%rned to loo" at !e( a con&%sed e3pression on his &ace. "4o%$re not?" "#e are going to eat as &riends." /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly started la%ghing. "Poor Lance." "#hat? #hy?" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "4o% really are c%te( Holly. C%te( b%t dense." "#ell yo%$re c%te b%t a 0er"6" ' responded( &ree-ing )hen ' reali-ed )hat ' said. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "'$! c%te( h%h?" ' bl%shed. "Ne er !ind. ' !eant yo%$re really %gly6" "5%re yo% did(" he said )ith a la%gh. "' did6 No) goodbye6" "2e care&%l6" he called a&ter !e( still la%ghing.

' sped o%t o& the roo!( !y &ace b%rning. ' co%ldn$t belie e ' had 0%st said that. 't )as so e!barrassing6 .id he thin" ' had &eelings &or hi! no)? .id he ha e &eelings &or !e? ' shoo" !y head iolently. ' )as getting ahead o& !ysel&. ' needed to get ho!e and get ready to go to dinner )ith Lance. The )al" ho!e )as slo). #hen ' &inally !ade it to !y ho%se( ' )asn$t in the best o& !oods. ' )as so %sed to ha ing /r. Hey)ood dri e !e ho!e( ' )asn$t %sed to )al"ing long distances. The door )as loc"ed so ' reached &or the spare "ey. This ti!e it )as )here it sho%ld ha e been( and ' opened the door and )ent in( stic"ing the "ey in !y poc"et. The phone started ringing and ' s!ir"ed. Per&ect ti!ing. ' )ent into the "itchen and *%ic"ly grabbed the phone. "Hello?" "Hey( it$s Lance." "Hi(" ' responded( heading to)ards !y roo!. "#hat$s %p?" ".o yo% care i& )e eat a late dinner? #e can$t get in %ntil eight." "That$s &ine )ith !e(" ' responded( narro)ing !y eyes slightly. #here )as Lance planning on ta"ing !e? #as it so!e)here &ancy? ' hoped it )asn$t. That )o%ld cost a lot7 "O"ay( so '$ll pic" yo% %p at li"e se en thirty." "4o%$re dri ing?" ' as"ed s"eptically. "'$! not so s%re ' )ant to go no)." Lance la%ghed. "Hey6 '$! a good dri er6" ' snorted( rolling !y eyes. "That$s )hy yo%$ e been in t)o car crashes o er the past si3 !onths?" "' 0%st ha e bad l%c"(" he responded( a!%se!ent in his oice. "#hate er( see yo% then(" ' told hi!. "'$ll be )riting !y )ill in the !ean ti!e."

"4o%$re s%ch a b%!!er( Holly(" he responded )ith a sigh. "'$! 0o"ing(" ' said )ith a la%gh. He la%ghed too. "' "no)." "2ye." "5ee yo% later." ' hit the o&& b%tton on the phone and thre) it onto !y bed. ' &ro)ned. No) ' didn$t ha e anything to do. ' co%ld ha e stayed )ith /r. Hey)ood at school. #hat a )aste7 The tele ision )as calling &or !y attention( so ' )ent into the li ing roo! and t%rned it on. 't )as on the !%sic ideo channel. ' shr%gged and "ept it there. ' plopped onto the co%ch and settled into a !ore co!&ortable position. ' )o"e %p )ith a start. /y chee" )as )et and ' !ade a grossed o%t &ace and )iped the drool a)ay. ' chec"ed the cloc" to see )hat ti!e it )as. T)o and a hal& ho%rs had passed. 't )as no) @: G>. Ti!e &or a sho)er. ' sighed and )ent bac" to !y roo! and to !y dresser. The top dra)er )as part )ay open so ' sh%t it be&ore opening the one %nderneath it. ' grabbed a pair o& light )ash 0eans and )ent to the ne3t dra)er( grabbing a light bl%e plaid shirt. ' hoped )e didn$t need to dress &ancy &or the resta%rant. ' )ent into the bathroo! and too" a *%ic" sho)er be&ore changing into !y ne) clothes. ' )rapped a to)el aro%nd !y head be&ore going bac" to !y roo!. ' pic"ed %p !y cell phone and opened it to see i& anyone had te3ted !e. To !y s%rprise( there )ere ten !issed calls &ro! a n%!ber ' didn$t recogni-e. ' 0%!ped )hen !y phone s%ddenly )ent o&&. 't )as the sa!e %n"no)n n%!ber that had called be&ore. ' hesitated a !o!ent be&ore ans)ering it. "Hel+" "#hy ha en$t yo% been ans)ering yo%r phone?" an irritated oice de!anded. ' blin"ed in shoc". #ho )as this g%y? "<!( ' thin" yo% ha e the )rong n%!ber+" "Holly( it$s Chris." Chris? Oh6 "/r. Hey)ood?" "4eah(" he responded. "2%t ' told yo% to call !e Chris."

"5orry(" ' apologi-ed. "2%t ho) did yo% get !y n%!ber?" "' as"ed Casey &or it(" he told !e. ' sighed. 't had to be Casey( didn$t it? ' )as in &or so!e *%estioning no). "#hy did yo% need !y phone n%!ber?" "' )anted to "no) )here yo% )ere going &or dinner. 's it do)nto)n?" "' don$t "no)(" ' responded. "#hy?" "2eca%se that$s o%r territory." "' don$t o)n any territory?" ' as"ed( con&%sed. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed( b%t t%rned serio%s again. "8ang territory." "Oh." "4eah." ' lic"ed !y lips. "#hat does that ha e to do )ith !e?" "'t )ill be dangero%s &or yo% do)n there(" he told !e. "#hy? ' didn$t e en do anything6" /r. Hey)ood sighed. "' "no) yo% didn$t. ' got yo% ca%ght %p in this. 2%t yo% still are in ol ed( Holly. #hether yo% )ant to be or not isn$t yo%r decision." "5o ' can$t e en go do)nto)n )itho%t )orrying abo%t being attac"ed or )hate er they )ant to do?" ' de!anded( !y eyes )ide. ".%ring the day ti!e( s%re( since there are people aro%nd. '$! !ore )orried abo%t nights7 li"e tonight." "#ell )e are only going to eat(" ' told hi!. "2%t still7" ' s!iled slightly. "Are yo% )orried abo%t !e( /r. Hey)ood?" "4eah( ' a!."

' blin"ed in shoc". ' )asn$t e3pecting a tr%th&%l re!ar"( let alone a serio%s one. "Oh( %!( than" yo%." /r. Hey)ood sighed. "J%st pro!ise !e yo% )ill ha e yo%r phone at all ti!es. And stay )ith Lance." "Pro!ise(" ' told hi!. "4o% don$t really thin" so!ething )ill happen( do yo%?" /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "No. 2%t 0%st in case." "O"ay." "And !a"e s%re yo% act%ally ans)er yo%r phone." No) it )as !y t%rn to la%gh. "O"ay." "Tal" to yo% later then." "2ye( /r. Hey)ood." "Holly?" "4eah?" "Ha e &%n on yo%r date." "'t$s not+" ' started b%t ' heard a clic" and "ne) he h%ng %p. ' sco)led( tossing the phone onto the bed. 5t%pid /r. Hey)ood.

CHAPTER E'8HTEEN The doorbell rang and ' i!!ediately 0%!ped %p &ro! !y co!p%te chair. ' chec"ed !y re&lection once in the !irror be&ore h%rrying do)nstairs. ' held !y breath &or a !o!ent be&ore opening the door; hope&%lly Lance )as dressed cas%ally too. Lance "noc"ed again( so ' opened the door. Lance )as dressed in cas%al clothes as )ell. ' sighed in relie&. "4o% ready?" he as"ed )ith a grin. "4ep(" ' responded( stepping o%t and sh%tting the door behind !e.

Together )e !ade o%r )ay do)n to the car. ' raised an eyebro) at the 5%bar% O%tbac". Lance la%ghed. "/y !o!$s car( re!e!ber?" "5he needs a ne) one(" ' told hi!( getting in the passenger$s side. Lance slid into the dri er$s seat and shr%gged. "' thin" it$s &ine." He started the engine and *%ic"ly p%lled o%t o& !y dri e)ay( barely chec"ing to see i& anyone )as co!ing. ' ner o%sly loo"ed o%t the )indo). .ri ing )ith Lance de&initely )asn$t one o& !y &a orite things to do. He )as a ery rec"less dri er. He t%rned on the radio and &lipped thro%gh the stations( barely paying attention to the road. "The road( Lance(" ' snapped( batting his hand a)ay &ro! the radio. "Pay attention to the road6" He la%ghed. "Chill( ' can dri e &ine." ' rolled !y eyes. "Right. #here are )e going any)ays?" "A place do)nto)n(" Lance responded ag%ely. ' i!!ediately tho%ght o& /r. Hey)ood$s )arning. 't &elt li"e he )as &oreshado)ing so!ething. ' *%ic"ly shoo" the tho%ght o& !y head. 't )asn$t li"e anything co%ld happen inside the resta%rant. #hen )e arri ed at the resta%rant ' rela3ed co!pletely. 't )as brightly lit and the par"ing lot )as right ne3t to the b%ilding. #e e en got the par"ing place closest to the b%ilding. Lance sh%t o&& the car and *%ic"ly got o%t. ' %nb%c"led !ysel& and opened the door. There )as a th%!p and a gr%nt. ' loo"ed o%t the )indo) and noticed Lance standing there( r%bbing his side. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' as"ed( )aiting &or hi! to !o e bac" a &e) steps be&ore opening !y door &%lly. "' )as going to open the door &or yo%(" he told !e.

' la%ghed. "There$s no need. ' can do it !ysel&." Lance &ro)ned at !e. ' ret%rned his loo". "4o% don$t7" ".on$t )hat" ' as"ed. "Oh( ne er !ind(" he said )ith a sigh. "' sho%ld ha e "no)n." "5ho%ld ha e "no)n )hat?" ' de!anded( &ro)ning deeper. Lance p%t his ar! aro%nd !y sho%lder. "1orget abo%t it." "' )anna "no) no)." "Too bad." ' &a"e gro)led at hi!. He po"ed !e in the side. "#hat are yo%? A tiger?" ' ignored hi! and he contin%ed po"ing !e. "5top po"ing !e( /r. Hey+" ' c%t !ysel& o&& )hen ' reali-ed )hat ' said. ' co%ldn$t belie e ' had 0%st said /r. Hey)ood$s na!e6 And in &ront o& Lance6 He probably had Casey$s idea in his head too. Lance raised his eyebro)s. "/r. Hey)ood?" ' bl%shed. "5orry. ' !eant Lance." Lance$s !o%th t%rned do)n slightly and he sighed again. "' "ne) it." "9ne) )hat?" "5orry( tal"ing to !ysel&(" Lance said )ith a )in". "Lance6" He la%ghed and led !e to the entrance o& the diner. 't see!ed li"e a pretty cas%al place. ' didn$t "no) )hat /r. Hey)ood )as thin"ing )hen he said this )as a date. 't )as t)o &riends going o%t to dinner together.

"Na!e?" a yo%ng !an dressed in a s%it as"ed al!ost as soon as )e entered. "Lance and Holly(" Lance told hi!. The !an loo"ed do)n at a piece o& paper and a&ter a !o!ent he nodded. "1ollo) !e." "4o% had to !a"e reser ations at a place li"e this?" ' as"ed( raising !y eyebro)s. "2elie e it or not( this place is really pop%lar." ' too" in the a!o%nt o& people that )ere in the diner. E ery booth and table )as &illed. Lance noticed !e loo"ing aro%nd and s!ir"ed. "Told ya." "5h%t %p." The )aiter stopped at o%r table and Lance and ' too" o%r seats( opposite o& each other. "Can ' start yo% o&& )ith so!ething to drin"?" "Co"e(" Lance and ' responded at the sa!e ti!e. "Jin"s6 4o% o)e !e a co"e6" ' said *%ic"ly. "5%re. 2%t yo% pay &or dinner." ' &ro)ned. "That$s not &air." Lance shr%gged. "1or )hat yo% did( ' thin" it$s &air." "#hat did ' do?" ' as"ed. Lance sighed( sha"ing his head. "Ne er !ind." ' glared at hi!. "#hat$s %p )ith all the "ne er !inds"( Lance." He sighed. ".o yo% thin" this is a date?" ' shoo" !y head *%ic"ly. "Not at all." Lance s!ir"ed. /y !o%th opened a little )hen ' reali-ed )hat he )as trying to i!ply.

"#ait. .id yo% !ean &or this to be a date?" Lance s!ir"ed )ider. "/aybe." "Oh(" ' responded( staring at hi!. "Crap. Lance( '$! sorry+" He held %p his hand. "5a e it. ' &ig%red yo% tho%ght )e )ere 0%st going o%t as &riends. ' )as 0%st trying to be a 0er" )ith trying to let yo% "no) )hat ' tho%ght. 2%t ' got it no)." "' &eel bad tho%gh(" ' responded. "' didn$t "no)7 yo% li"ed !e li"e that." Lance la%ghed. "#ait a second. .on$t thin" ' li"e yo% li"e that." ' loo"ed at hi! c%rio%sly. "#hat?" He shr%gged. "' tho%ght ' !ight. That$s )hy ' too" yo% o%t to dinner." ' raised an eyebro). "2%t yo% don$t7?" Lance snorted. "E en i& ' &o%nd o%t ' did( it )o%ldn$t !atter." "#hy?" "4o%r st%pid lo er boy7 )ell( !an." ' &%rro)ed !y eyebro)s. "' don$t ha e a lo er?" Lance rolled his eyes. "Oh co!e on. .o yo% thin" ' don$t "no)?" ".on$t "no) )hat?" "4o% and that teacher." "/r. Hey)ood? #hoa( no6" ' responded( raising !y hands. "There$s nothing going on bet)een %s6" Lance rolled his eyes again. "/aybe not. 2%t it$s ob io%s yo% li"e hi!." "' don$t6" ' denied. "4o% stare at hi! all the ti!e in class." ' &elt !y &ace heat %p and ' loo"ed do)n. "' do not."

Lance shoo" his head. "O%t o& all the people yo% co%ld li"e( it had to be a teacher( h%h? And not e en a good teacher. There$s so!ething strange abo%t that g%y. Or dangero%s. And ' don$t li"e ho) he loo"s at yo% either." ' snapped !y head %p to loo" at Lance. Ho) good o& an int%ition co%ld one person ha e? He got it straight on that ' li"ed /r. Hey)ood( b%t he e en tho%ght so!ething )as dangero%s abo%t hi!? That )as cra-y. That )as7 #ait( )hat did Lance say? "#hat do yo% !ean ho) he loo"s at !e?" ' *%estioned( !y heartbeat increasing slightly. Lance sco)led. "' don$t "no) ho) to describe it. 5o!eti!es it$s li"e he$s )orried7 so!eti!es it$s li"e a !other loo"ing at her child. And so!eti!es it$s li"e ho) yo% loo" at hi!." ' stared at Lance( !y eyes )ide. He ret%rned !y stare( his eyes slightly narro)ed. "There$s so!ething %p )ith yo% t)o. 't !ay not be ro!antically( b%t there$s so!ething(" he acc%sed. ' &orced o%t a la%gh. "No( there$s nothing going on bet)een %s." "Holly(" Lance started serio%sly( "do yo% really plan on lying to yo%r best &riend?" /y &ace &ell at once. He )as right. ' didn$t )ant to lie( b%t it )asn$t li"e ' co%ld e3actly tell hi! either. "E en a&ter yo% tho%ght this )asn$t a date )hen ' tho%ght it )as?" Lance added( hea ing a lo%d h%&& o& air. "' see ho) it is." ' co%ldn$t help a s!ir" spreading onto !y &ace. "' said ' )as sorry abo%t that." Lance rolled his eyes. "4o%$re l%c"y '$! not head o er heels &or yo%. $Ca%se then this )o%ld s%c" co!pletely." ".o yo% li"e !e or not?" ' de!anded( crossing !y ar!s. "Ho) co!e yo% can$t gi e !e a yes or no ans)er?" "2eca%se( li"e ' said( it doesn$t !atter i& ' do or not." "Ho) )o%ld yo% "no)?" "#o%ld yo% go o%t )ith !e i& ' said ' did?" Lance as"ed.

' hesitated( biting !y lip. "<!7" "There yo% go." "2%t+" Lance held %p his hand. "' "no) there isn$t a )ay &or yo% to li"e !e right no). 5o that$s )hy '$! going to stop !ysel& &ro! li"ing yo% be&ore ' can really start to." "Ho)?" "4o% tell !e yo%$re in lo e )ith hi!." ' bl%shed again. "'$! not in lo e+" Lance raised his eyebro). "'$! not st%pid( Holly. No) say it. Other)ise '$! going to &all co!pletely in lo e )ith yo% and r%in all yo%r chances )ith any boy %ntil yo% lo e !e bac"." ' sco)led at hi!. "O"." Lance s!ir"ed. "'$! )aiting." ' too" a deep breath. ' didn$t )ant to ad!it this. Not e en to !ysel&. 2%t ' didn$t )ant to lead Lance on. He )as !y best &riend. And ' didn$t )ant to lose hi!. "'$!7" ' stopped( loo"ing do)n at !y lap. "5ay it. Loo" at !e." ' loo"ed %p at Lance and stared hi! straight in the eye. "'$! in lo e )ith Chris Hey)ood."

CHAPTER N'NETEEN "4o% "no) it$s illegal7 right?" ' loo"ed %p &ro! !y dinner at Lance( )ho )as &ro)ning at !e. ' raised an eyebro). ".o ' loo" st%pid?" Lance s!ir"ed. ".o yo% really )ant !e to ans)er that?"

' rolled !y eyes and shoo" !y head. "' "no) it$s illegal( Lance. J%st beca%se ' li"e+" "Lo e." "+Li"e(" ' repeated &orce&%lly( "hi!( doesn$t !ean ' )ill be ro!antically in ol ed )ith hi!." "4o%$ e ad!itted yo% lo e hi!6" "'t$s so!ething ' )ill ne er repeat again( Lance(" ' told hi!( loo"ing bac" do)n at !y &ood and pic"ing %p a piece o& stea" and p%tting it in !y !o%th. "E en )hen yo% con&ess?" he responded( so%nding con&%sed. ' nearly cho"ed on the stea". ' s)allo)ed and loo"ed at Lance( !y eyes )ide. "'$! not going to con&ess to hi!6" Lance loo"ed at !e be)ildered. "#hy?" "2eca%se(" ' started( che)ing on !y lip. "2eca%se )hy?" "'t$s illegal( Lance(" ' told hi!( loo"ing at !y lap. "Not only is it illegal( people thin" it$s disg%sting. E en 0%st tal"ing abo%t it( people get these disg%sted loo"s on their &aces." "That$s )hy? 4o% )on$t con&ess beca%se people )ill thin" yo% are disg%sting?" ' loo"ed bac" %p at Lance( s%rprised by his angry tone. He stared at !e( his !o%th t)isted into a s!all sco)l. "'t$s not only that(" ' responded( casting !y eyes do)n again. "He co%ld lose his 0ob. And '$d be in tro%ble too." Lance sco&&ed. "5o )hat?" ' stared at Lance in s%rprise. #asn$t he the one )ho said in the beginning o& the year that it )as creepy &or a st%dent to li"e a teacher? "'& yo% really lo e so!eone Holly( yo% )o%ldn$t care abo%t any o& those things(" he in&or!ed !e( his !o%th pressed into a &ir!( straight line. "There$s nothing )rong )ith t)o people being in lo e6 'n a year( yo% )on$t e en be a st%dent any!ore. And there isn$t e en that big o& an age di&&erence bet)een the t)o o& yo%."

/y !o%th )as slightly open no). Lance cl%c"ed his tong%e i!patiently. "#hy do yo% care?" ' !anaged to as"( still in slight shoc" by his o%tb%rst. "2eca%se( Holly(" Lance started )ith a sigh. "4o%$re !y best &riend. ' care abo%t yo% a lot( in a &riend )ay(" he added *%ic"ly. ' la%ghed. "4eah( )e$ e been o er that." "Any)ays( ' )ant yo% to be happy. And i& being )ith that teacher is )hat )ill !a"e yo% happy( '$! going to s%pport it. E en i& ' don$t li"e it. And i& yo% say yo% can$t be )ith hi!( '$! going to &orce yo% to be )ith hi! beca%se ' "no) that$s )hat yo% )ant." ' s%ddenly &elt li"e crying. /y eyes )ere beginning to )ater( so ' blin"ed rapidly to "eep any tears &ro! spilling o er. ' s)allo)ed a l%!p in !y throat too. Lance )as too s)eet. He cared abo%t !e &ar too !%ch !ore than ' deser ed &ro! hi!. ' )asn$t nearly as "ind to hi!. Li"e the ti!e ' had le&t hi! all alone at the &air. And )hen he called to chec" %p on !e )hen he )as )orried ' had 0%st blo)n hi! o&& pretty !%ch. ' )as the h%gest asshole e er. "#hoa. Holly( )hat$s )rong?" Lance as"ed( leaning &or)ard. "#hy are yo% crying?" ' shoo" !y head. "'$! not7" Ho) co%ld Lance ha e &ig%red o%t so !any o& !y &ears abo%t li"ing /r. Hey)ood so *%ic"ly? ' hadn$t e en !entioned anything abo%t /r. Hey)ood at all( and yet he !anaged to &ig%re o%t !y deepest secret E en a&ter all that ' had done to hi!7 he still )anted to help !e. ' r%bbed !y eyes and than reached !y hand across the table( grabbing Lance$s. ' s*%ee-ed it and he ret%rned the s*%ee-e ' s)allo)ed the l%!p in !y throat again and loo"ed %p at Lance. "Than" yo%( Lance." "4o%$re )elco!e(" he responded( a )ar! s!ile on his &ace.

"4o%$re the best &riend anyone co%ld e er ha e(" ' told hi!( gi ing hi! a )atery s!ile. "And '$! sorry &or ditching yo% that ti!e at the &air( and )hen yo% called beca%se yo% )ere )orried. And+" Lance la%ghed( c%tting !e o&&. "Holly( )e are best &riends. Not lo ers. 4o%$re !a"ing !e &eel li"e )e are a co%ple that are !a"ing %p a&ter a h%ge &ight." ' ch%c"led( p%lling !y hand a)ay. "' g%ess yo% are right." Lance nodded. "And since )e are spea"ing o& co%ples again( good l%c" )ith that teacher." "He has a na!e yo% "no)(" ' responded( &ro)ning slightly. "' don$t li"e hi! &or ta"ing yo% a)ay &ro! !e( so ' )on$t call hi! by his na!e(" Lance responded( rolling his eyes. "Ta"ing yo% &ro! !e?" ' echoed. "4o% "no). '& yo% t)o start dating or so!ething( '$! s%re yo% )on$t ha e ti!e &or poor( old( Lance." ' shoo" !y head &rantically. "'$ll al)ays !a"e ti!e &or yo%6 And Casey6" "4o% pro!ise?" "Pro!ise6" Lance la%ghed. "8ood. And )hile yo%$re at it( yo% can help !e )ith so!ething." "Anything(" ' told hi!. "4o% ha e to help !e &ind a girl&riend( " Lance said )ith a )in". ' grinned. "5o%nds good." Lance ret%rned !y grin. ' s%ddenly &elt at ease. Li"e all !y )orries abo%t li"ing /r. Hey)ood )ent a)ay. ' co%ld act%ally say ' lo e hi!( and nothing in !y !ind !ade !e )ant to deny it. ' co%ld say it. "' lo e /r. Hey)ood(" ' said alo%d.

Lance raised an eyebro). "' "no)7" "' lo e hi!6" ' repeated( s!iling. "' act%ally lo e hi!. O%t o& all people." Lance p%rsed his lips. "Are yo% o"ay?" ' la%ghed and nodded. "'$! &ine6 A&ter tal"ing to yo%( it &eels li"e a )eight has been li&ted o& !e. 't &eels nice." "H!!( !aybe ' sho%ld beco!e a co%nselor then7" ' &ro-e( staring at Lance. Hi!? A co%nselor? ' co%ld i!agine the poor person he )as co%nseling no). Lance )o%ld as" )hat )as )rong( and the person )o%ld reply abo%t so!ething in their li&e that )as bad( and Lance )o%ld go( "Oh7 5%c"s to be yo%." ' snic"ered. 't )as so hi!. Lance raised an eyebro). "' hope yo% aren$t i!agining !e as a co%nselor right no)(" he said in a slightly o&&ended oice. "Nah(" ' lied( s!iling again. #e &inished o%r dinners and had a *%ic" desert. The )aiter bo%ght the chec" and( d%e to Lance$s pestering( ' ended %p paying &or dinner. He paid &or the drin"s. "' tho%ght this )as s%pposed to be a date(" ' !%ttered as )e e3ited the diner. "'t )as s%pposed to be b%t yo% didn$t thin" that at &irst( so it t%rned into a reg%lar dinner a!ong &riends(" Lance responded. "' )o%ld ha e pre&erred it to be a date i& ' "ne) ' )o%ld ha e to pay &or dinner i& it )asn$t(" ' told hi!. Lance la%ghed. "5%c"s &or yo%." #e ro%nded the corner to )here the car )as par"ed. Lance s%ddenly stopped and ' ran into his bac". ' r%bbed !y nose and loo"ed aro%nd hi! to see )hat the proble! )as. "Lance7 )here$s the car?" Lance loo"ed at !e( shoc" on his &ace. "#e par"ed here( didn$t )e?" ' nodded. "4eah( b%t )here$s the car?"

"' don$t "no)6 Holy shit. .id it get stolen?" Lance as"ed( his oice panic"y. "5hit( !y !o! is going to "ill !e6" "Ho) co%ld o& it ha e been stolen? There are tons o& people aro%nd6" ' reasoned rationally. "5o!eone )o%ld ha e noticed. 4o% ha e the "eys( right?" "4eah '+" "Hey6" a lo%d( disgr%ntled oice sho%ted &ro! behind %s. ' 0%!ped( t)isting aro%nd *%ic"ly to see )ho it )as. An old !an in a blac" s%it )as )al"ing to)ards %s. Lance stepped in &ront o& !e in a protecti e !anner. ' stared at hi! c%rio%sly. "4eah?" he called to the !an. "Are yo% the o)ner o& the 5%bar% O%tbac"?" Lance nodded in response. "Ta"e a loo" at that sign behind yo%(" the !an ordered. ' t%rned to see the sign he )as pointing to. 'n large( red letters )ere the )ords: "No par"ing. Biolators )ill be to)ed." ' heard Lance groan. ' rolled !y eyes. 't )as so li"e Lance to par" in a no par"ing spot. "L%c"y &or yo% and yo%r girl the to)ing place is only do)n the bloc"(" the !an told %s( s!ir"ing slightly. "4eah(" Lance !%ttered. "Let$s go get it then." ' sighed( and started &ollo)ing behind Lance. #e le&t the par"ing lot o& the diner and got onto the brightly lit street. "5!art !o e(" ' co!!ented( p%lling !y shirt tighter aro%nd !e. "5h%t %p(" Lance responded( rolling his eyes. "4o% didn$t see it either( s!art ass." ' sco)led at hi!. "' )asn$t the one dri ing." "Only adds to !y point(" Lance said )ith s!ir".

' sighed( letting the s%b0ect drop. #e )ere close eno%gh to the to)ing station. '& it had been a &e) !iles( ' )o%ld ha e been angry. 2%t it )as a nice night &or a )al" any)ays. As )e le&t the !ain street( it co%ld considerably dar"er. No) the only light )e had )ere the streetlights that )ere spread ery &ar apart. There )ere patches o& dar" in,bet)een each set o& lights. ' !o ed close to Lance( gripping the bac" o& his shirt. "#hat$s the !atter? 5cared?" he as"ed in a 0o"ing tone. ' sco)led at hi!. "No." "5%re." #e contin%ed do)n the street in silence. ' "ept !y eyes peeled. /r. Hey)ood$s )arning )as bac" in !y head again. ' cl%tched Lance$s shirt tighter. #e )ere al!ost at the station no). A !o e!ent to !y le&t ca%ght !y eye and ' &ro-e( staring at the place )here ' had seen the !otion. Lance stopped( loo"ing o er his sho%lder at !e c%rio%sly. "#hat$s %p?" he as"ed. ".id yo% see so!ething !o e o er there?" ' )hispered( pointing. Lance scr%nched his &ace %p and )atched the area &or a &e) !o!ents be&ore shr%gging. "Nothing." "4o% s%re?" "Paranoid !%ch?" Lance la%ghed. "Co!e on( let$s go." He grabbed the collar o& !y shirt and p%lled !e in &ront o& hi!. He began to p%sh !e do)n the street in a &orce&%l !anner. ' had to stay &oc%sed on !y &eet in order to not lose !y balance. #hen ' loo"ed %p again ' reali-ed )e )ere at the to)ing station. Relie& s)ept thro%gh !e. /r. Hey)ood )as 0%st being silly. No one )as going to attac" !e in the !iddle o& to)n. Lance and ' entered the to)ing station. There )ere only three people in there. A !an at the co%nter( that )as on the phone( and t)o !en in the corner( their bac"s to %s as they read papers posted on a billboard.

"4o% can )ait here(" Lance said( pointing to a chair by the door. "'$ll get !y car iss%e settled." ' nodded and too" a seat at the chair as Lance )ent to tal" to the !an at the co%nter. The !an at the co%nter held %p a &inger( signaling Lance to stay *%iet )hile he )as on the phone. A&ter a &e) !o!ents the !an h%ng %p the phone and began tal"ing to Lance. /y ga-e )andered to the t)o !en in the co%nter. They boo" loo"ed pretty yo%ng( and b%&&. ' s!ir"ed slightly. #as e ery g%y b%&& these days? ' glanced bac" at Lance. He )as a erage !%scled( li"e /r. Hey)ood. 2%t both !en )ere still ery strong. Lance t%rned to !e )ith a &ro)n. "Holly6" ' )as still &oc%sed on the t)o !en and didn$t reali-e he )as calling !e. "Oh loo"( it$s /r. Hey)ood6" /y head snapped in the direction o& Lance. He grinned at !e and ' &elt !ysel& bl%sh. ".o yo% ha e any !oney on yo%? '$! a &e) dollars short o&+" The rest o& )hat he said( ' didn$t catch. ' )as too b%sy staring at the t)o !en )ho had no) t%rned aro%nd and )ere loo"ing at !e. /y !o%th )ent dry as ' sa) one o& the! s!ir". He said so!ething to the other g%y( and a &lash o& reali-ation spread across his &ace. ' *%ic"ly stood %p( )al"ing to)ards Lance. "Here(" ' said( *%ic"ly p%lling a ten o%t o& !y poc"et and gi ing it to the !an. "9eep the change." "Alright( yo%$re &ree to go then(" the !an said( ta"ing the ten. "4o%r car is in the bac" o& the lot( by the d%!pster." ' grabbed Lance$s ar! and began to *%ic"ly drag hi! o%t o& the store. ' &elt li"e ' )as going to be sic". /y heart )as p%!ping &%rio%sly and !y hands )ere s)eaty and sha"ing. ' p%lled on Lance )ith %rgency( trying to !a"e hi! go &aster. "#hat$s the !atter?" Lance as"ed( la%ghing slightly. "That g%y )asn$t that scary." 't )asn$t the g%y at the co%nter ' )as )orried abo%t. ' loo"ed o er !y sho%lder and sa) the other t)o g%ys e3iting the b%ilding( and heading to)ards %s.

' p%lled o%t !y phone( starting a ne) te3t !essage. ' *%ic"ly tapped a)ay at !y phone( !y hand sha"ing( !a"ing it hard to clic" on the right letters. #hen ' &inished ' closed !y phone( stic"ing it in !y poc"et. ' loo"ed o er !y sho%lder again. The t)o !en )ere still there. The sa!e t)o g%ys that /r. Hey)ood had beat %p at the &air.

CHAPTER T#ENT4 The t)o th%gs )ere a &e) h%ndred &eet behind %s. ' &ig%red i& Lance and ' "ept a bris" pace( )e )o%ld be able to !a"e it to the car be&ore they ca%ght %p )ith %s. And once )e )ere in the car )e co%ld loc" the doors and ' co%ld call the cops. Or /r. Hey)ood. 2%t ' still )as e3tre!ely paranoid. ' )anted to get to the car as *%ic"ly as possible. "H%rry %p( Lance(" ' begged( o%t o& breath. "Please." "#hat$s )rong?" Lance as"ed( serio%s no). "Holly?" ' glanced at Lance( )ho loo"ed e3tre!ely )orried. He glanced o er his sho%lder and a s%rprised loo" passed o er his &ace. ' &ollo)ed his ga-e and sa) the t)o !en no) r%nning to)ards %s. "R%n6" ' screa!ed( grabbing Lance$s hand and bolting do)n the aisle o& cars. Lance st%!bled a&ter !e( loo"ing behind hi!. E ent%ally he &aced the &ront again( sprinting by !y side. "#hat$s )rong? #ho are they?" "'$ll e3plain later( )e 0%st need to get a)ay as soon as possible+" ' stopped abr%ptly( !a"ing Lance "noc" into !e( sending !e spra)ling onto the gro%nd. ' landed hard and s!ac"ed !y head against the hard dirt. ' groaned( and p%shed !ysel& o&& the gro%nd. #hen ' loo"ed %p ' ca!e &ace,to,&ace )ith t)o !ore !en( b%t these t)o )ere %n&a!iliar. "Hey( let go o& !e6" ' heard Lance de!and.

/y head snapped to)ards hi! and ' sa) the t)o th%gs &ro! be&ore holding onto his ar!s tightly. "Let hi! go6" ' de!anded. "He doesn$t ha e anything to do )ith this6" "He "no)s Chris." ' noticed the !an )ho )as holding !e( )as the !an ' had p%nched in the &ace bac" in the )oods at the &air responded. "That$s eno%gh reason." A pair o& ro%gh hands on !y sho%lder yan"ed !e &ro! the gro%nd and &orced !e to !y &eet. ' bro"e o%t &ro! %nder the! and ran to)ards Lance( only to be tac"led do)n &ro! behind. ' groaned in &r%stration )hen !y head once again sla!!ed do)n on the hard dirt. ' really needed to thin" be&ore ' acted. "4o%$re a &eisty one( h%h(" the !an pinning !e do)n co!!ented. "'$ e heard a lot abo%t yo%." "8et o&& her6" ' heard Lance sho%t. "#ho are yo% g%ys?" "5h%t %p(" one o& the other !en responded to hi!. "No6 4o%$re h%rting her6" ' heard the so%nd o& a &ist being sla!!ed into a g%t and so!eone groaned. /y heart s"ipped a beat. "' hope yo% thin" be&ore yo% tal" no)(" the sa!e !an )ho had spo"e be&ore said. The !an pinning !e to the gro%nd rolled o&& !e and there )as a press%re on !y bac" and ' )inced( hearing the sc%&&ing o&& dirt. #hen the !an )as &inally standing %p( he grabbed !y hair and &orced !e to !y &eet. "4o% ta"e the girl and '$ll ta"e the 2ritish brat( .an(" the one holding !e o&&ered. "8ood idea( Jac"." 5o the person ' had p%nched be&ore )as na!ed .an. 8ood to "no). "' thin" she o)es !e an apology any)ays(" .an contin%ed( gest%ring Jac" closer to hi!. ' )as &orced into .an$s ar!s as Lance )as sho ed to Jac". 2e&ore .an had a good grasp on !e( Lance s%ddenly s)%ng his &ist( hitting .an s*%arely in the &ace. #ith his other

hand( Lance *%ic"ly bro%ght his &ist into Jac"$s &ace. Jac" &ell to the gro%nd and didn$t !o e. ' blin"ed in a!a-e!ent. ' didn$t "no) Lance co%ld &ight. "Holly6 2ehind yo%6" Lance sho%ted( his eyes )idening slightly in s%rprise. ' t)isted !y body aro%nd( only to see a &ist co!ing straight at !e. ' gasped( t)isting again to a oid it. .an sco)led at !e( his ar! o%tstretched. 2e&ore ' "ne) )hat ' )as doing( ' "ic"ed hi! )here the s%n didn$t shine. .an groaned and h%nched o er. Lance i!!ediately grabbed !y )rist( s*%ee-ing it pain&%lly. ' gasped as Lance p%lled !e a)ay &ro! Jac" and .an. ' st%!bled o er !y o)n &eet( b%t !anaged to *%ic"ly gain !y balance. Lance ran &or)ard( and s%ddenly ' )as t%gged bac")ards. ' cried o%t &ro! the pain o& !y )rist being yan"ed bac" )hile Lance )as still trying to p%ll it &or)ard. Lance pa%sed and t%rned bac" )ith sco)l. "2ehind yo%6" ' gasped( pointing at one o& the %n&a!iliar !en )ho s%ddenly appeared behind Lance. Lance let go o& !y )rist( and t)isting on his heel( bro%ght his &ist &lying into the other !an$s &ace. ' )atched in a!a-e!ent( %ntil ' reali-ed the other !an &ro! the &air still had a grip on !e. ' &elt hi! p%ll on !y hair and ' t)isted !y head( biting his ar!. He cried o%t in shoc" and ripped his ar! a)ay &ro! !y &ace( releasing !y hair. ' noticed a pile o& tires behind the !an( so ' sho ed hi! in the chest )ith all the &orce ' co%ld !%ster. L%c"ily( it )as eno%gh to !a"e hi! ta"e a &e) steps bac"( and he topped o er the tire. ' &elt Lance$s hand at !y )rist again. "R%n6" Together )e boo"ed do)n the aisle o& cars again. ' co%ld see Lance$s car no). 't )as only abo%t t)enty !ore cars do)n. And ' didn$t hear any &ootsteps behind %s. #e co%ld !a"e it6 #e )ere ten cars a)ay )hen s%ddenly a bat ca!e s)inging o%t o& no)here. ' )atched in horror as it !ade contact )ith Lance$s head. ' screa!ed as Lance cr%!pled to the gro%nd instantly. "Lance6" ' screa!ed( dropping to !y "nees beside hi!.

He didn$t reply. ' grabbed his ar! and li&ted it %p. #hen ' let go it &ell to the gro%nd li!ply. Tears spr%ng to !y eyes. "Lance6 #a"e %p6" "He$s o%t cold( girly." ' loo"ed %p and sa) .an ho ering o er !e( a s!ir" on his &ace. A baseball bat )as resting across his sho%lders. ' glared at hi! angrily. "4o% bastard6 #hat did yo% do?" ' cried( clenching !y &ists. "J%st !a"ing s%re there )ere distractions(" he told !e. "That g%y )as in the )ay." "He$s !y best &riend6" ' sho%ted( no) p%shing !ysel& to !y &eet. "'$! going to "ill yo%6" .an la%ghed. "O"ay." He s%ddenly reached o%t and grabbed the &ront o& !y shirt( p%lling !e closer to hi!. ' cringed at the pro3i!ity o& %s. ' co%ld s!ell his deodorant and cologne. He lo)ered his head do)n. "' belie e ' still o)e yo% &ro! last ti!e7" ' )as abo%t to as" hi! )hat he )as tal"ing abo%t( )hen his &ist str%c" the side o& !y head. ' st%!bled bac")ards &ro! the &orce. ' raised a hand to !y chee"( )hich throbbed pain&%lly. 5hoc" )as )ritten all o er !y &ace. He had 0%st hit a girl6 Had this g%y no sense o& !anners? #ho hit girls? 2e&ore ' co%ld ans)er !y o)n *%estions( ' )as str%c" again( in the sa!e spot. ' cried o%t( st%!bling bac")ards( hitting a car and &alling onto the hood. .an appeared be&ore !e. He rested his hand on !y sto!ach( !a"ing s%re ' co%ldn$t !o e. "Ho) does it &eel to be p%nched?" "' p%nched yo% once(" ' responded( sho ing his hand o&& !y sto!ach. "That$s not &air." .an narro)ed his eyes. "4o% don$t reali-e yo% are dealing )ith a gang here( do yo%? There$s nothing $&air$ abo%t this. 2%t yo% also "ic"ed !e7"

"<gh." 2oth .an$s and !y o)n attention snapped to Lance( )ho )as p%shing hi!sel& %p into a sitting position. Relie& )ashed thro%gh !e. He )as o"ay6 ".o ' ha e to bash hi! o er the head again?" .an groaned( t%rning aro%nd. ' sei-ed the opport%nity to ta"e ad antage o& hi!. ' grabbed the baseball bat &ro! his sho%lders and easily slid it o%t o& his grasp. He t%rned in s%rprise and )itho%t any hesitation ' str%c" hi! in the head. He tottered on his &eet &or a second( b%t didn$t pass o%t. ' stared in horror as he sco)led at !e. #hat had ' 0%st done? ' changed !y ga-e o& horror &ro! hi! to the bat. Had ' really 0%st hit hi! in the head )ith a bat?" "4o%(" the !an gro)led. 't )as either &ight. Or be har!ed. ' s)%ng the bat bac" &or a second hit b%t he *%ic"ly grabbed !y &orear!( t)isting it pain&%lly. ' cried o%t( !y &ingers straightening &ro! the pain. The bat &ell to the gro%nd. "4o% 0%st "eep digging yo%rsel& a deeper gra e( don$t yo%?" .an gro)led( still t)isting !y )rist. "5top(" ' begged( trying to t)ist !y body )ith !y )rist so it )o%ldn$t snap. "Oh !y 8od( please( stop6" .an stopped( dropping !y )rist. ' breathed a sigh o& relie& %ntil ' reali-ed he had pic"ed %p the baseball bat. He raised it high abo e his head. ' &ro-e( staring at hi! )ith !y !o%th )ide open. He )o%ldn$t7 )o%ld he? /y *%estion )as ans)ered )hen he s%ddenly s)%ng the bat do)n. ' raised !y ar!s to co er !y head. There )as the sic"ening so%nd o& )ood hitting bone( b%t no pain. /y eyes shot open to see a tan( !%scled ar! stopping the bat( inches &ro! !y head. "5orry '$! late(" a s!ooth oice apologi-ed.

' )atched as the ar! bloc"ing the bat &ro! !e( t%rned. The hand attached to the ar! gripped the bat( yan"ing it &ro! .an$s hand. .an had an e3pression o& !i3ed &ear and anger on. ' "ne) )ho )as behind !e. The bat )as p%lled o er !y head and ' )as s%ddenly sho ed to the le&t. ' "ept !y balance( staggering only &or a !o!ent. ' ignored the cry o& pain behind !e and !ade &or Lance( )ho )as no) leaning against a car( holding his head. A&ter a step( ' )as o erco!e )ith di--iness. ' s)ayed &or a !o!ent( be&ore &i3ing !ysel& and contin%ing o er to Lance. "Are yo% o"ay?" ' as"ed in a breathless )hisper. Lance loo"ed %p at !e and )inced slightly. "O). '$! o"ay. #hat the hell is happening( Holly? #ho the hell+" "5a e the *%estions &or later(" ' ordered( !y head throbbing &ro! 0%st tal"ing. "' really don$t &eel li"e e3plaining anything right no)." There )as silence &ro! behind %s no) and ' heard &ootsteps approaching. Lance loo"ed behind !e and his e3pression beca!e so shoc"ed ' )hipped aro%nd *%ic"ly( e3pecting to see one o& the th%gs. /r. Hey)ood stood there( the slee es to his blac" shirt p%shed %p. He held the bat( and his &ace )as e!otionless( his !o%th a &lat line. He lo)ered the bat( co!ing %p to !e and placing a hand on !y chee". "O)6" ' cried( p%lling bac" and raising a hand to !y chee". ' to%ched it gingerly. 't throbbed angrily. ' &ro)ned. That )o%ld really h%rt in the !orning. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed behind !e. "Are yo% o"ay( Lance?" "4o%(" Lance gro)led. ".o yo% ha e so!ething to do )ith this? #hy )ere those !en a&ter Holly6 #here are the other three g%ys?" "'$ e already ta"en care o& the!(" /r. Hey)ood responded si!ply. "As &or yo%r other *%estions( it$s %p to Holly to let yo% "no) or not." /y head throbbed pain&%lly and ' staggered &or)ards. ' cl%tched it( p%tting as !%ch press%re on it as ' co%ld )itho%t h%rting it too !%ch. The po%nding contin%ed and ' &o%ght to "eep !ysel& straight.

"#hat$s )rong?" Lance as"ed )orriedly. "Nothing(" ' told hi!( !y oice constricted )ith pain. "/y head 0%st really h%rts." "8i e !e yo%r car "eys( Lance(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood order. ' heard Lance gr%!ble( b%t a&ter a second ' heard the 0ingle o& "eys. Then s%ddenly ' )as s)ooped o&& !y &eet. /y s%rprise &ro! the !otion !ade the pain go a)ay &or a !in%te. "' can )al" &ine(" ' !%ttered( "eeping !y head do)n to !a"e s%re no one co%ld see !y bl%sh. "5h%t %p and let !e carry yo%(" /r. Hey)ood responded( rolling his eyes. ' "ept !y !o%th sh%t( &ro)ning slightly. 't )as a)")ard. /r. Hey)ood )as carrying !e princess,style and Lance )as right there. He )agged his eyebro)s at !e. That$s )hen ' noticed the large br%ise on the top o& his head( )hich )as bleeding slightly. ' gasped( !y eyes )idening slightly. "Lance6 4o%$re head6" ' cried( staring at it dis!ay. Lance shr%gged. "'$! s%re it loo"s )orse than it is. 5ee?" Lance shoo" his head( b%t his &ace constricted in pain( gi ing a)ay his &aHade. ' &ro)ned at hi! and he sighed. #e got to the car and /r. Hey)ood p%t !e do)n in the bac" seat. To !y e!barrass!ent he reached o er and b%c"led !e. "' can do that by !ysel&(" ' told hi!( bl%shing &ro! his pro3i!ity. "' "no)(" /r. Hey)ood responded. ' s)ear ' sa) hi! s!ir"ing be&ore he p%lled hi!sel& o%t o& the car and sh%t the door. Lance got into the passenger$s seat and /r. Hey)ood got into the dri ers. He started the car and p%lled o%t o& the lot. "#here are )e going?" ' heard Lance as". "/y ho%se(" /r. Hey)ood responded( loo"ing in his rear ie) !irror at !e. "#e ha e a lot to tal" abo%t."

CHAPTER T#ENT4,ONE "O)(" ' hissed( trying to p%ll a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood$s grasp. "5top it6 That h%rts6" /r. Hey)ood sighed &or the %!pteenth ti!e. "' need to disin&ect the c%ts( Holly." "4eah( stop being a baby(" Lance called &ro! the co%ch. ' t%rned to sco)l at hi!. "4o% !ade !ore o& a &%ss then ' did6" He bl%shed slightly and loo"ed a)ay &ro! !e )ith a h%&&. #hen he did( ' sa) the bandaged )rapped aro%nd his head. ' &elt g%ilty i!!ediately. /r. Hey)ood &orced !y head bac" to the &ront. ' i!!ediately loc"ed ga-es )ith hi!. His ga-e )as so piercing it !ade !e e!barrassed and ' had to loo" do)n at the &loor. /r. Hey)ood contin%ed to gently clean !y c%ts )ith disin&ectant and cotton balls. E ery no) and then '$d hiss in pain( b%t /r. Hey)ood$s constant( reg%lar breathing "ept !e cal!. A&ter )hat &elt li"e &ore er to !e( b%t in reality )as act%ally only &i e !in%tes( he )as done. He placed t)o band,aids on the biggest c%ts( and le&t the rest alone. "4o% "no)( i& yo% )eren$t cl%!sy( yo% )o%ldn$t ha e any c%ts(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e( a s!ir" playing at his lips. "5h%t %p(" ' !%ttered( t%rning pin". "The only reason ' &ell )as beca%se Lance thre) !e o&& balance the &irst ti!e. And the second ti!e ' )as tac"led do)n &ootball style( so ' don$t thin" this )as !y &a%lt." /r. Hey)ood sighed. "'$! sorry. ' "ne) so!ething )as going to happen. ' sho%ld ha e stayed closer." ' shoo" !y head. "' didn$t e3pect to ha e to lea e the diner. #e had par"ed right ne3t to it." "2%t Holly didn$t see the no par"ing sign(" Lance added. ' snatched the bo3 o& band,aids &ro! /r. Hey)ood$s hands and ch%c"ed the! at Lance. They hit hi! in the bandaged area and ' heard hi! s%ppress a groan o& pain.

"2%t still(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed. "' got yo% into this !ess. The least ' co%ld do is protect yo% &ro! getting h%rt( and ' co%ldn$t e en do that. #hat$s )orse is that ' dragged another person into it. And it$s another teenager on top o& that." ' placed !y right hand on /r. Hey)ood$s sho%lder. He loo"ed at !e &latly. "' hate this. ' hate ho) ' )as dragged into this. ' hate ho) Lance )as dragged into this. ' hate being in0%red. ' hate e erything abo%t gangs and )ish ' )as ne er in ol ed )ith the!." /r. Hey)ood blin"ed( loo"ing s%rprised. He opened his !o%th to spea"( b%t ' c%t hi! o&&. "2%t since it$s too late &or all that( all ' can do is do !y best to stay sa&e( "eep yo% sa&e( and no) "eep Lance sa&e. ' don$t )ant to see anyone else get h%rt." Lance snorted. "5a e the soap opera st%&&." ' sco)led( loo"ing &or so!ething else to ch%c". /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( patting !y head. "4o%$re a good girl( Holly." ' hal&,s!iled. "2%t )hy do they hate yo% so !%ch? 5o !%ch that they e en go a&ter one o& yo%r st%dents?" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "Re!e!ber? ' told yo% ' did so!ething bad. And ' le&t the gang( )hich 0%st !a"es it )orse." "2%t )hat did yo% do?" /r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "#ho "no)s?" "Chris." /r. Hey)ood raised his eyebro)s. "4o% re!e!bered to call !e Chris6" ".on$t change the s%b0ect6" "Lance(" /r. Hey)ood said( t%rning to loo" at hi!. "Are yo% ready to hear !y tragic story o& )oe?" Lance rolled his eyes. "'t better be good. Other)ise '$! going to beat the shit o%t o& yo% &or dragging Holly into so!ething so dangero%s." "Lance6" ' cried( hal& shoc"ed( hal& a!%sed.

/r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "Tr%st !e( '$ll let yo% beat !e %p any)ays." "Right. No) e3plain to !e &ro! the beginning. E erything." /r. Hey)ood sighed and began to e3plain. ' already "ne) the story( so ' )ent into the "itchen( ai!ing &or so!ething to drin". A&ter a &e) !in%tes o& &r%itless searching ' ret%rned to the li ing roo!( e!pty,handed. /r. Hey)ood glanced at !e( pa%sing in his story. "Need so!ething?" "'$! thirsty." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5orry( ' ha en$t been to the grocery store lately. There$s so!e change on the co%nter. 8rab that and go do)n to the ending !achine." ' opened !y !o%th to re&%se( b%t /r. Hey)ood$s loo" ga e !e the i!pression that ' )asn$t allo)ed to say no. ' t%rned on !y heel )ent to the co%nter( s)iping the change o&& o& it and clenching it in !y hand. "'$ll be bac" then7" Lance gr%nted in reply and ' co%ldn$t help an a!%sed s!ile &ro! slipping onto !y &ace. ' e3ited into the apart!ent hall)ay and headed le&t. 't too" !e a !o!ent to reali-e ' didn$t e en "no) there )ere ending !achines here( let alone )here they )ere. ' hesitated be&ore contin%ing do)n the hall)ay. #hat "ind o& &ancy apart!ent )as this to ha e ending !achines? ' &%rro)ed !y bro)( b%t contin%ed %ntil ' !ade it to the stair)ell. There )eren$t any ending !achines in sight. ' &ro)ned( and )ent do)n to the &irst &loor. There )ere three doors no). ' pee"ed thro%gh one( )hich see!ed to lead to the par"ing lot. The other lead to another hall)ay( and the last led to a roo! )ith the ending !achines in it. ' )ent in and !ade a beeline straight &or the !achine. ' popped in the coins and pressed the b%tton &or a co"e. 't dropped do)n( and ' bent do)n to pic" it %p( i!!ediately pressing it to !y sore chee". ' let o%t a sigh o& pleas%re. Oh the )onders cold drin"s co%ld do &or )o%nds.

5%ddenly( there )as a pair o& hands on !y sho%lders. ' 0%!ped( letting o%t a strangled cry( and "noc"ing !y can o& soda against !y chee"( !a"ing !e hiss in pain. ' str%ggled to get &ree &ro! )hoe er had a grip on !y sho%lders. #hen they &inally let go ' t%rned to see a ery tall( yo%ng !an )ith !essy blonde hair grinning at !e. ' stared at hi! c%rio%sly &or a !o!ent. #hy did he loo" so &a!iliar? "Holly? 4o% re!e!ber !e?" "<!!7" ' hesitated. The blonde &ro)ned in !oc" disappoint!ent. "'$! slightly o&&ended that yo% don$t re!e!ber !e7" ' bit !y lip( *%ic"ly thin"ing. #ho )as this !an? ' "no) ' had !et hi! be&ore( b%t ' co%ldn$t re!e!ber )here. 2%t he )asn$t an ene!y7 !aybe one o& /r. Hey)ood$s &riends7 "Jere!y6" ' said s%ddenly as the na!e popped into !y head. Jere!y$s e3pression brightened( and he nodded( a grin bac" on his &ace. "4o% do re!e!ber !e6" "4ep(" ' responded( s!iling slightly. "Are yo% going bac" to Chris$s apart!ent?" Jere!y as"ed !e( s%r eying !e )ith his eyes. ' loo"ed a)ay &ro! his ga-e and nodded. "/e too6 '$ll acco!pany yo%6" ' nodded( and together )e set o&& bac" to the stair)ell and to)ards /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent. "5o7 ho) are yo%?" ' as"ed( trying to be polite. "'$! great6 '$d as" yo% ho) yo% are( b%t it loo"s li"e yo%$re a little do)n &or the co%nt." ' ch%c"led. "4o% co%ld say that7" #e started cli!bing the stairs to the second &loor. Jere!y held open the door that led to the hall)ay &or !e. ' nodded in than"s.

Jere!y st%died !e serio%sly. "#ere yo% attac"ed?" ' nodded. "#here$s Chris?" "2ac" in his apart!ent )ith Lance." "Lance?" Jere!y repeated. ' too" a deep breath. "Long stor+" ' )as interr%pted by a lo%d crash &ro! do)n hall)ay. Jere!y and ' e3changed startled loo"s. /%&&led yelling co%ld be heard no)( and ' sprinted the last steps to /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent. ' b%rst thro%gh the door( s%r eying the place *%ic"ly. ' ca%ght sight o& Lance and /r. Hey)ood 0%st in ti!e to see Lance p%nch /r. Hey)ood in the &ace. ' gasped( r%nning to)ards Lance. "4o% st%pid bastard6" Lance sho%ted( bringing bac" his &ist again. /r. Hey)ood stood there( !a"ing no indication that he )as h%rt( and also not e en atte!pting to protect hi!sel&. "Lance6" ' cried( atte!pting to stop Lance &ro! p%nching /r. Hey)ood. "Lance6" Lance ripped his ar! &ro! !y grasp ro%ghly( !a"ing !e &all &or)ards. /r. Hey)ood p%t o%t his ar! to steady !e. Lance atte!pted to sho e /r. Hey)ood$s ar! a)ay and steady !e instead( b%t only !anaged to "noc" his hand into !y bad chee". ' groaned in pain( &alling o er the t)o o& the! any)ays. /r. Hey)ood !anaged to stop !e &ro! &alling co!pletely. He e&&ortlessly placed !e %pright on !y &eet again. ' r%bbed !y chee" gently( glaring at Lance. He loo"ed bac" at !e g%iltily. "Holly( '$! sorr+" "#hat are yo% doing?" ' de!anded. "4o% can$t p%nch a teacher( Lance6" "Holly( it$s o"ay(" /r. Hey)ood c%t in. "' deser ed it." ' t)irled aro%nd( staring at hi! in shoc". "Ho) did yo% deser e it?"

"1or !a"ing yo% in ol ed )ith those gangsters6" Lance responded( glaring angrily at /r. Hey)ood. "' didn$t "no) they )ere a&ter yo% precisely( let alone that it )as this asshole$s &a%lt6" "Lance(" ' repri!anded sharply. "#atch yo%r !o%th. And it$s not co!pletely his &a%lt6" /r. Hey)ood sighed( sha"ing his head. /y heart )as po%nding so hard ' s)ore people ten !iles a)ay co%ld hear it. /y hands shoo"( and !y breaths ca!e short( *%ic" and *%i ering. "4o% co%ld get her "illed6" Lance acc%sed( crossing his ar!s. "' "no) the conse*%ences )ell( /r. 8reyson(" /r. Hey)ood snapped( ret%rning the glare. "'t$s not his &a%lt6" ' repeated( t%rning to glare at Lance. "'$! the one that &ollo)ed hi! the night at the &air6" Lance$s eyes )idened slightly. "The &air?" ' *%ic"ly sh%t !y !o%th( bl%shing. That )as right. ' hadn$t told Lance abo%t that incident6 "#hat do yo% !ean( Holly?" he de!anded. "' got Holly ca%ght %p in a &ight(" /r. Hey)ood told hi! be&ore ' co%ld thin" o& any e3c%ses. ' opened !y !o%th to protest( b%t Lance p%shed !e o%t o& the )ay( a&ter /r. Hey)ood again. ' st%!bled bac")ards( and a di&&erent pair o& ar!s steadied !e this ti!e. ' t%rned to see Jere!y &ro)ning at the pair in &ront o& hi! )ith a sober &ace. ' t%rned to the! as )ell no). /r. Hey)ood had Lance$s ar!s loc"ed behind his bac". Lance sco)led and tried to p%ll hi!sel& &ree( b%t it )as to no a ail. "4o% need to cal! do)n(" /r. Hey)ood ordered. "Li"e hell '$ll cal! do)n6 4o% p%t Holly in danger6" "' p%t !ysel& in danger6" ' told hi! e3asperated. ".on$t listen to /r. Hey)ood6 He$s lying6" "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood said sharply. "J%st stop &ighting(" ' begged( !y eye beginning to )ater. "Please7"

/r. Hey)ood$s ga-e so&tened and he released Lance( )hose e3pression had so&tened as )ell. "' )ant to go ho!e(" ' told the pair. "'$ll bring yo%(" /r. Hey)ood o&&ered i!!ediately. "'t$s too late to )al"." ' shoo" !y head. "No." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e in s%rprise. "'$! not letting yo% go !ysel&." "'$ll go )ith her(" Lance inter0ected( sco)ling at /r. Hey)ood. ' shoo" !y head again. "' don$t )ant to go )ith yo% either( Lance." Lance$s e3pression no) !atched /r. Hey)ood$s again. "4o%$re not going alone(" the both )arned together. "Oi(" Jere!y c%t in. "'$ll ta"e her." /r. Hey)ood$s attention snapped to the !an behind !e. "#hen did yo% get here?" "#ho$s he?" Lance de!anded. ' groaned( holding !y head. "Eno%gh *%estions6 ' )ant to go ho!e." Jere!y p%t a hand on !y sho%lder. "Tr%st !e( '$ll get her ho!e sa&ely." /r. Hey)ood narro)ed his eyes slightly. "4o% better." Jere!y ch%c"led. "<nli"e yo%( '$! not interested in high school girls." ' glanced at /r. Hey)ood( )ho stared at Jere!y( loo"ing st%nned. Jere!y s!ir"ed( and ' co%ldn$t help a s!all s!ir" slipping onto !y lips as )ell. 't )as i!possible /r. Hey)ood &elt that )ay( b%t it )as still a!%sing to see that e3pression on his &ace.

CHAPTER T#ENT4,T#O "Holly( )hat happened to yo%?"

' )inced at Casey$s lo%d o%tb%rst. "#hy are yo% sho%ting so early in the !orning?" "4o%$re &ace(" Casey co!!ented( to%ching her o)n chee" to sho) !e )hat she !eant. "' &ell do)n the stairs(" ' !%!bled( a oiding her ga-e. Casey la%ghed. "4o%$re so cl%!sy." ' &orced o%t a la%gh too( e en tho%gh g%ilt )as )ashing thro%gh !e. ' )as lying to !y best &riend. And she easily belie ed !e+ proo& o& ho) !%ch she tr%sted !e. /y sho%lder$s sagged. ' )as an a)&%l person. Casey !%st ha e noticed !y bad !ood. 5he 0abbed !e in the side. "#ell let$s get to school6 '$! s%re )hate er reason yo% are %pset abo%t )on$t !atter )hen yo% see /r. Hey)ood6" ' gri!aced. Casey didn$t "no) he )as part o& the reason o& !y bad attit%de. 't had only been one day since the &ight had gone do)n bet)een /r. Hey)ood and Lance. ' hadn$t gone to school yesterday( hoping to ha e !y in0%ries heal a little !ore be&ore ret%rning( and apparently Lance had the sa!e idea. ' )as still angry )ith hi!( there )as no do%bt abo%t that. He had p%nched /r. Hey)ood in the &ace &or no reason6 That )asn$t acceptable at all. 2%t Lance )as 0%st )orried abo%t yo%( another part o& !e told !ysel&. ' held in a sigh. ' )as right. Lance )as 0%st )orried. 't$s not li"e he p%nched /r. Hey)ood &or no reason. 2%t still7 "Holly( Holly( space to Holly6" Casey said( )a ing her hand in &ront o& !e. ".id yo% hear anything ' 0%st said?" ' snapped !y attention onto her( s!ir"ing sheepishly. "No( sorry. #hat did yo% say?" "' said it )as )eird ho) yo%( Lance( and /r. Hey)ood )ere all absent yesterday(" she told !e. "/r. Hey)ood )as o%t?" ' repeated. Casey nodded. "4eah( )e had a s%bstit%te."

' &ro)ned slightly. .id /r. Hey)ood s"ip? Or did he s%ddenly get sic" o er night? .id so!ething happen? ' s%ddenly &elt sic" )ith )orry. ' tried to sha"e it a)ay. ' )as 0%st being paranoid. /r. Hey)ood )as &ine. #hen )e arri ed at the school( Lance )as )aiting by the gates( his ar!s crossed. #hen he noticed Casey and !e( he p%shed hi!sel& o&& the )all and ca!e to)ards %s. Casey let o%t a little gasp and h%rried &or)ards. "#hat happened to yo%?" she cried( her eyes )ide. "That$s a horrible br%ise6" Lance raised a hand to his &ace and shr%gged. "' &ell do)n the stairs." Casey )hipped her head to)ards !e( and ' *%ic"ly thre) on a shoc"ed e3pression. "Holly did too6" Lance raised his eyebro)s at !e( an a!%sed s!ir" appearing on his &ace. "'s that so?" ' nodded( gi ing hi! a *%ic" s!ile( then loo"ing a)ay. Casey loo"ed s%spicio%sly bet)een %s. "H%h." ' ga e Casey a *%estioningly loo". 5he ret%rned it. ".id yo% t)o ha e a &ight?" /y heart s"ipped a beat. Ho) co%ld Casey ha e &ig%red that o%t already? "No(" ' said *%ic"ly( )a ing !y hand. "#hy )o%ld )e+" "#e did ha e a &ight(" Lance c%t in )ith a sigh. Casey$s eyes )idened in s%rprise. "4o% did?" Lance nodded. "4es( and '$d li"e to tal" to her in pri ate abo%t it." Casey shot !e a loo". ' ret%rned it )ith a please,don$t,lea e,!e,here,alone one. 5he s!ir"ed and held %p her hand. "5ay no !ore(" she told Lance. "'$ll 0%st go o er here &or a bit7"

' &ro)ned as Casey began to sa%nter a)ay to)ards the large oa" tree that )as on the other side o& the gate entrance. Lance t%rned to !e )ith a &ro)n. ' "ept !y &ace e3pressionless. #hat )as there to tal" abo%t? ' "ne) ' had to apologi-e( b%t )hat did Lance ha e to say? #as he going to scold !e !ore &or getting into this gang proble!? 't )asn$t li"e it )as !y &a%lt7 ' gri!aced. #ell( it )as partially !y &a%lt. Lance too" a deep breath. "Holly." ' )atched hi! care&%lly. "4es?" "'$! sorry(" he !%ttered( casting his eyes do)n. /y eyes )idened and ' stared at hi!( !y !o%th hanging open slightly. #hy )as he apologi-ing? #hat did he ha e to apologi-e &or? "1or )hat?" ' &orced o%t. Lance shi&ted %nco!&ortably. "' yelled at yo% a lot yesterday7 ' don$t )ant yo% to be angry." ' blin"ed( !y &ace e3pressionless. "4o% thin" ' )as angry beca%se yo% yelled at !e?" Lance ga e !e a con&%sed loo". "Aren$t yo%?" ' ret%rned Lance$s loo" )ith !y o)n e3asperated one. "No6 Are yo% st%pid? ' co%ld care less abo%t that6" "Then )hat?" "Lance( yo% p%nched the g%y '7 yo% "no)(" ' !%ttered( !y &ace heating %p. "Oh(" Lance responded( &ro)ning again. "Not to !ention( this isn$t all his &a%lt6" ' contin%ed *%ic"ly. "' don$t "no) )hat he told yo%( b%t '$! s%re he bla!ed e erything on hi!sel&( )hich isn$t tr%e at all6 And '$! not angry )ith yo% Lance( ' )as act%ally going to apologi-e too." "4o% )ere?" Lance responded( raising any eyebro). ' nodded. "' "no) yo% only got angry beca%se yo% )ere )orried abo%t !e7 and ' )as a 0er" abo%t it."

Lance la%ghed. "Holly( don$t )orry abo%t it. ' "ind o& %nderstand." ' ga e hi! a *%estioning loo". "<nderstand )hat?" "'& ' )as in /r. Hey)ood$s position( ' )o%ld also ta"e the bla!e onto !ysel&. And ' g%ess it )as a little o%t o& line to act%ally p%nch hi!7 so sorry abo%t that too." "4o% need to apologi-e to /r. Hey)ood abo%t that( be&ore ' &orgi e yo%(" ' told Lance( crossing !y ar!s. Lance$s eyes nearly b%lged o%t o& his soc"ets. "There is no )ay in hell that ' )ill e er apologi-e to hi!6" "Then yo%$re apology to !e )on$t be accepted(" ' responded st%bbornly. Lance sco)led. "#hy can$t yo% 0%st accept it?" "2eca%se '$! not the one yo% p%nched6" "2%t+" "No b%ts(" ' said *%ic"ly. "4o% )ill apologi-e &or p%nching hi!. He co%ld press charges yo% "no)." Lance sco)led. "' "no)." "/a"e s%re yo% apologi-e to hi!." Lance rolled his eyes. "'& ' do that( are )e good? No hard &eelings?" ' la%ghed( lightly p%nching Lance on his sho%lder. "Lance( )e are best &riends. '& there )ere $hard &eelings$ o er so!ething li"e this( '$d be )orried abo%t o%r &riendship." Lance grinned. "That$s tr%e. And )hat )o%ld yo% do )itho%t a handso!e !an )ith a se3y 2ritish accent aro%nd?" "Tell /r. Hey)ood to tal" in one all the ti!e(" ' responded( s!ir"ing. Lance shoo" his head. "' thin" ' li"ed it better )hen ' )asn$t positi e that yo% li"ed hi!." "#ait(" ' started( staring at Lance. "4o% said yo% already "ne) )hen yo% told !e to ad!it it6" Lance snorted. "Ho) a! ' s%pposed to "no)( Holly? 4o% didn$t tell !e anything6"

' stared at hi!( !y !o%th open in shoc". "5o yo% lied?" "' got yo% to ad!it it( didn$t '?" Lance responded )ith a s!ir". "2%t still+" "/r. Hey)ood6 #hat happened?" ' heard Casey cry. Lance loo"ed o er !y sho%lder( an a!%sed e3pression on his &ace. ' *%ic"ly t%rned aro%nd to see Casey staring at /r. Hey)ood in shoc". A noticeable br%ise on his chee" ca%ght !y attention *%ic"ly. ' *%ic"ly shot Lance an annoyed loo". He co ered his !o%th( trying not to la%gh. "' &ell do)n the stairs(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood tell Casey. Casey$s eyes nearly b%lged o%t o& their soc"ets. 5he *%ic"ly loo"ed o er and Lance and !ysel&( gest%ring )ith her hands &rantically. 5he pointed at /r. Hey)ood( then her chee"( and !ade so!e !ore &rantic gest%res. ' tried to hold in !y la%gh( b%t Casey$s &ace !ade it i!possible. ' b%rst o%t la%ghing( t%rning a)ay &ro! the pair. 't )as &%nny ho) )e all tho%ght o& %sing the sa!e e3c%se. Casey ca!e o er to %s( /r. Hey)ood trailing behind her. ".id yo% hear that? /r. Hey)ood &ell do)n the stairs too6" Casey told !e( her eyes still )ide. ' cleared !y throat( glancing at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as staring at !e *%estioningly. "#hat a coincidence(" ' responded( &a"ing shoc". "And yo% all ha e br%ises on yo%r chee"s7" 1or one panic,stric"en !o!ent( ' tho%ght ' sa) s%spicion &lash across Casey$s &ace( b%t be&ore ' )as positi e( it )as gone. ' rela3ed slightly. There )as no )ay she co%ld &ig%re o%t )hat happened. That tho%ght bro%ght g%ilt bac" to !y g%t. #e )ere all no) lying to Casey. E en i& it )as &or her o)n good( ' &elt a)&%l abo%t it. 5he had been !y best &riend &or so long7 ' shoo" !y head. '$d rather lie to her and ha e her sa&e( than tell her the tr%th and p%t her in danger.

"'$! going to class(" ' heard Lance !%tter. ' 0%!ped( !o!entarily &orgetting he )as there. ' t%rned to see hi! )ith an irritated e3pression on his &ace. ' &ro)ned slightly. Lance loo"ed at !e &or a second( his eyes narro)ed. Then he t%rned to /r. Hey)ood. "4o%(" Lance started( getting /r. Hey)ood$s attention. "4es?" /r. Hey)ood responded politely. "5orry abo%t yesterday(" Lance apologi-ed( his oice hard and strained. 5hoc" passed across /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. Lance t%rned and started h%rrying to)ards the school b%ilding. /r. Hey)ood t%rned to !e( his eyebro)s raised. "#hat )as that abo%t?" Casey as"ed( loo"ing a&ter Lance. "4esterday( he "noc"ed into !e at the grocery and store and ' dropped e erything. 't )asn$t a ery big deal(" /r. Hey)ood lied s!oothly( s!iling at Casey. "Oh( ' see(" Casey responded( tapping her chin. "Casey6" a &a!iliar oice called s%ddenly. ' loo"ed %p to see #illis h%rrying to)ards Casey. 5he grinned and )a ed. "Hey6" she called bac". "Casey(" #illis panted again )hen he )as closer. "' ha e to sho) yo% so!ething6 Co!e here6" Casey grinned at #illis( sha"ing her head. Then she t%rned bac" to /r. Hey)ood and !ysel&. "Apparently ' ha e to go see so!ething( so '$ll see yo% t)o later." 2e&ore ' co%ld say anything( #illis grabbed Casey$s hand and started dragging her a)ay( lea ing !e alone )ith /r. Hey)ood. ' did !y best to a oid his ga-e( staring at the gro%nd as hard as ' co%ld. ' co%ld &eel his eyes on !e( b%t ' re&%sed to loo" %p. #hat )as ' s%pposed to say? 5ho%ld ' apologi-e? 5ho%ld ' be !ad? ' didn$t "no). ' )anted to be !ad. He had p%t all the bla!e on hi!sel&. 2%t being !ad abo%t that !ade !e &eel li"e a 0er". He )as only trying to help !e.

' sigh slipped o%t o& !y !o%th. ' *%ic"ly co ered !y !o%th( bl%shing. "Holly( loo" at !e." 'n ol%ntarily( !y head )hipped %p to loo" at hi!. He )as &ro)ning at !e. ' slo)ly &ro)ned bac". "' see yo% got ho!e sa&ely(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented. ' raised !y eyebro)s. That )as the last thing ' had e3pected /r. Hey)ood to say 0%st then. ' co%ldn$t help a s!ile &ro! slipping onto !y !o%th. "4eah( Jere!y$s a nice g%y(" ' told hi!. /r. Hey)ood nodded. "' agree7" There )as an a)")ard silence again. ' ad erted !y ga-e &ro! /r. Hey)ood again. "Holly( are yo% !ad at !e?" ' *%ic"ly loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood again( cringing as !y nec" cric"ed. ' r%bbed it( !%ttering a color&%l )ord. /r. Hey)ood )atched !e )ith an a!%sed loo". "'$! not !ad(" ' told hi!. He loo"ed relie ed. "8ood+" "'$! irritated." /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned. "#hy?" "2eca%se6 4o% p%t all the bla!e on yo%rsel&( /r. Hey)ood6" ' responded( clenching !y &ist. "That$s )hat ca%sed Lance to p%nch yo%6 4o% sho%ld ha e 0%st said that it )as !y &a%lt too6" /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "Holly( get o er yo%rsel&." ' stared at hi! in shoc"( !y &ace reddening. "8et o er !ysel&?" /r. Hey)ood nodded( p%tting a hand on !y head. He r%&&led his head. "4o%$re a good girl."

' stared at /r. Hey)ood in con&%sion. He )asn$t !a"ing any sense at all6 /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led at !y e3pression. "/a"e s%re yo% don$t ha e any plans a&ter school &or a)hile(" he told !e( changing the s%b0ect. ' )as abo%t to tell hi! not to change the s%b0ect( b%t ' dropped it. "#hy?" "4o%$ e got a lot o& )or" ahead &or yo% i& yo% don$t )ant !e to press charges on Lance." /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed( r%&&ling !y hair once !ore. ' stared at hi!( st%pe&ied. 2e&ore ' co%ld say anything( he t%rned and began )al"ing to)ards the school b%ilding. ' sco)led. That st%pid( blac"!ailing( de il o& a teacher.

CHAPTER T#ENT4,THREE "/r. Hey)ood? '$! co!ing in(" ' called thro%gh the closed biology roo! door. ' opened it slo)ly( peering in. /r. Hey)ood )as no)here to be seen. ' &ro)ned slightly( )al"ing &%rther into the roo!. "/r. Hey)ood?" No response. ' )al"ed to)ards the s%pply roo!. ' reached o%t and grabbed the door handle slo)ly( p%lling the door open. 5%ddenly a hand shot o%t grabbing !y ar! and p%lling !e into the s%pply roo!. The door )as sh%t behind !e *%ic"ly( and ' &elt !ysel& being p%shed against it. ' loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise( !y heart po%nding hea ily. "4,yo% scared the crap o%t o& !e6" He ch%c"led s!oothly( his hands on either side o& !e. "5orry to s%rprise yo%." ' nodded( and bl%shed( no) reali-ing ho) close to !e he )as. He )as barely a &oot a)ay. He s!ir"ed )hen he noticed !y bl%sh. He leaned in closer to !e. "' lo e it )hen yo% bl%sh(" he )hispered( his lips at !y ear. "'t$s ery c%te."

' ca%ght !y breath( !y eyes )idening. "/r. Hey)ood( are yo% &eeling o"ay?" He ch%c"led( p%lling his head a)ay slightly. His eyes s!oldered. "' don$t "no)(" he ad!itted. "Lately '$ e been getting these %rges7" "#hat "ind o& %rges?" ' as"ed hi! *%ietly( !y !o%th dry. "'t$d be easier to sho) yo% than tell yo%(" he responded( a s!ir" playing at his lips. "Ho) can yo% sho) !e?" ' as"ed; !y eyes gl%ed to his. "Li"e this(" he responded( leaning closer. He gently pressed his lips against !y nec"( !a"ing !e &ree-e. /y eyes )idened. #hat )as he doing? He slo)ly "issed %p !y nec"( to !y 0a) line. He &ollo)ed that along to the base o& !y ear and placed a "iss in the hollo) beneath it. ' sh%ddered( breathing o%t in a r%sh( and t%rning !y head. "Loo" at !e( Holly(" he ordered. ' t%rned !y head bac" again( staring into his eyes once !ore. He s!ir"ed as he leaned closer once !ore. His &ace )as only inches a)ay( a &e) !ore inches and+ "/s. E ers7 /s. E ers( are yo% paying attention? /s. E ers( )a"e %p6" ' *%ic"ly sat %p( loo"ing aro%nd the roo! alertly. /r. Hey)ood )as standing in &ront o& !y des"( an a!%sed s!ir" on his &ace. "'s !y class so boring yo% &eel the need to sleep in it( /s. E ers?" A &e) girls in the class giggled( and ' bl%shed. "5,sorry(" ' !%ttered( loo"ing do)n at the &loor. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed and ' &elt hi! p%t a hand on !y sho%lder. "'t$s &ine( 0%st don$t do it again." /y &ace gre) hotter as ' re!e!bered )hat ' had been drea!ing abo%t. ' stared at the &loor( sha"ing !y head in disbelie&. This had been the &irst drea! ' had o& /r. Hey)ood. 't )as so e!barrassing.

"#e$re on page IG@( /s. E ers(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( be&ore going bac" to the &ront o& the classroo!. ' *%ic"ly &lipped !y boo" a &e) pages( still bl%shing slightly. 't )as )eird hearing /r. Hey)ood call !e by /s. E ers. ' re!e!bered he %sed to do that( b%t he had s%ddenly s)itched to calling !e Holly7 ' &ro)ned slightly. #hen had he started calling !e by !y &irst na!e? ' co%ldn$t re!e!ber. Class passed by *%ic"ly( and /r. Hey)ood let %s pac" %p ten !in%tes be&ore the bell. ' )atched hi! c%rio%sly( )ondering )hy he let the class o&& so early. "Re!e!ber(" /r. Hey)ood started( gathering the class$s attention( "the &ield trip &or!s are d%e this Th%rsday i& yo% )ant to go on the o er night beach trip 5at%rday. /a"e s%re yo% get yo%r parent or g%ardian to sign it &or yo%. 4o% don$t )ant to !iss o%t." "2each trip?" ' repeated( &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s in con&%sion. "' don$t "no) )hat he$s tal"ing abo%t either(" a oice co!!ented &ro! beside !e( so%nding con&%sed. ' 0%!ped slightly and t%rned aro%nd to see Lance to)ering o er !e. He grinned. "Ha e a nice nap?" "5h%t %p(" ' !%ttered. "Are yo% going to be going?" a girl na!ed Banessa as"ed. /r. Hey)ood s!iled at her and shoo" his head. "No( only a li!ited a!o%nt o& chaperones co%ld go( and other teachers )anted to go !ore than !e( so ' let the!." /y heart san" slightly. /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t be going to the beach? 't )o%ldn$t be as &%n )itho%t hi!7 ' !entally slapped !ysel&. #hat )as ' thin"ing? 't didn$t !atter i& /r. Hey)ood )ent to the beach or not. '& ' )ent on the trip( it$d be to ha e &%n )ith !y &riends( not abo%t hanging o%t /r. Hey)ood. "'t )on$t be as &%n )itho%t yo%(" Banessa co!plained. /r. Hey)ood s!iled slightly. "'$! s%re it )ill be the sa!e e en i& ' don$t go." "No6" Banessa responded( po%ting.

' gri!aced in annoyance. '& /r. Hey)ood did go( girls )o%ld s%rro%nd hi! any)ay. The bell rang and ' *%ic"ly closed !y biology boo"( st%&&ing it into !y bac"pac". "'$! not )aiting(" Lance in&or!ed !e( and started )al"ing a)ay. "4o% ne er do(" ' responded( rolling !y eyes. ' hitched !y bac"pac" o er !y sho%lder( !a"ing &or the e3it. ' )as the last one to lea e( b%t be&ore ' reached the door( /r. Hey)ood stopped !e. "Holly(" he started( !a"ing !e &ree-e. ' t%rned slo)ly( o&&ering hi! a s!ile. "4es( Chris?" He raised an eyebro). "#e$re in school( Holly. .on$t call !e Chris." ' bl%shed )hen ' reali-ed !y !ista"e. "'$! sorry( '+" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "No har! done. No one is aro%nd." "#hat do yo% )ant?" "To re!ind yo% to co!e to !y roo! a&ter school today7 and )hile yo%$re at it( bring !e a snac" &ro! the school store." "Can$t yo% get one yo%rsel&?" "' co%ld(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace( "b%t ' don$t )ant to." ' sco)led. "'$! not getting yo% a snac"." "Really no)?" /r. Hey)ood !o ed a)ay &ro! his des"( )al"ing o er to !e slo)ly. ' stood !y gro%nd( staring at hi! deter!inedly. He stopped abo%t a &oot a)ay &ro! !e. "H!!7" ' )atched ca%tio%sly as /r. Hey)ood st%died !y &ace. He &ro)ned slightly( raising his hand. ' resisted the %rge to ta"e a step bac". ' sh%t !y eyes *%ic"ly )hen he to%ched !y &ace.

"This loo"s really bad(" he co!!ented *%ietly. /y eyes shot open and ' stared at hi!. #here did that co!e &ro!? #asn$t he going to blac" !ail !e into getting hi! a snac"? ' )atched hi! )arily. "'t$s not as bad as it loo"s(" ' told hi!( atte!pting to t%rn !y head. He held it in place( &ro)ning at the br%ise. "Ha e yo% iced it?" ' nodded. "1or abo%t t)o ho%rs last night. #hat abo%t yo%rs?" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed slightly. "5o!eone li"e !e doesn$t need to ice his )o%nds. ' can s%c" it %p." ' sco)led at hi!. "4o%$re s%ch a+" 5%ddenly( a lo%d noise &illed the air. ' )as con&%sed &or a !o!ent %ntil ' reali-ed it )as the bell. /r. Hey)ood dropped his hand and his s!ir" gre) )ider. "4o%$re late." ' glared at hi!. "Li"e ' don$t "no) that6 #here$s yo%r class?" "' don$t ha e one this period(" he told !e( shr%gging. "No) ' s%ggest yo% get going7" "Can$t ' ha e a late pass?" ' begged. "Are yo% going to get !e a snac" a&ter school?" he responded( his eyes lighting %p )ith a!%se!ent. ' sco)led at hi! &or a !o!ent be&ore sighing in de&eat. "1ine." He ch%c"led( )al"ing bac" o er to his des". He grabbed one o& the yello) slips o& paper and began to )rite on it. #hen he &inished( he ga e !e the piece o& paper. "4o%$d better h%rry. ' p%t the ti!e that yo% le&t t)o !in%tes ago7 yo% sho%ld al!ost be to yo% class by no)7" /y eyes )idened and ' *%ic"ly t%rned and dashed o%t o& his roo! and into the e!pty hall)ay. ' sprinted do)n the hall)ay( hoping to reach !y ne3t class *%ic"ly. ' sco)led to !ysel&. /r. Hey)ood )as s%ch a 0er".

#hen the last bell so%nded signaling the end o& the day( ' slo)ly tr%dged !y )ay to the school store. ' didn$t e en "no) )hat /r. Hey)ood )anted6 ' stood in the line &or the store( &ro)ning to !ysel&. 5%ddenly there )as a pair o& ar!s aro%nd !e( and a )ait on !y bac". ' staggered &or)ards a &e) steps( loo"ing behind !e to see Casey. 5he grinned( still clinging onto !e. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' as"ed( peeling her ar!s o&& !e. "' )as going to as" yo% the sa!e thing(" she responded( la%ghing. "2%ying &ood &ro! the school store?" ' responded( s!iling slightly. "' "ne) that(" Casey said. "2%t yo% ne er b%y &ood &ro! the school store( so it$s )eird." "'t$s not &or !e(" ' responded )ith a sigh. "#ho is it &or then?" ' opened !y !o%th to reply( b%t c%t !ysel& short. ' co%ldn$t tell Casey )ho! ' )as b%ying the &ood &or. #ith that st%pid &orbidden lo e idea o& hers( she$d tease !e abo%t it &or )ho "no)s ho) long. ' gri!aced slightly. "<!( !ysel&(" ' told her. "O"ay7" she responded( so%nding con&%sed. "Any)ay6 #hat are yo% doing right no)? .o yo% )ant to go do)nto)n?" ' shoo" !y head. "' ha e to stay a&ter school." "#hy?" ' hesitated &or a !o!ent. ".etention7" 't )asn$t a co!plete lie. #hat ' )as doing )as basically detention. #ell no( it )as blac" !ail( b%t ' )o%ld ne er tell anyone that. And i& ' did( /r. Hey)ood )o%ld s%rely beat !e %p. "1or )ho?" Casey as"ed( contin%ing her !ini interrogation. "/r. Hey)ood(" ' said )ith a sigh.

Casey blan"ed &or a !o!ent( and then a h%ge s!ir" spread across her &ace. "Oh( is that so?" "4ep." "#hat did yo% do this ti!e?" "'( er7 &ell asleep in class(" ' told her. Again( it )asn$t e3actly a lie. That co%ld ha e gotten !e a detention in another class( so )hy not /r. Hey)ood$s? "Ho) co%ld yo% &all asleep in that class?" Casey gasped. "5%rely e en i& the class )as boring( 0%st loo"ing at /r. Hey)ood sho%ld "eep yo% a)a"e." ' snorted. "4o% so%nd li"e a &an girl." "He$s c%te(" Casey responded )ith another s!ir". "' can$t help it." "And )hat does #illis say abo%t this?" Casey shr%gged. "#illis doesn$t care beca%se he "no)s /r. Hey)ood is too old &or !e." "There yo% go." "2%t he$s not too old &or yo%(" Casey contin%ed( n%dging !e in the ribs )ith her elbo). ' rolled !y eyes at her( entering the !ini store. ' searched the ite!s *%ic"ly( deciding on a bag o& salt and inegar chips. ' s!ir"ed slightly to !ysel&. Hardly anyone ' "ne) besides !ysel& li"ed this &la or o& chips( and ' hoped /r. Hey)ood didn$t either. He ne er told !e speci&ically )hat to get( so it co%ldn$t be helped i& he got so!ething he didn$t li"e. "#ell yo% ha e &%n )ith yo%r detention(" Casey said( e3iting the store )ith !e. "And ' )ant to hear abo%t it tonight." ' rolled !y eyes. "There )ill be nothing to hear abo%t." Casey s!ir"ed. "4o% ne er "no)." ' sighed( sha"ing !y head. Casey la%ghed( gi ing !e a *%ic" h%g. "5ee yo% to!orro)."

"Adios(" ' responded( )a ing once. #ith the bag o& salt and inegar chips in !y hand( ' started do)n the &irst &loor high)ay to)ards the science )ing. #hen ' reached /r. Hey)ood$s hall ' &elt !y heartbeat began to increase. This )as the &irst ti!e '$d be co!pletely alone )ith hi! )ith no one to interr%pt %s since Lance !ade !e con&ir! !y &eelings. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly. Here ' go.

CHAPTER T#ENT4,1O<R "Ho) did yo% "no) salt and inegar )ere !y &a orite &la or o& chips?" ' stared blan"ly at /r. Hey)ood. He co%ldn$t be serio%s. He s!ir"ed bac" at !e( opening the bag o& chips and eating one. 5o !%ch &or that idea. ' glanced aro%nd the roo! and !y attention )as dra)n to the ho!e)or" section on the bored. 8etting the per!ission slip &or the &ield trip signed )as %nder !y grade$s ho!e)or". "#hat$s the &ield trip?" ' as"ed( t%rning bac" to /r. Hey)ood. He stared at !e c%rio%sly &or a !o!ent( and then reali-ation s)ept across his &ace. "Oh( that$s right. 4o% )ere o%t yesterday." "Ho) do yo% "no) ? 4o% )ere o%t too." "Attendance &or!(" he in&or!ed !e( an a!%sed s!ir" on his &ace. "Oh(" ' responded si!ply. "There$s a class trip to the beach on 5at%rday(" /r. Hey)ood started( going o er to his des". "' ha e a &or! so!e)here i& yo% )ant one7 They are staying o er night at a hotel by the beach." "' )ant one(" ' told hi! *%ic"ly. He &ro)ned at !e. "Are yo% s%re?" "#hy )o%ldn$t ' be?"

/r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "Ne er !ind." "O"ay7?" /r. Hey)ood p%lled o%t a sheet o& paper( and handed it to !e. ' scanned it *%ic"ly( and p%t it into !y bac"pac". "Than"s." "No proble!." A tho%ght s%ddenly popped into !y head and ' &ro)ned slightly. "5ay( /r. Hey)ood..." "Chris(" he corrected !e( raising an eyebro). "Chris(" ' said and rolled !y eyes. "#hy don$t yo% e er ha e a detention list on the board?" /r. Hey)ood eyed !e &or a !o!ent be&ore shr%gging. "' didn$t reali-e ' had to ha e one." "4o% don$t( b%t !ost teachers do to re!e!ber )ho had a detention(" ' told hi!( loo"ing at his des". "And '$ e also noticed that yo% don$t ha e any detention slips either." "They$re 0%st in !y dra)er." ' &ro)ned deeper. "Co!e to thin" o& it... '$ e ne er heard anyone say they$ e got a detention &ro! yo%( either." ' loo"ed at hi! c%rio%sly. "#hy is that?" /r. Hey)ood cleared his throat. "' don$t "no) )hat yo%$re tal"ing abo%t. ' gi e detentions." "4eah( to !e(" ' snorted. "2%t ho) co!e '$ e ne er heard anyone else say they ha e?" "' don$t "no)(" he responded cas%ally. "The girls )o%ldn$t s%rely gloat abo%t it( and the g%ys )o%ld co!plain... b%t e er since yo% started )or"ing here( no one has said anything abo%t a detention )ith yo%." /r. Hey)ood sighed and loo"ed at !e. "#hy are yo% so interested?"

' shr%gged. "No reason really( the tho%ght 0%st s%ddenly popped into !y head." /r. Hey)ood stayed *%iet &or a !o!ent( and ' )ent o er to the )hite board( debating on as"ing )hether ' sho%ld clean it &or hi! or not. 't )asn$t li"e he see!ed to ha e anything planned &or !e to do. "'$! not allo)ed to ha e st%dents ser e detention )ith !e(" /r. Hey)ood said( brea"ing the silence. ' t%rned to loo" at hi! in s%rprise. "#hat? #hy?" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed o er at !e )ith a s!ir". "Can$t yo% &ig%re it o%t? A yo%ng( e3tere!ly handso!e( "ind( !an li"e !ysel& being alone in a roo! )ith a high schooler?" ' rolled !y eyes. "4o%$re a teacher. Nothing co%ld happen since it$s illegal." "/!!(" /r. Hey)ood responded( &ro)ning at !e. 1or so!e reason( ' &elt li"e )hat ' had said had da!pened his !ood slightly( b%t be&ore ' co%ld co!!ent on it( another tho%ght popped into !y head. ' glared at hi!. "'& yo% )eren$t allo)ed to gi e o%t detentions( ho) co!e ' got one the &irst )ee"6" ' de!anded( crossing !y ar!s. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed( shr%gging slightly. "' had a &eeling yo%$d be a &%n person to tease... and boy )as ' right." "4o%$re a 0er"( yo% "no) that?" /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "And ' ta"e pleas%re in the &act." ' sco)led at hi!. "#ell no) ' "no) that i& yo% e er gi e !e a detention again( ' don$t ha e to go." "4o%$ll go any)ays( tho%gh." ' stared at hi!( !y !o%th drying slightly. Had he &ig%red so!ething o%t? #hy )o%ld he !a"e that co!!ent? He !%st ha e !ista"en !y loo" &or a con&%sed one. "2eca%se it$ll be blac"!ail( o& co%rse(" he contin%ed si!ply. ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". ".on$t say s%ch things so lightly."

/r. Hey)ood la%ghed( his %nr%ly hair &alling into his &ace. ' )as ta"en abac" by his loo"s &or a !o!ent( and &orced !ysel& to loo" a)ay as a )ar! bl%sh spread onto !y &ace. ' needed to learn ho) to control !y horrible bl%shing habits. A silence settled in and ' a)")ardly played )ith !y &ingers )hile /r. Hey)ood stared at !e. ' &inally snapped !y attention to hi!. He raised an eyebro). "#hat do yo% )ant !e to do?" ' de!anded( the silence getting to !e. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e c%rio%sly. "#hat do yo% !ean?" "Ob io%sly yo% need !e to do !an%al labor(" ' responded. "Other)ise yo% )o%ldn$t ha e blac"!ailed !e into co!ing." /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "' )o%ldn$t really call it blac"!ailing7" ' stared &latly at hi!. He grinned bac". "#hate er(" ' responded( sighing deeply. "1ollo) !e(" /r. Hey)ood said s%ddenly( bec"oning !e to)ards the s%pply roo!. "#hile )e$re )aiting &or hi!( yo% can help !e store today$s !aterials &ro! the labs." "Hi!?" ' echoed( &ollo)ing /r. Hey)ood into the s%pply roo!. ' bl%shed &aintly( re!e!bering !y drea!( b%t *%ic"ly shoo" it o%t o& !y head. There )as no )ay that )o%ld e er happen. "#ash o%t those test t%bes("/r. Hey)ood ordered( ignoring !e co!pletely. ' sighed( )al"ing o er to the sin" )here the test t%bes )ere. 5o!ething hit !e in the bac" o& !y head and ' t%rned aro%nd to see /r. Hey)ood nodding to the gro%nd )here the thing that hit !e lay. ' loo"ed do)n to see a pair o& glo es. "#ear those 0%st in case(" he s%ggested( be&ore t%rning his bac" to !e. ' loo"ed at the test t%bes )arily be&ore pic"ing %p the glo es and p%tting the! on. "#hat che!icals )ere yo% %sing e3actly today?" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed o er at !e )ith a s!ir". "Nothing too bad." ' rolled !y eyes( pic"ing %p one o& the test t%bes. '& anything happened( at least ' co%ld s%e hi!. The tho%ght bro%ght a s!ile to !y &ace.

' t%rned on the sin" and began )ashing the test t%be o%t( &illing it )ith )ater( sha"ing it( and po%ring the )ater o%t. #hen ' )as done( ' p%t it %pside do)n on a paper to)el and started on the ne3t one. Abo%t hal&)ay thro%gh the!( ' &elt a presence ne3t to !e. "4o%$re slo)(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( loo"ing o er !y sho%lder. "Loo"( '$! going as &ast as ' can6" ' snapped( raising the hand )ith the test t%be in annoyance. #ater &ro! the test t%be sloshed o%t( going o er !y sho%lder and into /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. ' *%ic"ly t%rned aro%nd in shoc" to see /r. Hey)ood &ro)ning at !e( )ater dripping do)n his &ace. "5orry(" ' apologi-ed( trying not to la%gh. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes( )iping his &ace o&& )ith the bac" o& his slee e. "' need to go to the con&erence roo! &or a !in%te. 5tay here." "O"ay(" ' responded( t%rning bac" to the sin". /r. Hey)ood r%&&led !y hair and ch%c"led to hi!sel& be&ore e3iting the. ' loo"ed a&ter hi! &or a !in%te( trying to &i3 !y hair )ith !y &orear!. #hy did he do that? As i& !y hair didn$t loo" bad as it )as )itho%t hi! ha ing to !ess it %p. ' sighed to !ysel&( pic"ing %p the ne3t test t%be. Hair !%ssing... that )as li"e a brotherly gest%re. Or a &atherly one... ' &ro-e( !y !o%th &alling open slightly. .id /r. Hey)ood thin" o& !e as a dad )o%ld his &ather? The tho%ght !ade !e sic"( b%t it )as possible. ' shoo" !y head iolently. That )asn$t it. 't co%ldn$t possibly be it( and i& it )as( then ' )o%ld change that. 5%ddenly ' &elt a pair o& ar!s encircle !y )aist. ' screa!ed and 0%!ped iolently in s%rprise( dropping the test t%be in !y hand. 't &ell to the gro%nd and s!ashed. ' str%ggled &or a !o!ent( trying to release !ysel& &ro! the !ystery person$s ar!s. The person holding !e ch%c"led( not letting go o& !e. ".id ' s%rprise yo%?" a &a!iliar oice as"ed. "Jere!y?" ' as"ed( t%rning !y head and co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith the blonde !an.

"Hi there(" he responded )ith a grin. "Holly? #hat$s )rong?" a ne) oice called in a )orried oice. Jere!y t%rned !e aro%nd( his strong ar!s still aro%nd !y )aist. ' str%ggled &or a !o!ent %ntil ' reali-ed ' had no chance o& escaping his grasp. /r. Hey)ood appeared( his eyes &lashing aro%nd the roo! be&ore landing on Jere!y. "Oh( it$s 0%st yo%(" /r. Hey)ood said( a &ro)n on his &ace( b%t loo"ing relie ed. His eyes !o ed to Jere!y$s ar!s aro%nd !y )aist. "#hat are yo% doing?" "5ho)ing the lo e(" Jere!y responded( s*%ee-ing !e. "Hey(" ' said( trying to get o%t o& his grasp. "#hat lo e?" "That$s cold(" Jere!y stated. "' tho%ght last night !eant so!ething..." "Let her go(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( rolling his eyes. "' tho%ght yo% $aren$t interested in high school girls$?" Jere!y ch%c"led and released !e. "1eelings change( yo% "no)." "'n t)o days?" "/aybe." /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes again. "#hate er. Holly( let$s go." "Let$s go?" ' repeated( gi ing hi! a *%estioning loo". /r. Hey)ood nodded. "No) that Jere!y$s here( )e can get started." "#ith )hat?" "Teaching yo% ho) to &ight( ob io%sly(" Jere!y responded &or hi!( loo"ing at !e li"e ' )as the densest person on earth. ' stared bac" at hi!. #hat?


"Teaching !e ho) to &ight?" ' responded( raising !y eyebro). "That$s )hat ' said... yo% aren$t that bright are yo%?" Jere!y responded. ' ignored hi!( t%rning to /r. Hey)ood. He gest%red !e to)ards hi!. ' !o ed aro%nd Jere!y and )al"ed %p to hi!. "#hy do ' need to "no) ho) to &ight?" ' as"ed hi!. "' !ean( ' "no) so!e basics b%t..." "'n case so!ething li"e the other night happens and &or so!e reason '$! not there to sa e yo%(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained( &lic"ing !y &orehead. "' don$t )ant to see yo% get serio%sly in0%red beca%se o& !e." "'$! not s%re i& &ighting against the! is the s!artest idea tho%gh(" ' responded honestly. "#on$t it 0%st gi e the! !ore o& a reason to co!e a&ter !e?" Jere!y sco&&ed. "They ha e reason eno%gh already. Ha en$t yo% got into a !i3 )ith the! t)ice already? J%st "no)ing yo% "no) Chris is eno%gh &or the!." ' &ro)ned. That$s )hat they said abo%t Lance )hen ' had told the! to lea e hi! alone the other night. #hat "ind o& people )ere these gangsters? #hy did they hate /r. Hey)ood so !%ch? "/r. Hey)ood(" ' started( loo"ing %p at hi!. "Chris(" he corrected !e. "Chris(" ' said( &ro)ning. "#hat e3actly did yo% do to !a"e the! hate yo% so !%ch?" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly tensed( his &ists tightening. "' told yo% already( didn$t '? ' le&t the gang." "That$s ob io%sly not the only thing yo% did6" "'t is( no) sh%t %p abo%t it." "'$ll sh%t %p )hen yo% tell !e the tr%th6" ' arg%ed( stepping in &ront o& hi!. "J%st tell !e." ".rop it( Holly." "No6"

"4es( no) let$s go(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder( and p%shing !e &or)ards. "'$! not going any)here %ntil yo% tell !e(" ' responded boldly. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "Jere!y( grab her and ta"e her o%t the bac". '$ll go !eet yo% at !y ho%se." "#ill do(" Jere!y responded( appearing behind !e and grabbing !e. "Let$s go( "id." "No(" ' said &ir!ly( "eeping !y gro%nd. "' )ant to "no) )hy they hate /r. Hey)ood so !%ch and )hy( other)ise '$! not !o ing any)here." "Chris(" Jere!y corrected !e( p%tting his hands on !y )aist. "No) let$s go." He s%ddenly hoisted !e o&& !y &eet and o er his sho%lder. ' gasped( &lailing !y ar!s )idly. Jere!y ch%c"led( placing a hand on !y lo)er bac" to "eep !y steady. "Let !e go6" ' de!anded( str%ggling against hi!. "This co%ld be considered "idnap6 Chris6" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e )ith an a!%sed e3pression. "4es( /s. E ers?" "Tell hi! to let !e go6" "#ill yo% )illingly co!e along then?" ' hesitated( sco)ling at hi!. "4es..." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5%re yo% )ill. 8o on Jere!y. And )atch yo%r hand." Jere!y la%ghed. "O"ay." Jere!y le&t the roo! )ith !e in to). ' str%ggled to get o%t o& his grasp. He ch%c"led at !y &r%itless atte!pts. "#hat is %p )ith ad%lts thin"ing ' can$t )al" by !ysel&?" ' gro)led( gi ing %p. "Technically( '$! not an ad%lt." "Ho) old are yo%?" "T)enty(" Jere!y responded si!ply.

"That$s close eno%gh. 4o% can be considered an ad%lt at eighteen($ ' told hi!( loo"ing aro%nd to !a"e s%re no one )as in the hall)ays. "2%t technically( yo%$re considered an ad%lt at t)enty,one( and yo% can drin" at that age." "#hy does that !atter?" Jere!y la%ghed( t%rning a corner in the hall)ay. He loo"ed behind hi! &or a second( and then p%t !e do)n. "#hat Chris doesn$t "no) )on$t h%rt hi!( so don$t r%n a)ay." "' )on$t r%n a)ay(" ' responded( &ro)ning slightly. "8ood( no) h%rry( ' )ant to beat Chris to his ho%se." Jere!y grabbed !y %pper ar! and began 0ogging o%t o& the b%ilding. ' st%!bled along( trying to "eep %p )ith hi!. His strides )ere longer and *%ic"er( so ' had to basically r%n to. #e ca!e to )hat ' ass%!ed to be his car( and he gest%red &or !e to get in and b%c"le. ' did so( and he got in( and not e en &i e seconds later he )as peeling o%t o& the par"ing lot. ' loo"ed o er at Jere!y )arily. ".on$t tell !e..." He grinned bac"( shi&ting gears. "#e are so going to beat hi!." 1i&teen terri&ying !in%tes later( )e p%lled into /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent$s par"ing lot. Jere!y p%lled into a par"ing spot and sh%t o&& the car. ' stayed seated &or a &e) !o!ents( one hand still gripping the c%p holder( the other holding onto the dash. "That... )as scary(" ' &inally said( t%rning to loo" at Jere!y )ith )ide eyes. "4o% dri e li"e a !aniac6 '$! pretty s%re )e )ere o er the speed li!it the )hole ti!e6" "' too" bac" streets(" Jere!y responded )ith a )a e on the hand. "'t$s still dangero%s6" "#e are &ine6" /y door s%ddenly opened and ' t%rned to see /r. Hey)ood &ro)ning do)n at %s. "Holly( )hat$s )rong?" "' a! ne er dri ing )ith Jere!y again(" ' told hi!( s)inging !y legs o%t the door so ' co%ld get o%t.

/r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( !o ing o%t o& the )ay. ' heard Jere!y sigh deeply behind !e. "Ho) did yo% get here so &ast?" he h%&&ed( crossing his ar!s. "' s)ear yo% le&t a&ter %s." /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "#ho %sed to )in all the street races?" "5treet races?" ' gasped( loo"ing bet)een the t)o. "1orget it( let$s go inside and get started(" /r. Hey)ood said( br%shing !e o&&. "' ha e so!e)here to go at &i e." The three o& %s trooped inside( and then %p the stairs to /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent. He too" o%t his "ey and %nloc"ed the door( gest%ring %s inside &irst. ' )ent in eagerly. 't )as !y third ti!e being to his apart!ent( b%t it )as still 0%st as e3citing. "Holly( !a"e !e so!e co&&ee(" he ordered. ' t%rned to hi! )ith a s"eptical loo". "This is yo%r ho%se." He raised an eyebro). "And?" ' sco)led at hi! &or a !o!ent( b%t )ent to his "itchen any)ay. ' didn$t e en "no) )here the co&&ee )as6 "5t%pid teacher(" ' !%ttered( opening the pantry and locating the can o& co&&ee. 1i e !in%tes later( ' ret%rned to the li ing roo! )ith three stea!ing !%gs o& co&&ee. ' did !y best to "eep !y s!ir" hidden as ' placed /r. Hey)ood$s c%p in &ront o& hi!. ' added an e3tra little s%rprise into his. ' )ent bac" into the "itchen to grab the container o& hal& and hal& ' &o%nd in his &ridge and the s%gar 0ar. ' )atched as /r. Hey)ood po%red %nnecesary a!o%nts o& s%gar and hal& and hal& into his c%p. A habit ' "no) &o%nd sort o& c%te. ' bl%shed( loo"ing do)n at !y o)n c%p and p%tting a &e) care&%lly !eas%red spoon&%ls o& s%gar. #hen ' loo"ed bac" %p( /r. Hey)ood )as raising his c%p to his !o%th. ' co%ldn$t help the s!ir" &ro! spreading to !y &ace as the c%p pressed against his lips. He too" a long drin"( and to !y s%rprise and disappoint!ent( didn$t e en !a"e a &ace. He let o%t a sigh and placed the c%p bac" on the gro%nd. #hen he ca%ght !e staring he raised an eyebro). "#hat?"

' &ro)ned. "Nothing..." 5%rely the tobasco sa%ce and salt ' added to his c%p )o%ld ha e !ade so!e di&&erence. Or )as he 0%st s%c"ing it %p beca%se he didn$t )ant to let !e "no) he$d been tric"ed? 5%ddenly there )as a gagging to !y right and ' loo"ed to see Jere!y loo"ing at his c%p in disg%st. He loo"ed at !e( his eyes narro)ing. "J%st beca%se ' dro e &ast in the car doesn$t !ean yo% ha e to poison !e6" ' gaped at hi!( trying not to la%gh( b%t at the sa!e ti!e &eeling bad. "'$! sorry6 ' don$t "no)." "<gh(" he groaned( co ering his !o%th. "' thin" '$! going to be sic"... ' need so!e )ater to )ash this taste a)ay." He stood %p and )ent into the "itchen. ' heard the r%nning o& )ater and the clin" o& a glass being ta"en &ro! the c%pboard. ' loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood )ho )as innocently sipping his co&&ee. ' sighed in)ardly and pic"ed %p !y o)n( ta"ing a sip. /y eyes )idened and ' gagged instantly( doing !y best to s)allo) the bilge in !y !o%th. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e c%rio%sly( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. ' bl%shed and loo"ed a)ay. Ho) he had !anaged to slip )hate er he did into !y drin", it tasted li"e !%stard, ' didn$t "no)( b%t ' )asn$t going to let hi! ha e the glory o& tric"ing !e. ' )o%ldn$t let hi! "no). 1i e seconds later( !y resol e dissol ed and ' r%shed to the "itchen( grabbing Jere!y$s )ater o%t o& his hand and *%ic"ly ta"ing a sip( gargling and spitting it o%t. "4o% don$t scre) )ith the !aster(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood$s oice &loat into the "itchen. ' lo)ered !y head in de&eat. He$d gotten !e. "Right( so sho) !e ho) to !a"e a &ist(" /r. Hey)ood said( )hen )e )ere all settled )ith &resh c%ps o& co&ee ten !in%tes later." ' &ro)ned( holding o%t !y hand. ' clenched !y &ist( t%c"ing !y th%!b bet)een !y !iddle &inger and pointer &inger. Jere!y snorted( bo)ing his head in silent la%ghter. ' &ro)ned at hi!. "#hat?"

"Holly... ho) did yo% !anage to p%nch those g%ys be&ore )ith a &ist li"e that?" /r. Hey)ood said )ith a sigh. "Co!e here." ' !o ed !ysel& o er to the other side o& the co%ch( )here /r. Hey)ood grabbed !y hand( %nclenching it. ' bl%shed slightly at the contact( b%t tried to sha"e it a)ay *%ic"ly. /r. Hey)ood &olded !y &ingers into a &ist again( and then placed !y th%!b o er !y o er !y pointer and !iddle &ingers. "'& yo% t%c" yo%r th%!b( it )ill be easily bro"en(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e. "E en i& it$s so!eone li"e yo%." "#hat$s that s%pposed to !ean?" "P%nch !e(" /r. Hey)ood said. "#hat?" "P%nch !e(" he repeated( rasing an eyebro). "5%rely yo% "no) )hat that !eans." "' do( b%t )hy?" ' responded( loo"ing at hi! cra-ily. "' )ant to see ho) hard yo% can p%nch. .o it( yo% )on$t h%rt !e( ' pro!ise." He stood %p and then &orce&%lly p%lled !e to !y &eet. ' sco)led at hi! &or a !o!ent( yan"ing !y ar! o%t o& his grasp. "#ell( yo% as"ed &or it." <sing as !%ch &orce ' co%ld ' bro%ght bac" !y ar! and then bro%ght it &or)ard( ai!ing to land a &orce&%l hit on his chest. 2e&ore !y eyes co%ld catch )hat )as happening( /r. Hey)ood bloc"ed !y &ist )ith his hand in ease. ' blin"ed as he c%rled his hand aro%nd !y &ist. "#ell( yo% ha e so!e &orce(" he co!!ented( releasing !y &ist. ' p%lled !y hand bac" and &ro)ned at hi!. "Teaching !e ho) to &ight )on$t help !e )in against )ho e er '$! &ighting i& ' lac" s"ill." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e in s%rprise &or a second( and then his &ace t%rned serio%s. "Holly( '$! teaching yo% ho) to de&end yo%rsel& and be able to !a"e a geta)ay. ' don$t )ant yo% e en trying to ta"e on anyone( that$s too dangero%s. '& yo% aren$t able to contact !e( call Jere!y( or e en the police i& yo% ha e to." "#hoa( no( ' can$t get in ol ed )ith the police. /y !o! )ill &lip6"

"'t$s better that than yo% dead(" /r. Hey)ood responded in a hard oice. ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi!. "5o )hat are yo%r tips &or r%nning a)ay then?" /r. Hey)ood$s &ace so&tened and he nodded his head. "There$s a &e) "ey things to "no) i& they try to attac" yo% )hile &leeing, )hich they %ndo%btably )ill." Jere!y rolled his eyes and propped his &eet %p on the co&&ee table. "' still say )e 0%st let her &ight the!." "'$d be "illed(" ' stated( &ro)ning. "' don$t e en )ant to del%de !ysel& into thin"ing ' co%ld ta"e on a gangster..." /r. Hey)ood nodded( sending a glare at Jere!y. "The !ost i!portant thing is "eeping yo% sa&e." "Ho) !%ch do yo% "no) abo%t &ighting?" Jere!y c%t in( loo"ing at !e c%rio%sly. "'$ e )atched a &e) !o ies(" ' responded( &%rro)ing !y eyebro). "' "no) right hoo"s( le&t hoo"s( %pperc%ts..." Jere!y loo"ed i!pressed. "Anything else?" "' too" 9arate &or a)hile )hen ' )as yo%nger." Jere!y loo"ed at !e in s%rprise then to /r. Hey)ood. "#hy didn$t yo% 0%st say that in the &irst place6" ' stared at hi! in con&%sion. "#hat di&&erence does it !a"e? That )on$t help !e no)6" "The point is that yo% "no) so!e things( )hich !eans )e only ha e to gi e yo% so!e ad ice the deals )ith &leeing or de&ending6" /r. Hey)ood cleared his throat. "5pea"ing o& )hich( !ay ' get started no)?" Jere!y grinned and nodded. "Aye( aye( sir." "Let$s start )ith p%nching. '& yo% &eel the need that yo% ha e to &ight bac"( and by ha e to( ' !ean ha e to(" /r. Hey)ood started( p%tting e!phasis on his )ords( "ai! &or the nose and lips." ' stared at hi!( blan"ing in s%rprise. "#hat? #hy? The head is )here it$d h%rt,,"

"4o% co%ld easily brea" the s!aller bones in yo%r hand or collaspse yo%r "n%c"le(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained. "Especially i& yo%$re a girl. The nose is the best spot. The te!ples( then the throat( and !o ing lo)er ai! &or the "idneys." ' raised !y hand. /r. Hey)ood$s e3pression beca!e a!%sed &or a !o!ent and he s!ir"ed. "4es( /s. E ers?" "#hat do ' do i& !y hands are... %nable to be %sed(" ' said( )ording !y sentence a)")ardly. "Li"e i& they )ere holding !y ar!s or so!ething." "9ic"(" Jere!y responded si!ply. "4o%$re a girl. 't sho%dld be in yo%r nat%re to "ic" iolently i& so!e !an has his hands on yo% )hen it$s not )anted." /r. Hey)ood nodded. "9ic"ing is correct. Ho)e er( don$t ai! &or the head." "#hy not?" "They !ay be ai!ing to "ill yo%( b%t ' highly do%bt yo% )ant a !%rder on yo%r hands." /y eyes )idened slightly( and ' shoo" !y head. "No..." "8ood beca%se "illing so!eone ne er leads to good things( right Chris?" Jere!y added( n%dging /r. Hey)ood in the sho%lder. /r. Hey)ood shot hi! a glare be&ore rolling his eyes. "E eryone "no)s that." ' &ro)ned. "4eah..." "'& yo% &all on the gro%nd( roll(" /r. Hey)ood said( t%rning his attention bac" to !e again. "Tr%st !e )hen ' say( they )ill not hesitate to "ic" yo% )ill yo%$re do)n... or sto!p on yo%." ' )inced at the !ental i!age in !y head. "#ill do..." A phone ringing s%ddenly pierced the silence and /r. Hey)ood stood %p abr%ptly. He p%lled his phone o%t o& his poc"et and loo"ed at the caller '.. "'$ll be right bac"(" he !%ttered( glaring at the phone be&ore t%rning and going o%t into the hall )ay.

Jere!y and ' e3changed c%rio%s loo"s( b%t ' shr%gged it o&&. /r. Hey)ood al)ays see!ed to be chatting to so!eone on the phone. And he %s%ally didn$t end the call in a good !ood. Jere!y patted !y sho%lder. "' don$t "no) abo%t yo%( b%t ' thin" Chris sho%ld 0%st stic" to teaching 2iology. His... *%ote,%n*%ote teaching abo%t &ighting isn$t ery good in !y opinion." "Eh(" ' !%ttered not in agree!ent( b%t no in disagree!ent either. "Tell yo% )hat( '$ll teach yo% so!e things on !y o)n(" Jere!y o&&ered. "5o yo%$ll be better prepared. 2%t yo% can$t tell Chris." "#hy not?" Jere!y s!iled slightly. "' don$t thin" he$d be happy abo%t it. He$s s%ch a !other hen )hen it co!es to yo%. ' don$t thin" '$ e seen Chris this )orried o er anything." ' loo"ed do)n at !y lap. "Li"e a !other )orries o er her childen( h%h..." Jere!y abr%ptly started la%ghing( and r%&&led !y hair. "No. A !an )orrying &or so!eone he cares abo%t." ' bl%shed and shoo" !y head. "Not in that )ay6" Jere!y s!ir"ed. "Oh( so yo% li"e hi! in $that )ay$?" "' don$t lo e hi!6" "#hoe er said ' )as tal"ing abo%t lo e?" Jere!y responded( his s!ir" gro)ing )ider. "This is 0%st too c%te. 4o% g%ys )ill !a"e a great co%ple6" ' bl%shed harder and glared at hi!. "'t$s ob io%s he doesn$t li"e !e li"e that." "' thin" he does." "4o%$re st%pid then(" ' told hi!. ' did not )ant to get !y hopes %p. And a&ter all( ' )as still a high school girl )hile he )as an ad%lt. "4o% don$t "no) hi! li"e ' do(" Jere!y responded. "' thin" yo%$d be good &or hi!... especially beca%se o& ho) his li&e has been li"e %p %ntil no)." ' looe"d bac" %p at Jere!y( )ho )as &ro)ning no). "#hat do yo% !ean?"

"' !ean that,," The door opened and be&ore ' reali-ed )hat )as happening( Jere!y p%lled !e into a deep h%g. ' bl%shed( trying to get a)ay. "#hat are yo% doing?" "/a"ing hi! 0ealo%s." ' heard &ootsteps across the &loor( and then they stopped behind !e. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( trying to slide !y )ay o%t o& Jere!y$s grasp. "' )as gone not e en &i e !in%tes( and yo% thro) yo%rsel& on here?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( grabbing !y sho%lders and &orcibly yan"ing !e a)ay &ro! Jere!y. ' st%!bled and &ell bac" into his chest( bls%hing once again. /r. Hey)ood steadied !e be&ore letting !e go. ' loo"ed %p at hi! and he the) a disappro ing loo" to Jere!y. "Can ' tr%st yo% to ta"e her ho!e? Or )ill yo% attac" her in the car?" "' !ight(" Jere!y said )ith a s!ir" on his &ace. "' don$t ha e ti!e &or this(" /r. Hey)ood snapped( glaring at the !an. "4es or no." Jere!y sighed. "4es. #hat$s got yo% all hyped %p? A date?" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "5o!ething along those lines..." Jere!y blan"ed and ' &ro-e.

CHAPTER T#ENT4,5'C "Holly. Holly? Holly6" 5o!ething hit the top o& !y head and ' 0%!ped( co!ing o%t o& !y da-e. ' loo"ed to !y right to see Lance &ro)ning at !e. "'$ e been calling yo%r na!e &or the past !in%te6" "5orry(" ' responded( stretching.

"Can ' ha e yo%r e3tra pi--a stic"s?" A grin !ade it$s )ay onto !y &ace and ' shoo" !y head( sliding !y l%nch tray o er to Lance. "4o% )anted !y attention 0%st to as" !e that? <s%ally yo% 0%st ta"e the!." "Can$t ' be a gentle!an once in a)hile?" Lance grinned at !e( and ' rolled !y eyes bac". The s!all scar on his head &ro! )hen the bat hit hi! ca%ght !y attention. He ca%ght !e loo"ing and &ro)ned. "'t doesn$t h%rt(" he in&or!ed !e( r%nning a &inger o er it. "'t 0%st is sort o& r%ining !y good loo"s." ' rolled !y eyes. "4eah( o"ay." 5ilence &ell bet)een %s again and ' !oodily pic"ed thro%gh !y trail !i3. ' had already pic"ed o%t the /F/s and the only things le&t )ere all the n%ts and raisins. 2oth &ood ite!s gross in !y opinion. ' absently )ondered i& /r. Hey)ood li"ed pean%ts. Or i& he li"ed chocolate... ' &ro)ned slightly a&ter a !o!ent. ' didn$t act%ally "no) anything abo%t hi!( besides his past as a gang !e!ber( and ' didn$t e en "no) all that. He )as "eeping so!ething &ro! !e. 2%t he ne er shared )hat he li"ed( or disli"ed. He ne er told !e )hat he li"es to do( or )here he ca!e &ro!... He probably )o%ldn$t tell !e )ho he )ent on a date )ith. ' h%&&ed( cr%shing a pean%t bet)een !y &ingers. #ho did /r. Hey)ood "no) that )as a girl besides the &ac%lty and st%dents here? And !ore i!portantly( )hat did he see in her? /r. Hey)ood had ne er !entioned a girl be&ore6 And Jere!y didn$t e en "no) )ho he )as dating. ' )anted to "no) )ho she )as( b%t at the sa!e ti!e ' didn$t. #hat i& she )as a bea%ti&%l )o!an )ho ' co%ldn$t co!pete against? 't )as possible. /r. Hey)ood )as ery handso!e... ' hea ed a hea y sigh( sl%!ping onto the table. Lo e )as a ery %n&air thing. 5%ddenly ' )as &orced into a sitting position and ' loo"ed aro%nd in shoc" and !y eyes landed on Lance$s hard &ace. He loo"ed at !e acc%singly and crossed his ar!s. "Holly E ers. 4o% tell !e )hat$s )rong )ith yo% this instant6" "H%h?" ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise. "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?"

"4o%$ e sighed at least &i&ty ti!es since l%nch started(" a ne) oice &ro! !y le&t pointed o%t. ' 0%!ped again( t%rning to !y le&t to see Casey )atching !e )ith concerned eyes. "#hen did yo% get here?" "'$ e been here the )hole ti!e(" she told !e( raising an eyebro). "4o% didn$t notice !e?" "Oh... no." "2eca%se she$s too b%sy being in the d%!ps abo%t so!ething she )on$t share )ith %s(" Lance inter0ected( &ro)ning at !e. "Tell %s )hat$s )rong(" Casey pro!pted. "Ob io%sly there$s so!ething going on." ' shoo" !y head. "Nothing$s going on." Lance and Casey ga e !e s"eptical loo"s. "Really(" ' ass%red. "Not e en the slightest?" "1ine. ' didn$t st%dy &or the !ath test(" ' lied. "All the &or!%las got to !e and ' said scre) it( ' can a&&ord to &ail. 5o it$s not that big o& a deal. And e en i& it )as,," "Holly( don$t &a&&." ".on$t )hat?" Lance rolled his eyes. "A!ericans..." "Listen( so!eti!es there are proble!s ' ha e that yo% )o%ldn$t )ant to hear abo%t( Lance. And it 0%st so happens that this one happens to be abo%t a !an yo% don$t really li"e." Lance$s eyes )idened in shoc". "Oh( /r. Hey,," ' shot hi! a )arning glare. "H,hey no)( hey no)( this is )hat drea!s are !ade o&6" he sang *%ic"ly( !a"ing his oice high,pitched as he sang.

' shoo" !y head( and ca%ght Casey grinning )idely at !e. ' )atched her care&%lly. "'t$s abo%t /r. Hey)ood isn$t it?" she said( loo"ing s!%g. "#hat? No6" ' responded too *%ic"ly( glaring at Lance( )ho )as still singing. Casey grinned )ider( i& that )as possible. "Oh( ' thin" it is." 5he t%rned to Lance. ".on$t yo% thin" so too( Lance?" They stared at each other &or a !in%te. Lance held %p his side &or a !in%te( b%t ' co%ld see hi! start to &alter %nder Casey$s inti!idating ga-e. "Ah... ' thin" so too." "Lance6" "C$!on( 0%st tell %s(" Casey %rged. "#here$s #illis?" ' as"ed( trying to change the s%b0ect. "And .anielle? And 5a!?" "A)ay(" Casey responded *%ic"ly( she p%t on a po%ting &ace. "Holly( 0%st say it. #e )on$t 0%dge yo%. '$! yo%r best &riend( yo% can tell !e. 2esides ' already "no) ho) yo% &eel abo%t hi!." Lance co%ghed *%ietly and ' shot hi! another glare. He loo"ed bac" sheepishly. "'t$s Casey... yo% "no) ho) she is. 5he 0%st doesn$t b%gger o&& %ntil yo% tell her. 5he 0%st contin%es to harass yo% %ntil yo% 0%st can$t ta"e it any!ore6 5he$s so conni ing." "2%t it )as a secret Lance6" ' snapped bac"( ignoring his e3c%ses. "5o it is tr%e6" Casey gasped( staring at !e )ith )ide eyes. "' didn$t belie e it )hen Lance told !e6 2%t ' "ne) yo%$d &all &or hi!6 ' &elt the che!istry. ' "ne) he$d li"e yo% too." ' let o%t an e3asperated sigh. ".on$t get ahead o& yo%rsel&( Casey..." 5he stared at !e c%rio%sly. "#hat do yo% !ean?" "J%st beca%se ' li"e hi!,," "Lo e hi!(" Lance inter0ected.

' sent hi! a harsh glare. ".oesn$t !ean anything )ill happen... besides( he$s got a date." Casey$s eyes )idened !ore. E en Lance loo"ed s%rprise. "5o that$s yo%r proble!(" he co!!ented( &ro)ning slightly. ' glared at hi!( letting o%t a $h!ph$. He snic"ered at !e. "A)( is Holly 0ealo%s?" "'$! not 0ealo%s(" ' snapped at hi!. "4o%$re in denial(" Casey inter0ected( patting !y sho%lder. "'$! not6" 5he raised her eyebro)s. "5o%nds li"e denial to !e." "2%t '$! not6" ' arg%ed( clenching !y &ist. "'$! not 0ealo%s. #hy )o%ld ' be 0ealo%s? He can date any )o!an he )ants. '$! not stopping hi!. ' can$t stop hi!( it$s not li"e )e are a thing. He$s probably dating a !odel." Lance )atched !e )ith an a!%sed e3pression. Casey started la%ghing. "Oh( Holly( ha e !ore con&idence in yo%rsel&(" Casey said( patting !y bac". "4o%$re not that %gly." "' ne er said ' tho%ght ' )as %gly6" Casey la%ghed. "'$! "idding. 2%t( it )as a little s%rprising that yo% told Lance and not !e. ' !ean( )e are best &riends( and both girls right?" ' groaned in)ardly. Casey al)ays played the g%ilt ga!e )ith !e )hen ' hid so!ething &ro! her. 5he po%ted at !e slightly. ' ga e Lance a hard loo". "Lance )asn$t s%pposed to "no) either(" ' told her( trying to !a"e her &eel better. "#ell ho) did he "no) then?" "He... eh..." ' trailed o&&( trying to thin" o& an e3c%se. 5aying( "oh( hey basically blac"!ailed !e" )o%ldn$t )or" so )ell. "' read her diary(" Lance said( so%nding %ns%re.

Casey snic"ered. "5ho%ld ha e g%essed. ' &o%nd Holly$s diary in si3th grade once. ' tho%ght ' told her to hide it better..." "Oops(" ' responded )ith a &orced la%gh. ' rolled !y eyes at Lance. He co%ldn$t ha e tho%ght o& a better e3c%se( co%ld he? ' hadn$t )rote in a diary since si3th grade6 Casey s!ir"ed s!%gly. "#ell. ' "ne) it. 2%t yo% g%ys )o%ldn$t be "eeping any other secrets &ro! !e( )o%ld yo%?" Lance and !y eyes !et once !ore( loo"ing )ary. ' t%rned bac" to Casey( sha"ing !y head. "No..." 't )as &or her o)n good she didn$t "no) abo%t the )hole gang thing. ' didn$t )ant to p%t her in danger( e en i& that !eant ' had to lie to her. 2%t ' still &elt g%ilty. "That re!inds !e6 Holly( are yo% going on the beach trip on 5at%rday?" Casey as"ed s%ddenly( loo"ing e3cited. "' a!6" ' nodded. "4eah( ' got the papers signed last night. '$! going to gi e the! to /r. Hey)ood ne3t period." "'t$s too bad he$s not co!ing( h%h(" Casey responded )ith a sigh. "4o% g%ys co%ld ha e &%n(" she added )ith a )in". ' too" a deep breath and let it o%t slo)ly. No) ' )o%ld ha e to p%t %p )ith Casey$s teasings. ' shot Lance another glare( and he sent !e an apologetic loo". "Are yo% going( Lance?" Casey as"ed( obli io%s to !y glare to hi!. Lance t%rned to her and shoo" his head. "' ha e to )or"." "4o% )or"?" ' *%estioned( loo"ing s%rprised. Lance s!ir"ed. "No) ' do. ' got a part ti!e 0ob at the s%per !ar"et do)nto)n." "L%c"y(" Casey said( &ro)ning. "' need a 0ob." "/e too(" ' agreed.

"'$d say '$d hoo" yo% %p( b%t they aren$t loo"ing &or any !ore help(" Lance e3plained )ith a shr%g. "5pea"ing o& do)n to)n( did yo% hear they &o%nd three g%ys "noc"ed o%t at the to)ing place?" Casey started( lo)ering her oice. "'t see!s li"e there )as a &ight there." ' &ro-e( loc"ing ga-es )ith Lance once !ore. "<!( no( )here$d yo% hear that?" ' as"ed( &orcing !ysel& to so%nd cal!. "'t )as on the ne)s(" Casey responded. "2%t isn$t it )eird? There hasn$t been any &ights in o%r to)n in so long... )ell ones bad eno%gh to !a"e the ne)s." "/aybe it )asn$t a &ight(" Lance s%ggested. "/aybe they )ere 0%st passed o%t &ro! drin"ing too !%ch." "2%t they )ere in0%red(" Casey said. "And one had a bat. .e&initely a &ight." ' &orced o%t a la%gh. "#ell( it doesn$t in ol e %s." "Tr%e(" Casey responded )ith a nod. The bell rang( signaling l%nch )as o er. ' sighed in relie&. ' didn$t )ant Casey to get s%spicio%s. Ho)e er !y sigh o& relie& t%rned into a groan. ' still hadn$t bro%ght !y tray %p. "2etter h%rry and bring yo%r tray %p so yo% aren$t late &or biology(" Lance ta%nted be&ore &ollo)ing Casey o%t o& the ca&eteria. "5hoot6" ' !%ttered( grabbing !y tray and heading to)ards the &ront o& the ca&eteria. ' care&%lly !ane% ered !ysel& thro%gh the cro)ds o& people( !a"ing s%re to not ha e !y tray b%!p into anyone. ' !ade it to the trash can sa&ely( b%t )hen ' )as abo%t to d%!p !y &ood( so!eone "noc"ed into !y hand( !a"ing !e drop the tray. ' groaned( and t%rned to glare at the person. /r. Hey)ood stared bac"( loo"ing a!%sed. "Holly... sorry abo%t that(" he apologi-ed( trying to hide a grin. /y eyes opened )ider and ' i!!ediately loo"ed do)n at the gro%nd( !y &ace heating %p slightly. He )as the one person ' did not )ant to see right no). 8ranted ' )as abo%t to see hi! in class( b%t that )o%ldn$t ha e been 0%st the t)o o& %s.

He appeared in !y ision again( grabbing !y l%nch tray. ' )atched as he bro%ght it to the l%nch lady. They chatted &or a !o!ent( and then /r. Hey)ood ca!e bac" o er to !e. "5o did Jere!y try anything in the car last night?" ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise. "#hat? No." /r. Hey)ood stared at !e &or a !o!ent( then nodded. "8ood." ' &ro)ned bac". "#hy does it !atter( e en i& he had? /aybe he did( ' co%ld be lying to yo%." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e in a!%se!ent. "Holly( yo% )o%ldn$t lie to !e." "' )o%ldn$t be so s%re." He sighed( r%&&ling !y hair. ' p%lled a)ay )ith a &ro)n. "'& yo%$re 0ealo%s( 0%st say it." "#hat?" ' responded( !y &ace t%rning red. "'$! not,," "' !ean( any girl )o%ld be 0ealo%s i& ' )ent on a date that )asn$t )ith the!( right?" he contin%ed( s!ir"ing. ' glo)ered at hi!( p%shing his hand o&& !y head. "4o% are so narcissistic." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "' )as "idding( Holly." ' ga e hi! a blan" loo" and he sighed. "Any)ay( yo% don$t ha e to stay a&ter today(" he told !e( r%bbing his head. "Eh? #hy not?" ' as"ed( a little disappointed. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "'$ e got to go o%t..." "Another date?" ' responded( !y heart beating &aster. "'& yo% !ean li"e last night$s date( then yes."

/r. Hey)ood )atched !e care&%lly. ' str%ggled to "eep !y &ace straight. ' )o%ldn$t let hi! "no) ' )as 0ealo%s. #hy )as he e en telling !e that? He co%ld ha e 0%st said he )as b%sy6 ' clenched !y &ist. T)o co%ld play at this ga!e. ' s!iled( !a"ing /r. Hey)ood raise and eyebro). "Ho) per&ect does that )or"? Jere!y as"ed i& he co%ld ta"e !e o%t a&ter school today. ' told hi! no since ' had to help yo%( b%t no) ' don$t. '$ll 0%st gi e hi! a call." /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )idened in s%rprise( b%t they *%ic"ly ret%rned to their nor!al state. A &ro)n slipped onto his &ace. "Ho) do yo% ha e Jere!y$s n%!ber?" "He ga e it to !e(" ' responded si!ply. "Oh really?" /r. Hey)ood said( narro)ing his eyes. "4eah( )ant !e to pro e it?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "Pro e it." ' p%lled o%t !y cell phone and &lipped thro%gh the contacts %ntil ' got to Jere!y$s. ' held it %p to /r. Hey)ood. "5ee?" He s!ir"ed( ta"ing !y cell phone o%t o& !y hand. "Con&iscated. No cell phone %se in school( /s. E ers." ' stared at hi! )ith !y !o%th open. #as he 0o"ing? He had to be 0o"ing. The bell rang and ' 0%!ped. /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head at !e. "No) yo%$re late." "8i e !e !y phone6" ' de!anded( reaching &or his hand. "Nope(" he responded si!ply( p%tting !y phone into his poc"et. "4o% "no) the r%les( /s. E ers. 4o% can ha e it bac" )hen yo%r !o! co!es and gets it &ro! the school." "4o% as"ed !e to pro e it6" "' didn$t as" yo% to ta"e o%t yo%r phone." ' shoo" !y head angrily. "4o%$re %nbelie able( yo% "no) that?"

/r. Hey)ood si!ply shr%gged. "R%les are r%les. And yo%$re also late... 2%t since ' ha e a date a&ter school( ' can$t gi e yo% a detention." "4o% can$t gi e !e one in the &irst place(" ' pointed o%t( p%tting !y hands on !y hips. "Re!e!ber )hat yo% told !e?" "Re!e!ber Lance p%nching !e in the &ace?" ' glared at hi! &or a &e) !o!ents. He si!pered bac"( loo"ing highly a!%sed. ' h%&&ed angrily and t%rned aro%nd( stal"ing a)ay &ro! hi!. "#here are yo% going?" he called. ' t%rned aro%nd( narro)ing !y eyes. "To class." 1or once( ' )as glad there )ere e!pty seats in the blac" o& the classroo!. ' )ent to the one near Lance and sat do)n( sco)ling. /r. Hey)ood entered the roo! a &e) seconds later loo"ing pleased )ith hi!sel&. "5orry '$! late(" he apologi-ed to the class. He )ent straight into a lect%re abo%t e ol%tion. ' glared !oodily at hi! the entire ti!e( and e ery ti!e he loo"ed at !e( he$d s!ir" in a!%se!ent. ' clenched !y &ist. #hy )o%ld he ta"e !y cell phone a)ay? ' "ne) he )as a 0er"( b%t that )as a total ass !o e. .id ' do so!ething to %pset hi!? Or did he 0%st li"e teasing !e? ' sco)led )hen ' reali-ed it )as probably the latter. Either that or he didn$t )ant !e to contact Jere!y... /y eyes )idened in reali-ation. That co%ld be it6 That )as )hy he too" !y cell phone. He didn$t )ant !e to get in to%ch )ith Jere!y. 2%t )hat did that !ean? ' let o%t a *%ic" r%sh o& air. #as /r. Hey)ood 0ealo%s o& Jere!y? ' s!ir"ed to !ysel&( tapping !y des". T)o really co%ld play at the 0ealo%s ga!e( co%ldn$t they. ' sent /r. Hey)ood a s)eet s!ile )hen )e ca%ght eye contact again. He loo"ed con&%sed and st%!bled on his )ords. ' la%ghed. This )o%ld be &%n.


"Casey6" ' called( r%nning do)n the hall a&ter her. "Case6" 5he stopped and t%rned aro%nd( )aiting &or !e to catch %p )ith her. ' pa%sed beside her( trying to regain !y breath. "'$ e r%n aro%nd this )hole school loo"ing &or yo%6" ' e3plained( holding !y side. "#hy?" she responded( loo"ing slightly a!%sed. "#ant to )al" ho!e )ith !e?" Casey raised her eyebro) at !y re*%est. #ell( it so%nded !ore li"e ' begged her rather than as"ed her. "#hy are yo% as"ing?" "2eca%se lately )e ha en$t been )al"ing ho!e together since '$ e been getting rides( or yo%$ e been getting rides... !ostly yo%(" ' said( narro)ing !y eyes acc%singly. "And it$s too boring to )al" ho!e alone." Casey s!iled sheepishly. "Act%ally..." "Casey6" a ne) oice called( and Casey loo"ed behind !e( a s!ile spreading on her &ace. ' t%rned aro%nd and #illis grinned at !e. "Oh(" ' responded in de&eat. "4o%$re going ho!e )ith hi!?" "Hi!?" #illis responded( sni&&ing. "' do ha e a na!e." "5orry(" Casey responded( bo)ing her head. "'t$s o%r one year and a hal& anni ersary so..." ' )a ed !y hand. ".on$t )orry. 4o% t)o go ha e &%n." #illis grinned( )rapping an ar! aro%nd Casey$s sho%lder. "4o% can 0oin %s i& yo% )ant( Holly." "Nah( ' don$t )ant to intr%de(" ' told hi!. "4o% need to get a boy&riend so )e can do%ble date(" #illis co!!ented( &ro)ning slightly.

Casey la%ghed. "Oh( tr%st !e. #e co%ldn$t do%ble date )ith the g%y she$s got her sights on." "Casey6" ' )arned( glaring. ".on$t )orry( ' can "eep a secret( Holly." "' "no) b%t..." "#hat are yo% t)o tal"ing abo%t?" #illis inter0ected( loo"ing c%rio%s. "Ne er !ind(" ' said *%ic"ly. "4o% t)o go ha e &%n... '$! going to go )al" ho!e... alone... ' co%ld be "idnapped... !aybe e en "illed,," "5top being o er,dra!atic( Holly(" Casey repri!anded( rolling her eyes. "5ee yo% later." ' grinned( sha"ing !y head. "O"ay( bye." ' )atched as they )al"ed o&& to)ards #illis$s loc"er. #hen they )ere o%t o& sight ' sighed( t%rning aro%nd and )al"ing straight into so!eone. ' )inced at the contact o& !y &ace and their hard chest. "The tables ha e t%rned(" a &a!iliar oice co!!ented. ' loo"ed %p to see /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ing do)n at !e. "#atch )here yo%$re going( Holly." ' sco)led( stepping a)ay &ro! hi!. "Right." ' t%rned aro%nd and started )al"ing &or the bac" e3it o& the school. All the other st%dents )ent o%t the &ront )here the b%ses )ere( and ' didn$t &eel li"e dealing )ith the chaos. ' heard &ootsteps behind !e that told !e /r. Hey)ood )as &ollo)ing !e. "4o%$re not angry abo%t !e ta"ing yo%r phone a)ay( are yo%?" he *%estioned( &alling into step )ith !e. ' ignored hi!( concentrating on the door so ' didn$t snap at hi!. He ch%c"led beside !e. "Or !aybe yo%$re 0ealo%s o& !y date again?" ' s)allo)ed( )illing !ysel& not to tal". ' co%ldn$t let hi! "no) ' )as the least bit 0ealo%s( other)ise he$d !oc" !e. Or &ig%re o%t ' li"ed hi!. The tho%ght passed thro%gh !y head and ' al!ost &ro-e in s%rprise. #ell ' did &ree-e &or a split second( b%t ' &orced !ysel& to "eep )al"ing. ' p%shed open the doors that led o%tside to the par"ing lot.

#hat i& /r. Hey)ood did &ig%re o%t ' li"ed hi!? #o%ld he ignore !e? #o%ld ' be scolded? #o%ld ' get in tro%ble? Or !aybe he )o%ld tell !e he li"ed !e too... ' shoo" !y head. '!possible. "Holly6" ' heard a horn blare( and a ro%gh grip on !y ar! !ade !e st%!bled bac")ards( bac" into /r. Hey)ood$s chest again. ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise( he stared do)n at !e( his eyes hard. ".on$t )al" o%t into the road )itho%t paying attention6 4o% al!ost 0%st got hit6" ' loo"ed to !y right to see a blac" car )ith tinted )indo)s stopped abo%t a &oot a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood and !ysel&. The car door opened and( to !y s%rprise( so!eone &a!iliar stepped o%t o& it. "Jere!y?" ' gasped in disbelie&. "Holly( Chris(" he greeted )ith a grin. "#hat are yo% doing here?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( a &ro)n slipping onto his &ace. "'$ e co!e to pic" %p Holly." /r. Hey)ood glanced at !e( and ' s!iled s!%gly bac" at hi!. "Ho)..." /r. Hey)ood trailed o&&( his eyes narro)ing. ' shr%gged. "' don$t "no). 4o% too" !y phone a)ay so ' co%ldn$t call hi!." "'s that )hy yo% )eren$t ans)ering !y te3ts(" Jere!y co!!ented )ith a &ro)n. ' nodded( hoo"ing a th%!b to)ards /r. Hey)ood. "He tric"ed !e and too" it a)ay." "That$s not ery nice( Chris(" Jere!y co!!ented( &ro)ning at /r. Hey)ood. /r. Hey)ood sco)led slightly. Jere!y shr%gged and gest%red !e to)ards his car )ith a nod o& his head. ' nodded( )al"ing a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood and going to stand by Jere!y. "#here are yo% going?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed.

"5o!e place(" Jere!y responded ag%ely. "Ha e &%n on yo%r date(" ' added( doing !y best to "eep a straight &ace. ' )al"ed aro%nd the car and got into the passenger$s side o& the car and got in. Jere!y cli!bed into the dri er$s side. /r. Hey)ood )as ho ering beside his )indo)( &ro)ning. Jere!y rolled do)n his )indo) a little bit. "5erio%sly. #here are yo% g%ys going?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed. "On a date(" Jere!y responded( a grin spreading on his &ace "5ee ya later( Chris6" /r. Hey)ood opened his !o%th to respond( b%t Jere!y *%ic"ly rolled %p his )indo)( c%tting hi! o&&. ' t%rned !y head so /r. Hey)ood co%ldn$t see !e snic"ering. Jere!y pressed on the gas pedal( and )e le&t /r. Hey)ood standing in the !iddle o& the road )ith a sco)l on his &ace. ' started la%ghing. "That )as great( Jere!y6" Jere!y s!iled( "eeping his eyes on the road. "' only thin" it$s &air. A&ter all( he$s trying to !a"e yo% 0ealo%s( so t)o can play at that." ' sighed. "E en tho%gh yo% say that( and ' )ant to( /r. Hey)ood )o%ld ne er be 0ealo%s." "' )o%ldn$t so s%re o& that." "Eh?" "#ell he too" yo%r cell phone a)ay( right? Chris is an e3,gangster. .o yo% serio%sly thin" he en&orces the school r%les on people? And isn$t he one o& the st%dent body$s &a orite teacher?" "#ell no( b%t..." "#hy did yo% e en ha e yo%r cell phone o%t?" "He )anted !e to pro e ' had yo%r n%!ber(" ' responded( &ro)ning. "He tric"ed !e tho%gh. That$s )hen he too" it." Jere!y started la%ghing. ' sco)led at hi!. "'t$s not &%nny. ' need !y phone and !y !o! )or"s all day."

"Holly( did yo% e er thin" the reason he too" yo%r phone )as beca%se he didn$t )ant yo% to contact !e?" "4eah( b%t that$s i!possible." "#hy do yo% thin" that?" "2eca%se he$s a !an... and '$! 0%st a high school girl." "That )o%ldn$t stop !e(" Jere!y pointed o%t( gi ing !e a side,long glance. "2%t yo% said,," "The point '$! trying to !a"e(" he started( c%tting !e o&&( "is that yo% sho%ld ha e a little bit o& con&idence in yo%rsel&." "2%t he$s got a date(" ' !%ttered( loo"ing o%t the )indo). ".ate( Holly. That doesn$t !ean girl&riend. 4o% and ' are o%t on a date( aren$t )e? And '$! not yo%r boy&riend... %nless yo% )ant !e to be." ' s!iled( sha"ing !y head. "4o%$re right... they$re 0%st on a date." "4o% can al)ays steal hi! bac"." "' ne er said ' li"ed hi!(" ' pointed o%t( t%rning to loo" at Jere!y. "4o% didn$t ha e to. 't$s ob io%s." ' bl%shed( *%ic"ly loo"ing o%t the )indo) again. "'s it really?" "To e eryone )ho has seen yo% interact o%tside o& school( then yes. #ell e3cept to yo% and Chris( ' g%ess." ' sighed. "There$s no )ay he co%ld li"e !e." Jere!y s!ir"ed. "'& yo% e er get the chance( loo" at his cell phone." "Eh?" Jere!y shr%gged( &oc%sing all his attention on the road again. ' )atched as )e passed the do)nto)n area( and soon the o%ts"irts o& to)n. ' &ro)ned slightly( t%rning bac" to Jere!y.

"#here are )e going?" "'t$s a secret(" he responded in a teasing tone. ' &ro)ned( b%t let it go. ' )atched o%t the )indo) as )e p%lled onto a dirt road that led into the &orest. The deeper )e dro e into it( the !ore dense it beca!e. ' glanced at Jere!y ner o%sly. "4o%$re not bringing !e o%t here to "ill !e( are yo%?" Jere!y la%ghed and shoo" his head. "No( '$! going to sho) yo% so!ething yo% !ight appreciate." "All the )ay o%t here?" "Loo"." ' loo"ed o%t the )indshield and !y eyes landed on a h%ge b%ilding. ' co%ld tell it )as abandoned; the paint )as peeling( the )indo)s )ere bro"en( the la)n )as o ergro)n( and part o& the roo& had collapsed. "Oh 0oy. A rape h%t(" ' said sarcastically. Jere!y snorted. "A )hat? #hat the hell is that? 2%t no... it$s not $a rape h%t$. This is !ine and Chris$s old gang hang o%t place." "Really?" ' loo"ed at the b%ilding )ith ne) respect. "#hat happened?" "A &e) years bac" a stor! "noc"ed a tree into the roo&( and none o& %s )ere carpenters( so )e had to ditch it." "#hy not 0%st call a carpenter?" Jere!y raised an eyebro). "And e3ploit o%r hideo%t? ' thin" not." ' nodded in %nderstanding. 't )as "ind o& e3citing to ha e a secret hide o%t spot. ' )o%ldn$t )ant anyone to "no) )here !ine )as i& ' had one. 2%t it )as a sad thing to ha e to abandon it. Jere!y par"ed the car and ' %nb%c"led !ysel&( getting o%t *%ic"ly. ' started across the la)n( eager to loo" inside. "#ait %p( "iddo6" Jere!y called a&ter !e and ' heard his &oot&alls as he ran to catch %p. "'t$s dangero%s in there( so don$t )ander o&& alone."

".angero%s?" ' repeated( t%rning )ith a &ro)n. "Ho)?" "Can$t yo% tell? 't$s &alling apart. ' ha en$t been here in a &e) years( )ell no one has been here in a &e) years. #ho "no)s ho) sa&e it is?" "' still )ant to go inside(" ' co!plained. "#e dro e all the )ay o%t here." Jere!y loo"ed at !e &or a !o!ent( and then sighed. "1ine. 2%t i& anything happens to yo%( yo% tell Chris it$s not !y &a%lt." ' grinned. ".eal." #ith that( ' t%rned aro%nd and h%rried to)ards the porch( stepping %p the crea"y stairs. ' tried to the door( and )as pleasantly s%rprised to &ind it open. ' t%rned aro%nd to shoot Jere!y a grin. He s!iled bac"( !a"ing his )ay slo)ly %p the steps. ' opened the door and a hea y sent o& !othballs and d%st &illed !y nose and ' co%ghed &or a second( trying to ad0%st !ysel& to the !%s". #hen ' did( ' entered &%lly entered the ho%se( only to be en eloped in dar"ness. The only light ca!e &ro! the door ' had 0%st entered &ro!. "'s there a light s)itch in here? "To yo%r le&t(" Jere!y responded( co!ing into ie) at the door. "2%t ' highly do%bt i&,," Light &illed the roo! as ' s)itched on the light s)itch Jere!y )as tal"ing abo%t. He loo"ed at !e in s%rprise. "/aybe the electric co!pany didn$t notice yet?" ' s%ggested( shr%gging. "/aybe(" Jere!y !%r!%red in agree!ent. ' s%r eyed the roo! in &ront o& !e. 't )as ery large( and ery bare. The only pieces o& &%rnit%re in the roo! )ere a ratty old co%ch that )as against the &ar le&t )all( )ith a recliner to acco!pany it( and scattered chairs against the right. There )as a stair case on either side o& the roo!( that led %p to a balcony that ho ered o er the last *%arter o& the roo!. 't )as ery grand. "#hat )as this roo! %sed &or?" "1ights(" Jere!y replied si!ply. "/oc" &ights. Challenges. Practice."

' stared at hi! in a)e. "4o% act%ally &o%ght here?" "'t )as o%r base &or a reason( yo% "no)(" Jere!y responded( raising an eyebro). "C$!on( '$ll sho) yo% so!ething cool." "O"ay." ' &ollo)ed Jere!y to)ards a set o& stairs on the le&t( and he care&%lly began stepping %p the!. He too" one step at a ti!e( testing each stair )ith his )eight be&ore stepping on it &%lly. #hen )e &inally !ade it to the stop )itho%t incident( he gest%red !e to)ard a door directly across the hall. "This is o%r hall o& &a!e in a )ay(" he told !e( opening the door the roo!. ' peered in and &%rro)ed !y eyes in con&%sion. "#hat are all those papers on the &loor?" "#hat?" Jere!y loo"ed aro%nd !e and he let o%t a little gasp. "#hat happened here?" The roo! )as scattered )ith papers all o er the &loor. There )ere also a &e) !iscellaneo%s ite!s lying aro%nd as )ell. Jere!y p%shed !e aside and )al"ed into the roo!( &ro)ning deeply. "' )onder )ho did this(" he co!!ented( s*%atting do)n and pic"ing %p one o& the papers. ' )al"ed &%rther into the roo! and bent do)n and pic"ed %p )hat loo"ed li"e a photograph. ' t%rned it o er to the &ront and )as staring at a &a!iliar &ace( only a &e) years yo%nger. "Jere!y(" ' started( )al"ing o er to hi!. "'s this yo%?" Jere!y stood %p( ta"ing the photo o%t o& his hand. He loo"ed at it &or a second and grinned. "That$s !e. 2ac" )hen ' )as a 0%nior." "4o% )ere so c%te6" ' co!!ented( ta"ing the pict%re bac". "' )o%ld ha e totally dated yo%." "Hey(" he said( so%nding o&&ended. "'$! only &o%r years older no)." ' ignored hi!( bending do)n and pic"ing %p another piece o& paper. This ti!e it )as a ne)s article c%to%t. ' scanned it *%ic"ly. There )as a pict%re o& a teenager( )ho )as a little bit handso!e( on it. 'n a n%tshell( the article )as abo%t the teen )ho had beaten another nearly to death.

"That$s Jason(" Jere!y co!!ented( !a"ing !e 0%!p. "He )as arrested tho%gh." "#hy is the clipping here?" ".idn$t ' tell yo%? This is o%r hall o& &a!e. 8ranted( e erything %sed to be on the )all tho%gh... ' really )onder )ho tore it all o&&." "Hall o& &a!e? As in..." "As in i& yo% did )ell in a &ight( yo%$re pict%re )o%ld be %p on the )all. On the bac" it$d say yo%r na!e( age( opponent( and ho) long the &ight too". 4o% co%ld also get on the )all i& yo% got into the ne)spapers. There )ere other )ays o& getting on it( b%t '$! not going to e3plain." ' loo"ed at the pict%re o& Jere!y )hen he )as a 0%nior. 5%re eno%gh( there )as )riting on the bac". "5o it too" yo% ten !in%tes to beat this g%y na!ed Aaron?" Jere!y nodded. "'t )o%ldn$t ha e ta"en so long i& the bastard hadn$t s%rprised !e )ith a "ni&e. ' let o%t a startled gasp. "'s that legal?" Jere!y ga e an e3aggerated sigh. "There$s nothing illegal or legal in &ighting... )ell( technically spea"ing." "2%t that doesn$t see! &air..." "Nothing$s &air in &ighting( Holly(" he in&or!ed !e. "4o%$d do best to re!e!ber that." "O,o"ay(" ' responded( t%rning !y attention bac" to the papers on the &loor. ' contin%ed to loo" at the bac"s o& photos and rando! ne)s articles abo%t all the di&&erent people )ho )ere in the gang. There )ere *%ite a &e) o& Jere!y. All the ones ' &o%nd )ith hi! ' p%t in !y poc"et to sa e. "1o%nd it6" ' 0%!ped at Jere!y$s s%dden o%tb%rst. "1o%nd )hat?" "Loo"( loo"6" he said e3citedly( sho ing a photo into !y hands. The photo )as o& a ery handso!e teenager( )ho )as glaring at the ca!era. ' had to resist the %rge to snic"er.

"#as he al)ays li"e this?" Jere!y la%ghed. "Chris )o%ld ne er s!ile &or any pict%res... ho)e er there is one in here." "He$s so c%te. ' )ish ' "ne) hi! )hen he )as yo%nger(" ' co!!ented( &lipping the photo o er. "Eh? #hy aren$t there any na!es on it?" "2eca%se( he )as o%r gang leader."

T#ENT4,E'8HT "4o%$re "idding !e." Jere!y la%ghed( ta"ing the photo &ro! !y hands. "H!!( ' belie e this )as Chris in his &resh!an year o& college..." ' loo"ed at the photo again. "No )ay( he$s too yo%ng." Jere!y raised an eyebro). ".on$t yo% "no)? Chris s"ipped t)o grades in !iddle school." ' gasped( !y eyes )idening. "#hat? Really?" Jere!y nodded. "He grad%ated at age si3teen. A&ter that he )ent straight to college( and !anaged to grad%ate )ith his teaching degree in only three years ." /y !o%th )as open in shoc" as ' digested this in&or!ation. J%st ho) s!art )as /r. Hey)ood? "5o )ait... he )as gang leader at age si3teen?" "Eighteen(" Jere!y corrected !e. "Then )hy doesn$t this pict%re ha e na!es?" "This is )hy." ' )atched as Jere!y %n&olded a piece o& paper. He handed it o er( and it crin"led in !y hand. The edges )ere yello) &ro! age. ' scanned do)n the paper. 't )as &%ll )ith na!es( and &ight d%rations. "'t can$t be..."

"Oh( yes it can. 1lip the paper o er." ' did Jere!y co!!anded( and !y eyes !et !ore na!es. "This is cra-y6" "He is a cra-y good &ighter(" Jere!y responded. "O er one h%ndred !atches )on )ithin hal& a year. T)o h%ndred by the end o& it. The only reason Chris didn$t beco!e gang leader as soon as he 0oined )as beca%se he )o%ldn$t accept." ' shoo" !y head in disbelie&. "This isn$t i!possible... it$s al!ost inh%!an." "4o%$ e seen Chris &ight( right?" '!ages o& /r. Hey)ood$s one hit "noc" o%ts &looded !y !ind. ' nodded !y head igoro%sly. "There yo% go." ' &ro)ned at the photo &or a &e) !o!ents. "O"ay... so i& he 0oined the gang )hen he )as either a &resh!an or sopho!ore,," "5opho!ore(" Jere!y corrected !e. "And ho)$d yo% "no) that?" "He told !e(" ' responded( be&ore ret%rning to !y tho%ghts. "That !eans he )as part o& the gang since he )as aro%nd &o%rteen... then at se enteen he )ent to college( and )as still part o& the gang. At t)enty he grad%ated..." "#here are yo% going )ith this?" Jere!y co!!ented( so%nding con&%sed. ' t%rned !y attention onto hi!. "#hy didn$t /r. Hey)ood start teaching )hen he )as t)enty,one? #hy )ait %ntil a year later? And he didn$t *%it the gang %ntil this year( )hen he started teaching... so )hat did he do in that year bet)een grad%ating and starting as a teacher?" Jere!y s%ddenly loo"ed %nco!&ortable. He s*%atted do)n and began searching thro%gh the papers on the &loor again( ignoring !y *%estions and stares. ' )al"ed o er to hi! and lo)ered !ysel& to his le el. "Tell !e )hat /r. Hey)ood did d%ring that ti!e( Jere!y." "'t$s not !y b%siness to tell( '$! a&raid(" Jere!y responded *%ietly. "There$s so!e st%&& ' can tell yo%( ho)e er( this is not so!ething ' &eel ' sho%ld di %lge to yo%. Chris )ill tell yo% i& he )ants yo% to "no)."

".oes this ha e to do )ith )hy yo%r old gang )ants hi! dead?" ' de!anded( !y ga-e hardening. "Oh loo" )hat ' &o%nd6" Jere!y cried e3citedly( standing %p. ' &ollo)ed s%it( a s!all sco)l on !y &ace. ".on$t ignore !e( ans)er !y *%estion6" "Loo"( Holly. 'sn$t Chris so c%te )hen he s!iles? This )as his grad%ating year at college." Jere!y dangled the photo in &ront o& !e. ' tried to &oc%s on it( b%t )ith the s)aying o& his hand( he !ade it i!possible. ' snatched it &ro! his grasp and held it o%t in &ront o& !e. A silly grin !ade its )ay onto !y &ace as ' loo"ed at the pict%re. /r. Hey)ood )as dressed %p in a pair o& &aded 0eans and a blac" b%tton,%p shirt. He )as )ith Jere!y ( and they both grinning at the ca!era( their ar!s )rapped aro%nd each other. "Aren$t )e so c%te?" Jere!y as"ed )ith a sigh. "This pict%re )as ta"ing on one o& those rare days )hen Chris )o%ld act%ally s!ile." "' &eel li"e '$! loo"ing at a totally di&&erent person(" ' told hi!( staring at the photo in a)e. "' !ean( ' "no) /r. Hey)ood is yo%nger in this pict%re( b%t '$ e ne er seen hi! )ith this e3pression on." Jere!y nodded. "He %sed to be a lot !ore care&ree be&ore the accident..." Jere!y trailed o&&( loo"ing e ery)here b%t at !e. "The accident?" ' repeated. "Aha( ' don$t "no) )hat yo%$re tal"ing abo%t(" Jere!y responded( gi ing !e a cra-y loo". "2%t yo%,," "#ell( )ell( )ell. #hat do )e ha e here?" /y head snapped to)ards the door )ay and !y ga-e landed on a !an aro%nd /r. Hey)ood$s age. He had gelled blac" hair( and stood at an alar!ing height. ' *%ic"ly shot a glance at Jere!y( )ho )as sco)ling at the !an. "#hat are yo% doing here( 5ha)n?" 5ha)n? The na!e clic"ed in !y head( b%t ' co%ldn$t re!e!ber )here ' heard it &ro!. ' c%rsed !y &orget&%lness.

"' co%ld as" yo% the sa!e *%estion(" the tall !an na!ed 5ha)n responded( loo"ing a!%sed. "Ho) dare traitors sho) their &aces aro%nd here." Jere!y slo)ly stepped in &ront o& !e( his ar! going %p protecti ely. "This place hasn$t been %sed &or years..." "#ell yo%$re )rong abo%t that( aren$t yo%?" 5ha)n responded sarcastically. "Apparently." A !o!ent o& silence passed bet)een the t)o. 1inally 5ha)n$s eyes snapped onto !e. "This )o%ldn$t happen to be the &a!o%s girl '$ e heard so !%ch abo%t( )o%ld it?" "No(" Jere!y responded *%ic"ly. "5he$s !y girl&riend." "Really? 5he loo"s e3actly li"e the girl that .an told !e abo%t..." .an? Horror )ashed o er !e )hen ' reali-ed that )as the !an ' had attac"ed t)o ti!es no). "#ell yo%$re )rong(" Jere!y said( glaring at 5ha)n. "No) i& yo% don$t !ind( )e$ll be ta"ing o%r lea e." "Not so &ast." ' stared at 5ha)n( )ho s!ir"ed slightly. "5ince yo% are both here( shall )e ha e so!e &%n? '$ e been !eaning to get bac" to yo% &or ditching the gang to 0oin Hey)ood$s side." Jere!y tensed( his hands clenching into &ists. "'$ll &ight yo%( b%t let Holly go." 5ha)n stayed *%iet &or a !o!ent be&ore nodding. "Bery )ell." "#hat? '$! not lea ing yo% here(" ' )hispered %rgently( gripping onto Jere!y. "The !ost i!portant thing is to "eep yo% sa&e(" he )hispered bac"( ne er ta"ing his eyes o& 5ha)n. "5hall )e escort her o%tside then?" Jere!y nodded. "Let$s go."

"'$! not lea ing )itho%t yo%(" ' repeated st%bbornly. "E en i& yo% lea e !e o%tside( '$! co!ing bac" in to get yo%." Jere!y loo"ed at !e( an a!%sed e3pression on his &ace. "No) ' "no) )hy Chris does )hat he does." 2e&ore ' co%ld as" hi! )hat he !eant by that( he )as across the roo!. He grabbed the s%rprised 5ha)n$s shirt and yan"ed hi! into the roo!. Jere!y t%rned and sent a p%nch into 5ha)n$s &ace( )hich !ade hi! stagger bac")ards. "R%n6" Jere!y ordered( gest%ring !e to)ards hi!. ' !ane% ered !ysel& aro%nd the shoc"ed !an( and &ollo)ed Jere!y o%t the door. Jere!y sla!!ed it behind !e and and began %shering !e to)ards the staircase. He stopped )hen he noticed t)o !en co!ing %p the! to)ards %s. Jere!y clic"ed his tong%e. "Holly( go do)n the other )ay. '$ll ta"e o%t these t)o( and !eet yo% at the &ront door. No arg%ing. 8o." ' nodded( and too" o&& in a sprint across the balcony. ' heard the so%nd o& Jere!y. tal"ing to the t)o th%gs that )ere co!ing %p the stairs( and then the %n!ista"able so%nd o& so!eone being p%nched. ' )inced slightly( hoping it )asn$t Jere!y. ' )as abo%t ten &eet a)ay &ro! the stairs )hen so!eone grabbed !y hair. ' cried o%t in shoc"( co!ing to an i!!ediate halt. "And )here do yo% thin" yo%$re going? $ ' t%rned aro%nd to glare at 5ha)n( )ho let go o& !y hair. He gripped !y &orear! tightly )ith one o& his hands instead. "' don$t ha e ti!e &or this(" ' said( and )ith that( ' bro%ght !y &ist as hard as ' co%ld into his &ace. 'nstead o& letting go o& !e( li"e ' tho%ght he )o%ld( his grasp tightened and he loo"ed at !e in a!%se!ent. "4o% !%st be the girl .an )as tal"ing abo%t( yo%$re &eisty(" he co!!ented. "2%t yo%$re still a girl( and that p%nch )as still )ea"." ' sco)led. "Then )e do this the old &ashioned )ay."

5ha)n stared at !e c%rio%sly. ' bro%ght !y "nee %p as hard as ' co%ld into his crotch. This ti!e he let go o& !e in s%rprise and ' t)isted on !y heel( &leeing be&ore he got o er the shoc". ' shoo" !y &ist lightly. That had de&initely not been a )ea" p%nch. And /r. Hey)ood had e en said ' had a good p%nch. #ho )as this g%y? #hy )as he so to%gh? ' )as l%c"y ' !anaged to s%rprise hi! )ith !y "nee attac"( other)ise ' )o%ldn$t ha e been able to escape. ' ca!e to the stairs and *%ic"ly descended the!. On the &o%rth stair ' stepped on( !y &oot )ent thro%gh it( &ollo)ed *%ic"ly by the rest o& !y body. ' screa!ed in s%rprise( as !y body pl%!!eted do)n the rotten step. ' &rantically grabbed onto the step abo e !e( catching !ysel& be&ore ' &ell all the )ay. ' i!!ediately tried p%lling !ysel& bac" %p( b%t al!ost 0%st as *%ic"ly &o%nd it to be i!possible. ' had al!ost no %pper body strength. ' str%ggled &or a !in%te !ore( trying to &orce !ysel& %p( b%t only !ade !y ar!s !ore tired. ' gr%nted as ' h%ng in the air( &r%strated. '$d de&initely brea" a leg( or an"le( or so!ething( i& ' 0%st dropped do)n. A s%dden press%re )as applied to !y &ingers and ' cried o%t in pain. "4o% thin" yo% can get a)ay a&ter doing that to !e? #ho do yo% thin" yo% are?" ' co%ldn$t see )ho it )as( b%t the oice told !e it )as 5ha)n. ' sco)led. Co%ldn$t he stay in pain &or at least a !in%te longer? "' thin" it$d be &%n to let yo% &all( so that$s e3actly )hat '$! going to do." ' )inced as he gro%nd his head into !y &ingers( !a"ing the! ache pain&%lly. A&ter a &e) seconds( ' already &elt li"e they )ere going to brea". "5top6" ' begged( !y hands beco!ing slippery )ith s)eat. "' can$t hear yo%(" he ta%nted( s)itching hands. ' hissed in pain( trying to control the sha"ing o&& !y other ab%sed hand. /y ar!s screa!ed in protest to the %n%s%al treat!ent o& !y !%scles. ' groaned in &r%stration. "4o%$re to%gh. 2%t yo% )on$t be to%gh )hen ' brea" yo%r &ingers." ' s%c"ed in a breath )hen he too" his &oot a)ay. #as he going to stop on the!?

"Holly( let go6" a oice cried &ro! %nder !e. #itho%t a second tho%ght( ' sh%t !y eyes and let go o& the staircase. A piece o& the stair scratched !y chee" as !y head )ent by it. ' screa!ed as ' &ell thro%gh the air &or a split second( and then abr%ptly c%t it o&& )hen ' landed in so!eone$s ar!s. ' opened !y eyes to see Jere!y staring at !e. "Let$s go(" he de!anded( p%tting !e do)n and grabbing !y hand. He yan"ed !e to)ards the door( r%nning &aster than ' co%ld "eep %p )ith. He &orced !e o%t( and then sla!!ed the door behind hi!. ' )as *%ic"ly %shered do)n the stairs and to the car. "8et in(" he de!anded. ' didn$t hesitate to )rench the car door open and hop it. Jere!y did the sa!e and st%&&ed the car "eys into the ignition. He started in in one s)i&t !o e!ent and peeled o%t o& the dri e )ay. 5oon( )e )ere speeding do)n the dirt road a)ay &ro! the ho%se. ' let o%t a deep sigh o& relie&( trying to catch !y breath. "'( &or one( a! s%re glad )e didn$t ha e a horror !o ie scene )here the car )o%ldn$t start(" ' co!!ented( ta"ing a deep breath and letting it o%t slo)ly.

T#ENT4,N'NE "Are yo% h%ngry?" ' glanced at Jere!y( )ho )as loo"ing at !e &ro! the corner o& his eye. ' shoo" !y head( shi&ting in !y seat. ' sti&led a ya)n( t%rning to loo" o%t the )indo) again. 't )as night already( and ' co%ld barely !a"e o%t bl%rred ob0ects as )e dro e by the!. "'t$s hard to belie e it$s al!ost October( h%h." "'$ll say(" ' responded. "'t &eels li"e a years gone by in s%ch a short a!o%nt o& ti!e." "#ell a lot has been going on. 'sn$t yo%r class trip to!orro)?" "Oh yeah6" ' sat %p straighter( shoc" passing !y &ace. "' ha en$t e en pac"ed or as"ed !y !o! &or !oney yet6"

"' )ish ' co%ld go(" Jere!y said )ith a sigh. "' )ant to go to the beach )hile the )eather is still o"ay7" "To be honest( ' don$t "no) )hy )e are going in October since it$s been chilly lately( b%t it$s s%pposed to be )ar! to!orro). #hy don$t yo% 0%st co!e do)n &or &%n?" ' s%ggested. "Can$t. '$ e got to )atch !y sisters(" Jere!y responded( his eyes on the road. "4o% ha e sisters?" "4%p." "Ho) old?" "' ha e a thirteen year old sister( and a se en year old sister(" he told !e( s!iling slightly. "They$re c%te. 4o%$ll ha e to !eet the! so!eti!e." "5%re(" ' responded( s!iling too no). #e lapsed bac" into silence as )e entered the do)nto)n area. As )e passed the grocery store( ' ag%ely )ondered i& Lance )as )or"ing. ' sighed so&tly. ' )anted a 0ob too. Jere!y p%lled into !y dri e)ay and ' %nb%c"led !ysel&( grabbing !y bac"pac" &ro! the &loor. He t%rned to !e and s!ir"ed slightly. "8et a )ipe o%t o& the glo e and )ipe yo%r &ace(" he s%ggested. "'t$s bloody &ro! )here yo% got c%t." ' s%c"ed in a *%ic" breath. 8ood thing Jere!y had ca%ght that( beca%se ' )o%ldn$t ha e re!e!bered. ' *%ic"ly opened the glo e co!part!ent &ished aro%nd %ntil ' grabbed a )ipe. ' tore open the pac"age and p%lled do)n the isor. To !y dis!ay( there )as no !irror. "Let !e do it(" Jere!y o&&ered. ' nodded and handed hi! the )ipe. He grabbed !y head and t%rned it to)ards hi!( and gently began to )ipe o& !y chee". ' hissed slightly. "#hy does it h%rt?" "'t$s got disin&ectant(" he responded( )iping !y chee" a little !ore ro%ghly no). "/y sisters &all do)n a lot( so ' ha e these things handy." "Oh(" ' responded( )incing as !y chee" throbbed.

#hen he )as done( Jere!y ch%c"ed the dirty )ipe into the bac" seat and t%rned to !e once !ore. "#ell it$s been an interesting day(" he co!!ented. "#ill Chris being hearing abo%t this?" "No )ay(" ' responded *%ic"ly( sha"ing !y head. "' thin" he !ight "ill !e i& he &o%nd o%t ' got in ol ed )ith gangsters again7 especially i& it$s the leader." Jere!y ch%c"led. "8ood point. Ha e a good night( "iddo. Ha e &%n at the beach to!orro) too." "'$ll try(" ' responded )ith a s!all s!ile. "Tell yo%r sisters ' said hi." "5%re." ' cli!bed o%t o& the car and sh%t the door behind !e. ' )a ed to Jere!y be&ore heading to)ards the ho%se. ' co%ld barely !a"e o%t anything in &ront o& !e d%e to the dar"ness. Had Jere!y and ' really been gone that long? O%t o& habit( ' tested the door handle )hile reaching &or !y "ey )ith !y other hand. ' blin"ed in shoc" )hen ' &o%nd the door open. ' p%shed it open slo)ly( &ro)ning. #as !y !o! ho!e early? ' )al"ed in and the scent o& co&&ee &illed the air. ' inhaled( &ollo)ing the s!ell to)ards the "itchen. 4ep( de&initely !y !o!. ' ya)ned( p%shing open the "itchen door. "/o!( )hy are yo% ho!e early?" "/o!?" a !asc%line oice responded so%nding a!%sed. /y eyes snapped open and ' ca!e &ace,to,&ace )ith /r. Hey)ood. He raised an eyebro) as ' &elt !y &ace begin to heat %p. #ith !y eyes )ide( ' loo"ed past hi! to see !y !o! sitting at the "itchen table( sipping a c%p o& co&&ee. 5he )atched !e &or a !o!ent( and then stood %p. ' )atched her )arily as she ca!e to a stop right in &ront o& !e. ' braced !ysel&( preparing &or the )orst. "#elco!e ho!e6" she cried( thro)ing !e into a big h%g. "Ho) )as school? #as e eryone nice to yo%? ' hope so6 ' don$t )ant to ha e to !a"e any calls to the principal6" 4ep. /y !o! )as a doting !other. ' rolled !y eyes( gi ing !y !o! a short s*%ee-e be&ore trying to s*%ir! o%t o& her grasp. "Today )as great( !o!."

"And yo%r date? Ho) co!e '$ e ne er !et this !an be&ore?" she contin%ed( beginning to &ro)n. "Ho) old is he?" ' shot /r. Hey)ood a glare. He )as biting his lip( trying not to la%gh. That only !ade !e !ore irritated. "/o!( )hy is !y teacher here?" ' as"ed( trying to change the topic. /y !o! grinned( p%lling !e o er to /r. Hey)ood. 2y no) he had his la%ghter %nder control and he )as s!iling pleasantly at !y !o!. "#e ran into each other at the grocery store(" he e3plained( a s!ir" on his &ace. "Literally(" !y !o! inter0ected. "And then ' &o%nd o%t he )as yo%r teacher( so ' in ited hi! here to ha e dinner. He$s so yo%ng and handso!e( ho) co!e yo% ha en$t !entioned hi! be&ore( Holly?" "5he$s ne er !entioned !e?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( &ro)ning slightly. "#hen )e ha e ti!e together( !o!( '$d rather not tal" abo%t school(" ' told her. "5ince yo%$re so b%sy all the ti!e( it 0%st ne er ca!e %p." /y !o! nodded. "' see." 5he t%rned to /r. Hey)ood. "#or" "eeps !e b%sy so '$! al!ost ne er ho!e." /r. Hey)ood nodded his head %nderstandingly. "'$! s%re being a single !o! )ith a7 teenage da%ghter !%st be hard." ' sco)led at /r. Hey)ood &or a second. ' "ne) he )as going to say so!ething o&&ensi e abo%t !e be&ore he corrected hi!sel&. He s!ir"ed bac". /y !o! )as obli io%s to the e3change co!pletely. "#ell( shall ' get s%pper started then?" she as"ed( loo"ing bet)een Chris and !ysel&. "4o% )on$t(" ' told her( an a!%sed s!ir" slipping on !y &ace. "1ace it( !o!( yo% can$t coo" at all." /y !o! bl%shed( loo"ing do)n in e!barrass!ent. "' co%ld still try7" "' can coo" so!ething(" Chris o&&ered. "2elie e it or not( '$! a good coo"." /y !o! t%rned to hi! )ith a grin on her &ace. "Really?"

"Really." "#ell( it$s settled then. Holly( )o%ld yo% help hi!?" "<hh7" "8ood6" !y !o! said )ith a s!ile( p%tting a hand on !y bac". "'$! s%re the t)o o& yo% can &ig%re o%t so!ething good. There are stea"s in the &ridge. '& )e don$t coo" the! soon( they !ight go bad. There$s also onions in there too( and so!e potatoes. 't co%ld !a"e a good dinner+" "/o!(" ' started( c%tting her o&&( "i& yo% )ant a stea" dinner( yo% 0%st ha e to as"." 5he bl%shed again( la%ghing sheepishly. "Right7 sorry." "No )orries( ' can !a"e a great stea"(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a char!ing s!ile on his &ace. ' rolled !y eyes. #as he trying to &lirt )ith !y !o!? That )as gross6" "8reat6" !y !o! responded enth%siastically. "No) i& yo%$ll e3c%se !e( ' thin" '$ll ta"e this ti!e to !a"e a &e) b%siness calls7" /y !o! s!iled at Chris again and r%&&led !y hair be&ore lea ing the roo!. ' &ro)ned( trying to s!ooth !y hair o%t. /r. Hey)ood )atched !e )ith an a!%sed loo". ' t%rned !y &ro)n onto hi!. "#hat?" "' didn$t "no) yo%r !o! )as a doting parent(" he co!!ented. ' shr%gged. "5he )asn$t al)ays. 5he )as !%ch !ore !anageable be&ore !y dad died." "4o% can sit in that chair right there(" /r. Hey)ood pointed to one o& the "itchen chairs( "and let !e do the coo"ing. 't see!s li"e yo% had a ro%gh day." "H%h?" ' responded( raising an eyebro). "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?" /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a &lat loo". ' ret%rned it )ith !y o)n con&%sed one. He started )al"ing to)ards !e( and ' stood !y gro%nd. He stopped abo%t a &oot a)ay and raised his hand %p to !y &ace. ' 0%!ped slightly )hen ' &elt his hand on !y chee". ' loo"ed %p at hi!( and his piercing ga-e !ade !y &ace heat %p.

"There$s a c%t on yo%r chee"(" he co!!ented( r%nning his th%!b o er it( sending tingles to !y toes. "4o%r shirt slee e has a hole in it( and yo% ha e br%ised "n%c"les." ' loo"ed do)n at !y hands in s%rprise. Li"e /r. Hey)ood said( on !y right hand( !y &o%r base "n%c"les &ro! )here 5ha)n had stepped on !e )here br%ised. ' loo"ed bac" %p at /r. Hey)ood in shoc". Ho) had he noticed that? "5ho%ld )e tal" abo%t this no)( or later?" he de!anded( his !o%thing t)isting into a &ro)n. "There$s nothing to tal" abo%t(" ' responded( reali-ing his hand )as still on !y &ace( and p%shing it a)ay. "Nothing happened." He rolled his eyes. "Ha en$t ' told yo% that yo% can$t lie to !e be&ore?" "'$! not lying(" ' stated st%bbornly. "1ine(" /r. Hey)ood responded si!ply( t%rning aro%nd( and )al"ing a)ay &ro! !e. "' tr%st yo% eno%gh to belie e yo%." ' narro)ed !y eyes slightly. #as he trying to !a"e !e &eel g%ilty? #ell( it )o%ldn$t )or". ' co%ld handle the g%ilt. A&ter all( ' had to handle the g%ilt o& lying to Casey any)ay. "'$ll 0%st beat the tr%th o%t o& Jere!y." ' sighed( hanging !y head in de&eat. "No( don$t do that." "5o yo%$ll tell !e?" ' bit !y lip( staring at the &loor. "4o% )on$t li"e it7" There )as a s%dden hand on !y sho%lder and ' 0%!ped slightly( %na)are that /r. Hey)ood had co!e bac" across the "itchen again. His eyes pierced into !ine again( and ' had to loo" a)ay. "Holly( ' "no) ' )on$t li"e it( b%t it$s i!portant that yo% tell !e i& so!ething has happened." ".on$t be !ad at Jere!y(" ' said in a *%iet oice. "5top )orrying abo%t Jere!y( Holly6" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( so%nding slightly angry. "#orry abo%t yo%rsel&6"

' loo"ed at hi!( a bit ta"en abac". He ga-e )as hard and ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly. "Jere!y( %h7" ' str%ggled to &or! a coherent tho%ght. #ith /r. Hey)ood so close to !e( and ho) ner o%s ' )as( it )asn$t )or"ing so s!oothly. "Jere!y?" /r. Hey)ood %rged( ta"ing a step a)ay &ro! !e. ' i!!ediately rela3ed( and loo"ed %p at hi!( &ro)ning. "Jere!y too" !e to yo%r old gang hideo%t7" /r. Hey)ood tensed( b%t didn$t say anything( so ' contin%ed. "And a&ter a)hile this g%y &ro! the gang ca!e( and )e had to lea e. And ' &ell do)n the stairs(" ' told hi!( c%tting o%t a lot o& the story. "#ell ' didn$t technically &all do)n the stairs( ' act%ally &ell thro%gh a step( and that$s ho) ' got the c%t on !y chee"( b%t Jere!y )as belo) to catch !e." /r. Hey)ood p%rsed his lips. "Holly( it$s ob io%s yo% le&t a lot o%t." ' scratched !y head( loo"ing bac" at the gro%nd. "This g%y had bac" %p7 so Jere!y too" o%t the bac" %p7 )hile the g%y ca!e a&ter !e7 and )ell he didn$t do anything(" ' said *%ic"ly( catching a loo" o& /r. Hey)ood$s dar" &ace. "#hen ' &ell( he 0%st stepped on !y &ingers( so ' g%ess that$s ho) ' got the br%ises. Or !aybe it )as )hen ' p%nched hi!( b%t that didn$t a&&ect hi! at all7" /r. Hey)ood sighed( sha"ing his head. "Holly7" "2%t 5ha)n had !e and ' didn$t )ant to die6" ' said in de&ense. "5ha)n?" /r. Hey)ood repeated in a serio%s tone. ' !entally slapped !ysel& in the &ace. ' )asn$t going to tell /r. Hey)ood it had been 5ha)n )ho &o%nd %s. "'$! going to !%rder Jere!y(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered dangero%sly %nder his breath. "That little brat..." "'t$s not his &a%lt6" "5ha)n( Holly( is the leader. 4o% attac"ed the leader6 Are yo% st%pid?"

"5orry &or )anting to de&end !ysel&(" ' responded( clenching !y &ist. "#hile yo% )ere en0oying yo%r st%pid date( ' co%ld ha e been in0%red or "illed. .o yo% really thin" '$d 0%st let hi! do )hate er he )anted )ith !e?" /r. Hey)ood ran a hand thro%gh his hair( ta"ing a deep breath and letting it o%t slo)ly. "'$! sorry( Holly." "'t$s o"ay(" ' responded so&tly. "4o% 0%st don$t %nderstand ho) serio%s this is." "Then tell !e6" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "' can$t." "#hy not?" ' de!anded( crossing !y ar!s. "'t$s all secrets )ith yo%( all the ti!e6 .on$t yo% e en tr%st !e a little?" /r. Hey)ood ga-ed at !e &or a !o!ent( be&ore t%rning to the &ridge. "5it. '$! going to get dinner started( Holly." ' )ent o er to the chair and sl%!ped to the table( )atching as /r. Hey)ood r%!!aged thro%gh !y "itchen. ' co%ldn$t p%ll !ysel& a)ay &ro! loo"ing hi!. His %nr%ly bro)n hair( his st%rdy b%ild( and his bea%ti&%l grey eyes )hene er he$d ta"e a *%ic" loo" at !e. #hen o%r eyes !et( ' bl%shed( and loo"ed a)ay. ' pressed !y &orehead against the tabletop. #hy hadn$t he ans)ered !e )hen ' as"ed i& he tr%sted !e a little bit? .id that !ean he didn$t? Or )as he 0%st teasing !e again? ' sighed *%ietly. #hy did ' ha e to &all &or s%ch a con&%sing g%y? Not only that( b%t he )as al!ost &i e years older than !e( and he )as !y teacher. Hell( !y !o! probably had a better chance )ith hi! than ' did. ' la%ghed slightly at that. /y !o! )as yo%ng( b%t not that yo%ng. And it didn$t !atter any)ay. /r. Hey)ood had a girl&riend no). Or at least( he )as dating so!eone. ' let o%t a *%iet &r%strated sigh. "Here." ' loo"ed %p to see a stea!ing !%g placed in &ront o& !e. ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood )ho )as &ro)ning slightly. "Than"s(" ' said slo)ly( p%lling the !%g closer to !e and peering in. "Hot chocolate(" he told !e( "b%t ' added a &e) e3tra ingredients."

"Oh." ' too" a sip o& the li*%id( s%rprised )hen it didn$t b%rn !y tong%e. The taste )as e en !ore s%rprising. "#hat$s in here? 't$s really good." /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "'t$s a secret." 2e&ore ' co%ld reply( he t%rned and )al"ed bac" to the sto e( )here he )as no) coo"ing the stea"s. ' &ro)ned &or a !o!ent( be&ore ret%rning !y attention to the hot chocolate he had !ade !e. ' too" another sip( sa oring the taste. 2y the ti!e ' &inished the hot chocolate /r. Hey)ood had &inished dinner. /y !o! entered the "itchen 0%st in ti!e. 5he loo"ed ery pleased. "5o!ething s!ells )onder&%l(" she co!!ented( ta"ing a ne3t to !e at the "itchen table. "Here(" /r. Hey)ood said( placing a plate&%l o& &ood in &ront o& her. "Than" yo%(" she responded. /r. Hey)ood nodded( and placed a plate in &ront o& !e. ' nodded !y than"s and )atched as he sat do)n across the table &ro! !e )ith his o)n plate. /y !o! )as the &irst to ta"e a bite. 5he !oaned her appro al. ' bl%shed( e!barrassed by her reaction. "'& yo% )ere t)enty years older( ' )o%ld !arry yo%(" she co!!ented( a s!ile on her &ace. "'& only(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a la%gh. ' rolled !y eyes( c%tting o&& a piece o& stea" and p%tting it in !y !o%th. ' &ro)ned )hen ' reali-ed ho) good it act%ally )as. Not that '$d tell /r. Hey)ood that a&ter )hat !y !o! said. "4o% can !arry Holly instead." ' cho"ed on !y stea"( banging !y hand on the table in an a%to!atic reaction. /y !o! loo"ed at !e )orriedly. ' co%ghed( trying to dislodge the piece o& !eat &ro! !e air)ay. #hen ' had &inally !anaged too( ' still contin%ed co%ghing( !y &ace hot in e!barrass!ent. "/,!o!(" ' started( t%rning to)ards her. ".on$t say those things. He$s !y teacher."

"Only &or a year longer(" she responded( )agging her eyebro)s. ' loo"ed do)n at !y plate( too e!barrassed to loo" at /r. Hey)ood. ' had to re!e!ber ne er to let !y !o! and /r. Hey)ood !eet e er again. E en i& ' had to !%rder to stop it. /y !o! and /r. Hey)ood got into an ani!ated chat as ' silently ate !y dinner( re&%sing to loo" %p &ro! !y plate. ' !ade s%re to eat slo)ly( so ' )o%ldn$t be the &irst one done. #hen ' &inally &inished( ' noticed !y !o! and /r. Hey)ood )ere long since &inished eating. /y !o! ya)ned( and stood %p. "Let$s clear %p. ' )ant to go to bed soon." ' stood %p )ith her. "'$ll ta"e care o& it( yo% can head %p to bed no) i& yo% )ant." "4o% s%re?" ' nodded( shooing her )ith !y hand. "'t$s &ine. 8o rest." 5he nodded( and t%rned to /r. Hey)ood. "#ell( than"s &or co!ing to dinner7 and !a"ing it." "No proble!( than" yo% &or ha ing !e o er( and sorry &or r%nning into yo%(" /r. Hey)ood responded in a polite tone. ".on$t )orry abo%t it6 Let$s do this again so!eti!e." ' loo"ed at her in !oc" horror. 5o!ething li"e this sho%ld ne er happen again6 "O& co%rse(" /r. Hey)ood said( contrary to !y tho%ghts. ' sighed( )atching as !y !o! bid one last goodbye be&ore going to her roo!. ' started pic"ing %p the plates( and a hand snatched the! a)ay &ro! !e. ' loo"ed %p to see /r. Hey)ood carrying the! to)ards the "itchen. "' can do it(" ' protested( &ollo)ing hi!. "5h%t %p and let !e do it." ' sco)led slightly( b%t let it go. '& he )anted to help !e o%t( ' )asn$t going to stop hi!. 't )as rare( and ' sho%ld en0oy it )hile ' co%ld.

' )atched as he p%t the dishes in the dish)asher a&ter rinsing the!. ' )as a little i!pressed. /ost g%ys )ho li ed alone slac"ed in the cleaning area. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed at !e )hen he &inished. "#hat are yo% loo"ing at?" "Nothing(" ' responded( a bl%sh spreading on !y &ace. ' really needed to stop bl%shing. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5%re." "Really." "#hate er yo% say( Holly." ' ignored his 0ibe( and t%rned !y attention to !y hands. "5orry abo%t !y !o!. 5he$s7" "A!%sing(" /r. Hey)ood &inished &or !e. "Nothing to apologi-e abo%t." ' s!iled slightly. "Right." "2%t( '$! going to head ho!e no)(" he told !e( sti&ling a ya)n. "'$ll see yo% /onday." .isappoint!ent )ashed o er !e )hen ' re!e!bered /r. Hey)ood )asn$t going on the beach trip to!orro). ' shoo" it a)ay. ' co%ld still ha e &%n )ith !y &riends. "4eah( o"ay(" ' said( &ollo)ing hi! to the door. He opened it and t%rned bac" at !e be&ore e3iting. "8oodnight( Holly." "Night( /r. Hey)ood." He raised an eyebro). "Chris(" ' corrected !ysel&( &eeling a bl%sh co!ing %p again( b%t ' &o%ght it bac". "8oodnight( Chris." He s!ir"ed( stepping o%t the door. ' sighed in relie&( and )ent to close it( b%t it s%ddenly &le) bac" open( s!ac"ing !e in the &ace. "O)6" "5orry(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed so%nding !ore entertained than a!%sed. "2%t ' &orgot to gi e yo% this."

' loo"ed at hi! in con&%sion( be&ore loo"ing do)n at his hand. 'n it )as !y cell phone. "'t$s a 1riday( and yo%$re going o%t to!orro)( so ' )anted to ret%rn it(" he e3plained( gi ing it to !e. "No) that$s it. 8oodbye." "Than" yo%(" ' called be&ore the door sh%t. ' grinned( loo"ing at the phone in !y hand. /r. Hey)ood co%ld be %ne3pectedly nice. ' &lipped open !y phone to chec" !y te3t !essages. ' stared in s%rprise at !y bac"gro%nd. 'nstead o& Lance and ' as !y bac"gro%nd i!age as it )as be&ore( it )as no) replaced by /r. Hey)ood !a"ing a &%nny &ace. ' co%ldn$t help b%t giggle at it. And ' )asn$t going to change it bac" either.

TH'RT4 "Holly( let$s go s)i!!ing6" ' loo"ed %p at Casey as she ho ered o er !e( her hands on her hips. ' raised an eyebro). "Right no)?" "#e$ e been here &or &o%r ho%rs( and all yo%$ e done is sit there and be depressed(" she acc%sed. "' ha en$t been depressed(" ' acc%sed( &ro)ning. "#hat is there to be depressed abo%t?" "H!!( let !e thin"(" she started( p%tting a &inger to her chin. "Co%ld it be that /r. Hey)ood isn$t here?" "#hat? No6 ','7 it isn$t that(" ' st%ttered( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. Casey rolled her eyes. "' don$t see )hy yo% don$t 0%st tell hi! yo% li"e hi!." "5hh6 Lo)er yo%r oice6" "5orry(" she said( *%ieting oice. "2%t i& yo% li"e hi!( ' thin" yo% sho%ld 0%st tell hi!." "' can$t6" ' cried( !y eyes )idening. "Casey( yo% don$t %nderstand the sit%ation."

"#hat$s the sit%ation?" "Oh( ' don$t "no)7 he$s a teacher and '$! a st%dent?" "And?" "That$s illegal( Casey." Casey )a ed her hand. "4o%$re a senior. 't sho%ldn$t !atter." "He doesn$t e en li"e !e(" ' contin%ed( digging a hole in the sand )ith !y bare &oot and b%rying it in it. Casey hea ed a sigh( sha"ing her head. "4o% don$t "no) that." "He$s got a girl&riend." Casey$s eyes )idened in s%rprise. ".id he tell yo% that?" "#ell( not in those )ords(" ' responded( biting !y lip. "2%t lately he$s been going on dates." Casey rolled her eyes. "Holly( it so%nds to !e li"e yo%r !a"ing %p e3c%ses not to li"e hi!." ' gaped at Casey( %nable to thin" o& a reply. 5he &ro)ned at !e( crossing her ar!s. #as ' !a"ing %p e3c%sed not to li"e hi!? No( that )asn$t it. ' )as 0%st being rational. 4eah6 "'$! 0%st being rational(" ' e3plained( &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s. "' don$t )ant to get !y hopes %p." "#ell( e en i& he doesn$t li"e yo%( there$s so!ething special abo%t yo% to hi!(" she pressed. "#hy else )o%ld he "eep !a"ing yo% stay a&ter school?" "2eca%se he$s a blac" !ailing de il(" ' !%ttered. Casey sighed. "Holly. C$!on." ' glanced %p at her )ith a &ro)n. "Casey( let$s &orget abo%t it. 't$s )rong( and i!possible( and ' 0%st don$t )ant to thin" abo%t it any!ore( o"ay?"

"1ine yo% "eep on !a"ing %p e3c%ses(" Casey responded( her &ace serio%s. "2%t )hen he stops chasing a&ter yo%( and yo% lose any chance yo% ha e )ith hi!( don$t co!e crying to !e. 4o% need to stop thin"ing o& )rong and right( Holly( beca%se )hen it co!es to lo e there$s no s%ch thing. #hen yo% lo e so!eone( nothing sho%ld be able to co!e bet)een the t)o o& yo%. 4o%$re 0%st going to be h%rting yo%rsel& thin"ing along the lines as $he can$t li"e !e( it$s i!possible$. Nothing is i!possible." And )ith that( she t%rned and started )al"ing a)ay &ro! !e. ' )atched her )al" a)ay( !y !o%th hanging open slightly. /y best &riend had 0%st scolded !e abo%t lo e. Her )ords s%n" in to !y !ind( and ' "ne) she )as right. ' groaned( p%tting !y head in !y hands. ' )as !a"ing %p e3c%ses. 2%t it )asn$t that ' didn$t li"e /r. Hey)ood( no( ' "ne) ' li"ed hi!( lo ed hi!. 2%t )hat )as there not to lo e? He had bea%ti&%l grey eyes that see!ed to pierce right into yo%r so%l. His so!e)hat !essy( bro)n hair co%ld !a"e hi! loo" boyishly c%te( or loo" li"e a yo%ng handso!e !an. 5%re( he had a split personality( b%t it )as sort o& a char! point. ' groaned again. 2%t there )as so!ething else that "ept !e &ro! really accepting !y &eelings( so!ething ' didn$t )ant to ad!it to !ysel&. ' didn$t "no) anything abo%t /r. Hey)ood. #hat ' li"ed )as his loo"s( his actions( and personality. 2%t ' didn$t "no) a single thing abo%t his past( besides that he )as a gang leader( and he did so!ething that no) has the gang )anting hi! dead. And ' didn$t "no) )hat that )as. #hat i& it )as so!ething really bad? #o%ld that change !y ie)s o& /r. Hey)ood? ' r%bbed !y &orehead( trying to clear !y tho%ghts. 1or no)( ' co%ldn$t let /r. Hey)ood "no) o& !y &eelings. ' didn$t )ant hi! to thin" they )eren$t real. That ' )as 0%st li"e all the other girls at school. 1or no)( '$d deal )ith !y %nre*%ited lo e( e en i& it h%rt. ' co%ld deal )ith it. /y phone s%ddenly )ent o&& and ' 0%!ped( !y heart rate spi"ing. ' reached into !y poc"et and p%lled o%t !y phone. The caller '.. sho)ed Lance. ' &lipped open !y phone and p%t it to !y ear. "Hello?" "Holly6 Ho)$s the beach?"

"O"ay." "4o% so%nd e3cited(" he co!!ented )ith a ch%c"le. ' la%ghed. ".on$t '? ' tho%ght yo% )ere )or"ing." "' a!(" Lance responded. "'$! on brea"." "Oh. Ho) late do yo% ha e to )or" till?" "Closing." "1%n(" ' responded( playing in the sand )ith !y &eet again. "'s Hey)ood there?" "No." "That$s )hy yo% so%nd so depressed." ' opened !y !o%th in shoc"( narro)ing !y eyes. "'$! not depressed6 4o%$re 0%st li"e Casey6" "Hey( '$! 0%st stating the tr%th(" Lance de&ended( a!%se!ent in his oice. "Ad!it it." "Ha e a good shi&t( Lance6" "Holly+" ' snapped !y phone sh%t in a h%&&( bl%shing &%rio%sly. ' )asn$t depressed6 ' )as 0%st7 ' loo"ed aro%nd !e to see ' )as the only one sitting on the bench( dressed &%lly. E eryone one else )as r%nning aro%nd the beach playing 1risbee( or olleyball( or they )ere playing in the )ater. ' sco)led. ' )asn$t depressed. 9ic"ing %p sand( ' stood %p( !arching to)ards the changing area )ith !y bag. ' didn$t need /r. Hey)ood to ha e &%n.

Casey !oc" )ol&,)histled at !e )hen ' ca!e bac" to the beach a&ter changing into !y s)i!s%it. ' bl%shed( glaring at her. "Nice legs( daisy d%"es( !a"e$s a !an go(" she pa%sed to )ol&,)histle again. "The bi"ini top is a nice addition." "' hate the! tho%gh(" ' !%ttered( crossing !y ar!s in &ront o& !y chest s%bconscio%sly. ' glanced at !y bl%e and )hite bi"ini top. 't )as tied by strings( )hich ' tho%ght )as a bad idea. There )ere so!e real idiots in !y grade( and ' didn$t really )ant to ta"e the chance o& ha ing one o& the! %ntie !y top. "'& yo% don$t li"e bi"inis( then )hy are yo% )earing the!?" ' ga e her a so%r loo". "/y !o! replaced all !y s)i! s%its )ith bi"inis. 5he too" !y board shorts too( and there$s no )ay '$! )al"ing the beach in 0%st a bi"ini." "1la%nt )hat yo% got( Holly(" she told !e( rolling her eyes. ' st%c" !y tong%e o%t at her childishly. "5orry( ' li"e ha ing so!e !odesty." 5he 0%st rolled her eyes at !e. "Co!e s)i!!ing." ' shoo" !y head. "'$! going to go &or a )al". ' )ant to go chec" o%t those roc"s." ' pointed to the roc"s in the distance that led o%t into the ocean. "Oh6 Can ' co!e?" ' nodded. "No #illis tho%gh." #e both glanced at #illis( )ho )as ro%ghho%sing in the )ater )ith so!e boys &ro! o%r class. Casey s!iled &or a second )hile staring at hi!( b%t then t%rned bac" to !e( )a ing her hand dis!issi ely. "He )on$t e en notice '$! gone." ' ch%c"led( p%shing !y hair behind !y ear. "1ine( let$s go." Together )e started do)n the beach( )al"ing along the thin )ash o& bro"en )a es. O%r &eet splashed in the shallo) )ater( the c%rrent trying to drag o%r &eet bac" to see. Casey began hopping o er the s!all )a es o& &oa! that ca!e a&ter the )a e brea"s. "' )ant to s"i!board(" she co!plained( "ic"ing a )a e( and sending the )ater spraying %p at %s.

' )inced at the cold &eeling on !y ar!. ".id yo% bring a s"i!board?" "No(" she !%ttered !oodily. ' la%ghed( p%shing her slightly. "Then that$s yo%r o)n &a%lt. 2orro) one &ro! so!eone." Casey sighed. "' g%ess '$ll ha e to at so!e point. 2%t it$s al!ost c%r&e). '$ll ha e to do it to!orro)." The )al" to the roc"s )as ta"ing longer than ' had e3pected. ' !%st ha e !is0%dged the distance. The closer )e got( ho)e er( the larger the roc"s appeared. Casey sped %p slightly. "Loo" at that6" she cried( her eyes )ide. "'t$s li"e a &ort6 H%rry( Holly6" "Casey( )e still ha e a )ay to )al"+ argh6" ' cried o%t as she s%ddenly grabbed !y )rist and started sprinting. "Casey6" "C$!on( c$!on6" ' sco)led slightly( b%t didn$t dare to stop r%nning. 9no)ing !e( '$d probably end %p tripping o er !y &eet and &all into the )ater at !y &eet. #hen )e &inally reached the roc"s( )e )ere both panting( and holding stitches in o%r sides. ' leaned against one o& the large( cool( blac" roc"s trying to catch !y breath. Casey regained her breath *%ic"er and ad!ired the roc"s. 5he started cli!bing one( and ' &ollo)ed in p%rs%it. The top o& the roc" )as &lat( and stable to stand on. Casey started hopping to the ne3t one( )hich had a t)o &eet cre ice bet)een the one ' )as on and it. ' stepped o er it ca%tio%sly( loo"ing do)n to see a blac" hole. "Casey6" ' cried as she 0%!ped &ro! the roc"( into a cre ice. "1ollo) !e(" she responded. ' loo"ed o er the cre ice to see Casey at the botto! loo"ing %p at !e. The cre ice )as taller than her head. ' ner o%sly lo)ered !ysel& do)n( dropping onto the sand. Casey started )al"ing do)n the cre ice and ' &ollo)ed( r%nning !y hand against the !oist roc" )alls. Casey t%rned a corner( and ' &ollo)ed( s%rprised to see it led to a s!all section o& the beach( e en tho%gh roc"s sectioned it o&&. Casey t%rned and grinned at !e.

"This is so cool." ' co%ldn$t help b%t ret%rn her grin )ith one o& !y o)n. "4o%$ e al)ays been good at e3ploring." Casey s!ir"ed s!%gly( be&ore )al"ing to the other side o& the s!all beach area. ' &ollo)ed( staring in )onder at the area ' )as loo"ing at. 't )as literally a part o& the beach that )as sectioned o&& by roc"s. The large blac" roc"s e en )ent abo%t ten &eet into the ocean( and the tops o& the )alls also )ent higher than the &lat tops o& the roc"s )e had &irst ca!e o&&. 't )as totally pri ate. "' bet people li"e to ha e se3 in here(" Casey co!!ented( grinning chee"ily. "'t$s so pri ate." "4o% ha e s%ch a dirty !ind(" ' responded( rolling !y eyes. "Chec" this o%t." ' )al"ed o er to )here she )as( and peered aro%nd her. There see!ed to be a t%nnel in the roc". "5ho%ld )e go in there?" ' shoo" !y head. "There$s probably only trash and st%&&. Let$s go cli!b the roc" pier be&ore the c%r&e) co!es." Casey stared longingly at the s!all ca e be&ore sighing. "4eah." #e !ade o%r )ay o%t o& the little pri ate area( and )ith so!e e&&ort( p%lled o%rsel es o%t o& the cre ice and onto the &lat roc". The s%n )as beginning to set no). "5ho%ld )e go bac"?" Casey as"ed. ' glanced bac" at the beach )here o%r class had set %p( and co%ld still see people playing in the )ater. "' thin" )e$re o"ay(" ' told Casey( )ho )as also loo"ing. "'& )e go &ast." #e nodded at each other and started care&%lly cli!bing across the roc"s that led to the roc" pier. ' )anted to !a"e it o%t to the last roc". There )ere p%ddles o& )ater on so!e o& the!( and e ery no) and again '$d step on one and scare !ysel&.

Casey )as "ic"ing a roc"( e3pertly getting across cre ice a&ter cre ice as ' barely !anaged to st%!ble &ro! roc" to roc" )itho%t &alling in one. There )as a large cre ice bet)een the roc" and the one )e )ere c%rrently on( so Casey ga e a hard "ic" to the roc"( sending it soaring. 't )ent )ay past the other roc". ' snic"ered as Casey &l%shed in e!barrass!ent. "O)6" Casey and ' loo"ed at each other in s%rprise and scra!bled across the cre ice( loo"ing do)n the other side o& the roc". A pair o& teenage boys )as standing belo) %s. One o& the! had shaggy bro) hair( and the other had a b%-- c%t. The one )ith the b%-- c%t )as holding a hand to his head and holding the roc" in his other hand. Casey 0%!ped do)n be&ore ' co%ld stop her( and 0ogged %p to the boy )ith the b%-- c%t. "' a! so sorry6" she apologi-ed. "' thin" '$! bleeding(" he said( p%lling his hand a)ay &ro! his head &or a second( be&ore *%ic"ly replacing it. "4eah( de&initely bleeding." ' rolled !y eyes. 4eah right. "5orry6" Casey apologi-ed again( so%nding &l%stered. "Let !e chec" it o%t." Casey reached a hand %p to the teen$s head( b%t be&ore ' co%ld protest( the teen grabbed her )rist( a s!ir" spreading across his &ace. ' i!!ediately tensed %p( )atching the! care&%lly. "Let go(" Casey de!anded( trying to yan" her )rist &ree. "Are yo% alone? 4o% don$t loo" b%sy right no)( so )hy don$t yo% ha e so!e &%n )ith %s?" "'$! here )ith !y boy&riend(" Casey retorted( trying to p%ll her hand a)ay. ' sco)led( preparing to sho%t at the g%y. Then the g%y )ith the bro)n hair &inally !ade his !o%th( grabbing Casey$s other ar!. "'t$ll be &%n(" he told her. "Let go6" Casey repeated( )ith !ore &orce.

' ca%ght !y breath and )atched ner o%sly. #hat sho%ld ' do? 8o get so!eone? No( there )asn$t ti!e &or that. ' reali-ed they hadn$t noticed !e( so ' *%ietly bac"ed a)ay &ro! the roc"( and started going aro%nd it. ' co%ld hear Casey$s angry oice and the boys$ 0o"ing ones as ' slyly ca!e %p &ro! behind the boys. ' *%ietly begged Casey not to loo" at !e. "5tay still(" the one )ith the b%-- c%t said( 0er"ing Casey$s ar! hard. "O)6" she cried( being p%lled &or)ard. ' *%ietly dropped behind the pair o& boys( trying to !a"e the least a!o%nt o& noise as possible. To !y dis!ay( ' landed )ith a th%d. They heard !e land( and t%rned in shoc". The b%-- c%t boy s!ir"ed. "' see yo% )ant in on the &%n." #itho%t thin"ing( ' p%nched the b%-- c%t teen in the &ace( %sing !y &%ll &orce. He let go o& Casey in s%rprise( st%!bling bac" a &e) steps. ' silently scolded !ysel&. ' needed to stop p%nching people. A&ter ' got Casey a)ay. ' t%rned to the shaggy haired one( holding %p !y &ist threateningly. "Let her go." He snorted. "4o% !ay ha e ca%ght hi! o&&,g%ard( b%t yo% )on$t+" ' sent !y &ist into his &ace( c%tting hi! o&&. Casey !anaged to &ree hersel&( and started sprinting a)ay( grabbing !y ar! and dragging !e )ith her. The b%-- c%t g%y loo"ed %p at !e )ith a sco)l and &lipped !e o&&. "At least ' )asn$t beat by a girl(" ' yelled bac" childishly( ro%nding the corner )ith Casey. #e scra!bled %p the cre ice( *%ic"ly !a"ing o%r )ay across the roc"s( and bac" to the beach( )ere )e contin%ed r%nning bac" to the class site. ' &eet splashed thro%gh the cool )ater as ' "ept thro)ing ca%tio%s glances be&ore !e. ' )asn$t that )orried. ' had ta"en on a gangster be&ore; ' co%ld ta"e on t)o teenaged g%ys. #e didn$t stop r%nning %ntil one o& the chaperones on the trip )as in o%r sight. #e slo)ed grad%ally to a )al"( and the &inally sl%!ped onto the benches( o%t o& breath. ' leaned bac"( !y throat b%rning.

"' hate r%nning(" ' panted. "#here(" Casey started( ta"ing a deep breath. ".id yo% learn7 ho) to p%nch... li"e that? ' tho%ght yo% co%ldn$t e en !a"e a &ist." ' ga e a nonco!!ittal shr%g o& the sho%lders( and Casey let it go. Li"e ' )o%ld tell her ' needed to learn ho) to p%nch so!eone beca%se ' )as in ol ed )ith gangsters. Hah. "'& anyone as"s( that didn$t happen(" Casey said serio%sly( her breath regained. "#illis )o%ld "ill !e." "'$! bleeding(" ' !oc"ed( a s!ir" on !y &ace. Casey sco)led. "' )as being polite." ' rolled !y eyes. "This is )hy ' don$t li"e the beach. There are tons o& per erts aro%nd( )aiting to scoop %p girls in bathing s%its." Casey st%c" o%t her tong%e. "Not al)ays." ' la%ghed( letting o%t a sigh o& relie& )ith it. At least it )asn$t anything serio%s. ' ha e e3pected so!ething li"e that to happen any)ay. ' !ean it happened in !o ies all the ti!e. 5%ddenly ' re!e!bered )e hadn$t !ade it o%t to the last roc" on the roc" pier. ' groaned and Casey loo"ed at !e )ith a )orried e3pression. "#e didn$t get to go on the roc" pier6" Casey sho ed !e hard. "There$s al)ays to!orro)."

TH'RT4,ONE ' )o"e in the !orning to the e3cited so%nds o& t)ittering girls. ' sco)led( rolling o er and pressing !y head against !y pillo). "' can$t belie e it6" .anielle cried e3citedly.

"/e either6 Holly6 Holly( )a"e %p6" "No(" ' !oaned( co ering !y ears. "' )ant to sleep7" "Holly( it$s noon. Hal& the class is already at the beach6" Casey responded( nearly sho%ting. "Pl%s( there is so!ething ' )ant yo% to see6" "Tr%st !e( yo%$ll )ant to see it6" .anielle added. "Co!e on( get %p and get ready6" ' &elt the co ers being ripped o&& o& !e and ' cl%ng to the! &or dear li&e. ' heard Casey gr%nt( and yan" harder. "No(" ' !oaned( "eeping a &ir! grasp. "J%st a little longer7" "No6" #ith tre!endo%s &orce( Casey )as able to p%ll the co!&orter o&& !e. ' sat %p straight( sco)ling at her. .anielle$s hands )ere also on the blan"et. 5he dropped the! i!!ediately( a sheepish grin on her &ace. "5orry( b%t )e sho%ld go to the beach(" she said( and Casey nodded. "1ine(" ' said( sighing in resignation. "Let !e change into so!e clothes+" ".on$t bother(" Casey responded *%ic"ly. "#e$ll be s)i!!ing and st%&&( so 0%st thro) on yo%r s)i!s%it." ' &ro)ned slightly. "'$! at least )earing shorts7" Casey rolled her eyes. "1ine( )ear shorts then( b%t h%rry %p6 And do so!ething )ith yo%r hair." ' ga e her a *%i--ical loo". '& )e )ere going s)i!!ing( )hy )o%ld ' ha e to do !y hair? 5ighing( ' cli!bed o%t o& !y bed and )al"ed o er to !y bac"pac". ' grabbed !y bi"ini top and botto!( a pair o& shorts( and !y hairbr%sh be&ore going to the hotel bathroo!. ' %sed the toilet( and )ashed !y &ace be&ore stripping o%t o& !y clothes and p%lling on the bathing s%it and shorts. ' br%shed o%t !y hair( &i3ing !y bangs. #hen ' tho%ght they loo"ed presentable( ' le&t the bathroo!( snagging !y beach to)el &ro! the to)el hanger on the )ay. "4o% ready?" Casey as"ed( )aiting by the door )ith .anielle.

' nodded( slipping on !y &lip,&lips( and &ollo)ing the! o%t o& the hotel roo!. The door loc"ed behind %s( and ' hoped either Casey or .anielle had the hotel "ey. #e !ade o%r )ay to the hotel lobby( )here a &e) "ids &ro! o%t class )ere hanging o%t in the ery co!&ortable loo"ing recliners. They see!ed to be playing catch )ith a hac"y sac". /s. 9ir" )as there too( probably "eeping an eye on the!. 5he )a ed at %s as )e )al"ed by and ' ret%rned the )a e. ' ya)ned as )e stepped o%tside the hotel. A cool bree-e nipped at !e i!!ediately and ' loo"ed at the s"y )ith a &ro)n. 't de&initely loo"ed li"e it )as going to rain. Ho)e er( it )as still )ar! eno%gh to go s)i!!ing( so as long as it didn$t rain &or a )hile( ' didn$t !ind. #e tr%dged across the street that led to the beach( and cli!bed %p the board)al" that )ent o er the d%nes. At the top( the ocean s%ddenly spread o%t in &ront o& !e( stretching o%t &or )hat loo"ed li"e &ore er. ' s!iled at the sight o& it; it )as so re&reshing. A large gro%p o& people )ere playing beach olley ball o&& to the right a little. ' ca%ght Casey loo"ing at the gro%p o& people )ith a grin. 5he loo"ed at !e( and nodded her head at the gro%p o& people. "#ant to go play?" ' raised an eyebro). "No7" "Are yo% positi e?" she as"ed( slo)ly &ro)ning. ".o yo% not see7?" "Let$s go closer(" .anielle s%ggested( p%shing !y bac" and leading !e do)n the other side o& the d%ne( to the beach. ' st%!bled &or a !in%te( b%t !anaged to !aintain !y balance as she p%shed !e do)n the board)al". Casey trailed behind %s( an e3cited grin still on her &ace. 1or so!e reason( ' &elt )eary &or the reason o& .anielle and Casey$s giddiness. ' hope they )eren$t planning on a s%rprise attac" on !e )ith )ater g%ns or so!ething7 The closer )e got to the gro%p playing beach olleyball( the lo%der they beca!e. A &e) people on the sidelines )ere cheering( and the girls playing )ere !a"ing lo%d( %nnecessary s*%eals and sho%ts. ' rolled !y eyes slightly. That$s )hen !y eyes ca%ght sigh o& hi!. ' &ro-e( !y eyes )idening. #ere !y eyes playing tric"s on !e? ' glanced at Casey( )ho grinned bac" at !e.

"No) are yo% glad yo% ca!e?" ' t%rned bac" the gro%p playing olleyball( p%tting a hand o er !y eyes to shade the! against the s!all bit o& s%nlight that )as pee"ing o%t &ro! the !any clo%ds. There )as no )ay ' )as i!agining things. There stood /r. Hey)ood in all his bare,chested glory. 2%t then a girl &alling into hi! bloc"ed his body &ro! ie). ' narro)ed !y eyes slightly. #as that an accidental trip( or )as it on p%rpose? Casey$s s!ile slo)ly disappeared and she t%rned to !e sheepishly. "O"ay( )ell7 there !ay be girls all o er hi!( b%t he$s here6" "' don$t care i& there are girls all o er hi!(" ' stated st%bbornly( crossing !y ar!s. "' do(" .anielle inter0ected( sco)ling at the girls )ho stood at a t)o &eet radi%s aro%nd /r. Hey)ood. "' !ean( yo% ha e positions in olleyball6 #hy are they all standing so close to hi!?" "4o% 0ealo%s?" Casey as"ed( 0abbing her in the side. "4eah(" .anielle ad!itted )itho%t hesitation. "'t$s annoying." 5o!ething in !y g%t t)isted( and ' stared at the gro%nd( biting !y lip. 't )as &%nny. ' )as &eeling 0ealo%s o& so!eone being 0ealo%s. ' al!ost la%ghed o%t lo%d at the idea. "Let$s go 0oin in then(" Casey s%ggested( nodding her head to)ards the ga!e. "'$! in(" .anielle said( grabbing Casey and dragging her to)ards /r. Hey)ood. "Co!ing( Holly?" ' opened !y !o%th( abo%t to say no( b%t decided against it. A s!ir" !ade it$s )ay onto !y &ace. "4eah( '$ll play." Casey bea!ed at !e; happy ' )as act%ally going to play. Bolleyball )asn$t !y sport. #e trooped o er to /r. Hey)ood( and he glanced at %s brie&ly b%t then did a do%ble ta"e. ' pretended to be interested in the sand as )e got closer. ' heard /r. Hey)ood call ti!e( and a reso%nding chor%s o& "o"ay" ca!e soon a&ter &ro! the girls playing. Casey s%ddenly stopped and ' nearly ran into her.

"Hey( /r. Hey)ood(" Casey started( and ' had to resist the %rge to loo" %p. "8ot roo! &or three !ore players?" "O& co%rse(" /r. Hey)ood responded )itho%t hesitation. "'t$ll !a"e it e en( b%t one o& yo% )ill ha e to go on the other tea!." ' loo"ed %p no)( raising !y hand. "'$ll go on the other tea!." "4o% s%re?" Casey as"ed( t%rning aro%nd in s%rprise. "' don$t !ind+" "No(" ' ass%red her( "' )ant to." /y ga-e !et /r. Hey)ood$s &or a brie& !o!ent. 1or one split second( his eyes dropped and ' had the i!pression he )as 0%st no) noticing ' )as only in !y bathing s%it. 8ood thing ' decided to )ear shorts. ' )al"ed to the other side o& the olleyball co%rt( d%c"ing %nder the net. ' glanced at !y tea!. L%c"ily( they )ere all people ' )as sort o& &riends )ith. Also( 5adie )as on this tea!. 5he grinned at !e( and pointed to the spot ne3t to her. ' )al"ed o er to her and too" it. "4o%$re ser ing(" she in&or!ed !e( handing !e the olleyball. "<!!(" ' hesitated( loo"ing at the )hite ball in !y hands. "' act%ally don$t thin"+" 5o!eone ble) a )histle and ' 0%!ped( nearly dropping the olleyball. ' glanced at /r. Hey)ood as the )histled bo%nced against his chest as he dropped it. He s!iled in a!%se!ent. "5er e at )ill( /s. E ers." ' too" a deep breath( staring ner o%sly at the ball in !y hand. ' didn$t e en re!e!ber ho) to ser e6 #hy had ' decided to play again? Oh yeah. To try to sho) %p /r. Hey)ood. 2%t ho) co%ld ' do that )hen ' didn$t e en "no) ho) to ser e? ' groaned internally( letting o%t !y breath. Here goes nothing. ' balanced the ball on top o& !y le&t pal!( and c%rled the &ingers on !y right hand. As &ast as ' co%ld( ' bro%ght %p !y right hand( and sla!!ed the heel o& !y hand into the olleyball.

5%ddenly there )as pain in !y &ace( and people la%ghing. /y &ace &la!ed as the olleyball dropped to the gro%nd a&ter bo%ncing o&& !y &ace. ' r%bbed !y nose( a oiding eye contact )ith e eryone. Ho) ' !anaged to hit !ysel& in the &ace )ith a olleyball( ' )o%ld ne er "no). 5co)ling( ' bent do)n and read0%sted the olleyball onto the &lat o& !y le&t pal! again. This ti!e( instead o& loo"ing at the olleyball( ' loo"ed straight at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as s!ir"ing in a!%se!ent. ' stepped &or)ard )ith !y right &oot( e3erting !y press%re to the s)ing o& !y ar!. The heel o& !y hand connected )ith the olleyball( and this ti!e it )ent sailing across the net. All the )ay to the o%t o& bo%nds area. 2oth tea!s er%pted in la%ghter again( and ' heard the so%nd o& a )histle. ' h%ng !y head in e!barrass!ent( a sigh escaping !y lips. .iscreetly as possible( ' stole a glance at /r. Hey)ood. He )as 0%st abo%t la%ghing his head o&&. /y &ace b%rned again as the other tea! rotated. 5adie ca%ght !y attention and !i!ic"ed !y !otion o& hitting the olleyball( and then pretended to get hit in the &ace. Then she !i!ic"ed !e again( hitting the pretend olleyball( and then loo"ing into the s"y( )ith her eyes shaded by her hand. "#here$d it go?" she sho%ted( loo"ing aro%nd in the s"y. ' sco)led at her as !y tea! bro"e o%t into &resh la%ghter. "'t$s not that &%nny6" "8%ys( co!e on( let$s contin%e the ga!e(" ' heard Casey call &ro! the other side( b%t ' co%ld tell she )as trying not to la%gh as )ell. The ga!e contin%ed( and l%c"ily( the ball ne er ca!e to !e. 5adie landed a point &or o%r tea!( and )e rotated. This ti!e ' )as in the !iddle. /y tea! ga e !e ner o%s loo"s and ' ret%rned the!. "8ood l%c"(" one o& the girls( Anna( said. "'$ll need it(" ' responded gl%!ly. 5adie )as ser ing no). 5he hit a clean ser e to the other side o& the co%rt( )hich )as ret%rned by Casey. The olleying contin%ed %ntil /r. Hey)ood !ade a hard spi"e( that landed 0%st at Anna$s &eet. ' glared at hi! as his tea! cheered( the girls r%shing to gi e hi! high &i es. 5co)ling( ' rotated o%t o& the center. No) /r. Hey)ood )as ser ing on the other tea!. 1or &i e

straight ser es in a ro)( he got a point &or his tea!. '& so!eone had been )al"ing by( they )o%ld ha e tho%ght there )as a !ass !%rder or so!ething &ro! all the screa!ing. "/s. E ers( this one is &or yo%(" /r. Hey)ood called( gaining !y eye contact. ' bl%shed and loo"ed a)ay( %ntil ' re!e!bered he said he )as ser ing to !e. /y head snapped %p( 0%st in ti!e to see the olleyball co!ing. Panic"ing( ' tried to re!e!ber )hat !o e )as best to hit the %pco!ing olleyball. #ildly( ' ret%rned it )ith a set. E eryone )atched as the ball )ent sailing to the other side( and landed in the dirt be&ore anyone co%ld reach it. And it )as in bo%nds. 5%ddenly( people cheering s%rro%nded !e( and e en the other tea! )as clapping. Casey )ol&,)histled at !e. A s!%g s!ir" slipped onto !y &ace as ' loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood. He s!ir"ed bac"( !o%thing so!ething. ' coc"ed !y head in con&%sion( and he repeated it.

"' ga e yo% an easy ser e." ' sco)led at hi!( not e en bothering to respond. Anna )as ser ing no). ' )atched as she hit the ball easily o er the net. 't )as ret%rned )ith a dig &ro! Casey( and then ret%rned again )ith a set &ro! 5adie. /r. Hey)ood stepped &or)ards( grinning at !e. ' braced !ysel&( ready to ret%rn his hit. He set %p &or a set( so ' rela3ed !ysel& slightly. At the last !o!ent ho)e er( he spi"ed it. <nprepared &or the s%dden olleyball )hi--ing at !y &ace( ' let it s!ac" into !e. ' st%!bled bac")ards and &ell o er &ro! shoc"( !y &ace stinging pain&%lly. "Holly6" "O)(" ' !oaned( bringing a hand %p to !y &ace. Casey$s &ace appeared o er !ine( loo"ing hal& )orried( hal& a!%sed. "Are yo% o"ay?" "'$! &ine( ' 0%st )asn$t e3pecting it." /r. Hey)ood appeared o er !e no)( &ro)ning. He held o%t a hand and ' hesitated &or a &raction o& a second be&ore ta"ing it. #itho%t any e&&ort( he p%lled !e to !y &eet. "5orry(" he apologi-ed( r%nning a hand thro%gh his hair. "' )asn$t ai!ing &or yo%r &ace7"

"'$! &ine+" "Holly6 4o%r nose is bleeding6" Casey cried( her hand co ering her !o%th. ' raised a hand %p to !y nose in s%rprise( and p%lled it a)ay( &inding it co ered )ith blood. A lot o& blood. 1or a !o!ent ' s)ayed( the sight o& so !%ch blood !a"ing !e *%easy. "Co!e on(" /r. Hey)ood started( grabbing !y sho%lder. "' ha e the &irst,aid "it on the bench." /r. Hey)ood p%shed !e to)ards the benches. ' pl%gged !y nose( tilting !y head bac". The &eeling o& the blood tric"ling do)n !y throat al!ost !ade !e gag. ".on$t lean yo%r head bac"(" /r. Hey)ood scolded !e. "1or)ards." ' did as he said( and leaned &or)ards. /r. Hey)ood contin%ed to g%ide !e %ntil )e !ade it to the bench. He sat !e do)n( and p%lled o%t a large blac" bo3 &ro! %nder )here ' sat. "Here." ' loo"ed %p and sa) /r. Hey)ood holding o%t a pac"age o& tiss%es to !e. ' grabbed the!( trying to open the! )ith one hand. 't )asn$t )or"ing o%t to )ell. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( ta"ing the tiss%e pac" bac" and opening the plastic &or !e. This ti!e he ga e it to !e and ' co%ld p%ll o%t a &e). ' too" !y hand a)ay and cr%!pled the tiss%es %p and p%t the! to !y nose. "5orry abo%t that(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed again. "2%t the &ace yo% !ade )as hilario%s + be&ore and a&ter the ball hit." ' bl%shed and &ro)ned. "' didn$t "no) yo% )ere going to spi"e." "4o%r pinching the )rong part o& yo%r nose(" he told !e( grabbing !y hand and lo)ering it %ntil ' pinched the so&t portion o& !y nose. 't )as a good thing ' had been bl%shing &ro! the earlier co!!ent( other)ise the bl%sh ' had "no) !ight ha e !ade hi! c%rio%s. He re!o ed his hand and ' nodded !y than"s. "#hy are yo% here?" ' as"ed( !y oice so%nding &%nny d%e to !y nose being pinched. "' got called in as a replace!ent chaperone(" he told !e( sitting do)n on the bench. "/r. Cole got sic" last night( so ' )as as"ed to dri e %p here today."

"Oh(" ' responded. "L%c"y !e." "#as that sarcas!?" ' as"ed( coc"ing an eyebro). /r. Hey)ood sighed( sha"ing his hair o%t o& his &ace. "Tr%st !e. 2eing aro%nd hal& na"ed high school girls isn$t as &%n as it see!s. Especially )hen they try to &lirt )ith yo% or r%b against yo% e ery &i e !in%tes." Jealo%sly )as b%bbling inside !e again( b%t ' &orced it a)ay. There )as nothing to be 0ealo%s abo%t6 "4o% "no)( !%st g%ys )o%ld li"e that(" ' tried to say in a teasing oice( b%t it ended %p so%nding relie ed. "4eah( )ell i& yo% ha en$t noticed( '$! not !ost g%ys." ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood )ho had a s!ir" on his &ace. ' ch%c"led slightly( ret%rning !y ga-e bac" to the gro%nd. "Right. 4o%$re a handso!e teacher )ho is an e3,gangster( and yo%r old gang is o%t to "ill yo% &or so!e reason( and yo% )on$t let !e "no) the reason e en tho%gh ' )as dragged into yo%r proble!s. Not to !ention yo% li"e blac"!ailing people( and ha e a split, personality. Oh and did ' !ention the &act that yo% lied and said yo% co%ldn$t coo" and then )ent ' had to stay at yo%r ho%se( yo% s%ddenly )ere a great che&? And then yo% !ade dinner &or !y !o! and !ysel& )hich )as e*%ally as delicio%s." ' pa%sed( ta"ing in a deep breath. #ar!th )as spreading across !y &ace &ro! !y s%dden o%tb%rst. "4o% thin" '$! handso!e?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( a s!ir" on his &ace( and an eyebro) coc"ed. ' sco)led. "#as that all yo% got o%t o& that entire rant?" "' also ca%ght the part )here yo% said ' )as a great che&( and that )hat ' !ade )as delicio%s." "Narcissistic(" ' !%ttered( sha"ing !y head. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "'$! 0%st "idding( Holly."

' p%rsed !y lips at hi!. "#hy do yo% call !e /s. E ers in &ront o& others? 4o% call e eryone else by their &irst na!e in." "Are yo% going bac" to the hotel?" he as"ed( ignoring !e co!pletely. ' sco)led. "No( are yo%?" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "No( ' ha e to stay on the beach to )atch e eryone. #hat are yo% planning to do?" "Not play olleyball again." He ch%c"led. "8ood plan." "/r. Hey)ood6" ' loo"ed %p to see Banessa )a ing &rantically at /r. Hey)ood. ' rolled !y eyes at her bi"ini top. #as that bathing s%it e en considered a bi"ini top? There )as barely anything there6 "Co!e bac"( )e )ant to play again and )e need yo%6" she sho%ted( gestic%lating )ith her hand. /r. Hey)ood sighed( p%shing hi!sel& o&& the bench. He stood in &ront o& !e &or a !o!ent( and ' got a ie) o& his chest( and si3,pac". 5lightly s%rprised( ' ga-ed at his sto!ach. Ho) had ' not noticed he had abs? 2%t then again( it sho%ldn$t ha e been too s%rprising seeing ho) he )as in a gang &or abo%t &i e years7 "5ee so!ething yo% li"e( Holly?" ' bl%shed( glaring at hi!. "4eah( ' )o%ld i& yo% too" t)o steps to the right. 't$s the bro)n haired g%y( right behind yo%." /r. Hey)ood )hipped aro%nd( and ' ch%c"led. 1ro)ning( he t%rned bac" to !e. "/aybe it$s beca%se yo%$re special." #ith that( he started 0ogging bac" to the olleyball area. ' stared a&ter hi! &or a !o!ent( co!pletely con&%sed. #hat did he !ean by that? 't didn$t !a"e any sense6 Then it hit !e. He )as ans)ering !y early *%estion. #hy do yo% call !e /s. E ers in &ront o& people?

'nstantly !y &ace &l%shed. 5pecial as in )hat tho%gh? That ' "ne) o& his other personality? That ' "ne) he )as an e3,gangster? That ' "ne) he )as a good coo"? That ' "ne) ho) he )as li"e o%tside o& school? Or )as it special as in7 ' shoo" !y head. .on$t e en go there( Holly( ' told !ysel&. 't )as i!possible7 That ' )as special to hi!.

TH'RT4,T#O #a es splashed against the blac" roc"s as ' ga-ed into the deep bl%e ocean( entranced by it. 't )as s%ch a dar" bl%e( it )as al!ost i!possible to see thro%gh. And o& co%rse the clo%dy day )asn$t helping it at all. ' loo"ed %p at the s"y &or a !o!ent. 't had gotten considerably dar"er since ' had co!e o%t here7 ' lo)ered !ysel& into a s*%atting position( s%ddenly terri&ied o& &alling in. ' had no cl%e ho) deep it )as do)n there. 8lancing bac" at the shore( 0%dging by the distance( ' &ig%red it )as pretty deep. 2arely anyone )as on the roc" pier today. 4esterday( it had been cro)ded( b%t today( only a &e) stray &isher!en lined the roc"s leading o%t( b%t none o& the! )ere as &ar as ' )as. ' had )al"ed all the )ay to the end o& it( )here the little )hite post )as.

8etting here had act%ally been a di&&ic%lt tas". Not all the roc"s )ere &lat on the top and connected( so ' had to 0%!p a lot o& gaps bet)een the roc"s. 't )asn$t so bad( b%t it )as terri&ying i& yo% tho%ght abo%t &alling into the ocean. There )as at least a se en,&oot drop &ro! the roc"s to the ocean. 2%t as yo% gre) closer( the ocean le el rose( so )here ' )as standing c%rrently( there )as only abo%t a hal&,&oot drop. Casey )as too b%sy playing olleyball( so she didn$t co!e )ith !e this ti!e. ' sighed( staring bac" at the !es!eri-ing ocean. To !e( it )as an entrancing( yet terri&ying body o& )ater. /y )orst &ear )as &alling in and either dro)ning( or ha ing so!e "ind o& sea creat%re attac" !e.

' ch%c"led at !y ne3t tho%ght. #hat i& there )as a "ra"en or so!ething in it? ' )o%ldn$t be able to see it beca%se o& the o ercast and deep )ater7 ' slo)ly !o ed a)ay &ro! the edge o& the roc"s. C%rse !y i!agination and ability to be scared easily. 9ra"ens didn$t e en e3ist6 ' sent one !ore ner o%s pee" at the ocean be&ore t%rning !y attention to the )hite post. H%ndreds o& na!es and initials )ere etched into it( or )ritten on )ith !ar"er. ' ran !y eyes along the roc"s %ntil ' spotted a s!all and sharp one. 2ending do)n( ' grabbed it( and began car ing !y o)n initials into the post. As a second tho%ght( ' !ade a heart a&ter !y na!e and added the letters C.H. ne3t to it. #hen ' )as &inished( ' ch%c"ed the roc" into the ocean( hearing it land )ith a pl%n". ' giggled a little at !y childish idea. Hope&%lly /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t co!e o%t here. ' &elt so!ething !oist on !y bare s"in and ' loo"ed %p )ith a &ro)n to &ind it dri--ling slightly( and e en dar"er than be&ore. ' sighed( "no)ing ' sho%ld head bac". ' didn$t )ant it to be pitch blac" as ' tried to !a"e !y )ay o&& the roc" pier. 5tretching( ' ad0%sted !y bi"ini top( )ishing ' had )orn a s)eatshirt( or shirt at least. #ith the rain and slight )ind( it )asn$t a really )ar! te!perat%re as it had been earlier. To !a"e it easier to )al"( ' too" o&& !y &lip,&lops and held the! in !y hand. /a"ing !y )ay care&%lly &ro! each roc" to the ne3t )as t%rning o%t to be !ore di&&ic%lt on the )ay bac" then to. The rain )as *%ic"ening no)( !a"ing the roc"s !ore slippery. 5co)ling in annoyance( ' ca%tio%sly !ane% ered !ysel& aro%nd a roc" ' co%ldn$t cli!b o er. /y &oot slipped( and a strangled cry escaped !y throat as ' &ell &or)ard. 1or one g%t, )renching second ' tho%ght ' )as going to topple o er the edge( b%t ' !anaged to catch !ysel& on the ne3t roc" be&ore ' co%ld do so. ' p%lled !ysel& bac" into a standing position( !y heart ha!!ering against !y chest. ' sho%ld ha e at least told so!eone ' )as co!ing here. 5t%pid( st%pid Holly. 8athering %p !y co%rage( ' contin%ed at a snail,li"e pace across the roc"s. ' "ept !y eyes o&& o& the ocean belo)( "no)ing it )o%ld only &righten !e !ore. As ' slo)ly approached the shore( the s"y rain &ell hea ier( and the s"y gre) dar"er. #hen ' &inally !ade it to the relati ely &lat portion o& the roc"s( ' rela3ed i!!ediately. At least no) ' co%ldn$t &all into the ocean. #hen ' &inally !ade it to the shore( ' did a little dance o& ictory. 5o!eho) ' !anaged to let go o& one o& !y &lip,&lops. ' sco)led as it &ell do)n one o& the cre ices. 8etting on !y hands and "nees( ' cra)led to the edge o& the cre ice( loo"ing do)n. /y &lip,&lop )as lying in a p%ddle o& )ater at the botto!.

Positioning !y right hand across the cre ice &or s%pport( ' leant !y %pper body do)n( and reached )ith !y le&t hand. /y &ingertips 0%st barely br%shed the top o& !y &lip,&lop. ' tried to &orce !ysel& &%rther do)n the cre ice( b%t !y sho%lders )ere too )ide. 5%ddenly ' heard a )ol&,)histled behind !e. Casey. ' retracted !ysel& o%t o& the hole )ith a sigh. "Casey( ' dropped !y &lip,&lop and7" ' trailed o&& )hen ' loo"ed %p at the person )ho )ol&,)histled. He )as de&initely not Casey. 't )as hard to !a"e the person o%t in the rain( b%t ' co%ld de&initely tell that it )as a !an. ' slo)ly stood %p( &orgetting !y &lip,&lop &or the !o!ent. "#ell loo" )ho it is(" the !an co!!ented( ta"ing a step closer. "'t$s the bitch &ro! yesterday." As soon as the !an too" t)o steps closer( ' recogni-ed hi! as the b%-- c%t d%de ' had p%nched yesterday. 'nternally( ' groaned. 't )as 0%st !y l%c" to r%n into hi! no). #hy did this "ind o& st%&& al)ays happen to !e? 2etter yo% than Casey( a oice in !y head said. ' had to agree )ith that. "Ryan(" the b%-- c%t d%de called( "co!e loo"6" A &e) !o!ents later( Ryan appeared in !y ision. ' reali-ed )ith a shoc" that he )as bro)n haired g%y that )as )ith b%-- c%te d%de yesterday. Ryan raised his eyebro)s( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. "8ood &ind( Pa%l(" Ryan la%ghed( patting his &riend on the bac". "' need to go bac" to !y class be&ore they get )orried(" ' told the pair thro%gh gritted teeth. "Altho%gh '$d lo e to stay and chat." "Then stay(" Pa%l said )ith an e il grin. "Let the! )orry." "No( it$s alright." ' started to )al" aro%nd the pair( b%t they stepped in !y )ay. ' tried the other )ay( and they stepped in !y )ay again. ' sco)led( glaring as best as ' co%ld. They ret%rned !y loo"s )ith a!%sed ones.

"4o% don$t thin" )e$re 0%st going to let yo% o&& a&ter )hat yo% did yesterday( do yo%?" ' narro)ed !y eyes. "'& ' got yo% both yesterday( )hat !a"es yo% thin" today )ill be any di&&erent?" Pa%l s!ir"ed and reached into his poc"et. #hat he p%lled o%t !ade !y blood t%rn cold. He had prod%ced a s)itchblade. ' stared at it apprehensi ely &or a !o!ent( and then bac" at hi!. "Those are illegal to carry aro%nd(" ' stated( trying to so%nd cal!er than ' really )as. Pa%l snorted. "'t$s not li"e anyone )ill "no) ' ha e it. 8rab her( Ryan." Ryan stepped &or)ard( reaching o%t his ar! to grab !e. 'n a slight panic( ' sla!!ed !y re!aining &lip,&lop into his &ace. He cried o%t in s%rprise( his ar! dropping a)ay &ro! !e. ' let !y &lip,&lop go and sp%n aro%nd( 0%!ping across the cre ice( and racing o er the roc". "8et her6" ' heard Pa%l sho%t. ' slid on the slippery roc" s%r&aces as ' tried to cli!b &ro! roc" to roc" )itho%t &alling. T)isting !y an"le didn$t so%nd to pleasant to !e at the !o!ent. ' scra!bled past the cre ice that led to the sectioned o& beach Casey and ' &o%nd the day be&ore. /y !ind )andered brie&ly i& that )as a good place to hide( b%t ' &ig%red ' )o%ldn$t be able to get in )itho%t being noticed and &ollo)ed. 'nstead( ' )ent &%rther along the roc"s( !y heart racing. ' had no cl%e )here ' )as going( or )here the roc"s led to( ' 0%st "ne) ' had to get a)ay &ro! the !an )ith the s)itchblade. ' co%ld probably ta"e on the Ryan g%y7 ' glanced o er !y sho%lder( trying to see i& they )ere on !y tail. Relie& s)ept thro%gh !e )hen ' reali-ed they )eren$t in !y ision. 5%ddenly( ' )as &alling. ' held in !y cry o& pain as ' &elt !y an"le t)ist pain&%lly. ' landed on a di&&erent roc"( sliding do)n its slippery s%r&ace %ntil !y &ace ca!e to a cre ice. /y head &ell in( b%t ' !anaged to p%ll !ysel& %p in ti!e be&ore !y )hole body co%ld &all. ' heard a oice no) and ' held !y breath tightly( loo"ing %p &ro! )here ' &ell &ro! &ear&%lly. Ryan passed( not e en loo"ing in !y direction. He disappeared &ro! ie) a&ter a &e) !o!ents. ' )as abo%t to let o%t a sigh o& relie& )hen Pa%l( the one )ith the s)itchblade( ca!e o%t. /y sto!ach tightened( and ' silently begged hi! not to loo" do)n.

He didn$t. He contin%ed &ollo)ing Ryan( and !y eyes b%lged )ith disbelie&. 5ince )hen had ' beco!e the l%c"iest girl on earth? ' )aited a &e) !o!ents %ntil ' )as s%re they )ere gone be&ore cli!bing to !y &eet. /y an"le throbbed pain&%lly and ' hissed in pain. O"ay( so !aybe ' )asn$t the l%c"iest. 2%t a t)isted an"le )as better than being c%t )ith a s)itchblade. ' &orced !ysel& to ignore the pain in !y an"le( and cli!b bac" to the &lat top o& the other roc" )here ' had &ell &ro!. /y an"le protested as ' slipped once or t)ice( b%t ' "ept going. 5lo)ly. ' )ent bac" the )ay ' had co!e &ro!( h%nched o er( gripping roc"s &or s%pport so all !y )eight )asn$t on !y in0%red an"le. /y heart )as po%nding )ith adrenaline and anticipation. Those t)o co%ld ret%rn at any ti!e7 ' ca!e bac" to the cre ice )here the hidden area )as and )ondered &or a split second i& ' sho%ld hide( or try to go bac" to )here the class )as. "1o%nd yo%6" ' startled gasp le&t !y lips and ' t)isted on !y good heel to co!e &ace,to,&ace )ith Ryan. ' rela3ed slightly. That )as( %ntil he started reaching into his poc"et. #itho%t thin"ing( ' "need hi! in the crotch as hard as ' co%ld. He sho%ted in pain( bending o er. ' panic"ed( not "no)ing )hat to do. ' sa) he )as reaching &or his poc"et again( so ' did the thing ' &o%nd ' )as best at. ' p%nched hi!. He &ell to the gro%nd %nconscio%s. ' stared at hi! &or a !o!ent in )onder( then to !y &ist( in horror. ' had to stop p%nching people6 ' didn$t ha e to resort to iolence e ery ti!e6 And ' had act%ally "noc"ed so!eone o%t this ti!e6 ' co%ld ha e serio%sly h%rt hi!. ' bent do)n to chec" that he hadn$t landed on a roc" that )as 0%tting o%t( b%t &o%nd hi! %nin0%red &or the !ost part. ' s%c"ed in a deep breath o& air )hen ' reali-ed Pa%l had probably heard Ryan$s cry. J%ic"ly( ' 0%!ped do)n into the cre ice. /y an"le st%ng( b%t ' did !y best to ignore the throbbing pain. ' !o ed slo)ly bac")ards( "eeping an eye on the opening o& the cre ice abo e !e. ' trailed !y hand along the !oist )all( !a"ing s%re ' didn$t &all.

' &elt the corner( and slo)ly t%rned !ysel&( still "eeping an eye o%t &or any !otion abo e !e. ' &elt sa&er no)( o%t o& ie) &ro! the cre ice. Hope&%lly( no) they )o%ldn$t be able to &ind !e+ ' &ro-e( b%!ping into so!ething too )ar! to be roc" behind !e. ' &elt a ch%c"le re erberate thro%gh his chest. "1o%nd yo%." ' &elt !y hair being yan"ed and ' bit !y tong%e to "eep &ro! sho%ting o%t. ' )as yan"ed into the beach area( !y an"le gro)ing )orse and )orse )ith each step. Pa%l contin%ed dragging !e( obli io%s to !y pain. ' )as p%shed against the roc"( and pinned there by Pa%l$s "nee bet)een !y legs. ' sco)led at hi!( trying to not let &ear get the best o& !e. Pa%l sco)led bac"( tapping his s)itchblade angrily. "#here$s Ryan? .a!n it(" he !%ttered( glancing at the )ay )e ca!e. /y heart s"ipped a beat( and ' tried to "eep a straight &ace. ' didn$t )ant to "no) )hat he$d do i& he &o%nd o%t ' "noc"ed o%t his &riend. 2%t ' )as also terri&ied that Ryan )o%ld )a"e %p and co!e in here. "Ho) did yo% get in here?" ' )hispered; "no)ing Pa%l had )al"ed by !e earlier. He raised an eyebro). ".id yo% thin" yo% )ere the only one )ho "ne) o& the place or so!ething?" ' shoo" !y head. No( ' "ne) others )o%ld "no) o& it7 ' 0%st ass%!ed these g%ys didn$t. ' sighed in)ardly. Ass%!ing ne er led to good things. "There are t)o )ays in(" Pa%l told !e( 0er"ing his head to)ards the other side o& the enclosed space. "Ha e yo% e er heard o& 0%!ping?" ' blanched( reali-ing ho) ignorant ' )as. O& co%rse people co%ld 0%st drop in here6 't )asn$t co ered6 't )as a st%pid idea to co!e in here i& there )as only one entrance. Ho) co%ld ' ha e been s%ch an idiot? ' &elt li"e ' )as going to cry. The &eeling o& cool !etal against !y s"in snapped !e o%t o& !y re erie. /y eyes )idened as ' loc"ed ga-es )ith Pa%l. He s!ir"ed( his eyes glo)ing )ith e3cite!ent. "'$! not )aiting &or Ryan(" he told !e( e en tho%gh ' co%ld care less. "2%t ' don$t "no) )hat to do to yo% yet7"

' tried !y best not to sho) hi! any )ea"ness( b%t the s)itchblade pressed to !y throat terri&ied !e. "Please( don$t "ill !e(" ' )hispered( &inding it hard to breathe. Pa%l ch%c"led. "'$! not going to "ill yo%." ' rela3ed the slightest bit( b%t the blade )as still pressed against !y nec". ' )atched Pa%l ca%tio%sly( trying to control !y breathing. "2%t ' can$t say ' )on$t h%rt yo%." #ith that he started to !o e the s)itchblade %p( and he pressed do)n a little harder right %nder !y 0a). ' &linched a)ay as ' pain shot thro%gh the spot )here he had no) bro"en s"in. The blade )as )ithdra)n and ' let o%t a sha"y breath( b%t it t%rned into a cry )hen ' &elt a hard slap to !y &ace. Pa%l glared at !e. "That )as &or p%nching !e yesterday." ' raised a hand to !y chee" in shoc"( %nable to say anything. 't throbbed pain&%lly as ' r%bbed it. Pa%l grinned do)n at !e. "4o% "no)7 yo% really sho%ldn$t )ear strings." ' loo"ed at hi! in con&%sion. #hat did he !ean? ' )asn$t )earing strings7 One o& his hands )ent to !y nec". ' )inced( preparing to be strangled( b%t to !y s%rprise( nothing happened. He ret%rned his hand to his side( his !o%th s!ir"ing. 5%ddenly ' &elt !y bi"ini topped being ripped a)ay &ro!. ' cried o%t in s%rprise( i!!ediately co ered !ysel& )ith !y ar!s. Pa%l &ro)ned at !e. "The point o& ta"ing it o&& )asn$t so yo% co%ld co er yo%rsel&." ' glared at hi!( tears no) pric"ling at the corners o& !y eyes. "4o%$re an asshole(" ' spat( cl%tching !y ar!s tighter against !y chest. There )as s%ddenly a sho%t &ro! the entrance. Pa%l$s head snapped to)ards it( a s!ir" appearing on his &ace. "That !%st be Ryan. 1inally he &ig%red o%t )here )e are." ' &ro-e( !y heart dropping into !y g%t. #as he serio%s? Ho) )as ' s%pposed to get o%t o& this no)? /y chest tightened( and ' blin"ed rapidly( !a"ing s%re no tears spilled do)n !y &ace.

Pa%l glanced at !e )ith a &ro)n. "'$ll be right bac"( stay here7 #ell( yo% don$t ha e any)here else to go( so ' g%ess saying that is pointless." He headed bac" to)ards the entrance and )hen he disappeared &ro! ie)( ' began sprinting to the other side o& the enclosed area. ' spotted the s!all ca e ' had re&%sed to go in the day be&ore. Ho)e er( "no) it )as !y only chance o& sa&ety. ' dropped to !y hands and "nees and cra)led in. ' co%ld barely &it. 't loo"ed so !%ch bigger &ro! the o%tside. ' !anaged to s*%ee-e !y )ay a &airy &ar distance &ro! the entrance. ' p%lled !y "nees %p to !y chest( c%rsing !ysel& abo%t not grabbing !y bi"ini top be&ore r%nning. ' p%t !y head onto !y "nees( trying to cal! !y racing heart. #hat )as ' going to do? ' &elt so7 helpless &or once. ' )as trapped and no one "ne) )here ' )as( and there )ere t)o g%ys a&ter !e beca%se ' had p%nched the! yesterday. ' really needed to stop p%nching people6 And getting !ysel& ca%ght in s%ch dangero%s positions6 ' co%ldn$t e en attac" the! )itho%t !y bi"ini top. There )as no )ay ' )as going to lea e !y chest %nco ered. 2esides( they had s)itchblades. 't )as too dangero%s to try to attac" the!. There )as really nothing ' co%ld do. Ne) tears pric"led at !y eyes and ' r%bbed the! &%rio%sly( hating &eeling this helpless. ' ne er tho%ght this )o%ld happen to !e. 't al)ays happened in !o ies( b%t ' ne er tho%ght it$d act%ally happen to anyone ' "ne) in real li&e( let alone !e. ' dre) !y "nees closer to !e( !y body sha"ing. ' hadn$t reali-ed ho) cold and )et ' )as. 't &elt li"e ' had gone s)i!!ing. "4o%(" a oice gro)led. ' i!!ediately loo"ed %p to see Pa%l glaring at !e. "8et o%t here. Right no)." "No(" ' responded( staring at hi! )ith )ide,eyes. #as he cra-y? There )as no )ay in hell ' )as lea ing6 He gro)led in &r%stration. "4o% "no)( ' do ha e a &riend )ho can easily &it inside there and grab yo%."

/y eyes )idened the slightest bit. "No yo% don$t." Pa%l ch%c"led. "Oh( yes ' do. He$s only abo%t &i e !in%tes a)ay &ro! here. 'n &act( i& yo% )ant '$ll gi e hi! a call no)7" ' co%ldn$t tell i& he )as bl%&&ing or not( so ' stayed silent. He sighed and a !o!ent later ' heard hi! tal"ing to so!eone. "4eah( ' need yo%r help. 't$s the ca e again. 4eah. ' don$t "no) )hy they al)ays hide in there. O"ay( '$ll !eet yo% by the entrance." ' listened ery care&%lly. #as he &a"ing the phone call? And )hat did he !ean again? .id he chase girls in here o&ten? Pa%l d%c"ed do)n again( loo"ing in at !e. "'$ll be right bac". 4o% can co!e o%t i& yo% )ant( '$ll be by the entrance." He disappeared( lea ing !e staring a&ter hi! in disbelie&. He )asn$t "idding. Ne) tears &or!ed at !y eyes and ' *%ietly sobbed into !y "nees. This )as %nbelie able. #hy !e? Ho) pathetic co%ld ' be? ' )as hiding in a ca e( topless( and crying. ' s!iled in )ry a!%se!ent. ' g%ess ' )as li"e a ca e )o!en or so!ething. 1ootsteps o%tside the ca e sent !y heart &lying( and !y body palpitating in terror. #hy so &ast? ' hadn$t e en tho%ght o& so!ething that co%ld help !e in the least? Another sob escaped !y lips. "Holly?" /y head snapped %p so &ast it cric"ed. ' ignored it tho%gh( staring in incred%lity at the !an standing be&ore !e. 't )asn$t Pa%l. Or Ryan. 't )as /r. Hey)ood. He )as peering at !e( his e3pression relie ed. He )as dressed in 0eans and a s)eatshirt( b%t loo"ed soa"ed. "Ho)?" ' )hispered( tears &looding !y eyes again. "Ho) did yo% &ind !e?" "The !an passed o%t and yo%r &lip,&lops )ere good cl%es(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a s!all s!ile on his lips. "Co!e o%t here( *%ic"." ' shoo" !y head iolently. "' c,can$t6"

"#hy not? Are yo% h%rt?" "No(" ' responded( sha"ing !y head again. "/y( er7 /y bi"ini top7 is o%t there." /r. Hey)ood &ro-e &or a !in%te( and then ' sa) hi! loo"ing aro%nd. A&ter a !o!ent( he too" o&& the hoodie he )as )earing and thre) it to !e. 't landed directly in &ront o& !e and ' snatched it %p. 't )as soa"ed( b%t ' didn$t care. "P%t that on." "Loo" a)ay(" ' re*%ested( really not caring at this point )hether he did or not. He did tho%gh( and ' *%ic"ly slipped on the hoodie( p%lling it o er !e sec%rely. 1eeling !%ch better( ' cra)led &or)ards( and o%t o& the ca e. '!!ediately /r. Hey)ood p%lled !e to !y &eet. ' ga-ed at hi! &or a !o!ent( &eeling the o er)hel!ing %rge to h%g and "iss hi!( b%t ' &o%ght it bac"+ )ith ery !%ch di&&ic%lty. He inhaled sharply. "#hat happened to yo%r 0a)?" "<!( s)itchblade(" ' !%ttered( ad erting !y eyes. "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood groaned( r%nning a hand thro%gh his dripping )et hair. 't !ade !e )onder ho) long he had been searching &or !e &or his hair to be so )et. /y eyes ca!e across !y bi"ini top lying in the sand. ' !ade a !o e to grab it( b%t beca!e paraly-ed )ith &ear. #hat )o%ld happen i& Pa%l ca!e bac" and ' )asn$t close to /r. Hey)ood? 5)allo)ing( ' grabbed onto the bac" o& /r. Hey)ood$s t,shirt. He loo"ed at !e c%rio%sly and ' &elt !y eyes )ell %p again. ' blin"ed the! a)ay as *%ic"ly as possible. "Holly( )hat$s )rong?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( his eyes so&t and his oice *%iet. "#hat happened?" "Nothing(" ' responded( r%bbing !y eyes. "'$! 0%st scared7 There )as nothing ' co%ld do( /r. Hey)ood6 ' tho%ght ' )as 0%st going to be st%c" in that ca e %ntil he ca!e to get !e o%t6 ' tho%ght no one "ne) )here ' )as and no one )as going to co!e help !e( and to !a"e it )orse ' )as topless and ' co%ldn$t do anything. ' )as helpless( and scared." ' )asn$t s%re i& he %nderstood the last &e) things ' said( beca%se ' had started to cry by then. ' &elt /r. Hey)ood p%ll !e into a )ar! and protecti e e!brace. ' didn$t e en thin" to be e!barrassed. ' cl%ng onto hi!( still sobbing. He r%bbed !y bac" soothingly.

"'$! sorry ' didn$t &ind yo% earlier(" /r. Hey)ood said *%ietly. "'t$s not yo%r &a%lt(" ' sni&&ed( gaining control o& !y sobs. /r. Hey)ood p%lled a)ay &ro! !e( his &ace an %nreadable e3pression. ' stared at hi! &or a !o!ent( trying to decide )hat it !eant( b%t &o%nd it nearly i!possible. /r. Hey)ood ran a hand thro%gh his hair. "Co!e on( )e$ e got to get bac" be&ore yo% get in so!e serio%s tro%ble." "Please don$t tell anyone )hat happened(" ' begged( grabbing onto his shirt again. "Please7 Chris." His eyes )idened in s%rprise and he opened his !o%th( b%t no )ords ca!e o%t. E ent%ally he 0%st nodded. "' )on$t tell anyone(" he pro!ised. "'$ll tell the! yo% got lost or so!ething7 b%t )e sho%ld still go." ' nodded. "O"ay( than" yo%." ".on$t !ention it(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered( t%rning to)ards the entrance. Reali-ation s)ept o er !e and ' grabbed /r. Hey)ood$s shirt again. He halted( thro)ing !e an a!%sed glance. "No) )hat?" "Ho)$d yo% get in here?" ' )hispered. "' heard yo% crying( so ' 0%st 0%!ped &ro!7 Holly( )hat$s )rong?" /y e3pression !%st ha e !ade /r. Hey)ood )orried( beca%se he loo"ed o er his sho%lder and loo"ed bac" )ith a con&%sed e3pression. And then )e heard oices. "They$re bac"6" ' cried in a )hisper. "#ho are?" "The !en )ho are a&ter !e(" ' told hi!( !y eyes )idening.

/r. Hey)ood didn$t see! phased( in &act he loo"ed eager. He p%shed !e behind hi! co!pletely( and stood still( )aiting &or the !en to co!e into ie). 'n a &e) seconds( three !en appeared. Ryan( Pa%l( and the ne) s!all g%y. 5o Pa%l really )asn$t lying. Pa%l narro)ed his eyes at /r. Hey)ood. "#ho are yo%?" "4o%r )orst night!are(" /r. Hey)ood responded( crac"ing his "n%c"les. "#hich one o& yo% c%t this poor girls 0a)?" Pa%l$s ga-e hardened. "That )o%ld be !e." 2e&ore ' co%ld protest( /r. Hey)ood )as in &ront o& Pa%l( sending a &ist &lying into his &ace. /y 0a) dropped as Pa%l &ell a &e) steps bac"( b%t not do)n. 5ince )hen did !en stay conscio%s a&ter being p%nched by /r. Hey)ood? There )as a glint o& !etal and ' noticed Pa%l had the s)itchblade o%t again. ' too" a step bac")ards( sha"ing !y head. "/,/r. Hey)ood(" ' croa"ed( )atching the three !en close in on hi!. /r. Hey)ood sent !e a s!ir". "Re!e!ber( Holly( ' )as gang leader &or a reason." The &irst one do)n )as the ne) g%y. He didn$t e en stand a chance against /r. Hey)ood$s &ist. ' al!ost !issed /r. Hey)ood$s &ist landing in Ryan$s &ace( and Ryan &ell bac")ards( another one hit 9.O. Pa%l s)%ng the "ni&e o%t. To !y astonish!ent( it act%ally ca!e in contact )ith /r. Hey)ood$s ar!. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' cried( shoc"ed. 2%t that$s )hen ' reali-ed he had let it get hi! on p%rpose. /r. Hey)ood yan"ed the s)itchblade o%t &ro! Pa%l$s hand and t%rned it onto hi!. Pa%l$s &ace i!!ediately )hitened( and he stepped bac". "#,)ait(" Pa%l sta!!ered( holding %p his hands. /r. Hey)ood pressed the s)itchblade against Pa%l$s throat. ' gasped( staring )ith )ide, eyes. "/r. Hey)ood6 #hat are yo%7?" ' trailed o&&( %ns%re )hat he )as planning.

"' thin" yo% sho%ld ha e a re!inder o& )hat yo% did tonight(" /r. Hey)ood said in a dangero%sly lo) oice. He dragged the blade %p Pa%l$s nec" slo)ly+ the sa!e )ay Pa%l had done to !e earlier + and rested it 0%st belo) his 0a). #ith one *%ic" slice( blood appeared and ' gasped( co ering !y !o%th. 't )asn$t a deep )o%nd( b%t it still s%rprised !e. A &ist )as sent into Pa%l$s &ace( and he &ell to the gro%nd. /r. Hey)ood t%rned aro%nd( an a!%sed s!ir" on his &ace. #hen his eyes landed on !ine( his s!ir" a%to!atically dropped. ' stared bac" at /r. Hey)ood( ca%ght bet)een a)e and horror. He t%rned and loo"ed at the three boys no) %nconscio%s on the gro%nd. "Holly( are yo% o"ay?" "'$! &ine(" ' responded *%ic"ly. "4o%$re ar!+" ".on$t )orry abo%t it(" /r. Hey)ood said c%tting !e o&&. ".a!n it." /r. Hey)ood ran a hand do)n his &ace. "Ho) co%ld it al!ost happen again?" Let )hat happen again? ' opened !y !o%th to *%estion hi!( b%t ' reali-ed no) )as de&initely not the ti!e to do so. A&raid the !en !ight )a"e %p again( ' 0ogged %p to /r. Hey)ood( grabbing his ar!. '!!ediately he ripped it o%t o& !y grasp. 5lightly h%rt( ' loo"ed at hi! )ith )ide eyes. He glared at !e &or a split,second be&ore so&tening his ga-e. "5orry( Holly(" he !%r!%red( his hair &alling in his &ace( co ering his eyes. /y heart )as beating once !ore( b%t not d%e to that &act that ' )as a&raid. And it )asn$t d%e to the &act that ' )as happy. 't )as /r. Hey)ood$s e3pression. 't )as one &%ll o& grie& and regret.

TH'RT4,THREE "' still can$t belie e yo% got lost at the beach(" Lance said( crac"ing %p yet again. "' !ean( ho) can yo% get lost at a beach?" "4o% 0%st can(" ' snapped( stabbing !y &or" into !y !ashed potatoes. "' don$t thin" she !inded(" Casey added( a s!all s!ir" on her &ace. "A&ter all( /r. Hey)ood )as sent o%t to &ind her( and he )as gone &or a)hile."

' "ept !y !o%th sh%t( trying not to be angry )ith the!. They didn$t "no) )hat had act%ally happened( nor did ' plan on telling the!( so it )asn$t their &a%lt. 2%t their co!!ents )ere getting irritating. "5o( )hat( are yo% and Hey)ood dating no)?" Lance as"ed( &ro)ning. "'& ' e er see yo% t)o snogging ' s)ear '$ll be sic"." "#e aren$t together(" ' snapped( &l%shing. "And here )e call that !a"ing o%t( not snogging." "Oh( co!e on( Holly(" Casey started )ith a s!ir". "4o% g%ys )ere gone a really long ti!e." ".rop it(" ' snapped( gro)ing !ore and !ore aggra ated. Casey opened her !o%th to contin%e to tease !e( b%t the l%nch bell c%t her o&&. A s!%g s!ir" slipped onto !y &ace as ' stood %p( grabbing !y bottle o& )ater( and !i3ed !ysel& in a!ong the gaggle o& st%dents lea ing the ca&eteria. ' heard Casey call a&ter !e( b%t ' ignored her( h%rrying o%t. ' nearly ran all the )ay to biology( stopping by !y loc"er to *%ic"ly grab !y bac"pac". 2e&ore entering( ' too" a &e) deep breaths to regain !y breath. #hat )o%ld /r. Hey)ood say i& ' )as &irst to class instead o& last or close to last &or once? A s!ir" appeared on !y &ace and ' entered the roo!. To !y pleas%re the roo! )as e!pty e3cept &or /r. Hey)ood )ho sat at his des"( loo"ing at a piece o& paper. #hen he heard !e( he loo"ed %p. 5hoc" &litted across his &ace be&ore a s!ir" slo)ly appeared. "#ell( /s. E ers( congrat%lations on being &irst &or once." "5hoc"ing( isn$t it?" ' as"ed( a s!ile on !y &ace no). /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( be&ore s%ddenly t%rning serio%s. "Ho) are yo% &eeling?" "<!( &ine(" ' responded( &ro)ning at his s%dden change o& tone. "Ho)$s the c%t on yo%r ar!?" ".on$t )orry abo%t it(" he said( sha"ing his head. "Ho)$s yo%r an"le?" ' clenched !y &ist lightly( glo)ering at /r. Hey)ood. "/y an"le$s &ine( it )as only a little t)ist. And don$t say $don$t )orry abo%t it$ beca%se ob io%sly '$! going to )orry i& yo%$re h%rt too6 Especially since it$s !y &a%lt( /r. Hey)ood6" He loo"ed s%rprised. "2%t( Holly( '$! &ine+"

"That doesn$t !atter6" ' arg%ed. "' )orry &or yo% 0%st as !%ch as yo% )orry &or !e." "#ho said ' )orried &or yo%?" ' stared at hi!( !y &ace going blan". He )asn$t )orried? E!barrass!ent )ashed o er !e and ' &elt !y &ace gro) hot. #hy sho%ld he be )orried( right? 't )as only !y &oolishness that let !e to belie e that+ /r. Hey)ood$s la%ghter interr%pted !y tho%ghts and ' glared at hi!. He contin%ed la%ghing &or a &e) !in%tes( sha"ing his head. ' tried to "eep !y !o%th sh%t and )ait &or hi! to be done( b%t ' lost !y patience. "#hat?" ' snapped. "'$! sorry(" he apologi-ed( clearing his throat. "' )as "idding. ' do )orry abo%t yo%." ' &elt relie& )ash thro%gh !e( and then e!barrass!ent again. '& he )orried abo%t !e then7 "4o%$re reactions are 0%st too c%te." ' bl%shed again and sco)led at hi!. ' )as abo%t to retort( )hen a di&&erent tho%ght popped into !y head. A &ro)n spread across !y &ace as ' debated on ho) to as" the *%estion that ' )anted to. /r. Hey)ood no) )as &ro)ning at !y e3pression. "' didn$t !ean to o&&end yo%(" he started( raising an eyebro). "' )as 0%st+" "#hat did yo% !ean by $again$?" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e in con&%sion. "#hat?" "4esterday(" ' told hi!( no) che)ing on !y botto! lip. "<!( a&ter yo%7 yo% "no)( too" care o& those g%ys( yo%r e3pression changed and yo% said so!ething along the lines o& $happen again$." /r. Hey)ood$s &ace dar"ened and he narro)ed his eyes. "' didn$t say anything li"e that." ' loo"ed at hi! in shoc". #hy )as he denying it? ' had heard hi! say it clearly6 And ' co%ldn$t &orget the &ace he !ade7 0%st thin"ing o& it !ade !y heart beast &aster. There )as no )ay he co%ld deny )hat had happened. "' heard yo%6" ' acc%sed( ta"ing a step closer to his des". "4o% said it right a&ter+"

"Holly(" /r. Hey)ood snapped in a *%iet oice( then loo"ed behind !e. ' narro)ed !y eyes slightly( b%t glanced o er !y sho%lder to see Lance and another st%dent entering the classroo!. Lance !%st ha e noticed so!ething )eird abo%t !y e3pression beca%se his bro) )rin"led in concern. "'$! not letting this drop(" ' said *%ietly( gi ing /r. Hey)ood a !eaning&%l loo" be&ore )al"ing o er to Lance. "#hat$s %p?" he as"ed in a concerned oice. "Nothing(" ' responded !oodily( sl%!ping onto !y seat( and hanging !y ar!s o er the des". "J%st the %s%al )ith /r. Hey)ood." Lance loo"ed at !e alar!ed( bringing his head closer to !ine. "Holly( did so!ething happen )ith the gang? Are yo% h%rt? .o ' need to go beat %p Hey)ood?" ' s!iled at Lance$s concern( and shoo" !y head. "Nothing li"e that( than" yo% &or )orrying tho%gh." "4o% don$t need to than" !e &or )orrying(" Lance pointed o%t. "'t co!es )ith the best &riend$s pac"age." ' ch%c"led and Lance grinned. He too" a seat on the edge o& !y des" and loo"ed do)n at !e )ith a c%rio%s e3pression. Then his eyes narro)ed slightly and !y eyes !et his. "#hat?" "This(" he said( p%tting a &inger to !y 0a). "Ho) did yo% get c%t on yo%r 0a)?" /y eyes )idened and ' inhaled sharply( *%ic"ly p%tting !y hand o er the c%t. Crap6 ' had &orgotten abo%t that6 Lance$s eyes narro)ed e en !ore. ".id /r. Hey)ood+" "No6" ' snapped( irritated he )o%ld e en thin" that. "' c%t !ysel& sha ing." "<h,h%h. 5o tell !e( Holly( since )hen did yo% ha e a beard?" ' p%rsed !y lips( sco)ling at hi!. "4o% don$t need to ha e a beard to sha e. ' did it as a preca%tion." Lance ga e !e a sarcastic loo". "O"ay( b%t '$! s%re yo% "no) a&ter yo% sha e it gro)s bac" dar"er."

"#ell '$ll 0%st contin%e to sha e &ro! no) on(" ' responded si!ply( shr%gging !y sho%lders. "' !ean( it$s not that big o& a deal. ' can 0%st do it )hile '$! sha ing !y+" "Holly." Lance$s a-%re eyes pierced into !y d%ller bl%e eyes and ' &idgeted in !y seat( %nco!&ortable %nder his ga-e. He )asn$t going to !a"e !e crac". ' co%ld go against his intense ga-e. Lance$s eyes slightly narro)ed and ' !i!ic"ed the gest%re. He )asn$t going to !a"e !e crac"7 "' 0%st got into a little tro%ble at the beach6" ' bl%rted o%t. "No) stop loo"ing at !e li"e that6" Lance s!ir"ed s!%gly &or a !o!ent be&ore ret%rning to a serio%s e3pression. "#hat happened?" The bell )ent o&&( signaling the beginning o& class. Lance &ro)ned as ' shooed hi! a)ay )ith !y hand. "'$ll tell yo% later." "4o% better(" Lance threatened be&ore )al"ing to his seat in the bac" o& the class. ' sighed( t%rning in !y seat to &ace the &ront o& the classroo! )hen /r. Hey)ood called &or attention. ' "ept !y eyes on hi! as he )ent thro%gh the attendance list( loo"ing %p e ery no) and then to !a"e s%re a st%dent )as here or not. 1or so!e reason( he s"ipped !y na!e. ' shr%gged; he already "ne) ' )as here( so that )as probably )hy. "5o( it$s already No e!ber(" he started a&ter he &inished the attendance list( "do yo% "no) )hat that !eans?" "'t$s only been t)o !onths since school started and )e still ha e eight !onths o& hell to go thro%gh?" so!eone said &ro! the bac" o& the class. ' s!ir"ed as the class la%ghed. /r. Hey)ood s!iled at the person. "High school isn$t that bad." "4es it is(" the sa!e "id responded. ' )as te!pted to t%rn aro%nd and see )ho it )as( b%t ' decided against it.

"#e$ll be starting a pro0ect that )e )ill contin%e to do %ntil Than"sgi ing brea" starts(" /r. Hey)ood said( his eyes s)eeping across the classroo!. "Any g%esses as to )hat it is?" His ga-e )ent past !ine( b%t o%r eyes did not co!e in contact. ' &ro)ned( so!e)hat be!%sed. #here )ere the %s%al teasing s!ir"s he sent !e? #as he trying to ignore !e? "An essay?" Haley as"ed( her hand in the air. /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "No( )e )on$t )rite any essays in here. Those are boring &or yo% to )rite( and e en !ore boring &or !e to read." 5o!e people la%ghed( b%t ' "ept a straight &ace. #hat i& he )as ignoring !e? #hat did ' do? #as he angry7 or )hat? ' began dr%!!ing !y &ingers on !y des" s%bconscio%sly. "2oo" report?" another girl g%essed. "Nope." "An e3tre!ely long lab?" Lance g%essed and ' t%rned to grin at hi!. He ca%ght !y ga-e and grinned bac". "No( b%t )e$ll be doing those in the &%t%re(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a!%se!ent in his oice. "'t$s so!ething better." The class stayed silent. ' slo)ly raised !y hand. As soon as it high eno%gh to co%nt as a hand raise( /r. Hey)ood spo"e. "Rat dissection." ' sco)led &or a !o!ent( dropping !y ar! as a &e) st%dents groaned. He )as de&initely ignoring !e. /y sto!ach tightened %nco!&ortably( b%t not beca%se )e )ere going to be dissecting a rat. "#e$re going to be dissecting the! &or three )hole )ee"s?" a girl na!ed Charlotte as"ed( her eyes )ide. "#hy so long?" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( a s!ir" slipping on his &ace. 5%re( s!ir" at her( b%t no( yo% can$t s!ir" at Holly( ' tho%ght( narro)ing !y eyes at hi!. '!!ediately ' stopped( lo)ering !y eyes to !y des". #hat )as )rong )ith !e? ' )as getting 0ealo%s beca%se he )as s!ir"ing at so!eone? ' groaned internally. "'t isn$t a long ti!e(" /r. Hey)ood said to her. "Three )ee"s is 0%st barely eno%gh ti!e."

"' didn$t bring any glo es(" so!eone behind !e pointed o%t. "#e$ll only be dissecting on do%ble lab days(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained( the s!ir" on his &ace no) replaced )ith a s!ile. "Then )hat are )e doing today?" the sa!e st%dent as"ed. "Today yo%$ll be coloring a s"eleton o& the rat on the lab( and doing the sa!e &or the !%scles( and labeling the!." A groan s)ept thro%gho%t the classroo!. ' nearly rolled !y eyes. Coloring )asn$t that bad. And the biology boo" had the s"eletal and !%scle str%ct%res alreadly labeled on a pict%re. "Are )e )or"ing by o%rsel es?" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "There aren$t eno%gh rats( so yo%$ll )or" in pairs o& t)o." '!!ediately e eryone t%rned his or her head to their partner candidate. ' loo"ed o er !y sho%lder to see Lance staring at !e deter!inedly. He raised and eyebro) and ' s!iled and nodded. ' didn$t "no) )hy he )as as"ing. #e )ere al)ays lab partners. "#o%ld anyone li"e to ol%nteer to pass o%t the labs?" 2e&ore anyone else co%ld begin to li&t their ar! in the air( !ine )as already there. /r. Hey)ood$s eyes &inally !et !ine. Neither o& %s s!iled. ' s)ear ' sa) hi! sigh( )hich only !ade !y sto!ach s*%ir! into an e en !ore %nco!&ortable position. "O"ay( /s. E ers( )hy don$t yo% go grab the! o%t o& the s%pply roo!?" ' stood %p( "eeping !y eyes on his. He slo)ly started to &ro)n( b%t didn$t loo" it a)ay. 5o!ething ca%ght the edge o& !y &oot and ' st%!bled &or)ards( sla!!ing !y hands do)n on the edge o& !y des" and !y neighbor$s des". A &e) ch%c"les er%pted &ro! behind !e( and ' *%ic"ly p%shed !ysel& %p( "eeping !y head do)n in e!barrass!ent. #hy )as ' so cl%!sy? #itho%t loo"ing bac" ' dragged !ysel& to the s%pply roo!( !y &ace hot. #hen ' entered ' )ent to the copy !achine to grab the lab papers. #hen ' )as abo%t to lea e the roo!( an idea hit !e. 5!ir"ing( ' placed the piles o& paper on the &ar corner o& the co%nter )here the sin" )as. "/r. Hey)ood?" ' called( stic"ing !y head o%t o& the door)ay. "The papers aren$t in the copier."

/r. Hey)ood loo"ed o er at !e( a s!all sigh slipping &ro! his lips. ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi!( o&&ended( as he !ade his )ay to)ards !e. ' !o ed o%t o& the )ay so he co%ld enter the roo!. "Are yo% ignoring !e?" ' acc%sed in a )hisper as soon as he )as o%t o& sight &ro! the class. He shot !e an a!%sed loo" be&ore opening the copier and loo"ing in it. "'$! not ignoring yo%." "Then )hy ha en$t yo% loo"ed at !e?" A s!ir" )as no) playing across /r. Hey)ood$s &eat%res. ' rela3ed slightly &ro! the sight o& the &a!iliar s!ile. A )ry s!ile !ade its )ay onto !y &ace. ' )as getting e3cited o er a s!ir". ' !%st be going cra-y. "4o%$ e been )atching !e?" "The )hole ti!e6" ' told hi!( !y lips p%rsed. /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )idened &or a &raction o& a second. ' crossed !y ar!s and loo"ed at the gro%nd. "#as it beca%se ' !entioned that thing yo% said at the beach?" "No." /r. Hey)ood$s s%dden cold tone !ade !e loo" bac" %p in shoc". His eyes )ere gla-ed o er as he stared at !e. ' ret%rned his loo"( !y eyes )ide. "'t is beca%se o& it6" "No( it$s not(" /r. Hey)ood responded( his eyes scanning aro%nd the roo!. "#here$d yo% p%t the labs?" "'$! not trying to !a"e yo% angry( /r. Hey)ood(" ' e3plained( biting !y lip. "' 0%st )anted to "no)+" ".rop it( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood snapped at !e( &inally locating the pile o& papers ' !o ed. "This con ersation is o er." "2%t /r. Hey)ood+"

"O er(" he repeated &ir!ly. "2%t ' 0%st7" ' trailed o&& %pon seeing /r. Hey)ood$s serio%s e3pression. "This is none o& yo%r b%siness(" he said be&ore br%shing past !e )ith the papers in hand. ' blin"ed( shoc"ed and a little h%rt by his )ords. Ob io%sly it )asn$t !y b%siness( b%t co%ldn$t he tell ' )as 0%st )orried abo%t hi!? He didn$t ha e to be s%ch a 0er" abo%t it6 ' sco)led( clenching !y &ists as ' tr%dged bac" o%t to the classroo!. /r. Hey)ood )as no) passing o%t the labs. Lance ca%ght !y attention and he raised an eyebro) in a!%se!ent( !o%thing so!ething ' didn$t *%ite catch. 9no)ing it )as probably so!ething teasing( ' 0%st rolled !y eyes at hi! be&ore sl%!ping bac" do)n into !y des". '& /r. Hey)ood tho%ght ' )as going to let this go that easily he )as )rong. Bery( ery )rong. The rest o& the day passed by in a &lash. #hen the &inal bell rang( ' *%ic"ly le&t !y se enth period class and h%rried to)ards /r. Hey)ood$s classroo!. The door )as loc"ed )hen ' arri ed. ' "noc"ed( &ro)ning( and )aited a !o!ent. 5till no one ca!e to the door. ' sighed( t%rning aro%nd( crossing !y ar!s( and leaning against it. '& he )asn$t going to co!e o%t right no)( ' )o%ld )ait &or hi! all night i& ' had to. ' )anted to "no). E en tho%gh it really )asn$t !y b%siness. ' )as 0%st being nosy7 b%t the loo" on his &ace had e en h%rt !e that night. ' glanced o%t the )indo) in &ront o& !e and !y eyes )idened )hen ' sa) /r. Hey)ood )al"ing do)n the side)al" to)ards the &ac%lty par"ing lot. ' sho ed !ysel& &ro! the )all and !ade a brea" &or the e3it( hoping to c%t hi! o&&. ' slipped o%t the side door and literally ran into hi!. He stabled !e( loo"ing do)n )ith an e3pression torn bet)een a!%se!ent and chary. ' stared %p at hi! resol%tely( !y !o%th in a straight line. "' )ant to tal" abo%t it." "' don$t(" /r. Hey)ood said si!ply( a sigh escaping his lips. "Holly( !o e." "2%t( /r. Hey)ood(" ' started( stepping in his )ay )hen he tried to !o e aro%nd !e. "4o% can$t deny )hat yo%r e3pression told !e. 't )as so7 horrible. 't h%rt." /r. Hey)ood$s eyes narro)ed slightly. ".idn$t ' !ention this )as none o& yo%r b%siness?"

"' "no) yo% did6" ' responded( gro)ing &r%strated. "2%t i& ' ha en$t !ade it clear eno%gh( '$! 0%st )orried abo%t yo%6" ' bl%shed i!!ediately( t%rning to loo" at the ce!ent side)al". #hy co%ldn$t he see that? And i& he co%ldn$t see that ' )as )orried abo%t hi!( )o%ld he e er reali-e ho) ' &elt abo%t hi!? ' shoo" !y head. That )as a di&&erent !atter entirely. "Listen( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood started( his oice !%ch so&ter. "'$! sorry &or )orrying yo%( b%t this is so!ething ' don$t )ant to share." "#hy not?" /r. Hey)ood s!iled )ryly. "2eca%se ' don$t )ant yo% to thin" bad o& !e." "' co%ldn$t6" ' responded al!ost i!!ediately. "O"ay( !aybe ' can( b%t not bad eno%gh to !a"e !e ie) yo% any di&&erently." /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "No( Holly. 5orry." "2%t+" /r. Hey)ood e3haled slo)ly( loo"ing at the )atch aro%nd his )rist. "'$ e got to go." "Another date?" ' as"ed dryly. A s!all s!ir" appeared on /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. "4o%$re getting s!arter e ery day." "#ho are yo% dating?" ' as"ed( trying to "eep the &ro)n &ro! !y &ace. "'s she yo%r girl&riend?" 1or a !o!ent ' tho%ght ' sa) a &lash o& the e3pression on /r. Hey)ood$s &ace &ro! the night be&ore. 't !ade !y heart s"ip a beat( b%t be&ore ' co%ld !a"e s%re( it )as gone. "5o!ething li"e that(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( gently p%shing !e o%t o& the )ay. "'$ll see yo% to!orro)." J%st then a &a!iliar blac" car p%lled %p ne3t to %s( !%sic blaring &ro! the inside. The )indo) rolled do)n and ' stared do)n at the car in shoc". /r. Hey)ood e en stopped to glo)er into it. "#hat are yo% doing here( Jere!y?" Jere!y s!ir"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood( then pointed at !e )ith a sli! &inger. "'$! here to pic" %p Holly."

"4o% are?" ' responded( !y eyes )idening. "#hy?" "#e$re going on another date today(" he told !e si!ply. "C$!on( get in." "Jere!y(" /r. Hey)ood started( b%t ' c%t hi! o&&. "O"ay(" ' said( opening %p the passenger door and sliding in. ' closed it behind !e( loo"ing %p at /r. Hey)ood. "5ee yo%." "Holly( )ait(" /r. Hey)ood started( b%t Jere!y rolled %p the )indo)( !a"ing his )ords incoherent. "That$s !ean(" ' told Jere!y( an a!%sed s!ile co!ing onto !y &ace. "He$s !ean(" Jere!y responded be&ore s)itching gears and heading o%t o& the par"ing lot. "Or at least ' belie e he )as being !ean &ro! the e3pression on yo%r &ace." "#hat e3pression?" ' as"ed( raising an eyebro). "The e3pression o& h%rt and %nre*%ited lo e." ' &l%shed( glaring at hi!. "There )as no &eeling o& %nre*%ited lo e." Jere!y la%ghed. "4o% can$t &ool !e. '$! the !aster o& e!otions." "5erio%sly." Jere!y tapped the steering )heel )ith one o& his &ingers. "2%t then again( it$s not %nre*%ited." "4es it is(" ' !%ttered( loo"ing o%t the )indo). Jere!y ch%c"led. "4o%$re so pessi!istic. '& yo% "ne) Chris( yo%$d "no) he de&initely cares !ore abo%t yo% than other people." "Probably beca%se '$! ca%ght %p in his gang proble!." "4o% are really negati e( yo% "no) that?" "' can$t help it(" ' told Jere!y( t%rning to loo" at hi!. "' hate to ad!it it( b%t ' really don$t "no) anything abo%t /r. Hey)ood other than )hat yo% told !e. He ne er tells !e anything abo%t hi!sel&. The only reason ' "no) he cares abo%t !e in the least bit is beca%se he ad!itted he )orries abo%t !e."

Jere!y sighed( glancing at !e *%ic"ly. "Holly( yo% ha e to %nderstand Chris$s past is sort o& di&&ic%lt." "' &ig%red as !%ch7" "Then don$t )orry abo%t hi! not telling yo% e erything right no)( o"ay? He )ill e ent%ally( ' pro!ise." "Are yo% s%re?" "Positi e(" Jere!y responded( a s!ile on his &ace. "And i& he doesn$t( ' can beat hi! %p &or yo%." ' ch%c"led( br%shing a stray hair &ro! !y &ace. "Jere!y( yo% ne er cease to !a"e !e &eel better. 't$s a!a-ing." "#ell than" yo%(" he responded( )in"ing at !e. "5o!eone has to help s%pport yo% in yo%r 0o%rney to capt%re Chris$s heart. And also bring yo% bac" %p )hen he brings yo% do)n %n"no)ingly." "' ne er said it )as !y goal to $capt%re his heart$(" ' pointed o%t( b%t s!iled nonetheless. "Oh( b%t it is." "5o )here are yo% ta"ing !e?" ' as"ed( deciding &or a topic change. "Ho!e? To get ice crea!?" "Nope(" Jere!y responded( popping his !o%th on the P. "4o% "no) ho) ' told yo% ' ha e t)o little sisters?" "4eah7" "#ell( )e are going to be babysitting the!(" Jere!y told !e )ith a grin.

TH'RT4,1O<R 't had started to rain by the ti!e )e arri ed at Jere!y$s ho%se. 't )asn$t a torrential rain( b%t one hea y eno%gh to !a"e !y shirt da!p be&ore )e entered the ho%se. #hile ' )as ta"ing o&& !y shoes( a yo%ng girl )ith bro)n hair ca!e %p to %s( a *%estioning loo" on her &ace.

"Holly( this is Jenna(" Jere!y said( holding gest%ring to)ards Jenna )ith his hand. "And Jenna( this is Holly." He gest%red to)ards !e. "Hi(" )e both said in *%iet oices. Jere!y la%ghed( slapping !y bac". ".on$t be shy." ' st%!bled &or)ards &ro! the &orce o& the slap. A s!all s!ile slipped onto Jenna$s &ace. ' s!iled bac" at the thirteen year old( &ig%ring she )as 0%st s!iling at !y pain. 5he la%ghed no). "'$ e heard a lot abo%t yo%(" Jenna told !e( p%shing a loc" o& hair behind her ear. "Jere!y li"es to tal" abo%t yo%." "Really?" ' as"ed( t%rning to gi e Jere!y a *%estioning loo". "#ell( abo%t yo% and Chris." Jere!y loo"ed at !e sheepishly as !y *%estioning loo" t%rned into a glare. ' t%rned bac" to Jenna )ith a &orced s!ile. ".oes he no)?" Jenna nodded. "4o%r li&e so%nds li"e a dra!a( the )ay Jere!y describes it." ' sco)led at Jere!y( )ho )as no) scratching the bac" o& his head. ' did !y best to resist "ic"ing hi!. "Jenna( let$s not tal" abo%t that( o"ay?" he s%ggested( g%iding !e &%rther into the ho%se )ith a hand on !y bac". "Let$s go &ind Jane." "Jane is yo%r se en thirteen year old sister?" ' as"ed. Jere!y nodded. "4%p. 5he can be a brat so!eti!es." "/ore li"e all the ti!e(" Jenny !%ttered( tagging along aside %s. "Jere!y( Jenny( and Jane(" ' said o%t lo%d( a s!ile appearing on !y &ace. "' see a trend here." "Can yo% g%ess )hat o%r parents na!es are?" Jenny as"ed. "Ja!es and J%ne?"

"Close(" Jere!y responded )ith a s!ir". "Ja!es and J%lie." ' grinned. "That$s cool. A &a!ily o& J( h%h?" "Too bad o%r last na!es don$t begin )ith a J(" Jere!y said( steering !e %p a &light o& stairs. "#hat is yo%r last na!e?" ' as"ed( s%rprised that ' hadn$t noticed ' didn$t "no) it be&ore. "Ross." "Oh7" "' bet yo%$re thin"ing Holly Ross doesn$t so%nd good together(" Jere!y co!!ented( a s!ir" appearing on his &ace. ' bl%shed and shoo" !y head. "No6" "Holly Hey)ood doesn$t so%nd good either." ' glared at Jere!y. "' )as thin"ing that either6" "' ne er said yo% )ere." "Jere!y( stop &ighting )ith Chris$s girl&riend(" Jenna interr%pted( rolling her eyes. "He$ll "ill yo%." "8,girl&riend?" ' repeated( staring at the girl in shoc". "No6 No( no( no( )e aren$t dating6 Jere!y6" ' glared at hi!. Jere!y la%ghed sheepishly. "Jenna( didn$t ' say not to tal" abo%t that?" "#hat did yo% tell her?" ' de!anded( crossing !y ar!s. "' )as 0%st p%tting !y inp%t in(" Jenna said to Jere!y( shr%gging her sho%lders. "Let$s 0%st drop it(" Jere!y s%ggested. "#hat did yo% tell her?" ' repeated( grabbing Jere!y$s shirt. "8irl&riend? #hat?" "Act%ally ' belie e !y )ords )ere $soon,to,be girl&riend$(" Jere!y corrected( easily p%lling o%t o& !y grasp. "And don$t )orry( ' don$t tell her !%ch."

"He only co!plains(" Jenna inter0ected. "He$s al)ays saying ho) one o& yo% sho%ld &ess %p yo%r &eelings other)ise it$ll be too late." ' bl%shed again( sco)ling at Jere!y. "#hat are yo%? An old lady that li"es to gossip?" Jere!y shr%gged. "' ha e to e3press !y &r%strations abo%t yo% g%ys so!eho)." "'t$s not e en yo%r b%siness6" "' 0%st )ant Chris to be happy( he deser es it(" Jere!y responded( r%&&ling hair. "4o% )o%ldn$t %nderstand." "Then help !e %nderstand6" "'t$s not !y right to tell yo%." "#ell i& both yo% and /r. Hey)ood )on$t( then )ho )ill?" ' de!anded( gro)ing increasingly &r%strated. Jere!y sighed( p%shing open a door( and %shering !e inside. The sco)l slipped o&& o& !y &ace( replaced by a horri&ied e3pression as ' loo"ed aro%nd the roo! )e )ere in. There )ere doll parts e ery)here. Heads( torsos( botto!s( legs( hair7 e erything. "Jane(" ' heard Jere!y start in a scolding oice. "Ho) !any ti!es do ' ha e to tell yo% not to ta"e apart yo%r dolls?" ' loo"ed to )here Jere!y )as loo"ing and sa) the c%test little girl e er. 5he had honey colored hair that )as in pigtails( and large bro)n eyes that re!inded !e o& Jere!y$s. "/o!$s going to be !ad(" Jenna said in a s!%g oice. Jane$s eyes snapped onto !ine and she s!iled s)eetly. ' &elt !ysel& s!iling bac" and ' glanced at Jere!y. He )as )atching !e )ith an a!%sed e3pression. "5he$s so c%te(" ' told hi!( )anting to h%g her close. "'$ e al)ays )anted a little sister 0%st li"e her6" "No yo% don$t(" Jere!y and Jenna snorted at the sa!e ti!e. Jane )al"ed o er to)ards !e( grabbing onto !y shirt. "5issy?" /y 0a),dropped and ' loo"ed bet)een the little girl and Jere!y( !y !o%th no) )or"ing( b%t no )ords co!ing o%t. ' gest%red )ith !y &inger bet)een %s and Jere!y la%ghed.

"Jane this is Holly( Holly( Jane(" he introd%ced %s. "2%t yo% can call !e sissy6" ' told the little girl( s*%atting do)n to her le el. "O"ay(" Jane said( gi ing !e a h%ge s!ile. "5o c%te(" ' g%shed( loo"ing bac" at Jere!y. "' g%ess c%teness r%ns in yo%r &a!ily." "4o% thin" '$! c%te?" Jenna and Jere!y responded at the sa!e ti!e( both so%nding s!%g. ' s!iled hal& a!%sed( hal& annoyed. Jenna and Jere!y )ere a lot ali"e personality )ise. They sort o& re!inded !e o& /r. Hey)ood )hen he acted narcissistic. The sa!e+ ' shoo" !y head. No) )asn$t the ti!e to be thin"ing o& /r. Hey)ood. "4o%$re a ery c%te girl(" ' told Jenna( s!iling. "#ell than" yo%(" she responded( grinning at !e. Her grin re!inded !e o& Jere!y$s. 't )as scary ho) !%ch these siblings )ere ali"e. "#hat abo%t !e?" Jere!y as"ed( n%dging !y bac" )ith his elbo). "Ad!it it. 4o% thin" '$! c%te." "' do(" ' responded honestly. He s!ir"ed. "'$! going to tell Chris." "Chris is here?" Jane spo"e( re,entering the con ersation. "' )ant to see hi!6" Jere!y shoo" his head at her. "Not today." Jane$s e3pression &ell instantly and a s!ile ca!e to !y &ace. ' loo"ed at Jere!y )ith a *%estioning e3pression. "Chris so!eti!es co!es o er to "eep !e co!pany )hen ' baby sit(" he e3plained. "Jane is ery attached to hi!." "That$s c%te(" ' co!!ented( grinning at the little girl once !ore. "5%re( %ntil she as"s yo% to !a"e hi! co!e o er e ery &i e seconds(" Jere!y responded )ith a shr%g. "2%t any)ay( ' )ant to sho) yo% so!ething so &ollo) !e."

"5ee yo% later(" ' said to Jane( r%&&ling the hair on her head. "2ye sissy(" she responded and then t%rned to Jenna. "#ill yo% play ideoga!es )ith !e?" "5%re(" ' heard Jenna respond as ' &ollo)ed Jere!y o%t o& the roo!. He led !e do)n the hall)ay all the )ay to the other end and opened %p the door. ' )ent in &irst( and stood still( )aiting &or Jere!y to t%rn on the light. #hen light &looded the roo!( ' noticed ' )as in another bedroo!. "This is !y old roo!(" Jere!y told !e( )al"ing o er to a dresser. "Ta"e a seat on the bed." ' did as ordered and )atched as Jere!y sh%&&led thro%gh the top dra)er o& the dresser be&ore p%lling o%t a large blac" boo". He ca!e bac" o er to !e and sat do)n on the bed as )ell. ' peered o er his sho%lder to read the co er o& the boo". "A yearboo"?" "4ep(" Jere!y responded( opening it %p. "' only ha e Chris$s senior year photos beca%se that$s )hen ' arri ed at the school( and grad%ated the ne3t year." "Ho) do yo% "no) each other then?" ' as"ed( &ro)ning as Jere!y began to &lip thro%gh the color,&illed pages. "/ostly thro%gh the gang(" Jere!y responded. "2%t he )as also dating !y co%sin7" "#ho$s that?" Jere!y either didn$t here !e( or ignored !e( beca%se he didn$t reply. ' stayed *%iet as he contin%ed to &lip thro%gh the yearboo". 1inally he ca!e to a page that had the )ord "seniors" in large( &ancy )riting. He &lipped t)o !ore pages then grinned( pointing do)n. "Here$s Chris$s senior page." Jere!y p%shed the yearboo" onto !y lap and ' stared do)n at the page. At least ten photos o& /r. Hey)ood in his yo%nger days stared bac" at !e. A bl%sh !ade it$s )ay across !y &ace as ' stared at the pict%res. He )as so handso!e. "Thin"ing so!ething na%ghty?" Jere!y teased( his &ace inches a)ay &ro! !ine. "H!!?" "N,no6" ' denied( sha"ing !y head *%ic"ly. "He$s 0%st so7 handso!e."

"He )as pop%lar )ith the ladies e en tho%gh he )as t)o years yo%nger than the!(" Jere!y told !e( !o ing his head a)ay again. "#as yo%r co%sin t)o years older than hi! )hen they dated?" Jere!y nodded. "E eryone he dated )as older than hi!( or so '$ e heard." "5o then he li"es older girls." "Probably." ' glanced at Jere!y *%ic"ly( a loo" o& s%rprise passing on !y &ace. Jere!y agreed? 5ho%ldn$t he deny that and tease !e? Or did that !ean it )as the tr%th? .id /r. Hey)ood really only li"e older )o!en? Jere!y s%ddenly started la%ghing and ' t%rned to loo" at hi!( a &ro)n on !y &ace. He contin%ed to la%gh &or a &e) !o!ents( p%tting his &ace in his hand. #hen he )as done( he cleared his throat and loo"ed bac" %p at !e. "5orry(" he apologi-ed( a grin on his &ace( "' )as "idding. '$! s%re /r. Hey)ood doesn$t pre&er an older )o!an to a yo%nger one and ice ersa. 4o% 0%st ha e c%te reactions." ' bl%shed( sco)ling at hi!. "4o%$re 0%st li"e /r. Hey)ood." "2%t ' don$t ha e a cr%sh on yo%." "He doesn$t either6" "#ell i& '$! 0%st li"e /r. Hey)ood and ' ha e a cr%sh on yo%( that !eans he does too(" Jere!y said si!ply. /y eyes )idened a &raction o& a centi!eter. "2%t yo% 0%st said yo% didn$t ha e a cr%sh on !e." "' lied." "2%t yo% said yo% )eren$t interested in high school girls." Jere!y grinned e illy. "' lied." "2%t+"

5%ddenly he leaned o er !e( placing one ar! behind !e and one ar! across !e. He then bro%ght his leg o er !ine and straddled !e. ' stared at hi! in s%rprise( not e en thin"ing o& !o ing a)ay. "#ant !e to pro e it?" he as"ed in a h%s"y )hisper. "H%h?" ' said d%!bly( &eeling !y &ace gro) hot &ro! o%r position. Jere!y p%shed do)n on !y collarbone( !a"ing !e lie co!pletely do)n on !y bac". ' )as too shoc"ed to resist. Jere!y s!ir"ed as he bro%ght his head closer to !ine( and ' &elt his hand begin to li&t the bac" o& !y head bac". "#,)ait(" ' &inally st%ttered( p%tting !y hands against his chest. "Jere!y( )hat are yo% doing?" "'$! going to "iss yo%(" he said in a singsong oice. "#hat?" His &ace )as only inches a)ay &ro! !ine no) and ' sh%t !y head( trying to t%rn a)ay( b%t Jere!y$s hand "ept it still. ' &elt so!ething so&t press against !y lips and ' &ro-e %p. #hen ' heard ch%c"ling( !y eyes shot open. To !y con&%sion( Jere!y$s head )as a good t)o &eet a)ay &ro! !ine. ' loo"ed do)n and reali-ed Jere!y had his pointer and !iddle &inger pressed to !y lips. ' *%ic"ly opened !y !o%th and bit the!. "O)6" Jere!y cried( yan"ing his hand bac" in pain. ' sho ed his chest( !a"ing hi! slide o&& o& !e bac")ards. He toppled to the gro%nd( and er%pted in &resh la%ghter. ' glo)ered at hi!( !y &ace hot. "#hat did yo% thin" yo% )ere doing?" "Teasing yo%(" Jere!y responded( still la%ghing. "' can$t help it. 't$s so &%n. 't$s not &air only Chris gets to do it." "' don$t &ind it ery &%nny(" ' snapped at hi!. "Oh? .id yo% )ant !e to "iss yo%?" Jere!y responded as a s!ir" appeared on his &ace. "No(" ' responded i!!ediately. "4o% "no) ' li"e /r. Hey)ood."

"4%p(" Jere!y responded( ret%rning his attention bac" to the yearboo". "#ant to see a pict%re o& Chris and !y co%sin?" ' hesitated &or only a !o!ent be&ore nodding !y head. ' didn$t e en "no) )hy ' hesitated. This )as a past girl&riend o& /r. Hey)ood$s( not a c%rrent one. 2%t &or so!e reason ' )as still &eeling 0ealo%s. ' silently c%rsed !ysel&. ' didn$t )ant to be one o& those o er,0ealo%s people that )o%ldn$t e en let their lo e interests tal" to so!eone o& the other gender. "Here it is." ' &ollo)ed Jere!y$s &inger do)n to a s!all colored pict%re o& a pair o& people )ith their ar!s aro%nd each other. /r. Hey)ood )as abo%t a &oot taller than the girl( and ' al!ost la%ghed o%t lo%d at the girl$s &ace. "Nice red,eye(" ' co!!ented( s!ir"ing at the pict%re. "' tho%ght year boo" editors )ere s%pposed to &i3 things li"e this?" Jere!y grinned( tapping the girl$s &ace )ith his &inger. "' bet they "ept it li"e this &or a!%se!ent." ' nodded( loo"ing bac" do)n at the pict%re. /r. Hey)ood$s old girl&riend )as act%ally really pretty( i& yo% e3c%sed the red,eye. 5he had light n%t,bro)n hair that )ent to 0%st past her sho%lders( and a pale co!ple3ion. "5he$s got the sa!e hair color as !e(" ' co!!ented )ith a s!ile. .id /r. Hey)ood li"e that color hair? "<!( yeah(" Jere!y responded( ta"ing the yearboo" a)ay. "Eno%gh o& that( let$s !o e onto another !e!orable pict%re o& Chris." "#o%ld he "ill yo% i& he &o%nd o%t yo% )ere telling and sho)ing !e all o& this st%&& abo%t hi!?" "Probably(" Jere!y responded cas%ally. "This is senior pro!." ' glanced do)n at the yearboo" and the yo%nger /r. Hey)ood in a blac" s%it and deep red tie stared bac" at !e( a h%ge s!ile on his &ace. His hair )as gelled bac" the tiniest bit. "He loo"s li"e a !odel6" ".on$t let hi! hear yo% say that(" Jere!y responded )ith a snort. "4o%$ll boost his ego too !%ch. And tr%st !e( it$s big eno%gh."

"Ho) co!e /r. Hey)ood ne er s!iles li"e this any!ore?" ' as"ed( t%rning !y ga-e to Jere!y( a &ro)n appearing on !y &ace. Jere!y ga e !e a s!all s!ile and r%&&led %p !y hair )ith his hand. ' i!!ediately snatched it a)ay( &ro)ning at hi!. "Holly( Chris changed a lot a&ter the accident." "#hat accident?" ' de!anded( !y irritation gro)ing again. "'$! so sic" and tired o& being le&t o%t in the dar"6" Jere!y sighed. "'$! sorry( Holly." "'t$s o"ay(" ' gr%!bled( s)allo)ing !y &r%stration. "' sho%ldn$t ta"e it o%t on yo% any)ay." "'$! s%re Chris )ill tell yo% )hen the ti!e is right." "' don$t "no)(" ' responded s"eptically. "He see!s pretty dead set on not letting !e "no)." "There$s a s!all7 co!plication(" Jere!y started slo)ly( as i& choosing his )ords care&%lly. "' don$t thin" he )ants to ha e yo% get the )rong idea be&ore he can &%lly e3plain things7" ' raised an eyebro). "#hat is that s%pposed to !ean?" "'$! g%essing he$s a&raid o& yo% being h%rt( e!otionally." "#hy?" Jere!y shoo" his head. "' can$t tell yo%. '$ e already said too !%ch." "2%t no) '$! !ore c%rio%s than be&ore(" ' co!plained( a &ro)n p%lling at !y lips. Jere!y ch%c"led and closed the yearboo"( tossing on the bed. "Co!e on( Holly. Let$s go ro%nd %p the girls and )atch a !o ie." "2%t+" "H!!( )hich !o ie sho%ld )e )atch?" Jere!y pondered )hile !o ing to)ards the door. "1inal .estination?"

"A se en year old sho%ldn$t be )atching that(" ' responded( &ollo)ing Jere!y o%t o& the roo!. "Ho) abo%t so!ething a little !ore P8? Or at least P8,=G." "Those !o ies ne er ha e se3 scenes the!." ' rolled !y eyes at Jere!y$s co!!ent. "That$s so typical o& a g%y." "4o% "no)( Chris got aro%nd in high school a lot." ' &ro-e in !y trac"s( staring at Jere!y$s bac". #as he serio%s? #hat )as that s%pposed to !ean? That /r. Hey)ood )as a player? 2%t ' tho%ght he had a steady girl&riend? ' &%rro)ed !y bro). .id that !ean /r. Hey)ood cheated on girls? He de&initely didn$t see! li"e that type. 2%t i& )hat Jere!y said )as tr%e7 5%ddenly Jere!y started ch%c"ling and ' p%lled !ysel& &ro! !y tho%ghts. "#hat$s so &%nny?" "4o%r e3pressions(" he told !e( pretending to )ipe tears &ro! his eyes. "' )as only "idding. Chris didn$t sleep aro%nd." ' sco)led( "ic"ing hi! in the bac" o& the leg. "4o%$re a 0er"( yo% "no) that?" "2%t yo% lo e !e." "5%re." "O%ch7" "#here are the girls?" ' as"ed be&ore Jere!y co%ld contin%e to tease !e. "8a!e roo!(" Jere!y responded( abr%ptly stopping and p%lling open the door. He st%c" his head in and ' ass%!ed that he ca%ght the attention o& the girls )hen he began to spea". ".o yo% t)o )ant to )atch a !o ie )ith Holly and '?" "4es6" ' heard Jane s*%eal( soon &ollo)ed by the so%nd o& light &ootsteps. Jane e!erged loo"ing at !e )ith a big grin. "Hi there(" ' said to her( s*%atting do)n to her le el. "5o )hat )ere yo% and Holly doing all alone in yo%r old bedroo!( h!!?" ' heard Jenna as" Jere!y as Jane grabbed !y hand.

"Ad%lt st%&&(" Jere!y told Jenna( a s!ir" on his &ace. ' rolled !y eyes. ".on$t listen to hi!( Jenna. He$s del%sional." A lo) r%!ble o& th%nder s%ddenly &illed the roo! and Jane &linched. 5he loo"ed terri&ied. ' held onto her hand tighter and ga e her a co!&orting s!ile. "#hat )o%ld yo% li"e to )atch?" ' as"ed. "The 2rother$s 8ri!!(" she responded( and began to t%g !e do)n the hall. "Let$s go." ' &ollo)ed her( hearing Jere!y and Jenna$s &ootsteps behind !e. #e entered the li ing roo! and ' sat do)n on the co%ch )ith the girls )hile Jere!y got the !o ie started. ' co%ld hear the rain po%nding do)n on the roo& as it contin%ed to gro) hea ier. Jere!y &lic"ed o&& the lights and plopped do)n on the chair ad0acent to the co%ch( %sing the re!ote to start the !o ie. ' settled into a !ore co!&ortable position( Jane clinging onto !e. Three *%arters o& the )ay thro%gh the !o ie( both girls )ere passed o%t. ' loo"ed at Jere!y in a!%se!ent only to &ind o%t he )as hal&,asleep as )ell. A s!all ch%c"le escaped !y lips as ' shoo" !y head. The !o ie )asn$t that boring. ' reached into !y poc"et and grabbed !y cell phone( ai!ing to chec" the ti!e. #hen ' &lipped it open( it sho)ed ' had ten ne) te3t !essages( thirteen !issed calls( and three oice !ails. ' clic"ed on the ne) te3t !essages &irst. Nine )ere &ro! Casey( and one( the &irst one in !y inbo3( )as sent by Lance. ' decided to read his &irst. Tell !e ho) the 2ritish boy is )hen yo% get this !essage. ' stared at the !essage in con&%sion and re,read it a &e) ti!es to !a"e s%re ' had read it right. #hat )as he tal"ing abo%t? ' didn$t "no) any other 2ritish people besides hi!6 ' sighed( hitting the %p b%tton to read the ones &ro! Casey. The &irst &o%r )ere telling !e to pic" %p !y phone; the &i&th )as saying to get in contact )ith her A5AP; the si3th )as telling !e again to pic" %p !y phone( so )as the se enth; the eighth !essage told !e to chec" !y oice!ail( and so did the ninth. The tenth said( "'t$s abo%t Lance." ' &ro)ned deeper( %nease beginning to set in. #hat )as abo%t Lance? .id so!ething happen to hi!? /y sto!ach t)isted %nco!&ortable as ' )ent bac" to !y cell phone$s ho!e page( trying to get to the oice !ails. 2e&ore ' co%ld press call( ho)e er( !y phone started ibrating in !y hand. The caller '.. read "Casey". ' i!!ediately pressed the tal" b%tton. "Hello?"

"Holly6" Casey cried( so%nding panic"ed. "#hy ha en$t yo% pic"ed %p yo%r phone?" "' !%st not ha e had ser ice(" ' told her( !y eyes )idening at her tone. "Casey( )hat$s )rong? #hat abo%t Lance?" ' heard Casey sni&&le and !y heart s"ipped a beat. /y p%lse spi"ed and !y hands beca!e cla!!y. ' str%ggled to thin" straight. "Casey?" ' &inally started( grasping !y phone tightly. "#hat happened? 's so!ething )rong )ith Lance? Tell !e6" ' de!anded )hen she contin%ed to sni&&le. "Holly( Lance )as shot6"

TH'RT4,1'BE "Holly7 Holly. Holly6" ' 0%!ped( !y head snapping to)ards the so%nd o& the oice. Jere!y )as &ro)ning at !e )ith a )orried e3pression. His e3pression *%ic"ly beca!e be)ildered. "#hat$s )rong?" The phone slid &ro! !y *%i ering hands( dropping to the &loor )ith a th%d. ' stared at Jere!y in horror( %nable to &or! coherent )ords. Jere!y i!!ediately got o&& the chair he )as on and st%!bled to)ards !e. "5erio%sly( Holly(" he started( bending do)n to !y le el. "#hat$s )rong? 5o!ething in the !o ie?" ' shoo" !y head &rantically( &eeling !y breath starting to co!e in shorter and shorter gasps. Jere!y$s e3pression t%rned to alar! and he shoo" !y sho%lders gently. ' too" another deep breath( this ti!e &orcing !ysel& to let it o%t slo)ly. Hyper entilating )as ne er a &%n thing to e3perience. "Lance(" ' cho"ed o%t( !y eyes starting to )ater. "He7 he7" "2reathe( Holly." ' nodded( ta"ing another deep breath( and letting it slo)ly. ' repeated the process %ntil ' &elt slightly cal!er. Jere!y nodded( "eeping his hands on !y sho%lders.

"No) tell !e." "Lance )as shot6" ' told hi! *%ic"ly( blin"ing bac" tears. "#e need to get to the hospital6 No)6" "#ho$s Lance?" Jere!y responded )ith a loo" o& con&%sion. "And shot as in?" "#ith a g%n6" ' responded i!patiently( care&%lly re!o ing !ysel& &ro! the girls( and standing %p. "' need to go6" "Holly( )ait6" Jere!y grabbed !y )rist and p%lled !e to a stop as ' atte!pted to lea e the roo!. ' t%rned to loo" at hi! )ith )ide,eyes. "#hat?" "'t$s raining6 #ere yo% planning on )al"ing?" Jere!y responded( his &ace in a &ro)n. "No one else can bring !e(" ' told hi!( trying to yan" !y ar! a)ay. "4o% ha e to )atch the girls6" "Holly( e en i& yo% go no) '$! s%re yo% )on$t be able to see yo%r &riend %ntil he$s stable." "' don$t care6" ' responded( !y tears starting again. "Lance is li"e !y brother6 '$! not going to stay here and )ait i& he )as shot6" Jere!y stayed *%iet &or a !o!ent( p%rsing his lips. ' tried to yan" !ysel& &ree again( b%t &o%nd it al!ost i!possible. Jere!y sighed and ' sco)led at hi!. He &inally let go and ' started )al"ing o%t o& the roo! again. "Jenna(" ' heard Jere!y start. "Jenna( ' need yo% to )atch Jane &or a little bit." ' pa%sed &or a !o!ent( t%rning bac" to hi!. Jenna )as r%bbing her eyes sleepily and loo"ing %p at Jere!y. "#hy?" she as"ed. "' need to ta"e Holly so!e)here *%ic"ly(" he told her( p%lling his "eys o%t o& !y poc"et. "'t$s ery i!portant and ' need yo% to )atch Jane &or !e. '$ll be bac" as soon as possible6" Jenna nodded( glancing at !e !o!entarily. Jere!y t%rned and )al"ed past !e( dangling his "eys in &ront o& !e. ' &ollo)ed i!!ediately and )e h%rried do)nstairs and o%tside to

the car. ' yan"ed the door open and slid in( Jere!y doing the sa!e. He started the car( and be&ore ' e en b%c"led( p%lled o%t into the street. "Jere!y(" ' started( loo"ing o%t the )indo) into the blac". "Jere!y6 #e$re going )ay too &ast6" "4o% said yo% needed to get to the hospital &ast6" /y protest died in !y !o%th )hen he said that. ' glanced o%t the &ront( )atching the )indshield )ipers go across the glass in s)i&t !otions. A &eeling o& na%sea ca!e o er !e and ' held !y seat tightly. ' glanced at Jere!y( )ho )as &oc%sing intently on the road. ' slightly begged &or %s not to crash. The so%nd o& a phone ibrating &illed the car and ' reached &or !y poc"et to grab !ine. #hen ' co%ldn$t &eel it ' panic"ed &or a !o!ent %ntil ' reali-ed ' had le&t it at Jere!y$s ho%se. ' c%rsed !ysel& *%ietly. "Hello?" ' heard Jere!y say and !y head snapped to hi!. "Jere!y6 8et o&& the phone6" ' cried *%ietly( loo"ing at hi! in horror. "4o%$re dri ing6" He didn$t loo" phased. "4es( she$s right here. Hold on." ' ga e hi! a *%i--ical loo" as he held the phone o%t to !e. ' grabbed it *%ic"ly be&ore he too" his eyes o&& the road. #hen ' noticed it )as !y phone( !y e3pression beca!e e en !ore con&%sed. "Ho) did yo% get this?" "' grabbed it o&& the &loor be&ore )e le&t(" Jere!y told !e( as i& it )as the !ost ob io%s thing in the )orld. ' rolled !y eyes( pressing !y phone to !y ear. "Hello?" "Holly6" Casey nearly screa!ed into the phone. "#hoa( Casey. J%iet do)n." 5he started saying so!ething( b%t ' co%ldn$t !a"e o%t *%ite )hat she )as saying beca%se she )as sobbing to hard. /y chest clenched &ro! the so%nd( b%t ' &orced !ysel& not to tear %p. "Casey( cal! do)n(" ' ordered( s)allo)ing ner o%sly. "#hat are yo% saying?"

Casey sni&&led and ' heard her ta"e a deep breath. "/y !o! )on$t let !e go to the hospital beca%se it$s a school late and it$s too late6" "#hat?" ' cried it o%trage. "Lance )as &lipping shot and she )on$t let yo% go6 "No6" Casey responded in the sa!e tone. "Lance$s li&e is !ore i!portant than school6" ' said angrily( clenching the phone in !y head. "Oh !y 8od6" 5%ddenly ' )as thro)n &or)ards and ' gasped in s%rprise( !y head hitting the dashboard. "5orry(" Jere!y !%ttered and ' )as s%ddenly thro)n to)ards the )indo). "Al!ost !issed the entrance to the hospital." ' recti&ied !ysel& in !y seat( r%bbing !y head. "5!ooth." "Holly( yo% ha e to "eep !e %pdated6" "' )ill(" ' told Casey( br%shing !y bangs o%t o& !y &ace. "2%t ' don$t "no) i& '$ll ha e ser ice in the hospital." "Then co!e o%tside and te3t !e e ery hal&,ho%r or so( o"ay?" "O"ay(" ' responded( loo"ing o%t !y )indo) at the large b%ilding. "#e$re here( so '$ll te3t yo% as soon as ' &ind o%t )hat$s going on." "O"ay." "Tal" to yo% soon." ' p%lled the phone a)ay &ro! !y head and &lipped it shot( p%tting it into !y bac" poc"et. Jere!y p%lled into a par"ing spot and ' *%ic"ly &l%ng open !y door( 0%!ping o%t. '!!ediately( ' started to)ards the hospital doors. "Holly6" Jere!y sho%ted a&ter !e. "#hat?" ' called bac"( t%rning aro%nd. "'$ e got to go bac" to Jenna and Jane( so call !e )hen yo% )ant to be pic"ed %p. No !atter ho) late( o"ay?" ' nodded. "O"ay7 Than" yo%."

"Anyti!e(" Jere!y responded )ith a grin. "Oh( and do yo% )ant !e to call Chris?" ' loo"ed at hi! in shoc" by his o&&er. He raised an eyebro) at !e( )aiting &or an ans)er. ' opened !y !o%th( b%t nothing ca!e o%t. A&ter a !o!ent( ' &inally !anaged to spea". "#hat? No6 #hy )o%ld ' )ant yo% to do that?" "5%pport?" Jere!y o&&ered. ' shoo" !y head. "No7 ' don$t )ant hi! here. '$! o"ay." "Are yo% s%re?" ' nodded. "Positi e." ".on$t hesitate to call i& yo% need anything(" Jere!y told !e( a &ro)n still loitering on his &ace. "O"ay." "5ee yo% later( Holly." 1or a brie& second ' did )ish /r. Hey)ood )as here( b%t ' *%ic"ly dis!issed the tho%ght. /y tho%ghts )ere no) solely on &inding o%t Lance$s condition. ' b%rst thro%gh the hospital doors( s)eeping !y no) )et hair o%t o& !y &ace. ' )ent to the reception des" and the receptionist loo"ed %p at !e )ith a startled &ace. "/ay ' help yo%?" "Lance 8reyson(" ' told her( tapping !y &oot an3io%sly. "#here is he?" 5he loo"ed to her co!p%ter and typed so!ething *%ic"ly. 5he scanned the co!p%ter screen( a &ro)n appearing on her lips. "Right no) he$s in the 'C<( and no isitors are allo)ed in." "The 'C<?" ' responded( &eeling !y heart drop into !y g%t. "#hat$s )rong? #ill he be o"ay?" "' don$t "no)(" the receptionist told !e( sha"ing her head. "' don$t "no) )hat$s going on( '$! sorry." "#hen can ' see hi!?" ' de!anded( clenching !y &ists. "5oon?" "' don$t "no)."

' groaned in &r%stration. .idn$t this girl "no) anything? "#here can ' )ait?" 5he p%rsed her lips. "Are yo% his &a!ily?" "Close eno%gh." "Only &a!ily !e!bers )ill be allo)ed to see hi! )hen+" "'$! close eno%gh(" ' snapped( glaring at her. "Please( let !e at least )ait by the roo!6" "'$! sorry(" the receptionist apologi-ed( sha"ing her head. "Only &a!ily can )ait in that area." "' already told yo% '$! close eno%gh6" ' sho%ted( s%rely gaining the attention &ro! e eryone in the area. "Jes%s Christ6 's it really so !%ch o& a proble! to let !e go )ait? Are yo% e en+?" "5he$s part o& the &a!ily(" a ne) oice interr%pted( their oice hea ily accented. "'$! La%ra 8reyson." /y eyes )idened and ' t%rned to see a &a!iliar )o!an )ith blonde hair &ro)ning at the receptionist. #hen she noticed ' )as staring at her she s!iled. "Are yo% &a!ily?" the receptionist as"ed La%ra( p%rsing her lips. "'$! his !other(" La%ra responded coldly. The receptionist loo"ed &l%stered and ' s!ir"ed. "4o% !ay go %p then(" she said( loo"ing aro%nd. ".o yo% need so!eone to lead the )ay?" "No( '$ e already been %p(" La%ra responded *%ic"ly. "'$! going no)( and ta"ing this yo%ng lady )ith !e." "O& co%rse(" the receptionist responded. ' sco)led at her. "Than"s(" ' said sarcastically. La%ra ch%c"led and p%t a hand on !y sho%lder( steering !e a)ay &ro! the co%nter. ' loo"ed %p at her( !y eyes &illing )ith tears again. "'s he o"ay?"

The s!ile a%to!atically dropped &ro! La%ra$s &ace. /y heart dropped once again and ' stared at her in horror. "He$s not7 He$s not d,dead( is he?" La%ra$s eyes &le) open in shoc" and she shoo" her head &rantically. "No6 No( no( dear. No." Relie& bro%ght ne) tears to !y eyes and ' scr%bbed the! angrily. They really needed to stop6 ' hated crying( especially in &ront o& people. 2%t the sad part )as( ' cried )hen ' )as sad( relie ed( and angry( so ' ended %p crying a lot. ".o yo% "no) )hat happened?" ' as"ed La%ra( &ollo)ing her do)n the )hite corridors o& the hospital. 5he &ro)ned. "The only thing ' "no) is he )as shot t)ice; once in the scap%la and once in the chest. 2%t not in the heart(" she added *%ic"ly %pon hearing !y sharp inta"e o& air. "' got the call !aybe an ho%r be&ore yo% did( b%t ' ha en$t been let into the roo! yet7 The doctors ha e been "eeping !e %pdated on his condition tho%gh( so ' "no) he$s not dead." #e entered the 'C< and La%ra t%rned le&t( )al"ing do)n another )hite hall)ay. ' dogged a&ter her( %nsettled by the *%ietness o& the place. ' had been e3pecting the 'C< to be &%ll o& &rantic and sho%ting people. The silence see!ed dea&ening. "/s. 8reyson6" so!eone sho%ted and ' loo"ed %p to see a tall !an in a doctor$s cloa" )a ing o er to here. "Co!e *%ic"ly6" /y eyes )idened and ' glanced at La%ra( )ho loo"ed alar!ed. 5he h%rried &or)ards at once and ' &ollo)ed behind *%ic"ly. The doctor let La%ra into the roo! ' ass%!ed Lance )as in( b%t he held !e bac". "'$! sorry( there$s not eno%gh roo!7" "Oh(" ' responded( !y heart sin"ing. "No7 it$s o"ay. '$ll )ait o%t here." The doctor nodded( be&ore going bac" into the roo! and closing the door a&ter hi!. ' didn$t !o e &or a !o!ent( staring at the closed door )ith !y tho%ghts racing. /y heart &elt li"e it )as abo%t to b%rst &ro! !y chest. #as there so!ething )rong )ith Lance? .id he ta"e a t%rn &or the )orse? #hat )as happening? ' needed to "no)6

' let o%t a &r%strated groan and )al"ed o er to a bench against the )all across &ro! the door and sl%!ped do)n on it( resting !y head on !y hands. ' resisted the %rge to screa!. ' )anted to "no) )hat happened no) to Lance6 2%t no one )o%ld "no) e3actly %ntil he )o"e %p probably. 5hootings didn$t happen aro%nd here6 And certainly not in ol ing Lance6 He hadn$t done anything to deser e this6 5o )hy )as he in the 'C< no)? ' clenched !y &ists( ta"ing slo) breaths. 't )asn$t &air7 /y phone stated to ibrate in !y hand and !y eyes snapped onto it. Coldness ran thro%gh !y eins )hen ' reali-ed the phone call )as &ro! Lance$s phone. #ith sha"ing hands( ' slo)ly &lipped it open and p%t it to !y ear. "H,hello?" "Holly( right?" "#ho is this?" ' de!anded angrily. "#hy do yo% ha e Lance$s phone? Are yo% the one )ho did this to hi!?" "4es( this is de&initely Holly(" the !an on the other side o& the phone said )ith a s!all la%gh. "And to ans)er yo%r *%estions in order; 5ha)n( beca%se ' too" it &ro! hi!( and yes( in a )ay." /y breath ca%ght and !y eyes )idened. 5ha)n? 5ha)n &ro! the gang( 5ha)n? And he )as the one )ho did this to Lance? ' clenched !y 0a)( !y eyes narro)ing. "4o% shot hi!(" ' stated( clenching !y phone so hard ' )as a&raid it )as going to snap. "'s he dead?" 5ha)n as"ed in a cas%al oice. "' ai!ed &or his heart7" "#hy?" ' al!ost screa!ed( b%t i!!ediately *%ieted !ysel& )hen ' re!e!bered ' )as still in the hospital. "4o% sho%ld "no)+" 5ha)n started( b%t s%ddenly stopped tal"ing. "' sho%ld "no) )hat?" ' cried( gro%nding !y teeth together. There )as no reply and ' groaned in irritation. ' p%lled the phone a)ay and glanced at it( noticing the call ended. /y eyes then )ent to the ser ice bars( and ' reali-ed that ' didn$t ha e ser ice any!ore. C%rsing %nder !y breath( ' 0%!ped o&& the bench and r%shed &or the e3it o& the hospital. A &e) doctors ga e !e )ary loo"s as ' sped by( b%t ' paid the! no attention. ' needed to

get o%t o& the hospital( and &ast. #o%ld 5ha)n thin" ' h%ng %p on hi! and not ans)er )hen ' called bac"? ' had to tal" to hi!6 Torrential rain greeted !e as ' stepped o%tside the b%ilding. ' loo"ed at it brie&ly be&ore t%rning bac" to !y cell and )aiting &or reception to co!e in. A&ter a !o!ent three bars appeared and ' *%ic"ly called Lance$s phone. On the second ring( !y call )as ans)ered. "#here$d yo% go?" 5ha)n dra)led. "' lost ser ice(" ' told hi! &latly. "#hy did yo% attac" Lance? He has nothing to do )ith /r. Hey)ood or !ysel&6" "'sn$t he the closest person to hi!?" 5ha)n responded( so%nding bored. ".on$t try to lie to !e. Lately '$ e seen the! together !ore than )ith yo%." "#hat? #hat the hell are yo% tal"ing abo%t? They barely e en tal"6" ' cried in o%trage. "#here ha e yo% been?" 5ha)n as"ed in an a!%sed tone. "They$re together a lot." "' )o%ld ha e noticed(" ' started( tho%gh no) ' do%bted !ysel&. '& that )as tr%e( ho) co!e Lance ne er !entioned it? ' tho%ght he hated /r. Hey)ood6 "Apparently not." "#hy did yo% shoot hi!?" "' didn$t shoot hi!+" "2%t yo% said+" "' said in a )ay(" 5ha)n told !e( sighing. ".on$t yo% listen )hen people tal" to yo%?" ' sco)led( clenching !y &ist. "Then )hy does he ha e t)o b%llet )o%nds?" "' only !eant to threaten hi! a little bit and !aybe ro%gh hi! %p(" 5ha)n e3plained. "2%t another g%y that )as )ith !e s%ddenly p%lled o%t a g%n and be&ore ' "ne) it( he )as shooting at the 2ritish boy." "#hy didn$t yo% stop hi! then?" ' as"ed( gro)ing angrier by the second. "Lance co%ld ha e died6" "'& he did( so be it. 't )o%ldn$t be on !y na!e." "4o%$re a bastard."

5ha)n la%ghed. "Li"e ' said( ' )as only threatening hi!. '& anyone is going to die( it$ll be Chris." "Then )hy did yo% go a&ter Lance? #hy not !e? #hy hi!?" "2eca%se ' ha e di&&erent plans &or yo%." /y ne3t *%estion st%c" in !y throat as 5ha)n$s )ords processed in !y !ind. He had di&&erent plans &or !e? ' *%ic"ly scanned the area aro%nd !e( panic"ing slightly. #hat )as that s%pposed to !ean? "4o% still there?" "#hy can$t yo% lea e %s alone?" ' )hispered( !y eyes starting to )ater once !ore. "#e didn$t do anything6 ' don$t "no) )hat /r. Hey)ood did( b%t it doesn$t in ol e Lance or !ysel&6 5top attac"ing %s6" "5o yo% )ant !e to 0%st go straight &or Chris?" ' pa%sed( clenching !y 0a). "No7" "#hy not? '$ll lea e yo% and yo%r boy&riend alone. '$ll 0%st get a )hole gro%p o& %s and s%rprise Chris )hile he$s least e3pecting it and that$s that. '$! s%re e en he can$t ta"e on t)enty people at once." "No6" ' sho%ted. "Are yo% a co)ard? #hy )o%ld yo% do that? #hat did he e en do to yo%? 't doesn$t e en !atter( act%ally6 J%st stop6" "'$! not going to stop %ntil he$s dead." "#hy?" "He hasn$t told yo%? Really?" 5ha)n as"ed. "' g%ess '$! not that s%rprised." "#hat did he do?" 5ha)n la%ghed. "'$! not telling yo%. '$ll let Chris tell yo%. 2%t it$s the reason )hy he needs to die( yo%$ll get )hat yo% deser e( and 2ritish boy )as shot. 't$ll all !a"e sense )hen yo% "no)." "#hat did he do?" "'$! going to go &or no)( '$ll call yo% later to see ho) yo%r boy&riend is doing."

"#ait6" ' de!anded( b%t there )as a clic" and ' "ne) he had already h%ng %p. ' glared at nothing &or a &e) !o!ents. #hat did /r. Hey)ood do? #hat co%ld be so bad that so!eone )o%ld be )illing to "ill so!eone not e en related beca%se o&? A )ry s!ile ca!e onto !y &ace. #ell( it )as a gang )e )ere tal"ing abo%t( so it co%ld act%ally be so!ething not that bad. 2%t ' had to "no). There )as no !ore ti!e &or secrets. Lance$s accident had crossed the line. /r. Hey)ood )as going to tell !e )hat happened( no !atter )hat. ' )asn$t going to )ait either. ' &lipped open !y phone( scrolling do)n to /r. Hey)ood$s n%!ber. ' pressed the tal" b%tton and )aited. 't )ent directly to oice!ail. 5co)ling( ' pressed the end b%tton. #hy )asn$t his phone on? ' tried Jere!y( only to &ind his phone )as o&& too. 5o !%ch &or calling hi! )hen ' needed anything. ' needed to tal" to /r. Hey)ood. No). There )as no )ay he co%ldn$t tell !e )hat he did )as none o& his b%siness. Lance )as shot( and no) it )as !y b%siness. ' )asn$t going to ta"e no &or an ans)er. P%lling o%t !y phone once !ore ' te3ted Lance$s !o!( to let her "no) ' )as lea ing and to "eep !e %pdated. 5itting by and )aiting &or Lance to )a"e %p )asn$t only going to !a"e !e &r%strated and an3io%s. ' )o%ld go tal" to /r. Hey)ood right no)( and de!and he told !e. He co%ldn$t say no6 #ith !y &ists clenched( ' stepped o%t into the rain and headed to)ards /r. Hey)ood$s ho%se.

TH'RT4,5'C Rain ran do)n !y &ace in s!all strea!s as ' h%rried do)n the dar" street that led to /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent. The &orest that s%rro%nded the road )as creeping !e o%t( b%t ' p%t !y best &oot &or)ard and contin%ed( trying !y best to ignore the %nner ing )oods. 't really )asn$t )or"ing. A sh%dder passed o er !e )hen ' i!agined )hat co%ld be in there )atching !e. ' really had to stop )atching so !any horror !o ies. P%lling !y 0ac"et tighter( ' "ept !y head straight( and !y eyes on the gro%nd. Only a little &%rther %ntil '$d be on a !ain road( and then /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent )o%ld only be abo%t three bloc"s a)ay.

' &re*%ently chec"ed !y phone to see i& La%ra( Casey( or Jere!y had decided to contact !e. There had been no contact &ro! any o& the! &or the past t)enty !in%tes. ' )as s%rprised !y phone e en still )or"ed( seeing as ho) ' )as soa"ed to the bone and it had been in !y hand the )hole ti!e( only slightly shielded &ro! the precipitation. A crac"ing noise &ro! !y le&t !ade !e 0%!p iolently. ' t)isted to)ards it and stayed stoc" still( eyeing the area apprehensi ely. #hen a s*%irrel ca!e barreling o%t o& the blac" a s!all ch%c"le escaped !y lips. 't )as 0%st !y st%pid i!agination again7 This ti!e there )as the so%nd o& gra el crac"ling behind !e and ' )hipped aro%nd to see a car approaching. ' rela3ed again( c%rsing !y ti!id persona. The car contin%ed to gro) closer( and as ' heard it slo) do)n( !y heart started speeding %p again. ' "ept )al"ing( pretending a car )asn$t &ollo)ing !e. #ait( ' didn$t e en "no) i& it )as &ollo)ing !e. /aybe so!eone needed to as" &or directions7 ' highly do%bted that. Pic"ing %p !y pace( ' !o ed closer to the &orest and a)ay &ro! the road. #hoe er )as on the car s)itched to high bea!s( and "ept the! on !e. 2y this ti!e( ' )as slightly terri&ied. 5ha)n$s )ords echoed in !y !ind. "' ha e di&&erent plans &or yo%." ' glanced bac" at the car *%ic"ly( b%t co%ldn$t !a"e o%t the dri er. 5%ddenly it p%lled ahead o& !e and ca!e to a stop. ' stopped too( staring at it )arily. #hen the door opened( ' decided !y best bet )as to &lee. T%rning on !y heel( ' started sprinting to)ards the &orest. The person in the car hon"ed( scaring the crap o%t o& !e( and only !a"ing !e r%n &aster. ' heard the opening and closing o& a door and so!eone sho%ting a&ter !e. ' cl%tched !y phone in a panic. #hy no)? #hy co%ldn$t ha e 5ha)n )aited? ' had to tal" to /r. Hey)ood6 And no one "ne) )here ' )as going besides La%ra( )ho didn$t "no) anyone b%t !y !o!6 ' st%!bled o er a b%sh as ' &o%ght !y )ay thro%gh the o er, gro)th and trees. 5o!eone )as still sho%ting a&ter !e. A )et tree branch slapped !y &ace as ' tried to d%c" %nder it( te!porarily blinding !e. #hoe er )as chasing !e )as gro)ing closer( &ast. 5%ddenly !y &oot ga e o%t &ro! %nder !e and ' opened !y !o%th in s%rprise b%t no noise ca!e o%t as ' &ell &ace &irst. ' )as sliding be&ore ' had a chance to pic" !ysel& %p o&& the gro%nd. #hen ' reached the botto! o& the hill( ' got a &ace &%ll o& sand. #itho%t !o ing ' held do)n the "?" b%tton on !y phone( slo)ly bringing it to !y head. 't rang once( t)ice( and on the third ring ' heard the so%nd o& so!eone pic"ing %p. "/r. Hey)ood?" ' )hispered( staying as silent as possible. "Holly(" he responded( so%nding both a!%sed and &r%strated &or so!e reason. "#hat+"

"Help !e( ' don$t "no) )here ' a!( b%t so!eone$s a&ter !e(" ' )hispered in a r%sh( s*%ee-ing !y eyes sh%t. "' "no) '$! al)ays in these sit%ations and '$! sorry( b%t '$! scared. 5o please+" 5%ddenly there )as a lo%d cry o& s%rprise behind !e( and !y )ords )ere c%t o&& as so!ething hea y &ell onto !y bac". ' dropped !y phone in s%rprise( a r%sh o& air escaping !y !o%th( lea ing !e )inded. The )eight )as gone al!ost as soon as it appeared( b%t ' )as still gasping &or breath. "5hit6 5orry( Holly." /y eyes )idened and ' &orced !ysel& to roll onto !y bac". /r. Hey)ood )as staring do)n at !e )ith an apologetic loo" on his &ace. ' gasped in air( trying to regain !y breath so ' co%ld spea" to hi!. He bent do)n and p%lled !e to !y &eet and began to br%sh the dirt and sand o&& !y body. "' didn$t thin" '$d slip(" he told !e( t%rning !e aro%nd so he co%ld br%sh o&& !y bac". "2%t yo%$re the one )ho )ent do)n &irst7" "That )as yo% in the car?" ' !anaged to say( stepping a)ay &ro! hi!( and t%rning to &ace hi!. "#hy didn$t yo% say so? ' )as terri&ied6" "Holly( ' tried telling yo% that )hen yo% began to r%n b%t apparently yo% didn$t hear !e(" he responded )ith a &ro)n. ".o yo% %s%ally r%n a)ay &ro! cars? That$s a bad habit yo% "no)." ' ignored his 0ibe and glared at hi!. "That$s not &%nny6 .o yo% ha e any idea ho) scared ' )as? ' tho%ght it )as 5ha)n co!ing to get !e6 ' tho%ght ' )as going to be "illed or so!ething( since apparently yo%r st%pid gangster &riends don$t ha e a proble! )ith "illing Lance6" "#ait(" /r. Hey)ood interr%pted( his oice gro)ing hard. "#hat do yo% !ean by $"illing Lance$?" ' )as sha"ing in anger no)( not *%ite positi e )here it had all ca!e &ro!. Probably the a&ter shoc" o& being scared. "They shot hi!( /r. Hey)ood6 T)ice6" "Holly( this isn$t ti!e to be 0o"ing+" "'$! not6" ' screa!ed( brea"ing the %nnat%ral silence in the &orest. "8o to the hospital and see &or yo%rsel&6"

/r. Hey)ood see!ed ta"en abac" &or a !o!ent and )atched !e )ith )ide eyes. ' glared at hi!( br%shing a strand o& !y drenched hair o%t o& !y &ace. A bree-e )ent by( !a"ing !e %nco!&ortable cold. ' *%ic"ly &olded !y ar!s o er !y chest and pressed !y legs together. "#hen did this happen?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( narro)ing his eyes. "'s he o"ay?" ' shoo" !y head( )iping rain &ro! !y &ace so ' co%ld see hi! clearer. "' don$t "no). 't !%st ha e happened recently beca%se he )as still in the 'C< )hen ' le&t the hospital. His !o!$s there and ' te3ted her and told her to "eep !e %pdated on his condition." "Ho) do yo% "no) it )as the!?" 2y the!( he !eant the gangsters. ' &lipped open !y phone and scrolled do)n to the te3t !essage ' had recei ed earlier. "They ha e Lance$s phone. 5ha)n called !e earlier." "#hat did he say?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( grabbing the phone a)ay &ro! !e and loo"ing at it )ith a sco)l. "He as"ed ho) Lance )as( told !e he )as still a&ter yo%( and he said he had $plans &or !e$(" ' *%oted( staring do)n at the gro%nd. "He said he didn$t care )hether Lance li es or dies7 b%t he )as only going to ro%gh hi! %p." ' loo"ed bac" at /r. Hey)ood )ho )as glaring at the trees. "#hen ' as"ed )hy Lance( he said beca%se he )as )ith yo% the !ost7" "' t%tor hi!(" /r. Hey)ood responded si!ply. "4o% )hat?" "T%tor( yo% "no)7 gi e hi! e3tra help? Help hi! learn the !aterial !ore?" /r. Hey)ood responded( raising an eyebro). "5%rely yo% "no)+" "' "no)(" ' snapped( sco)ling. "Ho) long has this been happening &or?" "Jealo%s?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( a s!ir" appearing on his &ace. ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". He sighed( r%nning a hand thro%gh his no),drenched hair. "J%st &or the past &e) )ee"s. His !other as"ed !e to gi e hi! e3tra help a&ter school(" he told !e. "Tho%gh ' didn$t e3pect ' )as being spied on7 .a!n it. They$d e en go so lo) as to go a&ter a st%dent ' t%tor?" "#ell he )as also there )ith the accident near the to)ing place."

"2%t that$s not the point(" /r. Hey)ood said. "They$re going a&ter people )ho aren$t e en related to the proble!6 Pretty soon they !ight as )ell attac" the !ail!an( right? ' need to p%t an end to this." "#hat? Not by yo%rsel&6" ' cried( !y eyes )idening. "5ha)n said7 E en yo% can$t ta"e on t)enty people6" "#hat else a! ' s%pposed to do( Holly?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded )ith annoyance etched across his &ace. "#ait &or the! to attac" another st%dent?" "They )o%ldn$t attac" reg%lar st%dents(" ' told hi!( tho%gh not entirely positi e. "They$d get in tro%ble )ith the cops." "#hoe er shot Lance is already in deep shit." "2%t yo% can$t+" "Holly( '$! not going to sit aro%nd )hile they pic" o& people close to !e6" /r. Hey)ood cried( his oice raising a notch. ' stared at hi! in shoc". 5ince )hen did /r. Hey)ood raise his oice? 1or so!e reason( ' &elt li"e ' )anted to cry again. "4o% can$t do it alone(" ' )hispered( staring at hi!. "Holly( )hat i& yo%$re ne3t?" He responded( his oice bac" to his nor!al tone. "'& it$s yo% then7" "They )on$t do anything to !e6 '$ll !a"e s%re o& that(" ' c%t hi! o&&( sha"ing !y head. /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "4o% said early 5ha)n told yo% he had plans &or yo%." "' lied(" ' said *%ic"ly. "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood started )ith a sigh. "Ho) !any ti!es do ' ha e to tell yo% that yo% can$t lie to !e?" "They )ant yo% dead tho%gh(" ' breathed( blin"ing repeatedly to "eep any tears &ro! spilling. ".id yo% hear !e? .ead6" "4eah( ' can$t say '$! s%rprised." "#hat did yo% do?"

/r. Hey)ood$s e3pression )ent blan" &or a !o!ent( b%t then it *%ic"ly beca!e hard. He narro)ed his eyes at !e. "' told yo% it )asn$t any o& yo%r b%siness." "#ell no) it is6" ' responded( clenching !y &ists. "And Lance$s too6 4o% ha e to tell !e6" "No6" "/r. Hey)ood6" ".rop it(" he snapped( sco)ling. "No6 ' )on$t6" "Holly( please(" /r. Hey)ood said( r%nning a hand thro%gh his hair. ".rop it." "No(" ' stated st%bbornly( gro)ing angrier. "Lance )as shot( /r. Hey)ood6 That$s ta"ing it too &ar6 4o% can$t "eep )hate er yo% did a secret any!ore6 't$s !y b%siness no)6" "Holly( 0%st stop. 't$s not+" #itho%t )arning( ' p%nched /r. Hey)ood in the chest as hard as ' co%ld. He didn$t b%dge( b%t shoc" &lashed across his &ace. ' hit hi! again( trying to p%t as !%ch &orce into it as ' co%ld. He let !e hit hi! a &e) !ore ti!es %ntil his hand capt%red !y )rist and stopped !e. ' sco)led( bringing %p !y other &ist( b%t )as ca%ght by /r. Hey)ood i!!ediately. No) ' atte!pted to "ic" his shin. /r. Hey)ood let o%t a s!all groan o& &r%stration. "'s it !y &a%lt yo%$re so iolent?" he !%ttered. "J%st li"e a child7" ' stopped str%ggling at once( a little h%rt by his co!!ent. Ti!e &or a di&&erent approach. "Please(" ' begged( p%tting !y head against his chest( and "eeping !y eyes on the gro%nd. "Please. '$! begging yo% no)6 J%st tell !e. Please( Chris6" "Holly( yo%$re hand is cold." ' p%lled a)ay &ro! hi!( yan"ing !y hand o%t o& his grasp. The tears )ere no) spilling o%t o& !y eyes. ' glared at /r. Hey)ood( ta"ing a step a)ay &ro! hi!. No) he )as going to change the s%b0ect? "' hate yo%. ' hate yo%6"

/r. Hey)ood sighed( closing his eyes. ' shoo" !y head in disbelie&( ta"ing another step a)ay &ro! hi!. ' t%rned to )al" a)ay( b%t a hand enclosed on !y )rist and yan"ed !e bac". 5o!ething )ar! en eloped !e and ' loo"ed do)n to see /r. Hey)ood$s 0ac"et o er !y sho%lders. ' tried to shr%g o%t o& it( b%t /r. Hey)ood held it on by &orce. "Let go o& !e." "Holly( yo% ha e to pro!ise !e yo% )on$t thin" any di&&erently a&ter ' tell yo%." ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood in shoc". His eyes pierced into !ine )ith serio%sness( co!pli!ented by /r. Hey)ood$s so!ber &ace. ' slo)ly nodded( clenching his 0ac"et tighter to !y body. He reached o%t and br%shed a &e) stray tears &ro! !y &ace. "And please stop crying(" he said p%tting his &orehead against !ine. "'$! sorry. '$ll tell yo%( 0%st don$t hate !e." "' co%ldn$t hate yo%(" ' responded( too e!barrassed to loo" at hi! )hile he )as this close. Hate hi!? Ho) co%ld he e en thin" that ' !eant that? Co%ldn$t he see ho) !%ch ' cared abo%t hi!? A s%dden &eeling o& e3cite!ent ran o er !e. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly as ' &or!ed !y ne3t )ords in !y !ind. This )as the per&ect chance to let /r. Hey)ood "no). #e )ere in the !iddle o& no)here( and alone. 't )as the per&ect ti!ing. "/r. Hey)ood(" ' started( no) loo"ing at hi!( o%r &oreheads no) pressed together. "'7 '( %h7" "H!!?" /r. Hey)ood$s ga-e landed on !ine( and he blin"ed( staring at !e &or a second. Then he p%lled a)ay *%ic"ly( clearing his throat. "4o%$re really cold( let$s go get yo% )ar!ed %p." ' bl%shed( a &ro)n slipping onto !y &ace. Not yet. ' )as going to con&ess no) )hether or not ' )as cold. A shi er ran thro%gh !e as a g%st o& )ind ble) thro%gh /r. Hey)ood$s coat( re!inding !e that ' )as cold. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( grabbing !y hand and t%gging !e &or)ards. "Co!e on( yo%$re shi ering(" he co!!ented( s*%ee-ing !y hand. "#ait( ' ha e so!ething to say(" ' protested( trying to ta"e !y hand bac". "4o% can tell !e later(" /r. Hey)ood responded( rolling his eyes. "2%t '+"

".on$t arg%e )ith !e Holly." ' sco)led( gro)ing irritated. #hy co%ldn$t he 0%st let !e con&ess? O& co%rse he didn$t "no) ' )as going to( b%t he co%ld at least thin" abo%t the sit%ation &or a !o!ent6 "#hy didn$t yo% call !e?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed. ' sighed in resignation. ' g%ess ' )asn$t con&essing no). "' tried. 4o%r phone )as o&&." "'t )asn$t o&&. ' !%st not ha e had ser ice(" /r. Hey)ood responded( d%c"ing %nder a tree branch and holding it %p &or !e( and p%shing !e in &ront o& hi!. "#here )ere yo%?" ' as"ed( loo"ing bac" at hi!. "Ho) co!e yo% )ere on this road?" "' )as co!ing bac" &ro!7" he trailed o&&( loo"ing a)ay &ro! !e )ith a &ro)n. "A date?" "4eah(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered( loo"ing g%ilty &or so!e reason. "Oh(" ' responded( t%rning bac" in &ront o& !e( !y sto!ach t)isting. ' had tho%ght Lance )as his date7 b%t ' g%ess not. "'s she a nice girl?" ' as"ed cas%ally. "Bery nice." "'s she s!art?" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5o!eti!es." ' hesitated be&ore as"ing the ne3t *%estion. "'s she pretty?" "2ea%ti&%l(" /r. Hey)ood !%r!%red &ro! behind !e. ' bit !y lip( staring at the gro%nd in &ront o& !e as ' )al"ed. #ho )as this girl? /r. Hey)ood see!ed to li"e her a lot7 .id that !ean ' had no chance? /y chest constricted %nco!&ortably. Probably not. A&ter all this person )as probably a )o!an( and ' )as a high school girl. The a&&ection /r. Hey)ood sho)ed )as probably 0%st so!ething he did to entertain hi!sel&. 5%ddenly so!ething hit !y &ace hard( !a"ing !e gasp in s%rprise. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led behind !e.

"Pay attention." ' sco)led( "eeping !y head %p. "4o% "no)( yo% co%ld care a little !ore." 5%ddenly !y )rist yan"ed !e to a stop. ' t%rned to scold /r. Hey)ood( b%t be&ore ' co%ld !a"e a )ord his hands )ere at !y &ace( holding it in place. ' blin"ed at hi! as he bro%ght his head closer. /y heart began to po%nd as ' )atched hi! )ith )ide eyes. #hat )as he planning to do? /y tho%ghts )ere interr%pted )hen he ro%ghly t%rned !y head to one side( then the other( e3a!ining !y &ace )ith a &ro)n. ' &elt !ysel& &l%shing( and ' str%ggled to get o%t o& his grasp. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' !%!bled thro%gh !y tightly pressed together lips. "4o% said ' sho%ld care a little !ore( so '$! !a"ing s%re yo%$re alright(" /r. Hey)ood stated as it i& )as the !ost ob io%s thing in the )orld. ' &inally !anaged to brea" &ree &ro! his grasp( and ' &ro)ned at hi!. "5ince )hen do yo% listen to !e?" "' don$t." "5o yo%$re s%c"ing %p?" A s!ir" played across his &eat%res. "Perhaps." ' narro)ed !y eyes. "4o%$re still going to tell !e7" /r. Hey)ood sighed. "4es( ' )ill7" ' "ind o& &elt bad &or practically &orcing hi! to tell !e his secret( b%t ' had to "no). And it )asn$t li"e ' )as going to tell anyone. There )as no one else to tell. And it didn$t !atter to !e )hat he did( it )asn$t li"e ' )as going to stop lo ing hi! beca%se o& it. <pon that tho%ght !y &ace heated %p. "Thin"ing o& !e?" /r. Hey)ood teased. "No( o& Jere!y(" ' responded in a !ore serio%s tone. "He$s been helping !e o%t a lot lately. '$! trying to decide )hat ' can do to !a"e it %p to hi!. He tried to !a"e a !o e on !e today( so ' !ight ta"e hi! on a date7" "He )hat?"

' "ept !y bac" to)ards /r. Hey)ood and shr%gged. "4o% "no). He pinned !e to the bed and tried to "iss !e." "That brat(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood !%tter and a s!ir" slipped onto !y &ace. "#hat do yo% thin" ' sho%ld do?" ' as"ed( !y s!ir" gro)ing )ider. "' don$t care )hat yo% do(" /r. Hey)ood responded in an o&&,tone oice. "4o% can date hi! i& yo% )ant." ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood in shoc"( not e3pecting his ans)er. He tilted his head to one side and st%died !e. ' loo"ed at hi! in disbelie&. #as he "idding? He didn$t care? A &ro)n *%ic"ly replaced !y s!ir". 5o he didn$t care7 )ell that )as right. He still had a girl&riend7 /r. Hey)ood started snic"ering and ' i!!ediately narro)ed !y eyes. He shoo" his head( trying to "eep the la%ghter in. ' too" a deep breath and let it o%t slo)ly. ' sho%ld ha e been e3pecting this. "5orry( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed( a s!ir" still on his &ace. "4o% "no)( yo%$re reactions+" "Are too c%te( ' "no)(" ' &inished &or hi!( rolling !y eyes. "E3cept one o& these days '$! really going to !ean )hat ' as" yo%." "' don$t )ant yo% to date Jere!y." Once !ore( ' )as shoc"ed by his )ords. 5ince )hen did he say s%ch things so bl%ntly? This ti!e ' didn$t t%rn to loo" at hi!. 'nstead( ' shr%gged. "Then ' )on$t." "8ood." '& there )asn$t a bl%sh on !y &ace be&ore( ' )as s%re there )as one no). ' hated it( b%t ' &elt that by )hat /r. Hey)ood had 0%st said that ' !ight ha e a chance )ith hi!. /aybe he did li"e !e. /aybe he co%ld ret%rn !y &eelings. 2%t that !eant '$d ha e to con&ess( and there )as no )ay ' co%ld do that right no). He$d probably change the topic again as soon as ' opened !y !o%th. 2%t ' )anted to. ' )anted to so badly. ' clenched !y &ists( no) co!ing %p to the road. #hy did he ha e to be !y teacher? And )hy co%ldn$t ' be eighteen already? /y &eelings )ere already too !%ch &or !e to handle. 5%ddenly !y tho%ghts t%rned so%r as reali-ation set in. ' co%ldn$t say it. ' co%ldn$t tell hi! !y &eelings and ha e a chance o&

being re0ected( or being accepted and !a"ing /r. Hey)ood lose his 0ob. 2%t )hat i& )e "ept it a secret? "O"ay(" /r. Hey)ood started( brea"ing !e o%t o& !y re erie. "#e$re going bac" to !y ho%se and yo%$re going to ta"e a sho)er and change be&ore ' tell yo% anything." "',' don$t need a sho)er(" ' !%ttered in e!barrass!ent. "4es yo% do( a hot one. ' don$t )ant to ta"e a chance o& yo% getting sic"(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "2%t then again( they do say only idiots get sic". And yo% are an idiot &or )al"ing o%t in the rain &or as long as yo% did7 #here )ere yo% going any)ay?" "4o%r ho%se(" ' !%ttered( &eeling !y e!barrass!ent gro). /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( opening %p the passenger door &or !e. "' sho%ld ha e g%essed." ' cli!bed into the seat and /r. Hey)ood closed the door &or !e. ' snapped !y seat b%c"le in and /r. Hey)ood slid into the dri er$s seat. He started the car and p%t the heat on &%ll blast. He glanced at !e to !a"e s%re ' )as b%c"led be&ore starting do)n the street. #e stayed silent. #e$d ha e a lot to tal" abo%t )hen )e got to /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent.

TH'RT4,5EBEN "Holly?" ' 0%!ped iolently( nearly slipping on the )et bathroo! &loor. "4,yeah?" "Are yo% done?" "Al!ost(" ' responded( grabbing /r. Hey)ood$s shirt and thro)ing it o er !y head *%ic"ly. The slee es )ere abo%t &o%r inches too long( so ' rolled the! %p. ' then did the sa!e to his s)eatpants( rolling the! %p to the an"le. ' p%lled the )aist strings as tight as ' co%ld to !a"e s%re they )o%ldn$t &all o&&. Chec"ing !ysel& in the !irror one last ti!e( ' *%ic"ly ran a hand thro%gh !y hair to !a"e it a little !ore presentable be&ore stepping o%t o& the bathroo!. "P%t this on(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( thro)ing a s)eatshirt at !e.

"O"ay(" ' responded( p%lling the article o& clothing o er !y head. ' too" a deep breath( a s!all s!ile spreading across !y &ace. 't s!elled 0%st li"e /r. Hey)ood. ' )ondered )hat "ind o& la%ndry detergent he %sed7 ' grinned to !ysel& )hen ' reali-ed ho) stal"er,ish that so%nded. "Let$s go in the li ing roo!(" /r. Hey)ood s%ggested( p%tting a hand on !y bac" and leading !e into the roo!. "5it." ' did as ordered( )atching hi! c%rio%sly. "4o% aren$t going to order !e to !a"e yo% co&&ee or so!ething?" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. ".o yo% )ant !e to?" ' shoo" !y head( loo"ing a)ay &ro! hi!. 'n a )ay( ' act%ally "ind o& )anted to. 't 0%st see!ed li"e an ordinary thing bet)een hi! and '. 2%t ' )asn$t abo%t to let hi! "no) that. "' !ade so!e hot chocolate." ' &ro)ned at /r. Hey)ood. "Are yo% &eeling alright?" "1ine(" he responded( raising an eyebro). "#hy?" "4o%$re being so7 %n,yo%." A )ry s!ile appeared on his &ace. "' can$t be nice?" "No6 That$s not it6" ' said *%ic"ly( )a ing !y hands in &ront o& !e. "'t$s 0%st that+" ".o yo% )ant to hear !y story or not?" ' sh%t !y !o%th instantly( glaring at hi!. #ell( he )as still being as r%de as %s%al. He too" a seat on the chair across &ro! !e( ta"ing a deep breath and letting it o%t slo)ly. "'t$s a long story7" "'$ e got ti!e(" ' pressed( a &ro)n on !y &ace. "4o% pro!ised+" "'$! going to tell it to yo%(" /r. Hey)ood c%t !e o&&( rolling his eyes. ".on$t )hine." "5orry(" ' !%ttered( clenching !y teeth together( and t%rning !y attention to the &loor.

"' g%ess ' sho%ld start by saying that ' lied to yo%." /y eyes snapped bac" to hi!( gro)ing in s%rprise. He had lied to !e? "#hen? Abo%t )hat?" He sighed( r%nning a hand thro%gh his !essy( still da!p hair. "Re!e!ber the ti!e at the &air )hen yo% &irst &ollo)ed !e into the &orest?" ' bl%shed slightly at the !e!ory( at !y st%pidity at the ti!e. "4eah7" "E erything ' said on the 1erris )heel )as a lie(" /r. Hey)ood ad!itted( his eyes piercing into !ine. "E erything?" ' echoed( a &ro)n passing onto !y &ace. /r. Hey)ood nodded. "There )as no &riend ' )anted to protect. ' 0oined the gang o%t o& !y o)n &ree )ill. ' li"ed &ighting. ' li"ed h%rting people." "2%t7" ' slightly recalled the con ersation. Ho) ' had cried beca%se ' tho%ght ' had the )rong opinion on hi!. "5o ' )as right7" "4o% )ere right?" "2ac" then(" ' started( slo)ly lo)ering !y ga-e &ro! /r. Hey)ood$s. "' tho%ght yo% )ere a conceited 0er". 2%t that story abo%t yo%r &riend !ade !e change !y ie)s. 2%t it )as &a"e7" "'& ' re!e!ber correctly yo% also cried(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented in an a!%sed oice. ' glared at hi!( seeing a s!ir" on his &ace. "'t$s not &%nny." "'$! sorry abo%t that(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed( the s!ir" disappearing. "' didn$t "no) )hat else to say7 ' co%ldn$t tell yo% the reason )hy they )ere a&ter !e. ' didn$t )ant to scare yo% a)ay." "4o% )o%ldn$t ha e told !e the tr%th no !atter )hat then( h%h?" "Probably not(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a s!ile. "The part abo%t the lighters )as the tr%th tho%gh. They did b%rn !e at one point( so the scars )ere real." "'t )o%ld be that part that )as the tr%th(" ' said( a &ro)n slipping onto !y &ace. "Tell !e )hat Jere!y told yo% abo%t !e."

/y eyes )idened and ' stared at /r. Hey)ood. "H,he didn$t tell !e anything6" /r. Hey)ood snorted. "4eah? And ' in ented the p%nching bag." "#ell ' )o%ldn$t be s%rprised7" "Holly." "He didn$t tell !e a lot(" ' told /r. Hey)ood( biting !y lip. ".on$t get !ad at hi!6 ' basically &orced hi! to tell !e6" "J%st tell !e(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a ne) edge to his oice. "' don$t )ant to hear yo% de&ending Jere!y. ' 0%st )ant to "no) )hat he told yo%." ".on$t h%rt Jere!y(" ' )arned. "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood said in an annoyed tone. ' sighed( r%nning a hand o er !y &ace( trying to re!e!ber e erything he told !e. "#ell he told !e yo% )ere gang leader( )hich )as s%rprising. He also told !e that yo% s"ipped t)o grades in !iddle school." "<!( he sho)ed !e a pict%re o& yo%r girl&riend." "He )hat?" ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood( s%rprised by his s%ddenly li id tone. He sco)led( clenching his &ists. He loo"ed serio%sly angry. "'t )as 0%st a pict%re o& yo% )ith her in the yearboo"(" ' told hi!( trying to cal! hi! do)n. "And it )as a lo) *%ality pict%re." "4o% don$t "no) her na!e?" /r. Hey)ood *%estioned( loo"ing !ore rela3ed. "No(" ' responded( narro)ing !y eyes in con&%sion. "#hy?" "No reason." "#hat is her na!e?" /r. Hey)ood p%rsed his lips at !e &or a second be&ore reclining bac" on the chair )ith a sigh. "Haley Pierce."

"Oh." #hat an %n%s%al last na!e7 ' repeated it in !y head a &e) ti!es trying to thin" i& anyone ' "ne) had that last na!e. ' co%ldn$t thin" o& anyone. "#hat else did Jere!y tell yo%?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( changing the topic. "<!!(" ' hesitated( glad to not be tal"ing abo%t /r. Hey)ood$s girl&riend( or e3, girl&riend. "Oh( yeah6 4o% grad%ated college at age t)enty( right?" "That$s right." "5o ho) co!e yo% didn$t get a 0ob as a teacher right a)ay? #hy did yo% )ait a &%ll year?" ' *%estioned. "'& ' tell yo% that "no)( that )ill r%in the ending o& !y story(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. ".o yo% )ant !e to r%in it?" "No(" ' responded *%ic"ly( &ro)ning at hi!. "' )ant yo% to start &ro! the ery beginning." "1ro! )hen ' 0oined the gang?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( loo"ing o er at !e )ith a s"eptical e3pression. "'& ' start &ro! there( )e$ll be here all year." "1ine( then start &ro! )here the reason 5ha)n )ants to "ill yo% co!es &ro!." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5traight to the good part." "' don$t thin" it$s good7" "#ell there are !%ltiple reasons(" /r. Hey)ood started( ignoring !e. "'$! g%essing one o& the! is the &act that ' beca!e gang leader e en tho%gh '$! si3 years yo%nger than hi!. He really )anted to beco!e gang leader( and he )o%ld ha e i& ' hadn$t accepted." "2%t that$s no reason to "ill so!eone(" ' interr%pted( !y eyes )idening in disbelie&. "That$s not e en close6 #hy )o%ld so!eone+?" "Holly( '$! not e en close to being done(" /r. Hey)ood responded in an a!%sed tone. "5h%t %p an listen." ' i!!ediately sh%t !y !o%th( sco)ling at hi!. He co%ld at least be a little !ore polite6 "Honestly( hal& o& the reason )hy ' accepted )as 0%st beca%se 5ha)n )anted to be the leader(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( ignoring !y glares. "' still re!e!ber the loo" on his &ace )hen it )as anno%nced. 't )as priceless." "And that$s )hy he )ants yo% dead?"

/r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "2e real( Holly." ' clenched !y teeth together. "' a! being real6 1ro! )hat ' gather( so!eone &ro! the gang co%ld )ant yo% dead &or loo"ing at hi! the )rong )ay." "That$s tr%e(" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "Probably not death tho%gh( b%t yo% co%ld be beaten %p &or it. " "#hat )ere yo%r reasons &or &ighting people?" ' as"ed( loo"ing at /r. Hey)ood c%rio%sly. "' )as challenged(" /r. Hey)ood responded si!ply. "' )as ne er the one to start a &ight. Pro o"ing people is a di&&erent story tho%gh." "2%t( )hy?" "2eca%se ' tho%ght &ighting )as the best thing e er )hen ' )as yo%nger(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained( sha"ing his head. "'t e3cited !e( it !ade !e &eel ali e( and there )as no one that co%ld stop !e." "#hat do yo% !ean?" "/y parents )eren$t aro%nd(" /r. Hey)ood said( shr%gging his sho%lders. "And all !y relati es li ed too &ar a)ay to e en "no) )hat ' )as doing." His parents )eren$t aro%nd? A t)isting &eeling crept into !y sto!ach as ' *%ic"ly did !ath in !y head. /r. Hey)ood 0oined the gang at age si3teen( and he said his parents )eren$t aro%nd7 "/r. Hey)ood7" "Chris(" /r. Hey)ood corrected !e. "Ho) !any ti!es+" ".id yo% lie?" ' said *%ietly( t%rning acc%sing eyes on hi!. "Abo%t )hat?" "Abo%t yo%r parents." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e in con&%sion. "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?" "4o% 0%st said yo%r parents )eren$t aro%nd )hen yo% 0oined the gang. 2%t the ti!e yo% )ere gi ing !e a ride ho!e yo% said yo%r parents died the sa!e day !y dad died( )hich )as only t)o years ago. .id yo% lie abo%t that?"

"#hat?" /r. Hey)ood responded( his eyes gro)ing )ide. "No6 .o yo% honestly thin" that '$d lie abo%t so!ething li"e that?" "Then )hat did yo% !ean?" "' !eant they )ere so b%sy )ith )or" they )ere ne er ho!e(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained( a &ro)n on his &ace. "#hy )o%ld yo% thin" '$d lie abo%t !y parents dying?" "#ell yo% did lie abo%t that other thing7" "Holly( '$! sorry ' lied to yo%(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed )ith a sigh. ".o yo% pro!ise not to lie to !e again?" ' bl%rted o%t s%ddenly. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed s%rprised by !y re*%est( and ' bl%shed( loo"ing a)ay &ro! hi! *%ic"ly. ' had said that )itho%t thin"ing6 No) he )as going to thin" ' )as so!e desperate( serio%s girl6 "5,sorry( ignore !e(" ' st%ttered( clenching !y &ists. 5t%pid( st%pid6 To !y s%rprise( /r. Hey)ood started la%ghing. ' loo"ed %p at hi!( not s%re )hat e3pression to !a"e. He s!ir"ed at !e( his eyes lighting %p !ischie o%sly. "'& ' pro!ise not to lie to yo%( yo% can$t lie to !e(" he bargained. "' don$t lie to yo%7" "Hypocrite(" /r. Hey)ood s%ng in a *%iet oice( the s!ir" gro)ing bigger. "' al)ays+" "9no) )hen '$! lying(" ' &inished &or hi! in a snippy tone. "2%t '$ e ne er lied to yo% beca%se yo% catch !e in the lie be&ore ' can get a)ay )ith it." "4o%$re 0%st easy to &ig%re o%t." ' &elt !y &ace heat %p again in e!barrass!ent. "#hate er." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "5ho%ld )e get bac" to !y story?" ' nodded( dra)ing !y "nees %p to !y chest( and )atching /r. Hey)ood. He shi&ted positions( !a"ing it easier &or !e to see his &ace. 5lo)ly( ' lo)ered !y ga-e lo)ered to the &loor. 't )as hard to "eep eye contact )ith /r. Hey)ood.

"'t )as !y senior year )hen ' !et Haley(" he started( dr%!!ing his &ingers along the ar! o& the chair. ".id Jere!y sho) yo% the pict%re o& %s in the yearboo"?" ' nodded. "4eah." "#e )eren$t dating then(" he told !e. "#e )ere going to di&&erent colleges( so )e tho%ght it )as best not to get into a relationship. 2%t )e still sa) a lot o& each other beca%se o& Jere!y." "2eca%se they$re co%sins( right?" "Ho) do yo% "no)?" "Jere!y told !e that(" ' ad!itted. "2%t nothing else6" /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "Cal! do)n( ' )on$t h%rt Jere!y &or telling yo% that." "O"ay." "Any)ay(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( stretching o%t his legs. "Haley ended %p trans&erring to !y college hal&)ay thro%gh !y third year at college." "'s that )hen yo% started dating?" "No(" /r. Hey)ood responded slo)ly. "At the ti!e she )as dating so!eone else7" "#ho?" "5ha)n." /y eyes )idened( and ' stared at /r. Hey)ood in shoc". "No )ay6" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "' g%ess they started dating right a&ter grad%ation. #hich is probably one o& her reasons &or not )anting a relationship )ith !e senior year." "2%t i& she )as his girl&riend then ho) did yo%+?" "5lo) do)n(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. "'$! getting there." ' &ro)ned at hi!( b%t rela3ed bac" into the co%ch. "Please contin%e then." "Haley )as in 0%st abo%t e eryone o& !y classes( and she didn$t really "no) anyone( so she basically only tal"ed to !e. '$! s%re ' don$t ha e to say that ' still had &eelings &or her

&ro! bac" in high school. 2%t as ' began to li"e her !ore and !ore( ' began to notice things ' hadn$t noticed be&ore." "Li"e )hat?" ' *%estioned. "Li"e the br%ises that )o%ld appear on her ar!s e ery ti!e she had a &ight )ith 5ha)n." ' gasped( bringing a hand %p to !y !o%th( "no)ing i!!ediately )hat /r. Hey)ood !eant. "5ha)n ab%sed her? 2%t ho) did yo% "no)?" "Haley and ' )ere best &riends( she told !e abo%t the &ights she got into )ith hi!. 5he didn$t "no) abo%t the gang thing(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained. "5o she didn$t reali-ed 5ha)n and ' "ne) each other. 5he didn$t tell !e that he ab%sed her tho%gh." "5o )hat did yo% do?" "There )as nothing ' co%ld do at &irst(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "5he )as a pro%d person7 ' didn$t )ant to in0%re her pride b%t bringing %p the s%b0ect. 2%t one day she ca!e in )ith a bro"en )rist. That$s )hen ' de!anded her to tell !e )hat )as happening."

"And did she?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "E erything. 5ha)n )as basically &orcing her to stay )ith hi!( and she didn$t li"e hi!. 5he )as scared o& hi!. A&ter a)hile ' con inced her to brea" %p )ith 5ha)n7" "Ho)?" /r. Hey)ood s!iled )ryly. "' told her '$d protect her." ' stayed silent( )aiting &or /r. Hey)ood to contin%e( b%t he didn$t. He )as staring o&& into space( a &ro)n on his &ace. ' let hi! be &or a &e) !in%tes( occ%pying !ysel& )ith !y &ingers. "5he ca!e bac" to class a&ter she bro"e %p )ith hi! )ith !ore br%ises than e er be&ore(" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly said( interr%pting the silence. "' co%ldn$t protect her then( b%t ' still pro!ised her '$d protect her in the &%t%re. 5he belie ed !e." "And 5ha)n?" ' as"ed. "At this point( 5ha)n still didn$t "no) ' )ent to the sa!e school as her( let alone "ne) her( so there )as no connection bet)een %s. Haley didn$t tr%st g%ys tho%gh( so it )asn$t

li"e ' co%ld start dating her right a)ay. ' spent a hal& a year ha ing )hat ' tho%ght )as an %nre*%ited lo e." "Hal& a year?" ' repeated( !y eyes )idening. "Really?" /r. Hey)ood s!iled. "Holly( ha e yo% e er been in lo e?" 5%rprised by his *%estion( it too" !e a !o!ent to respond. /y &ace &l%shed and ' *%ic"ly a oided !y ga-e. Ha e ' e er been in lo e? The !an ' )as in lo e )ith )as sitting in &ront o& !e6 "Ha e yo%?" /r. Hey)ood prodded. ' cleared !y throat. "4,yes(" ' !%ttered( &oc%sing on !y &ingers. "O"ay( no) pict%re the one yo% lo e not being able to lo e yo% bac" &or so!e reason or another(" /r. Hey)ood told !e. A )ry s!ile !ade it$s )ay into !y &ace. #as he p%rposely describing !y sit%ation? "O"ay." "#o%ld yo% gi e %p on that person 0%st beca%se o& that )hile they$re still by yo%r side?" ' shoo" !y head ehe!ently. "No. Ne er." "There yo% go. 't 0%st so happened ' had to )ait hal& a year( )hich is basically nothing. 't co%ld ha e been )orse." "4eah( co%ld ha e(" ' !%!bled( glancing %p at hi!. He s!ir"ed bac". "One day she rando!ly as"ed !e o%t(" /r. Hey)ood said( going bac" to his story( an a!%sed tone to his oice. "Really( it )as o%t o& no)here. 2%t ' accepted right a)ay. E erything )as great &or abo%t t)o !onths7" "#hat happened?" "' don$t "no) ho) 5ha)n &o%nd o%t( b%t he did7 and this is )here the story gets to the cli!a3." "Already?" "4o% so%nd disappointed(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( an a!%sed s!ir" slipping onto his &ace.

"No( '$! not6" ' responded *%ic"ly( )a ing !y hand. "'$! 0%st going to sh%t %p7" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "Right. 5ho%ld ' contin%e no)?" "4es(" ' !%!bled( bl%shing lightly. "5ha)n &irst ca!e to !e. ' ha e to ad!it( he p%t %p *%ite a &ight. ' had to get stitches &or one o& the c%ts on !y bac". Ho)e er( there )as a reason ' )as gang leader. E en he co%ldn$t ta"e !e o%t." "5o yo% beat %p?" /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "O& co%rse ' did." ' sco)led at /r. Hey)ood$s coc"iness. "'s that )hy he )ants yo% dead? 4o% stole his girl&riend?" "That$s a large part( ' belie e(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "2%t not the only part." "#hat else? .id 5ha)n do so!ething else?" "5ha)n )ent a&ter Haley ne3t." "4o%$re "idding6" ' cried( !y eyes )idening. "#hat happened?" /r. Hey)ood sighed( r%nning his hands o er his &ace. "'t )as really late at night )hen ' recei ed a te3t !essage &ro! Haley( telling !e she )as do)nto)n by hersel& and she )as in so!e tro%ble. 5o ' *%ic"ly )ent do)n to)n to go see )hat )as )rong7 ' searched &or her &or abo%t a good t)enty !in%tes( since she ne er responded to any!ore o& the te3t !essages ' sent her." "5he )asn$t act%ally there?" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "No she )as. ' e ent%ally &o%nd her7 along )ith 5ha)n and a &e) o& his &ollo)ers. 5he )as on the gro%nd." /y p%lse started to increase and ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( )aiting &or /r. Hey)ood to contin%e. He )as r%bbing his &orehead )ith a hand( sha"ing his head. "This )as the second ti!e ' had &ailed to protect her7" "#hat happened?" ' )hispered.

/r. Hey)ood loo"ed %p at !e( his !o%th pressed in a tight line. "4o% can$t &ig%re it o%t?" ' stared at hi! in shoc"( s%rprised by his s%dden hard tone. ' opened !y !o%th to reply( b%t nothing ca!e o%t. /r. Hey)ood contin%ed to glare at !e &or a !o!ent( %ntil he snapped it o%t. "5orry(" he !%ttered( loo"ing a)ay. "'t$s o"ay(" ' told hi! *%ic"ly. "' 0%st can$t stand it(" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly said in an angry oice. "' told her '$d protect her. #hen ' didn$t the &irst ti!e( she still tr%sted !e to. And ' &ailed her t)ice." "2%t that$s not yo%r &a%lt+" ' started( b%t )as c%t o&&. "4es it is(" /r. Hey)ood snapped. "' sho%ld ha e "no)n 5ha)n )o%ld be so lo) as to go a&ter her6 ' sho%ld ha e "no)n that6" "2%t yo% didn$t "no)( so it$s not yo%r &a%lt6" ' arg%ed. "Holly( she al!ost died beca%se o& !e6 't is !y &a%lt6" /r. Hey)ood nearly sho%ted( !a"ing !e 0%!p. "2%t+" ' said in a *%iet oice. "Let !e &inish be&ore yo% say anything else(" /r. Hey)ood interr%pted( his tone cal! again. "4o% )anted to "no) )hat ' did the year bet)een college grad%ation and the 0ob ' ha e no)( right?" "4eah(" ' responded( biting !y lip. "' )as in 0ail." ' la%ghed( rolling !y eyes at /r. Hey)ood. "/r. Hey)ood( please. 5a e the 0o"es &or later. Jail? 1or a year?" "'$! not 0o"ing( Holly." ' i!!ediately sobered %p( staring at /r. Hey)ood )ith )ide eyes. He ga e !e a &lat loo"( his eyes slightly narro)ed. "4,yo%$re not?" "No(" /r. Hey)ood stated sole!nly.

' )as literally speechless. The only thing ' co%ld do( )as to stare at /r. Hey)ood. ' &elt li"e s%ch a 0er". ' lo)ered !y ga-e( )ishing ' co%ld ta"e bac" )hat '$d said. Jail? /r. Hey)ood )as in 0ail? "' al!ost !%rdered three people that night(" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly said. "' )as so close7" ' loo"ed %p at hi!( s)allo)ing. "#hat happened?" /r. Hey)ood closed his eyes( a sigh escaping his lips. "' didn$t ha e a chance to spea" be&ore the three people )ho )ere )ith 5ha)n )ere a&ter !e. They probably had e erything planned o%t. They all had "ni es( b%t ' )asn$t s%rprised. ' )as prepared this ti!e too( ' had bro%ght a "ni&e 0%st in case." ' stayed silent( )aiting &or /r. Hey)ood to contin%e. 't see!ed li"e he )as thin"ing abo%t )hat to say ne3t. ' &ig%red he )anted to spare !e the details+ and ' )anted hi! to as )ell. "His &ollo)ers )ere a piece o& ca"e(" /r. Hey)ood &inally contin%ed. "' did !ore da!age to the! than ' sho%ld ha e. 2%t they deser ed it. 5ha)n )as the one that deser ed the !ost tho%gh. ' )o%ld ha e "illed hi!. ' )as so close too( b%t the cops ca!e. #e both tried to r%n( b%t ob io%sly )e )ere ca%ght." He la%ghed )itho%t h%!or. "' got eight !onths in prison &or ci il %nrest( and &or possession o& an %na%thori-ed )eapon. 5ha)n got &o%rteen !onths &or the sa!e( b%t e3tra !onths beca%se he )as the instigator. 't )as 0%st a )arning tho%gh." "#hat abo%t Haley?" "That bastard lied and got a)ay )ith it(" /r. Hey)ood said angrily. "He said he$d &o%nd her li"e this( and he bla!ed )hat happened on one o& his &ollo)ers( )ho$s still in prison to this day. 5ha)n )asn$t connected to her in any)ay." "He p%t the bla!e on a &riend?" ' as"ed in disbelie&. "1ollo)er( not &riend." ' &ro)ned( ta"ing all o& )hat he said in. Reali-ation hit !e and ' gasped. "2%t yo% "no) the tr%th6 's that )hy he )ants yo% dead? 2eca%se yo% "no) the tr%th?" "4es( that$s another part o& the reason(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "5o 0%st tell the police6"

"'t$s not that si!ple(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( sighing again. "Holly( ' )as in serio%s tro%ble a&ter that night. As soon as ' got o%t o& 0ail( ' )as old i& ' got in ol ed )ith a gang again( '$d be going bac"( and this ti!e &or longer than eight !onths. They dropped that case a&ter Haley told the! to( ' can$t bring it %p again beca%se o& )hat$s happening )itho%t getting Haley in ol ed again( and getting !ysel& bac" in prison." "Hold %p(" ' said slo)ly. "Haley dropped the case?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "5he has "ept *%iet abo%t the &act it )as 5ha)n$s &a%lt( not that &ollo)er )ho got bla!ed( so once the &ollo)er )as bla!ed( she dropped it. 5he didn$t )ant anything to do )ith the gang any!ore." "2%t )hat abo%t yo%?" "2e&ore ' )ent to 0ail( she d%!ped !e(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a s!ile on his &ace. /y sto!ach clenched %nco!&ortably and ' clenched !y &ists. Anger s%rged thro%gh !e. "5top s!iling6" /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )idened a &raction o& an inch in s%rprise. "#hat?" "#hat$s to s!ile abo%t?" ' cried( glaring at /r. Hey)ood. "5he bro"e %p )ith yo%( a&ter yo% )ent thro%gh all that to protect her? And )hat$s )orse is that yo% had to go to 0ail and she bro"e %p )ith yo% be&ore yo% )ere loc"ed a)ay? That$s not so!ething to s!ile abo%t( /r. Hey)ood6" "Holly( hold on(" /r. Hey)ood c%t in( b%t ' didn$t stop. "' don$t e en "no) )ho this person is( b%t ' hate her6 #hy )o%ld she do so!ething li"e that? 't$s not &air6 And yo% lo ed her7" ' co%ld &eel tears )elling %p in !y eyes. C%rsing !ysel& silently( ' lo)ered !y head so /r. Hey)ood co%ldn$t see !y &ace. ' blin"ed rapidly( deter!ined not to let any tears spill. ".a!n it( Holly(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood c%rse. ' "ept !y head do)n as ' heard hi! get o&& the chair and start )al"ing to)ards !e. His shoes appeared in !y line ision( b%t ' re&%se to loo" %p. ' &elt /r. Hey)ood$s hand on !y sho%lder( and then his chest appeared in !y sight. ' loo"ed %p an inch and ca!e &ace,to, &ace )ith hi!( literally. "5top crying(" he ordered( tightening his grip on !y sho%lder. "#hy do yo% al)ays cry o er !e?"

"'$! not crying6" ' ret%rned( staring at hi! deter!inedly. "'$! 0%st angry6" "Ob io%sly." ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi!. "' don$t li"e Haley. 5he 0%st dropped yo% li"e that6 '& yo% really lo e so!eone( ' thin" yo% sho%ld be able to handle a gang proble! li"e that6" "Holly( she )as in0%red really se erely( ' can$t bla!e her(" /r. Hey)ood responded( straightening hi!sel& o%t. 'nstead o& going bac" to his chair( he too" a seat beside !e on the co%ch. "That$s an e3c%se(" ' pointed o%t( &ro)ning. "4o%$re co ering %p &or her." "Tell !e( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood started( his eyes piercing into !ine. "Re!e!ber )hat happened at the beach? #hat i& ' hadn$t co!e? And )hat happened( )as the &a%lt o& the person yo% lo ed?" "' )o%ldn$t care(" ' stated boldly. "The person ' lo e !eans so !%ch to !e that nothing co%ld e er !a"e !e stop lo ing hi!." /r. Hey)ood s!iled. "He !%st be a l%c"y g%y." 't$s yo%( yo% idiot6 /y !ind screa!ed( b%t ' 0%st !anaged a hal&,s!ile at hi!. "'& he$s l%c"y( then Haley is also l%c"y &or ha ing so!eone li"e yo% lo e her." "E eryone ' lo e gets dragged into !y proble!s and h%rt( so ' don$t thin" it$s l%c"(" /r. Hey)ood responded( his e3pression so&tening. "Tell !e( /r. Hey)ood7" "Chris." "<!( Chris(" ' started( lo)ering !y ga-e. ".o yo% still7 lo e her?" "4o% ne er stop lo ing so!eone." ' loo"ed %p at hi!( disappoint!ent )ashing thro%gh !e. #hat )as that s%pposed to !ean? He still lo ed her? E en tho%gh she bro"e %p )ith hi!? #ait7 that happened a year ago( ' tho%ght. 5o did that !ean that7? /y eyes )idened in reali-ation. "4o%r dates7 they$re )ith her( aren$t they?"

/r. Hey)ood sighed and nodded. A bric" dropped into !y g%t and ' ca%ght !y breath. They )ere dating? /r. Hey)ood )as dating his e3,girl&riend that he )as in lo e )ith? All those dates o er the past )ee"s( he )as )ith her? /y !o%th )as dry. 5o )here did that lea e !e? He and Haley )ere probably going to get bac" together then. 't )as only a !atter o& ti!e be&ore they )ere a co%ple. .id that !ean there )as no chance /r. Hey)ood act%ally li"ed !e? All those instances )hen ' tho%ght he !ight( ' )as )rong? #as he really 0%st being nice? No %lterior !oti e. ' clenched !y &ists. No. ' )as )rong. #hy )as ' ha ing s%ch disco%raging tho%ghts? 's this )hat it )as li"e to in lo e? E en i& /r. Hey)ood )as still in lo e )ith Haley( ' )o%ld !a"e hi! lo e !e. "Holly( ' ha e so!ething to con&ess." "#hat?" ' as"ed( snapping !ysel& o%t o& !y tho%ghts. "They )eren$t dates(" /r. Hey)ood ad!itted. "Not one o& the!. ' 0%st said that the &irst ti!e to !a"e yo% 0ealo%s beca%se ' )anted to see yo%r reaction. 2%t then )hen yo% started dating Jere!y( ' "ept lying to yo% beca%se ' didn$t li"e yo% being )ith Jere!y and ' )anted yo% to &eel 0ealo%s." Trying not to s!ile as his )ords registered )as a hard tas". ' loo"ed at hi!( "eeping !y !o%th as straight as possible. "#ere yo% 0ealo%s o& Jere!y?" "4es(" /r. Hey)ood ad!itted. "' said ' )o%ldn$t lie to yo% any!ore( so ' )on$t." 8%ilt &lashed o er his &ace( b%t ' ignored it. "'t$s &ine(" ' told hi!( trying to be nonchalant. "' )as 0ealo%s )hen yo% said yo% had dates." "That )as ob io%s(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. ' bl%shed( glaring at hi! angrily. "4o%$re a 0er"." /r. Hey)ood la%ghed( and contin%ed to la%gh &or a &%ll &i e !in%tes. ' &ro)ned at hi! the )hole ti!e. #hen he &inally sobered %p( ' raised an eyebro) at hi!. "#hat?" he as"ed( gi ing !e a *%estioning loo". "' didn$t thin" ' said )as that &%nny(" ' told hi!. "Oh( it )asn$t."

' rolled !y eyes( ca%sing hi! to ch%c"le. "Holly( yo% don$t reali-e ho) relie ed ' a! to "no) yo% don$t care that ' )as in 0ail &or eight !onths( or that ' lied to yo%( or that ' &o%ght people &or &%n( or that ' nearly "illed so!eone. ' thin" !ost people )o%ld be r%nning o&& in the other direction by no)(" he told !e( br%shing a strand o& hair o%t o& his &ace. His dropped his hand bac" onto the co%ch( and it br%shed against !ine( staying there. ' bl%shed again clearing !y throat. "' ha e !y reasons7" The !ain reason being '$! in lo e )ith yo%. "Holly7" ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood( tilting !y head to the side. He ret%rned !y loo" )ith a g%ilty one( and i!!ediately ' began to &ro)n. ' didn$t li"e that loo". "#hat?" ' as"ed ner o%sly. /r. Hey)ood ran a hand thre) his shaggy hair. "'t$s !idnight7 yo% sho%ld probably call yo%r !o!." ' &ro)ned. That ob io%sly )asn$t )hat he )as going to say+ ' gasped( no) reali-ing the ti!e he 0%st said. ' p%shed !ysel& %p o&& the co%ch( placing !y hand on top o& /r. Hey)ood$s s%pport. ' yan"ed it bac" in s%rprise &ro! the contact( !a"ing !e collapse to the side and onto /r. Hey)ood instead. 2l%shing &%rio%sly ' !%ttered !y apologies( trying to p%ll !ysel& o&& o& hi!. He ch%c"led( and ' co%ld &eel it re erberate thro%gh his chest. ' p%shed !ysel& %p( so that ' )as ho ering o er hi!. 2e&ore ' co%ld p%ll a)ay co!pletely( he grabbed the &ront o& !y shirt and stopped !e. "Holly( so!eti!es ' )ish yo% )eren$t !y st%dent(" he said so *%ietly ' al!ost didn$t hear hi!. /y breath ca%ght and ' stared at hi!( his eyes penetrating !ine )ith their %s%al intensity. This ti!e ho)e er( ' didn$t loo" a)ay i!!ediately. ' held his ga-e as best as ' co%ld. To !y a!a-e!ent( he ended %p loo"ing a)ay &irst. Then he gently p%shed !e a)ay &ro! hi!. "'$ll gi e yo% a ride ho!e(" he !%ttered( p%shing o&& the co%ch as )ell.

' stared at hi! &or a !o!ent( not s%re )hat to say. .id that !ean )hat ' thin" it !eant? .id he ha e &eelings &or !e a teacher sho%ldn$t ha e &or his st%dent? A s!ile !ade its )ay across !y &ace. /aybe it )asn$t a direct con&ession. 2%t it )as de&initely a step.

TH'RT4,E'8HT "O"ay( e eryone go to yo%r lab stations and '$ll begin to hand o%t the rats. /a"e s%re either yo% or yo%r partner grabs a dissection tray( and dissection tools(" /r. Hey)ood started( shooing e eryone o%t o& their seats )ith his hands. There )as the scraping o& chairs( little groans( and so!e t)itters o& e3cite!ent. ' stayed in !y seat( loo"ing do)n at the phone in !y hand &or any ne) ne)s. /y heart s"ipped a beat )hen ' sa) ' had a te3t !essage &ro! La%ra. 't too" !e a &e) tries to %nloc" !y phone and read it beca%se !y hands )ere sha"ing. "5till nothing." ' sighed( hitting the reply b%tton and typing a *%ic" "o"ay". Lance still )asn$t conscio%s. 2%t he )asn$t in critical condition any!ore either( so that )as good. His !o! had been "eeping Casey and ' %pdated constantly( )hich is )hy ' had !y phone o%t in class. <s%ally ' st%c" to the no te3ting in class r%le. "Phone a)ay( /s. E ers." ' nearly 0%!ped a !ile in !y seat. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed do)n at !e )hen ' li&ted !y head to grin at hi! sheepishly. "5orry." "Nor!ally '$! s%pposed to con&iscate it..." /r. Hey)ood trailed o&&( the s!ir" on his &ace gro)ing )ider( probably thin"ing o& the ti!e he had tric"ed !e. "2%t since ' "no) yo%$re )orried abo%t Lance( '$ll let yo% "eep it. .on$t let !e see it again." "<!( than"s(" ' !%ttered( still pin",&aced. ' *%ic"ly slipped !y phone into !y poc"et. "/r. Hey)ood?" "#hat?" "5ince Lance is !y lab partner( )hat a! ' going to do? 5ho%ld ' 0oin another gro%p?" ' as"ed( hoping ' didn$t ha e to )or" alone. .ead rats and !e didn$t !i3. "No(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "4o%$ll be )or"ing )ith !e."

/y eyes )idened slightly. Ho) l%c"y )as that? ' co%ldn$t stop a s!all grin &ro! spreading across !y &ace. He !%st ha e done this a tho%sand ti!es6 No) ' )o%ldn$t ha e to to%ch the disg%sting thing6 /r. Hey)ood started raised an eyebro) at !y e3pression. "' hope yo%$re not thin"ing that '$ll be doing all the )or"(" he co!!ented( his s!ir" gro)ing. ' sco)led at hi!. .a!n. "No(" ' lied( deter!ined not to gi e hi! the satis&action o& so!eho) being able to read !e easily. "Right..." "' )asn$t6" "4o% can$t lie to !e(" /r. Hey)ood responded( sha"ing his head. "4o% thin" yo%$d reali-e that by no)?" ' sco)led at hi!. "/aybe ' ha e lied,," "/r. Hey)ood?" 5adie$s oice ga e !e a start( and ' t%rned to loo" at her. 5he s!iled at !e *%ic"ly( be&ore redirecting her attention to /r. Hey)ood. A s!all )hoosh o& air le&t !y !o%th and ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly. ' had totally &orgotten that ' )as in class6 J%dging by /r. Hey)ood$s %ns%rprised loo"( he hadn$t. He s!iled at 5adie. "4es?" "Are yo% going to pass o%t the rats soon?" she as"ed( an a!%sed s!ile slipping onto her &ace. "/y partner and ' are ready." "Right a)ay(" /r. Hey)ood responded( !oc" sal%ting her. 5adie giggled and ' co%ldn$t help a s!ile &ro! slipping onto !y &ace. As she )al"ed a)ay( /r. Hey)ood gest%red !e to &ollo) hi! into the s%pply roo!. ' obeyed i!!ediately( trailing behind hi! li"e a dog as he !ade his )ay to)ards the roo!. "8rab that t%b o&& the co%nter(" he ordered( gest%ring to)ards a h%!ongo%s( )hite t%b. "8et the bo3 o& late3 glo es as )ell."

"#hat are yo% going to ta"e?" "The lab papers(" /r. Hey)ood responded as i& it )as the !ost ob io%s thing in the )orld. '$! s%rprised he didn$t add a "d%h". 5co)ling( ' )ent o er to the t%b and tried to pic" it %p. E!phasis on tried. "#hat$s in here?" ' groaned( trying to pic" it %p again. "'t$s ridic%lo%sly hea y6" "Probably aro%nd &orty dead rats..." '!!ediately ' stopped trying to pic" it %p( !y &ace )rin"ling in disg%st. "#hat? #hy do yo% ha e that !any? "There$s abo%t t)enty st%dents per class( that !eans ten rats &or ten pairs( and ' ha e &o%r classes. Can yo% do the !ath( or sho%ld ' elaborate?" "' "no) ho) to do !ath(" ' snapped at hi!( another sco)l &or!ing. Part o& !e )as glad that e erything )as nor!al bet)een /r. Hey)ood and !ysel&( b%t the other part o& !e )as con&%sed. ' didn$t )ant it to be a)")ard or anything( b%t ' had been e3pecting at least so!ething to be di&&erent bet)een %s a&ter )hat /r. Hey)ood had said last night. 2%t nope( /r. Hey)ood )as still the pain in the b%tt li"e he al)ays )as. A sigh escaped !y lips as ' tried once again to li&t the hea y t%b o& carcasses. J%st the tho%ghts o& a dead rat !ade !e &eel na%seo%s. Ho) in the )orld )as ' s%pposed to dissect it? ' slid the t%b o& the edge o& the co%nter( and i!!ediately ' reali-ed ' co%ldn$t hold the )eight( and str%ggled to p%t the t%b bac" on the co%nter be&ore it pl%!!eted to the gro%nd. 't )as the t%b s. !e. 't )as )inning. A lo) ch%c"le ca!e &ro! right behind !e and ' 0er"ed( the t%b slipping o%t o& hands. '!!ediately t)o hand shot o%t &ro! either side o& !e( catching the t%b be&ore it e en dropped three inches do)n. "5!ooth !o e(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented. His chest )as pressed to !y bac"( and ' co%ld &eel the ibrations &ro! it as he spo"e. ' bl%shed &ro! o%r pro3i!ity( standing stoc" still as /r. Hey)ood set the t%b bac" on the co%nter. He retracted his ar!s &ro! aro%nd !e and ' stepped to the side( &ro)ning at hi!.

"/r. Hey)ood( yo%$re going to ta"e the t%b. '$! going to ta"e the glo es and labs(" ' told hi!( yan"ing the papers o%t o& his hand( and then t%rning to grab the bo3 o& late3 glo es. "No) let$s go." ' glanced bac" at /r. Hey)ood( )ho ga e !e an a!%sed loo"( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. He easily li&ted the t%b o& carcasses )ith ease( nodding )ith his head &or !e to e3it the roo!. ' did so( e3iting the s%pply roo!. "5ince '$! holding the t%b( yo%$ll ha e to place a rat on each dissection tray(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented in a cheer&%l oice. ' &ro-e( t%rning to stare at hi! in horror. "2%t '7 they7 ' can$t6 '+" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led again( rolling his eyes. "4o%$re s%ch a baby." ' narro)ed !y eyes and opened !y !o%th to retort( b%t be&ore ' co%ld say anything a g%y &ro! !y class( Ja!es( called /r. Hey)ood o er. He bro%ght the t%b o er to Je&&$s lab table and proceeded to open the t%b( and ta"e o%t a dead rat. ' al!ost gagged. Ten !in%tes later( an a)&%l scent &illed the roo! and a dead rat )as placed in &ront o& !e. 5t%dents s%rro%nded !y lab table( )atching )ith giddiness. /r. Hey)ood )as sho)ing the! ho) to ta"e the &%r o&& the rat. "There$s a split in by the base o& the nec"(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained( pointing at the place !entioned. "<se yo%r scissors to c%t do)n a straight line( all the )ay to the tail. Then do the sa!e &or the &ront( and yo% sho%ld be able to p%ll the ar!s and legs o%t o& the &%r easily." "4o% loo" li"e yo%$re going to be sic"(" so!eone )hispered in !y ear. T%rning !y head( ' reali-ed it )as Ja!es. He s!ir"ed at !e( his eyes glo)ing )ith a!%se!ent. ' rolled !y eyes. "Can$t yo% s!ell it?" "5!ells great6" Ja!es responded( ta"ing a deep )hi&& o& air. "'t$s so7 %gh." He co ered his !o%th and sh%t his eyes in disg%st. A short b%rst o& la%ghter escaped !y lips( be&ore ' co ered it( glancing bac" at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as )atching !e )ith a &ro)n. ' &elt !y &ace heat %p slightly and ' *%ic"ly a erted !y ga-e. "/s. E ers( yo%$d better be attention(" he )arned.

"'t$s !y &a%lt(" Ja!es inter0ected be&ore ' co%ld reply. /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro)( t%rning his eyes to Ja!es. "#ell Ja!es( yo% too ha e to pay attention." "4es( sir6" Ja!es responded( li&ting his ar! %p to sal%te /r. Hey)ood( and nic"ing !e in the &ace )ith his elbo). He didn$t e en notice. A s!ir" appeared on /r. Hey)ood$s &ace( !a"ing it ob io%s he had seen the accident( as he ret%rned his attention to the dead rat in &ront o& hi!( c%tting do)n the sto!ach. #hen it )as &%lly open( yo% co%ld see the rat$s &%rless body. "Can yo% g%ys handle it?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( t%rning his attention bac" to the class. "Ta"ing the ar!s and legs o%t )ill be a little !ore di&&ic%lt( b%t i& yo% p%ll hard eno%gh( they$ll co!e o%t easily." "' thin" '$! going to be sic"(" a girl co!!ented &ro! behind !e. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "4o%$ll get %sed to the s!ell soon( don$t )orry." ".o%bt it(" the sa!e st%dent !%ttered. "Alright(" /r. Hey)ood said( clapping his hands together. "8et to it. There$s glo es right here( so grab a pair &or yo% and yo%r partner i& yo% need the!." 5t%dents sh%&&led &or)ards to ta"e the glo es( and ' !o ed bac" to let the! pass !e. #hen e eryone )as all set( ' )ent closer to the lab table( eyeing the rat )arily. /r. Hey)ood had a s!ir" on his &ace again as he p%lled on so!e o& the glo es. He tossed a pair at !e( and then handed !e the scissors. "4o% c%t open the sto!ach and '$ll start p%lling the legs o%t o& the &%r." "'$ll pass(" ' responded( &eeling *%easy already. "' can$t really handle dissections+" ".on$t be a !il"sop(" /r. Hey)ood interr%pted !e( rolling his eyes. ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". "#hat does that e en !ean?" /r. Hey)ood sighed( not e en bothering to respond. ' &ro)ned slightly( t%rning !y attention to p%tting !y glo es on. #hat )as ' e3pecting( e3actly? At least so!e "ind o& change in attit%de( de&initely. 2%t e erything )as 0%st so7 nor!al. 't )as a little ner e, )rac"ing.

Had there been no special !eaning behind )hat /r. Hey)ood had said last night? .id he 0%st )ish that beca%se the gang )as targeting !e? 2eca%se ' )as a bad st%dent? Or beca%se he li"ed !e in a )ay a teacher sho%ldn$t li"e his st%dent? That tho%ght )as *%ic"ly blo)n o%t o& the )ay. No( it co%ldn$t be that. /r. Hey)ood still lo ed Haley. He )ent to see her all the ti!e( and he had said( "4o% ne er stop lo ing anyone." 2%t as in he )as still in lo e )ith her( or still lo ed her? They both had t)o di&&erent !eanings. ' sighed( sha"ing !y head slightly. ' so%nded li"e so!e )eird( obsessed( stal"er. "C%t( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood co!!anded( grabbing !y hand and bringing it to the &ront o& the rat. "Right here." 1or a second ' relished in the &act he )as holding !y hand( b%t ' *%ic"ly sobered %p as he s*%ee-ed on do)n on !y hand( !a"ing the scissors c%t thro%gh the rats s"in. ' tried to yan" !y hand bac"( b%t /r. Hey)ood held it &ir!ly. E en tho%gh ' )as in the process o& c%tting %p a dead rat( a bl%sh still so!eho) !ade it$s )ay onto !y &ace. "C$!on(" /r. Hey)ood said( rolling his eyes again. "'t$s not that bad." ' shoo" !y head. "' can$t(" ' stated st%bbornly. /r. Hey)ood sighed( letting go o& !y hand and ta"ing the scissors. "1ine( '$ll get it o%t o& the &%r( and yo% )on$t ha e to do anything." ' blin"ed( staring at /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise. He )as going to 0%st let !e o&& li"e that? /aybe so!ething had changed a&ter all. A s!ile !ade its )ay onto !y &ace. "Ho)e er( ne3t lab day yo%$ll be c%tting the sto!ach open(" he contin%ed( a s!ir" slipping onto his &ace. "That$s not &air6" ' protested( !a"ing a grab &or the scissors. "'$d rather c%t the s"in o&& instead6" "Too late no)(" he told !e( *%ic"ly c%tting do)n the rat$s sto!ach. "' got the easy part." ' glared at hi!. "4o%$re a 0er"." He ch%c"led. "' "no)." "/r. Hey)ood?" a ne) oice spo"e.

/r. Hey)ood t%rned to)ards the girl )ho! had spo"en. 5he glanced at !e be&ore ret%rning her ga-e to /r. Hey)ood. "Can yo% help !y partner and '?" she as"ed( p%rsing her lips. "#e can$t get the leg o%t7" "O& co%rse( '$ll do it &or yo%(" /r. Hey)ood responded( s!iling at the girl. The girl s!iled bac"( and then started )al"ing bac" to her table. ' rolled !y eyes( &ro)ning at /r. Hey)ood. He s!ir"ed at !e &or a !o!ent( be&ore nodding to)ards the rat )ith his head. "#hen ' get bac" ' e3pect this rat to ha e not a trace o& &%r on it(" he told !e. "2%t+" ' protested( b%t stopped )hen he began to )al" a)ay. ' sighed( loo"ing bac" do)n at the rat. #as /r. Hey)ood really going to !a"e !e do this by !ysel&? 't )as so %n&air6 ' s)allo)ed( pic"ing %p the rats$ dead pa). To !y s%rprise( the ar! )as already o%t o& the s"in. The other leg( and both ar!s )ere already o%t o& the &%r as )ell. ' glanced at /r. Hey)ood and &o%nd hi! loo"ing bac" at !e. He s!ir"ed( and ' bl%shed( loo"ing a)ay instantly. ' hadn$t e en seen hi! do it &or !e. #ith ne) resol e( ' p%lled !y glo es on tighter. The least ' co%ld do )as rid the rat o& the &at. As soon as ' scraped the s!all "ni&e against the &labby s"in( ' al!ost got sic". .issection )as de&initely not &or !e. /r. Hey)ood ended %p helping o%t e ery other gro%p( and be&ore ' "ne) it( it )as the end o& the period. The bell rang as ' *%ic"ly placed a plastic co er o er the dead rat( )riting !y na!e on it( and placing it at the bac" o& the roo! )here )e )ere storing the!. The last st%dent besides !e le&t the roo!( lea ing !e along )ith /r. Hey)ood. ' *%ic"ly grabbed !y boo"s( heading to)ards the door. "Ha e a good day( Holly(" he said as ' )al"ed by. ' stopped i!!ediately( t)isting aro%nd to loo" at hi! in s%rprise. "#hat?" "Ha e a good day( Holly?" he reiterated raising an eyebro). "4o% called !e Holly6" ' said in a!a-e!ent. ".on$t ' %s%ally call yo% Holly?" "Not in class(" ' told hi!( a grin gro)ing on !y &ace.

He s!ir"ed( )atching !e )ith an a!%sed e3pression. "#hy are yo% getting so e3cited?" "','$! not(" ' denied( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "4o% 0%st only call !e $/s. E ers$ in school )hen there$s people aro%nd7 H%h7" "#hat?" "4o% do only call !e /s. E ers )hen people are aro%nd(" ' co!!ented( loo"ing aro%nd to !a"e s%re the class )as act%ally e!pty. "#hy is that?" "' don$t "no)(" /r. Hey)ood responded( a !ysterio%s s!ile appearing on his &ace. "2%t yo% call e eryone else by their &irst na!e6" The door opened( and a gro%p o& giggling girls ca!e in. ' sco)led in annoyance at the!. Per&ect ti!ing. "4o%$d better get going be&ore yo%$re late to class( /s. E ers(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( chec"ing his )atch. "4o%$ e got t)o !in%tes." ' sighed( br%shing past the girls in the door)ay. "2ye( /r. Hey)ood." The rest o& the school day passed in a &lash. #hen the &inal bell rang( ' too" o%t !y phone to chec" !y !essages. There )as one ne) !essage &ro! La%ra. 5%ddenly ' )as o erco!e )ith ner es. /y hands shoo" as ' pressed the open b%tton. T)o )ords stared bac" at !e. "He$s a)a"e." Relie& spread thro%gh !e( and ' had to hold in a cry o& e3cite!ent. ' *%ic"ly typed bac"( as"ing i& she co%ld co!e pic" !e %p( b%t the sending &ailed. /y phone had no ser ice. ' *%ic"ly ran o%tside( )aiting i!patiently &or !y phone to gain bars bac". 't ne er did. "C$!on(" ' !%ttered( &lipping !y phone open and sh%t in hope to gain at least a little ser ice. "No)$s not the ti!e6" No !atter ho) !any ti!es ' opened and closed !y phone( ' still had not ser ice. ' gro)led in &r%stration. The hospital )as )ay too &ar &or !e to )al"( and !y !o! )asn$t ho!e. #ho co%ld ' as" &or a ride &ro!? "Jere!y6" ' gasped( *%ic"ly going to his contacts and hitting the call b%tton( &orgetting ' didn$t ha e ser ice. 't )o%ldn$t connect.

Another groan o& &r%stration escaped !y lips. ' had to see Lance right no)6 ' had to see he )as a)a"e )ith !y o)n eyes6 2%t &irst ' needed a phone. /aybe ' co%ld %se a teacher$s phone. /y eyes )idened. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' cried( o%t o& breath &ro! sprinting to his roo!. "Help6" He loo"ed at !e )ith an alar!ed e3pression on his &ace( i!!ediately standing &ro! his des"( and co!ing o er to !e. "#hat$s )rong?" he de!anded( *%ic"ly scanning !y &ace. ".id so!ething+" "' need to %se yo%r phone6" ' told hi!( no) holding a stitch in !y side. "'t$s i!portant6 Lance )o"e %p6" "He did?" /r. Hey)ood responded in s%rprise. "4es(" ' said *%ic"ly( "no) let !e %se the phone." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( letting !e into his roo!. "8o ahead." ' grabbed the school phone &ro! the )all( *%ic"ly pressing the b%ttons that led to the o%tside line. #hen ' heard the dial tone( ' *%ic"ly dialed Jere!y$s phone n%!ber. On the second ring it pic"ed %p. "Hello?" "Hi6 't$s Holly(" ' told hi!( tapping !y &oot an3io%sly. "Can yo% bring !e to the hospital?" "#hy? 's so!ething )rong?" he as"ed( his oice beco!ing concerned. "No(" ' responded( "Lance )o"e %p." "#ho are yo% tal"ing to?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( s%ddenly appearing behind !e. "'s that Chris?" Jere!y as"ed. "4es(" ' told Jere!y( and then t%rned to /r. Hey)ood. "'t$s Jere!y." "Hi Chris6" Jere!y sho%ted( !a"ing !e )ince and p%ll the phone a)ay &ro! !y ear. ".id he hear !e?" ".on$t yell(" ' responded( &ro)ning. "And ' don$t "no). Jere!y says hi( /r. Hey)ood." "#hy are yo% as"ing hi! &or a ride?" he de!anded( &ro)ning at !e. "' can gi e yo% a ride."

"A)( he$s 0ealo%s(" Jere!y co!!ented( letting o%t a little la%gh. "No he$s not(" ' responded( &eeling a bl%sh creep onto !y &ace. "And )ill yo%( /r. Hey)ood? Right no)?" "5%re(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "' 0%st need to grab !y )or". .o yo% plan on staying there &or a )hile?" "4eah( )hy?" He &ro)ned. "' ha e so!e)here to go at &o%r( so as" Jere!y i& he$ll pic" yo% %p." "' can(" Jere!y told !e( )itho%t needing !e to as". "He can(" ' told /r. Hey)ood( !y sto!ach clenching in e3cite!ent. "'$ll call yo% later then( Jere!y." "O"ay( tal" to yo% soon then." "2ye." "' lo e yo%(" he said in a teasing oice be&ore ' co%ld hang %p. ' rolled !y eyes( a s!ile spreading across !y &ace. "' lo e yo% too( Jere!y." /r. Hey)ood$s head snapped to !ine as ' h%ng %p the phone. He )atched !e )ith a &ro)n as ' slipped !y cell phone bac" into !y poc"et. ' loo"ed bac" at hi!( gro)ing sel&, conscio%s. "#hat?" ' &inally as"ed( raising a hand to !y &ace. #as there so!ething on it? "Nothing(" /r. Hey)ood said( t%rning a)ay &ro! !e. "Let$s go." ' narro)ed !y eyes in con&%sion( b%t &ollo)ed hi! o%t o& the classroo! any)ay. #e )ent to his car( and he opened the passenger door &or !e. ' cli!bed in and b%c"led as /r. Hey)ood got into the dri er$s side. 1or so!e reason( he loo"ed bothered. ' s%ddenly &elt g%ilty. #as it !y &a%lt? #as ' r%ining so!e plans he had !ade? /r. Hey)ood p%lled o%t o& the par"ing lot( still not saying a )ord. ' &idgeted )ith !y &ingers ner o%sly. 1inally( ' co%ldn$t stand the silence. "5orry(" ' apologi-ed( t%rning to loo" at /r. Hey)ood. "A! ' r%ining yo%r plans?"

He glanced at !e in s%rprise( and then shoo" his head( ret%rning his attention to the road. "No. #hy?" "' don$t "no). 4o% see! bothered(" ' responded honestly. /r. Hey)ood i!!ediately &ro)ned. ".o '?" "4eah7" "#ell( is there so!ething ' sho%ld "no)?" he as"ed( his tone gro)ing hard. "#hat do yo% !ean7?" "4o% "no) )hat ' !ean(" he responded( glancing at !e again )ith slightly narro)ed eyes. "No( ' don$t(" ' responded( a &ro)n no) appearing on !y &ace. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "1ine( don$t tell !e. E en tho%gh ' told yo% abo%t !y past( e en tho%gh it )as pri ate and '$ e ne er shared it )ith anyone b%t yo%7" "#hat a! ' s%pposed to be telling yo%?" ' de!anded( gro)ing irritated. "' ha en$t done anything6" "#ell( ne er !ind then." "No( not ne er !ind6" ' responded( glaring at hi! no). "No) yo% ha e to tell !e. ' didn$t do anything to !a"e yo% angry at !e( right?" "'$! not angry at yo%(" /r. Hey)ood said. "'$! 0%st slightly annoyed." "#hat? #hy?" "Lance is at the local hospital( right?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( ignoring !e. ' sco)led( b%t still ans)ered his *%estion. "No( he$s at Cooley." "Cooley?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( loo"ing s%rprised. "#hy is he there?" "2etter intensi e care %nit(" ' g%essed( shr%gging. "2%t )e aren$t changing the topic." /r. Hey)ood sighed( ta"ing a t%rn onto the high)ay that led to the hospital. "' said ne er !ind. 't$s yo%r li&e and yo% can do )hat yo% )ant."

"#hat a! ' doing?" ' responded in e3asperation. "/r. Hey)ood( 0%st tell !e." "Chris(" he corrected. "' )ill ne er call yo% by yo%r na!e i& yo% don$t tell !e(" ' threatened. "'& ' tell yo%( yo% !ight get !ad." ' blin"ed in shoc". #as /r. Hey)ood$s tone o& oice e!barrassed? He loo"ed at !e sheepishly( !a"ing !e !ore s%rprised. The sheepish loo" )as a ne) one too. #as the )orld co!ing to an end? "No) '$! really c%rio%s(" ' said( leaning closer to hi!. "Tell !e." He cleared his throat. "' tho%ght ' said ' don$t )ant yo% to date Jere!y." That )as not )hat ' )as e3pecting. ' raised an eyebro) in con&%sion. "4o% did." "5o )hy are yo% t)o still dating?" "H%h?" /r. Hey)ood$s hands a%to!atically tightened on the steering )heel. "5orry( Holly. '$! 0%st7 ' don$t handle these sit%ations )ell." "#ait( &irst o& all( Jere!y and ' aren$t dating(" ' responded( sha"ing !y head. "#e$ e gone on dates( b%t as &riends. ' tho%ght )e )ent o er this last night7" /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned( glancing at !e &or a split second again. "Then )hy$d yo% tell hi! yo% lo ed hi!?" /y eyes )idened. #ait... )as /r. Hey)ood 0ealo%s? Jealo%s o& Jere!y? Jealo%s( and ad!itting it? A bl%sh &o%ght its$ )ay onto !y &ace again. "No( no( no(" ' responded( &ighting the %rge to s!ile. "1riends. #e$re &riends." "Oh." "#hy does it !atter?" ' pressed( biting !y lip. "'t doesn$t(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered. "#e$re here." ' loo"ed %p to see the giant hospital displayed in &ront o& !e. /r. Hey)ood dro e !e %p to the entrance( gest%ring his head to)ards the door.

"5ee yo% later." "'$! not lea ing %ntil yo% tell !e )hy !e dating Jere!y !atters(" ' told hi!( crossing !y ar!s. He sighed. "' said ne er !ind." "1ine. Then ne er !ind abo%t !e telling yo% the )hole tr%th abo%t the sit%ation." ' "ept !y &ace as straight as ' co%ld as ' told hi! that total lie. He narro)ed his eyes slightly. ' al!ost s!ir"ed. 'nstead( ' reached &or the door handle. As soon as !y hand ca!e in contact( ' heard the clic" o& the loc"s. ' rolled !y eyes. #hat an old tric". ' %nloc"ed the door again( this ti!e holding the loc"( and )as able to open it. A s!all s!ir" o& tri%!ph appeared on !y &ace. ' t%rned bac" to gi e /r. Hey)ood a s!%g loo". "8%ess '$ll tal" to yo% later." "Holly( )ait(" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( reaching o er the seat and grabbing !y ar!. "' 0%st )ant yo% to tell !e serio%sly )hether yo%$re dating Jere!y or not." "#hy sho%ld '?" ' responded( &ro)ning at hi!. "#hat di&&erence does it !a"e?" "Re!e!ber )hat ' said to yo% the last night? 2e&ore )e le&t?" ' &rantically &orced bac" the bl%sh that )as threatening to co!e on !y &ace. "#hat abo%t it?" "Thin" abo%t that(" he told !e( a serio%s loo" on his &ace. "H%h?" He let o%t a s!all groan o& &r%stration. "Co!e on( Holly. P%t t)o and t)o together." "P%t t)o and t)o together7?" ' al!ost gasped )hen ' reali-ed )hat he !eant. '& he )as 0ealo%s o& Jere!y( then )hat he said abo%t being !y teacher co%ld only !ean one thing7 ' stared at /r. Hey)ood )ith !y eyes )ide. #hat )as ' s%pposed to say? Or did it act%ally not !ean )hat ' tho%ght it !eant?

/r. Hey)ood sighed( placing his &orehead against his steering )heel. ".id yo% &ig%re it o%t?" "4o%$re gay and )ant to be )ith Jere!y?" ' babbled( not "no)ing )hat else to say. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e so &ast ' "no) he !%st ha e cric"ed his nec". He stared at !e in incred%lity. ' &orced !ysel& to "eep a straight &ace( and e en !anaged to &ro)n. 't )as a ery hard &eat. "#hat?" "' sho%ld ha e "no)n(" ' said )ith a sigh( proceeding to get o%t o& the car. "No g%y can be as good loo"ing as yo% and be straight( h%h?" "Holly? No. #ait6" "5orry( '$ e got to go6 And '$! not dating Jere!y( ' pro!ise(" ' told hi!( t%rning !y bac" on hi!. "5ee yo%6" /r. Hey)ood hon"ed the car horn a&ter !e as ' speed,)al"ed to the entrance o& the hospital. /y heart )as beating a tho%sand beats per !in%te and ' &elt di--y. #hen ' ca!e to the hospital doors( ' leaned against one &or a !in%te( trying to cool !y head. #hen ' &inally cal!ed do)n( ' groaned( sin"ing !y hands into !y head. That co%ld ha e been considered a con&ession &ro! /r. Hey)ood. 5o!ething ' ne er belie ed in !y li&e to be possible. 5o!ething ' sho%ld be 0%!ping %p and do)n and screa!ing abo%t. 2%t no. ' played it o&& as tho%gh /r. Hey)ood )as gay. ' groaned again. <nbelie able.

TH'RT4,N'NE "Holly6" Lance loo"ed at !e in co!plete shoc"( a )ide grin spreading across his &ace. ' co%ldn$t help grinning right bac" at hi! as ' stepped into the )hite hospital roo!. Lance )ent to !o e position( b%t a gri!ace o& pain &lashed across his &ace( and he stopped !o ing. /y grin &altered and )as replaced by a concerned e3pression. "Ho) are yo%?" ' as"ed( dragging a chair o er to his bedside. "Ho) a! '?" Lance repeated( raising an eyebro). "Ho) are yo%?" "'$! &ine7"

"4o% ha en$t changed at all6" "#as ' s%pposed to?" ' responded( gro)ing !ore con&%sed. "#ell( a&ter three !onths( '$d e3pect yo% to loo" a tiny bit older." "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?" Lance &ro)ned( loo"ing at !e li"e ' )as an idiot. "'$ e been %nconscio%s &or three !onths( re!e!ber?" "#hat? No yo% ha en$t(" ' responded( staring at hi! *%estioningly. "4o%$ e been o%t &or abo%t t)o days7" Lance$s &acial e3pression i!!ediately t%rned to irritation. "/y !other is so going to get it7" ' la%ghed. "4o%r !o! told yo% that yo% )ere o%t &or three !onths?" "4eah(" Lance responded )ith a nod. "' &rea"ed o%t abo%t it &or a &%ll ho%r this !orning. ' can$t belie e she tric"ed !e6" ' la%ghed again( b%t !y breath ca%ght )hen ' sa) the bandages aro%nd Lance$s chest. He ca%ght !e staring and *%ic"ly p%lled his bed sheet o er his chest( sending !e a cheesy grin. 't didn$t help the "not that s%ddenly appeared in !y sto!ach. "'t$s not as bad as it loo"s7" ' rolled !y eyes. "Oh( please( Lance. 2eing shot is as bad as it loo"s." He sighed( r%bbing his hand across his &ace. "4eah( it )as pretty bad at the ti!e7" "#hat e3actly happened?" "There$s not !%ch too it. ' )as lea ing )or"( and be&ore ' "ne) it ' )as s%rro%nded(" Lance e3plained( so%nding li"e he had e3plained it a tho%sand ti!es be&ore. "They as"ed abo%t Chris( and ' told the! ' didn$t "no) hi!. They said they$d seen !e )ith hi!( he t%tors !e by the )ay." "' "no)( he told !e."

"#ell any)ay. There )as a little( er7 hand,to,hand iolence bet)een %s and then one p%lled o%t a g%n and that )as that(" Lance &inished( p%rsing his lips. "2%t )hen ' told the police+" ' gasped( !a"ing Lance loo" at !e in s%rprise. "#hat?" "#hat did yo% say to the police? Oh( no7 Lance( did yo% !ention /r. Hey)ood?" ' de!anded( gro)ing antsy. "Please say yo% didn$t." "' didn$t(" Lance responded slo)ly. "#hy?" "'t$s a long story( /r. Hey)ood )ill e3plain it to yo%(" ' told hi!( )a ing it o&&. "As long as yo% didn$t !ention hi! to the cops at all." Lance shoo" his head. "' g%ess it$s a good thing ' didn$t then( h%h. 2%t ' did tell the! abo%t the gangster )ho shot !e." "8ood." "Holly( don$t yo% thin" this sit%ation is getting too dangero%s &or %s?" ' loo"ed at Lance( a &ro)n on !y &ace. "'t$s been too dangero%s &ro! the beginning7" "Then )hy are yo% still in ol ed?" "As o& no)( there is no )ay ' can get o%t o& this(" ' told Lance( leaning bac" in !y seat. "'$ e sort o& d%g !y o)n gra e7" "4o% !ay ha e d%g yo%r o)n gra e( b%t the one )ho ga e yo% the sho el to do so is Hey)ood(" Lance pointed o%t( a sco)l appearing on his &ace. "And the one )ho chose to stay in it is !e(" ' ret%rned. "#hat i& yo% b%ry yo%rsel& ali e?" Lance de!anded. "' don$t e en "no) )hat that$s s%pposed to !ean6" "#hat i& yo% end %p in deep tro%ble? Or dead?" Lance e3plained. "Holly( do yo% reali-e ' co%ld ha e died the other night?" "' "no)6 '$! not st%pid."

"4o% need to space yo%rsel& &ro! Hey)ood(" Lance told !e( a dead serio%s loo" on his &ace. ' i!!ediately shoo" !y head. "No( it$s too late &or that. They already "no) )ho ' a!( it$s not li"e not interacting )ith /r. Hey)ood )ill change anything no)." "Then don$t get any closer." #ell( too late &or that. He basically said he had &eelings that he sho%ldn$t ha e &or a st%dent. Or( in si!pler ter!s( lo e. A bl%sh *%ic"ly rose to !y &ace and ' stared do)n at !y &eet. 't see!ed too i!possible( b%t there )as nothing else ' co%ld thin" that he co%ld ha e !eant7 Lance narro)ed his eyes at !e s%spicio%sly. "Holly7 did so!ething happen bet)een yo% and hi!?" "#,)hat? No6" ' responded *%ic"ly( )a ing !y hands in &ront o& !e. "Ha( are yo% "idding? No )ay7" Lance rolled his eyes. "Holly( don$t lie. 4o%$re an open boo"( ' can see right thro%gh yo%." "'t doesn$t !atter( beca%se he thin"s ' thin" he$s gay( probably." "7 ' don$t thin" ' )ant to "no) no)." "8ood(" ' responded( r%nning a hand thro%gh the tangles in !y hair. "Let$s 0%st say( it$s so!ething that co%ld be &a orable &or !e7" "He$s con&essed his creepy( pedophilic( lo e &or yo%?" ' sco)led at Lance. "1irst( it$s not pedophilic( beca%se '$ll be eighteen in abo%t t)o )ee"s. 5econd( he$ll only be &o%r years older than !e then( and third( it$s not creepy. And no( he didn$t say that7 directly." ".irectly?" "That$s )hat ' said." "5o he hinted at it?" Lance prodded( a &ro)n slipping onto his &ace. "Holly( i& the gangsters &ind o%t i& he has &eelings &or yo%( )on$t that !a"e it )orse?" "#hat? #hy )o%ld that !a"e the! )ant !e !ore? That$s7 That$s7" "Holly?"

' stared at Lance( a loo" o& alar! on !y &ace. 5ha)n )anted /r. Hey)ood dead partly beca%se /r. Hey)ood stole his girl&riend bac" then7 so )hat i& &or re enge he )anted to ta"e !e &ro! /r. Hey)ood beca%se he tho%ght /r. Hey)ood cared abo%t !e? 2%t )here )o%ld 5ha)n e en get the idea /r. Hey)ood cared &or !e? '$d been )ith Jere!y the &irst ti!e )e !et7 "Hello( Holly?" ' snapped o%t o& !y tho%ghts and ca%ght eye contact )ith Lance. He &ro)ned at !e( a )orried e3pression on his &ace. ' *%ic"ly arranged !y &eat%res into a nonchalant e3pression. "' %nderstand ho) yo% &eel abo%t hi!( and it$s not li"e '$! going to stop yo% t)o &ro! being together(" Lance started( a sigh escaping his lips( "b%t '$! !ore )orried o er o%r sa&ety than yo%r lo e li&e." "'& they already thin" so!ething is %p( )hy )o%ld it !atter?" "2eca%se they !ight not ha e proo& right no)( and they co%ld get it." "They$re not going to )ait aro%nd %ntil they ha e proo&( Lance(" ' responded( rolling !y eyes. "They$re gangsters. Once they decide on so!ething( ' do%bt they$re going to stray &ro! it." "4o% act li"e yo%$re a gang e3pert(" Lance co!!ented )ith a snort. "' don$t "no) the &irst thing abo%t gangs(" ' told hi! honestly. "2%t ' "no) eno%gh to "no) they do )hat they )ant. Anyone "no)s that." Lance sighed( resting bac" on his bed. "#ell( try to stay o%t o& tro%ble &or at least three )ee"s." "#hy?" ' as"ed( gi ing hi! a *%i--ical loo". "'$! going to be st%c" in here %ntil then( so ' )on$t be able to help yo% o%t o& stic"y sit%ations(" he responded )ith a grin. "And get yo%rsel& al!ost "illed again?" Lance stayed *%iet( directing his eyes a)ay &ro! !ine. "'t$s not li"e ' "ne) they )ere going to get !e7"

"4o%$re al)ays )orried abo%t !y sa&ety( Lance(" ' told hi!( a &ro)n p%lling at !y lips. "4o% need to be !ore )orried abo%t yo%rsel&. ' )orry t)ice as hard &or yo% beca%se yo% don$t )orry eno%gh." "#ell )ho$s )orried abo%t yo% then?" "/r. Hey)ood(" ' responded si!ply. "And )e both "no) it$s sa&e to say he$s probably the best to ha e loo" a&ter !e." Lance opened his !o%th to arg%e( b%t a&ter a !o!ent he closed it. He let o%t another sigh. " As !%ch as ' hate to ad!it it( yo%$re right." "5ee+" "2%t he$s still the one )ho got yo% into this !ess in the &irst place( so it$s only &air he do his best to protect yo%." No) it )as !y t%rn to sigh. "He does." "And ' don$t thin" telling yo% he lo es yo% is going to help(" Lance insisted st%bbornly. "Holly( yo% "no) they are targeting people close to hi!. '& they &o%nd o%t yo% )ere his lo er then+" "#e$re not lo ers6" ' denied( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. Lance rolled his eyes. "An indirect con&ession is still a con&ession( and e en i& it )asn$t( it$s ob io%s he lo es yo% in a )ay a teacher sho%ld not lo e a st%dent." "Those )ere al!ost his e3act )ords7" The )ords that !ade the i!possible( possible. /r. Hey)ood lo ed !e. /e. O%t o& all the people in the )orld( it )as !e )ho he &ell &or. He hadn$t said it directly( b%t )hat else co%ld he !ean? A s!ile )as spreading across !y &ace. He lo ed !e6 His &eelings &or !e !%st ha e replaced his &eelings &or Haley. "2%t since ob io%sly yo% lo e hi! bac"( there$s no stopping the t)o o& yo% &ro! being together once either o& yo% directly con&esses. And )hen that happens( don$t co!e crying to !e )hen a gangster shoots yo%. Act%ally7 Holly? Are yo% e en listening to !e?" "'t$s %nbelie able( h%h(" ' said( no) grinning at Lance. "/r. Hey)ood o& all people7" Lance shoo" his head. "Ob io%sly yo% )eren$t7"

' gasped( re!e!bering earlier. "Crap6 He still thin"s ' thin" he$s gay6 2%t Lance( ' didn$t "no) )hat to say6 't )as so e!barrassing )hen ' &ig%red it o%t( all ' co%ld thin" then )as that ' needed to get o%t o& the car beca%se ' didn$t "no) )hat to say bac"6 And then ' 0%st bl%rted o%t he )as 0ealo%s beca%se he )anted Jere!y and+" "Holly6 5top being s%ch a girl6" Lance interr%pted( clapping his hands together lo%dly. ' po%ted at hi!. "2%t ' a! a girl7" "2%t ' don$t )ant to hear yo% &rea"ing o%t o er a g%y. 5a e that &or Casey." "2%t Casey doesn$t "no)(" ' groaned. "Tell her." ' narro)ed !y eyes. "And get her ca%ght %p in this !ess as )ell? ' don$t thin" so." "#ell( don$t tell her abo%t that part(" Lance responded( nodding his head. "4o% and ' are eno%gh." "J%st one o& %s is eno%gh(" ' corrected )ith a s!all la%gh. "4o% and Casey are best &riends( right? 5o yo% sho%ld tell her all yo%r lo e proble!s." "4o%$re 0%st saying that so yo% don$t ha e to hear the!( aren$t yo%?" "/aybe(" Lance co!!ented )ith a grin. "2%t Casey )on$t let !e hear the end o& it i& she &inds o%t '$! in lo e )ith /r. Hey)ood." The so%nd o& the door opening &ro! behind !e !ade !e 0%!p iolently. Lance loo"ed o er !y sho%lder( and a grin ca!e onto his &ace. ' t%rned slo)ly to see Casey entering the roo! )ith a plastic bag( and a large grin on her &ace. "' "ne) it6" she cried lo%dly( setting do)n the plastic bag. "' "ne) yo% li"ed hi!6" Horror crossed !y &ace. Ho) !%ch had she heard? #hen did she get here? ' glanced bac" at Lance( )ho loo"ed relati ely cal!. #hat i& she had heard abo%t the gang thing? ' t%rned bac" to Casey( lic"ing !y lips ner o%sly. "<h( ho) !%ch( %!( o& that did yo% hear?" "J%st the last sentence( b%t it said it all(" Casey responded( )agging her eyebro)s. "' "ne) yo%$d end %p &alling &or his char! one )ay or the other6"

Relie& )ashed thro%gh !e( and ' h%ng !y head( ch%c"ling. ' co%ld deal )ith Casey "no)ing abo%t ho) ' &elt abo%t /r. Hey)ood. ' co%ldn$t deal another close &riend o& !ine getting ca%ght %p in the gang. Casey h%!!ed tri%!phantly( p%lling %p a seat ne3t to !e. "'t )as only a !atter o& ti!e(" she co!!ented in a singsong oice. "And ' "ne) it &ro! the start6 4o% t)o had an %nnat%ral connection6 ' told yo% it )as &ate6" Lance snorted and ' rolled !y eyes. "'t$s not &ate( Casey." "Close eno%gh(" she responded( her )ide grin still in place. "Ha e yo% g%ys "issed?" "Casey6" "#hat?" "#e$re not e en7 ' can$t+ He can$t e en+ No6" ' &inally responded( bl%shing &%rio%sly. That one ti!e be&ore didn$t co%nt. "He has to li"e yo% bac"6 #ho )o%ldn$t?" "He does li"e her bac"(" Lance inter0ected. "Lance(" ' snapped( glo)ering at hi!. Casey$s eyes )ere )ide )ith e3cite!ent. "He does? Ho) do yo% "no)? Tell !e6 ' )ant to "no)6" ' sighed. Casey )asn$t going to let this drop. "He sort o& indirectly con&essed+" "He con&essed &irst?" Casey gasped. ' held %p !y &inger. "Let !e &inish. He indirectly con&essed( b%t ' "ind o& t%rned it aro%nd on hi! beca%se ' panic"ed7" "#hat$d yo% say?" "<!7 that he )as gay and )anted Jere!y7" Casey loo"ed at !e )ith a straight &ace &or a &e) !o!ents be&ore b%rsting o%t la%ghing. ' &ro)ned at her( )aiting &or her to stop. #hen she &inally did( she loo"ed bac" %p at !e( her grin bac" in place ' crossed !y ar!s.

"'t$s not &%nny." "Oh( yes it is(" Casey responded. "Only yo%( Holly. 4o% )o%ld say that." "' didn$t "no) )hat else ' )as s%pposed to say6" ' arg%ed( &eeling !y &ace heat %p in e!barrass!ent. "' )as e!barrassed6 "#ho$s Jere!y?" "Oh( he$s /r. Hey)ood$s &riend. #ell ' g%ess he$s !y &riend too no)(" ' responded( br%shing a stray hair o%t o& !y &ace. "'$ll ha e to introd%ce yo% to hi! one day." "Oh6 #as he the !an that ans)ered yo%r phone the other day? #hen ' called to tell yo% !y !o! )o%ldn$t let !e lea e the ho%se?" ' tho%ght to bac" then &or a !o!ent( and nodded. "4eah. He bro%ght !e to the hospital." "Ho) old is he?" Casey as"ed. "<h7 t)enty." "4o%$ e been hanging o%t )ith a t)enty year old g%y?" Lance said in a s%rprised oice. "5ince )hen?" "1or a )hile(" ' responded( &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s together. "' co%ld ha e s)orn '$ e !entioned hi!7" 2oth Lance and Casey shoo" their heads. ' shr%gged. #hy did it e en !atter? "'s he single?" Casey as"ed. "#ho?" "Jere!y." "#hy do yo% )ant to "no)7?" "'n case things don$t )or" o%t )ith /r. Hey)ood(" Casey started( "yo% can go )ith hi!( right? 's he c%te?" ' bl%shed again( glaring at Casey. "Casey( 0%st stop. ' don$t li"e Jere!y li"e that. And no one e er said /r. Hey)ood and ' can$t e en be together( it$s illegal."

"Only %ntil yo%r birthday(" Casey pressed. "And that$s only t)o )ee"s a)ay6 4o%$re so close6" "4eah( it !ay be t)o )ee"s %ntil it$s legal(" ' agreed. "2%t it$s still against school r%les." Casey opened her !o%th( b%t abr%ptly sh%t it. A &ro)n appeared on her &ace. ' s!ir"ed s!%gly. ".id thin" o& that( did yo%?" "No one )ill "no)(" Casey said( her s!ile ret%rning. ' sighed. "Casey7" "Holly( yo% can$t deny yo%r &eelings." "'$! not6" ' arg%ed. "'$! 0%st stating the tr%th6 '& so!ething happened bet)een /r. Hey)ood and !ysel& and so!eone &o%nd o%t( both o& %s )o%ld get in tro%ble. He$d be &ired( and ' co%ld be s%spended or e3pelled." "5he$s got a point there( Case7" Casey &ro)ned again( a tho%ght&%l e3pression appearing on her &ace. ' rela3ed bac" into !y chair( t%rning to Lance( )ho had the sa!e e3pression as Casey. ' )asn$t !a"ing e3c%ses as to )hy /r. Hey)ood and ' co%ldn$t be together. ' )anted to be together. 2%t ' didn$t )ant to get hi! into tro%ble. "#ell(" Casey started( brea"ing the silence. "They do say lo e brea"s all bo%ndaries." "#hat bo%ndaries is this brea"ing?" ' responded( rolling !y eyes. "5t%dent and teacher?" Lance g%essed. "E3actly(" Casey responded )ith a nod. "A &orbidden relationship. An illicit relationship7" "A proscribed relationship(" Lance inter0ected( a grin on his &ace. "An illegal relationship." "'t$s not illegal(" ' pointed o%t( not &inding their ga!e a!%sing. "Technically it is." "A proscripti e relationship6" Casey cried. "5ince )hen do yo% "no) s%ch big )ords?" ' 0o"ed( sha"ing !y head.

"' loo"ed the! %p in ad ance in case a sit%ation li"e this arose(" she responded )ith a cas%al shr%g. ' stared at her. #as she serio%s? 5he loo"ed bac" at !e( the grin on her &ace )idening. "Are yo% serio%s?" Casey la%ghed. "No6 ' 0%st pay attention in English7 %nli"e so!e people." 5he loo"ed at Lance pointedly. "English is boring(" Lance co!plained. "5t%pid boo"s( st%pid ocab%lary( st%pid essays. There$s nothing &%n." "'t$s so sty%,pid(" Casey !i!ic"ed in her best 2ritish accent. "Ay( Holly?" "4o% "no) ho) ' a! )ith accents(" ' said )ith a la%gh. "'$! not e en going to try7" Lance and Casey la%ghed too( and &or a !o!ent ' &orgot )here )e )ere. 't )as the si!ple( care&ree( )ay it %sed to be be&ore the )hole gang incident. 't didn$t &eel li"e Lance )as in the hospital )ith b%llet )o%nds. 't &elt li"e )e )ere hanging o%t at !y ho%se a&ter school li"e )e %sed to. And it )as nice. 2%t( ' "ne) ' co%ldn$t get %sed to it( and it$d be a long ti!e %ntil e erything )as o"ay( and sa&e( again.

1ORT4 "#hat are yo% doing?" /y eyes &le) )ide in shoc" and ' too" a sharp inhale o& breath( t%rning aro%nd to see Ja!es grinning at !e. '!!ediately( ' rela3ed( letting go o& !y breath. "#hy are yo% )aiting o%tside the biology roo!?" Ja!es as"ed( raising his eyebro)s. "Can$t handle the s!ell?" "<h( s%re(" ' responded( directing !y ga-e to !y &eet. "#i!p(" Ja!es 0o"ed )ith a s!all la%gh. A s!all &orced la%gh le&t !y lips as )ell. ' co%ldn$t tell Ja!es the reason ' didn$t )ant to go in there )as beca%se o& /r. Hey)ood. /y pal!s )ere s)eating at 0%st the idea o&

tal"ing to hi! a&ter last night. 't )as going to be so a)")ard6 ' che)ed on !y lip( reaching &or the door handle( and then p%lling !y hand a)ay at the last second. C$!on( Holly. /an %p6 Ta"ing a deep breath( ' grabbed the door"nob )ith !y sha"y hand. #hy )as ' getting so ner o%s? 't$s not li"e )e co%ld tal" abo%t )hat happened last night in class; there )ere too !any st%dents aro%nd. 2%t it$d still be a)")ard. ' sighed. '$d ha e to &ace hi! sooner or later. #itho%t hesitation( ' *%ic"ly p%lled the door open. To !y s%rprise( an old !an )as sitting at the teacher$s des". He had a &ace &%ll o& )hite hair( and a s!all t%&& o& it sat on top o& his head. ' &ro)ned( s%r eying the !an )ith !y eyes. He )as so!eone '$d ne er seen be&ore. "<!!( )here$s /r. Hey)ood?" ' as"ed( loo"ing aro%nd the roo! *%ic"ly. "#hat?" "#here$s /r. Hey)ood?" ' repeated( lo%der this ti!e. "Co!e closer( ' can$t hear yo%." 1ighting the %rge to roll !y eyes( ' )al"ed %p to the teacher$s des" and leant o er it( spea"ing lo%dly and clearly. "#here is /r. Hey)ood?" "#hat?" #as he "idding? ' stared at hi! incred%lo%sly. The old !an coc"ed his head to the side( and then reali-ation &lashed across his &ace. "Hold on( ' thin" !y hearing aid is o&&7" This ti!e ' did roll !y eyes( b%t a grin also !ade its$ )ay onto !y &ace. The old !an &iddled )ith the hearing aid on his ear( and then loo"ed %p at !e e3pectantly. "'s /r. Hey)ood here today?" ' as"ed once !ore. "Oh( no. He$s absent today. '$! his s%bstit%te." 1or so!e reason( ' &elt disappointed. /r. Hey)ood had ta"en the day o&&? #as he sic"? .id so!ething happen? .isappoint!ent )as *%ic"ly replaced )ith )orry. ' cleared !y throat. "'s he o"ay? 's so!ething )rong?"

"No( no( he$s &ine6" the old !an responded( spea"ing too lo%dly. "1ro! )hat ' hear it$s 0%st a personal day o&&." ' rela3ed( nodding !y head. "O"ay. Than"s." "'t$s nice to "no) yo%ng people these days still care abo%t their teachers(" the old !an co!!ented( s!iling at !e. Li"e? That )as an %nderstate!ent. ' bl%shed( sha"ing !y tho%ghts a)ay. "Haha( )ell )e )o%ldn$t )ant to ha e to ha e a s%bstit%te &or too long7" The old !an nodded( b%t said nothing !ore. ' *%ic"ly escaped to !y seat( a &ro)n appearing on !y &ace. 't )as &%nny ho) !%ch !y !ood co%ld drop a&ter 0%st &inding o%t /r. Hey)ood )asn$t in school today. That )as )eird too( since /r. Hey)ood )as al)ays in school. #ith a shoc"( ' reali-ed )hat the reason /r. Hey)ood )asn$t here co%ld be. #as it that he )as a oiding !e? Horror da)ned on !e. 't probably )as( since ' basically said ' tho%ght he )ay gay6 ' sl%!ped lo)er in !y seat( holding in a groan. /e and !y st%pid( big( lying !o%th. The rest o& the day passed *%ic"ly and be&ore ' "ne) it the &inal bell had r%ng. ' )as planning on isiting Lance( so ' headed ho!e straight a)ay. As ' ca!e to !y di e )ay( ' narro)ed !y eyes in con&%sion. /y !o!$s car )as in the dri e)ay. "/o!?" ' called as ' opened the door to !y ho%se( dropping !y bac" do)n and "ic"ing o&& !y shoes. "4o% here?" "2edroo!6" a !%&&led oice responded &ro! the %pstairs. 1ollo)ing the so%nd o& her oice( ' &o%nd her in her bedroo!( p%tting clothing into a s%itcase. 5he ga e !e a *%ic" s!ile )hen ' entered( b%t ret%rned her attention bac" to &olding the clothing in &ront o& her. ' narro)ed !y eyes in con&%sion. "#hy are yo% pac"ing? And ho!e early?" "2%siness trip(" !y !o! responded. "' got o%t early to pac" beca%se ' ha e to lea e tonight." "8ee !o!( than"s &or )arning !e in ad ance(" ' responded( sha"ing !y head. "' didn$t as" Casey i& ' co%ld stay the night." "Honey '$! going to be gone all )ee"end. ' tho%ght ' told yo%. 8%ess ' &orgot7"

"Ho) co%ld yo% &orget to tell !e so!ething li"e that?" ' de!anded( loo"ing at her in shoc". "'$ e ne er stayed ho!e alone &or !ore than a night6" ".on$t )orry(" !y !o! responded( )a ing her hand. "' )asn$t going to lea e yo% by yo%rsel&. ' arranged a place &or yo% to stay already." "Lance is still in the hospital tho%gh(" ' pointed o%t. "'$d &eel li"e a !oocher at La%ra$s." /y !o! shoo" her head. "No( yo% )on$t be staying at La%ra$s." "Then )hose?" "4o%$re handso!e teacher$s place." /y !o%th )ent dry and ' stared at !y !o! li"e she had three heads. #ell( she !ight as )ell ha e three heads since she )as thin"ing li"e an alien. ' s!all la%gh escaped !y lips. "That$s &%nny !o!." "'s there so!ething )rong?" !y !o! responded( &%rro)ing her bro) in con&%sion. "' tho%ght yo% t)o got along?" ' bl%shed slightly. "<!( )e do7 b%t !o!( he$s !y teacher. ' can$t stay at his ho%se. He$d get in tro%ble and so )o%ld '6 5%rely that$s against school r%les." "No( it$s not( since '$! the one )ho as"ed hi! to loo" a&ter yo% )hile '$! gone. 't$s a teacher$s d%ty to )atch o er a st%dent. And he see!ed !ore then )illing to help o%t." ' stared at !y !o! in disbelie&. #hen )as she going to p%ll the p%nch line? ' co%ldn$t spend the )ee"end at /r. Hey)ood$s a&ter )hat happened6 't )as e!barrassing eno%gh 0%st to thin" abo%t co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith hi! a&ter last night( let alone staying )ith hi!6 #as !y !o! cra-y? "Are yo% really serio%s?" "4es(" !y !o! responded( sighing. "E en tho%gh yo%$re al!ost eighteen( it$s still dangero%s to spend the )hole )ee"end alone. ' don$t )ant anything to happen to yo%." "No( ' %nderstand. 't$s &ine. '$! 0%st a little s%rprised. #hen are yo% lea ing?" "A &e) ho%rs. ' still ha e to go get so!e groceries &ro! the grocery store &or the trip. ' hate paying &or hotel &ood." "#hen a! ' going to /r. Hey)ood$s?"

"4o%$re s%pposed to call( %!( Henry?" ' raised an eyebro). "' don$t "no) anyone Henry7" "Hold on(" !y !o! said( holding %p her &inger. "That$s not his na!e. 8erry? No( that$s not it either. Jared?" "Jere!y?" ' g%essed. "That$s it6 4o%$re s%pposed to call hi! &or a ride )hene er yo%$re ready(" !y !o! told !e. "Chris has so!ething to do today %ntil aro%nd se en." ' &ro)ned slightly. That "so!ething" )as probably hi! going to isit Haley. A little 0ealo%sy arri ed in !e( b%t ' *%ic"ly thre) it a)ay. 5he )as in the past. /r. Hey)ood lo ed !e no)( not Haley. 2%t ' )anted to "no) )hy he al)ays see!ed to be isiting her these days. "5pea"ing o& )hich( )ho is Jere!y?" "He$s /r. Hey)ood$s &riend( and !ine too." "Ho) old is he?" !y !o! as"ed s%spicio%sly. "T)enty." "4o% tr%st this g%y eno%gh to dri e yo% places?" !y !o! prodded( )atching !e intently. "'s he tr%st)orthy?" ' la%ghed( rolling !y eyes. "He$s ery tr%st)orthy !o!. .on$t )orry abo%t it( Jere!y is a good g%y." "O"ay(" !y !o! responded( b%t still didn$t so%nd con inced. "'& yo% need anything( 0%st call !e7" "Act%ally( a&ter yo% go grocery shopping )ill yo% gi e !e a ride to the hospital? ' )ant to isit Lance. ' can as" Jere!y to pic" !e %p there a&ter." /y !o! nodded. "5%re( b%t it )on$t be &or another &e) ho%rs. #hy don$t yo% do yo%r ho!e)or" in the !ean ti!e?" ' !ade a &ace. Ho!e)or". E). Ho)e er( ' did as !y !o! s%ggested and )ent to !y roo! to start. 2y the ti!e ' &inished( !y !o! )as ready to lea e. ' *%ic"ly sla!!ed !y biology boo" closed and r%shed to !y closet to grab a pair o& clothing. The &irst thing '

&o%nd )as a pair o& )ashed bl%e 0eans( so ' grabbed those and a plain blac" long,slee e shirt( st%&&ing the! in !y side bag. "Holly? 4o% co!ing?" "Hold on6" ' responded( *%ic"ly going to the bathroo! and grabbing !y hairbr%sh and toothbr%sh. "8rab an %!brella6" !y !o! sho%ted %p the stairs. "'t loo"s li"e it$s going to rain6" 5ighing( ' grabbed the %!brella &ro! !y roo! be&ore ' descended the stairs. /y !o! )as )aiting by the door( her car "eys in her hand. 5he s!iled( t%rning and opening the &ront door. ' &ollo)ed her o%t( sh%tting and loc"ing the door behind !e. "A! ' serio%sly going to /r. Hey)ood$s? Or did yo% act%ally !a"e plans &or !e to go to Casey$s ho%se instead?" "4o%$re going to Chris$s(" !y !o! responded( raising an eyebro). "'s it really that big o& a deal?" "No6" ' responded *%ic"ly so she )o%ldn$t get s%spicio%sly. "'t$s 0%st a little )eird." "O"ay7" The dri e to the hospital didn$t ta"e long. #hen )e arri ed( ' *%ic"ly %nb%c"led( grabbing !y bag &ro! the car &loor. /y !o! leaned o er and "issed !e on the chee". "2e care&%l6 And be sa&e6 And !a"e s%re yo% eat properly(" !y !o! said( &ro)ning at !e. "/a"e s%re this Jere!y g%y re!e!bers to pic" yo% %p6 ' ha e Chris$s cell phone n%!ber( so '$ll chec" in )ith hi! aro%nd eight to see i& yo%$re bac"." "/o!( don$t )orry( '$ll be &ine." "Alright( see yo% 5%nday night." "2ye( !o!(" ' responded( getting o%t o& the car( and sh%tting the door behind !e. Lance loo"ed %p at !e eagerly as ' entered his hospital roo!. ' deposited !y belongings by the door and p%lled %p a chair ne3t to his bed( &lopping do)n on it. Lance raised an eyebro). "#hat$s %p?" "/y !o! is !a"ing !e stay at /r. Hey)ood$s &or the )ee"end."

"/a"ing yo%?" Lance repeated so%nding s"eptical. ".on$t yo% )ant to?" ' bl%shed slightly( ad erting !y ga-e. "<!( at a di&&erent ti!e( yes( b%t right no)( no( beca%se it$s going to be really a)")ard. ' l%c"ed o%t beca%se /r. Hey)ood )asn$t at school today( b%t '$! s%pposed to go to his ho%se a&ter ' lea e here..." "#ell( then no)$s a good ti!e to !a"e yo%r !o e." ' raised an eyebro)( eying Lance s%spicio%sly. "#hat?" "4o% "no)( !a"e !ore progress in yo%$re relationship(" he responded )ith a shr%g. "Aren$t yo% all anti,Hey)ood?" "' )ant to see ho) this plays o%t(" Lance responded( a s!ir" appearing on his &ace. "' )ant to see ho) long yo% g%ys can last." "'t$s not a ga!e( Lance(" ' responded )ith a sigh. "To !e it is(" he responded )ith a grin. "Ho) are yo% &eeling?" ' as"ed( deciding to change the s%b0ect. "Any di&&erent &ro! yesterday?" "#ell ' can sit %p )itho%t it h%rting as !%ch( b%t that !ight be d%e to the !edicine '$ e been ta"ing." ".o yo% still ha e to stay &or a)hile?" "The doctors are saying ' can lea e the No e!ber =Eth(" Lance told !e( &ro)ning. "That$s a day a&ter yo%r birthday( so ' )as hoping )e co%ld celebrate it )hen ' get o%t. #ith Casey and e eryone else( too." "5%re(" ' responded( s!iling. "Tho%gh yo% !ight )ant to ta"e it easy7" "'$ll be &ine by then6 #ell( o"ay( ' )on$t be &ine( b%t '$ll be !%ch better(" Lance responded( grinning. "2eing shot )on$t stop !e." The s!ile a%to!atically dropped &ro! !y &ace as g%ilt set in again. ' co%ldn$t help b%t &eel this accident )as so!eho) !y &a%lt. O& co%rse there )as no )ay ' co%ld ha e "no)n Lance )o%ld be attac"ed that night( b%t still7 't )as !y &a%lt he )as in ol ed )ith the )hole gang thing in the &irst place.

"Holly( stop &eeling g%ilty." ' loo"ed at Lance in s%rprise. "Ho)$d yo% "no) )hat ' )as &eeling?" "'$! not st%pid." "2%t ' can$t help it(" ' co!plained( crossing !y ar!s. "'t$s only nat%ral." "' don$t care( it$s not yo%r &a%lt(" Lance responded( &ro)ning at !e. "'& yo% )ant to place the bla!e on so!eone( p%t it on Hey)ood." "'t isn$t his &a%lt they attac"ed yo% tho%gh6" "There yo% go. Nor is it !ine( nor yo%rs. 5o stop )allo)ing." "'$! not )allo)ing(" ' !%ttered( !y &ace heating %p. "'$! 0%st &eeling7 li"e( s%r i or$s g%ilt or so!ething li"e that." "2%t '$! ali e(" Lance pointed o%t( a s!all la%gh er%pting &ro! hi!. "' said or so!ething li"e that6" "' "no) )hat yo% said." ' rolled !y eyes. "5top tal"ing( Lance." "' ha e a *%estion. .oes e eryone at school "no) )hat happened?" Lance in*%ired( p%rsing his lips. "' hope not. Only yo%( Hey)ood( Casey( and this Jere!y g%y "no)s '$! in here and '$d li"e to "eep it that )ay." "#hy?" ' responded in s%rprise. "' don$t need %nnecessary attention(" Lance responded( shr%gging. "'$d pre&er to "eep this a secret." "' )on$t tell anyone then(" ' pro!ised. "2%t )hat do yo% )ant !e to say )hen they notice yo%$re not in school? T)o and a hal& )ee"s is a long ti!e." "J%st say ' ha e so!e strange sic"ness." ' la%ghed. "O"ay( '$ll loo" a good one %p." "5o( tell !e )hat '$ e been !issing in school. ' don$t )ant to get too &ar behind7"

1or the ne3t ho%r or so ' told Lance abo%t e erything )e )ere learning( and abo%t ho) ' ha e to dissect the rat )ith /r. Hey)ood since he$s o%t( and also abo%t the old !an )ho )as the s%bstit%te today since /r. Hey)ood )as o%t. "' )as loo"ing &or)ard to dissecting the rat(" Lance co!!ented )hen ' )as done. "' )as loo"ing &or)ard to yo% loo"ing &or)ard to so ' didn$t ha e to do anything(" ' responded )ith a sigh. "/r. Hey)ood !a"es !e do !ost o& the dissection." Lance glanced at the cloc" that )as on his night table. He leaned o er and grabbed a piece o& paper o&& o& it and a pen( bringing it to his lap. ' )atched as he proceeded to scribble so!ething do)n on it( and then he handed it to !e. ' too" it and loo"ed at it in con&%sion. "Co%ld yo% go get !y dinner?" he re*%ested. "4o% 0%st ha e to bring the slip to the "itchen( and then they$ll bring the &ood )hen it$s done." "A)( l%c"y !e( ' get to help the crippled6" ' said( scanning his &ood choices. "'t )ill be !y pleas%re." "Ne3t ti!e yo% co!e( bring !e a b%rger or so!ething. Hospital &ood is gross." ' la%ghed. "'$ll !a"e s%re to do that. 2e right bac"." "A% re oir6" Lance called a&ter !e as ' e3ited the roo!. The trip to the "itchen too" longer than it sho%ld ha e. ' got lost t)ice( and e en the directions &ro! the doctors and n%rses didn$t help. ' handed the slip o& paper to one o& the "itchen )or"ers( and then started bac" to Lance$s roo!. As ' )as )al"ing do)n the hall( ' reali-ed ' had ta"en the )rong t%rn and )as no) in the )rong section o& the hospital. #hen ' )as abo%t to t%rn aro%nd( so!ething ca%ght !y attention. Or rather so!eone. /r. Hey)ood )as )al"ing do)n the hall)ay )ith a tray o& &ood in his hand. ' blin"ed in s%rprise. #hy )as he at the hospital? A&ter a second o& hesitation ' decided to &ollo) hi!. 1or a &e) !in%tes ' &ollo)ed hi! do)n the halls( !atching !y steps to his and praying he )o%ldn$t t%rn aro%nd. 1inally( he ca!e to a door and ' &ro-e as he t%rned. L%c"ily he didn$t loo" aro%nd be&ore he entered. ' slo)ly crept %p to the door( and tried to pee" thro%gh the )indo). To !y disappoint!ent( there )as a paper co ering the little )indo) on the door. ' sighed( ta"ing a step bac".

/y breath ca%ght )hen !y eyes landed on the na!eplate on the )all. Pierce. That )as Haley$s last na!e7 5%ddenly the door began to open. /y heart leapt into !y throat as ' *%ic"ly loo"ed aro%nd &or a place to hide. There )as another door to !y le&t( so ' *%ic"ly opened it and stepped in( sh%tting it behind !e *%ic"ly. A &e) seconds /r. Hey)ood )al"ed by the door. ' sighed in relie&. "Are yo% here to gi e !e !y sponge bath?" ' 0%!ped iolently( t)isting aro%nd to see an old !an peering at !e eagerly. He tiled his head to the side. "Are yo%?" "<!( no7 '$ll send so!eone in tho%gh(" ' responded( clearing !y throat. "4eah7 '$ll do that no)7" ' opened the door again and st%c" !y head o%t( peering both )ays. /r. Hey)ood )as no)here in sight. 5tepping o%t into the hall)ay again( ' closed the door to the old !an$s roo! and t%rned bac" to the other roo!. 5ho%ld ' go in? "Hey6" .id e eryone )ant to scare !e today? ' t%rned to see a n%rse &ro)ning at !e. "#hat are yo% doing?" she as"ed. "<!( '7" ' hesitated( trying to thin" o& a good e3c%se. "'$! isiting !y( %h7 sister." The n%rse st%died !e &or a !in%te and then blin"ed in reali-ation. "Oh. 4o%$re a Pierce?" "5%re7" "#ell go in then( yo% can$t be loitering the halls. '& so!eone else catches yo%( yo%$ll ha e to go bac" to the )aiting roo!(" she told !e. ' nodded( t%rning bac" to the door. No) ' had no choice. Holding !y breath( ' opened the door and )al"ed in. A )o!an )ith light bro)n hair )as sitting on a hospital bed )ith her bac" t%rned to)ards !e. #hen she heard !e enter( she t%rned and !y eyes )idened in s%rprise. Her e3pression beca!e shoc"ed as )ell.

't )as al!ost li"e ' )as staring into !y o)n re&lection6 Her eyes )ere the sa!e e3act shade as !ine( and so )as her hair. The only di&&erence )as o%r &acial str%ct%re( and she loo"ed a little taller( b%t ' co%ldn$t *%ite tell since she )as sitting. A hand )ent to !y !o%th. "Are yo% Haley?" The )o!an raised an eyebro). "/y na!e isn$t Haley7" ' rela3ed slightly. 5o this girl )asn$t /r. Hey)ood$s e3,girl&riend? /aybe she )as Haley$s sister. The pict%re ' sa) o& Haley loo"ed slightly li"e !e( b%t this girl and ' )ere shoc"ingly ali"e. '& this )o!an )as a &e) years yo%nger( )e co%ld al!ost be t)ins. "#hat are yo% doing in !y roo!?" the )o!an in*%ired( a &ro)n on her &ace. "Oh( '$! %!7" ' bl%shed( staring at !y &eet. "#rong roo!( sorry" ' &inally lied. The )o!an la%ghed( )a ing her hands. "'t$s &ine( it happens. ' )as 0%st c%rio%s." "'s yo%r sister$s na!ed Haley?" ' bl%rted o%t( loo"ing %p at her again. 5he shoo" her head( gi ing !e a con&%sed loo". "No( ' don$t ha e a sister. #hy?" "No reason(" ' responded( gro)ing e en !ore con&%sing. #ho )as this girl then? Ob io%sly /r. Hey)ood "ne) her. "Can ' as" yo%r na!e?" "/y na!e is+" 5%ddenly the door opened again. /y eyes shot open and ' panic"ed( loo"ing aro%nd &or a place to hide( b%t it )as too late. "Holly(" a oice ' recogni-ed as /r. Hey)ood$s started( and ' &elt !y heart sin". "They ending !achine is o%t o& orange soda( do yo% )ant so!ething else?" #hat? Con&%sed( ' t%rned to &ace /r. Hey)ood. His eyes landed on !ine and they )idened in shoc". '& ' didn$t "no) better( ' )o%ld ha e tho%ght he$d seen a ghost. His &ace paled( and his eyes shot to the girl in the hospital bed and then bac" to !e. "Holly(" he breathed( a loo" o& horror on his &ace. "#hat? ' )ant orange soda6" the )o!an co!plained &ro! the bed. No) ' )as e en !ore con&%sed. "/r. Hey)ood?"

"4o% t)o "no) each other?" the br%nette as"ed and ' loo"ed o er !y sho%lder to see her loo"ing at %s. "'s she a &riend( Chris?" "5he$s one o& !y st%dents(" /r. Hey)ood responded in a tight oice. "Really? #hat$s her na!e?" A &ro)n appeared on !y &ace and ' t%rned bac" to the girl. ' )as standing right here. 5he didn$t ha e to as" hi!. "/y na!e is Holly." The )o!an$s eyes )idened in shoc". "4o%$re "idding6" "No( )hy?" "/y na!e is Holly too6" There )as a s!all groan &ro! /r. Hey)ood( and !y heart s"ipped a beat( and then started beating ten ti!es &aster than nor!al. ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood )ho )as gi ing !e a g%ilty loo". "'s this? 's this Haley?" ' )hispered( !y pal!s starting to s)eat. "'s it?" "4es(" /r. Hey)ood responded( nodding bris"ly. "'s there so!ething )rong?" Holly as"ed( peering at !e )orriedly. "4o% loo" li"e yo%$re going to be sic"." "Holly( ' can e3plain(" /r. Hey)ood started( reaching o%t a hand. ' slapped his hand a)ay( glaring at hi!. 't !ade sense no). The reason )hy /r. Hey)ood singled !e o%t so early in the school year( the reason )hy he tho%ght he lo ed !e. ' )as a replace!ent &or the other Holly. "'t$s per&ect ho) )e loo" the sa!e and ha e the sa!e na!e( isn$t it Hey)ood?" ' said )ith a cold la%gh. "Ho) great6" "Holly( listen+" /r. Hey)ood started( b%t ' c%t hi! o&&. "4o% %sed !e as a replace!ent(" ' )hispered( &eeling !y eyes starting to )ater. "Holly+" ".on$t say !y na!e6" ' nearly sho%ted( slapping his hand a)ay )hen he p%t it o%t again. "/o e6"

"#hat$s )rong?" Holly as"ed in s%rprise. "Chris?" ' sho ed /r. Hey)ood aside as hard as ' co%ld and started o%t o& the roo!( angry tears threatening to spill !y eyes. Re&%sing to let the! spill( ' blin"ed the! a)ay rapidly. "Holly6 #ait6" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( grabbing !y ar!. "Listen to !e6" "Let go6" ' gro)led( ripping !y ar! a)ay &ro! his. "Holly6" ' )al"ed s)i&tly do)n the hospital hall)ays( "eeping !y eyes on the gro%nd. /r. Hey)ood )as &ollo)ing !e; ' co%ld hear his &ootsteps and calls to !e. ' ignored hi!( !y chest clenching pain&%lly. As soon as ' reached the hospital e3it( ' &elt /r. Hey)ood ta"e a hold o& !y ar! again. "Lea e !e alone(" ' ordered( glaring at hi!. "Holly(" he said in an e3asperated oice. "J%st let !e e3plain+" "E3plain ho) yo% %sed !e? ' don$t care6" ' cried( trying to p%ll !y ar! a)ay &ro! hi!. He sighed and held on tighter. As a desperate atte!pt to !a"e hi! let go( ' "ic"ed hi! in the shin as hard as ' co%ld. He didn$t e en loo" phased. 'n &act( he loo"ed a!%sed. ' didn$t &ind anything &%nny abo%t it. "Let go( or '$ll screa!(" ' )arned. "Holly( please." "One7" /r. Hey)ood let go and ' a%to!atically too" o&& r%nning. ' didn$t )ant to hear his e3planation( or e3c%ses( or apologies. Not right no). Right no) ' 0%st needed ti!e to !ysel&. "Holly6" /r. Hey)ood yelled a&ter !e. "Holly6 5top6 #here are yo% going?" ' ignored hi!( contin%ing to r%n thro%gh the par"ing lot. 't )as dar" no)( b%t ' co%ld care less. ' didn$t "no) )here ' )as going( b%t ' "ne) ' )anted to get a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood.

1ORT4,ONE The s"y abo e !e gr%!bled threateningly as !y &eet slapped against the blac" asphalt. /y l%ngs )ere b%rning( b%t ' "ept r%nning. The streets )ere e!pty and *%iet( !a"ing the despairing tho%ghts in !y head lo%d and clear. ' had been %sed. /r. Hey)ood had %sed !e. ' )as a replace!ent. Tears o& anger( e!barrass!ent( sadness( and helpless )elled %p in !y eyes( a &e) spilling o er( !a"ing !y ision l bl%rry. ' tried to hold in !y sobs( b%t they !anaged to co!e o%t as ' gasped &or the breath ' desperately needed. R%nning )ith !y chest already &eeling constricted )asn$t the s!artest o& ideas. 5%ddenly ' cho"ed on !y o)n sob and ' stopped( co%ghing iolently. #hen ' )as done co%ghing ' loo"ed %p to reali-e ' )as in &ront o& the par". /y !o%th )ent dry at the sight o& the sign. '& ' )as near the par"( that !eant ' )as near the do)nto)n area. An3iety s%ddenly too" o er all !y &eelings and ' sp%n aro%nd in a circle( !y eyes )ary. 8reat. No) ' )as going to be paranoid. 1ig%ring it$d be sa&est in a p%blic par"( ' entered the gates and started 0ogging do)n the path that led to the other entrance o& the par"( &%rther a)ay &ro! the do)nto)n. 't )as better being sa&e than sorry. ' collapsed on one o& the benches by the pond( breathing hea ily. A slight bree-e r%&&led !y hair and ble) so!e o& it into !y &ace. ' "ept it there( lying bac" on the bench and ga-ing at the s"y. 2arely any stars )ere isible thro%gh the o!ino%s loo"ing clo%ds that h%ng in it. Another lo) gr%!ble o& th%nder &illed !y ears. /y phone ibrated in !y poc"et. A&ter a !o!ent o& hesitation ' p%lled it o%t and loo"ed at it. 't )as a te3t &ro! /r. Hey)ood. /y chest clenched again and ' *%ic"ly deleted the !essage. ' co%ldn$t handle tal"ing to hi!. Part o& !e "ne) ' sho%ld ha e let hi! e3plain. 2%t ho) co%ld ' )hen he "ept the &act that his e3,girl&riend had the sa!e na!e as !e and loo"ed al!ost e3actly li"e !e6 #hy did he lie abo%t her na!e? #hat else did he lie abo%t? Abo%t )hat he said the other night? /ore tears spr%ng to !y eyes and ' r%bbed the! a)ay &%rio%sly. "'$! s%ch an idiot(" ' )hispered( a dry s!ile appearing on !y &ace. "' sho%ld ha e "no)n7"

Haley( Holly. "4o% ne er stop lo ing so!eone." The yearboo" pict%re. The g%ilty e3pression on /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. 't )as all too ob io%s6 ' )as s%ch an idiot6 ' grabbed !y hair and p%lled it as hard as ' co%ld( )incing in pain. 5t%pid6 No) tears )ere &alling &reely as another r%!ble o& th%nder echoed across the s"y. ' p%lled !y "nees %p to !y chest and )rapped !y ar!s aro%nd the!( letting !y sobs &inally escape !y lips. #hy !e? #hat did ' do? 't h%rt. 't h%rt so !%ch it )as hard to breathe. "' lo e hi!(" ' sni eled( clenching !y &ists. "This isn$t &air6" ' hated it. ' hated it6 ' hated /r. Hey)ood6 ' hated Holly6 ' hated e erything. ' hated !ysel& especially &or &alling &or his sly )ays. .id he not !ean anything he said? No. ' shoo" !y head. He had to !ean at least so!e o& the things( didn$t he? /y phone ibrated again and this ti!e ' ignored it co!pletely. '& /r. Hey)ood )as )orried abo%t !e( he co%ld )orry. 't )ent o&& again( and this ti!e it )as a phone call. 'rritated( ' pic"ed %p the phone to re0ect the call b%t !y eyes )idened in s%rprise )hen ' reali-ed that the called '.. read Lance. 2%t Lance$s cell phone )as still )ith 5ha)n. #ith a sha"ing hand ' pressed the ans)er b%tton and p%t the phone to !y ear. "H,hello?" "Holly6 Long ti!e no tal"6" "5ha)n?" ' )hispered( &eeling !y body tense. Paranoia too" o er once again and ' loo"ed aro%nd !e ca%tio%sly. "The only and only(" 5ha)n responded. "' 0%st )anted to chec" in on yo%." "#hy?" "'t$s not sa&e &or a girl to be alone in a par" at night." /y breath ca%ght and !y eyes shot )ide. ' *%ic"ly 0%!ped o&& the bench( spinning in circles &rantically. #here )as he? Ho) did he "no) )here he )as? ' held the phone tightly in !y hand as ' heard 5ha)n la%gh &ro! the other end. "Are yo% a ballerina?" "Ho) do yo% "no) )here ' a!?" ' as"ed in a *%iet oice. "' can see yo% right no)(" 5ha)n told !e. "Can yo% see !e?"

Once again ' too" in !y s%rro%ndings( slo)ly and igilantly. Nothing see!ed o%t o& the ordinary( and ' didn$t see any people. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( slo)ly bac"ing to)ards the entrance. "' )o%ldn$t go that )ay(" 5ha)n )arned in a light oice. ".an is o%t tonight. '$! pretty s%re he )ent in that direction." ' &ro-e %p( terror &illing !e. "#hat are yo% going to do?" "8et yo%(" 5ha)n responded )itho%t hesitation. There )as a clic" and the line )ent dead. Panic b%bbled in !y chest and ' &rantically )ent to !y contacts and scrolled do)n to Jere!y$s. The phone see!ed to ring &or !in%tes at a ti!e %ntil he pic"ed %p. "Hello gorgeo%s( ho) !ay ' help yo% this &ine e ening?" Jere!y ans)ered in a deep( s%a e oice. "Co!e to the par"6 No)6" ' cried( loo"ing o er !y sho%lder e ery &i e seconds. "Please6 H%rry6" "#hat$s )rong?" Jere!y responded( all play&%lness in his oice gone. "5ha)n7 he$s7 ' thin" he$s so!e)here here(" ' responded( trying to stop !y body &ro! sha"ing. ".a!n it6" Jere!y s)ore angrily. "The par" is all the )ay across to)n &ro! !y ho%se6" "Please co!e(" ' begged( &eeling tears )atering %p in !y eye. "'$! scared." "#here$s Chris?" "' don$t care6" "H%h?" "' said ' don$t care )here he is(" ' repeated. "' don$t )ant to see hi!. Co!e get !e." "Holly ' )ant yo% to start )al"ing to)ards the do)nto)n area(" Jere!y told !e. "2%t+" "' "no) yo%$re not s%pposed to be do)n there( b%t it$s sa&er than a dar" par" isn$t it?"

"O"ay( '$! going to start going there then(" ' responded( s)allo)ing ner o%sly. "5tay on the phone )ith !e7" "'$! going to call Chris and tell hi! to !eet yo%+" "No6" ' c%t hi! o&&( clenching !y 0a). "' told yo% ' don$t )ant to see hi!6" "Holly( this is a serio%s sit%ation(" Jere!y responded( disappro al in his oice. "#hat is )rong )ith hi! co!ing to get yo%? #hy don$t yo% )ant to see hi!?" "2eca%se7 Holly7" Jere!y too" a sharp inta"e o& air. "4o% &o%nd o%t?" 't &elt li"e a &reight train hit !e. "4o%7 "ne)?" Jere!y "ne) and didn$t tell !e? O& co%rse he "ne)6 He )as Holly$s co%sin6 He !%st ha e "no)n ' loo"ed so !%ch li"e her too. Ne) tears spr%ng to !y eyes. "' tho%ght ' co%ld tr%st yo%6" "'t )asn$t !y place to tell yo%6" ' la%ghed !oc"ingly. "4o%$re 0%st li"e /r. Hey)ood. No )onder yo% t)o are best &riends. Liars." "Holly( don$t be o er,dra!atic." "O er,dra!atic?" ' cried shrilly. "Alright( Jere!y6 4o% try ha ing yo%$re heart bro"en( being %sed( being lied to by the closest people to yo% in yo%r li&e( and being targeted by so!eone in a gang6" "'$! sorry(" Jere!y started( b%t ' c%t hi! o&& again. "5a e it(" ' snapped. ".on$t bother co!ing to pic" !e %p either. ' can handle !ysel&." "Holly+" ' sh%t !y phone and clenched it tightly in !y hand. /y legs s%ddenly &elt li"e r%bber and ' slo)ly lo)ered !ysel& to !y "nees( tears &alling do)n !y &ace again. ' really )as an idiot.

' sla!!ed !y &ist do)n onto the cold gro%nd. #hy co%ldn$t they 0%st tell !e straight o%t? 't co%ld ha e sa ed !e so !%ch h%rt6 /y breath started co!ing in short and *%ic"( and ' had to cal! !ysel& do)n be&ore ' started hyper entilating. 't )asn$t as bad as it see!ed( ' told !ysel&. Jere!y )as right. ' )as o erreacting. 2%t there )as only so !%ch one person co%ld ta"e in one night. ' had e ery reason to o erreact6 /y phone )ent o&& again. "Oh !y 8od6" ' cried in irritation( snatching it %p and opening it. "#hat?" "That )as *%ite the scene." 5ha)n. "5h%t %p." "#hat happened? .id Chris brea" yo%r heart?" "5h%t %p(" ' repeated( sco)ling at the dar"ness s%rro%nding yo%. "Hey( ' "no) yo%r pain( re!e!ber?" 5ha)n responded so%nding a!%sed. "'t$s &%nny ho) yo% loo" so !%ch li"e !y Holly7" "' g%ess yo% )on$t be a&ter !e since it$s no) ob io%s /r. Hey)ood doesn$t care abo%t !e no)( h%h?" ' said )ith s!all la%gh. "#ho said that had anything to do )ith it?" "H%h?" "5%re( that$s the !ain reason(" 5ha)n told !e. "2%t yo% loo" so !%ch li"e Holly( and e en yo%$re na!e is Holly. 4o%r hair( yo%r eyes7 e en part o& yo%r personality is the sa!e." "'$! not her tho%gh6" ' protested( s%ddenly angry. "' !ight loo" li"e her b%t '$! not her6 .on$t associate her )ith !e6" "To%ching a ner e( a! '?" "Lea e !e alone6" "4o% care abo%t Chris so !%ch( and yet he replaced yo%. 4o% can$t e en co!pare(" 5ha)n contin%ed( so%nding a!%sed.

"'7" ".on$t yo% )ant to get bac" at hi!? '& yo% got )ith !e( '$! s%re that )o%ld do the tric". ' li"e yo%. .on$t yo% &eel betrayed? C$!on( get bac" at hi! )ith !e. ' pro!ise ' )on$t h%rt yo%. '$ll &orget all that yo%$ e done. 4o% can replace Holly &or !e( and get bac" at Chris. Let$s get bac" at hi!(" 5ha)n coa3ed. "No7" "No?" ' shoo" !y head. "' still lo e /r. Hey)ood6 ' don$t care i& he lo es the other Holly( '$ll 0%st !a"e hi! &all e en !ore in lo e )ith !e6 E en i&7 e en i& he ne er lo es !e bac"( '$! not going to try to h%rt hi! &or re enge." 5ha)n stayed silent. Then started in a dangero%sly lo) oice( "5o yo%$re choosing hi! too." "There )as ne er any other option(" ' responded coldly. "' don$t "no) yo%. 4o% don$t "no) !e6 4o%$re so!e g%y )ho$s been a&ter /r. Hey)ood 0%st beca%se yo% ab%sed yo%r girl&riend and she le&t yo%6 4o%r b%ddies shot !y best &riend &or no reason6 4o%$re a&ter !e( e en tho%gh ' didn$t do anything6" "1ine( '$ll ta"e yo% by &orce." /y breathing hitched and !y eyes shot )ide. "#hat?" "Co%ld yo% i!agine the loo" on Chris$s &ace i& he &o%nd yo% beaten hal& to death in an alley)ay 0%st as he$d &o%nd the other Holly? And then )hen he$s in shoc"( ' can get hi!( that )ay he can$t tell the tr%th abo%t yo% or the other Holly." "'$! calling the police(" ' said. "'$! calling the cops. 4o%$re cra-y. Co!pletely cra-y6 He didn$t do anything )rong6 He )as trying to protect the one he lo ed6 He doesn$t deser e )hat yo%$re doing6 ' didn$t do anything6 '+" "Call the cops?" 5ha)n la%ghed( interr%pting !e. "Can yo%? '& yo% do that( Chris )ill be going to 0ail too." "He7" ' trailed o&&( reali-ing he )as right. /r. Hey)ood )o%ld go to 0ail again i& he )ere ca%ght %p in another gang proble!. "5ee? 't all )or"s per&ectly. '$ll get !y re enge."

"#hy?" ' )hispered. "2eca%se no one !a"es a &ool o%t o& !e and gets a)ay )ith it. Prepare yo%rsel&( '$! co!ing." 5%ddenly the line )ent dead and ' )as le&t in silence. ' slo)ly lo)ered the phone a)ay &ro! !y &ace( s%ddenly &eeling terri&ied. ' had to get o%t o& here. P%shing !ysel& o&& the gro%nd( ' began to slo)ly !a"e !y )ay to)ards the e3it( "eeping !y eyes peeled. /y head po%nded &ro! all the crying( !a"ing it !ore di&&ic%lt to try and hear any s%spicio%s noises. Another crac" o& th%nder so%nded( and then ' &elt the &irst rain drop. A groan escaped !y lips as the &e) rain drops s%ddenly t%rned into a do)npo%r. The rain )as !as"ing all noise '$d be able to !a"e o%t. Not )anting to ta"e any chances( ' began to sprint. Paranoia too" o er( dri ing !e on. ' i!agined &ootsteps &ollo)ing !e. A crac"ing noise to !y right( oices to !y le&t. ' didn$t "no) )hich )ere real( or )hich )eren$t; b%t ' )asn$t going to stop to &ig%re it o%t. Once ' le&t the par" '$d head straight to the do)nto)n area and &ig%re so!ething o%t &or! there7 /aybe ' co%ld call Casey. As soon as ' stepped o%t o& the par" e3it( ' )as p%lled to the side ro%ghly. A startled screa! escaped !y lips( b%t a cold hand *%ic"ly s%ppressed that. #ith )ide eyes( ' loo"ed %p to see !y captor. 5ha)n. "Ho)$d ' "no) yo% )ere going to %se this side to lea e?" he as"ed )ith a grin. ' stared at hi! in disbelie&. There )as no )ay. Not no)6 Tears spr%ng to !y eyes again and ' tried to brea" &ree &ro! his grasp. He ro%ghly t)isted !y ar! &ro! !y bac"( !a"ing !e cry o%t into his hand. ".on$t str%ggle( Holly(" he ordered. ' didn$t li"e the )ay he said !y na!e. Ho)e er to sa e !ysel& pain( ' heeded his )ords and stayed as still as ' co%ld. ".an is bringing the car aro%nd no)( so 0%st hold tight &or a !in%te." Car? They )ere serio%sly going to "idnap !e? .read &illed !y eins and ' &elt !ysel& on the edge o& hyper entilating. Ho) )as ' going to get o%t o& this? No one )as aro%nd6 Only Jere!y "ne) )here ' )as and he )as all the )ay across to)n( and ' had told hi! not to co!e6 5ha)n s%ddenly too" a loc" o& !y hair and ran his &ingers thro%gh it. "4o%r hair e en &eels the sa!e. '$ e heard that e eryone has a t)in in the )orld( b%t ' didn$t act%ally

belie e it. 't$s incredible7" He lo)ered his chin so it rested on !y head and he let o%t a s!all sigh. "At least yo%$re the right Holly this ti!e." /y eyes narro)ed in con&%sion. Right Holly? #hat did he !ean by that? #as the other Holly not right &or hi!? 2%t i& that )ere so( ' )o%ldn$t be in this sit%ation. ' )as te!pted to sha"e !y head( b%t ' "ept still. 5ha)n p%lled his hand a)ay &ro! !y !o%th and ' too" a deep breath( breathing in so!e rain. ".on$t screa!(" he )arned. "' )on$t(" ' ass%red hi!( trying to !a"e !y oice so%nd cal!er than ' &elt. "8ood girl." "Are yo% serio%sly going to "idnap !e?" "' )o%ldn$t call it "idnap( per say." "'t$s "idnap6" ' cried( clenching !y &ists. "4o%$re "idnapping !e6" "Oh )ell(" 5ha)n responded )ith a cas%al shr%g. "#e$re in a lot o& tro%ble already( so )hat$s so!e !ore? There$s .an." ' loo"ed o er aro%nd 5ha)n to see a pair o& headlights slo)ly !a"ing their )ay do)n the street. "No(" ' said( trying to brea" &ree. "Let !e go6 No6" "'$! not letting yo% go(" 5ha)n said )ith a la%gh. "'t$s %seless to str%ggle." "No6 4o% can$t do this6 Let go6" No) ' )as screa!ing. "Help6 5o!eone help !e6 Help+" 5%ddenly pain lanced against !y chee" and ' stared at 5ha)n )ith )ide eyes. He slapped !e6 /y chee" throbbed angrily as 5ha)n glared at !e. "' told yo% not to screa!6 No) let$s go6" He grabbed !y hair and ro%ghly started yan"ing !e to)ards the car. ' )as sobbing again. ' )as s%rprised ' still e en had any tears le&t6 This )as cra-y. 8ang !e!bers )ere "idnapping !e. 8ang !e!bers that )ere going to har! !e. 5%ddenly 5ha)n stopped !o ing. He s)ore and ro%gh sho ed !e a)ay &ro! hi!. ' gasped in s%rprised and toppled &or)ards( slipping on the side)al" and &alling into the

road. There )as the s*%ealing o& brea"s and ' raised !y hands to !y &ace( letting o%t a s%rprised shrie". No i!pact ca!e( and ' slo)ly loo"ed %p to see the car a &e) &eet in &ront o& !e. The headlights blinded !e( b%t ' co%ld hear the car door open and close. 5o!eone$s shado) entered !y ision and ' blin"ed in s%rprise )hen ' reali-ed )hat )as standing abo e !e. "Are yo% o"ay( !iss?" ' stared at the police o&&icer in shoc". 't )as a !iracle. 5he raised an eyebro)( holding o%t a hand to !e. ' grasped it( and she p%lled !e to !y &eet. 5till in shoc"( ' didn$t say anything as she s%r eyed !e )ith her eyes. "#hat$s )rong? .id so!ething happen?" she in*%ired( a &ro)n appearing on her &ace. "This g%y( 5ha)n( he+" ' i!!ediately got !ysel& o&&. ' co%ldn$t tell the police o&&icer ' )as al!ost "idnapped6 ' co%ldn$t in ol e the gang. ' co%ldn$t ta"e the chance o& getting /r. Hey)ood in ol ed since this )as !y &a%lt. ' cleared !y throat. "/y boy&riend( )e got in an arg%!ent and he le&t !e and dro e a)ay7 and ' )as )al"ing )hen ' slipped and &ell into the street7" "#hat abo%t that !an that )as )ith yo%?" "There$s )as no !an )ith !e(" ' lied con&idently( raising an eyebro) in con&%sion. "/aybe !y shado)7" The police o&&icer didn$t loo" con inced. "O"ay7 #here do yo% li e? #hat$s yo%r na!e?" ' sighed and began to tell her !y address( !y na!e( !y !o!$s na!e( and all that in&or!ation she needed to "no). Then she o&&ered !e a ride ho!e( )hich ' accepted. Relie& )ashed thro%gh !e as ' sa&ely sat inside the cop car. #hat a stro"e o& l%c". "Ha e a nice night(" the police)o!an said )hen she reached !y ho%se. "'$ll try(" ' responded( cli!bing o%t o& the ehicle. 5he stayed in !y dri e)ay %ntil ' !ade it to !y &ront porch. ' )atched as she dro e a)ay( and then ' t%rned bac" to !y door and t%rned the handle. 't didn$t b%dge. "<nbelie able7" ' &orgot ' )as s%pposed to stay at /r. Hey)ood$s. And ' didn$t ha e !y e3tra "ey6 That )as at the hospital along )ith e erything else o& !ine6 ' sla!!ed !y head against !y

&ront door( la%ghing )itho%t h%!or. ' sho%ld ha e e3pected this. #hat else co%ld possibly go )rong? At least !y porch shaded !e &ro! the rain. P%lling !y 0ac"et aro%nd !e tighter( ' slid do)n the door into a sitting position( p%lling !y "nees %p to !y chest. 8%ess ' )as ca!ping o%t tonight. ' rested !y head on !y hands( closing !y eyes. Today 0%st )asn$t !y day7 ' didn$t re!e!ber &alling asleep( b%t so!eone sha"ing !e iolently s%ddenly a)a"ened !e. 1or a horri&ying second ' tho%ght it )as 5ha)n and ' atte!pted to sho e the person a)ay. "J%st lea e !e alone6" ' pleaded( p%shing on soa"ing clothing. "'$ e had eno%gh7 ' can$t ta"e any!ore tonight6" A strong pair o& hands grasped !y &lailing ones and held the! tightly. "Holly6" ' &ro-e. That )asn$t 5ha)n. 'n a )ay( it )as )orse. ' loo"ed %p to see /r. Hey)ood staring at !e )ith eyes &%ll o& relie&. He lo)ered hi!sel& do)n to !y le el( lo)ering his head. A s!all ch%c"le escaped his lips. "4o% )ere sleeping(" he !%r!%red. "' tho%ght7" /y !o%th )as s%ddenly dry. ' lic"ed !y lips and s)allo)ed a &e) ti!es be&ore spea"ing. "#hat are yo% doing here?" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed %p at !e again( his eyes narro)ing slightly. "#hat a! ' doing here? Holly( '$ e been loo"ing &or yo% &or the past three ho%rs6 4o% co%ld ha e at least ans)ered yo%r phone and let so!eone "no) )here yo% )ere6" /y eyes )idened in s%rprise and ' too" in his appearance no). He loo"ed as i& he$d gone s)i!!ing in a la"e. His )et hair )as !atted to his &orehead( and s!all droplets o& )ater ran do)n his &ace. His clothing )as soa"ed and clinging to hi! tightly. His hands that )ere holding onto !ine )ere &ree-ing. 8%ilt r%shed thro%gh !e( b%t ' sho ed it a)ay *%ic"ly. ' t%rned !y head a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood. "5orry &or )asting yo%r ti!e." "8et %p." "#hat?" "8et %p(" /r. Hey)ood repeated( yan"ing !e to !y &eet. "Let$s go." "8o )here? No6 Let !e go6" ' responded( trying to p%ll !y hands &ree. "'$! staying here6"

"No( yo%$re not(" /r. Hey)ood responded( narro)ing his eyes. "No) let$s go." "No6 ' don$t )ant to be aro%nd yo%6" ' protested. "No) let !e go6" "'$! not lea ing yo% o%t here so yo% can catch hypother!ia( Holly6 '& yo% don$t )ant to co!e to !y place( '$ll dri e yo% to Jere!y$s6 4o%$re not staying o%t here all night." "#hy do yo% e en care?" "#hy do '7?" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head at !e in disbelie&. "' spent o er t)o ho%rs searching in the par" &or yo% since Jere!y called !e in a panic saying 5ha)n )as a&ter yo%. Then ' spent another ho%r searching the other places ' tho%ght yo% !ight be )hen ' co%ldn$t &ind yo%6 .o yo% "no) ho) )orried ' )as )hen ' co%ldn$t &ind yo%? .o yo%?" /y response )as st%c" in !y throat. /r. Hey)ood ne er raised his oice at !e. 2%t no) he )as basically yelling at !e. ' clenched !y 0a)( glaring at hi!. "' didn$t as" yo% to loo" &or !e." "' tho%ght so!ething happened to yo%6" /r. Hey)ood responded( his grasp on !y hand tightening. "' tho%ght 5ha)n had &inally got yo%6 ' )as terri&ied that he got yo% and it )as !y &a%lt6" "#hich )o%ld s%c" beca%se then )hen the other Holly lea es yo% again( yo% )on$t ha e a replace!ent( h%h? /aybe ' sho%ld ha e let 5ha)n ta"e !e6" All e3pression )as )iped o&& /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. /y chest hea ed a &e) ti!es( b%t ' )as deter!ined not to cry. 5%ddenly an angry e3pression ca!e onto /r. Hey)ood$s &ace and he p%shed !e against the &ront door( letting go o& !y hands and p%tting a hand on either side o& !e( pinning !e there. ' ca%ght !y breath and stared at hi! )ith )ide, eyes. He )as too close7 ".on$t e er say that." "#hy?" ' )hispered. "#hy not? At least 5ha)n told !e '$d be a replace!ent( instead o& lying to !e6" "5ha)n )ill h%rt yo%6" /r. Hey)ood responded so%nding e3ed. "4o% h%rt !e !ore."

/r. Hey)ood$s e3pression s%ddenly so&tened( and he dropped his ar!s( his eyes do)ncast. ' stayed against the door( !y eyes &illing )ith tears again. ' sni&&led( bringing %p a slee e to )ipe the! a)ay. 5t%pid tear d%cts. "' "no)(" /r. Hey)ood &inally )hispered. "' "no)7 '$! sorry. ' didn$t !ean &or yo% to &ind o%t li"e that. ' pro!ise ' )as going to tell yo%( Holly." "#hen?" "' don$t "no)(" /r. Hey)ood ad!itted. "2%t ' s)ear ' )as. ' 0%st didn$t )ant )hat happened right no) to happen. ' )as trying to thin" o& a )ay ' co%ld tell yo% )itho%t h%rting yo%." ' la%ghed &eebly. "8%ess that isn$t happening." "'$! sorry(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed again. "' don$t )ant an apology(" ' responded. "' )ant an e3planation." "'$ll e3plain to yo% as soon as )e get to !y ho%se(" /r. Hey)ood bargained. "4o%$re not staying o%t here all night." A slight bree-e passed by( !a"ing !e shi er and ' nodded in agree!ent. "O"ay7"

1ORT4,T#O The dri e to /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent )as silent. ' stared o%t the )indo)( )atching the streets light pass by. /r. Hey)ood "ept his eyes on the road( not sparing !e once glance. The radio )as o&&( !a"ing it !ore a)")ard. #hen )e arri ed( still no )ords )ere spo"en as )e !ade o%r )ay into his apart!ent. /r. Hey)ood disappeared into his roo! &or a &e) !in%tes and then ret%rned )ith a pair o& s)eatpants and a long slee e shirt. He handed the! to !e. "8o change or yo%$ll get sic"." "'$! &ine(" ' responded sti&&ly( crossing !y ar!s o er !y chest. "4o% better start tal"ing." "Holly( 0%st change o%t o& yo%r clothing." "' said '$! &ine."

"4o%$re changing )hether yo% li"e it or not(" /r. Hey)ood said( narro)ing his eyes at !e. "'t$d sa e %s both tro%ble and e!barrass!ent i& ' didn$t ha e to &orce yo% to change." #ith a hot &ace and a sco)l( ' nodded( ta"ing the clothing and going to the bathroo!. ' *%ic"ly stripped o%t o& !y da!p clothing and p%lled on /r. Hey)ood$s )ar! clothes. ' inhaled deeply( ta"ing in the scent. He s!elled so nice7 ' shoo" !y head( a bl%sh appearing on !y &ace. #hat )as ' doing? ' chec"ed !y re&lection in the !irror and nearly gasped in horror. ' loo"ed li"e a !ess6 /y hair )as c%rly and "notted( and !y !a"e,%p )as all o er. As *%ic"ly as ' co%ld( ' did !y best to clean !y &ace %p )ith )ar! )ater. #hen all o& the !a"e,%p on !y &ace )as !ostly gone( ' dried it( and then ret%rned to the li ing roo!. /r. Hey)ood )as standing in the !iddle o& it( )earing a blac" ,nec" and grey pa0a!a pants. 1or a !o!ent ' )as ta"en in by his handso!eness( b%t ' p%lled !y ga-e a)ay be&ore he ca%ght !e loo"ing. #hen he did notice !e( he gest%red !e to)ards hi!. ' stopped a &e) &eet a)ay &ro! hi!( che)ing !y lip ner o%sly. "Are yo% going to lie to !e again?" ' as"ed *%ietly( loo"ing into /r. Hey)ood$s eyes. "' pro!ised ' )o%ldn$t lie to yo% any!ore(" he said. "4o% bro"e that pro!ise." "' ne er lied to yo%( Holly(" he responded( &ro)ning at !e. "' 0%st didn$t tell yo% e erything yo% needed to "no)." ".on$t yo% thin" telling !e ' loo" e3actly li"e yo%r old girl&riend is so!ething ' need to "no)?" ' as"ed angrily. "' )as going to tell yo%(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( his grey eyes piercing into !ine. "#hen? #hy didn$t yo% 0%st tell !e that night )hen yo% told !e abo%t her?" "Holly( ' don$t thin" yo% %nderstand ho) hard it )as 0%st to re eal !y past to yo%(" he replied( sha"ing his head slightly. "/y past is not so!ething '$! pro%d o&( and at the ti!e ' )as )orried yo%$d be scared o&& a&ter hearing it. #hen yo% )eren$t( ' didn$t )ant to ta"e the chance o& )hat happened tonight to happen then by telling yo% abo%t the other Holly." "' )o%ld$ e reacted better i& yo% 0%st told !e6 #hat )as ' s%pposed to do a&ter )hat happened? This type o& thing isn$t ery co!!on( /r. Hey)ood. 5he loo"s e3actly li"e !e( e3cept older6 Ho) can ' not &eel as tho%gh '$! the replace!ent?"

/r. Hey)ood sighed( r%nning a hand thro%gh his still )et hair. "Holly( yo% )ere the replace!ent." ' stared at /r. Hey)ood incred%lo%sly. #as he "idding? ' act%ally )as a replace!ent? He loo"ed bac" at !e )ith a serio%s &ace. A s!all la%gh escaped !y !o%th. "' "ne) it(" ' said( &eeling !y throat constrict. "' a! the replace!ent. This is great6" "Holly( ' said yo% )ere the replace!ent." ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". "#hat e3actly is that s%pposed to !ean?" "#hen ' &irst sa) yo% at school( ' )anted to get as close to yo% as possible beca%se yo% re!inded !e so !%ch o& the other Holly. 4o%r hair color( yo%r eyes( e en so!e o& yo%r personality." That )as )hat 5ha)n had said. A s!all &ro)n appeared on !y &ace. #as that Holly and ' that !%ch ali"e? 't )as a little ner e,)rac"ing. Ho) co%ld t)o people be so !%ch ali"e? "5o yo% %sed !e as a replace!ent &or her?" ' de!anded. ".idn$t yo% care abo%t the person )ho ' act%ally )as? .id yo% e en thin" a little o& !y &eelings?" "' )as too ca%ght %p in yo%$re loo"s(" /r. Hey)ood responded honestly. "' )as too distracted by yo%r appearance to thin" abo%t yo%r &eelings." "That$s horrible6" /r. Hey)ood nodded his head in agree!ent. "'t is." "5o then( e erything yo% said to !e7 )as it all a lie?" "No( ' !eant e ery )ord ' said to yo%. Not to the other Holly( b%t to yo%." "2%t ' tho%ght+" /r. Hey)ood held %p his hand. "4es( at &irst yo% )ere a replace!ent. 2%t as ' started getting closer to yo%( ' began to reali-e ho) di&&erent yo% )ere &ro! her." "2%t yo% 0%st said )e )ere a lot ali"e(" ' pointed o%t. "Appearance )ise( yes(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "Personality )ise and e erything else( no. 4o%$re both st%bborn( b%t that$s the only thing yo% ha e in co!!on. 2%t e erything else is di&&erent."

"' don$t %nderstand7" "5ho%ld ' list a &e) things?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( a s!ir" appearing on his &ace. "4o% bl%sh easily( yo% cry easily( yo% get e!barrassed easily( yo%$re too innocent &or yo%r o)n good( yo%$re e3tre!ely cl%!sy( yo%$re too honest7 sho%ld ' contin%e?" ' &elt !y &ace heat %p and ' loo"ed at the &loor. "' d,don$t7" /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "5ee? 4o%$re bl%shing." "'$! not(" ' responded st%bbornly. "'$ll contin%e then. 4o%$re horrible )ith eye contact( yo% get 0ealo%s easily( yo%$re easily riled %p( and( perhaps the !ost i!portant o& all( yo%$re %nderstanding; yo% don$t 0%dge people by )hat they$ e done." #hen /r. Hey)ood said the last )ords( his e3pression so&tened considerably as he loo"ed at !e. Once !ore( ' had to loo" a)ay. That loo" )as to7 inti!ate. "#hat abo%t !e being the replace!ent? ' tho%ght+" "Holly( yo% stopped being the replace!ent that day )hen ' )as dri ing yo% ho!e and )e )ere tal"ing abo%t o%r parents6 That$s )hen ' reali-ed yo% )ere di&&erent than the other Holly. 4o% cried &or !e( so!ething the other Holly probably )o%ld ha e ne er done. 1ro! that !o!ent on( ' ie)ed yo% as Holly E ers instead o& Holly Pierce. ' ha en$t tho%ght o& yo% as a replace!ent since. 4o% co%ld ne er be a replace!ent. '$! asha!ed to thin" at &irst ' %sed yo%( and '$! incredibly sorry abo%t that." "#hy co%ldn$t yo% ha e 0%st told !e all o& this earlier?" /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "4o% !ean be&ore yo% ran a)ay &ro! !e in the hospital )itho%t letting !e e3plain? There )as hardly eno%gh ti!e7" "' really tho%ght yo% )ere 0%st %sing !e as a replace!ent7" ' told hi!( lo)ering !y eyes and clenching !y &ist. "' tho%ght e erything that happened bet)een %s )as 0%st a lie. ' tho%ght ' had been %sed. 't7 h%rt." "Holly( do yo% really thin" '$! that "ind o& !an?" ' loo"ed %p bac" into /r. Hey)ood$s grey eyes. .id '7? '!!ediately !y eyes &illed )ith tears and ' shoo" !y head. "No6 ' don$t thin" that at all(" ' responded( !y oice crac"ing. "'$! sorry( /r. Hey)ood. '$! sorry. ' sho%ldn$t ha e 0%!ped to concl%sions. '7"

"Holly(" /r. Hey)ood said )ith a sigh( grabbing !y ar! and dragging !e closer to hi!. He p%t his ar!s aro%nd !e and held in !e a tight e!brace. "5ee )hat ' !ean? 4o% cry too easily." "'$! sorry(" ' apologi-ed( grasping his shirt in !y hands. "'$! sorry too( ' !%st ha e !ade yo% cry(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "' see! to do that a lot." "'t$s not yo%r &a%lt." "'t is !y &a%lt." "No it$s not(" ' arg%ed. "'$! the one )ho cried." "2%t '$! the one )ho !ade yo% cry(" /r. Hey)ood insisted. "Technically yo% can$t !a"e !e cry7" "Holly( yo% "no) )hat ' !ean(" /r. Hey)ood responded and ' i!agined hi! rolling his eyes. "2%t+" "Holly( 0%st sh%t %p and en0oy !y co!&orting e!brace." ' s!iled( rolling !y eyes. ' did as he said( and did en0oy his e!brace. The tension bet)een %s i!!ediately ceased and ' let o%t a s!all sigh. /r. Hey)ood p%lled a)ay e ent%ally tho%gh( and ' resisted the %rge to &ro)n. "Holly( ho) e3actly did yo% !anage to get to yo%r ho%se? .id yo% )al"?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( &%rro)ing his eyebro)s. "That$s a long )ay." "Oh( no( a cop dro e !e ho!e." /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )idened in s%rprise. "#hat? #hy?" "No reason( ' 0%st happened to7 &all into her )ay(" ' responded honestly. ' did &all into her )ay. #ell( 5ha)n p%shed !e( b%t technically it$s the sa!e thing. /r. Hey)ood narro)ed his eyes. "4o%$re lying. 5o!ething happened." ' loo"ed at hi! in disbelie&. "Ho) do yo% "no)?"

"' can 0%st tell )ith yo%." "#ell stop( it$s annoying(" ' co!plained !a"ing hi! la%gh. "/aybe i& yo% stopped lying to !e( ' )o%ldn$t ha e to. ' tell yo% the tr%th( Holly. .on$t yo% thin" it$s &air to ret%rn the &a or?" 5%re. Play the g%ilt card. ' cleared !y throat ner o%sly. "#ell7 4o% "no) ho) 5ha)n )as at the par"?" "4es." "#ell be&ore ' "ne) he )as there( he called !e %sing Lance$s cell phone( and )e tal"ed &or a bit+" "Abo%t )hat?" "5t%&&7" "Li"e )hat?" /r. Hey)ood said( rolling his eyes. ".on$t beat aro%nd the b%sh." "He( %!( said no) that yo% ha e the other Holly( that ' sho%ld get )ith hi!7 He tho%ght '$d )ant to get bac" at yo% by doing that." "He )hat?" /r. Hey)ood said( so%nding angry. "He 0%st )ants to %se yo% as a replace!ent6" "' "no) that. 2%t at least he had the decency to tell !e right a)ay." '!!ediately ' regretted letting those )ords slip o%t o& !y !o%th. /r. Hey)ood$s eyes &lashed )ith sorro). "'$! sorry( ' didn$t !ean+" "Holly( ' don$t !ind(" /r. Hey)ood c%t !e o&&. "' did %se yo% as a replace!ent at &irst. ' deser e e ery )ord." "No yo% don$t(" ' said( sha"ing !y head. "'$d probably do the sa!e i& ' )as in yo%r shoes. '& the person ' lo ed le&t !e( '$d try to &ind a replace!ent too... #ell !aybe not( b%t yo% "no)7" /r. Hey)ood s!iled. One o& his rare( gen%ine s!ile( not a s!ir". ' co%ldn$t help b%t s!ile bac". "#hat did yo% say to 5ha)n?"

"Oh( ' said7" As ' re!e!bered the )ords ' said to hi!( a bl%sh !ade it$s )ay onto !y &ace again. /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "#ell?" "' 0%st said ' )o%ldn$t go )ith hi!(" ' responded( editing o%t the )hole part abo%t ho) ' )o%ld !a"e /r. Hey)ood &all !ore in lo e )ith !e. "That$s ob io%s(" /r. Hey)ood said )ith a la%gh. "5!art !o e." "He said he$d ta"e !e by &orce. He h%ng %p then( saying he )as co!ing to get !e. That$s )hen ' tried to lea e( b%t 5ha)n )as )aiting by the entrance+" "#hat?" /r. Hey)ood said( his eyes )idening. "Holly6 #hy didn$t yo% tell !e abo%t this earlier?" "Earlier )e )ere arg%ing7" "2%t this is !ore i!portant6 Are yo% o"ay? #hat happened?" ' lo)ered !y ga-e again to the &loor and cleared !y throat once !ore be&ore contin%ing. "'n the si!plest )ords( he tried to "idnap !e. He said .an )as bringing %p the car( b%t the car that ca!e do)n the street t%rned o%t to be a police car so he sho ed !e a)ay( and that$s ho) ' ended %p being ta"en ho!e by the police." "He tried to "idnap yo%?" /r. Hey)ood repeated( narro)ing his eyes. "Are yo% telling the tr%th?" "' )o%ldn$t lie abo%t this6" "#e ha e to tell the police(" /r. Hey)ood said s%ddenly( loo"ing aro%nd the li ing roo!. "#here$s the phone? This is too serio%s no)." "#hat? No6" ' cried( grabbing onto his ar!. "'& yo%$re in ol ed( )on$t yo% go bac" to 0ail?" "Holly( yo%$re sa&ety is !ore i!portant than )hether ' go to 0ail or not6" "No6 '& yo% go to 0ail '$ll &eel li"e it$s !y &a%lt6" "This is all !y &a%lt(" /r. Hey)ood told !e &latly. ".on$t thin" &or one second that any o& this is yo%r &a%lt." "'t is !y &a%lt &or r%nning a)ay in the !iddle o& the night )hen ' "no) there are gangsters a&ter !e6"

"'t$s !y &a%lt &or getting yo% in ol ed in the &irst place6" ".on$t call the police6" "2%t Holly+" "'& yo% go to 0ail then ' )on$t be able to see yo%6" ' cried( grasping onto his ar! tighter. "' don$t )ant that6" /r. Hey)ood tensed %p( loo"ing at !e )ith an %nreadable e3pression. A&ter a !o!ent he p%t a hand to his head and sighed deeply. "#hy?" "#hy?" ' repeated in con&%sion. "#hy )hat?" "#hy )o%ld yo% p%t !e not going to 0ail o er yo% being har!ed?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded. "'t$s not &air that yo% ha e to go to 0ail &or nothing( 0%st li"e the &irst ti!e6 ' don$t )ant to see yo% going bac". '& yo% go bac"( )e )on$t be able to see each other and the school )o%ld be losing e eryone$s &a orite biology teacher(" ' told hi!( s*%ee-ing his ar!. "' %nderstand yo% )ant to help !e( b%t '$! going to be e3tra ca%tio%s6 5o please don$t call the cops6" "4o% don$t %nderstand( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "4o%$re in danger6" "' don$t care6" ' responded( narro)ing !y eyes slightly. "4o% don$t care?" "No6" "Are yo% st%pid( Holly?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( s%ddenly so%nding angry. "' )orry e ery day abo%t yo%r sa&ety )hen yo% aren$t aro%nd !e. '$! al)ays scared that so!ething$s going to happen to yo% )hen '$! not aro%nd to sa e yo%." ' bl%shed slightly( clearing !y throat. "2%t '+" "Hearing yo% say yo% don$t care 0%st !a"es !e !ore tro%bled(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( c%tting !e o&&. "' don$t )ant yo% p%tting yo%rsel& in danger to help !e6 ' don$t )ant anything to happen to yo% beca%se o& !e( )hich yo% don$t see! to %nderstand." "' do %nderstand tho%gh6"

"Then let !e call the cops6" "No6" ' cried( glaring at /r. Hey)ood. "4o%$re not calling the cops6" "Holly+" "Please(" ' begged( holding onto his ar! e en tighter than be&ore. "' don$t )ant yo% going to 0ail6 ' pro!ise '$ll be care&%l( so please6" /r. Hey)ood didn$t say anything &or a !o!ent. 1inally he sighed( gently p%lling his ar! &ree &ro! his grasp. "#hy( Holly?" "2eca%se '$! in lo e )ith yo%6" As soon as the )ords )ere o%t o& !y !o%th( ' gasped( !y &ace gro)ing ten ti!es hotter. /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )idened slightly in s%rprise and either !y eyes )ere betraying !e( or he )as bl%shing. ' *%ic"ly ad erted !y ga-e( !y heart po%nding a !ile a !in%te. /y )hole body &elt hot( and !y hands )ere sha"ing. ' had 0%st con&essed7 by accident. That )asn$t )hat ' )as going to say. ' didn$t )ant to con&ess li"e that6 ' )as too a&raid to loo" at /r. Hey)ood. He probably &elt ery %nco!&ortable no). Tears )ere pric"ling at !y eyes again( b%t this ti!e &ro! e!barrass!ent. ' had !essed %p the !ost i!portant thing ' )anted to say to /r. Hey)ood. ' )anted it to be li"e one o& the !o!ents in a !o ie6 2%t no( ' had to be !y st%pid sel& and r%in it. ' *%ic"ly r%bbed the bac" o& !y hand against !y eyes. "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood groaned in e3asperation. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' "ne) it. He tho%ght it )as ridic%lo%s con&ession too. "'$! sorry(" ' apologi-ed( r%bbing !y eyes again. "' didn$t !ean to say that. 't 0%st slipped o%t6" "Not that(" /r. Hey)ood told !e. "#hy are yo% crying again? #here do yo% e en get all these tears &ro!?" "H%h?" #hat abo%t !y con&ession? #asn$t he going to say anything? ' stared at hi! )ith a &ro)n. He bro%ght a hand %p to !y &ace and )iped a)ay a &e) stray tears. "That$s better." "<!7 )hat abo%t7 )hat ' said7?" "#hat yo% said?" "4o% "no)(" ' responded( !y &ace heating %p again. "#hat ' 0%st said."

"' don$t re!e!ber7" ' stared at hi! in disbelie&. He )as "idding. He had to be "idding. He ret%rned !y loo" )ith a serio%s one( tilting his head to the side *%estioningly. He )asn$t "idding. <nbelie able. ' co%ldn$t repeat !ysel& a&ter that6 That )as too e!barrassing6 /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly snic"ered( b%t he *%ic"ly co ered it %p )ith his hand. ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". He grinned( sha"ing his head. "J%st "idding( ' heard yo% Holly." "' ta"e it bac". ' act%ally hate yo%." /r. Hey)ood la%ghed once( b%t soon a&ter he sighed. "' didn$t )ant yo% to say it yet( Holly(" he told !e( sha"ing his head slightly. ' loo"ed at hi! in con&%sion. "#hat do yo% !ean?" "' "ne) ho) yo% &elt abo%t !e( b%t ' didn$t really e3pect yo% to act%ally say it. ' didn$t )ant yo% to say it." #ait( )hat? #hy didn$t he )ant !e to say ' lo ed hi!? 5%ddenly ' &elt li"e ' )as going to be sic". /y chest clenched %nco!&ortably. #hat )as that s%pposed to !ean? He didn$t )ant !e to lo e hi!? 2%t didn$t he hint that he lo ed !e too? #hy7? "Oh(" ' said in reali-ation. "'t$s the other Holly( isn$t it?" /r. Hey)ood &%rro)ed his eyebro)s in con&%sion. "#hat is?" "4o% don$t )ant !e saying that beca%se yo%$re )ith her( right? "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?" "Aren$t yo% bac" together )ith the other Holly?" ' as"ed hi!( no) &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s in con&%sion. "#hat? No(" /r. Hey)ood responded( staring at !e li"e ' )as cra-y. "#here )o%ld yo% e en get that idea &ro!?" "4o%$re not together? 2%t yo% had dates+" "Holly( ' already told yo% they )eren$t dates. ' )as 0%st isiting her beca%se she stopped in to)n &or a)hile(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( &ro)ning slightly. "2%t yo% lo e her right? That$s )hy yo% said yo% ne er stop lo ing so!eone(" ' prodded.

/r. Hey)ood s!iled. "There$s a di&&erence bet)een lo ing so!eone( and being in lo e )ith so!eone." ' blin"ed in reali-ation. 5o he lo ed the other Holly( b%t )asn$t in lo e )ith her. Another bl%sh &orced it$s )ay into !y &ace. ' had said ' )as in lo e )ith hi!7 Had he ca%ght that? "5he$s already engaged." "#hat?" ' said in shoc"( loo"ing %p at /r. Hey)ood. "5he$s engaged?" He nodded. "' don$t "no) the g%y( b%t the reason she$s bac" in to)n is beca%se she$s personally handing o%t )edding in itations. 5he ga e one to !e( as )ell." "Then )hy is she in the hospital?" ' had ass%!ed she had so!e "ind o& illness. "Oh( she )as !%gged the other night and she crac"ed a &e) o& her ribs(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "At &irst ' tho%ght it )as 5ha)n( b%t she says she didn$t recogni-e her assailants7" 5ha)n$s )ords echoed in !y head; "the right Holly." ' stared at /r. Hey)ood )ith !y !o%th open. He ret%rned !y loo" )ith a *%estioning one. ' *%ic"ly debated in !y head )hether or not to tell hi!. '& ' did tell hi!( )hat )o%ld he do? 2iting !y lip( ' lo)ered !y ga-e. ' )o%ldn$t tell hi!. "Holly( don$t get !e )rong(" /r. Hey)ood said( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder. "4o% ha e no idea ho) long '$ e been )aiting to hear )hat yo% said. 2%t the thing is( yo%$re se enteen( Holly. '$! t)enty,t)o." "2%t ' don$t care abo%t that+" ' started )ith !y eyes )ide. "2%t ' do(" /r. Hey)ood told !e )ith a &ro)n. "4o%$re too yo%ng &or !e right no)." "/y birthday$s ne3t )ee" tho%gh6" ' protested s%ddenly beco!ing an3io%s. "Then '$ll be a legal ad%lt6 1o%r years and a co%ple !onths isn$t that !%ch o& age di&&erence6" 2oy( ' so%nded desperate. "Hence )hy ' said $yet$(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a s!ir". ' blin"ed at hi!. /r. Hey)ood )aited a !o!ent( his s!ir" slo)ing gro)ing. That$s )hen ' got )hat he said. He )anted to )ait %ntil ' )as eighteen?

"' )on$t respond to yo%r con&ession right no)(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( sha"ing his head. "' can$t. 't$s not right. ' can handle that st%dent teacher thing( b%t o%r age di&&erence is another thing co!pletely. Right no) it$s illegal( and '$! trying to ta"e the la) serio%sly right no). 5o '$! going to &orget abo%t yo%r con&ession &or no)( %ntil yo%$re older." "5o )hen '$! eighteen7?" "Tell !e again(" /r. Hey)ood said( his eyes piercing into !ine. Another bl%sh !ade it$s )ay onto !y &ace and ' loo"ed a)ay( clearing !y throat. "2%t since yo% already "no)( doesn$t that r%in it?" "9no) )hat?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( innocently gi ing !e a con&%sed loo". "/y &eelings(" ' responded slo)ly( ret%rning his con&%sed loo". #hat else co%ld ' be tal"ing abo%t? "4o%$re &eelings abo%t )hat?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed. "5%shi? ' don$t li"e it b%t ' g%ess e eryone has their o)n pre&erences." "'$! not tal"ing abo%t+" "' )onder i& the ga!e is on7" ' stared at /r. Hey)ood in be)ilder!ent as he searched &or the re!ote. That )as it? #asn$t he going to say so!ething else abo%t !y con&ession? .id he really !ean he )as going to &orget abo%t it %ntil ' )as eighteen? That didn$t help !e !%ch tho%gh. Another con&ession )o%ld &eel pointless7 /r. Hey)ood t%rned on his tele ision( p%tting it on the ga!e( )hich indeed )as one. He glanced at !e o%t o& the corner o& his eye and s!ir"ed. "8o !a"e !e a c%p o& co&&ee." "2%t it$s al!ost t)o o$cloc" in the !orning(" ' protested( glancing at the cloc" on the T.B stand. "#ho are yo%( !y !o!?" "No(" ' responded in an irritated oice. "'$! 0%st saying+" "Co&&ee(" he ordered. "No)." "2%t it$s yo%r ho%se6" "Holly."

"1ine(" ' !%ttered( p%shing !ysel& o&& the co%ch. "4o% "no)( yo%$re so+" "A!a-ing( ' "no)( than" yo%(" /r. Hey)ood &inished &or !e )ith a )ide grin. ' rolled !y eyes( b%t a grin !ade its )ay onto !y &ace as )ell. E erything )as still nor!al. E en a&ter e erything )e had been thro%gh( a&ter ho) !%ch stress tonight had ca%sed !e( it )as nor!al. /r. Hey)ood hadn$t pic"ed on !e once abo%t ho) ' o er, reacted. He hadn$t e en !entioned it( e en tho%gh ' had ca%sed hi! so !%ch )orry. 2%t the to%gh part )as still ahead. A &ro)n slo)ly appeared on !y &ace. Ho) )as ' going to con&ess a second ti!e to /r. Hey)ood?

1ORT4,THREE The s!ell o& so!ething b%rning )o"e !e %p. ' sat %p *%ic"ly( %nder the i!pression !y ho%se )as on &ire. 1or a !o!ent ' loo"ed aro%nd the roo! in be)ilder!ent( %ntil ' re!e!bered ' )as at /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent. A bl%sh !ade its )ay onto !y &ace )hen ' reali-ed ' )as in his bed. P%shing that tho%gh aside( ' slid o%t &ro! %nder the co ers and headed to)ards the "itchen to in estigate the so%rce o& the b%rning s!ell. A &e) pillo)s and a blan"et )ere lying as"e) on the co%ch. At least /r. Hey)ood had the decency to sleep on the co%ch. ' &elt sort o& bad tho%gh; a&ter all( ' )as the g%est. ' sho%ld ha e been the one sleeping on the co%ch. Or he )e co%ld ha e 0%st slept in the sa!e bed( )e$d done it be&ore+ ' shoo" !y head iolently. No( )e co%ldn$t sleep in the sa!e bed6 He )as still !y teacher( no !atter !y &eelings. #e )eren$t e en together. 't )as a good thing he had slept on the co%ch. #hat )as ' thin"ing? /y hor!ones needed to control the!sel es. "/r. Hey)ood(" ' started( stepping into the "itchen area. "Are yo% in+ah6" /y &oot landed on so!ething so&t( !a"ing !e p%ll it bac" in s%rprise( and lose !y balance. /y ar!s &le) o%t as ' desperately tried to stop !ysel& &ro! &alling. ' !anaged to catch !ysel& 0%st be&ore ' &ell co!pletely by grabbing the edge o& the co%nter. /y eyes dropped to the gro%nd( )here they landed on so!ething that !ade !y heart s"ip a beat. /r. Hey)ood )as lying &ace do)n on the gro%nd( !otionless. "/r. Hey)ood?" ' as"ed( cro%ching do)n to the gro%nd.

#hen there )as no response( ' p%t !y hand on his bac" and shoo" gently. #hen still no response ca!e( !y p%lse pic"ed %p. ' dropped to !y "nees( leaning o er hi! and grabbing his sho%lder( atte!pting to roll hi! o er. "Are yo% playing so!e "ind o& 0o"e?" ' as"ed harshly. "2eca%se '$! not &inding it ery &%nny." 5till no ans)er. #ith s%rprising &orce( ' !anaged to roll hi! o er onto his bac". His head rolled li!ply to the side( his eyes sh%t. Panic co%rsed thro%gh !e no)( !y eyes )idening in s%rprise. Either so!ething )as )rong( or he )as a ery good actor. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' called( sha"ing his sho%lders slightly. "/r. Hey)ood? 7Chris?" No) )hen no ans)er ca!e( ' panic"ed. #hat )as )rong )ith hi!? Leaning o er hi!( ' lo)ered !y ear to his !o%th( and rela3ed slightly. He )as still breathing at least. 2%t his breaths )ere shallo) and *%ic". ' gently pressed a hand to his &orehead and nearly p%lled it bac" &ro! shoc". He )as b%rning %p6 /y panic increased ten&old no). He had a &e er6 ' didn$t "no) ho) to care &or a person )ith a &e er6 /y !o! al)ays helped !e( and as &ar as ' co%ld re!e!ber( she hadn$t e er been sic" in !y li&e6 ' "ne) ' had to get hi! o&& the "itchen &loor tho%gh. Li&ting /r. Hey)ood o&& the gro%nd )as i!possible. He )as 0%st too hea y6 A&ter a !in%te o& biting !y lip( ' decided on the ne3t best co%rse o& action since ' co%ldn$t pic" hi! %p: dragging hi!. 8rabbing hi! by the ar!s( ' began to p%ll hi! across the "itchen &loor( thro%gh the li ing roo!( and into his bedroo!. ' bro%ght hi! all the )ay %p to the bed. No) ca!e the to%gh part; getting hi! on it. '& ' co%ld get his &ront hal& %p( then ' co%ld easily bring %p his botto! hal&. 2%t the *%estion )as; ho) )as ' going to do that? ' s*%atted do)n by /r. Hey)ood$s head( p%rsing !y lips. /aybe ' co%ld li&t hi! %p by his ar!pits7 #ell( it )as )orth a shot. /o ing into a "neeling position( ' p%t !y ar!s %nder his bac" and hoo"ed the! %p thro%gh his ar!pits. ' tested li&ting hi! %p by this !ethod( and &ig%red ' co%ld probably do it. ' s)itched bac" into a s*%atting position( !y head 0%st ho ering o er his. #ith as !%ch &orce as ' co%ld !%ster( ' proceeded to p%ll his torso %p. A s!all( strained( groan le&t !y !o%th. /r. Hey)ood serio%sly needed to lose )eight6 ' glanced do)n at hi! )ith a sco)l. To !y s%rprise( he )as loo"ing bac" at !e )ith )ide eyes. /y breath ca%ght and ' dropped hi! in shoc"( p%shing !ysel& bac"( bl%shing hard. He landed on the gro%nd )ith a lo%d th%d and a groan. ' bl%shed e en deeper and )inced.

"5orry6" ' apologi-ed( bringing !ysel& closer. "Are yo% o"ay?" "#hat a! '7?" /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e )ith an e3tre!ely con&%sed e3pression. His e3pression( !i3ed )ith his !essy hair( and )orn o%t loo" !ade hi! loo" li"e a lost p%ppy and ' co%ldn$t help b%t stare at hi! in a)e. He loo"ed so c%te6 /r. Hey)ood contin%ed to loo" at !e li"e that as ' ga)"ed( a s!ile spreading across !y &ace. Ho) ' )ish ' co%ld ta"e a pict%re7 "O)(" /r. Hey)ood groaned( bringing a hand to his head. "5hit." "#hat$s )rong?" "Headache(" he told !e( sha"ing his head in dis!issal. "#hy are )e on the gro%nd?" "Oh( %!7 yo% ha e a &e er." "That doesn$t e3plain )hy )e$re on the gro%nd7" /y &ace beca!e hot again and ' ad erted !y ga-e. "<!7 )ell( yo% "ind o& passed o%t in the "itchen( so ' tried to bring yo% to yo%r bed7 b%t yo%$re hea y and ' ended %p dragging yo%( and ' )as 0%st atte!pting to p%ll yo% onto it( b%t yo% ca%ght !e by s%rprise so ' dropped yo%." /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed slightly( b%t it )as r%ined by a s%dden co%ghing &it. #hen it )as o er( /r. Hey)ood p%t his hand on the side o& his bed( atte!pting to p%sh hi!sel& %p. ' reached o%t !y hand &or s%pport( b%t he ended %p p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder( !a"ing !e sin" %nder the press%re as he !anaged to get hi!sel& to his &eet. Then he collapsed onto the bed )ith a sigh. "Holly." "4eah?" ' as"ed( straightening !ysel& o%t. "8et o%t." "H%h?" "8o call Jere!y or so!ething( 0%st get o%t(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( his oice !%&&led by his co!&orter. "#hat? #hy?" ' as"ed in con&%sion( a little h%rt by his )ords. #hat did ' do?

/r. Hey)ood &lipped o er onto his bac" and laid a hand across his eyes. "Not li"e that( Holly. ' 0%st don$t )ant yo% to get sic" too. '$ll &eel li"e it$s !y &a%lt." A &ro)n slipped onto !y &ace. No) that ' )as thin"ing abo%t it( ' reali-ed it )as probably !y &a%lt /r. Hey)ood had s%ddenly gotten sic" o er night. He had spent three ho%rs in the cold rain searching &or !e. ' loo"ed g%iltily at the &loor. "'$! going to stay to ta"e care o& yo%." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "' don$t need so!eone to ta"e care o& !e( Holly. '$ e li ed on !y o)n &or the past &o%r years. 8o on a date )ith Jere!y or so!ething." "#e aren$t dating6" /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro) in a!%se!ent as ' &l%shed once !ore. That had co!e o%t !ore de&ensi e than ' had !eant it to be. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led again( b%t it t%rned into a co%gh. "'& yo% )ant to help( go get !e so!e cold !edicine. 't$s behind the !irror in the bathroo!." "#hat$s the !agic )ord?" "Please." ' stared at hi! in a!a-e!ent. He !%st be sic"( ' tho%ght. He ne er said please. Nodding( ' started to)ards the bathroo!( still blo)n a)ay )ith his "please". As ' passed the "itchen again( the b%rning s!ell &illed !y nose and !y eyes )idened. Crap6 ' had &orgotten to &ig%re o%t )hat the b%rning s!ell )as6 R%shing into the "itchen( ' i!!ediately )ent to the o en. There )as nothing on the b%rners( so ' opened the o en door. Large clo%ds o& s!o"e !et !y &ace as soon as the door opened. ' co%ghed and re!o ed !y &ace *%ic"ly( trying to )a e the s!o"e a)ay. ' located the o en dial and t%rned it o&&( still trying to clear the s!o"e aro%nd !e. A&ter a &e) !o!ents ' opened the o en again( peering in. 5!all( blac"( b%rnt !o%nds o&7 so!ething )ere sitting on a sil er tray. ' closed the o en door again. '$d deal )ith those7 things7 later. #ith a glass o& )ater in one hand( and t)o s!all pills &ro! the bathroo! in the other( ' ret%rned to /r. Hey)ood$s bedroo!. /r. Hey)ood )as no) sitting on the edge o& the bed( his hands holding his head. ' cleared !y throat *%ietly and he loo"ed %p at !e.

"Here(" ' said( holding the glass o& )ater o%t to hi!.

"/y hands are sha"ing to hard to hold the glass(" /r. Hey)ood responded( glancing at the glass. "Ho) abo%t yo% pass it to !e by !o%th?" #hat? ' stared at hi! in shoc". ' dropped !y head in e!barrass!ent( &eeling !y hot &ace gro) hot again. '& /r. Hey)ood "ept this %p( !y &ace )o%ld be )ell done be&ore the day )as o er. He started la%ghing and ' &elt hi! atte!pt to ta"e the glass a)ay &ro! !e. ' let hi! do so( then handed hi! the pills( still not loo"ing at hi!. "Holly( it$s no &%n i& yo%$re not loo"ing at !e )hen yo% bl%sh." "/,/r. Hey)ood( ' thin"+" "Chris(" he corrected !e. 1or a !o!ent ' stayed *%iet( loo"ing at hi! )onderingly. 't had been &ore er since he had corrected !e. 't &elt nostalgic. A s!ile crept onto !y !o%th( and ' shoo" !y head. "<!( Chris( ' thin" yo% sho%ld rest &or a )hile7" "'$! h%ngry(" he co!plained. "' )ant to eat &irst." "'$ll !a"e yo% so!ething(" ' o&&ered( e3cited by the idea o& being able to coo" so!ething &or hi! )hile he )as in need. His &acial e3pression told !e he )asn$t s%re i& he )anted !e to coo" hi! so!ething. "' thin" '$!+" "' can coo"(" ' told hi!( a little resent&%lly. "J%st beca%se so!e o& %s aren$t pro&essional li"e yo%( doesn$t !ean )e can$t coo"." He grinned and la%ghed *%ietly. "O"ay. There$s so!e can so%p in the cabinet. 4o% can handle that( right?" "4es(" ' snapped( narro)ing !y eyes at hi!. "#ell( get to it." #ith a roll o& !y eyes( ' e3ited the bedroo! and headed &or the "itchen again. A sco)l appeared on !y &ace as ' h%&&ed. /r. Hey)ood really needed to stop teasing !e. A part o& !e told !e that )as one )ay o& ho) he sho)ed he cared( b%t ' tossed that tho%ght a)ay. He still )as a 0er". 2%t( he )as a 0er" ' lo ed. Ho) clichD. The so%nd o& a phone ringing &illed !y ears as ' reached &or one o& the cabinet doors. The so%nd )as co!ing &ro! the li ing roo!. 8oing bac" o%t there( ' spotted /r. Hey)ood$s cell phone on the table in &ront o& the co%ch. ' grabbed the phone and loo"ed

at it( )ondering i& ' sho%ld bring it to hi!. /y heart s"ipped a beat )hen ' reali-ed Jere!y )as calling. A&ter a second o& hesitation( ' hit the tal" b%tton and p%t the phone to !y ear. "Chris? 4o% &inally decided to pic" %p? .o yo% "no) ho) !any ti!es ' called yo% and te3ted yo% d%ring the past t)el e ho%rs? .id yo% &ind Holly? 's she o"ay? #here$s 5ha)n? #hat happened? 's Holly )ith yo%? 5he$s not ans)ering her phone either6" "<!( it$s !e7" There )as a silence on the other side o& the line( and then ' heard a deep sigh. "Holly7" "Jere!y7" "Are yo% o"ay?" "'$! o"ay(" ' told hi!( che)ing !y lip. "Are yo%?" He la%ghed. "#hy )o%ldn$t ' be?" "Oh( %!( ' don$t "no)(" ' responded( s!iling sheepishly. "Holly( '$! sorry abo%t last night(" Jere!y apologi-ed( !a"ing !y eyes )iden in s%rprise. "#hat?" "' said '$! sorry+" "No( ' heard yo%(" ' said( c%tting hi! o&&. "2%t )hat are yo% apologi-ing &or? .on$t6 4o% didn$t do anything )rong. 't )as as yo% said; ' )as 0%st being o er,dra!atic. ' sho%ld be the one apologi-ing &or snapping at yo%6 '$! also sorry ' called yo% a liar and+" "Holly( breathe(" Jere!y ordered )ith a la%gh. "'t$s &ine( ' %nderstand. 4o% )ere 0%st stressed o%t yesterday. ' didn$t ta"e anything serio%sly." "'$! still sorry7" ".on$t )orry abo%t it(" Jere!y said easily. "'$! g%essing things are o"ay no)?" he as"ed( changing the s%b0ect. ' cleared !y throat( glancing at the gro%nd in e!barrass!ent. "Oh( yeah7" "#here$s Chris?"

"'n his bedroo!. He has a &e er." Jere!y la%ghed. "#ell that$s )hat he gets &or r%nning aro%nd in the rain." "Jere!y( ' really don$t "no) anything abo%t helping sic" people(" ' said honestly. ".o yo% thin" !aybe7 yo% co%ld co!e o er and help !e o%t?" Jere!y )as *%iet &or a !in%te. "#ell( ' g%ess." "4o% don$t ha e to i& yo% don$t )ant to7" "No( ' don$t !ind(" Jere!y ass%red !e. "' 0%st tho%ght yo%$d li"e the alone ti!e )ith Chris." A bl%sh !ade its )ay onto !y &ace again. "',' don$t7 it$s n,not7 ' !ean ' d,don$t7" Jere!y la%ghed. "Holly( yo%$re too c%te." "5h%t %p(" ' snapped( glaring at the )all. "'$ll be o er in abo%t t)enty !in%tes." "O"ay( '$! going to !a"e /r. Hey)ood so!e so%p." "2eha e(" Jere!y responded in a singsong oice be&ore ' heard the clic" o& the line hanging %p. ' sco)led( bringing the phone a)ay &ro! !y ear to sh%t it( b%t so!ething on the bac"gro%nd ca%ght !y attention. /y eyes )idened in s%rprise )hen ' reali-ed it )as a pict%re o& !e7 "issing /r. Hey)ood? Another bl%sh &o%nd its )ay to !y &ace and ' loo"ed aro%nd in be)ilder!ent. #hen had this happened? And )hy )as it his phone bac"gro%nd? 5%ddenly it hit !e. That ti!e he had "issed !e to blac"!ail !e6 2%t )hy )as it his bac"gro%nd? 't )as so e!barrassing6 ' co%ldn$t lea e it as this6 An idea popped into !y head and ' *%ic"ly t%rned /r. Hey)ood$s phone ca!era on. ' !ade the &%nniest &ace ' co%ld thin" o& and too" a pict%re. Re!o ing the one o& /r. Hey)ood and '( ' replaced it )hen the co!ical sel&,portrait. Ho) ' 0%st hoped ' )asn$t aro%nd )hen /r. Hey)ood reali-ed ' had seen and changed his bac"gro%nd. ' tossed the phone onto the co%ch( still &l%stered. #hy )o%ld /r. Hey)ood ha e that as his bac"gro%nd? 1or ho) long7 Reali-ation ran thro%gh !e li"e electricity. Jere!y$s )ords rang thro%gh !y head. "'& yo% e er get the chance( loo" at his cell phone." 't !ade sense no). 2%t the *%estion still )as )hy? #as it beca%se7?

' shoo" !y head. No( ' co%ldn$t a&&ord to ass%!e things. ' didn$t )ant to as" hi! abo%t it either; it )as too e!barrassing. /aybe Jere!y "ne)7 he see!ed to "no) a lot o& things( ' tho%ght )ryly. /aybe Jere!y "ne) too !%ch7 5ha"ing !y head( ' !ade !y )ay bac" to the "itchen to !a"e his so%p. 't )as the can "ind( so it only too" abo%t &i e !in%tes. A&ter a !in%te o& searching ' &o%nd a bo)l to p%t it in( and a spoon( then !ade !y )ay bac" to /r. Hey)ood$s roo!. He )as laying bac" on the bed( %nder the co ers. "/r. Hey)ood?" ' said( going o er to hi!. "/r. Hey)ood? Are yo% sleeping?" #hen he didn$t ans)er( ' &ro)ned. Ho) co%ld he ha e &allen asleep so *%ic"ly? ' s*%atted by the bed( peering at hi! &or a !o!ent. His sleeping e3pression ca%sed !y &ace to heat %p a little. Ho) co%ld so!eone be as handso!e as hi!? 't had to be illegal to loo" li"e he did. 5ighing( ' reached o er and shoo" hi!. He co%ld sleep a&ter he eat his so%p. "#a"e %p(" ' said lo%dly. "/r. Hey)ood." /r. Hey)ood groaned( p%shing !y hand a)ay. ' la%ghed slightly at his action. "8et %p. 4o%r so%p is done." "/s. E ers?" he said sleepily( ga-ing at !e thro%gh hal& open eyelids. /y eyebro)s &%rro)ed slightly. #hy did he call !e /s. E ers? ' shr%gged it o&&( &ro)ning at hi!. "'t$s !e( /r. Hey)ood. 4o%$re so%p+" The rest o& )hat ' )as going to say )as c%t o&& )hen /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly bro%ght his hand to the bac" o& !y head( &orcing it do)n. /y eyes )idened as o%r heads gre) closer. Then o%r lips !ade contact. /y eyes )idened in shoc" as /r. Hey)ood$s lips pressed against !ine so&tly and gently. 't too" !e a second to reali-e )hat )as happening. '!!ediately ' p%lled a)ay( bl%shing &%rio%sly. /r. Hey)ood ga-ed at !e &or another !o!ent be&ore closing his eyes again and do-ing o&& )itho%t another )ord. ' straightened !ysel& and staggered a &e) steps a)ay &ro! the bed( a hand slapping across !y !o%th. /y tho%ghts raced &rantically( !atching the sharply increased beating o& !y heart. /r. Hey)ood had "issed !e6 "Holly? 4o% in here?"

A startled gasp escaped !y lips as ' t)isted to see Jere!y loo"ing at !e c%rio%sly. He had gotten here *%ic"ly6 "#hat$s %p? 4o% loo" red." "<!7 '( %!( ' thin" ' !ight be getting sic" too(" ' !ade %p *%ic"ly( than"ing 8od that Jere!y hadn$t sho)n %p a !in%te earlier. "'n &act( ' &eel a little di--y." "Not good(" Jere!y told !e( co!ing o er )ith a &ro)n on his &ace. He placed a hand on !y hot &orehead and his &ro)n deepened. "4o%$re hot7 ' thin" it$d be best i& yo% le&t this roo!7" ' co%ldn$t agree !ore. ' nodded !y head( hoping to get a)ay 0%st in case /r. Hey)ood )o"e bac" %p. "'$ll go rest on the co%ch." "5o%nds good. '$ll chec" on Chris." ' e3ited the roo! )itho%t another )ord( !y heart still po%nding. #hat )as going on? #hat )as /r. Hey)ood thin"ing? #asn$t he the one )ho told !e not to con&ess %ntil ' )as eighteen? #hy had he s%ddenly "issed !e? ' tho%ght the b%rning o& !y &ace )as ne er going a)ay. The )orst thing abo%t the "iss tho%gh( )as ho) !%ch ' li"ed it.

1ORT4,1O<R "Jere!y7" Jere!y contin%ed to la%gh( ignoring !y irritated tone. He had been la%ghing &or the last !in%te straight( and )hile at &irst it )as acceptable( no) he )as 0%st o er,doing it. A sco)l slipped on !y &ace as ' &o%ght the %rge to p%nch the blonde !an. 1inally eno%gh )as eno%gh and ' s)i&tly bro%ght a clenched &ist to his sho%lder as hard as ' co%ld. Jere!y )inced( his la%ghter ceasing i!!ediately. He loo"ed at !e )ith a &ro)n( r%bbing his sho%lder. "O). #hat )as that &or?" "1or la%ghing so !%ch6 't$s not that &%nny6" A s!ir" appeared on Jere!y$s &ace( and it loo"ed li"e he )as holding in !ore la%ghter. ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi! threateningly.

"1irst( i& yo%$re trying to loo" threateningly( it isn$t )or"ing(" he responded( his s!ir" gro)ing )ider. "4o% loo" c%te. Li"e an angry "itten. 5econd( it is &%nny. Holly( yo%r con&ession )as so yo%." "Ho) is it so !e?" ' as"ed( &ighting the bl%sh that )as trying to appear on !y &ace. "'t )as an accident6 Only idiots bl%rt o%t con&essions li"e that7" "#ell7" "'& yo%$re going to say '$! an idiot( ' already "no)(" ' snapped at Jere!y. "Only ' co%ld r%in so!ething as i!portant as that." Jere!y sighed. "' )asn$t going to say that." "2%t it$s tr%e6" "Holly( yo% didn$t r%in it(" Jere!y told !e( reaching o er and s*%ee-ing !y leg hard. "Tr%st !e." ' )inced in pain( i!!ediately trying to p%ll his hand o&& !e. "O)6" Jere!y let go i!!ediately( gi ing !e a sheepish grin. "Ah( sorry. 2%t li"e ' said( yo% didn$t r%in it." "Ho) is that not r%ining it? ' didn$t !ean to say it6" "That$s precisely )hy yo% didn$t r%in it(" Jere!y told !e( a grin spreading across his &ace. "'t$s so yo%( Holly." "'s that s%pposed to be a diss?" ' as"ed( &ro)ning at hi!. "Not at all6 Holly( it$s c%te( and probably not )hat Chris )as e3pecting( )hich 0%st !a"es it better. '$! s%re he had a hard ti!e trying to control hi!sel& a&ter that. The only thing that ' can thin" o& that co%ld ha e !ade it better( )o%ld be yo% crying in e!barrass!ent a&ter)ards( )hich ' co%ld see yo% doing(" Jere!y told !e( a brie& la%gh lea ing his lips. A bl%sh !ade its )ay onto !y &ace( and ' loo"ed at the gro%nd. Jere!y "ne) !e too )ell. "Haha( yeah7" "4o% did( didn$t yo%?" /y ga-e shi&ted to Jere!y and ' narro)ed !y eyes. "No."

"4o% so did6" Jere!y cried( his eyes t)in"ling in a!%se!ent. "4o%r &ace tells it all6 Oh( Holly( yo%$re too &%nny." ' glared at hi!. "Ho) a! ' &%nny? #hat )as ' s%pposed to do? La%gh beca%se ' 0%st r%ined !y chances o& a !o ie con&ession? '+" Jere!y p%t his hand o er !y !o%th( silencing !e. "Holly( tr%st !e( yo%r con&ession )as )ay !ore better than any !o ie con&ession. There$s nothing to be %pset o er. '$! s%re Chris lo es ho) yo% did it yo%r o)n )ay7)ell sort o&. 4o% did it yo%r o)n )ay by accident." P%lling Jere!y$s hand a)ay( ' shoo" !y head. "No. That$s )hy he )ants !e to con&ess again." "No( he )ants yo% to con&ess again so he doesn$t &eel li"e a pedophile )hen he accepts it(" Jere!y ass%red !e. "#hy do yo% do%bt yo%rsel& so !%ch?" /y eyes )idened in s%rprise as ' stared at Jere!y. .o%bt !ysel&? .id ' do%bt !ysel&? /y conscio%s said ' did. ' &%rro)ed !y eyebro)s in con&%sion. #hy did ' do%bt !ysel&? 5%ddenly( a list o& reasons ran thro%gh !y !ind. "'$! al)ays a da!sel in distress( ' cry easily( '$! cl%!sy( '+" "Holly( yo%$re listing all the good things abo%t yo%(" Jere!y c%t !e o&& be&ore ' co%ld contin%e. "Ho) are those good?" Jere!y s!iled !ischie o%sly. "They 0%st are." "2eca%se '$!+" #itho%t any )arning( Jere!y slapped his hands to !y chee"s. Hard. The so%nd see!ed to echo as !y chee"s b%rned &ro! his hit. ' stared at hi! in shoc" )hile he loo"ed bac" )ith hard eyes. "Holly E ers(" he started in a serio%s oice. "5top do%bting yo%rsel&6 't$s not an attracti e trait. '$! going to tell yo% )hat ' told Chris; )hile yo% do%bt yo%rsel&( Chris probably do%bts hi!sel& as )ell. '& yo% ha e do%bts( go to hi!( and )hile yo%$re there !a"e s%re yo% tell hi! )hat yo% li"e abo%t hi! and ha e hi! tell yo% his do%bts. 4o% t)o )ill get no )here i& yo% both ha e attit%des li"e this6"

/r. Hey)ood had do%bts too? #hat )as that s%pposed to !ean? And Jere!y and /r. Hey)ood tal"ed abo%t !e? ' tried to respond( b%t Jere!y$s hands !%&&led !y oice. Jere!y shoo" his head at !e( p%tting !y press%re on !y chee"s. "'$! not done. 5ince ' said '$ e said this to Chris be&ore( thin" bac" to anyti!e )here Chris !ight ha e !entioned so!ething abo%t yo%. Or said so!ething abo%t yo%r personality(" he co!!anded( his green eyes piercing into !ine. 1or a !o!ent ' )as entranced by their color( b%t ' *%ic"ly snapped o%t o& it )hen they narro)ed. /r. Hey)ood had ne er said he li"ed so!ething abo%t !e( had he? ' )rac"ed !y !e!ories. Any ti!e7 /y eyes )idened in reali-ation. The other night( )hen he had been describing the di&&erences in !y personality &ro! the other Holly6 2%t no( those co%ldn$t be the things he li"ed abo%t !e. They )ere all hassling traits no one li"ed7 "1ro! yo%r &ace( ' do belie e yo%$ e tho%ght o& so!ething(" Jere!y co!!ented( p%lling his hands a)ay. "Tell !e." "#ell the other night he )as telling !e ho) di&&erent ' )as &ro! the other Holly7 and he !entioned ho) ' cry easily( get e!barrassed easily( are cl%!sy( and all those other things." "Aha6" "2%t those are+ .on$t h%rt !e6" ' cried( co ering !y &ace as Jere!y raised his hands )as again. "Here yo% go )ith the do%bt again." "Jere!y( yo% 0%st don$t %nderstand a girl$s heart(" ' pointed o%t. "'t$s a ste) o& e!otions." "'& yo% really do%bt yo%rsel&( tal" to Chris(" Jere!y told !e. "All those traits yo% thin" are so bad are act%ally really endearing( tr%st !e." Hearing Jere!y tell !e that o er and o er again began to ha e its$ a&&ect on !e. 't !ade !e belie e his )ords. That those traits really )ere endearing( and part o& )hat /r. Hey)ood li"ed abo%t !e. As st%pid as they see!ed. A s!all s!ile spread to !y &ace( and it ended %p spreading to Jere!y$s &ace as )ell. "5ee? 't$s better )hen yo% thin" o& it this )ay." "He ne er responded to !y con&ession tho%gh(" ' told hi!. "He 0%st told !e to tell hi! again. He co%ld re0ect !e still."

Jere!y la%ghed( rolling his eyes. "Oh( please( Holly. .o yo% really belie e that?" "#ell( yo% ne er "no)7" 5%ddenly Jere!y$s eyes lit %p. "Holly( ' ha e the greatest idea." "5ho%ld ' be a&raid?" "Nope. ' thin" yo%$ll li"e it." "Let$s hear it then(" ' told hi!( no) intrig%ed. "5o Chris as"ed yo% to re,con&ess right?" Jere!y started( loo"ing eager. "5o he$s probably e3pecting yo% to con&ess on yo%r birthday." "#hich ' a!7" "#ell don$t6" ' loo"ed at Jere!y in s%rprise. #asn$t he al)ays the one trying to get /r. Hey)ood and ' together? #hy the s%dden change in attit%de? "#hy?" "/a"e hi! con&ess to yo%(" Jere!y said( a s!ir" appearing on his &ace. ' stared at hi! )hile his )ords san" in. /a"e /r. Hey)ood con&ess to !e? ' &o%nd it highly do%bt&%l that e en i& /r. Hey)ood had &eelings &or !e( he$d con&ess be&ore ' did a second ti!e. He probably )as e3pecting !e to con&ess again on !y birthday too7 Jere!y loo"ed at !e !eaning&%lly )hile ' debated. 't )o%ld sa e !e the tro%ble o& trying to thin" o& a )ay to con&ess a second ti!e. 't )as pretty %n&air that '$d ha e to con&ess t)ice. 't )as his t%rn to con&ess. And e en i& /r. Hey)ood didn$t( ' co%ld still a&ter)ards. ' )aited three !onths to tell hi! ' lo ed hi! the &irst ti!e( ' co%ld )ait a )ee" or t)o !ore to say it again. A s!ir" slo)ly spread onto !y lips. "' ta"e it yo% li"e the idea?" Jere!y as"ed. ' nodded. "' thin" it$s &air. A&ter all( )ho as"s a person to con&ess a second ti!e? 't$s so e!barrassing." "'& he doesn$t con&ess in a &e) )ee"s( are yo% going to again?" ' bl%shed slightly( loo"ing do)n at the &loor. "<!( )ell7 yes7"

Jere!y la%ghed( and ' &elt hi! !essing )ith !y hair. "'$! brilliant( aren$t '?" ' grabbed Jere!y$s hand &or! !y head and p%lled it a)ay( b%t didn$t let go. Jere!y loo"ed at !e c%rio%sly. ' cleared !y throat( s%ddenly &eeling e!barrassed. "<!( ' 0%st )anted to say7 than" yo%(" ' said *%ic"ly( s*%ee-ing his hand. "Jere!y( yo% are really good at oicing !y do%bts and !a"ing !e &eel better. 4o% "no) !e too )ell( act%ally. 2%t it$s a good thing( ' g%ess. 5o than" yo%." "5illy girl(" Jere!y responded( p%lling his hand &ree o& !y hand so he co%ld be the one holding onto it. "There$s no need to than" !e. ' !a"e yo% &eel better beca%se ' )ant to." "And than" yo% &or helping o%t )ith !y sit%ation )ith /r. Hey)ood(" ' added as an a&ter tho%ght. "' do that beca%se ' )ant to too. Chris is !y best &riend( so )hen ' &o%nd o%t he had an interest in yo% ' !ade it !y d%ty to !a"e s%re things )or"ed o%t(" Jere!y responded. "'t )as 0%st s%rprising that he bro%ght a girl )ho loo"ed e3actly li"e !y co%sin bac"." An i!age o& Holly Pierce &lashed thro%gh !y !ind. And then )hat 5ha)n had said. A &ro)n appeared on !y &ace. Co%ld it ha e been that Holly hadn$t been !%gged( b%t attac"ed by 5ha)n? 1ro! 5ha)n$s )ords( that$s )hat ' concl%ded( b%t /r. Hey)ood had said Holly didn$t recogni-e her assailants. 't didn$t !a"e any sense. ' )anted to tal" to her. No( ' had to tal" to the other Holly. ' )anted to "no) the tr%th. 2%tter&lies er%pted in !y sto!ach( and ' shi&ted %nco!&ortably. 1or so!e reason( ' didn$t li"e the tho%ght o& going to see Holly7 "Holly( are yo% do%bting again?" 2rea"ing o%t o& !y re erie( ' loo"ed %p at Jere!y in s%rprise. "No( )hy?" "4o% ha e that loo" to yo%r &ace. #hat are yo% thin"ing abo%t?" "<!( nothing7" ".on$t lie." "Really( it$s nothing(" ' ass%red hi!. "8%ess )e$ll ha e to do this the hard )ay(" Jere!y said )ith a sigh( sitting %p. 2e&ore ' "ne) )hat )as happening( ' )as on !y bac" )ith Jere!y abo e !e. #ith )ide eyes( ' stared at his &ace( )hich )as only a &e) inches &ro! !ine. He s!ir"ed.

"#hat are yo%+" 2e&ore ' co%ld &inish !y sentence( ' &elt Jere!y$s hands at !y sides( tic"ling !e. /y eyes shot open e en !ore as ' inhaled sharply( e3haling )ith a la%gh. ' s*%ir!ed %nderneath hi!( trying to thro) hi! o&&. "Jere!y6 Jere!y( haha( stop it6 5top6" "Tell !e )hat yo% )ere thin"ing abo%t6" Jere!y responded( the grin on his &ace gro)ing )ider. "Chris !ight not &orce ans)ers o%t o& yo%( b%t ' )ill. 2y !eans o& tic"ling." "Please(" ' begged( r%nning o%t o& breath *%ic"ly. "5top it6 Please6" "Nope." 5%ddenly ' heard the so%nd o& a door opening( and both Jere!y$s ga-e and !ine snapped to /r. Hey)ood$s roo!. /r. Hey)ood ca!e staggering o%t( heading to)ards Jere!y and '. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' called( relie& in !y oice. "Help !e6 Jere!y is7" ' trailed o&& as /r. Hey)ood ignored !e( )al"ing into the bathroo!. Jere!y glanced at !e in con&%sion( and ' ret%rned his loo" )ith the sa!e e3pression. A &e) !o!ents later /r. Hey)ood reappeared( sh%&&ling bac" to his roo!( not sparing %s a glance. The door sh%t behind hi!. "That )as7" "#eird(" ' &inished &or Jere!y( still staring at /r. Hey)ood$s door. "Oh )ell. Let$s &inish shall )e?" "No6" ' protested( atte!pting to sho e hi! again. "Jere!y6 This is se3%al harass!ent6" "No it$s not." "'t$s close eno%gh." "Too bad." Once again his hands )ere at !y sides( tic"ling !e into insanity. ' co%ldn$t tell hi! that 5ha)n !ight ha e attac"ed Holly tho%gh6 ' didn$t )ant /r. Hey)ood &inding o%t. And no) ' "ne) Jere!y told /r. Hey)ood e erything.

"Jere!y(" ' panted( s)atting at his hands &r%itlessly. "Please6" "4o% don$t ha e to say $please$7" Once again there )as the so%nd o& the door opening( b%t this ti!e Jere!y didn$t stop tic"ling !e. ' contin%ed to try to p%sh hi! o&&( &eeling di--y &ro! not being able to breathe. ' )as really glad ' )asn$t Jere!y$s sister. Those poor girls7 "#hat are yo% t)o doing?" /y eyes snapped to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as ho ering abo e Jere!y and '( a &ro)n etched into his &ace. '!!ediately Jere!y p%lled o&& o& !e( gi ing /r. Hey)ood a sheepish loo". "Holly is lying again." "'$! not6" ' protested( glaring at Jere!y. "4o%$re se3%ally harassing !e6" "Jere!y don$t to%ch+" /r. Hey)ood )as interr%pted by his o)n co%ghing &it. He s)ayed slightly and Jere!y *%ic"ly hopped o&& the co%ch to steady hi!. "Care&%l(" he said( holding on to /r. Hey)ood$s sho%lders. "This is so annoying(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered( irritation dripping in his tone. He p%shed Jere!y a)ay &ro! hi! and steadied hi!sel&. "' ne er get sic"." "#ell !aybe yo% sho%ldn$t r%n aro%nd in the rain &or three ho%rs(" Jere!y said )ith a la%gh. "'t )as i!portant(" /r. Hey)ood said( his ga-e loc"ing )ith !ine. /y &ace i!!ediately &ired %p. The i!age o& /r. Hey)ood and ' "issing entered !y !ind( and ' &rantically tried to &orce it a)ay. ' co%ldn$t &ace hi! i& ' )as thin"ing abo%t that6 "#ait7 Jere!y? #hat are yo% doing here?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed( his eyebro)s &%rro)ing in con&%sion. Jere!y and ' glanced at each other )ith blan" e3pressions. Then )e both b%rst o%t la%ghing. "Chris( yo% sho%ld get sic" !ore o&ten(" Jere!y said( slapping /r. Hey)ood on the bac". /r. Hey)ood staggered &or)ards( collapsing o er the co%ch. He groaned( p%tting a hand to his &orehead. "Tylenol7 ' need Tylenol(" he said( his eyes piercing into !ine again. "Holly( can yo%7? Please."

He said please again6 "4eah6" ' told hi!( hopping o&& the co%ch. ' glanced bac" do)n at /r. Hey)ood and &o%ght the %rge to la%gh and a). He hadn$t e en bothered to &i3 hi!sel& a&ter &alling onto the co%ch( so he )as hal& o&& it and hal& on it. Jere!y )as right. /r. Hey)ood sho%ld get sic" !ore o&ten. 't )as really entertaining. #hen ' ret%rned bac" to the li ing roo!( /r. Hey)ood )as asleep on Jere!y$s sho%lder. A grin spread across !y &ace as ' too" in the scene be&ore !e. Jere!y loo"ed at !e and noticed ' )as )atching hi!. He bl%shed slightly( t%rning his eyes a)ay &ro! !e. "#hate er yo%$re thin"ing( don$t say it(" he )arned. "2%t yo% t)o are so c%te(" ' responded )ith a s!all giggle. "/r. Hey)ood is so adorable )hen he$s sic"7 it$s a nice brea" &ro! his %s%al attit%de." "5ho%ld )e )a"e hi! %p?" Jere!y as"ed( prodding the side o& /r. Hey)ood$s head. ' shoo" !y head i!!ediately. "No6 This is too c%te." Jere!y rolled his eyes at !e. "Holly( '$! not going to sit here )hile he sleeps on !y sho%lder all night." "Technically it$s the a&ternoon." "Holly( ' "no) yo% "no) )hat ' !ean." ' p%rsed !y lips at Jere!y &or a !o!ent( and then sighed. "1ine( he has to ta"e his Tylenol any)ay." Jere!y began to sha"e /r. Hey)ood a)a"e iolently. As ' )atched( ' !ade a pro!ise to !ysel& ne er to &all asleep aro%nd Jere!y. '& ' did( '$d probably )a"e %p )ith a bro"en nec". J%st as ' )as abo%t to tell Jere!y to be care&%l( /r. Hey)ood$s eyes snapped open and he s)%ng a &ist to)ards Jere!y. Jere!y leaned bac")ards 0%st in ti!e to a oid being hit. "Cran"y(" Jere!y teased( !%ssing )ith /r. Hey)ood$s hair. "' &eel li"e shit." "Here(" ' said( handing /r. Hey)ood the c%p o& )ater and then the Tylenol. /r. Hey)ood too" it )itho%t than"s and *%ic"ly proceeded to s)allo) the pills. He sighed( sl%!ping &or)ards. "<gh7"

' )atched /r. Hey)ood ner o%sly. #hat )as )rong )ith hi!? A cold? The &l%? He )as only o%t &or three ho%rs7 8%ilt s%ddenly spread thro%gh !e again. '& ' hadn$t been s%ch a child( /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t be sic"7 "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood said in a )arning tone. "5top thin"ing it$s yo%r &a%lt '$! sic"." Jere!y loo"ed at !e in s%rprise( !y e3pression !as"ing his. ' then t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( blin"ing at hi!. "H,ho) did yo% "no) ' )as thin"ing that?" "4o%$re easy to read." "Or !aybe yo% pay too !%ch attention(" Jere!y inter0ected. "' !ean( yeah( Holly is )ic"ed easy to read( no o&&ense( b%t that$s7" "1orget it(" ' snapped( &eeling !y &ace gro) hot. "Let$s not tal" abo%t !e. Let$s7 )atch the ne)s." ' *%ic"ly grabbed the re!ote &or the T.B and &orced !ysel& bet)een /r. Hey)ood and Jere!y on the co%ch. Hitting the po)er b%tton( ' t%rned !y &%ll attention to the T.B as it ca!e on. The ne)s )as on. J%st as ' )as abo%t to change it( /r. Hey)ood$s hand s%ddenly appeared on !ine( holding it still. ' loo"ed at hi! c%rio%sly( b%t his attention )as &oc%sed on the tele ision. "/r. Hey)ood?" "5hh( listen(" he ordered( ne er ta"ing his eyes o&& the T.B. 1%rro)ing !y eyebro)s in con&%sion( ' t%rned bac" to the tele ision. A ne)s reporter )as tal"ing( b%t ' co%ldn$t *%ite !a"e o%t )hat she )as saying. /r. Hey)ood too" the re!ote &ro! !e and t%rned %p the ol%!e( his !o%th pressed in a straight line. ".an .aley( t)enty &o%r( has been con icted o& assa%lt and atte!pted !%rder to a !inor. The incident occ%rred 0%st last )ee"( a&ter a se enteen,year,old teenager )as assa%lted in a bac" alley a&ter his )or" shi&t. The teenager s%r i ed t)o b%llets to the chest and !%ltiple hits to the body. .aley has been sentenced to 0ail+" An i!age o& .an appeared on the tele ision and ' gasped( !y eyes )idening in s%rprise. 't )as the !an )ho ' had p%nched so long ago at the &air6 He )as the !an )ho had shot Lance? And they ca%ght hi!? ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as still )atching the tele ision( a s!%g s!ir" playing at his lips. "This )ill sho) the!(" he co!!ented( *%ic"ly glancing at !e.

".an( h%h(" Jere!y co!!ented( )atching the T.B tho%ght&%lly. "' ne er li"ed hi!. He )as al)ays so coc"y7 sort o& li"e so!eone else ' "no)." He loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood !eaning&%lly. /r. Hey)ood glared at Jere!y and opened his !o%th to reply( b%t instead o& any )ords( he snee-ed. .irectly into !y &ace. "E)6" ' cried( sho ing !ysel& bac")ards and into Jere!y. "/r. Hey)ood( )hat the hec"6" Jere!y b%rst o%t la%ghing as ' )iped !y &ace )ith !y slee e( !a"ing a &ace in disg%st. No !atter ho) !%ch ' li"ed /r. Hey)ood( ' didn$t )ant his ger!s all o er !y &ace. "5orry( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed( a s!ir" o& a!%se!ent on his &ace. ' glared at hi!. Ho) co%ld ' ta"e hi! serio%sly )hen he )as s!ir"ing li"e that? /r. Hey)ood$s s!ir" gre) and he la%ghed( )hich abr%ptly t%rned into a co%gh. /y glare ceased and ' loo"ed at hi! in concern. "/r. Hey)ood( do yo% thin" yo% sho%ld go to the doctor$s?" "No(" he responded i!!ediately. "Chris doesn$t li"e the doctor$s(" Jere!y in&or!ed !e( grinning in a!%se!ent. "' do%bt he$s been to one since the last ti!e ' &orced hi! there." "4o% don$t li"e the doctor$s?" ' as"ed( loo"ing at /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise. "#hy not?" "Ne er !ind. 5h%t %p and )atch the tele ision( yo%$re !a"ing !y headache )orse(" /r. Hey)ood snapped( t%rning a)ay &ro! !e. 'nstead o& &eeling ins%lted( ' beca!e c%rio%s. There had to be a reason )hy he didn$t )ant !e to tell )hy he hated the doctor$s. Ho)e er( &or the ti!e '$d let hi! be since he )as sic". 5o ' did as he s%ggested and t%rned bac" to the tele ision. The case had changed( and there )as no !ore in&or!ation abo%t .an. '$d ha e to tell Lance the ne3t ti!e ' sa) hi!7 Thirty !in%tes Jere!y )as sl%!ped against !e( asleep. /r. Hey)ood glanced o er at %s )ith a &ro)n. ' ret%rned his loo" )ith a sheepish grin( b%t i!!ediately loo"ed a)ay( a bl%sh spreading across !y &ace. #hat )as ' doing? Co%ldn$t ' e en loo" at /r. Hey)ood )hen he )as near )itho%t bl%shing? 't didn$t help that he loo"ed incredibly adorable )ith his !essy hair7 ' shoo" !y head. ' needed to brea" !y bl%shing habit. 5%ddenly ' &elt so!ething against !y lap and ' loo"ed do)n to see /r. Hey)ood$s head there. /y &ace heated %p ten,&old as ' stared bac" %p at !e( %n&a-ed.

"#,)hat are yo% doing?" ' sta!!ered. "Resting(" he responded si!ply. "#hy on !y lap tho%gh?" "Jere!y is %sing yo% as a pillo)." "2,b%t that$s7" "'$! %sing yo% as a pillo) )hether yo% li"e it or not(" /r. Hey)ood told !e. "'$! sic"( so 0%st this once7" ' t%rned !y &ace a)ay &ro! hi!( gro)ing !ore e!barrassed. "N,no7 't$s &ine. ' don$t !ind." "8ood." "And7 ' don$t !ind i& yo% )ant to do it again in the &%t%re." /r. Hey)ood stayed *%iet( and ' co%ldn$t bring !ysel& to loo" at hi!. #hy had ' said so!ething so e!barrassing? 4o% co%ld probably &ry an egg on !y &ace no)6 1inally /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "'$ll "eep that in !ind. No) '$! going to sleep &or a)hile." #ell( since ' )as e!barrassing !ysel& already7 ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( loo"ing bac" do)n at /r. Hey)ood. "#ait. ' ha e a( %!( *%estion &irst." /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "#hat?" "'t$s abo%t the7 the7 %!( the "iss(" ' said *%ietly. "9iss?" /r. Hey)ood echoed. "4eah. A)hile ago+" "Oh( yo% !ean in the classroo! a &e) !onths ago?" /r. Hey)ood said( reali-ation )ashing o er his &ace. ' stared at /r. Hey)ood incred%lo%sly. .id he not re!e!ber "issing !e the other night? #as he 0%st teasing !e again? No( he loo"ed co!pletely serio%s. ' blin"ed in co!prehension. He )as &e er drea!ing( )asn$t he? 2%t )ait( i& he )as drea!ing( did that !ean he )as drea!ing abo%t !e?

"That )as 0%st so yo% )o%ldn$t re&%se to help !e a&ter school(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( obli io%s to !y &%rio%sly bl%shing &ace. "'n retrospect( it )as pretty sel&ish o& !e to do that7 '$! sorry." ".on$t be6" ' said *%ic"ly. "'t$s alright. '& yo% hadn$t &orced !e to stay )ith yo%( )e )o%ldn$t be )here )e are today7" /r. Hey)ood s!iled at !e. "Tr%e." "<!( any)ay( yo% sho%ld rest(" ' said( loo"ing a)ay as e!barrass!ent got the best o& !e yet again. "O"ay(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith another ch%c"le. A&ter a &e) !in%tes o& silence( ' loo"ed do)n at !y lap to &ind /r. Hey)ood$s eyes closed. ' gently prodded his chee" to see i& he )as still a)a"e. #hen no response ca!e( ' &ig%red he )as o%t. 8lancing at Jere!y to !a"e s%re he )as still asleep( ' bro%ght !y &ace do)n to /r. Hey)ood$s. "5leep )ell(" ' )hispered( pressing !y lips to his &orehead. '!!ediately ' shot bac" %p( s%rprised at !y o)n boldness. ' &oc%sed !y attention on the tele ision so ' )o%ldn$t thin" abo%t the !an resting on !y lap. 't )as a hard &eat to do. 2%t soon ' )as o er co!e by tiredness( so ' closed !y eyes( leaning !y head bac" against the so&a. #ithin !in%tes( ' too( )as asleep.

1ORT4,1'BE "Holly( co!o estas?" ' glanced at !y 5panish teacher &or a !o!ent( trying to co!prehend )hat she as"ed. A&ter a second( ' reali-ed she )as as"ing ho) ' )as. "Ah( bien7" "Estabas en&er!a?" "5i(" ' responded( stopping by her des" so she co%ld interrogate !e. Casey stared !e do)n &ro! the bac" o& the classroo!( a &ro)n on her &ace. ' ret%rned her loo" )ith a *%estioning one. "Lo siento(" /s. Elliot started again. "2ien enida de %elta."

"8racias." "Tienes la tarea de iernes?" A s!all sigh escaped !y lips. O& co%rse the one ho!e)or" ' didn$t do )as the one ho!e)or" she )anted to see. "No( lo siento." "TrKe!ela !aLana(" she told !e )ith a s!ile. "Claro(" ' responded( ret%rning her s!ile. 2e&ore she co%ld say any !ore( ' h%rried to)ards !y seat. "#here ha e yo% been?" Casey started in an acc%sing tone. "5ic"(" ' responded honestly. ".idn$t yo% hear !y con ersation )ith the teacher?" Casey snorted. "As i& ' %nderstood that." ' ch%c"led( sha"ing !y head. "Ho) do yo% !anage to pass this class again?" ".on$t change the s%b0ect. 5o!ething$s %p." ' raised an eyebro). "#hat?" "/r. Hey)ood has been o%t &or three days no)( and t)o o& those days yo% are o%t as )ell?" she started( narro)ing her eyes. ".on$t tell !e yo% t)o )ere s"ipping together." "#hat? No6" ' responded( !y eyes )idening slightly. "' really )as sic". /r. Hey)ood+" "'s sic" too?" ' nodded. "#hen ' le&t his ho%se on 5%nday he still had a &e er7 ' ha en$t tal"ed to hi! since beca%se a&ter ' )ent ho!e ' ended %p getting sic" too. He spread his disease7" ' trailed o&& )hen ' noticed Casey )as grinning at !e li"e an idiot. "#hat?" "#hen yo% le&t his ho%se on 5%nday?" she repeated. "#hat is that s%pposed to !ean?" #ith a *%ic" glance aro%nd the roo! to see i& anyone )as listening( ' bec"oned Casey close to !e. 5he leaned in( her eyes )ide )ith e3cite!ent. ' al!ost la%ghed at her. "/y !o! as"ed /r. Hey)ood to ta"e care o& !e &or the )ee"end )hile she )as gone(" ' in&or!ed Casey. "'t ended %p being the other )ay aro%nd tho%gh( haha."

"Really? 4o% stayed the )hole )ee"end at his place?" "4ep." ".id anything happen )ith7 yo% "no)?" /y heart s"ipped a beat and ' stared at Casey in shoc". "#,)hat do yo% !ean?" "2et)een yo% and /r. Hey)ood(" she said slo)ly( &%rro)ing her eyebro)s. "#hat do yo% thin" ' !eant?" "<!( nothing(" ' responded( loo"ing a)ay. There )as no )ay Casey co%ld "no) abo%t the gangs. #hat )as ' getting so paranoid abo%t? "Oh( Holly( yo% can$t lie to !e. Tell !e6" ".i!e." Casey 0%!ped in shoc" and !y eyes shot %p to see /s. Elliot ho ering behind her. Casey grinned sheepishly. "5orry7" "Lo siento(" /s. Elliot corrected again. "Right(" Casey !%ttered %nder he breath as /s. Elliot )ent bac" to the &ront o& the roo!. The rest o& class )as spent learning ne) ocab%lary( )hich )as easy. 1i e !in%tes be&ore the bell rang( /s. Elliot let %s chat together *%ietly. Casey t%rned bac" to !e( p%rsing her lips. "Are yo% going to isit Lance today?" ' nodded. "4eah( since ' ha en$t been able to since '$ e been sic"." "#ho$s bringing yo%?" "<!!( Jere!y( )hy?" Casey loo"ed at !e pleadingly. "The g%y '$ e tal"ed to on the phone be&ore? ' )ant to go isit Lance too( so can yo% as" hi! i& ' co%ld ha e a ride too?" "' don$t thin" Jere!y )ill care(" ' told her. "2%t )e$re lea ing right a&ter school+" "That$s &ine6" Casey said *%ic"ly. "'$! ready to go no). Are yo% s%re he )on$t care?"

' shoo" !y head( grinning. "No( Jere!y$s pretty cool." "A)eso!e." #hen the bell &inally rang( ' stood %p and hitched !y bag o er !y sho%lder( heading o%t o& the classroo! )ith Casey in to). Together )e !ade o%r )ay to the bac" e3it )here Jere!y )as s%pposed to be )aiting. Casey glanced at !e ner o%sly as )e le&t the b%ilding. "Are yo% s%re he )on$t care?" "Positi e(" ' told her( rolling !y eyes. "No) )e 0%st need to &ind hi!7" As i& on c%e( Jere!y$s blac" car ca!e rolling %p to %s( !%sic blasting &ro! the inside. Casey shot a loo" at !e and ' rolled !y eyes( opening the passenger door. ' leaned in and( to !y s%rprise( ca!e &ace,to,&ace )ith /r. Hey)ood. '!!ediately ' p%lled a)ay( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "/,/r. Hey)ood(" ' sta!!ered( loo"ing at hi! in s%rprise. "Hi /r. Hey)ood6" Casey chirped &ro! behind !e. "Hi( Casey( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood responded( gi ing Casey one o& his polite s!iles. "Ready to go?" Jere!y as"ed( leaning o er /r. Hey)ood to loo" at !e. /r. Hey)ood t%rned to glare at Jere!y &or a !o!ent be&ore t%rning his ga-e onto !e. ' stared bac" &or a !o!ent be&ore s)itching !y &oc%s onto Jere!y. ' gest%red Casey to step &or)ards and Jere!y$s eyes &lic"ed to her &or a !in%te be&ore he loo"ed bac" at !e. "Can )e also gi e Casey a ride?" ' as"ed hi!( gi ing hi! !y best p%ppy dog loo". "No(" Jere!y responded )itho%t hesitation. "#hat? #hy?" ' as"ed in s%rprise. "2%t )e$re going to the sa!e place+" Jere!y la%ghed. "'$! "idding. Loo" at yo% t)o6 4o%r e3pressions are priceless6" '!!ediately ' &elt !y &ace heat %p and ' glared at Jere!y &or a second be&ore glancing at Casey( )ho didn$t see! &a-ed. 'n &act( she )as s!iling a little. #hen she noticed ' )as )atching her( she s!ir"ed. "4o%r e3pression )as pretty &%nny7"

"Casey6 Are yo%+?" "8et in or '$! lea ing )itho%t yo%(" Jere!y interr%pted !e in a singsong oice. 5ighing( ' cli!bed into the bac"seat )ith Casey. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at !e thro%gh the rear ie) !irror( a gr%!py e3pression on his &ace. ' tilted !y head *%estioningly. "Chris is %nhappy beca%se '$! ta"ing hi! to the doctors(" Jere!y in&or!ed !e( catching !e staring. "' don$t need to go(" /r. Hey)ood protested. "'t$s 0%st a cold." "4o% so%nd a)&%l(" Casey inter0ected( leaning o er so she co%ld loo" at hi!. "5o yo% really ha e been sic" these past &e) days? ' g%ess that !eans yo%$re the one that got Holly sic"." "Casey(" ' hissed( sending her a )arning glare. /r. Hey)ood t%rned aro%nd( gi ing Casey a c%rio%s loo". "Holly )as sic"?" "No ' )as+" "1or t)o days(" Casey said( c%tting !y protest o&&. "5he hasn$t been in school." /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned( t%rning his attention bac" to !e. "Holly( )hy didn$t yo% tell !e ' got yo% sic"?" "Ooh( )hat did yo% t)o do )hen ' le&t?" Jere!y said teasingly( !a"ing !e bl%sh. "#e didn$t do anything6" "5ecret !a"e,o%t session?" Casey g%essed( a s!all grin spreading onto her &ace. "Casey6" Jere!y la%ghed( nodding his head. "' bet that$s e3actly it." "No )e didn$t6 /r. Hey)ood6 Aren$t yo% going to say so!ething?" ' as"ed( t%rning to hi! &or help. "Chris is gi ing !e the silent treat!ent(" Jere!y told !e )hen /r. Hey)ood didn$t respond. "He$s so i!!at%re."

/r. Hey)ood s%ddenly 0a!!ed his elbo) into Jere!y$s side( !a"ing Jere!y s)er e to the le&t. A gasp o& s%rprise le&t !y !o%th and ' *%ic"ly leaned o er and p%lled /r. Hey)ood$s ar! a)ay &ro! Jere!y. "4o% going to ca%se an accident6" ' acc%sed. Casey started la%ghing and ' t%rned to &ro)n at her. "#hat?" "4o% g%ys(" she told !e( sha"ing her head. "A co!edic trio." "#e co%ld probably !a"e a lot o& !oney(" Jere!y agreed. "'$! Jere!y by the )ay." "'$! Casey(" Casey responded( gi ing Jere!y a grin. "#e$ e tal"ed be&ore." /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly began to co%gh iolently( ca%sing !y heart to s"ip a beat in s%rprise. Jere!y loo"ed o er at hi! )ith a )orried e3pression( )hich !i!ic"ed !y o)n. Casey e en ga e hi! a concerned loo". #hen the &it passed( /r. Hey)ood acted li"e nothing had happened. "<!( are yo% o"ay?" ' as"ed. "'$! &ine(" /r. Hey)ood snapped. "' don$t need to go to the doctor$s6" "Oh yes yo% do(" Jere!y responded( )agging his &inger. "4o%$re iolent attac" 0%st no) pro es it." "'$! &ine6" "/r. Hey)ood( ' thin" yo% sho%ld see one too(" ' inter0ected. "#hat i& it$s so!ething !ore serio%s than the &l%7?" "4eah( li"e pne%!onia(" Casey added. ' bit !y lip( loo"ing at the gro%nd. #hy )as ' so i!!at%re? '& ' hadn$t o er,reacted then /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t be sic"7 "Holly." "4o% can$t possibly "no) ' )as &eeling g%ilty again6" ' cried in e3asperation. "/r. Hey)ood( are yo% !ind reader( or so!ething? .o yo% ha e this %nnat%ral ability to "no) )hat people are &eeling? 't$s cra-y6 Hal& the ti!e '$! not e en sho)ing the slightest signs o& lying or &eeling g%ilty( and yet yo%7" ' trailed o&& )hen ' noticed Casey )as staring at !e )ith )ide eyes.

' silently c%rsed !ysel&. Casey )as )ith %s6 ' co%ldn$t act li"e ' nor!ally did other)ise she )o%ld get s%spicio%s6 2%t then again( she "ne) ' lo ed /r. Hey)ood7 b%t she still didn$t "no) abo%t ho) close o%r relationship act%ally )as. And she co%ldn$t "no) either. As !%ch as ' lo ed her( and tho%gh she )as !y best &riend( this )asn$t so!ething ' co%ld tell anyone7 especially i& it t%rned into so!ething !ore. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( brea"ing the a)")ard silence that had settled in. "' )as act%ally 0%st going to as" i& ' co%ld ha e Lance$s n%!ber be&ore ' &orgot7" "H%h? #hy?" ' as"ed( raising an eyebro). "Lance7" #ait... Lance didn$t e en ha e his phone; it )as )ith 5ha)n. .id /r. Hey)ood )ant the n%!ber so he co%ld tal" to 5ha)n? Threaten 5ha)n? #itho%t thin"ing ' loo"ed a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood( a &ro)n co!ing onto !y &ace. '& ' ga e /r. Hey)ood Lance$s n%!ber he !ight do so!ething st%pid. "' don$t ha e it." ".on$t lie." "4o% can$t ha e it(" ' told hi!. /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "#hy not?" "4o% 0%st can$t6" "Holly( ' need it." "No(" ' responded( biting !y lip. /r. Hey)ood sighed. "Holly( '$! not going to do anything that )ill p%t !ysel& in danger( i& that$s )hat yo%$re )orried abo%t." /y eyes shot open and ' gaped at /r. Hey)ood. He ret%rned !y ga-e( loo"ing slightly be)ildered. A&ter a !in%te his eyes darted to Casey( and then )idened in reali-ation. ' also stole a glance at Casey( )ho )as narro)ing her eyes at !e s%spicio%sly. /r. Hey)ood cleared his throat( gaining Casey$s attention. "'t$s not li"e '$! going to harass hi! )ith te3t !essages to do his ho!e)or"(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( pa%sing only to co%gh into his ar! once. "' don$t )ant to be beaten %p7" "4eah(" ' agreed )ith a la%gh. "That$s )hat yo% !eant by dangero%s( h%h7"

"'t is." "/r. Hey)ood( Holly hasn$t !entioned it yet( b%t Lance act%ally lost the phone )hen he )as !%gged(" Casey pitched in no)( all loo"s o& s%spicion gone. "' agree )ith Holly and Casey. 4o% don$t need it Chris(" Jere!y added( glancing at hi! *%ic"ly. ' sent Jere!y a grate&%l loo". '& there )as so!eone that co%ld really go against /r. Hey)ood( it )as Jere!y. /r. Hey)ood sco)led at Jere!y( be&ore t%rning his sco)l to !e. '!!ediately ' loo"ed a)ay &ro! hi! be&ore he co%ld g%ilt !e into gi ing hi! Lance$s n%!ber. ' &elt bad( b%t ' &elt !ore a&raid that he$d do so!ething st%pid. The rest o& the ride )as silent. Casey stared o%t the )indo); Jere!y )as &oc%sed on the road; /r. Hey)ood )as s%l"ing; and ' )as &iddling )ith !y &ingers( thin"ing abo%t )hat ' )as going to do )hen ' got to the hospital. Lance )as !y &irst priority( b%t !y second )as a little !ore da%nting. ' )as going to isit Holly. Jere!y p%lled %p to the hospital$s &ront doors( and stopped to let %s o%t. Casey and ' %nb%c"led and stepped o%t o& the car together. "Than" yo% &or the ride( Jere!y(" Casey called( stic"ing her head in the door. "2ye( /r. Hey)ood6 ' hope yo% &eel better6" "Anyti!e(" Jere!y responded. "Than"s(" /r. Hey)ood said gr%!pily. ' ch%c"led( rolling !y eyes. "5ee yo% later Jere!y( /r. Hey)ood." "2ye( Holly(" Jere!y said( grinning at !e. "Ha e &%n." ' sh%t the door and !ade !y )ay to the other side o& the car )here Casey )as )aiting. As )e t%rned to go inside( Jere!y hon"ed the car horn. ' t%rned aro%nd and sa) /r. Hey)ood gest%ring &or !e to go to hi!. #ith a *%ic" glance at Casey( ' started bac" to the car( bending do)n slightly to see /r. Hey)ood better. "#hat?" "'& '$! still sic" and don$t get to see yo% to!orro)(" he started slo)ly( a s!ir" no) slipping onto his &ace( "happy birthday."

/r. Hey)ood i!!ediately rolled %p the )indo) as ' stood still( staring at hi! speechlessly. 2irthday? To!orro) )as !y birthday? A bl%sh !ade it$s )ay to !y &ace( and ' glared as ' sa) /r. Hey)ood start to la%gh inside the car. ' t)isted on !y heel and !arched bac" to Casey. 5he raised an eyebro). "#hat$d he say?" ' ignored her. "'s to!orro) !y birthday?" Casey raised an eyebro). "4o% don$t e en "no) )hen yo%r o)n birthday is?" "No( ' do(" ' ass%red her( "b%t ' 0%st didn$t reali-e it )as so soon7" "Probably beca%se yo%$ e been sic"(" she told !e( heading to)ards the entrance again. "'t$s o"ay tho%gh beca%se )e aren$t celebrating %ntil 1riday )ith Lance. #hat are yo% doing to!orro) &or it?" "' honestly don$ "no). /y !o! hasn$t said she )ants to do anything )ith !e yet(" ' responded( )elco!ing the )ar!th o& the hospital. "5o%nds boring." "Last year ' )atched re,r%ns o& Teen /o!7 ' thin" e en i& this year )anted to try( it )o%ldn$t be as boring(" ' told her )ith a la%gh. "/y !o!$s going to be ho!e( any)ay. That$s a little entertain!ent." #e !ade o%r )ay %p to Lance$s roo!( b%t be&ore )e entered( an elderly loo"ing n%rse stopped %s. "Today isiting ho%rs end at &o%r(" she said. "#hat? #hy?" Casey as"ed( loo"ing s%rprised. "Hospital inspection(" she responded. "'t$s an ann%al thing." Casey loo"ed at !e and shr%gged. "#ell at least )e ha e an ho%r7" ' bit !y lip. "Casey7 isit Lance &or !e." 5he raised an eyebro). "#hat do yo% !ean?" "Tell hi! ' said hi and that ' hope he &eels better(" ' told her( &iddling )ith !y &ingers again. "5ince there$s only an ho%r( ' ha e to go isit so!eone else &irst." "#ho?"

"/y !o!$s &riend(" ' !ade %p( hoping she$d belie e it. "Oh( o"ay(" Casey responded( s!iling at !e. "Try to !a"e it bac"6 '$! s%re he )ants to see yo%." "'$ll try(" ' said be&ore going bac" do)n the hall)ay )e$d 0%st ca!e %p. A&ter a &e) !in%tes o& searching ' &inally !ade it to the hall)ay )ith Holly Pierce$s roo!. As ' gre) closer to the door( ' beca!e !ore ner o%s. 't too" !e a &%ll three !in%tes to e en bring !y hand %p to "noc". #hen ' &inally did( as soon as !y &ist !ade contact )ith the door once( ' yan"ed it bac"( !y heartbeat spi"ing. "Co!e on(" ' heard a !%&&led oice say. Ta"ing a deep breath( ' p%t !y hand on the door"nob and p%shed it open. Holly$s eyes )idened slightly )hen she sa) !e. ' had to ad!it e en ' )as still s%rprised loo"ing at her. #e really did loo" a lot ali"e. ' entered the roo! and sh%t the door behind !e( r%bbing !y s)eaty pal!s o&& on !y &ace. #hy )as ' so ner o%s aro%nd this )o!an? "'t$s Holly( right?" Holly as"ed( no) s!iling at !e. A&ter a second ' s!iled bac". "4eah." Holly la%ghed. "#o). 't$s li"e '$! loo"ing at a yo%nger replica o& !ysel&. This is cra-y." "' &eel the sa!e )ay(" ' agreed. "E3cept yo%$re older." 5he s!iled. "Are yo% saying ' loo" old?" "No6 Not at all6 ' !eant7 yo% "no)." "' do "no)." Holly gest%red &or !e to ta"e a seat in the chair near her bedside( and a&ter a split second o& hesitation( ' did so. To !y s%rprise( she act%ally see!ed li"e a nice person. E en tho%gh ' &elt li"e ' sho%ld disli"e her( ' co%ldn$t help li"ing her. "5o )hat are yo% here &or?" Holly as"ed. "Chris isn$t here7" ' shoo" !y head *%ic"ly( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "No( '$! not here loo"ing &or hi!." Holly ch%c"led. "A)( yo%$re bl%shing." "'$! not(" ' denied( "eeping !y head do)n.

"4o% don$t ha e to hide anything &ro! !e. ' "no) yo% t)o ha e an inti!ate relationship." "#hat?" "The other night( yo% g%ys had a lo er spat( right?" Holly as"ed( raising an eyebro). "A&ter Chris chased a&ter yo% he ca!e bac" pretty o%t o& it. He told !e abo%t yo%." "#hat did he say?" "Nothing bad(" she ass%red !e. "'$! not going to tell yo% e3actly )hat he said tho%gh in case he doesn$t )ant !e to." ' &ro)ned slightly. No) ' )as really c%rio%s. ' sighed. "O"ay7 2%t /r. Hey)ood and ' don$t ha e an inti!ate relation+" "4o% still call hi! /r. Hey)ood?" Holly c%t !e o&&( her eyes )idening. "That$s so c%te6 Oh boy( ' )o%ld lo e to see his reaction i& yo% called hi! by his &irst na!e. Or yo% do it )hen it$s 0%st yo% t)o by yo%rsel es? ' co%ld %nderstand that." ' stared at Holly incred%lo%sly. This girl really li"ed to tal". "'t$s "ind o& a habit( so ' call hi! /r. Hey)ood all the ti!e7 e en tho%gh ' "no) ' sho%ld stop." Holly la%ghed. "No( don$t6 9eep calling hi! /r. Hey)ood. ' bet he secretly en0oys it. 4o% co%ld %se calling hi! Chris to yo%r ad antage. ' "no) ho) he is. ' bet yo% co%ld con ince hi! to do anything. He tal"s so highly abo%t yo%." ' co%ldn$t help b%t to s!ile at that. "' didn$t reali-e yo% g%ys tal"ed abo%t !e so !%ch." "Are yo% "idding? He ne er sh%ts %p abo%t yo%." "Really?" "'t gets "ind o& annoying act%ally." "5orry(" ' apologi-ed )ith a la%gh. ".on$t be(" Holly responded. "' 0%st "no) things that ' sho%ldn$t since ' don$t really "no) yo%." "Li"e )hat?"

"Li"e yo%r &a orite color is bl%e( yo%r &a orite &ood is stea"( yo% lo e ani!als( yo% bl%sh easily( yo%$re cl%!sy and honest( yo% are g%llible( and yo% s%c" at eye contact. Oh( and yo%$re birthday is to!orro)." ' stared at her &or a second( s%rprised. ".id /r. Hey)ood tell yo% all that?" "That$s not e en a si3th o& it." /y &ace gre) hot again( and ' t%rned !y attention bac" to the &loor. /r. Hey)ood "ne) !y &a orite color and &ood? He tal"ed abo%t !y birthday? 2%t the last ti!e he had seen Holly )e hadn$t had the con&ession tal" yet7 .id that !ean so!ething? Or )as ' 0%st o er thin"ing? "Any)ay( eno%gh o& !e blabbing a)ay(" Holly started again( brea"ing !e &ro! !y tho%ghts. "'t 0%st is so boring in this hospital roo!." "'t$s &ine(" ' told her. "#hen do yo% get o%t?" "5at%rday(" she told !e( !a"ing a &ace. "/y &iancDe )ill be here by then. ' need so!eone to dri e since ' bro"e !y an"le." "Oh( right( beca%se yo% )ere !%gged7" "<!( right7" Holly loo"ed a)ay &ro! !e( a sole!n e3pression slipping onto her &ace. /y pal!s )ere beginning to get s)eaty again as ' tried to thin" o& a )ay to as" )hat ' ca!e here in the &irst place to as". #hen Holly$s eyes &inally !et !ine again( ' clenched !y &ist. "4o% )ere attac"ed by 5ha)n( )eren$t yo%?" Holly$s eyes )idened considerably. "#,)hat? No6 5ha)n is7" "5ha)n told !e(" ' con&essed. "He told !e he had got the )rong Holly( or so!ething li"e that. ' didn$t tell /r. Hey)ood. 4o% can tell !e the tr%th( and ' pro!ise ' )on$t tell hi!." Holly stayed silent &or a !o!ent( her eyes do)ncast once again. ' "ept !y silence as )ell( )aiting &or her to spea". #as ' right? Or )as ' )rong? Or !aybe she )as 0%st going to deny it? /aybe 5ha)n )as lying? Holly sighed( loo"ing at !e once !ore. "4o% can$t tell Chris7" "' )on$t(" ' pro!ised( !y eyes )idening slightly. "5o )as ' right7 .id 5ha)n7?"

Holly nodded. "' )asn$t !%gged. 5ha)n attac"ed !e."

1ORT4,5'C "2e&ore ' tell yo% anything( ' ha e a *%estion(" Holly said( &ro)ning at !e. "Ho) do yo% "no) abo%t 5ha)n?" ' sighed. "'t$s "ind o& a long story7" "'$ e got ti!e." A&ter a !o!ent o& hesitation( ' resigned and decided to tell her the )hole story. ' le&t o%t the )hole 5ha)n )anting !e part tho%gh. /r. Hey)ood and Jere!y )orried abo%t !e eno%gh &or a h%ndred people. The last thing ' needed )as &or !ore people to &ret o er !e. "And that$s ho) ' learned abo%t /r. Hey)ood$s past as a gang !e!ber(" ' &inished la!ely( raising !y eyes to loo" at Holly &or the &irst ti!e since ' started e3plaining. 5he )as staring at !e li"e ' )as cra-y. ' didn$t bla!e her. 'n retrospect( ' reali-ed e erything that ' did )ith any occ%rrence )ith the gang !e!bers )as incredibly st%pid. Especially the )hole "p%nch e eryone" part o& it. "Ho) co%ld Chris ha e dragged yo% into this? This is serio%sly dangero%s( Holly(" Holly )arned !e( &inally spea"ing. "' already "no) that(" ' responded. "And it$s !ore !y &a%lt ' beca!e in ol ed7 /r. Hey)ood 0%st co!plicates things." "He sho%ld ha e "ept yo% o%t o& it tho%gh." ' &ro)ned at her. "'$! the one )ho+ Holly shoo" her head. "'t$s still his proble!( Holly." "'t$s !y proble! no) too(" ' stated st%bbornly. 1or so!e reason( ' &elt li"e ' had to de&end /r. Hey)ood. "/r. Hey)ood didn$t ha e anything to do )ith that7" Holly raised her eyebro) s"eptically. "'s that so?"

"'t is." O"ay( so it )asn$t the )hole tr%th( b%t it )asn$t li"e /r. Hey)ood &orced !e to p%nch anyone. Holly loo"ed li"e she )anted to say !ore( b%t ' c%t her o&& be&ore she co%ld. "No) it$s yo%r t%rn to tal". #hat happened )ith 5ha)n?" "2e&ore ' ans)er( ' ha e one !ore *%estion. Ho) did yo% "no) it )as 5ha)n )ho attac"ed !e instead o& the !%gging ' clai!ed it to be?" "<!!7" ' hesitated( bl%shing &aintly &ro! the e!barrass!ent o& !y actions &ro! the !e!ory. "The night )hen ' sa) yo% &or the &irst ti!e ' )ent to the par" a&ter '7 le&t the hospital and he &o%nd !e there. #hile )e )ere tal"ing he said( $at least yo%$re the right Holly this ti!e$( so ' &ig%red he !ight ha e done so!ething to yo%. And then /r. Hey)ood told !e that yo% )ere !%gged." Holly &ro)ned at !e. "5ha)n said so!ething si!ilar to !e )hen he &ig%red o%t ' )asn$t )ho he )anted !e to be. He said( $)ell isn$t it !y other Holly?$. At the ti!e ' didn$t "no) yo% e3isted( so ' )as pretty con&%sed." "That )as !y reaction )hen 5ha)n said $the other Holly$. And that$s ho) ' &ig%red o%t that yo% )eren$t !%gged. " Holly sighed( tapping her &inger against the !etal rail on her bed. "4o% can$t tell Chris." "' "no)(" ' responded. "2%t )hy not?" "'$! done." The s%dden coldness in her oice !ade !e tense %p. Her &riendly de!eanor had s%ddenly t%rned bitter( and her eyes hard. ' had to loo" a)ay( inti!idated by her ga-e. /y initial ner o%sness ret%rned )ith ne) igor. "' )on$t tell(" ' &inally said *%ietly. "5orry( ' didn$t !ean to scare yo%(" she responded( her tone lighter again. "' 0%st can$t ta"e this gangster b%siness any!ore. A&ter Chris )ent to 0ail ' pro!ised !ysel& that ' )o%ld ne er get in ol ed again+ that$s )hy ' !o ed a)ay. And no) ' ha e a son+" "4o% ha e a son?" ' as"ed in shoc". Already? That !eant she !%st ha e had a relationship at least t)o !onths a&ter /r. Hey)ood )ent to 0ail7 Holly shoo" her head( s!iling at !y e3pression. "He$s going to be !y step,son." "#hen did yo% start dating yo%r &iancDe?" ' as"ed be&ore ' co%ld stop !ysel&. Holly raised an eyebro)( b%t shr%gged. "Probably a !onth a&ter Chris )ent to 0ail."

"Oh(" ' responded. Only a !onth? 5he got o er /r. Hey)ood in a !onth? "Holly( yo%$re sho)ing yo%r innocence." "#hat?" "4o%r innocence(" Holly repeated. "The loo" on yo%r &ace is telling !e yo% don$t li"e the idea o& !e dating a&ter only a !onth o& brea"ing %p )ith Chris. A !onth isn$t a short a!o%nt o& ti!e to get o er so!eone. .on$t get !e )rong( ' did lo e Chris( b%t ' also )anted to &orget abo%t hi! and the gang beca%se ' )as scared." "#hich ' can %nderstand(" ' told her( nodding !y head. "2%t7?" ' loo"ed at her in s%rprise. "Ho) did yo% "no) there )as a b%t?" Holly la%ghed. "Chris )as right. 4o%$re so easy to read." "'$! not(" ' denied( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "Holly( )hat$s yo%r b%t?" "'t$s nothing bad. '$! 0%st )ondering )hy yo% bro"e %p )ith /r. Hey)ood right be&ore he )as p%t in 0ail. .on$t yo% thin" that$s a little cr%el?" "' do(" Holly responded honestly. "' still &eel bad abo%t it too( act%ally. 2%t it$s )hat ' had to do. 2eing done )ith the gangster thing !eant being done )ith Chris too. ' )asn$t going to !a"e hi! sit in 0ail &or eight !onths and co!e o%t only to be bro"en %p )ith. That$s )hy ' did it be&ore he )ent in. He had ti!e to !o e on( and so did '." "And yo% and /r. Hey)ood are still &riends(" ' started( &eeling a little con&%sed( "e en tho%gh yo% are done )ith this gangster thing?" "' )asn$t e3pecting to ha e to deal )ith gangsters again since he$s a teacher no)(" Holly told !e. "'$! lea ing again so ' don$t ha e to. ' still lo e Chris( 0%st not the )ay yo% do." '!!ediately !y &ace gre) hot and ' loo"ed a)ay. /y &irst response )as to deny it( b%t ' co%ldn$t. 't )as the tr%th. ' didn$t )ant to deny it. 2%t it )as still e!barrassing to hear it said alo%d. "' )ant to be &riends )ith hi!( and l%c"ily &or !e( he )ants to be &riends too(" Holly contin%ed( s!iling slightly at !y reaction. "Chris is a great g%y. He$s ne er held )hat '

did to hi! against !e; he %nderstands ' did )hat ' had to do. He deser es better than !e. He deser es yo%." ' loo"ed at Holly( ta"en abac". "#hat?" "#hy do yo% loo" so shoc"ed? Holly( not e eryone can get in ol ed )ith a gang beca%se o& so!eone and still lo e that person. 4o% don$t e en see! to care abo%t the danger in ol ed. 4o% don$t e en see! phased that he )as in 0ail6" "'$! not(" ' told her( no) gro)ing con&%sed. "#hy )o%ld ' be?" Holly stared at !e &or a !in%te in disbelie&. "4o% don$t e en care the slightest bit?" "/r. Hey)ood had his reasons( and ' don$t bla!e hi! &or going to sa e yo%( e en tho%gh he ended %p in 0ail." Holly s%ddenly loo"ed g%ilty( and she t%rned her ga-e to the &loor. "Holly( yo%$re a !%ch better person than !e. 't$s &%nny( yo%$re yo%nger than !e b%t so !%ch !ore !at%re." "Holly(" ' started( &eeling a)")ard %sing her na!e( "' lo e /r. Hey)ood. '& it )ere any other person in the )orld( ' probably )o%ld care that they )ere in 0ail( %nless they had a really good reason( b%t since it$s /r. Hey)ood( nothing !atters. .on$t say '$! a better person( '$! 0%st7 blinded by lo e(" ' ended la!ely. ' didn$t "no) ho) else to !a"e !y point. Holly s!iled at !e. "'$! glad Chris !et so!eone li"e yo%. ' can$t tell yo% ho) happy ' a! to see ho) !%ch yo% care &or hi!. Than" yo% &or that." ".on$t than" !e(" ' !%ttered( bl%shing again. "No) all he needs to do is !an %p and tell yo% he lo es yo%6" ' coc"ed !y head at her( raising an eyebro). "4o% "no) he$s !y teacher right?" Holly responded to !y loo" )ith a con&%sed one. "#hat abo%t it?" "'t$s not7 right." "Holly( don$t tell !e yo%$re )orried abo%t that(" Holly said( rolling her eyes. "4o% don$t care abo%t gangsters or prison( b%t yo% care abo%t the &act that he$s yo%r teacher? Are yo% st%pid?" "N,no6 ' don$t care that he$s !y teacher6" ' corrected her( sha"ing !y head. "2%t so &ar e eryone that "no)s ho) ' &eel abo%t hi! has been really s%pporti e. No one has been

0%dg!ental abo%t it. 2%t ' "eep )aiting &or that one person to say so!ething+ Tell !e he$s too old &or !e( tell !e it )on$t )or" o%t7" "'s that )hat yo% )ant to hear?" "No6" "Then don$t )orry abo%t it6 Anyone )ho has seen Chris tal" abo%t yo%( or yo% tal" abo%t Chris( or ' bet e en 0%st the )ay yo% t)o interact o%tside o& class( "no)s that yo% t)o are right &or each other." "'$! !ore )orried abo%t the &act that /r. Hey)ood is an ad%lt( and '$! an i!!at%re teenager7 ' don$t care )hat other people thin"( b%t ' don$t )ant /r. Hey)ood thin"ing that." Holly rolled her eyes. "Please. 4o%$re the least i!!at%re person '$ e e er !et. '$! positi e Chris doesn$t care that yo%$re still technically a teenager." A s!all s!ile spread onto !y &ace. 't )as nice to hear )hat ' )anted to hear &ro! so!eone else. "Than" yo%7" "4o% and Chris only ha e a &o%r year and !aybe three !onth age di&&erence. /y parents ha e a se en,year age di&&erence. /y &iancDe is &i e years older than !e. .on$t )orry abo%t anything that has to deal )ith yo%r age. As they say( age is b%t a n%!ber." "Right(" ' agreed( &eeling oddly re&reshed. "' hope e erything )or"s o%t &or yo% t)o." "Than" yo%." "And ' hope yo% don$t get h%rt." ' raised an eyebro). "#hat do yo% !ean?" "5ha)n(" she told !e. "Holly( he$s really dangero%s." "' "no)(" ' responded( ad erting !y ga-e. "' "no) he is. ' "no) the )hole gang sit%ation is." "Pro!ise !e yo%$ll be care&%l(" Holly ordered. "' don$t )ant to see yo% ta"en a)ay &ro! Chris."

A s!all sh%dder ran thro%gh !e. ' didn$t li"e the )ay that so%nded. Ta"en a)ay? .id she !ean "illed? Or so!ething li"e )hat happened to her that )o%ld !a"e !e not )ant to be aro%nd /r. Hey)ood any!ore? No( there )as nothing that co%ld !a"e !e not lo e hi!7 "'$ll be care&%l(" ' said so&tly. "' )on$t be ta"en a)ay." "8ood." 5%ddenly !y poc"et started ibrating. Con&%sed( ' p%lled o%t !y phone to see ' had a te3t !essage &ro! Casey. 5ince )hen did the hospital ha e ser ice? #ell( ' )asn$t going to c%rse it. ' opened the te3t and s!iled slightly. "'s that a te3t &ro! Chris?" Holly as"ed teasingly. ' shoo" !y head. "/y &riend Casey. 4o% see( !y &riend Lance is in the hospital too7 he )as also attac"ed by 5ha)n." Holly$s eyes loo"ed they )ere abo%t to pop o%t o& their soc"ets. "Chris in ol ed another teenager?" "No( no( no(" ' said *%ic"ly. "Lance )as co!pletely !y &a%lt6" Holly gasped in reali-ation. "On the ne)s the other day7 .an( one o& the !e!bers( )as p%t in 0ail &or shooting a teenager do)n to)n7 That )as yo%r &riend )asn$t it?" ' bit !y lip( b%t nodded !y head. ' co%ldn$t lie to her. "That$s the one." "Oh !y god(" Holly gasped. "' can$t belie e it. 5hot? Holly+" "' "no)(" ' inter0ected be&ore she co%ld &inish. "Tr%st !e. /r. Hey)ood has repeatedly told !e ho) dangero%s this is. '$ e got it." To !y s%rprise( Holly ch%c"led. "'$! s%rprised Chris doesn$t ha e a collar aro%nd yo%r nec". ' )o%ldn$t let yo% o%t o& !y sight i& ' )ere he. 4o% see! li"e a danger !agnet." ' bl%shed slightly. "' don$t7" "' ta"e it yo%r &riend )ants yo% to go isit hi! be&ore isiting ho%rs are o er?" Holly as"ed( s!ir"ing at !e. ' nodded. "4ep. He )ants to set plans &or a get together 1riday in stone." "#ell( ' )on$t hold yo% bac"."

' stood %p( straightening o%t !y shirt. Holly s!iled at !e and ' co%ldn$t help b%t s!ile in ret%rn. There )as so!ething abo%t her that !ade yo% )ant to s!ile. 't )as strange. "'$ll( %!( co!e isit yo% again(" ' said( &iddling )ith !y &ingers. "2ring Chris )ith yo% too(" she insisted. "' )ant to tal" to both o& yo% together." ' scratched the bac" o& !y head( &orcing o%t a la%gh. To be honest( as !%ch as ' li"ed Holly( ' didn$t )ant to be in the sa!e roo! as her and Chris at the sa!e ti!e. ' "ne) they didn$t ha e their old &eelings &or each other any!ore( b%t it )o%ld still be )eird to !e. "'$ll try." "5ee yo%( Holly." "Tal" to yo% later(" ' responded( gi ing a s!all )a e be&ore e3iting into the hall)ay. ' practically 0ogged to Lance$s roo!( gaining strange loo"s &ro! so!e o& the hospital )or"ers. #hen ' !ade it( ' b%rst into the roo!( o%t o& breath. Lance and Casey both ga e !e *%estioning loo"s. "#ho )ere yo% isiting?" Lance as"ed. "Casey told !e it )as yo%r !o!$s &riend." "This )o!an na!ed Haley(" ' told hi!( %sing Holly$s old &a"e na!e. "<h,h%h(" Lance said( b%t his eyes held a hint o& s%spicion. 5o!eti!es Lance )as too s!art &or his o)n good. ' ga e hi! a !eaning&%l loo" that hope&%lly )o%ld pre ent hi! &ro! saying anything in &ront o& Casey. The last thing ' needed )as to e3plain the )hole Holly thing to both o& the!. Especially since Casey had no idea abo%t the gang thing. "5o here$s )hat ' )ant to do(" Lance started( s)eeping his hair o%t o& his &ace. "There$s a &all &esti al going on 1riday night( and ' tho%ght it$d be &%n i& a b%nch o& %s )ent there to celebrate instead o& 0%st going to so!eone$s ho%se." "There$s a &all &esti al?" ' repeated in s%rprise. "#here?" "1air gro%nds(" Casey told !e. "They$re going to ha e a b%nch o& rides set %p and &ood booths. Later there )ill be &ire)or"s too." ' gri!aced. "'$! not a &an o& &ire)or"s7"

Lance rolled his eyes. "C$!on Holly( the last ti!e yo% )atched &ire)or"s )as li"e &i e years ago. '$! s%re it$ll be a di&&erent e3perience no)." "1ine( let$s go to the &esti al(" ' responded. "And yo% better hope the &ire)or"s are a good e3perience( or yo% !ight 0%st end %p in the hospital again." Lance la%ghed. "Trying to so%nd to%gh( eh?" "#hat ti!e )o%ld )e be !eeting %p?" ' as"ed( ignoring Lance$s 0ibe. "The &ire)or"s start at ten( so )hat i& )e !et %p aro%nd si3?" Casey s%ggested. "That )ay )e can hang o%t( do rides( and eat be&ore they start." "#ho is $)e$?" "4o%( !e( Casey( 5adie( #illis( 5a!( and .anielle(" Lance told !e. "The nor!al %s." ' s!iled. "5o%nds good7 it$s been a)hile since )e$ e all h%ng o%t together." "'t$ll be good to ha e a night )ith no )orries(" Lance co!!ented. "' don$t "no) abo%t yo% g%ys( b%t '$! pretty e3cited no)(" Casey added( a grin on her &ace. "' can$t )ait %ntil 1riday no)." "Neither can '. ' )ant to get o%t o& the da!n hospital." ' la%ghed( rolling !y eyes at Lance. "'& yo% get too o er,e3cited( yo% !ight h%rt yo%rsel&." "'$ll try to be care&%l(" Lance responded !oc"ingly. "' )on$t rando!ly &ollo) so!eone into the )oods or anything7" ' sent glance a death loo"( )hich he ret%rned )ith a s!%g s!ir". Casey !issed the e3change bet)een %s co!pletely( )hich !ade !e &eel relie ed. 5he )as b%sy tapping a)ay at her phone; probably tal"ing to #illis. "5ince )hen does the hospital ha e ser ice?" ' as"ed. "' don$t "no) b%t ' a! not co!plaining(" Casey responded( still ga-ing at her phone. "'t doesn$t !atter to !e(" Lance said( s%ddenly so%nding irritated. "/y phone )as stolen7" Casey glanced %p at Lance. "' tho%ght yo% said yo% lost it?"

' shot Lance a )arning loo"( and he *%ic"ly cleared his throat. "5tolen( lost( it$s the sa!e thing. 't )o%ld ha e still been at the scene i& it )asn$t stolen( right?" Casey nodded. "Tr%e. #hoe er has it hasn$t responded to any o& !y te3t !essages tho%gh." #ait( )hat? Casey )as sending te3t !essages to Lance$s phone? /y eyes )idened and ' loo"ed at Lance( )ho )as gi ing !e a *%estioning loo". #hat i& 5ha)n rando!ly decided to tell Casey )ho he )as? Or )hat )as going on? ' che)ed !y lip( s%ddenly an3io%s. ' hadn$t got any !essages &ro! 5ha)n lately( so hope&%lly he )o%ld ne er !essage Casey7 5%ddenly there )as a "noc" at the door and a yo%ng n%rse appeared( loo"ing bored. "Bisiting ti!es are o er(" she told %s. "And Lance( yo% ha e to go to physical therapy no)." Lance groaned( sl%!ping bac" onto his bed. "' hate PT." ' la%ghed( patting his leg. "Ha e &%n( Lance. '$ll see yo% 1riday." "2ye Lance6" Casey chirped( standing %p. "'$ll co!e bac" to!orro)6" "2ye g%ys(" Lance said gr%!pily. "En0oy yo%r PT &ree day." ' rolled !y eyes at hi! be&ore gest%ring &or Casey to &ollo) !e o%t o& the roo!. Together )e !ade o%r )ay to the hospital e3it. The air )as cool and crisp )hen )e stepped o%tside( a re&reshing scent a&ter being in the hospital. Hospitals didn$t s!ell so good. ".o yo% ha e a ride ho!e?" Casey as"ed( r%bbing her hands together. "'t$s cold7" "4eah( !y !o!$s pic"ing !e %p. Are yo% going ho!e )ith !e?" Casey shoo" her head. "#illis )ill be here soon. #e$re going to go to the !all &or a little bit." ' )agged !y eyebro)s. "Ho) ro!antic." Casey 0abbed her elbo) into !y side. "5h%t %p. Oh( loo"6 Per&ect ti!ing. Here he is." A s!all )hite Honda Ci ic p%lled %p ne3t to %s and the )indo) rolled do)n. #illis$s head appeared( grinning at Casey and !e. "Hey g%ys." "Hi(" ' responded as Casey !ade a !o e &or the passenger seat.

"4o% need a ride so!e)here?" ' shoo" !y head. "Nope( !y !o!$s co!ing. Than"s &or the o&&er." "#ant %s to )ait )ith yo%?" "'$! good. 5he$ll be here soon." #illis nodded( glancing o er at Casey( )ho )as no) in the car. "Then ' g%ess )e$ll see yo% later?" "2ye Holly6" Casey called( leaning o er #illis to see !e. "5ee yo% in school to!orro)6" "Adios." "5ee yo%(" ' responded( )a ing as #illis closed his )indo). As the car p%lled a)ay( ' ca%ght gli!pse o& !y !o!$s car entering the hospital par"ing lot. A s!all s!ile spread across !y &ace. Per&ect ti!ing. 5he dro e all the )ay %p to the entrance and ' *%ic"ly hopped in the car( )elco!ing the )ar!th &ro! the heater. "Hi honey(" !y !o! greeted( leaning to gi e !e a "iss on the chee". "Ho)$s Lance?" "5a!e old( sa!e old(" ' responded )ith a shr%g. "He$s doing a lot better. He$ll be o%t 1riday." "That$s good to hear6" !y !o! responded enth%siastically. "'t$s too bad he can$t be o%t to!orro) so he co%ld co!e )ith %s." "Co!e )ith %s?" ' repeated. /y !o! loo"ed at !e in s%rprise. "Oh( did ' &orget to tell yo%?" "Tell !e )hat?" "' !ade reser ations at yo%r &a orite resta%rant. Osa"a." /y eyes )idened. "Really?" "'t is yo%r birthday(" !y !o! responded )ith another s!ile. "2%t it$s &or &o%r people. ' ass%!ed Casey and Lance )o%ld be going." "Oh(" ' responded( &ro)ning. "#ell Lance is in the hospital( b%t ' can as" Casey7"

"' )as thin"ing abo%t in iting Chris(" !y !o! co!!ented in an o&&,hand oice. "As a than"s &or )atching yo% last )ee"end7" ' stared at !y !o! in shoc" &or a second ready to ob0ect. 'n ite /r. Hey)ood to !y birthday dinner? That had a)")ardness )ritten all o er it. "2%t !o!+" ".on$t yo% get along )ith hi!?" "4eah7" "And don$t yo% thin" it$s &air to !a"e it %p to hi! beca%se he )atched yo% )hile ' )as a)ay?" A )ry s!ile !ade its$ )ay onto !y &ace. '& she only "ne) it )as the other )ay aro%nd. "' g%ess." /y !o! &ro)ned( glancing at !e *%ic"ly. "#e don$t ha e to i& yo% don$t )ant to. ' 0%st &eel li"e ' o)e hi!( and ' tho%ght it$d be &%n7" "'t$s not that6" ' said *%ic"ly+ too *%ic"ly. /y !o! ga e !e a s%spicio%s loo". "'t$s 0%st( %!( ' don$t "no). ' thin" it$d be a)")ard." "#ell )hat abo%t that other g%y yo%$re &riends )ith? Todd?" "Todd?" ' echoed. "' don$t "no) any Todd7" /y !o! shoo" her head. "No( that$s not his na!e. Charlie? Jared?" "Jere!y(" ' told !y !o!. "'$! pretty s%re )e$ e been o er this be&ore." "Oh yeah6 Jere!y6 #hy don$t yo% in ite hi! too? #ill that !a"e it less a)")ard?" 9no)ing Jere!y( he$d !a"e it )orse. 2%t no) ' )as &eeling a little e3cited. /aybe )ith Jere!y there( /r. Hey)ood )o%ld con&ess7 ' shoo" !y head. ' co%ldn$t get !y hopes %p. "O"ay( '$ll call Jere!y and as". 4o% as" /r. Hey)ood." "O"ay(" !y !o! said( so%nding as e3cited as ' &elt. "#hy are yo% so e3cited?" ' as"ed c%rio%sly. "'t$s nice to see yo% ha ing an older !ale &ig%re in yo%r li&e(" she told !e. "Especially since yo%r dad isn$t aro%nd7"

' s)allo)ed( s%ddenly &eeling tense. #as !y !o! trying to hint at so!ething? .id she thin" /r. Hey)ood )as li"e a &ather &ig%re to !e? A &eeling o& dread spread thro%gh !e. '$d be in big tro%ble i& that )ere )hat she tho%ght7 "' don$t really thin" o& /r. Hey)ood as !y dad(" ' told her( la%ghing ner o%sly. /y !o! la%ghed too( sha"ing her head. "No( that$s not )hat ' !eant." "#hat did yo% !ean then?" "Nothing( ne er !ind(" !y !o! told !e. "1orget ' said anything." ' &ro)ned slightly( b%t let it drop. "O"ay7" "5o(" !y !o! started. "Ho) )as school?" ' responded to !y !o!$s *%estions( b%t !y !ind )as else)here. #o%ld /r. Hey)ood &eel good eno%gh to go o%t to eat to!orro)? ' prayed silently that he )o%ld be able to. /aybe i& ' played !y cards right and ' didn$t con&ess( Jere!y )o%ld be right and /r. Hey)ood )o%ld con&ess &irst. A s!all b%bble o& e3cite!ent and an3io%sness appeared in !y sto!ach. To!orro) co%ldn$t co!e &aster.

1ORT4,5EBEN "Happy birthday( Holly6" Casey cried( thro)ing her ar!s aro%nd !e. "Ho) !any ti!es are yo% going to say that to !e today?" ' responded )ith a la%gh( p%lling her ar!s aro%nd !e. This )as the &i&th ti!e today. "E ery ti!e ' see yo%6" Casey noti&ied !e. "4o%$re o&&icially a legal ad%lt6" "#ell act%ally( she )on$t be an ad%lt,ad%lt %ntil she$s t)enty,one(" 5a! corrected( grinning at !e. "2%t it$s close eno%gh." "Hey6 ' can be thro)n in 0ail &or cri!es no)6" ' said enth%siastically. "No !ore J% ie6" "And yo% can$t date anyone older than eighteen )itho%t any legal proble!s(" Casey told !e )ith a )in". /y &aces gre) hot and ' loo"ed a)ay &ro! her. "' g%ess so7"

"5o )e$re all going to the &air to!orro)?" 5a! as"ed( p%lling !y l%nch to)ards hi!. "Are yo% going to eat yo%r bro)nie?" "Ta"ing the roll o& Lance( ' see(" 5adie co!!ented( rolling her eyes. "'t$s Holly$s birthday. Let her ha e her bro)nie." 5a! &ro)ned at 5adie. "4o% spoil all !y &%n." "'$! yo%r girl&riend( '$! s%pposed to." ' la%ghed as 5a! grinned. "5a!( yo% can ha e !y bro)nie. ' don$t li"e the!. And ' ha e coo"ies &ro! .anielle( any)ay." ' shoo" the bag o& chocolate chip coo"ies .anielle had ba"ed !e &or !y birthday. "'$! set." "A)eso!e(" 5a! responded( ta"ing !y bro)nie o& !y tray. "4o% can ha e the tray." "#hoa6 Highlight o& !y day6" ' responded )ith !oc" e3cite!ent. "#hat are yo% doing tonight &or yo%r birthday?" 5adie as"ed. "8oing so!e)here )ith yo%r !o!?" "4eah. /y !o! is ta"ing !e( Jere!y and /r7 /r. Ross( Jere!y$s dad( o%t to eat(" ' corrected !ysel&( bl%shing. That )as too close. 5adie )agged her eyebro)s. "#ho$s Jere!y?" "Holly$s handso!e elder co!panion(" Casey responded &or !e. "Holly li"es older g%ys." "Casey6" 5adie la%ghed. ".on$t be e!barrassed abo%t that6" "'$! not6" ' responded( !y &ace still b%rning. "' don$t ha e a relationship )ith Jere!y( he$s 0%st a &riend." "Or is he?" "J%st a &riend(" ' ass%red 5adie. 5he shr%gged. "That$s too bad. 4o% co%ld %se a boy&riend( Holly." 2e&ore ' co%ld respond so!eone tapped on !y sho%lder( !a"ing !e 0%!p. ' t)isted aro%nd in !y seat to see an %nderclass!an ' didn$t recogni-e holding o%t a s!all( yello) piece o& paper.

"Holly E ers?" he as"ed( raising an eyebro). "4eah7?" "This is &or yo%( &ro! /r. Hey)ood. He )ants to see yo% &or a !o!ent." The yo%nger st%dent thr%st the piece o& paper closer to !y &ace and ' *%ic"ly grabbed it &ro! hi! be&ore he co%ld stab !y eye o%t. As soon as the paper le&t his hand( he t%rned and !ade his )ay a)ay &ro! !y table. /y eyes )ent &ro! the boy to the note and ' al!ost s!iled at the sight o& /r. Hey)ood$s sloppy hand)riting. "/r. Hey)ood is here today?" 5adie as"ed e3citedly. "4ay6 He$s been o%t sic" &or li"e( &ore er." "#hat$s it say?" Casey prodded( loo"ing at it o er !y sho%lder at the note. "Nothing !%ch( he 0%st )ants to see !e be&ore l%nch ends(" ' told her( scanning o er the note again. "' g%ess ' can lea e early7" Casey s!ir"ed at !e( co!ing closer( and lo)ering her oice. "4o% t)o alone( h%h? And it$s yo%r birthday7" "Casey6 5hh6" "#hat? '$! 0%st saying. 4o%$re a legal ad%lt no)( Holly." Casey$s )ords sent a shoc" thro%gh !y body. ' )as a legal ad%lt no). ' )as eighteen. /r. Hey)ood )anted !e to go to his classroo!( )here )e )o%ld be together alone7 The per&ect chance to con&ess? "4o%$re bl%shing(" Casey chirped( a grin spreading across her &ace. "#hat are yo% thin"ing?" "Nothing(" ' snapped( t%rning !y &ace do)n. "5%re( Holly( s%re. #hat are yo% thin"ing?" "Nothing6" "4o% can$t lie to !e." ' blan"ed at Casey( )ho ret%rned !y loo" )ith an eyebro) raised. "#hy does e eryone say that?"

"5ay )hat?" "That ' can$t lie to the!6" Casey la%ghed. "'t$s beca%se yo%$re so easy to see thro%gh( and yo%$re 0%st not a good liar." ' sco)led( crossing !y ar!s. "8ee( than"s." "No proble!6" "'$! going to go to /r. Hey)ood$s roo! no)(" ' said( p%shing !ysel& o&& !y seat. "' !ight be bac"( ' !ight not7" Casey raised her eyebro)s s%ggesti ely( b%t ' 0%st rolled !y eyes. ' bid !y adie%s to !y &riends again and !ade !y )ay o%t o& the ca&eteria. The halls )ere dead and *%iet as ' )al"ed do)n the! and ' co%ld hear !y o)n &ootsteps re erberating against the )alls. An3iety s%ddenly &illed !e as ' entered the 5cience )ing( and contin%ed to gro) as ' headed &or /r. Hey)ood$s roo!. ' stopped in &ront o& it and too" a deep breath be&ore p%shing it open. /r. Hey)ood didn$t enter !y ision. /y eyebro)s &%rro)ed in con&%sion as ' stared at his e!pty des". ' glanced aro%nd the roo! only to &ind it e*%ally as e!pty. The s%pply roo! door called !e and ' !ade !y )ay to)ards it( opening the door( and po"ing !y head in. 5till no /r. Hey)ood. "#here7?" ' !%ttered( ta"ing a step &%rther into the s%pply roo!. "2oo." /y heart leapt into !y throat as so!eone grabbed !y sho%lders and )hispered into !y ear. ' t)irled aro%nd( co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith /r. Hey)ood. He grinned at !e( his sho%lders sha"ing in silent la%ghter. ' sco)led at hi!. "#hat do yo% )ant?" ' as"ed !oodily. "4o% 0%!ped so hard(" he co!!ented( grinning )ider. ' bl%shed and *%ic"ly t%rned !y head a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood. "Haha( so &%nny." "Oh( don$t be a "ill0oy." "#hat do yo% )ant?" ' repeated( !y &ace still hot.

' heard /r. Hey)ood sigh. "' need yo% to tell yo%r !o! that '$ll !eet yo% g%ys at the resta%rant beca%se ' ha e so!ething to do &irst. ' )on$t be late( b%t it$ll 0%st be easier to !eet there." "O"ay(" ' responded( t%rning to &ace /r. Hey)ood again. He stared at !e intently &or a !o!ent and ' raised an eyebro)( s%ddenly &eeling sel&,conscio%s. "#hat?" "4o% ha e a little so!ething7" He raised a hand %p to !y &ace and br%shed his &inger along !y lo)er lip gently. '!!ediately ' t%rned red( slapping his hand a)ay in s%rprise. He raised an eyebro) in a!%se!ent( a s!ir" appearing on his lips. .oing !y best to ignore his e3pression( ' *%ic"ly ran the bac" o& !y hand o er !y !o%th to rid )hate er he had seen on it. "#hat are )e celebrating tonight?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed in a con&%sed tone. ' stared at hi! blan"ly. 2y no) ' co%ld tell )hen he )as "idding( so he didn$t &ool !e this ti!e. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed as ' did !y best to ignore his teaseing. He ob io%sly "ne)7 "Oh( that$s right(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( nodding. "This is a than",yo% &or )atching yo% last )ee"end. Ho) nice o& yo%r !other to in ite !e. Osa"a is !y &a orite resta%rant." "#hat a coincidence( !ine too(" ' responded( s!iling. "Tho%gh ' )onder )hy !y !o! )o%ld in ite yo% since it is !y birthday and yo%$re 0%st !y teacher7" /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned( ob io%sly not e3pecting !y response. ' did !y best to "eep a straight &ace and hide the s!ir" that )anted to slip onto !y &ace. He teased !e all the ti!e( so )asn$t i& &air that ' co%ld tease hi! bac" so!eti!es? "'t$s not that )eird(" /r. Hey)ood told !e )ith a shr%g. "4es it is." /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned at !e. "4o% don$t )ant !e to go?" "That$s not it6" ' said *%ic"ly. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed in tri%!ph and ' reali-ed !y !ista"e. Another bl%sh appeared on !y &ace and ' loo"ed at the gro%nd in de&eat. /r. Hey)ood played dirty. "' ha e a con&ession to !a"e(" /r. Hey)ood started. "'t$s not a big con&ession( b%t a con&ession nonetheless."

'!!ediately ' %nderstood )hat he )as trying to do. He )as trying to hint that ' sho%ld re,con&ess to hi!6 /y eyes )idened in shoc" and ' stared at hi! &or a !in%te( trying to &or! a coherent )ord. /r. Hey)ood ret%rned !y loo" )ith an innocent one( trying to act li"e he )as obli io%s to )hat he )as trying to do. "#hat is it?" ' &inally !anaged to as"( "eeping !y oice steady. "' ha e to con&ess that ' &eel bad abo%t &orgetting that today )as yo%r birthday." ' narro)ed !y eyes. 5%re he did. "Oh( don$t )orry abo%t it." ".o yo% ha e anything yo% )ant to say to !e?" "Nope." /r. Hey)ood$s e3pression beca!e con&%sed &or a split,second %ntil he *%ic"ly rearranged it into his nor!al s!%g one. "'s that so?" ' nodded. "4ep." '& /r. Hey)ood tho%ght ' )as going to con&ess t)ice( he )as dead )rong. ' )as going to ta"e Jere!y$s idea. 't )as only &air that he sho%ld be the one to con&ess a&ter the disaster last ti!e. /y &ace heated %p slightly &ro! the !e!ory( b%t not eno%gh so that so!eone co%ld tell ' )as bl%shing. 5%ddenly the bell rang( signaling that l%nch )as o er. /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro) at !e and ' ret%rned his loo" )ith a shr%g. "Ti!e &or class(" ' told hi!( !o ing aro%nd hi! so ' co%ld go bac" to the classroo!. "#e can tal" again tonight7" "Right(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood respond( and i& ' )asn$t !ista"en( he so%nded a little annoyed. This bro%ght a s!all s!ir" to !y &ace. Oh( this )as going to be an interesting night7 AMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA "Holly( are yo% al!ost ready?" "'n a !o!ent6" ' called do)n to !y !o!( *%ic"ly coating !y eyelashes )ith a thin layer o& !ascara. #hen ' )as &inished ' tossed !y !ascara bac" into !y !a"e,%p bo3 and !ade s%re !y eyeliner hadn$t s!%dged. E erything loo"ed o"ay.

/y !o! had ordered !e to )ear so!ething dressy to the resta%rant( since it )as a &ancy place. E ent%ally ' had chosen the cri!son dress ' had )orn to !y 0%nior year pro!. 't )asn$t too elegant( b%t it )asn$t too plain either. 't )as strapless and see!ed to &it to !y c%r e per&ectly. There )as a s!all dip in the nec"line( sho)ing o&& 0%st eno%gh s"in to loo" attracti e and appropriate. The he! o& the dress ca!e to abo%t an inch longer than !id,thigh( and ' ran !y hands o er it( trying to !a"e it go a little &%rther. 5hort dresses %s%ally )eren$t !y style( b%t tonight )as a little di&&erent. 5ince ' )as trying to get /r. Hey)ood to con&ess to !e. Ad!ittedly ' "ne) it )as going to be a long shot since !y !o! and Jere!y )o%ld be there( b%t it )as still )orth a shot. ' )o%ld ha e to &ind a )ay to get /r. Hey)ood and !ysel& alone7 !aybe Jere!y co%ld help !e )ith that. A stray piece o& hair &ell into !y &ace and ' *%ic"ly br%shed it bac"( &ro)ning at !ysel& in the !irror. /y hair didn$t loo" horrible( b%t the only thing ' had done )ith it )as straighten it( so it loo"ed the sa!e as it did e eryday. L%c"ily !y chestn%t hair color !atched )ell )ith !y dress. "Holly6" "'$! co!ing6" #ith one last glance in the !irror ' &inally tore !ysel& a)ay &ro! it( grabbing !y s!all red p%rse o&& !y bed. ' h%rried do)n the stairs to )here !y !o! )as )aiting by the door. 5he appraised !e )ith her eyes( a s!ile spreading onto her &ace. "4o% loo" hot." "/o!(" ' !%ttered( &eeling !y &ace heat %p in e!barrass!ent. ".on$t say that7" "2%t it$s the tr%th." "4o% loo" great too(" ' told her( loo"ing at her !odest blac" dress. 't )as a lot li"e !ine( e3cept not as tight. "#ell than" yo%(" she responded. "No) let$s go." On the )ay to the Osa"a ' stayed *%iet( !y ner es getting the best o& !e. ' dr%!!ed !y &ingers on the )indo) !indlessly( che)ing on !y botto! lip. #hy had ' dressed %p so !%ch? ' sho%ld ha e gone &or a !ore cas%al loo". #ere Jere!y and /r. Hey)ood dressing %p? 9no)ing !y !o!( she had probably told the! to. /aybe they )o%ld sho) %p in t%3edos7

#e arri ed at the resta%rant &ar too *%ic"ly. /y !o! s!iled at !e as she sh%t o& the car. ' tried to s!ile bac"( b%t it probably loo"ed !ore li"e a gri!ace. /y heart )as po%nding so hard ' tho%ght !y chest )as going to b%rst. ' didn$t ha e anything to be so ner o%s abo%t6 /y !o! )as ta"ing /r. Hey)ood to dinner( not !e. This )asn$t a date. This )as a birthday and than",yo% dinner. 5%re ' )as dressed %p; b%t ' didn$t ha e to be so ner o%s abo%t that6 "C$!on honey(" !y !o! %rged( opening her door. "Chris and Jared are probably here already." "Jere!y(" ' told !y !o!( letting o%t a r%sh o& air ' didn$t reali-e ' )as holding. "Try to re!e!ber it." "Jere!y(" !y !o! repeated %nder her breath. "Jere!y( Jere!y." Together )e !ade o%r )ay to)ards the entrance o& the Osa"a. 't &elt li"e the b%tter&lies in !y sto!ach )ere ha ing a raging college party. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( clenching !y &ists. #hy )as ' so ner o%s? 't )as so annoying6 ' )as only going to dinner )ith !y teacher7 "/o!?" "4es?" "#hy did yo% in ite /r. Hey)ood?" ' as"ed bl%ntly( getting the *%estion that had been on !y !ind &or the past &e) days &inally o&& it. /y !o! loo"ed at !e )ith a raised eyebro). "' tho%ght ' told yo%. As a than" yo%7" "2%t don$t yo% thin" it$s a little )eird7 since he$s !y teacher?" /y !o! s!iled at !e. "4o% "no)( yo%r &ather and ' )ere se en years apart." ' stared at !y !o! d%!b&o%nded. "#,)hat?" "' )as se enteen )hen ' started dating hi!. He )as t)enty,&o%r(" !y !o! contin%ed. "#hen ' )as in high school he )as !y A!erican Literat%re teacher." "#hat?" ' reiterated. That )as the only thing ' co%ld say. /y !ind racing )ith this ne) in&or!ation: /y dad )as !y !o! teacher at one point? /y !o! la%ghed( t%rning to &ace !e &%lly. "'sn$t it scary ho) !%ch !other and da%ghter are ali"e?"

"#ait( )ait(" ' said( sha"ing !y head. "/o!( /r. Hey)ood and ' aren$t+" "2%t yo% li"e hi! right?" ' bl%shed( gi ing !ysel& a)ay. /y !o! la%ghed again( placing a hand on !y sho%lder. "Holly( yo% don$t ha e to lie to !e. '$d be a hypocrite i& ' said yo% co%ldn$t be together. 2esides( '$d ha e to be blind to not reali-e ho) yo% &eel abo%t each other." "#ait. Ho) do yo% "no)?" /y !o! s%ddenly loo"ed e!barrassed. ".on$t get angry( b%t re!e!ber that ti!e ' *%ote( %n*%ote ran into Chris at the s%per!ar"et?" "4es7" "' listened in on yo%r con ersation a&ter that &or a little bit(" !y !o! ad!itted( loo"ing sheepish. "'$! sorry( ' sho%ldn$t ha e7 b%t ' )as c%rio%s." /y eyes &le) )ide open and ' stared at her in shoc". 5he had listened to o%r con ersation? 2%t )e had tal"ed abo%t the gangsters6 "/o!( did yo% hear e erything?" /y !o! shoo" her head. "No( ' act%ally )as !a"ing so!e phone calls7 2%t ' sort o& also snea"ed a pee" into the roo!( and that )as all ' needed to "no). Then )hen ' said ' )as going ho!e( ' also listened in again7" "5o )ait7 is this dinner7 Are yo% trying to set %s %p?" Once again( !y !o! bl%shed and nodded. "'n a )ay( yes." "5o that$s )hy yo%$re so cal! abo%t the $he$s !y teacher$ sit%ation(" ' co!!ented( still a bit s%rprised. "Holly( it sho%ldn$t !atter )hether or not he$s yo%r teacher(" !y !o! told !e. "Tr%st !e( )hen ' )as in high school ' did and it only p%t a ri&& bet)een yo%r &ather and !ysel& &or a ti!e." "Ho) co!e yo%$ e ne er told !e dad %sed to be yo%r teacher?" /y !o! la%ghed( scratching the bac" o& !y head. "' didn$t )ant yo% to be creeped o%t7" "#ell( '$d be a hypocrite i& ' )as(" ' told !y !o!( s!iling slightly. "2%t ' ha e another *%estion. #hy are yo% so )illing to get /r. Hey)ood and ' together?"

/y !o! s!iled. "2eca%se ' got the &eeling that yo% t)o )ere !eant &or each other( as cheesy as that so%nds. 4o% t)o re!inded !e o& yo%r &ather and !ysel& )hen )e )ere yo%nger. And ' "no) )hat sit%ation yo%$re in no)( and ' 0%st )anted to help yo% t)o o%t." "#hat )o%ld yo% say i& ' told yo% that yo% )ere )rong and ' didn$t li"e hi!?" "#ell( '$d be pretty e!barrassed." #e both la%ghed at that and !y !o! p%t an ar! o er !y sho%lder. "Co!e on( let$s go in no)." The )ar!th o& the Osa"a )as a )elco!ing &eeling co!pared to the chilly air o%tside. .elicio%s scents o& Japanese &ood and other coo"ing &illed !y nose( !a"ing !y sto!ach r%!ble. #e !ade o%r )ay %p to the )aiting area and !y !o! )ent to get o%r reser ation. ' )ondered aro%nd the )aiting area( loo"ing at the paintings on the )all. Hal& o& the! loo"ed li"e a s!all child had dra)n the!. A s!all grin !ade its$ )ay onto !y &ace as ' distracted !ysel& by &inding &%nny i!ages in each can as. Art )as really entertaining so!eti!es. 5%ddenly so!ething hard hit !y side( sending !e staggering in the high heels that ' )as ery %n%sed to )earing. L%c"ily ' !anaged to stop !ysel& &ro! &alling by grasping the edge o& a ery con enient bench. ' heard a &a!iliar la%gh. ".%de( Chris. 2e care&%l. 4o% al!ost 0%st "noc"ed this &ine( yo%ng lady o er." "'$! so sorry(" an e en !ore &a!iliar oice apologi-ed and ' &elt a strong grasp on !y %pper ar!( p%lling !e into an erect position. ' didn$t t%rn aro%nd right a)ay( s%ddenly too e!barrassed to &ace /r. Hey)ood. Ho)e er( his hand didn$t lea e !y ar! and ' &elt hi! t%gging !e aro%nd to &ace hi!. /y eyes )ere on the gro%nd at &irst( b%t ' slo)ly raised the! to his &ace. /r. Hey)ood )as staring at !e in co!plete shoc". ' )o%ldn$t ha e been s%rprised to see his 0a) on the gro%nd. ' *%ic"ly glanced at Jere!y. He )as loo"ing bac" at !e 0%st as s%rprised( e3cept his 0a) )as practically on the &loor. ' al!ost la%ghed at his reaction. "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood &inally breathed( letting !y ar! go. "/r7 Chris(" ' corrected !ysel& boldly. No) /r. Hey)ood$s 0a) did drop( b%t he *%ic"ly closed it again and t%rned his &ace a)ay &ro! !e. #hich )as good( beca%se a bl%sh appeared at !y &ace &ro! !y bold %se o& his na!e. #hile his head )as t%rned ' %sed the opport%nity to chec" hi! o%t.

To !y pleasant s%rprise( he )as )earing a t%3edo. 't )as blac" and he )as )earing a )hite shirt %nderneath the 0ac"et and a red tie that )as the sa!e shade as !y dress. ' s!iled at the coincidence. #hen /r. Hey)ood t%rned bac" to !e ' reali-ed 0%st ho) handso!e he loo"ed in the t%3. ' al!ost &orgot ho) to breathe. "4o% loo"7 4o% loo"7" "8orgeo%s6" Jere!y cried( gathering !e %p in a bear h%g. ".a!n Holly( ' co%ld ha e !ista"en yo% &or /iss A!erica." ' bl%shed as Jere!y cr%shed !e to death. ".on$t o er e3aggerate(" ' !anaged to cho"e o%t. "O)6" Jere!y cried( s%ddenly p%lling a)ay &ro! !e. "#hat )as that &or( Chris?" "Co%ldn$t yo% tell yo% )ere "illing her?" /r. Hey)ood responded( &ro)ning at hi!. Jere!y s!ir"ed s!%gly. "4o%$re 0%st 0ealo%s that ' tho%ght o& the best co!pli!ent." ' bl%shed( loo"ing a)ay &ro! the pair o& !en. "J%st &orget it7" "Let$s go &ind yo%r !o! no)(" Jere!y s%ggested. "' )ant to !eet !y &%t%re !other,in, la)." ".on$t get yo%r hopes too high(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood !%tter to Jere!y. ' started )al"ing bac" to)ards the reser ation area and ' co%ld hear Jere!y and /r. Hey)ood &ollo) !e. /y &ace )as still hot &ro! Jere!y$s co!!ent and !y pal!s )ere s)eaty. As !%ch as Jere!y$s opinion !attered to !e( /r. Hey)ood$s )as !ore i!portant. "5o Holly( do yo% thin" ' loo" good?" ' glanced at Jere!y. He too )as dressed in a t%3edo li"e /r. Hey)ood$s. E3cept Jere!y had a deep bl%e tie. ' s!iled at hi!( nodding !y head. "'$! not going to lie( Jere!y. 4o% loo" pretty se3y." "Than" yo%(" Jere!y responded )ith a grin. "' bet i& )e pretended )e )ere a co%ple( )e$d be the se3iest thing in the )orld." ' heard /r. Hey)ood snort behind %s. ' glanced at Jere!y( )ho )in"ed at !e. /y eyes )idened slightly as ' %nderstood )hat Jere!y )as doing. /a"ing /r. Hey)ood 0ealo%s.

He inconspic%o%sly nodded his head as he noticed ' had &ig%red o%t )hat he )as atte!pting to do. ' responded )ith his nod 0%st as secretly. "#hat abo%t Chris?" ' glanced bac" at /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as glaring at Jere!y. "He loo"s nice." /r. Hey)ood$s head t%rned to)ards !e b%t ' *%ic"ly &aced the &ront again( not )anting to see his e3pression. ' )as torn bet)een a!%se!ent and g%ilt. Part o& !e told !e /r. Hey)ood sho%ld be the one being teased tonight( b%t ' also &elt bad &or hi!. Ho)e er( Jere!y$s plans ne er &ailed to )or"7 /y !o! )as )aiting )ith a )aiter by the &ront o& the resta%rant. #hen she noticed %s a bright s!ile spread across her lips. Jere!y stepped &or)ards( holing o%t a hand. "4o% !%st be Holly$s !o!(" Jere!y greeted her as she placed her hand into his. "Nice to !eet yo%( '$! Jere!y." "'t$s a pleas%re to !eet yo% too( Jere!y(" !y !o! responded( sending !e an i!pressed loo". "4o% can call !e Lynn." "5%re thing6" "5hall ' ta"e yo% to yo%r table then?" the )aiter as"ed !y !o!( his eyes glancing o er o%r gro%p. His eyes lingered on !e and ' &elt sel&,conscio%s( *%ic"ly ad erting !y ga-e. "5%re6" !y !o! chirped( s!iling at hi!. #e started &ollo)ing the )aiter thro%gh the resta%rant to the bac". /y !o! str%c" %p a con ersation )ith Jere!y and ' played )ith !y &ingers to distract !ysel&. /r. Hey)ood )as no) )al"ing besides !e and it too" all o& !y )ill po)er to not loo" at hi!. 5%ddenly !y shoe ca%ght on so!ething and ' &ell &or)ards. 2e&ore ' co%ld hit the gro%nd( ' &elt an ar! aro%nd !y )aist. "Care&%l(" /r. Hey)ood breathed in !y ear as he set !e %p straight. "That$s t)ice tonight yo%$ e al!ost &allen." "Than" yo%(" ' !%ttered( red,&aced. "4o% loo" bea%ti&%l tonight( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly co!!ented in a *%iet oice( his !o%th still by !y ear. '!!ediately ' bl%shed( s)allo)ing ner o%sly. Tonight )as going to be a lot harder than e3pected.

1ORT4,E'8HT The )aiter led %s to )hat see!ed to be the &%rthest roo! &ro! the entrance. #hen )e arri ed at a table( ' )as slightly disappointed. ' )anted to eat at the hibachi. Jere!y sat do)n and gest%red &or !e to ta"e the chair ne3t to hi!( b%t be&ore ' co%ld !y !o! sat do)n( lea ing !e to sit ne3t to /r. Hey)ood. /y !o! s!iled pleasantly at !e )hile Jere!y &ro)ned. "Can ' start yo% o&& )ith so!ething to drin"?" o%r )aiter as"ed. "Co"e(" /r. Hey)ood and ' responded at the sa!e ti!e. ' loo"ed at hi! o%t o& the corner o& !y eye and sa) hi! s!ir"ing at !e. '!!ediately ' loo"ed a)ay( at Jere!y. "'$ll ha e a 5prite(" he told the )aiter. "And a co&&ee &or !e(" !y !o! added )hen the )aiter t%rned to her. He nodded( scribbling do)n o%r drin"s. "'$ll be bac" in a &e) !in%tes )ith yo%r drin"s." "#hy aren$t )e eating at the hibachi?" ' as"ed !y !o! )hen the )aiter )as gone. "Too !%ch co!!otion(" !y !o! responded )ith a shr%g. "Ne3t ti!e )e$ll eat there." "' )ant to co!e ne3t ti!e too(" Jere!y added. "'$ e ne er eaten at a hibachi be&ore." ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise. "Really?" Jere!y nodded. "This is !y &irst ti!e co!ing to the Osa"a too." "4o%$ll lo e it." "' hope so." "#hat abo%t yo%( Chris? Ha e yo% been here be&ore?" !y !o! as"ed( t%rning to &ace hi!. ' "ept !y head straight( &oc%sing on Jere!y so ' )o%ldn$t loo" at /r. Hey)ood. "'t$s !y &a orite resta%rant(" /r. Hey)ood told !y !o!( e!phasi-ing the )ord "&a orite". "Holly$s too6"

"#hat a coincidence(" /r. Hey)ood responded in an a!%sed tone. 5%ddenly ' &elt /r. Hey)ood$s leg press against !ine and ' nearly 0%!ped. ' bro"e !y &oc%s on Jere!y and t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( )ho didn$t see! to notice o%r contact. He )as s!iling politely at !y !o!( obli io%s to !y *%estioning ga-e and o%r to%ching legs. 5%rprisingly( ' &elt a bit disappointed that o%r contact )as accidental. ' didn$t !o e !y leg a)ay either. "Holly(" Jere!y started( gaining !y attention again. "' can$t get o er ho) !at%re yo% loo" tonight. "4o% loo" so7 ra ishing(" he said )ith a grin. A bl%sh !ade its$ )ay onto !y &ace at his )ords( e en tho%gh ' "ne) he )as 0%st saying it to tease /r. Hey)ood. "Than" yo%( Jere!y." "Pretty )ords &or the pretty lady." ".oes so!eone ha e a cr%sh?" !y !o! hinted( n%dging Jere!y in the sho%lder. Jere!y ga e her a chee"y grin. "/aybe." ' al!ost la%ghed at !y !o!$s s%rprised e3pression. 5he glanced at !e )ith )ide eyes( inconspic%o%sly nodding her head to)ards Jere!y. ' shr%gged !y sho%lders at her( stealing a *%ic"( a!%sed loo" at Jere!y. He loo"ed li"e he )as abo%t to la%gh. ' co%ldn$t help b%t crac" a s!ile at hi!( !a"ing !y !o! gi e !e an e en !ore be)ildered loo". ' probably sho%ld ha e told her abo%t Jere!y$s antics7 /r. Hey)ood cleared his throat and ' s%ddenly &elt his leg be p%lled a)ay &ro! !ine. '!!ediately )here o%r legs had been to%ching &elt cold and ' &ro)ned. #itho%t reali-ing it( ' t%rned to &ro)n at hi! &or p%lling a)ay. He loo"ed annoyed. "4o% "no) )hat?" /r. Hey)ood started( t%rning to loo" at !y !o!. "#e don$t ha e !en%s. ' thin" they !ight ha e &orgotten )e need so!e. Jere!y( co%ld yo% go get so!e?" Jere!y raised an eyebro). "' )o%ldn$t "no) )here to go. 't$s !y &irst ti!e here( re!e!ber?" He thre) !e a !eaning&%l loo". "'$ll+" "'$ll co!e )ith yo%(" !y !o! told Jere!y( s!iling at hi!. "' ha e to %se the bathroo! any)ay( so i& yo% don$t !ind )aiting7" A &lic"er o& disappoint!ent passed on Jere!y$s &ace b%t he *%ic"ly regained his cheer&%l loo" and nodded at !y !o!. "' don$t !ind at all6 Let$s go."

"#e$ll be right bac"(" !y !o! said to /r. Hey)ood and !ysel&( p%shing hersel& o&& her chair. /r. Hey)ood raised a hand. "Ta"e yo%r ti!e." /y !o! s!iled at hi! be&ore gest%ring &or Jere!y to &ollo) her o%t o& o%r roo! and into the hall. Jere!y thre) !e a sheepish loo" be&ore disappearing co!pletely. ' didn$t ha e ti!e to ret%rn it )ith !y panic"ed one. No) ner o%s( ' began to dr%! !y &ingers on the table to distract !ysel&. 5o!ething told !e /r. Hey)ood )as staring at !e( b%t ' did !y best to ignore hi!. Ho)e er ' co%ldn$t ignore hi! )hen ' s%ddenly &elt his hand o er !ine. "That dr%!!ing is irritating(" he told !e( closing his hand on !ine so that ' co%ldn$t tap any!ore. "5orry(" ' !%r!%red( trying to p%ll !y hand a)ay &ro! his. He didn$t let go. "Loo" at !e( Holly." ' "ept !y head straight&or)ard( doing !y best to ignore ho) !%ch ' did )ant to loo" at hi!. A&ter a !o!ent ' heard hi! sigh in irritation and he let go o& !y hand. "1ine. .o )hat yo% )ant." No) ' &elt g%ilty. ' &inally t%rned to loo" at hi! and ca%ght hi! &ro)ning at !e. His s!oldering( grey eyes pierced into !ine and &or a second ' &orgot ho) to breathe. #ere his eyes al)ays this bea%ti&%l? Or )as it beca%se ' had been re&%sing to loo" into the! all this ti!e and had &orgotten? "Tell !e( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood started *%ietly( his eyes narro)ing slightly. "#as the )hole reason o& in iting !e here to !a"e !e )itness yo% and Jere!y$s &lirting all night?" ' shoo" !y head i!!ediately. "No. 't )as a than" yo%+" "A card )o%ld ha e )or"ed 0%st as )ell. Or so!e ba"ed goods(" /r. Hey)ood snapped. "Tell !e )hat ' did." ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprised. "#hat?" "Tell !e )hat ' did to !a"e yo% %pset )ith !e( and '$ll apologi-e(" /r. Hey)ood insisted( his e3pression t%rning i!ploring.

"4o% didn$t do anything6" "Then )hy are yo%7?" /r. Hey)ood trailed o&&( loo"ing irritated. "#hy a! ' )hat?" ' responded( raising an eyebro). "' didn$t reali-e ' )as doing anything to annoy yo%." /r. Hey)ood sighed( r%nning a hand thro%gh his %ntidy hair. "Ne er !ind. 4o%$re not doing anything." No) ' )as really con&%sed. "Then )hy7?" Oh. A s!all s!ir" spread onto !y lips as ' reali-ed )hat )as !a"ing hi! irritated. 5o Jere!y$s plan )as )or"ing? /r. Hey)ood ca%ght !y e3pression and he loo"ed at !e )arily. "#hat are yo% thin"ing?" "Oh( nothing. J%st7 $'& yo%$re 0ealo%s( 0%st say it$(" ' *%oted hi!( !y s!ir" gro)ing a little )ider. /r. Hey)ood didn$t loo" the least bit &a-ed by !y co!!ent. 'n &act( he loo"ed a!%sed. /y s!ir" slo)ly &aded and )as replaced by a &ro)n. ' had e3pected at least so!e sort o& reaction &ro! hi!. 5o!e denial( or so!ething. /r. Hey)ood then s!ir"ed at !y reaction. "#hy do yo% loo" so disappointed?" he as"ed. "'$! not(" ' lied. "4o% can$t lie to !e." "'$! not(" ' stated st%bbornly. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "' can honestly say '$! not 0ealo%s o& Jere!y right no)." "Then )hy do yo% loo" so annoyed?" "2eca%se( as ' 0%st said he$s co!ple!enting yo% to !a"e !e 0ealo%s(" /r. Hey)ood repeated( &%rro)ing his eyebro)s. "'$! annoyed beca%se ' thin" yo% tr%ly deser e e ery co!pli!ent he$s gi ing yo%." /y eyes )idened slightly as !y &ace i!!ediately gre) hot. ' t%rned a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood( %nable to loo" hi! properly in the eye. ' didn$t "no) ho) to react )hen /r. Hey)ood co!pli!ented !e so directly li"e that. 't )as so o%t o& character and it al)ays ca%ght !e o&&,g%ard.

".o yo% re!e!ber )hat ' said the other night?" At once !y attention snapped bac" to /r. Hey)ood. He )as staring at !e )ith a serio%s e3pression. ' opened !y !o%th to ans)er honestly( b%t Jere!y$s &ace popped into !y head and ' closed it. /r. Hey)ood )as going to try and get !e to re,con&ess( ' co%ld tell. And ' "ne) ' probably )o%ld i& ' co%ldn$t get it o%t o& hi! &irst soon. ' e ent%ally shoo" !y head. "No( )hat night?" "The other night(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "#hen yo% accidentally told !e so!ething yo% sho%ldn$t ha e?" The night )hen '$d accidentally con&essed to hi!. /y bl%sh ga e !e a)ay and ' "ne) ' co%ldn$t deny it no). "Oh( yeah7" "And do yo% re!e!ber )hat ' said?" To re,con&ess )hen ' )as older. "4es7" "And do yo% "no) )hat day it is?" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( a s!ir" gro)ing on his &ace. "4eah(" ' !%r!%red( !y eyes no) do)ncast so ' )o%ldn$t see his &ace. "#ell( '$ e got so!ething to say(" he told !e in a rather all%ring tone( and ' )ondered brie&ly i& he had !eant to say it li"e that. "',is that so(" ' st%ttered( trying to "eep !y oice steady. He had so!ething to say? #as he serio%s? #as Jere!y$s plan )or"ing? ' had to re!e!ber to gi e hi! the biggest than",yo% h%g "no)n to !an7 "4eah( )ant to hear it?" /y !o%th )as dry no)( and too" !e a &e) seconds to be able to respond. "4es." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led slightly and ' reali-ed ho) close he )as to !e. /y breath ca%ght )hen ' &elt his breath against !y ear &or the second ti!e this e ening. 1or a &%ll !in%te ' sat co!pletely still( &eeling /r. Hey)ood$s breath against !y ear as he breathed. 't too" all o& !y )ill not to t%rn !y head and "iss hi!. 1inally( /r. Hey)ood spo"e. "Happy birthday." No) ' t%rned to &ace hi!. O%r noses to%ched d%e to o%r pro3i!ity( and ' *%ic"ly 0er"ed bac" &ro! the contact. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"le once again and leaned bac" in his seat as '

bl%shed ane). Happy birthday? That$s )hat he had to say? Happy birthday? Not "' lo e yo%"? /r. Hey)ood )atched !e )ith a!%sed eyes as ' debated )hat ' sho%ld do ne3t. /y &irst instinct )as to p%nch hi!. ' really( really )anted to p%nch hi!. A&ter ' p%nched hi!( ' )anted to tell hi! ho) !%ch ' lo ed hi!. 2%t that )as o%t o& the *%estion. There )as no )ay ' )as going to con&ess to hi! &irst6 Not a&ter that. ' "ne) he )as teasing !e to get a reaction o%t o& !e( and ' )asn$t going let hi! ha e the satis&action o& gi ing it to hi!. "Than" yo%(" ' &inally responded( p%lling !y e3pression into an innocent s!ile. "'t$s nice to be &inally considered an ad%lt." "4o%r )elco!e(" /r. Hey)ood responded( no) loo"ing a little !i&&ed. "4o% "no)( Holly( ' thin" yo%$re hanging o%t )ith Jere!y too !%ch." 2e&ore ' co%ld as" hi! )hat he !eant by that ' heard !y !o!$s oice. '!!ediately ' t%rned a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood and grabbed !y glass o& )ater( ta"ing a sip. As !y !o! and Jere!y entered the roo!( ' &elt /r. Hey)ood$s leg against !ine again. #hen ' glanced at hi! &ro! the corner o& !y eye( he s!ir"ed. "5orry it too" so long(" !y !o! apologi-ed( ta"ing her seat again. "'t s%ddenly got really cro)ded in here." "2%t ' bro%ght bac" !en%s(" Jere!y told %s and ga e %s each one o& said ite!s. "Anything interesting happen )hile )e )ere gone?" "Nope(" /r. Hey)ood and ' responded cas%ally si!%ltaneo%sly. Jere!y raised an eyebro)( b%t said no !ore. ' opened !y !en% and scanned the &ood choices *%ic"ly( already "no)ing )hat ' )as going to get. As they say( li"e !other( li"e da%ghter. /y !o! lo ed stea"( and so did '. The )aiter e ent%ally ca!e bac" to %s )ith o%r drin"s )ith an apology &or the )ait. As he placed do)n one o& the c%ps o& co"e( /r. Hey)ood and ' both reached &or it and he ended %p closing his hand on !ine rather than the c%p. ' *%ic"ly retracted !y hand( loo"ing do)n so no one )o%ld notice the rog%e bl%sh no) on !y &ace. #hen o%r drin"s )ere settled o%r )aiter too" o%r order. Jere!y )as the odd ball o%t( ordering chic"en )hile the rest o& o%r ordered stea". ' co%ldn$t help b%t )onder i& /r. Hey)ood )as ordering his !eal e3actly li"e !ine on p%rpose. Not !any people replaced their egetables )ith a second helping o& !ashed potatoes. /y !o! grinned as the )aiter )al"ed a)ay. "#o) Chris( yo% are 0%st li"e Holly." "'s that so?"

/y !o! nodded. "Not !any people order do%ble !ashed potatoes." "' do lo e potatoes(" /r. Hey)ood responded and ' *%ic"ly shot a glance at hi! and sa) hi! grinning. "5o does Holly6" "'s that so?" "4eah( she literally li"es e ery "ind o& potato." ' gri!aced. "/o!7" #ere they really going to tal" abo%t potatoes? "' li"e e ery "ind o& potato too(" /r. Hey)ood told !y !o!. "Canned( !ashed( ba"ed( s)eet7 yo% na!e it." "Holly too6 4o% t)o are !eant &or each other." "/o!6" ' cried( sending her a )arning glare. "#hat? 't$s tr%e tho%gh(" she protested )ith a &ro)n. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led beside !e and ' resisted the %rge to loo" at hi!. Jere!y )as la%ghing to hi!sel& across the table. ' narro)ed !y eyes pointedly at hi! and he sobered %p( gi ing !e a hal&,s!ile. "Lynn( yo% get along )ell )ith Chris. Ho) long ha e yo% t)o "no)n each other?" /y !o! t%rned to Jere!y( her &ace blan" in tho%ght &or a !o!ent. "Abo%t t)o years( ' thin"." ' stared at !y !o! in s%rprise. "#hat?" ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( )ho didn$t loo" shoc"ed at all. "Ho) did yo% t)o "no) each other?" /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "Holly( o%r parents )ere in the sa!e car crash7" "5o?" "5o yo% thin" )e )o%ldn$t ha e !et?" "' attended his parents &%neral(" !y !o! told !e. "He also stopped by yo%r dad$s. 4o% !ight ha e seen each other be&ore )itho%t "no)ing it."

This in&or!ation ga e !e a shoc". /r. Hey)ood and ' !ight ha e !et be&ore? 2%t it )asn$t signi&icant eno%gh to ha e a !e!ory abo%t. 't )as "ind o& entertaining to thin" that /r. Hey)ood and ' co%ld ha e seen each other bac" then and ha e had no idea )e$d be )here )e )ere today. "' didn$t "no) yo%r parents )ere in the sa!e crash as Holly$s(" Jere!y said in s%rprise. "#hat a coincidence." "' "no)( right?" ' responded( shi&ting in !y seat. /y leg lost contact )ith /r. Hey)ood$s and a&ter a split second o& hesitation ' boldly pressed it bac" against his. E en tho%gh it )as only a s!all contact( it !ade !e giddy. "4o% t)o !eeting )as li"e &ate( h%h?" ' &ro)ned at Jere!y. He and Casey )o%ld get along great. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed *%ietly &ro! beside !e. "Perhaps." /y !o! s!iled at !e. One o& those s!iles that gi e yo% the creeps. One o& those s!iles that !a"e yo% thin" that the person s!iling has %lterior !oti es &or doing so!ething( and they are )or"ing. Creeped o%t( ' t%rned !y attention to a gro%p o& people no) entering o%r roo!. /y eyes )idened )hen ' reali-ed one o& the !e!bers o& the gro%p )as Ja!es &ro! !y biology class. ' *%ic"ly t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( !y eyes )ide in horror. "#hat$s7" he began to as" b%t trailed o&& as he loo"ed behind !e. '!!ediately he t%rned his head to)ards the )all. "5hit(" he !%ttered. "#hat$s )rong?" !y !o! as"ed( t%rning to loo" at the gro%p o& people. "Ja!es. A "id &ro! !y class(" ' told !y !o! *%ietly( p%tting !y hair o er the side o& !y &ace 0%st in case he decided to loo" o er here. /y !o! loo"ed s%rprised. "Are yo% serio%s?" "Co!pletely." "This is not good(" !y !o! responded. "#e sho%ld probably go( 0%st in case7" "/o!( ' don$t )ant to )aste yo%r reser ations(" ' told her *%ic"ly. "'& ' 0%st lea e( it )ill be o"ay." "'t$s yo%r birthday tho%gh6"

"'$ll go(" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected. "'$ll go )ait in the car or so!ething )hile yo% three eat." "No6" /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro) at !e. "#hat other choice do )e ha e? #e can$t let hi! see %s together( Holly." "' "no)(" ' responded in dis!ay. "2%t being o%t there alone7" "Holly( )hy don$t yo% and Chris go o%t there &or no)( and Jere!y and ' )ill tell the )aiter to !a"e o%r orders to go(" !y !o! s%ggested. "#e can all eat at o%r ho%se instead." "<h7" "' thin" that so%nds li"e a good idea(" Jere!y inter0ected be&ore ' co%ld agree or disagree. "'t$d be bad i& Ja!es sa) yo% t)o." "Holly( yo% go &irst(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( still loo"ing at the )all. "Try to get by )itho%t being seen." "2%t+" "8o(" /r. Hey)ood ordered. A s!all sco)l appeared on !y &ace. /r. Hey)ood and ' alone again tonight? The tho%ght !ade !y heart po%nd. ' didn$t )ant to re,con&ess( b%t i& /r. Hey)ood did anything that thre) !e o&& again( ' didn$t "no) )hat ' )o%ld say. 't see!ed li"e a dangero%s thing &or hi! and ' to be alone. ' sighed( p%shing !ysel& o%t o& !y chair. "'$! going." "#e$ll be o%t )hen the &ood$s ready(" !y !o! ass%red !e( b%t so!ething abo%t her loo" !ade !e thin" she )as i!plying so!ething else. T%rning to)ards the door( ' &oc%sed !y attention on the &loor and "ept !y head do)n so ' )o%ldn$t be recogni-ed. O& co%rse tho%gh( nothing co%ld )or" o%t &or !e. 2e&ore ' reached the door( so!eone b%!ped into !e and ' snapped !y head %p instantly as ' tottered on !y &oot( trying not to &all. Ja!es )as loo"ing do)n at !e in s%rprise( his ar! )rapping aro%nd !y )aist to steady !e. "Holly?" he as"ed in s%rprise. 5hoot. "Hi Ja!es."

His eyes le&t !y &ace and tra eled do)n !y body *%ic"ly. ' slo)ly re!o ed his ar! &ro! aro%nd !y )aist as he chec"ed !e o%t. "4o% loo" really good(" he co!pli!ented. "Red is yo%r color. #ho! did yo% co!e )ith tonight?" "Than" yo%( and !y !o! and a &e) &riends7" Ja!es eyes shot o er to)ards the table )here Jere!y( !y !o!( and /r. Hey)ood sat. ' held !y breath as his eyes narro)ed slightly( then rela3ed )hen they ret%rned to !e. He hadn$t noticed /r. Hey)ood. "5o%nds &%n." "4eah( b%t '$! lea ing no)(" ' told hi!. "5o '$ll see yo% to!orro)7" "O"ay( bye Holly." ' e3ited the roo! be&ore he tho%ght o& so!ething else to say. Hope&%lly /r. Hey)ood )o%ld be able to lea e the roo! )itho%t being %ndetected. As ' !ade !y o%t o& the resta%rant ' ca%ght a &e) people staring at !e and ' bl%shed. ' )as ne er going to )ear this dress in p%blic again. Cold air bit at !y e3posed s"in as ' stepped o%tside. ' sh%ddered( )al"ing to)ards the car and leaning against the hood )hile )aiting &or /r. Hey)ood. 't )as dar"( and standing o%tside by !ysel& !ade !e &eel ner o%s. Not that ' co%ld bla!e !ysel&. Anyone )ho had gangsters a&ter the!( )ho )anted to "idnap the!( )o%ldn$t &eel sa&e alone at night. Any)here. #hen /r. Hey)ood stepped o%t o& the resta%rant all !y )orries disappeared. A relie ed s!ile spread across !y &ace as he started )al"ing to)ards !e. He ga e !e a sheepish grin as he gre) closer. ' raised an eyebro). "' &orgot the car "eys(" he ad!itted be&ore ' had the chance to as" hi! any *%estions. "Oh." #ell that s%c"ed. 't )as li"e( &orty degrees o%t here. "Co!e here(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( gest%ring &or !e to &ollo) hi! )ith his hand. "#e$ll see i& !y car is %nloc"ed." ' &ollo)ed hi! )itho%t hesitation as he started to)ards the dar" par"ing lot behind the resta%rant. As )e )ent &%rther a)ay &ro! the lights o& the resta%rant ' !o ed closer to /r. Hey)ood %ntil ' )as practically hiding behind hi!. The par"ing lot had no lights( so

the only light ca!e &ro! the !oon. ' began to gro) apprehensi e( !y eyes &lic"ering all aro%nd !e. /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly stopped and ' b%!ped into hi!( 0%!ping &ro! the s%dden contact. A startled gasp escaped !y lips and ' too" a step bac" a)ay &ro! hi!. "5orry( yo% scared !e." /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a con&%sed loo". "Ho)? ' )as in &ront o& yo% the )hole ti!e." "<!( '$! 0%st being paranoid(" ' ad!itted *%ietly. /r. Hey)ood didn$t respond( b%t ' &elt hi! en elop !y hand )ith his. ' bl%shed( b%t didn$t atte!pt to p%ll a)ay. #itho%t any )ords he contin%ed to lead !e thro%gh the par"ing lot to)ards his car. #hen )e arri ed he stopped( t%rning to loo" at !e. His e3pression )as a g%ilty one. "Holly( '$! sorry(" he apologi-ed. ' blin"ed at hi!. "1or )hat?" "The )hole gang sit%ation(" he told !e( a hard edge to his tone. "' hate the &act that yo% ha e to be scared o& )al"ing thro%gh a par"ing lot at night." "4o%$ e apologi-ed &or that eno%gh( yo% don$t ha e to again(" ' told hi!. "2esides( li"e '$ e said be&ore( it$s 0%st as !%ch !y &a%lt as it is yo%rs." /r. Hey)ood sighed. "4o% "no) Holly( yo% sho%ld stop being so nice to !e." "#hy?" "2eca%se '$! hardly that nice to yo%(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( a s!ir" no) on his &ace. "4o%$re nice eno%gh(" ' !%r!%red( loo"ing a)ay &ro! hi!. "'& yo% )ere any nicer( '$d be )orried." He la%ghed. "5till( don$t yo% )ant to be angry )ith !e?" "1or )hat?" "4o% "no)( &or telling yo% to re,con&ess." /y eyes )idened slightly in shoc" and ' *%ic"ly t%rned bac" to hi!. His eyes )ere &illed )ith a!%se!ent as he )atched !e. Ho) co%ld be bring that %p so easily? He )as de&initely trying to elicit so!e "ind o& reaction &ro! !e.

"'$ e been thin"ing that saying that to yo% )as pretty %n&air o& !e(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( lightly t%gging on !y ar! to bring !e closer to hi!. "'t !%st ha e been e!barrassing eno%gh to ad!it yo%r &eelings by accident." ' bl%shed no)( !ostly d%e to his )ords( b%t also d%e to o%r closeness. "'7" "Ho)e er ' did say that( and yo%$ e )aited. And no) today$s yo%r birthday(" /r. Hey)ood started again( no) spea"ing in a lo) and all%ring oice. "'s there so!ething yo% )ant to say?" "No(" ' responded( !y oice e*%ally as *%iet as his. "Not at all?" "No(" ' repeated st%bbornly. /r. Hey)ood h%!!ed *%ietly( yan"ing !e to hi! again( this ti!e !a"ing o%r bodies collide. ' gasped in s%rprise as he t)irled !e aro%nd and pressed !e against the side o& his car. 2oth his hands )ere pinning !y hands to the edge o& his car and he bro%ght his head do)n so )e )ere &ace,to,&ace. "Are yo% absol%tely s%re yo% don$t )ant to say anything?" ' shoo" !y head deter!inedly. No) )as the ti!e to stay bold. '& ' co%ld "eep !ysel& &ro! re,con&essing right no)( /r. Hey)ood )o%ld. He )as ob io%sly e3pecting !e to con&ess again+ he )anted !e to re,con&ess. That )as )hy he )as teasing !e. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly as his eyes pierced into !ine. 5oon )e )ere in so!e sort o& staring contest. Part o& !e toyed )ith the idea that the only reason /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t con&ess )as beca%se o& his ego. #hich )as probably tr%e( b%t ' )o%ld ne er say that to hi!. Another reason )as beca%se /r. Hey)ood )anted to see !e e!barrass !ysel& by con&essing to hi! again. That one )as the !ore li"ely reason. A&ter )hat &elt li"e a !illion years /r. Hey)ood p%lled a)ay &ro! !e( letting !y hands go. "8ee Holly( i& yo%$re this st%bborn yo%$ll ne er get a boy&riend(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented in a!%se!ent. That set !e o&&. ' narro)ed !y eyes at /r. Hey)ood( a sco)l slipping onto !y &ace. "5t%bborn? '$! the one )ho$s st%bborn? '$! not the one that told the girl that con&essed her lo e to hi! to re,con&ess again later 0%st beca%se she )asn$t a legal ad%lt6 ' !ean really( )ho does that? .on$t yo% thin" ' )as e!barrassed eno%gh that night? #hat !a"es yo% thin" that ' )ant to re,con&ess? /aybe ' got o er yo% d%ring this last )ee"6"

"Holly." "/aybe i& yo%$d act%ally !an %p and de&late so!e o& yo%r ego yo%$d reali-e it$s %n&air to !a"e !e re,con&ess again. And all tonight yo%$ e been trying to p%sh !e to do it. E en in school6 4o% ha e to con&ess that yo% ha e a con&ession to !a"e. 4o% really lay it on thic" don$t yo%?" "Holly( '+" "4o% "no) it )as Jere!y$s idea to !a"e !e try to !a"e yo% con&ess &irst. That$s )hy '$ e been trying to !a"e yo% 0ealo%s all night. 2%t no( yo% ha e to be all cool and co!posed and handso!e as al)ays6" "Handso!e?" /r. Hey)ood repeated( raising an eyebro). ' stared at hi! in annoyance( thro)ing !y hands %p in the air. "/r. Hey)ood6 <gh6 J%st7 Ne er !ind6" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led and ' p%shed a)ay &ro! his car( intending to go bac" into the resta%rant. 1or so!e reason !y eyes )ere beginning to b%rn and soon ' &elt the! beco!e !oist. /r. Hey)ood )as st%pid. Jere!y )as st%pid too &or co!ing %p )ith that st%pid plan )hich !ade !e do st%pid things and+ /y tho%ghts )ere abr%ptly c%t o&& )hen ' &elt a hand encase !y %pper ar! and p%ll !e bac")ards. ' let o%t a cry o& s%rprise as ' )as p%lled bac" to /r. Hey)ood. Too e!barrassed to loo" at hi!( ' "ept !y attention &oc%sed on his blac" dress shoe. The !oon !ade it shine. "Holly( loo" at !e." ' ignored hi!( "eeping !y eyes loc"ed on his shoe. 5%ddenly his hand )as at !y chin( &orcing !e to loo" %p at hi!. His grey eyes pierced into !ine again( this ti!e the %s%al a!%se!ent glint )as replaced )ith so!ething else. 5o!ething ' didn$t recogni-e. "4o% "no) the phrase actions spea" lo%der than )ords?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed !e. ' nodded !y head. /r. Hey)ood bro%ght his head do)n closer to !ine( stopping a &e) inches a)ay. "#ant to hear so!ething?" "4es(" ' )hispered( !y heart po%nding so hard ' tho%ght it )o%ld b%rst o%t o& !y chest.

/r. Hey)ood !o ed closer again( his lips not e en a centi!eter a)ay &ro! !ine no). "8ood( beca%se '$! abo%t to tell yo% ho) !%ch ' lo e yo%." #ith each )ord his lips 0%st gently br%shed against !ine( and his breath caressed the!. /y head sp%n already( 0%st by hearing those )ords. ' closed !y eyes no)( )aiting e3pectantly. As soon as ' &elt the gentle to%ch o& /r. Hey)ood$s against !ine ' 0%!ped. Not beca%se o& the &eeling( b%t beca%se o& so!eone sho%ting !y na!e( then /r. Hey)ood$s. /r. Hey)ood p%lled a)ay and let o%t a &r%strated groan. /y &ace gre) so hot ' tho%ght it )as going to catch on &ire as ' stepped a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood. ' loo"ed to see )here the sho%ting )as co!ing &ro! and sa) the silho%ettes o& !y !o! and Jere!y by the &ront o& the par"ing lot. 1or people )ho )anted to help /r. Hey)ood and ' get together( they s%re co%ldn$t ha e pic"ed a )orse ti!ing to loo" &or %s. #e hadn$t e en got to "iss6 #ell( technically )e did( ' tho%ght( b%t that )as the )ay ' "issed !y !o!( not ho) ' )anted to "iss /r. Hey)ood6 "'$! going to "ill hi!(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered threateningly. "#e$re7 )e$re o er here6" ' called bac"( s%rprised at ho) sha"y !y oice so%nded. /r. Hey)ood let o%t a deep sigh as Jere!y and !y !o! began to !o e to)ards %s. "'$ll ha e to pro e it to yo% later." "Pro e7?" "Ho) !%ch ' lo e yo%(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( his eyes s!oldering into !ine. "That )asn$t e en a &raction o& !y &eelings. '$! going to !a"e yo% dr%n" o&& !y lo e." ' bl%shed &ro! his %ne*%i ocal tone and )ords. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( enco%raging !ysel& to spea". "Pro!ise?" ' &inally !anaged to &orce o%t. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed s%rprised &or a !o!ent( b%t then a s!ir" spread across his &eat%res. "Pro!ise."

1ORT4,N'NE "/aybe yo% ate so!e bad stea"." /y !o! ga e !e a )orried loo" as she stood o er !y bed. 5he pressed her hand to !y &orehead and &ro)ned. "4o% don$t ha e a &e er7" ' shoo" !y head. "No( ' don$t thin" ' do. ' 0%st ha e a sto!achache7 and cra!ps(" ' !ade %p *%ic"ly.

'!!ediately !y !o! s!iled )ith reali-ation. "Ah. ' %nderstand co!pletely. '$ll call the school and let the! "no) yo%$ll be absent today then." "Than" yo%." "No proble!( honey(" !y !o! responded )ith a s!ile. "Rest %p tho%gh. '$! s%re Lance and Casey )ill be ery disappointed i& yo% can$t go to the &esti al tonight." "Oh crap6 ' &orgot abo%t that(" ' responded )ith a &ro)n. "4eah( '$ll rest %p then7" /y !o! ch%c"led. "O"ay. /a"e s%re yo% eat so!ething too. '$ e got to go to )or" no)( so ha e a good day." "4o% too( be care&%l(" ' said as she headed o%t o& !y roo!. "5ee yo% later." "2ye." As soon as she closed !y bedroo! door ' &ell bac" on !y bed and p%lled the co ers o er !y head( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. ' )as s%ch a chic"en6 E ent%ally '$d ha e to go to school and &ace /r. Hey)ood in class. 2%t a&ter last night( ho) co%ld ' act the sa!e in class? To act as i& he )as only !y teacher and nothing !ore? Co%ld ' do it? 5%rely it )o%ldn$t be any di&&erent than be&ore7 e3cept no) ' "ne) he tho%ght o& !e as !ore than a st%dent. Erg. #hy did /r. Hey)ood ha e to be !y teacher? And )hy did ' )ait to ha e these &eelings %ntil no)? #hen )e )ere already in lo e )ith each other? ' co%ld ha e gotten %sed to the! i& ' had the! &ro! the beginning6 #hat i& he loo"ed at !e in class? Ob io%sly ' )as going to bl%sh since ' had a horrid habit o& doing so. A s!all groan er%pted &ro! !e as ' pressed !y co!&orter harder into !y &ace. /r. Hey)ood and ' didn$t e en ha e a chance to tal" abo%t )hat happened last night beca%se !y !o! and Jere!y ne er le&t %s alone again. ' hadn$t e en loo"ed at hi! a&ter that+ ' )as too e!barrassed. ' shoo" !y head iolently( trying to dis!iss !y tho%ghts. ' needed !ore sleep( ' co%ld thin" abo%t this later. /y phone ringing )o"e !e %p. 't )as a !%&&led so%nd ' co%ld barely hear. ' glanced at !y side table( )ondering )hy !y ring tone )as so *%iet. Then ' re!e!bered !y phone )as in the li ing roo! )here ' accidentally le&t it last night a&ter eating. P%shing !ysel& o%t o& the )ar!th o& !y bed( ' sto!ped do)n the hall )ay and do)n the stairs to )here !y phone )as.

"Hello?" ' !%!bled sleepily( not bothering to chec" the caller '... "Holly6 't$s !y &irst day bac" in school and yo%$re not here?" Lance de!anded at once. ' p%lled the phone a)ay &ro! !y ear in s%rprise. "O)( yo% don$t need to yell." "'$! not6" "5%re." Lance sighed. "#hy aren$t yo% in school? "<!!(" ' hesitated( &eeling !y &ace heat %p again. "4o% "no)7 8irl proble!s." "5ay no !ore(" Lance responded *%ic"ly. ' la%ghed. "O"ay." "Are yo% still going to the &esti al?" "4%p." "O"ay( 0%st !a"ing s%re. Are yo% getting a ride( or sho%ld ' pic" yo% %p?" ' shr%gged( b%t then re!e!bered he co%ldn$t see !e. "' don$t "no). '$ll probably )al". The &air gro%nds aren$t that &ar a)ay and+" "'$ll pic" yo% %p(" Lance inter0ected be&ore ' co%ld &inish. "'t$s too dangero%s &or yo% to be )al"ing alone at night." ' &ro)ned slightly. No) he )as starting to so%nd li"e /r. Hey)ood. And he didn$t e en "no) abo%t the )hole "idnap sit%ation. "' can handle !ysel&( Lance." "'& they shoot yo%?" "Lance6 .on$t say things li"e that so easily6 #ho are yo% )ith?" ' co%ld i!agine Lance rolling his eyes. "'$! by !ysel&( o%tside. No one )ill o erhear %s." "5till(" ' gro)led. "#hat ti!e are yo% pic"ing !e %p?" "5e en(" Lance told !e. "2e ready." ' nodded; once again &orgetting Lance co%ldn$t see! !e. "' )ill."

5%ddenly ' heard another oice that )asn$t Lance$s on the other side o& !y phone. ' tho%ght he said he )as alone6 Lance spo"e to the person and a&ter a !in%te o& Lance and the person arg%ing *%ietly ' heard a )eird noise. Then a ne) person spo"e. "Holly?" /y breath ca%ght in !y throat and !y eyes )idened. "/r. Hey)ood?" "4eah( it$s !e. #hy aren$t yo% in school today?" 5%ddenly !y pal!s &elt )idely and ' loo"ed aro%nd )idely( not "no)ing )hat to say. ' didn$t )ant to lie to /r. Hey)ood( b%t there )as no )ay ' co%ld tell the tr%th6 "' 0%st don$t &eel )ell( b%t '$ e got to go no)( bye6" ' said in a r%sh be&ore p%lling the phone a)ay and snapping !y phone sh%t. /y heart )as po%nding as ' stood stoc",still( &eeling e!barrassed again. #hy did ' hang %p so *%ic"ly? ' hadn$t e en said goodbye to Lance( )ho )as the one )ho called !e in the &irst place7 #ait. Ho) co%ld Lance ha e called? He didn$t ha e his phone. 1lipping open !y phone again( ' !eant to chec" !y recent calls b%t !y eyes )idened s%rprise )hen they landed on !y phone$s bac"gro%nd. 'nstead o& /r. Hey)ood !a"ing a &%nny &ace li"e it )as be&ore( it )as so!ething else. /r. Hey)ood )as still there( b%t no) he )as in a s%it( and he )as raising an eyebro) and holding %p his phone. ' co%ld 0%st barely !a"e o%t the pict%re o& !ysel& !a"ing a &%nny &ace on his phone. /y &ace heated %p as ' *%ic"ly hit the !en% b%tton. #hen had /r. Hey)ood got a chance to change !y bac"gro%nd? /y recent calls sho)ed that Lance had %sed /r. Hey)ood$s phone to call !e. ' &ro)ned( &eeling bad &or hanging %p no). Clic"ing on his na!e( ' started a te3t !essage and *%ic"ly )rote an apology &or hanging %p. ' hit send and *%ic"ly st%&&ed !y phone in !y poc"et. Not e en a !in%te later !y phone b%--ed in !y poc"et. A&ter a brie& !o!ent o& hesitation ' p%lled it open and read the te3t !essage &ro! /r. Hey)ood. #e need to tal". ' read his !essage o er in !y head a &e) ti!es. 1or a !o!ent ' panic"ed( thin"ing so!ething )as )rong. 2%t there co%ldn$t be. ' didn$t do anything( nor did he. Any)ay( he )as right. #e did need to tal"7 ' hit the reply b%tton and )rote o%t an agree!ent be&ore tossing the phone onto the co%ch.

' co%ld really %se a long( )ar! sho)er. Ti!e passed as ' c%rled %p on !y co%ch )ith a boo" )hen ' )as done sho)ering. #hen !y sto!ach started to r%!ble( ' decided it )as ti!e to get so!ething to eat. 8oing bac" do)nstairs( ' passed the li ing roo!( glancing *%ic"ly at the co%ch )here !y phone still lay. '$d chec" it a&ter ' ate. A&ter a stea!ing bo)l o& chic"en noodle so%p ' tr%dged to the co%ch and pic"ed %p !y phone. One ne) te3t !essage. ' opened it; already "no)ing it )as &ro! /r. Hey)ood. Are yo% going to the &esti al tonight? /aybe '$ll see yo%. /y bro)s &%rro)ed in con&%sion. .id ' tell /r. Hey)ood ' )as going to the &esti al? ' co%ldn$t re!e!ber. #hen ' clic"ed reply( ' noticed that it )as not /r. Hey)ood$s n%!ber )ho sent the te3t !essage. 't )as Lance$s. 'nstantly !y heart beat increased and ' gripped the phone harder. #hat did 5ha)n !ean by that? #as he going to the &esti al too? #as he going to try so!ething? 5%ddenly ' &elt sic". ' collapsed onto the co%ch( staring d%!bly at !y phone. 5ho%ld ' tell so!eone? Or )as 5ha)n 0%st trying to !ess )ith !e? A&ter a &e) !o!ents o& indecision ' &inally snapped !y phone sh%t. 5ha)n )as 0%st trying to play ga!es. #hy )o%ld he try so!ething right a&ter one o& his &ollo)ers )as thro)n in 0ail? 't )as too ris"y. '& ' didn$t reply to his !essages( he$d e ent%ally &ig%re o%t ' )asn$t going to play along. 5!iling( ' t%rned on the tele ision. ' had nothing to )orry abo%t7 And yet( the )orry )as still there. 't )as a "not in !y sto!ach( an increase o& !y p%lse( a )hispering oice in !y head7 5e en o$cloc" really needed to co!e &aster. ' needed to ha e &%n and ta"e !y !ind o& things. 1i e "noc"s on !y &ront door !ade !e 0%!p iolently; dropping the boo" ' had started %p again to )aste ti!e a&ter ' &inished getting !ysel& ready &or the &esti al. ' *%ic"ly grabbed !y bag and headed to the door( opening it to re eal Lance grinning at !e. He *%ic"ly p%lled !e into a h%g and ' la%ghed. "E3cited !%ch?" "Hey( yo% try sitting in a hospital &or nearly three )ee"s. 't$s a)&%l(" Lance retorted( n%dging !e in the side )ith his elbo). "Let$s go. Casey$s already in the car." Lance started do)n !y dri e)ay as ' *%ic"ly loc"ed and sh%t !y &ront door. Casey grinned at !e as ' approached the car( )a ing &ro! the bac" seat. ' )al"ed aro%nd to

the other side o& the car and cli!bed in the bac" )ith her as Lance slid into the dri er$s seat. "4o%$re not sitting %p &ront?" Lance as"ed( loo"ing at !e thro%gh the rear, ie). "8reat. No) ' &eel li"e a cha%&&e%r." "Technically yo% are(" Casey pointed o%t. Lance rolled his eyes. "#hate er. P%t yo%r seat belts on." ' did as Lance co!!anded and snapped !y b%c"le. He p%lled o%t o& !y dri e )ay and onto the !ain road( heading to)ards the &air gro%nds. Casey contin%ed to grin at !e as the three o& %s sat in silence in the car. "#hat?" ' &inally as"ed( raising an eyebro) at her. "Nothing(" she responded( still grinning. "Nothing( nothing6" ' p%rsed !y lips at her. "Ob io%sly it$s so!ething( other)ise yo% )o%ldn$t be grinning li"e an idiot." Casey la%ghed. "'$! 0%st thin"ing. That$s all." "Oh( that$s ne)(" Lance 0o"ed &ro! the &ront. "'$! pro%d o& yo%( Case." "5h%t %p( Lance(" Casey said( rolling her eyes. "'$ll ha e yo% "no) '$! s!art." "Really?" "5!arter than a person )ho gets hi!sel& shot by gang !e!bers(" Casey snapped( a s!%g s!ir" appearing on her &ace. "4o% can$t deny that." Lance and ' *%ic"ly e3changed apprehensi e loo"s. <n&ort%nately( Casey ca%ght it. Her s!ir" &ell( and )as replaced by a &ro)n. "There )as a reason )hy Lance )as attac"ed( )asn$t there?" /y eyes shot open( and so did Lance$s. Another loo" )as passed bet)een %s( once again ca%ght by Casey( )ho narro)ed her eyes. "Tell !e(" she de!anded. ".i!e(" ' 0o"ed. 5he didn$t thin" it )as &%nny.

"'t$s nothing(" Lance ass%red her( his eyes &lic"ing to her &or a split,second be&ore ret%rning to the road. "'t )as p%rely+ Holy shit6" 5%ddenly ' )as &l%ng against the door and !y head !ade contact )ith the hard( glass )indo). A s!all groan o& pain escaped !y lips as ' p%shed !ysel& a)ay &ro! it. There )as the blaring o& a horn( the s*%eal o& tires( and constant s)earing &ro! Lance. 't &elt li"e )e )ere spinning( b%t ' didn$t ha e the co%rage to loo" o%t the )indo) to &ind o%t &or s%re. "Lance6" Casey screa!ed( p%shing &or)ard in her seat. "8o &or)ards6 8o &or)ards6 Car6" ' t%rned to loo" at Casey and !y eyes &le) )ide )hen ' reali-ed there )as a large( blac" tr%c" heading straight &or %s. Lance sla!!ed on the gas pedal and ' )as 0olted bac" in !y seat( gasping in s%rprise. The tr%c" !issed %s by inches. Casey and ' let o%t relie ed sighs( b%t those )ere ca%ght o&& )hen )e )ere s%ddenly 0er"ed &or)ard and o%r seatbelts d%g into o%r chest. ' heard the engine c%t o&&. "#hat7 the hell happened?" ' de!anded( &alling bac" against !y seat. "Lance?" Lance t%rned aro%nd in seat( loo"ing )orried. "Are yo% g%ys o"ay?" "'$! o"ay(" Casey said sha"ily. "#hat happened?" ' repeated. Lance shoo" his head. "5o!e asshole s)itched lanes at the ery last second( c%tting !e o&&7 Hey6 They$re co!ing %p behind %s no). #hen did they get there?" Lance )as loo"ing behind !e and ' t%rned aro%nd to see a s!all( blac" car creeping %p behind %s. 't )as going slo)( and loo"ed li"e it )as going to stop. "/aybe they$re going to apologi-e?" Casey g%essed. ".o%bt it." The car gre) closer and ' s*%inted !y eyes to try and !a"e o%t the dri er( b%t it )as to no a ail. ' t%rned bac" to Lance( )ho )as &ro)ning slightly( his eyes narro)ed at the car. #hen ' t%rned bac"( ' reali-ed the car )as no) ne3t to %s( and stopped. The )indo) stated to roll do)n and horror &illed !y eins )hen ' reali-ed )ho )as in the car that nearly !ade %s crash. "Lance(" ' )hispered( %nable to dra) !y eyes a)ay &ro! 5ha)n( )ho )as s!ir"ing and gest%ring &or %s to roll do)n the )indo).

Casey leaned across !e( atte!pting to reach &or the )indo) control b%tton. "He )ants %s to open+" "No6" ' cried( *%ic"ly slapping her hand a)ay. "Lance( dri e6" "On it6" he responded( t%rning bac" aro%nd in his seat. A s!ir" slipped onto 5ha)n$s &ace as his attention )ent &ro! !e( to Casey. Casey s!iled at hi!. 't too" all !y )ill not to sho e Casey a)ay and &lip o&& 5ha)n. Right no) )asn$t the ti!e to !a"e Casey s%spicio%s. 2%t ' had the &eeling she )as any)ay. There )as a roar &ro! the car$s engine( and soon )e )ere speeding a)ay &ro! 5ha)n$s car. ' t%rned aro%nd *%ic"ly to see i& he )as &ollo)ing %s. L%c"ily( he )asn$t. ' breathed o%t a sigh o& relie&( sl%!ping bac" into !y seat. "#hat$s he doing here?" Lance hissed( glancing at !e thro%gh the !irror. "#ho$s he?" Casey as"ed. "No one(" ' told her. "And ' don$t "no)6" Casey rolled her eyes. "He$s ob io%sly so!eone." "1orget abo%t hi!." "Holly." "Casey( please." "#hy are yo% "eeping a secret &ro! !e?" 5he as"ed( p%rsing her lips at !e and &ro)ned. ' "ne) at once she )as trying to play the g%ilt ga!e. Ho)e er( ' co%ldn$t bla!e her. '& she and Lance )ere "eeping a secret &ro! !e( '$d )ant to "no) too. 2%t this )as the "ind o& secret that co%ld end %p sa ing her li&e i& so!ething )ere to happen. 5till( ' did &eel g%ilty abo%t ha ing to lie to her. 5he )as !y best &riend7 "O"ay(" Lance sighed &ro! the &ront. "5ince Holly )on$t tell yo%( ' )ill." "Lance6" "Holly( it$s &ine. Casey sho%ld "no)." "2%t7" ' protested( trailing o&& )ith a &ro)n.

Casey t%rned to Lance( loo"ing c%rio%s. ".id yo% "no) that g%y?" Lance nodded. "A)hile ago( he )as &ollo)ing Holly aro%nd." #hat? ' ga e Lance a con&%sed loo"( b%t he ignored !e. Casey blin"ed at Lance in con&%sion. "Li"e a stal"er?" she as"ed. "Not li"e a stal"er( a stal"er(" he told her. "And that$s it. That$s ho) )e "no) hi!." "Creepy(" Casey !%ttered( glancing at !e. "Ho) co!e yo% didn$t tell !e abo%t yo%r stal"er? ' co%ld ha e helped." "'t )as( %!( not a big deal(" ' told her( shr%gging. "Ne3t ti!e ' can tell yo%." Casey la%ghed. "Hope&%lly there )on$t be a ne3t ti!e." "Hope&%lly(" ' agreed( loo"ing at Lance once again. #hy )as he lying so &lat o%t to Casey? 5%re( it )as better than telling the tr%th( b%t that lie )as a bit !%ch. ' &elt )orse abo%t lying to her no) than be&ore. 2%t )e co%ldn$t tell her abo%t the gangs6 ' )as positi e it$d p%t her in danger. Letting o%t a sigh( ' shoo" !y head. 1or no)( '$d 0%st stop thin"ing abo%t it. Casey bo%ght the lie( so she$d be satis&ied. "#ell( i& he bothers yo% again( yo% can tell /r. Hey)ood(" Casey s%ggested( n%dging !e in the ribs. "Eh?" ' rolled !y eyes at her. "Again )ith /r. Hey)ood?" Casey snorted. "Please( Holly. ' already "no) yo%$re heels o er head &or hi!( and he$s de&initely got so!ething &or yo%. .on$t try to tell !e that so!ething )on$t be going on." ".on$t be nosy(" ' scolded( &eeling !y &ace redden. "Nothing7" ' trailed o&&( &ro)ning slightly. #hat )as going on? 5%re( ' pro&essed !y lo e &or hi! a )ee" ago( and last night he !ade it ob io%s he lo ed !e. 2%t that )as it. Nothing else had happened. ' )asn$t his girl&riend or anything li"e that. "5he$s not being nosy( Holly(" Lance co!!ented( rolling his eyes. "5he$s being concerned."

' glanced at Casey. To !y s%rprise( she loo"ed h%rt by !y co!!ent. "Casey( '$! not trying to be !ean..." "' "no)(" she responded )ith a sigh. "4o% don$t ha e to tell !e anything. ' 0%st tho%ght yo%$d )ant a girl to tal" to abo%t( yo% "no)( things yo% )o%ldn$t )ant to Lance abo%t. Things that )ere bothering yo%( or things yo% )anted to get o&& yo%r chest. /r. Hey)ood is a teacher a&ter all( so '$! s%re there$s so!e "ind o& tro%ble yo%$re &eeling. 2%t li"e ' said( yo% don$t ha e to." ' s!iled slightly. Lea e it to Casey to care abo%t so!ething she sho%ldn$t ha e to. "Casey( yo%$re !y best &riend+" "And as yo%r best &riend( ' can )ait %ntil yo%$re ready to tell !e abo%t yo% and /r. Hey)ood(" she &inished &or !e. "'$ll stop prying." "Casey( it$s &ine+" 5he held her hand %p( silencing !e. "Nope. .on$t say anything. ' a! being "ind o& nosy." "2%t that$s )hy )e lo e yo%(" Lance inter0ected. "4o%r nosiness co!es in handy so!eti!es." Casey grinned at hi!. "' hope so." Lance s%ddenly too" a sharp right( once again sending !e into the )indo). "Hey(" ' protested( p%shing !ysel& a)ay. "That h%rts7" "5orry(" he apologi-ed( so%nding a!%sed. "' al!ost !issed the entrance to the &air gro%nds." ' peered o%t the )indo) and reali-ed that )e )ere indeed at the &air gro%nds. The only thing ' co%ld see tho%gh )as the bac" o& a &%n ho%se( and the lights o& ario%s rides in the distance. A s!ile crept onto !y &ace as ' located the 1erris )heel. The ery sa!e one /r. Hey)ood and ' had o%r &irst !a0or con ersation( e en tho%gh no) ' "ne) he )as lying the )hole ti!e7 "' can$t )ait to get so!e cotton candy(" Casey chirped e3citedly( %nb%c"ling her seatbelt in anticipation. "' )ant a ba"ed potato(" Lance and ' co!!ented at the sa!e ti!e. #e e3changed loo"s and grins in the !irror *%ic"ly.

#hen Lance &inally &o%nd a place to par"( )e all piled o%t o& the car and he loc"ed it( sho ing the "eys into his poc"et. Cool air nipped at !y &ace as ' stretched( pa%sing to r%n !y sore &orehead. Lance and Casey )ent ahead o& !e( la%ghing and tal"ing in e3cited oices. P%lling !y 0ac"et tighter aro%nd !e( ' too" a &e) steps to)ards the! b%t stopped )hen !y phone started ibrating in !y poc"et. ' *%ic"ly p%lled it o%t and &lipped it open( clic"ing the ne) !essage. Oh( yo% &inally !ade it. ' didn$t reali-e ho) !%ch &%rther ahead o& yo% ' got. Can$t )ait to tal" to yo% in person6 ' &ro-e( !y eyes staring at the !essage on the cell phone screen. The na!e ne3t to the !essage read "Lance". #hich !eant 5ha)n. #hich !eant he co%ld see !e. #hich !eant he )as close. #hich !eant ' )as in danger. /y head snapped %p and ' *%ic"ly sp%n in a circle( !y eyes )ide and )ary. #here )as he? Nothing appeared o%t o& the ordinary. 2%t then again( it )as dar"( so he co%ld ery easily be hidden. 'nstead o& standing still li"e sitting target( ' h%rried to)ards Lance and Casey. The bright lights and cro)ds &ro! the &esti al )o%ld "eep !e sa&e. 5ha)n )o%ldn$t try anything )hile there )ere so !any people aro%nd( )o%ld !e? 1or a split second ' tho%ght abo%t te3ting /r. Hey)ood and telling hi! 5ha)n )as here. That idea )as o%t o& the *%estion )hen ' reali-ed he !ight call the police. That )as the last thing ' )anted hi! to do. #hat abo%t Jere!y? No( he$d probably tell /r. Hey)ood any)ay. ' 0%st had to be ca%tio%s( and ne er lea e Lance or Casey. "Ho) !%ch does it cost to get it?" ' heard Casey as"ing Lance as ' gre) closer. "1i e." The &eeling o& being )atched s%ddenly )ashed o er !e. 8reat( ' tho%ght dryly( no) ' )as going to be paranoid all night. 5t%pid 5ha)n. He had to r%in all !y &%n. ' &inally ca%ght %p to Lance and Casey at the gate( and paid &or !y ad!ission into the &esti al. ' hoo"ed !y ar! thro%gh Casey$s ar! and Lance$s+ a s%re &ire )ay that )e )o%ldn$t get separated. "#here to &irst?" ' as"ed cheerily( trying to get !y !ind o& 5ha)n. "5ho%ld )e 0%st )al" aro%nd and see )hat there is?" Lance s%ggested. "5o%nds good to !e." A &a!iliar b%--ing &ro! !y poc"et !ade !y heart leap into !y chest. ' debated on )hether to ignore the ne) !essage or not( b%t c%riosity got the best o& !e and ' let go o& Lance to p%ll o%t !y phone. #hat did 5ha)n )ant no)?

.on$t !a"e any plans &or to!orro). 4o% and ' are going to tal". /y eyes narro)ed in con&%sion. #hat )as 5ha)n tal"ing abo%t no)? '& he )anted to tal"( )o%ldn$t he 0%st de!and to do it tonight since he see!ed to be here any)here? "Oh( so yo% te3t /r. Hey)ood no) too?" Casey as"ed !e( !a"ing !e 0%!p in s%rprise. "And yo%$re !eeting to!orro)?" ' glanced at the top o& the !essage and reali-ed that it )as indeed &ro! /r. Hey)ood and not 5ha)n. Relie& )ashed thro%gh !e( and ' didn$t e en &eel e!barrassed abo%t the &act Casey had read the te3t !essage( and /r. Hey)ood )anted to see !e to!orro). "Oh shoot(" Casey s%ddenly !%ttered. "'$! prying7" ' la%ghed. "Casey6 .on$t )orry. 't$s &ine. '$ll tell yo% )hat$s going on )hen ' "no) e3actly )hat$s going on." "5o so!ething co%ld be going on?" Casey and Lance as"ed at the sa!e ti!e. ' ga e Lance a *%estioning loo". "#hy do yo% )ant to "no)?" "'$! 0%st c%rio%s abo%t ho) things )ill t%rn o%t(" he told !e )ith a shr%g. "8ood &or yo%." No) ' bl%shed. "'t$s not7 't$s7" Casey la%ghed( slinging an ar! aro%nd !y sho%lder. "Holly( yo%$re too c%te." ' sighed as a large cro)d o& people )al"ed by %s. Lance grabbed !y hand *%ic"ly so he )o%ldn$t be separated. There )ere a lot o& people o%t tonight( )hich !ade !e &eel !%ch !ore sa&er. ' co%ld easily lose 5ha)n in the gaggles o& people easily i& ' had to( or i& ' screa!ed so!eone )o%ld hear !e7 2%t nothing is going to happen( ' told !y sel& &ir!ly. Right? Right. /y phone ibrated again( and ' rolled !y eyes. "4o%$re pop%lar tonight(" Casey co!!ented. "8%ess so."

' *%ic"ly typed an "o"ay" to /r. Hey)ood and closed his !essage be&ore going to the ne3t one. /y heart s"ipped a beat )hen ' reali-ed it )as &ro! 5ha)n. He )o%ldn$t lea e !e alone( )o%ld he? '& yo% thin" yo% can lose !e in the cro)ds( yo%$re )rong. ' can still see yo%. ' nearly dropped !y phone. 't )as going to be one( long( paranoid night.

1'1T4 "#hat sho%ld )e do no)?" Lance and ' shr%gged si!%ltaneo%sly. The s"y )as &inally beginning to dar"en( and the lights &ro! all the rides )ere on( creating an a!a-ing sight. Casey( Lance( and ' had )al"ed aro%nd the )hole &esti al t)ice already. #e had hit a &e) o& the rides as )ell. No) )e )ere ta"ing a brea" and eating+ )ell( at least ' )as. The hot ba"ed potato in !y hands )ar!ed the!( )hich )as a nice brea" &ro! the chilly air that had been nipping at the!. 't )as ti!e to start )earing glo es at night. Lance and Casey )ere sitting across &ro! !e( )atching !e eat. Or at least Lance )as. Casey$s eyes )ere e ery)here( )ide and e3cited. "' )ant to go on that(" Casey stated( pointing her &inger at a ride that loo"ed li"e the -ipper o& a 0ac"et. "/e too(" Lance co!!ented( loo"ing %p at it )ith a grin. "Ho) abo%t yo% Holly?" ' raised an eyebro) at hi!. "Are yo% "idding !e? ' don$t )ant to die." Lance and Casey la%ghed( !a"ing !y &ace heat %p. "Holly( yo%$re scared to go on e ery ride that lea es the gro%nd(" Lance co!!ented( rolling his eyes. "Li e a little." "' a!(" ' told hi!( "by not going on that ride." Casey ch%c"led. "Co!e on( it )on$t be that bad." ' shoo" !y head. "No."

"4o%$re no &%n(" Lance co!!ented. "Loo"( it$s a ride &or t)o. #hy don$t yo% and Casey go on )hile ' &inish !y ba"ed potato(" ' s%ggested( holing %p !y hal& eaten potato. "' don$t !ind )aiting here." Casey &ro)ned at !e. "Holly( ' don$t )ant to ditch yo%." "'t$s &ine(" ' ass%red her. "This )ay ' don$t ha e to )ait aro%nd by !ysel& li"e a loser )hen yo% g%ys &inally decide yo% )ant to go on." Lance nodded( n%dging Casey in the side. "Let$s go( Case." "Are yo% s%re?" Casey as"ed( loo"ing hesitant. "'t$s one ride(" ' responded. "'t$s not that big o& a deal. ' can handle being alone &or a &e) !in%tes." Lance pointed behind !e( to)ards the ride. "'t !ight be a little longer than a &e) !in%tes. There$s a line." "Then yo% better h%rry %p be&ore it gets longer(" ' ad ised. "'$ll )ait here. #hen '$! done eating and i& yo% g%ys aren$t bac"( '$ll !eet yo% by the e3it o& the ride." A&ter a &e) !ore !o!ents o& pers%ading Casey( she and Lance &inally set o&& &or the ride. A sigh o& relie& escaped !y lips as ' d%g into !y potato again. Rides that le&t the gro%nd really )eren$t !y things. J%st loo"ing at the! !ade !e &eel sic". E3cept the 1erris )heel( b%t that )as a di&&erent story. ' )atched the cro)ds o& people that )al"ed by the picnic table ' )as seated on as ' ate !y ba"ed potato. Oddly eno%gh( ' hadn$t r%n into anyone &ro! school yet. 't )as 1riday night. There )ere s%pposed to be gaggles o& st%dents here( and yet there see!ed to be only Casey( Lance( and !ysel& &ro! o%r school. 't &elt )eird. 5o!ething to !y right s%ddenly !o ed and ' snapped !y head aro%nd so &ast to loo"( ' cric"ed it. #incing( ' r%bbed !y nec"( and then proceeded to glare at a s!all( blac" cro) loitering on a trashcan. /y heart began to slo) )hen ' reali-ed that it )as 0%st the cro)7 and not 5ha)n. '& there )as one thing ' hated( it )as being paranoid. L%c"ily &or !e( 5ha)n hadn$t tried te3ting !e again. And ' didn$t 0in3 it by loo"ing at !y phone. 't )asn$t li"e ' )as )aiting &or hi! to te3t !e. Tho%gh not recei ing anything &ro! hi! )as thro)ing !e o&& g%ard. #as he not te3ting !e any!ore beca%se ' ignored

his &irst &e) !essages? #as that really all ' had to do to get hi! to lea e !e alone? 't see!ed too easy. Too si!ple. #itho%t )arning( a pair o& hands grabbed !y sho%lder. ' let o%t a strangled cry o& s%rprise( str%ggling o%t o& the person$s grasp. #hen ' t%rned aro%nd and sa) Lance loo"ing at !e c%rio%sly( ' rela3ed. "Casey co!e bac" yet?" "H!?" "Casey(" Lance repeated. "4o% "no). 5hort. 2ro)n hair. O%r best &riend+" "' "no) )ho she is(" ' snapped( rolling !y eyes. "#eren$t yo% 0%st )ith her?" Lance &ro)ned. "No. #e ended %p ha ing to sit )ith di&&erent people on the ride. ' tho%ght she ca!e bac" here( b%t ' g%ess not." "#here )o%ld she ha e gone?" Lance shr%gged. "/aybe she got lost. Or !aybe she )ent to !eet #illis. ' thin" he )as s%pposed to !eet %s here." "H%h(" ' co!!ented( p%shing !ysel& a)ay &ro! the table. "#e sho%ld probably &ind her7 4o% ne er "no) )ho co%ld he here." Lance$s eyes instantly hardened. "Holly( do yo% "no) so!ething ' sho%ld "no)?" ' shoo" !y head *%ic"ly. "N,no6 ' )as 0%st saying7" "4o% ha e yo%r phone on yo%? ' ha e !y !o!$s(" Lance said( changing the s%b0ect. "#e can split %p and do a search %ntil )e &ind her. 9no)ing Casey she probably got distracted )ith so!e dart ga!e or so!ething." ' tried to la%gh( b%t it ca!e o%t as a ner o%s giggle. "4eah. And ' ha e !y phone." ' patted !y bac" poc"et. "Te3t !e i& yo% &ind her." "4o% do the sa!e. Casey sho%ld really "eep her phone charged(" Lance !%ttered( p%lling o%t his phone. "'t )as o&& )hen ' called it." ' didn$t li"e the s%dden an3io%s &eeling that )as creeping o er !e. "Right7 '$! going to go loo" no)." "5a!e. 5ee yo% soon."

"5ee yo%." Lance t%rned his bac" on !e( and started stal"ing o&& in the direction o& the ga!es. T%rning a)ay &ro! hi!( ' )ent the opposite )ay( to)ards the rides. 't )as !%ch dar"er no)( s%rprisingly so. 't also see!ed less cro)ded. #as it s%pposed to be so!e "ind o& sign7? No6 #hat )as ' thin"ing? 5igns? ' resisted the %rge to snort. ' )as thin"ing )ay too !%ch into this. 't 0%st loo"ed e!pty beca%se no one )as cro)ding aro%nd the &ood stands( and ' )asn$t aro%nd the pop%lar rides. There )as nothing o%t o& the ordinary. ' )as 0%st being paranoid again. As ' gre) closer to the !ore pop%lar rides( ' &elt sa&er d%e to he large !asses o& people. E en i& 5ha)n )ere still here( he )o%ldn$t try anything in the !iddle o& a cro)d. No one )o%ld be st%pid eno%gh to do that. As long as ' stayed close to the pop%lation( ' )as as sa&e as e er. #hen ' &o%nd Casey( )e$d !eet %p )ith Lance again( and '$d be e en sa&er. ' had no reason to )orry7 And yet ' still )as. A sco)l o& annoyance !ade its$ )ay onto !y &ace as ' slipped bet)een a children$s ride and the !erry,go,ro%nd. #hy )as ' &eeling so an3io%s? This )as s%pposed to be a &%n night o%t )ith &riends6 #hy did 5ha)n ha e to r%in it? ' )as se erely te!pted to loo" at !y phone to see i& ' had !issed any te3ts &ro! hi!( b%t ' "ne) i& ' did( '$d be brea"ing !y l%c" o& not recei ing any. 5ha)n )asn$t still )atching !e. He )o%ld ha e said so!ething. Or te3ted !e. Or at least tried so!ething. He )o%ldn$t 0%st stay *%iet. #here )as the a!%se!ent in that? '& he )as here he probably )o%ld o&+ /y tho%ghts )ere abr%ptly c%t o&& )hen ' &elt so!eone clap their hand o er !y !o%th and p%ll !e ro%ghly a)ay &ro! the !erry,go,ro%nd( and against the bac" o& the children$s ride. /y eyes shot open as a !%&&led gasp escaped !e. #hoe er had a grip on !e tried to hold !e still as ' str%ggled to liberate !ysel&. ' )as in p%blic6 There )ere people not e en ten &eet a)ay &ro! !e. #ho )o%ld be st%pid eno%gh to attac" !e no)? #hen ' &inally !anaged to t%rn !y head aro%nd &ar eno%gh( ' nearly had a heart attac". Jere!y )as grinning at !e( his eyes t)in"ling !ischie o%sly. He %nco ered !y !o%th( b%t contin%ed to hold !y ar!. "#hat are yo% doing?" ' de!anded( a little breathless &ro! shoc". "4o% scared the crap o%t o& !e6"

"'$ e been calling yo% na!e &or the last !in%te(" Jere!y pointed o%t. "4o%$ e been in la, la land or so!ething." ' bl%shed slightly( gently t%gging !y ar! o%t o& Jere!y$s grasp. "#hat are yo% doing here?" "/y !o! as"ed !e to ta"e Jenna and Jane. ' co%ldn$t re&%se(" Jere!y e3plained. "They$re aro%nd here so!e)here7" "Oh." Jere!y p%shed a stray loc" o& his hair behind his ear and &ro)ned at !e. ".id Chris e er te3t yo%?" ' raised an eyebro). "No( )hy?" "' got a te3t &ro! hi! abo%t an ho%r and a hal& ago as"ing )here yo% )ere(" Jere!y told !e. "' told hi! ' didn$t( and he ne er te3ted !e bac"( so ' ass%!ed he te3ted yo% or so!ething." ' shoo" !y head. "' ha en$t got any te3t !essages7" "' te3ted yo% li"e a hal& ho%r ago tho%gh(" Jere!y said( a &ro)n appearing on his lips. "Are yo% s%re?" "/y phone didn$t7" ' trailed o&&( stic"ing !y hand into !y poc"et and p%lling o%t !y phone. Horror san" in )hen ' reali-ed !y phone )as o&&. "Oh no." "#hat?" "/y phone )as o&&6" /y heart )as beating t)o ti!es &aster than %s%al as ' sha"ily pressed the on "ey on !y phone. The t)enty,three seconds it too" to t%rn on &elt li"e cent%ries. #hen the ho!e screen had &inally loaded ' )aited another &e) !in%tes( and s%re eno%gh ' recei ed !y te3t !essages. Thirteen in total. ' opened !y inbo3( not s%rprised to see three o& the thirteen te3ts &ro! 5ha)n. One )as &ro! Jere!y( and the other nine )ere &ro! /r. Hey)ood. Jere!y coc"ed his head at !e )hen ' loo"ed %p at hi! )ith a )orried e3pression. "#hat$s %p?" he as"ed. "Hold on(" ' told hi!( opening the &irst ne) te3t !essage &ro! 5ha)n.

'& yo% t%rn aro%nd( '$! right behind yo%. A sh%dder ran thro%gh !e. That !essage had been sent an ho%r and a hal& ago. No) ' )as "ind o& glad !y phone )as o&&. #hat )o%ld ha e happened i& ' had chec"ed !y phone )hen ' &irst recei ed the !essage? ' didn$t thin" ' )anted to "no). ' scrolled to the second te3t !essage &ro! 5ha)n( and opened it. ' told a s!all( )hite lie to Chris. Hope&%lly he )on$t get too %pset. '& yo% get any te3t !essages &ro! hi!( don$t pay the! too !%ch attention. P.5. 4o%r &riend Casey is c%te. 5ha)n told /r. Hey)ood a lie? #hat abo%t? And )hy did he !ention Casey? A sic" &eeling ran thro%gh !e( and ' clenched !y phone a little tighter in !y hand. Then ne3t !essage in !y inbo3 )as &ro! /r. Hey)ood( sent abo%t a !in%te a&ter 5ha)n$s last one. #here are yo%? The ne3t one said the sa!e thing( and so did the ne3t one( and so did the ne3t one( and so did the ne3t one each getting !ore &rantic. The ne3t one he %sed !y &%ll na!e( and an e3cla!ation point. ' clic"ed on the ne3t one. Holly6 .a!n it( respond to this or '$! going to thin" 5ha)n really did get yo%. /y eyes nearly b%lged o%t o& their soc"ets. 's that )hat 5ha)n had told /r. Hey)ood? That he had "got" !e? ' t%rned to Jere!y; )ho )as )atching !e )ith a concerned e3pression. "#hat$s )rong?" he as"ed. ' ignored hi!( clic"ing on the ne3t !essage &ro! /r. Hey)ood. '$! co!ing to get yo%. The ne3t !essage )as &ro! 5ha)n. ' noticed there )as an ho%r ti!e lapse bet)een /r. Hey)ood$s last !essage and 5ha)n$s !ost recent one. #ith only a split,second$s hesitation( ' opened the te3t. Chris isn$t so to%gh )hen his Holly is in ol ed( h%h? He needs an attit%de chec". ' don$t li"e the )ay he$s loo"ing at !e. Oh )ell. 5tay t%ned( Holly E ers. "Holy shit(" ' gasped( staring at the te3t !essage.

"#hat?" ' t%rned !y attention &ro! !y phone to Jere!y( !y eyes )ide in terror. "'7 '+ ' thin" 5ha)n has /r. Hey)ood." Jere!y$s eyes hardened as soon as the )ords le&t !y !o%th. "#hat do yo% !ean?" "5ha)n te3ted !e( %!( i!plying /r. Hey)ood )as )ith hi!(" ' e3plained( glancing at the te3t again. "'t doesn$t say /r. Hey)ood is )ith hi! or not directly." Jere!y *%ic"ly yan"ed the phone o%t o& !y grasp and read the te3t !essage( a sco)l appearing on his &ace. His eyes gre) li id( and he )as holding !y phone so tightly ' )as a&raid he )as going to brea" it. He nearly dropped it )hen !y ring tone s%ddenly )ent o&&. Jere!y stared at !e &or a !o!ent( and then ret%rned his attention to !y phone. ' &ig%red he )as reading !y ne) !essage. #hen Jere!y$s &ace paled( c%riosity got the best o& !e and ' reached o%t !y hand to ta"e !y phone bac". Jere!y p%lled a)ay( slapping !y hand do)n. "Jere!y(" ' started( narro)ing !y eyes at hi!. "' )ant !y phone7" Jere!y shoo" his head. "No7" "Jere!y." "4o% can$t see this(" Jere!y told !e. "Let !e delete it &irst." No) ' )as really c%rio%s. "Jere!y( no. 8i e !e !y phone." "No6" "Jere!y6" 2e&ore he co%ld react ' *%ic"ly &l%ng o%t !y ar! and gathered !ysel& into !y hand( and then p%lled it bac"( cradling it to !y chest. "Ha6" "Holly( really+" ' rolled !y eyes. "Co!e on( Jere!y. 't can$t be that bad." Jere!y shot !e ner o%s loo"s as ' &lipped open !y phone again( going to !y te3t !essage !en%. #hen ' &o%nd the ne) te3t( ' noticed it )as a pict%re &ile &ro! 5ha)n. J%st as ' )as abo%t to press the open b%tton( ' )as o er co!e )ith the horrible &eeling o& dread. /y heart speed sped %p( and !y pal!s instantly beca!e s)eaty. 1inally( ' )or"ed %p eno%gh co%rage to open the &ile !essage.

A *%iet( s%rprised( horri&ied !oan escaped !y lips )hen !y eyes landed on the i!age 5ha)n had sent !e. Or sho%ld ' say( the i!age o& )ho 5ha)n had sent !e. The i!age o& /r. Hey)ood. On the gro%nd. Li!p. Eyes sh%t. And there )as blood. /y )orld s%ddenly blac"ened be&ore !e and ' &elt !ysel& &alling. 2e&ore ' co%ld hit the gro%nd( a set o& strong( )ar! ar!s )rapped aro%nd !e( and set !e straight. 't too" !e a &e) seconds to reali-e ' )as hyper entilating. "Holly. Holly( cal! do)n(" ' heard Jere!y order( b%t ' co%ldn$t &oc%s eno%gh to act%ally be able to see hi!. This had to be so!e "ind o& 0o"e. That co%ldn$t ha e been /r. Hey)ood in that pict%re. #hy )o%ld 5ha)n go a&ter /r. Hey)ood no)? 5o s%ddenly? #asn$t he s%pposed to be a&ter !e? This )asn$t s%pposed to happen6 That de&initely )asn$t /r. Hey)ood. 5ha)n co%ld ne er "noc" /r. Hey)ood to the gro%nd. He )o%ld ne er lose to 5ha)n. That )as i!possible. /r. Hey)ood )as )ay too strong. 2%t that !an had loo"ed e3actly li"e hi!7 /y body *%a"ed as ' tried to cal! !ysel& do)n. .eep breaths( ' told !ysel&( barely able to ta"e !y o)n ad ice. "Holly(" Jere!y said( sha"ing !y sho%lders. "1oc%s." ' loo"ed at hi!( already &eeling !y eyes )elling %p )ith tears. "/r. Hey)ood is+" "He$s &ine(" Jere!y ass%red !e( b%t loo"ed %ns%re. "5ha)n )o%ldn$t "ill hi!7 #ell he )o%ld( ' g%ess." "He$s going to "ill hi!?" ' %ttered in a horri&ied oice. Jere!y blin"ed at !e in s%rprise reali-ing )hat he said. "No6 That$s not )hat ' !ean6 ' !eant7 No6 Holly( Chris )ill be &ine." ".idn$t yo% see the pict%re?" ' de!anded( !y oice raising. "He doesn$t loo" &ine to !e6 He$s+ He$s h%rt6 And it$s !y &a%lt6 An !y st%pid( )orthless( piece o& crap phone6" As ' s)ore( ' sla!!ed !y phone onto the picnic table as hard as ' co%ld.

Jere!y *%ic"ly gathered !y hand in his( holding it tightly. "Holly( cal! do)n. This isn$t yo%r &a%lt. That pict%re co%ld be &a"e+" "'t$s real(" ' sni&&ed( r%bbing !y eyes )ith !y &ree ar!. "That$s de&initely /r. Hey)ood. 5ha)n has hi!. 5ha)n7" 5%ddenly Jere!y slapped his hands to !y chee"( !a"ing !e 0%!p in s%rprise. ' stared at hi! )ith )ide eyes )hile he ret%rned !y ga-e )ith a serio%s one. "Holly. Ta"e deep breaths. Cal! do)n(" he ordered. ' did as he said( trying to cal! !ysel& o)n at least the slightest bit. /y !ind )as racing( !y hands sha"ing( !y heart po%nding. 't &elt s%rreal. "'& 5ha)n does ha e Chris( '$ll do so!ething abo%t it(" Jere!y contin%ed( re!o ing his hands. "2y yo%rsel&? No6" ' cried. "#hat i&+" Jere!y narro)ed his eyes at !e. "4o% )ant !e to lea e Chris?" "No6" "Then )hat+" "'$! co!ing )ith yo%(" ' told hi!( clenching !y &ists. Jere!y p%rsed his lips. "No." "Jere!y6" "Chris told !e %nder no circ%!stances )ere yo% allo)ed near 5ha)n(" Jere!y said &orce&%lly. "There$s no )ay yo%$re co!ing )ith !e." ' glared at hi!( pic"ing %p !y phone again. L%c"ily ' hadn$t bro"en it )hen ' s!ashed it earlier. ' dialed Lance$s n%!ber by heart( p%tting the phone to !y ear. Jere!y )atched !e c%rio%sly as ' grasped onto !y phone( )aiting &or it to pic" %p. A ner e,)rac"ing ten seconds passed be&ore ' heard the so%nd o& so!eone pic"ing %p. "#here$s /r. Hey)ood?" ' de!anded be&ore 5ha)n had a chance to spea". "' see yo%$ e &inally recei ed !y !essages."

/y heart s"ipped a beat. "#here is he?" "He$s right here." "Right )here?" 5ha)n ch%c"led. "Let$s see ho) good yo%r !e!ory is. #e are )here yo% &irst !et !e. And ' ha e one !ore s%rprise &or yo%( to ass%re yo% co!e *%ic"ly." "#hat?" A&ter a &e) seconds o& silence ' heard so!eone breathing sha"ily. "Holly?" /y eyes )idened in terror. ' "ne) that oice. Ho) co%ld ' not? That )as !y best &riend$s oice. 5ha)n had /r. Hey)ood and Casey?

1'1T4,ONE "Casey6" ' screa!ed into the phone( !y eyes )ide in terror. "Casey6" "Holly6 #hat$s+" Casey$s oice s%ddenly disappeared and )as replaced )ith an irritatingly &a!iliar one. "' e3pect yo% here in abo%t &i&teen !in%tes(" 5ha)n said si!ply. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly. ".on$t h%rt Casey6" "' )on$t( as long as yo% get here on ti!e(" 5ha)n said cas%ally. "'$ll be )aiting." There )as a clic" and ' loo"ed do)n at !y phone to see the call had ended. ' t%rned to Jere!y( !y !o%th open in horror. He loo"ed 0%st as terri&ied as ' did. Jere!y s%ddenly 0a!!ed his hand into his poc"et( )hipping o%t his phone. "Jenna( co!e grab Jane and co!e to the &ront o& the ba"ed potato stand(" he said into his phone in a r%shed oice. "Right no)." He snapped his phone sh%t and t%rned to !e. ".o yo% ha e any idea )here 5ha)n )o%ld be?"

' nodded !y head. "He said )here )e &irst !et. That )o%ld be the )areho%se yo% too" !e to." "That$s close(" Jere!y co!!ented( chec"ing his phone. "'t$s only abo%t ten !in%tes a)ay." "Ten !in%tes?" ' cried shrilly. "5ha)n )ants !e there in &i&teen or he$ll h%rt Casey6 #e$ e got to go no)6" Jere!y$s loo"ed hardened. "He ga e yo% a ti!e li!it?" "4eah(" ' responded( &eeling !y eyes &illing )ith tears. "' ha e to go( no)6" 5o!eone p%t a hand on !y sho%lder and ' 0%!ped iolently( t%rning to see a )orried Lance loo"ing at !e. #hen he noticed !y e3pression( his concern do%bled. "#hat$s )rong?" "5ha)n has Casey(" ' told hi! !iserably. "He )hat?" Lance nearly sho%ted. "Ho)? #hen? #here?" ' shoo" !y head. "' don$t "no) ho) or )hen6 ' do "no) )here( and '$! going there no). 8i e !e yo%r car "eys." Lance stared at !e li"e ' )as cra-y. "4o%$re not going any)here6 That$s too dangero%s6" "'t$s !ore dangero%s &or Casey i& ' don$t go6" "#hy )o%ld 5ha)n so s%ddenly go a&ter Casey?" Lance in*%ired( &%rro)ing his eyebro)s. "He$s been *%iet &or so long." ' shi&ted on !y &eet %nco!&ortably. "#ell7 earlier ' got a &e) te3t !essages &ro! hi!. 2%t ' tho%ght he )as 0%st !essing )ith !e(" ' added *%ic"ly( seeing Lance$s e3pression t%rn li id. Lance grabbed !y sho%lders and held the! ro%ghly. "Holly6 #hy didn$t yo% tell anyone?" "'+' didn$t thin" it !attered(" ' told hi!( trying to get a)ay &ro! his grasp. "Lance( that h%rts+" "Holly( are yo% st%pid? '& yo% had said so!ething this )o%ldn$t ha e happened6" Lance snapped. "4o% need to learn to s)allo) yo%r pride+"

"Pride?" ' cried( staring at hi! incred%lo%sly. "Pride? 4o% thin" ' ta"e pride in not telling so!eone that !y stal"er has been te3ting !e? ' )asn$t going to tell anyone to "eep e eryone sa&e( Lance6" "That didn$t )or" so )ell( no) did it?" Lance snorted( sho ing !e a)ay. "4o% )ent and got Casey capt%red." ' stared at Lance( h%rt by his )ords. Tears &illed !y eyes again and ' sni&&led( r%bbing !y eyes )ith the bac" o& the slee e. "' didn$t "no)6" ' &elt an ar! aro%nd !e and ' loo"ed %p to see Jere!y &ro)ning at Lance. "4o% t)o( cal! do)n(" he ordered( s*%ee-ing !y sho%lders. "Holly( it$s not yo%r &a%lt. And Lance7 ' %nderstand this ne)s is co!ing as a shoc"( b%t don$t place the bla!e on Holly so easily o"ay? 4o% t)o )ill end %p saying things yo%$ll regret later i& yo% "eep it %p." Lance stared at the gro%nd &or a !o!ent( his &ists clenched. 1inally( he sighed( loo"ing bac" %p at !e. "'$! sorry( Holly. ' "no) it$s not yo%r &a%lt." ' shoo" !y head. "No( it is partially !y &a%lt. No) /r. Hey)ood and Casey are at 5ha)n$s !ercy. ' sho%ld ha e te3ted /r. Hey)ood right a)ay." "He has Hey)ood too?" Lance gasped. Jenna s%ddenly appeared in &ront o& !e( r%shing to)ards %s )ith Jane in to). Jere!y br%shed past !e( going %p to the girls and saying so!ething to the! *%ic"ly. "Lance(" Jere!y started( gaining his attention. "' need yo% to do !e a h%ge &a or." "#hat?" "2ring !y sisters ho!e(" Jere!y told hi!. "' can tr%st yo% right? Holly and ' need to go sa e yo%r &riend and Chris. ' don$t )ant !y little sisters co!ing7 0%st in case so!ething happens." A shi er )ent thro%gh !y body at Jere!y$s )ords. J%st in case so!ething happens7 "No(" Lance re&%sed( sha"ing his head. "'$! co!ing )ith yo% g%ys." "No yo%$re not6" Jere!y and ' snapped si!%ltaneo%sly. Lance loo"ed at %s in s%rprise( blin"ing &%rio%sly. "#hy not?" "4o%$ e already been attac"ed once(" ' pointed o%t. "4o%$re not going to be in danger again. Please( Lance. Ta"e Jenna and Jane ho!e. ' don$t )ant the! co!ing )ith %s either and )e need to go( no)."

Lance p%rsed his lips at !e &or a &e) !o!ents be&ore letting o%t a sigh. "1ine. 2%t only beca%se ' don$t )ant these girls going )ith yo% t)o either. Ho)e er( '$! te3ting yo% an ho%r &ro! no). And i& yo% don$t ans)er( '$! calling the cops." ' blan"ed at Lance$s )ords. The cops? #hat i& the cops ca!e and /r. Hey)ood )as still there? "Lance( no. Not the po+" "5o%nds good(" Jere!y c%t !e o&&. "8i e %s an ho%r. '& yo% recei e no reply( send the police to the old &%rnit%re )or"shop o&& 9ing 5treet." Lance nodded. "8otcha." "2%t Jere!y+" ' protested. Jere!y shoo" his head at !e. "#e can handle this in an ho%r(" he ass%red !e. "As long as )e go no). Lance( '$ll ha e Holly te3t yo% !y !o!$s address )hen )e get in the car." "O"ay(" Lance responded( glancing at !e. "Holly7 2e care&%l." ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( nodding !y head. "4o% too( Lance." He grinned. "'$ll try not to hit any s*%irrels." Jere!y *%ic"ly grabbed !y hand and began sprinting to)ards the e3it o& the &esti al. People ga e %s annoyed loo"s as )e br%shed thro%gh the!. 5o!eone people ga e !e )ondering loo"s( probably ta"ing in the loo" on !y &ace. ' probably loo"ed li"e so!eone )ho had 0%st )itnessed a !%rder+ ' &elt li"e ' had 0%st )itnessed a !%rder. L%c"ily( Jere!y$s car )as par"ed al!ost right ne3t to the e3it. #e piled in and Jere!y )asted no ti!e be&ore peeling o%t o& the par"ing lot. #hile speeding do)n the streets Jere!y relayed to !e his !o!$s address( and ' *%ic"ly te3ted Lance it. The ride to the old gang hango%t &elt li"e &ore er. 't )as silent and tense. Ner es had !e dr%!!ing !y &ingers against !y leg constantly( had !y heart po%nding hard( and "ept !y breathing %ne en. Jere!y$s hands )ere so grasping the steering )heel so hard his "n%c"les )ere sno) )hite. "Holly(" Jere!y &inally spo"e( "o%r goal is 0%st to get Casey and Chris and to escape. Nothing else." ' s)allo)ed( nodding !y head. "Alight." #hat else did Jere!y thin" '$d )ant to do? Once /r. Hey)ood and Casey )ere sa&e( '$d )ant to get o%t o& there as &ast as possible.

"'& 5ha)n tries to bargain )ith yo%( ' )ant yo% to say no to e erything(" Jere!y contin%ed in a serio%s oice. "And )hen ' say e erything( ' !ean e erything." "2argain?" Jere!y nodded. "Li"e( '$ll let Chris and Casey &ree i& yo% stay )ith !e." /y eyes )idened in s%rprise. "#hat? No6 ' )o%ld say yes to that6" "No( yo% )on$t(" Jere!y said &ir!ly. "Holly( it )ill be pointless i& )e sa e Chris and Casey( b%t yo% get ta"en instead. #e need to &ig%re o%t ho) to get yo% all o%t o& this." ' cla!ped !y !o%th sh%t( thin"ing hard. #hat )ere 5ha)n$s plans? #as he alone? No( he co%ldn$t be alone. 5ha)n )o%ld ne er ha e been able to "noc" /r. Hey)ood do)n alone. /r. Hey)ood )as7 /r. Hey)ood. 5trong. Resilient. 'n incible. That still didn$t help Jere!y and !ysel& tho%gh. #e needed a strong( reliable plan. Jere!y cleared his throat. "'& there$s a chance &or yo%( Casey( and Chris to escape( ' )ant yo% to ta"e it(" he started slo)ly. "E en i& it !eans lea ing !e behind." "No(" ' said instantly. "No6" "Holly( )ait(" Jere!y co!!anded( glancing at !e &ro! the corner o& his eye. "Once yo% g%ys brea" &ree( yo% can call the cops. '& they co!e and &ind the gang and !e( nothing )ill happen to Chris( or !ysel&( since '$ e ne er been ca%ght %p in any gang tro%ble." "2%t )e can$t lea e yo% alone in there(" ' )hispered in a horri&ied oice. "#hat i& they7" Jere!y la%ghed. "Holly( don$t be so )orried abo%t !e. '$ e got a &e) things %p !y slee e." "Li"e )hat?" "'t$s a secret(" Jere!y said )ith a )in". ' &ro)ned at hi!. Altho%gh he see!ed con&ident( ' co%ldn$t help b%t still be )orried. There had to be so!e )ay to ass%re that Casey( Jere!y( /r. Hey)ood( and !ysel& co%ld escape. '& )orse ca!e to )orse( ' )o%ld bargain )ith 5ha)n. 't )asn$t li"e he )as going to "ill !e. Jere!y p%lled onto the dirt road that led to the abandoned )areho%se( and started speeding do)n it. /y heart &elt li"e it )as going to b%rst o%t o& !y chest. ' too" deep breaths( trying to cal! do)n. 't )asn$t really )or"ing.

The )areho%se ca!e into ie) and as )e gre) closer( Jere!y c%t the engine( *%ic"ly %nsnapping his seatbelt. ' s)iped !y s)eaty pal!s on !y pants be&ore doing the sa!e as Jere!y( and hastily cli!bing o%t the door. Jere!y !et !e at the &ront o& the car( and together )e !ade o%r )ay %p to the &ront o& the b%ilding. The steps groaned in an %nner ing )ay %nder o%r )eight as )e h%rried to)ards the door. Jere!y held !e bac" as he opened the &ront door( peering in. The !ain roo! )as pitch blac". "Holly( yo%r hand(" Jere!y de!anded( holding o%t his hand &or !e to ta"e. 't &elt a little silly ta"ing his hand. 't )asn$t li"e ' )as a &i e year old crossing the street )ith her !o!. Nonetheless ' too" his hand( and he p%lled !e into the )areho%se( lea ing the door open so the !oon )o%ld pro ide at least a little sight. ' held Jere!y$s hand tighter as )e )ent &%rther in( losing all sense o& sight. "#hy is it so *%iet?" ' )hispered. The only noises ' co%ld hear )ere the so%nds o& Jere!y$s and !y &oot&alls. They so%nded li"e a heard o& elephants co!pared to the silence s%rro%nding %s. "5hh(" Jere!y responded. "#e$re going %p stairs no). Care&%l." ' st%!bled on the &irst step( !is0%dging the height. Jere!y held onto !e tightly as ' corrected !ysel&( gaining !y balance again. Each step crea"ed and groaned %nder o%r )eight( and each ti!e they did ' tho%ght it so%nded li"e an air horn going o&&. 't )as too *%iet. 't )as %nsettling. "The Hall o& 1a!e( right?" "4eah(" ' )hispered( &inally !a"ing it to the top o& the stairs. "That$s )here ' &irst sa) 5ha)n." 't too" abo%t thirty seconds to reach the door to the Hall o& 1a!e. Jere!y pressed his ear to the door( and ' copied hi!. 't )as silent in the roo!. 5%ddenly there )as a co%gh( and ' instantly recogni-ed it as Casey$s. ' reached &or the door and yan"ed it open( ignoring Jere!y$s protests. 5t%!bling in the dar" roo!( ' ran !y hands o er the )all %ntil ' &o%nd the light s)itch. ' &lipped it on. Casey )as the &irst thing ' noticed )hen the roo! )as &illed )ith light. 5he )as sitting on the other side o& the roo!( her "nees p%lled %p to her chest. 5he s*%inted &or a !o!ent &ro! the s%dden light and )hen she sa) !e her eyes s%ddenly )idened. Jere!y strode into the roo!( *%ic"ly s%r eying it. Casey p%shed hersel& to her &eet( b%t as soon as she too" one step to)ards !e she )inced and started &alling &or)ards. Jere!y ca%ght her be&ore ' co%ld e en !o e. "#hat$s )rong?" ' heard hi! as" her.

"/y an"le(" she responded( ta"ing her )eight o&& her right an"le. "' thin" ' sprained it earlier." "#here$s /r. Hey)ood?" ' as"ed( only slightly relie ed. Casey$s eyes dri&ted do)n)ards( to)ards the &ront le&t o& the roo!. The door )as bloc"ing !y ision so ' *%ic"ly stepped aro%nd it( dropping !y eyes to the &loor. /y heart s"ipped a beat and a gasp le&t !y !o%th )hen ' &oc%sed in on /r. Hey)ood$s li!p body. ' staggered a &e) &eet &or)ards and sl%!ped to !y "nees( ho ering o er hi!. His eyes )ere sh%t( and it al!ost loo"ed li"e he )as sleeping peace&%lly. E3cept &or the blood that co ered hal& o& his &ace. "/r. Hey)ood?" ' s*%ea"ed( bringing !y head closer to hi!. "Hey. #a"e %p." "#hat happened?" ' heard Jere!y as" Casey. ' p%t !y ear to his !o%th( and &elt relie& )ash o er !e )hen ' &elt his breath against it. At least he )as still breathing. Casey cleared her throat. "5o!eone+ ' don$t "no) )ho+ attac"ed /r. Hey)ood )hile he )as %ntying !e. He hit /r. Hey)ood o er the head )ith a sho el(" Casey contin%ed( her oice crac"ing on the )ord sho el. "'+ ' heard a crac"7" 1or a second it &elt li"e ' co%ldn$t breathe. /y chest constricted pain&%lly as ' ga-ed at /r. Hey)ood$s peace&%l &ace. That )as ho) 5ha)n had !anaged to stri"e /r. Hey)ood do)n? <sing a cheap attac" li"e that? Anger boiled %p inside o& !e. 5ha)n )as de&initely going to pay. ' gently br%shed /r. Hey)ood$s hair a)ay &ro! his &orehead( !y breath catching )hen ' ca%ght sight o& a long( deep( bloody gash r%nning along &ro! his eyebro) to his ear. Tears &illed !y eyes again and !y heart clenched pain&%lly. This )as !y &a%lt. And !y phone$s &a%lt. '& ' !ade it o%t o& here ali e( ' )as s!ashing it to pieces and b%ying a ne) one &ro! a di&&erent co!pany. "/r. Hey)ood(" ' )hispered( br%shing !y &ingers along his 0a). "Please )a"e %p. Can yo% hear !e?" There )asn$t e en the slightest response. ".o yo% "no) )here 5ha)n is right no)?" Jere!y *%estioned Casey. "#hen )as the last ti!e yo% sa) hi!?" "#ho$s 5ha)n?"

"The !an )ho hit /r. Hey)ood )ith a sho el(" ' responded &or Jere!y( t%rning to loo" at Casey. Casey che)ed her lip. "Oh7 ' ha en$t seen hi! &or !aybe the past ten !in%tes? He d%!ped /r. Hey)ood and !e in here a&ter ta"ing %s &ro! the &air. He told !e not to lea e( and i& ' did /r. Hey)ood and ' )o%ld both be( %!( har!ed." Jere!y &%rro)ed his eyebro)s. "And he hasn$t been bac" since? #as he )ith anyone else?" "There )ere t)o other !en(" Casey told hi!. Only t)o other !en? That tho%ght !ade !e &eel a bit !ore relie ed. That !eant i& so!ething )ent on it$d be three on t)o. ' s!iled )ryly. #ell( !ore li"e three on one. ' didn$t "no) ho) !%ch help ' co%ld be to Jere!y. Jere!y set Casey against the )all be&ore co!ing to)ards !e. He cro%ched do)n beside !e( ta"ing in /r. Hey)ood. He inhaled sharply( br%shing his hand lightly against the gash. "That needs !edical attention(" he co!!ented( p%lling his hand bac". "Holly( ta"e this." ' t%rned to Jere!y( blin"ing in s%rprise )hen ' reali-ed he )as holding o%t a poc"et"ni&e. He sho ed it closer to !e and ' *%ic"ly too" it &ro! hi!( !y eyes )ide. "Jere!y7" "'t$s &or yo%r protection(" Jere!y told !e. "5ince 5ha)n isn$t aro%nd right no)( )e !ight as )ell try to get o%t right no). The longer )e stic" aro%nd( the chances o& 5ha)n co!ing bac" and &inding %s here increases. Right no) Chris is a !a0or liability. #e need as !%ch ti!e as )e can get." "4o%$re not s%pposed to !o e so!eone )ith a head in0%ry(" ' co!!ented in a *%iet oice( already "no)ing )e had no other choice. Jere!y s!iled at !e. "'t$s better than lea ing hi! here to die( right?" /y !o%th s%ddenly )ent dry( and ' co%ld only nod. "4o% help Casey( '$ll carry Chris." #itho%t needing to be told t)ice ' p%shed !ysel& o&& the gro%nd and h%rried to)ards Casey. 5he ga e !e the "yo%,ha e,a,lot,o&,e3plaining,to,do" loo" as ' too" her ar! and )rapped it aro%nd !y sho%lder. A&ter a !o!ent o& ad0%sting o%rsel es so )e )ere both co!&ortable( ' t%rned aro%nd and &o%nd Jere!y carrying /r. Hey)ood princess,style. "#hat?" he snapped )hen he ca%ght !e staring.

' bl%shed slightly( rearranging !y e3pression into a blan" one. "<!( nothing7 Prince Char!ing." Casey ch%c"led as Jere!y$s &ace heated %p. He ignored !y 0ibe and gest%red )ith his head &or !e to &ollo) hi! o%t o& the roo!. The !ain roo! )as still 0et,blac"( and )e all treaded )ith ca%tion. "Jere!y?" "4eah?" "Can yo% handle the stairs?" ' as"ed hi!( &eeling ner o%s all o& a s%dden. There )as a !o!ent o& silence be&ore Jere!y responded. "4eah( ' can hold onto the railing." A ner e,)rac"ing ten !in%tes passed be&ore ' heard Jere!y sigh in relie&( signaling he had !ade it to the botto! o& the staircase )itho%t any proble!s. Casey and ' )ere easily able to cli!b do)n( and )e ca%ght %p )ith Jere!y *%ic"ly. Li"e a shot( ' reali-ed that the &ront door )asn$t open any!ore. Jere!y !%st ha e noticed too( beca%se ' heard hi! c%rse *%ietly. 't didn$t s%rprise !e )hen Jere!y &o%nd the door loc"ed. 2e&ore either o& %s co%ld spea"( light &illed the !ain roo!. ' s*%inted &or a !in%te )hile !y eyes ad0%sted( and )hen they did ' loc"ed ga-es )ith 5ha)n( )ho )as standing on the balcony. He s!ir"ed at !e. "Holly6 4o% !ade it." "4eah(" ' &orced o%t bet)een !y clenched teeth. Casey t%gged gently on the bac" o& !y shirt. "Holly( p%t !e against the door." #itho%t any *%estions as"ed( ' set Casey against the door. 5he p%t her bac" to it( staring %p at 5ha)n. ' glanced o er !y sho%lder to see Jere!y still holding /r. Hey)ood( a sco)l on his &ace. "Poor Chris is in bad shape h%h?" "That$s beca%se yo%$re a co)ard )ho %ses cheap shots to "noc" people do)n(" ' shot bac" at hi! angrily. "Holly(" Jere!y said in a *%iet( )arning tone.

5ha)n la%ghed( leaning o er the railing o& the balcony. "Co)ardice? Holly( lo e( ' )as 0%st %sing the !o!ent to !y ad antage." There )as a pair o& &ootsteps to !y right and ' loo"ed o er and sa) a tall( b%rly !an co!ing to)ards !e. Another pair o& &oot&alls to !y le&t indicated there )as so!ething also co!ing &ro! that direction. The b%rly !an to !y right stopped a good h%ndred yards a)ay( a &ro)n on his &ace. ' )atched hi! )arily &or a second be&ore glancing at the other !an( )ho had also stopped )al"ing. This !an )as 0%st as tall as the !an to !y right( b%t not as !%scled. /y !ind )as racing. ' needed to thin" o& a )ay that )o%ld let Jere!y carry /r. Hey)ood to his car( and get Casey there as )ell. 't )o%ld be al!ost i!possible &or Jere!y to ha e ti!e to bring the! both separately( e en i& ' distracted 5ha)n. '& )e co%ld ta"e o%t the t)o !en on the gro%nd le el( ' )as positi e ' co%ld deal )ith 5ha)n. ' had escaped hi! once be&ore( hadn$t '? Jere!y co%ldn$t be the distraction beca%se ' "ne) ' )o%ldn$t be able to carry /r. Hey)ood$s body. A s!all a!o%nt o& hopelessness began to rise in !e( b%t ' &orce&%lly p%shed it a)ay. ' had to thin" positi ely. #e only had a &e) choices. Try to brea" do)n the door and escape be&ore anyone ca%ght %s; ta"e o%t the !en on the gro%nd &loor and &ind a ne) )ay to escape; distract 5ha)n %ntil Jere!y &o%nd a )ay to get /r. Hey)ood and Casey to the car; or let 5ha)n get %s. The last choice )asn$t act%ally a choice. 't )as )hat )o%ld happen i& )e co%ldn$t escape. "Listen(" 5ha)n &inally spo"e %p. "' "no) yo%r &riend Lance said he )as going to call the police in an ho%r. 't$s been 0%st abo%t &orty,&i e !in%tes since then( so that !eans )e ha e abo%t &i&teen !in%tes to &inish this be&ore the cops sho)." "Ho) did yo% "no)?" ' gasped in s%rprise. 5ha)n s!ir"ed again. "' ha e spies( d%h. 5hall )e get do)n to b%siness then?" The s%dden po%nding o& &eet !ade !y heart leap into !y chest. ' t%rned right( )atching as the b%rly !an s%ddenly started r%nning straight at !e. Thro)ing !y head to the other side ' noticed the other !an )as co!ing as )ell. Jere!y placed /r. Hey)ood on the gro%nd as *%ic"ly and gently as possible( and intercepted the !an &ro! !y le&t. /y hand clenched the poc"et"ni&e ' )as still holding. "No)( ' don$t )ant to h%rt yo%(" the b%rly !an told !e as he stopped a &e) &eet a)ay &ro! !e. "' 0%st need to bring yo% %p to 5ha)n." "No(" ' stated st%bbornly. "Then ' do it by &orce."

A startled gasp escaped !y lips as the !an instantly thre) a p%nch to)ards !y &ace. ' d%c"ed 0%st in ti!e( staggering bac")ards. #itho%t hesitating the !an thre) another p%nch( )hich ' !anaged to a oid again. ' str%ggled )ith the poc"et"ni&e in !y hand( trying to get it open. No !atter ho) !%ch ' tried tho%gh( it )o%ldn$t %nlatch. 1ig%res Jere!y )o%ld gi e !e a poc"et"ni&e ' co%ldn$t open. "4o%$re pretty good at e ading( aren$t yo%?" the b%rly !an co!!ented( loo"ing a!%sed and i!pressed. ' dodged another o& his blo)s. "'$ e had practice." "<n&ort%nately &or yo%( ' don$t thin" yo%$re paying eno%gh attention." 2e&ore ' "ne) )hat happened( ' )as &lat on !y bac". ' stared in horror at the b%rly !an ho ering o er !e( a s!ir" on his &ace. #hen ' loo"ed to !y le&t ' reali-ed ' had tipped o er /r. Hey)ood$s leg. The b%rly !an p%t a &oot on !y chest( and p%t press%re on it. ' gasped in s%rprise( trying to p%ll his &oot o&&. "5ho%ld ' "noc" her o%t?" "#hate er )or"s(" 5ha)n called do)n. "J%st don$t "ill her." "5%re(" the b%rly !an said )ith a grin. "Night,night( Holly." The !an began to press harder into !y chest and ' loo"ed to !y side to see Casey staring at !e in terror. #ith !y le&t hand ' &%!bled )ith the poc"et"ni&e again( )incing as the !ore press%re )as applied to !y chest. 't &elt li"e ' )as s%&&ocating. /y le&t hand clenched %ncontrollably as the b%rly !an s%ddenly pressed into !e as hard as ' co%ld. A slight pain ran thro%gh !y &inger( and a&ter a second !y &inger r%bbed against so!ething sharp and cool. The poc"et"ni&e had %nlatched6 There )as a lo%d crash behind !e 0%st as ' bro%ght %p !y hand and slashed the &oot on !e. The b%rly !an cried o%t in s%rprise and pain( p%lling his &oot a)ay &ro! !y chest. ' *%ic"ly sent !y leg straight %p( right into his crotch( !a"ing hi! stagger &or)ards. 1or a horri&ying second ' tho%ght he )as going to &all on top o& !e( b%t a hand &lashed be&ore !y eyes( !a"ing contact )ith his &ace. 1ro! the &orce o& the p%nch( the b%rly !an st%!bled bac")ards( landing on the gro%nd( %nconscio%s. Jere!y grinned do)n at !e. "And Chris tho%ght he )as the only one )ho co%ld do a one hit 9.O." "Ten b%c"s says ' can too(" a cal! oice co!!ented( so%nding a!%sed.

' loo"ed beyond Jere!y( and straight at 5ha)n. #hen ' reali-ed )hat he )as holding( ' screa!ed in panic. ' scra!bled to !y &eet( ne er ta"ing !y eyes o&& 5ha)n$s g%n( or )here he )as pointing it. 5traight at Jere!y. "#ait6" ' screa!ed( ta"ing a &e) steps to)ards hi!. 5ha)n spared !e one glance. "'$! an i!patient person." ' didn$t e en ha e ti!e to blin" be&ore 5ha)n s*%ee-ed the trigger. A lo%d crac"ing noise &illed the roo! and !y !o%th &ell open in horror as ' t)irled aro%nd to see Jere!y( his &ace &ro-en in shoc". Then( 0%st as ' reached o%t to grab hi!( he &ell o er bac")ards. "One shot 9.O(" 5ha)n stated si!ply( an a!%sed s!ir" slipping onto his &ace.

1'1T4,T#O 't &elt li"e ti!e had stopped. 5eeing so!eone shot )as a lot di&&erent than hearing abo%t it. The scene o& his body t%!bling to the gro%nd played o er and o er again in !y head. Jere!y lay stationary on the gro%nd )hile 5ha)n h%!!ed to hi!sel&( stro"ing his pistol )ith his th%!b. Casey let o%t a horri&ied croa"( her eyes gl%ed to Jere!y$s !otionless body. ' &elt li"e so!eone had po%red a b%c"et o& ice )ater o er !e( and thro%gh !y eins. N%!bness spread thro%gh !e. 5ha)n shot Jere!y. Jere!y co%ld be dead. "Jere!y?" ' called( staring at his !otionless body. "Jere!y6 Jere!y( get %p6" No response. /y chest tightened. "Jere!y( please6 Please6" ' pleaded pathetically. "Jere!y( get %p6 .on$t die6" "Holly(" Casey started in a *%iet oice( so%nding li"e she had been crying. "He co%ld be ali e7 The b%llet didn$t go thro%gh his heart or head7" Casey had a point. He had been shot in the sto!ach. Lance s%r i ed t)o b%llets. Jere!y had to be able to s%r i e one6 2%t he )as still %nconscio%s and h%rt. There )as still the chance he co%ld die. ' loo"ed &ro! 5ha)n( to Jere!y( and bac" to 5ha)n again( helplessness )elling %p in !e again. E eryone )as being har!ed( and it )as !y &a%lt. Jere!y didn$t e en do anything6

Neither did Casey6 Anger &illed !e and ' clenched !y &ist( ta"ing a !enacing step to)ards 5ha)n. "4o%+" "4o%7 bastard." /y eyes shot open( and ' t)irled aro%nd to see /r. Hey)ood p%shing hi!sel& o&& the gro%nd. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' cried in disbelie& and relie&. /r. Hey)ood didn$t e en loo" at !e. His eyes )ere &oc%sed on 5ha)n( anger bla-ing in the!. 5ha)n s!ir"ed bac" at /r. Hey)ood( coc"ing his head to the side. "4o%$re ali e?" "And yo%$re abo%t to be dead(" /r. Hey)ood gro)led( starting to)ards 5ha)n. He too" abo%t three steps( then let o%t a groan( and started &alling. ' *%ic"ly stepped &or)ard to catch hi!( grasping onto his sho%lders. His )eight al!ost "noc"ed !e o er( and ' str%ggled to "eep hi! %pright. 5ha)n ch%c"led &ro! )here he )as( sha"ing his head piti&%lly. "Chris( yo% can$t e en stand. #hat !a"es yo% thin" yo%$re going to "ill !e?" /r. Hey)ood sho ed !e a)ay &ro! hi!. "' can stand &ine." "/r. Hey)ood+" ' protested( staggering bac" a &e) steps. He ignored !e( s)aying on his &eet &or a &e) seconds. "That )as a pretty cheap shot earlier(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( sarcas! dripping in his oice. "Are yo% really that pathetic? 't$s a )onder ho) yo% beca!e gang leader." 5ha)n leered at /r. Hey)ood. "Regretting lea ing?" "As i&(" /r. Hey)ood spat angrily. 5ha)n shr%gged his sho%lders. "4o% and Jere!y )ere the greatest assets. 4o% co%ld still be. Jere!y7" 5ha)n glanced at Jere!y$s body on the gro%nd. "#ell( he co%ld ha e been." "'$! not going bac"(" /r. Hey)ood declared st%bbornly. "Especially not %nder the li"es o& yo%."

"Li"es o& !e?" 5ha)n responded )ith a bar" o& la%ghter. "#here do yo% get o&& acting so high and !ighty?" /r. Hey)ood didn$t respond( !a"ing 5ha)n sco)l in irritation. "4o% really piss !e o&&." "8ood." "/r. Hey)ood6" ' )arned *%ietly( staring at hi! )ith )ide eyes. #as he trying to incite 5ha)n? 5ha)n$s eyes slid o er to !e( and ' sa) /r. Hey)ood$s sho%lders tense. ' glared at 5ha)n as icio%sly as ' co%ld. He la%ghed at !e e3pression. "Oh( so!eone is angry(" he ta%nted. "'$!+" "Holly don$t tal" to hi!(" /r. Hey)ood ordered &latly. ' loo"ed to)ards /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise. He still had his bac" to !e. #hy didn$t he )ant !e tal"ing to 5ha)n? 5ha)n t%rned his attention bac" to /r. Hey)ood( his eyebro)s &%rro)ed in annoyance ".on$t tell her )hat to do(" 5ha)n de!anded. /r. Hey)ood la%ghed once. "#hat? Are yo% her &ather?" 5ha)n s!ir"ed. "Nope( b%t !aybe her boy&riend soon." /r. Hey)ood$s &ist clenched. "'sn$t it c%rio%s?" 5ha)n contin%ed. "Ho) !%ch she loo"s li"e !y old Holly?" "5he isn$t yo%r old Holly." "Nor is she yo%rs." "5he$s got nothing to do )ith this(" /r. Hey)ood snapped. 5ha)n raised an eyebro). "Oh? 's she a sore spot? 2eca%se yo% co%ldn$t protect her( li"e yo% pro!ised?" "'+" "Co!e to thin" o& it( she ga e yo% t)o chances( right?" 5ha)n stated( tapping his chin )ith his &inger. "And yo% &ailed both ti!es?"

/r. Hey)ood$s sho%lders sagged. "That$s7" "And no) it$s going to happen again( h%h? 4o%$re going to let the person yo% care &or the !ost s%&&er the sa!e &ate? There$s nothing yo% can do abo%t it either." /r. Hey)ood stayed silent. 1or a !o!ent( the only noise ' co%ld hear )ere Casey$s sha"y breaths( /r. Hey)ood$s hea y breathing( and !y o)n heart in !y ears. ' )as sha"ing %ncontrollably. Not &ro! &ear( b%t &ro! anger. 5ha)n )as dabbing salt in /r. Hey)ood$s )o%nds. He )as going into the past that didn$t need to be del ed into. 5ha)n snic"ered. "4o%$re not that good %pon "eeping yo%r pro!ises( h%h? .id yo% pro!ise this Holly o er here the sa!e thing? That yo% )o%ld protect her( 0%st li"e old Holly?" "/r. Hey)ood(" ' )hispered so only he co%ld hear !e( clenching !y &ists. ".on$t let hi! tal" to yo% li"e that6" 5ha)n see!ed to be irritated )ith /r. Hey)ood$s lac" o& response. "9eeping silent? 's the g%ilt too !%ch &or yo%? 9no)ing that( once again( yo%$re going to lose Holly to !e. /aybe this is )hat yo% deser e. 1or being a liar. 1or pro!ising that yo%$ll protect so!eone and &ailing. #hat "ind o& !an are yo%( Chris? .o yo% thin" yo%$re better than !e?" 5ha)n g%&&a)ed. "Oh( isn$t that a tho%ght? Poor Chris. 't see!s li"e yo%$re+" /y hand !ade contact )ith 5ha)n$s &ace. The lo%d slap reso%nded thro%gh the roo!. 5ha)n stared at !e in s%rprise )hile ' ret%rned his loo" )ith a &%rio%s glare( breathing hea ily. "Chris is !ore o& a !an than yo% co%ld e er )ish to be(" ' told hi! thro%gh clenched teeth. "The past doesn$t !atter. #hat$s done is done. /ista"es are &orgi en. #hat !atters is today. And today( yo%$re nothing co!pared to Chris. He is+" #itho%t )arning( 5ha)n bac"handed !e. ' cried o%t in s%rprise( st%!bling bac" a &e) steps. /r. Hey)ood yelled 5ha)n$s na!e &ro! behind !e angrily and Casey screa!ed lo%dly. 2e&ore ' co%ld react( 5ha)n sho ed !e( loo"ing &%rio%s. "Chris is a better !an than !e? Chris( )ho co%ldn$t protect the other Holly? Chris( )ho can$t protect anyone? Chris( the sel&ish bastard )ho got yo% tangled %p in this !ess?" "' got !ysel& tangled %p6" ' sho%ted at !e( sho ing hi! a)ay &ro! !e. ".on$t to%ch !e6" 5ha)n *%ic"ly grabbed !y hair( p%lling !e closer to hi!. "Tell !e( Holly. Are yo% blind?"

/y hand &le) to his hand in !y hair( grasping on tightly. Pain shot thro%gh !y head as he p%lled on !y hair ro%ghly. "4o% "no)( i& it )asn$t &or Chris ' )o%ldn$t ha e !et yo%(" he told !e. "This )o%ldn$t be happening. .on$t yo% bla!e Chris at all?" "/r. Hey)ood isn$t the psycho )ho )ants to "idnap !e 0%st beca%se ' loo" li"e his old girl&riend6" 5ha)n$s eyes hardened. "5%rely yo% don$t thin" Chris li"es yo% &or yo%." "He does(" ' stated st%bbornly. "/r. Hey)ood "no)s !e( 5ha)n. 4o% don$t "no) anything abo%t yo%. '$! not Holly Pierce6 '$! Holly E ers6" 5ha)n gro)led( yan"ing !e closer to hi! )ith !y hair again. ' cried o%t in pain( )ildly s)inging !y &ist. #hen ' &elt it !a"e contact )ith 5ha)n$s &ace( once again ' )as sho ed bac")ards. This ti!e ' ran into so!ething hard( and a strong ar! shot by !y &ace( p%nching 5ha)n( )ho already had his eyes sh%t &ro! !y p%nch( in the &ace. /r. Hey)ood grabbed !y sho%lder pain&%lly( yan"ing !e a)ay &ro! 5ha)n. "R%n(" he ordered *%ietly( sho ing !e behind hi!. 5ha)n s)%ng his &ist at /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. /r. Hey)ood dodged( once again p%lling !e ro%ghly to the side so ' )o%ldn$t be hit. This ti!e he sho ed !e side)ays( and ' staggered a &e) steps a)ay &ro! hi! be&ore &alling. Casey )as screa!ing so!ething at !e( b%t ' )as too &oc%sed on /r. Hey)ood and 5ha)n to %nderstand her. 5ha)n !anaged to "nic" /r. Hey)ood on the side o& the 0a)( and /r. Hey)ood retaliated by landing a blo) on 5ha)n$s right te!ple. Anyone )atching "ne) /r. Hey)ood had the ad antage. 2%t anyone )atching also "ne) so!ething )asn$t right )ith /r. Hey)ood. His breathing )as hea ier than it sho%ld ha e been( and his !o e!ents slo)er and sloppier than %s%al. #hile he still had the %pper hand( he )as handicapped by the in0%ry on his &orehead. ' had to thin" *%ic"ly. That in0%ry )o%ld not &air )ell in this &ight7 '& /r. Hey)ood )as hit there again( so!ething serio%s co%ld happen. "1eeling a little tired?" 5ha)n ta%nted( only slightly breathless. "No(" /r. Hey)ood responded( dodging another o& 5ha)n$s s)ings. 5ha)n s!ir"ed. "Liar."

/r. Hey)ood landed a hard blo) on 5ha)n$s lo)er 0a). 5ha)n$s eyes shot open in s%rprise( and he let o%t a little gasp. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed slightly as 5ha)n closed his eyes( staggering bac")ards. Relie& )ashed thro%gh !e i!!ediately. #as that the end? 5%ddenly 5ha)n$s eyes snapped open( a s!%g s!ile on his lips as he bro%ght his ar! straight into /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. Right )here the in0%ry be&ore )as. A split,second o& terror passed( and ' blin"ed. #hen ' opened !y eyes( /r. Hey)ood )as cr%!pled on the &loor. 5ha)n "ic"ed hi! sa agely. Casey started screa!ing again as a gasp escaped !y lips. No) it )as !y t%rn to step in again. #ith !y chest constricted tightly( ' stepped in, bet)een the t)o !en( holding %p !y hands( !y eyes sh%t tight. 5ha)n i!!ediately stopped assa%lting /r. Hey)ood. #hen ' opened !y eyes ' sa) 5ha)n staring do)n at !e )ith a sco)l. "T,the cops )ill be here soon(" ' told hi! in a *%iet( sha"y oice. Reali-ation &lashed on 5ha)n$s &ace and &or a !in%te he loo"ed panic"y. "5hit." Then he cal!ed do)n again( gi ing !e a hard loo". "Then yo% ha e t)o choices( Holly: #atch as yet another person close to yo% dies( or co!e )ith !e." He loo"ed !eaning&%lly at Casey. "Holly(" Casey started( b%t ' shoo" !y head at her. "No !ore(" ' said *%ietly( !y eyes &lic"ering do)n to /r. Hey)ood$s once again !otionless body. "5ha)n( '$ll go )ith yo%. .on$t h%rt the! any!ore6 Please6" ' begged( tears springing to !y eyes. "' pro!ise to do anything yo% as". J%st let the! go." 5ha)n sighed contently. "That$s )hat ' li"e to hear. 8ood choice( Holly." "Holly7" ' ignored Casey( "eeping !y eyes &oc%sed on 5ha)n and his g%n. /y eyes &lic"ered to the staircase on the other side o& the roo!. The staircase ' had &allen thro%gh not so long ago7 An idea s%ddenly &or!ed in !y !ind( and ' ca%ght !y breath. "Hey(" 5ha)n said( stooping do)n ne3t to the b%rly !an$s body. "2en( )a"e %p. Cops are co!ing soon." "Casey(" ' started in the *%ietest oice ' co%ld con0%re. "Listen closely." Casey !ade a so%nd that sho)ed !e she )as listening.

"'$! going to lead 5ha)n %pstairs(" ' told her( !y trying to "eep !y oice cal!. "' )ant yo% to escape." "#hat abo%t+" ' shoo" !y head slightly. "The cops )ill help /r. Hey)ood and Jere!y. J%st escape as soon as )e$re on the si3th stair on the staircase( o"ay?" "#hy+" "O"ay?" ' repeated &orce&%lly. "O"ay(" Casey !%!bled begr%dgingly. "#ill yo% be o"ay?" ' glanced at her. "' hope." 5ha)n !ade a so%nd o& disagree!ent )ith his tong%e( p%shing hi!sel& bac" into an erect position. "5ee!s li"e Jere!y really pac"ed a p%nch. 't$s s%ch a sha!e7" 5ha)n glanced at Jere!y$s body on the gro%nd. "5ha)n(" ' started( "eeping !y oice steady. "/y phone is in that roo! o er there(" ' said( pointing to the &ar side o& the roo!( on the second &loor. "#hile loo"ing &or Casey ' dropped it in there." "And?" 5ha)n as"ed( raising an eyebro). ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". "'& the cops &ind it in there( they$ll ha e a lead. Aren$t yo% planning on "idnapping !e?" 5ha)n loo"ed s%rprised &or a !in%te( than concern &lashed across his &ace. "5hit. 4o%$re right." "Are yo% going to go get it?" ' *%estioned. "4eah( and yo%$re co!ing )ith !e(" he stated( grabbing !y ar!. "Let$s go." ' ga e Casey a !eaning&%l loo" be&ore &ollo)ing 5ha)n to the other side o& the roo!. To co er any noises o& Casey !o ing( ' decided to tal". "Ho) co!e yo% only bro%ght t)o people )ith yo%?" 5ha)n shr%gged. "' &elt li"e any !ore )o%ld be too s%spicio%s. People at the &air )ere already gi ing s%spicio%s loo"s to 2en( Ja!ie( and !ysel&. 2esides( ' "ne) yo%$d co!e aro%nd i& ' threatened Chris and yo%r &riends. 'n that )ay( yo%$re 0%st li"e !y old Holly."

A cold chill ran thro%gh !e. 4eah( 0%st li"e her7 5ha)n started cli!bing the steps( still )ith !e in to). ' co%nted in !y head as he cli!bed. One. T)o. Three. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly. #hat i& the steps didn$t gi e o%t? #hat i& )e !ade it to the top o& steps? #hat )o%ld ' do then? Try to r%n? #hat i& Casey hadn$t !ade it o%t by then? /y plan )o%ld be r%ined. This )as the only thing ' had le&t to rely on. '& this didn$t )or" then7 1o%r. 1i e. 5i3. 5ha)n stepped on the se enth step( then the eighth( and then the ninth. The one abo e it( the tenth( )as the one ' had &allen thro%gh be&ore. 5ha)n o er stepped it( p%tting his &oot do)n on the ele enth. ' held !y breath( )aiting( )atching. 5ha)n p%t all his )eight on the step. Nothing happened. '!!ediately panic )elled %p inside o& !e. #hy didn$t the step gi e )ay? 5ha)n had to )ay at least one h%ndred po%nds !ore than !e6 #itho%t thin"ing( ' *%ic"ly 0%!ped onto 5ha)n$s bac". 5ha)n let o%t a groan o& s%rprise( &alling bac" onto the ele enth step. This ti!e there )as a disting%ishing crac". "#hat the hell?" 5ha)n sho%ted as his &oot pl%!!eted thro%gh the stair. ' &elt !ysel& &alling as )ell( and ' gasped in s%rprise( thro)ing !y ar!s &or)ards( trying to grab the ne3t stair. L%c"ily( ' !anaged to get a good grasp( b%t ' &elt 5ha)n$s hand close o er !y leg. ' )as yan"ed do)n( !y nail scraping against the )ood as !y hand slipped closer to the edge. Panic &lared )ithin !e again. ' hadn$t e3pected 5ha)n to be able to grab !e be&ore he &ell6

".on$t yo% dare let go(" 5ha)n gro)led. "Or yo%$ll regret it." "' don$t plan to let go(" ' shot bac". "8ood." ' tried p%lling !ysel& %p( b%t )ith 5ha)n clinging onto !e( it )as &r%itless. /y ar! )as already tiring( and )e hadn$t e en been hanging &or a !in%te. 't too" all !y )illpo)er to "eep hanging on )hile !y ar! protested pain&%lly. ' loo"ed o er !y sho%lder( !y eyes )idening in s%rprise )hen ' noticed Casey )asn$t by the door any!ore. Nor )as /r. Hey)ood. Or Jere!y. Ho) had Casey carried both o& the! o%t already? ' shoo" !y head. ' sho%ldn$t be )orried abo%t ho) she did( ' sho%ld be happy she !anaged to do it. No) all ' needed to do )as &ind a )ay o%t o& the !ess ' got !ysel& into. /y hand slid another inch closer to the edge and ' groaned( str%ggling to hold on. /y g%ess )as that the drop )as a good &i&teen,to,t)enty &eet. '& ' landed )rong( it )o%ld be eno%gh to se erely in0%re. To !y e!barrass!ent( ' &elt !y pants sliding lo)er. ' really )anted to p%ll the! %p( b%t ' co%ldn$t a&&ord to p%ll the! %p. Pl%s( )ith 5ha)n clinging onto the! it )asn$t s%rprising that they )ere &alling do)n7 ' let o%t a s!all gasp. 5ha)n )as holding onto !y pants. Not !e. /y pants. ' loo"ed do)n to do%ble chec" that he act%ally )as clinging onto !y pants( not !y an"le. He really )as. J%st as !y pants slid do)n another inch( !y hands slipped again. /y nails scraped on the )ood and so!e sli ers got st%c" %nder !y &ingernails( !a"ing !e )ince in pain. ' had to !a"e 5ha)n let go. ' started !o ing !y &eet together( trying to ta"e o&& !y shoes. "#hat are yo% doing?" 5ha)n de!anded. "5top !o ing yo%r &eet." /y &irst shoe ca!e o&& )itho%t a proble!( and ' heard it &all to the gro%nd belo). 't )as a terri&ying &i e seconds. /y ne3t shoe ca!e o&& 0%st as easily. The ne3t thing ' had to ta"e o&& )o%ld be a bit !ore di&&ic%lt. ' co%ld already &eel !y &ace heating %p. A part o& !e really didn$t )ant to do it( b%t the rational part told this )as the only )ay to sa e !ysel&. ' !ade s%re ' had a good grasp

on the )ood )ith !y le&t hand be&ore letting go )ith !y right. 'nstantly !y le&t hand slid do)n against the )ood. No) ' )as barely hanging on. 'n one s)i&t !otion( ' p%lled o&& !y belt. '!!ediately( !y pants began slightly o&&. 5ha)n only had ti!e to let o%t a s%rprised sho%t be&ore !y pants ca!e co!pletely o&&. ' had to re!e!ber to than" !y !o! &or pic"ing %p bo3ers at the store &or !e( and than" !ysel& &or not )earing girly panties today. Hec"( &ro! this day on '$d )ear nothing b%t bo3ers. There )as a th%!p and a long( lo) groan &ro! %nder !e. <sing all !y strength( ' hoisted !ysel& bac" onto the steps. As soon as ' )as sa&e( !y ar!s ga e o%t( and ' let o%t a relie ed breath. #hen ' heard another groan &ro! %nder !e( ' )as on !y &eet( sca!pering o)n the steps. ' t%rned to go grab !y pants( b%t instantly scolded !ysel&. 5ha)n )as de&initely still conscio%s. ' had to get o%t o& here no). ".on$t !o e(" ' heard 5ha)n order. A s%dden( a)&%l( an3io%s &eeling )ashed o er !e. 't &elt li"e ti!e had slo)ed do)n as ' t%rned and &aced 5ha)n. Ha e o& !e e3pected )hat ' sa)( )hile the other hal& didn$t. A startled s*%ea" escaped !y !o%th )hen !y eyes &oc%sed on the g%n 5ha)n )as pointing at !e. 5ha)n atte!pted to p%sh hi!sel& to his &eet( b%t he groaned and eased his body bac" to the gro%nd. "4o%7" he gro)led( glaring at !e. "4o%$ll regret this." "No ' )on$t(" ' said boldly( e en tho%gh !y oice )as sha"ing. 5ha)n ne er lo)ered the g%n pointed at !e. "Holly( ' don$t %nderstand )hy yo% don$t )ant to co!e )ith !e. ' )asn$t going to h%rt yo%." "#asn$t?" 5ha)n narro)ed his eyes. "A&ter the )ay yo%$ e acted tonight( ' thin" yo% deser e p%nish!ent." "P%nish!ent?" ' cried shrilly. "' deser e p%nish!ent? A&ter yo% "idnapped !y best &riend( al!ost "illed the !an yo% "no) ' lo e( and shot Jere!y? And ' still deser e p%nish!ent? 1or )hat? 1or not )anting to go )ith a creep li"e yo%? 5ha)n( yo% better listen to !e. '$! not Holly Pierce. '$! Holly E ers. '$! not in lo e )ith yo%( nor )ill ' e er be. 4o% don$t "no) !e( 5ha)n6" 5ha)n ga e !e a harsh glare. "Co!e here."

"No6" "1ine( yo% lea e !e no choice." 5ha)n read0%sted the g%n in his hand. ' &elt !y heart drop. "5ha)n( don$t7" "'& ' can$t ha e yo%( no one can(" he told !e( re!inding !e o& one o& the !any horror !o ies Casey( Lance( and ' )atched last s%!!er. E3cept this )asn$t a horror !o ie. This )as !y li&e. 2e&ore ' co%ld protest( ' )atched as 5ha)n$s &inger s*%ee-ed the trigger. ' cried o%t( raising !y hands to co er !y &ace( e en tho%gh ' "ne) that )o%ldn$t help anything. ' co%ld &eel the b%llet tearing thro%gh !y s"in( ready to render !e %seless.

1'1T4,THREE #hen 5ha)n s)ore hea ily( !y eyes shot open. ' scanned !y body( reali-ing ' )as co!pletely %nhar!ed. #hat happened? A d%d? .id he r%n o%t o& a!!o? #hate er happened( l%c" )as on !y side. 5ha)n s%ddenly ch%c"ed the g%n at !e and it 0%st barely hit !y sho%lder. ' )inced and 0er"ed a)ay. 5ha)n )as trying to stand %p again. ' didn$t )aste any !ore ti!e. "Holly( '$! going to get yo%6" 5ha)n sho%ted at !e. ' sprinted &or the door( in !y soc"s( a pair o& bo3ers( and !y shirt. Casey had le&t it open so ' didn$t stop as ' b%rst thro%gh it. 'nstead o& &eeling &ree( ' &elt pain as ' ran into so!eone ro%ghly. ' screa!ed and !y eyes shot open as ' staggered bac")ards( co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith Jere!y. /y screa! abr%ptly stopped( and ' gasped. "Jere!y6 ' tho%ght+" ' cho"ed o%t( ca%ght %p )ith e!otion. "No ti!e to e3plain no) Holly(" Jere!y c%t !e o&&( loo"ing o er !e. "#e$ e got to go+ Holly( )here are yo%r pants?" "<h7" "Ne er !ind(" Jere!y said *%ic"ly( grabbing !y )rist. "#e$ e got to go no). The cops )ill be here any second." Together )e h%rried &or Jere!y$s car( )hich )as r%nning and ready to go. /y !ind )as racing. Jere!y )as ali e? 2%t ho)? He had been shot6 ' didn$t e en see any blood on hi!6

"'n the car(" Jere!y de!anded( h%rrying to the dri er$s seat. ' opened the door to the bac"( &inding /r. Hey)ood spra)led o%t o er the seats. 2eing as gentle as possible ' raised his head and slid in( placing his head do)n in !y lap. Jere!y hopped into the &ront and too" sla!!ed on the g%ess. "Here(" Casey said breathlessly( t%rning and tossing !e her s)eatshirt as Jere!y &loored it. ".o ' e en )ant to "no) )here yo%r pants are?" "Nope." ' ca%ght the s)eatshirt and li&ted %p /r. Hey)ood$s head again( p%shing the s)eatshirt bet)een his head and !y lap be&ore setting his head do)n again. The gash on his &orehead ca%ght !y attention again and ' &elt !y heart start to po%nd &aster again. ' gently placed !y hand on the side o& his &orehead )itho%t any )o%nds. "Ho)$d yo% g%ys escape?" ' as"ed. Casey t%rned to grin at !e. "'t$s a good thing ' had a bobby pin." "4o% pic"ed the loc"?" "'$! not totally %seless(" Casey co!!ented )ith a shr%g. ' co%ldn$t help b%t grin at her. "Nope. And than" god yo%$re not. No)7 Jere!y( ho) are yo% so o"ay a&ter being shot?" ' as"ed( t%rning to loo" at Jere!y. He t%rned and s!ir"ed at !e. ".idn$t ' tell yo% ' had a &e) tric"s %p !y slee e?" "Eyes on the road6" Casey co!!anded( !a"ing Jere!y roll his eyes. "2%lletproo& est(" Jere!y ans)ered the *%estion ' )as abo%t to as". "'t )asn$t li"e ' )as %nprepared." ' raised an eyebro). "5o7 )ait. 4o% )ere 0%st rando!ly )earing a b%lletproo& est?" Jere!y la%ghed. "No( ' 0%st had a bad &eeling this !orning( so ' p%t it on." "4o%$re )eird." "'t sa ed !y li&e( didn$t it?" ' s!iled slightly. "4eah( it did. That really scared !e tho%gh."

"' co%ld tell &ro! yo%r oice(" Jere!y co!!ented( so%nding a!%sed. "Jere!y6 Jere!y6" he !i!ic"ed in a high,pitched tone. A bl%sh !ade its$ )ay onto !y &ace and ' glared at the bac" o& Jere!y$s head. "'t$s not &%nny6 ' really )as )orried abo%t yo%6" "' "no)(" Jere!y told !e( all play&%lness gone. "Than" yo%." ' lo)ered !y ga-e. "4o% don$t need to than" !e7" The large gash on /r. Hey)ood$s head s%ddenly ca%ght !y ision( !a"ing !e s%c" in a *%ic" breath. "#hat are )e going to tell the hospital?" Jere!y glanced at !e thro%gh the rear, ie) )indo). "1or Chris? /y plan )as to say that he )as in his shed( slipped( and landed on a sho el." ' stared at Jere!y. "4o%$re "idding." Jere!y shoo" his head. "Nope." "2%t that$s so7 That$s so %nli"e /r. Hey)ood6" "' "no)(" Jere!y co!!ented )ith a grin. A s!all la%gh escaped !y lips( b%t ' i!!ediately sh%t !y !o%th. This )asn$t the ti!e to be la%ghing. E en tho%gh )e had escaped 5ha)n( /r. Hey)ood )as still serio%sly in0%red. #ho "ne) i& he$d e en )a"e %p? A s!all groan e!itted &ro! the !an( contradicting !y tho%ghts and !a"ing !y heart s"ip a beat. ' bro%ght !y head closer to /r. Hey)ood$s( holding !y breath. Had ' 0%st been i!agining things? "/r. Hey)ood?" ' as"ed *%ietly. "Can yo% hear !e?" /r. Hey)ood !ade another groaning noise( and his eyes &l%ttered open. 1or a split second )e !ade eye contact( %ntil his eyes sh%t again. ' loo"ed %p at Jere!y( !y !o%th open. Casey )as t%rned aro%nd in her seat( loo"ing do)n at /r. Hey)ood )ith a )orried e3pression. "Holly?" /y eyes snapped bac" do)n at to !y lap. /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )ere opened again. "Holly?" he repeated.

"'t$s !e(" ' )hispered( &eeling !y eyes &eeling %p )ith tears. /r. Hey)ood raised his right ar!( pressing his hand to !y &ace. He c%pped !y chee"( and ran his th%!b bac" and &orth o er the s"in. #e hit a b%!p in the road and he )inced( letting o%t a groan o& pain( dropping his hand onto his chest. "Are yo% o"ay?" ' as"ed *%ic"ly. "Are yo% o"ay?" he responded( so%nding )ea". ' s!iled do)n at hi!( blin"ing the tears o%t o& !y ision. "'$! o"ay. /ore o"ay than yo% at least7" /r. Hey)ood s)allo)ed( sh%tting his eyes again. "5ha)n7" "5ha)n$s bac" at the )areho%se. The police )ill &ind hi!(" ' told hi!. "' )anted to protect yo%." /r. Hey)ood$s oice crac"ed and ' stared do)n at hi!( startled. 5ince )hen did /r. Hey)ood$s oice e er crac"? Once again ' &elt the o er)hel!ing %rge to cry. ' gripped /r. Hey)ood$s hand in !ine. Clenching !y 0a)( ' shoo" !y head at hi! igoro%sly. "/r. Hey)ood( yo% did protect !e(" ' )hispered( s*%ee-ing his hand. "E en tho%gh yo% )eren$t absol%tely s%re 5ha)n had !e or not( yo% still )ent to help !e. And yo% tried to &ight hi!( e en tho%gh yo% )ere hea ily in0%red. '$! so sorry ' didn$t tell yo% earlier ' )as recei ing te3ts &ro! hi!. #e co%ld ha e a oided this all together. '$! sorry(" ' repeated( letting tears spill do)n !y &ace again. /r. Hey)ood opened his eyes again( ga-ing at !e )ith s!oldering eyes. "Ho) is it yo%$re crying )hen '$! the one )ho )ants to?" "#e all "no) it$s not h%!anly possible &or yo% to cry(" Jere!y co!!ented( !a"ing !y heart leap into !y throat. A bl%sh *%ic"ly appeared on !y &ace. 't had totally escaped !y !ind that Jere!y and Casey )ere still in the car6 ' "ept !y ga-e &i3ed on the b%tton to the )indo)( e!barrass!ent !a"ing !e hot. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "There$s the bl%sh ' lo e(" he co!!ented *%ietly. "That$s !%ch better than the tears. /%ch !ore &itting( Holly." ' bl%shed dar"er( !a"ing /r. Hey)ood ch%c"le again.

"As !%ch as ' lo e hearing yo%r sappy tal"( )e$re al!ost at the hospital. Holly( )o%ld yo% !ind telling Chris )hat he$s going to tell the doctors?" ' glared at Jere!y( )ho )as s!ir"ing. He )o%ld !a"e !e tell /r. Hey)ood that. "4o%( %!7 )ere in yo%r barn and yo% slipped( and &ell on a sho el(" ' !%ttered( %nable to loo" /r. Hey)ood in the eye. "#hat?" "4o% )ere in yo%r barn+" "' heard )hat yo% said(" /r. Hey)ood snapped( irritation dripping in his oice. "#hose st%pid idea )as that?" Jere!y )histled &ro! the &ront. "Not !ine." "4es it )as(" Casey and ' said together. /r. Hey)ood groaned. "That$s the la!est thing '$ e e er heard. 'sn$t there so!ething else?" Jere!y glanced at /r. Hey)ood thro%gh the rear, ie) !irror. "Can yo% thin" o& anything? Or do yo% )ant to go )ith( $oh( ' got hit o er the head by a sho el )hile ' )asn$t loo"ing and ' )as "noc"ed o%t &or a &e) ho%rs. Then ' )as p%nched in the sa!e place.$?" /r. Hey)ood sco)led. "5ha)n7 That bastard. He %sed s%ch a dirty tric"." "/r. Hey)ood( yo% sho%ld 0%st go )ith the sho el e3c%se(" Casey inter0ected. "' thin" ' spea" &or %s all )hen ' say )e 0%st )ant to !a"e this as si!ple as possible." "1ine(" /r. Hey)ood responded gr%!pily. J%st then a police car )hi--ed by %s( its$ light &lashing( and siren )ailing. Casey and ' e3changed startled glances. Jere!y tightened his grip on the steering )heel and "ept dri ing. 5econds later another cop car &lashed by. "Hope&%lly 5ha)n is still there(" ' !%r!%red( t%rning !y head to loo" o%t the bac". "/aybe this )ill be an end to e erything7" #e arri ed at the hospital in no ti!e. Jere!y dro e straight %p to the entrance( sh%tting o&& the car and hopping o%t o& it. He )ent aro%nd to the bac"( and helped /r. Hey)ood

o%t o& the car. ' cli!bed o%t too( going to help Casey. Jere!y n%dged !e in the sho%lder be&ore ' co%ld start )al"ing to)ards the b%ilding "Holly(" ' heard /r. Hey)ood start( anger in his oice. "#here are yo%r pants?" ' bl%shed hea ily( &eeling sel&,conscio%s. 't had slipped !y !ind that ' )asn$t )earing pants or shoes. "'$ll e3plain later( /r. Hey)ood." ' really didn$t )ant to tell hi! )hat happened right no). "Holly( tell !e." "Later( it$s nothing bad(" ' ass%red hi!. "1or no)( let$s 0%st go in the hospital." "8i e !e Casey( yo% ta"e Chris(" Jere!y s%ddenly ordered( !a"ing !e loo" at hi! in s%rprise. "2%t+" Jere!y shoo" his head. "No protesting." #ith that( he &orced /r. Hey)ood to p%t an ar! aro%nd !e( and %nlatched Casey$s ar! &ro! !e( p%tting an ar! aro%nd her )aist to s%pport her. ' str%ggled %nder /r. Hey)ood$s )eight. "/r. Hey)ood7 Co%ld yo% s%pport yo%rsel& a little !ore?" "Holly( go o er there(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( pointing to the corner o& the b%ilding. "Aro%nd the corner." ' t%rned !y head slightly to loo" at /r. Hey)ood. "#hat? #hy? #e need to get yo% in right no)+" /r. Hey)ood sighed. "Holly( 0%st go. No)." ' sco)led( b%t obeyed /r. Hey)ood( shooting a loo" at Jere!y. He raised an eyebro)( )atching as ' staggered o&& to the edge o& the b%ilding. /r. Hey)ood slo)ly too" on !ore o& his o)n )eight( still "eeping a tight grasp on !e. He ordered !e to go aro%nd the corner. ' did as he said. "Are yo% o"ay?" ' loo"ed at /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise. He &orced !e to drag hi! all the )ay o er her so he co%ld as" !e i& ' )as o"ay? "'$! &ine7"

"'$! sorry( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed s%ddenly( raising his right hand to !y &ace( c%pping !y chee". "This )ill be the last ti!e." "Last ti!e &or )hat+" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly leaned in closer to !e( and ' co%ld s!ell his cologne as ' inhaled sharply &ro! the s%dden pro3i!ity. A hint o& a s!ir" played at his lips be&ore he pressed the! against !ine so&tly. 1or a !o!ent ' )as &ro-en in shoc"( !y eyes )ide( !y heart stopping. Then /r. Hey)ood c%pped !y nec" )ith his &ree hand( and ' let !ysel& rela3 into the "iss( !y heart 0%!p,starting again( and !y eyes closing. His lips )ere slightly chapped( b%t s%rprisingly so&t as they !o ed against !ine. 5ho ing !y e!barrass!ent to the side( ' bro%ght !y ar!s aro%nd hi! and p%lled !ysel& closer( !y head &eeling light. All too soon he p%lled a)ay( staring at !e &or a !o!ent. O%r ga-es loc"ed( and ' bl%shed %nder the intensity o& his s!oldering eyes. /y !ind )as blan". No !atter ho) hard ' tried( ' co%ldn$t &or! a coherent tho%ght. /r. Hey)ood "issed !e+ and not &or blac"!ail( or beca%se he )as &e er drea!ing. ' opened !y !o%th to spea"( b%t /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head( bringing his lips to !ine again( this ti!e a little bit harder. There )as an acrid taste to his "iss( b%t ' ignored it &or the ti!e being( bringing !y hand %p to his head to r%n it thro%gh his hair. 5%ddenly he p%lled a)ay( hissing in pain( dropping his hands a)ay &ro! !y &ace. ' abr%ptly stepped a)ay &ro! hi!( !y heart po%nding &ro! the "iss. "A,are yo% o"ay?" /r. Hey)ood pressed a hand to his &orehead. "'$! o"ay." His eyes slid o%t o& &oc%s &or a !in%te and he )inced. "#e sho%ld bring yo% in no)(" ' said( loo"ing at hi! in concern. "4o%$re loo"ing pale7" /r. Hey)ood stared at !e &or a !o!ent( his lips p%rsed. "'$! not done." ' bl%shed( "no)ing )hat he !eant. "/r. Hey)ood( %!( ' 0%st+ 4o% need !edical attention." "4o% don$t )ant !e to "iss yo% again?" "No6" ' said *%ic"ly. "' do6 2,b%t yo% need+ and yo%$re still bleeding a,and yo%+" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( p%tting a hand to !y lips again. "4o%$re so c%te )hen yo%$re &l%stered." Then he leaned &or)ard again( and &or a second ' tho%ght he )as going to "iss !e again( b%t instead he nodded( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder. "O"ay( let$s go bac"." ' nodded( letting hi! )rap an ar! aro%nd !e again. That )as the last ti!e ' )o%ld e er re&%se to "iss /r. Hey)ood. As ' too" the &irst step bac" to the &ront o& the hospital '

&ro-e( !y heart 0%!ping into o erdri e as !y brain &inally registered /r. Hey)ood$s earlier )ords. This )ill be the last ti!e. "/r. Hey)ood7" "H!!?" ' cl%tched hi! tightly( &eeling !y hands sha"ing. "4o%$re not going to7 lea e( are yo%?" ' )hispered. /r. Hey)ood$s eyes )idened in s%rprise. "#hat?" "4o% said that )o%ld be the last ti!e(" ' pointed o%t( &eeling an3io%s. /r. Hey)ood stared at !e &or a !o!ent( be&ore sighing. "Holly+" ' shoo" !y head. "No6 /r. Hey)ood6 '$ e said be&ore ' don$t are ho) dangero%s it is6 ' "no) '$! being sel&ish( b%t7" /r. Hey)ood p%t a hand to !y lips. "'$! being sel&ish( Holly." ' ga e hi! a *%estioning loo". "' didn$t !ean that )o%ld be the last ti!e '$d "iss yo%(" he told !e( a!%se!ent shining in his eye &or a !o!ent. "' !eant that )o%ld be that last ti!e '$d "iss yo% )itho%t yo%r per!ission." Relie& )ashed thro%gh !e i!!ediately( and ' started la%ghing. /r. Hey)ood re!o ed his hand &ro! !y !o%th. "Holly( ' "no) ' probably sho%ldn$t say this( b%t e en tho%gh yo%$re in danger by being )ith !e( ' don$t )ant yo% to stay a)ay(" /r. Hey)ood ad!itted. "'t$s sel&ish( b%t it$s ho) ' &eel. '$ e al)ays been a sel&ish !an( any)ay." Casey and Jere!y entered !y ision again( )aiting patiently by the &ront o& the hospital. "' )o%ldn$t go e en i& yo% &orced !e(" ' ass%red /r. Hey)ood *%ietly. "Tr%st !e." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "Alright." Jere!y )agged his eyebro)s at !e as )e gre) closer. ' did !y best to "eep !y &ace co!posed.

"#hy are yo% loo"ing at !e li"e that?" ' de!anded )hen )e )ere close eno%gh. Jere!y s!ir"ed. "#hat )ent on bac" there?" "#e had a *%ic" chat(" ' lied( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. L%c"ily it )as dar"( so ' didn$t thin" Jere!y noticed. "<h,h%h(" Jere!y co!!ented. "5%re7" "Ne er !ind(" ' said *%ic"ly. "Let$s 0%st get /r. Hey)ood and Casey chec"ed o%t." "<!!( Holly?" Casey started( so%nding li"e she )as going to la%gh. "#hat?" "' don$t thin" yo% sho%ld go in the hospital(" she told !e. "4o%$re in yo%r %nder)ear( re!e!ber?" 1or the billionth ti!e that night( ' &elt !y &ace &l%shing. Jere!y started la%ghing( loo"ing do)n at !y bo3er,clad botto! hal&. "5top staring6" ' cried( crossing !y legs. "Jere!y6 4o% per ert6" Jere!y contin%ed la%ghing( b%t did loo" a)ay. "Holly( yo% sho%ld probably )ait in the car. ' can handle Chris and Casey." 2egr%dgingly( ' handed /r. Hey)ood o&& to Jere!y. "1ine(" ' gr%!bled. "8i e !e yo%r car "eys." Jere!y d%g o%t his car "eys and tossed the! to !e. ".on$t go any)here." "' )on$t(" ' pro!ised hi!. "' 0%st don$t )ant to &ree-e." Jere!y ran his eyes to !y legs again( s!ir"ing. "#ell( !aybe i& yo% "ept yo%r pants on +" "5h%t %p6" "O)6" Jere!y cried as /r. Hey)ood sla!!ed his &ist into Jere!y$s sho%lder. "2ring !e in the da!n hospital(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered. "/y head is "illing !e." "4es( yo%r highness(" Jere!y responded. "5ee yo% soon( Holly."

"2ye(" ' responded &latly. Jere!y &eigned a h%rt loo". "5tay sa&e(" /r. Hey)ood said( his eyes piercing into !ine. ' nodded( s)allo)ing ner o%sly. "' hope e erything goes o"ay )ith yo%r head." "Nothing$s e er o"ay )ith his head(" Jere!y co!!ented in a singsong oice. /r. Hey)ood sla!!ed hi! in the sho%lder again. "5h%t %p and !o e."

1'1T4,1O<R #hen ' )o"e %p( ' &elt o erheated. ' stretched( ya)ning )idely. /y eyes shot open )ent ' to%ched so!ething+ or so!eone )ar!. ' sat %p *%ic"ly( loo"ing aro%nd at !y s%rro%ndings. ' )as de&initely not at ho!e. There )as a l%!p ne3t to !e( a person sleeping %nder the co ers. /y !ind )as racing. #hat happened last night? A&ter /r. Hey)ood( Jere!y( and Casey had disappeared into the hospital ' had gone bac" to Jere!y$s car7 and then )hat? ' co%ldn$t re!e!ber. #hen had ' &allen asleep? ' loo"ed aro%nd the roo! again and reali-ed )ith a 0olt )here ' )as. /r. Hey)ood$s ho%se. 5o that !eant7 8ripping the co!&orter tightly( ' )hipped it o&& the person ne3t to !e. #hen ' noticed it )as Jere!y( not /r. Hey)ood( ' shrie"ed( !o ing a)ay &ro! hi!. His eyes shot open( and he bolted %p( loo"ing aro%nd )idely. "#here$s the &ire?" he sho%ted( his !essy blonde hair e ery)here( co ering parts o& his &ace. "There is no &ire6" ' cried( grabbing a pillo) and p%lling it to !y chest. "#hat are yo% doing in the sa!e bed as !e?" Jere!y loo"ed at !e in con&%sion &or a &e) seconds. "Holly?" "That$s !e(" ' snapped( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "#hat are yo% doing in !y bed?" "Act%ally(" a ne) oice co!!ented( "' do belie e that$s !y bed."

/y head snapped in the direction o& the door)ay( )here /r. Hey)ood )as standing. He had large( )hite bandages )rapped aro%nd the top o& his head( and a deep bl%e br%ise %nder his le&t eye. He raised an eyebro) at !e( ta"ing a sip &ro! the co&&ee c%p in his hand. "#hat7?" ' trailed o&&( %ns%re o& )hat ' )as abo%t to as". Jere!y bo%nded o%t o& /r. Hey)ood$s bed( hopping to his &eet. "/orning( Chris6" /r. Hey)ood ga e Jere!y a hard loo". "'t$s a&ternoon." ' cli!bed o%t o& the bed as )ell( detangling !ysel& &ro! the sheets. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed at !e as ' did so. ' )as abo%t to as" hi! )hat he tho%ght )as so a!%sing )hen ' loo"ed do)n and noticed ' )as still in the bo3ers ' )as in last night. 1l%shing in e!barrass!ent ' *%ic"ly yan"ed the sheet o&& his bed and )rapped it aro%nd !e. "Casey and Lance are co!ing )ith clothing &or yo% soon(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e. "Casey and Lance?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "#e ha e a lot o& e3plaining to do )ith Casey7 And )e ha e a &e) other things to disc%ss." "Li"e )hat?" ' as"ed( narro)ing !y eyes in con&%sion. "#hat do yo% !ean?" /r. Hey)ood ignored !y *%estion. "#ant so!e brea"&ast?" /y sto!ach r%!bled as i& on c%e( and ' bl%shed again( ca%sing /r. Hey)ood and Jere!y to ch%c"le. "'t$s al!ost ready(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e. "Then7 can ' ta"e a *%ic" sho)er?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "5%re. 4o% can grab so!e clothing o%t o& !y dresser i& yo% )ant(" he in&or!ed !e. "That )ay yo% )on$t be changing bac" into dirty clothes." "A)( yo% t)o share clothes?" Jere!y teased( grinning. "That$s c%te." /r. Hey)ood 0a!!ed his elbo) into Jere!y$s side. "5h%t %p. 8o chec" on the bacon." Jere!y gr%!bled( b%t le&t the roo!. /r. Hey)ood stayed in the door)ay( ta"ing another sip &ro! his !%g.

"<!( )hat happened last night?" Another a!%sed s!ile appeared on /r. Hey)ood$s &ace. "#ell( it )as aro%nd &o%r in the !orning )hen they &inished &i3ing !e %p( and yo% )ere asleep in the car )hen )e &inally !ade it o%t( so )e didn$t )a"e yo% %p. Casey )ent ho!e( b%t Jere!y called yo%r !other and told her yo% )ere staying here &or the night." ' had to re!e!ber to than" Jere!y &or calling !y !o!. ' didn$t )ant her ha ing a heart attac" beca%se ' )as !issing. "O"ay7 5o )hy )as ' in the sa!e bed as Jere!y?" /r. Hey)ood sco)led. "' don$t "no). He )as s%pposed to be sleeping on the co%ch." "Oh( so he sn%c" in(" ' co!!ented( rolling !y eyes. "That$s 0%st li"e hi!. #here$d yo% sleep?" "Co%ch in the li ing roo!(" /r. Hey)ood told !e gr%!pily. "' ha e to be care&%l not to let !y head b%!p into anything." "#hat did the doctors say?" /r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "' 0%st needed so!e stitches( and ' g%ess ' ha e a !inor conc%ssion. No big deal. '$ e had )orse." "Oh." He$s had )orse? "#ant to ta"e a sho)er no)?" ' nodded !y head *%ic"ly. "4eah." #ar!( rela3ing )ater )as 0%st )hat ' needed right no). T)enty !in%tes later ' heard a "noc" on the bathroo! door. A &ro)n appeared on !y &ace( thin"ing it )as /r. Hey)ood telling !e it )as ti!e to get o%t. #hen ' heard a di&&erent oice ' blin"ed in s%rprise. "Holly? '$ e got yo%r clothes(" Lance yelled thro%gh the door. "'$! co!ing in." "#hat? Lance stay o%t6" ' cried( p%lling the sho)er c%rtain !ore sec%rely across the rod. Lance ignored !y de!ands( and ' heard the door open. 1ootsteps &illed the roo! and ' heard Lance co%gh. "/%ggy eno%gh in here?" "' li"e !y sho)ers hot(" ' responded si!ply( staying as &ar a)ay &ro! the c%rtain as possible. "8et o%t."

"'s Holly done in the sho)er no)? ' ha e to go to the bathroo!(" a ne) oice as"ed( and ' heard another pair o& &eet in !y bathroo!. "Nope." "Oh(" Jere!y responded. "Holly( do yo% !ind i& ' 0%st go+" ' )renched the top o& the sho)er c%rtain open( stic"ing only !y head o%t to glo)er at the boys by the sin". "4es. 4o% t)o. O%t. No)." "#hat are yo% g%ys doing in here?" /y eyes )ent past Jere!y and Lance to the door( )here Casey and /r. Hey)ood )ere no) standing. Casey loo"ed li"e she )as abo%t to start la%ghing )hile /r. Hey)ood$s eyebro)s &%rro)ed in con&%sion( and then he glared at Jere!y. Jere!y held %p his hands. "' didn$t "no) she )as in here( d%de." "8et o%t6" /r. Hey)ood and ' ordered at the sa!e ti!e. Jere!y )inced. "Oh( do%ble tea!ed. '$! going( '$! going(" he said( holding %p his hands. "Co!e on( Lance." Lance shr%gged( placing !y clothing on the sin" co%nter. "5%re." /r. Hey)ood loc"ed ga-es )ith !e &or a !o!ent. "/a"e s%re to loc" the door )hen yo% ta"e a sho)er in the &%t%re(" he s%ggested be&ore closing the door. ' bl%shed( p%lling !y head bac" %nder the spray o& hot )ater. .id that !ean he planned on !e ta"ing !ore sho)ers here? The tho%ght bro%ght a s!ile to !y &ace. ' t%rned o&& the sho)er and slipped o%t( drying and dressing !ysel& *%ic"ly. Jere!y( Lance( Casey( and /r. Hey)ood )ere all in the li ing roo! )hen ' &inally &inished getting ready. Lance )as in the recliner( Jere!y and Casey on the co%ch( and /r. Hey)ood on the other co%ch. /r. Hey)ood gest%red &or !e to ta"e a seat ne3t to hi!. A&ter a !o!ent o& hesitation ' )ent to the co%ch and too" a seat( sitting as &ar &ro! /r. Hey)ood as possible. #ith Casey( Jere!y( and Lance here( it )as s%re to be a)")ard eno%gh. "5o(" Jere!y said( clapping his hands together. "To sa e %s tro%ble today( '$ e already e3plained e erything abo%t the gang proble! to Casey." Lance and ' stared at Jere!y in horror. Casey grinned &ro! her seat ne3t to hi!.

"'$! so sorry Casey6" ' apologi-ed *%ic"ly. "' "no) it )as !ean to hide in &ro! yo%( and ' &eel really g%ilty &or lying and ' totally %nderstand i& yo% don$t )ant to be best &riends any!ore." Jere!y( Casey( and Lance ga e !e strange loo"s. "' don$t bla!e yo% &or hiding this &ro! !e(" Casey told !e slo)ly. "'t$s not really a big deal7" "Oh(" ' responded( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "'7 ' see7" /r. Hey)ood snic"ered and ' glared at hi!. He held %p his hand( t%rning his snic"er into a co%gh. "/y head in0%ry ca%ses !e to co%gh(" he told !e. "5%re it does." "Casey )e "ept it a secret so yo% )o%ldn$t get h%rt(" Lance told her. "#hich didn$t really )or"( b%t still." Casey la%ghed. "8%ys( chill. 't$s &ine. ' %nderstand. ' )o%ld ha e ne er g%essed yo% g%ys )o%ld be in ol ed )ith a gang tho%gh. Or that /r. Hey)ood )as an e3,gangster." /r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "That !eans '$! good at "eeping it a secret." "E3cept &or the part )here Holly &ind o%t(" Casey responded. "#ay to "eep yo%r secrecy there." "That )asn$t !y &a%lt." "2%t it still happened." /r. Hey)ood sco)led at Casey. "' li"e yo% better in class." "Holly li"es yo% all the ti!e." "Casey6" ' cried( staring at her incred%lo%sly. Jere!y b%rst o%t la%ghing( clapping Casey on the bac". "That )as a good one6" E en Lance grinned )idely.

"8%ys(" /r. Hey)ood started( loo"ing stern( b%t so%nding a!%sed. "Let$s "eep on topic( shall )e?" Jere!y nodded. "O"ay. ' ha e the ne)s on right no)( and '$ll ha e it on all day too. 4o% g%ys !a"e s%re to )atch it e ery ti!e yo% get the chance too." "#hy?" Casey( Lance( and ' chor%sed. "To see i& 5ha)n )as ca%ght(" Jere!y said( as i& stating the ob io%s. "Holly( )hen yo% and 5ha)n )ere alone last night( )hat happened?" ' lo)ered !y ga-e to the &loor. "Nothing !%ch7 5ha)n &ell thro%gh the stairs." Jere!y raised an eyebro). "#hat?" "' led hi! %pstairs( and he &ell thro%gh one o& the!(" ' e3plained. "That$s ho) ' escaped &ro! hi!." "And ho) e3actly did yo% lose yo%r pants?" "That$s7 %!7" Re&lecting %pon the !o!ent( it see!ed li"e a pretty st%pid l%c"y brea". /y &ace reddened. Ho) co%ld ' tell the! ' had to ta"e o&& !y pants to !a"e hi! &all? "Holly?" ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as gi ing !e an %n%s%ally concerned loo". "#hat?" ".id 5ha)n7 do anything to yo%?" ' coc"ed !y head to the side &or a !o!ent. .id 5ha)n do anything to !e? 't too" !e a !o!ent to reali-e )hat he !eant. ' *%ic"ly )a ed !y hands in &ront o& !y &ace. "No( no( no6 ' 0%st had to ta"e o&& !y pants to !a"e hi! &all." Jere!y snorted. "2ribery?" ' glared at hi!. "No6" "' )as 0o"ing(" Jere!y responded )ith a la%gh. "4o% ha e a br%ise on yo%r &orehead(" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected( shooting a dirty loo" at Jere!y. "Top right. Ho) did that happen?" 5%rprised( ' raised !y hand to !y &orehead and p%t press%re on it gently. #hen ' hit the br%ise( ' )inced. "O)6"

/r. Hey)ood tried to "eep his &ace straight( b%t ' co%ld tell he )as holding bac" a s!ir". "5o?" "<!!(" ' hesitated( thin"ing bac". "'t co%ld ha e been )hen ' tripped yo%$re yo%r leg7 Or )hen 5ha)n thre) his g%n at !e+" "5ha)n thre) his g%n at yo%?" Lance interr%pted. "5ha)n had a g%n?" Casey nodded. "He shot Jere!y )ith it." Lance )hipped aro%nd to stare at Jere!y( a con&%sed e3pression on his &ace. "4o% don$t7" "2%lletproo& est(" Jere!y told Lance )ith a grin. "2et yo% )ish yo% had one o& those the other night." Lance sco)led at Jere!y. "5h%t %p." "Holly( )hy did 5ha)n thro) the g%n at yo%?" Casey as"ed c%rio%sly( t%rning to !e. "'& ' )as hi!( ' )o%ld ha e 0%st shot yo%." "Casey6" 5he shr%gged( grinning sheepishly. "#hat? 4o% p%t yo%rsel& in his shoes. 'sn$t that )hat yo%$d do?" ' nodded !y head begr%dgingly. "4eah( ' g%ess ' )o%ld. And he did try to shoot !e7 2%t ' got l%c"y. Again. He ran o%t o& b%llets or so!ething." Jere!y la%ghed again. "That$s 0%st his l%c"." "5o )as 5ha)n i!!obile )hen yo% le&t hi!?" Lance as"ed. "4ep." "There$s a good chance that the police ca%ght hi! then." "4eah." Lance crossed his ar!s. "J%st in case tho%gh( '$! canceling !y phone. ' tho%ght '$d get it bac"( b%t ' didn$t reali-e 5ha)n had it7" He narro)ed his eyes acc%singly at !e. ' stared bac" at hi! in s%rprise. "#hat? Lance( no6 4o% can$t cancel it6"

"#hy not?" "That$s the only !eans o& co!!%nication ' ha e )ith hi!6" "#hich is )hy yo% need to get rid o& it(" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected( gi ing !e a stern loo". "The less interaction yo% ha e )ith 5ha)n( the better." "2%t /r. Hey)ood6 #hat i& so!ething li"e last night happens again? 5ha)n )on$t be able to reach !e+" /r. Hey)ood c%t !e o&&. "#hich is a good thing." "Not i& yo%( Jere!y( Casey( or Lance are getting h%rt6" ' protested. "#hat i& he te3ts Lance$s phone )ith a threat( and ' don$t recei e it( and one o& yo% gets h%rt?" /r. Hey)ood stayed silent( and ' *%ic"ly loo"ed aro%nd the roo!. Lance( Casey( and Jere!y )ere all gi ing !e sober loo"s. Casey che)ed on the botto! o& her lip( gi ing !e a hal&,s!ile. ".on$t tell !e7" ' started( !y eyes gro)ing )ide. ".o yo% g%ys thin" it$s better &or yo% to get h%rt than &or !e 0%st to tal" to 5ha)n?" "Holly+" ' shoo" !y head. "'t$s not 0%st abo%t !e6 #hy don$t yo% g%ys get that? 5ha)n isn$t 0%st a&ter !e. He$s a&ter all o& %s." /r. Hey)ood p%t his hand on !y sho%lder( silencing !e. "Holly( none o& %s are going to ha e contact )ith 5ha)n. That )ay )e$re all sa&e." ' stared at /r. Hey)ood. "2%t7" "2%t )hat( Holly?" Lance cried in e3asperation. "There is no b%t6" "'t$s dangero%s still(" ' protested )ea"ly. Lance shoo" his head. "No( it$s dangero%s to ha e contact )ith hi!. .o yo% )ant another repeat o& last night?" "No6" "Then that$s that."

' )anted to protest( b%t ' "ept !y !o%th sh%t. They didn$t %nderstand )hat ' )as trying to say. #o%ldn$t it be better to ha e a )arning than so!ething happening o%t o& the bl%e? Li"e )hen Lance got shot? Jere!y sighed( p%tting his head on the bac" o& the co%ch. "Holly( yo% )orry too !%ch." "5orry ' care(" ' snapped( &eeling %pset. Jere!y shoo" his head. "Chances are 5ha)n$s in 0ail no)( so it doesn$t !atter. Holly( ' "no) yo%$re thin"ing it$s sa&er to ha e a )arning &ro! 5ha)n( b%t )hat i& he lied? #hat i& he said( &or e3a!ple( he has Lance and he )ants yo% to go to hi! other)ise he$ll h%rt Lance( )hen he really doesn$t ha e Lance?" ' stared at Jere!y in con&%sion. "Can yo% repeat that?" "Li"e in Harry Potter(" Casey inter0ected( loo"ing e3cited. "#hen Bold+" "He,#ho,/%st,Not,2e,Na!ed6" Jere!y hissed( loo"ing aro%nd in !oc" horror. Casey rolled her eyes. "#hen He,#ho,/%st,Not,2e,Na!ed told Harry he had 5iri%s( and )hen Harry )ent to sa e 5iri%s it t%rned o%t Bold+" "He,#ho,/%st,Not,2e,Na!ed(" /r. Hey)ood 0o"ed( grinning as Jere!y clapped his hands o er his ears. ' had the %rge to la%gh( b%t instead ' 0%st grinned. "4eah( Casey. The .ar" Lord$s na!e !%st not be said." "Bolde!ort(" Casey said *%ic"ly be&ore anyone co%ld interr%pt her again( "ne er had 5iri%s7 And )e both "no) ho) that ended." /y grin dropped. "Oh." There )as an a)")ard silence in the roo! no). Lance cleared his throat *%ietly( and Jere!y started )histling the Harry Potter the!e song. /r. Hey)ood e ent%ally 0oined in( and so did Casey. "1ine(" ' &inally gr%!bled( rolling !y eyes at their antics. "Lance( sh%t o&& yo%r phone." "'$! doing that right a&ter )e$re done here(" he told !e( nodding his head. "5o i& 5ha)n act%ally is ca%ght7 .oes that !ean this )hole gang proble! is o er and done )ith?" Casey as"ed( &%rro)ing her eyebro)s.

' blan"ed at her *%estion. That )as e3actly )hat it !eant. There )o%ld be no !ore danger( or threats( or being paranoid. ' glanced at Jere!y( )ho had the sa!e e3pression ' had on. He blin"ed at !e( opening his !o%th and saying nothing. Lance )as starting to grin. ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( e3pecting to see a relie ed e3pression( b%t instead he had a hard loo". "That$s e3actly )hat it !eans(" /r. Hey)ood told Casey( setting his 0a). "Let$s hope that$s )hat happened." ' coc"ed !y head. "#hat are yo%7?" "There$s al)ays the chance 5ha)n got a)ay(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( con&ir!ing !y tho%ghts. ' shoo" !y head. "No )ay6 He co%ldn$t !o e and the cops ca!e not e en &i e !in%tes later." Jere!y p%rsed his lips. "The chances are lo)( b%t there$s still the slight possibility." "#hich is )hy )e "eep an eye on the ne)s and the ne)spaper(" Lance thre) in. "There$ll de&initely be so!ething abo%t the )areho%se." "5o%nds easy eno%gh(" Casey said( shr%gging. "' don$t %s%ally )atch TB( b%t once in a)hile is o"ay." "#e sho%ldn$t all )atch the sa!e channel(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( glancing at his T.B. "Lance( )hy don$t yo% go to yo%r ho%se and )atch channel ten? Jere!y( yo% go )atch channel three( and Casey yo% )atch channel &i e. '$ e got it on channel si3." Jere!y( Casey( and Lance nodded( obli io%s to the &act that /r. Hey)ood didn$t assign !e a channel. 2e&ore ' co%ld as" /r. Hey)ood anything( Jere!y spo"e. "5o )e sho%ld do that right a)ay(" he said( p%shing hi!sel& o&& the co%ch. "Casey( gi e !e yo%r cell phone." Casey ga e Jere!y a *%estioning loo". "#hy?" "' need yo%r phone n%!ber to contact yo% i& ' &ind so!ething( and ice ersa. '$ll gi e yo% Chris$s too( and then yo% can te3t Chris so he has yo%r n%!ber(" Jere!y e3plained. "Lance( do yo% ha e a ho%se phone?" "'$ll be pic"ing %p a ne) cell phone )hile ' cancel !y old one(" Lance responded( loo"ing gr%!py. "#aste o& !y !oney7"

"He has a ho%se phone(" ' told Jere!y( sha"ing !y head at Lance. .idn$t he "no) they$d replace his phone &or &ree? "'$ll te3t yo% the n%!ber." Jere!y nodded. "Alright( then )e are all in contact." "4ep(" the rest o& %s chor%sed. "Then let$s go(" Jere!y ordered( clapping his hands. He t%rned to !e. "Holly( )ant a ride ho!e )ith !e?" ' ga e hi! a )ary loo". "4o% dri e li"e a !aniac7" "'$! not that bad(" he protested( grinning. "' li e li"e( t)o doors do)n &ro! her(" Lance told Jere!y. "'$ e got her." Jere!y loo"ed disappointed. "1ine." ' la%ghed. "5orry( Jere!y( !aybe ne3t ti!e." Jere!y shr%gged( heading to)ards the door. "'$ll tal" to yo% g%ys later(" he called( )a ing o er his sho%lder. "4o% ready?" Lance as"ed( loo"ing at Casey( and then !e. "4ep(" Casey responded. ' glanced at /r. Hey)ood( and blin"ed in s%rprise )hen ' &o%nd hi! staring intensely at !e. "<!7" He s!ir"ed. "Lance( ' ha e to tal" to Holly &or a bit. 4o% and Casey go ahead( and '$ll bring Holly ho!e a&ter." Lance &ro)ned. "#hy can$t yo% tal" to her in &ront o& %s?" Casey rolled her eyes( sho ing Lance$s sho%lder( and steering hi! to)ards the door. "5h%t %p( Lance. Let$s go." "2%t+" "No b%ts(" Casey said &ir!ly( sending !e a secret s!ile. 5he )in"ed. "Ha e &%n( yo% t)o."

' bl%shed( d%c"ing !y head. '& it )asn$t Jere!y( it )as Casey. Lance thre) an apprehensi e loo" at !e b%t ' )a ed hi! a)ay. "2ye Lance( bye Case." "' still thin"+" Lance started( b%t Casey "ic"ed hi!. "9eep )al"ing(" she ordered. ' grinned a&ter the!. Then the &act that /r. Hey)ood and ' )ere all alone hit !e( and ' held !y breath. This )as the &irst ti!e )e )ere alone since the other night. A bl%sh tried to !a"e its$ )ay to !y &ace( b%t ' &orced it a)ay. There )as nothing to be e!barrassed abo%t7 That )asn$t e en a &raction o& !y &eelings. ' *%ic"ly s!ac"ed !y hands to !y chee"s. ' had to stop thin"ing. /r. Hey)ood )as gi ing !e a &%nny loo" )hen ' t%rned to hi!. "2%g(" ' lied )ith a tiny s!ile. "5o( )hat$d yo% )ant to tal" abo%t?" /r. Hey)ood$s e3pression s%ddenly t%rned sole!n and ' &elt !y heart drop. '!!ediately !y pal!s beca!e s)eaty( and ' &orced !ysel& to stay cal!. His e3pression didn$t !ean anything. He hadn$t e en said a )ord yet. There )as nothing to be ner o%s abo%t. "Holly( be&ore ' start tal"ing ' )ant yo% to consider e erything ' say( o"ay?" /r. Hey)ood started( gi ing !e a serio%s loo". "No !atter ho) yo% &eel abo%t it." "O,o"ay(" ' said *%ietly. #hat did he )ant to tal" abo%t? "There$s t)o things ' )ant to tal" abo%t(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( as i& reading !y tho%ghts. "One o& the!( yo% )on$t li"e. The second( )e need to thin" care&%lly thro%gh." ' bit !y lip. "Alright7" "5o do yo% )ant the bad or good &irst?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed )ith a )ry grin. ' too" a deep breath and let it o%t slo)ly. 't )as better to get the )orse o er and done )ith. "2ad."

1'1T4,1'BE "#illis and ' bro"e %p."

/y eyes b%lged and ' nearly cho"ed on the spoon&%l o& chic"en noodle so%p ' )as abo%t to s)allo). 't scalded !y !o%th and ' *%ic"ly s)allo)ed( !y eyes tearing %p. "#hat?" ' &inally cho"ed o%t. Casey sat across &ro! !e( loo"ing abnor!ally cal! a&ter the sentence she had 0%st %ttered. 5he hal&,s!iled at !e."He "ind o& got angry )ith !e a&ter ' ditched hi! at the &air the other night7" ' loo"ed at her in horror. "#hat? 2%t yo% didn$t ditch. 4o% )ere "idnapped6" "' co%ldn$t e3actly tell hi! that( co%ld '?" Casey responded( s!iling )ryly. '!!ediately ' &elt g%ilty. Casey co%ldn$t tell anyone abo%t the gang( so she co%ldn$t e3plain the tr%th to #illis. "Oh( Casey. '$! so sorry. This is all !y &a%lt+" ".on$t )orry abo%t it(" Casey c%t !e o&&( sha"ing her head. "'t$s not yo%r &a%lt." "4es it is(" ' !%ttered gl%!ly. "4o% and #illis )ere together &or so long7" Casey shr%gged. "/aybe too long. 1or the last &e) )ee"s it &elt li"e )e )ere !ore li"e &riends than boy&riend and girl&riend. #illis tho%ght so too( so ' g%ess this is &or the good." "'$! sorry( Case(" ' apologi-ed again( &ro)ning at her. E en i& she see!ed o"ay on the o%tside( ' "ne) Casey better than that. "4o%$ll &ind so!eone ne)7" Casey rolled her eyes. "5%re( b%t not &or a &e) !onths. '$d li"e to stay single &or a)hile." "2eing single is &%n(" ' told her energetically. "4o% get to &%ss o er c%te g%ys )itho%t &eeling g%ilty6" Casey s!ir"ed. "4eah( )ell no) ' can$t do that )ith !y best &riend( can '?" ' blin"ed at her in s%rprise. "H%h?" "4o% didn$t reply to any o& !y te3ts last night( and yo%$re in a &righteningly good !ood. 't doesn$t ta"e a geni%s to &ig%re o%t )hat happened a&ter Lance and ' le&t the other night." /y chee"s bla-ed. "N,nothing happened6" "4o% can$t lie to !e( Holly(" Casey responded )ith a chee"y grin. No) that$s so!ething ' ha en$t heard be&ore( ' tho%ght sarcastically. A s!ile spread across !y lips. "4o% can$t tell anyone( Casey."

Casey held %p her hands. "Holly( ' ne er tell secrets." #hich )as co!pletely tr%e. ' gest%red &or her to co!e closer( and she leaned o er the table( bringing her head as close to !ine as possible. Closing the space bet)een %s( ' bro%ght !y head to her ear and %ttered t)o si!ple )ords. "#e$re together." Casey let o%t an e3cited s*%eal( p%lling a)ay &ro! !e( her eyes as )ide as sa%cers. "5erio%sly?" "5erio%sly." "Oh !y god6 That$s a)eso!e6" she g%shed. "' "ne) it )as going to happen6 ' told yo%6" ' la%ghed at her e3cite!ent. "4o% did." "'t$s abo%t ti!e(" a oice co!!ented &ro! abo e !e. Casey$s eyes snapped to Lance( )ho )as standing abo e !e( &ro)ning. ' rolled !y eyes at hi!. "4o% can$t tell anyone(" Casey told Lance( gi ing hi! a serio%s loo". "This is really i!portant." Lance held %p his hands. "'$! not going to tell a so%l. 2%t Casey( #illis 0%st told !e that yo% g%ys bro"e %p." "That$s beca%se )e did." "Are yo% o"ay?" Lance as"ed( gi ing Casey a concerned loo". Casey )a ed her hand. ".on$t )orry abo%t !e. 't )as going to happen any)ay. 2esides( as o%r relationship ended( a better one started. O&&icially( at least." "#ell( )e aren$t really o&&icial(" ' !%ttered( stirring !y so%p. "'t$s a secret( re!e!ber?" Casey grinned at !e. "/ore than one person "no)s( so technically it is o&&icial. Ah( a &orbidden ro!ance. Ho) ro!antic." Lance snorted. "4o% !ean creepy." ' sla!!ed !y elbo) into his sto!ach. "'t$s not creepy6" Lance groaned( ta"ing a &e) steps a)ay &ro! !e.

"4eah6 Holly and yo%,"no),)ho are only &o%r year apart. /y parents are ten years apart(" Casey de&ended. Lance &ro)ned( still r%bbing his sto!ach. "' )as "idding( 0ee-." He too" a seat ne3t to !e( stealing the crac"ers that had co!e )ith !y so%p. "5o 5ha)n$s in 0ail &or a long ti!e( h%h?" "No(" Casey responded be&ore ' co%ld. Lance and ' stared at her in s%rprise. 5he ga e %s the are,yo%,st%pid loo". "E ery !an is innocent %ntil pro en g%ilty. He$s got a trial this )ee"end. .on$t yo% ha e to go to it Lance?" Lance shr%gged. "#ell yeah. 2%t he$s in 0ail right no)( so that$s all that !atters..." "#hat !atters is that )e don$t ha e to deal )ith the gang sit%ation again. E er(" ' corrected con&idently. Casey( Lance( and ' stared at each other &or a !o!ent. Lance and Casey loo"ed relie ed( s!all s!iles slo)ly crossing their &aces. 't )as hard to belie e. 5ha)n )as gone. ".ece!ber$s going to be a good !onth(" Lance decided( grinning. Casey nodded in agree!ent. "A ery good !onth. 1%ll o& lo e( eh( Holly?" ' bl%shed( d%c"ing !y head. "/aybe(" ' !%r!%red bash&%lly. "Or a !onth o& &lirting( &or the single people." Casey and Lance e3changed grins. "5o%nds good." 5ighing contently( ' dipped !y spoon bac" into !y so%p. J%st as ' po%red the spoon&%l into !y !o%th( the bell rang. Lance i!!ediately stood %p( glancing at !e )ith a!%sed eyes. "2etter h%rry." ".on$t be late &or /r. Hey)ood(" Casey teased( ca%sing !e to cho"e again. ' th%!ped !y hand on the table( once again ha ing the so%p scald !y throat and bring tears to !y eyes. Casey )as going to end %p "illing !e one day. 5he la%ghed be&ore also p%shing a)ay &or! the table( 0oining Lance( and then &ollo)ing hi! to)ards the throng o& st%dents lea ing the ca&eteria. ' *%ic"ly grabbed !y tray and h%rried to the &ront o& the roo!( handing o&& !y tray to the l%nch lady. 5he ga e !e a "no)ing s!ile( as i& she "ne) ' )as going to be late. T)irling on !y heel( ' h%rried to)ards the e3it. ' only got three &eet be&ore so!eone ran into !e. A groan o& &r%stration le&t !y !o%th and ' loo"ed %p to glare at the person. Ja!es )as loo"ing at !e in s%rprise.

"Holly?" "Hey(" ' greeted( stepping aro%nd hi!. "2etter h%rry( or yo%$ll be late." "4o%$re going to be late any)ay(" he in&or!ed !e( handing his tray to the l%nch lady. "' "no)." He grinned at !e. "There$s strength in n%!bers." The bell rang ten seconds be&ore )e entered the classroo!. /r. Hey)ood )as in the !iddle o& a sentence. He pa%sed( glancing at %s )ith a &ro)n. 2e&ore he co%ld scold %s( Ja!es spo"e %p. "5orry( !y loc"er )as 0a!!ed. Holly helped !e." /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro) at !e. '!!ediately i!ages o& %s nec"ing on the co%ch t)o nights be&ore &illed !y head( ca%sing a bl%sh to spread across !y &ace. /y head shot do)n and ' &oc%sed on a tile on the &loor. "#ell( ta"e a seat." "4es( sir6" Ja!es chirped( p%shing !e &or)ards. ' st%!bled to !y des"( %nable to loo" bac" %p at /r. Hey)ood. 5o!eone snorted &ro! the bac"( and ' didn$t ha e to loo" to "no) it )as Lance. "As ' )as saying( no) that the rats are done )e$ll be ha ing a test on the anato!y %nit on 1riday." A groan s)ept thro%gho%t the class( and a &e) people !%ttered co!plaints. ' "ept !y eyes on !y des"( &oc%sing intently on the )orddiploidso!eone had etched into the )ood. "#e don$t !eet &or class to!orro) and there$s no school on 1riday( so the test )ill be on Th%rsday. Today and #ednesday )ill be re ie)(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed( so%nding slightly a!%sed. 5%ddenly a hand appeared on !y des". "#o%ld yo% g%ys li"e to go o er things on the bored( and start the re ie) pac"et? 5tarting )or"ing on the re ie) pac"et )as the %nani!o%s agree!ent. /r. Hey)ood e!itted a lo)( all%ring ch%c"le. "'$ll go get the!(" he told the class( retracting his hand &ro! !y des". A&ter a &e) !o!ents ' loo"ed %p( )atching as he disappeared into the s%pply roo!.

The classroo! )as *%ic"ly &illed )ith the so%nds o& des"s and chairs scraping against the &loor as people !o ed to sit )ith their &riends. 5o!eone p%shed a des" against !ine and ' t%rned to see Lance sl%!ping into it. He ya)ned( stretching his ar!s. "5o(" he started cas%ally. "4o% "no) ho) ' ha e co%rt 1riday?" ' ga e hi! a pitying loo". "4ep." "<!( ' )as )ondering( and yo% don$t ha e to( b%t i& yo% )ant to co!e )ith !e(" he contin%ed( gi ing !e a sheepish loo". "5o!e !oral s%pport )o%ld be nice." ' ga e hi! a )ary loo". "2%t 5ha)n7" "4eah( ' "no) it$s 5ha)n( b%t he can$t do anything beca%se )e$re in the co%rt(" Lance said *%ic"ly( stopping !e be&ore ' co%ld protest. "Please( Holly? E en i& he does try so!ething( there$s cops e ery)here( and that )ill 0%st add to his penalty. 4o%$ll be co!pletely sa&e." Lance ga e !e the p%ppy dog loo"( and ' &elt !ysel& resigning. ' sighed. "'$! sitting in the bac"." "4o% can sit )here er yo% li"e6" Lance cried( a little too lo%dly. People ga e %s c%rio%s loo"s. ' )a ed the! o&&. "5o( yo% )ant to )or" )ith !e on the re ie) pac"et?" ' as"ed( trying to change the s%b0ect. Lance &ro)ned( sl%!ping onto his des". "' hate re ie) pac"ets(" he !%ttered( r%nning a hand thro%gh his blonde hair. "They$re so ti!e cons%!ing." ' rolled !y eyes at hi!. "5top co!plaining( re ie) pac"ets are easy." "That$s the spirit( /s. E ers." /y head snapped %p in ol%ntarily and !y eyes landed on /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as s!ir"ing do)n at !e. His eyes t)in"led in a!%se!ent as ' gaped at hi!( trying to &or! a coherent tho%ght. 5%ddenly there )as a pain in !y ribs and ' )inced( t%rning to glare at Lance. "4o% )ere ga)"ing(" he told !e( sharing the sa!e e3pression as /r. Hey)ood. No) ' bl%shed( %nable to loo" bac" %p at /r. Hey)ood. "'+ ' )asn$t ga)"ing7"

/r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( b%t ' still re&%sed to loo" %p at hi!. "#e$ll need the C.O.# &or this acti ity( so ' need a ol%nteer to co!e )ith !e to go get it." A &e) people said they$d go( b%t ' "ne) )ho! /r. Hey)ood )as going to choose be&ore he e en said it. "Jessica( yo% )anna help?" ' sighed( p%shing !ysel& %p &ro! !y des". ' "ne) it+ )ait. ' &ro-e in !y !o e!ents. Jessica? /y eyes snapped to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as s!iling at Jessica. ' t%rned to her( )atching as she started to get %p &ro! her seat )ith an e3cited e3pression on her &ace. #itho%t thin"ing( ' shot %p in !y seat( thro)ing !y hand in the air. "/r. Hey)ood( ' ha e to( %!( go to the bathroo! any)ay( so ' can 0%st go )ith yo% to !a"e it easier." ".esperate(" Lance co%ghed *%ietly. ' shot hi! a glare be&ore t%rning to /r. Hey)ood( )ho had a satis&ied s!ir" on his &ace. That$s )hen ' reali-ed he did that on p%rpose. /y 0a) dropped and ' opened !y !o%th to ta"e bac" )hat '$d said( b%t he c%t !e o&&. "That )or"s(" /r. Hey)ood said( his nor!al( polite s!ile ret%rning. "Jessica( !aybe yo% co%ld ret%rn it a&ter class." ' didn$t ha e to t%rn to "no) she loo"ed disappointed. "5%re(" she responded gl%!ly. "Lance( )ill yo% hand o%t the pac"ets?" Lance nodded( ta"ing a pile o& papers &ro! /r. Hey)ood. "5%re thing." /r. Hey)ood s!iled. "Alright. Let$s go( /s. E ers." 5hooting a glare at the bac" o& /r. Hey)ood$s head( ' &ollo)ed hi! o%t o& the classroo!( and into the e!pty science )ing hall)ay. As )e )al"ed thro%gh the *%iet hall( /r. Hey)ood started )histling. ' trailed behind hi!( !y eyes on the &loor( "eeping a sa&e distance bet)een %s. '!ages o& %s "issing "ept co!ing into !y !ind( ca%sing !y &ace to gro) hot. #hat )as /r. Hey)ood thin"ing right no)? Abo%t the other night? 5%ddenly ' ran into so!ething hard( ca%sing !e to &all a &e) steps bac". ' r%bbed !y nose( loo"ing %p to see /r. Hey)ood grinning at !e in a!%se!ent. "4o% o"ay?" "'$! &ine(" ' !%ttered( dropping !y ga-e. "Really? 4o%r &ace is a little red( are yo% &eeling o"ay?"

' glared at hi!( bl%shing deeper. "'$! &ine6" He e!itted a lo) ch%c"le. "#hat )ere yo% thin"ing abo%t?" "N,nothing(" ' st%ttered( going to br%sh by hi!. He ch%c"led again( p%rposely stepping in &ront o& !e so ' b%!ped into hi!. ' gro%nded !y teeth. He too" pleas%re in teasing !e( and )as sha!eless abo%t it. "4o% "no) Holly( yo% sho%ld probably stop bl%shing e ery ti!e ' loo" at yo% in class(" /r. Hey)ood ad ised( holding the door that led to the stair)ell open &or !e. "5o!eone$s going to thin" yo% ha e a cr%sh." ' glanced at hi! )ith a &ro)n. "'t$s not !y &a%lt. 5top loo"ing at !e." /r. Hey)ood snorted. "' can$t do the i!possible." A s!ile slo)ly !ade its )ay onto !y &ace. #hether or not he !eant that as a co!pli!ent( it still !ade !y sto!ach &l%tter. /r. Hey)ood glanced at !e( his grey eyes loo"ing a!%sed again. 5%ddenly ' had the %rge to grab his s)inging hand( b%t ' resisted it. #e )ere in school. #e )eren$t a co%ple. #e )ere st%dent( and teacher. "#hat$s )rong?" /r. Hey)ood as"ed %ne3pectedly( stopping hal& )ay do)n the stair)ell. #ith !e on the step abo e hi!( )e )ere al!ost the sa!e height. ' coc"ed !y head. "#hat do yo% !ean?" "4o%r e3pression 0%st dropped(" he told !e )ith a &ro)n. "#hat are yo% thin"ing?" "<!( nothing really(" ' told hi!( bl%shing slightly. #o%ld he thin" ' )as being childish beca%se ' )as disappointed abo%t o%r lac" o& interaction? #e both "ne) in school )e co%ldn$t be together. /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "Tell !e." "The test is )orrying !e(" ' !%r!%red bash&%lly( do)n casting !y eyes. "Holly( yo% can$t lie to !e." ' p%rsed !y lips( loo"ing bac" at /r. Hey)ood. /y eyes )idened in s%rprise )hen ' reali-ed ho) close )e )ere. His &ace )as !erely inches a)ay &ro! !y o)n. Concern )as etched into his eyes( ca%sing !y heart to s"ip a beat. ' che)ed on !y botto! lip( hesitating &or a !o!ent. /r. Hey)ood ga e !e an i!patient loo". ' sighed.

"' "no) it$s st%pid(" ' started( playing the botto! o& !y shirt( "b%t it$s 0%st7" "J%st?" "' don$t li"e that )e ha e to act li"e st%dent and teacher instead o&7 yo% "no)(" ' ad!itted( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "'t$s )eird. #e ha e to act li"e )e$re al!ost co!plete strangers. 't$s a little( %!( lonely." /r. Hey)ood$s &ace dropped a little bit. '!!ediately ' regretted ad!itting )hat ' )as thin"ing abo%t. "5orry( 0%st &orget+" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly leaned &or)ards and *%ic"ly pressed his lips against !ine. /y eyes )idened in s%rprise( and he *%ic"ly p%lled a)ay( glancing behind hi!. ' raised a hand to !y lips( loo"ing at hi! c%rio%sly. "Holly( ' %nderstand )hat yo%$re saying(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder. "2%t ' "no) that yo% "no) )hat co!es )ith %s being7 yo% "no)." He lo)ered his oice slightly( ga-ing at the door again. ' nodded !y head *%ic"ly. "' "no). 't$s 0%st going to ta"e a)hile to get %sed to." /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a s!all s!ile. "5a!e here. Especially beca%se )hile yo% ha e a reason to loo" at !e d%ring the )hole class period( ' can$t spend it loo"ing at yo%( other)ise so!eone )ill thin" so!ething." #ith that( he t%rned and started do)n the stairs again. ' blan"ed( staring at his bac" in s%rprise. A bl%sh blosso!ed on !y chee"s again and ' h%rried to catch %p to hi!( catching the bac" o& his shirt. "Than" yo%( /r. Hey)ood." "Chris(" he corrected !e( glancing o er his sho%lder. "/r. Hey)ood in class( and only in class." "Right." #hen )e arri ed at the library( /r. Hey)ood )ent in to get the C.O.# )hile ' )aited by the entrance( roc"ing on the balls o& !y &eet. He appeared !o!ents later( l%gging the large cart o& laptops. ' *%ic"ly h%rried &or)ards to help hi! p%sh it. "' no) %nderstand )hy they call this thing a C.O.#(" he told !e as )e p%shed it o%t o& the library. "They )eigh 0%st abo%t as !%ch. T%rn le&t( )e ha e to ta"e the ele ator(" he ordered. A &e) st%dents in the classroo!s )e passed ga e %s c%rio%s loo"s as )e l%gged the Co!p%ters On #heels to)ards the ele ator. A &e) st%dents )a ed enth%siastically to /r.

Hey)ood. He ret%rned their gest%res )ith an a)ard,)inning s!ile+ one o& his polite( &a"e s!iles. "4o%$re still pop%lar( h%h(" ' co!!ented cas%ally. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "4ep." ".o the st%dents e er tell yo% anything e3citing?" Ne er be&ore had ' reali-ed ho) hard it )as to !a"e s!all tal" )ith /r. Hey)ood. A gri!ace crossed !y &ace. ' needed to )or" on that. /r. Hey)ood shr%gged( chec"ing o er his sho%lder *%ic"ly to !a"e s%re o%r path )as still clear. "A girl con&essed to !e the other day." ' nearly cho"ed on !y spit. "#hat?" /r. Hey)ood$s s!ir" gre) )ider and he raised an eyebro). "Are yo% 0ealo%s? Tr%st !e( it )asn$t e en a si3th o& ho) good yo%rs )as." "People con&ess to yo%?" ' as"ed in shoc". "Oh yeah. All the ti!e." "' didn$t reali-e girls7" ' trailed o&&( blin"ing rapidly. 8irls con&essed to /r. Hey)ood? #ho? #hen? #hy? ' s)allo)ed !y *%estions( trying to stay cal!. ' )asnotgoing to be the obsessi e girl&riend. /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly started la%ghing( bending his head do)n. He )as la%ghing so lo%dly that /r. Cyr( the history teacher( glared at hi! be&ore sh%tting his door. "4o%r &ace )as priceless(" he &inally said( grinning li"e an idiot. "Absol%tely priceless6" ' glared at hi!( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "4o% )ere 0o"ing( )eren$t yo%?" /r. Hey)ood nodded( p%tting a hand o er his !o%th to stop any !ore la%ghter &ro! escaping. "Holly( yo%$re too c%te." "4o%$re a 0er"(" ' stated( sla!!ing the b%tton to the ele ator. "' "no)." The ele ator door opened( and together )e !o ed the co) into the s!all co!part!ent. ' hit the b%tton &or the second &loor( and the doors sh%t( lea ing /r. Hey)ood and ' in

silence. 5%ddenly /r. Hey)ood )as ne3t to !e( a play&%l s!ile on his &ace. ' too" a step a)ay &ro! hi! )arily. "/r. Hey)ood( )e$re in school(" ' )arned hi!. He raised an eyebro). "' "no) this?" ' &ro)ned. #asn$t he 0%st abo%t to "iss !e? "' heard Lance )ants yo% to go to co%rt )ith hi! on 1riday(" /r. Hey)ood co!!ented( leaning against the ele ator )all cas%ally( crossing his ar!s. "#hat )as he going in &or again?" A sigh escaped !y lips. "/r. Hey)ood( '$! sitting in the bac"." He sco)led. "'t$s still 5ha)n. 4o% "no) )hat happened last ti!e )ith 5ha)n?" "4o% got h%rt(" ' pointed o%t be&ore he co%ld contin%e. "Nothing happened to !e." "2%t so!ething co%ld." "#e$ll be in a co%rt roo!6" "Holly( '$! )orried abo%t yo%(" /r. Hey)ood told !e &latly( gi ing !e an e3asperated loo". "5%re( yo%$re in a co%rtroo!. 2%t it$s5ha)n. 4o% don$t "no) hi! li"e ' do." ' bit !y lip. "' "no)7 ' 0%st7 Lance )ants !e to go( and '$ll be at the bac". ' )on$t let 5ha)n see !e." /r. Hey)ood stared at !e &or a !o!ent( loo"ing annoyed. Then he sighed( r%nning a hand thro%gh his hair. "1ine. 8o." "/r. Hey)ood7" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "'$! not angry. ' get that yo% )ant to help Lance. 2%t i& yo%$re going to co%rt 1riday( then ' )ant yo% to co!e o er on Th%rsday." ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise. "H%h?" "No) that )e$re together( ' don$t ha e to thin" o& st%pid e3c%ses &or yo% to co!e o er(" /r. Hey)ood told !e as i& it )as the !ost ob io%s thing in the )orld. "' )anted yo% to co!e o er 1riday( b%t i& yo% )ant to go to co%rt( co!e o er Th%rsday."

He )anted !e to go o er? ' grinned at hi!( s%ddenly &eeling one h%ndred ti!es better. "'$ll de&initely be o er Th%rsday."

1'1T4,5'C "5o in lo e )ith yo%( '$! lo e str%c"( and all the things yo% do( it$s a lo e str%c"(" ' sang *%ietly to !ysel&( bending o er to re,lace !y shoes. "' "no) yo%$ll get !e thro%gh( '$! lo e str%c". A la la la( la la( la la la lo e str%c"." "4o%$re in a good !ood." /y heart leapt into !y throat as ' *%ic"ly erected !ysel&( t)isting aro%nd on !y heel. /y !o! raised her eyebro) at !e. /y &ace bla-ed and ' *%ic"ly d%c"ed !y head to hide !y bl%sh. "'n &act( yo%$ e been in a good !ood all )ee"(" !y !o! co!!ented tho%ght&%lly. "And yo%$re ditching !e tonight( e en tho%gh '$! ho!e7" ' loo"ed bac" %p at her )ith a &ro)n. "5orry7" 5he held %p her hand. "Hey( yo% !ade plans &irst. 't$s not li"e '$! going to !a"e yo% cancel the!. 2esides( i& !y h%nch is right( yo% )o%ldn$t cancel these plans any)ay." "#hat h%nch?" 5he s!ir"ed( gi ing !e that a)&%lly creepy( "no)ing s!ile. "Rhy!es )ith 1ister /eyhood." "5orry !o!( ' don$t "no) any n%n na!ed 5ister 9ayhood(" ' responded chee"ily( &eeling !y &ace heat %p again. 5he )as too s!art &or her o)n good. /y !o! la%ghed. "8ood one. Ho) are yo% getting there?" "He$s co!ing to pic" !e %p." "That )or"s o%t per&ectly6 ' ha e to go bac" to )or" later( so ' need the car(" she e3plained. "'t$s going to be a ery late night. ' probably )on$t be bac" %ntil the early !orning7 #hy don$t yo% as" Chris i& yo% can stay at !y night?" ' loo"ed at !y !o! in shoc". "#hat? No( !o!. '$! not as"ing that."

The doorbell s%ddenly )ent o&&( startling !e. /y !o! grinned )idely and loc"ed ga-es )ith !e. ' "ne) at once )hat she )as planning to do. #e both started &or the door at the sa!e ti!e. "/o!6" ' called a&ter her. "/o!( no6" "'$! 0%st ans)ering the door( Holly6" !y !o! responded( gi ing !e an a!%sed loo" &ro! o er her sho%lder. 2e&ore ' "ne) e3actly )hat happened( ' &o%nd !ysel& lying &ace,&irst on the gro%nd. A groan o& pain escaped !y lips 0%st as ' heard the &ront door open. /y !o! greeted /r. Hey)ood enth%siastically as ' glared at the &loor in &ront o& !e( c%rsing !y cl%!siness. ' had tripped o er the r%g. "Holly( get o&& the &loor(" !y !o! ordered. "That$s r%de." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led as ' p%shed !ysel& bac" to !y &eet( br%shing o&& !y shirt. 't )as 0%st !y l%c" ' decided to )ear blac". 't bro%ght o%t the dirt &antastically. /y !o! disappeared &ro! the hall( lea ing /r. Hey)ood and ' alone. He s!ir"ed at !e and ' &elt !y chee"s heat %p. "4o%$re co!ing )ith !e to the grocery store(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e( s)inging his "eys aro%nd on his &inger. "Hope yo% don$t !ind." "' don$t(" ' said *%ic"ly( ca%sing his s!ir" to gro). "O"ay( Chris( ' ha e Holly$s bag here(" !y !o! said( s%ddenly reappearing )ith !y bac"pac" in hand. "'t$s got e erything she needs." ' stared at her in be)ilder!ent. "#hat? 1or )hat?" "5taying o er( silly(" !y !o! responded( rolling her eyes. "' told yo% '$! )or"ing late." "2%t+ b%t(" ' spl%ttered( t%rning to /r. Hey)ood( to !y !o!( and bac" again. "#ait a second. .id yo% g%ys ha e this all planned o%t be&ore hand?" /r. Hey)ood ga e !y !o! a secret s!ile. "'t see!s li"e '$! the &a orite babysitter( Holly." "2abysitter?" ' repeated incred%lo%sly. /y !o! *%ic"ly clapped her hands together. "Chris( didn$t yo% say yo% had to go to the s%per!ar"et? '& yo% don$t h%rry( it )ill close."

"'t$s only se en6" /r. Hey)ood glanced at !e( raising an eyebro). "' g%ess )e sho%ld get going. Here( '$ll ta"e Holly$s bag." He held o%t his hand to !y !o!( ta"ing the bac"pac" &ro! her hands. "Ready( Holly?" "4eah(" ' !%ttered( shooting !y !o! a dirty loo". 5he had this all set %p. /r. Hey)ood dipped his head to !y !o!. "Nice seeing yo% again( Lynn." "4o% too6" !y !o! chirped. "Co!e by &or dinner so!eti!e6 Holly$s not the only one )ho li"es yo%r co!pany." "/o!6" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( hoisting !y bag o er his sho%lder. "' can ta"e a hint. #e$ll !a"e plans soon. Ta"e care." He t%rned and )ent o%t the door( lea ing !y !o! and ' alone. "4o%$re creepy( yo% "no) that?" ' said( &ro)ning at her. /y !o! only s!iled in ret%rn. "Holly( g%ys li"e Chris don$t co!e aro%nd e ery day. He$s a once in a li&eti!e catch( honey. #hen ' !et yo%r &ather( it )as the sa!e &or %s. ' don$t )ant yo% to lose hi!. And he doesn$t see! to )ant to lose yo% either." ' bl%shed slightly( d%c"ing !y head( and !%r!%ring an incoherent agree!ent. "2esides( he is a good person to ha e aro%nd to baby,sit yo%(" !y !o! contin%ed in a tho%ght&%l oice. "He$s ery reliable." "2ye !o!(" ' said( br%shing by her. ' )as eighteen. ' didn$t need a babysitter. /y !o! la%ghed. "2ye( Holly." 2y the ti!e ' cli!bed into the passenger seat( /r. Hey)ood had already b%c"led and t%rned on the car. As soon as ' snapped !y seatbelt he p%lled o%t o& !y dri e)ay. The radio )as o&&( lea ing %s in an a)")ard silence. /y !ind raced( trying to thin" o& so!ething to say to &ill the *%iet. "4o%r !o!$s so!ething( h%h?" /r. Hey)ood started( sparing !e. "5he$s &%nny." ' gr%nted in responding( ca%sing hi! to la%gh. "5he$s "ind o& cra-y. 't$s li"e she e3pects %s to get !arried(" ' told hi!( glancing o%t the )indo). "' )o%ldn$t !ind."

/y head snapped to)ards hi! so &ast( it cric"ed. R%bbing it( ' stared at hi! )ith )ide, eyes. "#hat?" /r. Hey)ood glanced at !e &ro! the corner o& his eye. "Not no)( b%t in the &%t%re( ' )o%ldn$t !ind." "Really?" "'s it that hard to belie e?" ' shoo" !y head *%ic"ly. "No6 #ell( yes. Or rather7 ' don$t "no)(" ' !%!bled( e!barrassed. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "Holly( ' lo e yo%. #hy )o%ldn$t ' )ant to !arry yo%? 4o%$re 0%st too yo%ng right no)." /y heart s"ipped a beat( and &or a !o!ent ' lost all train o& tho%ght. ' didn$t thin" '$d e er get %sed to ha ing /r. Hey)ood say those three )ords so cas%ally. 1inally his )ords registered( and ' p%rsed !y lips. "4o%$re not." He s!ir"ed. "Holly( )e ha en$t e en gone a date yet. #e can disc%ss the &%t%re in the &%t%re." "Tr%e(" ' responded( grinning at hi!. 1ro! the corner o& !y eye ' sa) the s%per!ar"et )hi- by. "<!( /r. Hey)ood?" He didn$t respond. ' &ro)ned slightly. "/r. Hey)ood?" 5till no ans)er. "/r. Hey)ood6" "5orry( !y &ather isn$t here right no)(" he responded in a b%siness,li"e oice. "Please lea e a !essage a&ter the beep." ' resisted the %rge to roll !y eyes. "5orry( sorry. Chris?" "4es( /s. E ers?" he responded( shooting !e a s)eet s!ile. "' tho%ght yo% said )e )ere going to the grocery store?" "#e are."

"#e 0%st passed it7" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head slightly. "#e can$t go to that one." "#hy not?" ' as"ed( &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s. "'s it closed?" He la%ghed. "No( it$s open. 2%t i& )e )ent there( there$s a chance that so!eone &ro! school !ight see %s. A lot o& st%dents )or" there." "Oh(" ' said in reali-ation( a &ro)n slipping onto !y &ace. "Then )here are )e going?" "T)o to)ns o er." /y &ro)n gre) deeper. #e had to go t)o to)ns o er 0%st to go grocery shopping? 't )o%ld ha e 0%st been easier &or /r. Hey)ood to do it by hi!sel&. ' loo"ed o%t the )indo)( )atching the streetlights as )e dro e %nder the!. ".o yo% thin" it$s going to sno) this !onth?" "5no)?" /r. Hey)ood repeated. "4o% "no)( the cold st%&& that &alls &ro! the s"y+" "At!ospheric )ater apor that$s &ro-en into ice crystals. '$! a biology teacher( Holly. ' "no) )hat sno) is(" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected. "5o( are yo% going to ans)er !y *%estion?" "'t !ight &l%rry( b%t probably nothing that )ill stic"(" he told !e. "/aybe aro%nd Christ!as i& it$s cold eno%gh." ' blin"ed. Christ!as? /y hand shot to !y phone in !y poc"et. The date read .ece!ber &o%rth. Christ!as )as in less than t)enty,one days. "#hat do yo% do &or Christ!as( /r. Hey)ood?" "' don$t "no)(" he responded si!ply. "#ell( )hat did yo% do last year?" "#ell( not !%ch considering ' )as in 0ail7" He trailed o&&( sending !e an a!%sed loo". ' grinned sheepishly. "5orry( ' &orgot." ".on$t be sorry(" /r. Hey)ood responded( letting o%t a bar" o& la%ghter. "'$d rather yo% &orget."

"#ell )hat did yo% do the year be&ore that?" ' tried again. "' spent it )ith Holly(" he told !e( his oice lo)ering considerably. ' co%ld al!ost pic" %p a tone o& g%ilt. 't )as hard not to s!ile. /r. Hey)ood didn$t li"e tal"ing abo%t Holly )ith !e. Not that ' co%ld bla!e hi!+ hec"( ' didn$t )ant to tal" abo%t her )ith hi! either. 5he )as a taboo s%b0ect. 5he )as a li"able person( b%t it )as 0%st too a)")ard to tal" abo%t her. "<!( i& yo% )ant7 ' bet !y !o! )o%ldn$t !ind i& yo% )anted to ha e Christ!as dinner and st%&& at !y ho%se(" ' !%r!%red( gro)ing hot. "4o% "no)... only i& yo% )ant to. 4o% don$t ha e to." 5%ddenly /r. Hey)ood too" a sharp right( sending !y head into the )indo). ' )inced( p%lling !y head a)ay &ro! the glass. /r. Hey)ood thre) !e an entertained loo". "5orry. Al!ost !issed the t%rn." "' "ind o& &ig%red." "2%t abo%t Christ!as7 ' )ant to go." /y eyes )idened. "Really?" "Really. Holly( yo%$re really do%bt&%l abo%t !y decisions( aren$t yo%?" he acc%sed( p%lling into the par"ing lot o& a grocery store '$ e ne er heard o&. "That$s not it6" ' denied instantly. "'t 0%st see!s7 Too good to be tr%e." The so%nd o& the engine died o%t and /r. Hey)ood t%rned to !e. A s!ir" )as playing at his lips as he leaned o er his seat to)ards !e. "And )hy is that?" ' did !y best to "eep !y &ace co!posed. #ith /r. Hey)ood so near( !y heart beat had increased ten&old. "' don$t "no)(" ' responded tr%th&%lly. "#hene er ' thin" o& yo% and '( ' thin" o& those cra-y ro!ance no els )here so!ething li"e this co%ld only happen." /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "5o )e are li"e a co%ple in a cra-y ro!ance no el?" ' nodded. "4o%$re the cool g%y that e eryone )ants( and '$! girl )ho so!eho) ends %p )ith hi!( e en tho%gh there$s nothing special abo%t !e." "#ell it$s a good thing )e aren$t characters in a ro!ance no el(" /r. Hey)ood stated. "#e$re nothing li"e that. '$! the one )ho$s l%c"y to ha e yo%. No) co!e on( the grocery store is calling."

A&ter an a)&%l( &ree-ing !in%te )al" &ro! the car to the store )e entered( /r. Hey)ood grabbing a bas"et &ro! the rac" in the &ront o& the store. ' glanced do)n the ro) o& cashiers( searching &or anyone ' recogni-ed. L%c"ily( no one loo"ed &a!iliar. /r. Hey)ood started )al"ing a)ay &ro! !e( and ' *%ic"ly h%rried to catch %p. "/r. Hey)ood( )hat are yo% getting?" ".epends on )hat yo% )ant(" he responded( glancing o er his sho%lder at !e. "#hat do yo% )ant to eat?" ' loo"ed at hi! in s%rprise. "' get to choose?" "That$s )hy '$! as"ing." "Can )e ha e7" ' hesitated( trying to thin" o& so!ething that )asn$t stea". "Er7 Tacos?" /r. Hey)ood abr%ptly stopped( ca%sing !e to r%n into hi!. He ch%c"led and too" a step &or)ards as ' r%bbed !y nose. "Tacos?" he repeated( so%nding interested. "'t$s been a)hile since '$ e !ade those. Let$s try it." #itho%t )arning( /r. Hey)ood grabbed !y hand and began t%gging !e do)n aisle ten. /y &ace heated %p as ' h%rried to "eep %p )ith hi!. #as holding hands in s%ch a p%blic place s%ch a good idea? /r. Hey)ood stopped in &ront o& the /e3ican section( staring do)n a bo3 o& taco shells and seasoning. "5ho%ld ' b%y pre,!ade?" he !%r!%red to hi!sel&( s*%inting at the bo3. "/aybe it$s o%r best bet7 Holly( do yo% thin" yo% can &ind the cheese and lett%ce? '$ll grab the ha!b%rger and the other st%&& and !eet yo% in the ba"ery. #hich is on the &ar right o& the store(" he e3plained pointing to)ards the area. "The egetables and cheese are there too." Rel%ctantly( ' let go o& his hand. "5%re." He grinned at !e. "#hat? .on$t )ant to let go o& !y hand?" "No(" ' denied( *%ic"ly t%rning a)ay. "5ee yo% soon." 't )as a straight shot to the egetable section. L%c"ily &or !e( the lett%ce )as right ne3t to the cheese. 5%ddenly so!ething &lashed by the corner o& !y eye. ' sp%n aro%nd *%ic"ly( !y heart 0%!ping in alar!( b%t &o%nd nothing. #arily ' too" a &e) steps bac")ards( still loo"ing aro%nd. "2oo6"

A lo%d( piercing shrie" le&t !y !o%th as ' t)isted aro%nd in horror( hal&,e3pecting 5ha)n to be standing there. #hen !y eyes landed on a &a!iliar blonde( ' )as relie ed( then angry. ' ai!ed a "ic" at his shin. "Jere!y6 4o% scared the crap o%t o& !e6" Jere!y la%ghed( easily a oiding !y assa%lt. "Ob io%sly. Other)ise yo% )o%ldn$t ha e screa!ed so lo%dly. '$! s%re the )hole store heard that." "#hat are yo% doing here?" ' as"ed )ith a &ro)n. Jere!y loo"ed pointedly at his chest. ' &ollo)ed his ga-e( reali-ing he )as )earing a blac" apron. A little na!etag )as placed on the right side o& his chest( reading Jere!y R. "4o% )or" here?" ' as"ed rhetorically. Jere!y nodded. "' ha e to pay &or college so!eho)." "4o% go to college?" "4o% don$t "no) anything abo%t !e( do yo%?" Jere!y as"ed )ith a sigh. "A&ter all that )e$ e been thro%gh7 4o%$d thin" '$d lea e a lasting i!pression." ' rolled !y eyes at hi!. "#e don$t e er tal" abo%t yo%( /r. 5ecreti e 8rocer." "' "no)(" Jere!y responded )ith a grin. He too" the lett%ce &ro! !y hand and )eighed it )ith his pal!. "5o are yo% here alone?" "No( %!( /r. Hey)ood is here too." "Chris is here? #ith yo%?" "4ep." Jere!y s%ddenly had a h%ge grin on his &ace. "Really? That$s great6" He s%ddenly thre) hi!sel& at !e( nearly "noc"ing !e o&& !y &eet as he ga e !e a giant bear h%g. He s*%ee-ed !e so hard that ' &o%nd it di&&ic%lt to breathe. "5o ' ta"e it so!ething good happened?" "Jere!y(" ' )hee-ed( trying to get hi! to let go. "4o%$re "illing !e." "#hat?" ' str%ggled to p%sh hi! o&& !e. "' can$t breathe6"

"' can$t hear yo%(" he sang( holding !e tighter. ' opened !y !o%th to protest again( b%t Jere!y )as abr%ptly p%lled a)ay &ro! !e. He loo"ed behind !e and grinned sheepishly. ' didn$t ha e to t%rn aro%nd to "no) it )as /r. Hey)ood. "Hey( Chris(" Jere!y greeted. "Jere!y(" /r. Hey)ood responded in an irritated oice. "/ind telling !e )hy yo% tried strangling Holly?" "'$! 0%st happy6" "'$d hate to see )hat yo%$d do )hen yo%$re on clo%d nine(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered( p%tting a hand on !y sho%lder. ".id yo% get the cheese and lett%ce? ' pointed to Jere!y$s hand( t%rning aro%nd to loo" at hi!. "He$s got the lett%ce. '$ e got the cheese. And ' tho%ght )e )ere !eeting at the ba"ery." /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a &lat loo". "A&ter yo% screa!ed( ' &ig%red so!ething )as )rong so ' &ollo)ed the so%rce o& the noise. 8ood thing ' did( other)ise Jere!y !ight ha e act%ally "illed yo%." "' )o%ld not o&&(" Jere!y protested( sni&&ing. "#ell( i& ' did it )o%ld ha e been an accident." ' s!iled )ryly at hi!. "4o% so%nd so concerned." He shr%gged. "J%e sera sera. Any)ay( )hat are yo% t)o doing tonight?" /r. Hey)ood raised the bas"et in his hand. "/a"ing tacos." "Oh( can ' co!e?" "Nope(" /r. Hey)ood dra)led( reaching o er and yan"ing the lett%ce o%t o& Jere!y$s hand. "4o% better get bac" to )or"." Jere!y t%rned to !e( po%ting. "Holly?" he said in a begging oice. ' stared bac" at hi!( biting !y lip. He 0%tted his lo)er lip( gi ing !e the p%ppy dog loo"( and too" a step closer to !e. /r. Hey)ood sent !e a !eaning&%l loo" and ' *%ic"ly d%c"ed !y head. "'t$s /r. Hey)ood$s ho%se. ' can$t 0%st in ite yo% o er."

/r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed as Jere!y$s e3pression &ell. He crossed his ar!s and t%rned his bac" to !e. "' see ho) it is( Holly." "A)( Jere!y+" "Nope( nope( ' %nderstand(" he said( holding %p his hands. "4o% t)o don$t need !e any!ore." "Jere!y that$s not it(" ' protested( grabbing the bac" o& his apron. "#hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?" Jere!y glanced at !e &ro! o er his sho%lder. "No) that yo% t)o are together yo% )ant !e o%t o& the pict%re." "4ep(" /r. Hey)ood responded 0%st as ' cried( "No6" Jere!y raised an eyebro). "#hat?" ".on$t listen to /r. Hey)ood(" ' told Jere!y( shooting /r. Hey)ood a dirty loo". "' don$t )ant yo% o%t o& the pict%re." "2%t ' )ant yo% o%t o& the pict%re." ' stared at Jere!y incred%lo%sly. "H%h?" Jere!y too" a step closer to !e( loo"ing !enacing. ' too" a step bac"( eyeing hi! )arily. Jere!y sighed( sha"ing his head. "4o% see( Holly. ' )ant Chris &or !ysel&. #e$re destined to be lo ers and '+ oo&6" Jere!y do%bled o er( cl%tching his sto!ach as /r. Hey)ood p%nched hi! in the g%t. "Jere!y( go be st%pid so!e)here else(" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( grabbing !y hand. "#e$re lea ing." "' see yo% still can$t ta"e a 0o"e(" Jere!y )hee-ed( loo"ing %p and grinning at /r. Hey)ood. /r. Hey)ood sco)led as ' bl%shed( re!e!bering the ti!e ' had bl%rted o%t that /r. Hey)ood )anted to be )ith Jere!y. "Holly( let$s !a"e plans to go so!e)here soon. /aybe ta"e Jenna and Jane so!e)here(" Jere!y said( br%shing his hair o%t o& his &ace. A s!ile spread across !y &ace. "5%re6"

"Let$s go(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( t%gging on !y hand. "' )ant to get so!ething &or dessert." "/ay ' s%ggest the chocolate !o%sse ca"e?" Jere!y called as /r. Hey)ood started dragging !e a)ay. "' don$t li"e chocolate(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "8oodbye( Jere!y." ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood in s%rprise. "4o% don$t li"e chocolate?" "5o!e o& it is o"ay( b%t !ost o& it is too s)eet &or !e(" /r. Hey)ood e3plained. "Too s)eet?" ' repeated in a s"eptical tone. "Co!ing &ro! the !an )ho %ses three po%nds o& s%gar in his co&&ee?" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed do)n at !e. "Hey( s%gar and chocolate are co!pletely di&&erent." ' la%ghed. "#hate er yo% say( /r. Hey)ood." "Chris(" he said &orce&%lly. "Holly( call !e Chris." /y chee"s bla-ed and ' d%c"ed !y head. "5orry( %!( Chris." "That$s better(" he responded( e!itting a lo) ch%c"le. "' li"e the so%nd o& that !%ch bet + shit." 2e&ore ' "ne) )hat )as happening( /r. Hey)ood sho ed !e to the side )ith eno%gh &orce to send !e toppling a)ay. ' &ell behind a large display o& cereal( landing pain&%lly on !y )rist. #hen ' loo"ed %p to glare at /r. Hey)ood( ' sa) hi! )ith an eerily &a!iliar person. /y eyes nearly b%lged o%t o& !y soc"ets )hen ' reali-ed it )as /s. Long( the gy! teacher. "Chris6 1%nny seeing yo% here(" she crooned( s!iling )idely at hi!. "#hat are yo% doing?" /r. Hey)ood held %p o%r shopping bas"et. "8etting dinner." ' scra!bled to !y &eet and *%ic"ly t%rned( sprinting do)n the aisle. /y heart th%dded in !y chest as ' p%shed open the door and 0ogged o%tside. The cold air instantly sent 8ooseb%!ps %p !y ar!s( and ' p%lled !y 0ac"et tighter( heading to)ards /r. Hey)ood$s car. #e )ere t)o to)ns o er6 #hy )as /s. Long here? That )as too close. A shi er ran thro%gh !e( and ' leaned bac" against the car( )atching !y breath co!e o%t in )hite

stea!. 1ro)ning( ' glanced aro%nd the dar" par"ing lot( seeing i& anyone )as aro%nd. 1ro! )hat ' co%ld see( ' )as alone7 /y heart s"ipped a beat and ' groaned( sliding !y bac" do)n the side o& /r. Hey)ood$s car %ntil ' )as s*%atting. The paranoid &eeling )as bac". E en tho%gh ' "ne) 5ha)n )as in 0ail. To stop !ysel& &ro! loo"ing aro%nd and &rea"ing o%t !ore( ' dropped !y head into !y ar!s( &oc%sing on the so%nd o& !y breathing. No one )as o%t here+ there )asn$t anything to be paranoid abo%t. #ell( besides so!eone &inding /r. Hey)ood and !e together. 2%t other than that( ' )as sa&e. 1i e !in%tes later ' )as literally shi ering in !y shoes. ' pl%c"ed at the strings o& !y 0ac"et( )ishing ' had a pair o& !in%tes. And a hat. And a scar&. And anything else that co%ld "eep !e )ar!. "Holly6" /y head snapped %p and ' sa) a &ig%re 0ogging to)ards !e. As the person gre) closer( ' noticed it )as /r. Hey)ood( a grocery bag in hand. He slo)ed to a )al" and stopped in &ront o& !e( loo"ing annoyed. "#hy did yo% co!e o%t here?" he de!anded. ".o yo% not reali-e it$s only abo%t thirty degrees o%t?" ' &ro)ned at hi!. "' co%ldn$t stay in there6" "4o% co%ld ha e )aited by the &ront o& the store. 't$s not )eird &or t)o people )ho "no) each other to be in the sa!e store(" /r. Hey)ood pointed o%t( &ro)ning bac" at !e. "8et %p." He held his hand o%t to !e and ' grabbed it. "4o%r hand is &ree-ing(" he told !e( !a"ing a &ace as he p%lled !e to !y &eet. ' bl%shed. "5orry." /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "5orry? Co!e on( get in the car." He %nloc"ed the door &or !e and opened it. ' cli!bed in( &ollo)ing his &or! as he )ent to the other side o& the car( tossing the bag o& groceries in the bac" be&ore hopping in the dri er$s seat. He *%ic"ly t%rned the "ey in the engine and &lipped the heat on high. "8i e !e yo%r hands(" he de!anded. C%rio%sly( ' !o ed !y hands to)ard hi!. He en eloped !y hands in his( p%lling the! into the slee es o& his 0ac"et. '!!ediately !y hands &elt !%ch )ar!er. /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed at !e. "2etter?"

.%c"ing !y head( ' nodded. "4eah( than"s." "Anyti!e(" /r. Hey)ood told !e. "And '$! sorry &or p%shing yo%. ' )as s%rprised and p%shing yo% a)ay )as the &irst thing ' tho%ght o&. Are yo% o"ay?" ' s!iled at hi!. "'$! o"ay." "8ood(" /r. Hey)ood breathed in relie&. "2%t that )as close. ' g%ess i& )e )ant to go so!e)here together( )e$ll ha e to go &%rther." ' loo"ed %p at hi! )ith a &ro)n. "'s that o"ay?" He raised an eyebro). "'s )hat o"ay?" "#on$t that be )asting gas?" /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "Holly( %s doing st%&& together is )ay !ore i!portant than ho) !%ch gas it ta"es to do so." /y &ace gre) hotter and ' loo"ed a)ay &ro! hi!. "'+' see." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( letting go o& !y hands. "Alright( let$s go ho!e."

1'1T4,5EBEN The s!ell o& tacos )a&ted aro%nd the roo! as ' rela3ed on the co%ch( barely &oc%sing on the i!ages the tele ision )as displaying. A ya)n escaped !y lips and ' glanced to)ards the "itchen( p%rsing !y lips. The so%nds o& coo"ing co%ld be heard( b%t the person doing the coo"ing co%ld not be seen. And ' co%ldn$t go in there to see hi! either( since he had banished !e &ro! the "itchen. ' t%rned bac" to the T.B( pic"ing %p the re!ote to change the channel+ yo% co%ld only )atch so !any in&o!ercials be&ore going cra-y. As ' )as &lipping thro%gh the do%ble digits( a &a!iliar &ace &lashed on the screen. /y breath ca%ght in !y !o%th as ' stared at 5ha)n$s !%g shots. The te3t on the botto! o& the screen )as relaying in&or!ation abo%t the trial to!orro). 5)allo)ing ner o%sly ' *%ic"ly s)itched the channel again( ending on 5pongebob. "Holly?"

/y heart leapt into !y throat and ' *%ic"ly t%rned !y head %p( co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith /r. Hey)ood. /y sho%lders sagged and ' let o%t a *%iet breath. "4o% scared !e(" ' acc%sed. He ch%c"led. "5orry. .o yo% )ant e erything on yo%r taco?" ".epends on )hat e erything is. ' don$t li"e onions+" "Or peppers?" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected )ith a s!all s!ir". ' stared at hi! in s%rprise. "Oh( %!( yeah. Ho)$d yo% "no)?" "4o% and ' are !ore ali"e than )e co%ld e er g%ess(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. "'$ll be bac" in a !in%te." "5%re." A co!!ercial &or Christ!as sales at a depart!ent store ca!e on and ' -oned o%t( &oc%sing on the pict%re o& /r. Hey)ood and his parents ne3t to the tele ision. A s!ile spread across !y &ace as ' re!e!bered the &irst ti!e ' sa) it. 't )as hard to belie e that only &o%r !onths had passed since ' &irst !et /r. Hey)ood. 't &elt !ore li"e t)o years had gone by. /y phone s%ddenly ibrated in !y poc"et( "noc"ing !e o%t o& !y re erie. #here are yo%? The contact read Lance( sending a 0olt o& terror thro%gh !e &or a !o!ent( %ntil ' re!e!bered Lance bo%ght a ne) phone. 5econds later ' sent !y reply telling hi! )here ' )as+ tr%th&%lly. Lance )as one o& the select &e) )ho co%ld "no) abo%t !y relationship )ith /r. Hey)ood. Really? 2eha e. /y &ace heated %p *%ic"ly. 5h%t %p. #hat do yo% )ant? /eet !e at the ca&D on the corner o& Ja!es 5treet be&ore the trial. #hy? 2eca%se ' )ant to d%!p !y trash. /y eyebro)s &%rro)ed in con&%sion. #hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t?

There )ere a &e) !o!ents o& silence be&ore !y phone ibrated again. 4o%$re st%pid. E er heard o& the ter! brea"&ast? Nope. /%st be so!e 2ritish thing that didn$t !a"e it to A!erica. 7 Are yo% going to be there or not? '$ll be there( ' typed bac"( grinning. "#hat are yo% grinning abo%t?" A startled s*%ea" escaped !y lips and ' dropped !y phone( a hand &lying %p to !y !o%th. /y &ace &l%shed as ' loo"ed %p to see /r. Hey)ood loo"ing do)n at !e. "' didn$t "no) yo% )ere part !o%se(" he co!!ented. "'+'$! not6" "<h,h%h." "Really6" /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a s!%g s!ile. "#hate er yo% say( Holly. #e$re eating at the table." "4o% ha e a "itchen table?" "'$! not a barbarian(" he responded in a &lat oice. "No) go." "O"ay( dad." As soon as the )ords le&t !y lips( an a)")ard silence settled in. /r. Hey)ood loo"ed ca%ght bet)een a!%se!ent and disco!&ort. Another bl%sh spread across !y chee"s as ' headed to)ards the "itchen( d%c"ing !y head. Note to sel&: .on$t call /r. Hey)ood dad. ' really needed to thin" be&ore ' spo"e. And ' really needed to learn not to !a"e things a)")ard. "Holly? Hey( Holly." A hand on !y sho%lder !ade !e blin" in s%rprise. ' t%rned !y head to /r. Hey)ood. "H%h?" "' as"ed i& yo% )ere allergic to pean%ts(" he told !e( raising an eyebro). "T)ice." "5orry(" ' apologi-ed( loo"ing a)ay &ro! hi!. "And no( '$! not. #hy?"

"' p%t pean%ts in the taco seasoning." ' ga e hi! a s"eptical loo". "#hat?" He la%ghed( %shering !e into one o& the chairs. "Tr%st !e( it$s good." "O"ay7 Can ' ha e a &or"?" "A &or"?" ' nodded. "4o% "no)( so!ething yo% eat )ith+" "Are yo% going to do that e ery ti!e ' repeat so!ething yo% said?" /r. Hey)ood snapped( &ro)ning at !e. "4o% do it to !e6" He s!ir"ed. "That$s beca%se it$s &%nny )hen ' do it. 4o% at least bl%sh." "' do not6" ' denied( tho%gh contrary to !y )ords( !y chee"s b%rned again. "2%t ' need a &or" to eat." "'t$s a taco. 4o% eat it )ith yo%r hands." ' d%c"ed !y head. "' need a &or"7" ' )as de&initely not going to eat a taco in &ront o& /r. Hey)ood. 't had to be the !essiest !eal in the )orld. There )as no )ay ' )as going to !a"e a &ool o& !ysel& in &ront o& hi!. /r. Hey)ood )atched !e c%rio%sly &or a !o!ent be&ore getting %p &ro! the table. /o!ents later he ret%rned( handing !e a &or". "A &or" &or the lady." "Than"s." #hen ' reali-ed he had another &or" in his hand ' ga e hi! a c%rio%s loo". "T)o &or"s?" "'$! going to eat !y taco )ith a &or" too(" he told !e( dropping into his seat. "' )ant to "no) )hat$s so &%n abo%t eating /e3ican &ood )ith a &or"." "There$s nothing &%n abo%t it7" /r. Hey)ood shr%gged( stabbing his &or" into the center o& his taco. 5o!e o& the seasoning lea"ed o%t &ro! %nder the tortilla shell. He raised an eyebro). "Are yo% e!barrassed to eat a taco in &ront o& !e? That$s c%te."

"That$s not it6" ' co%ntered( &eeling !y &ace heat %p again. He ga e !e a s!%g loo". "4o% can$t lie to !e( Holly." "Co%ld Holly lie to yo%?" /r. Hey)ood$s e3pression )as con&%sed &or a !in%te %ntil he reali-ed )hat ' !eant. Then his e3pression beca!e g%ilty( and he dropped his ga-e. 1or the second ti!e( an a)")ard silence &illed the roo!. A&ter a !o!ent /r. Hey)ood sighed. "5he co%ld lie( yes." "5o ho) co!e ' can$t?" ' co!plained( ignoring the a)")ardness. /r. Hey)ood ga e a lo) ch%c"le( no) appearing !ore at ease. "5ho%ld ' be )orried abo%t )hy yo% )ant to lie to !e so badly?" "' don$t )ant to lie to yo%(" ' told hi!( sha"ing !y head. "2%t )hat i& ' )ant to( li"e( ha e a s%rprise &or yo%7 or so!ething." "'$ll do !y best not to g%ess." "/aybe '$ll as" Holly &or tips7" /r. Hey)ood p%rsed his lips at !e. "'$d rather yo% not. Holly )as a pain in the ass )hen she lied. ' pre&er yo% the )ay yo% are no)." ' s!iled at hi!( not s%re )hether that )as !eant to be a co!pli!ent or not. 't al!ost see!ed i!possible to lie to hi!. Ho) had the other Holly !anaged? /aybe she didn$t "eep eye contact7? "5pea"ing o& Holly(" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly started( brea"ing !y tho%ghts. "Re!e!ber )hy she )as in to)n?" "To hand o%t in itations to her )edding." He nodded. "Right. #ell Jere!y and ' both got one. ' don$t really )ant to go+" "#hat?" ' inter0ected( !y eyes )idening. "#hy not? /r. Hey)ood+" "Chris(" he corrected. ' rolled !y eyes. "Chris( )eddings are a!a-ing6 There$s ca"e( &ood( dancing( pretty dresses+"

/r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "Pretty dresses?" "#ell yeah(" ' responded( *%ic"ly ad erting !y ga-e. "4o% get to dress %p7 4o% sho%ld go6 '$! s%re Holly )o%ld really li"e it i& yo% )ent." "5he does )ant !e to go." "Then )hy don$t yo%?" "' ne er said ' )asn$t(" /r. Hey)ood responded( his s!ir" )idening. "4o% 0%st ass%!ed ' )asn$t." Once !ore !y chee"s )ar!ed. "5orry." /r. Hey)ood held %p his hand. "No )orries. Any)ay( the in ite says )e can in ite so!eone7 And since the )edding is in Ne) 4or"( ' )as thin"ing it$d be o"ay i& yo% )anted to go." "/e?" /y eyes )idened in e3cite!ent as ' stared in s%rprise at hi!. "Really? 's it o"ay?" /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a loo" li"e he tho%ght ' )as st%pid. "' 0%st said it )o%ld be o"ay." "' )ant to go6" "' )asn$t going to let yo% say no. Ho)e er( school res%!es the ne3t day so yo% !ight be tired." "' don$t care abo%t that(" ' told /r. Hey)ood( s!iling broadly. "' de&initely )ant to go. #ho$s Jere!y in iting?" /r. Hey)ood ga e a hal&,shr%g. "#e )ere thin"ing yo%$d li"e Casey to co!e so it )asn$t as a)")ard. Or Lance. '$! pretty s%re it$s alright &or Jere!y to bring a g%y." A la%gh escaped !y lips. "Lance? At a )edding? That$d be *%ite the sight." "5o ' ta"e it yo% )ant to bring Casey?" "'$ll as" i& she can go(" ' told hi!( nearly sha"ing )ith e3cite!ent. E en tho%gh it )as still a !onth a)ay( ' co%ldn$t )ait. Especially &or the ca"e. /r. Hey)ood t%rned his attention bac" to his !eal( !i3ing his taco %p )ith his &or". "Ti!e to eat o%r taco salads."

' ignored his 0ibe( stic"ing !y o)n &or into !y taco. #hile he )as &oc%sing on c%tting %p his tortilla shell( ' *%ic"ly st%&&ed a large piece o& !y taco in !y !o%th. /r. Hey)ood abr%ptly loo"ed %p and ' i!!ediately slapped a hand o er !y !o%th( &l%shing. He ch%c"led( ad erting his ga-e. "4o%$ e eaten in &ront o& !e be&ore( yo% "no)(" he told !e( ta"ing an elegant bite o& his taco. ' narro)ed !y eyes at hi!. He )as a g%y. He sho%ldn$t be eating neater that ' )as. "Not this !essy(" ' &inally retorted )hen ' s)allo)ed. "' don$t )ant to loo" gross." /r. Hey)ood sco&&ed. "4o% co%ld ne er loo" gross( Holly. No) eat." Ten !in%tes later( /r. Hey)ood had already &inished eating( and )as )atching !e intently. One o& his &a!o%s s!ir"s played across his !o%th as he rested his elbo) on the table )ith his head in his hand. L%c"ily &or !e( ' )as al!ost &inished )ith !y last taco+ only t)o !ore bites. "This co%ld be a &or! o& tort%re(" ' pointed o%t( ai!ing !y taco,loaded &or" at hi!. "5top that." /r. Hey)ood s)itched hands his head )as resting on. "'t$s not tort%re. '$! 0%st loo"ing at yo%." "#ell stop." "Can$t do that. 4o% get to stare at !e in class all period long. No) it$s !y t%rn." "Then '$! not eating any !ore(" ' stated st%bbornly( dropping !y &or". /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "4o%$re s%ch a girl( Holly." "Oh? .id yo% )ant !e to be a g%y? Jere!y( perhaps?" /r. Hey)ood sco)led at !e. "' don$t e en+ 4o% "no) )hat? '$! going to go choose a !o ie &or %s to )atch. 1inish yo%r dinner(" he ordered( p%shing a)ay &ro! the table. Resisting the %rge to la%gh( ' *%ic"ly ate the rest o& !y taco as /r. Hey)ood le&t the "itchen. #ith the )ay he acted )hene er ' !entioned anything ha ing to do )ith Jere!y and hi! ro!antically( it !ade !e )onder. #hen ' )as done ' grabbed !y plate and his( placing the! in the sin". J%st as ' )as lea ing the "itchen( /r. Hey)ood )as entering. His sho%lder sla!!ed into !y &ace( !a"ing !e ta"e a step bac" in s%rprise. "5orry abo%t that(" he apologi-ed in an a!%sed oice.

' r%bbed !y nose( &ro)ning at hi!. "'t$s &ine." "8o sit do)n on the co%ch(" he ordered( going bac" into the li ing roo!. "'$! going to get a blan"et." "/a"e popcorn too." /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro) at !e. "4o% thin" yo% can order !e in !y o)n ho%se?" "4ep(" ' said de&iantly( standing a little straighter. His intense ga-e al!ost !ade !e bac" do)n( b%t 0%st be&ore ' ga e %p( he shr%gged. "J%st this once(" he told !e( holding %p his &inger. "No) sit." #hen /r. Hey)ood &inally !ade it bac" to the li ing roo!( he had a large( blac" co!&orter o& his sho%lder and a !assi e bo)l o& popcorn in the other. He sat do)n on the opposite side o& the co%ch( "eeping a large distance bet)een %s. Placing the popcorn bo)l on the co&&ee table( he arranged the co!&orter o er his sho%lder so that it )as co ering hi!. Then he grabbed the popcorn bo)l( &lic"ed o&& the lights( and pic"ed %p the re!ote to the T.B. ' stared at hi! &latly. His lips t)itched as he t%rned to loo" at !e. "Oh( ' &orgot yo% )ere here." ' t%rned !y head %p at hi!( crossing !y ar!s. #hat )as he planning? He snic"ered and ' glanced bac" at hi!( &ro)ning. The blan"et )as o&& hi! no) and he )as gest%ring !e to)ards hi!. "Co!e here." "'$! good." "Holly." A&ter a !in%te long staring contest ' sighed( scooting closer to /r. Hey)ood. He grabbed !y ar! and p%lled !e nearly onto hi!. A bl%sh !ade its )ay onto !y &ace again as he )rapped the blan"et aro%nd %s. A&ter a second ' rela3ed bac" into hi!( trying to cal! !y racing heart. #e )ere a co%ple no). This )as )hat co%ples do. ' co%ldn$t get e!barrassed e ery ti!e /r. Hey)ood did so!ething li"e this. He )as !%ch !ore e3perienced in dating than ' )as( so ' had to "eep %p )ith hi!. "This is !%ch better(" /r. Hey)ood !%r!%red( his 0a) !o ing on !y sho%lder )ith each )ord. "'sn$t it( Holly?"

"4eah(" ' !%ttered bash&%lly( !y &ace still b%rning. He ch%c"led. "' hope yo% li"e scary !o ies." /y head snapped aro%nd to stare at hi!. "#ait( horror !o ies?" "That$s )hat )e are )atching(" he in&or!ed !e( loo"ing a!%sed. ".o yo% get scared easily?" "No(" ' lied *%ic"ly. His s!ir" ret%rned as he leaned closer to !e to grab the re!ote o&& the co&&ee table. "'& yo% get scared yo% can cling to !e." ' s*%ared !y sho%lders. "' )on$t get scared." "Holly(" /r. Hey)ood hissed( p%lling his hand o%t o& !y grasp. ".on$t dig yo%r nails into !y hand6" <nable to p%ll !y eyes a)ay &ro! the screen( ' patted his leg as an apology. ' didn$t e en "no) )hat !o ie )e )ere )atching( b%t it )as )ay too terri&ying &or !y li"ing. ' )asn$t the horror !o ie girl. 5%ddenly a lo%d crash ca!e &ro! the tele ision( ca%sing !e to 0%!p iolently. "O)(" /r. Hey)ood groaned( holding !e still. "Care&%l )here yo% ha e a sei-%re." ' t%rned to glare at hi!. "4o% co%ld ha e )arned !e6" "' ha en$t seen this be&ore." ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". He grinned. "O"ay( !aybe ' ha e. 2%t '$! not going to r%in the e3perience &or yo%." "'$! going to ha e night!ares(" ' co!plained( sn%ggling !ore co!&ortably into his chest( !y past e!barrass!ent long gone. "#hat i& ' sleep beside yo%?" /y heart s"ipped a beat and &or a !o!ent ' lost &oc%s on the tele ision. "Together?" "Co%ples can sleep in the sa!e bed )itho%t doing anything(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( resting his chin on !y sho%lder. "2esides( last ti!e yo% )ere here yo% slept )ith Jere!y( didn$t yo%?"

"Jealo%s?" ' teased( e en tho%gh !y heartbeat )as no) racing )ith anticipation. Ho)e er( '$d slept in the sa!e bed as hi! be&ore( so )hat )as the di&&erence bet)een no) and then? He shr%gged. "/aybe 0%st a little." "Jere!y )ill sleep )ith yo% ne3t ti!e he$s here+" /r. Hey)ood lightly "noc"ed his head against !ine. "' didn$t !ean ' )as 0ealo%s o& yo%." A s!ile slipped onto !y &ace as ' t%rned to loo" at /r. Hey)ood. "' "no)." He rolled his eyes. "#atch the !o ie." 2y the ti!e the !o ie )as o er( ' )as hal&,asleep. /r. Hey)ood gently p%shed !e a)ay &ro! hi!( "eeping the blan"et aro%nd !e as he )ent to t%rn o&& the tele ision. #hen he t%rned bac" to !e( he )as grinning. ".on$t %s%ally stay %p late( h%h sleepyhead?" He ca!e bac" o er to the co%ch( holding o%t a hand to !e. #hen ' placed !y hand in his grasp( he *%ic"ly p%lled !e to !y &eet. ' st%!bled o er the blan"et and !y &ace s!ac"ed against his chest. "' ha e to go to co%rt to!orro)(" ' !%r!%red. "4o% don$t ha e to." "' pro!ised Lance." /r. Hey)ood p%t a hand on !y bac"( leading !e to)ards his bedroo!. "' "no). '$d 0%st pre&er i& yo% didn$t go." "'$ll be sa&e(" ' ass%red hi!( barely paying attention to )here )e )ere going. "' thin" ' act%ally )ant to )atch 5ha)n get )hat he deser es." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "'$d act%ally li"e to see that as )ell." ".o yo% )ant to co!e )ith !e?" "'$d rather not step in a co%rtroo!7" ' &ro)ned slightly. "Oh( right." "5orry(" /r. Hey)ood apologi-ed( re!o ing his hand. "#ant to change into yo%r pa0a!as and go to bed?"

To be honest( ' )anted to sleep in his clothes( b%t ' )asn$t going to tell hi! that. /r. Hey)ood grabbed !y bag &ro! the li ing roo! and ' )ent into his bathroo! to change *%ic"ly. #hen ' ca!e bac"( ' )al"ed in on /r. Hey)ood )ith his shirt o&&. ' bl%shed( not s%re )hether to lea e the roo! or not. He noticed !e staring at hi! and he ga e !e a s!%g s!ile. "#hat$s that loo" &or?" he as"ed. ' shoo" !y head. "Nothing6" "' sleep shirtless yo% "no)." A &lashbac" o& the &irst ti!e ' stayed at /r. Hey)ood$s apart!ent )hi--ed by !y head. "' "no)." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( gest%ring &or !e to co!e closer to hi!. "#ell this ti!e ' can gi e yo% a goodnight "iss." /y eyes )idened in s%rprise as /r. Hey)ood reached o%t his hand and p%lled !e the rest o& the )ay to hi!. 2e&ore ' co%ld respond to hi!( his lips )ere already on !ine. A&ter a second he p%lled a)ay( his eyes s!oldering into !ine. ' &ro)ned at hi!( reaching %p to "iss hi! bac". He too" a step bac"( his eyes t)in"ling in a!%se!ent. "Eager( are )e?" /y &ace b%rned )hile ' opened !y !o%th to protest. /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly co ered it )ith his hand( ch%c"ling. "9idding. 2%t yo%$re tired( so '$! not going to "eep yo% %p. 8et in the bed." "#hat are yo% doing?" "The dishes(" he in&or!ed !e( nodding his head to)ards the "itchen. "'$! not a h%ge &an o& &lies." ' la%ghed *%ietly. "Can$t say ' a! either." /r. Hey)ood headed bac" to the "itchen )hile ' cli!bed into his bed. 1or a !o!ent ' hesitated on )hich side to go on. .id /r. Hey)ood pre&er one to the other? ' &inally decided on sleeping on the right side. As soon as !y head hit his %nbelie ably co!&ortable pillo) )eariness s)ept o er !e. ' ya)ned( p%lling %p the co!&orter on his bed to !y chin. The so%nds o& /r. Hey)ood doing the dishes &loated in the roo! and ' &oc%sed on the!( trying to stay a)a"e so ' co%ld )ait &or hi! to co!e bac". 't didn$t )or". 2e&ore ' "ne) it( ' )as dead asleep( the scent o& /r. Hey)ood s%rro%nding !e.

1'1T4,E'8HT ".on$t t%rn yo%r cell phone o&&(" /r. Hey)ood re!inded !e &or the !illionth ti!e. "J%st p%t it on silent. Call !e i& yo% need anything." "' "no)( ' "no)(" ' responded( t%rning to gi e hi! a s!all s!ile. "Nothing )ill happen tho%gh." /r. Hey)ood p%rsed his lips at !e( loo"ing )orried. "Lance is )aiting &or yo% inside( right?" "Right." "O"ay." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at the ca&D ca%tio%sly. "'$ll )ait %ntil yo%r inside. Te3t !e )hen yo%$re inside so ' "no) yo%$re o"ay." A &eeling o& ner o%sness )ashed thro%gh !e as ' )atched /r. Hey)ood$s )orried e3pression. "5top being so ner o%s. 4o%$re !a"ing !e ner o%s." "5orry(" he apologi-ed( reaching o er and ta"ing !y hand into his. "' 0%st ha e this a)&%l &eeling so!ething$s going to happen7" A &ro)n slo)ly spread across !y &ace. "4o% too?" /r. Hey)ood raised an eyebro). "#e are tal"ing abo%t 5ha)n. He$s "no)n &or dirty tric"s." "Oh(" ' responded( !y hand gripping /r. Hey)ood$s tightly. "#ell ' better go inside no)7" /r. Hey)ood p%lled !y hand closer to hi!( bringing !e )ith it. 2e&ore ' co%ld blin" he had his lips against !ine( gi ing !e a *%ic" "iss. ' inhaled sharply( ta"ing in the scent o& his &a!iliar cologne. O%r eyes !et and his s!oldered. He leaned bac" in again( this ti!e "issing !e a little harder( and allo)ing !e to ret%rn it. ' shi&ted in !y seat so ' co%ld be closer to hi!( bringing !y &ree hand %p to his &ace. He let go o& !y hand( bringing his to !y bac". A gently nip at !y lip !ade !e 0%!p in s%rprise. /y hand landed on the car horn( ca%sing it to blare lo%dly. '!!ediately /r. Hey)ood and ' separated( !y &ace b%rning in e!barrass!ent. "5orry(" ' !%ttered( dropping !y ga-e.

/r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( br%shing !y hair o%t o& !y &ace. "'t$s alright. 't )o%ldn$t be a s!art idea to be !a"ing o%t in s%ch a p%blic place any)ay." /y ga-e ret%rned to his &ace and &or a !in%te ' stared into his eyes( !es!eri-ed te!porarily. #hen he blin"ed( reality hit !e and ' bl%shed again. "' sho%ld probably go." /r. Hey)ood nodded( gently dragging the tips o& his &ingertips across !y 0a). "2e care&%l( Holly." 1or so!e reason terror s%ddenly gripped !e and ' reached o%t and grabbed /r. Hey)ood$s hand as he )as p%lling it a)ay. He ga e !e a c%rio%s loo"( allo)ing !e to drag his hand bac" o er. ' s)allo)ed ner o%sly( trying to cal! !y heartbeat. "#hat$s )rong?" he as"ed gently. ' shoo" !y head( still holding onto his hand. "Nothing. ' 0%st7 ' lo e yo%( Chris." /r. Hey)ood loo"ed con&%sed( b%t he s!iled. "' lo e yo% too." "<!( '$! going to go no)(" ' !%r!%red( bl%shing again. "5ee yo%7 so!eti!e." "5ee yo% so!eti!e too(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a lo) ch%c"le. A&ter one !ore( *%ic" "iss ' e3ited the car( h%rrying to)ards the ca&D. J%st be&ore ' entered ' glanced o er !y bac" at /r. Hey)ood$s car. He )as )atching !e( and he raised one hand in a )a e. ' )a ed bac"( s!iling slightly be&ore going into the s!all b%ilding. #ar!th and s!ell o& &reshly bre)ed co&&ee )ashed o er !e as soon as ' stepped inside. "#elco!e6" one o& the )aitresses chirped at !e as ' )al"ed by. ' s!iled at her in ret%rn &or a !o!ent be&ore loo"ing aro%nd &or Lance. A&ter a !in%te ' &inally spotted hi! in the &ar corner o& the ca&D( reading the ne)spaper. He loo"ed %p )hen ' too" a seat at the table( a grin spreading across his &ace. "Hey Holly." "/orning(" ' greeted( p%lling his c%p o& co&&ee o er. "Are yo% ready &or this co%rt thing?" Lance shr%gged. "Not really. /y la)yer is tho%gh." 't &elt )eird hearing that Lance had a la)yer. 't )as li"e hearing that a three year old o)ned a cell phone. A )aitress ca!e o er to ta"e o%r orders and ' ordered a co&&ee and

croissant )hile Lance ordered a re&ill and a !%&&in. As she )as lea ing !y phone b%--ed in !y poc"et. 's Lance )ith yo%? ' !ade a &ace. 't slipped !y !ind ' )as s%pposed to te3t /r. Hey)ood and let hi! "no) )hether or not Lance )as act%ally here. ' *%ic"ly typed o%t an a&&ir!ati e ans)er and apology &or not te3ting hi! sooner. A &e) seconds later he responded saying it )as o"ay and that he )as lea ing. "Te3ting yo%r boy&riend?" "Jealo%s?" Lance sco&&ed( rolling his eyes. "Not really. '$! not partic%larly interested in !en that are &o%r years older than !e." "5o yo%$re interested in other !en?" He ga e !e a &lat loo". "No( Holly. '$! not gay." ' shr%gged( holding %p !y hands de&ensi ely. "' ne er said that." "Holly( do yo% ha e the &eeling that so!ething bad is going to happen?" "H%h?" Lance$s s%ddenly serio%s e3pression thre) !e o&& g%ard. /y heart dropped( and ' lo)ered !y ga-e to the table. "4o% too( h%h?" 5%ddenly there )as the )ailing o& a siren o%tside o& the ca&D. 2oth Lance and ' )hipped o%r heads to)ards the )indo) as a police car )hi--ed by. A shoc" ran thro%gh !e and ' t%rned to Lance )ith )ide eyes. "That )as creepy(" he co!!ented( slo)ly co!ing o%t o& his tense state. A s!all( dry la%gh le&t !y lips. "Bery )eird." "Nothing$s going to happen(" he stated( as i& trying to ass%re both o& %s. "'t$s 0%st pre, co%rt 0itters( right?" ' bit !y lo)er lip and che)ed it slo)ly. "Probably7 2%t( ' don$t "no)( all o& this see!s too easy. 5ha)n )ent do)n )ith barely any &ight."

Lance raised an eyebro). ".idn$t Hey)ood get sla!!ed )ith a sho el?" "That$s )hat '$! )orried abo%t(" ' ad!itted. "He h%rt /r. Hey)ood( b%t not that serio%sly. He )anted to get !e( b%t &ailed. He tried to "ill Jere!y( b%t Jere!y s%r i ed. He too" Casey( b%t didn$t har! her. ' &eel li"e '$! !issing so!ething." Lance$s eyebro)s p%lled together. "This is li&e( Holly. Not a !o ie. 5o!ething h%ge doesn$t need to happen in order &or so!ething horrible to end." "' "no)( b%t still7 't 0%st doesn$t &eel right." ".o yo% )ant so!ething else to happen?" "No6 No( de&initely not6" ' cried i!!ediately. A !an dressed in a blac" s%it sitting across &ro! %s shot !e a dirty loo". Lance let o%t a *%iet sigh. "O"ay( ' "no) )hat yo% !ean. 2%t 5ha)n can$t do anything. He$s been loc"ed %p in 0ail &or the past co%ple days( and he$s only co!ing o%t to go to co%rt today. He$ll be g%arded the )hole ti!e." J%st then the )aitress ret%rned )ith o%r order. 5he had a c%rio%s e3pression on her &ace( as i& she had been listening to o%r con ersation. Lance than"ed her; gi ing her a loo" that !eant( "go a)ay". 5he s!iled at hi! &or a !o!ent be&ore )al"ing a)ay &ro! the table. /y croissant )as calling !y na!e( so ' p%lled the plate closer to !e and began to pic" at it. "#e ha e ten !in%tes be&ore ' ha e to go to the co%rtroo!(" Lance in&or!ed !e( ripping o&& the top part o& his !%&&in. "4o% don$t ha e to co!e right a)ay i& yo% don$t )ant to." ' shr%gged( popping a piece o& !y b%ttery pastry into !y !o%th. "' can )ait in the hall or so!ething. '$d rather not be here alone and loo" li"e a loner." Lance la%ghed. "Alright." Ti!e passed !ore *%ic"ly than ' had e3pected( and soon it )as ti!e &or Lance to go. ' *%ic"ly had the )aitress p%t !y co&&ee into a to go %p( and ordered another croissant to go. Lance raised an eyebro) at !e. "#hat? '$! h%ngry(" ' de&ended( ta"ing a s!all paper bag &ro! the cashier. Lance la%ghed. "' didn$t say anything. Let$s go." #e e3ited the )ar! ca&D( heading o%t into the &ree-ing !orning air. A shi er ran thro%gh !e( and ' *%ic"ly p%lled !y 0ac"et tighter aro%nd !e. L%c"ily &or %s( the co%rtroo! )as

0%st aro%nd the corner and across the street. Together Lance and ' h%rried do)n the deserted street( "eeping o%r heads do)n and a)ay &ro! the chilling )ind. 't )as ti!es li"e this )here ' )ished ' carried a scar& aro%nd )ith !e. As )e t%rned the corner ' heard the so%nd o& Lance e3haling *%ic"ly. '!!ediately !y heart leapt into !y throat( &earing the )orst. #hen ' glanced %p( ' reali-ed the only thing that had happened )as Lance had ran into a !an )al"ing in the opposite direction. ' al!ost la%ghed at !y an3io%sness. "5orry(" Lance apologi-ed( ta"ing a step a)ay &ro! the !an( )ho )as dressed in a blac" b%siness s%it li"e the g%y in the ca&D. The !an shoo" his head. "No )orries(" he responded( stepping o%t o& the )ay to pass by Lance. Lance started )al"ing again( this ti!e a little *%ic"er. ' !ade to &ollo) a&ter hi!( b%t the g%y in the b%siness s%it no) b%!ped into !e( !a"ing !e drop !y co&&ee and croissant. /y eyes )idened in s%rprise as ' stared at !y brea"&ast( no) lying on the gro%nd. "Oh no(" ' co!plained( stooping do)n to pic" it %p. "Hey Lance+" /y call )as c%t o&& )hen a lo%d engine roar s%ddenly &illed the air. ' started( snapping bac" %p. Lance )as no) a good distance a)ay. A sco)l appeared on !y &ace. He )as al)ays the i!patient one. Co%ldn$t he )ait &or !e at least once? 5ighing( ' bent do)n to retrie e !y brea"&ast. A r%sh o& air le&t !y !o%th )hen so!ething hard s%ddenly sla!!ed into !y sto!ach( "noc"ing the )ind o%t o& !e. ' do%bled o er( cl%tching !y sto!ach and gasping. 2e&ore ' co%ld blin" ' )as s)ept o&& !y &eet( !y eyes no) co!ing in contact )ith the s"y. 1or a !o!ent ' )as too shoc"ed to !a"e a so%nd. #hen )hoe er had !e started !o ing( !y oice ca!e bac" and ' screa!ed as lo%dly as ' co%ld( str%ggling iolently. "Lance6" ' screa!ed desperately( &eeling hands enclose aro%nd !y &lailing ar!s. "Lance6 Help !e6 5o!eone6 He+" /y cries )ere abr%ptly c%t o&& )hen a hand ro%ghly co ered !y !o%th. Panic s)elled %p in !e( and ' soon &o%nd !ysel& hyper entilating+ )hich 0%st !ade it !ore di&&ic%lt to breathe since so!eone still had their hand cla!ped o er !y !o%th. The so%nd o& a car door opening !et !y ears and ' )as tossed iolently into so!e type o& ehicle )ith tinted )indo)s. A !an+ the sa!e !an Lance had b%!ped into+ cli!bed in a&ter !e( sla!!ing the door sh%t. There )as a s*%eal o& tires and ' )as "noc"ed o&& the seat ' landed on as the car 0olted &or)ards. "No6" ' shrie"ed( p%shing !ysel& into a sitting position. "Let !e o%t6 5top the car6"

"5h%t %p(" the !an in the s%it de!anded( shooting !e a hard loo". "Please(" ' begged( terror co%rsing thro%gh !y eins. "#ho are yo%? #here are yo% ta"ing !e?" A pair o& hands s%ddenly landed on !y sho%lder( and so!eone$s breath tic"led !y ear. "2oo." /y head snapped aro%nd and ' ca!e &ace,to,&ace )ith the person ' least e3pected. 5ha)n. He s!ir"ed at !e( dr%!!ing his &ingers on !y sho%lders. "Hello( Holly." ' screa!ed. A long( horri&ied( high,pitched shrie". 5ha)n !ade a &ace( p%lling bac" slightly. ' screa!ed again( %nable to process )hat )as happening. Ho) )as 5ha)n in the car? He )as s%pposed to be at the co%rtroo!6 #hen another screa! le&t !y lips( 5ha)n abr%ptly sho ed his hand to his !o%th. "#ill yo% sh%t %p?" he de!anded( rolling !y eyes. "' "no) as a !atter o& &act !y &ace isn$t that horrible." ' cried o%t into his hand( bringing !y o)n hands %p to try to p%ll it o&&. Ho)e er( he held &ast( "eeping !e silent. 1or a split second !y ision s)a! and ' tho%ght ' )as going to pass o%t. Horror &illed !e as ' &o%ght to "eep !ysel& conscio%s. ' co%ldn$t &aint no)6 "4o% don$t need to screa!( Holly(" 5ha)n told !e. "'$! not going to h%rt yo%." ' ga e hi! a &lat loo". He ch%c"led( p%lling his hand a)ay. '!!ediately ' s%c"ed in a deep breath( trying to cal! !ysel& be&ore ' started hyper entilating again. "Ho) are yo%7?" /y oice crac"ed and ' cla!ped !y lips sh%t( &l%shing. "'t$s called ha ing bac" %p plans(" 5ha)n e3plained( rolling his eyes. "#hen yo% told !e the cops )ere co!ing( ' *%ic"ly !ade a plan )ith so!e o& !y &ollo)ers that )o%ld help !e escape( since they co%ldn$t beat the cops to the )areho%se. Let !e tell yo% Holly( 0ail is not &%n." "' hope yo% got %sed to it( beca%se that$s )here yo%$re going bac" to(" ' shot at hi!( glaring as hard as ' co%ld. 5ha)n la%ghed. "' "no) that. 2%t '$! not going to go do)n )itho%t a &ight." "A &ight?"

"Not )ith yo%(" 5ha)n ass%red !e. "#ith Chris. ' )ant to settle things )ith hi! once and &or all. Last ti!e he )as at a disad antage. ' )ant to &ight hi! e*%ally." "#hat does that ha e to do )ith !e?" 5ha)n coc"ed an eyebro). "#hy yo%$re the bait o& co%rse." "2ait?" ' repeated incred%lo%sly. 5ha)n )as serio%sly going to %se !e as bait? "'$ e been doing a lot o& thin"ing(" 5ha)n started( leaning bac" into his seat. "4o%$re 0%st an annoying( little child. Altho%gh yo% !ay loo" li"e !y Holly( yo% t)o are nothing ali"e. P%t nicely( yo%$re too i!!at%re &or !e." ' glared at hi!. "'$! i!!at%re? O& co%rse( beca%se ' go aro%nd "idnapping girls all the ti!e6" 5ha)n s!ir"ed in a!%se!ent. "5ee? That$s )hat ' !ean. 4o%$re attit%de really pisses !e o&&." "' don$t ai! to !a"e yo% happy(" ' snapped bac" at hi!. 5ha)n shr%gged. "#hate er. /i"ey( get her cell &or !e." /i"ey( the !an in the s%it( s%ddenly leaned closer to !e. ' eyed hi! )arily( leaning a)ay &ro! hi!. As he bro%ght hi!sel& closer to !e( ' !o ed bac")ards %ntil !y bac" hit the )indo). He reached a hand o er and p%t it in !y coat poc"et( searching thro%gh it. "8et a)ay &ro! !e6" ' sho%ted at hi!( trying to p%ll his hand a)ay. ".on$t to%ch !e6" He ignored !y cries( chec"ing the other poc"ets in !y 0ac"et. Then he !o ed to !y pants poc"et( patting the! do)n. ' str%ggled a)ay &ro! hi!( p%shing !ysel& to the &ar edge o& the car. /i"ey sent !e an i!patient loo". "5top to%ching !e(" ' ordered( sho ing !y hand into !y bac" poc"et and p%lling o%t !y cell phone( then ch%c"ing it at hi!. "Ta"e it." /i"ey glo)ered at !e as !y phone hit hi! s*%arely in the nec". 5ha)n let o%t a lo) ch%c"le &ro! behind !e( reaching his hand to)ards /i"ey &or the phone. /i"ey ga e hi! it( sending another harsh glare to)ards !e. ' glared bac"( trying to loo" !enacing( e en tho%gh ' )as terri&ied. "5hall )e gi e Chris a little call?" 5ha)n in*%ired( &lipping open !y cell phone. "'$! not s%re ho) !%ch ti!e )e$ll ha e be&ore the cops &ind !e."

2e&ore ' co%ld reply 5ha)n already had the phone at his air. /y heart th%dded pain&%lly in !y chest as 5ha)n h%!!ed *%ietly( )aiting &or /r. Hey)ood to pic" %p. ' co%ld 0%st barely hear the so%nd o& his phone ringing &ro! )here ' )as. 5ha)n$s e3pression brightened )hen /r. Hey)ood$s oice ca!e thro%gh the recei er. "Chris6" 5ha)n greeted hi! enth%siastically. "H!? #hat$s )rong? Cat got yo%r tong%e? Or do yo% not recogni-e )ho this is?" A&ter a !o!ent o& silence 5ha)n let o%t a bar" o& la%ghter. ".o )hate er yo% )ant. '$! 0%st calling to let yo% "no)( as yo% so correctly g%essed( ' ha e yo%r little Holly )ith !e right no). 5ay hello( Holly." ' bit !y tong%e to stay *%iet. /aybe i& ' didn$t say anything( /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t belie e 5ha)n had !e. /aybe he$d thin" 5ha)n only stole !y phone &ro! !e. 5ha)n narro)ed his eyes at !e. "5ay hello( Holly(" he repeated in a threatening tone. ' stayed silent( glaring at hi!. He sighed. "O"ay. /i"ey." /y eyes loc"ed onto /i"ey( )ho )as &ro)ning !e. He reached &or !e and ' *%ic"ly leaned a)ay &ro! hi!( )atching hi! ca%tio%sly. He grabbed the edge o& !y coat( trying to t%g !e closer to hi!. ' "ept !y !o%th cla!ped sh%t( gripping onto !y seat as tightly as ' co%ld. 'n one ro%gh t%g( ' slid o&& the seat in his direction. His hand )as s%ddenly )rapped in !y hair( and p%lled on it ro%ghly. ' bit !y tong%e harder( )incing in pain. 5ha)n ga e %s an i!patient loo". "' ass%re yo% ' ha e her(" 5ha)n said into the phone( his eyes ne er lea ing !e. "5he$s 0%st being a st%bborn brat." /i"ey p%lled on !y hair again( and once again ' !anaged to a oid crying o%t in pain. Ho)e er( ' did bring %p !y ar!s to try to p%sh his a)ay. ' ra"ed !y nails against his s"in( ca%sing hi! to his in pain and let !e go. 2e&ore ' co%ld p%sh !ysel& a)ay( he grabbed !y ar! and t)isted in iolently. This ti!e a s!all cry o& pain escaped !y tightly pressed lips. 5ha)n had a s!%g loo" on. ".id yo% hear that? #hoa there( cal! do)n. "'$! going to tell yo% )here )e are in a !in%te. ' )on$t h%rt her. No. Hold on." 5ha)n sent /i"ey a bored loo". "Let her go." /i"ey ro%ghly sho ed !e a)ay( !a"ing the ar!rest o& !y seat 0a! a)")ardly into !y bac". #incing( ' p%shed !ysel& bac" %p into !y seat. 8%ilt )ashed o er !e as ' reali-ed no) /r. Hey)ood )o%ld co!e try to sa e !e again. /y hands clenched into &ists so tight that !y nails d%g into !y s"in.

"8o to the place )here )e &irst !et(" 5ha)n said into the phone. "Last ti!e it )as )here ' !et yo%r Holly( so it$s &itting that )e !eet )here )e &irst !et so !any years ago." 5ha)n )ent *%iet &or a !o!ent( &ro)ning. He sighed then held o%t !y phone to !e. "1or yo%." ' *%ic"ly grabbed it( pressing it to !y ear. "/r. Hey)ood6 .on$t+" "'$! co!ing to get yo%(" he inter0ected in a hard tone. "Try to stay sa&e %ntil ' get there. 't sho%ld only be a &e) !in%tes( ' )as already going in that direction." "/r. Hey)ood( don$t co!e6 He$s %sing !e as bait6" "' don$t care i& yo%$re bait &or !e(" /r. Hey)ood responded( so%nding irritated. "'$! co!ing to get yo%6" /y !o%th )ent dry and !y grasp on the phone tightened. "'$! sorry( /r. Hey)ood." ".on$t be(" /r. Hey)ood responded. "'$! going to settle this once and &or all. Then this )on$t e er happen again beca%se 5ha)n )ill be dead." /y eyes )idened in s%rprise( b%t be&ore ' co%ld say anything !ore ' heard the clic" that signaled he ended the call. 5ha)n raised an eyebro) as ' lo)ered the phone a)ay &ro! !y ear. "5o?" 5ha)n as"ed. "4o% can "eep yo%r phone no)( by the )ay." ' glared at hi!. "' hate yo%." He s!ir"ed. "' "no)."

1'1T4,N'NE A shi er )rac"ed thro%gh !y body as ' stood in the &ree-ing air( !y 0ac"et doing little to stop the cold &ro! per!eating thro%gho%t !y body. 5ha)n stood a &e) &eet a)ay &ro! !e( his hands sho ed into his poc"ets. He roc"ed on the balls o& his &eet( )histling *%ietly to hi!sel&. O&& a little )ays )as /i"ey( loo"ing incredibly bored and 0%st as cold as ' &elt. One !ore other person )as standing near /i"ey, the dri er o& the car. He )as a large( b%rly !an )ith a sha ed head. He ca%ght !e staring at hi! and he grinned. '!!ediately ' t%rned !y attention to the b%ilding )e )ere standing by. Or rather( )hat )as le&t o& the b%ilding.

1ro! )hat ' co%ld tell( it )as the s"eleton o& a t)o,&loor co%ntry ho%se. Ho)e er( the place loo"ed li"e it had been thro%gh hell and bac". The )ood that )as still standing )as co!pletely blac" and had so!e )eird type o& !oss gro)ing on it. T)o sides o& the ho%se )ere still standing( also co ered in the )eird !oss. Bines gre) %p one side o& it( all the )ay %p to the ca ed in roo&. 5%rro%nding the deci!ated ho%se )as thic"( dense &orest. 't dist%rbingly re!inded !e o& the old )areho%se )e )ere at only a little !ore than a )ee" be&ore. A s%dden g%st o& )ind )hipped !y hair aro%nd !y &ace( bloc"ing !y ision. As ' raised !y hand to p%sh it a)ay( the so%nd o& an engine roaring ca!e &ro! the distance. /y head t%rned in the direction the so%nd )as co!ing &ro!( and a !o!ent later /r. Hey)ood$s car entered !y ision. "1inally(" 5ha)n co!plained lo%dly. "' )as beginning to thin" he )o%ldn$t sho). Eh( Holly?" ' glared at hi! &or a !o!ent be&ore ret%rning !y attention bac" to /r. Hey)ood$s car( )hich )as no) co!ing to a stop near 5ha)n$s ehicle. ' started &or the car( b%t 5ha)n gr%&&ly grabbed !y elbo)( p%lling !e e&&iciently to a stop. Once !ore ' t%rned !y narro)ed eyes to hi!. He held !e &ast as /r. Hey)ood cli!bed o%t o& the car( not e en bothering to sh%t the door behind hi!. "8ood to see yo%6" 5ha)n chirped( %sing his &ree hand to )a e at hi!. "Ho) )as the dri e?" As soon as /r. Hey)ood got close eno%gh to reach !e( he grabbed !y ar!( &orcing it o%t o& 5ha)n$s grasp. 'n a blin" o& an eye /r. Hey)ood$s &ist )as in 5ha)n$s &ace. A startled gasp escaped !y lips as /r. Hey)ood bro%ght his &ist bac" and p%nched 5ha)n again( this ti!e "noc"ing hi! to the gro%nd. 5ha)n s!ir"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood( )iping the edge o& his !o%th( )hich already had blood on it. /r. Hey)ood str%c" hi! again( %sing as !%ch &orce as he co%ld. "Three(" 5ha)n stated( not e en bothering to de&end hi!sel&. "9eep the! co!ing( Chris." "#hat the hell are yo% co%nting &or?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( pa%sing in his assa%lt. 5ha)n$s s!ir" gre) )ider. "#hy don$t yo% let /i"ey sho) yo%?" /y eyes &le) open )hen ' &elt a &ist connect )ith !y 0a). ' st%!bled to the side( t%rning to ga)" at /i"ey( )ho )as approaching !e !enacingly. ' staggered bac")ards( bringing a hand %p to r%b !y sore 0a).

"Holly6" /r. Hey)ood sho%ted( ta"ing a step to)ards !e. 5ha)n *%ic"ly cla!ped his hands aro%nd /r. Hey)ood$s an"les. "One(" he co!!ented in a cas%al tone( "eeping a ice,li"e grip on /r. Hey)ood. /i"ey s)%ng to)ards !e again. This ti!e ' d%c"ed to a oid his &ist( b%t he bro%ght his other hand %p( s!ashing it into !y g%t. ' do%bled o er( gasping in s%rprise. 2e&ore ' had the chance to straighten !ysel&( ' once again &elt a blo) to !y &ace( this ti!e sending !e spra)ling into the dirt. "Three(" 5ha)n co%nted o&&. "Holly6" /r. Hey)ood sho%ted again( trying to brea" &ree &ro! 5ha)n$s grasp. ' stayed on the gro%nd( s%c"ing in as !%ch o3ygen as ' co%ld. Ha ing the )ind "noc"ed o%t o& !e t)ice in one day de&initely )asn$t good. ' )aited &or /i"ey to hit !e again( b%t nothing ca!e. "Holly( are yo% o"ay?" /r. Hey)ood sho%ted at !e. ' t%rned to hi!( str%ggling to p%sh !ysel& o&& the gro%nd. "'$! &ine." /r. Hey)ood t%rned his attention bac" to 5ha)n. "#hat the hell are yo% playing at?" "Let$s see ho) *%ic" o& a learner yo% are. 4o% sho%ld catch on *%ic"ly, yo% are a teacher a&ter all(" 5ha)n co!!ented( &inally letting go o& /r. Hey)ood$s legs. "#hat )ill yo% do?" /r. Hey)ood once again p%nched 5ha)n &ace. "5h%t %p6" This ti!e ' &elt /i"ey co!ing at !e. ' dodged his &ist( !a"ing s%re to "eep an eye on his other hand so he co%ldn$t %se a cheap shot li"e last ti!e. /i"ey s)%ng his &ist at !e again and ' barely !anaged to stop hi! &ro! hitting !y &ace by bloc"ing )ith !y ar!. Pain spread thro%gh !y &orear! at the contact o& his stri"e. ' too" his !o!ent o& s%rprise &ro! !y bloc" to ret%rn one o& his p%nches. A loo" o& s%rprise crossed his &ace as ' !anaged to nic" hi! pretty good on the 0a). Ho)e er( in !y elation o& hitting hi!( he ended %p stri"ing !e bac" in the nose. ' cried o%t in pain( !y hands a%to!atically shooting %p to !y nose. #hen ' p%lled one a)ay( ' co%ld see blood co ering it. Panic"ing slightly( ' leaned &or)ard to let it drip o%t. /r. Hey)ood started to)ards !e again( b%t 5ha)n *%ic"ly grabbed hi!. "1o%r(" he said in singsong oice.

"#hat are yo% co%nting?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( trying to "ic" his leg &ree. "Let go( da!n it6" "4o% can$t &ig%re it o%t?" 5ha)n as"ed in a !oc"ingly disappointed oice. "#o). Holly !ight end %p dead be&ore yo% do." ' stared at 5ha)n in s%rprise. #hat )as he tal"ing abo%t? And )hate er happened to the not h%rting !e part? /r. Hey)ood loo"ed at( his e3pression probably !i!ic"ing !ine. "#hat shit are yo% spo%ting o%t no)?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( glaring do)n at 5ha)n. "#hat do yo% !ean by that?" 5ha)n shr%gged. "4o% &ig%re it o%t." /r. Hey)ood stayed *%iet &or a !o!ent( staring do)n at 5ha)n )ith a hard e3pression. 5ha)n stayed on the gro%nd( not e en atte!pting to stand %p. There )as blood tric"ling do)n the edge o& his lip( !%ch li"e the blood that )as still co!ing o%t o& !y nose( staining the gro%nd belo) !e. "4o%$re a bastard( yo% "no) that 5ha)n?" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly gro)led( bending do)n to grab the &ront o& 5ha)n$s shirt. 'n one s)i&t !o e!ent( /r. Hey)ood had hi! on his &eet. "Ha e yo% &ig%red it o%t?" "#hat do yo% )ant?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( ignoring 5ha)n$s *%estion. "Tell !e( 5ha)n. 2e&ore ' "ill yo%." 5ha)n la%ghed lo%dly. "'& yo% "ill !e( Holly dies." /r. Hey)ood sco)led. "#hat do yo% )ant?" he repeated. "To see yo% get the shit beat o%t o& yo%(" 5ha)n responded si!ply( losing all signs o& h%!or. "To see yo% get )hat yo% deser e." "5o yo%$re going to %se dirty tric"s so ' )on$t attac" yo%?" 5ha)n coc"ed his head to the side. "Pretty !%ch." "' tho%ght yo% said yo% )ere going to &ight &air6" ' sho%ted at 5ha)n( &eeling the !etallic taste o& blood in !y !o%th. "' lied( Holly. 4o% thin" yo%$d be %sed to lying( )o%ldn$t yo%?"

/r. Hey)ood yan"ed on 5ha)n$s shirt( bringing hi! closer. "'& ' let yo% ha e !e( are yo% going to let Holly go?" 5ha)n glanced at !e( a!%se!ent &lic"ering in his eyes. "4o% )ant to bargain )ith !e?" He !ade an ts"ing noise( loo"ing bac" to /r. Hey)ood. "' don$t thin" yo% ha e the po)er to do that( Chris. ' ha e the %pper hand." To pro e 5ha)n$s point( /i"ey grabbed !e by the hair( yan"ing !y head bac". A cry o& pain escaped !y lips be&ore ' co%ld cla!p the! sh%t. J%st as ' )as abo%t to retaliate at /i"ey( he let go o& !y hair. ' *%ic"ly s!oothed do)n !y hair( ta"ing a )ary step a)ay &ro! hi!. "#hat are yo% going to do )ith her?" /r. Hey)ood gro)led( his sho%lders tensed. "4o% really )ant to "no)?" 5ha)n as"ed. "#ell &irst '$d p%nish her &or landing !e in 0ail... b%t act%ally( ' )as planning to do that )ith yo% still conscio%s," "P%nish !e?" ' repeated incred%lo%sly. "2eca%se yo% )ere in 0ail )here yo% belong?" /r. Hey)ood sent !e a )arning loo". "Holly( *%iet." "Holly( 0ail s%c"s(" 5ha)n responded si!ply. "And it$s yo%r &a%lt ' )as there. 4o% and yo%r little antics." "4o% belong there6" "Holly6" "#hat?" ' de!anded( gi ing a hard loo" to /r. Hey)ood. He ret%rned !y loo" )ith the sa!e e3pression. "5top tal"ing bac" to hi!6" "4o%$re stic"ing %p &or !e? A)( than" yo%6" 5ha)n said( grinning. "2%t it$s o"ay. That$s )hat ' li"e abo%t this Holly, she$s &eisty. 't$ll be &%n )hen '..." 5ha)n pa%sed( &or a second. "#ell( ' rather not r%in the s%rprise." "4o%$re not to%ching her( 5ha)n(" /r. Hey)ood stated threateningly. "'& ' don$t "ill yo% no)( yo%$re going bac" to 0ail." "9ill !e?" 5ha)n repeated )ith a sco&&. "#hat !a"es yo% thin" yo% can "ill !e? ' ha e bac" %p." /r. Hey)ood glanced at /i"ey( then the bald !an. An a!%sed e3pression &lic"ered across his &ace. "' can handle the!."

5ha)n narro)ed his eyes( b%t there )as also an a!%sed tone to his oice. "4o% so%nd con&ident. Tell yo% )hat( Chris. Let$s &ight one,on,one. 1airly." "Ho) can ' tr%st yo%?" 5ha)n glanced o er to /i"ey. "/i"ey( go )ait )ith J%stin." /i"ey gr%nted in response( !o ing a)ay &ro! !e. He )al"ed o er to the bald,!an( J%stin( and stood by his side( still loo"ing !enacing. #ith both o& the other !en a sa&e distance a)ay &ro! !e( ' &elt !ore relie ed. Ho)e er the tense at!osphere bet)een /r. Hey)ood and 5ha)n still "ept !e on edge. "Alright(" 5ha)n started( t%rning bac" to /r. Hey)ood. "Reg%lar r%les?" /r. Hey)ood crossed his ar!s. "One,on,one r%les. That !eans no help( and no in ol ing bystanders." He sent a pointed loo" at !e. "'& yo% as !%ch as ta"e a &i e steps in her direction( '$ll resort to dirty tactics." ".one and done(" 5ha)n responded( ta"ing a &e) steps a)ay &ro! !e. "5ee? '$! !o ing a)ay." "Then let$s get started(" /r. Hey)ood said( clenching his hands into &ists. "Last ti!e )e &o%ght it too" t)o !in%tes and &orty,three seconds &or yo% to go do)n. Let$s see i& ' can beat !y record." 5ha)n ch%c"led. "4o% )ere al)ays so s%re o& yo%rsel& Chris." On the )ord Chris( 5ha)n sent his &ist &lying in /r. Hey)ood$s direction. A startled gasp le&t !y lips as /r. Hey)ood narro)ly dodged. 5ha)n s)%ng o%t again( his eyes gl%ed on /r. Hey)ood. /r. Hey)ood e aded the attac" and co%ntered( b%t 5ha)n *%ic"ly bloc"ed it. A&ter his bloc"( he *%ic"ly bro%ght his &ist across( nic"ing /r. Hey)ood$s nose. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' cried o%t( ta"ing a step to)ards hi!. "Holly( don$t co!e closer6" he sho%ted bac"( ne er ta"ing his eyes o& 5ha)n. "8o to the car," "Nope(" 5ha)n inter0ected( glancing at !e *%ic"ly. "Holly( yo% stay there. '& yo% try to go to the car( /i"ey and J%stin )ill stop yo%." /r. Hey)ood pa%sed( his &ists still at ready. "#hy can$t she lea e?"

"4o% !ight not )in(" 5ha)n responded si!ply. /r. Hey)ood cast his &ist to)ards 5ha)n$s &ace( b%t 5ha)n el%ded it by leaning bac")ards. They contin%ed a s!all !atch o& s)ing and dodge &or a &e) !in%tes. Neither o& the! landing any hits( nor ha ing one landed on the!. /y sto!ach t)isted %nco!&ortably e ery ti!e 5ha)n ca!e close to landing one on /r. Hey)ood. 5ha)n s%ddenly ca%ght /r. Hey)ood$s &ists( *%ic"ly bending /r. Hey)ood$s ar! behind hi!. ' gasped( )incing at the sharp t)ist o& his li!b. "' say Chris( 0ail really too" a lot o%t o& yo%( h%h?" 5ha)n co!!ented cas%ally( &orcing /r. Hey)ood$s ar! &%rther against his bac". "1irst yo% let !e hit yo% )ith a sho el( and no) yo% let !e catch yo%r ar!." /r. Hey)ood stayed silent( bending o er )ith his ar! so it )o%ldn$t brea". /y heart )as in !y !o%th as ' )atched helplessly. ' )asn$t e3pecting 5ha)n to get the %pper hand in the &ight. #itho%t )arning( 5ha)n bris"ly &lipped /r. Hey)ood o er his sho%lder. /r. Hey)ood landed on the gro%nd )ith a hard th%!p( e!itting a s!all groan. 5ha)n stepped o er hi!( p%tting a &oot on each o& his ar!s. "Ha ing tro%ble( Chris?" 5ha)n as"ed teasingly. "'$! &ine( than" yo%(" /r. Hey)ood responded in the sa!e tone. 5ha)n s!ir"ed. /r. Hey)ood let o%t a h%&& o& air( his ar!s t)itching %nder 5ha)n$s &eet. 't )asn$t that hard to &ig%re o%t 5ha)n )as trying to cr%sh /r. Hey)ood$s &ist. /y eyes )ere gl%ed to 5ha)n as he contin%ed to s!ile s!%gly do)n at /r. Hey)ood. 't didn$t see! li"e he )as going to stop %ntil he bro"e /r. Hey)ood$s )rists. A sic" &eeling spread thro%gho%t !e as ' stood by ineptly( %nable to do anything to help. ".oes it h%rt?" 5ha)n in*%ired )hen /r. Hey)ood let o%t a s!all groan. "' re!e!ber ho) yo% al)ays %sed to be )ary o& yo%r )rists. 4o% ne er li"ed the! being to%ched." 5ha)n li&ted one o& his &eet o&& o& /r. Hey)ood$s )rist. Relie& )ashed o er !e, %ntil 5ha)n abr%ptly bro%ght his &oot bac" do)n( sto!ping on /r. Hey)ood$s )rist. A cry o& s%rprise le&t !y lips as /r. Hey)ood cried o%t in pain. 5ha)n li&ted his &oot %p to do it again. "5top6" ' sho%ted( )atching hi! in horror. "5ha)n6 5top6" 5ha)n spared !e a single glance be&ore grinding his heel into /r. Hey)ood$s )rist. "5orry( Holly. This is a &ight." ".a!n it(" /r. Hey)ood groaned( trying to p%ll his ar! o%t &ro! %nder 5ha)n.

/y &eet started !o ing be&ore ' had e en told the! to r%n. #hen 5ha)n )ent to sto!p on /r. Hey)ood$s other )rist( ' leapt at hi!( tac"ing hi! to the gro%nd( and o&& o& /r. Hey)ood. #e landed hard( 5ha)n so!eho) ending on top o& !e( and cr%shing !e into the gro%nd. His eyes )ere )ide in s%rprise as he stared do)n at !e( ca%ght o&& g%ard. "#hat are yo% doing?" he gro)led( p%tting his hand on either side o& !e( and trying to p%sh hi!sel& bac" onto his &eet. ' *%ic"ly )rapped !y ar!s and legs aro%nd hi!( trying to "eep hi! on the gro%nd. His ar!s ga e o%t &ro! %nder hi!( and once !ore )e &ell bac" to the gro%nd. 5ha)n sco)led at !e( trying to pry !y ar!s o&& hi!. "This is a one,on,one &ight(" 5ha)n enlightened !e( p%shing %p &ro! the gro%nd again( ta"ing !e )ith hi!. "No help &ro! bystanders. Or else )e t%rn to dirty tactics." ' ga e hi! a con&%sed loo"( trying to &ig%re o%t )hat he !eant by that. #hat )ere dirty tactics to &ighting? 5ha)n p%lled his ar!s o%t &ro! %nder hi! and !y bac" hit the hard gro%nd ro%ghly( ca%sing !e to e3hale sharply. 5ha)n ga e !e a "no)ing loo". "'& yo% don$t let go o& !e( '$ll "eep doing that." "No yo% )on$t(" a ne) oice interr%pted. "Holly let hi! go." ' shoo" !y head. "No( /r. Hey)ood( yo%," "Let hi! go(" /r. Hey)ood repeated( his tone hard. "No)." Rel%ctantly( ' released 5ha)n &ro! !y hold( holding !y breath )hile he ho ered o er !e. /r. Hey)ood appeared in !y &ield o& ision( and he "ic"ed 5ha)n o&& !e. 5ha)n rolled( s)inging both his legs o%t( and so!eho) "noc"ing /r. Hey)ood o er. He landed hal& on !e( hal& on 5ha)n. 5ha)n got a tight grasp on hi!( &lipping hi! onto his bac". ' scra!bled o%t &or! %nder his legs( reaching o er( and grabbing 5ha)n$s head. He gro)led in annoyance( letting go o& /r. Hey)ood to grab !y ar!. /r. Hey)ood %sed this chance to recti&y hi!sel&. As soon as 5ha)n sho ed !e a)ay &ro! hi!( /r. Hey)ood sho ed 5ha)n bac" to the gro%nd( straddling hi!. 5ha)n ga e /r. Hey)ood a disgr%ntled loo" )hile /r. Hey)ood pressed do)n on 5ha)n$s collarbone. "Are yo% ready to die?" /r. Hey)ood *%estioned( !o ing his hands to 5ha)n$s throat. 5ha)n la%ghed h%!orlessly. "4o% can$t "ill !e( Chris." "#hat !a"es yo% say that?" 5ha)n$s eyes trailed o er to !e. "5ho%ldn$t yo% "eep an eye on Holly( too?"

/y ar!s )ere s%ddenly t%gged behind !e( bending bac")ards pain&%lly. ' glanced behind !e to see J%stin grinning at !e. He yan"ed on !y ar!s harder( !a"ing !e ta"e a *%ic" inhale o& breath. "#hat are yo% planning on doing?" ' heard /r. Hey)ood de!and. "'$ll lea e that %p to yo%r i!agination(" 5ha)n responded in a )ic"ed tone. "'$ll gi e yo% a hint. Re!e!ber )ith the other Holly," ' t%rned bac" to the pair 0%st in ti!e to see /r. Hey)ood s!ash his &ist into the side o& 5ha)n$s head. "4o%$re a bastard(" he gro)led( grabbing the &ront o& 5ha)n$s shirt to p%ll hi! %p( only to p%nch hi! do)n again. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' called( trying to p%ll !ysel& &ree. "#ait," He ignored !e( contin%ing to p%!!el 5ha)n )ho lay e3posed %nderneath hi!. 5ha)n didn$t e en bring %p his ar!s to protect his &ace. 't !ade !e ner o%s. #hy )asn$t 5ha)n &ighting bac"? #hy )as he 0%st letting /r. Hey)ood batter hi!? E ent%ally /r. Hey)ood stopped hitting hi!( rela3ing his sho%lders. "#hy aren$t yo% &ighting bac"?" he as"ed. 5ha)n shr%gged( b%t be&ore he co%ld ans)er( a lo%d sho%t ca!e &ro! behind !e. /r. Hey)ood$s head snapped to)ards the noise( b%t ' co%ldn$t t%rn to loo" beca%se J%stin still had his hold on !e. "5ha)n6 The cops are on their )ay6" 5ha)n$s head t%rned to)ards the ne) oice( his &ace hardening. "#hat? Ho)?" "A little &riend na!ed Jere!y(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed hi!( rolling his eyes. ".id yo% really thin" '$d co!e here %nprepared( 5ha)n?" 5ha)n narro)ed his eyes. "5hit6 #e$re o%t o& ti!e. 5end o%t the others." /y eyes )idened. The others? #hat others? J%stin )renched !e aro%nd( !a"ing !e &ace the old( r%ndo)n b%ilding. /y heart stopped beating )hen ' sa) !any !en &iling o%t the bro"en do)n door. At least se en o& the! ca!e o%t( all loo"ing inti!idating and o!ino%s. "' told yo% ' had bac" %p(" ' heard 5ha)n co!!ent. "'$ll let the! ta"e care o& yo%."

5'CT4 ' began to str%ggle in J%stin$s grasp as the !en disappeared &ro! !y ie)( heading to)ards 5ha)n and /r. Hey)ood. J%stin held !e tighter( snic"ering. "'$! not letting yo% go(" he told !e. ' ignored hi!( t)isting as iolently as ' co%ld. 5ha)n said so!ething incoherent &ro! behind !e( and ' heard the &irst so%nd o& a p%nch landing in a hand. Then another so%nd + this ti!e o& a p%nch landing on a chest. ' str%ggled harder( gro)ing &rantic. E en i& /r. Hey)ood )as a good &ighter( he co%ldn$t ta"e on eight !en at the sa!e ti!e. "'& yo%$re that desperate to see yo%r hero get beat %p( '$ll let yo% )atch(" J%stin said( t)isting !e aro%nd again. "Here." /y eyes landed on /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as being held still by &o%r o& the !en. The other &o%r !en )ere standing in &ront o& hi!( loo"ing threatening. 5ha)n )as standing to the side( )iping the blood o&& his &ace. ' )atched in horror as one o& the !en standing in &ront o& /r. Hey)ood bro%ght a &ist to his &ace. 2e&ore it landed ' t%rned a)ay( %nable to )atch. ".o yo% )ant to co%nt the p%nches )ith !e?" J%stin in*%ired. "That$s one7" There )as another s!ac"( !a"ing !e )ince again. "T)o." "5o( Chris( ' hope yo% en0oy 0ail as !%ch as ' did(" 5ha)n co!!ented. "'$! ery a)are abo%t the &act that yo%$ll go bac" to 0ail i& yo% )ere ca%ght %p in a gang proble!." /y head snapped bac" to /r. Hey)ood 0%st in ti!e to see hi! get sla!!ed in the &ace. "5top it6" ' sho%ted( trying to !o e to)ards hi!. "/r. Hey)ood6" "Are yo% going to ans)er !e( Chris?" 5ha)n as"ed( !o ing to)ards /r. Hey)ood. The three !en in &ront o& /r. Hey)ood !o ed to the side to let 5ha)n thro%gh. 5ha)n stopped in &ront o& /r. Hey)ood( bringing his head closer to hi!. He said so!ething ' co%ldn$t hear. #itho%t any )arning( /r. Hey)ood elbo)ed t)o o& the !en holding hi! in the &ace( they both )ent do)n( and as they )ere going do)n /r. Hey)ood s!ashed the! &or the second ti!e. Then( be&ore ' co%ld blin"( he sent his &ist straight into 5ha)n$s 0a)( "noc"ing hi! to the gro%nd. /r. Hey)ood then !o ed &or)ard to attac" hi! again( b%t all &i e other !en )ere on hi! in a &lash. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' screa!ed as he )as "noc"ed to the gro%nd. "No6"

#hile /r. Hey)ood )as on the gro%nd( the !en s%rro%nding hi! began to "ic" hi! iolently. /y heart th%dded pain&%lly in !y chest as ' )atched hi! be beaten. ' thrashed iolently in J%stin$s ar!s( trying to brea" &ree. "5top it6" ' shrie"ed again( )atching as one o& the !en ai!ed a "ic" to his &ace. "Please6 5top6" No one e en glanced at !e. J%stin ch%c"led. "4o% !ay 0%st get to )atch hi! die." "5ha)n6 5ha)n6 Please6" 5ha)n t%rned to !e( still lying on the gro%nd. An a!%sed grin spread across his &ace. "#hat? ' can$t hear yo% Holly." "Please( stop the!6" ' screa!ed at hi!( !y throat already &eeling ra). "Please6" "#hat?" "5top the!( 5ha)n6 Please6" "#hat? H%rt hi! !ore?" 5ha)n responded( &eigning con&%sion. "'& yo% say so7" /y eyes )idened. "No6" /r. Hey)ood let o%t a groan as so!eone sto!ped on his chest. #hen /r. Hey)ood tried to p%ll the leg o&& hi!( another person "ic"ed his ar!s a)ay. ' &elt li"e ' )as going to be sic". "Oh( that loo"s li"e it h%rts(" J%stin co!!ented. Angrily( ' bro%ght bac" !y head to s!ash it in his chest. He !%st ha e had his head do)n( beca%se ' &elt !y head bang against his 0a). This ca%sed hi! to rela3 his grip on !e( and ' )as able to t)ist o%t o& it. #hen he )ent to grab !e again( ' bro%ght !y "nee %p to his crotch. 'nstead o& hi! &alling do)n li"e ' e3pected hi! to( he grabbed !y hair( yan"ing !y head bac". "4o% bitch(" he gro)led( p%lling !e closer to hi!. Once again ' bro%ght !y head bac" into hi!. He groaned in pain( letting !e go &or the second ti!e. #itho%t hesitating( ' b%rst &or)ard( heading to)ards the !en s%rro%nding /r. Hey)ood. ' sho ed thro%gh the!( thro)ing !ysel& on top o& /r. Hey)ood. One o& the !en "ic"ed !y side( ca%sing !e to cry o%t in pain. "5top it6" ' heard 5ha)n sho%t. ".on$t hit her6"

'!!ediately the !en bac"ed %p( lea ing !e breathless on top o& /r. Hey)ood. He stared %p at !e( his eyes )ide. 2lood )as tric"ing &ro! the corners o& his lips( and there )as already a large br%ise on top le&t o& his &orehead. He sh%t his eyes &or a !o!ent( a hea y sigh escaping his lips. "/o e(" ' heard 5ha)n order gr%&&ly and a &e) seconds later there )as a pair o& legs in &ront o& !e. ' loo"ed %p to see 5ha)n glaring do)n at !e. "8et %p( Holly." "No." "No)." ' shoo" !y head st%bbornly( )rapping !y ar!s aro%nd /r. Hey)ood. "No." 5ha)n ga e !e a hard loo". "Holly( either yo% !o e a)ay &ro! hi!( or yo%$re 0%st going to ha e to be beat %p )ith hi!." "'$! not !o ing(" ' told 5ha)n( holding onto /r. Hey)ood harder. "'$! not lea ing Chris." 5ha)n glared at !e &or another !o!ent be&ore letting o%t a deep sigh. "1ine. '$ll tell the! not to r%in yo%r pretty &ace. O"ay( boys?" There )as a lo) ch%c"le thro%gho%t the gro%p s%rro%nding %s. ' sh%t !y eyes( dropping !y head onto /r. Hey)ood$s chest( preparing !ysel&. The slo) rise and &all o& his chest as he breathed cal!ed !e. "Holly(" he )hispered in a pained oice. ".on$t+" "'$! staying(" ' responded st%bbornly( &eeling !y eyes begin to b%rn. "This is !y &a%lt. '$! not letting yo% do this alone." There )as the so%nd o& sh%&&led &ootsteps as the !en ca!e closer to %s. ' held !y breath( )aiting &or the pain. 2e&ore ' &elt any tho%gh( there )as a lo) s)ear &ro! 5ha)n. /r. Hey)ood t%rned his head( a relie ed e3pression co!ing onto his &ace. /y &irst tho%ght )as that the police had co!e( and ' 0%st hadn$t heard their car. ' t%rned too( letting o%t a sigh o& relie&. #hen !y eyes landed on Jere!y( Lance( and t)o other !en ' didn$t "no)( !y heart stopped. Each o& the !en had a g%n. Jere!y had his pointed at 5ha)n( Lance had his pointed at the !an closest to !e( and the other t)o !en )ere alternating their g%npoint bet)een the other gang !e!bers.

"5orry '$! late(" Jere!y co!!ented )ith a grin. "'t too" a little ti!e to h%nt do)n the bac"%ps." /r. Hey)ood ga e a lo) ch%c"le. "4o% !ade it 0%st in ti!e." "' tho%ght yo% said the police )ere co!ing6" 5ha)n sho%ted at the !an closest to !e. "Not these g%ys6" "Oh( they police are co!ing(" Lance ass%red 5ha)n. "2%t )e )ere already &i e !in%tes a)ay )hen )e called the!. No ser ice(" he added )hen /r. Hey)ood ga e hi! an annoyed loo". ' stared at Lance in alar!. #hy )as he here? O%t o& all the people in the )orld to being here( Jere!y bro%ght Lance? #ho had been attac"ed by 5ha)n be&ore? #ho had probably ne er held a g%n in his li&e be&ore? #hen Lance noticed ' )as staring at hi!( he sent !e a s!all grin. "No)(" Jere!y started in an a%thoriti e tone. "/o e a)ay &ro! Holly and Chris( or )e$ll shoot." '!!ediately the !en s%rro%nding %s !o ed bac")ards( p%tting %p their hands in s%rrender. 5ha)n s)ore again( b%t also too" a &e) steps a)ay &ro! %s. /r. Hey)ood gently p%shed !e o&& hi!( cli!bing to his &eet. He then p%lled !e to !y &eet( holding !e %p %ntil ' gained !y balance. ' s!oothed o%t !y shirt( )incing as !y hand br%shed !y no) br%ised side. /r. Hey)ood grabbed !y ar!( p%lling !e into his chest. He )rapped his ar!s aro%nd !e( s*%ee-ing !e hard. "Holly( don$t e er try to protect !e again( o"ay? ' don$t "no) )hat '$d do i& yo% got h%rt again beca%se o& !e." ' &ro)ned slightly. "2%t yo% )ere getting h%rt beca%se o& !e7" "' can handle it tho%gh(" /r. Hey)ood responded( p%lling !e a)ay so he co%ld grin at !e. "4o%( on the other hand( are a little !ore &ragile." ' bl%shed slightly. /r. Hey)ood sighed lightly. "4o%r bl%sh is so cal!ing( Holly." ' bl%shed dar"er. "#hat?" 5ha)n cleared his throat lo%dly. "Aren$t yo% t)o c%te?" "' hope yo%$re ready to go bac" to 0ail(" /r. Hey)ood said( t%rning to s!ir" at 5ha)n. "J%ite the change o& e ents( h%h?"

5ha)n glared at hi!. "' sho%ld ha e "no)n yo% )o%ld rely on others to help." "That$s )hat &riends are &or(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. "Oh )ait. 4o% don$t ha e &riends. 4o% ha e &ollo)ers. And no) yo%r &ollo)ers are %seless." 5ha)n rolled his eyes. "This isn$t o er yet." "4es( it is(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith an air o& &inality. "Chris6" Jere!y called to /r. Hey)ood( his g%n still on 5ha)n. ".o yo% ha e anything )e can tie these g%ys %p )ith?" /r. Hey)ood nodded. "4eah( ' ha e so!e rope." "#here?" "Holly( in the tr%n" o& !y car is so!e rope(" /r. Hey)ood told !e( nodding to)ards it. "8o get it so )e can tie these g%ys %p." ' nodded( sha"ily ta"ing a &e) steps to)ards his car be&ore b%rsting into a &%ll o%t sprint. #hen ' reached the car ' *%ic"ly popped the tr%n"( grabbing the rope that )as piled %p at the botto! o& it. ' t%rned bac" to )here /r. Hey)ood )as( trying to )ind the rope %p so ' )o%ldn$t trip on it. /r. Hey)ood )as by Jere!y no)( )ho still had his g%n pointed to)ards 5ha)n. Lance had !o ed o er to )here the t)o other !en ' didn$t "no) )ere( and together they )ere "eeping an eye on the rest o& 5ha)n$s &ollo)ers. /y eyes s)ept aro%nd &or J%stin( and ' &o%nd hi! passed o%t on the gro%nd a &e) &eet a)ay &ro! !e. /y eyebro)s &%rro)ed in con&%sion. #hen had that happened? "Holly6 The rope6" Jere!y called bac" to !e. "4o%$re so slo)6" "'$! co!ing6" ' responded( tossing it o er !y sho%lder and !arching to)ards the!. "Jee-6 ' don$t )ant it to be tang7" ' trailed o&&( &eeling a hand enclose on !y %pper ar!( p%lling !e to a stop. /y eyes )idened in s%rprise( and ' t%rned !y head to see /i"ey behind !e. He sent !e a hard loo". "This )asn$t s%pposed to happen(" /i"ey co!!ented in a lo) oice. "2%t no) ' ha e no choice." 5o!ething sharp entered !y &ield o& ision as /i"ey bro%ght his ar! aro%nd !e. /y breath ca%ght in !y throat )hen ' &elt s!ooth( cool !etal press against !y throat. ' )ent rigid( holding !y breath tightly.

"All o& yo%( drop yo%r g%ns or she gets it(" /i"ey threatened. All &o%r !en )ith g%ns e3changed s%rprised loo"s. Lance lo)ered his a &raction o& an inch. ".on$t drop the!6" ' screa!ed at hi!. "2%t Holly+" ".on$t6" "' ad ise they do it(" /i"ey said lo%dly. ".rop yo%r g%ns(" /r. Hey)ood ordered( t%rning to Jere!y. ' glared at hi! in &r%stration. "No6 .on$t do it6" Jere!y loo"ed bet)een /r. Hey)ood and !e &or a !o!ent( loo"ing torn bet)een %s. He lo)ered his hand the slightest bit li"e Lance had( and ' hea ed a &r%strated groan. An odd sensation ran thro%gh !y sto!ach. 1or a second( ' )as too be)ildered to ha e a reaction. /y eyes dropped do)n to !y sto!ach( )here the handle o& a "ni&e co%ld be seen. ' dropped the rope( raising !y sha"y hands %p to the handle. ' to%ched it gently( and a screa! tore thro%gh !y throat as a horrible( b%rning sensation s%ddenly spread thro%gh !y !idri&&. ' screa!ed again( &alling to !y "nees( ca%sing the "ni&e to shi&t inside !e. /ore shrie"s ca!e &ro! !y !o%th as ' loo"ed %p at /i"ey in terror. He had another "ni&e in his other hand. "Holly6" a panic"ed oice ' recogni-ed as Lance$s sho%ted. "Holly6 Oh !y god6 5top hi!6" /i"ey$s eyes ne er le&t !y &ace. He bro%ght do)n the "ni&e. 2e&ore it co%ld co!e in contact )ith !y s"in( a lo%d crac" so%nded. /i"ey$s shot open and he st%!bled bac")ards( dropping the "ni&e. He dropped to the gro%nd )ith a lo%d sho%t o& pain. ' slo)ly t%rned !y head to)ards the gro%p( tears bl%rring !y ision. /y g%t &elt li"e it )as on &ire. /y ision s)ayed &or a !o!ent( b%t )hen ' &oc%sed ' noticed /r. Hey)ood )as r%nning to)ards !e. E eryone else )as 0%st loo"ing at !e )ith a horri&ied e3pression. /y eyes landed on 5ha)n and another screa! escaped !e+ this ti!e d%e to panic. "/r. Hey)ood6" ' shrie"ed in terror. #ith all the attention on !e( 5ha)n had so!eho) !anaged to p%ll o%t a g%n( and he )as no) pointing it at /r. Hey)ood. Panic"ing( ' loo"ed all aro%nd &or so!ething to help

)ith. J%stin$s body )as 0%st a &e) inches a)ay &ro! !e. '!!ediately ' spotted the g%n attached to his belt. ' began to reach to)ards it and the tension it p%t on !y sto!ach ca%sed a great deal o& pain( b%t ' contin%ed any)ay. /y hand closed aro%nd the handle and ' yan"ed it bac"( &%!bling )ith it %ntil !y &inger )as on the trigger. ' t%rned bac" to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as only a &e) &eet a)ay &ro! !e no). "Holly( )hat are yo% doing?" he started( co!ing to a stop a &e) &eet a)ay &ro! !e. ".on$t stop6" ' screa!ed at hi!( seeing 5ha)n ai! his g%n. ' ai!ed !ine too( !y *%a ering hand !a"ing it di&&ic%lt to &i3 !y ai! on hi!. "#hy not+" There )as a slight !o e!ent &ro! 5ha)n$s hand. /y heart 0%!ped into !y chest )hen ' reali-ed he )as abo%t to shoot /r. Hey)ood. Closing !y eyes tightly( ' pro!ptly s*%ee-ed the trigger o& !y g%n. A sharp bang rang in !y ears( and !y hand &le) bac" &ro! the &orce. ' dropped the g%n( gasping in s%rprise. #hen ' &inally opened !y eyes again( 5ha)n )as on the gro%nd( sho%ting in pain. "Chris6" Jere!y sho%ted in panic. /y eyes snapped %p to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as staring &or)ards in s%rprise. His ga-e dropped to his side( and !y eyes &ollo)ed. A s!all groan escaped !y lips )hen ' reali-ed he )as co ered in blood. /r. Hey)ood &%rro)ed his eyebro)s( ta"ing a &e) steps to)ards !e. He dropped to the gro%nd )hen he )as ne3t to !e( p%tting a hand on his side. "/r. Hey)ood(" ' started in a hoarse )hisper. "5ha)n7 5ha)n shot yo%." "'$! &ine(" he told !e( his 0a) clenched. "Lance( call an a!b%lance." "'+ ' already did(" Lance responded in a terri&ied oice. "Are yo% o"ay( Hey)ood?" /r. Hey)ood too" a deep breath and let it o%t slo)ly. "'$! &ine. Holly( ' need to p%t press%re on yo%r )o%nd." /y eyes )idened. "#hat?" "'$! sorry(" he apologi-ed( leaning bac"( and ta"ing o& his shirt. ' tried to prepare !ysel& &or the pain. As soon as /r. Hey)ood$s hands to%ched !y !idri&& the b%rning sensation ret%rned and a gasp o& pain le&t !y lips. ' tried to p%sh hi! a)ay( b%t he "ept his hands pressed to !y )o%nd. ' t)isted %nco!&ortably( groaning as the "ni&e inside !e t)isted )ith !e.

"Ta"e the "ni&e o%t(" ' begged. "' can$t." "4es yo% can6" "'& ' do yo% !ight bleed to death6" "2%t /r. Hey)ood(" ' panted( closing !y eyes( "it h%rts6" "' "no)(" he responded( so%nding pained. "Help(" ' begged( not "no)ing )hat else to say. "#e ha e to stop the blood(" /r. Hey)ood told !e in a tight oice. "Hold on." ' groaned in pain )hen ' &elt the press%re against !y !idri&& increase. "5top6 That h%rts6 "' ha e to( Holly." "No6 5top6" "Holly( please6" /r. Hey)ood nearly sho%ted. "' ha e to6" /y eyes opened as ' sa) /r. Hey)ood staring do)n at !e( his e3pression &illed )ith pain. His eyes )ere gla-ed o er as he pressed his hands into !y sto!ach( trying to stop the blood &lo). /y eyes )atered as ' too" in his e3pression. "'$! sorry(" he apologi-ed( dropping his head. "'$! sorry( Holly. ' ha e to do this." "A! ' going to die?" ' as"ed( closing !y eyes again. "4o%$re not going to die(" /r. Hey)ood told !e in a hard tone. "J%st hold on a &e) !ore !in%tes( the a!b%lance )ill be here." "#hat abo%t the police?" "They$ll be here too." "#ill they ta"e yo%?" /r. Hey)ood )as silent &or a !o!ent. "' don$t "no)."

"4o%$re h%rt tho%gh(" ' pointed o%t( !y heart rate increasing again. "They )on$t ta"e yo% to 0ail i& yo%$re h%rt )ill they?" "No( they )on$t(" /r. Hey)ood ass%red !e. "Holly( cal! do)n." ' reached %p !y hand to)ards the so%nd o& his oice. A&ter a !o!ent ' &elt a hand enclose on !ine and p%ll it bac" do)n to the gro%nd. Tears &or!ed behind !y closed eyes again as ' gripped onto his hand as tightly as they co%ld. ".on$t lea e(" ' !%r!%red. "'$! not going to(" he responded in a *%iet oice. "'$ll al)ays be here( Holly. ' lo e yo%." ' )inced as he shi&ted the press%re on !y !idri&&. "' lo e yo% too." The so%nds o& sirens in the distance s%ddenly &illed !y hearing. /r. Hey)ood let o%t a deep sigh o& relie&. ' rela3ed too( s%ddenly &eeling sleepy. ' let go o& /r. Hey)ood$s hand( dropping !ine to the gro%nd( too tired to hold !y ar! %p any!ore. "Holly?" "/!?" "Holly( stay a)a"e(" he ordered !e. "Co!e on( open yo%r eyes." ' shoo" !y head. "'$! tired." "Holly( yo% need to stay a)a"e." "No." /r. Hey)ood gently shoo" !y sho%lder. "Co!e on( Holly. Open yo%r eyes." "5top it(" ' !%ttered( t%rning !y head to the side. "Holly6" /r. Hey)ood said lo%dly. "J%st stay a)a"e( o"ay?" ' !%!bled so!ething incoherent( not &%lly a)are o& )hat ' )as saying. #eariness )ashed o er !e( b%t ' tried to &ight it o&. ' )anted to !a"e s%re /r. Hey)ood )o%ld be o"ay. 't )as a to%gh &eat. /r. Hey)ood said so!ething to !e( b%t it so%nded garbled )ith the noise o& sirens in the bac"gro%nd. ' dri&ted in and o%t o& %nconscio%sness( str%ggling to open !y eyes again. 1inally ' ga e %p( 0%st as ' &elt the press%re on !y sto!ach disappear. All noises )ere sh%t o%t as ' dri&ted o&& into co!plete dar"ness.

5'CT4,ONE Noises and light. A bright( constant( blinding light. The noises )ere &ar o&& and sl%ggish. ' atte!pted to &oc%s on the!( b%t no !atter ho) hard ' tried( they )ere still incoherent and garbled. An odd( %n&a!iliar scent )as &illing !y nose. ' str%ggled to !o e( b%t !y body &elt li"ed it )eighed a tho%sand po%nds. The !ore ' stri ed to at least li&t !y hand( the hea ier ' &elt. There )as !ore press%re on !y right ar! then !y le&t, at least ' tho%ght it )as !y ar!. 'n !y state( ' co%ldn$t be s%re. ' didn$t e en "no) )here ' )as. Or )hy ' co%ldn$t !a"e o%t the noises ' co%ld hear. Or )here the blinding light that )as starting to get on !y ner es )as co!ing &ro!. ' str%ggled to &orce !y eyes open. 1or all ' "ne)( ' co%ld ha e been "idnapped again. /aybe so!ething had gone )rong and 5ha)n so!eho) got a)ay again. The tho%ght sent alar! thro%gh !e. #ith ne) resol e( ' &inally !anaged to &orce !y eyes open, only to close the! again )hen an e en !ore glaring light than the &irst blinded !e. A&ter blin"ing a &e) ti!es to get !y eyes ad0%sted to the light( ' began to ta"e in !y s%rro%ndings. #hite )alls( )hite c%rtains( )hite ceiling... ' t%rned !y head to the side and !y ga-e landed on a large !achine prod%cing a beeping noise. A startled gasp escaped !y lips )hen ' reali-ed ' )as in a hospital. Relie& then )ashed o er !e, that !eant ' )as sa&e. /y ga-e dropped do)n !y ar!( )here an '.B )as attached to !y )rist. /a"ing a &ace( ' *%ic"ly t%rned a)ay &ro! it. Needles )eren$t !y thing. /y eyes )idened )hen ' too" in !y other ar!. There )ere no needles( b%t so!ething else instead, or sho%ld ' say so!eone else. /r. Hey)ood )as dead asleep on !y ar!( his head resting against !y hip. ' tried to sit %p( b%t &o%nd it too" )ay too !%ch strength. 8i ing %p( ' &ell bac" do)n the inch ' had !anaged to rise. A scratchy groan escaped !y lips as !y landing sent !y head po%nding. #hy )as ' so tired? ' s*%ee-ed !y eyes sh%t tightly( trying to re!e!ber )hat happened. /i"ey had stabbed !e( and then ' shot 5ha)n( and then )hat...? .id ' pass o%t? The ar! /r. Hey)ood )as sleeping on started to tingle %nco!&ortably. A&ter a !o!ent it t%rned into a pain&%l pric"le( li"e needles being po"ed into !y s"in. ' slo)ly clenched and %nclenched !y &ists( trying to )a"e !y ar! bac" %p. 't )asn$t )or"ing. /r. Hey)ood needed to !o e.

"/r. Hey)ood?" ' blin"ed in s%rprise as !y oice ca!e o%t in a scratchy )hisper. ' cleared !y throat( trying again. "/r. Hey)ood?" He stirred slightly( t%rning his head to the side. "/!(" he !%!bled( "eeping his eyes sh%t. "/y ar!$s asleep... Co%ld yo% !o e?" "'n a !in%te( Holly(" he responded( nestling his head !ore co!&ortably into !y ar!. A&ter another !o!ent his eyes shot open( ga-ing straight into !ine. He sat %p *%ic"ly( part o& his hair !atted to his &ace. "Holly?" ' ch%c"led at his e3pression and the hair pressed against his &ace. "/orning( sleeping bea%ty." "Holly(" he repeated in a breathy oice( his e3pression t%rning to relie&. He t%rned to the side( hitting so!ething on the !achine ne3t to !e be&ore *%ic"ly !o ing &or)ards in his seat( thro)ing his ar!s aro%nd !e( and bringing his body closer to !ine. He rested his head against !y sho%lder( r%bbing it against it slo)ly. "Than" god... Than" god." Con&%sed( ' stared do)n at hi!. "#hat?" He s%ddenly p%lled bac" a)ay &ro! !e( bringing his &ace in &ront o& !ine. "Holly(" he breathed again( resting his &orehead against !ine. "/r. Hey)ood?" #itho%t )arning he pressed his lips against !ine ery gently( as i& they )ere !ade o& &ragile glass. He his head( placing "isses across !y 0a) line( all the )ay %p to !y ear. ' let o%t a sha"y breath( !y body tingling at the sensations. He "issed bac" do)n !y 0a) again( landing at !y lips( this ti!e a little !ore ro%ghly. A&ter a !o!ent he p%lled a)ay( planting one last "iss on !y &orehead be&ore dropping his head bac" on !y sho%lder. He his ar!s tightened aro%nd !e( !a"ing !y ar!s s*%ish together pain&%lly. ' tried to brea" &ree &ro! his grasp( b%t in !y &eeble state ' co%ld barely !o e !y head. 't too" a !o!ent &or !e to reali-e /r. Hey)ood$s sho%lders )ere sha"ing... and he )asn$t la%ghing. "/r... Chris( )hat$s )rong?" ' as"ed slo)ly( !y chest tightening as a sense o& dread )ashed o er !e. "#hat? 's it Lance? Or Jere!y? #hat happened?" ' cried( &eeling panic"y. "Are they h%rt? 's 5ha)n still &ree? /r. Hey)ood6" /r. Hey)ood &inally p%lled a)ay &ro! !e( "eeping his head do)n. "No( they$re &ine(" he told !e in a h%s"y oice.

/y sho%lders sagged in relie&. "Then )hat$s the !atter?" "' lo e yo%( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood !%r!%red into !y sho%lder. "5o !%ch." "' lo e yo% too(" ' responded( gro)ing !ore and !ore con&%sed. /r. Hey)ood$s body s%ddenly beca!e tense. "' tho%ght ' lost yo%." "Lost !e?" He raised his head( his eyes piercing into !ine. /y heart s"ipped a beat )hen ' reali-ed they )ere red, either &ro! lac" o& sleep or crying. He let o%t a deep sigh( bringing one o& his hands %p to !y &ace and gently stro"ing !y chee". There )as a slight tre!or to his hand. "'$ e ne er been so terri&ied in !y li&e(" /r. Hey)ood started( setting his 0a). "' tho%ght yo% )ere going to die( Holly." ".ie?" ' parroted( !y !o%th going dry. /r. Hey)ood$s &ace tightened( a loo" o& pain crossing it. "' told yo% not to go to sleep. 4o% didn$t listen. The "ni&e !issed yo%r ital organs( b%t yo% lost so !%ch blood( so they ga e yo% a trans&%sion( b%t yo% )ere still in critical condition( and yo% slipped into a co!a," "Co!a?" ' repeated incred%lo%sly( panic creeping %p on !e once again. "A co!a?" /r. Hey)ood nodded( sha"ing his head. "The doctor$s ga e no e3planation. ' tho%ght yo% )o%ldn$t )a"e %p tho%gh. ' tho%ght that ' had so!eho) !anaged to get yo% "illed( e en tho%gh ' tried !y best to protect yo%. ' tho%ght," "/r. Hey)ood(" ' started( c%tting hi! o&&. "/r. Hey)ood( '$! o"ay." He snapped his !o%th sh%t( loo"ing at !e )ith s!oldering eyes. <sing all the strength ' had( ' raised !y hand %p to his chee"( resting it against hi!. "'$! o"ay(" ' repeated( &eeling !y eyes )ater. "'$! sorry." ".on$t be sorry( st%pid(" /r. Hey)ood responded( sh%tting his eyes and grabbing !y hand( pressing it !ore sec%rely to his chee". "4o% ha e nothing to apologi-e &or." "2%t ' )orried yo%,"

/r. Hey)ood shoo" his head slightly. "' lo e )orrying abo%t yo%( Holly. ' 0%st )ish ' didn$t ha e to so !%ch." "4o% )on$t ha e to any!ore right?" /r. Hey)ood stayed silent. Panic started )elling %p )ithin !e. "Ho) long ha e ' been o%t &or? 's Lance o"ay? #hat abo%t Jere!y? #here$s 5ha)n?" /r. Hey)ood p%t his hand o er !y !o%th( e&&ecti ely silencing !e. "Holly( yo% need to cal! do)n. Lance is &ine. Jere!y is &ine. 5ha)n$s in 0ail." "5ha)n$s in 0ail?" ' repeated )hen /r. Hey)ood p%lled his hand a)ay. /r. Hey)ood nodded. "The police got hi!." 't too" a !o!ent &or the ne)s to sin" in. 5ha)n )as &inally capt%red. "And )hat abo%t yo%?" ' as"ed( gro)ing ner o%s again. He s!iled slightly. "5ince ' )as a good boy and *%ote( %n*%ote sa ed yo%( '$! o&& the hoo"." "4o%$re not in any tro%ble?" "None at all." /y eyes )elled %p as a s)irl o& e!otions passed thro%gh !e( the !ost pro!inent one being relie&. "'$! so glad(" ' &inally said( doing !y best to blin" a)ay !y tears. The door to !y hospital roo! s%ddenly b%rst open( and a &e) doctors and !y !o! ca!e in. /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly !o ed o%t o& the )ay so !y !o! co%ld ha e better access to !e. 5he thre) her ar!s aro%nd !e( s*%ee-ing !e pain&%lly. ' gasped( !y sto!ach clenching pain&%lly. "/o!(" ' gasped( trying to p%sh her a)ay. "4o%$re h%rting !e6" "Holly6 '$! so happy yo%$re a)a"e6" !y !o! bl%bbered( her oice thic" )ith tears. "Oh( honey6" ' )inced in pain as she contin%ed to s*%ee-e !y aching body. "/o!," "' )as so )orried6 ' tho%ght yo% !ight not )a"e %p6" "Please,"

"' ha e to call Lance and Casey. ' pro!ised the! '$d call )hen yo% )o"e %p..." 5he &inally p%lled a)ay( )iping her eyes o&& )ith her slee e. "They$ll be so relie ed." "E3c%se !e(" one o& the doctors clad in a )hite coat said( gently p%shing !y !o! o%t o& the )ay. "#e need to do a chec",%p on her and !a"e s%re e erything is o"ay." /y !o! nodded( !o ing o%t o& the )ay ' )atched as she )ent o er to /r. Hey)ood( saying so!ething to hi! ' co%ldn$t hear. He stood %p( nodding to !y !o!. Together they started &or the door. "#ait6" ' cried o%t( !y eyes )idening. "#here are yo% going? 5tay here6" /y !o! ga e !e a gentle s!ile. "' ha e to go o%tside and call Casey and Lance. 4o% )ant to see the!( right?" "4eah(" ' responded( !y &ace &alling slightly. "/r. Hey)ood," "'$! not s%pposed to be in here d%ring a chec" %p(" he in&or!ed !e )ith a tight s!ile. "'$! going to get so!ething to eat &ro! the ca&D across the street. .o yo% )ant so!ething?" As i& on c%e( !y sto!ach gro)led. A bl%sh spread across !y &ace as /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. ' hadn$t reali-ed ho) h%ngry ' act%ally )as. 't act%ally "ind o& h%rt. "Ca"e?" "Chocolate(" ' told hi!( ad erting !y ga-e. "Than" yo%." "Anything &or yo%( Holly." /y !o! crac"ed a grin( sending !e a )in" be&ore she disappeared thro%gh the door. /r. Hey)ood ga e !e one last lingering loo" be&ore parting as )ell. ' t%rned !y attention to the doctor( )ho )as in the process o& ta"ing o%t !y '.B. ' *%ic"ly sh%t !y eyes( t%rning in the opposite direction( and trying to &oc%s on anything b%t the &eeling o& the needle slipping o%t o& !y ein. Hal& an ho%r later( the door b%rst open( scaring !e hal& to death. /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly slapped !e on the bac" as ' cho"ed on a piece o& ca"e. Casey and Lance ca!e thro%gh the door( both )ith e3cited loo"s on their &aces. "/erry Christ!as6" Casey cried( &linging hersel& at !e. 5he landed hard( ca%sing !e to groan in pain. '!!ediately she p%lled bac"( loo"ing sheepish. "5orry6"

' shoo" !y head( resting a hand on !y sore sto!ach. "'t$s &ine. And )hat are yo% tal"ing abo%t? Christ!as isn$t &or another )ee"..." Casey$s head snapped to /r. Hey)ood. "4o% didn$t tell her?" "Tell !e )hat?" "4o%$ e been o%t &or t)o !onths(" Lance told !e in a serio%s oice. "' tho%ght yo% )ere a goner," He )as abr%ptly c%t o&& )hen Casey elbo)ed hi! in the side. 5he rolled her eyes as Lance groaned in pain. "'gnore Lance. 4o%$ e only been o%t &or a little o er a )ee"." "A )ee"?" ' repeated incred%lo%sly. "'$ e been gone &or a )ee"? Oh no..." A groan le&t !y lips and ' &ell bac" onto !y pillo). "#hat$s )rong?" /r. Hey)ood de!anded( co!ing closer to !y bed. "Are yo% o"ay?" ' shoo" !y head. "No..." "5ho%ld ' call a doctor?" "No( that$s not it(" ' told hi!( s!iling slightly at his concern. "'$! 0%st terri&ied abo%t the a!o%nt o& !ath ho!e)or" '$ e !issed... As )ell as e ery other class." "#ell( at least yo% )on$t ha e to )orry abo%t biology ho!e)or"(" Lance told !e in an a!%sed oice. ' coc"ed !y head to the side. "#hy?" /r. Hey)ood cleared his throat( t%rning a)ay &ro! !e. "No reason." "Hey)ood$s been s"ipping school so he co%ld stay here )ith yo%(" Lance in&or!ed !e( a s!%g s!ile slipping onto his &ace. ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( !y eyes )idening at the ne)s. "Really?" "'$ e only s"ipped t)o days(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e( shooting Lance an annoyed loo". "The other days ' )as gi en o&& since( yo% "no)( ' )as shot." /y !o%th dropped open in shoc". ' had totally &orgotten /r. Hey)ood had been shot6 "Are yo% o"ay no)?"

"' )as o"ay )hen ' got shot( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. "Altho%gh 5ha)n and /i"ey needed so!e serio%s !edical attention..." He t%rned to Lance )ith a s!ir". Lance i!!ediately dropped his ga-e( scratching the bac" o& his head. "' didn$t !ean to shoot hi!. ' 0%st panic"ed." "4o%shotso!eone( Lance?" "/i"ey(" he told !e. "'t )as either shoot hi! or )atch hi! atte!pt to "ill yo%." "2%t Lance," "4o% shot so!eone too6" ' &ro)ned at hi!. '& ' scolded hi!( '$d be a hypocrite. "#here$s Jere!y?" ' as"ed( deciding to change the s%b0ect. ".%nno(" /r. Hey)ood responded )ith a shr%g. "' ha en$t seen hi! since 5%nday... That )as t)o days ago." "' sa) hi! today at school(" Casey inter0ected. "He said he )as going to co!e by later." "4o% sa) hi! at school?" Casey nodded. "That$s )hat ' said." "#hy )as he there?" ' *%estioned( &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s in con&%sion. "Loo"ing &or /r. Hey)ood( ' thin"(" Casey responded. "A&ter ' told hi! he )asn$t there( he le&t." /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned. "' )onder )hat he )anted..." "Ob io%sly yo%(" Casey said slo)ly( gi ing /r. Hey)ood a &%nny loo". "4o% don$t listen )ell( do yo%?" /r. Hey)ood sco)led at her. "#ell he )anted to tal" to !e &or a reason( didn$t he?" "' don$t "no)." "5o ha e yo% heard the good ne)s?" Lance as"ed( leaning to)ards !e( ignoring the other t)o. "5ha)n$s in 0ail and he$s going to be in there &or a long ti!e."

"'$ e heard(" ' responded( s!iling )idely bac" at hi!. "'t$s the best ne)s '$ e heard all day." /r. Hey)ood snorted. "4o%$ e only been %p &or an ho%r or so. There$s not !%ch yo% ha e heard." ' p%&&ed !y chee"s o%t at hi!. "5h%t %p." He rolled his eyes. "5%re thing( princess." "Princess? A)( that$s a c%te nic"na!e(" Casey inter0ected )ith a chee"y grin. "'s he prince( Holly? Or "ing? ' &eel li"e /r. Hey)ood )o%ld pre&er "ing." "#e don$t ha e nic"na!es &or each other(" ' told her( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "4o% don$t?" "No6" Lance snorted. "#hat "ind o& co%ple are yo% g%ys? La!e." ' t%rned to /r. Hey)ood( )ho )as shooting daggers at Lance. "4o%$re 0%st 0ealo%s beca%se Holly &ell &or !e and not yo%." Lance$s head snapped to)ards /r. Hey)ood. "#hat?" "4o% dea&?" "No6 ' don$t li"e Holly6" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed at hi!. "2%t yo% %sed to." "No ' didn$t," "2%t ' g%ess )e both "no) Holly pre&ers so!eone !ore !at%re(" /r. Hey)ood contin%ed )ith a s!all sigh. "5orry( chap." Lance sco)led at /r. Hey)ood( setting his 0a). "4o%$re annoying( yo% "no) that?" "' ta"e it as a co!pli!ent." Casey la%ghed( n%dging Lance in his rib cage. "4o% can$t ins%lt so!eone li"e /r. Hey)ood( Lance."

Lance crossed his ar!s( t%rning a)ay &ro! her. "'$ll &ig%re o%t a )ay." "Holly( yo%$re grinning li"e the Cheshire cat(" /r. Hey)ood pointed o%t( an a!%sed s!ile slipping onto his &ace. 2lin"ing in s%rprise( ' reali-ed ' )as indeed grinning broadly. ' stopped i!!ediately( &eeling !y !%scles protest. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( reaching &or)ard to r%&&le !y hair. ' p%lled his hand a)ay( b%t didn$t let go. "'$! 0%st happy that all this is o er(" ' told hi!. "No !ore 5ha)n. No !ore gangs. No !ore proble!s..." "No !ore hospitals(" /r. Hey)ood added in a &ir! tone. "And no !ore shooting people. O"ay( Holly( Lance?" Lance and ' e3changed sheepish loo"s. "Right." Casey po%ted. "A)( ' ne er got to shoot anyone..." /r. Hey)ood( Lance( and ' all stared at her incred%lo%sly. A s!all bl%sh spread across her chee"s and she held %p her hands de&ensi ely. "9idding( ' )as "idding..." "Holly( Chris( ' hope yo% g%ys are decent6" a lo%d oice s%ddenly ca!e &ro! behind the door. "' don$t )ant to )al" in on yo% t)o again." "Again?" Lance echoed( his eyes )idening. ' bl%shed( glaring as Jere!y entered the roo!( a satis&ied s!ir" on his &ace. "There )as no &irst ti!e." Jere!y &a"ed a h%rt loo". "Are yo% calling !e a liar? A&ter ' ca!e all this )ay to isit yo%? Loo"( ' bro%ght chocolate6" He held o%t a s!all bo3 o& chocolate to !e. ".oes Holly )ant so!e chocolate? Oh( ' bet she does(" he said( !i!ic"ing the )ay so!eone )o%ld tal" to their pet. "' don$t )ant the!(" ' snapped. "' do6" Casey inter0ected( snatching the! &ro! Jere!y$s hand. "Than"s... <!..." Jere!y &ro)ned at her. "Jere!y. #e$ e !et be&ore..." "Oh6 At Bictoria$s 5ecret6"

/r. Hey)ood snorted( *%ic"ly raising a hand to his &ace. He cleared his throat as Jere!y glared at hi!. "#ell( no s%rprise there( Jer(" he said )ith a shr%g. "Bictoria$s 5ecret( eh?" ' repeated )ith a s!ir". "' )o%ld ha e ne er g%essed( Jere!y." Jere!y &l%shed. "' )asn$t there6 ' don$t "no) )hat Casey is tal"ing abo%t6 '$ e ne er !et her in there6" "#hat do yo% !ean?" Casey responded( &eigning a con&%sed tone. "4o% )ere ha ing tro%ble choosing bet)een lace and sil"..." "' )as not6" ' la%ghed at Jere!y$s &rantic denial. /r. Hey)ood started la%ghing too( t%rning his head a)ay. E en Lance )as s!ir"ing in a!%se!ent. Jere!y stared at Casey li"e she )as cra-y. "4o% sa) !e get shot6" he cried desperately. "' dro e yo% ho!e6" "' "no)(" Casey responded )ith a grin. "' )as 0%st "idding." Jere!y &ro-e( his e3pression going blan". ' b%rst o%t la%ghing again( groaning in pain as !y abs contracted. /r. Hey)ood sent !e a )orried loo"( b%t ' shoo" !y head at hi!. "5ee!s li"e yo%$ e !et yo%r !a"er( Jere!y(" ' co!!ented( raising !y eyebro)s. Jere!y p%rsed his lips( appraising Casey )ith his eyes. "#e$ll see." Casey p%&&ed o%t her chest( loo"ing bac" at Jere!y )ith deter!ination. "2y the )ay( Jere!y. 4o% didn$t e er deny going into Bictoria$s 5ecret... 4o% 0%st said yo%$ e ne er !et !e in there." Once again Jere!y &l%shed as he stared at Casey in disbelie&. "'," /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( placing a hand on !y sho%lder. "' li"e yo%r &riends( Holly." ' s!iled %p at hi!. "8ood( beca%se '$! hoping yo%$ll be aro%nd &or a )hile." "'$! hoping '$ll be aro%nd &ore er(" he responded( leaning do)n to "iss !e. #hen he p%lled a)ay( ' reali-ed Jere!y( Lance( and Casey )ere all staring at %s. Jere!y loo"ed a!%sed( and Casey and Lance loo"ed shoc"ed. A bl%sh crept its )ay onto !y &ace.

"#hat?" ' de!anded. "4o%$ e ne er seen t)o people "iss be&ore?" Casey opened her !o%th( her eyes )idening e3citedly. A&ter a !o!ent she sh%t it( ob io%sly changing her !ind. "'t$s so c%te )hen yo% g%ys "iss tho%gh6" she &inally cried. Lance snorted. "No it$s not." "Jealo%sy(" Jere!y( Casey( and /r. Hey)ood all ta%nted. "'$! not6" ' la%ghed( )incing as once again !y sto!ach b%rned )ith pain. "O)." /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led( patting !y head. "O"ay. #e sho%ld probably let yo% rest a little !ore be&ore )e reopen yo%r )o%nd." "2%t ' 0%st got here(" Jere!y protested. "4o% can co!e bac" later." "2%t," "'n the !eanti!e( )e co%ld go lingerie shopping i& yo% )ant(" Casey s%ggested( p%tting a hand on Jere!y$s sho%lder. Jere!y sco)led at her. ".rop it( "id." "9id?" Casey responded( raising an eyebro). "According to Holly( yo%$re only t)o years older than !e." "T)o years is still older." "Not !%ch." /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes( p%shing on Jere!y$s sho%lder. "4o% g%ys can arg%e o%t there. Holly needs rest." "5ee yo% later( Holly6" Casey called( trying to d%c" %nder Jere!y( )ho )as p%shing her o%t the door as /r. Hey)ood p%shed hi!. "2ye6" Lance )a ed be&ore &ollo)ing the trio o%t the door. /r. Hey)ood appeared again !o!ents later( grabbing the door handle. He pa%sed &or a !o!ent( staring at !e.

' s%bconscio%sly raised a hand to !y &ace. "#hat?" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head. "Nothing. Rest )ell( Holly." "' lo e yo%( Chris." He loo"ed at !e in s%rprise &or a !o!ent( and then s!iled. "' lo e yo% too( /s. E ers."

EP'LO8<E "J%st a little !ore( Holly. Co!e on." "'$! trying6 't h%rts6" "5%c" it in6" "' a!6" "#ell s%c" in !ore6" .oing as Casey co!!anded( ' too" in !ore o3ygen( s%c"ing in !y g%t in as !%ch as ' co%ld. Casey yan"ed on !y -ipper( trying to &orce it to the top. 5he let o%t a s!all( strained groan( p%shing do)n on !y sho%lder. 1inally ' heard the so%nd o& it -ipping %p. "'t )or"ed6" Casey cried e3citedly. "'t &its6" ' let go o& !y breath and !ade a &ace. 't )as going to be di&&ic%lt to breathe in this dress. "' sho%ld ha e 0%st got a ne) dress7" "#ell yo% didn$t ha e ti!e( so to%gh. 2esides( this shade o& la ender is so yo%r color." P%rsing !y lips( ' t%rned to gi e her a disappro ing loo". "' can barley breathe." "Co!e on(" Casey ordered( t%gging on !y elbo). "#e )ere s%pposed to !eet /r. Hey)ood and Jere!y in the lobby &i&teen !in%tes ago." "Hold on(" ' de!anded( p%lling !y ar! o%t o& Casey$s grasp. "Let !e 0%st chec" !y !a"e%p+" "4o% loo" &ine(" Casey responded( *%ic"ly snatching %p !y ar! again. "No) let$s go."

#arily( ' allo)ed Casey to p%ll !e o%t o& o%r hotel roo!. 2eing the nice &riend ' )as( ' had allo)ed Casey to do !y !a"e%p &or the )edding. Casey being Casey had decided not to let !e see it be&ore )e le&t+ &or all ' "ne) ' co%ld ha e clo)n !a"e%p all o er !y &ace. To !a"e things )orse( ' didn$t e en "no) ho) ' loo"ed in this dress. 't )as ob io%sly too s!all. Casey let !e borro) hers( b%t hers )as &ro! a &e) years ago( so it didn$t &it so )ell. "Co!e on( )e$re late(" Casey %rged( yan"ing !e do)n the hall)ay. ' staggered %ne enly thro%gh the hall)ay a&ter her( trying to "eep !y balance on !y high heels. "5lo) do)n( Casey6" Casey thre) an i!patient glance at !e. ".o yo% really )ant to be late &or the )edding?" "#e$re not going to be late." "#hat i& Jere!y gets lost on the )ay?" "He )on$t get7" ' trailed o&&( &%rro)ing !y eyebro)s. 9no)ing Jere!y( he probably )o%ld act%ally get lost. "/aybe )e sho%ld h%rry." #hen )e arri ed in the lobby( /r. Hey)ood and Jere!y )ere no)here to be seen. 't )as co!pletely e!pty aside &ro! the receptionist( )ho )as sitting at her des" hal&,asleep. Casey t%rned to !e( the corners o& her lips t%rning do)n. "They )o%ldn$t lea e )itho%t %s( right?" ' shoo" !y head. "Jere!y !ight( b%t /r. Hey)ood )o%ldn$t let hi!7" 5%ddenly Jere!y appeared &ro! behind one o& the pillars by the e3it. He )as read0%sting his tie( loo"ing do)n at it )ith an annoyed loo". /o!ents later /r. Hey)ood stepped o%t &ro! the pillar too( also p%lling at his tie. /y breath ca%ght in !y throat &or a !o!ent. /r. Hey)ood co%ldn$t loo" bad in a s%it e en i& he tried. His hair )as da!p( !a"ing it loo" dar"er and !ore !essy than %s%al. Casey ga e !e a gentle p%sh &ro! behind and ' st%!bled &or)ards a &e) steps be&ore )al"ing on !y o)n. "#hat )ere yo% t)o doing behind there?" Casey in*%ired )hen )e )ere close eno%gh &or the! to hear %s. '!!ediately both their heads snapped o%r )ay. /r. Hey)ood inhaled sharply as his eyes landed on !e. ' bl%shed( *%ic"ly ad erting !y ga-e.

"#o)( Holly(" ' heard Jere!y start. "4o% loo"+" "Absol%tely per&ect(" /r. Hey)ood &inished( c%tting in. "That color s%its yo% )ell." ' loo"ed bac" %p no)( s!iling slightly. "4o% don$t loo" hal&,bad yo%rsel&." He grinned. "' "no)." "#ell )ho is this strapping yo%ng lady?" Jere!y said( t%rning to Casey )ith a )ide grin. Casey raised an eyebro). "4o% clean %p good." Jere!y shr%gged. "' try." "2%t )hat )ere yo% t)o doing behind that pillar?" she *%estioned again( slo)ly s!ir"ing. "5o!ething yo% sho%ldn$t be? All alone? 4o% g%ys )ere &i3ing yo%r ties7" /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "#e$re not gay( Casey." "#ell it is Th%rsday. And yo%$re )earing p%rple." Jere!y loo"ed s%rprised. "#hat? 't$s Th%rsday? 5hit6 ' )as s%pposed to )or"+" /r. Hey)ood sla!!ed his elbo) into Jere!y$s side. "'t$s 5%nday( st%pid." "Oh." ' la%ghed. "O"ay( so are )e ready to go?" "As soon as yo% p%t on yo%r coat(" /r. Hey)ood responded( gi ing !e a disappro ing loo". "'t$s the !iddle o& )inter( Holly." ' gri!aced. "2%t Casey7" He sighed( ta"ing his 0ac"et o&& his ar! and handing it to !e. "5ince )e$re already late( 0%st )ear this." "2%t+" "#ear it( Holly." ' slo)ly too" it rel%ctantly. "#hat are yo% going to )ear? 4o% "no)( Casey doesn$t ha e a 0ac"et either."

"'$ e got her co ered(" Jere!y responded( and ' t%rned to see Casey p%lling on )hat ' ass%!ed to be his 0ac"et. "<s !anly !en can handle the cold." "2%t+" "Co!e on( Holly(" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected( holding o%t his 0ac"et &or !e to slip into. "J%st )ear it." A&ter another !o!ent o& hesitation ' &inally sighed( p%tting !y ar!s into the slee es o& the 0ac"et. /r. Hey)ood p%lled it tightly aro%nd !e and started b%ttoning it %p &or !e. ' bl%shed( s)atting his hands a)ay. "' can do that !ysel&." "2%t ' can do it *%ic"er(" he responded )ith a s!ir". "2%t i& yo% insist. Co!e on( yo% can b%tton )hile )e )al"." #ith that( he grabbed !y hand and began dragging !e to)ards the e3it )ith no regards to the &act that ' co%ldn$t b%tton !y coat i& he had one o& !y hands. The trip to La"e Cha!plain( )here the )edding )as being held( didn$t ta"e ery long at all. Jere!y had tho%ght ahead and boo"ed %s a hotel only abo%t t)enty !in%tes a)ay+ and he had !apped o%t the dri e be&orehand so he "ne) )here he )as going. /r. Hey)ood see!ed 0%st as i!pressed as ' )as. Jere!y had a s!%g e3pression on the entire ti!e( and )hen )e dro e into the par"ing lot o& the la"eside cabin( he loo"ed e3tre!ely pleased )ith hi!sel&. 5)ar!s o& people )ere entering the cabin( the )o!en all dressed in la ender go)ns( the !en dressed in blac" t%3es. /r. Hey)ood *%ic"ly grabbed !y hand again so )e )o%ldn$t be separated. ' loo"ed o er to !y sho%lder to grab Casey$s hand( b%t ' reali-ed she had disappeared in the cro)d behind %s. Jere!y had too. "/r. Hey)ood( Jere!y and Casey+" "Holly( '$! going to as" yo% to try yo%r ery best to call !e Chris today( o"ay?" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected( gi ing !e a serio%s loo". "Please." ' blin"ed( a bit ta"en abac" by his serio%s tone. "<!( s%re( Chris7 2%t Jere!y and Casey are still gone." He s%r eyed the area aro%nd %s( &ro)ning slightly. "They$ll &ind %s )hen )e sit do)n. Co!e on." #e started !o ing again( going into the !ain roo! o& the cabin )here pe)s a&ter pe)s )ere lined %p. A narro) strip o& p%rple carpet separated the pe)s into the bride$s side

and the groo!$s side. /ost people )ere seated already( aside &ro! the ones still &illing in. /r. Hey)ood led !e to one o& the pe)s closest to the &ront( p%lling !e to o%r seats. "' didn$t e3pect Holly to ha e so !any &riends(" /r. Hey)ood !%ttered( dropping into one o& the seats. ' *%ic"ly sat do)n ne3t to hi!( ad0%sting !y dress. "#ell there$s &a!ily too7" /r. Hey)ood &ro)ned( ga-ing to)ards the &ront o& the roo! )here the alter )as set %p. 1or a second ' tho%ght ' sa) regret and his eyes and a ner o%s &eeling spread thro%gh !e. #hen /r. Hey)ood &inally loo"ed a)ay he t%rned to !e( his eyebro)s &%rro)ing in con&%sion. "#hat$s )rong?" "Are yo% s%re yo% )ant to be here?" He raised an eyebro). "#hy )o%ldn$t ' be?" Color rose to !y chee"s as ' reali-ed ho) st%pid !y tho%ghts )ere. "'7 <!( ne er !ind act%ally7" /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led. "#ere yo% thin"ing ' )o%ld be %nco!&ortable )atching the girl ' %sed to lo e !arry so!eone else?" "Not e3actly7" "4o% can$t lie to !e( Holly." ' sighed. "' "no). 5orry." /r. Hey)ood o&&ered !e a s!all s!ile. ".on$t apologi-e. '$! o er her( Holly. '$! happy that she$s &o%nd so!eone to lo e )ho )on$t ca%se her any proble!s. And besides( ' ha e so!eone ' lo e !%ch !ore no)." "Jere!y?" /r. Hey)ood lightly slapped !e on the &orehead. "4o%( st%pid." ' p%lled his hand o&& !y &orehead( b%t didn$t let it go. He ent)ined his &ingers )ith !ine( setting o%r hands do)n on his lap. ' ga e his hand a hard s*%ee-e. "One day o%r &riends )ill be the ones sitting here(" /r. Hey)ood stated( sending !e a grin. "And yo%$ll literally be a bl%shing bride."

To no one$s s%rprise( a )ar! bl%sh spread across !y &ace at his )ords. "'+' )on$t bl%sh." /r. Hey)ood la%ghed. "#hate er yo% say( Holly." "Casey6 They$re o er here6" /y head snapped to)ards the so%nd o& Jere!y$s oice that had abr%ptly appeared ne3t to !e. He sent !e a *%ic" grin( sliding do)n the pe) that )as s%ddenly &%ll o& people. Casey ca!e do)n the aisle ne3t( apologi-ing as she passed each person. Jere!y sat ne3t to !e( &orcing Casey to sit on his other side( and ne3t to a !an )ho rather rese!bled a bear. "4o% ready &or this( Chris?" Jere!y as"ed( leaning aro%nd !e. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "There$s nothing to be ready &or. '$ e attended a )edding be&ore." "2%t this is Holly." "And this is !y Holly(" /r. Hey)ood responded( holding %p o%r ent)ined hands. Jere!y ch%c"led( nodding his head. "To%chD." "4o% g%ys are so c%te together6" Casey g%shed( leaning o er Jere!y so she co%ld see %s better. ".on$t7 call !e c%te li"e '$! a child(" /r. Hey)ood responded( !a"ing a &ace. "'$! &o%r years older than yo%." Casey &ro)ned. "1ine. Old !an." ' la%ghed as /r. Hey)ood sco)led at her. A s%dden silence seeped thro%gh pe) a&ter pe)( ca%sing the roo! to &all noiseless. 8%ests )ere t%rning in their seats( loo"ing all aro%nd the!. /y ga-e !et a pair o& sharp loo"ing eyes &ro! a yo%ng !an in the ro) in &ront o& %s. He narro)ed his eyes slightly( and ' *%ic"ly ad erted !y ga-e( t%rning to /r. Hey)ood. "/a"ing eye contact )ith strangers is so a)")ard(" ' !%ttered *%ietly to hi!. He ch%c"led. "4o%$re c%te( Holly."

/y heart s"ipped a beat )hen he leaned in and planted a *%ic" "iss on !y &orehead. 'n ol%ntarily !y eyes ret%rned to the spot )here the yo%ng !an ' had !ade eye contact )ith sat. He )as s!ir"ing at %s. He n%dged the person sitting ne3t to hi!( and she t%rned aro%nd( a pair o& e*%ally sharp eyes landing on !e. They )idened slightly in s%rprise. 5he then n%dged her neighbor( )ho also t%rned to loo" at !e. This ti!e it )as an older )o!an. "Holly?" the )o!an *%estioned( so%nding s%rprised. Ta"en abac"( ' stared at her )ith )ide eyes. Ho) did she "no) !y na!e? ' didn$t "no) anyone here besides /r. Hey)ood( Casey( and Jere!y. "4o%$ e got the )rong person(" /r. Hey)ood &inally responded &or !e. "This is !y girl&riend." 8irl&riend. 't )as silly( b%t )hen /r. Hey)ood called !e his girl&riend( a thrill o& e3cite!ent ran thro%gh !e. 't )as li"e "no)ing a secret that no one else "ne). The old )o!an &%rro)ed her eyebro)s. "Oh( '$! sorry7 5he loo"s so !%ch li"e the bride tho%gh7" ' ga e her a s!all s!ile. "5o '$ e heard." A&ter another s!ile &ro! the old )o!an( she t%rned to &ace the &ront again. The other boy and girl &ollo)ed her e3a!ple( &acing &or)ards. /r. Hey)ood ch%c"led *%ietly( gi ing !y hand another s*%ee-e. "#atch o%t( Holly. 4o% !ight be congrat%lated at the reception." ' gri!aced. ' hoped that )o%ldn$t happen7 ' still hate being re!inded abo%t ho) !%ch ' loo"ed li"e Holly. 't )as )eird. 2%t( ' )as e3cited &or the reception. #eddings al)ays had the best &ood. MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAM "Congrat%lations6" ' t%rned !y head( co!ing &ace,to,&ace )ith yet another stranger. "<!( yo% ha e the )rong person7" /r. Hey)ood snic"ered &ro! beside !e as the e!barrassed greeter apologi-ed and )al"ed a)ay. ' shoo" !y head( ta"ing a sip o& !y spar"ing cider. ' )asn$t allo)ed to drin" the )ine+ /r. Hey)ood$s orders.

"' told yo%(" he ta%nted. ' )a ed hi! o&& )ith !y hand. "' don$t get )hy people are con&%sing %s. #e$re )earing t)o totally di&&erent dresses7" ' trailed o&&( re!e!bering )hen Holly &irst entered the roo!. 't )as the only ti!e in !y li&e ' co%ld re!e!ber )hen a girl too" !y breath a)ay. "5he loo"s ten ti!es better than !e." /r. Hey)ood snorted. "No )ay." ' s!iled at hi!. "4o%$re biased." "/aybe." "#here$s Casey?" ' as"ed( trying to change the s%b0ect. /r. Hey)ood hoo"ed his th%!b to)ards the dance &loor. "/a"ing a &ool o& hi!sel& )ith Casey." A la%gh escaped !y lips )hen !y eyes landed on Casey and Jere!y( )ho )ere indeed dancing li"e !aniacs. They )ere sort o& doing the tango7 and &la!enco at the sa!e ti!e( )ith a to%ch o& salsa. Those dancing aro%nd the! )ere shooting the! )ary loo"s e ery so o&ten. "Holly6" 5ighing *%ietly( ' t%rned aro%nd to &end another e3ited g%est a)ay. #hen !y eyes landed on !y doppelganger( ' gasped. 5he see!ed to be s%rprised too( beca%se she stopped short( her eyes )idening. "' &orgot ho) !%ch )e loo" ali"e(" she breathed( s!iling again. "'t$s )eird." "4eah(" ' responded( &eeling shy. Her eyes dropped to !y hand( )hich )as holding /r. Hey)ood$s. 5he t%rned her attention to his &ace( a grin spreading across it. "Chris( ' see yo% &inally !ade yo%r !o e." /r. Hey)ood shot her an e!barrassed loo". "5h%t %p." 5he la%ghed. "1ollo) !e( ' )ant to introd%ce yo% to !y h%sband." ' sent /r. Hey)ood a concerned loo" b%t he shoo" his head( ta"ing the lead( and p%lling !e a&ter Holly. The three o& %s )ea ed thro%gh cro)ds o& g%ests( )ho all called o%t congrat%lations to Holly( and ga)"ed )hen they reali-ed there )as t)o o& her. 1inally )e

!ade it to a *%iet sport aro%nd the &ood stand( )here the groo! and a yo%ng child )ere )aiting. The groo!( a c%rly haired br%nette( stared at !e in disbelie& as )e gre) closer. "Holly( yo% didn$t tell !e yo% had a t)in." Holly ch%c"led( ta"ing her h%sband$s hand. "Andy( this is Holly. 5he$s Chris$s girl&riend. Holly( this is Andy( !y h%sband." Andy slo)ly held o%t his hand( still ta"ing !e in. ' *%ic"ly placed !y &ree one in his( and he grasped it &ir!ly( sha"ing it t)ice be&ore letting it go. "Nice to !eet yo%(" he stated a&ter a !o!ent. "4o% too(" ' !%r!%red( &eeling shy again. "This is Pa%l( !y step,son(" Holly contin%ed( p%shing a yo%ng in &ront o& her. ' bit !y tong%e so an "a)e" co%ldn$t escape !y lips. The little boy in &ront o& !e had to be one o& the c%test toddlers ' had e er seen. He had c%rly hair li"e his &ather( and the brightest bl%e eyes ' had e er seen. "Ho) old is he?" ' as"ed c%rio%sly. "T)o(" Andy responded( p%tting a hand on his son$s head. "His birthday 0%st passed." Pa%l stared at !e( a goo&y grin spreading across his &ace. "Hi6" "Hello(" ' responded( catching his s!ile. "'$! Holly." Pa%l *%ic"ly hid behind his &ather$s legs( dropping his ga-e. Andy la%ghed( gi ing !e a sheepish loo". "He$s not good aro%nd ne) people." "That$s o"ay(" ' responded( still enth%siastic abo%t ho) c%te his on )as. "He$s adorable." Holly &lashed !e a s!ile. ".o yo% li"e children( Holly?" ' nodded. "/ost o& the!." 5he s!ir"ed( sending /r. Hey)ood a s%ggesti e loo". '!!ediately ' &l%shed( %nderstanding )hat she !eant. /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes at her( sha"ing his head. Andy loo"ed con&%sed( ob io%sly !issing the )hole e3change. "Holly( do yo% )ant to dance?" /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly as"ed( t%gging !e to)ards the dance &loor. "Let$s go." "<!( b%t+"

"4o% too ha e &%n(" Holly inter0ected( loo"ing s!%g. "' ha e to go tal" to !ore o& o%r g%ests." Andy groaned. "2%t )e$ e already tal"ed to li"e a tho%sand people+" "4o%$re e3aggerating(" Holly c%t hi! o&&( rolling her eyes. "2ye Holly( by Chris." ' bid the trio adie%( and /r. Hey)ood p%lled !e to)ards the dance &loor( )here Casey and Jere!y )ere still ha ing a blast. J%st as )e stepped on the )ooden &looring the song changed into a slo)( cal! one. /r. Hey)ood ga e !e a s!all s!ir"( ta"ing !y other hand in his. "Per&ect ti!ing( right?" ' bl%shed as /r. Hey)ood )rapped !y ar!s aro%nd his nec" and dropped his to !y )aist. "' &eel li"e yo% "ne) the song )as going to change." /r. Hey)ood rolled his eyes. "'$! not psychic." "' )o%ldn$t be s%rprised." /y ga-e t%rned bac" to Jere!y and Casey( )ho )ere no) s%rprisingly dancing 0%st as /r. Hey)ood and ' )ere. "Hey( Chris( loo"." /r. Hey)ood &ro-e &or a !o!ent. ' coc"ed !y head *%estioningly. He shoo" his head( staring to !o e to the !%sic again. "E en tho%gh ' told yo% to call !e Chris( it still thre) !e o&& g%ard." "That$s good7 ' thin"." He la%ghed *%ietly. "' don$t "no) i& it is or not." "Any)ay( loo" at Casey and Jere!y. .on$t they loo" c%te together?" /r. Hey)ood glanced at said pair and !ade a &ace. ".on$t e en thin" abo%t that( Holly." ' po%ted. "#hy not?" "Jere!y ha ing a girl&riend? That$s i!possible." "4o% ne er "no)7" /r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "Tr%e( b%t co!e on. 't$s Jere!y." "4o% 0%st don$t )ant hi! to ha e a girl&riend beca%se+"

"Holly i& yo% !a"e another gay 0o"e ' )ill not tal" to yo% &or the rest o& the night(" he c%t !e o&&( gi ing !e an e3asperated loo". "' lo e yo%( Holly. '$! not gay. <nless yo%$re secretly a !an." ' ch%c"led( trying not to la%gh too hard. "No( '$! not. ' )as "idding( /r7" ' !ade a &ace. "Er( Chris." "' "no)( b%t still7" #itho%t any )arning( ' !o ed to !y tiptoes( reaching 0%st high eno%gh to *%ic"ly "iss /r. Hey)ood. Once again he )as nonpl%ssed. He stood still &or a !o!ent( loo"ing &l%stered. ' s!ir"ed at hi!. He ga e !e a ca%tio%s loo". "That$s not &air( Holly." "4o% "iss !e )itho%t )arning all the ti!e(" ' pointed o%t. /r. Hey)ood p%rsed his lips. "'t$s di&&erent." "No it$s not6" "O"ay(" he said )ith a shr%g. "2%t i& ' attac" yo% beca%se yo% do so!ething li"e that( it$s not !y &a%lt." As he said the last )ords( an a!%sed s!ile appeared on his &ace. "Attac"?" He )agged his eyebro)s sed%cti ely. "4o% "no) )hat ' !ean." #ar!th spread across !y chee"s and ' had to loo" a)ay &ro! hi!. "4o%$re a per ert." "' lo e yo%." "' "no)." /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly p%lled !e closer to hi!( )rapping his ar! all the )ay aro%nd !e( and s*%ee-ing !e against his chest. "#hat?" "' lo e yo% too(" ' corrected !ysel&( !%!bling into his sho%lder. He let !e go( s!iling in a satis&ied )ay. "That$s !%ch better( Holly. /%ch better." "/ind i& ' c%t in?"

'n the blin" o& an eye ' )as s)ept a)ay &ro! /r. Hey)ood( s%ddenly in the ar!s o& Jere!y. /r. Hey)ood sent Jere!y and annoyed loo"( b%t dropped it )hen Casey )as s%ddenly sho ed into his ar!s. "Partner s)itch(" Jere!y sang( p%lling !e close to hi!. "#e didn$t e en ha e one dance(" ' protested b%t still )rapped !y ar!s aro%nd Jere!y$s nec". Jere!y shr%gged. "There )ill be plenty !ore." "4o% co%ld ha e )aited." "'$! i!patient." ' rolled !y eyes at hi!. "Ob io%sly." "#hat did yo% thin" o& the )edding?" Jere!y in*%ired( slo)ly s)aying side,to,side )ith the beat. "This is a really nice place &or one(" ' responded( s!iling. "Holly loo"ed really good in her dress." ".o yo% )ant to get !arried?" "5o!e day." Jere!y grinned( s%ddenly letting !e go. ' pa%sed( staring at hi! c%rio%sly. He s%ddenly dropped onto one "nee( ta"ing !y hand in his. "Holly( )o%ld yo% !arry !e?" There )ere a &e) gasps &ro! aro%nd %s( and ' loo"ed aro%nd to see the g%ests closer to %s )ere all staring )ith )ide eyes. A &e) o& the )o!en bro"e o%t into h%ge s!iles( n%dging their partners in the side. A bl%sh spread across !y &ace as ' glared do)n at Jere!y( )ho )as also staring aro%nd in s%rprise. #hen his ga-e ret%rned to !y &ace( he ga e !e a sheepish grin. "5ay yes6" one o& the yo%ng )o!en to !y right %rged. "4eah( do it6" "4o%$d ha e to be a bitch to t%rn hi! do)n here."

' s!iled )ryly( trying !y best not to glare at Jere!y. /y ga-e shi&ted( landing on /r. Hey)ood( )ho loo"ed e3tre!ely ir"ed. Casey on the other hand( loo"ed absol%tely a!%sed. 5he )as trying her best not to la%gh. "#hy is she hesitating?" the sa!e )o!an that had !ade the bitch co!!ent )hispered lo%dly. No) annoyed( ' sent Jere!y a hard loo". "4es( '$ll !arry yo%." There )as no )ay ' )as going to be the bad g%y here. Appla%se bro"e o%t as Jere!y slo)ly ret%rned to his &eet( scratching the bac" o& his head %nco!&ortably. A &e) people ca!e %p to hi! and congrat%lated hi!( slapping hi! on the bac". 5o!e o& the )o!en sent !e )ide grins( b%t didn$t co!e o er to !e. ' didn$t bla!e the!. They didn$t "no) !e. /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly appeared( going straight to Jere!y. He stopped abo%t a &oot a)ay( p%tting on a broad s!ile. "Hey( congrat%lations !an6" Jere!y sent /r. Hey)ood a heed&%l loo". "<!( than"s d%de7" "4o% really deser e a slap on the bac"." "No that$s *%iet alright( Chri+ <gh(" Jere!y groaned as /r. Hey)ood see!ingly %sed all his &orce to slap Jere!y on the bac". "' hope yo% li e a long and happy li&e )ith !y girl&riend." Casey b%rst o%t la%ghing( s%ddenly appearing by !y side. ' started( t%rning !y head to her *%ic"ly. 5he ga e !e an a!%sed s!ile( gest%ring to Jere!y( )ho )as still !a"ing a &ace in pain. /r. Hey)ood ca!e o er to Casey and !e( crossing his ar!s. A&ter a &e) !ore !o!ents Jere!y ca!e o er to( p%tting a hand to his bac". "Holly( ' thin" '$ll ha e to call this )edding o&&7" "That$s too bad(" ' responded( &ro)ning. "' )as really loo"ing &or)ard to it." He grinned. "/aybe a&ter yo% and Chris !arry and di orce." "#e$re not going to di orce(" /r. Hey)ood inter0ected( gi ing Jere!y an annoyed loo". Casey ga e !e a secret s!ile( ob io%sly catching )hat ' did. /r. Hey)ood didn$t say )e )eren$t going to get !arried. Jere!y p%rsed his lips at /r. Hey)ood. "4o% r%in all !y &%n."

"4o%$re annoying." Jere!y t%rned to Casey( a grin slipping onto his &ace. He )as one resilient person. "Casey( )ill yo% !arry !e?" Casey coc"ed an eyebro). "' don$t "no). '$! not s%re ho) ' &eel abo%t !en )ho by )o!en$s lingerie in Bictoria$s 5ecret &or the!sel es7" "' didn$t6" "' sa) yo%." "No yo% didn$t6" Casey narro)ed her eyes. "Are yo% calling !e a liar?" Jere!y$s &ace &altered. "No( b%t+" "2%t )hat?" 5%ddenly ' &elt so!eone t%g on !y elbo)( and ' t%rned !y head to see /r. Hey)ood nodding his head to)ards the other side o& the roo!. #hile Jere!y and Casey )ere distracted( )e *%ietly sn%c" a)ay &ro! the!. ' la%ghed *%ietly; a bit s%rprised )e had gotten a)ay so easily. /r. Hey)ood slipped his hand into !ine( p%lling !e past the rest o& the dancers( to)ards the e3it. "#here are )e going?" ' *%estioned as /r. Hey)ood contin%ed to drag !e thro%gh the entrance hall. "To be alone &or a !o!ent." ' &%rro)ed !y eyebro)s in con&%sion. /r. Hey)ood s%ddenly !ade a right( p%lling !e to a side hall)ay. "Are )e allo)ed to be do)n here?" /r. Hey)ood shr%gged. "/aybe." The corners o& !y lips t)itched into a s!all s!ile. "' don$t )ant to get in tro%ble." He s%ddenly stopped( ca%sing !e to r%n into hi!. He steadied !e( an a!%sed s!ile crossing his &ace. "Then '$ll !a"e this *%ic"." "/a"e )hat *%ic"?"

He sho ed his hand into his pant poc"et( s%ddenly loo"ing a little e!barrassed. "#ell( yo% )ere in the hospital on Christ!as so ' ne er got a chance to gi e yo% yo%r Christ!as present7" /y heart s"ipped a beat in s%rprise. "4o% got !e a present?" "'t$s "ind o& both a birthday and Christ!as present( since ' didn$t get yo% one o& those7" "' don$t need anything+" /r. Hey)ood shoo" his head( s%ddenly thr%sting a s!all pac"age in to !y hand. "Ta"e it( Holly." ' loo"ed at the poorly )rapped pac"age in !y hand and s!iled. "4o%$re not good at )rapping things( are yo%?" /r. Hey)ood narro)ed his eyes. "J%st open it." "O"ay(" ' responded( sliding a &inger %nderneath one o& the &laps so ' co%ld open it easily. /y !o%th )ent dry )hen ' reali-ed it )as a s!all( el et bo3. That co%ld only !ean one o%t o& three things. ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood( not s%re i& ' )anted to open it. He ga e !e an i!patient loo". "J%st so yo% "no)( '$! not ta"ing it bac"." /y heart po%nded in !y chest as ' slo)ly p%lled the top o& the blac" bo3 %p( opening it to re eal a nec"lace. The pendant )as a piece o& bea%ti&%l( spar"ing bl%e ge! shaped in a heart. Abo e the heart nec"lace )as a s!all dia!ond( attached to the bac" that )as holding the ge! in. The chain )as !ade o%t o& )hite gold. "The ge! is Topa-( yo%r birthstone(" /r. Hey)ood in&or!ed !e( d%c"ing his head. "'t !atched yo%r eyes so ' tho%ght )hy not?" "This loo"s7 really e3pensi e(" ' co!!ented( barely able to &or! the )ords beca%se !y !o%th )as so dry. "'t$s so pretty7" "' ta"e it yo% li"e it?" ' loo"ed %p at /r. Hey)ood( gi ing hi! a cra-y loo". "O& co%rse ' li"e it6 ' lo e it6" He let o%t a sigh o& relie&. "8ood. ' )asn$t s%re i& yo%$d li"e it or not. Altho%gh ' do belie e yo%r &a orite color is bl%e." 8rasping the nec"lace tightly in !y hand( ' thre) !ysel& at /r. Hey)ood( )rapping !y ar!s aro%nd hi! tightly. "Than" yo%( Chris."

He ch%c"led( slo)ly r%bbing !y bac". "4o%$re )elco!e( Holly. #ant !e to help yo% p%t it on?" ' nodded( p%lling a)ay &ro! hi!( and dropping the nec"lace into his o%tstretched pal!. He gest%red &or to t%rn aro%nd( so ' did( and ' soon &elt hi! p%shing !y hair to one side o& !y nec". Then he p%t his ar!s aro%nd !e( lying the pendant &ace %p on !y chest( and p%lled it tighter so he co%ld clasp it. #hen he )as &inished he let the chain drop and the nec"lace lay against !y chest high eno%gh %p so e eryone co%ld see. ' s!iled do)n at it( pic"ing it %p. "Than" yo% again(" ' said( t%rning aro%nd to &ace hi!. He s!iled( slipping his ar!s aro%nd !y )aist. "Anyti!e." "5ho%ld )e go bac" to the )edding?" "H!!7 ' ote no." ' coc"ed !y head to the side. "#hy not?" /r. Hey)ood s!ir"ed. "'$d rather spend it o%t here )ith yo%. Alone." "Oh(" ' responded la!ely( &eeling !y &ace heat %p. "<!( ' g%ess that$d be o"ay. 2%t Casey+" "Has Jere!y to play )ith(" /r. Hey)ood &inished &or !e( bringing his head closer to !e. "Right?" "Right(" ' !%!bled. The pro3i!ity bet)een %s had !y heart racing and ' tried to cal! it( hoping he )o%ldn$t hear it. "Right(" he responded si!ply( p%shing !e bac" a &e) steps so that ' )as against the )all. "No) )e can stay o%t here and7" he trailed o&&( bringing his &ace closer to !ine. '!!ediately ' closed !y eyes( preparing !ysel&. "Ad!ire yo%r nec"lace." /y eyes shot open )hen ' &elt !y pendant being pic"ed %p. /r. Hey)ood ga-ed at it( a s!ir" playing across his lips. ' stared at hi!( a little disappointed. #hen his eyes !et !ine( he coc"ed his head to the side. "4o% loo" a little let do)n."

' bl%shed. "'+ ' do not6" "#hat )ere yo% e3pecting !e to do?" "Nothing6" "9iss yo%( perhaps?" "No6" "Li"e this?" he as"ed( *%ic"ly leaning &or)ard and "issing !e. ' bl%shed as he p%lled a)ay. "No7" He ch%c"led. "' ha e a &eeling yo% no )hat '$! going to say." "Holly( yo% can$t lie to !e." /r. Hey)ood nodded appro ingly. "4o%$re getting the hang o& it." Rolling !y eyes( ' grabbed the &ront o& /r. Hey)ood$s t%3. "#hy don$t yo% sh%t %p and "iss !e." He raised an eyebro). "'t see!s o%r roles ha e been re ersed." "5ee!s so." "' g%ess '$ll let it slide &or tonight(" he responded )ith a !oc"ingly rel%ctant loo". ".o as yo% )ish( /s. E ers." ' s!iled. "' plan to."


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