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Techat*lngy Srief


The extra sp*r(J *f'FireWir* {10# cornparerl wrtlr LJ:;l} 2.i} rn*lke:; FirsWir-e n-rur:h m*re suitable f cr bancjv'ricjtl-r-irrtensive ;;:iplic*ll ions likc vidc* ant-i qraphir::;, i,viri<.h t>fterr
c:onsr;rne lrurrdr*cjs or everl th*usand:;

*f ineqahyt*s


r.lata g:er frle" Tl'le




*f l.JS$ 2.A tabnut fi,,re m*tersi

its usefu]ne:;s in <ieplt:rvrnent.:; th;*t rer-l*rre

l*nq-hauN cablirrg,rnci nrultiple soLn'{.e:; *{'rial;s, suc.:h as:;ounc-l st;lge:; anri sit:<iir>:;. Annther eJifferentiat*r af Fir*Wire is ihat it ir a true p**r-t$-perI ter:hri{}loq'r^ l"}58'r.i} w*rks in a rnasterislave arcangernent, rn*aning that <j;*t;* rnust b* copieci i:i: a ceril.r,,ll {:{}rri["]rJteI t.['len back again. Decau:;* Firewlre cj**s n*t r*q*ire ;r r:*ntral hcst, wn# *t
rr]{}re FireWire periplreral:; rari conrrnunic.;:te with each oth*r rlireitly a5 {}*.er:;,:;elrdinq each piece of data acrrlss thc i:us cnfy *nLe, rJirectly tr: its durt!naticllr" 1io,lt ih* siirno speecl in lvlbp:, l-ireWirr can b* usryd tc m*i,'* cJata rnurh faster tharr iJ58, T'lris f*aturt,:
rnake s



l-ire$/ir* suitabl* f*r c*nnectin'.J hnr*t t:nt*rtainrnent ccfirponenis such h#nrf stfre*s, anci 'l'Vs"


*rri*ulrts cf pcw*r as well at dala, s* it's prxsible to pclwer-and eveil charcle llre l:;ittery *!-*ffiany f:ireWire periph*rats dir*ctly {rrsrn y{}u{ {orilil}ul*r. While LJSS J^C al[*tors a!" nl*sl" 2.5W *f, pou"er, *rroui;h
Finally, F:ir*\ffire is

iesigned t-* lrr:ns5:r:rt


for;l sirnple c}etrice like a rrlouse, FireWire devices ciln provlcie or cor]sLir]re Lifi to 45f"1 cf parr*er; pllerrty trtr lsigh-g:*rfarrnilrrE:* di:k drive-'. ;*nd rapicl batl*ty rlra rt;ints"ThiE
f'eatr-rre is a{' speci*N berretit tr:s users r:f porta!:le carripul*r'r, 'urli* {ar} t;}ke irrip*ltc}nl prripherals on the rr;arl v.;ithr:ul rcrryinlT ii lr:l ol'vv;lll-rn*ilrll pCIwer ;ld;rpr-e,":;.

Supp*rt {*r a Wide


* *f


What can you irse FireWire fori Here's a samp:ling *f the tir*V/irc devir*'; cr.;rrentirr in use 0r nrr tlre hcrizon"
Mass st*nage Storacl* ---esFe{.ially g"i*rt;:[:le on*s---are being radi<.alli'tr;irrsl-orrnet] kry tlr*

adopti+n cf' FireUJirc. hl*t aniy cjo*s Fir*$/irs [rerrnit.,*n ext*rnal NiarrJ e.ii:;li. i"lriv* to i:e rnounted b3r:;irnply c*nlrer:Ii fig a s!nql* p!ug, il" c;rt eveil pr*r'ide enouqh ele<.trlrity Io pcr,ver tl'le drive. FireVr/ire rnass st*rnge rjcvices include har* cjisk <Jriv*s, iyiacinelr:c5:t.ical drives, high-i.ap;rcity renlovahle iJrivrs, trlile <jrives, and Ci:iiDVtrJ 6:rt:du{.ts, inctr-rcinlg bc:tlr rearj-r:rrly and re*l tl/v;rrr.* cirive:;.

g:erfr-:{l t:t}{}V Digital vider: tDV) caft\{CIrrjers captlrre vicJ*qr ':nd .rucJirs anrJ {an 5*nri ;l ta a ccrnputer fi:r edilinc],;lcJdir.rg speci;rl ef,fects, ancl rnakincl t;ther rnt:<Jif ie-ati*rle.-r$ treate a firrishecJ videc. FireWir* provides thc higl"r-specd r**r:nerti*r] rquirerj t* dc,wnlrsav| e"{igital vider-t quir-kly. FireWire 8{J{J e',i*n h;r:; ihe n*ce5s'iry tirr*urjhprrt- {t>r

i:arrdr,vidtir-inte nsive applicati* that wre nr:t pr:lsi[:le {}ver the '.:riqirraI f:ireWirr, Lrri{:ory}FJrL*ssr:d, slanrJard-iJelirritiori ',tide*,Tire k:rrg-rIi;;,dtlte citpability,.:i'FireWire t300 also qives procluction st{-iciir*rE ;rrrd sirnil;rr br-rsiries5es ry.rirre :ur-h as n'rulliple-strearll,

flcxibillty lr: t*cate each

priece r:f

equiprn*nt rr,,rl-r*re it':; rncgi ;rpprt:pria';e,



It;lvirrg tc: put everytflirrg adjaceil-L tr: tl're cr:rnput*r.

DigEtnl arudio l-ireWfrt: rJelivers thc banciwicith requir*d ior hicgh-qu.rlity dirlital nudia. f;v*n ?irtWirt:

400 has enough l:r*rrdwicJth r:v*r a ritrglc ct:rrttect*r for hr.incirr-cis *f thann*ls of rtr.tisr:frer, lrigh-resolutit:n riiqital audic cr"rd u1: tt:256 chanrrerls *f MllX.fil"*Wirc BiltJ can hanCle twire as rrany sinrultaner:us real-.tinre stre*rns. Sutlport f,:r cabiin,q ttp trs 1*0 nretrrs qivx you rrlrlre canfipurcti$ft optii:ns with FireWire E0[] thiin :*iutions such as {-1Sil, e n;rblinq yt:u t* ust a Marint*sh systen"l as a virtu;rl ysatrh bay that c*rltrrts auclio clevices itt situations rarrr;inr; fr*rn a persclnai stucii* to a huge ntultiroctn procJuctir:ri facility. \bu can tvrn hct'.sv'rap devices in anC *ut *f tlre. audit: g:rt:cessing chain as yolrr needs clranr;e.

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