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Curriculum Vitae Of Md. Arif Hossain Md.

Arif Hossain Room no- 413, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Hall, University ! "haka# ari!hossain4$%gmail#&om OBJECTIVES:

'ork sin&erely and res(onsibly in a &om(any )hi&h is one o! the leading &om(anies in home and abroad and to a&hieve a &hallenging and su&&ess!ul (osition )ith the best o! my skill, e!!ort and leadershi(# * &an !a&e &ru&ial and risky moments by taking (ro(er de&isions !or the develo(ment o! my &om(any# +nd to get the (ro(er !a&ilities to sho) su&&ess, gather more and more kno)ledge to build u( a strong &areer# Workin E!"erience: * am no) )orking as Resear&h assistant in ,&on Resear&h and &onsultan&y, H-R. "issertation U/ and +ssignomania !or about t)o years# Workin res"onsi#ilit$ 1# 0re(aring +ssignment, Re(ort, and ,ssay, dissertation, thesis, Suggestions, 0roblem solving, uni1ue arti&le )riting !or blog and )ebsites )ithout (lagiarism by the given dire&tion o! em(loyer# $# 0roviding )ork )ithin the assigned time# 3# Revie)ing or (ara(hrasing o! )ork i! needed# 4# ,2(ert in Harvard re!eren&ing#


Masters of #usiness administration )MBA* * am no) studying MB+ in HRM

Bac+elors of #usiness administration )BBA* Major .40+ *nstitution 0assing year 3 Management studies 3 3#35 3 University o! "haka 3 $51$

Hi +er secondar$ sc+ool certificate Major 40+ *nstitution Board 0assing year Secondar$ sc+ool certificate Major 40+ *nstitution Board 0assing year 3 Business studies 3 8#55 3 4angananda(ur High s&hool 3 7essore 3 $559 3 Business studies 3 4#66 3 4angananda(ur "egree .ollege 3 7essore 3 $556


+ll !!i&e (rograms and (en o!!i&e# :-y(ing s(eed $5 &a(s; minute<# ,2(ert in sear&h engine o(timi=ation :S, <# ,2(erien&ed in )orking 'indo)s and >inu2 o(erating system# So!t)are and o(erating system installation and handling trouble shooting#

/A&0-A0E 1&OW/E%0E:


Mother tongue


0ro!i&ient in Reading, 'riting and ?luent S(eaking


@ame3 MotherAs name3 0ermanent address3

Md# +ri! Hossain# Mt# Shahanara Begum# Billage3 - Baliya 0ost o!!i&e3 - 4angananda(ur U(a=ila3 - 7hikerga&ha "istri&t3 - 7essore 35th &tober 1C6C#

?atherAs name3Md# +bdus Samad#

"ate o! birth

(efference23 @ame3 "r#Shaid Uddin +hmed 0osition3 0ro!essor +ddress3 ?a&ulty o! Business Studies, University o! "haka# Mobile @o3 51D118C3134

(efference24 @ame3 "r#Shaker +hmed 0osition3 0ro!essor +ddress3 ?a&ulty o! Business Studies, University o! "haka# Mobile @o3 51D18881DDD

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