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Remind the newlyweds for them to enter the halls after the Introduction and Acknowledgments.

Call to Order Emcee : Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please. We are about to begin the Wedding Reception so please find a seat and make yourself comfortable. o start !ith today"s celebration# I !ould like to call on $$$$$$$$$$$$ to lead us in to prayer. Opening Prayer: %ur father& love has been 'our richest and greatest gift to the !orld. Love bet!een a man and !oman& !hich mature into marriage& is one of 'our most beautiful types of loves. Lord God& !e thank you for the union of hearts of our dear (oseph and (anice. %n this special day& their !edding day& heaven sings in triumph. )or a ne! love shall unveil the glory of your name. We sincerely pray that you bless this couple !ith a love !hich shall unveil the glory of your name. We sincerely pray that you bless this couple !ith a love to last forever. In sickness and in health& may they find your strength. In doubts and troubles& may they see your light. In hurts and failures& may they find your pardon. In loneliness and desperation& may they find your *oy. +lso !e pray& that you bless them !ith a family so blissful& prosperous and ever healthy. +nd above all& filled !ith love& faith and hope that are found on you. May your blessing be on this !edding celebration. ,rotect& guide and bless (oseph and (anice in their marriage. -urround them and us !ith 'our love no! and al!ays. +men Welcome Address Emcee : Good day everyone and !elcome to (oseph and (anice"s !edding reception. We are done !ith the solemn part of the celebration and !e thank those people !ho !ere !ith us earlier for the !edding ceremony. +nd for those !ho *ust *oined in& Welcome. +nd so& here !e are& still& for the most e/citing part of today"s occasion& as the ne!ly!eds invite us in celebration of the beginning of their ne! life together. -o sit do!n& rela/ and en*oy the rest of the evening. his is Emcee1 and Emcee2& your emcees for today.

We thank you all for gracing this *oyful occasion especially those !ho took a leave of absence from !ork or from school and those !ho have traveled many miles *ust to be !ith us. In behalf of (oseph and (anice and their parents& !e !ould like to e/press their heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this memorable occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all today. Introduction and Acknowledgements ,arents of the Ne!ly!eds Emcee : 0efore anything else& !e !ould like to ackno!ledge the key persons !ho took a great part of this *oyous affair. )or !ithout their support& this event !ould not be made possible. Ladies and gentlemen& it is !ith great pleasure to introduce to you the parents of the bride& Mr. and Mrs. 0ucaloy and the parents of the groom Mr. and Mrs. 1ia2. ,rincipal -ponsors 3optional4 Emcee : We !ould also like to ackno!ledge our ,rincipal -ponsors. Let"s start off !ith the ladies. ,lease make a stand as your name is called. NAMES OF SPONSO S -o there you have it ladies and gentlemen& our most distinguished set of principal sponsors. Let us once again give them a big round of applause. )amily and )riends Emcee : + !edding brings t!o people and their families together. It refreshes the family ties and friendship that have gone stale and almost forgotten against the toll of time and distance. )or this& allo! me to give a very special !elcome to all !ho have traveled many miles to be here !ith us today. We !ould like to ackno!ledge the presence of families and friends !ho took their time out to be here !ith us. Entrance o! t"e #ride and $room Emcee : +t this point I assume that everyone has settled do!n and !e are all ready to !elcome the ne!ly!eds. May I re5uest our lovely Maid of 6onor& $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to please facilitate the !elcoming party for our ne!ly!eds7 MOH: onight calls for a grand celebration and it is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time (oseph and

(anice as husband and !ife. -o !ithout any further ado& let us all rise and give our !armest !elcome to Mr% and Mrs% &ose'" (ia) 3Music Maestro4 3Newlyweds enters4 #ackground Music Emcee : 8ongratulations (oseph and (anice and best !ishes to both of you. We !ish you to be blessed !ith a long and happy life together !ith your children. -o there you have it ladies and gentlemen& our ne! lovely couple. Let us again give them a big round of applause. onight is indeed a special night and !ill forever be etched in the memory of our beloved couple. )or tonight marks the beginning of their ne! life together. )rom this day for!ard they shall be one& and on this *oyful beginning !hat could be more fitting than to celebrate it !ith their )irst 1ance. his 1ance is the !edding couples9 first cooperative engagement and *oint endeavor. +s the saying goes& :It takes t!o to tango.; Ladies and gentlemen& it is once again my privilege to present to you Mr. <. Mrs. (oseph 1ia2 !ith their First (ance. 3Newlyweds dances their First Dance4 #ackground Music

(anice !ill no! go from one table to another to greet each and everyone and to have their souvenir picture taking !ith their guests. -imultaneously& the !edding givea!ays !ill be distributed so please stand by in your seats. 3Joseph and Janice delivers their message of gratitude. 4 Closing emarks Emcee : Well I guess that"s about everything ladies and gentlemen. We have finally come to the end of our program. It has been a great day !ith you all. +gain thank you all for your presence. God bless.

Emcee :

$race #e!ore Meals Emcee : Well& I guess the food is no! ready and the it !ill commence shortly. May I call on ******* to say the grace before meals. Pra+er !or t"e !ood : (inner Emcee :

hank you $$$$$$$. -o there you have it ladies and gentleman. he food is served. 'ou may no! start to partake !ith your food. ,lease en*oy your meal.

,a-le .o''ing !or Sou/enir Pictures 3when guests are eating) Emcee : +t this point& the ne!ly!eds !ould like to take this opportunity to thank everyone personally for your presence. (oseph and

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