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In this tutorial we will try out a few more useful commands in Clayoo. Powerful tools as Ellipsoid, Extrude, Inset and Divide.

The first step, under the Clayoo Primitives tab with the Ellipsoid tool, we can create a solid as the above image. We can use the side tab to define all the parameters.


Now, with the Faces Selection Mode activated, we can select the bottom faces of the ellipsoid and use the Scale Gumball to adjust the shape as the above image.

Faces Selection Mode / Scale Gumball

Points Selection Mode / Divide

Then, with the Divide tool from the Edition tab and with the Points Selection Mode activated from the

Faces Selection Mode / Scale Gumball

Now, with the Faces Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar, with the Scale Gumball activated, we

viewport toolbar, to divide the central face as the above image.

can enlarge the face defined before, as the above image.

1 Clayoo Tutorial Series

Then, with the Extrude tool from the Edition tab we can define the bird's beak as the above image. Its

Points Selection Mode / Divide

Now, with the Points Selection Mode activated from the Clayoo viewport toolbar, we can divide

important to define all the parameters in the side tab.

the faces of the bird's beak as the above image.

Then, with the Divide tool from the Clayoo Edition tab and the Points Selection Mode activated, we can divide the face above the birds beak in two, to start difining the eyes.

Points Selection Mode / Divide

Now, we can select the face created before and with the Inset tool from the Clayoo Edition tab to define more divisions to it, as the above image. Then, the same process to the other side.


Faces Selection Mode / Delete

Then, with the Faces Selection Mode activated, we can select the faces between the beak and the


Edges Selection Mode / Add Face

Now, we can change to the Edges Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar and under the Clayoo

eyes and delete them.

Edition tab, with the Add Face tool, we can create two faces, as the above image.

2 Clayoo Tutorial Series


Points Selection Mode / Move Gumball

Then, with the Points Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar and the Move Gumball activated, we


Now, with the Extrude tool from the Edition tab we should extrude the central face of the birds left

can move back the points in the birds left eye, as the above image. From this point we will only work in the left side of the bird, later it will be mirrored to create symmetry.

eys, as the above image. Its important to define the parameters in the side tab.

Then, with the Faces Selection Mode activated and the Rotate Gumball to adjust the central face position as the above image. If needed we can always use the Move or Scale Gumballs to adjust it better.


Faces Selection Mode / Rotate Gumball

Now, with the Points Selection Mode activated, we can use the Move Gumball to adjust the eye shape as the above image.


Points Selection Mode / Move Gumball


Then, with the Inset tool under the Edition tab, we can divide the face above the eye. It will be used


Faces Selection Mode / Rotate Gumball

Now, with the Faces Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar and the Rotate Gumball activated to

to start defining the eyebrow.

adjust the central face position of the eyebrow.

3 Clayoo Tutorial Series


Points Selection Mode / Move Gumball

Then, with the Points Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar and the Move Gumball activated, we


Points Selection Mode / Divide

Now, with the Points Selection Mode activated we can use the Divide tool to split the lateral face as

can move the points of the eyebrow as the above image.

the above image.

Then, with the Delete tool from the Clayoo Edition tab, we can delete the two lateral faces, as the above image.


Faces Selection Mode / Delete

Now, we can select the edges around the deleted faces and with the Add Face tool from the Clayoo Edition tab to define just one face where before were two.


Edges Selection Mode / Add Face


Points Selection Mode / Move Gumball

Then, with the Points Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar and the Move Gumball activated, we


Points Selection Mode / Divide

Now, with the Points Selection Mode activated and under the Clayoo Edition tab, with the Divide tool,

can move the points of the eyebrow as the above image.

we can Split all the central faces as the above image, it will be used to cut the bird in two parts.

4 Clayoo Tutorial Series


Faces Selection Mode / Delete

Then, with the Faces Selection Mode from the viewport toolbar we can select half of the bird and de-


Faces Selection Mode / Mirror

Now, in the front view using the Mirror tool with the Faces Selection Mode activated we can select the

lete it.

birds half to create a mirror to the other side.

Then, with the Edges Selection Mode activated we should select the naked edges and use the Match tool from the Clayoo Edition tab to adjust their positions and then with the Merch tool to unite them.


Edges Selection Mode / Match / Merge

Now, we can delete the edge between the eyes and with the Move Gumball to adjust the points position, as the above image.


Delete / Move Gumball


Split Sides
Then, with the Split Sides tool we can divide the top central faces as the above image.


Faces Selection Mode / Delete

Now, we can delete the two faces created before, to do it, we just need to select them and use the

Delete tool from the Edition tab.

5 Clayoo Tutorial Series


Edges Selection Mode / Add Face

Then, with the Edges Selection Mode activated, we can use the Add Face tool to create just one face


Points Selection Mode / Divide

Now, with the Points Selection Mode activated we can split the face created before as the above

as the above image.

image. To do it we can use the Divide tool from the Edition tab.

Then, with the Extrude tool from the Clayoo Edition tab, to extrude one of the faces created before. Its important to use the side tab to define the extrusion parameters.



Now, we can select the faces in the top and with the Rotate Gumball to define the position as the above image. We can also use the Move or Scale Gumballs to adjust it better.


Faces Selection Mode / Rotate Gumball


Then, again with the Extrude tool from the Clayoo Edition tab, to extrude the other face, as the above


Faces Selection Mode / Rotate Gumball

Now, we can select the faces in the top and with the Rotate Gumball to define the position as the

image. Its important to use the side tab to define the extrusion parameters.

above image. We can also use the Move or Scale Gumballs to adjust it better.

6 Clayoo Tutorial Series


Split Sides
Then, with the Split Sides tool we can divide the back central faces as the above image.


Faces Selection Mode / Delete

Now, we can delete the two faces created before, to do it, we just need to select them and use the

Delete tool from the Edition tab.

Then, with the Edges Selection Mode activated, we can use the Add Face tool to create just one face as the above image.


Edges Selection Mode / Add Face

Now, with the Points Selection Mode activated we can split the face created before in three parts, as the above image. To do it we can use the Divide tool from the Edition tab.


Points Selection Mode / Divide


Then, with the Extrude tool from the Clayoo Edition tab, to extrude the two smaller faces created befo-


Now, again with the Extrude tool from the Clayoo Edition tab, to extrude the other face, as the above

re. Its important to use the side tab to define the extrusion parameters.

image. Its important to use the side tab to define the extrusion parameters.

7 Clayoo Tutorial Series


Points Selection Mode / Scale Gumball

Then, with the Points Selection Mode from and the Move Gumball activated, we can adjust the points


Points Selection Mode

The last step, with the Points Selection Mode activated we can adjust some positions if needed, to

position to define the shape as the above image

finish any detail of the bird.

8 Clayoo Tutorial Series

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