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You have 3 Major resources to turn to when you

need an answer but each resource has pialls.
In the next few pages we will cover how to access
and use the informaon from each resource and
how to avoid the look alike, false informaon.
The Sources
of Knowing
Intuion is your spiritual knowing
Advice is your collecve knowing
Insncts are your animal knowing
intuition [in-too-ish-uhn]
noun 1. direct perception of truth, fact, etc.,
independent of any reasoning process;
immediate apprehension.
lnLuluon ls your soul's knowlng.
1hls knowlng ls consLanL. ?our
lnLuluon ls always Lhere oerlng
lLs wlsdom.
lL's your communlcauon llne Lo
Lhe dlvlne. ?our lnLuluon
wlll say yes Lo anyLhlng LhaL
brlngs you Lrue [oy,
LhaL connecLs you Lo Cod.
?our lnLuluon says yes Lo Love.
The Pitfalls of Intuition
1here are Lwo prlmary reasons people mlsread
or lgnore Lhelr lnLuluon. 1he rsL reason ls
noL Lrusung. ?ou aren'L always golng Lo llke
whaL your lnLuluon has Lo say. ?our lnLuluon has
no fear and sees no llmlLauons so frequenLly
Lhe answers your lnLuluon glves Lo you seem Loo
dlmculL or scary. When you acL on your lnLuluon
you wlll someumes be Laken far ouL of your
comforL buL LhaL ls when mlracles happen. 1he
second reason people don'L geL Lhe value of
lnLuluon ls LhaL Lhe volce of lnLuluon ls never
pushy or bossy. 1hls volce ls more dlmculL Lo hear
Lhan oLher forms of knowlng.
Accessing Your Intuition
?our lnLuluon ls a quleL and
conslsLenL volce.
?our lnLuluon ls peaceful and you wlll
always hear lL besL when you are
MedlLaung, belng ouLslde, Laklng
baLhs, whaLever you do Lo quleL
your mlnd wlll help you Lo
hear your lnLuluon.
Accessing Your Intuition
! " racuce llsLenlng Lo you lnLuluon when you
aren'L auached Lo a parucular ouLcome. lL ls easlesL
Lo hear your lnLuluon when you are noL clouded
wlLh deslres and fears.
$ " Ask your lnLuluon everyLhlng. Make llsLenlng Lo
your lnLuluon a hablL so LhaL you are famlllar wlLh
Lhe way your lnner speaks Lo you.
% " AcL on your whaL you Lhlnk your lnLuluon ls
saylng even when you are unsure. umng LrusL ln
your lnLuluon glves lL more power and accuracy.
instinct [in-stingkt]
noun 1. the innate capacity of an animal to
respond to a given stimulus in a relatively fixed way
lnsuncLs are your anlmal knowlng. 1hey are emouonal. 1helr prlmary purpose
ls Lo keep you allve.
?ou lnherlL your lnsuncLs buL you also learn
lnsuncLs from prevlous dangers and pleasures.
?our lnsuncLs say yes Lo anyLhlng LhaL feels
good and no Lo anyLhlng palnful.
?our lnsuncLs are your navlgauon sysLem for
Lhe maLerlal world. 1hey wlll help you geL food,
shelLer, sex, bables and Lhey wlll help you
avold physlcal and emouonal wounds.
The Pitfalls of Instinct
have panlc auacks because of a deadllne aL work.
1haL panlc would be useful for runnlng from a
predaLor buL lL ls noL useful for Lhlnklng
producuvely, aL all.
?ou won'L have any problem hearlng your lnsuncLs.
1hey are loud buL noL always clear. 1hey are oen
conlcung. ln order Lo geL a clear answer from your
lnsuncLs are formed from prevlous connecuons buL someumes Lhese connecuons are lnaccuraLe,
e.g. you were hurL by your moLher so your lnsuncLs Lell you noL Lo LrusL women. MosL of us are noL ln
llfe LhreaLenlng slLuauons on a dally basls buL your lnsuncLs someumes Lell you oLherwlse. Llke, when you
lnsuncLs you need Lo balance yourself emouonally. 8elease Lhe excess emouon so LhaL you can follow your
lnsuncLs. ?ou can LrusL your emouonal lnformauon when you know you are emouonally sLable.
! " Peal old emouonal Lraumas wlLh Ll1, hypnosls, LMu8, Chakra balanclng. 1hese are all modallues LhaL
focus on resolvlng Lhe emouons. $ " Pave a regular emouonal balanclng pracuce llke yoga, medlLauon,
Ll1, or co-counsellng LhaL leLs you sorL Lhe quallLy lnformauon from Lhe emouonal Lrlggers.
advice [d-vis]
noun 1. guidance or recommendations concerning
prudent future action, typically given by someone
regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative.
Advlce ls Lhe convenuonal wlsdom.
lL's Lhe wlsdom of your frlends and famlly.
lL ls Lhe messages you read or hear on Lhe
radlo or whaL you learn by observlng how
lL's already belng done.
lL's Lhe answer LhaL Lhe people ln your
world glve you.
The Pitfalls of Advice
1he people glvlng you advlce have Lhelr own agenda. 1hey
are gemng whaLever lnformauon Lhey pass on Lo you from
Lhelr lnLuluon, lnsuncLs or from someone else. All of Lhese
sources can be mlslnLerpreLed and/or unrellable.
1he blggesL pluall ln llsLenlng Lo advlce ls llsLenlng bllndly
wlLhouL conslderlng where Lhls advlce ls really comlng from.
Are Lhey cenLered llsLenlng Lo Lhelr lnLuluon or are Lhey
confused by Lhelr own ouL of balance fears? Cen umes we
don'L even know LhaL we are acung on advlce. Lvery ume
LhaL we do someLhlng slmply because LhaL ls Lhe
way lL's done, we are acung on advlce.
The Pitfalls of Advice
ay auenuon Lo where Lhe lnformauon ls comlng from.
nouce when you are acung on advlce and Lake a look aL where
LhaL advlce came from. WheLher lL ls someLhlng you learned
when you were Lhree from your granny or someLhlng you goL
ouL of a LexLbook ln college, look Lo see lf Lhls ls advlce
you consclously choose Lo follow.
! " WhaL was Lhe person's agenda or mouve ln glvlng Lhe advlce?
uld Lhey lnLend Lo help you and oLhers?
$ " uo you respecL Lhe way Lhe person/ people glvlng Lhe advlce
llve? uo Lhey follow Lhelr own advlce?
% " Choose whaL you wanL Lo keep and whaL you wanL Lo leL go.
lllLer Lhe advlce you geL by chooslng whaL feels good Lo you.
You Have the Answers
When you need an answer
look Lo all Lhree resources.
1hey wlll supporL each oLher,
help you move forward ln a way
LhaL ls Lrue Lo who you are,
ls safe, and wlll be recelved by
Lhe people around you.
Lach of your lnner knowlngs
have someLhlng dlerenL
Lo oer and by relylng on all
Lhey can help you avold
Lhe plualls.

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