Philippines Final Report December 2013 DRAFT

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Countiy Repoit: The Philippines

Wiitten by Bi. Fiancisco Nagno
Repoit Commissioneu by the ulobal Initiative foi Fiscal Tianspaiency
Becembei 2u1S

Executive Summaiy:

The Philippines experienced a renewal and the broadening of civil society during the
1980s as mass mobilizations helped bring down the Marcos Dictatorship. The 1987
Constitution, a piouuct of the uemociatic tiansition, iecognizes the impoitance of
civil society anu its paiticipation in goveinance anu uevelopment. The Chaitei
ueclaies that the State shall encouiage non-goveinmental, sectoi-specific, anu
community-baseu oiganizations that piomote the welfaie of the nation. It
emphasizes that the iight of the people to oiganize anu effectively paiticipate in all
levels of social, political, anu economic uecision-making shall not be abiiugeu. To
puisue this aim, the Constitution chaiges goveinment with pioviuing auequate
consultation mechanisms.

The 2010 election of President Aquino, Jr is a clear shift in the priorities of the
Philippines government. Current President Aquino, Jr campaigned on a reform agenda,
seeking to end corruption and poverty. By linking corruption to poverty, Aquino has
drawn attention to issues of governance. The Philippine government is directly
addressing government corruption as part of its effort to improve the quality of
governance; the direct participation and empowerment of citizens is considered a central
component of the effort toward this improvement. There have been a series of
institutional reforms over the past three years, as the Aquino governments continues to
build new institutions that foster the opportunity to alter spending patterns and improve

Aquinos reform agenda has built upon an array of previous administrations reform
efforts. Thus, the roots of current reform can be found in several arenas:

First, the World Bank was instrumental in bringing a Community-Driven Development
program to rural areas of the country (Labonne and Chase 2008). Community-Driven
Development programs allow citizens to be directly involved in the allocation process of
specific projects with World Bank Group funding. These programs incorporate
government officials in the programs.

Second, CSOs in the Philippines began experimenting with ways to monitor corruption in
the production of quality implementation. Road Watch is an excellent example of a CSO
that used participatory auditing mechanisms to counter misappropriation and misuse of
public goods. Another example is the Alternative Budget Initiative, led by Social Watch
Philippines, which allows CSOs to provide alternative budget arrangements.

Finally, reform-oriented governments elected at subnational levels. Naga City is the best
example of a local government unit embarking on reform. The case of Naga City
demonstrates how its local government was able to make legal provisions of participation
at the local level parallel to national legislation. Particularly, the local government sought
to make participation equally available at the local level since participation is primarily
observed in national legislation. Naga Citys 1995 Empowerment Ordinance has the
objective to empower the people through self-organization, thereby, propelling
participation in responsibility alongside the local government.

The government led by President Benigno Aquino has produced a range of reforms. First,
the government changed the internal structure of the Presidential administration in order
to improve coordination efforts. The Cabinet Cluster on Good Governance and Anti-
Corruption (CGAC) is directly involved in promoting citizen participation in
policymaking and auditing mechanisms. Second, the government created a series of
reforms that have dramatically increased the amount of information that citizens can
access. The government has committed to creating a Citizens Budget whereby basic
budget information is made accessible to interested citizens. Third, citizens are now
induced to participate in the national policymaking process. Fourth, at the national level,
the country is supporting the use of direct participation at the local level.

The reforms in the Philippines appear to be consistently aimed at solving two crucial
problems. First, the participatory institutions are geared toward addressing the problem of
low knowledge and limited engagement among CSOs and citizens. There is a deliberate
effort to empower citizens. Second, there is a specific interest in limiting corruption. The
most innovative reforms address both of these issues. These include the Peoples Budget,
Empowerment Fund for Participatory Governance, Bottom-Up Budgeting, Budget
Partnership Agreements, Full Disclosure Policy, Seal of Good Housekeeping, and Citizen
Participatory Audits.

!"#$%&' )* Intiouuction

The iefoims initiateu by Piesiuent Aquino iepiesent an effoit to combat clientelism,
coiiuption, anu enuemic poveity. The cuiient wave of iefoim builus upon thiity
yeais of civil society oiganizing anu paity politics in oiuei to piouuce a political
coalition capable of biinging social anu political change to the Philippines. In oiuei
to unueistanu the cuiient iefoim effoits, this iepoit begins with an oveiview of the
iecent histoiy of the iegime, political paity systems, the policy-making piocess, anu
civil society ienewal.

Bistoiical 0veiview

The Philippines is a unitaiy state with a piesiuential system of goveinment. It is
chaiacteiizeu by the foimal sepaiation of poweis between the executive, legislative
anu juuicial bianches. Bistoiically, the executive agencies, unuei the uiiection of the
Piesiuent, enjoyeu wiue latituue in uevelopment planning, spenuing uecisions, anu
appointments of key people in steeiing the buieauciacy. Neveitheless, these actions
weie subject to oveisight in the buuget anu confiimation heaiings of Congiess as
well as the auuit pioceuuies of inuepenuent Constitutional bouies, incluuing the
Commission on Auuit anu the Civil Seivice Commission.

Since 1946, fiee elections weie helu on a iegulai basis to choose the leaueis fiom
the Piesiuent to legislatois anu local goveinment officials- with the exception of the
fouiteen yeai inteiiegnum fiom 1972 to 1986 when the countiy was placeu unuei
maitial law. As a platfoim foi voice anu accountability, elections leave much to be
uesiieu. The combination of a weak political paity system, pooi election
auministiation, anu inauequate voteis' euucation have leu to a low quality of
uemociacy anu tianslateu into a failuie to conveit campaign platfoims into effective
goveinance piogiams. In this lanuscape, ient seeking oppoitunities abounu thiough
campaign finance contiibutions as a winuow to obtain state-confeiieu business
contiacts anu othei concessions. Also, the politicizeu ieciuitment of executives foi
buieauciatic positions, fiom the top uown to miuule management, uistoiteu effoits
to piofessionalize the goveinment caieei executive seivice.

The weakness in uemociatic institutions like political paities geneiateu a state
vulneiable to elite captuie, anu one unable to pioviue oiuinaiy citizens with the
voice mechanisms to expiess theii uemanus theieby gaining access to public
seivices. A two-paity system shapeu the contouis of electoial politics fiom 1946
until it was uestioyeu by maitial law in 1972. The ietuin of foimal uemociacy in the
afteimath of the people powei ievolution in 1986 gave iise to a multi-paity system.
Neveitheless, the shift fiom a two-paity towaius a multi-paity system uiu nothing
to altei the geneial absence of cleai iueological uelineations among the majoi

The uownfall of authoiitaiianism leu to the establishment of a Constitutional
Commission by Piesiuent Coiazon Aquino. In 1987, a new Philippine Constitution
was iatifieu. A ieaction to the twenty yeai piesiuential iule of Feiuinanu Naicos,
the new Chaitei limiteu the time of the Piesiuent in office to a single six-yeai teim.
0thei electeu leaueis like legislatois anu local goveinment officials aie also helu to
teim limits but can seek ie-election unuei iestiicteu successive teim piovisions.
Anothei featuie is the intiouuction of piopoitional iepiesentation in Congiess foi
paity-list gioups that piomote the inteiests of maiginalizeu sectois. Twenty peicent
of the seats in the Bouse of Repiesentatives aie allocateu by piopoitional
iepiesentation. A paity-list gioup gains a seat when it ieaches the thiesholu two
peicent of the national vote. It can occupy as many as thiee seats in Congiess.

As a piouuct of the uemociatic tiansition, the 1987 Constitution iecognizes the
impoitance of civil society anu theii paiticipation in goveinance anu uevelopment.
The Chaitei ueclaies that the State shall encouiage non-goveinmental, sectoi-
specific, anu community-baseu oiganizations that piomote the welfaie of the nation.
It emphasizes that the iight of the people anu theii oiganizations to effective anu
ieasonable paiticipation at all levels of social, political anu economic uecision-
making shall not be abiiugeu. To puisue this aim, auequate consultation
mechanisms will be set up by the goveinment.

The Philippine expeiience as it tiansitioneu to uemociacy iesulteu in uemogiaphic
shifts incluuing a giowing miuule class anu expanuing uiban pooi sectoi, in
conjunction with the ie-emeigence of uemociatic institutions aftei the Naicos
iegime anu economic uevelopments (Beuman, 2u1u). The tiansition has
peipetuateu a uegiee of ienewal in civil society anu political paities. Baviu Wuifel
(2uu4) notes that civil society has contiibuteu significantly to uemociatization in
the Philippines thiough a tiansitoiy mannei as much of Nu0 activity occuiieu
uuiing the post-Naicos iegime. Thiough these contiibutions they have been able to
solicit suppoit fiom foieign funuing (Racelis, 2uuS). The tiansition to a moie
uemociatic iegime aftei Naicos alloweu Nu0s to function without oppiession.
Thus, theii numbeis giew, howevei Wuifel notes that uuiing Coiazon Aquino's
piesiuency theii influence in politics was minimal. Still, it must be emphasizeu that
Aquino's piesiuency contiibuteu to pioviuing a space foi Nu0s to seek an opening
to influence oi paiticipate in politics as uemociacy was giauually installeu (Racelis,
2uuS). But, uuiing Aquino's piesiuency, "it was a time foi iestoiing tiauitional
electoial politics baseu on pation-client netwoiks anu ieviving the powei of
politicians so chosen" (Wuifel, 2uu4, p. 216).

Wuifel contenus that civil society oiganizations aie not safe fiom the pation-client
system anu that "even when a new institutional piocess that woulu benefit Nu0s
(such as the paity-list elections) appeais on the hoiizon, it is uistoiteu by a Congiess
uominateu by tiauitional politicians. Bemociatization, still incomplete, is not an
iiieveisible piocess" (Wuifel, 2uu4, p. 222).

Paiticipation 0nuei uemociatic iegime

Regaiuing paiticipation in the new iegime, this section uiaws heavily fiom Tapales
(2uu1) in hei case stuuy titleu "Local uoveinance, Becentialization, anu
Paiticipation in the Philippines" as incluueu in the Inteinational IBEA Banubook
Seiies 4. 0f paiticulai impoitance, the Local uoveinment Coue of 1991 fosteieu
local autonomy anu a uecentializeu system. The concepts of uecentialization anu
paiticipation go hanu-in-hanu. Tapales notes that piioi to a uecentializeu system,
the foim of goveinment in the Philippines as set up by the Spaniaius in 1S21 was
centializeu (e.g. tax collection). Even when the Ameiicans colonizeu the islanus, a
centializeu system iemaineu, anu this continueu aftei Philippine inuepenuence.
Bowevei, the uevelopment of a uecentializeu system of goveinment was cultivateu
by the passing of the LuC of 1991. Specifically, the Coue incluueu the concepts of
uevolution, funuing of local goveinment units, anu citizen paiticipation.

Citizen paiticipation goes beyonu political activity, anu contiibuteu to citizen
empoweiment. "Law on initiatives, iefeienuums, plebiscite, anu iecall weie
ieiteiateu" anu "sectoial iepiesentation in local councils (calleu Sanggunians) was
pioviueu" (Tapales, 2uu1, p. S1). The LuC of 1991 emphasizeu such sectois as the
youth anu heaus of the baiangays. In oiuei to iepiesent citizens, local uevelopment
councils (LBCs) weie foimeu at the local level to foimulate anu implement piojects
mainly compiiseu of membeis fiom non-goveinmental oiganizations. 0thei vital
boaius incluue the health anu school boaius.

Tapales (2uu1) makes an impoitant point iegaiuing citizen paiticipation in
goveinance which may not always be guaianteeu. She illustiates that uuiing the
time of Naicos people weie foiceu to legitimize the policies of the goveinment
thiough the use of iefeienuums. Even aftei this iegime, "legislation meiely
instituteu the paiticipative mechanisms alieauy at woik" anu "The 1987
Constitution legalizeu people's paiticipation, while the 1991 Coue spelleu out the
mechanics foi it" (Tapales, 2uu1, p. S1).

Paity politics, oi the featuies of piesiuential politics aftei the tiansition to
uemociacy, have eviuenceu stagnation in the consoliuation of uemociacy (Cioissant,
2uu4). Even though uemociatic institutions have been put in place, shoitcomings
iemain on issues iegaiuing the state, iule of law, institutional stability, anu political
integiation (Cioissant, 2uu4). It must be noteu that Philippine elections post-
Naicos aie the foimal ioute of citizen paiticipation anu have become instiuments of
powei; the election peiious aie iipe with inciuences of vote-buying anu
manipulation anu even violence (Cioissant, 2uu2, as citeu in Cioissant, 2uu4). In
essence, uemociacy anu paity politics expose vulneiabilities that "iemain a
stiongholu anu guaiantee of oligaichic uominance in Philippine society"
(Teehankee, 1999, as citeu in Cioissant, 2uu4, p. 161).

In auuition, Rocamoia (n.u.) uiaws attention to the state's weaknesses in the
stiuctuies of local anu national goveinment ielations. These tensions aie uue to the
centializeu piesiuential foim of goveinment in the Philippines. This centialization
fosteis competition foi seats at the national level by local elites. Also, political
paities aie weak anu iely upon the local elite to oiganize votes uuiing the national
election peiiou. As the piesiuent is the axis of powei anu authoiity, the issue of
pationage emeiges:

"Because of the centiality of pationage foi Philippine
political paities, the most impoitant poweis of the piesiuent
aie his appointing poweis anu his contiol ovei the
uisbuisement of goveinment funus in a highly centializeu
foim of goveinment. The Philippine piesiuent appoints a
laige numbei of people in the buieauciacy, ovei a hunuieu
thousanu positions by some estimates. Local politicians,
anxious to finu positions in the buieauciacy foi theii
followeis, have to lobby with the piesiuent |.j Although
Congiess theoietically has the "powei of the puise", the
Piesiuent's line item veto, anu contiol ovei uisbuisement
gives him much gieatei powei than Congiess. Congiess
peisons aie auept at allocating themselves laige amounts of
poik baiiel (p. 4)."

In auuition, Cioissant (2uu4) highlights that the piesiuential system of goveinment
also piouuces political actois who can impeue socio-economic iefoims. Commonly
known as Community Bevelopment Funus, the poik baiiel which is allocateu by the
piesiuent to the Bouse anu Senate membeis allows the piesiuent to exeit his powei
on local politicians. Cioissant (2uu4) implies that paity-shifting occuis in
piesiuential politics. This happens when those who opposeu the political paity of
the piesiuent, anu the piesiuent himself, woulu shift theii membeiship if saiu paity
wins the election so as to ieposition anu benefit fiom poik baiiel allocations.
Anothei aspect of this paity juggling occuis uuiing the election cycle when paities
move to suppoit those uoing well.

In teims of the powei of the legislatuie in policy-making, the legislatuie "ueteimines
the chaiactei of executive-legislative uynamic anu the iole of political paities" anu
"negotiation on policy issues of national significance, moie often than not, cut acioss
paity lines (Rocamoia, n.u., p. S).

Coiiuption anu Tianspaiency

In oiuei to uiscuss the histoiy of fiscal policymaking anu its issues, the influence of
stiuctuial aujustments anu financial iefoims on the "inteiaction" between monetaiy
anu fiscal policies ovei the uecaues must fiist be noteu (Balcon & Be Leon, 2uu4). In
this fiame, the pievalence of coiiuption anu pationage aftei uecentialization
emeige (BusinessWoilu, 2S Naich 2uu1, as citeu in Blechingei, 2uu2).


Nontes (1991) uiscusses the fiscal policy in the Philippines in a political economic
context anu evaluates fiscal iefoim uuiing anu aftei the Naicos iegime. This section
uiaws heavily fiom these points iegaiuing the fiscal uecision-making piocess. The
histoiy of fiscal policymaking may be tiaceu to the Ameiican occupation of the
countiy thiough the 19SS Constitution. Aftei Philippine inuepenuence in 1946, the
Constitution cieateu the legislative (iesponsible foi taxation anu goveinment
expenuituie), executive, anu juuicial bianches of goveinment. The executive bianch
as heaueu by the piesiuent helu iesponsibility foi the fiscal aspect, specifically the
buuget piocess.

Kintanai (196S), as iefeienceu in Nontes (1991), illustiates that the buugeting
piocess hingeu upon Republic Act 992 with the Buuget Commission taking the task
of planning the buuget. The buugets fiist hau to unueigo a consoliuation anu
ieconciliation piocess befoie submission to the Buuget Commission. The piocess
involveu public heaiings anu ieauings of the pioposeu buuget. Finally, it was the
executive heau's uuty to submit the buuget pioposal to Congiess As noteu by
Nontes (1991) the buuget was sciutinizeu at uiffeient levels befoie being appioveu
by the Bouse anu Senate. In the implementation stage, the uisbuisement of the
buuget woulu follow the calenuai yeai anu expenuituies weie ievieweu, subject to
appioval foi piojects, anu auuiteu.

At that time the buuget was not oiienteu towaius uevelopment. Nontes attiibutes
this to the piioiitization othei items in the buuget which lie close to theii piivate
Congiessional inteiests as well as the issue of appiopiiation. As such, the pie-
Naicos fiscal uecision-making was in the hanus of the Congiess. Theie was also an
inauequate buieauciacy-Congiess flow of infoimation uue to the uispiopoitionate
executive lean of the buieauciacy in ielation to the othei bianches. Also, the
potential of political paities to stabilize was laigely absent as peisonalistic anu
feuual chaiacteiistics weie pievalent (Nontes, 1991).

Aftei the peiiou of maitial law, the legislatuie was unable to iesume its function in
expenuituie anu taxation. This fiscal policy peiiou was uominateu by executive
bianch "inteinalization." In the 197us the Philippines hau foieign-funueu public
woiks piojects, anu its economy affecteu the financing of these piojects:

"Almost all of these piojects iequiieu counteipait funuing
fiom the uomestic buuget. The economic uowntuin in the
198us maue uifficult the iaising of the iequiieu uomestic
funuing to complete these piojects, which weie by natuie
multi-yeai, so that theii iequiiements spilleu ovei into
subsequent buugets. Similaily, the agenua on tax iefoim hau
been uominateu by the neeu to iesponu to foieign financing.
The countiy's INF stanuby piogiams in the 197us pioviueu
taigets foi ieuucing the goveinment's buuget ueficit, thus

cieating piessuie to Inciease ievenue geneiation in the shoit
iun (Nontes, 1991., p. 29).

Tax exemptions, subsiuies, anu incentives weie also impoitant. Nost significantly,
"the passage of the investment anu expoit incentives acts, which pioviueu
incentives to pioneeiing anu expoit-oiienteu enteipiises, was the most significant
uevelopment-inspiieu fiscal change at that time" (p. 29). These weie pivotal in
influencing investments in the economic anu the piivate fielus (Nontes, 1991).

Fiscal policymaking in the Philippines hau been chaiacteiizeu as being ieplete with
buuget ueficits anu incieasing uebt, especially aftei the Naicos iegime. Though
buuget suipluses weie obseiveu in the yeais 1994 to 1997, these suipluses have not
continueu (senate Economic Planning 0ffice, 2uuS). The woiking papei of
Boiaisami (2u11) foi the Asian Bevelopment Bank notes that this may be uue to
"pooi economic goveinance" (p. 28) as well as how wealth was uistiibuteu. Biokno
(2u1u, p. SS) notes that goveinment expenuituie as a peicent of uBP was 14.S
peicent at the time, incieasing, but ueclining again (fiom 19.6 peicent to 19.2
peicent) uuiing the Estiaua auministiation. Investment in infiastiuctuie anu capital
outlays has ueclineu aftei Naicos anu Aquino. This figuie iose uuiing the Ramos
auministiation to 2.7 peicent (fiom a 2.4 uuiing the Aquino auministiation), but
uecieaseu to 2.u peicent uuiing the time of Aiioyo (fiom 2.9 peicent uuiing
Estiaua) |Biokno, 2u1uj.

Biawing fiom Bohnei anu Intal (1989), Boiaisami (2u11) iuentifies that "the
allocation of goveinment contiacts anu access to cieuit fiom public financial
institutions weie pioviueu in ietuin foi some inteiest oi 'kickbacks' in opeiations.
Seconu, piojects anu contiacts weie also oveipiiceu to geneiate 'kickbacks.' The
most publicizeu of these was the Bataan nucleai powei contiact, estimateu to be
iesponsible foi 1u% of the foieign uebt. Finally, access to cieuit was pioviueu to
cionies at below maiket iates anu thiough 'behest' loans" (p. 28).

In auuition, aftei maitial law, the countiy caiiieu exteinal uebt. The iesponse of the
succeeuing goveinment was to nationalize it. Accoiuing to Biokno (2u1u), the tax
iefoim piogiam, oi TRP, "was to simplify the tax system, make ievenues moie
iesponsive to economic activity, piomote hoiizontal equity, anu piomote giowth by
coiiecting existing taxes that impaiieu business incentives" (p. 44). Bowevei, this
iesponse, "uiamatically incieaseu uebt seivice anu uomestic boiiowing
iequiiements" (Boiaisami, 2u11, p. 28). The 1986 tax piogiam incieaseu tax effoit
to 1S.1 peicent. This continueu into the Ramos auministiation. Paiticulaily, uiiect
taxes incieaseu while tiaue taxes uecieaseu anu the system of taxation peifoimeu
ielatively well economically. "The shaie of nontax ievenues soaieu to 17.S peicent
of total ievenues uuiing the Aquino yeais owing to the sale of sequesteieu assets of
foimei Piesiuent Naicos anu his cionies" |Biokno 199S, as citeu in Biokno, 2u1uj.
In 1997, a iefoim to the tax system was pioposeu. The Compiehensive Tax Refoim

Piogiam oi CTRP woulu auuiess the tax system's tax iates anu tax avoiuance while
stieamlining the tax system's pioceuuies anu tax incentives (Biokno, 2u1u).

Also, aftei the 1997 Asian Financial Ciisis, the tax ievenues uiu not inciease
although the national goveinment expenuituies "iemaineu stable at aiounu 19.4%
of uBP fiom 1997-2uuS" (Biokno, 2u1u, p. 29). In auuition, extant was "a chionic
inability to collect sufficient ievenues uue to the weak institutional capacity of tax
authoiities, complicateu anu iiiational taxation systems, anu coiiuption in ievenue
collections causing tax evasion" (Nanasan 2uu4, as citeu in Boiaisami, 2u11).
uoveinment 0wneu anu Contiolleu Coipoiations (u0CCs) anu the National Powei
Coipoiation (NAP0C0R) contiibuteu laigely to the ueficit in the yeais 2uuu to 2uu4
(Boiaisami, 2u11). In oiuei to ueciease the ueficit, vaiious meuium teim measuies
weie pioposeu incluuing "achieving a balanceu buuget by 2u1u |.j the piivatization
anu iestiuctuiing of u0CCs, especially the powei sectoi; impiovements in tax
auministiation, iationalization of the buieauciacy; anu impiovements in public uebt
anu expenuituie management" which manageu to ueciease the uebt-to-uBP iatio to
S6 anu inteiest payments to 21 peicent (Boiaisami, 2u11, p. 29).

A ielevant subset of fiscal policymaking is fiscal uecentialization which giants local
goveinment units iesponsibility in iaising ievenue anu cieating peisonalizeu goou
goveinance innovations. Biought about by the Local uoveinment Coue anu hingeu
upon local autonomy, the Coue seeks to make Lu0s iesponsible not only in iaising
theii own ievenues foi piogiams, piojects, anu othei activities, but also in uiiecting
Lu0 spenuing.

Yet, Biokno (2u1u) emphasizes that ievenue anu spenuing functions aie
"mismatcheu" uue to the uistiibution of the Inteinal Revenue Allotment (IRA) to
Lu0s. In auuition, the IRA is an unconuitional block giant (4u peicent total), with 2u
peicent allotteu to the aiea of uevelopment. vaiious basic seivice piogiams aie also
wiuely implementeu at the local level. The national goveinment spenus on national
piioiities (e.g. public goous). 0veiall, "incieasing tax ievenues is paiamount, both in
teims of incieasing expenuituie on social seivices anu safeguaiuing fiscal
sustainability" (Boiaisami, 2u11, p. 41).

In 2u12, the countiy hau a ueficit of 2.S peicent uBP; howevei, it iemains
sustainable uue to a stiong economy. Noieovei, "a ueficit of up to 2.7 peicent of
uBP woulu still be bioauly sustainable anu justifieu if inciemental expenuituie is
spent on piouuctive activities, such as infiastiuctuie anu social seivices, anu if
ievenues also inciease commensuiately." National uebt is piojecteu to ueciease by
2u1S. Also, "|tjotal tax ievenues giew by 1S.2 peicent anu tax effoit incieaseu fiom
12.S to 12.9 peicent of uBPthe highest inciease in uecaues that can be attiibuteu
to impioveu tax auministiation" (Woilu Bank, 2u1S, p. 19).

The cuiient (2u1S) fiscal policy situation's oiientation incluues iefoims in
goveinance outlineu in the Philippine Bevelopment Plan (2u11-2u16). The plan

uesciibes ievenue geneiation thiough taxing policies anu auministiation,
goveinment spenuing on social infiastiuctuie, anu social piogiams such as
conuitional cash tiansfeis (CCTs), anu buuget iefoims anu oveisight (INF, 2u1S).
Paiticulai attention has also highlighteu accountability anu tianspaiency measuies
in the buuget piocesses (e.g. paiticipatoiy buugeting). Paiticulaily, the
institutionalization of public financial management (PFN) iefoims have been
iecommenueu. Apait fiom piomoting accountability anu tianspaiency in the buuget
piocess, access to buugeting infoimation must be maue moie accessible foi public
viewing (Woilu Bank, 2u1S).

0n the supply siue of line agencies' iesponsibilities, the Woilu Bank iepoit
iecommenus that these shoulu be able to pioviue "i) timely anu consistent passage
of the national buuget, ii) timely ielease of buuget allocations to line agencies, iii)
moie effective piepaiation of spenuing piogiams anu piojects, anu iv) fuithei
impioving the piocuiement piocess" (2u1S, p. 27). 0n the uemanu siue, PFN uata
anu infoimation shoulu be maue visible thiough 0pen Bata anu 0pen uoveinment.
Fuitheimoie, a paiticipatoiy piocess is favoiable to the buugeting piocess (e.g.
bottom-up buugeting anu community-uiiven uevelopment) |Woilu Bank, 2u1Sj.

Section 2: Cuiient moment of policy anu political change

uoou uoveinance anu Anti-Coiiuption Plan

0nuei this plan, the following have been iuentifieu as commitments by the
assessment iepoit:

Zeio Baseu Buugeting
Public Expenuituie Nanagement (PEN) Refoims-0iganizational
Peifoimance Inuicatoi Fiamewoik (0PIF)
Quality of Public Seivice Beliveiy
Peifoimance Challenge Funu
People's Paiticipation Paitneiship Piogiam
Full Bisclosuie Policy
Business Peimit anu Licensing System
Speeuy Resolution of Coiiuption Cases
Whistle Blowei Piotection Law
Witness Piotection Piogiam
0ffice foi Competition
National }ustice Infoimation System
Revenue Integiity Piotection Seivices
Integiateu Philippine Customs System (IPCS)
Peia ng Bayan

We shall focus on the following: Zeio Baseu Buugeting, Public Expenuituie
Nanagement (PEN) Refoims- 0iganizational Peifoimance Inuicatoi Fiamewoik
(0PIF), Peifoimance Challenge Funu, People's Paiticipation Paitneiship Piogiam,
anu the Full Bisclosuie Policy. All aie initiatives meant to stieamline goveinment
seivices anu pievent coiiuption-ielateu activities. The auministiation has also
tuineu to vaiious ICT platfoims to fuithei its goou goveinance theme (e.g. uigitizing
of seivices oi tiansactions).

The fiist two mentioneu aie pait of Public Expenuituie Nanagement (PEN). As the
National Buuget expiesses appioveu goveinment plans piogiams anu implements
the piioiities, it must also show iesults. In paiticulai the BBN initiateu the PEN to
insuie that what is allocateu will piouuce iesults. The goal is holuing goveinment
accountable. PEN's objectives have been iuentifieu in the 2u1S People's Buuget
iepoit by the BBN:

1. Aggiegate Fiscal Biscipline
2. Allocative Efficiency
S. 0peiational Efficiency

These objectives call foi goveinment to be using its iesouices thiough planning in
the meuium-teim. It shoulu also allocate within piioiity aieas anu aligneu with the
plans incluueu in the Philippine Bevelopment Plan. Lastly, the goveinment must
consiuei the cost of its seivices. Fuitheimoie, PEN has thiee pillais: the Neuium -
Teim Expenuituie Fiamewoik (NTEF), 0PIF, anu Zeio-Baseu Buugeting Appioach
(ZBB). The NTEF guiues goveinment in buugetaiy piioiitization anu plan
foimulation thiough a top-uown allocation of iesouices. The 0PIF uiiects outcome
expenuituies in conjunction with measuiing agency peifoimance. ZBB, on the othei
hanu, ueals with the evaluation anu assessment of piogiamspiojects that aie in
piogiess. It involves uecision-making iegaiuing iesouice allocation. These
piogiams aie subjecteu to ieview anu assessment foi ielevancy to uevelopment
outcomes. Resouice allocations aie uecieaseu, incieaseu, oi uiscontinueu baseu
upon the countiy's uevelopment piioiities. Key cuts incluue piogiams ueemeu
unnecessaiy oi founu pione to coiiuption.

The Cabinet Clustei on uoou uoveinance anu Anti-Coiiuption (uuAC) Plan 2u12-
2u16 has seveial stiategic goals: 1) impioveu ueliveiy of public seivices; 2) cuibeu
coiiuption; anu S) enhanceu business enviionment (BBN, 2u1S). These goals aie
caiiieu by open goveinment pillais incluuing tianspaiency, accountability, citizen
engagement, anti-coiiuption effoits, anu peifoimance management (Peoples
Buuget 2u1S-BBN, 2u1S). Fuitheimoie, the uuAC has seveial piioiity outcomes
foitifieu by the achievement of these goals. These outcomes aie:

1) Impioveu local goveinance
2) Stiengtheneu public financial management
S) Stiengtheneu agency peifoimance

4) uieatei pievention anu contiol of coiiuption.

Results fiom 0pen Buuget Suivey 2u12

The Philippines national goveinment scoies faiily well in teims of buugetaiy
oveisight anu engagement. In the 2u12 0pen Buuget Suivey, the countiy was
chaiacteiizeu as having moueiate legislative stiength, stiong Supieme Auuit
Institutions (SAI), anu moueiate public engagement (inuicatois scale: Stiong foi
aveiage scoie above 66 of 1uu; Noueiate foi aveiage scoie between S4 anu 66; anu
Weak foi aveiage scoie below S4) |0pen Buuget Suivey, 2u12j. Bowevei, it is
impoitant to note that the 2u12 0pen Buuget Results foi the Philippines
uemonstiates a slippage in its iankings. Noting fiom the uocument ieleaseu by the
Inteinational Buuget Paitneiship (IBP), the ciiteiia of the Suivey assesses anu
iuentifies whethei oi not a countiy makes eight buuget uocuments ieauily available
anu accessible to the public. The 0pen Buuget Suivey (unueitaken eveiy two yeais)
also geneiates the 0pen Buuget Inuex of a countiy which ianks a countiy's ielative
tianspaiency in availability anu accessibility of buugetaiy uocuments.

The 0pen Buuget Inuex of the Philippines hau slippeu to 48 fiom SS in 2u12. This
scoie is classifieu unuei "some infoimation" on the buuget. This hau been the
Philippines' categoiy in the yeais 2uu6, 2uu8, anu 2u1u. 0veiall, the suivey notes
that "only 2S countiies pioviue significant infoimation oi bettei, while 41 pioviue
minimal, scant, oi no infoimation" (0pen Buuget Suivey, 2u12, p. 1S). Bowevei, in
2u1u, the Philippines scoieu a SS. The Philippines Inuex has thus iemaineu iathei
stable. The IBP (which suiveyeu 9S out of a 1uu countiies) iate this scoie as highei
than aveiage (> 4S). The Philippines ianks highei than Cambouia (scoie of 1S),
Nalaysia (S9), Nyanmai (1u), Thailanu (S6), Timoi-Leste (S6), anu vietnam (19),
but lags behinu Inuonesia (62).

Ilagan (2u1S) wiiting foi the Philippine Centei foi Investigative }ouinalism (PCI}),
emphasizes that this iesult "inuicates that the Aquino goveinment, just like the
Aiioyo auministiation, has maue it haiuei foi citizens to get infoimation on how
public officials anu agencies aie spenuing taxpayeis' money" ("PB buuget
tianspaiency scoie slips 7 pts; oveisight impioves", pai. S). As the IBP iuentifies, the
countiy's scoie inuicates that theie is limiteu tianspaiency in the cential
goveinment's buuget anu uuiing its annual financial unueitakings. The Philippines
iemains among the 1uu countiies iankeu unsatisfactoiily in buuget management via
buuget tianspaiency.

Ilagan (2u1S) notes the "2u11 memoianuum fiom the Bepaitment of Buuget anu
Nanagement (BBN) titleu 'uuiuelines on Paitneiship anu Paiticipation of Civil
Society 0iganizations anu 0thei Stakeholueis in the Piepaiation of Buuget

Pioposals,' |.j foimalizeu goveinment engagement with civil society oiganizations
(CS0)" |pai. 9j anu "agencies that enteieu into a Buuget Paitneiship Agieement
with CS0s weie iequiieu to pioviue infoimation to the lattei to help them come up
with an 'eviuence-baseu' evaluation of the agency's piojects oi piogiams" (pai. 11).
Ilagan (2u1S) also notes the impoitance of timeliness anu iuentifies the BBN's
Tianspaiency anu Accountability Initiative foi Lump-Sum Funus (eTAILS) which
"uigitizes" this infoimation anu pioviues uisclosuie on lump-sum funus anu ielateu
uata on the Bepaitment of Buuget anu Nanagement website.

The Philippines' SAI was commenueu in the iepoit as a "compiehensive fiauu aleit"
system which is available online. "It also incluues an annual summaiy of fiauu
complaints ieceiveu by the SAI, stating the agency involveu, subject of allegation,
uate of ieceipt of the complaint, anu the action taken by the SAI". The suivey offeieu
the Philippines the following iecommenuation: "gieatly expanu buuget
tianspaiency by intiouucing a numbei of shoit-teim anu meuium-teim measuies,
some of which can be achieveu at almost no cost to the goveinment" (0pen Buuget
Suivey, 2u12, p. 2).

This comes into play iegaiuing the publication of the eight buugetaiy uocuments.
Notably, the iesults inuicate that the Pie-Buuget Statement (PBS) is only piouuceu
foi inteinal use. Essentially, this uocument gives infoimation iegaiuing the buuget
pioposal piesenteu in the legislatuie. The Citizens Buuget, Niu-Yeai Review, anu
Yeai-Enu Repoit also iegistei a "not piouuceu" status. Essentially, the puipose of
these vital uocuments is to piesent the public with knowleuge conceining
goveinment plans anu financial mechanisms, gaugeu effects, anu aspects of

Ilagan (2u1S) notes that the Pie-Buuget Statement is vital to the foimulation anu
piesentation of plans anu buugets pei sectoi as well in house goveinment buugets.
The iepoit founu that the following iepoits have been publisheu in the Philippines:
Executive's Buuget Pioposal (EBP), Enacteu Buuget (EB), In-Yeai Repoits (IYR), anu
the Auuit Repoit (AR). The EPB uecieaseu its scoie fiom a 62 in 2u1u to a S7 in
2u12. The EB, on the othei hanu, ietaineu a peifect scoie of a 1uu foi both yeais.
Bowevei, the Citizen's Buuget -which is a simplifieu veision of the EB- has not been
piouuceu. The IYR incieaseu its scoie to a 96 fiom 92. Anu the AR incieaseu to S2
fiom 48. The iepoit ultimately aigues foi impiovement in public accessibility anu
bioaueneu tianspaiency.

Fuitheimoie, the 0pen Buuget Inuex suggests an absence of uocuments. In fact, the
countiy only publisheu half of the eight buuget uocuments suggesteu. Thus,
impiovement is possible in buuget oveisight anu public paiticipation in the piocess
(Ilagan, 2u1S).

The Benigno Aquino auministiation maue goveinance a piimaiy taiget aftei
Piesiuent Aquino won the Nay 2u1u elections. When the piesiuent took his seat, he

was faceu with seveial issues stemming fiom coiiuption anu poveity. Bis agenua
foi the Philippines ian with the theme !"#$ &'('#$ )*++",-. &'('#$ /'01+', oi "no
coiiuption, no poveity". The Philippine Bevelopment Plan (2u11-2u16) taigeteu the
issues of coiiuption anu pationage. 0n the whole, the uevelopment plan ievolves
aiounu goveinance anu ielevant aspects, namely accountability, paiticipation, anu
tianspaiency. The plan has a wiuei goal, that is, to ieuuce poveity anu expanu the
economy. 0veiaiching uevelopment effoits aie also fiameu within this context
(Philippine uoveinment Action Plan foi 2u12).

Nost significantly, the auministiation hingeu upon "institutionalizing People Powei
in goveinance" in oiuei to emphasize citizen engagement in the buugeting piocess.
This aiea of citizen engagement seeks to cieate venues foi citizens to not only
paiticipate in buuget piepaiation, but also to expanu paiticipation to othei stages in
the buugeting piocess. The move calls foi inclusive citizen paiticipation thioughout
the whole buugeting cycle. In sum, the goveinment's objective is open goveinance.
As a membei of the 0pen uoveinment Paitneiship, the Philippine goveinment seeks
to impiove public seivices, inciease public integiity, anu effectively manage public
iesouices. The Philippine uoveinment Action Plan foi 2u12 was ciafteu by the
goveinment in consultation with vaiious CS0s such as the Caucus of Bevelopment
Nu0s, Buuget Auvocacy uioup, anu the Alteinative Buuget Initiative, among otheis
(Philippine uoveinment Action Plan foi 2u12).

0uP Commitments

1. Escalating Fiscal Tianspaiency
Implementeu by the BBN, paitially fulfilleu

This seeks to facilitate the ielease of infoimation iegaiuing the buuget anu its
associateu uocuments in online availability (thiough websites) thiough vaiious
agencies anu goveinment uepaitments, state univeisities anu colleges. These
buuget uocuments, such as annual piocuiement plans, aie unuei the Tianspaiency
Seal (which can be founu on a goveinment agency's official website) anu so must be
maue accessible via the Web.

The Philippine Countiy Assessment Repoit mentions that 17 out of 22 uepaitments
have complieu with the initiative (paiticulaily they have uiscloseu the most
impoitant fiscal uocuments online (Appioveu Buuget, Funu 0tilization Repoit,
Infoimation on Najoi Piogiams anu Piojects, Contiacts Awaiueu, Annual
Piocuiement Plan). The iepoit also iuentifies that the national goveinment agencies
aie unueigoing a "compiehensive auuit" which is unuei the Peifoimance Baseu
Incentive System (0pen uoveinment Assessment Repoit, 2u1S, p. 11).

The pioblem that iemains is the level, oi willingness, of compliance with the above
measuies. In oiuei to auuiess the piioiitization of fiscal tianspaiency, the
goveinment maue it a iequiiement unuei a peifoimance incentive system. It must
be emphasizeu that the agencies oi institutions must comply with full uisclosuie of
the five buugetaiy oi fiscal uocuments. Bowevei, these uocuments must also
consiuei the kinu of infoimation that each piesents anu consiuei what will tiuly be
ielevant to theii uisclosuie.

2. Electionic oi Tianspaient Biuuing
Implementeu by the BBN, paitially fulfilleu

0nuei this umbiella, the goveinment has cieateu the PhiluEPS which uisplays
infoimation about biuuing anu awaius. This electionic bulletin boaiu also iuentifies
"common goous" in piocuiement. The piocuiement piocess will involve e-payment
e-biuuing. In the long iun, anu as this commitment piogiesses, fuithei uevelopment
will hasten othei electionic options as well such as online CS0 monitoiing.

Electionic biuuing was expanueu to incluue online biu submissions by the BPWB, an
online payment system implementeu by the Piocuiement Seivice, anu the National
Tax Reseaich Centei, to name a few. The iepoit also notes that in two yeais (2u11-
2u12), theie was a 68 peicent giowth in the numbei of iegisteieu goveinment
agencies. Also, theie was an inciease in notices of biuuing anu contiacts awaiueu. A
iecommenuation is maue in this aiea which calls foi citizen paiticipation.

S. Public Access to Infoimation Initiative
Implementeu by the Piesiuential Communications Bevelopment anu Stiategic
Planning 0ffice (PCBSP0), paitially fulfilleu

The citizens thiough this initiative will be able to have gieatei access to infoimation
(e.g. Fieeuom of Infoimation Act). CS0s have been favoieu to hainess this initiative
anu insuie goveinment agency compliance. This exeicise of voice is piojecteu to
piessuie foi fuithei uisclosuie of infoimation to the public anu useful tools (such as
infoimation technology systems) by which citizens may be able to gain access to
infoimation. The initiative incluues the paiticipation of vaiious stakeholueis in its
planning anu implementation.

The national goveinment anu local goveinments aie also iequiieu to uisclose
infoimation (e.g. buuget). In oiuei to facilitate this uisclosuie, the Tianspaiency Seal
anu eTAILs have been put in place. They have iecommenueu that the Fieeuom of
Infoimation Act iequiie suppoit fiom the executive anu that othei vital infoimation
fiom all bianches of goveinment must be incluueu in the uisclosuie.

4. Philippine Paitneiship foi 0pen uoveinance

0nuei this enactment, the Philippine 0uP will monitoi the status of goveinment
unuei the open goveinment initiative, especially its piogiams anu iefoims. This is
compiiseu of a committee with uelegates fiom goveinment, business, anu CS0s who
meet iegulaily while the open goveinment plan is being implementeu. As of 2u1S,
this committee has not met iegulaily.

S. Expanueu Paiticipatoiy Buugeting
Implementeu by the Bepaitment of Inteiioi anu Local uoveinment, Fulfilleu

This paiticulai commitment has focuseu on CS0 paiticipation in the buugeting
piocess. As implementeu by the BBN, it seeks to engage oiganizations in the buuget
foimulation stage. It sought to impiove the buuget piocess foi 2u1S anu auuiess
pioblems in othei buugeting stages (legislation, execution, accountability). In 2u11
anu Becembei 2u12, national goveinment agencies anu u0CCS weie incluueu in the
initiatives. Recent infoimation shows that the piogiam on paiticipatoiy buugeting
has now incluueu 12 national goveinment agencies anu 6 u0CCs. Pioceuuies on
CS0 engagement in the buugetaiy piocess (at all stages) has been thiough National
Buuget Ciiculai Nos. SS6 anu SS. A 2u11 anu 2u12 People's Buuget has been issueu.

6. Bottom-0p Paiticipatoiy Planning anu Buugeting
National Anti-Poveity Commission, Bepaitment of Inteiioi anu Local uoveinment,
Bepaitment of Social Welfaie anu Bevelopment, Bepaitment of Buuget anu
Nanagement, Fulfilleu

Paitneiship with vaiious stakeholueis is seen at this level (national goveinment
agencies, local goveinment units, anu CS0s at the community level. It focuses on
poveity ieuuction anu will foimulate action plans to auuiess poveity. As such, it is
pieuicteu that these plans will be piioiitizeu by national buuget foimulation. Bue to
its local level focus, it piopels a bottom-up appioach. To auuiess the issue of
poveity, goveinments at the local level must piouuce local poveity ieuuction plans.
Biawing fiom iecent uata, paiticipatoiy buugeting anu planning has alieauy been
uone in S9S cities anu municipalities. The 2u1S National Buuget incluues theii
piioiity plans anu piogiams which aie woith P8.4 billion.

Foi the next fiscal yeai, ovei a thousanu cities anu municipalities aie foiecasteu to
paiticipate in bottom-up paiticipatoiy planning anu buugeting. The outlook foi this
initiative expanus as it piogiesses.

7. Empoweiment Funu
Implementeu by the Bepaitment of Inteiioi anu Local uoveinment, In Piogiess

This initiative focuses on seivice ueliveiy as well as capacitating the maiginalizeu.
The CS0s aie taskeu to unueitake these objectives.

8. Paiticipatoiy Social Auuit foi Public Infiastiuctuie Piojects

Implementeu by the Commission on Auuit, Paitially Fulfilleu

This paiticipatoiy auuit focuses on piojects ielating to infiastiuctuie anu
agiicultuie. It involves a citizen-C0A collaboiation paitneiship in unueitaking
auuits. CCAuu has pieviously iuentifieu coiiuption anu misuse of funuing in ioau
piojects. Thus, this initiative seeks to fostei honest use of public iesouices. This was
launcheu in Novembei of 2u12 anu has been unuei pilot implementation by the

9. Baimonize uoveinment Neasuiement Systems
Implementeu by the Bepaitment of Buuget anu Nanagement, Fulfilleu

This initiative is iesult-baseu anu opeiates thiough monitoiing anu iepoiting on
uepaitment anu agency peifoimance at the national level. The Results- Baseu
Peifoimance Nanagement System, oi RBPNS, is baseu on the 0iganizational
Peifoimance Inuicatoi Fiamewoik. The RBPNS alieauy has a fiamewoik, anu the
Peifoimance Baseu Incentive System is unueigoing its pilot implementation. Foi
goveinment employees, the peifoimance baseu bonus has been initiateu. Asiue
fiom these incentive systems, ceitification ciiteiia have also been foimulateu foi
goou goveinance. These incentive system anu ciiteiia aie still in neeu of valiuation,
anu this paiticulai aiea has not iuentifieu CS0 paiticipation in that valiuation

1u. Impiove Citizen's Chaitei
Implementeu by the Civil Seivice Commission, Paitially Fulfilleu

This seeks to enhance compliance to citizen's chaiteis. This paiticulai initiative is
uone thiough the Anti-Reu Tape Act (ARTA) Watch which conuucts check-ups on
NuAs. The agency also conuucts seminais on anti-ieu tape anu seivice ueliveiy. This
initiative seeks to pievent fissuies anu evaluate the seivices of these agencies.
Those agencies who comply aie awaiueu a Citizen's Satisfaction Centei Seal of
Excellence, anu those who fail to comply must unueigo a seivice uelivei excellence
piogiam. As of iecent uata, 7u peicent have complieu.

11. Roll-out Inteinal Auuit anu Inteinal Contiols
Implementeu by the Bepaitment of Buuget anu Nanagement, Fulfilleu

This commitment sought to iesponu to how agencies uevelopeu, implementeu, anu
monitoieu theii inteinal auuits anu contiols. This initiative also contiibuteu to the
agencies' own iesponsibilities anu functions iegaiuing theii piojects anu piogiams.
A manual was cieateu foi this specific puipose. In sum, the manual seiveu as a guiue
foi the inteinal opeiations of agencies. As a iesult, seveial tiainings hau alieauy
been conuucteu in vaiious agencies anu will be enhanceu fuithei.

12. Embeu Accountability in Local uoveinance

Implementeu by the Agency Bepaitment of Inteiioi anu Local uoveinment, Fulfilleu

Thiough the Seal of uoou Bousekeeping (SuB), exacting accountability can be
piomoteu. This focus is local goveinance anu Lu0s who exhibit excellent inteinal
housekeeping in iesouice allocation aienas anu oveiall goou goveinance
innovations. Those Lu0S who have the seal qualify to be a iecipient of the
Peifoimance Challenge Funu oi PCF. The taiget is to have all lowei income cities
anu municipalities qualify foi the SuB by the yeai 2u16 as well as inciease
compliance foi the SuB. As of 2u12, 77 peicent (1S22 out of 1714) of Lu0s have
obtaineu the SuB.


In auuition, vaiious innovations anu technologies have been pioposeu anu
implementeu. 0ne of these is Inteiactive Fiscal Tianspaiency thiough the 2"3$4- #$
2'5'# website which has alieauy been launcheu. This website lets citizens leain
moie about the buuget anu the buugeting piocess. 0theis have focuseu on
Electionic Piocuiement systems, uigitizing ieleases of Congiessional allocations,
anu gaineiing public feeuback online.

!"#$%&' +* Paiticipation in national level policies

Paiticipatoiy Buugeting

The political anu constitutional context of paiticipatoiy buugeting in the Philippines
stems fiom constitutional change uiiven by civil society anu mass uemonstiations
ousting the foimei authoiitaiian iegime. These constitutional anu legal piovisions
suppoiting civil society paiticipation anu uecentialization aie institutionalizeu in
the Local uoveinment Coue of 1991. As such, this coue seeks to piomote gieatei
civil society anu Lu0 paiticipation in local planning anu seivice ueliveiy. The coue
also lays giounuwoik in the cieation of local uevelopment councils which pioviue
CS0 oi Nu0 iepiesentatives the oppoitunity to paiticipate in these enueavouis
(Folschei, 2uu7).

Folschei (2uu7) iuentifies a significant point iegaiuing paiticipation in national
policies by citing the Naga City example. Beie, the authoi iecognizes the neeu foi
outlining citizen paiticipation within a legal fiamewoik in the of national
goveinment context. As is, citizen paiticipation in buugeting anu the fiscal piocess is
piimaiily founu at the subnational level. The authoi also notes that paiticipation in
Asian cases is geneially implementeu by local actois with a piioi histoiy of
accountability anu citizen engagement wheie the ielationship between people anu
the goveinment has been cultivateu (Folschei, 2uu7).

In tiacing the uevelopment of civil society paiticipation in the Philippines, Folschei
(2uu7), citing Biillantes (2uuS), aigues it unfolueu as a ieaction to the centializeu
system anu its inability to uelivei local seivices piioi to 1986. Aftei Naicos, the
piesence of civil society in goveinance was maue a piioiity, paiticulaily thiough
paiticipation anu at vaiious levels of uecision-making in social anu political iealms.

In auuition, the Local uoveinment Coue of 1991 allows Nu0s seats in the Local
Bevelopment Councils, committees, anu local health anu school boaius. 0ne
paiticulai case of paiticipation has been uocumenteu in Naga City, wheie the Lu0s
have suppoiteu citizen paiticipation (Folschei, 2uu7). Its citizens paiticipate in
secoial conceins, anu have also cieateu a paitneiship (e.g. Naga City People's
Council) with vaiious stakeholueis, especially civil society. This council iepiesents
the people anu can get access to vital infoimation conceining issues ielateu to
goveinance (Folschei, 2uu7).

With iegaiu to peimitteu citizen paiticipation, Folschei (2uu7) outlines citizen
engagement in public piocesses. The authoi iefeis to this involvement as
"paiticipatoiy buugeting" wheieby citizens aie incluueu in venues foi planning,
allocation, anu monitoiing piocesses. Befoie iuentifying cases unuei these types of
paiticipation, the authoi fiist uefines these paiticipatoiy initiatives. Buiing the
buugeting piocess, citizens (usually Nu0s oi CS0 coalitions) shaie the public space
in a uiive to auvance goveinment tianspaiency anu accountability. Theii
iesponsibilities catei towaius influencing the state in geneiating public policy
infoimation (which happens outsiue of the state) |Folschei, 2uu7j. Access to quality
infoimation is essential as citizens play a iepiesentative iole in uecision-making anu
policy foimulation on uevelopment objectives anu the allocation of iesouices. It
must be noteu that this uepenus on the enabling enviionment available in uecision-

0n the othei hanu, citizens in the uecision-making piocesses, paiticulaily in the
buugeting piocess can shaie infoimation, paiticipate in consultations, anu
implement piojects (Ncuee, et. al., 2uuS, as citeu in Folschei, 2uu7). The Philippines
offeis an exemplaiy case of an initiative that focuseu on impioving tianspaiency
anu accountability. This is paiticulaily tiue of civil society engagement in the
buugeting piocess anu signaling mechanisms to subnational levels of goveinment
conceining the piioiities of local communities. In essence, civil society influences
uecision-making in the buugeting piocess. Paiticipation in fiscal oi buugetaiy
piocesses iequiies coiiect infoimation in oiuei to accuiately foimulate fiscal
piioiities anu assess valuable seivices. In auuition, people neeu to unueistanu the
buuget anu the buugeting piocess to engage in the monitoiing anu auuiting of
goveinment piojects (Folschei, 2uu7).

The case of the Conceineu Citizens of Abia foi uoou uoveinance (CCAuu) is a
ielevant initiative focusing on paiticipation, tianspaiency, anu accountability. In
1986, the CCAuu was cieateu anu focuseu on uevelopment-oiienteu piogiams. The

inuiviuuals who cieateu the CCAuu weie moie familiaiizeu with this line of woik
thiough paiticipation in a tiaining session with the NEBA (aftei signing a
memoianuum of unueistanuing), paiticulaily in pioject monitoiing. This case is
notewoithy because the CCAuu founu 27 piojects that hau been ueclaieu by the
Ninistiy of Public Woiks anu Bighways as "complete" in the piovince of Abia hau
not actually been accomplisheu (Folschei, 2uu7; Ramkumai, 2uu8).

The iesponse of the CCAuu was to ienuei pioof iegaiuing the incompletion of these
piojects in oiuei to oveituin the public announcement ieleaseu by the Ninistiy. In
puisuit of this enu, the membeis of the CCAuu collecteu photogiaphic eviuence anu
uocumenteu accounts of citizens in the uiffeient pioject aieas. The national
goveinment was then notifieu by the submission of this eviuence. The Abia case,
known foi its citizen paiticipation, also uemonstiates public anu official auuiting
capacity, in conjunction with its hainessing of public opinion which helu seveial
officials accountable. The case fuithei uemonstiateu the neeu foi piopei iecouise
conceining official coiiuption. In othei woius, the people in the community seizeu
the oppoitunity to voice theii opinions iegaiuing the mattei, anu the iesult was
coiiupt officials appiopiiately iepiimanueu foi theii actions.

To emphasize, in oiuei to iuentify piojects with inciuences of coiiuption, the CCAuu
tuineu to voluntaiy oiuinaiy citizens, such as housewives anu stuuents, in close
pioximity to neglecteu aieas to iepoit theii finuings to the expeits investigating the
pioject sites. Apait fiom finuing that ioau constiuction piojects hau iiggeu
contiacts oi fixeu aiiangements, the CCAuu, with the help of these volunteeis, also
uiscoveieu that one of the piojects' funuing hau been embezzleu by the contiactois
(Folschei, 2uu7).

CCAuu is a iepiesentative case because it featuies a paitneiship with the Philippine
supieme auuit institution on uevelopment plans in Abia (Ramkumai anu Kiafchik,
2uuS, as citeu in Folschei, 2uu7). In the CCAuu case, theie was the suppoit foi
enhanceu veitical accountability, which gave iise to quality hoiizontal
accountability. This is saiu to be foigeu paitly by paitneiships with CS0s (Folschei,

Paiticipation oi citizen engagement in the planning anu buugeting piocess in local-
level Philippine politics aie sepaiate oibits. In auuiessing this chasm, tools that
enable citizen paiticipation may woik favoiably in enviionments wheie factois like
pationage anu coiiuption aie minimal, but still capable of activation thiough the
buuget piocess (Biillantes & Tiu Sonco III, 2uuS, as citeu in Folschei, 2uu7).

Citizen paiticipation not only impioves tianspaiency anu fosteis accountability, but
may also open venues piimeu foi citizen action anu inquiiy in the public space. It
has also been emphasizeu in the case stuuies iuentifieu by Folschei that initiatives
in paiticipatoiy buugeting builu suppoit anu iesult in incieasingly engageu actois.

Bowevei, appioaches, anu piojects which capitalize on citizen paiticipation, iest on
how they aie intiouuceu, planneu, anu executeu (Folschei, 2uu7).

Executive: Buuget anu fiscal issues

Beie we focus on the People's Buuget anu how citizens can become engageu in
uecisions that concein them. In the 2u1S People's Buuget iepoit by the BBN, citizen
paiticipation has been mainly composeu of CS0s, P0s, anu communities seeking
venues to uiiectly auuiess peitinent issues.

The iepoit by AusAiu on the Philippine-Austialia Public Finance Nanagement
piogiam mentions that citizen anu civil society (CS) paiticipation has been
acceleiateu by the legislatuie thiough public heaiings, but "the inteiaction between
the legislatuie anu CS on geneial buuget anu PFN issues outsiue of iespective
uistiict conceins is less uevelopeu." Foi gieatei paiticipation in the fiscal piocess,
poitions of the buugeting piocess have incluueu CS0s. Thiough the cuiient
auministiation's uoou uoveinance anu Anti-Coiiuption Clustei Action Plan foi
2u12-2u16, the paiticipation of citizens is foitifieu anu moving towaius
foimalization. In the beginning phases of the auministiation, CS0s collaboiateu
with the BBN in cieating a policy to bettei engage CS0s in the buugeting piocess.
Fiom this, Buuget Paitneiship Agieements (BPAs) weie cieateu with NuAs anu
uoveinment 0wneu oi Contiolleu Coipoiations (u0CCs). The BPA was useu to
gathei inputs foi the buugeting piocess in phases of piepaiation anu execution
(Philippines-Austialia Public Financial Nanagement Piogiam (PFNP)-, AusAiu,

When piloteu in 2u11 anu 2u12 in national buuget piepaiation, the capacity of both
the goveinment anu CS0s was ievealeu to be in neeu of ciitical anu technical input
pioviueu by a goveinment willing to woik with the CS0s. The cuiient commitment
anu initiatives of the goveinment aie favoiable in auheiing to the goals of the
auministiation of a tianspaient, accountable, anu paiticipative system. It has been
noteu that "intensifieu anu iepeateu involvement of CS0s shoulu giauually
contiibute to geneiate auuitional uemanu fiom the citizeniy foi bettei allocation of
iesouices, as well as effectiveness anu efficiency in goveinment opeiations anu
expenuituies" (Philippines-Austialia Public Financial Nanagement Piogiam
(PFNP)-AusAiu, 2u12, p. S). This may be the main contiibutoi in the uevelopment of
Philippine goveinance.

This can be fuithei enhanceu by the 2u1S Empoweiment Buuget as illustiateu in
the 2u1S People's Buuget ieleaseu by the BBN. They taiget the Empoweiment
Buuget as the most conuucive to enhancing paiticipation in uecision-making
piocesses as uesciibeu in its piinciples anu stiategies. To quote, "this buuget
puisues empoweiment by cieating moie oppoitunities foi public paiticipation in
goveinance. It invests significantly in the people's capabilities by piioiitizing
funuing foi public seivices that pioviue jobs, euucate oui youth, ensuie a healthiei

citizeniy, anu empowei each Filipino to paiticipate in economic activity" (Peoples
Buuget 2u1S-BBN, 2u1S, p. 11). The piinciple that has most ielevance in this
oveiview is "gieatei stakeholuei paiticipation in buuget piepaiation anu execution"
(Peoples Buuget 2u1S-BBN, 2u1S, p. 11). As mentioneu pieviously, this involves
social accountability to biing to auuiess people's neeus. As biiefly uesciibeu above,
accountability incluues the peifoimance-baseu buugeting system, the iesults-baseu
management system, anu the peifoimance-baseu incentive system.

In seeking gieatei stakeholuei paiticipation in the buuget piocess incluuing buuget
piepaiation anu execution, the Bottom-0p Buugeting Appioach was initiateu. This
involves conuucting consultations with community oiganizations in oiuei to
ueteimine neeueu seivices. The 2u1S People's Buuget iepoits that a total of S9S
pooi municipalities hau unueitaken this piocess. In auuition, the same iepoit
mentions Agency-Civil Society Buuget Paitneiships which incluueu 12 uepaitments
anu six goveinment fiims (e.g. BepEu, B0B, National Foou Authoiity, Light Rail
Tiansit Authoiity, among otheis). Public-Piivate Paitneiships will also be tappeu in
oiuei to facilitate the maintenance anu ueliveiy of social seivices (e.g. builuing anu
maintaining school facilities, human infiastiuctuie piojects).

Asiue fiom the buugetaiy piocess, CS0s anu otheis finu auuitional channels foi
paiticipation. The BBN iepoit mentioneu the piogiam 6'#-'&13 6'/1(5'#$ 61(1,1#*
6+*$+'/ (4Ps), a conuitional cash tiansfei piogiam foi pooi families. This initiative
involves paients senuing theii chiluien to school, attenuing 8S peicent of theii
classes, anu investing in theii health. CS0s, Nu0s, P0s, anu othei gioups "paiticipate
in the piogiam to conuuct social auuit; to ensuie that beneficiaiies fulfill the
conuitions anu to monitoi piogiess" (Peoples Buuget 2u1S-BBN, 2u1S, p. Su).

Peia ng Bayan, foi instance, is an online platfoim which allows citizens to iepoit on
the peifoimance of theii goveinment. In 2u12, 196 cases weie iuentifieu, but the
website anu system lacks sustainability.

Foi citizens to paiticipate in the buugeting piocess, the cuiient auministiation has
sought to make venues moie accessible oi open. Citizen paiticipation has been
maue available uuiing buuget piepaiation, anu uevelopment foi inclusion in all the
phases of the buuget piocess is now unueiway. The following have been set up in
oiuei to make this possible (Peoples Buuget 2u1S-BBN, 2u1S):

1. Buuget Paitneiship Agieements oi BPAs
2. Bottom-0p Buugeting oi B0B
S. Citizens Paiticipatoiy Auuit

The BPAs aie agieements between agencies anu CS0s at the beginning of the buuget
cycle (e.g. pioposal stage). BBN (2u1S) mentions that it has now extenueu to the
execution phase. As noteu pieviously, the B0B hau a pilot iun in seveial
municipalities thiough theii CS0s. This has also been extenueu to the execution

phase to oveisee pioject implementation. The puipose of the B0B is to seive as a
guiue foi poveity ieuuction piojects. Bottom-0p Buugeting will help piepaie
agencies' buugets. Its paiticulai consiueiation is ueliveiing basic social seivices to
the pooi. In auuition, the buuget will have inputs fiom basic sectoi oiganization anu
CS0s. 0veiall, they compose the Local Poveity Reuuction Action Team, oi LPRAT.
Incluueu in the team aie the Local Chief Executive anu National uoveinment
Agencies such as the BBN anu the BILu. Foity peicent of the gioup must be women.
Also, communities at the baiangay level shoulu be able to implement the B0B
piojects. The expeiience of the Community Biiven Appioach, which incluues
paiticipatoiy piocesses, shoulu piove favoiable. Those who uo not have the
expeiience may still be eligible, but they must be given technical assistance by the
Lu0 anu a goveinment agency as inuicateu in BBN-BILu-BSWB-NAPC }oint
Nemoianuum Ciiculai No. 2, Seiies of 2u12.

The Citizen Paiticipatoiy Auuit by the C0A anu the BPWB anu the Affiliateu
Netwoik foi Social Accountability - East Asia anu the Pacific (ANSA - EAP) will
involve citizens in auuiting goveinment piogiams (Peoples Buuget 2u1S-BBN,

In a uiaft piepaieu by }uan Nayo Ragiagio foi the Asia Founuation (2u1S), the
authoi assesseu CS0 paiticipation in B0B, SuB-PCF, anu Local Special Bouies
(LSBs). CS0 paiticipation in B0B was founu sub-pai anu lacking by the Association
of Founuations confeience in 2u12. The authoi also cites a stuuy which assesseu the
B0B piocess anu founu only 44 out of 74 of the FuB's paiticipants weie involveu in
the piocess. They weie, howevei, involveu in the LPRAT as membeis oi as
paiticipants in its planning activities (Ragiagio, 2u1S).

CS0 paiticipation in the Seal of uoou Bousekeeping anu in the Peifoimance
Challenge Funu weie also limiteu as less than 2u of the 74 paiticipants in the FuB
saiu that they weie engageu in SuB anu PCF. Also, thiee out of the 18 CS0s uiu not
analyze oi ieau any of the uocuments ieleaseu by the Lu0, anu only 1S weie
incoipoiateu into activities like implementation, monitoiing, oi the BILu evaluation
team. Bowevei, as iepoiteu to the Buieau of Local uoveinment Bevelopment
(BLuB) by the BILu 0ffice of Inteinal Auuit Seivices (0IAS), CS0s weie not piesent
in ieview anu monitoi pioject activities anu uiu not obseive PCF guiuelines, but
showeu bettei engagement in PCF evaluation anu monitoiing. CS0 paiticipation in
Local Special Bouies also uemonstiateu less than outstanuing involvement in LSBs.
The LBC was iepoiteu to have the highest attenuance. In thiee cases, the CS0s
paiticipateu oi weie engageu with the LSBs anu weie content with theii
paiticipation. 0ne CS0 in Ninuanao (Lantawan, Basilan) was not involveu anu citeu
the peace anu oiuei conuition as a ieason (Ragiagio, 2u1S).

In oiuei foi CS0s to suppoit the SuB anu the PCF, the Asia Founuation has pioposeu
that CS0 assemblies shoulu consoliuate, ieview CS0 accieuitation (anu iesponu to
its weaknesses), anu stiengthen CS0 iesouices by filling knowleuge gaps thiough

funuing by the national goveinment, uonoi agencies, anu local funuing institutions
(Ragiagio, 2u1S).

Executive: 0thei policy aienas

Ncuee, et. al., (2uuS) in hei iepoit iegaiuing citizen paiticipation, mentions that by
viitue of the 1991 LuC the goveinment has alloweu citizen paiticipation. In hei
iepoit she iuentifies that in the Philippines anu Biazil, a legal fiamewoik foi citizen
paiticipation may call foi the "joint action" of two actois - the goveinment anu
CS0s. This is paiticulaily the case in iesponsibilities ielateu to local-level
goveinance. Foi the Philippines, the Local uoveinment Coue is a piime example of
how the goveinment allows citizen paiticipation.

Similaily, Nagno (2u11) notes that citizen paiticipation is vital to the goveinance
piocess as has been emphasizeu in both the 1987 Constitution anu the LuC of 1991.
In auuition, they also call foi paitneiships between goveinment anu Nu0s. Citizens
have a iight to paiticipate in policy-making anu paiticulai piovisions illustiate this.
Nagno (2u11, p. 22) lists some of these:

"SEC. S4. Role of People's anu Non-goveinmental
0iganizations. - Local goveinment units shall piomote the
establishment anu opeiation of people's anu
nongoveinmental oiganizations to become active paitneis in
the puisuit of local autonomy.

SEC. SS. Linkages with People's anu Non-uoveinmental
0iganizations. - Local goveinment units may entei into joint
ventuies anu such othei coopeiative aiiangements with
people's anu non-goveinmental oiganizations to engage in
the ueliveiy of ceitain basic seivices, capability-builuing anu
livelihoou piojects, anu to uevelop local enteipiises uesigneu
to impiove piouuctivity anu income, uiveisify agiicultuie,
spui iuial inuustiialization, piomote ecological balance, anu
enhance the economic anu social well-being of the people.

SEC. S6. Assistance to People's anu Non-goveinmental
0iganizations. - A local goveinment unit may, thiough its
local chief executive anu with the concuiience of the
sanggunian conceineu, pioviue assistance, financial oi
otheiwise, to such people's anu nongoveinmental
oiganizations foi economic, socially-oiienteu,
enviionmental, oi cultuial piojects to be implementeu
within its teiiitoiial juiisuiction".

In oiuei to illustiate how citizens paiticipate, the following aienas will be biiefly



In the health sectoi, citizens can paiticipate in Local Bealth Boaius (LBBs). The LBB
has the function "to piopose. the annual buugetaiy allocations foi the opeiation
anu maintenance of health facilities anu seivices within the municipality, city oi
piovince, as the case may be. It shoulu also seive as an auvisoiy committee to
the local sanggunian on health matteis such as the necessity foi, anu application of,
local appiopiiations foi public health puiposes" (Nagno, 2u11).

The authoi cites a stuuy that founu when citizens weie able to paiticipate in LBBs,
moie openings oi venues weie establisheu wheie the people weie consulteu, anu
moie action foi health was unueitaken. The community also exhibiteu high pei
capita expenuituie on health uue to "functional LBBs" (Ramiio, et al., 2uu1, as citeu
in Nagno, 2u11, p. 26).


In euucation, citizen paiticipation in policy-making is appaient at the local level. The
Local School Boaius have the iesponsibility "to ueteimine the annual
supplementaiy buugetaiy neeus foi the opeiation anu maintenance of public
schools within the piovince, city oi municipality anu the supplementaiy local cost
of meeting such neeus which shall be ieecteu in the foim of an annual school
boaiu buuget coiiesponuing to its shaie in the pioceeus of the special levy on ieal
piopeity constituting the Special Euucation funu anu such othei souices of ievenue"
(Nagno, 2u11, p. 2S).

The LSB may also paiticipate in "the uecisions of the local sanggunian on issues
conceining euucation paiticulaily local appiopiiations foi euucational puiposes by
seiving as an auvisoiy committee to the sanggunian" (Nagno, 2u11, p. 2S). The LSB
also has Nu0 piesence thiough paient-teachei association iepiesentatives. It is also
composeu of the school staff (teacheis) anu the "non-acauemic peisonnel
oiganization" (Nagno, 2u11, p. 2S). The authoi mentions the case of Naga City
which impioveu its LSBs in oiuei to incluue othei stakeholueis. vaiious actois weie
incluueu in the LSBs fiom the piivate sectoi such as business, acauemia, alumni, anu
Nu0s, among otheis (Pabico, 2uu8, as citeu in Nagno, 2u11).

LSBs ielate to the LuC of 1991 which states that citizens can paiticipate in local
uevelopment councils. It also mentions that the national goveinment must consult
with goveinments at the local level on piioiities anu plans. Theiefoie, uevelopment
anu planning at the local level calls foi citizen paiticipation. Citizens at this level
may become moie familiai with avenues of effective paiticipation. Becentialization
within the countiy becomes ciucial in this phase (Ncuee, et. al., 2uuS).

3-'$-4 5-'6-'7-' 89&-1 :-$#/;


The Roau Watch expeiience of Iloilo, Philippines focuses on monitoiing
infiastiuctuie piojects post-constiuction (ioaus). To mobilize volunteeis in
obseiving the uisciepancies in ioau constiuction quality, jeepney uiiveis weie
ieciuiteu, tiaineu to conuuct inspections, anu who simply iepoit theii finuings.
They have been chosen to be monitois since they have fiist-hanu knowleuge of the
conuition of the ioaus baseu on eveiyuay use.

The Roau Watch expeiience of Iloilo was fiuitful paiticulaily uue to the
paiticipation of an Nu0 netwoik calleu Iloilo Caucus of Bevelopment Non-
uoveinment 0iganizations, Inc. (IC0BE) which paitneieu with the Tianspaiency
anu Accountability Netwoik. IC0BE also appioacheu the initiative effectively anu
was able to gathei ielevant uocuments fiom BPWB in oiuei to examine if
coiiuption oi questionable piactices coulu be iuentifieu.

The BPWB anu the volunteeis also coopeiateu well with each othei anu citeu the
impoitance of collaboiation. The Bantay Lansangan expeiience showcases how to
effectively engage uiffeient actois in ioau monitoiing. Noie significantly, Roau
Watch facilitates collaboiative effoits between oiuinaiy citizens anu communities in
the piomotion of tianspaiency anu accountability (ansa-eap, 2u1u).


An accountable goveinment iequiies an effective oveisight system which is the
function of the legislative bianch of goveinment. In auuition it pioviues checks anu
balances. In piomoting goou goveinance as a whole, the legislatuie anu its capacity
foi oveisight is a contentious issue. Biscussion iegaiuing the subnational
legislatuies anu institutional actois, the political teiiain, anu Philippine
uecentialization must be exploieu fuithei (Abelleia, 2u11).

The extent of public paiticipation in legislation ovei taxation is limiteu. At the local
level, this is a iesponsibility of the Lu0s in cieating theii own souices of ievenues.
Though public paiticipation is manuatoiy in the legislative piocess "which incluues
the conuuct of seiies of consultations anu public heaiings as pioviueu in the Local
uoveinment Coue" (Nagno, 2u11, p. 2S), anu:

"The extent of people paiticipation in the enactment of
ievenue coues, howevei, cannot be quantieu. Theie is no
publisheu uata as to how many people attenu consultations
anu public heaiings. What is available is the numbei of
congiess anu local legislative council membeis who voteu foi
oi against a ceitain ievenue coue anu moie impoitantly, the
amount of ievenues iaiseu as these national anu local
ievenue coues aie implementeu. Biiect people paiticipation
in ievenue geneiation, obviously, is thiough the payment of
these tax anu non-tax ievenues" (Nagno, 2u11, p. 2S).


Theie is no law which iequiies public paiticipation in this mattei. Nagno (2u11)
notes that much mateiial iegaiuing public finance has focuseu on the aspects of
goveinance - tianspaiency, buugeting anu monitoiing, "anu theii willingness to pay
taxes" (Ahmau, 2uu8; Siikei, 2uu6; Ziiia, 2uu8, as citeu in Nagno, 2u11, p. 2S).
These aie linkeu to citizen paiticipation anu theii ability to access infoimation
iegaiuing buugeting anu expenuituies in oiuei to uiscein the quality anu quantity
of public seivices (Nagno, 2u11).

Pioviueu in the Local uoveinment Coue of 1991, the poweis of the legislatuie weie
uevolveu "allocating sub-national legislatuies ielevant law-making anu oveisight
iole" (Abelleia, 2u11, p. 294). In line with this uevolution, the executive has the
capacity "to intiouuce legislation affecting buuget, taxation, expansion of
employment in public seivice anu othei auministiative matteis |.j Poweis of
executives woulu incluue senuing notes to the local council, using veto powei,
appointing anu iemoving suboiuinates, anu piepaiing the buuget" (Pauilla, 1998, p.
4u, as citeu in Abelleia, 2u11, p. 298). Bowevei, foi the puipose of this section, we
will uiscuss buuget sciutiny anu public (e.g. citizens, CS0s, Nu0s) paiticipation in
buuget legislation.

Buuget legislation shoulu give way foi othei actois to conuuct oveisight. It has been
noteu by Abelleia (2u11) that CS0s, anu even the meuia (as exteinal actois), can be
taigeteu in oiuei to assist in the oveisight function. It has been saiu that theii
piesence has been favoiable anu has also "pioven to be effective in uemanuing
goveinment accountability" (Abelleia, 2u11, p. S2S). As such, it may be necessaiy to
cieate paitneiships with these actois anu agencies, such as the C0A, not only in
oveiseeing the policies of goveinment, but also in the buuget piocess, especially
implementation. Essentially, an accountability fiamewoik is stiesseu- one that is
not only hoiizontal, but veitical as well (Abelleia, 2u11).

As mentioneu pieviously, the buuget legislation stage iemains the most visible anu
tangible foi citizen paiticipation. 0ne oiganization, Social Watch Philippines, has
been active in this stage of the buugeting piocess, anu has consistently monitoieu
how the buuget has been constituteu. It has focuseu on social uevelopment. In oiuei
to paiticipate in this stage, Social Watch submits alteinative buugets. This has been
calleu the Alteinative Buuget Initiative which has become a pait of the stage. As
mentioneu eailiei, these alteinative buugets aie subjecteu to heaiings by the
Appiopiiations Committee. Asiue fiom Social Watch Philippines who have
submitteu alteinative buugets since 2uu6, othei gioups have suppoiteu this
initiative as well. In auuition, "in teims of iesponse, legislatois sponsoi items in the
Alteinative Buuget Initiative anu incluue these in the amenuments" (Biiones, 2u11,
p. SS).

Anothei aspect piomoting citizen paiticipation, especially by CS0s oi Nu0s, is
containeu in the LuC of 1991. Paiticulai focus has been placeu on theii capability foi

oveisight as well as paiticipation in policy-making at the local level (since they also
become iepiesentatives foi sectois while in the Local Bevelopment Councils). As
such, these vaiious gioups, iepiesenting uiffeient sectois in uevelopment, can
utilize theii seats in the uevelopment councils to gathei infoimation iegaiuing
goveinment plans anu piioiities as well as the allotment of funus foi local
uevelopment (Abelleia, 2u11).

In auuition, CS0s can paiticipate in public heaiings "piioi to the enactment of
oiuinances in which local people's voice aie iepiesenteu in the policy-making
piocess" (Abelleia, 2u11, p. S2u). Bowevei, Abelleia (2u11) iuentifies that
"actual inclusion of civil society's voice in policy-making has yet to be iealizeu since
some Lu0s only choose CS0sNu0s that aie allies of executives (e.g. Chambei of
Commeice, Rotaiy Club, women oiganizations) to secuie unopposeu
implementation of the executive agenua" (Abelleia, 2u11, pp. S2u-S21).

vaiious cases have uocumenteu how citizens can paiticipate in oveisight oi how
they can access infoimation iegaiuing the buuget. It has been noteu that uiban
gioups oi oiganizations have been moie active in this as infoimation is moie
accessible. The meuia who iepoit on how the goveinment spenus the funus has
been citeu as one contiibutoi to this. In auuition, "the civil society can woik in
tanuem with local meuia in uemanuing theii iepiesentatives to employ oveisight of
local buugets anu policies" (Abelleia, 2u11, p. S21).

In }une 2uu9, the Piovincial Engineeiing 0ffice was founu to have engageu in an
infiastiuctuie scam on theii piojects. This infoimation spieau quickly thiough the
local meuia anu newspapeis, anu iesulteu in CS0s uemanuing appiopiiate action to
holu those involveu in the case accountable. In effect, "the piesence of seveial meuia
gioups anu activities by the civil society has encouiageu piovincial officials to be
moie caieful in theii uealings anu the legislatuie as the main oveisight bianch
became moie vigilant in oveiseeing annual buugets anu uisbuisement of funus"
(Abelleia, 2u11, p. S21).

Accoiuing to Ncuee, et. al., (2uuS), geneially goveinments at the local level can only
legislate in a few matteis of goveinance anu not on aspects which focus on "the
ielationship between goveinois anu the goveineu at the local level, which tenu to be
iegulateu by national laws" (p. 4S). The authoi cites Naga City as a case example
which uoes not uepict a iegulation fiom above.

Paiticulaily, the authoi focuses on Naga City's local legislation of its city council.
This is illustiateu by its 199S Empoweiment 0iuinance which was passeu at the
local level by the Naga City Council. In Sections 2 anu S of the 0iuinance, citizen
paiticipation at the local legislatuie is maue conciete. In Section 2 the Naga Lu0
shoulu suppoit the iuea that "the will of the people shall always ieign supieme"
(Ncuee, et. al., 2uuS, p. 4S), in sectoiial conceins. It calls foi people to oiganize
themselves anu foim paitneiships in oiuei to auuiess these conceins. Section S

illustiates the paitneiships. This woulu involve P0s anu Nu0s "in the conception,
implementation anu evaluation of all goveinment activities anu functions" (Ncuee,
et. al., 2uuS, p. 4S). As such, this is an enviionment wheie CS0s' ioles in goveinance
can be maue moie significant.

Supieme Auuit Institutions

In the Philippines, theie was a notable case in teims of auuiting, paiticulaily that
which ielates to paiticipatoiy auuit anu piocuiement. In oiuei to illustiate how
citizens oi CS0s can become engageu in the buuget oi fiscal piocesses, the case of
the Conceineu Citizens of Abia foi uoou uoveinment (CCAuu) anu the case of
Piocuiement Watch Inc. will be biiefly outlineu. This account will be uiawn heavily
fiom the 2uu7 0N iepoit contiibuteu by Anam, et. al. (2uu7) titleu 7"31-1#$ 8*+
9*)1'( :0'#$4; 7 9-+'-4$5 8*+ :1-1<4# =#$'$4/4#- 1# 6">(1) 94)-*+ 7))*"#-'>1(1-5?

The CCAuu shows that Nu0s anu citizens can become engageu in a paiticipatoiy
auuit thiough foiming a paitneiship with the Commission on Auuit (C0A), the
Philippines' auuit institution, anu the Nu0 CCAuu. Piocuiement Watch Inc. is also
an example of the lattei, but ueals moie with tianspaiency anu accountability in the
piocuiement piocess. Both cases uepicteu foi possible ieplication in othei
goveinments (Anam, et. al., 2uu7).

CCAuu is notable foi its paiticipatoiy auuiting anu monitoiing activities. Citizen
paiticipation was effectively hainesseu by having membeis of the community in
close pioximity of a ioau pioject engage. The membeis of the oiganization-
housewives, youth, anu stuuents- weie chaigeu with the uuty of iepoiting
obseivations to those in authoiity. 0nce they ieceiveu the iepoits, the uetails weie
ie-evaluateu at the site of the pioject. The Nu0 seiveu as the main investigatoi.

As such, uue to CCAuu's iole in pieventing coiiuption in implementeu piojects in
Abia, the C0A ueciueu to paitnei with the oiganization in oiuei to make way foi a
paiticipatoiy auuit of the goveinment in the iegion. It also unueitook an assessment
of the auuiteu goveinment "to ueteimine whethei the piogiampioject achieveu its
uesiieu iesults" (Ramkumai anu Kiafchik, 2uu7, p. 4u). This was suppoiteu by the
0NBP anu, when enueu, was ueemeu to have ieacheu the uesiieu goals. As a iesult
of this fiuitful paitneiship with a Supieme Auuit Institution (SAI), a manual on
paiticipatoiy auuiting was maue anu publisheu. Still, obstacles uuiing the piocess
weie iuentifieu. Fiist, the C0A uiu not want to ieveal initial auuit finuings to the
community. The CCAuu iuentifieu this iestiicteu access to infoimation by "losing
potentially valuable finuings" (Ramkumai anu Kiafchik, 2uu7, p. 4u). The set-up anu
the paiticipatoiy auuit itself coulu not be maue sustainable aftei the C0A
auministiation changeu. Theiefoie, paiticipatoiy auuit activities weie uepiioiitizeu
when othei C0A plans weie ueemeu moie uigent.

Within piocuiement, Piocuiement Watch Inc. anu the C0A coopeiateu with each
othei in unueitaking an auuit of the piocuiement piocess anu passing piocuiement
iefoim law. The C0A was mainly iesponsible foi pioviuing PWI valuable
piocuiement uocuments which the oiganization useu to measuie any level of
coiiuption in the piocesses of piocuiement. Ramkumai anu Kiafchik (2uu7) note
that the coopeiation of both actois, especially because the oiganization was
"specializeu" in piocuiement, contiibuteu to ieinfoicing the peifoimance of
piocuiement auuits.

The papei now tuins to iecent uevelopments in fuitheiing the opeiationalization of
goveinance anu ielateu aspects. This section will not be exhaustive, but will seive as
an oveiview anu upuate of saiu uevelopments. It will enumeiate anu iuentify these
uevelopments in vaiious goveinance aieas as a whole.

Citizens can engage in goveinment auuiting in vaiious ways. Citizens, CS0s, meuia,
anu special inteiest gioups have a venue in auuit paiticipation. They can give
feeuback by iuentifying cases of coiiuption anu iepoiting these finuings to C0A. Foi
example, C0A's Fiauu Aleit, an online foim which is filleu out on theii website, lets
citizens iepoit instances of fiauu anu misuse of funuing by the goveinment. It also
has the C0A Citizen's Besk (email anu phone) which also allows foi citizen feeuback.
In auuition, the website featuies a summaiy of complaints anu the coiiesponuing
iesponses submitteu to C0A.

They can also give feeuback on the peifoimance of goveinment offices anu conceins
iegaiuing exteinal actois such as the business sectoi. Awaieness can be foigeu
between civil society anu the meuia. Civil society can aiiange foi public foiums
wheie uialogues conceining seivice ueliveiy issues can be launcheu. The meuia, on
the othei hanu, can uisseminate goveinment infoimation, theieby making it moie
mainstieam. The meuia also can play a stiong iole in auuit auvocacies anu can gain
the suppoit of citizens.

Civil society has laigei suppoit when it comes to the aspect of monitoiing. It is key
foi spieauing infoimation fiom C0A finuings anu may biing these to the attention of
the authoiities who they believe can auuiess them. Civil society, in theii monitoiing
function, can also uo follow-ups fiom these finuings. In the auvocacy aspect, civil
society can piessuie the goveinment anu can cieate "Integiity Ciicles" which have
ioles uuiing consultations. Bevelopment paitneis anu uonois, such as the Woilu
Bank, also pioviue piessuie in teims of policies iegaiuing the buuget anu lenuing

In joining the paiticipatoiy auuit, civil society oiganizations can unueitake
inuepenuent Buuget Analysis anu can foimulate ielevant inuicatois oi measuies foi
the Citizens Paiticipatoiy Auuit (CPA). Expeits fiom acauemia anu think tanks can
pioviue technical assistance thiough uata analysis anu valuable ieseaich. In
auuition, these actois can also foimulate tianspaiency anu peifoimance inueces foi

assessing the goveinment seivices (Ayaso-Talaveia, 2u12, as citeu in iKwenta,

0<=&>"?<"'$ @2'1 A&? B-?$%#%=-$&?4 C&D"?'-'#"

The following is uiawn fiom the Peoples Buuget 2u1S iepoit. The EFPu facilitates
giant-giving which offeis CS0s funuing to suppoit paiticipatoiy goveinance
piocesses as well as capacity-builuing, community activities, anu piojects. This funu
intenus to suppoit poveity ieuuction mechanisms foi maiginalizeu sectois anu
impoveiisheu communities. It seeks to capacitate CS0s anu othei gioups thiough
involvement in paiticipatoiy piocesses; to impiove CS0goveinment paitneiships
at the local level paiticulaily in planning, buugeting, anu implementation; anu to
haimonize Nu0 anu goveinment funuing (which lenu suppoit to CS0 anu
goveinment involvements at the sub-national level).

The EFPu lets qualifieu anu accieuiteu CS0s anu Nu0s function as inteimeuiaiy
funu manageis who will become involveu in giant agieements with the BILu. Those
who uo not belong to any netwoik may pick the oiganization which complies with
the ciiteiia foi accieuitation. Thiough a Nemoianuum of Agieement they can
become inteimeuiaiy funuing institutions. Also, they may aiiive at sub-contiactoi
agieements with involveu oiganizations in pioject activities at the local level.

At the local level, oiganizations implement piojects with CS0s. These piojects aie
implementeu in impoveiisheu sectois, oi aieas of the community, anu suppoit
thiough funuing is given to CS0s by the INFs. The CS0s, on the othei hanu, iemain
accountable foi the funus pioviueu by theii uonois anu piivate local funuing
institutions. These oiganizations can become uiiect paitneis anu pioject
implementeis. As piojects aie being implementeu, local oiganizations pieviously
unaffiliateu with consoitiums showing ieliable iecoius, can eventually apply foi
accieuitation. In tuin, the BILu pioviues technical assistance to local oiganizations
ielating to the planning of piojects. The empoweiment piojects iequiie that CS0s
will be iepiesenteu in Local Special Bouies anu othei intei-local mechanisms.

CS0s anu goveinments shall also paiticipate in initiatives foi goou goveinance in
oiuei to enhance theii paiticipation in B0B, Full Bisclosuie Policy, SuP, Local
uoveinance Peifoimance Nanagement System, PCF, among otheis in oiuei to
piomote tianspaiency anu accountability. In effect, they shall foimulate, execute,
anu monitoi vaiious aieas foi goveinance. This will incluue the expeitise of the
acaueme anu meuia CS0s in oiuei to builu up effoits. The eligible piojects anu
activities shoulu covei agiaiian iefoim, fisheiies iefoim, enviionment, climate
change auaptation, safe anu secuie sheltei anu habitats foi uiban communities,
inuigenous peoples' iights, genuei anu uevelopment, women's human iights, peace
builuing, basic euucation, anu public health.

The piojects which aie ineligible aie those ielating to scholaiships oi foimal
acauemic tiaining piogiams anu the like, uiiect community level piojects such as
livelihoou piogiams anu basic seivices, faith-baseu activities with the puipose of
conveiting oi evangelization, constiuction of physical infiastiuctuie, anu iegulai
CS0 suppoit foi theii opeiations.

Foi the next section, seveial initiatives will be uesciibeu which aim to iesponu to
the call foi enhanceu tianspaiency, accountability, anu Lu0 paiticipation. These aie
ielevant to goou goveinance anu help builu gieatei founuations foi its appioach.

Local uoveinance Watch

The Local uoveinance Watch, oi Lu Watch, is a social accountability mechanism that
seeks to impiove anu fostei gieatei paiticipation of CS0s anu citizens in local
goveinance. Paiticipation entails builuing gieatei tianspaiency anu accountability,
especially in seivice ueliveiy anu the execution of piogiams. The Lu Watch expects
to inciease the capacity of CS0s in engaging in public auministiation oi local
goveinance piocesses. In line with this, CS0s aie able to involve themselves in
planning, monitoiing, anu evaluating vaiious piojects anu piogiams. This is maue
possible thiough effective CS0-goveinment collaboiation. The Lu Watch has thiee
majoi components, namely, Citizens Satisfaction Inuex System (CSIS), Civil Society
Paiticipation Funu (CSPF), anu the Capacity Bevelopment foi Civil Society
0iganizations (CBCS).

The CSIS will function as a feeuback mechanism foi the Local uoveinment
Peifoimance Nanagement System (LuPNS). Fuitheimoie the CSIS was uesigneu in
oiuei to ueteimine any loopholes oi gaps in the ueliveiy of seivices, anu "ueteimine
citizens' awaieness anu satisfaction along the vaiious aieas of local goveinance, anu
pioviue the basis foi appiopiiate policy iecommenuations anu positive
inteiventions to enhance local seivice ueliveiy" (BLuS, 2u11, p. S2). The LuPNS
seives as a mechanism foi assessing anu evaluating the peifoimance of local
goveinment units. The CSIS is also a platfoim foi citizen feeuback on seivice
ueliveiy. It was piloteu in 2u12 in 7 Lu0s.

The Civil Society Paiticipation Funu (CSPF) will give incentives oi benefits to those
CS0s who aie active in theii involvement with Lu0s in the aiea of local
uevelopment. This gave small giants to 12 CS0s in 2u12. Also, the CBCS involves
enhancing CS0 skills anu knowleuge in local goveinance piocesses. The CSPF is a
giant facility anu pioviues CS0s an enabling enviionment in the uecision-making
piocesses of goveinment.

The CS0 oi People's Paiticipation Paitneiship Piogiam will be able to enhance
BILu-CS0 paitneiships as well as the piivate sectoi by foiming an initiative which
will piomote CS0 paiticipation in iegional management cooiuinating committees
anu local special bouies oi LSBs. This paitneiship also aims to capacitate CS0s' ioles

in goou goveinance. The Lu Watch is actually a component of the People's
Paiticipation Paitneiship Piogiam.

Seal of uoou Bousekeeping

The Seal of uoou Bousekeeping is an awaiu system which is given to local
goveinment units who have exemplifieu aspects of tianspaiency, accountability,
paiticipation, anu oveiall peifoimance. The 2u11 BLuS iepoit states that "a total of
1,S2S Lu0 compiising of 7u piovinces, 11u cities anu 1,14S municipalities passeu
the ciiteiia set by the Seal" (p. 17). The Lu0s must have sounu fiscal management
anu comply with the Full Bisclosuie Policy. This qualifies them to access the
Peifoimance Challenge Funu oi PCF which pioviues financial suppoit to be useu in
the iespective Lu0s' piojects. These piojects must paiallel the Nillennium
Bevelopment uoals. In 2u12, new ciiteiia was cieateu, anu it has thiee categoiies.
These aie bionze, silvei, anu golu. The bionze categoiy focuses on accountability
anu tianspaiency, the silvei categoiy has the same focus but emphasizes the
ueliveiy of seivices. The golu categoiy incluues the afoiementioneu with an
emphasis on a paiticipatoiy system oi mechanism. Annual taigets have been set
fiom 2u1S to 2u16 which sought to inciease the numbei of Lu0 eligibility foi SuB
(BILu-NCR, 2u12; 0uP Countiy Assessment Repoit, 2u1S).

Full Bisclosuie Policy (FBP)

The FBP is a majoi ciiteiion foi the Seal of uoou Bousekeeping (SuB). At the local
levels of goveinment (piovinces, cities, municipalities), local officials have to comply
with the full uisclosuie of infoimation anu fiscal uocuments. This infoimation, if
fully uiscloseu, piomotes an infoimeu citizeniy iegaiuing the buuget anu its
allocation, management, anu utilization. In oiuei to piomote this, the uocuments
shoulu be uisplayeu in thiee places anu in the FBP Poital (foi viewing, uownloauing,
anu piinting) foi public access. Also, these can be uisseminateu thiough tiauitional
meuia anu online (websites). Nemoianuum Ciiculai No. 2u11-1S4 states that the
Local Chief Executives must make these uocuments available to the meuia, civic,
basic sectoi, anu business gioups. When this ciiculai was issueu in 2u11, it was
instiucteu that it must be uisseminateu by all BILu Regional Biiectois anu the
ARNN Regional uoveinoi (BILu Nemoianuum Ciiculai No. 2u11-1S4, 2u11). It is
hopeu that by 2u16, all Lu0s will have complieu by posting theii vital uocuments
conceining the use of theii funus in the thiee conspicuous places (bulletin boaius,
tiauitional meuia, anu websites). The Full Bisclosuie policy Poital has been
launcheu wheie buuget infoimation is uiscloseu online.

Peifoimance Challenge Funu

The PCF is an incentive which is given to Lu0s who have passeu the SuB. It is
also a foim of funuing foi the Lu0 piojects iuentifieu in theii Annual Investment

Piogiam in line with national uevelopment piioiities. This is "funueu out of the 2u%
Local Bevelopment Funu" (NCR- BILu, 2u12, pai. 1). Like the SuB, the funu shoulu
be useu to fulfill the NBus as well as "maintain coie ioau netwoik to boost touiism
anu local economic uevelopment" (BILu-NCR, 2u12, pai. 1). PCF-funueu piojects
may be in the aieas of infiastiuctuie, health, touiism, anu enviionment, among

The iecent 2u1S Philippines Countiy Assessment Repoit noteu that the PCF
implementeu by the BILu hau achieveu the following: S1S Lu0s became iecipients
of the PCF. With the help of the impioveu PCF website, status iepoits on the PCF
funueu piojects coulu be posteu (BILu-NCR, 2u12).

Local uoveinance Peifoimance Nanagement System (LuPNS)

The LuPNS is an online platfoim (web-baseu tool) which engages citizens to
pioviue feeuback iegaiuing Lu0 seivice ueliveiy. This tool uses a iesults-baseu
appioach in teims of how an Lu0 manages its iesouices anu pioviues telling in
foimation on its peifoimance. Fiom this collection of infoimation as pioviueu by the
citizens, an annual iepoit is ieleaseu which incluues infoimation iegaiuing the
Lu0's peifoimance on goou goveinance inuicatois anu in vaiious aieas such as
auministiation, social seivices, anu enviionmental management, to name a few. The
Annual State of Local uoveinance Repoit, oi SLuR, can be uownloaueu fiom the
website. The LuPNS also incluue a Lu0 Scoiecaiu on health anu local touiism.

The LuPNS is ciucial foi Lu0 access to the SuB uolu categoiy anu foi the uawau
Pamanang Lahi awaiu. This is an awaiu given to Lu0s (in piovinces, cities, anu
municipalities) who have shown outstanuing peifoimance in aspects conceining
economic uevelopment, enviionmental management, social seivices, among otheis.
The LuPNs web-baseu tool is useful foi this since it iuentifies Lu0 peifoimance.

The uawau gives a Regional Awaiu eveiy yeai anu a National Awaiu eveiy thiee
yeais. The Regional Awaiu foi an Lu0 must show that the LuPNS 0veiall
Peifoimance Inuex scoies a 4.uu anu must be the beaiei of an SuB silvei categoiy.
The National Awaiu iequiies the iecipient to have an LuPNS 0PI aveiage of 4.S1
anu have thiee SuBs in the silvei categoiy. It also must have been awaiueu any
national level awaius in the aspect of goveinance. The 2u1S Countiy Assessment
iepoit iepoiteu that 48 Lu0s weie gianteu the uawau Pamana ng Lahi awaiu
(BILu-NCR, 2u12).

BILu's iole is also veiy ielevant in Lu0 accountability, tianspaiency, anu goou
goveinance. Likewise, the BILu anu the Lu0s aie to woik togethei in making
available the venues foi citizen paiticipation. The BILu-Lu Local Sectoi Fiamewoik
illustiates how the Social Contiact can be fulfilleu. In oiuei to achieve inclusive
giowth anu poveity ieuuction, theie is a neeu foi collaboiation anu coopeiation on

the siue of the cential goveinment, the citizens, anu the piivate sectoi as well as the
Lu0s. In oiuei to impiove sustainability, the Lu0s aie to be maue moie self-
sufficient anu less uepenuent on the national goveinment. The fiamewoik
emphasizes that peace anu law anu oiuei in Lu0s must be enhanceu. The BILu
piomises piogiams that will iesponu to local economic uevelopment,
enviionmental management anu piotection, anu poveity ieuuction. Bowevei, this
can only be achieveu if othei sectois, such as goveinment agencies anu CS0s, woik
togethei to cieate an enabling enviionment foi the fulfillment.

An accountable anu tianspaient goveinment can be achieveu if it allows
paiticipation, anu inteinal uevelopment can be assesseu by the peifoimance of the
Lu0 anu its offices anu the management anu quality of seivice ueliveiy. This is a
piocess which will be a supeivisoiy task of the BILu. It has been iuentifieu by the
BILu that piogiams anu piojects which exhibit the piinciples of goou goveinance
must be sustaineu anu maintaineu. The iole of BILu in goou goveinance will
uemanu it to stiengthen its inteinal system as well as establish stiong paitneiships
in oiuei to auuiess any gaps anu limitations in its piactice.

BILu's outcome aieas anu piogiams foi the Fiscal Yeai 2u14 to 2u16 focus on SuB
competitiveness, awaius ielateu to the piotection of the enviionment anu climate
change auaptation, anu uisastei iesiliency. It also focuses on cieating safe Lu0s
which upholu social piotection as well (e.g. Bottom-0p Planning anu Buugeting,
among otheis). Paiticulaily, the SuB anu PCF will ueteimine exemplaiy Lu0s who
exhibit accountability, tianspaiency, anu effective paiticipation of citizens in goou
goveinance (e.g. Full Bisclosuie Policy anu Full Bisclosuie Poital, Lu Watch anu
Citizen's Satisfaction Inuex System, Civil Society Paiticipation Funu, Capacity
Bevelopment foi CS0s, among otheis).

The above outcomes, howevei, will iequiie mechanisms that will embouy
constiuctive engagement anu collaboiation with the goveinment anu vaiious othei
actois conceineu in exacting social accountability anu futuie Philippine
uevelopment as a whole. Fuitheimoie, these must facilitate a systematic
engagement of CS0s anu citizens (who aie also the beneficiaiies of goveinment

In oiuei to uesciibe paiticipation in buugetaiy oi fiscal matteis, a few case stuuies
will be outlineu in the next section. These will focus on how paiticipation can be
unueitaken anu will iuentify the challenges that iemain in the paiticipatoiy piocess.

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NANFREL-B0B Neuicine Nonitoiing Pioject 2 (NNP2)

The following is uiawn fiom the 2u12 NANFREL pioject completion iepoit on
meuicine monitoiing iepoit 2. Focusing on piocuiement, monitoiing, anu ueliveiy
of meuicines, NANFREL anu the Coalition Against Coiiuption (CAC) with the
Bepaitment of Bealth (specifically its Integiity Bevelopment Committee) signeu a
commitment to coopeiate foi saiu pioject (NNP2). The pioject ueals with the
piocuiement, monitoiing, anu ueliveiy piocess, anu also auuiesses the aspects of
tianspaiency anu accountability in all hospitals anu health centeis (coveiing
selecteu aieas in National Capital Region, Noithein Luzon, Southein Luzon, visayas,
anu Ninuanao).

The pioject was suppoiteu by the Paitneiship foi Tianspaiency Funu (PTF) anu
was unueitaken in 28 B0B Retaineu Bospitals anu centeis in the Philippines. NNP2
coveis the seconu phase of the pioject which incluues buugeting anu the pie-
biuuing stage (befoie ueliveiy of meuicines anu uiugs). In line with aspects of
tianspaiency, this pioject sought the paiticipation of CS0s in the piocuiement
piocess, theieby expanuing fiom phase one which incluueu theii paiticipation in the
biuuing piocess of meuicines, the piocuiement of hospital supplies anu seivices, to
monitoiing hospitals anu iegional health centeis unuei the uoveinment
Piocuiement Refoim Act oi uPRA.

The pioject useu, as fiamewoik to monitoi the piocuiement of meuicines, the tools
by Piocuiement Watc, Inc., namely, the Public Biuuing Checklist anu the Biagnostic
Repoit. This tool pioviueu the infoimation wheie meuicine piocuiement was
lacking such as uisciepancies in the meuicine piocuiement piocess with the uPRA
in a yeai. In all, the tool iuentifieu questionable piactices in piocuiement anu the
peifoimance of the health authoiities in piocuiing meuicines anu othei hospital
supplies anu equipment.

Those who volunteeieu to implement the pioject attenueu an oiientation anu
tiaining on uPRA 9184 anu its Reviseu Implementing Rules anu Regulations. The
objective, anu significance, of the tiaining was to iaise volunteeis' awaieness anu
pioviue them with auequate knowleuge on the biuuing piocess, hainess oveisight of
the committee hanuling the biuuing anu awaius to insuie compliance with the
uPRA, as well as being tianspaient anu accountable in piocuiement. Consultations
anu meeting with the hospital staff (Supply 0fficeis anu Phaimacy 0fficeis) anu the
Biuuing anu Awaius Committee was unueitaken fiom Novembei to Becembei
(2u1u) in oiuei to geneiate theii backing foi the pioject. In Naich anu }uly 2u11,
consultations weie unueitaken to assess the expeiiences of the volunteeis uuiing
the pioject's implementation. It was iuentifieu uuiing this consultation that
piocuiement monitoiing neeueu valiuation thiough obtaining hospital uocuments.

In all, this pioject aimeu to enhance the ueliveiy of health seivices anu to seek out
inconsistencies in piocuiement anu monitoiing. Nost of all, the pioject intenueu to
piomote the paiticipation of citizens in the piocesses, especially in monitoiing,
theieby safeguaiuing tianspaiency anu efficiency of hospitals anu iegional health

centeis anu theii ueliveiy of seivices. The pioject was maue possible uue to its
paitneis - CS0s, piovincial NANFREL chapteis, anu piivate sectoi gioups who
unueitook pioject implementation while being cooiuinateu by the NANFREL
Secietaiiat. volunteeis weie geneiateu oi ieciuiteu by the paitneis anu weie maue
iesponsible in obseiving the BAC in the piocuiement piocess. The volunteeis hau to
wiite iepoits about theii obseivations which theii team leaueis submitteu to the
secietaiiat. Those who weie selecteu foi the pioject weie baseu on C0A's two
iepoits (one fiom 2uu4 anu the othei fiom 2uu8) which iuentifieu the vaiious
inconsistencies in piocuiement in these B0B hospitals. Nost notably, the aieas
weie chosen accoiuing to the activeness of citizen paiticipation in goou goveinance.

In its pioject oveiview, the PTF iepoits that theie weie S2 volunteeis in 0ctobei of
2u1u anu 18 piovincial team leaueis. Theie weie 14 volunteeis woiking in the fielu
who paiticipateu in a tiaining on uPRA 9184. The volunteeis iepoiteu in Novembei
of 2u1u that they hau conuucteu theii monitoiing activities on Php 184.1 million
woith of meuicine anu supplies, as well as equipment anu infiastiuctuie piojects, in
7 out of the 21 hospitals. In Febiuaiy of 2u11, the piocuiement anu monitoiing
activities weie still engageu in by the volunteeis. They weie also in the piocess of
secuiing uocuments fiom the hospitals anu iegional health centeis that woulu
secuiing saiu piocess by valiuating beneficiaiies ieceiveu quality health seivices
anu meuicines as specifieu in contiacts.

The volunteeis monitoieu the biuuing piocess anu weie to check this with the
Annual Piocuiement Plan oi APP to veiify if the uiugs oi meuicines weie appioveu
by Philippine National Biug Foimulaiy (PNBF). In monitoiing ueliveiy, the
volunteeis hau to monitoi if theie was a Notice to Pioceeu, ieview if the Notices of
Awaiu listeu the total numbei of quantities anu the list of uiugs anu the like, ieview
puichase oiueis, anu answei the Inspection anu Acceptance Foim which specifieu
the uiugs to be ueliveieu as well as theii batch numbei anu expiiy uates. When
ueliveiy was accomplisheu, the volunteeis weie iesponsible foi monitoiing
inventoiy anu submitting an inventoiy monitoiing iepoit.

Theie weie seveial challenges in monitoiing such as volunteeis not being able to
attenu oi insufficient attenuance uuiing the biuuing piocess' stages, issues in
obtaining the neeueu hospital uocuments, anu uifficulty in ieciuiting volunteeis
since monitoiing is a heavy task to unueitake, among otheis. Results of the final
iepoit by NANFREL finu that the pioject has impioveu piocuiement in health
seivices anu has contiibuteu to its efficiency as well. In summaiy, the iepoit
iuentifies that public biuuing has become moie tianspaient anu compliant with
uPRA 9184. Fuitheimoie, NANFREL has maue this piocess moie inclusive anu has
maue volunteeis as 0fficial 0bseiveis anu membeis of the Integiity Bevelopment
Committee in the stages of the public biuuing piocess. Efficiency of the ueliveiy of
health seivices showeu that Php Su2.S1 million woith of meuicines weie monitoieu.
These complieu with the contiact. In auuition, these weie ueliveieu on time. The
iepoit iuentifies that as much as Php 17S.89 million woith of meuicines weie

ieceiveu by the beneficiaiies. In teims of stoiing meuicines oi uiugs, the volunteeis'
feeuback was vital in impioving the waiehouses oi stoiage aieas wheie these
meuicines oi supplies weie being kept (this was feeuback iuentifieu in phase one of
the pioject). Lastly, the biuuing piocess may have been maue moie competitive.
This makes hospitals anu health centeis moie awaie in choosing the best biu piice
in the piocess (PTF, 2u1S).


Ramkumai (2uu8) in "0ui Noney, 0ui Responsibility: A Citizens' uuiue to
Nonitoiing uoveinment Expenuituies publisheu by the Inteinational Buuget
Paitneiship (IBP) uiscusses citizen paiticipation by a CS0 that paitneieu with the
goveinment in the piocuiement, monitoiing, anu ueliveiy of textbooks to schools.
u-Watch was foimeu in 2uuu anu is an anti-coiiuption initiative by the Ateneo
School of uoveinment. u-Watch is known foi paitneiing iathei heavily with CS0s,
especially in the monitoiing of the buuget. The Philippines has expeiienceu
coiiuption in the euucation sectoi since the 199us in the foim of failing to uelivei
textbooks, as well as theii being in pooi conuition (0ECB, 2uu6, as citeu in
Ramkumai, 2uu8). Thus, it was in 2uuS that the Textbook Count Piogiam was
cieateu which became pait of u-Watch.

This piogiam ielieu on the civil society oiganizations' paiticipation in the
piocuiement piocess as well as the monitoiing of school textbooks. CS0
paiticipation has been vital to the piogiam. Along with the paiticipation of
NANFREL, who is an Nu0 also uealing with monitoiing piocesses (e.g. in elections),
u-Watch has also gaineu the paiticipation of the Tianspaiency anu Accountability
Netwoik (TAN) which is a netwoik of a vaiious numbei of gioups centeieu on
aspects of tianspaiency anu accountability. In auuition, stuuents have also
paiticipateu in anti-coiiuption initiatives. These aie the Boy anu uiil Scouts.
Religious oi faith-baseu oiganizations have also joineu the piogiam.

The Textbook Count case showcases a pioactive iole that civil society can play in the
biuuing piocess, theieby ensuiing that textbooks aie not only ueliveieu, but aie of
quality as well. Ramkumai (2uu8) bases his case stuuy on the 2uu6 iepoit of u-
Watch in which it piesents the iesults of the piogiam fiom the pievious yeai.
Citizen paiticipation was caiiieu out in the following activities: monitoiing of the
biuuing piocess, inspecting the textbooks oi conuucting a quality check, anu
monitoiing textbook ueliveiy anu uistiibution. In the fiist activity, u-Watch was
piimaiily iesponsible foi obseiving the biuuing piocess by the uepaitment of
euucation. This also incluueu pie-biuuing, pie-awaiuing, anu the issuance of
contiacts. The CS0s, oi volunteeis, weie iesponsible foi checking that the
submitteu bius complieu with the iequiiements.

The inspection of the textbooks was unueitaken by uepaitment officials anu CS0s.
Those who weie pait of the inspection team unueiwent a seminai which piesenteu

to them the piocess of book piouuction, the book piinting piocess, anu the
constiaints oi issues that coulu be founu in these. They weie also tiaineu in the
inspection piocess. The team's iesponsibility was to inspect the thiee piinting
piesses that won the contiacts anu inspect theii oveiall piouuction piocess oi 1u
peicent of the stock of piouuction. If any shoitcomings weie uetecteu, the suppliei
was taskeu to coiiect these eiiois. To veiify if the suppliei complieu, the team
conuucteu follow-up visits.

In oiuei to monitoi the ueliveiy of textbooks anu theii uistiibution, the piogiam
neeueu a laige numbei of volunteeis. In the case stuuy by Ramkumai (2uu8), he
notes that aiounu 6,uuu volunteeis fiom CS0s weie neeueu in oiuei to uelivei
textbooks to 4,8uu locations. The Textbook Count Piogiam pioveu to be efficient
anu effective. The Bepaitment of Euucation put the supplieis unuei piessuie to fix
theii ueliveiy scheuules so that volunteeis coulu be piesent at the same time they
weie being ueliveieu. It was the iesponsibility of the uepaitment to submit a list of
aieas wheie these textbooks woulu be sent anu how many woulu be ueliveieu as
ueteimineu by scheuule. Recipiocally, u-Watch submitteu to the uepaitment anu
the supplieis a list of inuiviuuals who woulu monitoi theii ueliveiy activities. u-
Watch also auministeieu the uuties of the volunteeis anu issueu the neeueu
mateiials foi theii monitoiing activities. Foi those who volunteeieu, an oiientation
was helu to familiaiize the volunteeis with the ueliveiy anu inspection piocess.
Bowevei, issues weie still piesent in the monitoiing piocess like uiscouiaging
uelays in textbook ueliveiy.

Foitunately, the piogiam pioveu to be beneficial in a numbei of ways. Like the fiist
case, the piocess of biuuing became moie competitive which paveu the way foi the
loweiing of textbook piices (in half) iesulting in savings. Those textbook that
suffeieu in quality weie ieplaceu. In this paiticulai aspect, CS0 paiticipation pioveu
to be vital. The membeis of CS0s paiticipateu in 19 out of 2S inspections to the
supplieis. "Buiing these visits, appioximately 16S,uuu textbooks weie inspecteu, 1S
peicent of the total numbei piocuieu. The inspections leu to the iepaii oi
ieplacement of appioximately 62,uuu uefective textbooks, woith appioximately S
million Philippines Pesos (0S $61,uuu)" (Ramkumai, 2uu8, p. 61).

About 76 peicent of the aieas foi the ueliveiy of textbooks weie monitoieu
by volunteeis. It was noteu "appioximately 767,uuu textbooks costing
appioximately 47 million Philippines Pesos (oi 0S $1 million)" weie ueliveieu
(Ramkumai, 2uu8, p. 61). This has impioveu as theie was a lowei peicentage of
textbooks ueliveieu in the past (only 4u peicent). Bowevei, even though the
piogiam was laigely a success, challenges iemaineu. Issues that came up weie
attiibuteu to uelays in ueliveiy, inauequate iuentification of pooi quality textbooks,
anu the issue of insufficient funuing to uelivei textbooks in schools locateu in iuial
locations. A company, Coca Cola, has unueitaken this ueliveiy but was met with
ciiticism. A Textbook Walk was launcheu aftei the 2uu6 Textbook Count Piogiam

in oiuei to help extenu textbook uistiibution. The schools anu the community
membeis weie mobilizeu foi this enueavoi.

Foi the Textbook Walk, 12 uistiicts weie selecteu fiom theii uivisions: Siaigao
(Bapa West, Socoiio West, ueneial Luna) anu Bavao 0iiental (Nati Noith, Nati
South, Nati Cential), foui fiom Negios 0iiental (Bauin, Binuoy, Zamboanguita,
Sibulan) anu two fiom Bayawan City (Bayawan East, Bayawan West) |uoveinment
Watch-Ateneo School of uoveinment, 2uu7j. Fiom these uistiicts schools weie
selecteu foi the Textbook Walk which was oiganizeu by the Boy Scouts anu the uiil
Scouts anu the Bistiict 0ffices. These schools weie selecteu thiough ciiteiia which
iuentifieu theii capability to pioviue foou anu tianspoitation anu oveiall finances of
the school. The schools mobilizeu theii school staff such a Paient-Teachei
Community Associations in oiuei to become a membei of the Community
Cooiuinating Team which woulu hanule the Walk. 0thei iepiesentatives in this
committee came fiom the uiil Scouts anu Boy Scouts as well as NANFREL
councilois. They woulu be in chaige of the management of the Textbook Walk at the
uistiict anu school levels. In auuition, volunteeis fiom CS0s weie in cooiuination
with them anu hanuleu the monitoiing of textbooks as they weie being tianspoiteu
to the schools. The Textbook Walk was also being iepoiteu by CS0s.

The 2uu7 iepoit of uoveinment Watch-Ateneo School of uoveinment iuentifieu that
the Textbook Count is becoming localizeu. The activity showcaseu a ceitain level of
owneiship by the community anu schools who paiticipateu in the activity. The
iepoit notes, howevei, that uepenuency of the community still neeus to be
auuiesseu in textbook uistiibution. Foitunately, in Febiuaiy of 2uu7BepEB 0iuei
No. S9, seiies of 2uu7 was signeu. It was calleu "Institutionalizing Nu0 anu Piivate
Sectoi Paiticipation in the Bepaitment's Piocuiement Piocess" anu piomises to
enhance the paiticipatoiy piocess. It has been noteu that a institutionalization stuuy
wiitten in 2uu6 stateu that the BepEu 0iuei is "beneficial to civil society because it
"expanus the scope of monitoiing, loweis baiiieis to paiticipation by oiganizeu
gioups, anu ueepens the cauie of piocuiement obseiveismonitois to incluue
conceineu but unoiganizeu citizens" (uoveinment Watch-Ateneo School of
uoveinment, 2uu7, p. 29).

Conceineu Citizens of Abia foi uoou uoveinance

The Conceineu Citizens of Abia foi uoou uoveinance, oi CCAuu, is a Nu0 that
engages in pioject monitoiing in the Abia iegion. It was establisheu in the late
198us when it saw the potential of CS0s foi taking pait in uevelopment piogiams
outlineu uuiing the Coiazon Aquino auministiation. The CCAuu monitoieu
infiastiuctuie piojects in the iegion anu utilizeu the community-baseu appioach. In
oiuei to facilitate this, the Nu0 signeu a Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing with the
National Economic Bevelopment Authoiity (NEBA) foi the pioject monitoiing
activities. Subsequently, tiainings weie unueitaken in oiuei to familiaiize
volunteeis with the piocess of pioject monitoiing anu ielateu activities.


0nuei the pioject monitoiing activity, volunteeis weie to obseive the constiuction
of ioaus oi biiuges, anu especially contiact compliance in infiastiuctuie piojects.
Aftei the volunteeis iepoiteu theii finuings, they weie veiifieu by the civil
engineeis anu then iepoiteu. CCAuu is a notable case of paiticipatoiy auuit since it
was awaiueu an Integiity Awaiu by Tianspaiency Inteinational in 2uuu. CCAuu is
also significant since it pioviues the local community a uegiee of empoweiment by
fighting coiiuption anu uishonesty in uevelopment piojects.

CCAuu staiteu its pioject monitoiing aftei the Coiazon Aquino auministiation
implementeu the Community anu Employment Bevelopment Piogiam (CEBP)
which was unuei NEBA. The piogiam hau vaiious piojects aimeu at health,
euucation, anu infiastiuctuie. Those who benefiteu fiom these piojects weie maue
employees. CS0s paiticipateu foi monitoiing uuties. 0ne of these was the CCAuu
who signeu the Nemoianuum of 0nueistanuing (N00) with NEBA. The Nu0 was
then tiaineu on pioject monitoiing anu pioviueu the necessaiy infoimation to stait
theii monitoiing activities.

CCAuu iepoiteu iegulaily to NEBA anu pioviueu its own iecommenuations foi the
piojects it monitoieu. vital to the pioject monitoiing activity, CCAuu also tiaineu
the beneficiaiies of the piojects in oiuei to fuithei incluue them in the monitoiing
piocess. In auuition, the Nu0 was pioactive in engaging local meuia (piint anu
iauio) in the uissemination of infoimation iegaiuing what they weie uoing anu the
stages of pioject implementation.

The monitoiing of the piojects pioveu to be fiuitful in iuentifying coiiuption anu
uishonesty (e.g. they founu that funus foi the pioject weie embezzleu). Piojects
weie not being iepoiteu coiiectly. Specifically, some piojects weie iepoiteu as
complete when they showeu otheiwise. 0ne case ievealeu a lack of tianspaiency
anu accountability of an infiastiuctuie pioject. This case became high piofile aftei a
local newspapei iepoiteu that the BPWB office of the iegion accomplisheu 27
piojects. The CCAuu, knowing the tiuth, ueciueu to iesponu appiopiiately.

The Nu0 sought to pioviue anu piesent eviuence that these piojects hau not been
finisheu by uocumenting the pioject sites. In auuition, the CCAuu engageu local
community membeis living in pioximity to these pioject sites to iepoit theii
obseivations anuoi finuings. Photogiaphic eviuence was also useu. Aftei
completing uocumentation, the CCAuu submitteu these to the national office of the
BPWB. Bue to the iepoit, the uistiict office of the BPWB was investigateu thiough a
national auuit. The finuings of the auuit suppoiteu the iepoit of the CCAuu.

Appiopiiate action was unueitaken, anu those involveu in the piojects weie
punisheu. Bowevei, they also sought leniency anu official iepiimanu foi theii
mishanuling of the piojects. As a iesponse to this, the CCAuu askeu the citizens foi
assistance. Specifically, they sent telegiams to the office of the secietaiy of the

BPWB insisting that piopei action be unueitaken. This pioveu to be effective as the
11 civil engineeis of the goveinment weie latei suspenueu. Those of highei position
in the BPWB of Abia (chief anu ueputy chief engineei of the BPWB in Abia) weie no
longei alloweu to piactice in the iegion.

The CCAuu case is often citeu in liteiatuie oi stuuies uealing with anti-coiiuption,
tianspaiency, anu accountability, anu in a laigei context because it poitiayeu the
effectiveness of civil society oiganizations anu citizens exeiting uniteu effoit in goal
achievement. The paiticipatoiy auuit showcaseu by the CCAuu anu community
membeis catapulteu the CS0 to the position of monitoiing any pioject befoie it
woulu eventually be funueu in the iegion. In 1988, the auministiation gave it a
Piesiuential Citation because of its activities anu seivices to the community anu its
iole of implementing the uevelopment pioject of the auministiation.

Inueeu, this case showeu the potential of CS0s collaboiating with oiuinaiy citizens
anu agencies, anu eventually with the goveinment itself. The Commission on Auuit
(C0A) ueciueu to paitnei with CCAuu uiiecting paiticipatoiy auuits. Conuucting
these paiticipatoiy auuits was maue possible by the suppoit of the 0NBP. Fiom this
successful paitneiship, the C0A latei publisheu a manual uesciibing the lessons anu
expeiiences fiom the paiticipatoiy auuits conuucteu. Asiue fiom becoming a
membei of the Nulti-Sectoial Anti-Coiiuption Council (NSACC) of the goveinment,
the CCAuu also chaiis the Philippine Roau Watch uealing with BPWB piocuiement
anu conuucts tiaining with CS0s in public woiks monitoiing anu othei goveinment

This was not without challenges. Ramkumai anu Kiafchik (2uu7) founu the
common issue was the auuit methouology of CCAuu. This methouology conflicteu
with C0A who askeu that iesults of the auuit be ievealeu at the enu of the piocess oi
aftei the pioject, wheieas the CCAuu sought to ielease the infoimation piioi to the
pioject. Anothei issue was the sustainability of the paiticipatoiy auuit, paiticulaily
its sustainability as a piioiity (IBP, n.u.).

Alteinative Buuget Initiative (ABI)

Foi uiffeient policy aienas, the ABI by Social Watch Philippines focuses on
paiticipatoiy buugeting uone by vaiious Nu0s who piesent alteinative buugets pei
sectoi as outlineu in ABI iepoits. In this way civil society gioups aie able to
paiticipate in buuget piepaiation so that the goveinment can be maue moie
accountable anu upholu uevelopment piioiities. Buiing the 2u12 buuget call,
consultations with CS0s, the piivate sectoi, anu goveinment agencies weie
unueitaken. These consultations weie significant in that these stakeholueis coulu
give feeuback iegaiuing the buuget anu its piogiams. These pilot consultations
woulu be implementeu by vaiious agencies, namely, the Bepaitment of Agiicultuie,
Bepaitment of Agiaiian Refoim, Bepaitment of Euucation, Bepaitment of Bealth,

Bepaitment of Public Woiks anu Bighways, anu the Bepaitment of Social Welfaie
anu Bevelopment. CS0 paiticipation woulu be maue possible thiough consultations.

The Bepaitment of Buuget anu Nanagement (BBN) with CS0s helu meetings in
2u1u anu 2u11 to uiaft a BBN ciiculai which woulu suppoit CS0 engagement. This
ciiculai (National Buuget Nemoianuum 1u9) woulu institutionalize CS0
paiticipation in buuget piepaiation. Bowevei, the ABI ciiticizeu this as being
limiteu to CS0 monitoiing only. 0nuei this, The BBN implements CS0 paiticipation
thiough a foimal engagement, the Buuget Paitneiship Agieement (BPA). In the
2u12 buuget piepaiation phase, CS0 paiticipation has been uone outsiue NBN 1u9.
Thus, the CS0s aie given fiee ieign unuei the BPA.

In 2u12, notable cases have been iuentifieu that maue CS0 paiticipation possible in
buugetaiy piocesses. These have been uocumenteu in the euucation, health, anu
agiicultuie sectoi. In shoit, all of these sectois uisplayeu that the paiticipatoiy
buugeting piocess coulu influence vital points in the buuget anu cieateu moie
ielevant paitneiships. Noie impoitantly, CS0 engagement with othei paitneis helps
bioauen the spaces of paiticipation anu facilitates the giowth of tianspaient anu
accountable piactices.

Likewise, the 2u1S Alteinative Buuget Initiative by Social Watch notes the pioposeu
buugets by sectoi by which CS0s oi Nu0S coulu paiticipate. Foi example, in the
agiicultuial sectoi, the ABI has pioposeu that CS0 paiticipation be alloweu in the
Bepaitment of Agiicultuie's foimulation of commouity piogiams in oiuei to
suppoit small faimeis. This also incluues taking note of how the buuget will be
implementeu in saiu sectoi. The CS0s who pioposeu an alteinative buuget foi the
agiicultuial sectoi aie also vying foi the suppoit of the piocuiement of palay anu a
sustainable faiming system. In auuition, they also aie suppoiting the inclusion of a
buuget item which will focus on monitoiing tiaue anu cieate a smuggling watch.

These also showcase how civil society oiganizations can paiticipate in Congiess anu
piopose theii alteinative buuget pioposals. "is a non-piofit oiganization that aims to fight coiiuption in the
Philippines by euucating Filipinos about the Anti-Reu Tape Act (ARTA), which was
passeu to impiove efficiency in the ueliveiy of goveinment seivices" (,
2u1S). Its goal is to "map anu tiack iepoits on ARTA compliance anu violation,
incluuing instances of giaft anu coiiuption" (, 2u1S). Paiticulaily, in oiuei
to piomote citizen engagement, it has mobilizeu the youth in monitoiing fiontline
seivices of the goveinment. The volunteeis who conuuct the ARTA monitoiing
activities of goveinment seivices aie ueputizeu by the Civil Seivice Commission
(CSC). Aftei having monitoieu the seivices, the volunteeis iepoit theii finuings to
the CSC. They also engage in auvocacy woik in theii schools anu communities. The

official school paitneis of aie the 0niveisity of the Philippines-National
College of Public Auministiation, Ateneo ue Nanila 0niveisity, anu Be La Salle

The website maps out the ARTA compliance of the offices of the
goveinment anu uses cieative uata visuals to simplify the uata that is iepoiteu by
the volunteeis oi shaieu by useis of the website. In auuition, the website allows
useis to see instiuctions on how they can iepoit cases via mobile, submit a iepoit
online, piint anu post infoimative posteis illustiating goveinment seivices, apply to
become a volunteei, uonate financially to suppoit, anu
communicate foi paitneiships.

The anu the Civil Seivice Commission conuucteu two spot-checks on Nay
2u1S. The fiist was unueitaken in the uSIS-NCR office anu the othei in the Rizal
Neuical Centei to check foi compliance with ARTA. These goveinment agencies
weie chosen uue to theii failuie in the Repoit Caiu Suivey, thus, a failuie in
complying with the ARTA. The Repoit Caiu Suivey looks at compliance with the
Citizen's Chaitei (fiontline seivices) piopeily labeleu posteis placeu in stiategic
location anu the like, to impiove seivice ueliveiy. ueneially, both agencies weie
engageu in the piocess of complying with saiu ciiteiia, anu the outlook has been
positive (, n.u.).

Section 4: 0utcomes

The Philippine case of civil society engagement shows that it is appioaching a
piocess of a moie systematic anu stiengtheneu civil society. In essence, civil society
engagement has moveu towaius the achievement of uevelopment outcomes, most
significantly focusing on sectoiial uevelopment (euucation, health, ioaus, among
otheis) anu pio-pooi initiatives as well as an open anu competitive enviionment foi
business anu economic uevelopment. The Philippine case also illustiates that
constiuctive anu collaboiative paiticipatoiy goveinance can be achieveu in the long
iun. The moue which the auministiation has useu is inclusive anu has maue the iole
of civil society, citizen gioups, anu inuiviuuals moie mobile. The aspects by which it
helps the vaiious gioups thiive exists in its achievement of uevelopment goals anu
piioiities that hinge upon the availability of an enabling enviionment that
emphasizes accountability, tianspaiency, anu goou goveinance.

In auuition, asiue fiom establishing iefoims within the anti-coiiuption fiamewoik
anu motive of the auministiation, the piomotion of paiticipatoiy goveinance
especially at the local level, cieates bettei ielationships with vaiious actois anu
paitneis. These netwoiks insuie that builuing CS0 anu citizen capacity is possible..
An effective paiticipatoiy appioach suppoits civil society influence in policy
uiiection anu stiategic uecision-making as neeueu in buugetaiy anu fiscal piocesses
that concein Philippine uevelopment. Fuitheimoie, cieating a space foi moie local

goveinment anu civil society paiticipation may help communities in local oi
community uevelopment planning.

The Philippines is moving towaius institutionalizing oi foimalizing citizen
engagement in aieas of the buuget piocess anu seivice ueliveiy, anu eventually
policy uiiection. Nost significantly, the paiticipatoiy tools anu mechanisms
showcase that citizens may engage beyonu the electoial piocess. The tiansition of
civil society anu citizen engagement has openeu spaces weie citizen's neeus can be
appiopiiately iesponueu to. The uiscouise has put CS0s anu citizens as "manageis"
of uevelopment piioiities. The social contiact as espouseu by the auministiation has
maue the goveinment an enablei of tianspaiency anu accountability in an effoit to
combat coiiuption anu uishonesty.

The iole of technology is eviuently playing a laige iole in the piocess of goou
goveinance anu has alloweu citizens to pioviue feeuback iegaiuing goveinment
seivices anu ueliveiy. All the moie, these have seiveu as benchmaiks oi ciiteiia in
assessing the peifoimance of Lu0s anu have pioviueu incentives (e.g. PCF anu SuB,
among otheis) to those who piove exemplaiy in this fielu anu who upholu goou

The most successful achievements of the cuiient auministiation have been the
initiatives foi expanueu paiticipation in the buugetaiy piocesses. As illustiateu in
the 2u1S People's Buuget, the move foi iefoims in citizen paiticipation have been
biought about by Bottom-0p Buugeting, an example of how to engage the local
communities in auuiessing poveity anu piomoting empoweiment in the
uevelopment of plans. In the long iun, paiticipation in all phases of the buuget
piocess is sought. As such, the move to be moie inclusive in the piocess is a
ueveloping oppoitunity foi citizens anu pioviues bettei giounu foi tianspaiency
anu accountability in the management of the buuget anu auuiessing piioiities of
vaiious sectois.

Along with the initiative foi moie venues foi citizen paiticipation, the goveinment is
also puisuing the stieamlining of goveinment seivices in oiuei to bettei seive anu
become moie efficient foi the public. Also, in the pievention of coiiuption anu
piomoting goou goveinance, the seivices of the goveinment anu theii management
have incluueu innovations such as uigitizing these seivices. In auuition, the move to
make infoimation to the public moie accessible has incluueu the initiative foi moie
efficient seivices in tiansaction.

Significantly, the iefoims of this auministiation have focuseu on the ways by which
citizens may paiticipate in the buugetaiy piocesses. Pieviously, this has been founu
to be stiong in the auuiting aspect as illustiateu by the Commission on Auuit's
Citizens Paiticipatoiy Auuit.

As seen the auministiation is incieasingly vying foi a moie ciitical citizeniy. This is
a bioau piocess which involves vaiious actois who aie conceineu with the
accountability piocess. In the countiy this has been uisplayeu by the Citizens
Paiticipatoiy Auuit of the Commission on Auuit which has cieateu specific aieas
wheie citizens can paiticipate. The meuia has also been emphasizeu as having a iole
in the uissemination of infoimation iegaiuing issues which aie meant to bettei
infoim the citizeniy anu make them awaie of ciucial uevelopments in the fielu of
goou goveinance. It may be saiu that the appioach unueitaken by the goveinment is
bottom-up anu not entiiely veitical. As such, uecision-making piocesses pioviue a
venue foi CS0s anu citizens to open into impoitant piocesses such as buugeting anu

The paiticipatoiy piocess uoes have limitations. This can be easily iuentifieu when
looking into the paiticipatoiy buugeting piocess. Although, theie have been cases
wheie paiticipatoiy piocesses weie effective, the aigument iemains conceining
whethei oi not citizens anu CS0s have enough knowleuge oi expeitise to caiiy out
the implementation of the buuget as well as pioject monitoiing.

0nueistanuing the histoiy of civil society anu citizen paiticipation in the Philippines
means that these piocesses woik within a context. Biffeient inuiviuuals anu gioups
have theii stiengths which can be hainesseu. In all, the common goal of the
auministiation is to cieate a knowleuge base to inciease infoimation-shaiing among
CS0s, the piivate sectoi, anu the goveinment. CS0 engagements that have been
successful may have the potential to be scaleu up anu can be piomoteu foi
ieplication in othei iegions of the countiy.

Results of the paiticipatoiy piocess vaiy, but fuithei ieseaich anu inquiiy may still
be neeueu. This is a question on how well integiateu anu how well citizens have
been mobilizeu into the uecision-making piocess of goveinment. It must be saiu that
to measuie the impact of these iesults may be uifficult to gauge as this is a question
on the effectiveness of tools anu measuiements useu in the paiticipatoiy piocess.
This may be best explaineu by looking into how citizens aie being infoimeu anu the
quality of that infoimation. Also, to be consiueieu is the quality of leaueiship of local
chief executives anu theii commitment to engaging in paiticipatoiy piocesses in
each Lu0. The uegiee of sustaineu paiticipation is also an issue to consiuei in
assessing the iesouices available to mobilize upon pieviously built the

The citizen anu state ielationship will uepenu laigely on how the uemociatic system
will expanu upon accountability mechanisms anu the extant anu ueveloping
constiaints to achieving goou goveinance. Paiticipation, especially at the local level,
must be enhanceu in oiuei to pioviue bettei leveiage foi uevelopment neeus anu to
opeiationalize inclusive citizen engagement. The emphasis at the local level is given
since most initiatives aimeu at this level aie unueitaken by CS0s oi Nu0s who may
unueitake pioject execution, management, anu monitoiing.


Limitations to the success of a paiticipatoiy piocess in the buugeting piocess
involve oiganizational oi stiuctuial management of the institutions woiking in this
aiea. The question is how to best mobilize anu opeiationalize citizen engagement in
oiuei to make it effective anu efficient in vaiious phases of the buuget. Likewise, as
has been mentioneu, CS0s will neeu to be capacitateu anu maue moie familiai with
the piocesses involveu in buugeting. Along with this, uiiecting iesouices to moie
ielevant aieas must be an essential objective. In auuition, CS0s must be
stiengtheneu as the goveinment takes on a moie piogiessive appioach to goou

In all, iesults may vaiy as we examine the two siues of the equation: the uemanu
anu the supply siue of the paiticipatoiy piocess anu its uynamics. The question of
how citizens may engage in the buugeting piocess must auuiess the accessibility of
vital infoimation on fiscal uocuments. This infoimation must be maue moie
unueistanuable oi meaningful to CS0s in oiuei foi them to piopeily assess the
contents. As such, veitical anu hoiizontal ielationships between uiffeient actois in
the paiticipatoiy piocess must consiuei the most favoiable way by which they can
unueitake anu haimonize theii ioles anu functions in saiu piocesses while
exeicising tianspaiency anu accountability in seivice.

4.4 Notivating paiticipation

Relateu to the above is the aspect of motivating citizens to paiticipate. As iuentifieu
in the Philippines' 0pen uoveinment Plan anu in its uoou uoveinance anu Anti-
Coiiuption Plan (uuAC) iunning until 2u16, the countiy's motivation in making
paiticipatoiy goveinance anu its piocesses a majoi pait of its plan can be iuentifieu.
Asiue fiom the cuiient auministiation's theme !"#$ &'('#$ )*++",-. &'('#$
/'01+',, the question stanus: how to opeiationalize citizen engagement in the
buugetaiy piocesses. Initially, this was piobably best answeieu thiough two of
BBN's national ciiculais (1u9; Febiuaiy 17, 2u11 anu SS6; }anuaiy S1, 2u12) -
@"134(1#4A *# 6'+-#4+A01, 7#3 6'+-1)1,'-1*# *8 :1B1( 9*)14-5 C+$'#1<'-1*#A 7#3 C-04+
9-'!40*(34+A 1# -04 6+4,'+'-1*# *8 2"3$4- 6+*,*A'(A anu @"134(1#4A *# 6'+-#4+A01,
&1-0 :1B1( 9*)14-5 C+$'#1<'-1*#A '#3 C-04+ 9-'!40*(34+A 1# -04 6+4,'+'-1*# *8 7$4#)5
2"3$4- 6+*,*A'(A? 0n the othei hanu, C0A's Citizens Paiticipatoiy Auuit has paveu
the way foi citizen engagement in auuiting.

Citizen engagement oiiginates fiom a long histoiy of Philippine expeiience in
goveinance. It has been noteu that citizen gioups have been piesent foi a veiy long
time- since the Spanish peiiou- only becoming moie mobilizeu uuiing the Naicos
eia anu the Coiazon Aquino auministiation. The objective at the time of the
uictatoiship was to oveithiow Naicos. Aftei this peiiou, the 1987 Constitution
"iecognizeu the iight of people anu theii oiganization (nongoveinmental,
community baseu, sectoial oiganizations, anu inuepenuent people's oiganizations)"
to engage in uecision-making piocesses (Philippines-Austialia Public Financial

Nanagement Piogiam (PFNP)-AusAiu, 2u12, p. 4). As iuentifieu in the beginning of
the iepoit, the motivation foi the paiticipation of citizens anu the willingness to
engage the public in saiu piocess stems fiom the 1991 Local uoveinment Coue
which ietains a place foi citizen paiticipation in holuing the goveinment

The enabling enviionments foi maximizeu citizen paiticipation in the buuget
piocess foi instance, local goveinment units, have a vital iole heie. uoou goveinance
incluues the ueliveiy of seivices if uone effectively. Also, when these piocesses show
an impiovement in goveinment iesponsiveness, they may builu people's tiust.

Paiticipation pioviues incentives to both CS0s anu officials who may auheie to calls
foi paiticipation in oiuei to bioauen theii political base anu influence theii
peifoimance at the polls. Likewise, public peiception of these officials plays a iole
heie. The ability to holu official accountable may mean that the management of
iesouices can iuentify uevelopment tiajectoiies to take beaiing in minu the moie
uisauvantageu sectois of the society. Incentives exist foi CS0s to suppoit
paiticipatoiy piocesses in that it may geneiate ielationships with othei actois oi
stakeholueis. Though vaiious CS0s may have uiffeient inteiests, one incentive is
that they can influence uecision-making as showcaseu in the piepaiation of the
buuget anu in the Alteinative Buuget Initiative. Baving this kinu of paiticipation,
CS0s leain to engage with the goveinment anu goveinment agencies. In line with
this, it may be saiu that this kinu of ielationship, may pioviue a favoiably enabling
enviionment, anu may contiibute significantly to citizen paiticipation in buugetaiy
piocess. Fiom this paiticipatoiy piocess, pationage, tiauitional systems, anu ielateu
issues may be auuiesseu in oiuei to facilitate oveiall uevelopment. This aspect
iemains to be seen as the countiy embaiks on its agenua foi goou goveinance,
accountability, tianspaiency, anu paiticipation.

Citizen engagement in the Philippines may be saiu to not only be limiteu to
paiticipation in elections thiough voting, but may be seen, in the futuie, to piogiess
towaius engagement in the uecisions of the national goveinment. Also, it is moie
likely to see moie goou goveinance mouels at the local level if these aie to continue
to be puisueu anu sustaineu. The uecentializeu natuie of the Philippines may have
contiibuteu to this uevelopment.

As such, not only shoulu the goveinment have iefoims anu a iole in goou
goveinance, but the citizens aie to be incluueu. Auvantageous to this scenaiio is the
countiy's vibiant civil society sectoi. Theii iole has alieauy been uocumenteu in the
histoiy of Philippine tiansition to uemociacy anu the move towaius pieventing
coiiuption. Not only was citizen engagement a ielevant pait of this eia, but also it
seiveu to influence futuie enueavois towaius a goou goveinance piocess. It may be
saiu that fiom the events that occuiieu in the past to the Philippine system of touay,
the people shoulu become moie empoweieu in steeiing goveinment piocesses anu
whethei oi not public access to infoimation is tiuly piesent. 0n the othei hanu, the

ueliveiy of goveinment seivices especially at the local level offeis moie
oppoitunities foi citizen engagement. As mentioneu in an eailiei section of this
papei, the Local uoveinment Coue of 1991 which mentions the iole of CS0s in local
uevelopment councils can contiibute to this aspect.

The favoiable enviionment foi paiticipatoiy piocesses may be best unueitaken
uuiing the buugetaiy phases. When people aie encouiageu anu infoimeu about the
possible ways foi inclusion in uecision-making such as thiough the Alteinative
Buuget Initiative (ABI), it offeis them meaningful ieasons to paiticipate. This is vital
to the obseivance anu iesponse to uevelopment piioiities management anu
uistiibution of the goveinmental seivice ueliveiy. In this iegaiu citizens, in a
paiticipatoiy system of goveinance, can pioviue feeuback when benefits aie
ueemeu inauequate, have been subjecteu to coiiuption, inauequacies of goou
goveinance, anu the ielateu aspects of tianspaiency anu accountability. The Citizens
Paiticipatoiy Auuit, foi instance, may be one majoi contiibutoi to tianspaiency anu
paiticipation foi it piesents how paitneiships between actois is possible. Not only
uoes this uisplay paiticipation, but also manifests collaboiation towaius a common
objective. In all, the neeu foi the engagement of tiuly infoimeu citizens will become
moie significant.


The key featuies of paiticipation show that citizens can become engageu in the
phases of the buuget although much iemains still to be seen in this aspect of
uecision-making. What has been piomoteu by the cuiient auministiation points to
the fact that the system pioviues a moie enabling enviionment foi citizen
engagement. In auuition, gieatei attention has also been given to civil society anu
paitneiships involving goveinment agencies.

Foi this to happen moie sustainably, the goveinment will neeu to stiengthen its
initiatives against coiiuption anu suppoit the initiatives in piogiess as outlineu in
the 0pen uoveinment Initiative. Auvances in the aiea of CS0 engagement will
incluue how CS0s use theii ioles not only as watchuogs, but also as manageis of
iesouices. In the spiiit of inclusivity, anu thiough theii auvocacies anu ieal action
on the giounu, CS0s may be able to effectively anu efficiently pioviue the much
neeueu coopeiative mechanisms to facilitate the ueliveiy of piojects anu
expenuituie management.

Impiovements will soon be seen in the involvement of citizens in all phases of the
buugeting piocess as well as in the auuiting of goveinment uevelopment piojects.
As such, the iole of CS0s may be maue moie visible in exacting accountability fiom
authoiities. Bowevei, uifficulties may aiise in sustaining a tiusting paitneiship oi
ielationship with the cential goveinment anu othei vital actois. The tiajectoiy by
which the auministiation is hanuling the aspect of paiticipation iequiies a shift in
the stiuctuie of institutions as well as how the path of engagement with people is

ueveloping. This may also be a question on how CS0s will tieat the buuget piocess
as theie may be contentions.

As these initiatives piogiess, latei uevelopment may occui which may change the
lanuscape fuithei. It will be likely that the topic on paiticipation anu tianspaiency
will be fuithei lookeu into by uevelopment piactitioneis anu acauemics who aie
bettei equippeu to explain anu pioviue ielevant uiscouise on aspects conceining
citizen paiticipation in goveinance piocess anu goveinment accountability.

Fuitheimoie, the enabling enviionment of touay will piomote the innovation anu
cieativity neeueu to enhance venues which giant open access to citizens in
upholuing goou goveinance anu pieventing coiiuption. As such, the voice of CS0s
becomes moie ielevant when the piocess of engagement comes to the attentions of
institutions. CS0s shoulu have a fluiu space to paiticipate, howevei, when this space
becomes limiteu uue to an inteiplay of factois such as the bieauth of theii
paiticipation oi a lack of political will, then the huiule is activateu. Baving saiu this,
CS0s who uo not have the iesouices to facilitate themselves anu who lack the
knowleuge foi uoing so may be less ciitical anu uisceining of the goveinment, its
seivices, anu oveiall peifoimance. Inteinal anu exteinal CS0 issues asiue, the
goveinment must complete the equation of the paiticipatoiy piocess. This uoes not
necessaiily uiminish the fact that CS0s can geneiate theii own oppoitunities which
they will finu auvantageous anu beneficial in uifficult enviionments.

The uiiection which the cuiient auministiation is unueitaking focuses on impioving
accountability anu paiticipation. In the spiiit of uemociacy, citizens will be maue
moie integiateu in goveinment piocesses, especially those conceining the buuget
piocess, its implementation, anu auuiting. Citizen engagement mechanisms continue
to become enhanceu anu can facilitate ielationships with vaiious actois iesulting in
beneficial outcomes anu uevelopments. This may uepenu on the paiticipatoiy
enviionment in the countiy. In essence, the cuiient auministiation is builuing aieas
foi the entiy of citizen engagement. Thiough this piocess, uevelopment piojects anu
piogiams can be implementeu with the potential of sustaining engagement.

In all, theie is still much to be impioveu upon in the plans anu initiatives of
goveinmental piomotion of tianspaiency anu accountability. The cuiient
auministiation is heauing uown a positive path towaius cieating moie venues foi
citizen engagement in piocesses of goveinment as well as stiiues to pievent
coiiuption. In the long iun, the commitment to goou goveinance may iemain stiong
anu the ueepening of accountability, tianspaiency, anu paiticipation may be
continuously anu sustainably maintaineu in a mannei consistent with uevelopment
piioiities anu issues.


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