Back Office Use Cases For E-Commerce

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Name: Manage Categories Actor: Site Admin Description: the site admin opens the manage categories page

and reviews, adds, deletes or modifies the categories. Flow of Events: 1. the site admin opens the manage categories page and gets a list of all categories 2. the site admin chooses to add new category and then redirected to the new category page a. the site admin enters the new category data and clicks submit b. the new category is saved and the site admin is redirected to manage categories page again . the site admin chooses to delete one of the categories listed a. the site admin gets a message to ensure that he wants to delete the selected category b. the site admin confirms that he wants to delete the selected category and the category is deleted from the database c. the site admin is redirected to the manage categories again !. the site admin chooses to update one of the listed categories a. the site admin enters the new values of the selected category and clicks update b. the category is updated and saved in the database Alternative Flow of Events: Preconditions:

" #he site admin has logged in to the system Post conditions: - According to the action that the site admin chooses, a new category is added to the database, a category is deleted from the database, or an e$isting category is updated. Name: Manage %roducts Actor: Site Admin Description: the site admin opens the manage products page and reviews, adds, deletes or modifies the products under the category selected. Flow of Events: 1. #he site admin opens the products page and gets a list of all categories 2. #he site admin selects one of the categories and is redirected to the manage products page that displays all the products under the category selected. . #he site admin chooses to add new product and then redirected to the new product page a. the site admin enters the new product data and clicks submit b. the new product is saved and the site admin is redirected to manage categories page again !. #he site admin chooses to delete one of the categories listed c. the site admin gets a message to ensure that he wants to delete the selected product d. the site admin confirms that he wants to delete the selected product and the product is deleted from the database e. the site admin is redirected to the manage products again

&. #he site admin chooses to update one of the listed products f. the site admin enters the new values of the selected product and clicks update g. the product is updated and saved in the database Alternative Flow of Events: .a. #he site admin chooses to add new attribute to the new product 1. #he site admin is redirected to the new attribute page. 2. #he site admin enters the information of the new attribute and submits . #he attribute is saved and the site admin is redirected to the new product page to complete the new product information Preconditions: " #he site admin has logged in to the system Post conditions: - According to the action that the site admin chooses, a new product is added to the catalog, a product is deleted from the catalog, or an e$isting product is updated. Name: Manage Shipping Actor: Site Admin Description: the site admin opens the manage shipping page and specifies the shipping fees of each order according to the number of products in the order. Flow of Events: 1. #he site admin opens the manage Shipping page. 2. the site admin specifies a range of values in low and in high for the 'uantity of products shipped

and provide the shipping fees for that range and then submits . the data is saved in the database Alternative Flow of Events: Preconditions: " #he site admin has logged in to the system Post conditions: - #he shipping data is saved to the database Note: this use case lacks more details that are not listed here but they can be guessed easily because it is a repeated task in many pro ects! Name: Manage (rders Actor: Site Admin Description: the site admin opens the manage (rders page and provide the search criteria re'uired to get the orders that match. #he site admin selects an order to get its details and make the modification he wants and submits. Flow of Events: &. the site admin opens the manage orders page that prompts that site admin to enter the following search criteria that the site can provide at least one of them) a. Shopper name *first or last+ b. Shopper ,mail c. (rder date d. (rder total e. %roduct name -. the site admin enters the search criteria he likes and clicks search

.. the site admin gets a list of all orders that match the search criteria provided in terms of) a. order id b. order date c. order total d. ship to email e. shipper name f. bill to email g. order status /. the site admin chooses one of the listed orders to get its details 0. #he site admin is redirected to the order details page that displays all the products in the order. 11. the site admin chooses to edit one of the listed products in the order 11. the site admin enters the new values of the product and clicks update and the data is saved to the database 12. the site admin changes the status of the order if he wants 1 . #he site admin can delete the order. 1!. the site admin can delete a product from the order Alternative Flow of Events: " if no orders found that match the specified criteria a message will be displayed to the site admin to tell that. Preconditions: " #he site admin has logged in to the system Post conditions: - According to the action that the site admin chooses, the data is saved in the database.

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