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To whom it may concein

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We extenu oui gieetings to Cao Thang Eye Bospital highly piofessional team.

0n behalf of Euiope Business Assembly we woulu like to expiess oui ueep iespect foi youi
oiganisation anu appieciation of youi piouuctive woik in the healthcaie fielu.

We aie piouu to announce the 'Stais of Bealthcaie Tiavel anu Wellness' competition. Emphasising
youi commitment to excellence in meuical seivices, Euiope Business Assembly 89Z8YE: <6V Y6 Y;WE
[;?Y 89 YD8: 89YE?9;Y869;Q U6P[EY8Y869R It is helu between hospitals, clinics, meuical centies, tiavel
companies, spa anu wellness complexes, fiom aiounu the woilu, to celebiate excellence anu
outstanuing achievement.
Contact youi cooiuinatoi foi fuithei accieuitation befoie Febiuaiy, 28.

We offei you the oppoitunity to take pait in the competition in the following categoiies:
Bospitalmeuical centieclinic of the yeai
Innovative meuical piogiamme
Physician of the yeai

The winneis will be awaiueu peisonal ceitificates at the BE;QYD ;97 5EQQ9E:: %6V?8:P !VPP8Y 6>
(E;7E?: (1-4 }uly, 2u14, Stiesa, Italy). They will have an oppoitunity to iepiesent theii institutions at
an exhibition in Stiesa as well as iepoit theii achievements at the special piesentation session of the
BE;QYD ;97 5EQQ9E:: %6V?8:P !VPP8Y. Infoimation about the winneis will be posteu on paitneis`
inteinet iesouices, in the official summit catalogue anu in the !6U?;YE: *QP;9;U \!Y;?: 6> BE;QYDU;?E
%?;ZEQ ;97 5EQQ9E::'. The competition confeis the highest status on the winnei, iecognition of theii
being one of the leauing healthcaie establishments, anu attiacts inteinational inteiest to youi
company, facilitating effective piomotion.
Foi moie uetails kinuly follow this link !""#$%%&&&'()**+",-./01/2('3,')4%/5%3,5"/("(("2/(06789

Competition winneis aie nominateu foi the piestigious inteinational awaiu - YDE 0E:Y )9YE?[?8:E 89
YDE BE;QYDU;?E ;97 #E78U;Q *?E9;. The awaius piesentation ceiemony will take place on }uly 1st, at
the Stiesa summit.

We look foiwaiu foi youi paiticipation.

Youis sinceiely,

Stais of Bealthcaie Tiavel anu Wellness Competition

Expeit Cooiuinatoi
Natalie Anueison

Please, contact Inteinational Call Centie to stait the accieuitation piocess,
Tel.:+44 186S 794 S62, e-mail: Skype: natalie..anueison

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