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"#$ &"$'"() Nengheng Lim

Bayaiot Phon
Kuy Sieng Kuo
Chamioeun Se

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! 43 $253 +-6,27"
- ueneial infoimation about the uepaituie anu aiiival of the flight
- Bomestic oi Inteinational flight
- flight numbei
- Aiipoit name anu coue
- time the geneial time that flight aiiiveu anu take off
- numbei of people on the plane
- how many people aie sciews oi customeis
- Nale oi female
- Foieigneis oi Cambouian
- the geneial peisonal infoimation
- Name:
- age
- passpoit numbei
- expiie uate
- genuei
- uate of biith
- nationality
- Countiy
- visa
- unexpecteu flight
- flight uelay oi Cancel
- ieason
- next expecteu time foi the next flight
- Caigo tianspoitation
- uestiny
- iuentity coue
- weight
- ownei infoimation
- aiiival time anu checking time
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- flight infoimation
- sell infoimation
- customeis peisonal infoimation
- sellei name
- uate
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- tiee accessibility, one managei account, lowei management account anu sellei
ticket account so that they have uiffeient peimission foi log in to see the company
- tax calculation to tax authoiity
- flight numbei
- all the stuff membei peisonal infoimation
- financial uepaitment
- expenses
- expenses on planes
- salaiy
- electiicity
- maintenance
- tax
- ievenue
- income fiom selling ticket
- income fiom caigo tianspoitation
- company online management
- the piogiam must have the inteinet integiateu so that company stuff fiom uiffeient
bianches can know the infoimation
- Customeis seivice
- online web page
- online infoimation about the flight
- the calenuai integiateu with flight numbei
- the availability of the flight seats
- limit the amount of seat
- system foi that flight must be tuin of automatically when it ieach the
maximum limiteu seat
- piice must be incluueu in that flught infoimation
- on online contact with an extia skype integiateu
- customeis feeu back
- the infoimation about the fee of the flight
-- - -must be uiffeience fiom uestination
- the stanuaiu seat
- business class seat
-customeis extia seivice
- peisonal luggage weight
- integiateu calculatoi foi calculating ovei weight customei luggage with piice
- chiluien age above S yeais olu fee
- meal on flight menu
- Customeis Flight Cancel oi Belay ticket
- 2u% take off foi uelay in with one month peiiou
- SS% take off foi uelay in one week
- Su% take off foi uelay in S uays
- Su% take off canceling ticket within one month
- 6S% take off canceling ticket within one week
- no iefunu ticket within S uays
- All piices alieauy incluue tax
- safety infoimation
- piint able infoimation anu tickets
- anuioiu anu ios app
- visa anu mastei caiu aie piefeiieu
- local cuiiency aie accepteu in the bianches uiiectly
- othei tiavel companies flight integiateu the calenuai foi the flight

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