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A Read and answer the questions that follow.

Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin Amy Adlin , : Hello,may I speak to Amy please? : Yes, speaking. : I want to tell you what the postman has delivered today. : What is it? Can I see it? : No, you an!t. "y mother said I an only open it on my #irthday whi h will #e tomorrow. : Are you having a party this $unday? : Yes, you and your %amily are also invited. : &o you know what!s in your par el? : No, #ut it must #e very e'pensive. : How do you know? : Aunty $ara always sends me wonder%ul presents %rom (ondon. : Your par el must have #eauti%ul stamps on it. : Yes, it has. Are you interested in olle ting stamps? : Yes, I am. : I!ll give you the stamps when you ome to my house tomorrow. : )hank you. $ee you tomorrow : *k, see you tomorrow. +ye.

Who is Adlin talking to? A Amy C Amy!s %amily + -ostman & "other

Adlin!s #irthday is on //////////////////// A $unday + 0riday C $aturday & )hursday

When did this onversation take pla e? A $unday + 0riday C $aturday & )hursday

Who sent the par el to Adlin? A Her un le + Her %ather C Her mother & Her aunt

)he postman //////////////////// the par el. A sends + re eives C delivers & #uys
4 3 marks 5

B. Choose the correct answer. 6. )he hildren //////////////////////// Negara 7u. A is singing + are singing C am singing & was singing

8. "y tea her ///////////////////// us $ ien e now. A is tea hing + are tea hing C am tea hing & were tea hing

9. We ///////////////////// home when the a ident happened. A is walking + was walking C are walking & were walking

:. (ily ////////////////////// lun h when we arrived there. A was preraring + is preparing C were preparing & are preparing

,;. I //////////////////// my %ather now. A is helping + am helping C are helping & were helping

,,. Atika and A<ida ///////////////// to read maga<ines. A like + liked C likes & liking

,.. -uan &alila ///////////////// in primary s hool. A tea h + taught C tea hes & tea hing

,1. We /////////////// many #utter%lies at the park last year. A at h + aught C at hes & at hing

,2. We //////////////// the %ood hungrily yesterday. A eat + eats C ate & eating

,3. )he sun ////////////// in the east. A rise + rises C rised & rising

,6. )he hildren are playing with the ////////////. A tops C mar#les + shuttle o ks & #alls ,8. )he man uses //////////// to eat %ried noodles. A %ork and spoon + up and sau er ,9. )he #oy is pulling the /////////// . A trolley + tray C thread and needle & pot and pan C wheel#arrow & #asket

,:. We use a //////// when walking in the dark. A lamp post + andle C tor hlight & lamp

.;. He drinks a ////////// o% milk #e%ore going to #ed. A mug C up + glass & =ug .,. He #uys a pair o% ///////////// at the supermarket. A skirt + shorts C trousers & shirt

... )he girl is wearing a //////////////// and a ////////////////. A #louse>dress + )?shirt >shorts C dress>skirt & )?shirt>skirt

.1. )he pupils are wearing s hool /////////////////////to s hool. A dresses + skirts C shirts & uni%orms

.2. )he //////////////////// is made o% leather. A #elt + #ag C shoes & wallet

.3. )he man is wearing a//////////// and a pair o% ////////////////. A #louse>>>>..pants + shirt >>>>..trousers C )?shirt>>>>>trousers & shirt >>>>>> shorts
4 .; marks 5

C. Study the advertisement below carefully.

&ou#le?storey #ungalow $even rooms )wo living rooms (arge garden with a small %ountain Near the ity, only ten minutes drive -

$ingle?storey kampung house 0our rooms *ne living room $mall garden with o onut trees 0ar %rom the ity, near the sea ? ? -

)erra e house 0ive rooms *ne living room $mall garden Near the ity, twenty minutes drive

(i) Complete the table. "awar &ou#le?storey house "elor "elati

)ype o% houses Num#er o% rooms Num#er o% living rooms @arden (o ation

%ive one large Near the ity, twenty minutes drive

4 ,; marks 5

oo! at the picture carefully.

(iii) "rite five sentences. , /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// . /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

4 ,3 marks 5

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