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Unit 7 / Test A

Matura Masters Elementary

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% Uzu/e0ni1 zdania /rzymiotnikami 2 na2iasac34 5astosu1 6ormy sto/nia 2y7sze8o lu9 na12y7sze8o4 :% /kt za
ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = %0 /kt> %4 T3is /arty is ?ery 9orin84 "t@s :9ad> /arty in my li6eA 24 " t3ink 3orror 6ilms are :interestin8> t3an comedies4 B4 Peter is :youn8> t3an 3is 9rot3er4 C4 Mat3s is :di66icult> su91ect 6or me4 .4 T3e 6irst /art o6 t3e 9ook is :8ood> t3an t3e ot3er /arts4 D4 Eoot9all is :/o/ular> 8ame in #razil4 74 Fuly is usually :3ot> mont3 o6 t3e year4 84 " t3ink cats are :nice> t3an do8s4 G4 T3is old so6a is :com6orta9le> in t3e 3ouse4 %04 " usually 8et u/ :early> t3an my 9rot3er4

2 5akreHl /o/ra2n; 6orm4 :% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = C /kt>

%4 "s t3at 3ouse your 6riend / your 6riend 3ouse / your 6riend@s 3ouseI 24 T3e 8irl in t3e /3oto is my 9rot3er@s 8irl6riend / 8irl6riend my 9rot3er@s / my 9rot3er 8irl6riend4 B4 "s t3is 9ook Tom / Tom@s 9ook / 9ook Tom@sI C4 T3is is my /arents 9edroom / 9edroom my /arents / my /arents@ 9edroom4

B Uzu/e0ni1 /ytania4 :% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = B /kt>

%4 24 B4 /en is t3isI "t@s Helen@s4 is your cousin@s nameI Mary4 is t3e 9oy in t3e /3otoI T3is is Peter@s 9rot3erJ )a?e4

C (a /odsta2ie /odanyc3 de6inic1i na/isz naz2y cz0onkK2 rodziny4 :% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = C /kt>
%4 t3e c3ildren o6 t3eir /arents, son or 24 your mot3er@s sister, B4 your 6at3er@s 6at3er, C4 your 9rot3er@s or sister@s son,

. )o/asu1 2yrazy z ramki do od/o2iednie8o za2odu4 :% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = C /kt>
eL3i9ition %4 )E-"&(E', 24 MU-"!"A(, no?el ?iolin 6as3ion s3o2 B4 PA"(TE', C4 M'"TE',

D 5ast;/ /odkreHlone 6ra8menty o/isu od/o2iednimi /rzymiotnikami takJ a9y zac3o2aN znaczenie tekstu
2y1Hcio2e8o4 :% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = 8 /kt>
My uncle #illy :%> isn@t a youn8 man any more :3e@s D2> and 3e isn@t a 3andsome man4 He :2> isn@t tall and 3e :B> isn@t slim4 He :C> 3asn@t 8ot a /retty 6ace4 #ut 3e :.> al2ays smiles and tells 6unny stories4 He still :D> likes doin8 lots o6 t3in8sJ and :7> 3e@s al2ays ready to 3el/ /eo/le4 He al2ays :8> t3inks t3at /ositi?e t3in8s 2ill 3a//en in t3e 6uture4 #illy is Ouite :%> #ut 3e@s :.> J :2> J :D> J :B> J :7> and rat3er :C> J and ?ery :8> 4 4

7 Przeczyta1 tekstJ a nast/nie zakreHl /o/ra2n; od/o2ied<4 :% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2n; od/o2ied< = C /kt>
"@m really into t3e artsJ es/ecially /aintin84 " read a lot o6 9io8ra/3ies o6 6amous artists and " lo?e ?isitin8 museums 23ere you can see t3e 2orks o6 old masters4 ld /ortraits are my 6a?ourite 23ile "@m not ?ery keen on modern art so " don@t 8o to see modern art eL3i9itions ?ery o6ten4

" /lay t3e /iano and my music teac3er says "@m really talented4 #ut " am not sure i6 " 2ant to 9e a /ro6essional /ianist4 "@d like to create my o2n music so " t3ink "@d /re6er to 9e a com/oser in t3e 6uture4 " t3ink it is an incredi9le 6eelin8 23en you can 3ear t3e orc3estra /layin8 your o2n music4
PH T ! P"A#$E %

Arkadiusz Mdela

Macmillan Polska 2008


" lo?e 8oin8 to t3e t3eatre and " 8o re8ularly 2it3 a small 8rou/ o6 6riends4 T3e /lace creates a ma8ical 6eelin8 and you really 9ecome /art o6 t3e /er6ormance4 +ou can see t3e actors as t3ey /er6orm and t3ere are no cameras to 3ide anyt3in84 "t@s so muc3 9etter t3an 2atc3in8 silly 6ilms on T*4


" really en1oy dancin8 and " 8o to a dancin8 class t2ice a 2eek4 My mum is one o6 t3e instructors t3ere 9ut it 2as not 3er idea 6or me to 8o4 " do not /lan a dancin8 career in t3e 6uture 9ecause " 2ant to 9e a doctor so " s/end a lot o6 time studyin8 9iolo8y and c3emistry4 )ancin8 is 1ust a 6orm o6 relaLation 6or me and it 8i?es me real /leasure4

%4 M3at does Mandy like 9est a9out /aintin8I a> 'eadin8 9io8ra/3ies o6 6amous /ainters4 9> ld /ortraits4 c> Modern styles o6 /aintin84 d> &oin8 to art eL3i9itions4 24 M3at does Tom 2ant to do in t3e 6utureI a> He 2ants to 9e a /ro6essional /ianist4 9> He 2ants to /lay in an orc3estra4 c> He 2ants to 2rite 3is o2n music4 d> He 2ants to 9e a music teac3er4

B4 M3y does Andre2 /re6er t3e t3eatre to 6ilmsI a> He likes t3e atmos/3ere o6 t3e t3eatre4 9> He 8oes t3ere 2it3 a lot o6 6riends4 c> Most 6ilms are 9orin84 d> T3eatre actors are 9etter t3an 6ilm actors4 C4 M3at does Fane say a9out 3er dancin8 classesI a> T3ey are more im/ortant to 3er t3an sc3ool4 9> -3e 8oes t3ere 9ecause s3e 2ants to 9e a 9allet dancer4 c> -3e only 8oes t3ere 9ecause o6 3er mot3er4 d> T3ey are 8ood 6un4

-PEAP"(& / M'"T"(& 8 Uzu/e0ni1 /oni7szy dialo84

Prze9y2asz na o9ozie 1zyko2ym 2 An8lii4 M0aHnie rozma2iasz ze s2oim 2s/K0lokatorem/s2o1; 2s/K0lokatork; na temat s/dzania 2olne8o czasu4 Prze/ro2ad< rozmo2J 2 ktKre1, za/ytasz 8o/1; o ulu9ione 6ormy s/dzania czasu 2olne8oJ /o2ieszJ co lu9isz ro9iN 2 czasie 2olnymJ za/ytaszJ czy ma oc3ot 8dzieH /K1HN dziH 2ieczorem4
:% /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2nie /rzekazan; in6ormac1 = B /kt> +ou, +our 6riend, +ou, :%> I

" like doin8 lots o6 t3in8s, readin8 9ooksJ 8oin8 outJ listenin8 to music4 M3at a9out youI :2> #y t3e 2ayJ :B> I

+our 6riend,

T3at@s a 8reat idea4 "@d lo?e to 8o4

G Przez internet na2i;za0eH/na2i;za0aH kontakt z rK2ieHnikiem z za8ranicy4 (a/isz list do no2e8o kole8i/no2e1
kole7ankiJ 2 ktKrym, /rzedsta2isz si i /odasz na12a7nie1sze in6ormac1e o so9ieJ krKtko o/iszesz s2K1 2y8l;d i oso9o2oHNJ /oin6ormu1esz o s2oic3 zaintereso2aniac3 i ulu9ionyc3 6ormac3 s/dzania 2olne8o czasuJ /o/rosisz o od/o2ied< na t2K1 list i 2yrazisz nadzie1J i7 zostaniecie /rzy1aciK0mi4
:C /kt za ka7d; /o/ra2nie /rzekazan; in6ormac1 Q 2 /kt za 6orm Q 2 /kt za /o/ra2noHN 1zyko2; Q 2 /kt za 9o8act2o 1zyko2e = %0 /kt>

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