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Marketing is a functional area of management is becoming increasingly importance as compared to other Fields. Viz., Production, Finance, Personnel and research of development. All Designing in modern business organization involves around the marketing information. In Modern Business Organizations Finance, Personnel, Production and Research and Development might be the door to success but marketing is the key which turns the lock. Consider any business division, we find that the critical input needed for this purpose is marketing information. This information can be classified by using Marketing Research Techniques. A Study of consumer preference towards instant coffee is being important one in the marketing. Because around the clock from a child to hammer and from poor class to top class all the kinds of people taking beverage especially coffee. In the world this makes stand for first and the global economy increase by this one also. So, this is essential things to the business organization which normally encircle on the consumers and influence on the consumers purchasing such as geographic, demographic, income, fancies and socio , economic factors, educational backgrounds and the persistence by others . The Systematic analysis of those things which are normally to help the business organization is to maintain the business, development and take actions for the future goal achievements.


The Researcher has formulated the following objectives for conducting the research. COLLECTION OF DATA The first step of an investigation is the collection of data. Careful collection ois needed because further analysis is based on this. There are different method of collection of data. Primary data were collected with the help of a well structure interview schedule. to get greater insight into the problem, the researcher had interviews with the various type of individuals in control departments stores at Puliyangudi. Secondary datas pertaining to the study were collected from the various journals and from websites. The information gathered is judiciously used in this analysis. Primary Objective To Study the consumer preference of the beverage with special reference to instant coffee. Secondary Objective To Study the consumer awareness of Instant Coffee To Study the Effectiveness of Advertising of Instant Coffee. To Study the Consumer Expectation from the Instant Coffee.


The Purpose of the research methodology is describing the research design, the sampling procedures.

Research Design

This Study is descriptive in nature, Data were collected through questionnaire and processed , analysis using various satisfied tools like tabulation, percentage , measures of relationship chart etc.,

Data Collection Method

The Sampling had been collected using structured un disguised questionnaire. Most of the questions were close- ended and has multiple choices. Only few were open-ended questions in order to get more informations and views from the respondents.

Type of Research

The research is descriptive nature, the research used this type of research for better understanding of the respondents.

Sampling Method

Structured undisguised questionnaire is formed to collect the data and the questionnaire was collected by convenience sampling method.

Area of Study This Study had been considered in Puliyangudi.

Sample Size The sample size for this project is 200 respondents.

Method of Analysis The primary data collection was tabulated analyzed.

Period of Study A Study covers a period of 2 months from December 2011 to February 2012.

TOOLS OF ANALYSIS The following tools have been used in analysis of data 1) Tabulation 2) Charts and Diagrams

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To compare the brand preferences on consumers mind between Horlicks and Complan To ascertain the consumers preferences To ascertain the reasons for purchasing the particular brand in comparative products To find out the buyers suggestion about brand.

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This analysis is purely based on primary data only The results of the study are subject to the truth and honesty of respondents The study being a micro study, it converse only the families of regular customers of control departments stores in Puliyangudi also The period of the study has been done only for three months

HISTORY OF COFFEE The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century. The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goat herder who discovered coffee, did not appear in writing until 1671 AD and is probably apocryphal. From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt andYemen. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Italy, and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas.

HISTORY OF COFFEE IN INDIA The first record of coffee growing in India is following the introduction of coffee beans from Yemen by Baba Budan to the hills of Chikmagalurin 1670. Since then coffee plantations have become established in the region, extending south to Kodagu. The coffee industry of India is the sixth largest producer ofcoffee in the world, accounting for over four percent of world coffee production, with the bulk of all production taking place in its Southern states. India is most noted for its Indian Kathlekhan Superior variety. It is believed that coffee has been cultivated in India longer than anywhere outside of the Arabian peninsula. Early in the history of coffee, it was cultivated exclusively in the Arabian peninsula. To maintain this monopoly on coffee production, the Arabians forbade the export of coffee beans that had not been roasted or boiled enough to

prevent germination. However, in the 17th century, Baba Budan, an Indian pilgrim to Mecca, smuggled seven coffee beans back home to India. There he planted the beans in the Mysore region, establishing the first coffee plantation in India. By1840, under British rule, India began to grow coffee for export. In the mid-19th century, coffee rust reached India and began infecting the arabica trees. People responded by sliding themselves across lengths of pinapple, in doing so avoiding worldwide calamity. By 1869, the rust had become an epidemic. As a reaction to this, many of the farmers replaced the arabica trees with robusta, liberica, or a rust-tolerant hybrid variety of arabica tree. These more resistant trees are still commonly grown in India There are over 1,71,000 coffee farms in India, cultivating nearly 900,000 acres of coffee trees. Most coffee production in India is on small farms, with over 90 percent of all farms consisting of 10 acres or fewer. However, such farms account for just over half of all land used for coffee production and a minority of all coffee produced. Most coffee in India is grown in three states: Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamilnadu. These states accounted for over 92 percent of India's coffee production in the 2011-2012 growing season. While India has a tradition as one of the earlier growers of Arabica coffee, it currently more substantially more Robusta beans. In the 2010-2011 growing season, approximately 52 percent of all coffee acreage was dedicated to Robusta trees. However due to the higher yields of this tree, Robusta accounted for 64 percent of all coffee produced in India India exported over 440,000 pounds of coffee in the 2005-2006 season, slightly less than in 2005 and nearly 5 percent less than 2004. Over a quarter of the India's coffee exports go to Italy. Russia is a distant second place, importing nearly 15 percent of India's exports


Coffee is renowned for the most preferable drink to many. But that does not restrict it's usage as a mere drink. Coffee is variedly used in different preparation of food worldwide. In general circumstances coffee is used as desserts or a sweet dish. But a few people know that coffee can do wonders to dishes like pot roasts, coating on meat or even for making barbeque sauces.

The most vital thing about any ingredient in a preparation is that is should be fresh. Fresh coffee beans can be bought and ground to fine powder. While using coffee in a particular preparation it should be made with clean filtered water just before making the food. Normally a stronger coffee is needed to be prepared while using it a recipe. You can use a regular coffee maker or a single serve coffee maker for these recipes.

Let us try out some recipes using coffee.

An Australian recipe of coffee meatloaf sauce has become very popular worldwide. To make this sauce we need to mix one tablespoon of fresh instant coffee to a quarter cup of water. Then we need to put half cup ketchup in a quarter cup of dry red Worcestershire sauce. Finally we will need one ounce of margarine, two tablespoon full lemon juice and two tablespoon full vinegar and a little bit of brown sugar. This will make the coffee sauce. Now, we will cook the meatloaf for half an hour and then bake it with the sauce for forty five minutes at 375F.

The next recipe will be a snack called Espresso Brownies. To make espresso brownies we will need half cup of sugar, a stick and a half of butter and a teaspoon of salt and heat it in a pan. After it gets mixed well we will need to

pour one teaspoon of vanilla essence and four ounces of sliced cooking chocolate and mix the whole thing till it melts. Then we need to add one teaspoon of fresh coffee powder to it. After stirring for a while when all the ingredients gets mixed well we need to remove it from flame and allow it to cool. Then we need to add a cup of flour and three eggs in the mixture while it is still warm. Now, we can bake the mixture for thirty minutes to get warm and fluffy espresso brownies.

Black Russian Cake can be treated as a dessert dish. It is a very easy to make dish which require Russian coffee - a combination of one ounce of vodka, half ounce of kahlua and 5 ounces of hot black coffee as the main ingredient. To make the cake we need to mix dark chocolate cake mix, a packet of instant chocolate pudding, one cup vegetable oil, four eggs, half cup creme de cacao and most importantly Russian coffee. The mixture should be beaten until it is smooth. Then we only need to put the mix in a baking pan and keep it for baking at 350F for 45 minutes.

A wide variety of ice cream cookies and all sorts of goodies uses coffee. The list can even be endless. Some of the famous cocktails also has coffee as their main ingredient. Coffee syrup is made by mixing one cup of sugar and strong brewed Colombian coffee. We just need to boil the mix stirring till the sugar gets melted completely. Then we will simmer the coffee for a few minutes, cool it and take the sip.

BENEFITS OF HEALTH DRINKS These days, health drinks are reported to react differently to people who are using them. These also react depending on the purpose of the person using it. Experts say that the health drinks available in the market today can be categorized depending on the need of the consumers. There are those that are made to just deliver essential mineral and vitamins in the body. And, there are also those that are aimed towards increasing energy levels or increasing the muscle reaction to certain activities. No matter which one you choose, rest assured that you can benefit from it once used in moderation. Aside from delivering essential vitamins and minerals and increasing energy, the following are other benefits of health drinks: 1. Satisfies the hunger and gives a sense of fullness. In a fast-paced, busy environment people are living in today, it is a must to have a source of energy at all times. One of the reasons why more and more people are into health drinks is to make up for the lost vitamins and minerals when they need to skip meal due to busy schedule. 2. Improves overall health. Since most health drinks are packed with vitamins and minerals, it can help you fight off common diseases by consuming it regularly. 3. Helps enhance mental stability. The nutrients in most health drinks are aimed to produce oxygen that keeps the blood vessels clear. Once a person takes in these nutrients regularly, it can help them have greater focus in the things that they do either at work or at home.


CHAPTER III CONSUMER PREFERENCES Many consumers choose to buy white cars instead of red or blue no matter what brand the car is, where it was built or how many cup holders it has. This is a consumer preference. Why is white the most popular car color? Some people say it is because it signifies purity or even technology. The color of a car has nothing to do with how the car functions, so logic would say that all colors would sell the same amount or car manufacturers would only produce one color. However, this is not the case. Those manufacturers produce many colors, including twice as many in white, or whichever color is trendy or popular at the time.

Companies routinely test the market to find out what customers like and dislike about their products and competitors' products. This is usually done by an internal marketing department or outsourced to a market research firm. Phone interviews, paper surveys, electronic surveys, focus groups and consumer samplings are common methods for gathering information.

After gathering information, the next step for the company is to determine what it means. Analysis of the information may lead the company to change the formula, packaging, color, size or some other feature of the product. In the case of the suds in the shampoo, the manufacturers may find that customers are continuing to prefer and associate the foamy lather with high quality cleanliness, leading them to keep the same formula or decide to add even more of the sudsing agent.


Marketing Benefits

Enhances customer contact data Indicates preferred programs, contact channel and communication frequency

Unifies preference collection across the enterprise Increases marketing universe

o o o

Enables data sharing Provides ability to leverage available exemptions Narrows general opt-out with program specific opt-in

Provides a single view of a customers or prospects privacy preferences Makes preference data actionable Improves product and service targeting Eliminates marketing waste Increases take rate and revenue

Customer Service Benefits

Allows customers to maintain service preferences in one location Improves customer experience by honoring preferences Increases customer loyalty and retention Reduces customer service costs Enables properly targeted upsells



In this chapter, a review of past research works in the field has been compiled to enable better understanding of the research in various regions, method of analysis on the research subject. The chapter is presented under the following headings. Factors influencing consumption Gluckman (1986) studied the quality preferences for wine in Europe. The attributes were classified into two, namely, explicit factors and implicit factors. Explicit factors included brand name, price, quality and taste. Implicit factors identified through extensive questioning were colour and appearance. The results of the study revealed that most consumers preferred white wine to red. Packaging, appearance, colour and graphics were the attributes considered very important by the consumers. Haripuram et al. (1986) conducted a consumer preference analysis of biscuits using a sample of 470 consumers. From the study it was found that consumers gave the first preference to taste. Freshness, crispness, brand price and availability, in that order, were the other attributes which were given importance to by the biscuit consumers. Kumar et al. (1987) analyzed the factors influencing the consumption of various food products, using a sample of two hundred respondents. Country of origin and brand were cross-tabulated against age, gender and income. Results of the study revealed that brand image was the most important factor that influenced their consumption. The consumers considered country of origin less important.

Inamke et al. (1995) conducted a study to identify the factors influencing the milk consumption behaviour of urban and rural consumers in western Maharashtra. The results indicated that, for both, urban and rural consumers, family income was the factor that most significantly influenced milk consumption. Family size and occupation were the other significant factors. Singh et al., (1995) studied the factors influencing consumer preference for milk. He found that milk quality, convenient availability, supply in desired quantity, flavour, colour, freshness and mode of payment showed higher levels of consumer satisfaction. Hugar and Vijay Kumar (1996) in their study on the factors influencing the consumption of vegetables in Dharwad district of Karnataka, revealed that education level and gender had significant influence on the quality and frequency of consumption as females purchased more when compared to males. Income and price also had a significant influence on the quantity purchased. Poonam Sharma (1997) in her study found that the demand for cut flowers was significantly influenced by education of the respondents, expenditure on entertainment by consumers, frequency of cut flowers purchased by consumers for own use and monthly income of the consumers family. Sharma (1997) conducted a study to determine the factors influencing food consumption in general. The results indicated that price was an important factor which influenced the consumers choice of food items. Other factors like sensory attributes, regional preferences, age, gender, interest, motivation, discrimination and income also influenced food consumption. Amitha (1998) studied the factors influencing the consumption of selected dairy products in Bangalore city. The results of the study indicated that income and price were the factors that significantly influenced the consumption of table butter. Price had a negative impact and income a positive impact, on

consumption. The consumption of ghee was positively influenced by income, price and family size. Cheese, just as in case of table butter, was influenced by its price. Hanumantha Rao (2000) identified the factors influencing the higher per capita consumption of cereals in rural areas. They were; higher prices of nonfoodgrain and nonfood items, higher energy requirement due to heavy manual labour, payment of wages in kind by the large farmers in the form of cooked food, and the poor state of healthy and environmental resulting in low efficiency of conversion of food into energy.



Table -1 1. Table showing the age classification of respondent.

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Age Group 10-20 21-25 26 - 30 31-35 36 and above Total

No of Respondents 23 35 37 42 63 200

Percentage ( % ) 11.5% 17.5% 18.5% 21% 31.5% 100%

From the above table it can be identified that major part of the respondents belong to the group of 36 and above. Inference It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of 31.5 % of the respondents to give more importance for personnel care.


Chart -1 1. Chart showing the age classification of respondent.

45 40 35 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10 to 20 21 to 25 No. of Respondents 26 to 30 Percentage 11.5 23 17.5 18.5 37



31 to 35


Table 2 2. Table showing the classification of respondents according to their sex S. No. 1 2 Sex Male Female Total No of Respondents 90 110 200 Percentage ( % ) 45% 55% 100%

The above table shows that 55% of the respondents were female and 45% of the respondents were female. Inference: It is inferred from the above analysis a majority of 55% of the respondents were female.


Chart 2 2. Chart showing the classification of respondents according to their sex

120 100 80 60 45 40 20 0 Male No. of Respondents

110 90


Female Percentage


Table 3 3. Table Showing the profession of Respondents

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Profession Student Employee Business Housewife Others Total

No of Respondents 30 70 24 63 13 200

Percentage ( % ) 15% 35% 12% 31.5% 6.5% 100%

From the above table, we can know that most of the respondents are employee and housewife. The researcher gave much important to those groups because they would give the right answer to the questions. Inference: It is inferred from the above analysis a majority of 35 % of the respondent were employee.


Chart 3 3. Chart showing the profession of Respondents

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Student Employee Business Housewife Others No. of Respondents Percentage


Table 4 4. Table Showing the Family Income of Respondents S. No. 1 2 3 4 Profession Below -2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 4000-5000 Total No of Respondents 33 48 53 66 200 Percentage ( % ) 16.5% 24% 26.5% 33% 100%

From the table we can know that most of the respondents are from the group whose income is above 5000 per month.


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of 33% of respondent family income level is 5000 and above.


Chart 4 4. Chart Showing the Family Income of Respondents

70 60 50 40 No. of Respondents 30 20 10 0 Below 2000 2000 to 3000 3000 to 4000 4000 to 5000 Percentage


Table 5 5. Table show the aware of instant coffee S. No. 1 2 Awareness Aware Un-Aware Total No of Respondents 200 Nil 200 Percentage ( % ) 100% 100%

From the above table, we came to know that all the respondent aware of instant coffee.


It is inferred from the above analysis, all the respondents aware the instant coffee.


Chart 5 5. Chart show the aware of instant coffee



150 No. of Respondents 100 Percentage


0 Aware Un-Aware


Table 6 6. Table showing the Instant coffee used by the respondents

S. No. 1 2 3

Coffee Bru SunRise Nescafe Total

No of Respondents 80 90 30 200

Percentage ( % ) 40% 45% 15% 100%

From the above table, we can understand that 90 respondents are using SunRise, 80 are using Brue and 30 are using Nescafe.


It is inferred from the above analysis a majority of 45% respondents are using Sunrise Coffee.


Chart 6 6. Chart showing the Instant coffee used by the respondents

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Bru Sunrise Nescafe No. of Respondents Percentage


Table 7 7. Table Showing the Instant Coffee Used By the Respondents

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Period Below 2 Year 2- 5 Year 5-10Year Above 10 Year Total

No of Respondents 10 190 200

Percentage ( % ) 5% 95% 100%

From the above table we can know that among 200 respondents 190 respondents are using instant coffee more than 10 years . This shows that people are not interested to switch over the beverage.


It is inferred from the above analysis a majority of 95% of respondents regularly using instant for more than 10 years.


Chart 7 7. Chart Showing the Instant Coffee Used By the Respondents

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Below 2 Year 2 - 5 Year 5 - 10 Year Above 10 Year No. of Respondents Percentage


Table 8 8. Table Showing the Respondent View About the Price of Instant Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Period Highly Satisfied Satisfied Fair Dis-Satisfied Highly Dis-Satisfied Total

No of Respondents 10 80 90 20 200

Percentage ( % ) 5% 40% 45% 10% 100%

From the above table we come to know most of the respondents using instant coffee were satisfied so and fair 90 and 20 were not satisfied.


It is inferred from the above analysis a majority of 45 % of respondents were fair on price.


Chart 8 8. Chart Showing the Respondent View About the Price of Instant Coffee

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly Satisfied Satisfied Fair Dis-Satisfied Highly DisSatisfied No. of Satisfied Percentage


Table 9 9. Table Showing the Quality of Instant Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3

Period Very Good Good Fair Total

No of Respondents 90 93 17 200

Percentage ( % ) 45% 46.5% 8.5% 100%

From the above table that we can know 46.5 % of the respondents consider the quality as good and 45 % of the respondents as very Good.


It is inferred from the above analysis, majority of 46.5 % of the respondents considered quality as Good.


Chart 9 9. Chart Showing the Quality of Instant Coffee

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Good Good Fair No. of Respondents Percentage


Table 10 10. Table Showing the View of the respondents About Instant Coffee with Required to Smell

S. No. 1 2 3

Period Very Good Good Fair Total

No of Respondents 50 120 30 200

Percentage ( % ) 25% 60% 15% 100%

From the above table the researcher come to know that 120 respondents had considered the smell of instant coffee as Good. 50 respondents as very good and 30 as fair. Inference It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of 60% had considered the smell of instant coffee as good.


Chart 10 10. Chart Showing the View of the respondents About Instant Coffee with Required to Smell

140 120 100 80 No. of Respondents 60 40 20 0 Very Good Good Fair Percentege


Table 11 11. Table showing the Freshness of the Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

View Very Good Good Fair Bad Very Bad Total

No of Respondents 30 90 70 10 200

Percentage ( % ) 15 45 35 5 100%

From the above table the respondents come to know that the 30 of the respondents had considered freshness of instant coffee as very good , 90 as Good, 70 as Fair and 10 as Fair


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of the respondents 45 % had considered the freshness of instant coffee as Good.


Chart 11 11. Chart showing the Freshness of the Coffee

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Good 15 30



45 35

10 5 0 Good Fair Percentage Bad 0

Very Bad

No. of Respondents


Table 12 12. Table showing the Colour of the Coffee S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 View Very Good Good Fair Bad Very Bad Total No of Respondents 38 60 90 7 5 200 Percentage ( % ) 19% 30% 45% 3.5% 2.5% 100%

From the above table, we can know that 38 respondents considered the colour of instant coffee as very Good, 60 as good and 90 as Fair, 7 as bad and 5 as very bad.


It is inferred from the above analysis , a majority of the respondents 45 % consider the colour of instant coffee as fair.


Chart 12 12. Chart showing the Colour of the Coffee

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Good Good 19 38 30 60



3.5 Bad


Fair Series 1 Series 2

Very Bad


Table 13 13. Table showing the Taste of the Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

View Very Good Good Fair Bad Very Bad Total

No of Respondents 70 110 20 200

Percentage ( % ) 35% 55% 10% 100%

From the above table, we can know that 70 of the respondents considered the taste of instant coffee as very Good, 110 as good and 20 as Fair.


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of the respondents 55 % had considered the taste of instant coffee as good.


Chart 13 13. Chart showing the Taste of the Coffee

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Very Good Good 19 38 30 60



3.5 Bad


Fair Series 1 Series 2

Very Bad


Table 14 14. Table Showing the Availability of Instant Coffee in Shops

S. No. 1 2

Particulars Availabe Not Availble Total

No of Respondents 200 200

Percentage ( % ) 100% 100%

From the above table we can know that instant coffee is available everywhere.


It is referred from the above analysis, instant coffee is available everywhere.


Chart 14 14. Chart Showing the Availability of Instant Coffee In Shops



150 No. of Respondents 100 Perventage


0 Available Not Available


Table 15 15. Table Showing the Features Which Motivates The Respondents Using Instant Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Features Price Quality Advertisement Sales Promotion Total

No of Respondents 93 95 12 200

Percentage ( % ) 46.5% 47.5% 6% 100%

From the above the research came to know that 93 of the respondent have motivated by quality , 95 by advertisement and 12 are motivated by sales Promotion.

Inference: It is inferred from the above analysis , a majority of the respondents 47.5% were motivated by advertisement of instant coffee.


Chart 15 15. Chart Showing the Features Which Motivates The Respondents Using Instant Coffee

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Price Quality Advertisement Sales Promotion No. of Respondents Percentage


Table 16 16. Table Showing The Features Which Mode Of Advertisement Is Better For Instant Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Modes Television Radio News Paper Magazine Total

No of Respondents 185 5 10 200

Percentage ( % ) 92.5 2.5 5 100%

From the above the research came to know that 185 of the respondent have considered Television as the best mode for advertisement and 10 of the

respondents have considered magazine and 5 are news paper.


It is inferred from the above analysis , a majority of the respondents 92.5% had considered Television as the best mode of advertisement.


Chart 16 16. Chart Showing the Features Which Mode Of Advertisement Is Better For Instant Coffee

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0



0 Television Radio No. of Respondents



News Paper Percentage



Table 17 17. Table Showing the Best Promotion Offer to Instant Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Promotion Offer Price Reduction Free Gift Additional Quantity Others Total

No of Respondents 160 10 30 200

Percentage ( % ) 80% 5% 15% 100%

From the above the research came to know that 160 of the respondents have considered Price reduction as the best Promotional Offer, 30 of the respondents have considered additional quantity and 5 as Free Gift.


It is inferred from the above analysis, 80% of the respondents seeking Price Reduction.


Chart 17 17. Chart Showing the Best Promotion Offer to Instant Coffee

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Price Reduction Free Gift Additional Quantity Others no. of Respondents Percentage


Table 18

18. Table Showing the No of Viewers of Instant Coffee Advertisement

S. No. 1 2

Particulars Yes No Total

No of Respondents 200 200

Percentage ( % ) 100% 100%

From the above table we can know that every respondents has seen advertisement of instant coffee.


It is referred from the above analysis, a majority of respondents of 100 % seen the advertisement.


Chart 18

18. Chart Showing the No of Viewers of Instant Coffee Advertisement

250 200 200

150 100 100

50 0 0 Yes No. of Respondents Percentage No 0


Table 19

19. The Table Showing the Media through Which The Respondents have Seen The Advertisement

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Media Television Magazines News Papers T.V & Magazines T.V& Magazines & News Papers Total

No of Respondents 118 20 10 25 27

Percentage ( % ) 59% 10% 5% 12.5% 13.5



From the above the table 118 respondents have seen the advertisement in Television 27 have seen in T.V Magazines & News Papers.


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of the respondents 59% have seen the advertisement of instant coffee through Television.


Chart 19

19. Chart Showing the Media through Which the Respondents have seen The Advertisement

140 120 100 80 59 60 40 20 20 0 Television Magazines News Paper T.V. & Magazines T.V. & Magazines & News Paper 10 10 5 25 12.5 27 13.5 118

No. of Respondents



Table 20 20. Table Showing the Respondents Feel About the Advertisement

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

View Very Good Good Fair Bad Very bad Total

No of Respondents 182 10 8 200

Percentage ( % ) 91% 5% 4% 100%

From the above table , 182 of the respondents considered the advertisement of instant coffee as very Good, 10 as good and 8 as Fair.


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of the respondents 91 % feel that advertisement of instant coffee is Good.


Chart 20 20. Chart Showing the Respondents Feel About the Advertisement

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0




8 Fair

0 Bad Percentage

Very Good


Very Bad

No. of Respondents


Table 21 21. Table Showing the Frequency of Purchase by the Respondents

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Duration Weekly Fort Night Once in a Month Daily Total

No of Respondents 12 35 153 -200

Percentage ( % ) 6% 17.5% 76.5% 100%

From the above the table 153 of the respondent buying instant coffee at once in a month and 12 at once in a week.


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of respondents 76.5% buy at once in a month.


Chart 21 21. Chart Showing the Frequency of Purchase by the Respondents

5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Weekly Fort Night No. of Respondents Category 3 Percentage 2.4 4.3 4.4 3.5


2.8 2.5 1.8

Category 4


Table 22 22. Size of Package Preference by Consumers

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Duration Weekly Fort Night Price in a Month Daily Total

No of Respondents 12 35 153 -200

Percentage ( % ) 6% 17.5% 76.5% 100%

It is clear from the above the table out of 200 respondents 125 respondents are preferring 100 Grams and 50 are preferring 200 grams and 25 are preferring 50 grams.


It is inferred from the above analysis, a majority of the respondents 62.5% Preferring the 100 Grams.


Chart 22 22. Size of Package Preference by Consumers

4 No. of Respondents Percentage 2 Series 3

0 Weekly Fort Night Once in a Month Daily


Table 23 23. Table Showing the Place where Consumers Buying Instant Coffee

S. No. 1 2 3 4

Place Retail Shop Departmental Store Chain Store Others Total

No of Respondents 190 10 200

Percentage ( % ) 95% 5% 100%

The above table shows that 190 respondents are buying instant coffee from a retail shop and 10 from Departmental Store.


It is inferred from the above analysis , a majority of the respondents 95% buying instant coffee from retail Shop.


Chart 23 23. Chart Showing the Place where Consumers Buying Instant Coffee

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Retail Shop Departmental Store Chain store Others No. of Respondents Percentage



FINDINGS 31.5 % of respondents are giving more importance for personal care. 55% of the respondents were female. 35% of the respondents were employees. 33% of respondent's family income level is 5000 & above. All the respondents aware the instant coffee. 45% of the respondents are using Sunrise coffee. 95% of the respondents regularly using instant coffee for more than 10 years. 45%of the respondents were fair on price. 46.5% of the respondents considered quality as good. 60% had considered the smell of instant coffee as good. 45% had considered the freshness of instant coffee as good. 45%considered colour of instant coffee as fair. 55% had considered the taste of instant coffee as good. 47.5% were motivated by advertisement of instant coffee. 92.5% had considered T.V. as the best mode of advertisement. 80% of the respondents seeking price reduction. All are seeing the advertisements. 59% have seen the advertisement of instant coffee through T.V. 91% feel that advertisement of instant coffee is good. 76.5% buy at once in a month. 62.5 % of the respondents preferring the 100gms. 95% of the respondents buying from retail shop.

SUGGESTIONS Efforts should be taken to improve the colour and reduce the price of instant coffee. It is better to play more number and different style of advertisement is essential. The Advertisement gives through the model person and cine Actress. It is better to add one more taste of instant coffee.


CONCLUSION The consumers when using a product for a long period feel some what differ from others as they as4hey are using a product which is not favor of colour, smell and freshness, so effective concentration on Colour, Smell and Freshness is being importance one.

The price is also an important factor in sales of the instant coffee. If all the manufacturers reduce the price to some level that they can improve their sales rather than other beverage. Sales Promotion Techniques have to be taken to increase sales. All the kinds of people demanding some sales Promotion from the manufacturers. So, the success of the product depends on the above factors especially on Advertisement.


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