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Back Flashover Protection Performance Analysis of 220kV Double Circuit Transmission Line

Wu Shuwen
School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan, China
AbstractBecause of the larger trigger lighting area, 220kV double circuit transmission line is more vulnerable by lightning, and shielding failure and back flashover are more prominent. Therefore, the accurate assessment of the lightning protection performance of 220kV double circuit transmission line is crucial to ensure the security and stability of the transmission network. This paper presents the main result of a back flashover simulation model for double circuit transmission line using Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP), this model include lighting source model, transmission line model, tower impulse current response model, insulator string flashover model, footing impedance model and induced voltage component model. Based on this model, this paper do some simulation to research in the influence that the tower height, footing impedance, soil resistivity and insulation strength have on the lighting protection performance of the 220kV double circuit transmission line. Keywords-back flashover; lightning protection performance; 220kV; double circuit transmission line

Sun Wenxin
School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan, China

line is crucial to ensure the security and stability of the transmission network[5]-[8]. This paper presents the main result of a study aimed at analyzing the sensitivity of the influence parameters of the back flashover in 220kV double circuit transmission line, which is based on the back flashover simulation model for double circuit transmission line using Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP)[9]. II. BACK FLASHOVER SIMULATION MODEL



The overhead transmission line is an important component of the power system, and its operating state determines whether the system can operate safely, reliably and stably. The statistical analysis elaborates that lightning stroke caused about 40% to 70% of the total flashover accidents. Lighting stroke has become one of the main faults in the transmission line. In some area with frequent lightning activity, high soil resistivity and complex terrain, the transmission lines are more likely to be struck by lightning. And as the economy develops, the line voltage grade gradually increases, so do the flashover accidents caused by the lighting strikes[1]-[4]. Therefore, the accurate assessment of lightning protection performance is of great significance to the design and construction of the transmission line, especially to the improvement of the stability of the power system. As the main line in the transmission grid, the safe and stable operation of the 220kV line is becoming a main problem in the power system. Because of the larger trigger lighting area, 220kV double circuit transmission line is more vulnerable by lightning, and shielding failure and back flashover are more prominent. Therefore, the accurate assessment of the lightning protection performance of 220kV double circuit transmission

A. Lightning Current Waveform and Lightning Channel Impedance Lightning current waveform parameters include: lightning current amplitude, wave-front and wave-tail time. Results show that the lightning current wave-front will last in the range of 1.0 ~ 5.0s, the average is about 2.0 ~ 2.5s. This paper selects double exponential waveform 2.6/50.0s as a simulation of the lightning current wave source. In the calculation, the surge impedance of the lightning channel should be taken as 400[10]. B. Transmission Line Model Compared to the power frequency parameters, electrical circuit parameters change a lot under the lightning strike. In this simulation, we will use frequency dependent (based on phase field transformation) transmission line model, this model can calculate the changing line impedance under different frequency by entering line structure parameters, which is corresponding to the JMarti transmission line model in EMTP. C. Tower Model Surge impedance method is to regard the injection current wave approximately as a plane wave when the lightning strikes the tower, and use the centralized surge impedance model to simulate the current propagation process in the tower, and then to get tower top potential and the injection component of the voltage across the insulator strings. Based on the surge impedance theory, according to the different structure properties of the tower, multi-surge impedance will separate the tower into multiple surge impedance, making the current wave reflection in the tower is more consistent with the actual

978-1-4244-6255-1/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

situation. The equivalent multi-surge impedance model is shown in Figure 1.

In the formula, L(t) refers to the length of the leader propagation in m; u(t)- voltage across the gap in kV; D- length of the gap in m; E0 is the field strength in the gap when the leader development starts in kV/m; k is the leader coefficient in 2/(skV2 ), which is related to the type of the insulation and the polarity of the voltage. In this simulation, k=1.1, E0500.0 kV/m. E. Footing Impedance Model The surge impedance of the footing is influenced by the current amplitude and frequency, it shows a nonlinear property. In this paper, we use the formula (6) recommended by IEC to calculate the footing impedance under the surge current[12]. R0 (6) RT = 1+ I Ig R0 refers to the footing impedance at low surge current; I is the stroke current through the impedance; Ig is the limiting current to initiate sufficient soil ionization:

dL u (t ) = ku (t ) E0 dt DL


Ig =

E0 2 R0 2


Where, is the soil resistivity (m) and E0 is the soil ionization gradient (kV/m).
Figure 1. Equivalent distributed constant line

Model of the transmission tower hk is the height of the cross arm; rTk and rB are the radii at the top and the base of a cylinder; RTk and RB are the distances between two adjacent cylinders at the top and the base of the conductor; ZAk refers to the cross arm wave impedance; ZTk is the main leg surge impedance; ZLk is the bracing surge impedance[11]. Main leg surge impedance
2 2hk Z Tk = 60 2 ln r ek

F. The Calculation of the Induced Overvoltage In this paper, we use the formula recommended by the State Grid Electric Power Research Institute to calculate the induced voltage[13][14]: 0.2 3 2 U 1 .331.7 ( 71+1.754hc 0.01088hc2+1.935105hc3) I0.1706hc (1k0) (8) i= Where, hc is the average height of the line to the ground; I is the amplitude of the lighting current. III. INFLUENCE PARAMETERS TO THE BACK FLASHOVER Take the tower model shown in Figure 2 as the analyze object, perform the sensitivity analyze of the influence parameters to the back flashover protection performance in the 220kV double circuit transmission line.


Where, rek is the equivalent radii of the main leg. Bracing surge impedance
rek = 21/8 ( rTk1/3rB2/3 )


1/3 2/3 3/4 Tk B


(3) In Hara tower model, the length of bracing is multiplied by 1.5 times. Cross arm surge impedance
Z Lk = 9ZTk
Z Ak = 60 ln 2hk rAk


rA refers to the equivalent length of the cross arm, in the calculation, it is chosen as 1/4 of the width of the arms at the junction point. D. The Flashover Mechanism of Insulator Strings A flashover occurs in the insulator strings when the leader propagation crosses the gap, in this paper we use the leader propagation rate formula recommended by CIGRE WG33.01:

is an effective way to improve the performance and lower the back flashover rate.
TABLE II. Footing impedance/ Back flashover protection performance of /kA Back flashover rate/(100km a) THE INFLUENCE OF THE FOOTING RESISTANCE TO BACK FLASHOVER RATE 5 7 10 15 20 25













C. The Influence of the Soil Resistivity Sensitivity study is performed to analyze the influence of the towers soil resistivity; the results are shown in TABLE III. In the same height, as the impedance increases, the return stroke withstanding level is dropping and the back flashover rate is rising. Thus, soil resistivity has a significant influence on the back flashover protection performance of the tower, and to reduce the soil resistivity is an effective way to improve the performance and lower the back flashover rate.
TABLE III. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the transmission tower soil resistivity /m Back flashover protection performance of /kA Back flashover rate/(100km a) THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOIL RESISTIVITY TO BACK FLASHOVER RATE 100 200 300 500 1000 2000

A. The Influence of the Transmission Tower Height This paper is based on the typical size of tower in Figure 2, when the soil resistivity is 500m, calculating the back flashover protection performance in the height of 18m, 24m, 36m, 42m, 48m. TABLE I show that the height of transmission line tower has an obvious influence on the performance, for example, as the height increased from 18m to 42m, the back flashover protection performance was significantly lower.
TABLE I. Height/m Back flashover protection performance of /kA Back flashover rate/(100km a) THE INFLUENCE OF THE HEIGHT TO BACK FLASHOVER RATE 18 87 24 81 30 76 36 71 42 66 48 62



















B. The Influence of the Footing Resistance Sensitivity study is performed to analyze the influence of the towers footing resistance; the results are shown in TABLE II. In the same height, with the increase of the footing resistance, the return stroke withstanding level is dropping and the back flashover rate is rising. Thus, footing impedance has a significant influence on the back flashover protection performance of the tower, and to reduce the footing impedance

D. The Influence of the Insulation Strength Sensitivity study is performed to analyze the influence of the towers insulation strength (the number of the insulator), the results are shown in TABLE IV. In the same height, footing resistance and soil resistivity, as the insulation strength increases, the return stroke withstanding level is rising and the flashover rate is dropping. Thus, soil resistivity has a significant influence on the back flashover protection performance of the tower, and to strengthen the insulation strength of the transmission line is an effective way to improve the back flashover protection performance and lower the back flashover rate.

way to improve the back flashover protection performance and lower the back flashover rate.
TABLE IV. THE INFLUENCE OF THE INSULATION STRENGTH TO BACK FLASHOVER RATE Adding none insulator 0mm Adding 1 piece of insulator 146mm Adding 2 piece of insulator\ 2*146mm Adding 3 piece of insulator 3*146mm [1] [2] [3]

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Insulation strength Back flashover protection performance of /kA Back flashover rate/(100km a)









[4] [5] [6]


[7] [8] [9]

In this paper, a 220kV double circuit transmission line flashover simulation model based on EMTP is introduced, with this model it analyze the influence parameters to the back flashover protection performance including transmission height, footing impedance, soil resistivity and insulation strength. 1. The back flashover protection performance is weakened by the increase of the height of the transmission line, and the higher the height, the greater the amplitude of the back flashover rate is. 2. The footing impedance has a great influence on the back flashover protection performance, the larger the footing impedance, the bigger the back flashover rate is. 3. As the soil resistivity increases, the back flashover protection performance is weakened, and the back flashover rate is rising. 4. The insulation strength also has a significant influence on the back flashover protection performance, and to strengthen the insulation strength of the transmission line is an effective



[12] [13] [14]

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