Chapter 40 A World Without Border Quiz Questions

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Chapter 40 A World without Borders

1. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) started ith !" non#omm$nist nations in 1%&'( and )* 1%%& as $+ to ho man* nations, a. "). &! #. .. d. '1 e. 1!" / (+. 11"') !. 0hi#h of these organi1ations has de2elo+ed into a for$m for settling international trade dis+$tes, a. 3orth Ameri#an Treat* Organi1ation. ). 0arsa Pa#t. #. United 3ations. d. 0orld Trade Organi1ation. / e. Organi1ation of Petrole$m E4+orting Co$ntries. (+. 11"') ". 0hi#h of the follo ing as not one of the 5little tigers6, a. Thailand. / ). Hong 7ong. #. 8inga+ore. d. 8o$th 7orea. e. Tai an. (+. 11"%) &. The Asian e#onomi# #risis )egan in 1%%' in hat #o$ntr*, a. China. ). Thailand. / #. Hong 7ong. d. 9a+an. e. 8o$th 7orea. (+. 11&-) .. The most famo$s and most strongl* integrated regional )lo# is a. OPEC. ). A8EA3. #. the E$ro+ean Union. / d. 3A:TA. e. the 0arsa Pa#t. (+. 11&-) ;. OPEC is a. the remnant of the old Comm$nist )lo# nations. ). an asso#iation of so$theast Asian nations. #. a militar* ing of the United 3ations. d. an oil<+rod$#ing #artel. / e. designed to sto+ the s+read of #omm$nism. (+. 11&1)

'. 8ara as a. the ife of 9$an Per=n. ). the >$ssian e#onomist ho had the greatest infl$en#e on Mi?hail Gor)a#he2@s +hiloso+h*. #. the 8o$th Asian >earmament A##ord. d. the #om+$ter +rogram hose #rash #a$sed finan#ial #haos in 1%%'. e. the Iranian doll designed to #om+ete ith Aar)ie. / (+. 11&") B. 0hat as MaCid Ghaderi( the dire#tor of Iran@s Instit$te for the Intelle#t$al De2elo+ment of Children and Eo$ng Ad$lts( +ro+osed that it 5is li?e a TroCan Horse. Inside it( it #arries 0estern #$lt$ral infl$en#es.6, a. The Internet. ). Tele2ision. #. 0indo s E4+lorer. d. Aar)ie. / e. M#Donald@s. (+. 11&") %. Ameri#ani1ation refers to a. the homogeni1ing of glo)al #$lt$re. / ). the s+read of li)eral demo#ra#* thro$gho$t the glo)e. #. the s+read of U.8.<finan#ed high te#hnolog*. d. the #entral role that U.8. finan#ial instit$tions +la* in the orld mar?et. e. the s+read of Latin Ameri#an infl$en#es to the U.8. mar?et. (+. 11&&) 1-. The s+read of U.8. mass #$lt$re a. is el#omed aro$nd the orld. ). +ro2ides a standard of F$alit* that did not e4ist )efore. #. is 2ie ed as the first +ositi2e ste+ in the #reation of a tr$l* glo)al Ameri#an em+ire. d. is al a*s feared at all times. e. is often seen as a threat to lo#al or indigeno$s #$lt$res. / (+. 11&&) 11. Ae#a$se of the rise of #omm$ni#ation te#hnolog*( o)ser2ers ha2e la)eled toda*@s era the a. age of an4iet*. ). age of entertainment. #. age of a##ess. / d. age of intr$sion. e. age of +ri2a#*. (+. 11&.) 1!. The ne age of glo)al inter#onne#tedness a. has the +otential to ens$re #om+lete eF$alit* among nations. ). eliminates the distin#tion )et een 5#onne#ted6 and 5$n#onne#ted.6 #. +ro2ides the last( )est #han#e for $ni2ersal litera#*. d. #arries the threat for mass media to a#t as a 2ehi#le for #$lt$ral im+erialism. / e. ens$res the #ontin$ed 2i#tor* of #a+italism o2er #omm$nism. (+. 11&.)

1". The term wangguan refers to a. the nati2e Ameri#an )elief that the earth ill re#laim its gifts from an $ngratef$l h$man +o+$lation. ). do r* death. #. Mi?hail Gor)a#he2@s +lea for 5o+enness.6 d. the Indonesian antiglo)ali1ation. e. the 5net all6 that China has attem+ted to #onstr$#t to ?ee+ o$t the Internet. / (+. 11&;) 1&. The orld@s +o+$lation in#reases )* GGGGGGGG e2er* *ear. a. !--(--). ;--(--#. &(.--(--d. 1!(---(--e. 1--(---(--- / (+. 11&') 1.. It is estimated that )* !!-- the +o+$lation of the earth ill rea#h a. &.! )illion. ). ..' )illion. #. 11.; )illion. / d. 1..& )illion. e. 1B.% )illion. (+. 11&') 1;. In 1%%& the +o+$lation of the earth stood at a. ! )illion. ). ".. )illion. #. &." )illion d. ... )illion. / e. B )illion. (+. 11&') 1'. In 1%%B the +o+$lation of Asia as a. ro$ghl* eF$al to that of 3orth Ameri#a. ). t i#e as large as that of 3orth Ameri#a. #. three times as large as that of 3orth Ameri#a. d. fo$r times as large as that of 3orth Ameri#a. e. t el2e times as large as that of 3orth Ameri#a. / (+. 11&') 1B. The a$thor of Silent Spring as a. Da A$ng 8an 8$$ 7*i. ). Aena1ar Ah$to. #. Aett* :riedan. d. 8imone de Aea$2oir. e. >a#hel Carson. / (+. 11&%) 1%. Ho man* million #hildren )et een the ages of fi2e and fo$rteen or? aro$nd the orld, a. ". ). 11. #. "!. d. B'. e. !.-. / (+. 11.!)

!-. In the *ear !--- ho man* million ad$lts and #hildren li2ed ith HIHIAID8, a. one. ). fo$r. #. ele2en. d. thirt*<si4. / e. se2ent*<three. (+. 11.") !1. Eight* +er#ent of the #hildren ith HIHIAID8 li2e in a. Afri#a. / ). 3orth Ameri#a. #. 8o$th Ameri#a. d. E$ro+e. e. East Asia. (+. 11.&) !!. An e4am+le of a 3GO is a. Green+ea#e. / ). Al Jaeda. #. :ran#e. d. 3A8A. e. OPEC. (+. 11.') !". In the Islami# orld hat +er#entage of omen are in the or?for#e, a. .-. ). ".. #. !-. d. 1-. / #. !. (+. 11.%) !&. The EF$al >ights Amendment in the United 8tates a. ens$red eF$al +a* for omen. ). ens$red go2ernment s$++ort for re+rod$#ti2e rights. #. dramati#all* in#reased the +a* of omen. d. as s$#h a s$##ess that it as #o+ied aro$nd the orld. e. as ne2er ratified. / (+. 11;-) !.. The onl* #o$ntries that transformed their legal s*stems to ens$re )asi# eF$alit* for omen ere a. Islami# #o$ntries. ). estern E$ro+ean #o$ntries. #. Latin Ameri#an #o$ntries. d. #omm$nist #o$ntries. / e. 3orth Ameri#an #o$ntries. (+. 11;-) !;. China@s +o+$lation +oli#* a. limits #o$+les to one #hild. / ). en#o$rages families to ha2e as man* #hildren as +ossi)le. #. has #reated a #om+li#ated )$t logi#al form$la t*ing n$m)er of #hildren to e#onomi# ell<)eing. d. s$ggests that #o$+les ha2e no more than fo$r #hildren. e. as #o+ied from the s$##essf$l Indian +oli#*. (+. 11;-)

!'. One $ns$s+e#ted #onseF$en#e of China@s one<#hild famil* r$le is a. a +re#i+ito$s dro+ in the Chinese +o+$lation. ). the need to 5im+ort6 omen of a marriagea)le age. #. the m*ster* of a half million 5missing6 girls e2er* *ear. / d. re+eated antigo2ernmental $+risings in the #o$ntr*side. e. the loo+hole that allo s the Chinese to ado+t as man* #hildren as the* ant. (+. 11;-) !B. In the 1%B-s the illitera#* rate for Indian omen stood at a. 1- +er#ent. ). !- +er#ent. #. &- +er#ent. d. .- +er#ent. e. '. +er#ent. / (+. 11;1) !%. Do r* deaths are a maCor +ro)lem fa#ing omen in a. India. / ). China. #. 8a$dia Ara)ia. d. the former 8o2iet Union. e. Me4i#o. (+. 11;1) "-. The M*anmar leader ho on the 3o)el Pea#e Pri1e in 1%%1 is a. Indira Gandhi. ). Aena1ir Ah$to. #. Ar$ndhati >o*. d. Da A$ng 8an 8$$ 7*i. / e. Chandri?a Aandaranai?e 7$marat$nga. (+. 11;!) "1. The first female +resident of 8ri Lan?a as a. Chandri?a Aandaranai?e 7$marat$nga. / ). Indira Gandhi. #. Da A$ng 8an 8$$ 7*i. d. Aena1ir Ah$to. e. Ar$ndhati >o*. (+. 11;!) "!. In 1%%; the largest $r)an area in the orld( ith a total +o+$lation of aro$nd !' million( as a. Me4i#o Cit*. ). 8ao Pa$lo. #. 3e Eor? Cit*. d. Aom)a*. e. To?*o. / (+. 11;&)

Mat#h the terms )elo to F$estions "" thro$gh && a. Do r* death ). 0TO #. Rainbow Warrior d. One<#hild famil* r$le e. Da A$ng 8an 8$$ 7*i f. Osama )in Laden "". "&. ".. ";. "'. "B. "%. &-. &1. &!. &". &&. g. Mao Kedong h. Aena1ir Ah$to i. >a#hel Carson C. Wangguan ?. M#Donaldi1ation l. M$Cahideen

3o)el Pea#e Pri1e inner from M*anmar ?no n for her 5gateside meetings.6 (e) China. (d) Great Lea+ :or ard. (g) Leading Organi1ation in +romoting free trade. ()) 3et all. (C) Leader of al Jaeda. (f) Islami# arriors. (l) Ameri#an infl$en#e. (?) female leader of Pa?istan. (h) Green+ea#e flagshi+. (#) Silent Spring. (i) India. (a)

IDE3TI:ICATIO3 JUE8TIO3 8t$dents sho$ld )e a)le to des#ri)e the follo ing ?e* terms( #on#e+ts( indi2id$als( and +la#es( and e4+lain their signifi#an#e. Terms and Con#e+ts
&.. &;. &'. &B. &%. .-. .1. .!. Aar)ie 8ara Li##a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 0orld Trade Organi1ation (0TO) 3orth Ameri#an :ree Trade Agreement (3A:TA) Ameri#ani1ation M#Donaldi1ation 53. .&. ... .;. .'. .B. .%. ;-. ;1. Wangguan One<#hild famil* r$le Carr*ing #a+a#it* Al Jaeda Aiodi2ersit* Glo)al arming >ed Cross Green+ea#e United 3ations

;!. Da A$ng 8an 8$$ 7*i ;". Osama )in Laden ;&. >a#hel Carson ;.. Mi?hail Gor)a#he2 ;;. Indira Gandhi ;'. Aena1ir Ah$to

Ma+ Identifi#ation

;B. ;%. '-. '1. '!. '". '&.

German* 8o2iet Union Poland United 8tates C1e#hoslo2a?ia >omania H$ngar*

'.. ';. ''. 'B. '%. B-.

Estonia Lat2ia Lith$ania Peo+le@s >e+$)li# of China C$)a 3orth 7orea

B1. 0hen tal?ing a)o$t the dangers of en2ironmental damage( >a#hel Carson arned that 5A grim s+e#ter has #re+t $+on $s almost $nnoti#ed( and this imagined traged* ma* easil* )e#ome a star? realit*.6 In hat a*s are h$mans a threat to the s$r2i2al of the +lanet, B!. 0hat role has te#hnolog* and mass #omm$ni#ation +la*ed in the formation of toda*@s orld, Ho does re+orting the ne s sometimes #a$se the ne s to ha++en, 0h* are some nations afraid of the #omm$ni#ation re2ol$tion of toda*@s orld, Can it )e sto++ed, Is there a do nside to the age of a##ess, B". 0hat roles ha2e international organi1ations s$#h as the United 3ations and Green+ea#e +la*ed in toda*@s orld, Ho ill the* #ontin$e to sha+e the f$t$re, B&. 0hat are the e#ologi#al #hallenges fa#ing the +lanet toda*, Ho great of a threat is the e4+losi2e +o+$lation gro th( es+e#iall* in the de2elo+ing orld, B.. Ho ha2e the mass migrations of +eo+le sha+ed the orld toda*, Ho are these migrations hel+ing to )rea? do n )o$ndaries, 0hat are the dangers, B;. E4amine #on#e+ts s$#h as Ameri#ani1ation and M#Donaldi1ation. Ho infl$ential is the United 8tates in the orld toda*, 0h* are some #o$ntries frightened )* this infl$en#e, B'. MaCid Ghaderi( the designer of the Iranian 8ara doll( said thisL 5Aar)ie is an Ameri#an oman ho ne2er ants to get +regnant and ha2e )a)ies. 8he ne2er ants to loo? old( and this #ontradi#ts o$r

#$lt$re.6 0hat does this statement sa* a)o$t Ameri#an and Iranian so#iet* and #$lt$reMand their +er#e+tion of ea#h other, BB. E4amine the #on#e+t of do r* deaths. Ho serio$s of a +ro)lem is this +henomenon, 0hat does it sa* a)o$t the stat$s of omen in the de2elo+ing orld, B%. 0hat does the ord wangguan mean, 0hat are the im+li#ations of this #on#e+t, Ho does it re+resent the ne +ro)lems of a #hanging orld, %-. Dis#$ss China@s one<#hild famil* r$le. 0hat o$ld dri2e the Chinese to ta?e s$#h a drasti# ste+, Ha2e there )een an* $ne4+e#ted +ro)lems asso#iated ith this r$le, Com+are this r$le to a#tions ta?en )* Indira Gandhi to slo India@s +o+$lation gro th. Ho diffi#$lt is +o+$lation #ontrol to enfor#e,


%1. A##ording to the ma+ of +eo+le ith HIHIAID8 on +age 11."( hat areas fa#e the gra2est threats, 0h* do *o$ thin? the e+idemi# is #entered in #ertain areas, %!. 8t$d* the ma+ of +eo+le ith HIHIAID8 on +age 11.". In hat a*s does the strain of HIHIAID8 damage a so#iet*,


%". Loo? at the +i#t$re of the 7$ aiti man #arr*ing the tele2ision set on +age 11&;. 0hat #an this +i#t$re tell $s a)o$t the dominant role of Ameri#an finan#ial( te#hnologi#al( and #$lt$ral might, %&. 8t$d* the leading +o+$lation areas on +age 11&'. 0hat #hallenges does a h$ge +o+$lation )ring, 0hat do the areas ith an e4traordinar* +o+$lation gro th rate ha2e in #ommon, 3o loo? at the list of the largest #ities on +age 11;&. 0hat do the t o lists ha2e in #ommon, %.. Loo? at the +i#t$res of omen on +ages 11.% and 11;1. 0hat are some of the +ro)lems fa#ing omen in the orld toda*, Is there a lin? )et een the demands of a gro$+ s$#h as the 3ational Organi1ation for 0omen and the more )asi# +$sh for litera#* and ed$#ation in the Islami# orld, %;. E4amine the +oster on +age 11.1. 0h* o$ld China im+lement a one<#hild famil* r$le, 0hat are some of the +o+$lation +ress$res fa#ing the orld toda*, Are there other efforts ongoing aro$nd the orld to slo do n +o+$lation gro th, 3o loo? at the +o+$lation ta)le on +age 11&'. Com+are the +o+$lation fig$res )et een Asia and 3orth Ameri#a. %'. Loo? at the +i#t$re of 3o)el Pri1e inner Da A$ng 8an 8$$ 7*i on +age 11;!. 0hat role are female +oliti#al leaders +la*ing aro$nd the orld, Dis#$ss the strides made )* Indira Gandhi and Aana1ir Ah$to. Com+are these a##om+lishments to the e2er*da* life of omen. %B. 8t$d* the +i#t$res on +ages 11;. and 11;;. 0hat role does internal and e4ternal migration +la* in toda*@s orld,

%%. >ead the sele#tion dra n from >a#hel Carson@s Silent Spring on +age 11&%. 0hat o$ld #a$se a 5silent s+ring6, 0hat as the danger, 1--.8t$d* >a#hel Carson@s ords on +age 11&%. 0h* did she #om+are +esti#ides to a 5shado of death6, Ho does her stor* e4+ress the #onfli#t )et een an e4+anding +o+$lation and the fragile role of

nat$re, Does this stor* also s+ea? to the #onfli#t )et een #or+orate Ameri#a and the rights of the indi2id$al,

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