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OBSERVATION AND MAKING INFERENCES DEFINITION Observation Observation is a process to state or explain about an object or phenomenon that happens

. Observation uses the sense of sight , hearing , smell , taste and touch . If observation is made on more than one object or situation , we have to make comparison . Without comparison , the observation will not be precise . Inference It is a process of making an early conclusion to explain an event or object using experiences . Past experiences are used as the main foundation in making the early conclusion . onclusions that are made might be true or false . STEPS IN ANSWERING OBSERVATION AND INFERENCE !. #. %. "irst carefully observe the objects or graphs . $ake any additional observation that are related to the surrounding objects or graphs . &tate explanations or reasons to why they happen .

G IDE IN WRITING ANSWERS 'here are # methods in writing the answers on making inference are as follows ( !. #. %. &tate the observation and give reasons to why it happens . )ive reasons on the events without prior observation . If the *uestions is on comparison , the answer must show the comparison by using words like more , while and comparison itself .

MISTAKES DONE !. #. &tudents state observations without the reasons . &tudents fail to give the additional observation because they are unable to make the observation conscientiously .

PREDICTING DEFINITION + process of making a forecast about what will happen in the future based on observation , prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data that is acceptable truth . ANSWERING STAGES , -se prior current data to forecast event that will happen in the future . , -se specific and relevant data as expected prove . , .erify expectation based on data or experiences . , , , &tating the probable cause and effects due to an action . Predict data to a new situation . /ifferentiate prediction and guessing .

G IDE IN ANSWERING , , , , Identify the data trend of change or an event . +ble to predict what will happen if the same experiment is repeated at the same or different situation . +nswering prediction in numerals can be made based on the changes 0 increasing or decreasing 1 on every readings if the data are in numerals . Prediction answers can be given if the information are in sentences , words or pictures 0 items that cannot be calculated using numbers 1.

MISTAKES DONE , , , andidate answering the *uestions without doing the right calculation . andidate answering using statements that are too general and inappropriate . andidate unable to clarify the increasing and decreasing scale in the data .

MAKING !"POT!ESES DEFINITION , , , 2ypotheses are general statements about objects or events based on explainable observation . 2ypotheses are built based on inferences made on a certain investigation or fair test . 2ypotheses are relationship between two variables , the what to change 0 manipulated 1 variable and the what to observe or measure 0 response 1 variable .

STEPS IN ANSWERING , , , , , , Identify the what to change 0 manipulated 1 variable . Identify the what to observe 3 measure 0 response 1 variable . 4ou must state what happen to the thing to measure3observe 0whether increases or decreases1 if the thing to change is increased or decreased. /o not mention the what to keep the same 0 constant 1 variables in the hypotheses . 5very variables written in the hypothesis must have the 6 parameter 7 . 2ypotheses can be written in the reversible facts .

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