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The diagram shows the position of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon in a straight line.

the Moon the Earth the Sun Which phenomenon will occur? A B C D 2. A new Moon An eclipse on the Moon An eclipse on the Sun The occurrence of day and night

Which eclipse of the Moon is correct ? A


Diagram below shows the positions of the Moon when revolves round the Earth. P

Which positions of P, Q, R and S shows the eclipse of the Sun? A B C D 4. P Q R S

The diagram shows the positions of Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

In this arrangement ..... A B C D 5. there is an eclipse of the Earth there is an eclipse of the Sun there is an eclipse of the Moon there is no eclipse

During an eclipse of the Moon. A B C D the Earth blocks light from the Sun from reaching the Moon the Earth blocks light from the Moon from reaching the Sun the Sun blocks light from the Moon from reaching the Earth the Moon reflects sunlight back to the Sun


Total eclipse of the Sun will last for.... A B C D a few second a few minutes a few hours a few days


An eclipse of the Moon occurs during ..... A B C D a full moon a new moon a crescent moon a first-quarter moon


Diagram below shows a natural phenomenon. Moon


What phenomenon is shown ? A B C D Eclipse of the Moon Phases of the Moon Eclipse of the Sun Occurrence of day and night


Which sequence of an eclipse of the Moon is correct? A B C D P, Q, S, R R, Q, P, S S, R, Q, P R, S, Q, P


Diagram below shows a natural phenomenon.



Phenomenon shown is a ............................................ A B C D Eclipse of the Moon Phases of the Moon Eclipse of the Sun Occurrence of day and night


Which of the following statement is correct ? A partial eclipse of the Sun occurs when ..... A B C D the whole Sun can be seen only a part of the Sun can be seen only a part of the Sun is blocked by the Earth only a part of the Sun is giving out light


An eclipse of the Sun is partly caused by..... I II III IV A B C D the revolution of the Earth round the Sun the revolution of the Moon round the Earth light traveling in a straight line the corona of the Sun I and II only II and III only I, II, and III only I, II, III and IV


During an eclipse of the Sun ..... I II III A B C D animals behave strangely crows starts to sing the atmosphere appears to be eerie I and II only II and III only I and III only I, II and III only


Ahmad shows the following picture to his friends.


Corona ( ring of fire)

This picture shows that ..... A B C D the Moon is behind the Sun the Sun is behind the Moon the Earth is behind the Sun The Earth is behind the Moon


What causes a total eclipse of the Sun? A B C D When a part of the Sun is blocked by the Moon When the Sun is completely blocked by the Moon When the whole of the Moon falls in the shadow of the Earth When the whole of the Moon stops reflecting light


What happens during on eclipse of he Sun? A B C D The Sun stops radiating light The Earth reflects sunlight into outer space The Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon The Moon blocks light from the Sun from reaching the Earth


Which part of the Sun can be seen during a total eclipse of the Sun? A B C D The corona The sunshine The core of the Sun No part of the Sun an be seen


The diagram shows the phenomenon an eclipse of the Moon. What is represented of X, Y and Z?

A B C D Moon Sun Earth Sun

Earth Earth Sun Moon

Sun Moon Moon Earth

The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth The part of the Earth surface did not received the sunlight


The information shows above is the eclipse of the Sun. Which of the following shows this information?

A B C D 20.

Earth, Moon, Sun Sun, Earth, Moon Moon, Sun, Earth Earth, Sun, Moon

Figure below shows various shapes of the moon during its lunar eclipse.

Choose the correct sequence. A B C D 21. P, R, S, T, Q P, Q, S, R, T P, S, Q, T, R P, T, R, Q, S

Which of the following phenomenon happen during the eclipse of the Sun? I II III A B C D The Sun is covered by the Moon The Moons shadow is formed on the Earths surface The Moon reflects sunlight onto the Earth I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II, and III


The diagram shows the position of the Sun. the Earth and the Moon.

Moon Sun Earth

What phenomenon represented if the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are in a straight line? A B C D A full moon An eclipse of the Moon An eclipse of the Sun Phases of the Moon


The Earth The Moon The Star The Sun


The information above shows the objects at the aerospace. Which objects involve in the eclipse phenomenon? A B C D R and T only S and U only R, S and U only S, T and U only


Which of the followings is a property of light that cause eclipse I II III A B C D The light can be reflected The light traveled in straight line The light is blocked by an opaque object II only I and III only II and III only I, II, and III


W, X, Y, and Z in a diagram below shows Moon position at a different time when moves around the Earth. w

Z Sun

X Earth

Which is the correct position of the Moon during the eclipse of the Moon? A B C D W X Y Z


The following picture was taken during an eclipse.



Total darkness What does this picture show ? A B C D A total eclipse of the Sun A total eclipse of the Moon A partial eclipse of the Sun A partial eclipse of the Moon A Sunlight

B Earth Moon D


A, B, C and D in the picture above shows a four position of the Moon when moves around the Earth. At which position A, B, C or D shows the eclipse the Sun?


Why the Sun cannot be seen from the Earth during an eclipse of the Sun? A B C D The Sun has been blocked by the Moon The Sun has been blocked by the Earth The Sun did not produce light The Sun is very far from the Earth


Which is the following involve in the eclipse phenomenon? I II III A B C D The Moon moves around the Earth The Earth moves around the Sun The Earth rotates on its axis II only I and II only II and III only I, II, and III


The figure shows the sequence of an eclipse of the Sun.

Which of the following bar charts shows the sizes of the Sun that we can see during an eclipse of the Sun?

A Size of the Sun that we see


B Size of the Sun that we see

Time C Size of the Sun that we see


D Size of the Sun that we see


31. P, Q, R and S in Diagram 1 are four positions of the Moon as it revolves around the Earth.

Sun Q P Earth S R

Diagram 1 At which position does the phenomenon of eclipse occur? A P B R C P and R D Q and S 32 Which of the following are connected with the phenomenon of eclipse? Rotation of the Earth on its axis I II The Moon revolves around the Earth III The Moon and the Earth revolves around the Sun IV The Moon reflects sunlight A B C D I and II only III and IV only I, II and III only II, III and IV only


A group of pupils gathered at their school to observe an eclipse of the Moon. At what time did they observe the eclipse of the Moon? A 8.00 a.m B 11.00 a.m C 3.00 p.m D 8.00 pm


Diagram 2 shows several positions of the Moon during an eclipse of the Moon.


Diagram 2 Which of the following is true? A B C D 35 X Partial eclipse Partial eclipse No eclipse No eclipse Y Total eclipse No eclipse Partial eclipse No eclipse Z No eclipse Total eclipse Total eclipse Total eclipse

The phenomenon of eclipse occurs because ... light travels in straight lines. I light cannot pass through an opaque object. II the Earth, Moon and Sun lie in a straight line. III A B C D I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III

36. During the eclipse of the Moon, sunlight is blocked by an opaque object. What is the opaque object? A The Earth B The Moon C The Sun D A satellite


The list below shows the properties of light. J K L M Travels in straight lines Cannot pass through an opaque object Is reflected by a shiny surface Can pass through a transparent object

Which properties cause the phenomenon of eclipse? A J and K B J and M C J, K and L D K, L and M 38 Diagram 3 shows the change in the Moons shape that is observed during an eclipse of the Moon.

R Diagram 3

A total eclipse of the Moon occurs at ... A P B R C S D T 39 An eclipse of the Moon occurs when ...... A the Earth moves into the shadow of the Moon. B the Moon moves into the shadow of the Earth C the shadow of the Moon falls on the Earth. D the shadow of the Earth falls on the Moon.

40. Which of the following about an eclipse of the Moon is true? It occurs every year. I II It can be observed with the naked eye. III It changes the shape of the Moon. IV It occurs at the phase of full Moon. A B C D I and II only I, II and III only I, II and IV only II, III and IV only

41. Diagram 4 shows a simulation of an eclipse of the Moon.


globe table tennis ball

Diagram 4 Which of the following observations are true? Light is blocked by the globe. I II The table tennis ball reflects light. III The table tennis ball lies in the shadow of the globe. IV Part of the table tennis ball is covered by the shadow of the globe. A B C D III only I and III only II and IV only I, II and III only

42. Diagram 5 shows an eclipse of the Moon.


Diagram 5 What will happen when the Moon moves from X to Y? A The Moon cannot be seen at all. B The Moon reflects the sunlight to the Earth. C The Moon looks dark grey or brown. D The Moon looks brighter.

43. Which of the following occurs during an eclipse of the Sun? A The Moon lies in the shadow of the Earth. B The Moons shadow covers part of the Earth. C The Moons surface reflects sunlight. D Sunlight is totally blocked by the Moon.

44. Diagram 6 shows an eclipse of the Sun.

Sun Moon Diagram 6 Which of the following about areas P and Q are true? A B C D P No eclipse Total eclipse Total eclipse Partial eclipse Q No eclipse No eclipse Partial eclipse Total eclipse


45. Which of the following is the safe way to observe an eclipse of the Sun? A Observe by using a telescope B Observe with the naked eye C Observe the shadow in water D Observe the reflection on a mirror

46. Diagram 7 shows a scene that can be observed during an eclipse of the Sun.

Diagram 7 What is X in the diagram shown above? A Earth B Moon C Sun D Moons shadow 47 Which of the following shows the situation on the Earth during a total eclipse of the Sun? A The entire Earth becomes dark. B The Earth becomes very cool. C Night-time becomes longer. D Part of the Earth becomes dark.

48. Diagram 8 shows an eclipse of the Sun.


Earth X Moon Diagram 8

Which of the following about the situation in the area labelled X are true? X becomes very dark. I II A total eclipse of the Sun can be observed from X. III The Moon appears to be shining from X. A B C D II only I and II only I and III only I, II and III

49. Which of the following causes an eclipse of the Sun? A The Moon reflects sunlight. B Sunlight is blocked by the Earth. C The Moon lies between the Sun and the Earth. D The Earth lies between the Sun and the Moon. 50. The Moon blocks sunlight during an eclipse of the Sun. The Moons shadow falls on part of the Earths surface during an eclipse of the Sun.

Which of the following cause the above to happen during an eclipse of the Sun? Sunlight travels in straight lines. I II The Moon is an opaque object. III The Moon lies between the Sun and the Earth. IV The Moon, the Sun and the Earth lie in a straight line. A B C D I and III only II and IV only I, III and IV only I, II, III and IV

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