The Garden of Eve: Kristin Raper Ed 224

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kr|st|n kaper
Ld 224
!"# %&'(#) *+ ,-#
8y k.L. Go|ng
noughton M|ff||n narcourt ub||sh|ng Company
Iantasy I|ct|on
240 pages

1old from Lhe vlewpolnL of a Len year old glrl named Lve, who has recenLly losL her moLher afLer
a baLLle wlLh cancer. She and her faLher move from Mlchlgan Lo 8eaumonL, new ?ork. Per faLher has
purchased an apple orchard LhaL Lhe Lownspeople Lhlnk ls cursed, oh and Lhe new house Lhey llve ln ls
rlghL nexL Lo Lhe Lown cemeLery. Lve and her faLher are boLh sLruggllng wlLh Lhelr grlef from Lhe loss of
Lve's moLher. Lve ls glven a mysLerlous seed for her 11
blrLhday and when she planLs lL ln Lhe apple
orchard, along wlLh her new frlend who clalms Lo be a ghosL, Lhe seed sprouLs lnLo a beauLlful Lree and
Lakes Lhem on a [ourney Lo a beauLlful place, where Lve ls cerLaln her moLher ls walLlng for her. 1he
sLory prompLs Lhe deeply personal quesLlons of whaL lL means Lo be allve, and begs Lhe reader Lo ask
whaL mlghL be walLlng for us on Lhe oLher slde.
ersona| kesponse:
1he feellng of grlef and loss ls so sLrong ln Lhls book, l had my hankle ln my hand durlng several
parLs of Lhls sLory. As a moLher of an 11 year old daughLer, Lo hear Lhe sLory from Lhe polnL of a glrl
grlevlng Lhe loss of her moLher was profound. 1he auLhor does such a good [ob of descrlblng Lhe
everyday Lhlngs LhaL are now no longer Laken for granLed. And how faLher and daughLer are Lrylng Lo
brldge Lhe vold lefL by Lhe loss of Lhe person who was Lhe glue of Lhe famlly. When Lve dlscovers her
new home ls nexL door Lo a cemeLery, and a creepy, haunLed one aL LhaL, l compleLely undersLood her
anger aL her dad for Laklng her away from Lhe cemeLery she wanLed Lo be near, Lhe one where her
moLher was burled.
Strengths ] Weaknesses:
S: SLrong sLory wlLh powerful emoLlonal elemenLs ln lL, whlch sLudenLs could easlly relaLe Lo.
1he sLory never geLs preachy or rellglous, and does an excellenL [ob of prompLlng Lhe reader Lo quesLlon
common assumpLlons. 1he sLory weaves ln elemenLs of famlly, loss, hopes, and dreams and Lakes Lhe
reader on a [ourney LhaL lllusLraLes how darkness and despalr can Lurn lnLo beauLy beyond Lhe ordlnary.
W: l wonder how boys would relaLe Lo Lhls book, l had a very emoLlonal connecLlon Lo lL. l am
noL so sure 3
and 6
grade boys would appreclaLe Lrylng Lo read Lhls book ln a classroom. l also
LhoughL LhaL some lllusLraLlons could have helped Lhe sLory Lelllng. When Lve and her frlend cross over
Lo Lhe beauLlful place, l had Lo slow down and re-read Lo geL Lhe full plcLure of Lhe descrlpLlve elemenLs
whlch were so lmporLanL Lo Lhe sLory.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
l Lhlnk Lhls book would be mosL approprlaLe for grades 4-6
. 1hls age group would relaLe well Lo
Lhe mysLery and lnLrlgue of Lhe sLory. 1he frlendshlp beLween Lve and her new frlend would challenge
some of Lhe concreLe Lhlnklng Lhls age group does. l Lhlnk Lhls book would be greaL for lndependenL
readlng for 4-3
grades, accompanled by havlng Lhe reader [ournal Lhelr personal response. 1hls book
could also be used as a small group readlng asslgnmenL wlLh a book Lalk Lo follow Lhe readlng. 1hls book
could also be used for any sLudenL who may be golng Lhrough Lhe grlef process. l also Lhlnk book could
be used Lo pose Lhe quesLlon Lo sLudenLs of whaL Lhey Lhlnk happens ln Lhe afLerllfe (belng exLremely
careful of Lhe rellglous elemenLs). l sLlll feel Lhls book would be beLLer recelved by female sLudenLs
versus boys because of Lhe emoLlonal elemenLs, maybe afLer l am ln Lhe classroom for a few years, l
may come Lo reallze LhaL Lhls ls noL as slgnlflcanL as l Lhlnk lL ls.
Cther books I read] wou|d cons|der for th|s genre:
!"# %&'("#)* by 8oald uahl
+,-./ '"# 0&11#.* by MargareL aLLerson Paddlx
2-34&. 5#(6#')* by Wllllam Alexander
!"# .7,# -8 '"&) 9--: &) 5#(6#'* by seudonymous 8osch

kr|st|n kaper
Ld 224
Annotat|on- n|stor|ca| I|ct|on
.)# /'&01 2344#'
8y k|ta W||||ams-Garc|a
Am|stad] narper Co|||ns
n|stor|ca| I|ct|on - Character|st|c of D|fference - Lthn|c|ty
281 pages
1old from Lhe vlewpolnL of 11 year old uelphlne, as she and her Lwo younger slsLer's Lravel from
Lhelr home ln 8rooklyn, new ?ork, Lo Cakland Callfornla, Lo spend Lhe summer wlLh Lhe moLher LhaL
abandoned Lhem years before. lL ls Lhe summer of 1968, aL Lhe helghL of Lhe 8lack anLher movemenL,
and Lhelr moLher ls resenLful of Lhe lnLruslon LhaL Lhe vlslL causes ln her llfe. lL ls a summer of clashes
beLween moLher and daughLers, culLures, pollLlcs, and emoLlons.
ersona| kesponse:
1here ls a very sLrong feellng of famlly, and whaL lL means Lo be a famlly ln Lhls book. l easlly
made several connecLlons Lo my own llfe. l am Lhe sLep-moLher of Lhree daughLers, and have waLched
Lhem sLruggle wlLh Lhe wounds of dlvorce and abandonmenL. As Lhe older chlld ln my own famlly, l
could easlly relaLe Lo Lhe expecLaLlon of havlng Lo sLep ln and be responslble beyond my years, when my
own parenLs dlvorced. Pavlng Lraveled Lo San lranclsco several Llmes, l could connecL Lo Lhe feellng of
culLure shock when Lhe glrls were walklng Lhrough Chlna 1own. l also am passlonaLe abouL my pollLlcs, l
could easlly relaLe Lo Lhe feellng of ln[usLlce and belng on Lhe wrong slde of Lhe esLabllshmenL", even
Lhough l am whlLe and have llved my enLlre llfe ln lowa.
Strengths ] Weaknesses:
S: 1hls sLory ls a mlxLure of humor, sLrong emoLlons, and llfe lessons. lL examlnes a very volaLlle
perlod ln our counLry's hlsLory and comblnes LhaL wlLh Lhe emoLlons of young daughLers who wanL
answers from Lhelr moLher. 1he sLory provldes some lnformaLlon abouL a culLural movemenL LhaL many
sLudenLs may noL be knowledgeable abouL. SLudenLs should easlly undersLand Lhe famlly dynamlcs of
dlvorce and survlvlng Lhe afLermaLh, Lold from an 11 year olds polnL of vlew. 1hls book won several
awards lncludlng:
2011 CoreLLa ScoLL klng Award 2011 newbery Ponor Award
2011 ScoLL C'uell Award for PlsLorlcal llcLlon 2010 naLlon 8ook Award llnallsL
W: 1he book ls well wrlLLen. Some sLudenLs may have Lrouble wlLh Lhe dlalecL and even Lhe
raclal Lhemes of Lhls book. 1he book has a few messages LhaL may noL slL well wlLh some parenLs, buL
LhaL ls [usL why sLudenLs should read Lhls book, Lo educaLe and break down sLlgmas.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
1hls book could be used as a read aloud for grades 3-6. l Lhlnk Lhls age group could relaLe Lo Lhe
sLresses of growlng up ln a fracLured famlly. 1hls book mlghL LesL Lhe concreLe Lhlnklng of Lhls age group,
someLlmes, Lhlngs are noL as Lhey seem, frlends, whaL lL means Lo be famlly, and culLures. lor older
sLudenL's grades 3-8, Lhls book could be used as a small group readlng or lndependenL readlng. 1he
soclal lssues of Lhe book would make for good connecLlons. 1hls age group would also connecL wlLh
uelphlne's responslblllLles Lowards her slbllngs. Also Lhe message from 8lg Ma, don'L make a negro
specLacle" could really resonaLe wlLh Lhls age group LhaL ls very self consclous of Lhemselves aL Lhls
polnL ln Lhelr llfe.

Cther books I read] cons|dered for th|s genre:
!- ;&44 7 <-(:&./3&61, by Parper Lee
!"# 0#4=, by kaLhryn SLockeLL
>711&# %--147?., by Carol 8yrle 8rlnk
%-4@#) -8 %&44-A/"3B >"7)#, by !oan Alken
C)=#67.D7 E&)&./, by am Munoz 8yan
kr|st|n kaper
Ld 224
8y k.I. a|ac|o
kandom nouse
kea||st|c I|ct|on - Character|st|c of D|fference - hys|ca| D|sab|||ty
31S pages

1hls sLory ls Lold from several dlfferenL perspecLlves. 1he maln characLer ls AugusL (Auggle), he ls
Len years old and he was born wlLh severe faclal abnormallLles. 1he sLory focuses on Lhe LranslLlon LhaL
Auggle goes Lhrough as he goes from belng home schooled Lo enLerlng a prlvaLe school ln Lhe flfLh
grade. lor all of Auggles's llfe he has been ln Lhe comforLable bubble of hls nelghborhood and hls close
clrcle of frlends and famlly. When Auggle enLers flfLh grade he faces Lhe LaunLs and fears of hls peers
and sLruggles Lo be seen as [usL anoLher sLudenL. 8y Lhe end of Lhe school year everyone, chlldren and
adulLs, have learned a lesson of sLrengLh, courage, and accepLance.
ersona| kesponse:
l really en[oyed Lhls book. 1he sLory Leaches so many lessons and lL ls very easy Lo connecL wlLh
all of Lhe characLers, you can even undersLand Lhe anLagonlsL's poslLlon. 1hey are wrong and mlsgulded,
buL you can easlly remember deallng wlLh Lhelr klnd ln school. l llke how Lhe book Lold Lhe sLory from
several dlfferenL vlewpolnLs, lL really cemenLed Lhe connecLlon wlLh Lhe characLers. Lach person ln
Auggle's clrcle had a valld oplnlon and lnvesLmenL ln Auggle succeedlng ln flfLh grade. l honesLly don'L
know whlch my favorlLe characLer was, Lhe auLhor made lL easy Lo sllp lnslde Lhe characLers shoes and
walk a mlle ln Lhem. 1he auLhor also dld a very good [ob of puLLlng you ln Lhe flfLh grade rlghL along wlLh
Auggle, navlgaLlng cllques", belng Lhe new kld, bullylng, and Lhe lgnorance LhaL mosL people have
regardlng physlcal dlsablllLles. l reallzed l had noL forgoLLen, nor forglven a few bullles from my school
years, lL ls amazlng how allke Lhey all are. lL also does a greaL [ob of showlng whaL lL ls llke Lo be Lhe
slbllng of a dlsabled chlld, Lhe consLanL sLruggle wlLh resenLmenL / love.
Strengths ] Weaknesses:
S: 1hls ls such an en[oyable book Lo read. lL does a greaL [ob of showlng how someLhlng llke
havlng a dlsabled chlld affecLs everyone ln LhaL famlly, and can pull LhaL famlly LogeLher, and also LesL
LhaL bond. l Lhlnk Lhls book ls well wrlLLen and does a greaL [ob of glvlng Lhe reader a peek lnslde Lhe
world of Lhose who have dlsablllLles and Lhe ups and downs of galnlng accepLance by Lhose LhaL are
normal". l sLrongly belleve Lhls book should be requlred readlng for all 1eachers/ AdmlnlsLraLors and
chlldren ln Lhe age range of 10-18. 1hls book has noL won any awards yeL, buL l beL lL does.
W: l Lhlnk Lhls ls a remarkable book. 1he dlfferenL perspecLlves and Lhe dlalecLs can be sllghLly
confuslng, younger sLudenLs may have a hard Llme keeplng Lhem sLralghL. l honesLly do noL Lhlnk Lhere
are slgnlflcanL weaknesses Lo Lhls book.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
1hls book would work very well as a read aloud for sLudenLs ln grades 3-6. 1he Lhemes of
accepLlng Lhose LhaL are dlfferenL" and Lhe anLl-bullylng message would be very effecLlve for Lhls age
group because Lhls age group could easlly empaLhlze wlLh Auggles's sLory and see how wrong Lhe
bullles' acLlons are. lor older sLudenLs, Lhls book could be used for lndependenL or small group readlng
ln grades 3-8. 1hls book could be used Lo prompL Lhe reader Lo reflecL on Lhelr own responses and
analyze Lhe acLlons and lnLenLlons of Lhe characLers, whlch would be greaL for [ournallng for Lhls age
group. l Lhlnk Lhls book could also be used as a [umplng off polnL Lo prompL sLudenLs ln grade 3-8 Lo
research such Lhlngs as educaLlon/ lncluslon laws and Lhe Amerlcans wlLh ulsablllLles AcL.

Cther books I read ] cons|dered for th|s genre:
5"&4-" by hyllls 8eynolds naylor
EA4#) by CynLhla Lord
0--' by Carl Plaasen

kr|st|n kaper
Ld 224
!"# 26*'1 *+ 73489): ;*3<#
Wr|tten and I||ustrated 8y Iohn Steptoe
narper Co|||ns
1rad|t|ona| L|terature - Nat|ve Amer|can Legend
39 pages
1old from Lhe vlewpolnL of a mouse , Lhls sLory follows Lhe mouse on hls quesL Lo geL Lo Lhe far
off land. 1he Mouse had been Lold Lhe sLory of Lhe far off land by elders ln hls mouse communlLy. lL was
a sLory Lold ofLen and Lhe Mouse LhoughL lL sounded llke a wonderful place Lo go Lo. Pe seLs ouL on hls
[ourney and encounLers a maglc frog LhaL glves hlm Lhe name !umplng Mouse and Lells hlm LhaL lf he
keeps hls hopes allve even ln Lhe face of hardshlp he wlll reach Lhe far off land. Along Lhe [ourney,
!umplng Mouse encounLers a 8lson who ls bllnd, and a Wolf LhaL has losL hls sense of smell. !umplng
Mouse unselflshly glves Lhe anlmals hls own vlslon and ablllLy Lo smell, all whlle keeplng hope allve ln
hlm. !usL as !umplng Mouse beglns Lo doubL hls ablllLy Lo reach Lhe far off lands, Lhe maglc frog
reappears and rewards !umplng Mouse for hls unselflsh acLs and commands Lhe !umplng Mouse Lo
[ump as hlgh as he can. !umplng Mouse [umps for Lhe sky and Lhe maglc lrog glves hlm a new name -
Lagle, he Lransforms lnLo an Lagle and he wlll llve ln Lhe far off land forever.
ersona| response:
l llke Lhe emphasls on perseverance and belng unafrald ln Lhe face of uncerLalnLy. l was able Lo
connecL Lo Lhe message of helplng oLhers ln need, regardless of your own perll because l have a sLrong
passlon for helplng Lhose who cannoL help Lhemselves, and also sLrongly belleve ln paylng lL forward". l
also made a connecLlon Lo Lhe message of havlng a dream/goal for Lhe fuLure. As l am ln Lhe mldsL of
changlng careers, l ofLen have Lo remlnd myself of Lhe prlze LhaL awalLs me aL Lhe end of Lhls [ourney,
buL l musL persevere even ln Lhe face of adverslLy. l could really connecL Lo Lhe mouse wonderlng lf he
would ever reach Lhe far off land".
1hls book ls Lhe reclplenL of Lhe Ca|decott nonor ln 1983.
Strengths ] Weaknesses:
S: 1hls re-Lelllng of a naLlve Amerlcan legend ls en[oyable and polgnanL. lL emphaslzes lnner
sLrengLh, selflessness, and perseverance. 1he message LhaL even Lhe smallesL creaLures can dream of
greaLness wlll resonaLe wlLh younger sLudenLs. l Lhlnk sLudenLs ln grades k-3 could easlly relaLe Lo Lhe
sLory and undersLand Lhe messages. 1he Lheme of lnner sLrengLh brlnglng rewards beyond
comprehenslon would easlly Lransfer Lo many everyday slLuaLlons for sLudenLs.
W: lrom a personal polnL of vlew, l would have preferred colored lllusLraLlons. l am fully aware
LhaL Lhls book ls a CaldecoLL Ponor 8ook, whlch means Lhe lllusLraLlons are award-wlnnlng, l [usL Lhlnk
color could lend even more emphasls Lo Lhe sLory. l also wonder lf Lhe youngesL of sLudenLs mlghL be
sllghLly frlghLened by Lhe somewhaL predaLory Lhemes of Lhe anlmal klngdom ln Lhls sLory.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
1hls book would work well as a read aloud or posslbly shared readlng acLlvlLles for sLudenLs
aged 3-8. l Lhlnk Lhe sLory lends lLself well Lo lessons of characLer, and Lhe slx plllars of characLer, slnce
Lhere ls sLrong emphasls on helplng oLhers, bellevlng ln one's self, and self-deLermlnaLlon. l Lhlnk
younger sLudenLs, grades Lwo Lhrough four could also beneflL on uslng Lhls book Lo explore naLlve
Amerlcan culLures, and also even lncorporaLe Lhls book lnLo a sclence lesson on anlmals of prey, and Lhe
clrcle of llfe ln Lhe anlmal klngdom. lor older sLudenLs grades flve Lhrough elghL, Lhls book could be
used for lessons on naLlve Amerlcan culLures, hlsLory, and legends.

Cther books I read and wou|d cons|der for th|s genre:
0#6 5'-6&#)* +86&(7. +,#6&(7. F-4:'74#)* F7&6B !74#) 7.1 '6A# '74#) by vlrglnla PamllLon
%"#6# !"# <-A.'7&. <##') !"# <--. by Crace Lln
<A876-G) 9#7A'&8A4 H7A/"'#6) by !ohn SLepLoe
!"# I&-. J !"# <-A)# by !erry lnkney
!"# FA..B I&''4# %-,7. by Arlene Mosel

kr|st|n kaper
Ld 224
!"# 26*'1 *+ 73489): ;*3<#
Wr|tten and I||ustrated 8y Iohn Steptoe
narper Co|||ns
1rad|t|ona| L|terature - Nat|ve Amer|can Legend
39 pages
1old from Lhe vlewpolnL of a mouse , Lhls sLory follows Lhe mouse on hls quesL Lo geL Lo Lhe far
off land. 1he Mouse had been Lold Lhe sLory of Lhe far off land by elders ln hls mouse communlLy. lL was
a sLory Lold ofLen and Lhe Mouse LhoughL lL sounded llke a wonderful place Lo go Lo. Pe seLs ouL on hls
[ourney and encounLers a maglc frog LhaL glves hlm Lhe name !umplng Mouse and Lells hlm LhaL lf he
keeps hls hopes allve even ln Lhe face of hardshlp he wlll reach Lhe far off land. Along Lhe [ourney,
!umplng Mouse encounLers a 8lson who ls bllnd, and a Wolf LhaL has losL hls sense of smell. !umplng
Mouse unselflshly glves Lhe anlmals hls own vlslon and ablllLy Lo smell, all whlle keeplng hope allve ln
hlm. !usL as !umplng Mouse beglns Lo doubL hls ablllLy Lo reach Lhe far off lands, Lhe maglc frog
reappears and rewards !umplng Mouse for hls unselflsh acLs and commands Lhe !umplng Mouse Lo
[ump as hlgh as he can. !umplng Mouse [umps for Lhe sky and Lhe maglc lrog glves hlm a new name -
Lagle, he Lransforms lnLo an Lagle and he wlll llve ln Lhe far off land forever.
ersona| response:
l llke Lhe emphasls on perseverance and belng unafrald ln Lhe face of uncerLalnLy. l was able Lo
connecL Lo Lhe message of helplng oLhers ln need, regardless of your own perll because l have a sLrong
passlon for helplng Lhose who cannoL help Lhemselves, and also sLrongly belleve ln paylng lL forward". l
also made a connecLlon Lo Lhe message of havlng a dream/goal for Lhe fuLure. As l am ln Lhe mldsL of
changlng careers, l ofLen have Lo remlnd myself of Lhe prlze LhaL awalLs me aL Lhe end of Lhls [ourney,
buL l musL persevere even ln Lhe face of adverslLy. l could really connecL Lo Lhe mouse wonderlng lf he
would ever reach Lhe far off land".
1hls book ls Lhe reclplenL of Lhe Ca|decott nonor ln 1983.
Strengths ] Weaknesses:
S: 1hls re-Lelllng of a naLlve Amerlcan legend ls en[oyable and polgnanL. lL emphaslzes lnner
sLrengLh, selflessness, and perseverance. 1he message LhaL even Lhe smallesL creaLures can dream of
greaLness wlll resonaLe wlLh younger sLudenLs. l Lhlnk sLudenLs ln grades k-3 could easlly relaLe Lo Lhe
sLory and undersLand Lhe messages. 1he Lheme of lnner sLrengLh brlnglng rewards beyond
comprehenslon would easlly Lransfer Lo many everyday slLuaLlons for sLudenLs.
W: lrom a personal polnL of vlew, l would have preferred colored lllusLraLlons. l am fully aware
LhaL Lhls book ls a CaldecoLL Ponor 8ook, whlch means Lhe lllusLraLlons are award-wlnnlng, l [usL Lhlnk
color could lend even more emphasls Lo Lhe sLory. l also wonder lf Lhe youngesL of sLudenLs mlghL be
sllghLly frlghLened by Lhe somewhaL predaLory Lhemes of Lhe anlmal klngdom ln Lhls sLory.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
1hls book would work well as a read aloud or posslbly shared readlng acLlvlLles for sLudenLs
aged 3-8. l Lhlnk Lhe sLory lends lLself well Lo lessons of characLer, and Lhe slx plllars of characLer, slnce
Lhere ls sLrong emphasls on helplng oLhers, bellevlng ln one's self, and self-deLermlnaLlon. l Lhlnk
younger sLudenLs, grades Lwo Lhrough four could also beneflL on uslng Lhls book Lo explore naLlve
Amerlcan culLures, and also even lncorporaLe Lhls book lnLo a sclence lesson on anlmals of prey, and Lhe
clrcle of llfe ln Lhe anlmal klngdom. lor older sLudenLs grades flve Lhrough elghL, Lhls book could be
used for lessons on naLlve Amerlcan culLures, hlsLory, and legends.

Cther books I read and wou|d cons|der for th|s genre:
0#6 5'-6&#)* +86&(7. +,#6&(7. F-4:'74#)* F7&6B !74#) 7.1 '6A# '74#) by vlrglnla PamllLon
%"#6# !"# <-A.'7&. <##') !"# <--. by Crace Lln
<A876-G) 9#7A'&8A4 H7A/"'#6) by !ohn SLepLoe
!"# I&-. J !"# <-A)# by !erry lnkney
!"# FA..B I&''4# %-,7. by Arlene Mosel

krlsLln 8aper
Ld 224
8lography AnnoLaLlon
<&)) I71B 9&61G) %&4184-?#6)* 0-? 7 F&6)' 471B ("7./#1 +,#6&(7
8y kaLhl AppelL
lllusLraLed by !oy llsher Peln
Parper Colllns
40 pages
1hls blography ls Lhe sLory of Claudla AlLa 1aylor, laLer ln llfe known as Lady 8lrd !ohnson, llrsL
lady of Lhe unlLed SLaLes. She was born ln 1exas, an only chlld and she losL her moLher by Lhe Llme she
was slx. She descrlbes her chlldhood as lonely and she found solace ln Lhe foresL LhaL surrounded her
home. When her aunL came Lo help ralse her, she LaughL lady blrd how Lo planL flowers and also Lhe
names of Lhe wlld flowers LhaL grew around Lhelr home. lL lnsplred a love of flowers LhaL sLayed wlLh
Lady 8lrd her enLlre llfe. LaLer, as llrsL lady, she lnlLlaLed Congress Lo pass a beauLlflcaLlon law LhaL
provlded fundlng Lo help clean up Lhe dlLches along Lhls naLlon's hlghways and planLed wlld flowers.
ersona| kesponse:
l am a passlonaLe gardener, l could Lell you Lhe names of every flower ln my many garden beds,
[usL llke Lady 8lrd. l could connecL wlLh Lhe exclLemenL of walLlng for Lhe flrsL slgn of flowers ln Lhe
sprlng (hurry up! lL has been such a LCnC wlnLer). l have a sLrong bellef LhaL we as a counLry have an
obllgaLlon Lo leave Lhls naLlon ln a beLLer condlLlon LhaL we may someLlmes flnd lL, so l could connecL
wlLh Lady 8lrds publlc servlce lnlLlaLlve. l have always admlred Lady 8lrd for her beauLlflcaLlon pro[ecLs,
some may Lhlnk lL ls sllly, buL l Lhlnk lL made a dlfference.
Strengths] Weaknesses:
S: 1hls book does a good [ob of Lelllng Lady 8lrds llfe sLory ln an easy way LhaL school chlldren
should flnd easy Lo read and undersLand. lL provldes many hlsLorlcal facLs, such as Lhe asslgnaLlon of !lk,
buL does noL dwell on Lhe sorrow of Lhe Llme. lL also does a good [ob of lllusLraLlng why Lhe
beauLlflcaLlon pro[ecL became her passlon. unLll Lady 8lrd's beauLlflcaLlon program, our naLlon's
roadsldes were an eyesore, someLhlng mosL school chlldren are noL aware of Lhankfully.
W: l felL Lhe book was a llLLle long for younger sLudenLs. 1he book also dldn'L llsL Lhe LaLln names
of Lhe flowers ln Lhe appendlx of Lhe book, for learnlng purposes, sLudenLs should be exposed Lo Lhe
proper LaLln and also Lhe common names of Lhe flowers.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
l Lhlnk Lhls book would be a greaL read aloud as an lnLroducLlon for sclence lessons. lor younger
sLudenLs, grades 1-3, Lhls book could be a [umplng off polnL for havlng Lhe sLudenLs research and
compare naLlve wlld flowers LhaL grow ln lowa, and compare Lhem Lo 1exas. lor older sLudenLs, grades
4-6, Lhls could be used Lo have Lhe sLudenLs research whaL lowa does Lo adhere Lo Lady 8lrds
beauLlflcaLlon law, and dlscover whaL we planL along our roadsldes. 1hls book could also be used Lo sLarL
a dlscusslon on conservaLlon- for any age sLudenL, prompLlng Lo ask sLudenLs whaL does lowa do Lo
conserve Lhe naLural wlldflowers and pralrle areas ln Lhls sLaLe, where Lhese areas are locaLed and whaL
ls Lhe mlsslon of Lhe varlous conservaLlon groups ln lowa.

Math text
1|t|e: MaLh oLaLoes
Author: Creg 1ang
I||ustrator: Parry 8rlggs
ub||sher: ScholasLlc ress
ear ub||shed: 2003
pages: 48

Summary :
A cuLe and clever book LhaL has 16 rhymes wlLh correspondlng plcLures Lo compleLe maLh
equaLlons. oems/equaLlons cover slmple addlLlon/subLracLlon and mulLlpllcaLlon. 8hymes
glve clues for sLudenLs Lo group ob[ecLs Lo make solvlng Lhe equaLlon easler.

ke|ated CCSS or rofess|ona| Standard:
kCC- counL Lo Lell Lhe number of ob[ecLs
1-n81- undersLand place value - 10 can be LhoughL of as a bundle of ones="Len"
2-n81- use place value undersLandlng and properLles of operaLlons Lo add/subLracL
3-CA- undersLand properLles of mulLlpllcaLlon and Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween
4-CA- use Lhe four operaLlons wlLh whole numbers Lo solve problems

Age] Grade |eve| and now It Wou|d 8e Used:
l Lhlnk Lhls book would be used for grades k-4 sLudenLs. k-2 could use Lhls book for grouplng
and slmple addlLlon. Crades 3-4 could use Lhls book for grouplng larger numbers and
mulLlpllcaLlon. Could also be used for scaffoldlng for any age group, whaLever sklp counLlng/
mulLlpllcaLlon Lhey can easlly compleLe, movlng up Lo 6's, 7's, 8's, ans 9's. 1hls book could
also be used for fluency pracLlce for grades 3-4 wlLh lL's rhymlng paLLerns.

Sc|ence Annotat|on
1|t|e: 1he SLunnlng Sclence of LveryLhlng, Sclence wlLh squlshy blLs lefL ln!!
Author and I||ustrator: nlck Arnold, 1ony ueSaulles
ub||sher, ear ub||shed and pages:
ScholasLlc lnc. 2003 99 pages

A magazlne Lype looklng book of sclence facLs and lnformaLlon. 1hls book has lnformaLlon on
everyLhlng from Lhe body and bodlly funcLlons (poop and burps-oh yeah!!) Lo bugs/anlmals,
fosslls, aLoms/molecules and earLh sclence. LoLs of carLoon plcLures and fun fllled capLlons
and lnformaLlon. ages are very colorful and crammed border Lo border wlLh facLs/
lnformaLlon. very humorous.
ke|ated CCSS or rofess|ona| Standard:
Grades 3-S Sc|ence as Inqu|ry- ldenLlfy and generaLe quesLlons LhaL can be answered Lhrough
sclenLlflc lnvesLlgaLlons. SLudenLs ask quesLlons Lhey can answer wlLh sclenLlflc knowledge
comblned wlLh Lhelr own knowledge.
Grades 6-8 Larth and Space-undersLand and apply knowledge of Lhe sLrucLure and processes
of Lhe earLh sysLem and Lhe processes LhaL change Lhe earLh and lLs surface.
Grades 3-S Larth and Space- undersLand and apply knowledge of Lhe componenLs of our
solar sysLem. undersLand and apply knowledge of Lhe earLh's maLerlals. undersLand and
apply knowledge of fosslls and Lhe evldence Lhey provlde of pasL llfe on earLh.
Age] Grade |eve| and now It Wou|d 8e Used:
1hls book has a loL of LexL and lnformaLlon, l don'L Lhlnk lL could be easlly used for younger
sLudenLs, grades k-2. lor grades 3-6 Lhls book would be a greaL source of lnformaLlon for
sLudenLs Lo compare/conLrasL humans Lo anlmals (molecules, organs, unA) for a sclence
lesson. 1hls could also be used Lo analyze aLoms and compounds for sclence experlmenLs.
1hls book could also be used for lndependenL readlng Llme, Lhe colorful, almosL comlc book
formaL would geL sLudenLs lnLeresLed and provlde useful lnformaLlon. A lesson on Lhe Solar
SysLem, laneLs, and ouLer space could be done uslng Lhls book as a resource for grades 6-8.
A fun formaL, wlLh Lons of lnformaLlon for any grade level.

Soc|a| Stud|es 1ext
1|t|e: M|dd|e Last
Author and I||ustrator: hlllp SLeele
ub||sher, ear ub||shed and ages: klngflsher 2006 64 pages
A beauLlful reference book LhaL covers all Lhlngs Mlddle LasL. 1he hlsLory, lL's people, Lhelr
culLures and languages wlLh maps Lo provlde a modern day vlew of anclenL clvlllzaLlons. 1he
plcLures are beauLlful and provlde a gllmpse lnLo a world mosL modern day Amerlcans know
Loo llLLle abouL. Clves a very good over vlew of Lhe enLlre reglon.

ke|ated CCSS or rofess|ona| Standard:

8ehav|ora| Sc|ences Grades 3-S:
undersLand Lhe changlng naLure of SocleLy
undersLand Lhe lnfluences on lndlvldual/ group behavlor and declslon maklng- undersLand
sLereoLyplng, undersLand Lhe role of culLure unlLy and dlverslLy wlLhln and across groups.
Lconom|cs Grades 3-S
undersLand how facLors creaLe paLLerns of lnLerdependence ln Lhe world economy.
undersLand Lhe role of scarlclLy and economlc Lrade offs and how economlc condlLlons
lmpacL a person's llfe, undersLand LhaL advanclng Lechnologles affecL Lhe global economy.
Geography Grades 3-S:
undersLand how geographlc and human characLerlsLlcs creaLe culLure and deflne reglons.
undersLand how resources affecL Lhe movemenL of populaLlons.

Age] Grade |eve| and now It Wou|d 8e Used:

l Lhlnk Lhls book would be greaL for grades 3-3 because of Lhe LexL, vocabulary and conLenL.
lor a Soclal SLudles lesson for grades 3-3 Lo compare/ conLrasL rellglons and pracLlces of Lhe
varlous counLrles. Could also compare/ conLrasL currenL borders wlLh maps 20= years older.
Crades 3-3 could use Lhls book Lo deflne vocabulary and also do plcLure walks for vlsual

kr|st|n kaper
Ld 224
!"# %&'(#) *+ ,-#
8y k.L. Go|ng
noughton M|ff||n narcourt ub||sh|ng Company
Iantasy I|ct|on
240 pages

1old from Lhe vlewpolnL of a Len year old glrl named Lve, who has recenLly losL her moLher afLer
a baLLle wlLh cancer. She and her faLher move from Mlchlgan Lo 8eaumonL, new ?ork. Per faLher has
purchased an apple orchard LhaL Lhe Lownspeople Lhlnk ls cursed, oh and Lhe new house Lhey llve ln ls
rlghL nexL Lo Lhe Lown cemeLery. Lve and her faLher are boLh sLruggllng wlLh Lhelr grlef from Lhe loss of
Lve's moLher. Lve ls glven a mysLerlous seed for her 11
blrLhday and when she planLs lL ln Lhe apple
orchard, along wlLh her new frlend who clalms Lo be a ghosL, Lhe seed sprouLs lnLo a beauLlful Lree and
Lakes Lhem on a [ourney Lo a beauLlful place, where Lve ls cerLaln her moLher ls walLlng for her. 1he
sLory prompLs Lhe deeply personal quesLlons of whaL lL means Lo be allve, and begs Lhe reader Lo ask
whaL mlghL be walLlng for us on Lhe oLher slde.
ersona| kesponse:
1he feellng of grlef and loss ls so sLrong ln Lhls book, l had my hankle ln my hand durlng several
parLs of Lhls sLory. As a moLher of an 11 year old daughLer, Lo hear Lhe sLory from Lhe polnL of a glrl
grlevlng Lhe loss of her moLher was profound. 1he auLhor does such a good [ob of descrlblng Lhe
everyday Lhlngs LhaL are now no longer Laken for granLed. And how faLher and daughLer are Lrylng Lo
brldge Lhe vold lefL by Lhe loss of Lhe person who was Lhe glue of Lhe famlly. When Lve dlscovers her
new home ls nexL door Lo a cemeLery, and a creepy, haunLed one aL LhaL, l compleLely undersLood her
anger aL her dad for Laklng her away from Lhe cemeLery she wanLed Lo be near, Lhe one where her
moLher was burled.
Strengths ] Weaknesses:
S: SLrong sLory wlLh powerful emoLlonal elemenLs ln lL, whlch sLudenLs could easlly relaLe Lo.
1he sLory never geLs preachy or rellglous, and does an excellenL [ob of prompLlng Lhe reader Lo quesLlon
common assumpLlons. 1he sLory weaves ln elemenLs of famlly, loss, hopes, and dreams and Lakes Lhe
reader on a [ourney LhaL lllusLraLes how darkness and despalr can Lurn lnLo beauLy beyond Lhe ordlnary.
W: l wonder how boys would relaLe Lo Lhls book, l had a very emoLlonal connecLlon Lo lL. l am
noL so sure 3
and 6
grade boys would appreclaLe Lrylng Lo read Lhls book ln a classroom. l also
LhoughL LhaL some lllusLraLlons could have helped Lhe sLory Lelllng. When Lve and her frlend cross over
Lo Lhe beauLlful place, l had Lo slow down and re-read Lo geL Lhe full plcLure of Lhe descrlpLlve elemenLs
whlch were so lmporLanL Lo Lhe sLory.
now th|s book m|ght be used:
l Lhlnk Lhls book would be mosL approprlaLe for grades 4-6
. 1hls age group would relaLe well Lo
Lhe mysLery and lnLrlgue of Lhe sLory. 1he frlendshlp beLween Lve and her new frlend would challenge
some of Lhe concreLe Lhlnklng Lhls age group does. l Lhlnk Lhls book would be greaL for lndependenL
readlng for 4-3
grades, accompanled by havlng Lhe reader [ournal Lhelr personal response. 1hls book
could also be used as a small group readlng asslgnmenL wlLh a book Lalk Lo follow Lhe readlng. 1hls book
could also be used for any sLudenL who may be golng Lhrough Lhe grlef process. l also Lhlnk book could
be used Lo pose Lhe quesLlon Lo sLudenLs of whaL Lhey Lhlnk happens ln Lhe afLerllfe (belng exLremely
careful of Lhe rellglous elemenLs). l sLlll feel Lhls book would be beLLer recelved by female sLudenLs
versus boys because of Lhe emoLlonal elemenLs, maybe afLer l am ln Lhe classroom for a few years, l
may come Lo reallze LhaL Lhls ls noL as slgnlflcanL as l Lhlnk lL ls.
Cther books I read] wou|d cons|der for th|s genre:
!"# %&'("#)* by 8oald uahl
+,-./ '"# 0&11#.* by MargareL aLLerson Paddlx
2-34&. 5#(6#')* by Wllllam Alexander
!"# .7,# -8 '"&) 9--: &) 5#(6#'* by seudonymous 8osch

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