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For Examiners Use

Answer all the questions 1 A company made 30% profit on its capital. The profit amounted to $ 72, 000. This profit was an increase of 20% of the previous year s profit. (a) !ind the capital of the company. (b) !ind the profit of the previous year.

For Examiners Use


#a$ #)$

$%%%%%%%....... $%%%%%%%%...

&'( &'(



b2 b+

,and -ive your answer in the form bn.


2c (b) *implify ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+ + d


#a$ #)$

%%%.%%.%%% %%%%%%.%%.

&'( &'(

The strai-ht line y = mx + c is parallel to the line 2x + 7y = '3 and passes throu-h the point #7, +$. !ind the values of m and c.


m 3%%%%..%%%.. c 3 %%%%%%%%.

&'( &'(


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609

Turn Over

For Examiners Use

.stimate the value of ./0.1 .quation.3 fi-ure, without the use of a calculator.

':7.;7 +02.0'

( '.; )

, correct to ' si-nificant

For Examiners Use

Answer" 5 A map is drawn to scale of ' " +0 000.



(a) Two towns are '2.2 <m apart. =alculate, in centimetres, their distance apart on the map. (b) >n the map, a housin- estate has an area of 2 cm2. =alculate, in square <ilometres, the actual area of the estate.


#a$ #)$

%%%.%%.%%% cm &'( %%%%%.%%. <m2 &2(

Turn Over


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609

For Examiners Use

!ind x, y and z when (a) 2x 2+ 3 32,

For Examiners Use

(b) 9'y 3 3, (c) '00z 3 0.00'.


#a$ #)$ #c$

x 3 %%%%%%%% y 3 %%%%%%%% z 3 %%%%%%%%

&'( &'( &'(

The equations of the three -raphs are in the form of ./0.1 .quation.3 y = x n . *tate the value or a possi)le value of n in each of the followin- -raphs.

EMBED MSDraw.1.01

EMBED MSDraw.1.01


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609



EMBED MSDraw.1.01 Graph (a) Graph (b) Answer" #a$ #)$ #c$
For Examiners Use

Graph (c) %%%.%%.%%% %%%%%%.%%. %%%%%%%%.. &'( &'( &'(

For Examiners Use


The nth term of a sequence is -iven )y ?2n2 @ 3. Arite down the first four terms.

(b) The first + terms of another sequence are 3, ', ?2, ?'2, % (i) Arite down the ne8t term. (ii) 0y comparin- this sequence with your answer to #a$, write down the nth term.


#a$ #)$#i$

%.. , %% , %.. , %% %%%%%%.%%.

&'( &'(
Turn Over


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609

: #)$#ii$ 9 %%%%%%.%%. &'(

0us *ervice Bum)er ';9, Bum)er '97 and Bum)er 202 leaves Curon- Dnterchan-e every 3 min, 9 min and 20 min respectively. Df the )uses left the interchan-e at 9.'2am. Ahen will the )uses of these three services leave the interchan-e to-ether a-ainE

For Examiners Use


For Examiners Use


Feter was -iven a sum of $32, 000 )y his father. 4e put the sum in a fi8ed deposit at an interest of +.2% per annum. Df he decides not to withdraw his interest at the end of each month and instead, has it added to the principal, calculate the total amount he has with the )an< at the end of ei-ht months. Give your answer to the nearest dollar.

Answer" 11



*pidy has Hust )ou-ht a new Apple ipod with a memory space of + -i-a)ytes. !or each son- he downloads, it ta<e up 22 <ilo)ytes of memory space. Given ' <ilo)ytes 3 '0+3 )ytes


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609

7 ' Gi-a)ytes 3 230 )ytes (a) .8press in )ytes, -ivin- your answer in standard form (i) 22 <ilo)ytes, (ii) + -i-a)ytes, (b) Ahat is the ma8imum num)er of son-s can *pidy download if he uses up all the memory space in his ipod.


#a$#i$ #a$#ii$

%%%.%%%%)ytes %%%%%%%.)ytes

&'( &'(
For Examiners Use

For Examiners Use



#)$ %%%%%%% son-s &'( 2 2 x 30 xy . *implify ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+ 9y 2'

2 2

(b) .8pand and simplify ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+ 3 ( m 2n ) .


#a$ #)$

%%%.%%.%%% %%%%%%.%%.

&2( &2(



.8press ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+ x 2 3 x + 2 in the form ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+

( x a)

+ b.
Turn Over


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609

9 (b) 4ence, s<etch the -raph of y 3 ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+ x 2 3 x + 2


#a$ #)$


&2( &2(

For Examiners Use


.valuate (a) (b) #23:.79 @ :2.92$#'2;.' I 2:.+:$ ./0.1 .quation.1*/T+

3 0.'29 0.9 2.:

For Examiners Use

Give your answer to 2 si-nificant fi-ures.


#a$ #)$

%%%%%%%%%. &2( %%%%%%%%.%. &2(


*olve the inequalities ./0.1 .quation.3 (a)

+x 2 x+ '< 2x + '. 2

Jepresent the solution on a num)er line

(b) 4ence, find #i$ the -reatest inte-er value, #ii$ the smallest prime num)er. Answer (a)
45** +0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609


For Examiners Use


#)$ #i$ %%%%%%%%. #)$ #ii$ %%%%%%%%. Dn the dia-ram, SQ " PQ " PS = 2 " '2 " '3 and RSQ is a strai-ht line. (a) .8plain why trian-le PQS is a ri-ht an-led trian-le. (b) !ind the value of #i$ sin PSQ, #ii$ cos RSP. P


&'( &'(
For Examiners Use


R Answer" #a$ %%%.%%.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%... &2( #)$#i$ #)$#ii$ 17 %%%%%%.%%%. %%%%%%%%%.. &'( &2(

The pupils in two classes too< the same test. Dnformation relatin- to the results is shown in the ta)les )elow. Marks re!uenc" ' ? 2 : ? '0 3 9 #lass $ '' ? '2 '3 ': ? 20 2 /ean 3 '0.7 *tandard 1eviation 3 +.: #lass %
Turn Over


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609

'0 (a) !or class A, calculate (i) the mean. (ii) the standard deviation. (b) =ompare, )riefly, the results of the two schools.

#a$ #i$ %%%%%%%%%. #a$#ii$ %%%%%%%%%. Answer" #)$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...

For Examiners Use

Answer "

&2( &2( &'(

For Examiners Use


The rates of ta8 paya)le for char-ea)le income of up to $ 30, 000 is illustrated in the ta)le and the -raph -iven )elow.
#har&eable inc'(e On the first On the next On the first On the next On the first $ 9, 000 $ '2, 000 $ 20, 000 $ '0, 000 $ 30, 000 )a*e + 2.2 r ? 8 ? Gr'ss *a, pa"able $ 200 q p 800 1600


!ind p, q and r.

(b) 1raw a line to complete the -raph shown on the -rid representin- the rate for char-ea)le income more than $2000. (c) !ind the ta8 paya)le when the char-ea)le income is $2+ 000.
Ta8 paya)le $ ':00




+00 0 9 000

+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609 2+ 000

': 000

32 000


=har-ea)le income $



p 3 %%%%%%%. q 3 %%%%%%%. r 3 %%%%%%%..

&'( &'( &'( &'(

For Examiners Use

For Examiners Use

Answer shown on the -rid


#c$ $ %%%%%%%%. &'( A vehicle travellin- at an initial speed of 22 m6s decreased its speed uniformly )y '0 m6s each second for 2 seconds, until it reached its minimum speed. The vehicle then travelled at this speed for : seconds )efore acceleratin- at a uniform speed of 2 m6s for a further + seconds. (a) >n the -iven a8es, draw (i) the speed?time -raph for the first '2 seconds. (ii) the distance?time -raph for the correspondin- '2 seconds. (b) !ind the acceleration when t 3 ' s (c) Given that the vehicle travelled 20 m in the first t seconds of its Hourney, calculate the value of t. Answer #a$ .pee- in (/s 22 20 '2 '0 2 0is*ance in ( '20 0 '00 90 :0 +0 &'(


Ti(e in sec'n-s '2



20 0 2

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'2Ti(e in sec'n-s



#)$ #c$

%%%%%%%% m6s2 t 3%%%%%%%% s

&'( &2(
For Examiners Use

For Examiners Use


Dn the dia-ram, BO is the diameter of the circle with centre O. !B" and #$" are tan-ents to the circle at B and $ respectively. Dt is -iven that %$& 3 22, B%$ 3 :2 and &%$ 3 77. ! % & 77 :2 B

" O 22

$ # *tatin- your reasons clearly, find (a) refle8 &OB, (b) %$B 1 (c) &$ , (-) B$ ' (e) B"$(


+0'760'6/id 7ear .8am609


For Examiners Use



#a$ %%%%%% #)$ %%%%%% #c$ %%%%%% #d$ %%%%%% #e$ %%%%%% Two fair dice are rolled.Jepresent the sample space for the two dice usin- a Answer"

&'( &'( &'( &'( &2(

For Examiners Use

possi)ility dia-ram. (b) !ind the pro)a)ility that the num)ers o)served #i$ are equal, (c) #ii$ add up to '0. Df the sum on the dice adds up to more than 2, the arrow on the circular disc shown in the dia-ram fi8ed at its centre > is rotated cloc<wise throu-h ;0 ./0.1 .quation.3

. >therwise it is not moved. The initially position of the arrow points

to position !' write down the pro)a)ility that the arrow is pointin#i$ to position ! after ' throw, #ii$ to position " after 2 throws, #iii$ to position B after 2 throws, Answer #a$ "

&'( Fossi)ility 1ia-ram


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#)$#i$ #)$#ii$ #c$#i$ #c$#ii$ #c$#iii$

%%%%%% %%%%%% %%%%%% %%%%%% %%%%%%

&'( &'( &'( &'( &2(

2n- '3 4aper


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