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U.S. Attorney General Affirms U.S.

Ties with Colombia

Gonzalez, in Colombia, says two nations have never been closer
U.S. State Deparment
24 August 2005

The United States and Colombia have forged increasingly close ties over the last few years, a fact
U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales affirmed as he traveled to Bogota August 23 for a two-day
visit to strengthen communication and cooperation between the two nations.

Gonzalez met with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and other senior Colombian officials during
his visit and applauded the productive partnership the United States and Colombia have forged.

“I believe that Colombia and the United States have never been closer, and we have never
accomplished more together in such a relatively short time,” he said.

The attorney general lauded Colombia as “a beacon to the world” for its efforts to combat corruption
and terrorism and its initiatives to build a better justice system for the Colombian people.

“We have seen your progress and we admire all that you have done,” Gonzales said.

The U.S. official added that the U.S. Department of Justice is committed to standing with the Uribe
administration and helping in any way it can. Gonzales said his meetings in Colombia provided an
opportunity to openly discuss concerns and differences as well as “confront challenges and find
solutions together.”

As part of this process, Gonzales noted that extradition is a “critical tool” in addressing criminality in
both countries.

“The extradition partnership the United States has with Colombia is the best we have in the world,”
he said. “This important relationship enables both countries to deal effectively and forcefully with
serious criminal organizations and individuals.”

Within the context of this relationship, the attorney general stated that the United States intends to
honor its obligations and commitments.

For additional information on U.S. policies affecting this South American nation, see Colombia.

Following is the text of Gonzales’ remarks in Bogota, as prepared for delivery:

(begin text)

U.S. Department of Justice

Prepared Remarks of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales In Bogota, Colombia
August 24, 2005

Good morning.

First, let me begin by thanking my colleague, Mr. Mario Iguaran. Thank you, Mr. Prosecutor-
General, for your time this morning.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege to represent President Bush and the people of the United
States in this important visit to Colombia.

I want to express the appreciation of the United States for President Uribe's continuing leadership
and for the example he sets for world leaders who share his commitment to combating terrorism
and drug trafficking. I am also deeply grateful to the Colombian people for their gracious hospitality.
Over the last few years, our nations have forged increasingly strong ties. I believe that Colombia
and the United States have never been closer, and we have never accomplished more together in
such a relatively short time.

It is easy to understand why.

Our nations are united by a shared love for freedom and our friendship continues to grow out of our
common struggle against terrorism.

The people of Colombia and America have both experienced the tragic and deadly consequences
of terrorist hate. More importantly, both our nations have turned pain and sorrow into lawful action
in order to build a safer world for all our children.

This trip is another step in our historic partnership. It has contributed to better and closer ties
between our countries. It has reaffirmed our commitment to peace and prosperity.

As a result of our work and these meetings, we have been able to discuss honestly and openly our
concerns and even our differences. More importantly, we have been able to confront challenges
and find solutions together.

Like President Bush, I believe Colombia has become a beacon to the world showing the kind of
progress free nations can make in the fight against corruption, injustice, and terrorism. You have
shown that free people can set the course of history against the forces of greed and extremist hate.

For years now, Colombia's elected leaders and courageous public servants-police, prosecutors,
and judges-have sacrificed their time and sometimes their lives to build a better justice system for
the people. Colombia is now taking historic steps to a transition to an adversarial criminal-justice

At the United States Department of Justice, we are committed to stand by you to help in any way
we can. We have seen your progress and we admire all that you have done.

In these recent meetings, we have strengthened the communication and cooperation between our
sovereign nations. Extradition is a critical tool for both our countries in the battle to ensure that
criminals are brought to justice. The extradition partnership the United States has with Colombia is
the best we have in the world. This important relationship enables both countries to deal effectively
and forcefully with serious criminal organizations and individuals.

Last night, I expressed my appreciation to President Uribe and Minister Pretelt for this relationship.
And this morning, I reiterated the sentiment to Prosecutor-General Iguaran.

With regard to extradition, I want to make it absolutely clear that the President of the United States
and the government of the United States intend to honor our commitments and obligations in this
bilateral relationship and on extradition orders.

President Uribe, Prosecutor-General Iguaran, and the people of Colombia have the respect and the
admiration of the American people.

I look forward to continuing our work together.

We are showing that when free nations come together hope, opportunity, and peace can be a
blessing for all.

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