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Statement of Purpose

My decision to apply for a Ph.D. program at University of South Carolina is driven by my aspirations to pursue a research career in the field of Electrical Engineering. This field interests me because of its formal and rigorous mathematical nature and its wide-ranging applications. I believe that a strong and thorough backgrounds as well as complete awareness of recent developments are essential for an intellectually stimulating and satisfying research career. Towards realizing this objective at an esteemed department such as yours, I am applying to your university. An objective analysis of my background, interests, strengths and weaknesses leads me to believe that I will be successful both as a Ph.D. candidate and later as a researcher in an academic milieu. Academic studies and research were the two main focuses during my UG studies. I maintained a combined GPA of 3.59/4.0 up to 7 semesters of the undergraduate studies which is the upperhalved CGPA in my department. Indeed, this is a continuation of my earlier achievement of securing the 96th position in the university entrance examination in 2008, which is considered to be the most competitive exam of the country. My UG involvement with IEEE brought me the perspective of electrical engineering at the international setting. From the touch with IEEEs Spectrum, I started grasping the idea of Moores law and the triumph of nanotechnology worldwide. This first instilled a profound curiosity to discover the nature at nanoscale inside me.

In my ongoing undergraduate thesis on Use of metamaterial inspired simultaneous negative capacitance and perfect tunneling to provide voltage amplification for low power nano-scale device., I have focused on heat production in MOSFET due to scaling that could be the cause of the death of Moores Law. I have started developing a model of producing voltage amplifier at the gate of the FET by means of simultaneous negative capacitance and band to band tunneling so that the FET can operate at low bias voltage consequently producing less heat. To reduce the sub threshold slope of a transistor, the body factor hinders the way of reduction hence necessitates comparatively high bias voltage. Even using a very high k-material as insulator at the gate cannot reduce the sub threshold slope below 60mv/decade at room temperature. I have noticed producing negative capacitance which creates voltage amplifier at the gate can sufficiently reduce the sub threshold slope along with bias voltage, consequently power consumption. I have primarily focused on the use Double Index Metamaterial instead of ferroelectric capacitor as the insulator to produce negative capacitance. As the metamaterial substances are very unstable in the desired potential range now I focus on the stability of the metamaterial. Also various novel materials such as Graphene, Carbon Nano Tube, Metamaterial and their postulated application in the field of nanoscale devices have influenced me to work further in this field.

Besides studies and research, I was also involved in team efforts and leadership activities. I am the lifetime member of ESAB, acronym of Engineering Student Association of Bangladesh. I also contribute the community as a senior member of BADHON, a blood donation charity of my university.

University of South Carolina plays an important role in the field of Electronic Materials and Devices, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology and I am particularly excited by the diverse expertise and strength of USCs faculties in this field (experimental and theoretical research in non-traditional electronics, Nanotechnology, Solid State Electronics and Processing and Fabrication etc). Hence I am strongly motivated to work with and particularly interested in research work of Nanoscale Electronics and Sensors Laboratory (NESL) and Silicon Carbide Lab. Research on epitaxial Graphene based sensors, Nanowire based NEMS sensors and electronics and Implantable sensors for biomedical applications interest me the most because of my current research experiences in computational and theoretical modeling of such devices. Research work of Professor Sudarshan on device based on SiC also appeals me because it has the proper blend of physics and engineering that would suit me best. In summary, I am very inspired by the research on novel electronic devices for advanced functionalities by University of South Carolina. I am excited that if I get into the program I would have the opportunity to contribute to departments approach to Electronic materials research and Solid State Electronics and can be a part of the legacy of USCs research on theses horizons.

In addition to all the foregoing studies and research work, I have always tried to groom myself having a variety of extracurricular activities. In the Math Olympiad organized by the Bangladesh Math Olympiad committee, I got second runner up prize in the Secondary level in 2006. I played a role in a drama staged in the cultural event of the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in BUET in 2012. I refresh my mind through reading story books and through playing chess or soccer when I get my leisure. Research on the field of engineering and technology contributes not only in these fields but also for the improvement of socio economic condition of the world. I think that should be the ultimate purpose of a successful researcher. Last but not the least I believe that being a scholar of a reputed university like University of South Carolina helps me to confer my highest contribution in the field of engineering and technology, in big picture, contribution for the welfare of the mankind. The enrollment into the PhD program of ECE department of USC will be acted as the take off of my future as a successful researcher, I also believe.

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