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Building Services Engineering Design 1 M3K202926

James Reid - S1224630 Glasgow Caledonian University 10/18/2012

Session 2012


Module !i"le# Building Services Engineering Design 1 Module $ode# M3K202926 %""ac&ed is "&e course'or( )rom *ugo +allag&er

Su,mission -rocesses
A hardcopy of the coursework must e su mitted through the !chool of "ngineering# $uilt "nvironment %rogrammes &ffice '20() An electronic copy should e sent to h)gallagher*gcal)ac)uk +this allows comparison of the students work with that from other sources,)

Su,mission Da"e# Monda. 19"& /ovem,er 2012 -lagiarism

-lease no"e "&e )ollo'ing Sc&ool o) Engineering0 Buil" Environmen" s"a"emen" on -lagiarism# -.he deli erate and su stantial unacknowledged incorporation in your su mission of material derived from work +pu lished or unpu lished, of another is prohi ited) /n such cases the work su mitted is classified as illegal and will result in further action eing taken y the University which may include recording a failure)0 1) .ou are unsure o) "erm see( advice2

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$ourse'or( %ssignmen" /o21 31456 Design o) Elec"rical Services )or a Small *ousing Develo7men"
1n"roduc"ion 1ou are employed as an electrical design engineer for an ' 2 " "ngineering Consultants) 1ou are provided with a rief y a client who is proposing to construct a small housing development outside /nverness in the 3orth of !cotland) .he rief is as follows4 .he development consists of 5 houses set in one and half acres of land) "ach house is to e of the same design# i)e) it will e on 2 floors and have floor area appro6) 175 s8uare metres) .he ground floor consists of 1 vesti ule# 1 hall# 1 study/family room# 1 utility room# 1 kitchen9 reakfast room# 1 living room and 1 dining room) .he upper floor consists of 1 landing# 1 main athroom and : edrooms# note that 1 edroom has en9suite facilities) .he layout drawing is attached) .he new development of 5 houses is to e set on a level site) .he houses are all to e constructed such that they are facing south) .he site is located 100 yards off the main route from /nverness to "lgin) "lectrical supply to the development is y overhead line and is situated at the oundary of the site) 3o mains gas is availa le; the houses are to e constructed as -all electric0) Re8uiremen"s 1ou have een asked to provide a report to the client# in the form shown on the ne6t page)

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Re7or" ou"line
Part A: Wiring Regulations +i, +ii, <escri e and e6plain in general terms# with reference to the /"" =iring >egulations# 1?th edition# the factors that need to e considered in design of this pro@ect) &utline the procedures that are re8uired for designing electrical services for the proposed small housing development of 5 houses# set in one and a half acres of land in a rural setting outside /nverness in the 3orth of !cotland +1000 9 1200 words, 3246

Part B: Design of Electrical Services for a small housing development %rovide electrical design re8uirements and sketches of all the circuit arrangements re8uired4 +a, + , +c, +d, +e, +f, +g, +h, <escri e how a new supply connection can e made to this development and the cost implications) <etermine the power# lighting# heating# showers and cooking load re8uirements) <etermine the diversity for each circuit and calculate the total current demand) <etermine the type of power supply +59phase or single phase, and siAe the capacity of distri ution oard) !iAe all ca les and cpcs +cross9sectional area +csa, and type# ca le route diagrams# etc,) /nclude re8uirements for .B/.elephone wiring +csa# type# ca le route diagrams# etc,) Calculate the voltage drop# electric shock and thermal conditions in each circuit) Confirm earth arrangements# earth fault# short circuit current and discrimination are suita le)

!oftware package# Cevacomp# Amtech %rodesign# ca le wiAard# etc)# is to e used to @ustify your findings +d, to +g,) Assumptions made in respect of specific design re8uirements are to e clearly identified in the report; e)g) heating# specific internal/e6ternal lighting# etc) 31006 Part C: Solar Power /nvestigate the suita ility of introducing solar power into each of these 5 new houses) Areas to e6amine is feasi ility# siAing and installing a solar system# siAing the num er of atteries# cost analysis# Deed9in tariff# pay ack# etc#) +1000 9 1200 words, 3246 James Reid Page 4

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DA'/E1/ $>"AFDA!. F/.CC"3 E/B/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 2 $"<>&&' :

= E/3 CAEE =



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$"<>&&' 5 "39!U/."

!/3GE" GA>AG"

G>&U3< DE&&>
James Reid

1!. DE&&>
Page 7

Table of Contents
.a le of Contents)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))8 %art A4 =iring >egulations)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))( i)<escri e and e6plain in general terms# with reference to the /"" =iring >egulations# 1?th edition# the factors that need to e considered in design of this pro@ect) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))( ii)&utline the procedures that are re8uired for designing electrical services for the proposed small housing development of 5 houses# set in one and a half acres of land in a rural setting outside /nverness in the 3orth of !cotland +1000 9 1200 words, )))))))))))))))))))))))))))11 %art $4 <esign of "lectrical !ervices for a small housing development))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))15 a,<escri e how a new supply connection can e made to this development and the cost implications)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))18 ,<etermine the power# lighting# heating# showers and cooking load re8uirements)))))))))))1( c,<etermine the diversity for each circuit and calculate the total current demand) ))))))))))))27 d,<etermine the type of power supply +59phase or single phase, and siAe the capacity of distri ution oard))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2? e,!iAe all ca les and cpcs +cross9sectional area +csa, and type# ca le route diagrams# etc,) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2? f,/nclude re8uirements for .B/.elephone wiring +csa# type# ca le route diagrams# etc,)))))2? g,Calculate the voltage drop# electric shock and thermal conditions in each circuit))))))))))))2? h,Confirm earth arrangements# earth fault# short circuit current and discrimination are suita le))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2? %art C4 !olar %ower))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))55 /nvestigate the suita ility of introducing solar power into each of these 5 new houses) Areas to e6amine is feasi ility# siAing and installing a solar system# siAing the num er of atteries# cost analysis# Deed9in tariff# pay ack# etc#))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))55 $i liography))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5?

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-ar" %# 9iring Regula"ions

i) <escri e and e6plain in general terms# with reference to the /"" =iring >egulations# 1?th edition# the factors that need to e considered in design of this pro@ect)

/n all pro@ects there are a num er of factors that need to e considered when designing uilding services) According to the /"" =iring >egulations# 1? th "dition# all electrical installation shall be designed to provide for: (i) the protection of persons, livestock and property in accordance with Section 131 (ii) the proper functioning of the electrical installation for the intended use ! +.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, &n this asis there are a num er of design factors that will affect the pro@ectGs design) .he /"" =iring >egulations# 1?th "dition# provide general headings of design factors which will e discussed in more specific detail regarding the pro@ect) .he /"" =iring >egulations# 1? th "dition# main design factors are as follows4 13" " 13" 3 13" & #haracteristics of available supply or supplies $ature of de%and 'lectrical supply syste%s for safety services or standby electrical supply syste%s 13" ( 'nviron%ental conditions 13" ) #ross Sectional *rea +f #onductors 13" , -ype of wiring and %ethod of installation 13" . /rotective '0uip%ent 13" 1 '%ergency #ontrol 13" 12 3isconnection 3evices 13" 11 /rotection of %utual detri%ental influence 13" 1" *ccessibility of electrical e0uip%ent 13" 13 3ocu%entation of electrical e0uip%ent 13" 1& /rotection devices and Switches 13" 1( 4solation and Switching +.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, Characteristics of availa le supply or supplies .he characteristics of the availa le supply or supplies can e e6tremely important in a design) /t can determine the type of e8uipment used such as single phase or three phase) /t can also determine the type of e8uipment used ased on the e8uipmentGs load) .he location of the availa le supplies can also have influence such as underground supplies# overhead power lines to uilding transformers and CB ring mains on large campusGs)

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3ature of demand .he nature of the demand is important in that it determines the ca le siAing# ca le type used# level of protection and the switching/control of the circuits) An e6ample of this is computer and /. systems) .hese can create harmonics within the electrical circuits which can reduce its efficiency and affect the power factor) !ome designers will therefore provide /. systems on their own dedicated supplies through power distri ution units +%<Us, or un9interrupti le power supplies with power factor correction) >esidual circuit devices are also generally avoided on /. and computer systems to stop nuisance tripping) "lectrical "8uipment Accessi ility .he electrical e8uipmentGs accessi ility is also an important factor when designing an electrical system) .his is also further enforced through the Construction and <esign 'anagement >egulations 200? which re8uire designers to consider accessi ility# 8uality# safety and future maintenance of their chosen design and system) "nvironmental conditions .he environmental conditions can have an important impact on oth the design and installation of electrical systems) /t will impact on the internal protection rating +/%, of accessories such as spurs# sockets# switches and light fittings) /t will also affect the current carrying capacity of a ca le due to the heat generated in the conductors resistance) .his will affect the temperature rating of the ca le) !ome further factors which will have profound impacts on the design of such a pro@ect are4 9 Eocation o .he pro@ect is located in a rural area in /nverness# 'orayshire) .his could pose logistical issues and issues with the power networks supply) 9 /"" =iring >egulations o .he /"" wiring regulations# 1?th "dition# >egulations 152)7 to 152)2 stipulate the re8uirements that the design needs to meet and consider such as; Dault Currents &vervoltage /solation and switching "mergency Control %rotective devices

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&utline the procedures that are re8uired for designing electrical services for the proposed small housing development of 5 houses# set in one and a half acres of land in a rural setting outside /nverness in the 3orth of !cotland +1000 9 1200 words,

.here are procedures to follow when designing electrical systems which are very similar to the procedures of any other engineering discipline) .he process needs to e followed to ensure the design meets the re8uirements of the pro@ect) .he electrical design procedures for housing located in the 3orth "ast of !cotland are as follows4 1) 2) 5) :) H) 7) ?) 8) () Assessment of general characteristics <etermination of design current / !election of protective device having nominal rating or setting / n !election of appropriate rating factors Calculation of ta ulated conductor current /t !election of suita le conductor siAe Calculation of voltage drop "valuation of shock risk "valuation of thermal risks to conductors

/n this situation these procedures can e considered and applied to the scenario) %urpose# !upplies and !tructure /n this scenario the purpose is clearly a re8uirement for electrical services within a 5 house development located in the 3orth "ast of !cotland) .he supplies to the housing development will more than likely come from the local power network) /n this situation this could e miles from the development) .herefore the most cost effective solution to this would e to have overhead supplies to a central location which could then e supplied to the houses underground) "6ternal /nfluence <ue to the remote location of this development it will come under harsh weather conditions) .his needs to e taken into account when considering the housing development supply mains) .he harsh conditions will also need to e considered with regards to any e6ternal house services such as e6ternal lighting# e6ternal power supplies and any security) .hese items will need to have the appropriate /% rating and capa le of taken cold temperature conditions) Compati ility .here wonGt e any issues with compati ility of products or systems) 'ost systems will e asic and have the appropriate phasing re8uired as per the mains to the house)

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'aintaina ility .he maintaina ility of the electrical systems needs to e considered) .he electrical e8uipment such as spurs# @unction o6es# distri ution oards# supplies and sockets will need to e installed in areas easily accessi le to the relevant maintainers) .he electrical e8uipment needs to e installed within areas that meet the wiring regulations safe Aones)

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-ar" B# Design o) Elec"rical Services )or a small &ousing develo7men"

%rovide electrical design re8uirements and sketches of all the circuit arrangements re8uired4 Deasi ility <ue to the rural location of the development there is no gas supply) .herefore any hot water will need to e supplied y an electric immersion cylinder or electric showers) .he ho and oven will also e supplied y electricity) .he num er of sockets throughout the house can e important to determine the load re8uirements) Any ring mains have the a ility to work over 100mI floor area) .he ground floor and first floor are appro6imately (0 mI in floor area) .his suggests that 1 ring main is re8uired for ground floor and 1 ring main for the first floor) <ue to the appliances in the utility room such as washing machine# iron and tum le drier eing all potentially relatively high loads will therefore re8uire it to have its own dedicated circuit) .he num ers of sockets in an average house according to the $uilding !ervices Cand ook are as follows4 5iving roo% 6 .no sockets 7itchen6 )no sockets 8aster 9edroo% 6 )no sockets 3ining :oo% 6 &no sockets Study 6 &no sockets Single 9edroo% 6 &no sockets 3ouble 9edroo% 6 )no sockets ;tility :oo% 6 .no sockets <all and landing 6 "no sockets =arage 6 "no sockets! +Greeno# 200(,

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Assumptions .he main assumptions for this pro@ect are4 9 !moke detectors hardwired from lighting circuit 9 5k= immersion heater for Cot water 9 "lectrical heaters Used throughout 9 "lectric <ou le &ven (k= 9 .hermal insulation in roof space 9 (k= electrical shower in main ensuite 9 Utility room to e on its own circuit 9 8kw Ceating in the house

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<rawing Eegend

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a, <escri e how a new supply connection can e made to this development and the cost implications)
<ue to the rural location of this pro@ect it will e highly likely that the supply will e provided y a local power network provider that has power networks in the area) .he supply would e supplied to the area of the estate y means of overhead power lines to a central location where it can e distri uted to the houses and street lighting) .he overhead power lines will e supplied to the area with 11kB) .his is to reduce the transmission loss over a large distance) &nce the 11kB line is in the area it will either drop down to a transformer located on the ground or e stepped down on a transformer that is integral with an overhead power line) <ue to this eing a housing development the 11kB will go to a transformer located on the ground) 3e6t to the transformer will have a 'ain distri ution oard which will then distri ute the supplies to the 5 houses and then to the local street lighting) .his will allow for any future e6pansion of the area) .he supplies to the houses will e in underground ca le ducts y using !teel =ired Armoured Ca le 5 core +single phase, JE%" E!D lack ca le) .his set up can e seen in the diagram elow4 :1Hv 5 ph to section oard 1ph to each house 2 street lighting

11kB 5 %hase supply to transformer

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, <etermine the power# lighting# heating# showers and cooking load re8uirements)
Small -o'er +round )loor and )irs" )loor Ring Mains

1) <etermine <esign current / <esign current of the ring main circuit is 52amps) 2) !elect the rating of the protection 4n

52amp reaker .ype $ miniature circuit reaker)

5) !elect the relevant correction factors +CDs,) .he ca le will e installed in 5 core %BC insulated) .here is thermal insulation throughout) .he ca les will e clipped direct to wooden @oists)

:) <ivide n y the relevant CDs to give ta ulated ca le current9carrying /t K /n/Cfs .he correction factors in this situation are e8ual to 1 as the circuit is ran on its own) /t K 52amps/1 K 52amps H) Choose a ca le siAe to suit 4t

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+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, .he circuit is installed y reference method C) .he ca le on the ta le that can take 52amps is :mmI) .his has the a ility to take 5?amps) 7) Check the voltage drop)

+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, 'a6 voltage drop is ()HmB/m mB 6 i 6 E / 1000 K ()HmB 6 52 6 50m / 1000 K ()12mB drop at 52amps ?) Check for shock risk constraints)

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Ls K Le M >1 M >2

Using ta le :1)5 the ma6imum Ls is 1):: Using this value it can e seen that the 52amp type $ circuit reaker is ade8uate)

8) Check for thermal constraints / K Uoc / Ls / K 2: / 1):: K 177amps FK1:5 using ta le H:)2

(I t ) / k

.he s for a type $ 52 A reaker is :)5mmI) .herefore the ca le is the correct siAe)

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:ig&"ing $ircui" 1) <etermine <esign current / .here are 2? lights at a power of 100w each) .his e8uates to 2?00w which creates a design current of 2?00/250v K 11)?5 amps 2) !elect the rating of the protection 4n

17 amp reaker .ype $ miniature circuit reaker)

5) !elect the relevant correction factors +CDs,) .he ca le will e installed in 5 core %BC thermal insulated) .here is thermal insulation throughout) .he ca les will e clipped direct to wooden @oists)

:) <ivide n y the relevant CDs to give ta ulated ca le current9carrying /t K /n/Cfs .he correction factors in this situation are e8ual to 1 as the circuit is ran on its own) /t K 11)?5amps/1 K 11)?5amps H) Choose a ca le siAe to suit 4t

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+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, .he circuit is installed y reference method C) .he ca le on the ta le that can take 11)?5 amps is 1)HmmI) .his has the a ility to take 20 amps) 7) Check the voltage drop)

+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, 'a6 voltage drop is ()HmB/m mB 6 i 6 E / 1000 K 2HmB 6 11)?5 6 70m / 1000 K 1?)H(HmB drop at 11)?5amps ?) Check for shock risk constraints)

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Ls K Le M >1 M >2

Using ta le :1)5 the ma6imum Ls is 2)8? Using this value it can e seen that the 17amp type $ circuit reaker is ade8uate)

8) Check for thermal constraints / K Uoc / Ls / K 2: / 2)8? K 85 amps FK1:5 using ta le H:)2

(I t ) / k

.he s for a type $ 17 A reaker is 2)1(mmI) .herefore the ca le is too small due to the lengths of the ca le runs) .he ca le for the lighting circuit would therefore need to e in 2)HmmI) ;ven $ircui" 1) <etermine <esign current / .here is one oven rated to (000w which creates a design current of (000/250v K 5()15amps 2) !elect the rating of the protection 4n

:0 amp reaker .ype < miniature circuit reaker)

5) !elect the relevant correction factors +CDs,) .he ca le will e installed in 5 core %BC thermal insulated) .here is thermal insulation throughout) .he ca les will e clipped direct to wooden @oists)

:) <ivide n y the relevant CDs to give ta ulated ca le current9carrying /t K /n/Cfs James Reid Page 24

.he correction factors in this situation are e8ual to 1 as the circuit is ran on its own) /t K 5()15amps/1 K 5()15amps H) Choose a ca le siAe to suit 4t

+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, .he circuit is installed y reference method C) .he ca le on the ta le that can take 5()15 amps is 7mmI) .his has the a ility to take :? amps) 7) Check the voltage drop)

+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008, James Reid Page 25

'a6 voltage drop is ()HmB/m mB 6 i 6 E / 1000 K 7):mB 6 5()15 6 12m / 1000 K :mB drop at 5()15amps ?) Check for shock risk constraints)

Ls K Le M >1 M >2

Using ta le :1)5 the ma6imum Ls is 1)5H Using this value it can e seen that the :0amp type < circuit reaker is ade8uate)

8) Check for thermal constraints / K Uoc / Ls / K 2: / 1)5H K 1?? amps FK1:5 using ta le H:)2

(I t ) / k

.he s for a type < :0 A reaker is HmmI)

c, <etermine the diversity for each circuit and calculate the total current demand)
.he diversity for each circuit is as per the ta le elow4 %77liance < $ircui" &ven Ground Dloor >ing 'ain Dirst Dloor >ing 'ain /mmersion Cooker Eighting circuit Ceating Ground Ceating Dirst !hower $urren" Demand 5?)Hamps 52 amps 52 amps 12):amps 11)?5amps 1?)5(amps 1?)5(amps 5()15amps Diversi". 5 100N :0N :0N 100N 77N 77N 77N 100N .otal James Reid Diversi". %llo'ance 5?)Hamps 12)8amps 12)8amps 12):amps ?)?amps 11):?amps 11):?amps 5()15amps 1:H)2? Page 26

d, <etermine the type of power supply +59phase or single phase, and siAe the capacity of distri ution oard)
!ingle phase supply with the a ility to take 1:H)2?amps) .he oard will have 1: ways which would allow 7no spare) .he main reaker to the oard will e a 170 amp main incomer switch)

e, !iAe all ca les and cpcs +cross9sectional area +csa, and type# ca le route diagrams# etc,) f, /nclude re8uirements for .B/.elephone wiring +csa# type# ca le route diagrams# etc,)
.he tv ca le will e installed using 1)0mmI coa6ial ca le with cellular polythene for insulation) .he telephone ca le will e twisted pair 12 core to allow for future e6pansion)

g, Calculate the voltage drop# electric shock and thermal conditions in each circuit)

h, Confirm earth arrangements# earth fault# short circuit current and discrimination are suita le)
.he earthing arrangement in these houses will e y a .39C9! system) .his system is also known as protective multiple earthing) A diagram of this arrangement can e seen elow4

+.he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology# 2008,

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!oftware package# Cevacomp# Amtech %rodesign# ca le wiAard# etc)# is to e used to @ustify your findings +d, to +g,) Assumptions made in respect of specific design re8uirements are to e clearly identified in the report; e)g) heating# specific internal/e6ternal lighting# etc) 31006

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DA'/E1/ $>"AFDA!. F/.CC"3 E/B/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 2 $"<>&&' :

= E/3 CAEE =



CE&!". !.U<1/ DA'/E1 </3/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 1 =C B"!.

$"<>&&' 5 "39!U/."

!/3GE" GA>AG"

G>&U3< DE&&>
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1!. DE&&>

DA'/E1/ $>"AFDA!. F/.CC"3 E/B/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 2 $"<>&&' :

= E/3 CAEE =



CE&!". !.U<1/ DA'/E1 </3/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 1 =C B"!.

$"<>&&' 5 "39!U/."

!/3GE" GA>AG"

G>&U3< DE&&>
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1!. DE&&>

DA'/E1/ $>"AFDA!. F/.CC"3 E/B/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 2 $"<>&&' :

= E/3 CAEE =



CE&!". !.U<1/ DA'/E1 </3/3G >&&' $"<>&&' 1 =C B"!.

$"<>&&' 5 "39!U/."

!/3GE" GA>AG"

G>&U3< DE&&>
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1!. DE&&>

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-ar" $# Solar -o'er

/nvestigate the suita ility of introducing solar power into each of these 5 new houses) Areas to e6amine is feasi ility# siAing and installing a solar system# siAing the num er of atteries# cost analysis# Deed9in tariff# pay ack# etc#)
!olar %ower Deasi ility <uring the research of solar power systems with regards to their use in uilding services it has ecome prevalent that they are under used and underrated within the United Fingdom) !olar power has a num er of factors which can affect its function# these are4 Eocation in the world O the geographical location has a profound impact on the level of solar radiation availa le Dacing O .he geographical facing of the pro@ect is important as it can have an impact on the level of solar radiation availa le) .he facing whether it is north# south# west or east needs to e surveyed to ensure no further o stacles are in the way +i)e) uildings / Begetation,) According to >oger Greeno and Dred hall the United Fingdom can receive the following solar energy4

+Greeno# 200(, .hey have identified a potential of (00 k=/mI of solar radiation availa le for a 50P south facing) &ne of the key factors for installing solar thermal systems within the United Fingdom is government su sidies) .he government currently has the >enewa le Ceat /ncentive scheme +>C/, which has commenced in 2012 for domestic installations) .his scheme provides the householder to get a grant for installing the technology and potentially get some further money for putting electricity ack into the main grid)

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A typical solar photovoltaic system and how it integrates with an electrical system can e seen elow4

!olar energy does however despite eing a renewa le technology have a num er of inefficiencies) .hese inefficiencies are generally related to the solar collector such as the glaAing# irradiance of the solar collector# reflection and conduction to name a few) According to the C/$!" Qournal the following are the main inefficiencies in a solar thermal system4

GlaAing Collector >eflection Conduction Convection >e9emittance

%ump </C %rimary %ipes Ca le Eosses

!torage !econdary %ipes Ca le Eosses

:0 per cent

10 per cent

10 per cent

100 per cent

70 per cent

H0 per cent

:0 per cent

+Chartered /nstitute &f $uilding !ervices "ngineers# 2012,

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Deed in tariffs Deed in tariffs apply when renewa le or energy systems are a le to put energy ack into the main energy networks and grids) .he main systems that this applies to are4 1 " 3 & ( Solar electricity (/>) (roof %ounted or stand alone) wind turbines (building %ounted or free standing) hydroelectricity anaerobic digesters %icro co%bined heat and power (#</)! +"nergy !avings .rust# 2012,

.he relationship etween the generation of the energy and the inputting ack into the grid can e seen elow4

+"nergy !avings .rust# 2012,

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$ased on the a ove relationships the energy networks have created some standard feed in tariff rates that they need to meet in accordance with government regulations) .he feed in tariffs vary on a num er of varia les such as date of installation# energy performance certificates +"%C, and capacity of the system) .he tariff rates can e seen elow4
!o"al ins"alled ca7aci". 3(96 +enera"ion "ari)) 'i"& eligi,ili". da"e 1 %ug ;c" 2012 31 +enera"ion "ari)) 'i"& eligi,ili". da"e 1 /ov 2012 31 Jan 201 :o'er "ari)) 3i) energ. e))icienc. 3E-$6 re8uiremen" no" me"6 'i"& eligi,ili". da"e 1 %ug 2012 31 Jan 2013

R:k= +new uild and retrofit, S:910k= S109H0k= stand9alone




1:)Hp/k=h 15)Hp/k=h ?)1p/k=h

15)((p/k=h 15)05p/k=h ?)1p/k=h

?)1p/k=h ?)1p/k=h ?)1p/k=h

+"nergy !avings .rust# 2012, /f the system is capa le of potentially (00 k=/mI solar energy per metre this can e applied to a standard siAe) .he roof of the house that is south facing should e a le to take a 5mI solar panel) .his would collect appro6imately 2?00 k=/mI of energy) /nputting the following information into the energy saving trusts solar calculator4 >oof incline 9 50P !ystem !iAe O 2)(k= !outh Dacing "lectricity $ill 9 T50)00 per month Eocation 9 /nverness .he calculator has advised the following results4 27)1 tonnes of C&I produced for initial electricity generation of the main grid) 21(7 k=h of electrical energy generated per hours 2)(0 k=p O this is pence per k= of energy produced .otal install cost of the solar power system T7#:70)00 .otal amount earned over the lifetime of the system is T(#1?5 Annual income on first year T:71)00 +"nergy !avings trust# 2012, $ased on the a ove results it would prove eneficial for the houses to install solar collectors for the electrical systems) .he solar collectors would also not affect aesthetics as the houses are located in rural areas apart from each other)

James Reid

Page 36

Chartered /nstitute &f $uilding !ervices "ngineers) +2012,) !olar .hermal Continues to >ise) #49S' ?ournal# HH9H?) "nergy !avings .rust) +2012,) *bout @eed 4n tariffs) >etrieved 11 1?# 2012# from "nergy !avings .rust4 http4//www)energysavingtrust)org)uk/Generating9energy/Getting9 money9 ack/Deed9/n9.ariffs9scheme9D/.s "nergy !avings trust) +2012,) Solar 'nergy #alculator) >etrieved 11 1?# 2012# from "nergy !avings .rust4 http4//www)energysavingtrust)org)uk/Generating9energy/Getting9 money9 ack/!olar9"nergy9Calculator Greeno# D) C) +200(,) 9uilding Services handbook +Hth ed),) &6ford4 $utterworth9Ceinemann) .he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology) +2008,) 9S ,),1:"22. :e0uire%ents for 'lectrical 4nstallations A 4'' Biring :egulations +1?th ed),) Eondon4 .he /nstitution of "ngineering and .echnology)

James Reid

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