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rogers (nr9358) UCM volle (301) This print-out should have 9 questions.

ns. Multiple-choice questions may continue on the next column or page nd all choices before answering. 001 10.0 points Calculate the speed at the edge of a disc of radius 7.5 cm that rotates at the rate of 6 rev/s. Correct answer: 2.82743 m/s. Explanation: ac = Let : R = 7.5 cm and f = 6 rev/s . Given: ac = 1.9 m/s2 r = 2. 5 m Solution: vt = ac r = (1.9 m/s2 )(2.5 m) = 2.17945 m/s

003 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points A dog sits 2.5 m from the center of a merrygo-round. a) If the dog undergoes a 1.9 m/s2 centripetal acceleration, what is the dogs linear speed? Correct answer: 2.17945 m/s. Explanation: Basic Concept: vt 2 r

T =

1 1 = = 0.166667 s . f 6 rev/s

D 2R v= = T T 2 (7.5 cm) 1m = 0.166667 s 100 cm = 2.82743 m/s . 002 10.0 points A race car moves along a circular track at an angular speed of 0.313 rad/s. If the cars centripetal acceleration is 17.8 m/s2 , what is the distance between the car and the center of the track? Correct answer: 181.69 m. Explanation: Basic Concept: ac = r 2 Given: = 0.313 rad/s ac = 17.8 m/s2 Solution: r= ac 2 17.8 m/s2 = (0.313 rad/s)2 = 181.69 m

004 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points b) What is the angular speed of the merry-goround? Correct answer: 0.87178 rad/s. Explanation: Basic Concept: ac = r 2 Given: ac = 1.9 m/s2 r = 2. 5 m Solution: = = ac r

1.9 m/s2 2. 5 m = 0.87178 rad/s

rogers (nr9358) UCM volle (301) 005 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points The orbit of a Moon about its planet is approximately circular, with a mean radius of 4.44 108 m. It takes 25.8 days for the Moon to complete one revolution about the planet. Find the mean orbital speed of the Moon. Correct answer: 1251.5 m/s. Explanation: Dividing the length C = 2r of the trajectory of the Moon by the time T = 25.8 days = 2.22912 106 s of one revolution (in seconds!), we obtain that the mean orbital speed of the Moon is v= C 2r = T T 2 (4.44 108 m ) = 2.22912 106 s = 1251.5 m/s .

Let :

requator = 6.37 106 m = 2 rad/day

vt 2 ac = = r 2 r = (6.37 106 m) (2 rad/day)2 1 day 24 h


1h 3600 s

= 0.0336877 m/s2 008 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points b) What is the centripetal acceleration of a point at the North Pole? Correct answer: 0 m/s2 . Explanation: The Pole is 0 m from the axis of rotation, so ac = (0 m) (2 rad/day)2 = 0 m/day2 = 0 m/s2 009 10.0 points What angular speed (in revolutions per minute) is needed for a centrifuge to produce an acceleration of 707 times the gravitational acceleration 9.8 m/s2 at a radius of 10.5 cm ? Correct answer: 2453.01 rev/min. Explanation: The centripetal acceleration in the centrifuge, ac = 2 r , has to be equal to 707 times the free-fall acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 . Therefore 707 g = 2 r , so = ac r

006 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points Find the Moons centripetal acceleration. Correct answer: 0.00352757 m/s2 . Explanation: Since the magnitude of the velocity is constant, the tangential acceleration of the Moon is zero. The centripetal acceleration is ac = v2 r (1251.5 m/s )2 = 4.44 108 m = 0.00352757 m/s2 .

007 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points The radius of the Earth is about 6.37 106 m. a) What is the centripetal acceleration of a point on the equator? Correct answer: 0.0336877 m/s . Explanation:

rogers (nr9358) UCM volle (301) = = 707 g r 6928.6 m/s2 1m 10.5 cm 100 cm

= 256.879 rad/s 60 s/min 256.879 rad/s = 2 rad/rev = 2453.01 rev/min .

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