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5. How did you attract/address your target audience?

Font: I used a font and text type that would stand out and attract my target audience throughout the magazine. I used a bold font and a suitable colour to ma e it stand out from the rest of the magazines so that the target will be attracted into buying my magazine against the rest of the range to choose from. I managed to choose a font of which my target audience li ed the best! I did this by creating a "uestionnaire with different fonts on and they had to #ust simply pic one font and say why they li ed it. $anguage: I %aried the language used throughout the magazine so that it would relate to my target audience and they can understand why it is used and also it is most li ely language of which they use in day&to&day life amongst their friends and possibly family. 'lso the language I used is not slang to the extent you cant read it! throughout the magazine I used %ery little slang which therefore gi%es the text a formal approach but it still attracts and appeals to my selected target audience. $ayout: For the layout of my magazine! I followed con%entions as I felt it was the way I could really ma e my magazine wor for the best. I planned the layout and the positioning of things on the front co%er in depth as I wanted it to attract the audience in the best way I could present it. (he image and masthead are central which are what the eye will see first when the magazine is pic ed up. )%erything is placed so that it will maximise the %iews for the product and should draw people in throughout the magazine and not #ust from what is on the front co%er. Images flow throughout the magazine and ha%e rele%ance to articles within the magazine or to things that ha%e happened recently with celebrities. *n the front co%er! contents page and double page spread I ha%e applied rule of thirds to my best ability so that the pages ha%e structure and are presented clearly to the eye. I ha%e stuc to a colour scheme of red and white so that the magazine can appeal to either male or female but my targeted audience is female. 'lso I ha%e used only two main colours as it will not ma e my magazine loo cluttered and the features will not be washed out with loads of bright colours. I carried out a "uestionnaire to find out what features my target audience would li e to see within the magazine. I choose to do this as it would maximise the chances of my magazine appealing to the target in a better and things will be targeted at them so that it appeals to them and they will now what it is going on. 'lso I found out what ind of artists my target audience listen to! therefore I new which ones to feature in my magazine or I would replicate them to be li e artists which are already around. (hroughout the process of my magazine I ha%e constantly had feedbac from my target audience and class mates! and anything they thin I could impro%e on! I ha%e too into account and tried to adapt my magazine to my best ability. I feel that I ha%e targeted my audience in the best way possible and my magazine will sell well to them of which are targeted. (o get to where I am now with my final products I ha%e had to draft out ideas and get feedbac on them and impro%e and then apply them to the actual magazine which I produced on photo shop.

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